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Analiza in načrt ureditve nemotoriziranega prometa v Kobaridu

Authors :
Kurinčič, Monika
Ogrin, Matej
Publication Year :


Z zaključno seminarsko nalogo smo želeli preučiti stanje cestne infrastrukture za pešce in kolesarje v Kobaridu in bližnji okolici. Prikazali smo območja kjer je promet najbolj zgoščen in tako predstavlja šibko točko v pretočnosti omrežja. Največ podatkov smo zbrali s terenskim delom in prepoznavanjem območja, pa tudi z intervjuji in anketami med občani. V veliko pomoč pri predlaganju vzpostavitve varnejše infrastrukture pa je bila literatura iz različnih držav Evropske unije. Ugotovili smo, da so razmere za nemotoriziran promet v Kobaridu zelo neugodne, saj primanjkuje prostora za širitev oziroma volje za spremembo prometnih režimov. With the final seminar paper we wanted to study the condition of the road infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclers in Kobarid and in the nearby area. We represented the areas where traffic was congested and thus represents a weak point in traffic network. We collected the most data through field work in identifying areas, as well as through interviews and surveys among citizens. Literature from different EU member states has been a helpful tool in the implementation of different infrastructual possibilities to be used in Kobarid area. We found out that the conditions for non-motorized traffic in Kobarid are very undernourished, there is a lack the space to expand and lack of will to change traffic regimes among the people.


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