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Portfolijo učenca kot pristop k medpredmetnemu povezovanju geografije in angleščine v gimnaziji
- Publication Year :
- 2021
- Sodobni šolski sistemi tako v svetu kot v Sloveniji močno poudarjajo naprednejše in inovativnejše učne pristope, ki naj bi jih učitelji poskušali v čim večji meri vključevati v svoj pouk. Mednje med drugim sodi tudi medpredmetno povezovanje, ki naj bi pripomoglo k celovitejšem, kompleksnejšem in trajnejšem znanju. Poleg tega naj bi učitelj pri svojem pouku uporabljal metode, ki spodbujajo avtonomijo učenca in njegovo samoiniciativnost, hkrati pa je priporočljivo krepiti tudi njegovo samokritičnost in sposobnost samoocenjevanja. Eden od pristopov, ki spodbujajo našteto, je tudi pristop portfolijo učenca, s katerim se v povezavi z medpredmetnim povezovanjem ukvarjamo v tem magistrskem delu. Glavni namen tega magistrskega dela je bil raziskati uporabo pristopa portfolijo učenca kot učne metode pri pouku geografije in angleščine v gimnaziji. V ta namen smo pripravili tudi konkreten vzorčni primer portfolija, pri katerem smo medpredmetno povezali omenjena šolska predmeta, nato pa smo z metodo intervjuja še poskušali pridobiti mnenje učiteljev o uporabnosti tega pristopa pri pouku obeh predmetov. Current national curricula around the world, including Slovenia, strongly promote more progressive and innovative learning approaches which teachers are supposed to incorporate in their teaching process as much as possible. One of these approaches is also cross-curricular integration which contributes to a more complex and long-lasting knowledge. Furthermore, teachers should include the methods that encourage students’ autonomy and their self-initiative, while strengthening their self-criticism and self-evaluation skills. Such approach is, for example, the student’s portfolio learning approach. In this thesis, the connection of both approaches is dealt with, the cross-curricular integration and the student’s portfolio approach. The overall aim of the thesis is to research the ways of use of the student’s portfolio as a learning approach in Geography and English in grammar school. For this purpose, a sample portfolio was prepared in which both school subjects were integrated. Afterwards, this portfolio was used for conducting interviews with teachers, where the emphasis was on their opinions about the use and usefulness of the student’s portfolio in Geography and English lessons.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......3505..c0ab6d6a14529ebd600e47de135f554f