173 results on '"agresivita"'
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- Author
Makovický, Peter, Matlach, Radek, and Makovický, Pavol
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MEDICAL personnel , *SOCIAL workers , *CEREBRAL edema , *PROPERTY damage , *PHYSICIANS - Abstract
This is a case report of a fatal intervention against a 26-year-old man with paranoid schizophrenia who ignored therapy prescribed by a psychiatrist. Over a 14-day period, there was a striking escalation of restlessness, repeated verbal attacks, threats and aggressive behaviour. The doctor who was called was not able to establish a valid contact with the man, so he called the police to help him pacify the man. During this time, the doctor applied Haloperidol as an injection to the muscle, but without an effect, thus the doctor applied another shot of Haloperidol within a very short time. After an initial sedation, there was a sudden respiratory arrest, the man was repeatedly resuscitated and transported to a hospital, where he died on the sixth day. A requested forensic autopsy revealed that the cause of the man's death was a malignant cerebral oedema. This case report draws the attention of primary care physicians, doctors working in the field, nurses, other health care professionals, social workers, as well as members of the security forces to the possible dangers of communicating and working with clients who are verbally or physically aggressive. Here, we recommend a rational assessment of the risks of potential interventions and only then, based on the specific situation and witness statements, to consider alternatives to next steps, including the possibility of calling in other professionals. Interventions should be conducted in a coordinated manner with a priority emphasis on protecting one's own life, the clients' lives, and ultimately the prevention of property damage. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Horáková, Miroslava
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AGGRESSIVE driving , *ROAD rage , *TRAFFIC congestion , *ROAD users , *MOTOR vehicle driving , *SENSATION seeking - Abstract
Aggressive driving is an important phenomenon today. Our study describes aggressive driving, its specific manifestation, and analyses possible causes and the main context. It´s shown that aggressive driving is a complicated construct with multifactorial causes and has a wide range of manifestations, from mild forms to road rage. The main point of aggressive driving is such driver´s behaviour, which threatens or restricts other road users and leads to risky situations. Lots of studies find as the main reason for aggressive driving the personality characteristics (sensation-seeking, impulsivity, aggressiveness, and irritability), the personality structure Big Five seems to be a good predictor seems. Other studies rate as the key causes the situational factors, like traffic congestion, anonymity on the roads, and time pressure. The multifactorial approach evaluates this phenomenon as the result of internal and external factors. The important influencing factors are social norms and driving culture in a country. In conclusion, we discuss possible preventive measures for minimization of aggressive driving behaviour that should be complex and effect as individuals (therapeutic programs for aggressive drivers, education in driving schools preventive campaigns) so external environment (changes in road environment with the goal of minimization the driving pressure). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Muroňová, Eliška
- Abstract
Sebepojetí, které lze zjednodušeně popsat jako vnímání sebe sama a vlastní hodnoty, se do určité míry proměňuje v průběhu celého života. Nejdynamičtější jsou však jeho změny v období dospívání. K formování sebepojetí dochází v interakci se sociálním prostředím, které pro děti a dospívající představuje zejména rodina a škola. Pro dospívající, kteří jsou předmětem této studie, jsou ale mnohdy právě škola a rodina spíše zdrojem stresu než potřebné podpory. Hovoříme o dospívajících umístěných ve výchovných ústavech, tedy dospívajících s problémovým chováním, které mnohdy naplňuje skutkovou podstatu trestné činnosti. Na pozadí těchto projevů však mnohdy stojí rozsáhlé negativní zážitky v dětství, které mohou velmi významným způsobem ovlivňovat další vývoj dítěte – bývají dávány do souvislosti právě s externalizujícími projevy (projevy zlosti a agrese), ale i s narušeným vnímáním sebe sama. Prezentovaná studie si proto kladla za cíl objasnit vztah mezi negativními zážitky v dětství, sebepojetím a agresivitou u této specifické skupiny dospívajících. Pro tyto účely byly použity dotazníkové metody ACE-IQ, DOS-36 a SADSS. Data byla sbírána formou polostrukturovaných rozhovorů s více než 50 dospívajícími z 5 výchovných ústavů napříč Českou republikou. Výsledky naznačují silný mediační efekt sebepojetí ve vztahu mezi negativními zážitky v dětství a pozdější agresivitou. Lze se tak domnívat, že intervence směřující k budování zdravého sebepojetí by mohly mít u těchto dětí významný efekt nejen na kvalitu jejich života, ale i na zmírnění agresivity a v konečném důsledku i zmírnění společenských dopadů (zdravotních, sociálních i finančních). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
5. Research into aggression in patients from the point of view of registered nurses in the Slovak Republic.
- Author
Janiczeková, Elena and Lauková, Jana
- Subjects
NURSES ,AGGRESSION (Psychology) ,PATIENTS' attitudes ,MEDICAL personnel ,CRONBACH'S alpha ,RETROSPECTIVE studies ,QUESTIONNAIRES - Abstract
Copyright of KONTAKT - Journal of Nursing & Social Sciences related to Health & Illness is the property of University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Faculty of Health & Social Sciences and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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6. Násilné správanie v praxi sestier na nízkoprahovom urgentnom príjme.
- Author
Streicherová, Annamária, Flajšingrová, Jana, and Kyasová, Miroslava
- Abstract
Copyright of Florence (1801-464X) is the property of Care Comm s.r.o. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
7. Agresivita pacientek vůči personálu na gynekologicko-porodnickém oddělení
- Author
Čermák, Zdeněk, Faltová, Barbora, Nodžáková, Nikol, Čermák, Zdeněk, Faltová, Barbora, and Nodžáková, Nikol
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na agresivitu pacientek vůči personálu na gynekologicko-porodnickém oddělení. V teoretické části je obecně popsána agrese a agresivita ve zdravotnických zařízeních, poslední kapitola se věnuje i agresivitě v českém zdravotnictví. Praktická část se zabývá analýzou dat získaných z polostrukturovaných rozhovorů s porodními asistentkami o jejich zkušenostech s agresivními pacientkami. Orientuje se především na reakce porodních asistentek, na možné příčiny a řešení těchto nežádoucích situací., This bachelor thesis is focused on aggressiveness of patients towards staff in gynecological and obstetrics department. In the theoretical part is generally described aggression and aggressiveness, last chapter is dedicated even to aggressiveness in Czech healthcare system. Practical part deals with analyzing data obtained from semi-structured interviews with midwifes about their experience with an aggressive patient. It is oriented mainly on reactions from midwifes, on possible causes and solutions of these unwanted situations., Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Student/ka úspěšně obhájil/a bakalářskou práci, odpověděl/a na doplňující otázky oponenta., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2023
8. Postoje studentů oboru zdravotnické záchranářství k agresi pacientů
- Author
Hlaváčková, Eva, Rabová, Martina, Pilný, Vojtěch, Hlaváčková, Eva, Rabová, Martina, and Pilný, Vojtěch
- Abstract
Tato práce se zabývá zkušenostmi a postoji studentů oboru zdravotnický záchranář k agresi pacientů. V teoretické části je popsána agresivita a agrese, její druhy, příčiny vzniku vůči zdravotnickým záchranářům, metody zvládání, ale i neprofesionální chování členů zdravotnické záchranné služby. V praktické části jsou pomocí kvantitativního šetření zkoumány zkušenosti a postoje studentů oboru zdravotnický záchranář k agresi pacientů, se kterou se setkali v průběhu své praxe a návrhy na zkvalitnění práce zdravotnického záchranáře v budoucnu., This paper explores the experiences and attitudes of paramedic students towards patient aggression. The theoretical part describes aggressiveness and aggression, its types, causes of aggression towards paramedics, methods of coping, as well as unprofessional behavior of members of the paramedic service. In the practical part, the experiences, and attitudes of paramedic students towards patient aggression encountered in the course of their practice and suggestions for improving the quality of paramedic work in the future are investigated by means of a quantitative survey., Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Student/ka úspěšně obhájil/a bakalářskou práci, odpověděl/a na doplňující otázky oponenta., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Ptáčková, Hana, Vevera, Jan, Raboch, Jiří, and Ptáček, Radek
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ATTENTION-deficit hyperactivity disorder , *GENETIC disorders , *CHILD psychology , *MENTAL illness , *AGGRESSION (Psychology) , *CHILDREN with developmental disabilities - Abstract
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed childhood psychiatric disorders, with prevalence 5-10% in general population. This developmental disorder is manifested in every part of children's behavior and it is characterized by inadequate level of attention, excessive activity and impulsivity. ADHD is a complex disorder influenced by genetic and environmental factors, characterized by various symptomatology, etiology and heterogeneous development. It is a model disorder for combination of interaction of genetic, neurobiological and environmental factors. According to the current knowledge, the disorder is lifelong and in case it is untreated it can significantly influence not only the life of its wearer but also its surroundings. ADHD is very often associated with other mental disorders or their symptoms. Specific comorbidities in childhood include behavioral disorders, or behavior that is not rated as aggressive. Although these are probably fundamentally different groups of symptoms and disorders, in practice these may be confused, the lay public may then mistake increased aggressive symptoms with ADHD. The present article summarizes current knowledge of possible manifestations of aggressive and dissocial behavior in children with ADHD. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
10. Vybrané aspekty edukácie žiakov vzhľadom na ich devalvačné prejavy.
- Author
Petlák, Erich, Škoviera, Albín, and Siváková, Gabriela
- Abstract
Copyright of Slovak Journal for Educational Sciences / Pedagogika is the property of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Educational Research Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
11. The use of restraints in internal branch departments in Hospitals of the South Bohemia Region
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omezovací prostředky ,všeobecná sestra ,nemocnice ,hospital ,restrains ,agresivita ,patient ,general nurse ,aggression ,pacient - Abstract
This Bachelor thesis is both theoretical and practical. The first part of the theory focuses on an aggressive patient, the causes of aggression, expression, prevention, treatment and access to an aggressive patient. It also mentions aggression in hospitals. In the second part, the theme is restrictive devices, which are often used precisely in aggressive patients. It discusses in more detail the types of restraints, the principles in their use, the laws governing them, the documentation and the nursing care of the patient under restriction. Research goals: In this bachelor's thesis, 3 goals were set. The first was to map the nurses' experience with restrictive devices in practice. The second aim was to explore the nurses' attitude to these means. The third aim was to identify what shortcomings nurses saw in the issue of the use of restraints. Research questions: Three research questions were identified on the objectives of the work. 1. What experience do general nurses have in the use of restraints? 2. What is the general nurse's position on restraints? 3. Do general nurses perceive any shortcomings in the use of restraints? Methods: A qualitative research strategy was used in the practical part. The data collection took place through semi-structured interviews conducted with general nurses in the internal departments of hospitals of the South Bohemia Region. The selection of informace was deliberate, with a total of 12. Results: Using the pencil paper method of data analysis, we created 3 categories of questions and 21 subcategories. All nurses have experience of using curtsies and medication from their practice. The frequency of their use varies according to the ward they work in. Almost half of the nurses had a bad experience concerning the improper use of restrictive medication. Nurses' attitudes are slightly more positive positive mainly due to patient and staff protection. From the nurses' perspective, the positives outweigh the negatives when it comes to restrictive measures. Half of the nurses expressed that they were aware of the shortcomings of this issue. The most frequently mentioned was the lack of availability of orderlies or security guards on the ward.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Rošková, M. and Stehlíková, A.
- Abstract
Copyright of Studia Kinanthropologica is the property of University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Education, Department of Physical Education & Sport and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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- Abstract
Objectives. The aim of the study was to verify the frustration potential of the Rosenzweig picture frustration test, PFT (C-W), in the context of changes in the secretion of the hormones testosterone and cortisol. Sample and setting. The study cohort consisted of young adults (N = 69) aged on average 21.8 years who were subjected to psychodiagnostic testing during interval saliva sampling to establish the dynamics of changes in hormone levels of testosterone and cortisol. Hypotheses. There is an increase in the levels of testosterone and cortisol between samplings before and after the administration of PFT (C-W) in the experimental group in comparison with the control group. The study observes whether the participants in the experimental group exhibiting an increase in testosterone in samplings before and after the administration of PFT (CW) achieve a significantly higher PFT (C-W) scores than those who do not exhibit an increase in testosterone, and whether there is a positive correlation between the increase in testosterone level before and after the administration of PFT (C-W). Statistical analysis. The values of the model parameters and their statistical significance were analysed in the environment of the statistical program R using the lme4 libraries, statistical Linear Mixed-Effects Model was used. Results. The frustration potential of PFT (C-W) could not be demonstrated convincingly with the biomarkers measured. A separate version of PFT (C-W) - F was developed, with modifications of verbal stimuli in order to eliminate its frustration potential. The results suggest that PFT (C-W) - F displays a tendency to a more pronounced frustration potential than the original method. Study limitation. The total number of participants was limited by the difficulty in performing biochemical analyses; the sample studied is not representative. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
14. Problematika lidské agresivity v zrcadle manipulace a poslušnosti vůči autoritě
- Author
Stanislav Bendl
- Subjects
kázeň ,poslušnost ,autorita ,manipulace ,agrese ,agresivita ,Education ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Stať pojednáva o manipulaci a s ní spojené lidské agresivite na pozadí Milgramových experimentů s poslušností vůči autorite. Snaží se ukázat, kam až je človek schopen ve své agresivite zajít, pokud k tomu dostane od autority příkaz. Ptá se, co je základem ochoty poslouchat, analyzuje podmínky, za jakých se mění míra poslušnosti. Usiluje o porozumění faktorům, které přesvědčí jedince, aby se vzdal své nezávislosti a stal se dobrovolným zástupcem systému. Článek se dotýká obecných otázek kázně a zdůrazňuje porozumění kontextu, ve kterém se kázeň uplatňuje.
- Published
- 2017
15. Cyberbullying and its prevention at 2 levels of primary schools
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agresivita ,kyberšikana ,prevence šikany ,šikana - Abstract
Předkládaná bakalářská práce se zabývá kyberšikanou na 2. stupni základní školy a její prevencí. Vzhledem k autorčiným praktickým zkušenostem z dosavadní praxe je na problém kyberšikany nahlíženo z pohledu asistenta pedagoga, který nese spolu-zodpovědnost za odhalení takové formy rizikového chování. Práce má za úkol ozřejmit, jak moc je náročné odhalit kyberšikanu ve školních kolektivech, jaká jsou úskalí a slabá místa v prevenci. Práce je rozdělena do tří kapitol. První kapitola se zabývá šikanou, druhá kapitola je věnována problematice kyberšikany. Třetí kapitola obsahuje výzkumné šetření, kdy je cílem zjistit zkušenosti s komunikací prostřednictvím elektronických technologií a zmapování povědomí dětí o kyberšikaně ve starším školním věku. V závěru jsou potom uvedena konkrétní doporučení pro zlepšení současného stavu.
- Published
- 2022
16. Sociálna práca s agresívnymi klientmi v zariadení pre seniorov.
- Author
Sivok, Roland
- Subjects
Copyright of Prohuman is the property of Business Intelligence Club, o.z. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
17. The Degree of Impulsiveness, Anxiety, and Aggression in Risk and Non-Risk Students at Czech Secondary Schools.
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- Abstract
BACKGROUND: This research study deals with the assessment of personality traits in risk and non-risk individuals. The study is a response to the serious social issue of the abuse of legal and illegal drugs amongst adolescents, and is based on the prevalence values relating to the use of these substances. AIMS: The objective of this research study is to determine whether the manifestations of risk secondary school students differ in the degree of the above-described personality variables in comparison with students with lesser manifestations of risk behaviour. DESIGN AND MEASUREMENTS: The assessed values were obtained using four methods - Appearance of risk behaviour in adolescents (2015), Dolejš and Skopal's impulsiveness scale (2013), Dolejš and Skopal's anxiety scale (2013), and Buss and Perry's aggression questionnaire (1992; Skopal & Dolejš, 2013). PARTICIPANTS: The target population comprised adults aged 15 to 19 years. The study sample included 2,387 respondents, which accounted for 2.75% of the study population. RESULTS: The differences between the sexes show that females manifest higher degrees of anxiety, whilst males manifest greater impulsiveness. The results document significant differences between risk individuals and those considered non-risk in personality traits, specifically verbal and physical aggression, anger, and the degree of impulsiveness. Statistically significant hostility or anxiety in connection with risk behaviour was demonstrated in neither the female nor male groups. CONCLUSIONS: The results appear to put the personality of risk individuals into a new perspective. The study points out personality traits which are likely to occur in risk individuals to a higher degree. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Dosedlová, Jaroslava
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PROFESSIONALISM , *COMMUNICATION styles , *COMMUNICATION strategies , *SELF-evaluation , *AGGRESSION (Psychology) , *ASSERTIVENESS (Psychology) - Abstract
The contribution devotes to some of relational components of the human communication, the self-evaluation and the attitude to other people. The author follows the mentioned attitudes evidence in verbal and nonverbal communication and reviews their general impact on a communication process. Aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive and assertive communication styles are characterized. In conclusion social competences and professionalism are discussed. Some concrete formulations are chosen and their potential to increase or decrease an efficacy of the interpersonal communication is demonstrated. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
19. Violence and Aggression in Hospitals in the South Bohemian Region
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- Subjects
aggressive patient ,stress ,agresivní pacient ,násilí ,violence ,agresivita ,sestra ,stres ,nurse ,aggression - Abstract
The main goal of the rigorous thesis was to map the issue of violence and aggression in hospitals in the South Bohemian region.
- Published
- 2021
20. Verbal aggressiveness in discussion on the webside iDNES.cz
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- Subjects
communication on the Internet ,jazyková analýza ,expresivita ,internet discussions ,expressiveness ,komunikace na internetu ,agresivita ,aggressiveness ,internetová diskuse ,stylistika ,linguistic analysis ,stylistics - Abstract
This thesis deals with verbal aggressiveness in internet discussions on the website iDNES.cz. It researches the course of communication between the participants of the discussions and it analyses their contribution from the stylistic and lexical point of view. The aim of this thesis is to find out in what manner the aggressiveness is expressed, what language devices the speakers use and where the aggressive behaviour and expressions occur most often. The study attempts to determine the reasons for this demeanour and whether it could be prevented. In its first part, the paper analyses internet discussions as a type of a communication process, studies its character and its relation to other kinds of communication. In its second part, it explores specific language devices that can be found in the discussions. The material used for the analysis is derived from the reporting section on the website iDNES.cz.
- Published
- 2021
21. Effect of a dummy on behaviour of Yellowhammer and Chiffchaff males in playback experiments
- Author
Kubátová, Hana, Petrusková, Tereza, and Veselý, Petr
- Subjects
Chiffchaff ,Emberiza citrinella ,visual stimulus ,budníček menší ,taxidermic mount ,playbackový experiment ,dummy ,playback experiment ,agresivita ,strnad obecný ,atrapa ,acoustic stimulus ,vycpanina ,Phylloscopus collybita ,akustický stimul ,vizuální stimul ,Yellowhammer ,aggressivity - Abstract
A playback experiment in which a recording of vocalization is played to the tested subject and its response is observed, is a widely used tool for examining bird song and its functions. Most often only acoustic stimulus is used, but sometimes a visual stimulus is also provided in the form of a dummy. Taxidermic mounts or models made from different materials are used as the dummy. It is discussed among researchers, whether it is or is not necessary to use a dummy in experiments and how does its presence affect behavior of the tested individuals. However, only few studies directly focus on this issue and test the effect of dummies. The best way to test the effects of a dummy on passerines in playback experiments is to test the same individuals in both situations (with a dummy and without a dummy) and compare the reactions. The aim of this theses was to perform such experiments on Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) and Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) males and to find out whether they would behave similarly in both variants of the experiment, or if their reaction would be enhanced in the presence of a dummy. Chiffchaffs reacted significantly more aggressively in the dummy experiment. The biggest difference was time spent by attacking the dummy and staying close to it. In Yellowhammers, the dummy...
- Published
- 2021
22. Therapeutic restriction of a patient in a pediatric psychiatry department
- Author
- Subjects
child and adolescent psychiatry ,restriction ,anxiety ,psychiatrie ,omezení ,psychiatry ,agresivita ,dětská a dorostová psychiatrie ,neklid ,agressive - Abstract
Theoretical basis: Therapeutic restrictions or limitations are often taboo, although they are also part of child psychiatry. It is used for restless, aggressive patients who endanger the health of themselves or others. Therapeutic limitations use must follow given regulations. The role of the nurse is irreplaceable and important in these situations. Goals: The aim of this work was to chart the issue od therapeutic restrictions in children psychiatry department. Four research questions were used to accomplish goals. Questions are: What kind of restraints are used in the children psychiatric ward? How is the safety of pediatric pacient ensured during the therapeutic restriction in children psychiatric ward? Are there some specifics in nursing care for the patient with therapeutic restrictions? How are nurses educated in the issue of therapeutic restriction in pediatric psychiatric department? Methods: The empirical part of the work was processed in the form of qualitative reseacher. Data were collected as a semi-structured interviews. Another metod of data collection was covert observation. Based on this data collection, there were created five categories and eleven subcategories. Reseacher file: The research group was consisted of twenty three nurses, who work in the department of child and adolescent psychiatry. The selection of patiens was purposeful. Results: Research proved that restraints are an integral part of child psychiatry. The most commonly used therapeutic restrictions are courts. Respondents have shown that the work is according to standards and adhere to the principles in terms of safety. The research has shown that proper nursing documentation and education are required. Research has shown that nurses act professionally, they also take care about patient needs and privacy. It turned out that nurses are on better level of knowledge about practical use than a knowledge of theoretical nursing standard. Conclusion: Therapeutic limitations of patients in the pediatric psychiatric ward cannot be neglected or omitted. This thesis could serve as an educational materiál for many nurses, especially if they are new to the field. Continuing education in this area is desirable for nurses. This work could serve as an educational material for the general public, who could possibly encouter therapeutic limitations, for example with their own child.
- Published
- 2021
23. Methodology of using combat games in the environment of alternative forest schools of pre-primary and primary education, as possible prevention of bullying and healthy development of pupils
- Author
Nováková, Sandra, Kazík, Petr, and Paulovčáková, Lucie
- Subjects
pre-primary education ,úpolové hry preprimární vzdělávání ,primary education ,bojové hry ,prevention of bullying ,forest schools ,lesní školy ,agresivita ,rozvoj žáků ,prevence šikany ,rough-and-tumble play ,základní vzdělávání ,pupil development ,aggression ,fighting-and-combat play - Abstract
The diploma thesis "Methodology of the use of rough-and-tumble play in the environment of alternative forest schools of pre-primary and primary education as a possible prevention of bullying." points to the area of children's games, which are inherently associated with such physical manifestation that it can cause all sorts of concerns in adults. The rough-and-tumble play as well as fighting and combat play are in question considered in this thesis as a kind of games, sometimes possibly neglected, but necessary for the healthy development of children's personalities. If the development of children and pupils is the goal of school facilities, then the possible inclusion of combat and combat games in these environments seems to be suitably developing. Alternative schools, in this case forest kindergartens and primary schools, are so open to innovation that this thesis chose them for the imaginary incorporation of rough-and- tumble play into their curriculum. It also outlines the possible context between the conscious fighting game of children and their perception of bullying, or the possible influence of the fighting game on the elimination of these undesirable behaviours. The empirical part formulates methodological material in accordance with the described characteristics of selected schools. Data...
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Fischer, Slavomil, Žukov, Ilja, Kuželová, Hana, and Ptáček, Radek
- Subjects
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DELINQUENT behavior , *JUVENILE delinquency , *SELF-realization , *PERSONALITY disorders , *MENTAL health - Abstract
The article is an analysis of antisocial behaviour of delinquent youth. The relationships between negative events in childhood and adolescence, and subsequent problems in self-realization were studied. The relationships were analyzed in relation to the development of forms of antisocial behaviour. Psychological characteristics in the selected groups of juvenile delinquents and a control group were compared. Methods based on RSTI (Risk Sophistication Treatment Inventory), HARE PCL (Hare Psychopathy Checklist), and TSC 40 (Trauma Symptom Checklist) were used. Statistically significant differences were observed between trauma and the subsequently lower adaptation skills and development of typical symptoms of specific personality disorders. The findings suggest that negative events in childhood and adolescence may be a significant predictor of personality disorders in adulthood. The findings are in accordance with previous studies. Clinicians and researchers should be highly aware of stress and trauma in childhood as a risk factor for later psychopathological development. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
25. Agresivita pacientů vůči zdravotnickým pracovníkům
- Author
Čermák, Zdeněk, Faltová, Barbora, Benešová, Denisa, Čermák, Zdeněk, Faltová, Barbora, and Benešová, Denisa
- Abstract
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá agresivitou pacientů vůči zdravotnickým pracovníkům. V teoretické části je popsána agresivita obecně, druhy agresivity a příčiny agresivního jednání. Následně agresivita ve zdravotnictví, možnosti jejího zvládání a komunikace s agresivním pacientem, včetně kurzů efektivní komunikace. V průzkumné části je pomocí kvantitativního šetření zkoumáno, jaká je agresivita ve zdravotnictví a na jaké úrovni je bezpečnost zdravotnického personálu., This bachelor thesis deals with aggressiveness of patients towards health care workers. In inthe theoretical part is described aggressiveness, types of aggression and causes of aggressive behavior. Then aggressiveness in health care, possibilities of coping with aggression, communication with aggressive patient, including effective communication courses. In the exploratory part, a quantitative survey examines, how is is the aggressiveness in health care, and at what level is the safety of medical staff., Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Hodnocení vedoucího: výborně minus Hodnocení oponenta: výborně minus Doplňující otázky k obhajobě: 1. V úvodu práce uvádíte, že jste se během své odborné praxe setkala s projevy agresivity pacientů. Zkuste prosím porovnat svá průzkumná zjištění s vašimi osobními zkušenostmi ohledně zajištění bezpečnosti zdravotnického personálu. 2. V závěru práce konstatujete přínos vaší práce, který vidíte ve zvýšení povědomí o této problematice, která není dostatečně řešena. Pokuste se prosím více objasnit toto vaše tvrzení. Obhajoba bakalářské práce s prezentací výborná minus., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2020
- Author
- Abstract
Introduction: Aggressive behaviour of pupils in schools interferes with the process of education and represents a significant burden on the teacher. To study the extent of aggressive behaviour is on increase in the CR and in Europe as well. Objective: The aim of this study is to quantify the prevalence of various forms of aggressive behaviour in terms of perception of elementary school teachers. Methods: 1003 teachers from 115 randomly selected schools completed the Web-based online questionnaire focused on the aggressive behaviour of students and its context. Results: Educators are often met with verbal and physical aggression among students (83% and 37% weekly or more often), and vandalism against school property and equipment (25%). Gross verbal attacks against teachers in the last year reported 86% of respondents. Physical assault against someone of the staff was reported by 16% of teachers. Opinions on the aggressiveness of pupils in school and on methods for reducing aggression differed depending on the degree of aggressiveness, to which was the teacher exposed. Conclusion: When creating the conditions for safety in the school, the particular situation of the school should be taken into account as well as the teachers' experience in dealing with aggression of school children. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
- Author
- Subjects
- *
AGGRESSION (Psychology) , *PROSOCIAL behavior , *CRIMINALS , *INTELLIGENCE tests , *INTERPERSONAL relations , *SOCIAL psychology , *PSYCHOLOGICAL tests - Abstract
The research study introduces results on intelligence and aggression of property offenders. The research took place in 19 prisons in Czech Republic. The sample consists of 166 offenders, who have been incarcerated at least for second time. The offenders completed intelligence test (Raven progressive matrices) and aggression test (Hand test). The results of the intelligence test indicate that offenders, who are more likely to make type B fault (faulty principle), commit more often also violent offenses. The results of aggression test include only slightly higher number of aggressive" answers, which was opposed to the predictions. The offenders showed prosocial attitudes and interests in interpersonal region and slightly higher levels in pathological scores. The results cannot be taken as simple generalisations for entire population of property offenders. It is necessary to take into account the possibility that the offenders of unsolved crimes can differ in intelligence and aggression from incarcerated offenders. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
- Author
RoŠková, Eva and Kovácsová, Natália
- Subjects
- *
AUTOMOTIVE transportation , *AGGRESSION (Psychology) , *SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC factors , *AGGRESSIVE driving , *REGRESSION analysis , *ANALYSIS of covariance , *GOAL (Psychology) , *RISK-taking behavior - Abstract
According to contemporary theoretical and research findings the authors regard the aggressive behavior in road transport as a complex phenomenon which is concerning both its causes and its consequences. The relevant terminology is defined in the study - aggressiveness, aggressive behavior, risk-taking behavior, and "road rage" in transport. The goal of the presented study was to assess the relations between aggressiveness as a personality trait (verbal aggressiveness, physical aggressiveness, anger, hostility) and self-rated aggressive driving behavior (progress impeded, reckless driving, direct hostility), where further individual variables (total number of kilometers done) and socio-demographic factors (sex, age) were incorporated into this relation. The results of regression analyses and path models showed that aggressive behavior in road transport is predicted by different components of aggressiveness (with different influence) in women and men as well as in particular kinds of aggressive driving behavior. The significant (negative) influence of socio-demographic variable age on aggressive behavior was found, the expected covariance between the age and the total number of kilometers done was confirmed in disturbing the traffic fluency and regardless driving both in men and women. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
29. Manifestations of aggression in children attending the first stage of elementary school
- Author
- Subjects
primary school pupils ,theory of aggression ,projevy agrese ,agresivita ,agrese ,žáci prvního stupně základní školy ,manifestations of aggression ,příčiny agrese ,causes of aggression ,teorie agrese ,aggression - Abstract
The topic of the bachelor thesis is: Manifestations and causes in children attending primary school. The aim of this thesis is to introduce the issue of aggression, the causes and manifestations supporting aggressive behavior. The theoretical part focuses on the notion of aggression and aggression, quotes the theory of aggression, deals with the causes and manifestations of aggression. It also describes the characteristics of children living in the early school age. The practical part uses quantitative research and a questionnaire survey to examine how and research into how pupils perceive and work with aggression in the classroom. Hypothetical statements are verified and evaluated. The final part ends with a discussion and a summary.
- Published
- 2020
30. Agression and bullying among pupils in chosen elementary school
- Author
Semerádová, Kristýna, Hanušová, Jaroslava, and Váchová, Alena
- Subjects
rodina ,school ,deviace ,family ,deviance ,agrese ,aggressiveness ,oběť ,bullying ,Agresivita ,aggressor ,victim ,šikana ,agresor ,aggression ,škola - Abstract
The thesis consists two parts. The first part is an introduction into aggression, risky behavior and bullying phenomenon. This part is also dealing with the problematic of deviations. The aim of the practical was to detect and defined bullying in 7th grades in chosen elementary school. In this part I prepared a questionnaire for the target group and based my analysis on it. Then results were compared between the classes and the next step was an interview with school employee, which is responsible for preventing methods. This interview helped me to understand which cases of bullying occurred, how the school managed it and the future preventing measure. The main question, I tried to answer in my work, was "Is there bullying among pupils in 7th grades?" The result of my research was optimistic. Just 1/3 of the respondents had been bullied or knows someone who was. The rest 2/3 of the pupils did not encounter with bullying. The second part of my research focuses on bullying kinds and there effect. Most of the responders consider that emotional bullying is worse than physical. In the conclusion of this thesis were created recommendations for future prevention of bullying occurs. KEYWORDS: Aggressiveness, aggression, bullying, aggressor, victim, school, family, deviance
- Published
- 2020
31. Záchranář jako oběť agresivního pacienta
- Author
Pospíchal, Jan, Kopecký, Michal, Hudáč, Michal, Pospíchal, Jan, Kopecký, Michal, and Hudáč, Michal
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se zabývá agresivitou pacientů vůči zdravotním záchranářům v přednemocniční péči. Teoretická část je zaměřena na agresi, agresivitu a její druhy, konkrétně na agresi proti zdravotním záchranářům, komunikaci záchranáře s pacientem a asertivní jednání. Praktická část práce je tvořena anonymními dotazníky, které byly vyplněny na SŠ. Dotazník se týká náhledu studentů na agresivní chování pacientů vůči ZZS a informovanosti o obecné agresivitě., The bachelor thesis deals with the aggressiveness of patients towards to the paramedics in pre-hospital care. The theoretical part is focused on aggression and aggressiveness and its types. On aggression against paramedics, rescuer communication with patient and assertive behavior. The survey part of the thesis consists of anonymous questionnaires, which are filled in at secondary schools. The questionnaire refers to the students' view of the aggressive behavior of patients against EMS (Emergency Medical Service) and awareness of general aggression., Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Hodnocení vedoucího: C Hodnocení oponenta: D Doplňující otázky k obhajobě: 1. Jak je myšleno, že plně vyplněné dotazníky byly použity jako 100%? Dotazníky, které nebyly zcela vyplněné, byť s jedinou odpovědí, byly tedy vyřazené? 2. Jak si vysvětlujete, že Vám žáci odpovídali i na následující otázky, když se s tím nesetkali? Obhajoba bakalářské práce s prezentací velmi dobrá., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Hadaň, Bohuslav
- Subjects
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- Published
- 1999
33. Reactive aggresive pupils in a classroom of eyes of their teachers
- Author
Herzogová, Kateřina, Janošová, Pavlína, and Vágnerová, Marie
- Subjects
reactive aggressiventess ,agrese ,reaktivní agresivita ,agresivita ,aggressiveness ,aggression - Abstract
My diploma thesis is focused on reactive aggressiveness of children at primary schools with the view of their teachers. The theoretical part focuses on aggressive, decisive and aggressive behavior. The diploma thesis tries to observe how teachers face aggressive activity in practice. The research part deals with the analysis of data on the above results, through a questionnaire survey.
- Published
- 2019
34. Aggressive behavior of patients from a nurse perspective
- Author
Petříková, Zuzana, Bratová, Andrea, and Tomová, Šárka
- Subjects
Patient ,Ošetřovatelská péče ,Aggression,Nursing care ,Agresivita ,Sestra ,Nurse ,Pacient - Abstract
Bachelor thesis " Aggressive patients' behavior from the nurse's point of view" deals with the problems of rising incidence of aggression and violence towards nurses in health care facilities. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and empirical. Theoretical part includes an introduction to the given problem and getting familiar with several basic concepts., which are important for understanding of this phenomena. The theoretical part is bringing a brief overview of already published studies with the same topic in the Czech Republic, in Europe and across the world. Empirical part informs about own research outcomes, which was conducted with the participation of 178 respondents, who work as nurses in two large health care facilities in Prague. We used a questionnaire method based on VAPS scale (Violence and Aggression of Patients Scale), which determines the frequency of nurses contact with different types of patients' aggression during the last year. Statistical processing was done by using Mann- Whitney U-test. Over the preceding 12 months, 95.5% of respondents had experienced verbal aggression and 80.3% physical violence, which are similar numbers as in other studies using VAPS scale, but more than is reported in the literature. Empirical part also contents evaluation of own results...
- Published
- 2019
35. Motivation and Aggression in Sports
- Author
Sychra, Jakub, Mudrák, Jiří, and Janák, Vladimír
- Subjects
motivation ,motivational orientation ,motivace ,agresivita ,aggressivity ,sport ,motivační orientace - Abstract
Title: Problematics of motivation and aggressivity in sports Objectives: Main target of my diploma thesis is to test selfdetermination of individuals participating in sports, their motivations and motivation factors which are connected to aggressivity, by using the questionnaire method. Methods: Datas for research were collected from quantitativ questionaire, which was a compilation of three standard questinnaires, their Czech version used in psychology. A questionnaire called Sport motivation scale - 6 was used to measure selfdetermination, a questionnaire called Percetion of Success Questionaire was used to measure the motivational orientation and a questionnaire called The Buss - Perry Aggression Questionaire was used to measure different dimensions of aggressivity. Results: Results of selfdetermination measured on sportsmen of UK FTVS prove the general hypothesis of high contribution of intrinsic motivation and very low participation of amotivation for any individuals participating in sports. Higherst values measured we got for integrated regulation, which is the most intrinsic form of external motivation. Results of motivational orientation of respondents show clearly dominance of motivational orientation toward the target rather than toward ego. The highest measured value of different forms...
- Published
- 2018
36. Effect of a dummy on passerine behaviour in playback experiments
- Author
Kubátová, Hana, Petrusková, Tereza, and Linhart, Pavel
- Subjects
dummy ,teritoriální interakce ,visual stimulus ,akustický stimul ,taxidermic mount ,playbackový experiment ,passerine ,playback experiment ,agresivita ,pěvci ,atrapa ,aggressivity ,vycpanina ,territorial interactions ,vizuální stimul ,acoustic stimulus - Abstract
Playback experiment is a frequently used method for the scientific research of the bird song and its functions. A recording of vocalization is played in the territory of the tested male, and its responses are observed. Majority of the studies using playback recordings presents only the acoustic stimulus. Sometimes a dummy is also used to provide a visual stimulus. This review focuses on the effects of the dummy on the passerine behavior in the playback experiments. In the first part a comparison is made within the groups of experiments with the same field of interest. The main questions are: how often is a dummy used in these types of experiments, how do designs and results differ depending on its presence/absence and, if possible, how do researchers evaluate its use. Subsequently, I tried to compare experiments with and without dummy within same species, but because of the differences of the experimental designs and the differences in forms of presentation the results, which were often not comparable, it was difficult to make clear conclusions. Next part analyses the few available studies where both trials with and without a dummy were performed on the same individuals. The review shows that the dummy allows tested males to express additional behavioural patterns, which can be noted by the...
- Published
- 2018
37. Aggressiveness of children in kindergarten
- Author
- Subjects
emotional intelligence ,agresivní projevy ,agrese ,kindergarten ,emoční inteligence ,agresivita ,aggressiveness ,mateřská škola ,aggression behaviour and manifestations ,aggression - Abstract
The bachelor work deals with the aggressive behaviour in preschool children attending kindergartens, the acts of aggression and their causes, the solution of conflict situations as well as the ways how to help children manage the aggression. The aim of the work is to find out the way how pedagogues in kindergartens can help children to ease their aggression. The theoretical part introduces the aggression issue from the point of biological functioning and the influence of the social environment. It further deals with the causes of aggressive behaviour, the pedagogues' reactions to the aggressive manifestations and the environment contributing to the elimination of the frequency of the aggressive behaviour. It as well describes the methods leading to the development of emotional intelligence, self-control and improvement of communication skills and further shows how to work with the aggression during the education process. The practical part consists of casuistry of three children who more frequently show their anger or aggression while being in the group but are driven by different causes of the aggressive behaviour. Those children are closely characterized in order to provide better picture there are their temperament characters and relationships with other classmates described. The practical part further deals with the description of activities helping to eliminate aggression. During the activities and games there are the observed children's reactions as well as their overall influence of the collective intercepted.
- Published
- 2018
38. Socially Excluded Localities Of The Region Český Krumlov And Their Problematic Effects
- Author
- Subjects
unemployment ,Romové ,socially pathological phenomenon ,agression ,streetwork ,indebtedness ,prostituce ,social exclusion ,socially excluded loclity ,agresivita ,prostitution ,sociálně patologické jevy ,zadlužování ,Agentura pro sociální začleňování ,sociálně vyloučená lokalita ,Větřní ,závislosti ,Social integration agency ,nezaměstnanost ,Romany people ,addiction ,sociální vyloučení - Abstract
The central concern of this thesis is to examine social excluded localities and most frequent social pathological phenomena, which occur in these localities. These problematic phenomena, such as agression, addiction, prostitution, social pathology related to family, children and adults behavior disorders, unemployment and debts, are reflexed in psychological sense. Special focus is given to Romany people and to psychological aspects of their social exclusion. This paper also focuses on social field work and its issues in psychological sense. Results of work of Social integration agency in largest social excluded locality in the region of Český Krumlov, Větřní, are presented at the end of this thesis.
- Published
- 2018
39. Aggressive tendencies in drawings of primary school children
- Author
BOČANOVÁ, Dominika
- Subjects
drawing of human a figure ,kresba lidské postavy ,agrese ,agresivní tendence ,Test apercepce ruky ,agresivita ,primary school age ,aggressivity ,mladší školní věk ,The Hand Test ,aggression ,aggressive tendencies - Abstract
The Bachelor thesis compares drawings of primary school age children, specifically boys from 9 to 11 years old. Theoretical part focuses on specification of primary school age, aggression, aggressivity and children's drawing. Empirical part's content is a mixed research with main goal of comparing drawings of boys with aggresive tendencies with drawings of boys without these tendencies or with much less of them. The research question asks in what attributes the drawings of both groups of boys are different. In the research The Hand Test was used, through which the research sample for drawing of a human figure was chosen. The drawing describes the differences between the groups based on stated criteria related to aggressivity in drawings. Results show that group of boys with aggressive tendencies from the research sample displays most of the given criteria to a greater extent.
- Published
- 2017
40. Úlohy sestry v péči o pacienty s násilným chováním
- Author
- Subjects
education ,všeobecná sestra ,nursing ,násilí ,ošetřovatelská péče ,violence ,the patient ,the skills ,assault ,agresivita ,aggression ,napadení ,prevention ,dovednosti ,nurse ,prevence ,pacient - Abstract
Goal of the investigation is to find out what are the nurses in the care of patients with violent behavior. The second objective is to find out what skills nurses must be in preventing violence. The aim is to find out how the nurses, before it is attacked.: The empirical part of the thesis was used qualitative method of investigation. The data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews. The data has been rewritten and coded to specific categories and subcategories. The file of a total of 14, internal, gastroenterologického, trauma and surgery, intensive care units and gastroenterologii internally in an unnamed district hospital in South Bohemian Region.Research objectives have been identified and described the investigation in results.The investigation on the basis of research, which has shown that the general be interested in either a course or seminar on violence in health is my recommendation for the practice plan a conference.
- Published
- 2017
41. Agresivní chování žáků vůči učitelům středních odborných škol a učilišť
- Author
Čtvrtníčková, Romana
- Subjects
agrese ,agresivita ,žák - Abstract
This bachelor thesis addresses aggressive behaviour of vocational school students towards their teachers. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical past. The aim of the theoretical part is to define terms aggression and other related terms. It classifies and describes different types of aggression demonstration and its origin. It also describes factors affecting the aggression of an individual, prevention and possibilities to solve aggressive behaviour, use of legal claims. The method of theoretical part is studying specialized sources, their analysis, synthesis and comparison. The aim of the practical part is to determine what is the teachers opinion and experience with the subject of students aggression. It deals with forms of aggression, their frequency, if and how the aggression is addressed by teachers. The instrument of data collecting is a questionnaire designed especially for this study. Obtained data are evaluated with descriptive statistics. The results are interpreted into charts and graphs so that they are clear.
- Published
- 2017
42. Influence of Computer Games on Aggressive Behaviour of the Pupils of the Older School Age
- Author
Zavadilová, Petra, Kučírek, Jiří, and Hanušová, Jaroslava
- Subjects
Pupils of Older School Age ,virtuální realita ,Computer Game ,žáci staršího školního věku ,agrese ,Virtual Reality ,Influence ,agresivita ,Aggressiveness ,vliv ,počítačové hry ,Aggressive Behaviour ,Aggression ,agresivní chování - Abstract
The diploma work focuses on a topic which is often discussed in the Czech Republic as well as worldwide. The topic in question is the influence of computer games with elements of aggression and violence on aggressive behaviour of teenagers. The work consists of two parts - a theoretical and an empirical one. The theoretical part has four chapters dealing with theoretical knowledge on the subject. In the empirical part the qualitative research strategy was used - questionnaire method and semi structured interview. The research sample consisted of five pupils from the 9th grade of an elementary school. The main aim of the diploma work will be to establish the subjective perception of the influence of computer games with elements of aggression and violence on aggressive behaviour of pupils of older school age. The secondary aim will be establishing the attitudes of the pupils of older school age to violent and aggressive scenes in computer games and mapping the intrusion of computer games into everyday life of pupils from the point of view of computer games preferences and the time they spend playing computer games during the day. Qualitative research showed that four out of five respondents really subjectively feel that computer games with elements of violence and aggression strengthen their...
- Published
- 2016
43. Bullying in schools in relation to the school environment
- Author
Jiroutová, Kristýna, Podaná, Zuzana, and Homolová, Pavla
- Subjects
agrese ,školní prostředí ,oběť ,bullying ,agresivita ,school environment ,šikana ,the victim ,aggression - Abstract
The theme of the thesis is the issue of bullying in schools. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part, the theoretical part deals with definitions of bullying, aggression, introduction to theory of aggression and setting bullying into the social context. In this part there will also be introduced methofological ways of obtaining data for bullying research and theoretical definition of bullying relations between aspects of school environment and bullying. In the practical part will be shown the data analysis of The survey of urban youth in 2015, which will map the relations between bullying and specific aspects of the school environment. Keywords: bullying, aggression, the victim, school environment
- Published
- 2016
44. The use of hand-puppet theatre in the kindergarten for development of prosocial behaviour
- Author
- Subjects
Dítě ,maňáskové divadlo ,prosocial behaviour ,agresivity ,Keywords: Child ,kindergarten ,puppet theatre ,agresivita ,mateřská škola ,prosociální chování [Klíčová slova] - Abstract
The thesis solves problems of aggressive behavior in children of preschool age. It is aimed at strengthening social behavior by playing puppet theater in kindergarten. The main goal is to show the concrete examples and see how metaphoric demonstration of different types and modes of behavior may be through a puppet theater with their reflections perfect training and educational tool for developing and strengthening social relations in kindergarten. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of basic concepts such as expression, reflection, prosocial behavior, social behavior, preschool child, the role of teacher. The research part, in qualitative research, case studies are carried out, which are populated with data obtained by participating long-term observation of the author's work
- Published
- 2016
45. Aggression and bullying, its symptoms and prevention in the school surroundings
- Author
- Subjects
prevention ,agrese ,oběť ,solution ,bullying ,řešení ,agresivita ,aggression ,victim ,šikana ,aggresivity ,agresor ,prevence - Abstract
This bachelor work in its theoretical part clarifies the basic concepts as example of aggression, bullying, its causes, conditions, symptoms and prevention. As next are characterized the sides involved in the act of bullying. Practical part is focused on the quantitative research. By the questionnaire survey to find out whether the pupils do understand and can solve the symptoms of bullying. The goal of the work as itself was to show the issue of aggression and bullying in the school surroundings.
- Published
- 2016
46. Aggression, hostility and its influence on interpretation of social situations
- Author
Kunšta, Cyril, Boukalová, Hedvika, and Čáp, David
- Subjects
violent crimes ,agresivita ,násilné trestné činy ,social worth ,ambiguous social situations ,sociální hodnota ,nejasné sociální situace ,aggression - Abstract
Goal of a master thesis was to explore connection between aggression and interpretation of ambiguous social situations. In theoretical part of thesis author described theories of aggression, he was dealing with sources of aggression and also with criminal aggression with an overlap to typology of violent offenders. Author also described the problematic of ambiguous social situations and phenomena connected with it. In empirical part of thesis the main goal was to explore interconnection between aggression and interpretation of ambiguous social situations; and to compare group of inmates convicted for committing a violent crimes (n=30) with comparison group (n=30) in external aggression, understanding of ambiguous social situations and perceived social worth. For the purpose of exploring ambiguous social situations, methods DSS and SIP-AEQ were used. For exploring of external aggression were used Rosenzweig's PFT and for perceived social worth the SWS method. Two of four hypotheses were confirmed.
- Published
- 2016
47. Behavioral disorders as a secondary symptom of pupils with ADHD in the 2nd stage of primary school
- Author
Jánský, Miloš, Šotolová, Eva, and Mottlová, Jana
- Subjects
psychická deprivace ,hyperkinetický syndrom ,ADHD ,aggression ,aggressiveness ,výskyt ,agrese ,normality ,normalita ,cause ,norm ,příčina ,behavioral disorder ,norma ,incidence ,ADD ,agresivita ,psychological deprivation ,porucha chování ,symptom ,ústavní výchova ,sekundární ,hyperkinetic syndrome ,institutional system ,secondary symptom - Abstract
Behavioral disorders as a secondary symptom of pupils with ADHD in the 2nd stage of primary school. Abstract: The rigorous thesis focuses on the issues surrounding behavioral disorders including their etiology, prognosis and prevalence and is based on the current situation in the Czech Republic. The main aim of this study was to determine an association between learned or socially conditioned disorders (environmental factors) and disorders we call specific disorders, which are based on biological causes (hyperkinetic disorder - ADD/ADHD). The author worked from the opinion, or "pedagogical ground", that teaching children with hyperkinetic syndrome is more demanding. Therefore the rigorous study deals with hyperkinetic syndrome (ADD/ADHD) in detail, especially in relation to associated secondary symptoms. The most significant disruptive symptoms perceived in the school environment are impulsiveness and aggressiveness, which are addressed in the theoretical part. The study consists of two main parts: The theoretical part, which, through processing and presentation of expert sources, describes and clarifies behavioral disorders, and the institutional care system, including the types of school institutions providing institutional and protective care. The study also mentions the legislation governing...
- Published
- 2016
48. The influence of computer games on aggressiveness
- Author
- Subjects
electroencephalography ,agrese ,spectral analysis ,elektroencefalografie ,agresivita ,aggressiveness ,EEG ,spektrální analýza ,počítačové hry ,computer games ,aggression - Abstract
This Bachelor Thesis deals with study of influence of computer games on aggression. The aim of this thesis is to find out whether computer games cause inclination to aggressive behaviour. The theoretical part is focused on scanning electrical brain activity. It contains description of electroencephalography, evoked potentials and brain waves. It also elaborates various psychological theories of aggression and connects them to relation with physiologist creation of aggressive behaviour. The empirical part is focused on a research project. It describes an experiment which examines reactions to positive, neutral and negative visual stimuli before and after playing computer games by spectral analysis. 42 people, chosen by quota selection, participated in the research. 29 probands got into the final analysis and outcomes. The data were processed by Matlab program and its toolbox EEGlab. The outcomes of spectral analysis and comparison of individual research groups show that violent computer games influence aggression.
- Published
- 2016
49. Aggression of Pupils Against Teacher and its Solution in Chosen Schools
- Author
Sybr, Matěj, Koťa, Jaroslav, and Švandová, Martina
- Subjects
Nová média ,Criminality ,Učitel ,Agresivita ,Žák ,Aggression ,New Media ,Pupil ,Teacher ,Kriminalita ,Adolescence - Abstract
The present thesis addresses the aggression of the pupil against the teacher, with the focus on the secondary school environment. In the first chapter focused on theory I aim to describe aggression, its related terms and the viewpoint of related literature. The second part studies the aggression in schoolchildren, its particularities and preconditions. The empirical part of the thesis starts in the third chapter: I analyse the sources of the society's information about youth aggression, i.e. media and police statistics. Finally, the fourth chapter describes my own research, a survey among secondary school teachers. This project aims to find out how teachers perceive the aggression of contemporary youth, and to compare the results with the findings of a similar research done in 2008. Key words: Aggression, Teacher, Pupil, Adolescence, Criminality, New Media
- Published
- 2016
50. Agresivita dětí školního věku
- Author
Ehlová, Marcela, Škoviera, Albín, Sedláčková, Jana, Ehlová, Marcela, Škoviera, Albín, and Sedláčková, Jana
- Abstract
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou agresivity dětí školního věku. Teoretická část se na úvod věnuje vymezení základních pojmů, charakterizuje vývojové období školního věku z pohledu předních vývojových teorií a popisuje možné příčiny vzniku agresivity v tomto období. Dále se věnuje typologii agresivního chování a druhům agrese a jejím projevům. V neposlední řadě se zabývá prevencí tohoto jevu, terapií a omezení projevů agresivního chování u dětí školního věku. V praktické části je proveden kvantitativní výzkum, kde pomocí metody pozorování a dotazníkového šetření budeme analyzovat četnost a typ výskytu agresivního chování u dětí na vybrané základní škole., The thesis deals with the issue of aggression schoolchildren. The theoretical part is devoted to home basic concepts, describes the development period of school age from the perspective of the leading evolutionary theories and describe possible causes of aggression in that period. He also discusses the typology of aggressive behaviour and modes of aggression and its manifestations. Finally, it deals with the prevention of this phenomenon, therapies and limitations of aggression among school children. The practical part is conducted quantitative research, using methods of observation which we analyse the frequency of occurrence and type of aggressive behaviour in children at chosen primary school., Fakulta filozofická
- Published
- 2016
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