1. Načela objektivnosti, kritičnosti in pluralnosti v javni šoli
- Author
Calligaro, Eva and Kovač Šebart, Mojca
- Subjects
vzgoja in vrednote v javni šoli ,indoktrinacija ,objektivnost ,kritičnost ,pluralnost ,objectivity ,education and values in public school ,criticality ,indoctrination ,plurality - Abstract
V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo problematiko zagotavljanja pravice staršev do vzgoje in izobraževanja svojih otrok skladno z njihovim verskim in filozofskim prepričanjem v javni šoli, kot izhaja iz določbe 2. člena Protokola številka 1 k Evropski konvenciji o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin (1954). Sprva smo opredelili pojem vzgoje in pri tem pokazali, da se javna šola ne more izogniti svoji vzgojni nalogi ter posredovanju vrednot. Pri tem lahko prihaja do nasprotja vrednot javne šole z vrednotami in prepričanji staršev, zato smo v nadaljevanju na temelju uradne interpretacije omenjene pravice staršev pokazali, kaj mora javna šola pri svojem vzgojno-izobraževalnem delu upoštevati, da ne bi prihajalo do kršitve te pravice. Ob tem smo utemeljevali, da mora vzgojno-izobraževalno delo v javni šoli temeljiti na odsotnosti indoktrinacije in s tem na spoštovanju načel objektivnosti, kritičnosti in pluralnosti. V povezavi s slednjim smo pokazali, da morajo pedagoški delavci oz. delavke javne šole dopuščati pluralnost partikularnega, pri čemer predstavlja mejo izražanja posameznikovih vrednot in prepričanj skupen okvir vrednot, ta pa izhaja iz formalnega okvira, ki objektivno določa delovanje javne šole. V zadnjem delu naloge nas je zanimalo, na katera vprašanja se v povezavi z vzgojno-izobraževalnim delom v javni šoli nanašajo pritožbe staršev na Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice, pri čemer smo podrobno predstavili dve pritožbi staršev. The master's thesis examines issues in the field of education in public school, which are related to ensuring the right of parents to educate and teach their children in conformity with their own religious and philosophical convictions, as derives from the provision of Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1954). Initially we defined the concept of education and shown that public school cannot avoid its task of the transmission of values, which is constitutive part of education. The values that pupils are facing with in public school may conflict with values and convictions of their parents, but as we want to show in the thesis, the subjective judgements of parents do not lead to conclusion, that their right has really been violated. Based on the official interpretation of the aforementioned right we have shown what are the key principles that public school must take into account in its educational work, so that this right will be respected. We argued that the right of parents safeguarded against indoctrination, not against acquiring knowledge. Thus, that means that educational work in public school must be based on respect for the principles of objectivity, criticality and plurality. In connection with the latter, we have shown that teachers must allow for the plurality of values and convictions, whereby the limit of the expression of individual values and convictions is always represented by a common framework of values that derives from the formal framework that objectively determines the functioning of the public school. Furthermore, we have shown which issues related to educational work in public school are addressed by parents' complaints to the European Court of Human Rights, and we also presented two of the parents' complaints in detail.
- Published
- 2022