131 results on '"medpredmetno povezovanje"'
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2. Interdisciplinary Interaction between Music Education and History: Shaping the Musical Preferences in Classical Music of the 20th Century.
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- Subjects
MUSIC education ,INTERDISCIPLINARY education ,EDUCATIONAL objectives - Abstract
Copyright of CEPS Journal is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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3. Analiza uporabnosti in namembnosti večpredmetnega zvezka pri pouku v prvem razredu osnovne šole.
- Author
Elesini, Urška Stanković, Qualizza, Nataša Pavla, Hrkač, Tanja, Absec, Andreja, Preskar, Barbara Luštek, Jedrinović, Sanja, and Urbas, Raša
- Subjects
LEARNING ,USER experience ,TEACHING methods ,ELEMENTARY schools ,PRIMARY schools - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies / Sodobna Pedagogika is the property of Association of Slovenian Educationalists and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
4. Art and Menstruation
- Author
Najvirt, Anja and Kemperl, Metoda
- Subjects
poststructuralism ,ženski cikel ,vzgoja z umetnostjo ,analiza umetniškega dela ,contemporary art. menstrual cycle ,spolna vzgoja ,menstruacija ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,interdisciplinary methods ,art education ,udc:7(043.2) ,poststrukturalistični pristopi ,menstruation ,sex education ,art analysis ,sodobna umetnost - Abstract
V magistrskem delu se ukvarjamo s sporočilno vrednostjo umetnine. Preko interpretacije umetnine se človek poglablja v upodobljeno. Seznanja se z idejami umetnika, prostora in časa, v katerem umetnik živi oziroma je živel, ter se ob tem sooča z lastnimi percepcijami in razmišljanji o določeni temi. Preko analiziranja umetniških del dobimo vpogled v družbeno življenje. Nas bodo zanimale umetnine, ki tematizirajo menstruacijo, saj odnos do menstruacije pomeni odnos do ženske in njene ženskosti. Menstruacija je v vizualni kulturi (film, televizija, oglaševanje, idr. mediji) pogosto prikazana na način, ki krepi negativno percepcijo pojava. Gre za odnos izključevanja, ignoriranja in zavračanja. Vsestranska prisotnost medijev vpliva na mišljenje in vedenje družbe. Način, kako sprejemamo menstruacijo, pomembno vpliva na življenje posameznice in zato se je o pojavu potrebno pogovarjati. Odnos deklic do menstruacije poleg medijev bistveno konstruirata družina in osnovna šola slednja je odgovorna za privzgajanje kolektivnega odnosa do pojava. Osnovnošolska institucija privzgaja določen odnos do sveta, zato nas bo zanimalo, kakšen odnos do menstruacije se privzgaja v okviru šolskega pouka, in kako povezan je ta s sodobnimi problemi družbe. Za pogovor o aktualnih problemih je primerna sodobna umetnost, saj je ta povezana s sodobnim življenjem in se ukvarja s problemi, ki se dogajajo tukaj in zdaj. Pogovor na temo menstruacije v osnovni šoli je smiselno uresničiti skozi medpredmetno povezovanje, saj je pojav potrebno celostno obravnavati tako z biološkega kot s sociološkega in psihološkega vidika. V nalogi bomo naredili analizo učnih načrtov in ugotavljali, katere predmete bi bilo potrebno povezati za uresničitev medpredmetnih povezav. Zanimalo nas bo, kateri učni cilji in učne vsebine se lahko udejanjajo v medpredmetnem povezovanju. Z umetnostnozgodovinsko metodologijo bomo raziskali, katera umetniška dela so primerna za uporabo v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu. In our master's thesis, we examine the value of the message conveyed by artworks. By interpreting a work of art, individuals contemplate the depicted subject matter and the reasons behind it. They become familiar with the artist's ideas, the historical context in which the artist lived, and simultaneously confront their own perceptions and thoughts. Contemporary art serves as a medium for discussing current world issues as it reflects modern life and brings to light current problems. Analyzing artworks allows us to gain insight into society's attitudes towards a broad range of topics. Specifically, we are interested in artworks that center around menstruation, as our relationship with this phenomenon reflects our attitudes towards women and femininity. Visual culture, such as films, television, advertising, and other media, often depicts menstruation in a manner that reinforces negative attitudes towards it, perpetuating an attitude of exclusion, ignorance, and rejection. The omnipresence of media influences societal thinking and behavior, making it essential to address this phenomenon's negative perception. Young individuals' attitudes towards menstruation are significantly shaped by their families and primary schools. Thus, it is crucial to examine the societal attitudes inculcated by these institutions. Elementary schools are responsible for instilling certain attitudes toward the world. Therefore, we will investigate the attitude towards menstruation inculcated within school lessons and its connection to contemporary problems. A holistic approach to discussing menstruation is necessary, incorporating biological, sociological, and psychological perspectives. Cross-curricular integration is an effective way to teach this phenomenon. We will analyze lesson plans and determine which subjects should be connected to achieve cross-curricular integration. We will also explore learning goals and content that can be implemented to achieve this integration. Using the art historical methodology, we will identify works of art suitable for educational purposes.
- Published
- 2023
5. Pouk tolkal in medpredmetno povezovanje v višjih razredih glasbene šole
- Author
Nagode, Janja and Klavžar, Simon
- Subjects
udc:78:780.634 ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,možnosti ,glasbene šole ,glasbeni pouk - Published
- 2023
6. Zborovske priredbe slovenskih ljudskih pesmi pri pouku solfegga na srednji glasbeni šoli
- Author
Merhar, Teja and Šavli, Peter
- Subjects
udc:784.9:78.087.68 ,nauk o glasbi ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,zborovske priredbe ,srednje glasbene šole ,ljudska glasba ,solfeggio ,ljudske pesmi - Published
- 2023
7. Gibalno-plesne aktivnosti pri pouku glasbene umetnosti v osnovni šoli
- Author
Buh, Valentina and Rotar Pance, Branka
- Subjects
medpredmetno povezovanje ,učitelji ,raziskava ,glasbena umetnost ,gibalno-plesne aktivnosti ,udc:781 ,osnovna šola ,gibanje ,zgodovinski razvoj - Published
- 2023
8. Medpredmetne povezave in njihova realizacija v glasbeni šoli
- Author
Gruden, Klara and Rotar Pance, Branka
- Subjects
nauk o glasbi ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,akcijska raziskava ,glasbeni inštrumenti ,udc:78:376 ,glasbene šole - Published
- 2023
9. Doseganje ciljev Posebnega programa vzgoje in izobraževanja z vsebinami pohodništva
- Author
Libenšek, Nataša and Filipčič, Tjaša
- Subjects
cross-curricular integration ,učni načrt ,pohodništvo ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,udc:376:796.5 (043.2) ,disabilities ,hiking ,curriculum ,goals ,motnje v duševnem razvoju ,cilji - Abstract
Pohodništvo je priljubljena športna dejavnost, za katero imamo v Sloveniji odlične naravne danosti. Je ena izmed dejavnosti, ki je primerna za vse generacije, v zadnjih letih pa se vanjo aktivno vključuje tudi vedno več oseb s posebnimi potrebami. Pohodništvo je lahko veliko več kot samo prostočasna dejavnost ali dejavnost v sklopu dneva dejavnosti, kot je na primer športni dan. Učitelj namreč lahko z vsebinami pohodništva v sklopu pouka dosega tudi cilje drugih področij Posebnega programa vzgoje in izobraževanja, v katerega so vključene osebe z motnjami v duševnem razvoju. To lahko doseže z vnaprej načrtovanim medpredmetnim povezovanjem, pri tem pa mora biti pozoren na to, da upošteva vsa načela poučevanja v Posebnem programu vzgoje in izobraževanja, uporablja različne didaktične metode in pristope, individualizira cilje ter upošteva posameznikove individualne zmožnosti. V magistrskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, katere cilje Posebnega programa vzgoje in izobraževanja lahko dosegamo z vsebinami pohodništva. V ta namen smo izvedli pet dejavnosti, pri katerih smo dosegali cilje različnih področij. Z vsebinami pohodništva smo dosegali cilje naslednjih področij: splošne poučenosti oziroma splošnih znanj, razvijanja samostojnosti oziroma razvijanja in ohranjanja samostojnosti ter gibanja in športne vzgoje oziroma športa in rekreacije. V vzorec je bilo vključenih pet učnih priprav za dejavnosti z vsebinami pohodništva, pri katerih je sodelovalo deset učencev, vključenih na IV., V. in VI. stopnjo izobraževanja. Ugotovili smo, da so izbrani cilji omenjenih področij dosegljivi z vsebinami pohodništva. Ob pregledu učnih načrtov Posebnega programa vzgoje in izobraževanja smo ugotovili, da lahko z vsebinami pohodništva dosegamo kar nekaj ciljev izbranih področij. Pri tem je potrebno upoštevati, da mora učitelj smiselno izbrati področja, predvsem pa cilje, ki jih želi dosegati z vsebinami pohodništva. Zato mora poznati cilje vseh področij ter jasno določiti tiste, ki jih želi doseči z določeno dejavnostjo. Z vpeljevanjem vsebin pohodništva v vsakodnevni pouk lahko tako dosegamo cilje tudi drugih področij in ne samo ciljev, ki so vezani na gibalno/športno dejavnost. S tem učencem omogočimo nove izkušnje, jim ponudimo smiselno povezovanje znanj z več področij in jim pomagamo pri uporabi naučenih znanj v vsakdanjem življenju. Hiking is a popular sport for which Slovenia offers excellent natural conditions. It is one of the activities suitable for all age groups and in recent years more and more people with disabilities have actively participated in it. Hiking can be much more than just a leisure activity or main component of an activity day, such as a hiking sports day. Teachers can also use the content of hiking to meet the goals of other areas of the special education programme that include people with intellectual disabilities. This can be achieved through pre-planned cross-curricular integration, respecting all the teaching principles of the special education programme and using a variety of didactic methods and approaches that individualise the objectives and consider abilities of each individual. In the master's thesis we wanted to find out what goals of the Specific education programme can be achieved through the content of hiking. For this purpose, five activities were carried out to achieve the goals in the different areas. The activity of hiking was used to achieve the goals of General Education or General Knowledge, Developement of Independence or Developement and Maintainance of Independence and Movement and Physical Education or Sport and Recreation. The sample included five preparatory activities with the contents of hiking, involving ten students of IV., V. and VI. grade of Specific education programme. We concluded that selected goals in these areas could be met with the content of hiking. In reviewing the curriculum of the specific education programme, we found that the content of hiking can meet several of the objectives in the selected domains. It is important to remember that the teacher must make a judicious selection of the domains and, more importantly, the goals he or she wishes to achieve with the content of hiking activities. Therefore he must know the objectives of each area and clearly define what he wants to achieve through a particular activity. By including hiking in the daily lessons, we can achieve the objectives of other areas not only those related to physical activity and sports. This provides students with new experiences, makes meaningful connections between knowledge in different areas and helps them apply the knowledge they learn in their daily lives.
- Published
- 2023
10. Medpredmetno povezovanje pri pouku latinščine in slovenščine v gimnazijah
- Author
Pičinin, Katja, Vogel, Jerica, and Hriberšek, Matej
- Subjects
Latin ,cross-curricular integration ,language ,književnost ,Slovene ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,literature ,slovenščina ,gimnazija ,jezik ,udc:[811.163.6+811.124]:355.233.1:373.5 ,latinščina ,grammar school - Abstract
Magistrsko delo Medpredmetno povezovanje pri pouku latinščine in slovenščine v gimnazijah obravnava medpredmetno povezovanje pouka latinščine in slovenščine na jezikovnem področju in pri književnosti v gimnazijskem izobraževalnem programu. V prvem delu naloge se bom posvetila obravnavi teoretičnih osnov medpredmetnega povezovanja, njegovemu namenu in načrtovanju medpredmetnih povezav. Na uspešnost medpredmetnega povezovanja vplivajo predvsem organizacijske sposobnosti in timsko delo, zato bom posebno pozornost namenila tudi slednjim. Podrobneje bom obravnavala medpredmetno povezovanje v okviru pouka latinščine in slovenščine. Predstavila bom zastopanost medpredmetnih povezav v učnih načrtih za omenjena predmeta v gimnazijah ter vsebine, ki omogočajo medpredmetno povezovanje pri pouku iz obeh jezikov. Empirični del naloge bom namenila raziskavi v obliki anketiranja gimnazijskih profesorjev slovenščine in latinščine, s katero bom želela preveriti pogostost in način izvedbe medpredmetnih povezav pri omenjenih predmetih v praksi. The master's thesis Cross-curricular teaching of Latin and Slovene in grammar schools deals with the cross-curricular integration of the teaching of Latin and Slovene in the field of language and literature in the grammar school curriculum. In the first part of the thesis, I will discuss the theoretical basis of cross-curricular integration, its purpose, and its design. The success of cross-curricular integration is mainly influenced by organisational skills and teamwork, so I will pay special attention to the latter. I will look in more detail at cross-curricular integration in the context of Latin and Slovene. I will introduce the representation of cross-curricular integration in the curriculum of these subjects in grammar schools and the content that enables cross-curricular integration in the teaching of both languages. The empirical part of the thesis will be devoted to a survey of grammar school teachers of Slovene and Latin to examine the frequency and the way cross-curricular integration is implemented in practice in these subjects.
- Published
- 2023
11. Teaching Strategies and the Holistic Acquisition of Knowledge of the Visual Arts.
- Author
- Subjects
TEACHING methods ,ART education ,CURRICULUM planning - Abstract
Copyright of CEPS Journal is the property of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Barbara Zaman and Francka Lovšin Kozina
- Subjects
Sustainable development ,Ninth ,Secondary education ,Point (typography) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Context (language use) ,Literacy ,Education ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,Mathematics education ,Textile (markup language) ,Everyday life ,Psychology ,active learning strategies ,media_common - Abstract
Today’s world is facing a problem with the growth of textile products and in particular, textile waste, which already represents a serious environmental problem. From the point of view of ensuring sustainable handling of textile products, it is thus very important that individuals have the appropriate knowledge, attitudes and skills for sustainable handling of textile products or that they are properly ‘textile literate’. After all, appropriate textile literacy enables individuals to act according to the concept of sustainable development. The purpose of this research, which included 80 students from three Slovenian schools, who had completed their lower secondary education in the 2018/2019 school year, was to find out what their basic textile knowledge was and how they transferred it into their daily lives. Ninth graders were found to be deficient in basic textile skills, with girls having statistically significant better knowledge than boys. The girls were also statistically significantly better at recognising the connection between the acquired knowledge and everyday life and achieved a better result in terms of sustainable handling of textile products. The research findings can help teachers to be aware of the critical points in textile teaching in the context of sustainable development. The results also suggest that the current placement of textile content in the fifth grade, without further upgrading of the content in higher grades is not optimal. Most of the surveyed students had high grades in the fifth grade, but knowledge that is vital from the point of view of the sustainable behaviour of an individual is low in the ninth grade. These results can provide useful information for school policy makers who want to follow modern concepts of sustainable development. Keywords: active learning strategies, cross-curricular integration, ninth-graders, sustainable development and textile literacy
- Published
- 2021
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13. Pomen soške fronte pri zgodovini v osnovnih in srednjih šolah v Posočju
- Author
Ninin, Matic and Trškan, Danijela
- Subjects
First World War ,terensko delo ,učni načrt ,curriculum ,historical sources ,zgodovinski viri ,soška fronta ,fieldwork ,cross-curricular integration ,udc:37.091.3:93/94 ,pouk zgodovine ,prva svetovna vojna ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,elementary school ,textbooks ,gimnazija ,secondary school ,učbeniki ,Ljubljana ,osnovna šola ,history subject ,Posočje ,Soča front - Abstract
Magistrska naloga z naslovom Pomen soške fronte pri zgodovini v osnovnih in srednjih šolah v Posočju predstavlja obravnavanje prve svetovne vojne na slovenskem prostoru na celosten način. Z analizo učnih načrtov ter učbenikov in delovnih zvezkov za zgodovino smo našli razlike in podobnosti med njimi. Medpredmetno sodelovanje poteka, in sicer najbolj pri geografiji in slovenščini. Izvedeli smo, da je število primerov uporabe materialnih zgodovinskih virov manjše v primerjavi z drugimi zgodovinskimi viri. S pomočjo intervjuja za učitelje in profesorje smo ugotovili, da pri obravnavi snovi soške fronte presežejo učni načrt in učbenik ta snov je vključena tudi v obšolske dejavnosti, poteka medpredmetno sodelovanje, terensko delo in uporaba vseh zgodovinskih virov. S pomočjo anketnih odgovorov učencev in dijakov pa smo ugotovili, da niso vsi učenci in dijaki zaznali medpredmetnega sodelovanja, da imajo posoški učenci in dijaki manj znanja kot njihovi ljubljanski vrstniki pri nekaterih pojmih snovi soške fronte, a jih veliko obišče ostaline prve svetovne vojne na Slovenskem. Z magistrsko nalogo izpostavljamo pomen vključevanja lokalne zgodovine in pomembnost soške fronte za Posočje. The master's thesis titled The Significance of the Soča Front for History in Elementary and Secondary Schools of the Posočje Region presents the treatment of the First World War in Slovenia in a holistic way. By analysing the curricula and the history textbooks and workbooks, we found differences and similarities between them. Cross-curricular cooperation is ongoing, most notably in subjects of geography and Slovenian language. We have learned that the number of examples of the use of material historical sources is lower than that of other historical sources. Through interviews with teachers and professors, we found that they go beyond the curriculum and textbooks when dealing with the subject matter of the Soča Front this material is also included in extracurricular activities, there is ongoing cross-curricular cooperation, fieldwork and the use of all historical sources. Through the pupils' answers to the questionnaire, we found that not all pupils perceived cross-curricular cooperation, that pupils from Posočje have less knowledge than their peers from Ljubljana about some concepts of the Soča Front, many of them visit the remains of the First World War in Slovenia. The master thesis highlights the importance of integrating local history and the significance of the Soča Front for the region of Posočje.
- Published
- 2022
14. Izkušnje in stališča učiteljev matematike in fizike do medpredmetnega povezovanja
- Author
Dejak, Ana and Valenčič Zuljan, Milena
- Subjects
cross-curricular integration ,medpredmetno povezovanje - Abstract
Medpredmetno povezovanje je povezovanje različnih vsebin in ciljev posameznih predmetov med seboj. Obravnava izbranih tem mora biti čim bolj celostna in predstavljena z več različnih vidikov, tako da jo razumejo vsi. To vsekakor ni preprosto, zato morajo biti učitelji za izvajanje medpredmetnega poučevanja primerno usposobljeni in predvsem pripravljeni na tak način dela. Medpredmetno povezovanje lahko izvedemo na več načinov, pri čemer je pomembno, da se med seboj prepletata teorija in praksa. Skozi medpredmetno povezovanje naj bi učenci pridobili novo znanje z različnih področij. Učiteljeva naloga je usmerjati in pritegniti učence k delu. Učenci skozi medpredmetno povezovanje samostojno spoznavajo in usvajajo nove učne cilje. Raziskave kažejo, da učitelji medpredmetnega povezovanja ne izvajajo pogosto, kot razloge pa v večini navajajo pomanjkanje literature in znanja. V teoretičnem delu sem opisala zgodovinski pregled medpredmetnega povezovanja in ga opredelila kot pojem. Navedla sem glavne značilnosti in opisala vlogo učitelja in učenca v medpredmetnem poučevanju ter opredelila, kakšen je učiteljev profesionalni razvoj skozi izvajanje medpredmetnega povezovanja. Nato sem navedla in opisala modele in strategije medpredmetnega povezovanja ter njegove prednosti in ovire. Za konec sem pregledala učni načrt matematike in fizike ter opredelila možne povezave med predmetoma, saj sem se v teoretičnem delu osredotočila na medpredmetno povezovanje matematike in fizike z ostalimi predmeti. V empiričnem delu sem izvedla kvalitativno raziskavo, s katero sem želela pridobiti boljši vpogled v izkušnje in stališča učiteljev matematike in fizike v zvezi z medpredmetnim povezovanjem. V ospredje sem izpostavila štiri vidike: pogostost izvajanja, izkušnje učiteljev, stališča in teme, ki so po mnenju učiteljev najprimernejše za povezovanje. Skozi raziskavo sem poskušala ugotoviti, kakšne so izkušnje in stališča učiteljev matematike in fizike do medpredmetnega povezovanja. Z izvedbo intervjujev sem v raziskavo vključila 10 učiteljev matematike in fizike. Ugotovila sem, da učitelji medpredmetnega povezovanja ne izvajajo pogosto in bi si ga želeli izvajati pogosteje. Kot razlog v večini navajajo pomanjkanje časa. Kadar medpredmetno povezovanje izvajajo, se zanj odločajo predvsem zato, da učencem pokažejo uporabnost predmeta v vsakdanjem življenju in da se skozi tak način poučevanja učenci naučijo čim več. V oporo so jim najpogosteje predvsem tisti, ki poučujejo enak ali vsaj podoben predmet. Učitelji imajo z medpredmetnim povezovanjem pozitivne izkušnje. Menijo, da skozi medpredmetno povezovanje veliko pridobijo učitelji, še več pa učenci. Tako učenci kot učitelji pridobijo nova znanja in spretnosti ter izboljšajo sodelovanje med sodelavci oziroma sošolci. Vsekakor učitelji naletijo tudi na ovire, najpogosteje navajajo nezainteresiranost sodelavcev za sodelovanje in časovne omejitve. Kljub temu jih večina meni, da je prednost medpredmetnega povezovanja v tem, da učence motivira in so bolj zainteresirani za delo in učenje. Za konec so učitelji našteli kar nekaj uporabnih vsebinskih medpredmetnih povezav, ki se jim zdijo smiselne in jih izvajajo, ter mi opisali po vsaj en primer dobre prakse. Cross-curricular integration is the integration of different contents and objectives of individual subjects. Selected topics must be discussed comprehensively and presented from as many different aspects as possible, so they can be understood by all. That is not an easy thing to do, so teachers must be properly qualified for implementing cross-curricular teaching and, above all, willing to teach that way. Cross-curricular integration can be carried out in many ways, but the most important thing is that theory and practice are intertwined. Through cross-curricular integration students are to gain new knowledge from different areas. It is the teacher's role to guide the students and motivate them to work. Through cross-curricular integration the students learn about and meet new learning objectives on their own. Research shows that teachers do not often implement cross-curricular integration the main reasons are said to be a lack of literature and of knowledge. The theoretical section gives a historical overview of cross-curricular integration and its definition. It mentions its main characteristics, describes the role of the teacher and the student in cross-curricular teaching, and defines the teacher's professional development through the implementation of cross-curricular integration. Then, it mentions and describes the models and strategies of cross-curricular integration, as well as its advantages and barriers. Lastly, I reviewed the Mathematics and Physics curricula and defined potential links between the two subjects, as the theoretical section focused on the cross-curricular integration between Mathematics and Physics with other subjects. Qualitative research was conducted in the empirical section to get a better insight into the experiences and opinions of Mathematics and Physics teachers regarding cross-curricular integration. Four aspects were placed at the forefront: the frequency of implementation the teachers' experiences their opinions and the topics teachers consider the most appropriate for integration. Through the research I attempted to determine the experiences and opinions of Mathematics and Physics teachers regarding cross-curricular integration. By conducting interviews, I involved 10 Mathematics and Physics teachers in the survey. It has been determined that teachers do not carry out cross-curricular integration often and that they would like to do so more often. Most of them mentioned lack of time as the reason for that. When they do carry out cross-curricular integration, they do so mainly to show the students how the subject can be applied in everyday life, so the students can get the most out of this teaching method. They usually rely on those who teach the same subject or at least a similar one. Teachers have positive experiences with cross-curricular integration. They believe that teachers have much to gain through cross-curricular integration and the students even more so. The students and teachers alike gain new knowledge and skills, and improve cooperation among fellow teachers or classmates. The teachers also encounter barriers, most often a lack of interest among fellow teachers in collaborating, and a shortage of time. Regardless, most teachers feel that the advantage of cross-curricular integration lies in motivating the students and increasing their interest in working and learning. At the end, the teachers enumerated quite a few useful cross-curricular links which they find sensible and which they implement each of them also described at least one example of good practice.
- Published
- 2022
15. Primerjava učnih načrtov in vključenost priporočil za medpredmetno povezovanje likovnih vsebin.
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- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Elementary Education / Revija za Elementarno Izobraževanje is the property of University of Maribor, Faculty of Education and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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16. Poučevanje Federica Garcíe Lorce pri pouku slovenščine in španščine v slovenskih gimnazijah
- Author
Parežnik, Polona, Kalenić Ramšak, Branka, and Krakar Vogel, Boža
- Subjects
didaktika književnosti ,high school ,literarni kanon ,cross-curricular integration ,učni načrt ,Federico García Lorca ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,učbeniški sestav ,textbooks ,gimnazija ,curriculum ,didactics of literature ,literary canon - Abstract
Magistrsko delo obravnava poučevanje ter samo količino poučevanja Federica Garcíe Lorce pri pouku slovenščine in španščine v slovenskih gimnazijah. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela začenjamo z opisom didaktike književnosti ter opredelimo literarni kanon in bralno zmožnost dijaka. Nadaljujemo s pregledom položaja svetovne in natančneje španske in hispanoameriške književnosti v slovenskem prostoru splošne, klasične in strokovne gimnazije. V sklopu pregleda se poglobimo v učne načrte in učbeniške sestave. Prav posebej se posvetimo položaju Federica Garcíe Lorce v slovenskem izobraževalnem prostoru, njegovo prisotnost ponovno preverjamo v učnih načrtih in učbeniških sestavih, pomanjkanje le-te nakazuje empirični del magistrskega dela, kjer smo o pesniku anketirali dijake dveh slovenskih gimnazij. Za boljše poučevanje profesorjev in razumevanje dijakov ponudimo razlago o medpredmetnem poučevanju, premajhno količino le-tega dokazujemo z intervjuji s profesorji slovenščine in španščine slovenskih gimnazij prav tako v empiričnem delu. Za spodbujanje medpredmetnega povezovanja ponudimo didaktični model učne ure medpredmetnega povezovanja med slovenščino in španščino. Master Thesis discusses teaching and the quantity of teaching of Federico García Lorca in Slovene and Spanish classes in Slovenian high schools. In the first theoretic part we begin with defining didactics of literature, literary canon and reading capacity of the student. We continue with revising the position of world and most accurately Spanish and Hispanic literature in Slovenian education space. We look at curriculums and textbooks more profoundly. We focus more on the position of Federico García Lorca in Slovene education space, we search for his presence in curriculums and textbooks and his absence is proven by the empiric part of the thesis, where students from two Slovene high schools were questioned. To offer the professors better ways of teaching and increase the understanding of the students, we offer an explanation of cross-curricular integration and prove the need for it with a series of interviews with professors of Slovene and Spanish. To promote cross-curricular integration we offer a didactics model of cross-curricular integration class between Slovene and Spanish.
- Published
- 2022
17. Medpredmetno povezovanje geografije in zgodovine v gimnaziji na primeru velikih geografskih odkritij
- Author
Ješelnik, Jošt, Resnik Planinc, Tatjana, and Trškan, Danijela
- Subjects
History ,Geography ,syllabi ,Grammar school ,učni načrti ,great geographical discoveries ,geografija ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,multidisciplinary integration ,textbooks ,gimnazija ,učbeniki ,zgodovina ,velika geografska odkritja - Abstract
Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način je vključena tema o velikih geografskih odkritjih v gimnazijske učne načrte in učbenike za zgodovino in geografijo ter izdelati učno pripravo medpredmetne povezave geografije in zgodovine na primeru velikih geografskih odkritij. Analiza gimnazijskih učnih načrtov za zgodovino in geografijo je pokazala, da učna načrta vsebujeta številne cilje, ki omogočajo medpredmetno povezavo med omenjenima predmetoma. Med cilji so bili tudi taki, ki se neposredno nanašajo na velika geografska odkritja. Analiza srednješolskih učbenikov za geografijo in zgodovino je pokazala, da tudi učbeniki vsebujejo veliko vsebin, ki omogočajo medpredmetno povezavo med omenjenima predmetoma, vključno z vsebinami, ki se navezujejo na velika geografska odkritja. Na podlagi analiz smo izdelali učno pripravo na primeru velikih geografskih odkritij za drugi letnik gimnazijskega programa, kamor smo vključili številne vsebinske medpredmetne povezave med zgodovino in geografijo. Analiza anketnih odgovorov dijakov in gimnazijskih učiteljev zgodovine in geografije je pokazala, da so medpredmetne povezave med omenjenima predmetoma všeč tako učiteljem in učiteljicam kot dijakom in dijakinjam. Izhajajoč iz omenjenega, bi se lahko slednje še pogosteje uporabljale v gimnazijskem izobraževanju, saj pripomorejo k razvoju kritičnega mišljenja, vseživljenjskega učenja in povezovanju razdrobljenega znanja v celoto. The purpose of the master’s thesis was to determine to what extent and in what way great geographical discoveries are included in the Grammar school curricula of History and Geography and in textbooks for History and Geography, further to make a syllabus of multidisciplinary integration of History and Geography in the case of great geographical discoveries. The analysis of Grammar school curricula for History and Geography has shown that the curricula contain many objectives that allow for a multidisciplinary integration between these subjects, including objectives that relate directly to great geographical discoveries. The analysis of Grammar school textbooks for Geography and History has shown that textbooks contain just as much content that allows for a multidisciplinary integration between these subjects, including content that relate directly to great geographical discoveries. Based on the mentioned analyzes, we made a syllabus in the case of great geographical discoveries, for the second year of the Grammar school program, where we included many substantive multidisciplinary connections between History and Geography. The analysis of the survey responses of Grammar school teachers of History and Geography, and Grammar school students, showed that multidisciplinary integrations are liked by both teachers and students. Therefore, they could be used even more frequently in Grammar schools, as they help the student to develop critical thinking and lifelong learning and to integrate fragmented knowledge into a whole.
- Published
- 2022
18. Medpredmetno povezovanje umetnostne zgodovine in angleščine po CLIL pristopu: Snovanje lastnega CLIL gradiva
- Author
Jerončič, Hana, Mahnič, Katja, and Skela, Janez
- Subjects
creating CLIL materials ,angleščina ,cross-curricular integration ,Art History ,CLIL pristop ,English ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,snovanje CLIL gradiva ,umetnostna zgodovina ,CLIL approach - Abstract
Učni načrti in predmetnik nam velikokrat preprečujeta oziroma ne omogočata celostnega poučevanja in učenja. Znanje se predaja preko predmetov, ki so med seboj strogo ločeni. Medpredmetno povezovanje spodbuja združevanje znanj različnih predmetov in omogoča celostni uvid v določeno problematiko. V magistrski nalogi raziskujem možnosti medpredmetne povezave umetnostne zgodovine in angleščine. Poudarek dajem metodi CLIL, ki pomeni celostno vsebinsko-jezikovno učenje (ang. Content and Language Integrated Learning). CLIL je dvojno-usmerjeno izobraževalna metoda, pri kateri se uporablja dodatni jezik za učenje in poučevanje tako vsebine kot jezika, torej omogoča povezavo jezikovnega in nejezikovnega predmeta, v mojem primeru angleščine in umetnostne zgodovine. V teoretičnem delu definiram CLIL, ga umestim v širši kontekst, raziskujem njegovo prisotnost v slovenskem prostoru in preučim učne načrte za umetnostno zgodovino in angleščino ter tako raziščem možnosti za medpredmetno povezovanje obeh predmetov. Angleščina je na splošno izjemno interdisciplinarna veda, saj združuje pomembne segmente znanj številnih drugih ved, kar je velika prednost. V empiričnem delu pokažem možnost za medpredmetno sodelovanje umetnostne zgodovine in angleščine po pristopu CLIL z oblikovanjem CLIL učnega modula na temo renesančne umetnosti. Cilj je povezati omenjeni predmetni področji in prikazati njuno kompatibilnost z izdelavo konkretnih CLIL gradiv. Curricula and syllabi often prevent or do not enable holistic teaching and learning. Knowledge is passed on through subjects that are strictly separated from each other. Cross-curricular approaches encourage the integration of knowledge of different subjects and provide a comprehensive insight into a particular issue. In my master's thesis, I explore the possibilities of cross-curricular integration of Art History and English. The emphasis is on the CLIL method, which stands for Integrated Content and Language Integrated Learning. CLIL is a dual-focused educational approach in which an additional language is used for teaching and learning of both content and language, thus enabling the connection of a linguistic and a non-linguistic subject, in my case English and Art History. In the theoretical part of the thesis, I define CLIL, place it in a broader context, explore its presence in the Slovenian school environment and study the syllabuses of Art History and English, and in that way explore the possibilities for cross-curricular integration of the two subjects. English is in general extremely interdisciplinary, as it brings together important segments of knowledge of many other disciplines, which is a great advantage. In the empirical part of the thesis, I demonstrate the possibility for cross-curricular integration of Art History and English following the CLIL approach by designing a CLIL module on the Renaissance art. The goal is to connect the mentioned subject areas and demonstrate their compatibility by creating my own CLIL materials.
- Published
- 2021
19. Medpredmetno povezovanje planinstva v osnovni šoli
- Author
Kralj, Jerca and Debevec, Tadej
- Subjects
Primary school ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,pohodništvo ,Physical education ,Teaching materials ,šport ,osnovna šola ,Cross-curriculum approaches ,učna gradiva ,Mountaineering - Abstract
Medpredmetno povezovanje omogoča učinkovitejše učenje ter pridobivanje trajnejšega in bolj uporabnega znanja. Planinstvo oz. pohodništvo predstavlja dejavnost, ki posega na številna področja, zato je smiselno, da njegove vsebine povežemo z ostalimi predmeti. Namen magistrske naloge je bil prikazati primere medpredmetnega povezovanja v osnovni šoli, kjer cilje in vsebine različnih predmetov povežemo s predmetom šport, vsebina pohodništvo. S pohodništvom smo povezali predmete: spoznavanje okolja (1., 2. in 3. razred), naravoslovje in tehnika (4. in 5. razred), naravoslovje (6. in 7. razred) in biologija (8. in 9. razred). Pri tem smo uporabili tudi medpodročno povezovanje z okoljsko vzgojo in vzgojo za zdravje. Predstavili smo predloge medpredmetnega povezovanja in izdelali učna gradiva. Pregledali smo, katere vsebine se povezujejo s pohodništvom v tujih vzgojno-izobraževalnih sistemih, poiskali raziskave na področju medpredmetnega povezovanja pohodništva v Sloveniji in analizirali že obstoječa učna gradiva, povezana s pohodništvom. Primeri medpredmetnega povezovanja in pripravljeni učni lističi so namenjeni športnim pedagogom, razrednim učiteljem in učiteljem, ki poučujejo naravoslovje in biologijo za lažje posredovanje in implementacijo izbranih vsebin. Predstavljene primere medpredmetnega povezovanja lahko uporabimo tako pri klasičnem pouku v šoli kot tudi v okviru šolskih športnih dni in šol v naravi. Cross-curriculum approaches are known to facilitate learning which results in a more sustainable and applied students’ knowledge. Given that mountaineering is connected to many learning areas/topics, it is reasonable to connect its content to other subjects/courses and learning objectives. The purpose of the present master’s thesis was to outline examples of cross-curriculum approaches in Physical education with an emphasis on the mountaineering content. For this purpose, we combined various mountaineering topics with the following subjects: environment education (1st, 2nd and 3rd grades), science and technology (4th and 5th grades), natural sciences (6th and 7th grades) and biology (8th and 9th grades). In addition, we also harnessed the cross-sectoral integration of mountaineering with environment and health education courses. Based on the above noted cross-curricular links we prepared novel teaching materials. In addition, we reviewed the available foreign education systems contents that are linked to mountaineering. We also summarized up-to-date Slovenian studies and research work from the field of cross-curriculum approaches to mountaineering and analyzed the already available teaching materials. Examples of cross-curriculum approaches and developed teaching materials are intended for physical educators and other general teachers to facilitate the delivery of the content. They can be used either in class, outdoor activities and during sports days in nature.
- Published
- 2021
20. Gimnazijska medpredmetna ekskurzija iz zgodovine in geografije v Alpske pokrajine Slovenije
- Author
Košnjek, Ana, Trškan, Danijela, and Resnik Planinc, Tatjana
- Subjects
History ,the Alpine regions of Slovenia ,ekskurzija ,cross-curricular integration ,geografija ,Geography ,excursion ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,matura exam ,matura ,Alpske pokrajine Slovenije ,zgodovina - Abstract
Namen magistrskega dela je bil zasnovati medpredmetno ekskurzijo za dijake 4. letnikov splošne gimnazije, ki imajo za izbirna maturitetna predmeta zgodovino in geografijo. Za pot medpredmetne ekskurzije smo si izbrali Alpske pokrajine Slovenije, saj te omogočajo, da se dijaki na terenu seznanijo tako z zgodovinsko kot z geografsko učno vsebino. V prvem delu naloge so predstavljene teoretične značilnosti ekskurzije in medpredmetnega povezovanja s poudarkom na analizi učnih načrtov za zgodovino in geografijo za splošno gimnazijo, kjer smo ugotovili, da je veliko možnosti medpredmetnega povezovanja zgodovine in geografije na primeru medpredmetne ekskurzije v Alpske pokrajine Slovenije. S terenskim pregledom poti medpredmetne ekskurzije smo zasnovali itinerar z učno pripravo in učnimi listi za dijake. Anketni odgovori dijakov 4. letnikov in intervju z učitelji na Gimnaziji Kranj kažejo, da so medpredmetne ekskurzije po Sloveniji smiselne, znanje dijakov pa trajnejše in bolj kakovostno. The purpose of the master's thesis is to design a cross-curricular excursion for year four grammar school students who have History and Geography selected as their elective matura exam courses. For the cross-curricular excursion the trail of the Alpine regions of Slovenia was chosen because the regions make it possible for students to get acquainted with both historic and geographic teaching contents. In the first part of the thesis, the theoretical features of excursion are introduced. Moreover, cross-curricular approaches with an emphasis on the analysis of the History and Geography curricula for grammar schools are presented. This part establishes that there are many possibilities to use cross-curricular approaches of History and Geography when it comes to the cross-curricular excursion to the Alpine regions of Slovenia. The itinerary with a lesson plan and handouts was designed by doing a field overview of the cross-curricular excursion trail. The survey answers of the 4th year high school students and the interview with the Gimnazija Kranj Grammar School teachers show that cross-curricular excursions in Slovenia are sensible and that knowledge of high-school students is more permanent and of higher quality.
- Published
- 2021
21. Portfolijo učenca kot pristop k medpredmetnemu povezovanju geografije in angleščine v gimnaziji
- Author
Volčanjk, Teja, Skela, Janez, and Resnik Planinc, Tatjana
- Subjects
epidemije ,angleščina ,cross-curricular integration ,geografija ,Geography ,English ,portfolijo učenca ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,gimnazija ,student portfolio ,grammar school ,epidemics - Abstract
Sodobni šolski sistemi tako v svetu kot v Sloveniji močno poudarjajo naprednejše in inovativnejše učne pristope, ki naj bi jih učitelji poskušali v čim večji meri vključevati v svoj pouk. Mednje med drugim sodi tudi medpredmetno povezovanje, ki naj bi pripomoglo k celovitejšem, kompleksnejšem in trajnejšem znanju. Poleg tega naj bi učitelj pri svojem pouku uporabljal metode, ki spodbujajo avtonomijo učenca in njegovo samoiniciativnost, hkrati pa je priporočljivo krepiti tudi njegovo samokritičnost in sposobnost samoocenjevanja. Eden od pristopov, ki spodbujajo našteto, je tudi pristop portfolijo učenca, s katerim se v povezavi z medpredmetnim povezovanjem ukvarjamo v tem magistrskem delu. Glavni namen tega magistrskega dela je bil raziskati uporabo pristopa portfolijo učenca kot učne metode pri pouku geografije in angleščine v gimnaziji. V ta namen smo pripravili tudi konkreten vzorčni primer portfolija, pri katerem smo medpredmetno povezali omenjena šolska predmeta, nato pa smo z metodo intervjuja še poskušali pridobiti mnenje učiteljev o uporabnosti tega pristopa pri pouku obeh predmetov. Current national curricula around the world, including Slovenia, strongly promote more progressive and innovative learning approaches which teachers are supposed to incorporate in their teaching process as much as possible. One of these approaches is also cross-curricular integration which contributes to a more complex and long-lasting knowledge. Furthermore, teachers should include the methods that encourage students’ autonomy and their self-initiative, while strengthening their self-criticism and self-evaluation skills. Such approach is, for example, the student’s portfolio learning approach. In this thesis, the connection of both approaches is dealt with, the cross-curricular integration and the student’s portfolio approach. The overall aim of the thesis is to research the ways of use of the student’s portfolio as a learning approach in Geography and English in grammar school. For this purpose, a sample portfolio was prepared in which both school subjects were integrated. Afterwards, this portfolio was used for conducting interviews with teachers, where the emphasis was on their opinions about the use and usefulness of the student’s portfolio in Geography and English lessons.
- Published
- 2021
22. Zgodovinske vsebine v učbenikih za predmet domovinska in državljanska kultura ter etika
- Author
Zupančič, Mateja and Trškan, Danijela
- Subjects
history related content ,cross-curricular links ,učna sredstva ,patriotic and civic culture and ethics ,primary school ,domovinska in državljanska kultura ter etika ,učbeniki za DKE ,teaching materials ,udc:37.091.3:93/94 ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,PCE textbooks ,zgodovinske vsebine ,history ,osnovna šola ,zgodovina - Abstract
Magistrska naloga z naslovom Zgodovinske vsebine v učbenikih za predmet domovinska in državljanska kultura ter etika (v nadaljevanju DKE) pojasnjuje, kakšna je povezanost zgodovinskih vsebin in vsebin pri predmetu domovinska in državljanska kultura ter etika in kako se to odraža v učbenikih, učnih načrtih in pri izvedbi učnih ur. Naloga vključuje analizo učnega načrta za DKE, ki kaže na številne navezave na predmet zgodovina. V skladu z učnim načrtom so večinoma napisani tudi potrjeni učbeniki za DKE za 7. in 8. razred, ki smo jih analizirali in pri tem ugotovili, da vsebujejo navezave na zgodovinske vsebine, ki jih učenci spoznavajo v osnovni šoli. Z namenom dokazati, da se lahko izvede učna ura pri DKE v 7. in 8. razredu s poudarkom na zgodovini za vsak vsebinski sklop in z vsemi učnimi metodami in učnimi sredstvi, smo v 7. razredu izvedli učno uro z naslovom Nastanek Republike Slovenije, v 8. razredu pa učno uro z naslovom Kaj je demokracija. Dokazali smo visoko stopnjo medpredmetnega povezovanja in navezovanja med predmetoma na ravni vsebine, učnih metod in učnih sredstev. Rezultati ankete, ki je bila izvedena med učenci, in intervjujev, ki so bili opravljeni z učitelji, ki poučujejo DKE, kažejo, da je učbenik še vedno zelo pomembno učno sredstvo in je pri pouku koristen, saj omogoča ponovno branje obravnavane teme. Z magistrsko nalogo želimo spodbuditi učitelje k iskanju medpredmetnih povezav in k njihovemu vključevanju v pouk zgodovine in DKE. Master's thesis entitled History in Patriotic and Civic Culture and Ethics Textbooks (hereafter PCE) textbooks explains the connection among history related contents and those addressed within the subject patriotic and civic culture and ethics. Furthermore, it shows how these connections are reflected in textbooks, curricula and during lessons. The thesis includes the analysis of PCE curriculum, which shows many correlations with the school subject history. Confirmed PCE textbooks for 7th and 8th grade are also written in accordance with school curriculum and the research has shown that those analysed textbooks contain correlations with history related content, taught at primary school. To prove that it is possible to prepare and conduct a PCE lesson in 7th and 8th grade with the emphasis on history for each content section, we prepared a 7th grade lesson entitled The origin of the Republic of Slovenia and an 8th grade lesson entitled What is democracy. We have proven a high level of cross-curricular links and correlations between the two subjects as far as contents, teaching methods and teaching materials are concerned. Based on the results of a survey concluded among the students and interviews with PCE teachers we can conclude that textbook is still a very important teaching aid and it is useful during lessons as it enables re-reading the addressed topics. The aim of this thesis is to encourage teachers to search for cross-curricular links and include them in the History and PCE lessons.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Mihelčić, Natalija
- Subjects
FIELDWORK (Educational method) ,GEOGRAPHY education in elementary schools ,INTERDISCIPLINARY education - Abstract
Copyright of Methodological Horizons / Metodički Obzori is the property of Juraj Dobrila University of Pula and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Mihelčić, Natalija
- Subjects
INTERDISCIPLINARY education ,CURRICULUM ,STUDENT activities - Abstract
Copyright of Methodological Horizons / Metodički Obzori is the property of Juraj Dobrila University of Pula and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Mihelčić, Natalija
- Abstract
Copyright of Methodological Horizons / Metodički Obzori is the property of Juraj Dobrila University of Pula and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Mihelčić, Natalija
- Abstract
Copyright of Methodological Horizons / Metodički Obzori is the property of Juraj Dobrila University of Pula and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
27. Das Thema Holocaust im Deutschunterricht
- Author
Grm, Žan and Kosevski Puljić, Brigita
- Subjects
holokavst ,teaching German as a foreign language ,Holocaust ,crosscuricual integration ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,obravnava ,didaktični primeri ,didactic materials ,pouk nemščine kot tujega jezika ,discussion - Abstract
Osrednja tema magistrskega dela je obravnava holokavsta v okviru pouka nemščine. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen kratek zgodovinski oris izbrane tematike, ki mu sledi predstavitev obravnave holokavsta na nemških šolah. V nadaljevanju so opisani problemi poučevanja omenjene teme pri poučevanju nemščine kot tujega jezika ter cilji, ki jih s tovrstnim poukom želimo doseči. S pomočjo strokovnih prispevkov so nadalje predstavljeni učbeniški kompleti za poučevanje nemščine kot tujega jezika, ki so se uporabljali v različnih državah, pri čemer so prikazane zgodovinske in s holokavstom povezane tematike. V naslednjem razdelku so predstavljeni primeri poučevanja holokavsta na slovenskih šolah ter problemi, na katere bi v tem kontekstu lahko naletel slovenski učitelj. Dodatno so s stališča obravnave holokavsta in ostalih zgodovinskih tematik predstavljeni izbrani primeri učbenikov, ki se oz. so se uporabljali za poučevanje nemščine kot tujega jezika v slovenskem šolskem sistemu. Osrednji del naloge predstavlja različne didaktične predloge, s katerimi lahko tematiko vpeljemo v pouk nemščine. Poleg teoretične razlage so predstavljeni tudi praktični primeri za vse etape učne ure (uvajanje, obravnava, zaključna ponovitev), obenem pa tudi prednosti in slabosti, ki jih tovrsten način spoznavanja z naslovno tematiko naloge lahko prinese s seboj. V naslednjem poglavju so opisani predlogi za medpredmetno povezovanje v okviru obravnave holokavsta, pri čemer so predlogi predstavljeni ločeno, glede na družboslovno ali jezikoslovno naravo predmeta. Zaključek vsebuje odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja, čemur sledi še navedba uporabljene literature. Zatem so predstavljene priloge, v katerih so navedeni delovni listi, predloge za kopiranje, izbrana besedila in pesmi, delovni listi, struktura materiala za postajno učenje ter izbran slikovni material, ki ni bil objavljen v besedilu magistrskega dela. The main topic of the master's thesis is the discussion of the Holocaust in the context of German language lessions. The theoretical part presents a brief historical outline of the selected topic, followed by a presentation of how the holocaust is dealt with in german schools. The following text describes the problems of teaching this topic when tutoring German as a foreign language and the goals we want to achieve with this type of schooling. With the help of expert contributions, various textbook kits for teaching German as a foreign language, which have been used in different countries, are further presented, showing historical and Holocaust-related topics. The next section presents examples of teaching the Holocaust in Slovenian schools and the problems that a Slovenian teacher might encounter in this context. Additionally, from the point of view of dealing with the Holocaust and other historical topics, selected examples of textbooks, that were or still are used to teach German as a foreign language in the Slovenian school system are shown. The central part of the thesis presents various didactic propositions with which we can introduce the topic into German language lessons. In addition to the theoretical explanation, practical examples are presented for all stages of the lesson (introduction, discussion, final repetition), as well as the advantages and disadvantages that this way of getting acquainted with the title subject can bring. The following section describes proposals for cross-curricular integration of the discussion of the Holocaust, with the propositions presented separately, depending on the social or linguistic nature of the subject. The conclusion encloses answers to research questions, followed by indications of the literature used. The appendices are then presented, listing worksheets, templates for copying, selected lyrics and poems, the structure of station learning material and selected pictorial work that was not published as a part of the master's thesis.
- Published
- 2020
28. Cross-Curricular Linking of the School Subjects Sports and Environmental Education on a Circular Route to the Hill Brinjeva gora
- Author
Jug, Tjaša and Matejek, Črtomir
- Subjects
udc:37.091.3:502/504:796/799(043.2) ,izkustveno učenje ,Brinjeva gora ,Hill Brinjeva gora ,spoznavanje okolja ,Learning Pathway ,Environmental Education ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,šport ,učna pot ,Experiential Learning ,Sports - Abstract
Magistrska naloga z naslovom Medpredmetno povezovanje športa in spoznavanja okolja na krožni učni poti na Brinjevo goro je sestavljena iz dveh delov, in sicer teoretičnega in praktičnega dela, ki se med sabo povezujeta. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni pojmi in vsebine, katerih poznavanje je nujno za nadaljnje razumevanje dela. Tako sta najprej predstavljena predmeta šport in spoznavanje okolja, v nadaljevanju pa je poudarek na medpredmetnem povezovanju in pojmu učne poti, prav tako je predstavljen pouk zunaj učilnice s poudarkom izkustvenega učenja in učinki takega načina izvajanja učenja. Na koncu teoretičnega dela smo predstavili še mesto Zreče in Brinjevo goro kot vrh zamišljene učne poti. V praktičnem delu smo načrtovali krožno učno pot na Brinjevo goro z različnimi konkretnimi aktivnostmi in postajami na tej poti, pri čemer je pri določenih aktivnostih večji poudarek na športu, pri nekaterih na spoznavanju okolja, pri določenih aktivnostih pa se ta dva predmeta med sabo prepletata in smiselno povezujeta. Vse načrtovane aktivnosti so ciljno usmerjene, primerne za učence prvega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja in načrtovane na način, da so učenci čim bolj aktivni in svet spoznavajo izkustveno. Cilj magistrske naloge torej je, da učiteljem in ostalim predstavimo in ponudimo konkretno učno pot, po kateri se lahko odpravijo in hkrati usvajajo različne cilje športa in spoznavanja okolja, ob tem pa se navajajo na sodelovanje, medsebojno pomoč, strpnost in sprejemanje različnih mnenj, hkrati pa na celotni učni poti neposredno spoznavajo tudi pomen tempa in obremenitve telesa, različne naravne oblike gibanja in pomen varovanja okolja. This master’s thesis entitled Cross-Curricular Linking of the School Subjects Sports and Environmental Education on a Circular Route to the Hill Brinjeva gora consists of two parts: the theoretical and the practical part, which are interconnected. As part of the theoretical work, concepts and content are presented, the knowledge of which is necessary for further understanding of the work. Thus, the school subjects Sports and Environmental Education are presented first, followed by the emphasis on cross-curricular linking of both subjects and explaining the concept of a learning path. Further on, also lessons outside the classroom are presented with an emphasis on experiential learning and the effects of such a way of implementing learning. At the end of the theoretical part, the town Zreče and the hill Brinjeva gora as the top of an imaginary learning path are presented. The practical part shows a circular learning path to the hill Brinjeva gora which was planned with various concrete activities and stations on this path some activities were focusing more on Sports, some on Environmental Education, and in some activities these two subjects are intertwined and they connect meaningfully. All planned activities are goal-oriented, suitable for students of the first educational period, and planned in such a way that students are as active as possible and get to know the world experientially. The aim of this master's thesis is to present and offer teachers and others a concrete learning path along which they can go and simultaneously adopt different goals of the subjects Sports and Environmental Education, while getting used to cooperation, mutual help, tolerance, and acceptance of different opinions. At the same time, the learners also learn directly about the importance of the pace and weigh of their own bodies, various natural forms of movement, and the importance of preserving the environment through the entire learning path.
- Published
- 2020
29. Vzorci in zaporedja v prvem razredu
- Author
Uršič, Jana and Felda, Darjo
- Subjects
didaktika ,zaporedja ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,načrtovanje integriranega pouka ,vzorci ,udc:373.3:51(043.2) - Published
- 2020
30. Obdelava podatkov in medpredmetno povezovanje v 1. razredu osnovne šole
- Author
Polanc, Neva and Cotič, Mara
- Subjects
obdelava podatkov ,stolpčni prikaz ,diagrami ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,uporabnost matematike ,preglednice ,aktivnosti otrok ,udc:373.3:51(043.2) - Published
- 2020
31. Uporaba papirja pri tehniških dnevih v osnovni šoli
- Author
Bržan, Suzana and Zuljan, Darjo
- Subjects
udc:62:373.3(043.2) ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,škarje ,papir ,učenci ,tehniški dnevi - Published
- 2020
32. Medpredmetno raziskovanje potoka z raziskovalnimi škatlami v 3. razredu osnovne šole
- Author
Kvas, Špela and Dolenc-Orbanić, Nataša
- Subjects
research boxes ,spoznavanje okolja ,cross-curricular integration ,udc:5:373.3(043.2) ,raziskovalne škatle ,classroom in nature ,učilnica v naravi ,learning about the environment ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,voda ,water - Published
- 2020
33. Poučevanje glasbene umetnosti preko gibanja
- Author
Ovčjak, Petra and Kopačin, Barbara
- Subjects
merilniki pospeška ,gibalna/športna aktivnost ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,glasbena umetnost ,udc:796:51:373.3(043.2) ,intervencijski program - Published
- 2020
34. Raziskovalna kocka
- Author
Bajc, Petra and Plazar, Janja
- Subjects
udc:617.751.98:373(043.2) ,igra ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,didaktični pripomoček ,slepi in slabovidni ,predložne besedne zveze ,čutno zaznavanje - Published
- 2020
35. Izgradnja matematičnega mišljenja v okviru medpredmetnih povezav
- Author
Červek, Lavra and Felda, Darjo
- Subjects
matematična pismenost ,anketni vprašalnik ,matematika ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,matematično mišljenje ,udc:51:004(043.2) - Published
- 2020
36. Medkulturni pouk v 2. razredu osnovne šole
- Author
Koprivc, Katja and Zorman, Barbara
- Subjects
literary education ,glasbena umetnost ,interculturality ,udc:316.7:78:821.09.37:373.3(043.2) ,intercultural instruction ,medkulturni pouk ,medkulturnost ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,monocultural curricula ,teaching methods ,načini poučevanja ,cross-curricular connection ,music ,književna vzgoja ,monokulturnost učnih načrtov - Published
- 2020
37. Medpredmetno povezovanje geografije, slovenščine in izbirnih predmetov v osnovni šoli
- Author
Hlede, Miha, Vogel, Jerica, and Resnik Planinc, Tatjana
- Subjects
Geography ,slovenščina ,projektni dan ,optional subject nutrition education ,primary school ,Slovenian ,nutrition ,geografija ,prehrana ,project day ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,multidisciplinary integration ,osnovna šola ,izbirni predmet načini prehranjevanja - Abstract
Medpredmetno povezovanje je didaktični pristop, ki temelji na povezovanju vsebin in spretnosti posameznih predmetnih področij. Spodbuja aktivno vlogo učencev v učnem procesu, ki pridobivajo trajnejše znanje, uporabno v novih situacijah, in so za učenje bolj motivirani. Za njegovo uresničitev je primeren fleksibilni predmetnik, ki omogoča izvedbo učnega procesa v obliki projektnega dne. V njem so odnosi med učiteljem in učencem spremenjeni, kar spodbuja večjo samostojnost ter ustvarjalnost učenčevega dela, nudi pa tudi večji časovni obseg za uvajanje aktivnih učnih oblik in metod. V pričujočem magistrskem delu je predstavljen koncept medpredmetnega povezovanja geografije, slovenščine in izbirnega predmeta načini prehranjevanja v obliki projektnega dne na temo prehrane. Izdelane so bile učne priprave, ki kažejo na to, da so medpredmetne povezave med izbranimi predmeti uresničljive, čeprav v učnih načrtih niso konkretno opredeljene vsebine ali teme zanje. Tak projektni dan spodbuja aktivno vlogo učencev, omogoča izbiro raznovrstnih učnih oblik in metod, vključuje sodelovanje treh učiteljev ter zajema vse didaktične komponente z izjemo preverjanja in ocenjevanja. Na podlagi intervjujev z osnovnošolski učitelji je bilo ugotovljeno, da gre za natančen in inovativen koncept, ki pa bi v slovenskih osnovnih šolah naletel na kadrovske ter organizacijske ovire. Rezultati tako intervjujev kot anketnih vprašalnikov, ki so jih izpolnili učenci tretje triade osnovne šole, kažejo, da bi praktični del projektnega dne povečal motiviranost učencev za aktivno udeležbo in sodelovanje, ne bi pa znatneje vplival na njihovo boljše razumevanje učne snovi ter trajnejše znanje. Multidisciplinary integration is a didactic approach based on connecting contents and skills in the fields of subjects. It encourages the active role of students in the learning process. They gain long-lasting knowledge that is useful in new situations and are more motivated to learn. Flexible curriculum is more appropriate for realization of multidisciplinary integration because it enables the implementation of the learning process as a project day. This organizational form changes the relationship between the teacher and student. It promotes greater autonomy and creativity of student's work as well as an increased amount of time for the introduction of active forms and methods of teaching. This master's thesis presents the concept of multidisciplinary integration of Geography, Slovenian and the optional subject nutrition education as a nutrition themed project day. Curriculum arrangements that have been made show that multidisciplinary integration between chosen subjects is realizable, even though their contents and themes are not defined precisely in their syllabi. Such a project day encourages the active role of students, enables the selection of diverse forms and methods of teaching, involves participation of three teachers and includes all didactic components with the exception of testing and assessment. Interviews with primary school teachers revealed that this is a precise and innovative concept which would come across staffing/personnel and organizational barriers in Slovenian primary schools. The results of both interviews and survey questionnaires completed by the students of the third triad of primary school indicate that the practical part of the project day would increase motivation of students for active participation, but would not significantly affect their better understanding of the subject matter and long-lasting knowledge.
- Published
- 2020
38. Vpliv povezovanja predmetnega pouka z nemščino na dvigovanje bralne motivacije
- Author
Jolanda Lazar
- Subjects
bralna motivacija ,konstruktivizem ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,tujejezikovni predmetni pouk ,CLIL ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Prispevek se ukvarja z novimi pogledi in zahtevami, ki so postavljeni tako pred učence kot tudi pred učitelje. Poskušali smo zaobjeti teoretična izhodišča, ki predstavljajo temelj za povezovanje predmetnega pouka z nemščino. Predstavljene so različne oblike tujejezikovnega predmetnega poučevanja, ki so našle skupno poimenovanje – CLIL. Preverjali smo našo hipotezo: Poučevanju po CLIL-u pozitivno vpliva na motivacijo učencev. Naš poudarek je bil na bralni motivaciji. Na podlagi analize zbranih podatkov s pomočjo ankete iz treh šol v slovenskem ruralnem okolju, lahko potrdimo omenjeno hipotezo.
- Published
- 2012
- Full Text
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- Author
Rakar, Bernarda
- Abstract
This article aims to alert its reader to cross curricular connectivity in music schools with regard to Music Theory. In order to realise curricular goals and make sense of musical knowledge, it is necessary to establish interdisciplinary or cross-curricular connections on three levels: internal horizontal and vertical connections between different areas of the subject; interdisciplinary connections between the teaching of musical instruments and other chosen subjects; and connections with the activities and contents of the general educational system and the wider cultural environment. The article considers content, concepts, and the processing of cross-curricular connections. This survey aims to clarify the relationship between these eventual correlations and their feasibility in the subject of Music Theory. Along with the viewpoint of teachers, we also considered the opinion of headmasters, them being pedagogical leaders in their schools. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Mihelčić, Natalija
- Subjects
LEARNING ,ACQUISITION of data ,DAIRY farms ,MUSEUM acquisitions ,THEORY of knowledge - Abstract
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- Published
- 2013
41. Medpredmetno povezovanje angleščine in sociologije po pristopu CLIL: primer učne teme Evropska unija
- Author
Frlež, Patricija, Antić Gaber, Milica, and Skela, Janez
- Subjects
angleščina ,Cross-Curricular Integration ,Sociology ,CLIL ,English ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,The European Union ,sociologija ,Evropska unija - Abstract
V šoli se znanje predaja preko razdrobljenega predmetnika, ki velikokrat preprečuje učenje na povezan in celosten način. Medpredmetno povezovanje spodbuja združevanje znanj različnih predmetov v šoli in stremi k bolj integriranemu načinu poučevanja. V pričujočem delu raziskujem možnosti medpredmetne povezave angleščine in sociologije po pristopu CLIL na primeru učne teme Evropska unija. CLIL (ang. Content and Language Integrated Learning) oziroma vsebinsko in jezikovno integrirano učenje omogoča povezavo jezikovnega in nejezikovnega pouka. Pri CLIL-u ne gre le za poučevanje določenega predmeta v tujem jeziku, ampak za hkratno usvajanje tako vsebinskega kot jezikovnega znanja. Medpredmetno povezovanje angleščine in sociologije po pristopu CLIL sem dokazovala z oblikovanjem medpredmetnega modula o Evropski uniji, ki sem ga tudi izvedla v praksi. V teoretičnem delu predstavljam CLIL v odnosu do podobnih pristopov poučevanja in raziskujem njegovo prisotnost v slovenskem šolskem prostoru, možnosti medpredmetnega povezovanja angleščine in sociologije pa preučujem glede na učna načrta za oba predmeta. Predstavljam tudi oris politične participacije mladih na državni in evropski ravni, pregled prisotnosti učne teme Evropska unija v šolskem kurikulu ter dodatna gradiva in izobraževalne dejavnosti o Evropski uniji. V empiričnem delu prikazujem rezultate ankete srednješolskih učiteljev angleščine in sociologije, kjer sem raziskovala, v kolikšni meri ter ob kakšnih temah se ti učitelji med seboj povezujejo. V nadaljevanju sledijo rezultati opravljene ankete dijakov o znanju in odnosu do Evropske unije ter prikaz zasnove, izvedbe in evalvacije medpredmetnega modula po pristopu CLIL o Evropski uniji. In schools, learning in a holistic and coherent manner is largely prevented by a fragmented curriculum. Cross-curricular integration connects knowledge of different subjects and enables a more integrated teaching approach. In this thesis, I explore the possibilities of cross-curricular integration of English and Sociology using a CLIL approach, exemplified by the topic of the European Union. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), is an appropriate approach to combine the teaching of a foreign language with a non-language subject. CLIL does not mean teaching a subject in a foreign language. The emphasis lies equally on content and on language learning. I have been testing cross-curricular teaching of English and Sociology with creating a cross-curricular module about the European Union and putting it into practice. In the theoretical part of the paper, I present CLIL in relation to other similar approaches to teaching, explore its presence in the Slovenian school context, and examine the possibilities of cross-curricular integration of English and Sociology based on the subjects’ syllabuses. Additionally, I present an overview of youth political participation on both Slovenian and European level, an analysis of the presence of the topic of the European Union in the school curriculum, and additional materials and educational activities related to the EU. In the empirical part of the paper, I present, firstly, the results of a survey for secondary school teachers of English and Sociology, in which I have researched how much and around which topics they cooperate, secondly, the results of a survey for secondary school students about their knowledge and attitudes towards the EU, and thirdly, the design, performance and evaluation of the cross-curricular CLIL module on the EU.
- Published
- 2020
42. Analiza glasbenih vsebin pesmi v učbeniških gradivih za angleščino v 4. in 5. razredu osnovne šole
- Author
Križaj, Ingrid and Sicherl Kafol, Barbara
- Subjects
cross-curricular integration ,medpredmetno povezovanje - Abstract
Glasba ima zelo pomembno vlogo v vzgoji in izobraževanju, saj poleg pozitivnega vpliva na otrokov osebnostni razvoj omogoča številne povezave z drugimi predmetnimi področji. Eno od področij povezovanja z glasbo je pouk angleščine kot tujega jezika, kjer pomembno mesto zasedajo pesmi. Za uresničevanje kakovostnih medpredmetnih povezav je treba zagotoviti tako ustrezno jezikovno kot tudi glasbeno-didaktično pesemsko gradivo, zato je namen magistrskega dela osvetliti pomen glasbene vsebine pesmi, vključenih v tujejezikovni pouk. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo se najprej osredotočili na glasbo in njeno celovitost opredelili smo vpliv glasbe na celostni razvoj otrok in s tem poudarili pomen glasbene umetnosti v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu. Nadaljnje smo predstavili načrtovanje glasbene umetnosti ter njeno vlogo pri medpredmetnem povezovanju. V sklopu medpredmetnih povezav smo opredelili povezovanje glasbe in angleščine kot tujega jezika. Predstavili smo učenje in poučevanje angleščine ter poudarili pomen izbire ustreznih učbeniških gradiv. V nadaljevanju smo izpostavili pomen pesmi pri tujejezikovnem pouku, pri čemer smo podrobneje opisali dejavnost petja in vlogo, ki jo ima pri tem učitelj. Predstavili smo številne prednosti uporabe pesmi pri pouku angleščine ter podali smernice, kako učinkovito predstaviti pesem učencem. Na koncu smo se osredotočili na izbiro pesemskega gradiva, upoštevajoč glasbeno-didaktična izhodišča. Empirični del je razdeljen na dva dela. V prvem delu je predstavljena analiza glasbene strukture izbranih pesmi iz treh, v slovenskih šolah najpogosteje uporabljenih učbeniških gradiv za 4. in 5. razred (My Sails, Happy Street in Reach for the Stars). V drugem delu so predstavljena mnenja učiteljic angleščine o pesemskem izboru v posameznem učbeniškem gradivu. Cilj raziskave je bil preučiti, ali so pesmi v omenjenih učbeniških gradivih za poučevanje angleščine glasbeno-didaktično ustrezne. V raziskavi smo se najprej oprli na obstoječo strokovno glasbeno literaturo in notno gradivo, ki nam je bilo v pomoč pri analizi glasbene strukture pesmi (tonaliteta, ambitus, metrum, melodija, ritem) ter določanju zvrsti pesmi (ljudska/umetna). Ker dve didaktični zbirki nista vsebovali notnega gradiva, smo na podlagi zvočnih posnetkov zapisali tudi notacije izbranih pesmi. V treh učbeniških gradivih za angleščino v 4. in 5. razredu, ki se v slovenskih šolah najpogosteje uporabljajo, smo nato analizirali notne zapise izbranih pesmi. Pri določanju kriterijev za ustreznost glasbene strukture pesmi glede na razvojne posebnosti otrok na določeni starostni stopnji smo upoštevali glasbeno-didaktična izhodišča, opredeljena v strokovni literaturi za to področje. Analizo glasbene strukture pesmi in ustreznost le-te glede na glasbeno-didaktična izhodišča smo interpretirali ločeno po didaktičnih zbirkah za 4. in 5. razred. Z devetimi učiteljicami, ki poučujejo angleščino v 4. in 5. razredu, smo izvedli tudi intervju o uporabnosti učbeniškega pesemskega gradiva. Učiteljice so izpostavile mnenja o prednostih in slabostih učbeniških pesemskih vsebin ter lastne izkušnje. Izsledki raziskave so opredelili ustreznost pesmi z vidika glasbene strukture in glasbeno-didaktičnih izhodišč v povezavi z realizacijo ciljev poučevanja angleščine, kar bo učiteljem in učiteljicam angleščine v 4. in 5. razredu omogočilo bolj kakovosten izbor gradiv. Music plays a very important role in education as, apart from the positive effect on a child's personality development, it enables numerous links with other subject areas. One of the areas of links with music is English as a foreign language classroom, an important part of which are songs. For the realisation of high quality cross-curricular integration, it is essential to provide song material that is adequate both linguistically and from the point of view of the didactics of music, which is why the aim of the master thesis is to highlight the importance of the music content of the songs integrated in the foreign language classroom. In the theoretical part of the thesis we first focused on music and its comprehensiveness, where the effect of music on child overall development was defined and by that we emphasized the importance of the subject of music in the educational process. Next we presented the planning of music lessons and the role of music in cross-curricular integration. Among cross-curricular integration we defined the links between music and English as a foreign language. We presented the learning and teaching of English and emphasized the importance of choosing adequate course material. Further on, the importance of songs in foreign language teaching was stressed out, describing the activity of song singing in detail and the role of the teacher in this activity. We presented numerous benefits of the use of songs in teaching English and set guidelines for effective presentation of songs to students. In the end we focused on the choice of song material with regards to didactic principles for music. The empirical part of the thesis is divided in two parts. In the first part, we presented the analysis of song structure of a selection of songs from three most often used course materials for fourth and fifth grade of Slovenian schools (My Sails, Happy Street and Reach for the Stars). In the second part, English teachers’ opinions about the selection of songs in each course were presented. The aim of the survey was to examine whether the songs in the above mentioned courses for teaching English were adequate regarding the didactics of music. In the survey we first relied on the existing professional music literature and music notations, which helped us to analyse song structure (tonality, ambitus, metre, tune, rhythm) and define the type (folk/art) of the songs. As two courses didn't contain notations, we provided notations for the choice of songs on the basis of sound records. For three most commonly used courses for EFL in fourth and fifth grade of Slovenian schools, we analysed notations of a selection of songs. We acknowledged the didactic principles for music as defined in professional literature in this field to define the criteria for the adequacy of song structure in regards to development specifics of children at a certain age. We interpreted the analysis of the song structure and its adequacy regarding the didactic principles for music separately for individual courses for fourth and fifth grade. An interview was carried out with nine teachers of English in fourth and fifth grade about the usefulness of the course song material. The teachers specified opinions about the advantages and weaknesses of the course song content and their own experience. The results of the survey defined the adequacy of songs from the point of view of song structure and didactic principles for music in relation to the realisation of goals of teaching English, which will enable teachers of fourth and fifth grade a higher quality choice of course material.
- Published
- 2019
43. Medpredmetno povezovanje v gimnazijah
- Author
Oblak, Urška and Kalin, Jana
- Subjects
didaktika ,metodika pouka ,pedagogika ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,pouk ,empirično raziskovanje ,diplomsko delo ,udc:371.3 ,gimnazije - Published
- 2019
44. Povezovanje matematike in likovne umetnosti v 3. razredu osnovne šole
- Author
Leskovec, Petra and Manfreda Kolar, Vida
- Subjects
cross-curricular integration ,medpredmetno povezovanje - Abstract
Medpredmetno povezovanje je eden izmed različnih novejših pristopov poučevanja, katerega namen je povezovati cilje, vsebine, koncepte. V nasprotju s tradicionalnim načinom poučevanja, kjer je vsak predmet strogo ločen, se tu vsebine med seboj prepletajo in obravnavajo bolj celostno. Več različnih povezav s predhodnim znanjem ali znanjem drugega področja, nam prinese uspešnejše učenje in bolj uporabno znanje. Vsebine si učenci lažje zapomnijo, če imajo zraven tudi čustveno komponento. Pomembno je, da za intenzivno pomnjenje zaposlimo obe polovici možganov: levo, ki je odgovorna za logiko in prostorske predstave ter desno, ki je odgovorna za ustvarjalnost in čutnost. Povezovanje matematike in likovne umetnosti pa ni nekaj novega, temveč so ti dve področji povezovali že svetovno znani umetniki, kot so Leonardo da Vinci, Piet Mondrian, Wassily Kandinsky in Slavik Jablan. V magistrskem delu smo v teoretičnem delu predstavili razloge za medpredmetno povezovanje, njihove cilje, prednosti, kompetence učitelja za tak način dela, medpredmetno načrtovanje, različne pristope in modele ter razdelitev medpredmetnega povezovanja na več ravneh. Predstavili smo tudi vpliv medpredmetnega povezovanja na delovanje možganov in podali nekaj primerov povezovanja matematike in likovne umetnosti v umetniških delih. V empiričnem delu pa smo raziskali različne povezave med matematiko in likovno umetnostjo v 3. razredu osnovne šole na temo deli celote. Izbrali smo si dva razreda. Eden nam je služil kot kontrolni razred in smo v njem vsebino poučevali na način kot so ga navajeni. V drugem, eksperimentalnem razredu pa smo matematične vsebine povezovali z likovno umetnostjo. Zanimalo nas je, ali so učenci, katerih pouk je temeljil na medpredmetnem povezovanju za delo bolj motivirani od učencev, ki so bili poučevani na tradicionalen način. Želeli smo tudi raziskati, ali so učenci eksperimentalnega razreda ob koncu naše raziskave uspešnejši pri reševanju matematičnih nalog od učencev kontrolnega razreda. Ves čas pa smo opazovali in si beležili opazke našega dela in preverili, ali smo za načrtovanje medpredmetnega povezovanja porabili več časa, kot za načrtovanje učne ure enega predmeta. Cross-curricular integration is one of the many modern approaches to teaching, which aims to connect goals, contents and concepts. Contrary to the traditional way of teaching, where each subject is strictly separate, contents are in this case intertwined and also taught in a more comprehensive way. Different connections to our prior knowledge or that of a different field result in more successful learning and knowledge of a greater benefit. It makes it easier for students to remember the contents if the emotional connotation is also taken into account. For intensive retention, it is important to engage both brain hemispheres: the left being responsible for logic and spatial perceptions and the right assuring creativity and sensuality. Integrating mathematics and art, on the other hand, is not something new as these two fields have already been linked together by globally well-known artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Piet Mondrian, Wassily Kandinsky and Slavik Jablan. In the theoretical part of this thesis, we present the reasons for cross-curricular integration, its aims, advantages, teacher competencies for such way of work, cross-curricular planning, different approaches and models along with the divisions of cross-curricular integration on various levels. We also demonstrate the influence of cross-curricular integration on the brain functions and add some examples of integrating the subjects of mathematics and art in various works of art. In the empirical part of the thesis, we studied different connections between mathematics and art in the third grade of elementary school on the topic of fractions of the whole. We chose two classes. One was chosen as a control class, where we taught the subject matter the way we are used to. Conversely, in the other, i.e. experimental class, we integrated the contents of mathematics with those of art. We were interested whether the students whose classes were based on cross-curricular integration were more motivated for work than the students who were taught in a traditional way. We also wanted to research whether the students of the experimental class were more successful at doing maths exercises by the end of our study than their peers from the control class. Throughout the experiment we observed and kept record of our work and also checked if we had spent more time planning for one session of cross-curricular integration than planning for one regular session of a random subject.
- Published
- 2019
45. Mnenje učiteljev razrednega pouka o medpredmetnem povezovanju med naravoslovjem in likovno umetnostjo
- Author
Košir, Tanja and Potočnik, Robert
- Subjects
interdisciplinary approach ,medpredmetno povezovanje - Abstract
Naravoslovje in likovna umetnost sta na videz zelo različni področji, ki se vključujeta v osnovnošolsko izobraževanje na razredni stopnji. Pa vendar ti dve področji nudita veliko smiselnih možnosti za medpredmetno povezovanje. Razlike med predmetnima področjema lahko učencem razširijo obzorje znanja, medtem ko jim podobnosti pokažejo, kako lahko uporabijo znanje enega področja na drugem. Učitelji imajo o tej povezavi različna mnenja in stališča, ki vplivajo tudi na pogostost uporabe medpredmetnega povezovanja naravoslovja in likovne umetnosti, kakovost učnih priprav in izvedbe pouka. Tudi opredelitve medpredmetnega povezovanja so pri učiteljih različne. V magistrskem delu je s pomočjo literature utemeljen pojem medpredmetnega povezovanja na splošno podane so tudi razlike v opredelitvah tega učnega pristopa. Raziskani so načini načrtovanja medpredmetnega povezovanja ter modeli implementacije pristopa z uporabo različnih učnih metod, ki jih učitelji pri pouku obeh predmetnih področji uporabljajo. V nadaljevanju so podrobneje predstavljene metode dela pri samostojnih predmetih likovne umetnosti in naravoslovja in tudi medpredmetno povezovanje likovne umetnosti in naravoslovja z drugimi predmetnimi področji. Analizirani sta bila tudi učna načrta za Likovno umetnost in za Spoznavanje okolja ter Naravoslovje in tehnika, ki vsebujeta naravoslovne vsebine prvega in drugega vzgojno-izobraževalnega področja (1.- 5. razred). Z analizo so bila določena priporočila za izvedbo medpredmetnih povezav obeh predmetnih področij. Na koncu so podani specifični praktični primeri medpredmetnih povezav obeh področji, ki so bili identificirani s pregledom in analizo literature. Glavni cilji dela so bili, da se ugotovi mnenje učiteljev o implementaciji medpredmetnih povezav naravoslovja in likovne umetnosti v pouk v osnovni šoli, kako so učitelji z njo seznanjeni ter kako učitelji medpredmetno povezavo načrtujejo in kakšni so po njihovem mnenju učni dosežki učencev pri implementaciji te medpredmetne povezave. V empiričnem delu so bili s pomočjo anketnih vprašalnikov, intervjujev ter analize priprav raziskani pogostost uporabe medpredmetne povezave med naravoslovjem in likovno umetnostjo, stališča in opredelitve učiteljev glede tega učnega pristopa, njihova mnenja o smiselnosti medpredmetne povezave v prvem in drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju in o smiselnosti povezave določenih pojmov in vsebin s teh dveh področij. Ugotovljene so bile tudi spremembe, ki so jih učitelji opazili ob uporabi ali neuporabi omenjene medpredmetne povezave, ter to, kako enakovredno učitelji obravnavajo pojme z obeh predmetnih področij. Science and fine arts are perceived as two very different areas that are integrated into primary school pupils' timetables. Even if they do not seem like they can be linked, they offer many reasonable chances for applying an interdisciplinary approach. The differences between the fields can broaden pupils' understanding and the similarities can show them how they can transfer their knowledge successfully. Teachers have different opinions about the interdisciplinary connection between science and fine arts. Their opinions can affect the frequency of using that approach, the quality of preparation for the classes, and the quality of how the classes are conducted. The definitions of interdisciplinary approach between science and fine arts are different from a teacher to a teacher, too. In the master's thesis, the term 'interdisciplinary approach' was researched first. The literature about its definition and the types of it was reviewed. The models and teaching methods that are used in that approach were researched, too. Then, the teaching approaches for science and fine arts were examined separately. Reading and writing about general principles of applying an interdisciplinary approach between the two areas and other primary school subjects were also a part of the research. This was done to capture a bigger picture of teaching fine arts and science and the possibilities of interdisciplinary teaching in those fields. That is also why the curriculums of the subjects in the Slovenian primary school system which include fine arts and science (Spoznavanje okolja, Naravoslovje in tehnika, Likovna umetnost) and the possibilities of interdisciplinary approach which are exposed in their recommendations were reviewed. In the end, there is a chapter about the interdisciplinary approach between science and fine arts. Some practical examples of it that were found in the literature are written down, too. In the empirical part, the surveys and interviews were conducted and teaching preparation documents were analyzed. Thus, the frequency of interdisciplinary approach between science and fine arts, teachers' definitions and opinions on the subject, their opinion about the meaningfulness of interdisciplinary connection between stated subjects in the first three years of learning and in year four and five, and the meaningfulness of connecting certain contents and terms interdisciplinarily were researched. Changes that teachers noticed if they used an interdisciplinary approach between science and fine arts and if they did not use it were researched, too. The findings of including interdisciplinary teaching goals of the included school subjects equally were described, too. The goal was to find out about the opinions of teachers about the interdisciplinary approach between science and fine arts and its familiarity with teachers. The research was also about finding out how teachers integrate the approach into their work and what results they notice when they do it.
- Published
- 2019
46. Medpredmetno povezovanje na področju kiparstva v osnovni šoli
- Author
Gnidovec, Veronika and Makše, Roman
- Subjects
interdisciplinarity ,medpredmetno povezovanje - Abstract
Bistven element sodobnih pogledov na vzgojno izobraževalni proces je ravno medpredmetno povezovanje. Medpredmetno povezovanje je definirano kot didaktični pristop oz. je pomembna učna strategija, ki povezuje učne pojme različnih predmetnih področij z namenom učencu omogočiti celostno prepoznavanje problematike osvetljene z različnih zornih kotov. S pomočjo literature smo raziskali različne možnosti vključevanja vsebin medpredmetnega povezovanja, ki se že pojavljajo v šolskem sistemu za doseganje učnih ciljev raziskovali smo predvsem načine medpredmetnih povezav, ki se pojavljajo pri pouku likovne dejavnosti v osnovni šoli. Ugotavljali smo, kako pogosto in na kakšen način naključno izbrani likovni pedagogi vključujejo vsebine medpredmetnega povezovanja za doseganje učnih ciljev, osredotočili smo se na področje kiparstva.Empirični del je sestavljen iz treh sklopov: prvi zajema prikaz in analizo anketnega vprašalnika, drugi sklop pa zajema prikaz in analizo dokumentov oziroma učnih priprav. V zadnjem sklopu so zabeležene aplikativne rešitve, ki smo jih oblikovali s pomočjo pridobljenih rezultatov. Dobljeni empirični rezultati temeljijo na subjektivni presoji avtorja. Evalvacija rezultatov je doprinesla k oblikovanju didaktičnih priporočil in prikazu različnih pristopov medpredmetnih obravnav likovnih vsebin s področja kiparstva oz. kiparskih pojmov z drugimi predmetnimi področji. An essential element of modern approaches to the educational process is interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinarity is defined as a didactic approach it is an important strategy which allows the student to understand the problem from different points of view by making logical connections between concepts pertaining to different school subjects. With the help of literature, we explored various ways of implementing interdisciplinarity by means already present in the school system with the purpose of achieving learning objectives. We focused especially on interdisciplinary approaches already present during art activities in elementary school. We observed randomly selected art pedagogues to see how they implement interdisciplinary approaches to sculpture activities in order to achieve learning objectives. The empirical part consists of three segments: the first segment includes the questionnaire and its analysis, the second segment includes curriculum plans and the analysis thereof, and the last segment includes practical solutions that we designed with the help of acquired results. The empirical results are based on the subjective judgment of the author. By evaluating the results, we were able to propose new didactic approaches, as well as showcase different interdisciplinary approaches to sculpture activities and sculpture-related concepts within other school subjects.
- Published
- 2019
47. Cross-Curricular integration and co-operative learning through the activities of forest pedagogics
- Author
Žvegler, Tina and Hus, Vlasta
- Subjects
sodelovalno učenje ,forest ,gozdna pedagogika ,cross-curricular connections ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,forest pedagogue ,collaborative learning ,gozdni pedagog ,gozd ,forest pegagogics ,udc:37.091.33-027.22:630*0(043.2) - Abstract
Realne in neposredne izkušnje, ki jih učenci z lastno aktivnostjo pridobivajo v naravi, so nujno potrebne za njihov celostni razvoj in razumevanje okolja, v katerem živijo. V magistrski nalogi smo zato v teoretičnem delu raziskovali vlogo gozdne pedagogike, gozdnega pedagoga ter gozda kot vzgojno-izobraževalnega prostora v učnem procesu. Analizirali in predstavili smo priporočene dejavnosti za spoznavanje gozda iz priročnikov in delovnih zvezkov različnih založb za predmet Spoznavanje okolja. V praktičnem delu smo načrtovali konkretne učne aktivnosti v gozdu, za učence 1., 2., in 3. razreda osnovne šole. Dejavnosti so ciljno usmerjene, pri izvajanju pa se povezujejo cilji različnih predmetnih področjih. V ospredju so aktivna vloga posameznika ter sodelovalne in socialne veščine, kot so medsebojna pomoč, strpnost, komunikacija in sodelovanje učencev, saj učenci dejavnosti izvajajo v skupinah. Cilj magistrskega dela je učiteljem predstaviti in ponuditi konkreten nabor idej za smiselno poučevanje, izvajanje aktivnosti in uresničevanje ciljev iz učnega načrta v gozdu, pri čemer učenci z lastnim raziskovanjem, sodelovanjem s sošolci, igro, pristnim stikom z okoljem in realnimi izkušnjami pridobivajo in nadgrajujejo svoje znanje, se ob tem zabavajo in oblikujejo pozitiven odnos do narave. Real and direct experiences gained through activity in nature are of vital importance to students' overall development and their understanding of the environment they live in. This thesis explores in its theoretical part the role of forest pedagogics, the forest pedagogue and the forest as an educational space in the learning process. It analyses and presents activities recommended as part of learning about the forest from various textbooks for the Spoznavanje okolja (Studying the Environment) course. The practical part consists of planning specific learning activities in the forest for students of the first triennium of primary school. The activities are goal-oriented, with an emphasis on cross-curricular connections. At the forefront is the active role of the individual as well as collaborative and social skills such as helping others, being patient, communicating and co-operating, as these activies are designed for group work. The objective of the thesis is to offer teachers a set of ideas for meaningful teaching, to help them implement activities in nature and realise goals from the forest lesson plan. Students will be able to gain new information and build upon existing knowledge through exploration, collaboration with their classmates, genuine contact with nature and real experiences while having fun and forming a positive attitude towards nature.
- Published
- 2019
48. Povezovanje pouka jezika in književnosti v prvem letniku gimnazij
- Author
Rogl, Vesna and Vogel, Jerica
- Subjects
učni načrt ,language lessons ,interdisciplinary lesson ,učna enota z medpodročno povezavo ,jezikovni pouk ,pouk književnosti ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,textbooks ,gimnazija ,secondary school ,učbeniki ,interdisciplinary learning ,syllabus ,literature lessons - Abstract
V okviru magistrskega dela so bila zbrana teoretična spoznanja o medpredmetnem oz. medpodročnem povezovanju s poudarkom na povezovanju pouka jezika in književnosti pri predmetu Slovenščina v gimnazijah. Z vidika medpodročnih povezav so bili analizirani učni načrt za predmet Slovenščina v gimnazijah iz leta 2008 ter novejši učbeniki za jezik in književnost v prvem letniku gimnazij. Oblikovana je bila tudi učna priprava za učno enoto z medpodročnim povezovanjem pouka jezika in književnosti za 1. letnik gimnazij, ki je bila eksperimentalno izvedena v razredu. Ob koncu je bil izveden še kratek pisni preizkus znanja, s katerim se je preverjalo, v kolikšni meri so dijaki dosegli cilje medpodročne povezave. This thesis presents theoretical knowledge of interdisciplinary learning, with the emphasis on interconnecting language and literature lessons in Slovene courses in secondary schools. The current syllabus of Slovene courses in secondary schools, released in 2008, and the most recently published Slovene language and literature textbooks have been analysed in terms of interdisciplinary learning content. A lesson plan for an interdisciplinary approach to teach language and literature in the first grade of secondary school has been prepared, and carried out in a classroom. At the end of the lesson, students took a short written test of the knowledge, which aimed to evaluate the extent to which the student achieved the objectives of the interdisciplinary lesson.
- Published
- 2019
49. Geografsko - zgodovinska učna pot po Kraškem robu
- Author
Ruter, Luka and Trškan, Danijela
- Subjects
lokalno okolje ,Kraški rob ,educational trail ,učna pot ,cultural heritage ,local environment ,naravna dediščina ,kulturna dediščina ,pouk izven učilnice ,cross-curricular integration ,natural heritage ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,elementary school ,teaching outside the classroom ,history ,karst edge ,osnovna šola ,zgodovina - Abstract
Namen magistrskega dela je bil zasnovati primer pouka izven učilnice za predmet zgodovine. Izbrali smo učno pot, ki se osredotoča na lokalno zgodovino in spoznavanje lokalnega okolja. Trasa učne poti je postavljena na območje Kraškega roba in nižje ležeče Bržanije. Območje je s svojo naravno in kulturno dediščino predstavljeno v prvem delu naloge. Sledijo pedagoški poudarki, namenjeni učiteljem, ki pripravljajo pouk izven učilnice, ter predstavitev vrst pouka izven učilnice. Pred terenskim pregledom območja smo s pomočjo relevantnih učnih načrtov postavili cilje učne poti po Kraškem robu. Predstavljena je tudi terenska analiza pripravljene poti in pripravljeno gradivo. Naloge na poti so namenjene učencem tretje triade osnovne šole. Ostali obiskovalci območja lahko preko geografskega informacijskega sistema na trasi učne poti dostopajo do informacij o lokalni naravni in kulturni dediščini. Magistrsko delo predstavlja izvedbo pouka na učni poti in evalvacijo učne poti. Zadnje poglavje opisuje mnenje lokalnih skupnosti o učni poti in morebitne težave, na katere lahko naletimo pri postavitvi učne poti. Magistrsko delo poudarja pomen raziskovanja lokalne naravne in kulturne dediščine. The purpose of the master's thesis is to design an example of class outside the classroom for the subject of history. We have chosen an educational trail that focuses on local history and local environment. The route of the educational trail is set in the area of the Karst edge and the lower lying Bržanija. The area is presented with its natural and cultural heritage in the first part of the master's thesis, followed by pedagogical highlights intended for teachers who prepare classes outside the classroom, as well as presentation of types of classes outside the classroom. The objectives of the educational trail along the Karst edge were set up using relevant curricula prior to the field inspection of the area. The field analysis of the chosen path and study material is presented. The tasks on the way are intended for pupils of the third triad of elementary school. Other visitors to the area can access information on the local natural and cultural heritage through the geographic information system on the educational trail. The first class performed on the educational trail and the evaluation of the educational trail is also presented in the master's thesis. In the last chapter we present the opinion of local communities about the educational trail and possible problems that we may encounter when setting up the educational trail. The master's thesis emphasizes the importance of exploring the local natural and cultural heritage.
- Published
- 2019
50. Gozdna igralnica za slepe in slabovidne otroke
- Author
Hostnik, Jasna and Kermauner, Aksinja
- Subjects
didaktični in metodični pristopi za slepe in slabovidne ,didactic and methodological approaches for blind and partially-sighted children ,gozdna pedagogika ,active learning ,medpredmetno povezovanje ,forest pedagogy ,dejavno učenje ,udc:376:617.751.98(043.2) ,cross-curriculum lesson - Published
- 2019
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