- Author
Plaftak, Tea and Vidmar, Polona
- Subjects
Monastery of St. Helen in Šenkovec ,pavlinski samostan ,Paulist monastery in Lepoglava ,Church of St. Michael in Mihovljan ,gothic period ,samostan Sv. Jelene v Šenkovcu ,pavlinski samostan Lepoglava ,pavlinci ,parlerjanske delavnice ,Paulists ,gotika ,architectural sculpture ,parlerian workshops ,paulist monastery ,Grofje Celjski ,cerkev Sv. Mihaela v Mihovljanu ,udc:73/76(043.2) ,arhitekturna plastika ,Medmurje ,The Counts of Celje - Abstract
Diplomsko delo obravnava umetnostna naročila grofov Celjskih na območju severozahodne Hrvaške s poudarkom na sakralni arhitekturi. Zaradi boljšega razumevanja teme je na začetku predstavljena kratka zgodovina grofov Celjskih in njihov odnos do pavlincev. Sledi kratka predstavitev zgodovinskih dogajanj na prostorih današnjega Medmurja pred prihodom Celjskih, za tem pa še opredelitev bivanja grofov Celjskih na prostoru severozahodne Hrvaške, med drugim tudi posesti v lasti družine Celjskih. To je pomembno za kontekst nastanka sakralnih objektov po njihovem naročilu. Sledi predstavitev umetnostnih naročil na območju severozahodne Hrvaške. Pavlinski samostan v Lepoglavi je bil zgrajen kot eno izmed prvih naročil grofov Celjskih in je povezan s tako imenovano parlerjansko gotiko na Hrvaškem in v Sloveniji. Pavlinski samostan Sv. Jelene (Helene) v Šenkovcu je nastal nekaj let pred prihodom Celjskih, največji posegi na samostanu pa so bili izvedeni v času njihovega bivanja v Medmurju. Tretje pomembno naročilo je bila nekdanja cerkev sv. Mihaela v Mihovljanu. Za lažje razumevanje bom pri vsaki od sakralnih stavb predstavila tudi kratko zgodovino le-te in upodobitve stavbe na slikah. Ker je od večine naštetih stavb danes ostalo zelo malo, se bom v svojem raziskovanju naslonila predvsem na arhivske vire ter fragmente iz obdobja, ko so le-ti nastali. Poskusila bom med seboj primerjati obstoječe primere in v njih najti značilnosti istega ali podobnega stila. S tem bom tudi odprla vprašanje avtorstva, s katerim se v zadnjem času ukvarja veliko raziskovalcev. Graduation thesis discusses the counts of Celje's Art commissions in northwestern Croatia with the emphasis on the sacral architecture. At the beginning there is a brief history on counts of Celje and their attitude towards the Paulinists due to better understanding of the theme. The following chapter introduces the brief history of Medmurje before the arrival of counts of Celje followed by description of the north-western Croatia and the lands in possession of the counts as this is important for the further development of sacral architecture commissioned by the counts of Celje. Afterwards, the art commissions in northwester Croatia will be presented: the Paulinist monastery in Lepoglava, one of the first sacral object commissioned by counts of Celje in possible relation to parlerian gothic in Croatia and Slovenia the Paulinist monastery of St. Helen in Šenkovec, which was built few years before the arrival of counts of Celje, but the main construction work was done under their reign. The final object of my study will be former church of St. Michael in Mihovljan. For better understanding of the theme I will present every building's history and artistic depictions. As today we have little or none material evidences of these great buildings, the focal point of my study will be based on fragments and the archive resources. I will try to compare the building on the basis of existing fragments and photographs in order to determine similarities in style. By doing so, I will open the question of the author of the buildings, which is the main preoccupation of researchers lately.
- Published
- 2013