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Authors :
Vaupotič, Nika
Vidmar, Polona
Source :
Publication Year :


Diplomsko delo obravnava arhitekturno plastiko na historističnih zgradbah v Mariboru, pri tem se osredotoča na figuralno arhitekturno plastiko, tj. kipe in reliefe, omenjena pa je tudi dekorativna arhitekturna plastika. Zaradi boljšega razumevanja teme je na začetku predstavljeno obdobje historizma in pojasnitev pojma arhitekturna plastika. Sledi predstavitev desetih izbranih historističnih zgradb in opis kiparskih del, ki se pojavljajo na fasadah teh zgradb: Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor (1864), Pošta Maribor (1894), Prva gimnazija Maribor (1871─1873), Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor (1913/14─1916), OŠ bratov Polančičev Maribor (1895), OŠ Prežihovega Voranca Maribor (1905), gospodarsko stanovanjsko poslopje (1896) na Partizanski c. 77, večstanovanjska hiša (1899) na vogalu Aškerčeve ul. 2 in Ul. Heroja Staneta 18, Friedrigerjeva vila oz. vila Transilvanija (1910) na Mladinski ul. 45 (1927) ter stanovanjska vila na Kosarjevi ul. 41. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na prepoznavanje in interpretacijo kipov in motivov, upodobljenih na reliefih, ter na povezovanje teh kiparskih del z vlogo oz. funkcijo posamezne stavbe ali njenim naročnikom. Nadalje ugotavlja stanje raziskav in primerja mariborsko historistično arhitekturno plastiko z ostalimi po Sloveniji. Dotika se tudi vprašanja avtorjev in izvajalcev kiparskih del ter morebitnih vzorov. Graduation thesis discusses architectural sculpture on historicist buildings in Maribor, it focuses on figurative architectural sculpture, i.e. statues and reliefs, but it also mentions decorative architectural sculpture. At the beginning of this paper historicism as a period and the term architectural sculpture are explained for better understanding of the theme. This is followed by a presentation of the ten chosen historicist buildings and a description of the sculptural works located on the facades of these buildings: Slovene National Theatre Maribor (1864), Post office Maribor (1894), Prva gimnazija Maribor (1871─1873), Secondary School for Catering and Tourism Maribor (1913/14─1916), Polančič Brothers Primary School in Maribor (1895), Prežihov Voranc Primary School in Maribor (1905), a commercial residential building (1896) on Partizanska c. 77, an apartment block (1899) on the corner of the streets Aškerčeva ul. 2 and Ul. Heroja Staneta 18, villa Friedriger, also known as villa Transilvanija, (1910) on Mladinska ul. 45, and lastly, a residential villa (1927) on Kosarjeva ul. 41. The graduation thesis centres on recognising sculptures and motifs on the reliefs, their interpretation, and their connection with the function of each of these buildings or their owners. Furthermore, it establishes the state of research and compares historicist architectural sculpture in Maribor with other similar works in Slovenia. It also touches on the question of authors and sculptors/stonemasons and on any possible patterns.


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