Šuma Žutica koja se nalazi na području Ivanić grada zauzima površinu od .107,49ha. Iskorišćivanje nafte u šumi Žutici počelo je 60-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, a trenutačno je približno 6,3% površine šume zauzeto objektima INA-Naftaplina. Tehnologija pridobivanja nafte zahtijeva značajne radove koji jako narušavaju cjelovitost šumskog kompleksa, a zbog dotrajalih cjevovoda često dolazi do izlijevanja. Fluidi koji se transportiraju iz dubine zemlje i kroz cjevovode imaju jak dendrocidni učinak i njihovo onećišćenje proizvodnih profila tla dovodi do sušenja biljnog pokrova. Najznačajnije vrste drveća u šumi Žutica su hrast lužnjak, poljski jasen i crna joha pa su one odabrane za ispitivanje utjecaja ugljikovodika. Istraživanje je obavljeno kroz dva pokusa koji su postavljeni u prirodnim uvjetima šume Žutica, odnosno u kontroliranim uvjetima u Jastrebarskom. Manje koncentracije ukupnih, odnosno mineralnih ulja u tlu u vrijednostima od 1.762,820mg/kg, odnosno 564,355mg/kg imale su pozitivan učinak na prirast biljaka. Povećane koncentracije nafte, odnosno ukupnih i mineralnih ulja u tlu na 5.085,4mg/kg, odnosno 2.528mg/kg imalo je za rezultat smanjeno preživljenje biljaka crne johe. Poljski jasen, prema rezultatima ovog istraživanja, ima znatno rezistentnija svojstva spram onečišćenja tla naftom od hrasta lužnjaka i crne johe te ga treba koristiti pri sanaciji šumskih površina, ali imati u vidu i da takvo stanište zadovoljava i ostale uvjete nužne za njegov pridolazak., Forest Žutica, which is located on the territory of Ivanić grad, occupies an area of 5107,49 ha. Oil exploitation in the forest @utica began in the 60s of the last century and currently approximately 6,3% of the forest area is occupied by the facilities of INA-Naftaplin. Oil extraction technology requires extensive work, which significantly disturbs the integrality of the forest complex and, due to old pipelines, oil spill are frequent. Fluids which are transported from the soil depths have a strong dentrocide effect even though they are transported through the pipelines and the resulting pollution of production profiles leads to drainage of plant cover. The most significant tree species in the forest Žutica are peduncled oak, narrow-leaved ash and common alder, which is why those species were chosen for testing the influence of hydrocarbon. Research was carried out in two experiments which were laid out in natural environment of the forest Žutica, i.e. in controlled conditions in Jastrebarsko. Lower concentration of overall content of oil and mineral oil in soil in values of 1762,820 mg/kg and 564,355 mg/kg, respectively, had a positive effect on plant increment. Increased oil concentration and overall content of oil and mineral oil in soil per 5085,4 mg/kg and 2528 mg/kg, respectively, resulted in decreased survival rate of common alder. It is possible to state, on the basis of determined patterns in this research, that the survival of plants is a much better indicator than plant increment for the research of influence of oil and overall content of oil and mineral oil in soil. With reference to plant survival, significant negative influence was determined in plants of common alder and, consequently, its planting is not recommended on severely contaminated sites and narrow-leaved ash is recommended instead. Narrow-leaved ash is, according to results of this research, significantly more resistant to pollution of soil by oil than peduncled oak and common alder and should thus be used in recovery of forest areas, but the fact that even such sites meet all other requirements for its introduction should be taken into account.