56 results on '"kolesarjenje"'
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2. Zakaj uporabljamo avtomobil tudi na razdaljah, ki bi jih lahko enostavno prekolesarili ali prehodili?
- Author
- Abstract
Why do we use the car for distances that we could easily undertake by bike or on foot? The transport system in Slovenia has been developing unevenly for several decades – priority is given to providing appropriate conditions for car traffic, whilst insufficient development of other forms of transport. In the last period, integrated traffic planning has been gaining ground, with which we focus on society, the environment, the quality of life and public health, while satisfying the needs for movement. Despite efforts to pursue the goals of sustainable mobility, in Slovenia the primary choice of means of transport for everyday travel is still the car. We also use it for very short distances, which could easily be done actively by anyone – on foot, by bike, etc. The article presents the results of two researches with which we answer the questions of how we travel in Slovenia for short distances and why we travel as we travel. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
3. Ljubljana – kolesarjem prijazno mesto?
- Author
- Abstract
Ljubljana – a cycling friendly City? A view from the cycle infrastructure Cycling infrastructure is one of the key indicators of cities' cycle friendliness. While there are around 270 km of cycle paths and lanes in Ljubljana it is, when evaluating the cycling network, more crucial to what extent do they fulfil the main characterises of cycling infrastructure: connectivity, directness, safety, comfort and attractiveness. In terms of these characteristics it was found that connectivity, safety and comfort have the highest potential for improvement. In spite of the shortcomings, Ljubljana is considered to be relatively cycling friendly. Upgrading the cycling infrastructure remains very important in increasing cycling modal share and achieving sustainable mobility objectives in the city. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
4. Vadba z bremeni pri vzdržljivostnih športnikih.
- Author
Pleša, Jernej, Kuzmič, Blaž, and Podlogar, Tim
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
5. Učenje kolesarjenja v predšolskem obdobju.
- Author
Videmšek, Mateja, Meško, Maja, and Videmšek, Tasja
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
6. Zasnova kolesarskih poti na območju severnega dela pokrajine Kraškega roba
- Author
Vučko, Maja and Hočevar, Primož
- Subjects
Kraški rob ,diplomske naloge ,kolesarske destinacije ,kolesarska počivališča ,kolesarjenje ,udc:711.3:625.711.4(497.472)(043.2) ,urbanizem ,kolesarske poti - Abstract
Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z zasnovo kolesarskih poti na območju severnega dela pokrajine Kraškega roba. Obravnavano območje pod kraškim robom na Primorskem je pestro s kolesarskimi potmi, ki potekajo tudi skozi vasi Socerb, Osp, Črni Kal in Kastelec. Predlagana zasnova kolesarskih poti ureja že obstoječe odseke poti in jih povezuje v celoto skupaj z novimi poteki poti, na katere se priključujejo spremljevalni programi, ki dopolnjujejo že obstoječo cestno in kolesarsko infrastrukturo. Kolesarske poti so zasnovane tako, da odgovarjajo potrebam različnih tipov kolesarjev, temu primerno so prilagojene izhodiščne točke poti in tipi počivališč. Prvi del naloge se ukvarja s pregledom tipov kolesarjev, zakonodajnim okvirom in z razvojem kolesarskega turizma. Predstavljen je pomen in predviden razvoj kolesarske destinacije na obravnavanem območju. V nadaljevanju je prikazan analitični del, ki je služil kot podlaga za izdelavo sinteze. Sinteza analiz je bila uporabljena kot usmeritev pri snovanju kolesarskih poti in programskih vsebin. V drugem delu je predstavljena zasnova kolesarskih poti, ki so namenjene različnim tipom kolesarjev, vodijo po trasah iz različnih tipov podlag in se med seboj razlikujejo po težavnosti in dolžini. Na koncu so prikazane urbanistične ureditve kolesarskih počivališč, ki so strateško umeščena in nudijo različne vsebine.
- Published
- 2022
7. Spremljanje biomehanike kolenskega sklepa pri kolesarjenju z uporabo nosljivih senzorjev
- Author
OBRADOVIĆ, SAŠA and Stančin, Sara
- Subjects
Sensor fusion ,Muscle contraction sensor ,inercijski merilni senzorji ,Cycling ,kolenski kot ,Kalmanov filter ,Inertial measurement units ,senzor kontrakcije mišic ,komplementarni filter ,kolesarjenje ,Kalman filter ,združevanje senzorjev ,Knee joint angle ,Complementary filter - Abstract
Diplomsko delo predstavlja preprosto metodo za določanje kolenskega kota med kolesarjenjem s pomočjo inercijskih merilnih senzorjev in njegovo primerjavo glede na aktivacijo površinskih skeletnih mišic, merjeno s pomočjo senzorjev za kontrakcijo mišic. Skupaj s predstavljeno metodo sta uporabljeni dve metodi združevanja senzorjev, in sicer komplementarni in linearni Kalmanov filter, zasnovan na stanju pogreška. Meritve kolenskega kota so bile ustrezno evalvirane s pomočjo optičnega sistema. Kvadratni koren srednje kvadratne vrednosti pogreška pri vseh treh metodah je pri krajših meritvah do 5 minut pod 4,5°. Kalmanov filter se je tudi izkazal kot najbolj stabilna metoda za določanje kolenskega kota, s standardno deviacijo pod vrednostjo 1°. Ko so se Kalmanove uteži konvergirale, lezenje merilnih rezultatov ni več bilo prisotno in je kvadratni koren srednje kvadratne vrednosti pogreška pri vseh meritvah ostal pod 4,5°, medtem ko je bilo pri uporabi komplementarnega filtra in osnovnih meritvah, lezenje vedno prisotno. Odzivi kontrakcij mišic glede na kolenski kot so pokazali podobne oblike, kot so elektromiogramski odzivi, vendar s prisotnimi artefakti, ki so posledica raztega kože in vpliva težnosti na premik mišice. Predstavljeni rezultati kažejo, da je metoda učinkovita v zaprtem laboratorijskem okolju in bi se lahko uporabila pri rehabilitacijah in tudi za izboljšanje kolesarske tehnike. Uporaba predstavljene metode bi v primerjavi z optičnim sistemom in elektromiogramom omogočila razvoj in izdelavo cenejše, prenosljive in računsko učinkovitejše opreme za spremljanje gibanja med kolesarjenjem tudi na odprtem. The Bachelor thesis presents a simple method for determining the knee joint angle during cycling using inertial sensors, and its comparison to surface skeletal muscle activation with muscle contraction sensors. To accompany the presented method, two sensor fusion methods are used: a simple complementary filter and an error-state Kalman filter. Evaluation is achieved using an optical motion tracking system. For all three methods for a short measurement of up to 5 minutes the root mean square error is below 4,5°. Results from the Kalman filter proved to be the most stable, with a standard deviation under 1°. As such there was no measurement drift present in the Kalman filter measurements after the Kalman weights have converged and the root mean square error for all the conducted measurements stayed below 4,5°, in contrast to the basic and complementary filter measurements where a certain drift was always present. Measurements of surface skeletal muscle activation with respect to the calculated knee joint angle indicate similar responses in comparison to an electromyogram, with certain artefacts present, caused by skin contraction and the effect of the Earth’s gravitational force on the muscles themselves. The presented results indicate that the method is efficient in a laboratory environment and could be used for monitoring a cyclist’s position and in turn improving a cyclist’s technique and position and preventing certain injuries. Adopting the method presented, as opposed to optical motion capture systems, cheaper and more efficient solutions could be developed.
- Published
- 2022
8. Učinki ogljikohidratnega napitka z dodatkom mentola na fiziološke odzive med kolesarjenjem
- Author
Bolčič, Tina and Debevec, Tadej
- Subjects
cycling ,kolesarjenje ,menthol ,ergogeno sredstvo ,athletic performance ,ergogenic aid ,športna zmogljivost ,mentol - Abstract
Mentol je organska spojina, ki v primeru topične ali peroralne uporabe sproži hladilni občutek in lahko pomembno vpliva na izbrane subjektivne občutke – raven zaznanega napora, raven zaznanega toplotnega udobja in raven zaznane temperature ter posledično športno zmogljivost, zlasti v vročem in vlažnem okolju. Večina dosedanjih raziskav kaže v smer, da v nasprotju s topično uporabo mentola, peroralna uporaba mentola rezultira v (naj)večjem pozitivnem učinku na športno zmogljivost. Na podlagi navedenega je bil glavni namen pričujočega magistrskega dela ugotoviti učinke zaužitja ogljikohidratnega napitka z dodatkom mentola na zmogljivost kolesarjenja med kolesarjenjem na kolesarskem trenažerju, subjektivne občutke, srčno-dihalne in termo-regulacijske odzive. V okviru pričujočega magistrskega dela je 12 odraslih rekreativnih, zdravih kolesarjev moškega spola (starost 28,8 ± 4,5 let telesna višina 180,8 ± 6,0 cm telesna masa 78,6 ± 10,2 kg in največji privzem kisika 57,2 ± 6,3 ml/kg/min) trikrat obiskalo laboratorij. Prvič so opravili osnovno vadbeno testiranje za določitev vadbenih obremenitev, ventilatornih pragov (VT) in točke respiratorne kompenzacije (RCP). Med drugim in tretjim obiskom pa so opravili dve eksperimentalni testiranji, ki sta bili sestavljeni iz enournega kolesarjenja pri intenzivnosti 90 % VT1, kateremu je takoj sledilo kolesarjenje do izčrpanosti pri intenzivnosti 105 % RCP. Tekom enournega kolesarjenja pri intenzivnosti 90 % VT1 so randomizirano in dvojno zaslepljeno enkrat uživali ogljikohidratni napitek z dodatkom mentola, enkrat pa ogljikohidratni napitek brez dodatka mentola (placebo). Analiza pridobljenih podatkov je pokazala, da uživanje ogljikohidratnega napitka z dodatkom mentola v primerjavi z uživanjem placeba ni podaljšalo časa do utrujenosti ter ni vplivalo na spremljane subjektivne občutke, srčno-dihalne in termo-regulacijske odzive telesa na napor. Edina statistično značilna razlika (p < 0,05) med obema pogojema se je pojavila v okviru vprašalnika o napitkih, in sicer preiskovanci so se po zaužitju ogljikohidratnega napitka z dodatkom mentola počutili hladneje kot po zaužitju placeba. Rezultati pričujočega magistrskega dela kažejo na to, da uživanje ogljikohidratnega napitka z dodatkom mentola nima pomembnega vpliva na raven zaznanega napora, raven zaznanega toplotnega udobja in raven zaznane temperature ter ne podaljša časa do utrujenosti oziroma izboljša športne zmogljivosti odraslih rekreativnih, zdravih kolesarjev moškega spola. Menthol is an organic compound that, in the case of topical or oral use, elicit a cooling sensation that appears to have a significant effect on selected subjective sensations – rate of perceived exertion, thermal comfort and thermal sensation, and consequently athletic performance, especially in a humid and hot environment. Majority of up-to-date research suggest, that, unlike the topical use of menthol, oral use of menthol results in greatest beneficial effect on athletic performance. Accordingly, the main purpose of present master thesis was to assess the effects of the consumption of a carbohydrate drink with the addition of menthol while cycling on cycling trainer on cycling performance, subjective sensations, cardio-respiratory and thermo-regulatory responses. In the present study, 12 adult recreational, healthy male cyclists (age 28,8 ± 4,5 years height 180,8 ± 6,0 cm weight 78,6 ± 10,2 kg and maximum oxygen uptake 57.2 ± 6.3 ml/kg/min) underwent three experimental sessions. At the first visit, they performed basic exercise testing to determine exercise loads, ventilatory thresholds (VT) and respiratory compensation point (RCP). Between the second and the third visit, they performed two experimental tests, which consisted of one hour of cycling at 90% VT1, immediately followed by cycling to exhaustion at 105% RCP. During one hour of cycling at 90% VT1 they randomized and double-blinded once consumed a carbohydrate drink with the addition of menthol, and once a carbohydrate drink without the addition of menthol (placebo). The obtained data showed that the consumption of a carbohydrate drink with the addition of menthol, compared with consumption of placebo did not extend the time to volitional exhaustion, and did not affect the monitored subjective sensations, cardio-respiratory and thermo-regulatory responses of the body to exertion. The only statistically significant difference (p < 0,05) between the conditions occurred in the beverage questionnaire, namely that subjects felt colder after consuming a carbohydrate drink with the addition of menthol than after consuming placebo. The present study suggests that the consumption of a carbohydrate drink with the addition of menthol does not affect the rate of perceived exertion, thermal comfort and thermal sensation, as well as does not extend the time to volitional exhaustion or improve athletic performance of adult recreational, healthy male cyclist.
- Published
- 2022
9. Brain Dynamics Underlying Preserved Cycling Ability in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease and Freezing of Gait
- Author
Licen, Teja, Rakusa, Martin, Bohnen, Nicolaas I., Manganotti, Paolo, and Marusic, Uros
- Subjects
cycling ,Parkinsonova bolezen ,udc:616.858:796.01 ,beta območje ,Parkinson's disease ,zamrznitev hoje ,kolesarjenje ,beta band ,Kortikalne oscilacije ,gait ,cortical oscillations ,General Psychology ,freezing of gait - Abstract
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is generally associated with abnormally increased beta band oscillations in the cortico-basal ganglia loop during walking. PD patients with freezing of gait (FOG) exhibit a more distinct, prolonged narrow band of beta oscillations that are locked to the initiation of movement at ∼18 Hz. Upon initiation of cycling movements, this oscillation has been reported to be weaker and rather brief in duration. Due to the suppression of the overall beta band power during cycling and its continuous nature of the movement, cycling is considered to be less demanding for cortical networks compared to walking, including reduced need for sensorimotor processing, and thus unimpaired continuous cycling motion. Furthermore, cycling has been considered one of the most efficient non-pharmacological therapies with an influence on the subthalamic nucleus (STN) beta rhythms implicative of the deep brain stimulation effects. In the current review, we provide an overview of the currently available studies and discuss the underlying mechanism of preserved cycling ability in relation to the FOG in PD patients. The mechanisms are presented in detail using a graphical scheme comparing cortical oscillations during walking and cycling in PD.
- Published
- 2022
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10. Gorsko kolesarjenje v naravnem okolju v Sloveniji.
- Author
ZAJC, Peter, GOLOBIČ, Mojca, and BONČINA, Andrej
- Abstract
Copyright of Gozdarski Vestnik is the property of Federation of Forestry Associations of Slovenia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
11. Vpliv različic kolesarjenja med sedečim delom na telesno držo in delovno učinkovitost
- Author
Poglajen, Saša and Šarabon, Nejc
- Subjects
cycling ,delovna učinkovitost ,sedentary behaviour ,kolesarjenje ,telesna drža ,sedentarnost ,active workstations ,work performance ,aktivne pisarne ,posture - Abstract
Namen naloge je bil preveriti, kateri način sedenja omogoča najbolj optimalno telesno držo med izvajanjem kognitivnih nalog in poiskati primerno intenzivnost kolesarjenja, ki ne bo pomembno ovirala delovne učinkovitosti ter bo hkrati zagotavljala primerna fiziološka območja. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 17 zdravih preiskovancev, 7 moških in 10 žensk, starih od 18 do 30 let. METODE: Preiskovanci so na meritev prišli dvakrat v razmiku enega tedna. Na prvem obisku je vsak preiskovanec izvedel 4 intervencije kolesarjenja: (i) sedenje na navadnem pisarniškem stolu brez kolesarjenja (kontrolni pogoj), (ii) kolesarjenje na navadnem pisarniškem stolu, (iii) kolesarjenje na kolesu z običajnim sedalom in (iv) kolesarjenje na kolesu s sedlastim sedalom. Na drugem obisku so opravili 3 intervencije kolesarjenja: (i) kolesarjenje na kolesu z običajnim sedalom pri intenzivnosti 30 W, (ii) kolesarjenje na kolesu z običajnim sedalom pri intenzivnosti 60 W in (iii) kolesarjenje na kolesu z valjastim sedalom pri intenzivnosti 30 W. Intervencija ene različice kolesarjenja je trajala 19 minut. Med izvajanjem kolesarjenja smo z inercijskimi merilnimi enotami spremljali telesno držo preiskovanca in z računalniškimi nalogami (naloga z miško, pretipkavanje besedila in Stroop test) preverjali preiskovančevo delovno učinkovitost. REZULTATI: Naklon medenice nazaj se je izkazal za statistično značilnega in je bil največji pri kolesarskih različicah sedenja ter najmanjši pri pogoju pisarniški stol – kolesarjenje. Statistično značilna je bila razlika v kotih trup-stegno med omenjenimi pogoji. Pričakovano se je povečal srčni utrip pri višji intenzivnosti kolesarjenja. Statistične razlike v delovni učinkovitosti med pogojema 30 W in 60 W nismo potrdili. SKLEP: Iz dobljenih rezultatov lahko zaključimo, da je z vidika geometrije telesa najbolj optimalno sedalo pogoj pisarniški stol – kolesarjenje in da ima vključitev aktivnih pisarn v pisarniška delovna mesta majhen oziroma ničen vpliv na delovno učinkovitost ne glede na stopnjo intenzivnosti 30 W ali 60 W. The purpose of the study was to check which way of sitting allows the most optimal posture during the performance of cognitive tasks and to find appropriate intensity of cycling which will not significantly affect the work efficieny and at the same time provide suitable physiological areas. The study included 17 healthy subjects, 7 men and 10 women, aged 18 to 30 years. METHODS: Subjects came to the measurment twice at one week interval. On the first visit each subject performed 4 cycling interventions: (i) sitting on an ordinary office chair (control condition), (ii) cycling on an ordinary office chair, (iii) cycling on a bicycle with normal seat and (iv) cycling on a bicycle with a saddle seat. On the second visit, 3 interventions were performed: (i) cycling on a bicycle with normal seat at 30 W, (ii) cycling on a bicycle with a normal seat at an intensity of 60 W and (iii) cycling on a bicycle with a cylindrical seat at an intensity of 30 W. The intervention of one version of cycling lasted 19 minutes. During the cycling, we monitored the subject`s posture with inertial measuring units and checked the subject`s work efficiency with computer tasks (mouse task, typing test and Stroop test). RESULTS: The pelvic tilt of the pelvis proved to be statistically significant and was the largest in the cycling versions of sitting and the smallest in the office chair – cycling condition. The difference in torso-thigh angles between the mentioned conditions was statistically significant. As expected, the heart rate increased with higher cycling intensity. Statistical differences in operating efficiency between the 30 W and 60 W conditions were not confirmed. CONCLUSION: From the obtained results we can conclude that the most optimal seat from the body geometry point of view is the office chair – cycling and that the inclusion of active workstations in office jobs has a small or no impact on a work performance regardless of intensity level 30 W or 60 W.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Istenič, Saša Poljak
- Abstract
Copyright of Glasnik Slovenskega Etnološkega Društva is the property of Slovene Ethnological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
13. S kolesom prek meja
- Author
Jože Kos
- Subjects
Gradec ,kolesarjenje ,Maribor ,prometno načrtovanje ,trajnostni razvoj ,Velo-City konferenca ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Prispevek opisuje namen in vsebino mednarodne Velo-City konference 1999 Gradec-Maribor ter organizacijsko izvedbo tega kolesarskega razvojno načrtovalskega srečanja. Osredotoča se zlasti na resolucijo konference o kolesarskoprometni politiki, na nastajajoče omrežje evropskih kolesarskih povezav in na prometno načrtovalsko delavnico o problematičnem trgu v Mariboru. Opisuje vsebinske sklope strokovnih prispevkov na srečanju in obkonferenčno dogajanje. V zaključku navaja nekaj koristnih naslovov za pridobitev dodatnih informacij zlasti o trajnostnem prometnem načrtovanju.
- Published
- 1999
14. Reliability and validity of the core sensor to assess core body temperature during cycling exercise
- Author
Urša Ciuha, Hans-Christer Holmberg, Nina Verdel, Tadej Debevec, Matej Supej, and Tim Podlogar
- Subjects
Male ,validity ,cycling ,Hot Temperature ,Validity ,neinvazivnost ,Rectal temperature ,Biochemistry ,Body Temperature ,Analytical Chemistry ,0302 clinical medicine ,merjenje temperature ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Instrumentation ,Reliability (statistics) ,Sport and Fitness Sciences ,udc:796.61.071.2 ,Core (anatomy) ,Core body temperature ,Non‐invasive ,Idrottsvetenskap ,Cycling ,non-invasiveness ,Reliability ,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics ,kolesarjenje ,Heat load ,Validation study ,Materials science ,zanesljivost ,Heat Stroke ,non-invasive ,Context (language use) ,TP1-1185 ,Article ,rectal temperature ,kolesarstvo ,03 medical and health sciences ,rektalna temperatura ,športniki ,senzor CORE ,Humans ,Relative humidity ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Exercise ,Simulation ,core body temperature ,reliability ,Chemical technology ,telesna temperatura jedra ,Reproducibility of Results ,030229 sport sciences ,veljavnost ,CORE sensor - Abstract
Monitoring core body temperature (Tc) during training and competitions, especially in a hot environment, can help enhance an athlete’s performance, as well as lower the risk for heat stroke. Accordingly, a noninvasive sensor that allows reliable monitoring of Tc would be highly beneficial in this context. One such novel non-invasive sensor was recently introduced onto the market (CORE, greenTEG, Rümlang, Switzerland), but, to our knowledge, a validation study of this device has not yet been reported. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the CORE sensor. In Study I, 12 males were subjected to a low-to-moderate heat load by performing, on two separate occasions several days apart, two identical 60-min bouts of steady-state cycling in the laboratory at 19 °C and 30% relative humidity. In Study II, 13 males were subjected to moderate-to-high heat load by performing 90 min of cycling in the laboratory at 31 °C and 39% relative humidity. In both cases the core body temperatures indicated by the CORE sensor were compared to the corresponding values obtained using a rectal sensor (Trec). The first major finding was that the reliability of the CORE sensor is acceptable, since the mean bias between the two identical trials of exercise (0.02 °C) was not statistically significant. However, under both levels of heat load, the body temperature indicated by the CORE sensor did not agree well with Trec, with approximately 50% of all paired measurements differing by more than the predefined threshold for validity of ≤0.3 °C. In conclusion, the results obtained do not support the manufacturer’s claim that the CORE sensor provides a valid measure of core body temperature.
- Published
- 2021
15. Kolesarjenje v obdobju dojenčka, malčka in zgodnjega otroštva.
- Author
Videmšek, Mateja, Meško, Maja, and Videmšek, Tasja
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
SMOLKA, Ondřej and KUMSTÁT, Michal
- Subjects
Copyright of Annales Kinesiologiae is the property of Annales Kinesiologiae and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Strojnik, Vojko and Jereb, Blaž
- Subjects
ANALYSIS of variance ,CYCLING ,ELECTRIC stimulation ,JUMPING ,LACTATES ,MUSCLE contraction ,STATISTICS ,STUDENTS ,TORQUE ,DATA analysis ,PRE-tests & post-tests ,REPEATED measures design ,ERGOMETRY ,DATA analysis software ,DESCRIPTIVE statistics ,MUSCLE fatigue - Abstract
Copyright of Kinesiologia Slovenica is the property of Faculty of Sport and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
18. Analiza in načrt ureditve nemotoriziranega prometa v Kobaridu
- Author
Kurinčič, Monika and Ogrin, Matej
- Subjects
cycling ,pešci ,turizem ,Kobarid ,turism ,sustainable mobility ,kolesarjenje ,pedestrians ,trajnostna mobilnost - Abstract
Z zaključno seminarsko nalogo smo želeli preučiti stanje cestne infrastrukture za pešce in kolesarje v Kobaridu in bližnji okolici. Prikazali smo območja kjer je promet najbolj zgoščen in tako predstavlja šibko točko v pretočnosti omrežja. Največ podatkov smo zbrali s terenskim delom in prepoznavanjem območja, pa tudi z intervjuji in anketami med občani. V veliko pomoč pri predlaganju vzpostavitve varnejše infrastrukture pa je bila literatura iz različnih držav Evropske unije. Ugotovili smo, da so razmere za nemotoriziran promet v Kobaridu zelo neugodne, saj primanjkuje prostora za širitev oziroma volje za spremembo prometnih režimov. With the final seminar paper we wanted to study the condition of the road infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclers in Kobarid and in the nearby area. We represented the areas where traffic was congested and thus represents a weak point in traffic network. We collected the most data through field work in identifying areas, as well as through interviews and surveys among citizens. Literature from different EU member states has been a helpful tool in the implementation of different infrastructual possibilities to be used in Kobarid area. We found out that the conditions for non-motorized traffic in Kobarid are very undernourished, there is a lack the space to expand and lack of will to change traffic regimes among the people.
- Published
- 2020
19. Učenje vožnje s kolesom za otroke.
- Author
Kodrin, Matej and Videmšek, Mateja
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2013
- Author
Fonda, Borut and Šarabon, Nejc
- Abstract
Copyright of Revija Šport is the property of Sport: Revija Za Teoreticna in Praticna Vprasanja Sporta and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
21. Development of cycling tourism in the koroška region
- Author
Gnamuš, Eva and Lebe, Sonja Sibila
- Subjects
razvoj ,Koroška ,cycling ,turizem ,region ,udc:338.48 ,infrastruktura ,tourism ,kolesarjenje ,regija ,infrastructure ,development - Abstract
V zadnjih letih je porast kolesarstva vse bolj opazen. Ljudje se čedalje bolj zavedajo pomena zdravega življenja ter ohranjanja zdravega življenjskega okolja. Tudi na Koroškem se je zaradi večje ozaveščenosti ljudi začel razvijati kolesarski turizem. Ta za Koroško regijo predstavlja veliko razvojnih možnosti v smislu turistične kakor tudi gospodarske destinacije. Zaradi svoje geografske lege in reliefnih značilnosti ima Koroška regija ogromno možnosti za razvoj kolesarskega turizma, ki pa še zdaleč niso izkoriščene. Podeželske destinacije so zelo zanimive za kolesarski turizem, ta pa se je na Koroškem začel razvijati zelo pozno in zelo počasi. Da bi regija privabila večje število turistov, bi bilo potrebno ustrezno razviti kolesarsko mrežo in izpopolniti ponudbo, namenjeno kolesarjem. Vzporedno temu je nujno zadostno sodelovanje med turističnimi ponudniki in državo. Velik problem Koroške regije se izraža v slabi medsebojni povezanosti občin. Prav tako tukaj ne gre spregledati dobrega oglaševanja in promocije s strani vseh, neposrednih in posrednih dejavnikov v razvoju kolesarskega turizma. Razvoj kolesarskega turizma lahko na Koroško prinese veliko priložnosti, a ostaja vprašanje, koliko so za to pripravljeni storiti ponudniki turističnih storitev. In the past years, cycling has become an increasing trend. People are more and more aware of the meaning of healthy life and preservation of healthy living environment. In Koroška region, cycling tourism has also started to develop due to a greater awareness among the local people. This alone represents great development opportunities for the region in terms of tourist as well as economic destination. For its geographic position and its relief features, the Koroška region has numerous cycling tourism development opportunities that remain far unexploited. Rural destinations are very interesting for cycling tourism, and started to develop very late and very slow in the region of Koroška. In order to attract more tourists to the region, it is necessary to develop the cycling infrastructure network properly, and to bring to perfection the offer for the cyclists. In addition, sufficient involvement of tourism providers and the state is required. The great problem of Koroška region lies in the poor mutual integration of municipalities. Moreover, it is important to have good advertising and promotion of the product by all directly and indirectly involved in the development of the cycling tourism. The development of cycling tourism can bring many opportunities for Koroška, but the question remains how much tourism service providers are willing to do.
- Published
- 2019
22. Vpliv sestave obroka na oksidativni metabolizem pri mladih, zdravih posameznikih
- Author
Zupančič, Žan and Golja, Petra
- Subjects
cycling ,respiratory quotient ,sestava obroka ,physical activity ,respiratorni količnik ,prehranska manipulacija ,intenzivnost vadbe ,meal composition ,nutrition ,nutrition manipulation ,exercise intensity ,prehrana ,oksidativni metabolizem ,mirovanje ,oxidative metabolism ,telesna dejavnost ,kolesarjenje ,presnova ,rest ,udc:613.2+612.3:577.1:796.61 - Abstract
Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti vpliv zaužitja izokaloričnega visoko maščobnega obroka (VM) (64 % maščoba (M), 19 % ogljikovi hidrati (OH), 17 % beljakovine (B)) oz. obroka bogatega z ogljikovimi hidrati (VOH) (18 % M, 64 % OH, 18 % B) na oksidativni metabolizem v mirovanju in med kolesarjenjem. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 10 zdravih mladih moških, ki so v laboratoriju opravili dve obremenitveni testiranji. Dve uri po zaužitju bodisi VOH ali VM zajtrka smo začeli z merjenjem oksidativnega metabolizma v mirovanju v ležečem položaju v obdobju 30 minut. Šest minut po zaključenem mirovanju smo oksidativni metabolizem začeli meriti med kolesarjenjem, med katerim smo obremenitev povečevali vsaki 2 minuti za 0,5 kiloponda (kp) oz. 27 Watt (W). Tako v času mirovanja, kot med kolesarjenjem med pogojema ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik v respiratornem količniku (RQ) (p = 0,484 in p = 0,106). Značilna razlika se je pokazala v najnižjem respiratornem količniku (RQ) med kolesarjenjem (VM 0,79±0,07 vs. VOH 0,85±0,10 p=0,026), ni pa bilo moč dokazati razlike med pogojema v obremenitvi, pri kateri smo izmerili najnižji RQ (p=0,18). V srčni frekvenci in oceni na Borgovi skali za mišični nivo med pogojema ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik (p = 0,539 in p = 0,237), moč pa je bilo opaziti trend k nižjim ocenam na Borgovi skali za respiratorni nivo v VOH pogoju (p=0,092). Pri primerjavi rezultatov oksidacije ogljikovih hidratov in maščobe nismo opazili statistično značilnih razlik med pogojema (p = 0,118 in p = 0,141). Prav tako ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik med pogojema v najvišji hitrosti oksidacije maščobe (Fatmax točki) (p = 0,442). Zaključimo lahko, da prehranska intervencija z VM in VOH vpliva na najnižji RQ med kolesarjenjem, nismo pa uspeli potrditi vpliva prehranske intervencije na RQ v mirovanju in na hitrost oksidacije maščobe. The purpose of this study was to assess influence of two isocaloric meals, the first one rich in fat (HF) (64 % fat (F), 19 % carbohydrates (CH), 17 % protein (P)), and the second rich in carbohydrates (HC) (18 % F, 64 % CH, 18 % P), on oxidative metabolism during rest and cycling. Ten healthy young male volunteers participated in two exercise tests. Two hours after the ingestion of either HF or HC breakfast oxidative metabolism was measured over a period of 30 minutes in resting supine position. Six minutes after the completion of rest, oxidative metabolism was measured during cycle ergometery, during which resistance was increased every 2 minutes for 0.5 kiloponds (kp) i.e. 27 Watt (W). We did not find any statistically significant differences in respiratory quotient (RQ), both in rest and during cycling, between HF and HC meal (p = 0.484 and p = 0.106). The lowest RQ during cycling in HC meal was significantly higher compared to HF meal (HC 0.85±0.10 vs. HF 0.79±0.07 p = 0.026), but we did not find any significant differences between the two conditions in the workload at the lowest RQ (p = 0.18). Heart rate and ratings of perceived exertion on a muscular level did not differ between the two conditions (p = 0,539 in p = 0,237), but a trend (p = 0,092) towards lower Borg ratings was observed for the respiratory level in the HC condition. No differences in highest fat oxidation velocity (Fatmax point) were observed between the two conditions (p = 0,442). In conclusion, the nutritional intervention with HF or HC meal influences the lowest RQ during cycling, but it does not influence the workload at the lowest RQ, nor the fat oxidation velocity.
- Published
- 2019
23. Poskus uporabe sistema navideznega interaktivnega kolesarjenja kot podpore v procesu načrtovanja kolesarskih poti
- Author
Dobnikar, Janez, Krevs, Marko, and Cigale, Dejan
- Subjects
cycling ,bolonjska magistrska dela ,udc:796.6:711 ,prostorsko planiranje ,kolesarjenje ,spatial planning ,geografske diplome ,magistrska dela - Published
- 2018
24. Road sharing with cyclists
- Author
Grdinič, Špela and Topolšek, Darja
- Subjects
cycling ,sharing the carriageway ,občina Zagorje ob Savi ,sharrow ,kolesarjenje ,souporaba vozišča ,safety of riders ,municipality of Zagorje ob Savi ,varnost kolesarjev - Abstract
Magistrsko delo z naslovom Souporaba vozišča za kolesarje je predstavitev bistvenih izhodišč na področju ureditve kolesarskih povezav v Republiki Sloveniji, natančneje v občini Zagorje ob Savi. Osrednji namen magistrskega dela je bil preučiti ureditev kolesarskih povezav v Republiki Sloveniji. V magistrskem delu smo definirali in preučili souporabo voznega pasu oziroma t. i. ukrep »sharrow« za kolesarje. Analizirali smo slovensko zakonodajo, pravilnike o signalizaciji, podatke o kolesarjih v prometu ter njihovi ogroženosti, obstoječe »sharrow« ukrepe za kolesarje v Republiki Sloveniji ter preučili njihov vpliv na promet. Nato smo podrobneje preučili ceste v občini Zagorje ob Savi ter na podlagi vseh zbranih podatkov naredili načrt, kje v občini bi bilo smiselno urediti souporabo voznega pasu za kolesarje ter kako bi to vplivalo na promet v omenjeni občini, kakšna bi bila stopnja ogroženosti kolesarjev ter kako bi bili z novo ureditvijo zadovoljni občani. Souporaba voznega pasu oziroma »sharrow« je sistem vodenja kolesarjev in motornega prometa skupaj na vozišču, pri čemer so kolesarji enakovredni motornemu prometu. Takšni odseki in površine so posebej označene s talnimi označbami (piktogrami) in prometnimi znaki. V magistrskem delu smo analizirali varnost kolesarjev pri souporabi voznega pasu in ugotovili, da je ukrep »sharrow« bolj varen za ranljivejše udeležence v prometu kot ukrep »kolesarji na vozišču«. Po analizi cest v občini Zagorje ob Savi smo podali predloge za uvedbo ukrepa »sharrow« na kritičnih točkah za kolesarje. Uvedba souporabe voznega pasu v občini Zagorje ob Savi po naših ugotovitvah ni ovirana s strani prebivalcev, pač pa s strani zakonodaje, ki je v glavnem pomanjkljiva. The master thesis entitled "Road sharing with cyclists" is a presentation of the essential starting points in the field of arranging bicycle connections in the Republic of Slovenia, more specifically to the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi. The main purpose of the master's thesis was to examine the arrangement of bicycle connections in the Republic of Slovenia. The task defined and studied the lane sharing initiative called "sharrow" for cyclists. We analyzed Slovenian legislation, signing regulations, data on cyclists in transport and their threats and existing "sharrow" measures for cyclists in the Republic of Slovenia, and examined their impact on traffic. Afterwards, we examined the roads in the Zagorje ob Savi municipality and on the basis of all the collected data we made a plan wherein the municipality it would make sense to regulate the sharing of the lane for cyclists and how this would affect the traffic in the municipality, the level of threat to the cyclists, and how they were satisfied with the new arrangement. Lane sharing or "sharrow" is a system of guiding cyclists and motor traffic together on the road, with cyclists equating motor traffic. Such sections and areas are specifically marked with floor markings (pictograms) and traffic signs. Throughout the task, we analyzed the safety of cyclists in lane sharing and found that the "sharrow" measure is more secure for vulnerable road users than the "cyclist on the road" measure. Following the analysis of roads in the Zagorje ob Savi municipality, we made suggestions for the introduction of a "sharrow" measure at critical points for cyclists. The introduction of lanes sharing in the Zagorje ob Savi municipality is not hampered by the findings of the population, but by legislation that is largely inefficient.
- Published
- 2018
25. Kolesarstvo kot element turistične ponudbe v občinah Dobrova - Polhov Gradec in Horjul
- Author
Oblak, Urška and Cigale, Dejan
- Subjects
izletniški turizem ,cycling ,excursion tourism ,turistična ponudba ,Polhograjsko hribovje ,kolesarjenje ,Slovenija ,udc:338.487:796.6(497.451) ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,geografske diplome ,tourism supply - Published
- 2018
26. Biomechanical characteristics of uphill cycling
- Author
Fonda, Borut and Šarabon, Nejc
- Subjects
energetics ,cycling ,muscle activity ,udc:796.61:612(043.2) ,biomehanika ,kolesarjenje ,energetika ,mišična aktivnost ,biomechanics - Published
- 2017
27. Predlog turističnih kolesarskih poti v občini Cerknica
- Author
Lužar, Urša and Cigale, Dejan
- Subjects
turistična geografija ,udc:338.48:796.6(497.471) ,cycling ,Slovenia ,Cerknica ,sonaravni turizem ,geografske diplome ,diplomska dela ,razvoj turizma ,turistična ponudba ,geography of tourism ,kolesarjenje ,tourism development ,Slovenija ,sustainable tourism ,tourism supply - Published
- 2017
28. Vpliv plavanja, kolesarjenja in teka na končno uvrstitev v kratkem in dolgem triatlonu
- Author
Kirn, Primož and Čoh, Milan
- Subjects
cycling ,tek ,running ,regresija ,kolesarjenje ,regression ,plavanje ,triathlon ,swimming ,triatlon - Abstract
Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, katera izmed disciplin (plavanje, kolesarjenje, tek) ima največji vpliv na končno uvrstitev v določeni razdalji triatlona. Zanimalo nas je tudi ali obstaja razlika v doseţenem času glede na spol in starost tekmovalcev v kratkih in dolgih triatlonih. Vzorec preizkušancev je sestavljalo 1378 profesionalnih triatloncev, od tega 689 moških in 689 ţensk, ki so se na posamezni tekmi uvrstili med najboljših 20 moških in ţensk. Uporabljeni so bili njihovi rezultati iz tekem v kratkem (sprint in olimpik razdalja) in dolgem (Ironman 70.3 in Ironman razdalja) triatlonu. Pri prvih dveh hipotezah, pri katerih smo ugotavljali ali imata spol in starost vpliv na doseţene rezultate smo ugotovili, da med spoloma obstaja razlika v doseţenem skupnem času v vseh triatlonskih razdaljah ter razlika v času v vseh posameznih disciplinah. Prav tako smo dokazali, da so ţenske v povprečju v vseh razdaljah triatlona starejše kot moški ter da je povprečna starost tekmovalcev in tekmovalk na dolgem triatlonu kar za pet let večja kot na kratkem triatlonu. V zadnjih dveh hipotezah pa smo ugotavljali vpliv treh spremenljivk (čas plavanja, čas kolesarjenja, čas teka) na končno uvrstitev v triatlonu, pri čemer je bila uporabljena regresijska analiza. Ugotovili smo, da imata na dolgem triatlonu največji vpliv na končno uvrstitev čas teka in čas kolesarjenja, na kratkem triatlonu pa na končno uvrstitev v največji meri vpliva čas teka. The purpose of the master thesis was to determine which discipline (swimming, cycling, running) has the greatest impact on the final ranking for a certain distance of triathlon. We were also interested whether there is a difference in total time depending on the age and sex of the competitors in the short and long distance triathlon. The sample consisted of 1378 professional triathletes, including 689 men and 689 women who were single race ranked among the top 20 men and women. We used their results from short (Sprint and Olympic distance) and long (Ironman 70.3 and Ironman distance) distance triathlons. In order to check the first two hypotheses (gender and age have influence on the achieved results), we calculated the arithmetic mean and get the average, on the basis of which we compared the groups with each other (male and female). We found that gender difference exists in total time in all triathlon distances as well as in all the individual disciplines. We have also shown that women are, on average, in all triathlon distances older than men and that the average age of competitors in the long distance triathlon is five years higher than in the short distance triathlon. In the last two hypotheses, we tested the effect of the three variables (swimming time, cycling time, running time) on the final ranking in triathlon, where regression analysis was used. We found that running and cycling time have the greatest impact on final ranking in long distance triathlon, meanwhile running time has the greatest impact on final ranking in short distance triathlon.
- Published
- 2017
29. Equivalences in biological and economical systems
- Author
Trenchard, Hugh and Perc, Matjaž
- Subjects
cycling ,rebound effect ,učinek povratka ,udc:53 ,fizika socioloških sistemov ,peloton ,physics of social systems ,kolesarjenje - Abstract
An interdisciplinary bridge is proposed between principles of collective behavior in biological systems, particularly bicycle pelotons, and the economic phenomenon called the rebound effect. Two main equivalencies are proposed between aspects of peloton dynamics and aspects of energy service efficiencies and the rebound effect. Firstly, a threshold whereby weaker cyclists, up to maximal capacities, sustain speeds of pacesetters by drafting equivalent to a threshold whereby consumers will not exceed maximum allocated budgets for energy services, costs for which are externally determined. Secondly, a threshold of peloton dynamics whereby, below this threshold, weaker cyclists share costly non-drafting positions, whereas above this threshold cyclists cannot share these positions but can sustain pacesetter speeds. This is in turn equivalent to the threshold in the context of energy service efficiency, whereby consumers will increase spending to the limit indicated by the rebound magnitude but not to their maximum allocated budgets. These thresholds are a consequence of the model equations, and the latter threshold is explained by consumer apprehension that existing energy efficiencies could disappear or be negative, when consumers would be over budget. This partly explains long term rebound increase, whereby consumers increase consumption as confidence rises that cost savings due to energy service efficiency is stable.
- Published
- 2017
30. Times new roman ce
- Author
Jerebinšek, Anže and Renčelj, Marko
- Subjects
varovanje ,cycling ,maloprometne ceste ,pešačenje ,walking ,low volume roads ,kolesarjenje ,udc:625.711.2:796.61(043.2) ,ranljivi udeleženci ,protection ,vulnerable road users - Abstract
V magistrskem delu smo s pregledom domače in tuje literature na temo ranljivih udeležencev v prometu povzeli infrastrukturne ukrepe, s katerimi se izvaja varovanje le-teh. Obravnavali smo javno dostopno literaturo na področju Slovenije, Avstrije in Nizozemske, ki smo jo medsebojno primerjali. Na podlagi pridobljenih znanj, ki smo jih pridobili v času študija in tekom izvajanja pričujoče raziskave, ter lastne inovativnosti, smo podali idejne zasnove za infrastrukturne ukrepe za varovanje ranljivih udeležencev na maloprometnih cestah. Za predlagane ukrepe smo podali pogoje, predlagali načine izvedbe ukrepov, kakor tudi preučili prednosti in slabosti njihove implementacije. Pridobljena znanja in predlagane ukrepe smo preverili na praktičnem primeru lokalne maloprometne ceste, ki povezuje naselji Laporje in Križni Vrh z okoliškimi naselji. Odsek, ki poteka tako znotraj kot zunaj naselja, smo analizirali z vidika prometne varnosti, v sklopu katere smo opravili analizo prometnih nesreč, štetje prometa, skrite meritve hitrosti, popis horizontalne in vertikalne signalizacije, popis opreme, popis cestnih priključkov in izpostavili potencialne nevarnosti. Za analiziran odsek smo predlagali infrastrukturne rešitve za varovanje ranljivih udeležencev, ki smo jih grafično predstavili. Predlagane rešitve na obravnavanem odseku smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika predstavili širši javnosti in jih povprašali po njihovem mnenju. Analiza odgovorov je pokazala, da uporabnikovo občutenje varnosti izboljšajo že nizkocenovni ukrepi, kot je ločitev površin z ločilno črto oziroma s povoznim robnikom. Najvišjo občutenje varnosti pa je bilo zabeleženo v primeru ločitve površin z ločilnim otokom. The thesis studies and reviews the domestic and foreign literature on already known infrastructure measures for protecting vulnerable road users. It summarizes and compares public available literature from Slovenia, Austria and the Netherlands. We present concepts for infrastructure measures to protect vulnerable road users on low volume roads, which are based on the knowledge that we have gained during studding, working on this research and our own innovations. For the proposed measures we provided conditions, suggest ways of implementations, as well as examining the advantages and disadvantages of implementing them. The obtained information and the proposed measures are verified on a case study of the local low volume road that connects settlements Laporje and Križni Vrh with the surrounding villages. We have analyzed traffic safety on a road section, which is located inside and outside the village. In this context we analysed traffic accidents, volume of traffic, hidden speed measurements, inventoried horizontal and vertical traffic signs, inventoried road infrastructure, inventoried number of access on the road and highlighted the potential dangers. For the analyzed section we proposed and graphically presented infrastructure measures for protecting the vulnerable users on it. We presented our project to the public with a questionnaire and asked them for their opinion on proposed safety measures. Analysis of the responses revealed that we can improve the user's perception of safety with even some low-cost solutions such as separating the surfaces with a line or a curb. In relation to questionnaire responses the highest level of safety can be achieved by isolating the surfaces with an island.
- Published
- 2017
31. Vpliv vremena na kolesarjenje v Ljubljani
- Author
Žnidaršič, Peter and Ogrin, Matej
- Subjects
cycling ,sustainable mobility ,Slovenia ,udc:796.6:551.5(497.451) ,geografske diplome ,trajnostna mobilnost ,road transport ,cestni promet ,climatogeography ,kolesarjenje ,Slovenija ,Ljubljana ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,klimatogeografija - Published
- 2016
32. Možnosti za razvoj krožne kolesarske poti okoli Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp
- Author
Novak, Žiga and Ogrin, Matej
- Subjects
cycling ,prometna geografija ,cycling routes ,Slovenia ,geography of transport ,kolesarjenje ,udc:656:796.61(497.4) ,Slovenija ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,kolesarske poti ,geografske diplome ,Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe - Published
- 2016
- Author
Aškerc, Lidija and Lebe, Sonja Sibila
- Subjects
tourist destination ,cycling ,turistična destinacija ,udc:338.48 ,Dežela Celjska ,kolesarjenje ,kolesarski turizem ,cycling tourism - Abstract
Trend aktivnega preživljanja prostega časa in zdravega načina življenja se kaže v povečanju zanimanja za trajnostne oblike turizma, kamor sodi tudi kolesarski turizem. V diplomskem delu smo zato raziskali obstoječo ponudbo s področja kolesarjenja in kolesarskega turizma v vseh 21 občinah znotraj destinacije Dežela Celjska. V teoretičnem delu sta predstavljena pojma turistična in kolesarska turistična destinacija ter njune poglavitne značilnosti. Prav tako je opredeljen tudi pojem kolesarski turizem, njegove prednosti in zvrsti. Predstavljeni so še profili kolesarskih turistov in kolesarski standardi. V praktičnem delu so najprej predstavljene glavne značilnosti in nosilci turizma destinacije Dežela Celjska, sledi analiza obstoječe kolesarske infrastrukture, specializiranih kolesarskih nastanitev ter podpornih storitev kolesarske destinacije. Analizirali smo še odgovore anketiranih kolesarjev, ki smo jih ustrezno komentirali in jih prikazali s pomočjo tabel. V sklepnem delu so povzete ugotovitve analiz ter predstavljeni predlogi za razvoj kolesarskega turizma v destinaciji Dežela Celjska. The trend of actively spending one's leisure time and leading a healthy lifestyle is being reflected in the increased interest in sustainable forms of tourism, one of which is cycling tourism. In this thesis, we looked into the existing offer in the field of cycling and cycling tourism in all 21 municipalities within the destination Dežela Celjska. The theoretical part presents the concepts of tourism- and cycling tourism destination, as well as the main characteristics of the two. It also defines the concept of cycling tourism, its benefits and types, features the profiles of cycling tourists and lists the cycling standards. The practical part presents the main features and the holders of tourism at the destination Dežela Celjska, followed by the analysis of the existing infrastructure for cycling, specialized cycling accommodation and supportive services of the cycling destination. The answers of the interviewed cyclists have been analysed, commented accordingly and displayed in tables. The concluding section summarizes the findings of the analyses and presents the proposals for the development of cycling tourism at the destination Dežela Celjska.
- Published
- 2016
34. Preobrazba javnega mestnega prostora s trajnostnim mestnim prometnim načrtovanjem na primeru Ljubljane
- Author
Muc, Vesna and Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma
- Subjects
osebni motorni promet ,public transport ,cycling ,javni potniški promet ,trajnostno mestno prometno načrtovanje ,hoja ,sustainable mobility ,sustainable urban transport planning ,interdisciplinarni študij ,udc:656.1:711.1:352(497.4Ljubljana)(043.3) ,magistrska dela ,trajnostna mobilnost ,walking ,odprti javni prostor ,open public space ,geodesy ,kolesarjenje ,Ljubljana ,geodezija ,personal motorised transport - Abstract
Magistrsko delo raziskuje preobrazbo javnega mestnega prostora s trajnostnim mestnim prometnim načrtovanjem na primeru odprtih javnih prostorov v širšem središču Ljubljane. Pod pojmom preobrazba razumemo povezanost urejenosti odprtega javnega prostora v mestu in obsega trajnostne mobilnosti, saj izhajamo iz izhodišča, da se dobro urejen odprti javni prostor preobrazi v smislu rabe in uporabe trajnostnih načinov mobilnosti oz. se pogosteje uporabljajo nemotorizirani načini mobilnosti in zadrževanje ljudi v prostoru. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh tematskih delov. Prvega dela smo se lotili teoretično in podrobneje predstavili pomen odprtega javnega prostora za mesto. Prav tako smo se teoretično lotili druge spremenljivke v nalogi, in sicer trajnostne mobilnosti ter njune medsebojne povezanosti. Drugi del vsebuje analizo urejenosti in prometne ureditve izbranih primerov odprtih javnih prostorov v Ljubljani. S pomočjo literature smo izbrali kazalnike za določanje urejenosti odprtih javnih prostorov, na podlagi katerih smo izpeljali merila za določitev stopnje urejenosti odprtega javnega prostora (neurejen, srednje urejen ali dobro urejen). Izbrali smo primere dobro in srednje urejenih odprtih javnih prostorov v Ljubljani in v anketni raziskavi s pomočjo potencialnih uporabnikov teh prostorov ugotavljali predvsem obseg in spremembo obsega trajnostne mobilnosti v Ljubljani glede na oceno urejenosti odprtega javnega prostora s strani uporabnikov in glede na pomen urejenosti odprtega javnega prostora za uporabnike. Ob izhodišču, da dobro urejen odprti javni prostor v mestu spodbuja trajnostne nemotorizirane načine mobilnosti in pogostejši obisk/uporabo odprtega javnega prostora, smo postavili tri hipoteze, pravilnost katerih smo preverjali s statističnima testoma ANOVA in Kullbackov test povezanosti. Prvi dve hipotezi se nanašata na odvisnost pogostosti izbire nemotoriziranega načina mobilnosti od pomena urejenosti odprtega javnega prostora za uporabnike in od ocene urejenosti odprtega javnega prostora s strani uporabnikov. S pomočjo statističnega testa ANOVA sta bili hipotezi delno potrjeni. Tretja hipoteza se nanaša na zadovoljstvo uporabnikov odprtih javnih prostorov z zaprtjem mestnega jedra v Ljubljani za avtomobilski promet (kot ena izmed ureditev odprtega javnega prostora) in vpliv le-tega na pogostost njihovega obiska. S pomočjo Kullbackovega testa smo hipotezo o povezanosti v celoti potrdili. The master's thesis explores the transformation of urban public space by using the sustainable urban transport planning on the subject of open public spaces in the wider centre of Ljubljana. Under the term »transformation« we imply the connection between spatial management of open public space in the town and the scope of sustainable mobility, because our opinion is that a well-managed open public space is to be transformed, i.e. its usage and its use of sustainable ways of mobility. This implies that non-motorised ways of mobility are used more often as well as people spending time in public space more often. The master's thesis comprises of two parts. We dealt with the first part theoretically, we also presented the significance of open public space for the city in depth. We dealt with another variable theoretically, namely with the sustainable mobility and their mutual interconnection. The second part of the thesis contains the analysis of spatial and traffic management of the chosen open public spaces in Ljubljana. With the help of literature we chose indicators for determining the spatial management of open public spaces. That was the base to determine the criteria for grading the spatial management of open public spaces (a non-managed, medium-managed, well-managed space). We chose the cases of well-managed and medium-managed open public spaces in Ljubljana. The questionnaire-based aim of the research, whose database consisted of possible users of such public spaces was to find out the scope and scope-change of sustainable mobility in Ljubljana, related to users' evaluation of spatial management of open public space and also related to the significance of spatial management of open public space for the users. With the view that the well-managed open public space in the city encourages the use of sustainable non-motorised ways of mobility and regular usage of open public space, we set out three hypotheses, whose validity we checked with statistical tests ANOVA and the Kullback test for connectedness. The first two hypotheses were concerned with dependency on frequency of chosing non-motorised ways of mobility, i.e. on the spatial management of open public space and on users' grading of spatial management of open public space. The statistical test ANOVA proved the two hypotheses partly. The third hypothesis was concerned with users' contentment of open public spaces in relation to the car-traffic closure for the city centre of Ljubljana (as one of the spatial management activities for open public space), and the closure's impact on users visiting the city centre. The Kullback test entirely confirmed the hypothesis for connectedness.
- Published
- 2016
35. Analysis of city bicycle rentals in Maribor
- Author
Burjan, Primož and Kramar, Uroš
- Subjects
cycling ,City Municipality of Maribor ,sustainable mobility ,Mestna občina Maribor ,system of bicycle rental ,kolesarjenje ,kolesarska infrastruktura ,cycling infrastructure ,udc:656.1 ,sistem izposoje koles ,trajnostna mobilnost - Abstract
Začetki sistemov izposoje koles so stari več kot pol stoletja, v zadnjem desetletju pa uspešno dopolnjujejo javni prevoz v vseh večjih evropskih in svetovnih mestih. Posamezniki se ga poslužujejo z namenom kratke vožnje in hitrejše mobilnosti od ene do druge točke, pomembna prednost pa je predvsem prihranek časa in denarja. V uvodu diplomskega dela bomo opisali problem in predstavili okolje, določili cilje, namen in poti reševanja problema. Podali bomo predpostavke in omejitve ter predstavili metode dela, s katerimi bomo prišli do želenih informacij in zaključkov. V nadaljevanju bomo predstavili vrste kolesarjenja, različne sisteme izposoje koles in njihovo zgodovino. Osredotočili se bomo tudi na sisteme izposoje koles v tujih državah ter primera dobre prakse v Ljubljani in Velenju. Podrobneje bomo predstavili obstoječe stanje sistemov izposoje koles v Mariboru. S SWOT analizo bomo izpostavili njihove prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in pomanjkljivosti ter podali lastne predloge za rešitev problema. V zaključku bomo ocenili in vrednotili uspešnost rešitve problema, navedli pogoje za uvedbo rešitve in možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja. The beginnings of system of bicycle rental are more than half of century old and in the last decade successfully supply to public transport in all larger European and worldwide cities. Individuals use it for shorter journeys and faster mobility from one point to another, one important advantage is primarily saving time and money. In the beginning of this diploma paper we will describe the problem, illustrate the environment and define objectives, purpose and problem solving. We will establish assumptions, restraints and work methods, which will provide desired information and conclusions. Furthermore we will describe types of cycling, different systems of bicycle rental and their history. We will also focus on systems of bicycle rental in foreign countries and example of good practice in Ljubljana and Velenje. We will specify existing situation of system of bicycle rental in Maribor. We will highlight its advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and shortcomings with SWOT analysis and provide our own suggestions for problem solving. In the end we will evaluate effectiveness of problem solving and indicate requirements for establishing solution and possibilities of further development.
- Published
- 2016
36. Športna vadba za predšolske otroke z astmo
- Author
Šircelj, Maruša and Videmšek, Mateja
- Subjects
gibalna dejavnost ,dihalne vaje ,otroci ,plavanje ,joga ,igre z žogo ,tek ,astma ,udc:373.2:616.248:796-053.2 ,vzroki ,kolesarjenje ,planinstvo ,predšolski otroci ,vaditelji - Published
- 2016
37. Možnosti povezovanja področij gibanja in narave v predšolskem obdobju
- Author
Benčina, Lidija and Videmšek, Mateja
- Subjects
pripomočki ,medpodročno povezovanje ,Mali sonček ,igre na snegu ,udc:373.2:796 ,igre na prostem ,priprava ,gibanje ,rolanje ,narava ,igre ob vodi ,igre v vodi ,kurikulum ,vrtci ,kolesarjenje ,gibalni razvoj ,predšolski otroci ,športni program - Published
- 2016
38. Priprava na kolesarjenje
- Author
Zrimšek, Matej
- Subjects
oprema ,prehrana ,udc:796.61.01 ,kolesarjenje - Published
- 2016
39. Kolesarske poškodbe
- Author
Muha, Jani
- Subjects
poškodbe ,preprečevanje ,kolesarjenje ,zdravljenje ,udc:616-001:796.61 - Published
- 2016
40. Potential of bicycle-sharing system in Celje
- Author
Ožir, Špela and Topolšek, Darja
- Subjects
izposoja koles ,bicycle-sharing system ,cycling ,City municipality of Celje ,kolesarjenje ,kolesarska infrastruktura ,cycling infrastructure ,bike rental ,udc:656.1 ,sistem izposoje koles ,Mestna občina Celje - Abstract
Sistemi izposoje koles spodbujajo kolesarjenje in obenem izboljšujejo kakovost življenja v mestih. Poleg tega, da kolesarjem omogočajo enostavno in hitro potovanje od točke do točke, kar sicer zaradi gneče v urbanih središčih ni več nekaj samoumevnega, imajo sistemi izposoje koles tudi vrsto pozitivnih učinkov na okolje. Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je bil s pomočjo SWOT-analize ugotoviti, ali ima mesto Celje potencial za vzpostavitev sistema izposoje koles. Pri tem smo si pomagali s predhodno preučitvijo že obstoječih kolesarskih sistemov po Evropi in Sloveniji. Na podlagi njihovih izkušenj smo dejavnike, ki bi vplivali na vzpostavitev sistema v Celju, razdelili v štiri skupine – prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti. Ugotovili smo, da Celje ima potencial za vzpostavitev sistema izposoje koles. Bicycle-sharing systems promote cycling and at the same time improve the quality of life in cities. Bicycle systems also enable fast and easy travel from point to point and have a number of positive effects on the environment. We used SWOT-analysis to find out, if the city Celje has potential for establishing a bicycle-sharing systems. We studied characteristics of the existing bicycle systems in Europe and Slovenia. Based on their experience, we formed for groups of factors that affect the establishment of the system in the city – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The results showed, that Celje has the great potential for such system.
- Published
- 2016
41. Možnosti razvoja gorskega kolesarjenja na območju Mestne občine Ljubljana, občine Ig in občine Dobrova - Polhov Gradec
- Author
Tekavčič, Tadej and Ogrin, Matej
- Subjects
cycling ,udc:796.6:656(497.451) ,Ig ,Polhov Gradec ,sustainable mobility ,Dobrova ,geografske diplome ,rekreacija ,trajnostna mobilnost ,recreation geography ,kolesarjenje ,Slovenija ,Ljubljana ,zaključne seminarske naloge - Published
- 2015
42. Pregled kolesarjenju nevarnih mest v Velenju in predlog njihovih izboljšav
- Author
Halilović, Nela and Ogrin, Matej
- Subjects
cycling ,prometna geografija ,sustainable mobilty ,geography of transport ,kolesarjenje ,udc:796.6:656(497.431Velenje) ,zaključne seminarske naloge ,Velenje ,geografske diplome ,trajnostna mobilnost ,road transport ,cestni promet - Published
- 2015
43. Examples of 'bad practice' of cycling infrastructure in the domestic environment
- Author
Smirić, Anja and Renčelj, Marko
- Subjects
safety ,varnost ,cycling ,udc:656.1(043.2) ,engineering ,kolesarjenje ,projektiranje ,kolesarska infrastruktura ,cycling infrastructure - Abstract
Število kolesarjev narašča, ker se ljudje vedno bolj zavedajo pozitivnih vplivov na zdravje, ekonomičnost kolesa kot prevoznega sredstva in krajših potovalnih časov. Da bi vzpodbudili še več ljudi, ki bi se odločali za ta način prevoza, bi morali najprej umestiti več kolesarskih povezav in popraviti obstoječe. Number of cyclists is increasing, because people are more aware of the positive influences on health, economy of the bicycle as a vehicle and shorter travelling times.To encourage more people to use this kind of transport, we should first install more bike connections and fix existing ones.
- Published
- 2015
44. Dejavniki aktivnega transporta otrok prvega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja
- Author
Kvas, Tea and Šimunič, Boštjan
- Subjects
aktivni transport ,hoja ,gibalna/športna aktivnost ,otroci ,kolesarjenje ,udc:373.3:796(043.2) ,zdravje ,intervencija - Published
- 2015
45. Kolesarjenje kot oblika trajnostnega prometa v občini Grosuplje
- Author
Skušek, Maja and Špes, Metka
- Subjects
prometna geografija ,kolesarjenje ,Slovenija ,udc:656.11:796.6(497.451) ,geografske diplome ,diplomska dela ,Grosuplje ,trajnostna mobilnost - Published
- 2014
46. Mobilna aplikacija za podporo kolesarjem z zalednim sistemom v oblaku
- Author
Krivec, Luka and Vavpotič, Damjan
- Subjects
computer and information science ,računalništvo ,cycling ,visokošolski strokovni študij ,Google App Engine ,cloud computing ,udc:004.77:796.61(043.2) ,computer science ,mobile applications ,računalništvo in informatika ,diploma ,računalništvo v oblaku ,Android ,diplomske naloge ,kolesarjenje ,mobilne aplikacije - Published
- 2014
47. Kolesarjenje v Kobenhavnu skozi psihoanalitsko perspektivo
- Author
Gajšek, Alenka and Šterk, Karmen
- Subjects
cycling ,kolesarjenje ,udc:159.964.2:796.61(043.2) - Published
- 2014
48. Vpliv gorskokolesarskega parka v Črni na Koroškem na razvoj turizma v koroški regiji
- Author
Prah, Nataša and Cigale, Dejan
- Subjects
Koroška ,turistična geografija ,gorsko kolesarjenje ,udc:911.3:338.483(497.4)(043.2) ,Ravne na Korošekem ,kolesarjenje ,Slovenija ,družbena geografija ,geografske diplome ,diplomska dela ,rekreacija ,regionalna geografija - Published
- 2014
49. Kolesarjenje kot dejavnik trajnostnega razvoja novogoriške urbane pokrajine
- Author
Otrin, Katarina and Špes, Metka
- Subjects
varstvo okolja ,Nova Gorica ,kolesarjenje ,Slovenija ,geografske diplome ,diplomska dela ,sonaravni razvoj ,rekreacija ,udc:504:796.8(497.4)(043.2) ,regionalna geografija - Published
- 2014
50. Analiza športnorekreativne ponudbe Term Snovik in vidiki razvoja v prihodnosti
- Author
Šuštar, Petra and Berčič, Herman
- Subjects
smučanje ,analiza ,nordijska hoja ,Terme Snovik ,udc:796.035 ,športni objekti ,plavanje ,vodna aerobika ,rolanje ,šola v naravi ,športna rekreacija ,opazovanje ,kolesarjenje ,planinstvo - Published
- 2014
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