31 results on '"indikativ"'
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2. Emploi du subjonctif en français et en italien contemporain: analyse contrastive
- Author
Jakšić, Monica, Franić, Ivana, and Peša Matracki, Ivica
- Subjects
HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Romance Studies ,francuski ,talijanski ,objektne dopunske rečenice ,kondicional ,indikativ ,italian ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Romanistika ,konjunktiv ,subjunctive ,subjektne dopunske rečenice ,verbs ,french ,glagoli - Abstract
Cilj ovog rada je analiza uporabe konjunktiva u suvremenom talijanskom i francuskom jeziku kroz detaljno istraživanje relevantne literature i korpusa jezika. Zbog opsežnosti teme, analiza je izvršena isključivo na glagolima u subjektnim i objektnim dopunskim rečenicama. Kako bi rezultati bili što relevantniji, glagoli koji iziskuju uporabu konjunktiva su analizirani ovisno o semantičkim kategorijama kojima pripadaju. Za svaki je glagol analizirano devedeset primjera, iz tri različita podkorpusa pisanog jezika (jezik novinarstva i internetskih članaka, jezik birokracije i jezik proze). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju nam koliko je uporaba konjunktiva u suvremenom talijanskom i francuskom jeziku učestala. Prvi dio rada je posvećen definiranju konjunktiva kao glagolskog načina. U drugom dijelu rada je objašnjeno na koji se način tvori te kako se i kada koristi. U trećem dijelu rada govori se o promjenama u jeziku i o teorijama jenjavanja uporabe konjunktiva. Istraživanje, kao centralni dio rada, dovelo nas je do rezultata koji svjedoče o tome da konjunktiv kao glagolski način apsolutno nije ugrožen. U radu su izdvojeni primjeri koji odstupaju od norme te tablice koje jasno pokazuju kolika je zastupljenost konjunktiva, kondicionala i indikativa u raznim slučajevima. U zaključku je prikazan rezime rada i kritički osvrt na rezultate istraživanja. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare l'uso del congiuntivo nell' italiano e nel francese contemporanei attraverso una ricerca dettagliata della letteratura e dei corpus rilevanti. L' argomento della tesi essendo molto ampio, ci siamo concentrati sull' analisi di verbi che richiedono l'uso del congiuntivo, nelle proposizioni soggetto e oggetto. Per ottenere risultati più rilevanti, abbiamo analizzato i verbi a seconda delle categorie semantiche alle quali appartengono. Per ogni verbo abbiamo analizzato novanta esempi, in tre diversi subcorpus della lingua scritta (la lingua del giornalismo e degli articoli su internet, la lingua della burocrazia e la lingua della prosa). I risultati della ricerca ci mostrano quanto sia frequente l' uso del congiuntivo nell' italiano e nel francese contemporanei. La prima parte della tesi è dedicata alla definizione del congiuntivo come modalità verbale. Abbiamo spiegato come si forma e come e quando viene utilizzato. Nella seconda parte della tesi, abbiamo esaminato i cambiamenti della lingua e le teorie sul declino dell' uso del congiuntivo. La ricerca, in quanto parte centrale del lavoro, ci ha portato a risultati che testimoniano che il congiuntivo come modalità verbale non è assolutamente in pericolo. Nella conclusione, abbiamo riassunto il lavoro e esaminato criticamente i risultati della ricerca.
- Published
- 2022
3. Modus po verbech opinandi v (před)klasické francouzštině: kvantitativní analýza.
- Author
Lipská, Karolína
- Abstract
The paper deals with the development in the usage of verbal moods following verba opinandi in preclassical and classical French. An evident change in mood usage following these verbs had taken place in the 17th century, namely a decline of the subjunctive in favour of the indicative, which became the norm in affirmative sentences by the end of the century. The aim was to verify theoretical information from old and historical grammars on the evidence of authentic texts in FRANTEXT, a set of French diachronic corpora. This research enabled the derivation of statistics to identify a turning point in the development, which appears to be around the year 1640. It also revealed distinctions between different sentence types in respect of the indicative/subjunctive ratio. Whereas affirmative sentences tend towards the indicative as the only possible mode, the subjunctive is retained in negations, questions and conditionals, since these sentence types exhibit a more negative epistemic modality, typically expressed with the subjunctive. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
4. Glagolski način u zavisno vremenskim rečenicama. Poseban slučaj veznika después de que
- Author
Potočki, Lana and Valencia Spoljaric, Ana María
- Subjects
HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Romance Studies ,oraciones subordinadas temporales ,zavisno vremenske rečenice ,vremenski veznici ,subjuntivo ,nexos temporales ,indikativ ,indicativo ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Romanistika ,modos verbales ,glagolski način ,konjunktiv - Abstract
Este trabajo investiga los modos verbales en las oraciones subordinadas temporales de la lengua española, con un enfoque especial en el nexo después de que. Para la parte teórica se han utilizado las siguientes gramáticas: Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española y Nueva gramática de la lengua española, junto con Gramática de la lengua española de Alarcos Llorach, Enciclopedia de lingüística hispánica de Gutiérrez-Rexach y Del indicativo al subjuntivo de Porto Dapena. Primero se estudian los modos verbales en general y luego los casos más específicos, esto es, modos dentro de las oraciones subordinadas temporales. Asimismo, se investigan los nexos que expresan simultaneidad, posterioridad y anterioridad. Finalmente se estudia el nexo después de que en detalle y su uso en España, Centroamérica y América de Sur. Para la parte práctica se utiliza la base de datos CORPES XXI para averiguar la frecuencia de los modos verbales con ese nexo. Ovaj rad proučava glagolske načine u zavisno vremenskim rečenicama u španjolskom jeziku, s posebnim fokusom na veznik después de que. Kao izvor za teorijski dio korištene su gramatike: Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española iNueva gramática de la lengua española, kao i Gramática de la lengua española autora Alarcosa Lloracha, Enciclopedia de lingüística hispánica autora Gutiérrez-Rexacha i Del indicativo al subjuntivo autora Porto Dapene.Proučavaju se glagolski načini općenito te se zatim prelazi na specifičnije slučajeve, odnosno glagolske načine u zavisno vremenskim rečenicama. Također se istražuju veznici koji izražavaju istovremenost, anteriornost i posteriornost. Na kraju se posebno istražuje veznik después de que te njegova primjena u Španjolskoj, Srednjoj i Južnoj Americi. U praktičnom dijelu koristi se baza podataka CORPES XXI kako bi se provjerila učestalost glagolskih načina s ovim veznikom.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Radojević, Danijela
- Abstract
Copyright of Slavistična Revija is the property of Slavisticno Drustvo Slovenije and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
6. Alternacija glagolskog načina u zavisnim rečenicama s imenskom funkcijom
- Author
Solina, Karlo and Valencia Spoljaric, Ana María
- Subjects
HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Romance Studies ,alternacija glagolskog načina ,zavisne rečenice s imenskom funkcijom ,alternancia de modos ,subjuntivo ,indikativ ,indicativo ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Romanistika ,oraciones subordinadas sustantivas ,konjunktiv - Abstract
En este trabajo final se presenta una revisión de la alternancia de los modos verbales en español en las oraciones subordinadas sustantivas, con un enfoque en la alternancia de los modos en las oraciones subordinadas sustantivas introducidas por un verbo en forma afirmativa. Las fuentes del trabajo son la Nueva gramática de la lengua española y la Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española de la RAE, junto con el libro del autor Dapena (1991) Del indicativo al subjuntivo. Valores y usos de los modos del verbo. En primer lugar, se definen las oraciones subordinadas sustantivas y se explican las diferencias generales entre el uso del indicativo y del subjuntivo. Entonces se clarifica la alternancia de los modos verbales en las oraciones subordinadas sustantivas y se mencionan todas las formas o estructuras que permiten la alternancia de los modos. A continuación, se profundiza esta alternancia cuando la introduce un verbo en forma afirmativa. Por último, se ha extraído ejemplos del corpus CORPES XXI de la Real Academia Española para mostrar en forma práctica la alternancia entre el indicativo y el subjuntivo. U ovom se radu donosi pregled alternacije glagolskih načina u španjolskom u zavisnim rečenicama s imenskom funkcijom, s posebnim fokusom na alternacije načina kod zavisnih rečenica s imenskom funkcijom koje su uvedene afirmativnim glagolom. Kao izvori koristile su se gramatike Nueva gramática de la lengua española i Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española kao i knjiga autora Dapene (1991) Del indicativo al subjuntivo. Valores y usos de los modos del verbo. Prvo se definiraju zavisne rečenice s imenskom funkcijom i objašnjavaju se generalne razlike između korištenja indikativa i konjunktiva u njima. Zatim se definira alternacija glagolskih načina u zavisnim rečenicama s imenskom funkcijom te se spominju sve vrste uvođenja alternacije glagolskih načina. Nakon toga, detaljno se bavi alternacijom načina kod onih zavisnih rečenica s imenskom funkcijom koje su uvedene glagolom u afirmativnom obliku. Konačno, koriste se primjeri iz korpusa CORPES XXI Španjolske kraljevske akademije kako bi se u praksi pokazala alternacija između indikativa i konjunktiva.
- Published
- 2021
7. Vrijednosti konjunktiva u prijevodima sa španjolskoga na hrvatski jezik
- Author
Novosel, Karla and Oštrec, Branka
- Subjects
HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Romance Studies ,subjuntivo ,indikativ ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Romanistika ,glagolski način ,konjunktiv ,modo ,croata ,español ,španjolski jezik ,indicativo ,hrvatski jezik ,traducción ,prijevod - Abstract
Este trabajo de fin de grado, bajo el título “Valores del subjuntivo en traducciones del español al croata”, aborda el análisis de la traducción del subjuntivo de la lengua española a la lengua croata. Este trabajo incluye la traducción de un relato corto de la autora Soledad Puértolas que se llama “Espejos”. El objetivo de dicho análisis es mostrar varias posibilidades para la traducción del subjuntivo a una lengua que no posee dicho modo. El trabajo contiene tres partes: la teoría que presenta el modo subjuntivo, los ejemplos y su análisis tras la traducción del relato que ya hemos mencionado. Se podrá ver cómo se traduce cada tiempo verbal dentro del modo subjuntivo del español al croata y qué posibilidades brinda la lengua croata para transmitir el sentido del texto original. Ovaj rad pod naslovom „Vrijednosti konjunktiva u prijevodima sa španjolskoga na hrvatski jezik“, bavi se analizom konjunktiva u prijevodu sa španjolskoga na hrvatski jezik. Rad uključuje i kratku priču autorice Soledad Puértolas pod nazivom „Ogledala”. Cilj već spomenute analize jest pokazati mogućnosti prijevoda konjunktiva na jedan jezik koji ga ne posjeduje. Rad se sastoji od tri dijela: teorijskog dijela koji objašnjava glagolski način konjunktiv, zatim od primjera i njihove analize nakon prijevoda priče koju smo već spomenuli. Moći će se vidjeti kako se prevodi koje glagolsko vrijeme unutar načina konjuktiva sa španjolskoga na hrvatski jezik te koje mogućnosti pruža hrvatski jezik da bi se prenio smisao izvornog teksta.
- Published
- 2021
8. Il congiuntivo come difficoltà nell’apprendimento della lingua italiana degli studenti croatofoni
- Author
Radović, Andrea and Kovačić, Vinko
- Subjects
HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology. Romance Studies ,acquisizione ,L2 ,ZEROJ ,usvajanje ,congiuntivo ,indikativ ,indicativo ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija. Romanistika ,drugi jezik ,QCER ,konjunktiv - Abstract
In questa tesi abbiamo esaminato l’utilizzo del congiuntivo come difficoltà nell’apprendimento della lingua italiana degli studenti croatofoni e italofoni. Il congiuntivo è un modo grammaticale che esprime desiderio, emozione, possibilità, giudizio, opinione ecc. Ha 4 tempi verbali (presente, passato, imperfetto e trapassato). Oggi si parla sempre più del congiuntivo e ci si interroga sulla sua "morte" presunta. Secondo molti il congiuntivo versa in uno stato di abbandono, anche se alcuni linguisti ritengono tale problema non sia poi tanto grave. I parlanti italiani propendono a scambiare il congiuntivo con l’indicativo. La sostituzione di questi due modi verbali dipende da alcuni fattori tra i quali anche l’area geografica dei parlanti, il livello d'istruzione, la fascia d’età, ecc. Molti linguisti hanno condotto alcune ricerche dalle quali emergono informazioni e dati riguardanti parlanti italofoni in grado di riconoscere e usare il modo congiuntivo. Dalle ricerche possiamo concludere che la maggior parte degli italiani usa in modo corretto il congiuntivo e quindi è da escludere che si possa parlare di "morte" del congiuntivo. D’altra parte, ci sono persone che studiano la lingua italiana come seconda lingua e la loro conoscenza di questo modo verbale varia da situazione a situazione. Quando si apprende una seconda lingua e, in questo caso la lingua italiana, ci troviamo difronte a un processo in cui gli apprendenti studiano la lingua italiana insieme alla loro lingua nativa. La seconda lingua si definisce come "L2". Il Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per la conoscenza delle lingue (QCER) ha formato un sistema che si occupa delle capacità acquisite dagli apprendenti. Il QCER è anche un documento che definisce i livelli comuni di riferimento. In questo documento ci sono i 6 livelli che si usano in tutta Europa (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). La parte pratica di questa tesi ha riguardato la ricerca condotta su parlanti croatofoni che apprendono la lingua italiana. La sua finalità è stata quella di rilevare in quali situazioni e con che frequenza essi usano o sanno usare il modo congiuntivo. Si è giunti alla conclusione che l’utilizzo del congiuntivo si trova in una situazione critica, almeno per quanto riguarda i parlanti croatofoni. U ovom diplomskom radu analizirali smo upotrebu talijanskog konjunktiva u procesu usvajanja talijanskog jezika kao drugog jezika. Konjunktiv je gramatički način koji izražava želju, osjećaje, mogućnost, prosudbu, mišljenje itd. Danas se sve više raspravlja o konjunktivu i o njegovoj navodnoj »smrti«. Po mnogima je ovaj glagolski način u ozbiljnoj krizi, ali s druge strane neki lingvisti smatraju da konjunktiv nije u tako ozbiljnom »problemu«. Talijani imaju tendenciju da koriste indikativ umjesto konjunktiva, iako se ta dva glagolska načina koriste u potpuno različitim situacijama. Zamjena ovih dvaju glagolskih načina ovisi o određenim čimbenicima, među kojim je i govorno područje, stupanj obrazovanja, godine govornika itd. Mnogi su lingvisti proveli istraživanja koja pokazuju u kojoj su mjeri govornici talijanskog jezika u stanju prepoznati i koristiti konjunktiv. Iz istraživanja možemo zaključiti da se većina Talijana pravilno koristi konjunktivom i stoga još ne možemo govoriti o njegovoj »smrti«. S druge strane, postoje ljudi koji uče talijanski jezik kao drugi jezik i njihovo znanje o ovom glagolskom načinu je upitno. Kada učimo drugi jezik, u ovom slučaju talijanski jezik, postoji postupak u kojem učenici uče talijanski jezik zajedno sa svojim materinskim jezikom. Drugi jezik definiran je kao »L2». Zajednički europski referentni okvir za jezike (ZEROJ) formirao je sustav koji se bavi vještinama koje su stekli učenici. ZEROJ je također dokument koji definira zajedničke referentne razine. U ovom dokumentu nalazi se 6 razina koje se koriste u cijeloj Europi (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). Praktični dio ovog diplomskog rada odnosi se na istraživanje provedeno na govornicima hrvatskoga jezika koji uče talijanski jezik. Cilj je bio otkriti u kojim situacijama i koliko često koriste ili znaju kako koristiti konjunktiv. Iz rezultata istraživanja zaključili smo da je upotreba konjunktiva pomalo u krizi za učenike koji govore hrvatski te da ovisi o stupnju obrazovanja.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Word / Riječ is the property of Language & Literature Institute of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niksic and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Word / Riječ is the property of Language & Literature Institute of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niksic and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
11. The Subjunctive in French, Critical Appreciation or Rules of Morphology
- Author
Fabris, Nina and Frleta, Tomislav
- Subjects
appréciation critique ,indicatif ,choix du mode ,morfologija ,critical choice ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija ,use of subjunctive ,indikativ ,subjonctif ,konjunktiv ,emploi du subjonctif ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology ,subjunctive ,morphologie ,kritička procjena ,upotreba konjunktiva ,indicative ,morphology ,izbor načina ,choice of moods - Abstract
Dans ce mémoire, on analysera le thème du subjonctif en français. Il s'agit de mode qui se souvent analyse en comparant avec l'indicatif. Premièrement, on va examiner la morphologie du subjonctif en français, autrement dit, la forme et les désinences pour tous les quatre temps de ce mode. Ensuite, on va regarder l’utilisation du subjonctif dans les propositions indépendantes et dépendantes, mais aussi les conjonctions qui introduisent le subjonctif dans les propositions subordonnées. A la fin, on observera l’appréciation critique entre le choix de l’utilisation de l’indicatif ou le subjonctif en français. Le subjonctif comme le mode, déjà quelques décennies, crée la polémique aux linguistes parce que, malgré les règles grammaticales et l’automatisme apprise, le locuteur finalement décide sur le choix du mode qu’il utilisera, c’est-à-dire, tout dépend de ses sentiments, son opinion personnelle, sa subjectivité et sa sécurité, la manière dont il veut s’exprimer. U ovom diplomskom radu će se obraditi tema francuskog konjunktiva. Riječ je o načinu koji se često analizira uspoređujući s indikativom. Prvenstveno će se obraditi morfologija francuskog konjunktiva, tj. forma i nastavci za sva četiri vremena tog načina. Nadalje, razmotrit će se upotreba konjunktiva u nezavisnim i zavisnim rečenicama, te veznici koji uvode sam konjunktiv u složene rečenice. Za kraj osvrnut ćemo se na kritički izbor između upotrebe indikativa ili konjunktiva u francuskom jeziku. Konjunktiv kao način već desetljećima stvara polemiku među lingvistima jer unatoč gramatičkim pravilima i naučenom automatizmu govornik na koncu odlučuje koji će se način upotrijebiti tj. sve ovisi o njegovim osjećajima, osobnom doživljaju, subjektivnosti i sigurnosti kojom nešto želi izraziti. This thesis will analyze the French subjunctive. It involves the question of mood, which is often analyzed in comparison with the indicative. First of all, the morphology of French subjunctive will be presented, in other words, the form and the terminations of the verbs for the four tenses of this mood. Furthermore, the use of subjunctive will be evaluated in the independent and the subordinate propositions. In addition, the conjunctions will be observed along with the conjunctions which introduce this mood in the subordinate propositions. Finally, we will refer to the critical choice that often poses questions between the use of indicative or subjunctive in French. The subjunctive as a mood has produced polemics for decades between linguists because, alongside all the grammatical rules and learned automatism, the speaker must choose which mood should be used. It all depends on their feelings, personal experience, subjectivity and being certain of something they wants to say.
- Published
- 2019
12. Konjunktiv i fransk og tysk - syntaktisk styret eller semantisk betinget?
- Author
Lindschouw, Jan Juhl, Holsting, Alexandra, Lindschouw, Jan Juhl, and Holsting, Alexandra
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Valencia Spoljaric, Ana Maria
- Subjects
dopusnost ,prave dopusne rečenice ,neprave/hibridne dopusne rečenice ,dopusne konstrukcije ,indikativ ,konjunktiv - Abstract
U ovome radu prikazuje se način na koji španjolski gramatički priručnici, između ostalih Nueva gramática de la lengua española te Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española, pristupaju dopusnim rečenicama. Prvi dio rada donosi definiciju i klasifikaciju dopusnih (koncesivnih) rečenica. Objašnjava se također kako kontekst, bilo činjenični bilo hipotetski, određuje korištenje adekvatnog glagolskog načina u dopusnim zavisnim surečenicama. Nadalje, razmatraju se gramatikalizirana svojstva pravih dopusnih rečenica te slučajevi u kojima konstrukcije koje primarno izriču druga značenja poprimaju svojstvo dopusnosti. Također se pruža pregled brojnih pravih i nepravih/hibridnih dopusnih veznih sredstava, njihove uporabe kao i uporabe glagolskih vremena i načina. Budući da je tema uporabe glagolskih načina u dopusnim strukturama problematična u nastavi španjolskog jezika, cilj je ovoga članka predstaviti sistematizirani pregled koji se istovremeno može koristiti kao didaktički materijal na predavanjima i lektorskim vježbama.
- Published
- 2018
14. Mood in Subordinate Clauses after Verba Opinandi in (Pre-)Classical French: A Quantitative Analysis
- Author
Lipská, Karolína
- Subjects
klasická francouzština ,pre-classical French ,periodization ,classical French ,verbum opinandi ,periodizace ,indicative, subjunctive ,předklasická francouzština ,indikativ ,development of a language ,subjunktiv ,vývoj jazyka - Published
- 2018
15. The evolution of verb paaradigms: the present indicative from Latin to present-day Italian
- Author
- Subjects
korpus ,prézens ,paradigma ,italština 19. století ,stará italština ,Italian of the 19th century ,indikativ ,indicative ,corpus ,paradigm ,Old Italian ,present - Abstract
This diploma thesis focuses on the evolution of the present indicative of Italian language, the thesis presents the evolution starting from Latin and finishing with a description of linguistic situation of Italian of the 19th century. The thesis incorporates two parts that are both connected - the theoretical and the analytical ones. In the first part, the basic notions such as morfology, paradigm, grammatical categories are presented and defined. Next chapters are dedicated to the situation in Latin, Old Italian and Italian of the 19th century. The second part deals with research of applied forms of selected Italian verbs. Two language corporas - OVI and DiaCORIS - are used for this part. OVI represents the period of Old Italian, while DiaCORIS describes the period of the Italian of the 19th century. The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the main tendencies reguarding the evolution of present indicative and through language corpora to provide some examples of selected verbs.
- Published
- 2018
16. Indicative and Subjunctive in Concessive Clauses in Spanish (with the conjunction aunque)
- Author
HOJEK, Martin
- Subjects
concessive conjunction ,subjuntiv ,přípustková spojka ,spojka aunque ,přípustka ,the aunque conjunction ,indicative ,indikativ ,subjunctive - Abstract
The bachelor thesis investigates the use of indicative and subjunctive in Spanish concessive clauses (with the conjunction aunque). The essence of the thesis is a statistical analysis of the text samples. The theoretical part elaborated on the base of Czech and foreign specialized literature is followed by the analysis itself. The analysis was disposed by the medium of corpus CREA (Reference corpus of current Spanish made by the Spanish Royal Academy).
- Published
- 2017
17. Competition between the indicative and subjunctive following verba opinandi in pre-classical and classical French
- Author
Lipská, Karolína, Nádvorníková, Olga, and Nováková, Sylva
- Subjects
vývoj jazyka ,periodization ,subjunktiv ,předklasická francouzština ,periodizace ,classical French ,subjunctive ,verbum opinandi ,indicative ,development of language ,indikativ ,klasická francouzština ,pre-classical French - Abstract
The Bachelor thesis deals with the development in the usage of verb modes following verba opinandi in pre-classical and classical French. An evident change in complementation of these verbs had taken place in the 17th century, namely a decrease of the subjunctive to the benefit of the indicative which became a norm in an affirmative sentence in the end of the century. The theoretical part describes this development through information in old and historical grammars. In the practical part the aim is to verify this information on authentic texts in FRANTEXT, a set of French diachronic corpora. This research enabled to create statistics, specify the theoretical information and find a turning point in the development. It also showed distinctions in the indicative/subjunctive ratio between different sentence types.
- Published
- 2017
18. Spanish verb grammatical constructions where the verb changes its meaning depending on the choice of mood in the subordinate clause
- Author
Vokatá, Barbora, Kratochvílová, Dana, and Čermák, Petr
- Subjects
změna významu ,mood ,subjunctive ,subjunktiv ,indicative ,modus ,indikativ ,change of meaning ,modality ,modalita - Abstract
The present work deals with the spanish grammatical constructions with the verbs that admit both the verb in the indicative and the subjunctive in the subordinate clause and whose meaning varies depending on the selected mood in the subordinate clause. The subject of our research are the verbs insistir (en), decir, temer, temerse, sentir, esperar, hacer and parecer. By the parallel language corpus InterCorp we analyse what are the trends in the use of the above verbs in the indicative and subjunctive and we study the influence of this modal opposition how it is reflected in the czech translation. Keywords: mood, modality, subjunctive, indicative, change of meaning
- Published
- 2016
19. Subjuntive/Indicative alteration with the expression después de que
- Author
DOUBKOVÁ, Kristýna
- Subjects
Subjuntiv ,Conjunction después de que ,Spojka después de que ,Indicative ,Indikativ ,Subjunctive - Abstract
The bachelor thesis elaborated on the basis of statistical analysis examines the preference in the use of indicative and subjunctive after the temporal conjunction "después de que" which shows considerable variation in the use of verbal methods in contemporary Spanish. The theoretical part prepared on the basis of specialized literature is followed by an analysis of sample texts based on corpus CREA implemented by the Spanish Royal Academy.
- Published
- 2013
20. Zum Modusgebrauch in der indirekten Rede in deutschen und österreichischen Pressetexten : eine korpusbasierte Untersuchung
- Author
Smevik, Torunn
- Subjects
Konjunktiv ,tale ,Humanities: 000::Linguistics: 010::German language: 021 [VDP] ,indikativ ,indirekte ,pressespråk ,modusbruk - Published
- 2013
21. Use of subjunctive/indicative with probability operators (quizás in inicial position) in European Spanish
- Author
PAPEŽOVÁ, Michaela
- Subjects
quizás ,tal vez ,modalita ,quizá ,subjuntiv ,indicative ,mode ,indikativ ,subjunctive - Abstract
This Bachelor thesis concerns the use of indicative and subjunctive after operators of probablity modality quizá, quizás and tal vez in the initial position in a sentence using statistical analysis. Geographically, we inspect samples from European Spanish. We investigate the theory in detail then continue in the research section with results in the form of graphs. Research have been conducted using CREA Spanish Royal Academy´s database.
- Published
- 2012
22. Use of subjunctive/indicative with probability operators (quizás) in Latin American Spanish (area of the Andes, Chile and Río de la Plata)
- Author
KUNZ, David
- Subjects
indicativ ,subjuntiv ,modalita ,operátor ,operator ,indikativ ,Latin America ,modality ,Latinská Amerika - Abstract
This bachelor thesis is focused on the problematic of using indicative or subjuntive after operator quizás and all of its variations in spanish in South America. It is specialized on part of The Andes (states Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador), Chile and Río de la Plata (this part contets 3 sates: Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentine). With the help of CREA (corpus of spanish royal academy) it was developed the research of this problematic and it´s accompanied with the teoretical part, that containing teoretic materials for this research.
- Published
- 2012
23. The Use of Verb Modes in French Relative Clauses (with regard to its Czech Equivalents)
- Author
- Subjects
Vztažná věta ,Intercorp ,Konjunktiv ,Adjectival clause ,Indikativ ,Subjunctive mood ,Indicative mood - Abstract
Use of verbal ways in the French subordinate relative clauses (with respect to the Czech equivalents) is the very topic of this Bachelor?s Thesis. The Thesis is divided into two main parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part clarifies the basic terms, creation and use of the subjunctive and indicative mood and at the same time proposes the set of criteria, which selection of the indicative or conjunctive mood in the subordinate relative clause is governed by. The practical part has been elaborated, based on the corpus analysis within the scope of the Intercorp corpus and tries to defend the knowledge gathered in the theoretical part.
- Published
- 2012
24. Use of subjunctive/indicative with probability operators (quizás in non-inicial position) in European Spanish
- Author
- Subjects
quizás ,subjunktiv ,modalita ,operátor ,modality ,operator ,indicative ,indikativ ,subjunctive - Abstract
This bachelor's thesis is based on statistical research which verify the use of indicative and subjunctive with probability operator quizás in non-inicial position in European Spanish. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first section offers theoretical background for the research section. The theoretical section is focused on clarification of problems connected with the use of grammatical moods and tenses, conception of modality and role of operators. The second, practical section of the thesis consists in statistical analysis which has been realized by the use of corpus CREA of the Royal Spanish Academy. The aim of the research is to find out real status of using indicative and subjunctive with operator quizás. The investigation is separated into five genres in the period from 1990 to 2004. The results are presented in charts and tables that provide a picture of the frequency of using both grammatical moods.
- Published
- 2012
25. Subjunctive vs. indicative in subordinate clauses
- Author
Jungwirthová, Klára, Špaček, Jiří, and Štichauer, Pavel
- Subjects
indikativ ,konjunktiv ,indicative ,subjunctive - Abstract
Subjunctive, Indicative, subordinated clauses The aim of this thesis is to give a brief summary of the usage of subjunctive in subordinated clauses, to divide the classification into cases when: a) the subjunctive is obligatory, b) the subjunctive is a stylistic choice, c) subjununctive and indicative change the meaning of the statement. In the mean part the thesis should be concentrated on those forms (after impersonal expressions, verbs, conjunctiones, in the sequence of tenses, in the indirect questions), where we can observe that the usage is changing. The exemplification should be grounded meanly in the on-line corpus of written Italian. The partial finding out shoul be accompanied by an analytic comment. At the end of the thesis the results shoul be organized and evaluated.
- Published
- 2012
26. The use of subjunctive/indicative with operators of probability modality in Latin American Spanish (central, Mexican and Caribian areas)
- Author
- Subjects
quizás ,korpus ,subjuntiv ,indicative ,indikativ ,corpus ,subjunctive - Abstract
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to verify the use of subjunctive/indicative after operator quizás in all of its possible variations, and also taking into account regional usage differences in Latin American Spanish, focusing on the Central area (Costa Rica, Nicaragua) and the Caribbean area (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama and Dominican Republic). The introduction deals with the theoretical aspect of this grammar phenomenon and the rest of the thesis concentrates on statistical research which has been developed with the help of the Royal Spanish Academy's corpus CREA.
- Published
- 2011
27. The subjunctive versus the 'should'-construction and the indicative in dependent imperative clauses
- Author
Vlčková, Barbora, Malá, Markéta, and Šaldová, Pavlína
- Subjects
konstrukce se "should" ,konjunktiv ,závislá věta rozkazovací ,indicative ,dependent imperative clause ,putative should ,indikativ ,mandative subjunctive - Abstract
English dependent imperative clauses allow three possible forms of the verb phrase in the predicate: the subjunctive, the should-construction and the indicative. The present study deals with these paradigmatic variants and aims to examine their distribution in British English in a synchronic as well as a diachronic perspective. Drawing on grammars and previous studies, the theoretical part of the thesis provides an overview of the present issue and describes important terms. It is to serve mainly as background for the research part, which follows. The research project consists of two parts: a diachronic and a synchronic one. While the diachronic part focuses on the development of the distribution of the variants in dependent impererative clauses from the second half of the 20th century to the present, the synchronic part attempts to define some factors which may influnce the use of these variants in contemporary English. The study uses various corpora of British English as primary material for the research. Excerpted examples were analyzed and results were produced, on the basis of which conclusions were drawn.
- Published
- 2011
28. Der Modus der indirekten Rede in der Sprache Luthers
- Author
Philippe VERRONNEAU, Centre Interlangues - Texte, Image, Langage ( TIL ), Université de Bourgogne ( UB ), Desportes, Yvon, Simmler, Franz, Wich-Reif, Claudia (Hrsg.), VERRONNEAU, Philippe, DESPORTES, Yvon, SIMMLER, Franz, WICH-REIF, Claudia (Hrsg.), Centre Interlangues - Texte, Image, Langage (TIL), Université de Bourgogne (UB), Desportes, Yvon, Simmler, Franz, Wich-Reif, and Claudia (Hrsg.)
- Subjects
Konjunktiv ,Frühneuhochdeutsch ,[ SHS.LANGUE ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguistics ,Modus ,Zeitfolge ,[SHS.LANGUE]Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguistics ,Tempus ,[SHS.LANGUE] Humanities and Social Sciences/Linguistics ,Luther ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS ,Indikativ ,indirekte Rede - Abstract
International audience
- Published
- 2010
29. [No dudo que] + «indicativo/subjuntivo» en la cláusula subordinada: Una investigación del modo verbal que sigue el verbo matriz [no dudo que]
- Author
Pålsson, Johan and Pålsson, Johan
- Abstract
El propósito del presente estudio es el de investigar el modo verbal que utilizan los hispanohablantes en la cláusula subordinada cuando es seguido de la cláusula matriz [no dudo /de/ que]. Según la norma gramatical, es de rigor el modo indicativo si el verbo matriz está negado, a no ser que el hablante tenga intención de quitarle importancia al contenido proposicional. No obstante, nuestra hipótesis es que el uso común va en contra de las directrices gramaticales, es decir, que se utiliza el subjuntivo aunque no exista intención de minimización del contenido proposicional. Nuestra teoría especulativa es que esto se debe a que el verbo dudar es hipotético e incierto por su naturaleza, sea afirmativo sea negado. Por ende, tampoco puede ser equivalente a «estar seguro». Para comprobar la hipótesis llevaremos a cabo una investigación de encuesta y, además, analizaremos ejemplos auténticos del Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual. Las conclusiones que pueden extraerse de este estudio son que la mayoría de nuestros informantes prefieren el uso del subjuntivo en la cláusula subordinada, aun cuando el hablante no tiene intención de quitarle importancia al contenido proposicional., Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka vilket modus som spansktalande använder i den underordnade satsen när den styrs av matrissatsen [no dudo /de/ que]. Om matrissatsen är nekande bör detta, enligt grammatiken, styra indikativ i den underordnade satsen, under förutsättning att talaren inte har för avsikt att förringa innehållet. Vår hypotes är emellertid att gängse bruk strider mot de grammatiska riktlinjerna, det vill säga att konjunktiv används efter nekad huvudsats även när avsikten inte är att bagatellisera bisatsens innehåll. Vår spekulativa teori är att detta sker på grund av matrisverbets grundbetydelse, som av sin natur uttrycker något hypotetiskt och ovisst, vare sig det står i jakande eller nekande form. Sålunda kan det inte heller vara ekvivalent med "estar seguro". För att bekräfta hypotesen kommer vi att använda oss av en enkätundersökning och av autentiska exempel från Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual (CREA). Slutsatser som kan dras av denna studie är att en majoritet av våra informanter föredrar att använda konjunktiv i den underordnade satsen, även när talaren inte har för avsikt att förringa bisatsens innehåll.
- Published
- 2012
30. Konjunktiv und Indikativ in der indirekten Rede im Deutschen
- Author
Bernhardt, Lise and Bernhardt, Lise
- Published
- 2007
31. Subjonctif, indicatif et assertion ou
- Subjects
Konjunktiv ,bisætninger ,Modus ,Fransk sprog ,Verber ,Indikativ - Published
- 2003
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