Günümüzde işletmelerde liderlik davranışlarıve örgütsel bağlılık davranışlarıgibi konuların önemi günden güne artmaktadır. Yöneticilerin liderlik davranışlarının işletmelerindeki insan kaynaklarının örgütsel bağlılıklarınıartırmada etkili olduğu pek çok araştırma sonucunda ortaya koyulmuştur. Bu çalışmada, çalışanların liderlik algılarıile örgütsel bağlılıklarıarasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda, öncelikle yönetsel ve Dönüşümcü liderlik tarzlarıve örgütsel bağlılık kavramıalt boyutlarıyla kısaca incelenerek konunun kavramsal çerçevesi oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın araştırma kısmında ise; Tunceli ve Malatya devlet hastanelerinde görev yapan toplam 148 yardımcısağlık personelinden ebe, hemşire, sağlık memuru, biyolog, laborant, röntgen teknisyeni ve diyetisyen toplanan veriler, istatistikî analize tabii tutulmuştur. Araştırmanın sonucunda; “Yöneticilerin sergiledikleri liderlik tarzlarıçalışanların bağlılıklarınıgerçekten etkiler mi?” şeklinde belirlenmişolan sorunun cevabının “evet” olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Liderlik tarzlarından özellikle dönüşümcü liderliğin örgütsel bağlılık üzerinde güçlü bir etkisinin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarının ve önerilerin, özellikle sağlık işletmeleri yöneticilerine, liderlik tarzlarının birlikte çalıştıklarıinsan kaynağının örgütsel bağlılıklarınıdaha fazla artırma noktasında faydalıolacağına inanılmaktadır., Producing good quality service has been come obligation more than necessity for all organizations in the world which in globalization process more and more. In this process Transformational structure of leadership in organizations that aimed quality, has been changed towards transformational concept. In the times when great changes are experienced, new values rise and in the times when nobody guess the future, we need leaders who can draw new ways. The leadership style which can best suit to this rapid changing is transformational laedership. A transformational laeder has all the beheaviours and characteristics of ‘charismatic effect’, ‘intellectual stimulation’, ‘insprational motivation’, ‘individual support. Important result of transformational leadership on employees one of the organizational commitment. Organizational commitment can be defined as internalization towards the organization, identification, and adopting the organizational objectives as well as the desire to be a member of the organization and the extent to sacrifice. Studies on leadership and organizational commitment behaviors become the issues that are frequently researched by various disciplines such as management, human resource management and behavioral sciences and importance of the concepts is increasing every day. By motivating employees today’s leaders should form healthy environments, in which creativity and commitment are supported, they take pride in their works, and are proud of their successes. A variety of researches emphasize the effectiveness of managers’ leadership behaviors on increasing the organizational motivation of human resources in business enterprises. Employees feeling themselves as a part of the organization, that is, those who work with high organizational commitment are quite important for the business enterprise’s productivity and innovativeness. In creating an organizational commitment this view highlights the necessity of accepting the leadership applications as an important guide. The universe of this research consists of 976 subsidiary health care personnel working at public hospitals in Malatya and Tunceli. The sample on the other hand is composed of 300 people selected randomly. Questionnaire is distributed to 300 people and 4 of them cannot be used since they were not filled completely. Analysis is conducted via data collected from 296 subsidiary health care personnel. This number is found to be statistically significant. In the research, data is collected via distributing a questionnaire with three sections. During the implementation of the survey, participants are informed only to evaluate the present situation and warned not to consider the desired or wanted situations. The first section of the questionnaire contains personal questions such as age, education level, marital status, number of children, and terms of office. The second section of the questionnaire contains Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ to measure employees’ perception of leadership. This leadership questionnaire was first developed by Bass in 1985, and then it is revised via new studies. Bass and Avalio 1999 updated by finalizing it as MLQ 5x. This questionnaire being developed for testing effective leadership has strong validity and reliability in evaluation of leaders’ performance in different national cultures at different organizational levels. MLQ is a survey containing forty-five descriptive statements and measuring leadership styles under four dimensions. These are as follows: Transformational Leadership 20 questions , Transactional Leadership 12 questions , Non-Transactional Leadership 4 questions , Outcomes of Leadership 9 questions . In the third section of the questionnaire, to determine the participants’ organizational commitment level, “Organizational Commitment Scale” developed by Meyer and Allen and used by many researchers is employed. The scale suggested by Meyer and Allen aims to measure three dimensions of organizational commitment, Effective Commitment 6 questions , Continuance Commitment 6 questions , and Normative Commitment 5 questions , with 17 statements in total. Scales are constructed as 5-point Likert scale 1= not at all,...5=frequently, if not always and each category is considered to have equal intervals. For each participant, findings of 5-point scaled-answers above are coded as 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 for the statements in favor and coded in the reverse order for the statements in opposition, and then arithmetic means of all the answered questions are calculated accordingly. Thus, each participant’s score was calculated. In interpretation of the arithmetic means of research findings, the intervals taken into consideration are as follows: low 1.00 ≤ arithmetic mean ≤2.60 , moderate 2.60 < arithmetic mean≤ 3.40 , and high 3.40 < arithmetic mean ≤ 5.00 . To test whether the means differ from the expected values one sample t test, to identify the correlation between perception of leadership and organizational commitment correlation test is used, and to determine whether arithmetic means differ for demographic characteristics one-way ANOVA and independent sample t-test are used. This study mainly intends to assess the correlation between employees’ perception of leadership and organizational commitment. So, primarily transactional leadership styles, transformational leadership styles and concept of organizational commitment are briefly scrutinized with sub-dimensions and conceptual framework is formed. The result of the research findings indicates that answer of the question “Leadership styles of managers really affect the commitment of employees?” is yes. Of all the leadership styles, the strong influence of transformational leadership on organizational commitment is identified. Statistical analyses indicate high organizational commitment of participants. While the perceptions of transformational and interactive leadership are high, perceptions of non-transactional leadership is moderate. Results point out that participants feel normative commitment at most, and then they feel continuance commitment and effective commitment respectively. This makes it possible to state that, the fact that the participants experience normative commitment at most supports literature. The main reason participants keep working at the organization is not “real desire to stay” but instead it is “obligation”. Findings obtained from the measurements of employee attitudes towards businesses guide managers to determine strengths and aspects to be improved. Organizational commitment has a positive influence on job satisfaction, productivity and service quality and thus it increases consumer satisfaction. All of the researches increase the importance of organizational commitment and state how effective “personal characteristics” are in providing organizational commitment. Besides, they intend to attract attention of managers to those issues. The relations between organizational commitment and leadership style and job satisfaction can be recommended as issues for further research. Research results and recommendations are believed to be useful especially for health care business managers for further increasing organizational commitment of human resources that they work together through their leadership styles