240 results on '"astronomija"'
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2. Kako vemo, da so stari Slovani poznali gnomone?
- Author
Andrej Pleterski
- Subjects
stari slovani ,astronomija ,gnomon ,Religions. Mythology. Rationalism ,BL1-2790 ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 ,Folklore ,GR1-950 ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 - Abstract
Pokončni stebri so tudi del mitične pokrajine starih Slovanov. Na dejstvo, da je bil tak steber uporabljen kot gnomon, je mogoče sklepati iz obstoja učinkov njegovega delovanja, ki jih najdemo v pokrajini: smeri neba, datumsko pomembni azimuti sončnega vzhoda in sončnega zahoda, kot, ki ustreza nagibu ekliptike. Domnevni krožni argument, da trikotniki definirajo kot in isti kot definira iste trikotnike, je Bilićev konstrukt in je matematično nemogoč, saj trikotnika ne moremo definirati samo z enim kotom. A tudi če so astronomsko znanje starih Slovanov res utemeljevali v sedanjosti s povsem krožnim dokazom (kar pa niso), to še ne pomeni, da stari Slovani niso imeli astronomskega znanja. more...
- Published
- 2022
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3. Kako vemo, da so stari Slovani poznali gnomone?
- Author
Pleterski, Andrej
- Subjects
Copyright of Studia Mythologica Slavica is the property of Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences & Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) more...
- Published
- 2022
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4. Ivan Ureman -- posrednik između kineske i europske znanstvene tradicije: Povodom 400. obljetnice njegove smrti u jubilarnoj Ignacijevoj godini (2021.-2022.).
- Author
Borić, Marijana
- Subjects
MAGNETIC declination ,PHILOSOPHY of mathematics ,SCIENTIFIC method ,LUNAR eclipses ,JESUIT missions ,SCIENTIFIC community - Abstract
Copyright of Obnovljeni zivot is the property of University of Zagreb, Society of Jesus and Faculty of Philosophy & Religious Studies and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) more...
- Published
- 2021
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5. Wileński astronom. Marcin PoczobutOdlanicki w korespondencji z Adamem Naruszewiczem.
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Copyright of Early Lithuanian Literature / Senoji Lietuvos literatūra is the property of Institute of Lithuanian Literature & Folklore and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) more...
- Published
- 2021
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6. Prelazak astrologije iz sfere znanosti u domenu pučke literature u tekstovima hrvatskih autora 18. i 19. stoljeća.
- Author
Borić, Marijana
- Subjects
PHILOSOPHY of science ,CROATIAN language ,FOLK literature ,SEVENTEENTH century ,ASTROLOGY ,CALENDARS (Publications) ,SCIENTISTS' attitudes - Abstract
Copyright of Obnovljeni zivot is the property of University of Zagreb, Society of Jesus and Faculty of Philosophy & Religious Studies and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) more...
- Published
- 2020
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7. Zemes mākslīgo pavadoņu novērošanas stacijas dežūru žurnāls Nr. 1, 1957–1958
- Author
Vilka, Gunta
- Subjects
Latvijas Universitāte ,NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics::Astronomy and astrophysics::Astronomy [Research Subject Categories] ,Astronomy ,Latvijas zinātne ,University of Latvia Botanical Garden ,LU Botāniskais dārzs ,The University of Latvia ,Zemes mākslīgo pavadoņu novērošana ,Astronomija - Abstract
Raksts tapis par PSRS izgudrotu Zemes mākslīgo pavadoņu novērošanas stacijas dežūru žurnālu, kur uzskaitītas iesaistītās personas - pasniedzēji, zinātniskie asistenti un studenti no Pētera Stučkas Latvijas Valsts universitātes (LVU) Fizikas un matemātikas fakultātes. Novērošanas stacija atradās LVU Botāniskajā dārzā, kur bija iespējams veikt astronomiskos novērojumus. Lai kādas bija ieceres novērošanas stacijas attīstībai, studentu interese noplaka interešu trūkuma dēļ. Zemes mākslīgo pavadoņu novērošanas stacijas dežūru žurnāls Nr. 1, 1957–1958 pievienots atsevišķā datnē., The article is about the Logbook of the Earth observation station for artificial satellites invented in the USSR, which lists the persons involved - lecturers, research assistants and students from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Pēteris Stučkas Latvian State university (LVU). The observation stations was located in the LVU Botanical Garden, where astronomical observations could be made. Whatever the plans for the development of the observatory, the students' interest waned for lack of interest. Attached to the article is the Earth observation station's list No 1, 1957-1958. more...
- Published
- 2023
8. The Dialectics of Distance and Nearness in Philosophies of G. W. Fr. Hegel and L. Feuerbach.
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Copyright of Filosofija, Sociologija is the property of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Publishers and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) more...
- Published
- 2020
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9. Život i djela Mirka Danijela Bogdanića od 1760. do 1802. godine
- Author
Smiljanić, Vlatko
- Subjects
astronomija ,Budimpešta ,egzaktne znanosti ,Francuska revolucija 1789 ,franjevci ,geodezija ,Habsburška Monarhija ,historiografija ,Hrvatski narodni preporod ,isusovci ,jozefinizam ,kartografija ,matematika ,Mirko Danijel Bogdanić ,novinstvo ,pijaristi ,povijest znanosti ,prosvjetiteljstvo ,rani novi vijek ,stari vijek ,terezijanizam ,Virovitica ,Vojna krajina - Abstract
Autor se u radu bavi integralnom biografijom Mirka Danijela Bogdanića (Virovitica, 1760. – Budim, 1802.), jednoga od najznamenitijih hrvatskih prirodoslovnih znanstvenika tijekom druge polovice XVIII. stoljeća u Habsburškoj Monarhiji. Donosi se sažeti pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja o Bogdaniću te povijesni kontekst u razdoblju tijekom kojega je živio i radio. Posebno se analizira njegovo obiteljsko porijeklo po očevoj strani važno za njegov napredak kao i važnost rodnoga grada Virovitice osobito sredinom XVIII. stoljeća. U životopisu se interpretira i raščlanjuje Bogdanićeva mladost, obrazovanje, stručna i profesorska karijera, inicijativa za pokretanje prvih pretpreporodnih novina na hrvatskomu jeziku, astronomsko-kartografske ekspedicije, socijalno-psihološki profil te smrt. U drugom se poglavlju interpretiranju i analiziraju Bogdanićeva objavljena i neobjavljena djela s najvećim naglaskom na latinskoj matematičkoj raspravi i sintezi svjetske povijesti staroga Istoka na hrvatskomu jeziku. Naposljetku je poglavlje o recepciji na Bogdanića poslije njegove smrti do današnjega doba. O njemu je do danas pisano u nizu inozemnih periodičkih publikacija te inozemnih i hrvatskih enciklopedija. Bogdanićev primjer potvrđuje da je i u okviru biografike bio slabo zastupljen u hrvatskoj historiografiji. U ovomu se radu Bogdanićev život i rad proučavaju u kontekstu razvoja povijesti znanosti u Hrvata u širem okviru Habsburške Monarhije tijekom XVIII. stoljeća. Temeljem dosadašnjih znanja i novostečenih spoznaja dokazuje se i objašnjava da je Mirko Danijel Bogdanić jedan od najznačajnijih hrvatskih prirodoslovnih znanstvenika XVIII. stoljeća nesvećeničkoga i neplemićkoga porijekla. more...
- Published
- 2023
10. Metode astronomskih istraživanja
- Author
Roša, Dragan
- Subjects
astronomija , astrofizika ,astronomija ,astrofizika ,metode istraživanja - Abstract
Knjiga donosi pregled metoda astronomskih istraživanja, od klasičnih povijesnih do suvremenih astrofizičkih. U prvom poglavlju prikazima je povijest astronomskih spoznaja, s posebnim naglaskom na shvaćanje općeg ustroja svemira i otkrivenih zakonitosti kojima tumačimo zbivanja u njemu. Drugo poglavlje govori o izgledu svemira kakvim se on predstavlja motriteljima na Zemlji koji ne posjeduju sofisticiranu astronomsku opremu. U posljednjem, trećem poglavlju opisane su astrofizičke metode istraživanja svemira temeljene na suvremenim fizikalnim spoznajama i raznovrsnim opažačkim tehnikama. Tekst je općenito prilagođen srednjoškolskoj i visokoškolskoj razini znanja i može biti pogodan u nastavi astronomije. Istodobno, mnogi su dijelovi teksta narativni tako da su razumljivi i širem čitateljstvu. more...
- Published
- 2023
11. Ruđer Josip Bošković.
- Abstract
Copyright of Prilozi za Istrazivanje Hrvatske Filozofske Bastine is the property of Institut za Filosofiju and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) more...
- Published
- 2018
12. Simeizas teleskopa montāžas gaita Friča Blumbaha fotogrāfijās
- Author
Vilks, Ilgonis
- Subjects
Fricis Blumbahs ,NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics::Astronomy and astrophysics::Astronomy [Research Subject Categories] ,Teleskops ,Simeizas observatorija ,Astronomija - Abstract
Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja F. Candera un Latvijas astronomijas kolekcijas krājumā atrodas latviešu astronoma un metrologa Friča Blumbaha (1864 – 1949) 23 uzņemtās fotoplates un 3 papīra fotogrāfijas, kas atspoguļo viņa līdzdalību Simeizas viena metra teleskopa tapšanā 1922. - 1925. gadā. Tajās redzams F. Blumbahs, teleskopa izgatavotājfirmas Grubb Telescope Company darbinieki un Krievijas pārstāvji, kas bija iesaistīti pasūtījuma veikšanā. Attēlos labi redzamas atsevišķas teleskopa daļas, galvenais spogulis un teleskopa kupols. Tekstā aprakstīta Simeizas teleskopa pasūtīšana, izgatavošana, izmantošana Simeizā un teleskopa bojāeja Otrā pasaules kara laikā. more...
- Published
- 2022
13. Razumevanje osnovnih astronomskih pojmov pri učencih 4. razreda osnovne šole
- Author
Hribar, Staša and Susman, Katarina
- Subjects
Lunin mrk ,Lunar eclipse ,konkretno-logična stopnja ,učni načrt ,eksperimentalno delo ,curriculum ,Solar eclipse ,lunine mene ,modeli ,prostorske predstave ,udc:52:373.3(043.2) ,astronomy ,models ,experimental work ,astronomija ,Sončev mrk ,Moon shapes ,spatial reasoning ,concrete operational stage - Abstract
Astronomija je zaradi mnogih odkritij in aktualnih raziskav zelo zanimivo področje znanosti. Vsebine so dostopne preko mnogih medijev, kot so revije, knjige, internet, radio, televizija itd. Zaradi široke dostopnosti se otroci že zgodaj spoznajo z nekaterimi astronomskimi vsebinami. V vrtcu in osnovni šoli je astronomija tudi del kurikuluma in učnega načrta, vendar je večina vsebin pogosto izbirna. Pri poučevanju astronomskih vsebin je v prvem in drugem triletju poudarek predvsem na opazovanju, eksperimentiranju ter uporabi modelov. Prav na slednjih temelji zasnova za magistrsko nalogo. Po Piagetu so 2–7 let stari otroci na predoperativni, 7–11-letniki pa na konkretno-logični stopnji in se jim prostorske predstave še razvijajo oz. izboljšujejo. Zato je smiselno, da se določene vsebine obravnavajo praktično, saj so jim le-te tako bolj razumljive. V okviru pedagoške raziskave smo želeli ugotoviti, kako uporaba modelov in skupinsko eksperimentalno delo pripomoreta k izboljšanju prostorskih predstav pri učencih 4. razreda. Poleg tega smo preverili tudi trajnost znanja ter odnos učencev do astronomskih vsebin. V okviru raziskave smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo raziskovanja, kjer sta se prepletala kvalitativni in kvantitativni pristop. Način vzorčenja je bil neslučajnostni, in sicer namenski. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 64 učencev štirih 4. razredov izbranih osnovnih šol v šolskem letu 2021/22. Pred izvedbo dejavnosti v razredu smo z naključno izbranimi učenci izpeljali polstrukturirani intervju z namenom, da zasnovane dejavnosti prilagodimo glede na pridobljene informacije o poznavanju astronomskih vsebin v izbranih oddelkih. Podatke smo zbirali s predpreizkusom znanja (predtestom), popreizkusom znanja (potestom) in poznim preizkusom znanja (poznim testom) o luninih menah ter Sončevem in Luninem mrku. Poleg tega smo z začetnim in končnim vprašalnikom preverili odnos učencev do astronomskih vsebin. Rezultati so pokazali statistično pomembne razlike glede doseženega števila točk na predtestu in potestu, kar pomeni, da je bila uporaba modelov in eksperimentalnega dela učinkovita. Na poznem preizkusu znanja smo pričakovali padec znanja, vendar so bili rezultati raznoliki. Izkazalo se je, da je bilo povprečje doseženega števila točk najnižje na predpreizkusu znanja (5,12), najvišje pa na poznem preizkusu znanja, in sicer 11 točk, kar je za 0,34 točke višje od povprečja na preizkusu znanja. Največji preskok med doseženimi točkami na poznem preizkusu znanja je znašal 7 točk več kot na preizkusu znanja. Pri 4 učencih smo opazili, da so na preizkusu znanja dosegli manj točk kot na predpreizkusu znanja med njimi je največja razlika med doseženimi točkami znašala 3 točke. Pri analizi vprašalnikov smo ugotovili, da se je po učnih urah zanimanje za astronomske vsebine povečalo, prav tako pa se je izboljšala tudi ocena lastnega znanja. Kljub temu da rezultatov zaradi majhnega vzorca ne moremo posplošiti na osnovno množico, so lahko v pomoč učiteljem pri oblikovanju vsebin iz astronomije, saj so jim podane smernice za pripravo dejavnosti, ki prispevajo k izboljšanju prostorskih predstav učencev. Želimo si, da bi zasnovane dejavnosti spodbudile učitelje, ki se čutijo premalo kompetentni za poučevanje astronomskih vsebin, da poglobijo znanje in ob zasnovanih dejavnostih premostijo prepreke. Due to several discoveries and current researches astronomy is one of the most interesting fields of science. Its contents are accessible through different media, such as magazines, books, internet, radio, television etc. Consequently, children get acquainted with astronomy in early ages. Astronomy is a part of kinder garden and primary school curriculum, but it is often non-obligatory. From 1st to 6th grade, astronomical content is based on observation, experimental work and the use of models, which is the basis of our master’s thesis. Students of this age are at preoperational and concrete operational stage, which means their spatial reasoning is still developing. That is why certain contents are taught practically, which improves students’ understanding. With this pedagogical research we wanted to find out how the use of models and group experimental work affect spatial perception of 4th grade students. Besides, we studied the sustainability of their knowledge and their viewpoint about astronomical contents. For the research we used descriptive method, which includes qualitative and quantitative approach. The sample was non-random but purposive. The research included 64 4th grade students from selected primary schools in school year 2021/22. Before the lesson we had a half-structured interview with randomly chosen students in order to adjust the conceived activities if needed. The data was collected through a preliminary knowledge test, an actual knowledge test and a late knowledge test, concerning Moon shapes, Lunar and Solar eclipse. We also studied students' attitude towards astronomy by initial and final general questionnaire. The results have shown statictical significant differences between preliminary and actual knowledge test. Students have reached higher score on the actual knowledge test, which means the use of models and experimental work was efficient. We expected decrease in knowledge on the late knowledge test, but the results differed. It turned out that the average score was the lowest on preliminary knowledge test (5,12), and the highest on a late knowledge test with an average score of 11, which is 0,34 points higher than an average score on an actual knowledge test. The highest leap between the score, comparing the actual and the late knowledge test, was 7 points. We have noticed that 4 students got lower score on the actual knowledge test than the preliminary knowledge test with the highest leap of 3 points. While analysing questionnaires, we have found out that students' interest and self evaluation have improved after the lesson. Due to a small sample of students, we cannot generalize the results of this study to the basic population. However, they can be helpful to primary school teachers, as they give the necessary guidelines to plan the activities that contribute to improvement of spatial reasoning. We wish that these guidelines would encourage teachers, who do not feel competent enough to teach astronomical contents, to deepen their knowledge and overcome their barriers. more...
- Published
- 2022
14. The Harmony of the World of Johannes Kepler
- Author
Šifner, Antonio, Skender, Marina, and Keser, Tomislav
- Subjects
Keplerovi zakoni planetarnog gibanja ,Kepler's laws of motion ,astronomy ,satellites ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Electrical Engineering. Telecommunications and Informatics ,harmonic law ,astronomija ,sateliti ,harmonijski zakon ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Elektrotehnika. Telekomunikacije i informatika ,Harmonices Mundi - Abstract
Primjene Keplerovih zakona su sveprisutne: od razumijevanja kretanja nebeskih tijela do određivanja putanja svemirskih letjelica. Ovaj završni rad prikazuje samo otkriće Trećeg Keplerovog zakona kako ga je on izveo u znanstvenoj raspravi Harmonices Mundi, Harmonije Svijeta. Diskutiran je i povijesni značaj ovog epohalnog otkrića koje je bilo ujedno i temeljem početaka moderne znanosti. Ocrtana je i kratka povijest drugih velikih Keplerovih znanstvenih otkrića koja su se temeljila na njegovim filozofskim preduvjerenjima te na najtočnijim astronomskim opažanjima onog vremena koja je proveo Tycho Brahe. Applications of Kepler's laws are ubiquitous: from understanding motion of a range of astronomical phenomena to determining motion of man made spacecrafts. This final paper presents the very discovery of the Kepler's Third Law as presented in his treatise Harmonices Mundi, Harmonies of the World. Legacy of this consequentional discovery, which laid foundation of the modern science, is discussed. Brief history of other Kepler's scientific discoveries based on his philosophical ideas and the most accurate astronomical observations of his time obtained by Tycho Brahe is outlined. more...
- Published
- 2022
15. Prelazak astrologije iz sfere znanosti u domenu pučke literature u tekstovima hrvatskih autora 18. i 19. stoljeća
- Author
Marijana Borić
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Astrology ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Religious studies ,astrologija ,astronomija ,filozofija ,Pavao Ritter Vitezović ,Josip Franjo Kosednar ,Ivan Maurović ,astrološki rukopisi ,pučka literatura ,Theology ,astrology ,astronomy ,philosophy ,Paul Ritter Vitezović ,astrological manuscripts ,literature ,media_common - Abstract
Astrologija kao tema prisutna je u radovima niza istaknutih hrvatskih autora u razdoblju od srednjovjekovlja pa sve do 19. stoljeća. Javlja se u različitim oblicima, sadržajima i formi, od zapaženih djela prožetih egzaktnim znanostima i filozofijom do zabavnih tekstova u literaturi pisanoj za puk. Rad govori o novovjekovnim transformacijama i pristupu astrologiji, nakon njezina isključivanja iz sfere znanstvenih i filozofskih koncepcija, što se odražava i u djelima hrvatskih autora 18. i 19. stoljeća., The paper discusses the astrological texts of Croatian authors produced after the 17th century when astrology left the field of science and philosophy and entered into other genres which were meant for a broader readership. Various forms of astrological contributions are described which were found in the calendar and related literature and, in particular, a few astrological manuscripts written in the Croatian language are analyzed. It is demonstrated that the shift made by astrology from the sphere of science into the field of folk literature did not diminish interest in astrological content. This can be concluded from the example of 18th and 19th century texts. The paper analyzes their content, templates, and domains with a view to better understand the Croatian astrological tradition and its place and definition in the corpus of the Croatian literary heritage. The texts described were not intended for a narrow intellectual stratum, but rather for a wider circle of readers and do not contain explanations on how horoscopes or theoretical astrology are needed to carry on astrological practice. Croatian manuscripts portray and interpret astrological predictions in the way they appear in folk tales printed from the 16th century onward in Western Europe. In Croatian calendars, astrological contributions have been on the rise since the end of the 17th century, as for example in Vitezović’s calendars, which were printed as a series of calendars dating from the second half of the 18th century. The same can be seen in the second part of the Mathematical Handbook of Mate Zorčić Arithmetic which includes an astrological circle. They were also printed in the first half of the 19th century in annual calendars and especially in a centuries–old Croatian calendar, which, due to their popularity, were published several times, and their astrological contributions were transmitted by younger editors also. The manuscripts described were intended for the leisure and instruction of the common folk, written as manuals for everyday life, determining their content as well as their purview. Although they deal with astrological contributions, the authors emphasize that our world is completely in the hands of God’s providence. Since in the texts described, there is no prophecying of human destiny, it was not unusual for priests and friars to believe in such predictions. The texts provide basic information on the characteristics of particular planets, which are in line with general medieval and Renaissance astrological attitudes and which had been incorporated into Aristotle’s natural philosophy. The fact that they were written in the Croatian language at a time when few works existed in the language of the common people, places these texts into the framework of the effort to enlighten those who are easily manipulated. In addition, they are a valuable asset for the reconstruction of the level of knowledge and attitudes which prevailed at that time. However, that which stands behind the attitudes represented in Croatian astrological texts from the 18th century was already very conservative in relation to the point of view not only of scientists, but also of what they represented in the field of education in Croatia at that time. more...
- Published
- 2020
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16. Praktiskās aktivitātes astronomijas jautājumu apguvē dabaszinībās 4. klasē
- Author
Pūce, Inga, Dudareva, Inese, and Latvijas Universitāte. Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultāte
- Subjects
praktiskās aktivitātes ,Izglītības zinātnes ,astronomija ,dabaszinības ,4. klase - Abstract
Skolotāja pieredzes darbā „ Praktiskās aktivitātes astronomijas jautājumu apguvē dabaszinībās 4. klasē” ir apkopota un izvērtēta pieredze, ko autore ir guvusi 2021./2022. mācību gada 2. semestra laikā. Lai vecinātu skolēnu izpratni par procesiem Visumā, kas ikdienā nav uzreiz ieraugāmi, bet redzams tikai to izpausmes rezultāts, ieteicams veikt praktiskās aktivitātes. Ņemot vērā domāšanas un mācīšanās procesa īpatnības šajā vecuma posmā, astronomijas temata “Kur Visumā atrodas Zeme?” apguvei tika izmantota mācību ekskursija uz Baldones planetāriju, didaktiskā spēle “Planētu parāde”, programmas Google Earth vai mobilās aplikācijas Sky Map izmantošana zvaigznāju noteikšanai un Saules sistēmas modeļa izgatavošana grupās. Pieredzes darba mērķis ir apkopot un izvērtēt pieredzi par praktisko aktivitāšu īstenošanu dabaszinībās 4. klasē, lai pilnveidotu skolēnu izpratni par Saules sistēmas uzbūvi un zvaigznājiem. Tika veikts zinātniskās un metodiskās literatūras apkopojums par praktisko aktivitāšu īstenošanu atbilstošajā vecumposmā. Tika iegūta pieredze temata plānošanā, organizēšanā un vērtēšanā, lai sniegtu metodiskos ieteikumus par praktisko aktivitāšu īstenošanu temata "Kur Visumā atrodas Zeme?" apguvē. Darbā iegūtie dati ļauj secināt, ka mācību ekskursijā labāk doties ar noteiktu zināšanu bagāžu, lai vairotu izpratni un interesi par tematu. Didaktiskai spēlei “Planētu parāde” jāvelta vismaz 30 min., lai to pabeigtu līdz galam visi skolēni. Mobilā aplikācija Sky Map un vietnes Google Earth un NASA education izmantošana palielina interesi par astronomijas apguvi., Teacher's work “Hands-on astronomy activities in the 4th grade science” summarizes and evaluates the experience that was gained during the second semester of the school year 2021/2022. In order to develop students’ understanding of the processes in the Universe, which are not immediately visible on a daily basis, but the result of their manifestations, practical activities should be performed. Taking into account the peculiarities of the learning and thinking process at this age, author of the Paper organized study excursion to Baldones planetarium, implemented didactic game “Planetary Parade” and used of Google Earth or Sky Map programs to determine the constellations and the model of the Solar system were made in order to comprehend the topic “Where the Earth is in the Universe?” The aim of the experiential work is to summarize and evaluate author’s experience of implementing practical activities in science in the 4th grade in order to improve students’ understanding of the structure and constellations of the Solar system. During the work, author of the Paper analysed scientific and methodological literature on the implementation of practical activities in the specific age group. Experience was gained in planning, organizing and evaluating the topic in order to provide methodological recommendations for the implementation of practical activities of the topic "Where the Earth is in the Universe?” Obtained data allowed to conclude that study excursion should be organized when students have gained knowledge in this topic as well as to arouse their comprehension and interest for further learning process. The didactic game “Planetary Parade” should be carried out for at least 30 minutes, that all students can complete the assignment. Mobile application Sky Map and sites Google Earth, NASA education implementation during the learning process increases students’ interest in learning astronomy. more...
- Published
- 2022
17. Intelektualna ishodišta Mirka Danijela Bogdanića (1760. – 1802.)
- Author
Smiljanić, Vlatko, Šimetin Šegvić, Nikolina, and Trutanić, Jure
- Subjects
Mirko Danijel Bogdanić ,povijest egzaktnih znanosti ,astronomija ,matematika ,isusovci ,franjevci ,prosvjetiteljstvo - Abstract
Hrvatski astronom, matematičar, geodet, povjesničar i preporoditelj Mirko Danijel Bogdanić (Virovitica, 5. studenoga 1760. – Budim, 31. siječnja 1802.) ostavio je veliki trag u hrvatskoj ranomodernoj povijesti i povijesti egzaktnih znanosti u Hrvata. Jedan je od najpoznatijih prirodoslovnih matematičara Habsburške Monarhije, kojega je znameniti Ivan Paskvić proglasio prvim matematičarem Monarhije. Iako je ostao upamćen kao voditelj astronomsko-kartografske ekspedicije za izradu geografske karte Ugarske i susjednih zemalja Jánosa Lipszkog te pokretač prvih pretpreporodnih novina na hrvatskome jeziku, o Bogdaniću u hrvatskoj historiografiji do danas ne postoje integralna i interdisciplinarna znanstvena istraživanja. U ovom će se izlaganju temeljem raščlambe Bogdanićeva karijernog životopisa istražiti njegov odgojno-obrazovni razvoj od pučkoškolca i učenika zagrebačkoga kolegija do jednoga od najpoznatijih profesora Peštanskoga sveučilišta krajem XVIII. stoljeća. Posebna pažnja u izlaganju pridat će se interpretaciji i raščlambi razvoja pučkoga školstva u ranomodernomu dobu u hrvatskim zemljama u okrilju franjevačkoga i isusovačkoga kulturnog kruga te kruga znamenitih hrvatskih učenjaka na peštanskome sveučilištu u drugoj polovici XVIII. stoljeća. Time će se na jedinstvenom slučaju prikazati intelektualnoga ishodišta jednoga kontinentalnoga hrvatskoga učenjaka u kontekstu političke, društvene, kulturne i intelektualne povijesti hrvatskih zemalja u Stoljeću razuma. more...
- Published
- 2022
18. Gornje granice detekcije aktivnih galaktičkih jezgri promatranih teleskopi-ma MAGIC
- Author
Nikolić, Lisa, Dominis Prester, Dijana, Manganaro, Marina, and Poljančić Beljan, Ivana
- Subjects
astrophysics ,gama zračenje vrlo visokih energija ,MAGIC telescopes ,blazars ,crne rupe ,gama zracˇenje vrlo visokih energija, aktivne galakticˇke jezgre, astro zika vrlo visokih energija, teleskopi MAGIC, astro zika, astronomija, blazari, crne rupe ,black holes ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,astronomy ,very-high-energy-astrophysics ,very-high-energy gamma rays ,aktivne galaktičke jezgre ,astronomija ,teleskopi MAGIC ,astrofizika ,AGN ,astrofizika vrlo visokih energija ,blazari - Abstract
Blazars are Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) whose jet is pointed towards the observer. They are usually divided in two sub-classes, depending on the aspect of their optical spectrum. Blazars which present an optical spectrum which lacks of emission lines are categorised as BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs), while blazars whose optical spectrum shows strong emission lines are named Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs). The majority of blazars who have been found emitting VHE γ-rays are BL Lacs. MAGIC observed and discovered in the VHE γ-ray band many of them in the past years. Nevertheless some of them remained undetected, meaning the significance of the signal was lower than 5 σ. For my work of thesis, I gathered information and data from such undetected sources and created a catalog of 41 sources, 25 of which are BL Lacs. From them, I selected a sample of 5 sources which were observed in 2020-2022 as a starting point for a more complete upper limits study which is in preparation within the MAGIC collaboration. The sources I analysed in detail are: 4FGLJ0955.1+ 3551, 87GB-225250.5+235403, TXS1700+685, PKS2247-131 and PKS2345-16. From the selected sample of sources I obtained upper limits (ULs) to the light curves (LCs) and spectral energy distributions (SEDs), which can be used in the future to study such sources in a multiwavelength (MWL) context and define a baseline for future studies in case of detection. ULs can in fact, combined with other MWL data, help in understanding the possible emission scenarios of those sources and into defining strategies to detect them., Blazari su Aktivne Galaktičke Jezgre (AGN) čiji je mlaz uperen prema promatračcu. Uobičajeno su podijeljeni u dvije klase ovisno o svojstvima njihova optičkog spektra. Blazari koji imaju optički spektar u kojem nedostaju emisijske linije kategorizirani su kao BL Lacertae objekt (BL Lac), dok se blazari, čiji optički spektar ima jake emisijske linije, nazivaju Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQ). Većina blazara koji emitiraju VHE (eng. very high energy) γ-zrake su BL Lac objekti. U proteklim godinama mnogo ih je promatrano i otkriveno sa MAGIC teleskopima. Ipak, neki izvori i dalje ostaju nedetektirani, na što upućuje podatak da je značcajnost manja od 5σ. U svojem radu prikupila sam informacije i podatke upravo od takvih nedetektiranih izvora i stvorila katalog koji sadrži 41 izvor, od kojih su 25 BL Lac objekti. Potom sam izdvojila uzorak od 5 izvora koji su bili promatrani u periodu od 2020. do 2022. godine i to mi je bila početna tocka za detaljniju analizu gornjih granica detekcije koja je u pripremi s kolaboracijom MAGIC. Izvori koje sam detaljnije analizirala su: 4FGL-J0955.1+3551, 87GB-225250.5+235403, TXS1700+685, PKS2247-131 i PKS2345-16. Iz odabranog uzorka uspjela sam odrediti gornje granice detekcije za svjetlosne krivulje i spektralnu distribuciju energije. Ti podatci se u budućnosti mogu upotrijebiti za promatranje sličnih izvora u kontekstu istraživanja u cijelom području elektromagnetskog spektra, i mogu poslužiti kao vodilja u slučaju detekcije. Gornje granice, u kombinaciji sa podatcima u ostalim područjima spektra, mogu pomoći pri razumijevanju moguće emisije za te izvore baš te za određivanje mogućih strategija za detekciju. more...
- Published
- 2022
19. Doprinosi akademika Žarka Dadića na području astronomije.
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- Abstract
Copyright of Historical Journal / Historijski Zbornik is the property of Drustvo za Hrvatsku Povjesnicu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) more...
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Špakovs, Dmitrijs
- Subjects
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COMETS , *FORCE & energy , *GRAVITATION , *ASTRONOMICAL research ,SOLAR research - Abstract
In the work were found the dependence of the jet reaction force acting on the comet, depending on the distance to the sun and the rate of the mass sublimation from the comet; knowing the jet reaction forces that acts on the comet the determination of the comet position in the future could be more reliable, also if you know how much comet loses its mass per second and how this value changes depending on of the distance to the sun, the comet lifetime can be determined. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] more...
- Published
- 2014
21. 0.4°S 32.7°E: Cenzorin in njegova »astronomska« opažanja
- Author
Gregor Pobežin
- Subjects
Cenzorin ,astronomija ,astrologija ,Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature ,PA - Abstract
Ko je rimski polihistor Cenzorin želel svojemu prijatelju Kvintu Kajreliju za rojstni dan podariti primerno darilo, se je znašel v kočljivem položaju: kaj mu lahko kupi iz prazne mošnje? Znašel se je z briljantnim darilom, ki bi navdušilo vsakogar, če mu le ne manjka otipljivih dobrin – poklonil mu je knjigo z naslovom De die natali liber – "Rojstnodnevna knjižica". Cenzorin ni bil izviren mislec, vendar je v tem drobnem delu nakopičil množico različnih vsebin, od književnosti do glasbe, zgodovine, matematike, zdravilstva, astronomije in celo embriologije. Pri tem se nikoli ne oddalji od svoje osrednje teme, tj. rojstnega dne. more...
- Published
- 2014
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22. Zvaigžņu aicinājums: Latvijas Universitātes astronomijas studentu (1920-1949) dzīvesstāsti
- Author
Vilks, Ilgonis
- Subjects
University of Latvia - history ,Latvijas Universitātes Muzejs ,NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics::Astronomy and astrophysics::Astronomy [Research Subject Categories] ,Astronomiskā observatorija ,Latvijas Universitātes vēsture ,biogrāfijas ,Astronomija - Abstract
Grāmatā ievietota 51 Latvijas Universitātes astronomijas studenta (1920 – 1949) īsa biogrāfija. Divdesmit kādreizējie astronomijas studenti kļuva par profesionāliem astronomiem, matemātiķiem vai fiziķiem tepat Latvijā vai trimdā, daļa kļuva par pazīstamiem pedagogiem. Par pārējiem astronomijas studentiem, kopskaitā 31, grāmatā vienkop un izvērsti stāstīts pirmo reizi. Biogrāfijas papildina vizuālais materiāls, kas vēsta par Latvijas Universitātes Astronomiskās observatorijas vēsturi 20. gs. 20. un 30. gados. more...
- Published
- 2021
23. Ali je pozimi Zemlja najbolj oddaljena od Sonca?
- Author
Susman, Katarina and Ziherl, Saša
- Subjects
astronomy ,astronomija - Abstract
Astronomske vsebine pri pouku naravoslovja in v neformalnih oblikah izobraževanja otroke pritegnejo in motivirajo za naravoslovje. Za ustrezno razumevanje osnovnih astronomskih pojmov, kot so lunine mene, mrki ter povezava med navideznim gibanjem Sonca po nebu in gibanjem Zemlje v Osončju, je zelo pomembno abstraktno mišljenje oz. doseganje ustrezne kognitivne ravni. more...
- Published
- 2021
24. Zobje, o izvoru njihovih imen
- Author
Torkar, Gregor
- Subjects
astronomy ,astronomija - Abstract
Imena zob nam veliko povedo o njihovem položaju v čeljusti, času pojava, obliki in funkciji v ustni votlini. Razlago izvora imen lahko uporabimo kot način obravnave učne vsebine o zobeh.
- Published
- 2021
25. Zemes mīti debesīs. Zvaigžņu atlantu virtuālā izstāde
- Author
Vilks, Ilgonis, Komova, Jekaterina, and Latvijas Universitātes Muzejs
- Subjects
astronomy ,NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics::Astronomy and astrophysics::Astronomy [Research Subject Categories] ,astronomija ,star atlases ,zvaigžņu atlanti - Abstract
Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja Frīdriha Candera un Latvijas astronomijas kolekcijā glabājas bagātīga 18., 19. un 20. gadsimta zvaigžņu atlantu kolekcija, kas uzskatāmi ataino zvaigžņotās debess kartēšanas vēsturi. Vecākajam no atlantiem ir gandrīz 300 gadu. Divdesmit zvaigžņu atlanti, kas tapuši līdz 1940. gadam, tagad pieejami apskatei Muzeja virtuālajā izstādē „Zemes mīti debesīs”., The collection of Friedrich Cander and the Latvian Astronomy of the Museum of the University of Latvia contains a rich collection of star atlases from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, which clearly depicts the history of mapping the starry sky. The oldest of the atlases is almost 300 years old. Twenty-star atlases created before 1940 are now available for viewing at the Museum's virtual exhibition, "Earth myths in the sky". more...
- Published
- 2021
26. Ivan Ureman — Mediator Between Chinese and European Scientific Tradition: On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of his death in the Ignatian Jubilee Year (2021–2022)
- Author
Marijana Borić
- Subjects
Physics ,Philosophy ,Ivan Ureman ,isusovci misionari ,astronomija ,geometrija ,euklidska aksiomatika ,magnetska deklinacija ,zemljopisne koordinate ,kineska znanstvena tradicija ,Religious studies ,Theology ,Jesuit missionaries: astronomy ,geometry ,Euclidean axiomatics ,magnetic declination ,geographical coordinates ,Chinese scientific tradition - Abstract
U radu je prikazano djelovanje Ivana Uremana (1583.–1621.), hrvatskoga isusovca, misionara, matematičara i astronoma. Uremanov rad razmatran je iz dva aspekta. Prvi je sagledavanje Uremanova rada u sklopu razvoja znanosti njegova doba. Svojim radom na području matematike, kao i u astronomiji, Ureman se pridružuje onim učenjacima s početka novovjekovlja koji su matematičkim pristupom tražili nova znanja i uvide u spoznaju zbilje. U radu su Uremanovi znanstveni interesi i doprinosi prikazani u širem kontekstu znanstvenih prilika na prijelazu iz 16. u 17. stoljeće. Kao misionar djelovao je u razdoblju glasovitih isusovačkih misija na Dalekom istoku, pa je njegov rad također razmatran iz vidika prijenosa znanja i djelovanja prvih posrednika između kineske i europske kulturno–znanstvene tradicije., Ivan Ureman belongs to the corpus of scholars from the beginnings of modern history who, by studying and using mathematics, marked the beginning of modern science by applying mathematics and mathematical methods in the study of nature. The application of Euclid’s method for testing scientific hypotheses — in which Ureman was an expert — would enable modern science to develop strongly and separate from philosophy, as well as to develop new autonomous fields. While the medieval scientific tradition developed a qualitative approach in researching and describing nature — following the example of Aristotle — and perceived mathematics as interacting with philosophy, in which the logical structure of mathematics was not seen as important, Ureman deviates from this tradition. His mathematical considerations were not connected with philosophy, and he used mathematics not only within its autonomous field but also in the study of astronomical phenomena, as well as in the determination of geographical coordinates and the study of magnetic declination. Confirmation of this can be found in Ureman’s scientific correspondence in which he describes his observations, mathematical data processing and the results of his research. Owing to his competence and activity, Ureman was fully integrated into the work of the famous Jesuit missions in the Far East and their role in the transfer of knowledge from the European tradition to the Chinese tradition and vice versa. He possessed a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills precisely in those areas in which Chinese scholars showed a particular interest: mathematics, astronomy, the calendar, and the determination of geographical coordinates. In astronomy he carried out observations and measurements of phenomena which were the current subject of interest of the scientific community of his time. He achieved notable results in studying lunar eclipses, magnetic declination, and geographical longitude. By working to determine the position of Macao, he made a valuable contribution at a time when some areas of the Far East were still unknown. He was rooted in the scientific endeavours of his era, which spurred the development of new astronomical devices, methods and theories, and enabled major astronomical discoveries that impelled the scientific community of Europe of that time, in which Ureman — from the peripheries of the distant East — could not engage as much as he would have liked, but nevertheless in which he was actively involved thus making a valuable contribution to the transfer of knowledge between the two scientific traditions. more...
- Published
- 2021
27. Asteroīdu regolīta porainuma aprēķinu precizitāte, salīdzinot attālinātās izpētes metodes un paraugu atgriešanas misijas
- Author
Šļumba, Kārlis, Grapa, Amara Linna, and Latvijas Universitāte. Fizikas, matemātikas un optometrijas fakultāte
- Subjects
Asteroīdi ,Asteroīdu regolīts ,Fizika ,Asteroīdu regolīta porainums ,Astronomija ,Planetoloģija - Abstract
Šļumba, K. Asteroīdu regolīta porainuma aprēķinu precizitāte, salīdzinot attālinātās izpētes metodes un paraugu atgriešanas misijas. Bakalaura darbs/ K. Šļumba, A. Grapa.- Rīga: LU, FMOF, bakalaura akadēmiskā studiju programma “Fizika”, 2021. 53 lpp. Bakalaura darbs rakstīts latviešu valodā, to veido ievads, nodaļa par asteroīdu īpašībām, nodaļa par asteroīdu regolīta porainumu, rezultāti, diskusija un secinājumi. Darba apjoms ir 53 lpp., tajā iekļauti 3 attēli, 5 tabulas, 5 grafiki. Izmantotās literatūras sarakstā ietverti 48 avoti angļu un 1 latviešu valodā. Asteroīdu regolīta datubāzes aizpildīšanai ir nepieciešams aprēķināt nezināmās asteroīdu īpašības. Darba uzdevums ir noskaidrot, vai asteroīdu regolīta porainumu var aprēķināt precīzi ar attālinātās izpētes metodēm, salīdzinot ar paraugu atgriešanas misijām. Līdz šim ir notikušas 3 asteroīdu paraugu atgriešanas misijas Hayabusa, Hayabusa-2 un OSIRIS-REx uz asteroīdiem Itokawa, Ryugu un Bennu attiecīgi. Izmantojot Kiuchi un Nakamura (2014) un Magri u.c. (2001) metodes, ir aprēķināts apciemoto asteroīdu regolīta porainums. Rezultāti ir salīdzināti ar publicētajiem in-situ novērojumiem. Magri u.c. (2001) metode, kas balstās uz radaru polarimetrijas novērojumiem, dod tādu asteroīdu regolīta porainumu, kas kļūdas robežās sakrīt ar in-situ novērojumiem. Kiuchi un Nakamura (2014) metode ir jāuzlabo, pirms to var izmantot., Šļumba, K. Asteroid regolith porosity approximation precision, comparing remote sensing methods and sample return missions. Bachelor thesis/ K. Šļumba, A. Grapa.- Rīga: LU, FMOF, bachelor academic study program “Physics”, 2021. 53 p. Bachelor thesis is written in Latvian language, it includes Introduction, part about asteroid properties, part about asteroid regolith porosity, results, discussion and conclusions. Thesis consists of 53 pages, with 3 figures, 5 tables and 5 graphs. Bibliography consists of 48 sources in English and 1 in Latvian language. Unknown asteroid properties must be approximated to complete the asteroid regolith database. Main task in this bachelor thesis is to find out whether asteroid regolith porosity can be approximated precisely with remote sensing methods, comparing to sample return missions. So far 3 sample return missions Hayabusa, Hayabusa-2 and OSIRIS-REx have visited asteroids Itokawa, Ryugu and Bennu accordingly. Using Kiuchi and Nakamura (2014) and Magri et.al. (2001) methods, regolith porosity is calculated for visited asteroids. Results are compared to published in-situ measurements. Magri et. al. (2001) method, which is based on radar polarimetry observations, gives asteroid regolith porosity approximation, that is consistent with in-situ measurements in the range of errors. Kiuchi and Nakamura (2014) method should be improved before it could be used. more...
- Published
- 2021
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of HUM: Journal of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Mostar is the property of University of Mostar, Faculty of Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) more...
- Published
- 2015
29. Frīdriha Candera paša uzņemtās fotogrāfijas Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja krājumā
- Author
Vilks, Ilgonis
- Subjects
LU Muzejs ,NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics::Astronomy and astrophysics [Research Subject Categories] ,Frīdrihs Canders ,Fotogrāfijas ,Astronomija - Abstract
Ievērojamais vācbaltiešu raķešbūves pionieris un izgudrotājs Frīdrihs Canders (Friedrich Zander, 1887-1933) dzimis, mācījies un jaunību pavadījis Rīgā. Pirmā pasaules kara laikā viņš evakuējās uz Maskavu, kur nodarbojās ar kosmisko lidojumu aprēķiniem un raķešu dzinēju būvi. Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja Frīdriha Candera un Latvijas astronomijas kolekcijas krājumā glabājas 12 viņa paša uzņemtas fotogrāfijas. Tās ievietotas šajā rakstā līdz ar komentāriem par vēsturisko kontekstu. more...
- Published
- 2020
30. Understanding of open stellar clusters and peculiar spectra in sky surveys using machine learning
- Author
Čotar, Klemen and Zwitter, Tomaž
- Subjects
astronomy ,peculiar stars ,dvojne zvezde ,open clusters ,machine learning ,razsute kopice ,classification ,astronomija ,zvezde posebnega tipa ,binaries ,klasifikacija ,strojno učenje - Abstract
The increasing number of fully automated and highly multiplexed telescopes produces an ever-increasing number of observations whose reduction and analysis tend to be as automated as possible. As a limited number of researchers is unable to process and check all collected information manually, this degree of automation will steadily increase with time. This does not mean that used processes are flawless, and science will be in the near future handed to machines. Quite the opposite, the complexity of machinery and investigated scientific topics still requires a person to tweak the processes, identify previously unrecognised problems and think about the next scientific problem. Machine learning tools are not magical solutions as they only try to solve the problem introduced by the operator. Therefore if a question is poorly defined or data improperly prepared and filtered, results will also be burdened by those decisions. This presents an important need of not only knowing the data at hand but also how were they prepared and possibly quality flagged during production. This thesis presents the results of our exploration of extensive GALactic Archaeology with HERMES (GALAH) data set with various machine learning tools and emphasizes the need for control and understanding of input data. Presented results deal with the exploration of 16 open stellar clusters and their chemical signature, where the main problems are homogeneity and correctness of the determined chemical compositions. By understanding the limitations of chemically tagging open cluster stars with homogeneous composition, the findings were applied to the chemical exploration of their surrounding. The second large part of this thesis deals with finding smaller subsets of peculiar spectra in the GALAH data set. By various approaches of comparison between observed and modelled normal spectra, we found 918 spectra with pronounced molecular bands of C2 molecule, 10,364 spectra with visible emission lines and analysed 329 possible spectroscopically unresolved multiple systems. Naraščajoče število popolnoma avtomatiziranih in visoko multipleksiranih teleskopov nam posreduje vedno večje število opazovanj, katerih začetna obdelava in analiza sta vedno bolj in bolj avtomatizirani. Ker omejeno število raziskovalcev ne more ročno obdelati in preveriti vseh zbranih informacij, se bo stopnja avtomatizacije s časom le še povečevala. To ne pomeni, da so uporabljeni procesi brezhibni in bo znanost v bližnji prihodnosti predana računalnikom. Ravno nasprotno, zapletenost teleskop in opazovanj ter znanstvenih vprašanj še vedno zahteva, da operator prilagodi procese, ugotovi prej neopažene težave in razmišlja o naslednjem znanstvenem problemu. Orodja za strojno učenje niso čarobna orodja, saj le skušajo rešiti težavo, ki si jo je zamislil njihov uporabnik. Če je vprašanje slabo opredeljeno ali so podatki nepravilno pred-pripravljeni in filtrirani, bodo tudi rezultati obremenjeni z vhodnimi odločitvami. To predstavlja pomembno težnjo po poznavanju ne samo razpoložljivih podatkov, ampak tudi kako so bili pripravljeni in označeni z raznimi statusi njihove kvalitete. Disertacija predstavlja rezultate našega raziskovanja obsežne podatkovne baze GALactic Archaeology with HERMES (GALAH) z različnimi orodji strojnega učenja in poudarja potrebo po nadzoru in razumevanju vhodnih podatkov. Predstavljeni rezultati obravnavajo raziskovanje 16 razsutih zvezdnih kopic in njihov kemični podpis. Pri tem sta glavna problema homogenost in pravilnost izračunanih kemičnih zastopanosti. Pri kemičnem raziskovanju okolice razsutih kopic smo uporabili razumevanje omejitev uporabe metode kemičnih podpisov razsutih zvezdnih kopic, ki naj bi imele homogeno sestavo. Drugi večji sklop disertacije se ukvarja z iskanjem manjših podskupin posebnih tipov spektrov v podatkovni bazi GALAH. Z različnimi pristopi primerjave med opazovanimi in modeliranimi normalnimi spektri smo našli 918 spektrov z izrazitimi molekularnimi pasovi molekule C2, 10.364 spektrov z emisijskimi črtami ter analizirali 329 kandidatov za spektroskopsko nerazpoznavne večkratne sisteme. more...
- Published
- 2020
31. Mirko Danijel Bogdanić (1760-1802) Astronom, matematičar, geodet i hrvatski prosvjetitelj.
- Author
Kren, Tatjana
- Abstract
Istraženi su život i djelo Mirko Danijela Bogdanića (Virovitica, 1760 -- Budim, 1802), značajnoga hrvatskog, ugarskog i austrijskog astronoma i matematičara te autora svjetske povijesti na hrvatskom jeziku. U oblikovanju životopisa i objašnjenju njegova djelovanja slijedi se povijesni okvir burnih previranja u doba jozefinizma, u kojem je odrastao i djelovao, te njegov odnos prema hrvatskom jeziku i domovini. Studirao je matematiku, fiziku i astronomiju u Budimu i Pesšti (1782-1785), Stručno je surađivao s poznatim hrvatskim znanstvenicima koji su ondje djelovali (Ivan Paskvić, Franjo Bruna, Josip Mitterpacher i drugi). Posebna je pozornost posvećena bečkom razdoblju njegova djelovanja (oko 1791. do 1796.) U prvom dijelu razdobja Bogdanićeva su nastojanja usmjerena na objavljivanje prvog sveske svjetske povijesti na hrvatskom jeziku Dogodjaji svieta (1792), u kojem je pozornost obratio na astronomiju te na hrvatsko astronomsko nazivlje. U drugom dijelu bečkug razdoblja bio je student astronomije na bečkom sveu čilištu (1793-1795). Slijedi najvažnije razdoblje njegova života kao drugog i prvog pristava na budimskoj zvjezdarnici (1796-1802), te carskoga imenovanog astronoma pomoćnika mađarskoga husarskog natporućnika i kartografa Jánosa Lipszkoga (1798-1802) u obavljanju preciznih astronomskih motrenja za određivanje geografskih koordinata za kartu Mađarske (Mappa Generalis Regni hungariae ). Njegova motrenja ocijenjena su izvrsnima, posebice određivanje geografskih širina. Tijekom dugotrajnoga napornog terenskog rada pod nepovoljnim vremenskim okolnostima maksimalno se iscrpljivao, što je rezultiralo bolešću i preranom smrću. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] more...
- Published
- 2011
32. Philosophy, Science and the Media.
- Author
Jergović, Blanka
- Subjects
PHILOSOPHY & science ,SCIENTIFIC communication ,SWINE influenza ,SCIENCE ,ATTITUDE (Psychology) ,DECISION making - Abstract
Copyright of Synthesis Philosophica is the property of Croatian Philosophical Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) more...
- Published
- 2010
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Filozofski Vestnik is the property of Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences & Arts and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.) more...
- Published
- 2008
34. The Dialectics of Distance and Nearness in Philosophies of G. W. Fr. Hegel and L. Feuerbach
- Author
Lina Vidauskytė
- Subjects
Dialectic ,Practice ,Distance ,Sociology and Political Science ,Astronomy ,Philosophy ,Hegelianism ,Filosofija / Philosophy ,Nearness ,Astronomija ,Artuma ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Flosofija ,Praktika ,Commonness ,Kasdienybė ,Absentmindedness ,Theory ,Theology ,Asentmindedness ,Toluma ,Nenuovokumas - Abstract
Pasitelkus H. Blumenbergo metodą (metaforologiją) siekiama išryškinti „tolumos“ ir „artumos“ dialektiką G. W. Fr. Hegelio ir L. Feuerbacho filosofijose ir kasdieniuose gyvenimuose. H. Blumenbergo metodologinės prieigos nėra plėtojamos kitų filosofų, todėl šio straipsnio tematika yra nauja. Galima net teigti, kad G. W. Fr. Hegelio ir L. Feuerbacho filosofijų analizė yra dar vienas pavyzdys „tolumos“ ir „artumos“ metaforų istorijoje. Minėtos metaforos nėra paprasčiausios filosofinės kalbos puošmenos, bet fenomenologinio santykio su pasauliu indikatoriai. H. Blumenbergas savo darbe Das Lachen der Thrakerin. Eine Urgeschichte der Theorie analizavo seno anekdoto apie astronomą, filosofą Talį ir tarnaitę trakietę recepciją filosofinėje tradicijoje. Šis anekdotas metaforiškai atskleidžia santykį tarp nematomos proto teorijos ir praktinės išminties. Istorija taip pat išryškina reikšmingą teorijos požymį – egzotišką stebėtojo elgseną (nenuovokumas). Praktinės išminties juokas reiškia tolumos išnykimą ir kasdienybės (artumos) svarbumo iškilimą. Using the method of H. Blumenberg (metaphorology) the article focuses on ‘a dialectics of distance and nearness’ in philosophy and everyday life of G. Fr. Hegel and L. Feuerbach (let us say – another two examples of the biography of ‘distance’ and ‘nearness’) and here lies the novelty of the article. These metaphors ‘distance’ and ‘‘nearness’ are not just a simple decoration of philosophical language, but rather they are indicators of the phenomenological approach to the world. Blumenberg in his work Das Lachen der Thrakerin. Eine Urgeschichte der Theorie analysed the reception of the old story about Thales and Thracian women in the philosophical tradition. The story metaphorically shows the relationship between invisible proto-theory and practical wisdom. It also projects a very significant feature of theory – the exotic behaviour of the observer (absentmindedness). The laughter of practical wisdom means the disappearance of distance and the emergence of everyday importance (nearness). Unfortunately, Blumenberg’s methodological approach is not developed further by other philosophers. more...
- Published
- 2020
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35. Cosmological center in Križevci
- Author
Banfić, Ivana and Korpnik, Nande
- Subjects
astronomy ,architecture ,udc:727:520.98(043.2) ,kozmologija ,planetarij ,astronomija ,arhitekturna zasnova ,planetarium ,cosmology ,arhitektura - Abstract
Magistrsko delo ponuja idejno zasnovo Kozmološkega centra v Križevcih. Tema dela izhaja iz realne potrebe po prostorih oz. stavbi, ki bi imela izobraževalno in raziskovalno vlogo. Delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov, v prvem delu so definirana teoretična izhodišča, potrebna za razumevanje vseh zahtev, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri načrtovanju. Drugi, grafični del, zajema prikaze ponujene rešitve v obliki zasnov, tlorisov, prerezov, prostorskih prikazov in podobno. Stavba Kozmološkega centra je zasnovana na izbrani lokaciji, ki se nahaja v že deloma prenovljenem območju mesta. V bližini izbrane lokacije so objekti, ki so namensko podobni namembnosti nove stavbe (knjižnica, srednja šola, vrtec, razvojni center in tehnološki park ...) in se z umestitvijo kozmološkega centra dokonča območje javnih dejavnosti v mestu. Objekt je programsko razdeljen na dva dela, raziskovalni in izobraževalni, kjer s svojo obliko in namembnostjo najbolj izstopa planetarij, umeščen v kupolo premera 12 m. Drugi prostori so razporejeni v dveh etažah, ki se ovijeta okoli kupole. Osrednji prostor zunanjega prostora je atrij, ki je poglobljen za višino ene etaže in je oblikovan kot zunanji avditorij, v katerem se lahko izvajajo različni dogodki. The master’s thesis offers the conceptual design of the Cosmological Center in Križevci. The theme of the work stems from the real need for space, or a building that would have an educational and research role. The work consists of two parts, the first part defines the theoretical starting points necessary to understand all the requirements to be considered in the design. The second, graphic part covers the illustrations of the offered solution in the form of concepts, plans, sections, spatial representations. The Cosmological Center building has been designed in a selected plot, which is located in a partially renovated area of the city. In the vicinity of the selected location there are objects that are purposefully similar to the new building (library, high school, kindergarten, development center and technology park) and surround the area of public activities in the city with the location of the center. Building is programmatically divided into two parts, research and educational, where, with its shape and purpose, the most prominent is planetarium placed in a 12 m diameter dome. The rest of program is spread over two floors wrapped around a dome. The center of the outer space is an atrium, which is deepened by a height of one floor and designed as an external auditorium where various events can be performed. more...
- Published
- 2020
36. Astronoma Alfrēda Žaggera publikācijas
- Author
Vilks, Ilgonis, Vilka, Gunta, and Latvijas Universitātes Muzejs
- Subjects
astronomy ,Latvijas Universitātes Astronomiskā observatorija ,NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics::Astronomy and astrophysics::Astronomy [Research Subject Categories] ,Alfred Zagger ,astronomija ,Alfrēds Žaggers ,publikācijas ,publications ,University of Latvia Astronomical Observatory - Abstract
Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja virtuālajā izstādē „Astronoma Alfrēda Žaggera publikācijas” iespējams iepazīties ar pazīstamā astronoma dzīves gājumu (1878 – 1956) un darbību Latvijas Universitātes Astronomiskās observatorijas direktora amatā, lūkojoties caur viņa publikāciju prizmu., In the virtual exhibition of the Museum of the University of Latvia “Publications of Astronomer Alfred Zagger” it is possible to get acquainted with the life and work of a well-known astronomer as the director of the University of Latvia Astronomical Observatory, looking through the prism of his publications. more...
- Published
- 2020
37. Azimut u astronomskoj navigaciji
- Author
Žunić, Nikola and Lušić, Zvonimir
- Subjects
azimut ,ECDIS ,Astronomska navigacija, azimut, nebesko tijelo, ECDIS ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Traffic and Transport Technology ,zviježđe ,nebesko tijelo ,a celestial body ,astronomy ,astronomska navigacija ,astronomija ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Tehnologija prometa i transport ,star constellation ,azimuth ,celestial navigation - Abstract
Jedan od najstarijih predmeta ljudskog proučavanja planeta Zemlje jest njegovo nebo. Neki od najranijih ljudskih rituala su se zasnivali na nebeskim pojavama poput pomrčine Sunca, gradnja hramova se vršila na temelju određivanja istaknutih točaka na nebu, kao što su izlaz, zalaz, kulminacija Sunca, poloţaj zvijeţđa. Kroz povijest jača ljudsko zanimanje za proučavanje nebeskih tijela, ţelja za spoznajom o zakonitostima gibanja nebeskih tijela, što dovodi do pojave praktične astronomije. Jedna od takvih praktičnih primjena astronomije jest astronomska navigacija, koja je ljudima omogućila plovidbu na veće udaljenosti od obale, orijentaciju u prostoru, a samim time i istraţivanje Zemlje kao planeta. Korištenje metoda astronomske navigacije polako izlaze iz prakse. Jedan od načina očuvanja korištenja ovih metoda jest njihova implementacija u moderne ECDIS sustave. One of the oldest objects of human study of the planet Earth is its sky. Some of the earliest human rituals were based on celestial phenomena such as the solar eclipse, temple construction was based on the designation of prominent points in the sky, such as the exit, the sunset, the culmination of the Sun, the position of the constellation. Throughout history, strong human interest in the study of celestial bodies, the desire for knowledge about the laws of behavior of celestial bodies, which leads to the emergence of practical astronomy. One such pracitcal application of astronomy is astronomical navigation, which has enabled people to navigate at greater distances from the coast, orientation in space, and thus exploration of the planet. The use of astronomical navigation methods is slowly coming out of practice. One way to preserve the use of these methods is to implement them in modern ECDIS systems. more...
- Published
- 2019
38. Sociološki vidik motivatorjev turističnih potovanj v vesolje
- Author
Bončina, Iztok and Brezovec, Aleksandra
- Subjects
vesolje ,stars ,turizem ,motivatorji ,spacecraft ,udc:338.48:341.229(043.3) ,Zemlja ,Earth ,space ,turistični pogled ,motivators ,zvezde ,tourist gaze ,astronomy ,astronavt ,astronomija ,tourism ,space gaze ,vesoljski pogled ,astronaut ,vesoljsko plovilo - Published
- 2019
39. Astronomiskajam tornim - 150
- Author
Vilks, Ilgonis, Vilka, Gunta, and Latvijas Universitātes Muzejs
- Subjects
Latvijas Universitāte ,NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics::Astronomy and astrophysics::Astronomy [Research Subject Categories] ,telescopes ,Raiņa bulvāris 19 ,University of Latvia ,teleskopi ,astronomy ,Astronomical Observatory ,Riga Polytechnic ,Astronomiskā observatorija ,astronomija ,Astronomiskais tornis ,Rīgas Politehnikums ,Astronomical tower - Abstract
Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja virtuālā izstāde „Astronomiskajam tornim – 150” veltīta labi pamanāmai Latvijas Universitātes galvenās ēkas iezīmei – Astronomiskajam tornim uz tās jumta. 2019. gadā ēkai un arī tornim apritēja 150 gadi. Rīgas Politehnikuma laikos te strādājuši dažādi ārzemju profesori, kas veica astronomiskus novērojumus un mācīja studentus. Nodibinoties Latvijas Universitātei, tornis kļuva par Astronomiskās observatorijas sastāvdaļu. Kopš 1986. gada te notiek regulāri debess spīdekļu demonstrējumi, skatītas komētas, Saules aptumsumi un citas samērā retas astronomiskas parādības. Astronomiskais tornis ir kā logs uz debesīm vairāk nekā 150 gadu garumā. Mainījušies teleskopi, novērojumu mērķi un apmeklētāji, bet atklājuma prieks, paša acīm ieraugot Saturna gredzenu vai tālu galaktiku, palicis nemainīgs., The virtual exhibition of the Museum of the University of Latvia “150 Years of Astronomical Tower” is dedicated to a prominent feature of the main building of the University of Latvia - the Astronomical Tower on its roof. In 2019, the building and also the tower turned 150 years old. During the time of Riga Polytechnic, various foreign professors worked here, making astronomical observations and teaching students. With the establishment of the University of Latvia, the tower became part of the Astronomical Observatory. Since 1986, there have been regular demonstrations of celestial lights, comets, solar eclipses and other relatively rare astronomical phenomena. The astronomical tower has been like a window to the sky for more than 150 years. Telescopes, sightings, and visitors have changed, but the joy of discovery in seeing Saturn's ring or a distant galaxy with one's own eyes has remained the same. more...
- Published
- 2019
40. Astronomiskajam tornim - 150
- Author
Vilka, Gunta, Vilks, Ilgonis, and Latvijas Universitātes Muzejs
- Subjects
Latvijas Universitātes Muzejs ,Latvijas Universitāte ,telescopes ,Raiņa bulvāris 19 ,University of Latvia ,Museum of the University of Latvia ,Riga Polytechnical Institute ,teleskopi ,astronomy ,Riga Polytechnic ,astronomical tower ,astronomija ,Rīgas Politehniskais institūts ,astronomiskais tornis ,F. Candera un Latvijas astronomijas kolekcija ,Rīgas Politehnikums - Abstract
Astronomiskais tornis uz Latvijas Universitātes galvenās ēkas jumta jau 150 gadus kalpo kā logs uz kosmosu. 19. gadsimtā te veikti zinātniski novērojumi, 20. gadsimtā tornī uzstādīto Heides teleskopu izmantoja studentu apmācībai un debess spīdekļu demonstrēšanai. No 1986. gada zvaigžņotās debess demonstrējumi notiek ļoti aktīvi, nomainījušies trīs teleskopi., The astronomical tower on the roof of the main building of the University of Latvia has been serving as a window to space for 150 years. In the 19th century, scientific observations were made here, and in the 20th century, the Heide Telescope installed in the tower was used to train students and demonstrate celestial lights. Demonstrations of the starry sky have been very active since 1986, with three telescopes replaced. more...
- Published
- 2019
41. Določanje tirnice umetnih satelitov in meteorjev s stereoskopskimi meritvami
- Author
Nadvešnik, Anja and Zwitter, Tomaž
- Subjects
azimut ,razdalja med letečim objektom in središčem Zemlje ,astronomy ,višina nad površjem ,umetni sateliti ,astronomija ,meteorji ,horizontalni koordinatni sistem ,višina ,identifikacija satelitov in meteorjev ,udc:523.682(043.2) - Abstract
V začetku diplomske naloge se bomo dotaknili teme o meteorjih in orbitah satelitov. V nadaljevanju pa bomo spoznali horizontalni koordinatni sistem, ki se uporablja v astronomiji. V tem poglavju bomo definirali koordinati horizontalnega koordinatnega sistema, azimut in višino, ki bosta imeli pomembno vlogo pri empiričnem delu diplomske naloge. Seznanili se bomo s postopkom zbiranja nočnih posnetkov z observatorija AGO Golovec in observatorija Črni Vrh, pri katerih so zaznani leteči objekti, kot so letala, sateliti in meteorji. Na podlagi teh posnetkov bomo določili višine letečih objektov nad površjem Zemlje in poskusili ugotoviti, za kateri leteči objekt gre. Poleg višine nad površjem, bomo izračunali še razdaljo med letečim objektom in središčem Zemlje. In the beginning of this paper, we will briefly touch the area of meteors and orbital satellites. Later on, we will explain the horizontal coordinate system which is used in astronomy. In this chapter, we will define the coordinates of the horizontal coordinate system, the azimuth and height which will have an important role in the empirical part of the thesis. Further on, we will talk about the procedure of night-photography shot collecting at the Golovec AGO observatory and the Črni Vrh observatory, both of which are stationed in Slovenia. These shots picked up flying objects like airplanes, satellites and meteors. On the basis of these shots, we will determine the height of these flying objects in relation to Earth. We will also try to determine the nature of the object in question. Along with the height above ground level, we will calculate the distance between the object and the centre of the Earth. more...
- Published
- 2018
42. Moja prva zvezdna karta
- Author
Gostinčar Blagotinšek, Ana
- Subjects
astronomy ,astronomija - Abstract
Za ugotavljanje, kateri del zvezdnega neba je viden v izbrani noči, pa tudi za prepoznavanje posameznih objektov, si lahko pomagamo s pametnimi telefoni, za katere je na voljo veliko aplikacij (Sky View, Google Sky …), s katerimi so prvi koraki v astronomijo res preprosti. Alternativa je vrtljiva zvezdna karta, pripomoček za orientacijo po nebu, ki za delo ne zahteva internetne povezave in GPS-signala. more...
- Published
- 2018
43. Jove Radio Telescope in teaching astronomical content
- Author
Wirth, Alex and Repnik, Robert
- Subjects
astronomy ,udc:37.091.3:52(043.2) ,radijski valovi ,radio telescope ,astronomija ,elementary school ,fizika ,gimnazija ,secondary school ,radijski teleskop ,osnovna šola ,physics ,radio waves - Abstract
Vesolje preučujemo tudi tako, da analiziramo elektromagnetno valovanje, ki ga prejmemo od astronomskih teles. Če bi zanemarili radijske valove, bi zanemarili velik del informacij, ki jih prejmemo od astronomskih teles. V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo radijske teleskope in njihovo fizikalno ozadje v splošnem, posebno pozornost pa namenimo radijskemu teleskopu Jove. Z našim radijskim teleskopom Jove smo z učenci oz. dijaki izvedli študiji primera na osnovni šoli in gimnaziji. Vključitev radijskega teleskopa pri obravnavi astronomskih vsebin nazorno pokaže, da vidna svetloba ni edini del spektra elektromagnetnega valovanja. Dodatna prednost pa je, da lahko radijske valove iz vesolja zaznavamo na zemeljskem površju podnevi in ponoči. We also study space via electromagnetic wave analysis, which we receive from astronomical bodies. Should we disregard radio waves, we would be neglecting a great part of information received from astronomical bodies. In this master thesis, we discuss radio telescopes and their physical background in general, while special attention is given to the Jove radio telescope. With our Jove radio telescope, we have conducted a case study on an elementary school and a secondary school. The inclusion of a radio telescope when discussing astronomical contents explicitly shows that visible light is not the only part of the electromagnetic wave spectrum. An additional advantage is the fact that we can, here on Earth`s surface, sense radio waves from space both by day and night. more...
- Published
- 2018
44. Rogerius Joseph Boscovich / Ruđer Josip Bošković, De calculo probabilitatum quę respondent diversis valoribus summę errorum post plures observationes, quarum singulę possint esse erroneę certa quadam quantitate, The editio princeps of Bošković’s autograph in the Bancroft Library within the University of California at Berkeley
- Author
Ivica Martinović
- Subjects
Ruđer Bošković ,teorija pogrešaka ,teorija vjerojatnosti ,kombinatorika ,nesuglasni opažaji ,matematika 18. stoljeća ,geofizika ,geodezija ,astronomija ,theory of errors ,theory of probability ,combinatorics ,discordant observations ,18th century mathematics ,geodesy ,astronomy ,geophysics - Abstract
Ovdje se objavljuje editio princeps Boškovićeva autografa De calculo probabilitatum quę respondent diversis valoribus summę errorum post plures observationes, quarum singulę possint esse erroneę certa quadam quantitate, koji je od 1962. godine pohranjen u Bancroft Library u sastavu University of California, Berkeley, u zbirci Boscovich Papers, s Truhelkinom oznakom No 62 iz 1924. godine i sa sadašnjom signaturom: Carton 1, Part 1: no. 62, Folder 1:79. Transkripcija je popraćena bilješkama i uvodom. U uvodu se pak redom: 1.opisuje rukopis; 2. obrađuje stanje istraženosti, tj. ističe da je rukopis dosad istraživao samo ruski povjesničar znanosti Oskar Šejnin početkom 1970-ih kad je o njemu objavio tri članka; 3. izlaže Boškovićev problem iz teorije pogrešaka i njegovo rješenje. Na te se prve korake nastavljaju istraživanja s ciljem da se: 4. što je preciznije moguće odredi datacija ovoga nedatiranoga Boškovićeva rukopisa; 5. raspravi pitanje o dovršenosti rukopisa; 6. zauzme stav o njegovu značenju unutar Boškovićeva djela i za znanost 18. stoljeća. Matematički problem, u naslovu Boškovićeva spisa prikazan kao »izračunavanje vjerojatnostī koje odgovaraju različitim vrijednostima zbroja pogrešaka nakon više opažaja« uz uvjet da pojedini opažaji mogu odstupati od točne izmjere »za neku određenu vrijednost«, Bošković je strogo matematički formulirao: 1. izrijekom je pretpostavljeno da su pogreške jednako vjerojatne i poprimaju tri vrijednosti 1, 0, –1; 2. traži se omjer vjerojatnostī za pojedine zbrojeve pogrešaka koji mogu nastati »nakon danoga broja n opažajā«; 3. podrazumijeva se da se raspon ukupne pogreške kreće od –n do n i da je taj n konačan. Da bi pripremio rješenje, Bošković je uveo pojam kombinacije r-toga razreda od n elemenata, a zatim je osobito pomno razmotrio prvi slučaj, kad je zbroj pogrešaka jednak nuli i sastavio r-članu formulu za broj svih kombinacija uz uvjet da suma pogrešaka bude 0. Istom metodom sastavio je istovrsne formule za broj kombinacija kad je suma pogrešaka jednaka 1, 2, …, 8. Potom je u tim formulama izostavio članove koji su jednaki nuli. U zadnjem koraku upotrijebio je svoje formule da izračuna broj kombinacija za različite brojeve opažaja n = 1, 2, …, 8. Boškovićev autograf De calculo probabilitatum nije datiran, a već je 1970. Oskar Sheynin upozorio da značenje ovoga rukopisa ovisi o njegovoj dataciji, odnosno o njegovoj povezanosti s geodetsko-kartografskom ekspedicijom za izmjeru duljine luka merijanskoga stupnja na rimskome meridijanu. Ali tekstualna analiza rukopisa ne nudi nijedan podatak u prilog takvoj povezanosti niti omogućuje da se rukopis poveže s Boškovićevom statističkom metodom za izravnanje nesuglasnih opažaja, prvi put primijenjenoj 1757. godine u časopisu bolonjske akademije u članku »De litteraria expeditione per Pontificiam ditionem«, a prvi put objavljenoj 1760. u dopuni »De recentissimis graduum dimensionibus, et figura, ac magnitudine Terrae inde derivanda« uz petu knjigu Stayeva epa Philosophia recentior. Radeći godine 1760. na uzorku od pet odabranih, a nesuglasnih geodetskih opažaja, Bošković je formulirao drukčiji problem – problem za pronalaženje ispravaka uz tri drukčija uvjeta: da razlike između izmjerenih stupnjeva budu razmjerne razlikama između vrijednosti sinus versus udvostručene širine; »da zbroj pozitivnih ispravaka bude jednak zbroju negativnih; da zbroj svih ispravaka, kako pozitivnih tako i negativnih, bude najmanji od svih koji se mogu dobiti ako su očuvana prva dva uvjeta.« Dakle, formulacija problema 1760. godine bitno se razlikuje od formulacije problema u rukopisu De calculo probabilitatis. Zajedničko im je samo to da je broj n mjerenja konačan, zapravo vrlo malen: u rukopisu De calculo probabilitatis n dostiže 8 kao najveću vrijednost, a u geodetskim izvješćima u prvoj primjeni 1757. n = 5, a 1770. n = 9. Da bi se odredila godina ili bar razdoblje u kojem je Bošković napisao svoj rukopis De calculo probabilitatum, u ovom su članku primijenjena dva pristupa, proizašla iz vlastita istraživačkoga iskustva. Prvi je utrt pitanjem: Je li se, kad i kako Bošković susretao s teorijom pogrešaka u geodeziji i geofizici, a ako ne s teorijom pogrešaka, onda barem s postojanjem više različitih mjerenja iste veličine? Jedan odgovor na to pitanje ponudio je sam Bošković kad je 1760. godine podsjetio da je već »od 1738. izražavao sumnju u nepravilnost u mjerenju niza stupnjeva i u obliku Zemlje«. U tom je podsjećanju Bošković uputio na tri svoje rasprave: Dissertatio de Telluris figura (1739), De inaequalitate gravitatis in diversis Terrae locis (1741) i De observationibus astronomicis, et quo pertingat earundem certitudo (1742). Drugi pristup omogućuju obilježja Boškovićeva rukopisa De calculo probabilitatum, koja odudaraju od kasnijega stila Boškovićevih znanstvenih radova. U kolovozu 1740. Bošković je objavio dvije kratke rasprave, koje dokumentiraju lako uočljivu promjenu u njegovu pristupu kompoziciji znanstvenoga teksta. U raspravi De motu corporum projectorum in spatio non resistente posljednji je put tekst organizirao kao niz propozicija, uz koje je još istaknuo uvodne leme i sholije. A u raspravi De circulis osculatoribus prvi je put numerirao paragrafe, tj. podijelio je tekst rasprave na »brojeve «. Od numeriranja odlomaka vrlo je rijetko odstupao, primjerice u podnescima vladarima ili u člancima za neke časopise. U rukopisu De calculo probabilitatum Bošković je primijenio međurješenje, tj. formulirao je problem u obliku propozicije, a potom usredištenim podnaslovima numerirao korake prema njegovu rješenju. Ta dva pristupa utiru put zaključku: vrijeme u kojem je nastao rukopis De calculo probabilitatum treba stegnuti na rano razdoblje 1738–1740. A to znači da uz već uočena dva područja: statističku metodu za izravnanje nesuglasnih opažaja s prvom primjenom u geodeziji (1757, 1760, 1770) i uporabu vjerojatnosti uz odabrane teme u prirodnoj filozofiji (1754, 1755, 1758, 1763), ovaj rukopis nudi uvid u najraniji Boškovićev pristup teoriji vjerojatnosti, koji najbolje reprezentira formulacija Boškovićeva problema iz teorije pogrešaka na početku rukopisa., Here published is the editio princeps of Bošković’s autograph De calculo probabilitatum quę respondent diversis valoribus summę errorum post plures observationes, quarum singulę possint esse erroneę certa quadam quantitate, housed in 1962 at the Bancroft Library within the University of California at Berkeley, in the collection Boscovich Papers, call number: Carton 1, Part 1: no. 62, Folder 1:79. The transcription is accompanied by notes and introduction. The latter contains the following: (1) description of the manuscript; (2) outline of the contents of Bošković’s writing related to the theory of probability, notably the mathematical problem as formulated by Bošković; (3) description of the status of investigation, with regard to the fact that until today Oscar Sheynin, Russian science historian, has been the only scholar to study this manuscript, about which he published three articles in the 1970s. Following in these initial research steps is the investigation primarily aimed at: (4) exact dating of this undated manuscript; (5) establishment of whether the manuscript was completed or not; and, lastly, (6) assessment of its significance within Bošković’s work and within the history of science in the eighteenth century. The mathematical problem, introduced in the title of Bošković’s manuscript as the “calculus of probabilities which correspond to various values of the sum of errors after several observations,” under the condition that single observations can differ from the exact measurement “for a given quantity,” Bošković formulated as follows: “If in a certain series of observations equally probable errors 1, 0, −1 are presupposed for single observations, we ask the ratio of probability for single sums, which sums can thence be obtained after a given number n of observations. Error sums can take on all the values from n up to −n for different combinations. The probabilities for any value will relate as the numbers of combinations, from which the same value is obtained. In order to determine this number for single sums, may the series of these errors be arranged in three lines: I 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 etc. II 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 etc. III −1, −1, −1, −1, −1, −1, −1, −1 etc. Then we ask the numbers of combinations for single values of the sum of errors from 0, 1, 2 etc. up to n. The numbers [of the combinations] for [the sums of errors] −1, −2, −3 etc. can be easily found; these numbers will be the same as the numbers for [the sum of errors] 1, 2, 3 etc., because once those [with the positive sum of errors] are found, these [with the negative sum of errors] will be found too.”1 In his preparation of the solution, Bošković introduced the notion of combination of n objects taken r at a time. With great scrutiny he then examined the first case, when the sum of errors is equal 0, and provided the formula for the number of all combinations under the condition that the sum of errors equals 0. By using the same method, he provided the formulas for the number of combinations when the sum of errors equals 1, 2, …, 8. With regard to these formulas he then examined the “determination of the number of useful terms” (determinatio numeri terminorum utilium), i.e. omitted the terms equal to 0. In the final step he applied his formulas to calculate the number of combinations for different numbers of observations n = 1, 2, …, 8. Bošković’s autograph De calculo probabilitatum is not dated, and as early as 1973 Oscar Sheynin emphasised that the significance of this manuscript rested on its dating: “The manuscript under consideration being undated its evaluation is hardly possible. If it was written in 1750–1753, i.e. during his participation in the arc measurement, or at least before 1756 [read: before the publication of Simpson’s letter ‘On the Advantage of taking the Mean of a Number of Observations, in practical Astronomy’ in Philosophical Transactions], Boscovich should be regarded as the first to use a quantitative stochastic method in the theory of errors and, thus a precursor of T. Simpson.”2 Indeed, the text of the manuscript is not linked with the geodetic and cartographic expedition along the Roman meridian from Rome to Rimini in the period 1750–1752, or with Bošković’s statistical method for correcting discordant observations, for the first time applied in Bošković’s article “De litteraria expeditione per Pontificiam ditionem” (“On the scientific expedition through the Papal State,” 1757) in the journal of the Bologna Academy, and for the first time published in Bošković’s supplement to Book Five of Benedikt Stay’s epic Philosophia recentior on Newton’s and Bošković’s natural philosophy under the title »De recentissimis graduum dimensionibus, et figura, ac magnitudine Terrae inde derivanda« (“On the most recent measurements of longitude of meridian degree and on the shape and magnitude of the Earth derived thereof,” 1760). In 1760, while working on the sample of five geodetic observations, Bošković formulated a different problem with three conditions: “Given the number of degrees [i.e. the number of measurements of meridian degrees], find the corrections which ought to be assigned to the individual observations, whereby the following three conditions ought to be preserved: namely, [1] that diferrences between longitudes of degree be proportional to the differences between the values of sinus versus of duplicate latitude; [2] that the sum of positive corrections be equal to the sum of the negative ones; [3] that the sum of all the corrections, either positive or negative, be the smallest of all sums which can be obtained if the first two conditions are preserved.”3 The formulation of the problem from 1760 departs considerably from that in the manuscript De calculo probabilitatum. The only thing in common is that the number n of measurements is finite, in fact, very small: in the manuscript De calculo probabilitatum n reaches 8 as the biggest value, whilst in the geodetic reports n = 5 in the first application in 1757, and n = 9 in the second one in 1770. In order to establish the year or at least the time-frame in which Bošković wrote his De calculo probabilitatum, in this article two approaches have been employed, both based on my own research experience. The first approach is guided by the question: Did Bošković encounter the theory of errors in geophysics and geodesy, and if so, when and how, and if he did not encounter the theory of errors, was he at least familiar with the existence of different measurements of the same quantity? Bošković himself provided one answer to that question in 1760: »365. Since 1738, in the treatise on the shape of the Earth I have expressed suspicion about the irregularity in measuring the series of degrees and the shape of the Earth, the cause of which I specifically perceive. This suspicion I pursued in the mentioned treatise, as well as in the other two treatises from 1741 and 1742.«4 In his statement, Bošković draws attention to three of his treatises: Dissertatio de Telluris figura (1739), pp. XVIII-XXIII, De inaequalitate gravitatis in diversis Terrae locis (1741), n. 37, and De observationibus astronomicis, et quo pertingat earundem certitudo (1742), n. 63. In them only has Bošković referred to the same problem: uncertainty in measuring the length of a meridian degree, and suspicion about the irregularity of the Earth. The second approach is facilitated by the features of Bošković’s manuscript De calculo probabilitatum, which depart from the later style of Bošković’s scientific works. In August 1740, Bošković published two short treatises which document an easily discernible change in his approach to the composition of a scientific text. The treatise De motu corporum projectorum in spatio non resistente was the last printed dissertation prepared for the public defense at the Collegium Romanum that he structured as a series of propositions, in addition to which he emphasised the introductory lemmas and scholia. In the treatise De circulis osculatoribus Bošković for the first time numbered the paragraphs, i.e. divided his text into ‘numbers.’ He rarely departed from the numeration of paragraphs, for example, in the reports submitted to rulers or in the articles for some journals. In the manuscript De calculo probabilitatum Bošković resorted to a compromise, i.e. he introduced the proposition and numerated the steps to the solution by assigning centred subtitles to them. The genesis of Bošković’s research in geophysics and geodesy on the one, and textual analysis, which suggests that the manuscript originated before the key change in the composition of Bošković’s early treatises in August 1740, on the other hand, pave the path for the following conclusion: the time-frame in which the manuscript De calculo probabilitatum was written should be narrowed to the early period 1738–1740. This implies that, besides the already indicated two approaches―statistical method for correcting discordant observations with the first aplication in geodesy (1757, 1760, 1770), and the application of probablity in the selected topics in his natural philosophy (1754, 1755, 1758, 1763)―this manuscript provides an insight into Bošković’s earliest approach to probability, best represented by the formulation of the problem in the theory of errors at the beginning of the manuscript. more...
- Published
- 2018
45. Pirmie pavadoņu novērojumi Latvijas Universitātē pirms 60 gadiem
- Author
Vilks, Ilgonis, Vilka, Gunta, and Latvijas Universitātes Muzejs
- Subjects
astronomy ,novērojumi ,observations ,Latvijas Universitāte ,NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics::Astronomy and astrophysics::Astronomy [Research Subject Categories] ,astronomija ,Zemes mākslīgie pavadoņi ,Latvijas Universitātes Astronomijas institūts ,artificial satellites of the Earth ,Institute of Astronomy of the University of Latvia ,University of Latvia - Abstract
Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja virtuālā izstāde „Pirmie pavadoņu novērojumi Latvijas Universitātē pirms 60 gadiem” stāsta par 1957. – 1958. gadu, kad tika palaisti pirmie Zemes mākslīgie pavadoņi. Universitātes astronomi aktīvi iesaistījās to novērošanā, jo bija nepieciešams noteikt pavadoņu orbītas. Sākumā notika pavadoņu vizuālie novērojumi, kuros bija iesaistīti daudzi studenti. Tā kā tie nebija pietiekami precīzi, astronomi sāka domāt par pavadoņu fotografēšanu. Pirmos uzņēmumus ieguva 1958. gadā uz LU galvenās ēkas jumta Raiņa bulvārī 19. Kamera, ar kuru tas veikts, glabājas Latvijas Universitātes Muzejā. Turpmākajos gados Latvijas Universitātes astronomi izvirzījās pavadoņu novērošanas līderos, izstrādāja vairākas jaunas pavadoņu fotokameras. Mūsdienās regulāri pavadoņu novērojumi ar jaunām metodēm turpinās Latvijas Universitātes Astronomijas institūtā., The virtual exhibition of the Museum of the University of Latvia "The first observations of satellites at the University of Latvia 60 years ago" tells about years 1957-1958, when the first artificial satellites of the Earth were launched. University astronomers were actively involved in observing them because of the need to determine the orbits of the satellites. Initially, there were visual observations of the satellites, which involved many students. Because they were not accurate enough, astronomers began to think about photographing satellites. The first companies were acquired in 1958 on the roof of the main building of the University of Latvia at Raiņa Boulevard 19. In the following years, astronomers at the University of Latvia became leaders in satellite surveillance and developed several new satellite cameras. Nowadays, regular observations of satellites with new methods continue at the Institute of Astronomy of the University of Latvia. more...
- Published
- 2018
46. Spoznavanje vesolja v vrtcu
- Author
Pfeifer, Barbara and Gostinčar Blagotinšek, Ana
- Subjects
astronomy ,astronomija - Abstract
Diplomsko delo opisuje dejavnosti, s katerimi otrokom omogočamo spoznavanje vesolja v vrtcu. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene vsebine in metode dela, ki sem jih glede na otrokovo stopnjo mišljenja uporabila pri načrtovanju dejavnosti. Če vzgojitelj dobro pozna temo, ki jo obravnava v vrtcu, in otrokovo razvojno fazo, lahko izbere ustrezne metode dela, da otrokom lažje približa nove pojme in procese, ki se dogajajo v vesolju. V empiričnem delu so najprej predstavljeni rezultati raziskave otrokovega razumevanja vesolja pred izvedenimi načrtovanimi dejavnostmi. Zanimale so me predstave o Soncu, Luni ter planetih. Glede na ugotovljeno predznanje otrok sem načrtovala dejavnosti s tega področja. Pri tem sem upoštevala otrokov miselni razvoj in uporabljala metode, s katerimi sem predvidevala, da bom lahko otroke naučila čim več novega o vesolju. Te dejavnosti so predstavljene v osrednjem delu. V zadnjem delu predstavljam rezultate raziskave o otrokovem poznavanju Osončja in vesolja, ki so pokazali, da so otroci dobili pravilne predstave o telesih, ki se nahajajo v našem Osončju, in spoznali tudi določene procese, ki se v njem dogajajo. Za razumevanje procesov v vesolju pa bodo potrebovali več predznanja in miselnih sposobnosti. The diploma work describes activities that enable children in the kindergarten to learn about the universe. The theoretical part presents the contents and methods of work, which I used when planning the activities according to the child's level of thinking. If the teacher knows the topic they are discussing in the kindergarten, and is familiar with the child’s developmental stage, they can choose appropriate working methods for helping children to understand new concepts and processes happening in space. The empirical part presents the results of a research about a child's understanding of the universe. The research was carried out before the planned activities took place. I was interested in their ideas about the Sun, the Moon, and the planets. I planned activities in this field that were based on the children's prior knowledge. In doing so, I took into account a child's mental development, and used the methods that would presumably help me the most with teaching the children as many new things about the universe as possible. These activities are presented in the central part. In the last section, I present the results of a research about a child's knowledge of the solar system and the universe. The results showed that the children had been given the correct perceptions about the bodies in our solar system. They also knew about certain processes that are happening in it, but they will require more knowledge and thinking skills for actually understanding the processes in space. more...
- Published
- 2017
47. Mogućnosti za turističku valorizaciju gastrokulturne baštine Zadarske županije
- Author
Budan, Ivan and Bunja, Đani
- Subjects
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Trade and Tourism ,gastro-tourists ,Zadar County ,autochthonous dishes ,gastronomy ,gastrokulturna baština ,gastro turisti ,gastro-cultural heritage ,tradition ,gastronomija ,tradicija ,Zadarska županija ,enološka ponuda ,tradicionalna jela ,autohtona jela ,oenological offer ,astronomija ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Trgovina i turizam ,traditional dishes - Abstract
Gastronomski turizam je specifični oblik turizma koji se sve više razvija u svijetu, ali i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Gastrokulturni elementi dio su i drugih oblika turizma, poput rekreacijskog, nautičkog i zdravstvenog turizma. Zadarska županija nudi turistima raznoliku gastronomsku i enološku ponudu, što doprinosi njezinom razvoju u kontekstu turizma ucjelini. Na stvaranje autohtone gastrokulturne baštine utjecali su brojni čimbenici među kojima se ističu kulturno-povijesni čimbenici koji uključuju tradiciju i značajke različitih naroda i kultura koji su kroz povijest obitavali na ovom području. Pravilno vrednovanje gastrokulturne baštine Zadarske županije zasigurno će pozitivno utjecati na daljnji razvoj turizma ovog prostora kao i na obogaćivanje i proširenje turističke ponude te na stvaranje jedinstvenog identiteta Zadarske županije kao privlačne destinacije za gastro turiste. Gastronomic tourism is a specific form of tourism that is developing more and more in the world, but also in the Republic of Croatia. Gastro-cultural elements are part of other forms of tourism, such as recreational, nautical and medical tourism. Zadar County offers tourists a diverse gastronomic and oenological offer, which contributes its development in the context of tourism as a whole. The formation of authentic gastro-cultural heritage was influenced by numerous factors, among them the most distinguished are cultural-historic factors, that include the tradition and characteristics of different peoples and cultures that have lived in thisarea throughout the history. The proper evaluation of Zadar County’s gastro-cultural heritage will certainly have a positive impact on further development of tourism in this area, aswell as on the enrichment and expansion of tourist offer and formation of the unique identity of Zadar County as an attractive destination for gastro-tourists. more...
- Published
- 2017
48. Pot vesoljske sonde do Marsa v približku ravninskih tirov
- Author
Vrabič Koren, Jošt and Zwitter, Tomaž
- Subjects
udc:521.1 ,astronomy ,vesoljske sonde ,n-body problems ,astronomija ,space probes ,nebesna mehanika ,vesoljska sonda MOM ,Mars ,Mars Orbiter Mission ,celestial mechanics ,problemi n-teles - Published
- 2017
49. Study of peculiar stars and detached binary systems
- Author
Traven, Gregor and Zwitter, Tomaž
- Subjects
astronomy ,peculiar stars ,dvojne zvezde ,classification ,astronomija ,zvezde posebnega tipa ,binaries ,klasifikacija ,udc:524.3 - Published
- 2017
50. Motivation of students in the process of introducing contemporary scientific discoveries within physics lessons in primary school
- Author
Robič, Dominik and Repnik, Robert
- Subjects
astronomy ,motivation ,udc:37.091.3:53(043.2) ,weather ,astronomija ,energetika ,vreme ,svetloba ,motivacija ,light ,energy - Abstract
Fizika spada v eno izmed temeljnih ved, ki so skozi zgodovino spreminjale razvoj človeštva [1]. Žal je fizika kot predmet v osnovni šoli pri učencih manj priljubljena, tudi če njeno priljubljenost primerjamo samo z naravoslovnimi predmeti [2]. Zanimalo nas je, kako je mogoče povečati motivacijo učencev pri pouku fizike [3]. Raziskali smo razloge za nižjo motivacijo učencev pri pouku fizike ter preučili, katere metode ob uporabi frontalne oblike dela naj učitelj uporabi, da bo motivacija višja [4]. Motivacija pri pouku razlaga stopnjo zanimanja in napora, ki jo učenec vlaga v različna udejstvovanja, ki so lahko zaželena ali nezaželena pri njihovih učiteljih [5]. Kako se bo učenec odzval na določeno snov, je odvisno od njegove predispozicije in njegovih motivov [6]. Brophy trdi, da je v osnovi učenje za učence dolgočasno in frustrirajoče, saj učence najprej prisilimo, da pridejo k pouku in jih nato učimo stvari, v katerih ne vidijo uporabne vrednosti [7]. Da bi učencem snov približali in vzpodbudili lastno iniciativo k razmišljanju ter jih bolje motivirali, uporabimo različne metode. Zanimalo nas je, katere didaktične metode so pri učencih bolj motivirajoče in o katerih predlaganih temah izven vsebin učnega načrta si učenci želijo izvedeti več. Kimura ugotavlja, da smo moški in ženske glede na način razmišljanja različni, zato je bilo zanimivo preveriti, kako se motivacija pri pouku fizike razlikuje glede na spol [8]. Predvidevali smo tudi vpliv stratuma. Analizirali smo teme, ki niso sestavni del vsebin učnih načrtov za fiziko 8. in 9. razreda osnovne šole. Preučili smo, ali obstajajo razlike v motivaciji učencev glede na izbiro teme v povezavi s starostjo (vpeljava iste teme v 8. oziroma 9. razredu). V empiričnem delu naloge smo predstavili osnovne podatke o raziskavi, v katero je bilo v obdobju dveh šolskih let (2009/2010 in 2010/2011) zajetih 365 učencev iz sedmih slovenskih osnovnih šol [9]. Na podlagi zbranih podatkov smo opravili analize o spremembi stanja motivacije glede na stanje motivacije pred in po izvedbi učne ure. Stanje motivacije smo preučili glede na vpliv: didaktičnega pristopa (metoda razlage, delo z besedilom, uporaba IKT vse v kombinaciji s frontalno obliko dela), stratuma (mestna, podeželska in primestna šola) razreda (8., 9. razred), spola (moški, ženski) in tematskega področja (energetika, svetloba, astronomija in drugo) [10] [11]. Z našo raziskavo smo ugotovili, kdaj vključiti določeno temo v pouk fizike, in preverili, katerega izmed izbranih treh pristopov je najbolj smiselno uporabiti za določeno temo, da bi pri učencih dosegli višjo motivacijo. Physics belongs to one of the fundamental sciences that have changed the development of humanity through history [1]. Unfortunately, physics as a subject in elementary school is less popular among pupils, even if its popularity is compared only with other science subjects [2]. We were interested in how to increase students' motivation in physics lessons [3]. We also explored the reasons for lower students' motivation in physics lessons and examined which teaching methods teachers should use to motivate them [4]. Motivation in classroom explains the degree of interest and effort that the student invests in various activities that may be desirable or undesirable for their teachers [5]. How a student responds to a given topic depends on his predisposition and his motives [6]. Brophy argues that pupils find learning boring and frustrating, since pupils are firstly compelled to visit school and secondly they are forced to learn things in which they do not see useful values [7]. In order to bring students closer to the learning content and to stimulate their own initiative to think and to motivate them, we used different methods. We were interested in which didactic methods are more motivating for pupils and which topics proposed outside the curriculum content are more interesting for pupils. Kimura concludes that men and women are different in terms of thinking, so it is interesting to check how the motivation in physics classes differs according to gender [8]. We also anticipated the impact of the stratum. We will analyse topics that are not an integral part of the physics curriculum content for pupils in 8th and 9th grade of primary school. We examined whether there are differences in pupils’ motivation due to the topic and pupils age (the introduction of the same topic into 8th or 9th grade). In the empirical part of the task, we have presented the basic data on a study in which 365 pupils from seven Slovenian primary schools were enrolled in the period of two school years (2009/2010 and 2010/2011) [9]. Based on the collected data, we conducted analyses of the state of motivation before and after the conducted lesson. The state of motivation has been examined according to the impact of: a didactic approach (method of interpretation, work with texts, use of ICT, all in combination with the lecture method), stratum (urban, rural and suburban school) of age (8th, 9th grade), gender (men, women) and the thematic field (energy, light, astronomy) [10] [11]. With our research we found out when to incorporate a particular topic into physics lessons and verified which of the three chosen approaches is most appropriate for a particular topic in order to achieve higher motivation in students. more...
- Published
- 2017
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