819 results on '"Yoon JW"'
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2. Liraglutide and Renal Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes
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Mann JFE, Ørsted DD, Brown-Frandsen K, Marso SP, Poulter NR, Rasmussen S, Tornøe K, Zinman B, Buse JB, LEADER Steering Committee and Investigators. Bergenstal R, Daniels G, Moses AC, Nauck M, Nissen S, Pocock S, Steinberg W, Stockner M, Kristensen P, Ravn LS, Zychma M, Flyvbjerg A, Ford I, Kloos RT, Schactman MJ, Sleight P, Swedberg K, Tenner SM, Akalın S, Arechavaleta R, Bain S, Babkowski MC, Benroubi M, Berard L, Comlekci A, Czupryniak L, Eliasson B, Eriksson M, Fonseca V, Franek E, Gross J, Hafidh K, Haluzik M, Hayes F, Huang YY, Jacob S, Kaddaha G, Khalil A, Kilhovd B, Laakso M, Leiter L, Lalic N, Ji L, Luedemann J, Mannucci E, Marre M, Masmiquel L, Mota M, Omar M, O’Shea D, Pan C, Petrie J, Pieber T, Pratley R, Raz I, Rea R, Rutten G, Satman I, Shestakova M, Simpson R, Smith D, Tack C, Tarnow L, Thomas N, Van Gaal L, Travert F, Vidal J, Warren M, Yoon KH, Tuttle RM, Sheerman SI, Hegedüs L, Baerwald H, Bergenstal M, Celik S, Dias C, Eder M, Fitzgibbons S, Irvhage L, Kloluckova J, Kriulianski R, McDuffie R, Moen S, Paster A, Saalfeld RM, Sankar K, Shehaj E, Swierzewska P, Tiktin M, Tovey S, Gibson CM, Chakrabarti AK, Dashe JF, Hinchey J, Leary MC, Pride Y, Wiviott S, Allen S, Mehr AP, Mutter WP, Parikh S, Ray S, Cheifetz A, Leffler D, Sheth S, Alexander E, Gaglia JL, Goessling W, Mitzner LD, Rosenberg C, Snow KJ, Wagner A, Piazza G, Abell S, Davis T, D'Emden M, Ding SA, Gilfillan C, Greenaway T, Gunawan F, Ho J, Jackson R, Kalra B, Lau SL, Lin J, MacIsaac R, Makepeace A, Malabu U, Marjason J, McCallum R, McLean M, Moin N, Petersons C, Price S, Roberts A, Roberts D, Sangla K, Stranks S, Tan Y, Thynne T, Walters J, Ward G, Wen W, Zhang J, Brix J, Feder A, Höbaus C, Höllerl F, Höller V, Kotter T, Kratz E, Krzizek EC, Leb-Stoeger U, Mader J, Mras N, Novak E, Obendorf F, Peric S, Pesau G, Prager R, Ribitsch A, Schnack C, Schernthaner G, Wascher T, Batens AH, Benhalima K, De Block C, Ernest P, Fouckova A, Jandrain B, Lapauw B, Letiexhe M, Mathieu C, Neven S, Peiffer F, Ruige J, Scheen A, Taes Y, Van Boxelaer I, Vandistel G, Van Durme Y, Verhaegen A, Alencar E, Alencar R, Almeida AC, Alves B, Alves E, Alves G, Alves J, Araujo L, Arruda V, Augusto GA, Baggentoss R, Balestrassi L, Barbosa M, Barcelos I, Belem L, de Bem A, Betti RT, Bona R, Bosco A, Branda J, Bronstein M, Bueno T, Bulcão T, Caiado F, Camazzola F, Cambréa MF, Campos S, Canani L, Carra MK, Caruso S, Carvalho N, Casillo A, Castro D, Cavalcanti T, Cavichioli V, Cercato C, Chacra A, Challela W, Charchar HS, Chaves C, Chrisman C, Correia-Deur J, da Costa A Jr, Costa M, Costi B, Coutinho P, Coutinho W, Cunha MR, Daher J Jr, Davini E, Democh D Jr, Eliaschewitz F, Esmanhoto Facin G, Farias F, Felício J, Fernandes V, Filho CS, Filho FF, Filho M, Fontan D, Fontenele AP, Forti A, Franco D, Freire K, Fusaro A, Genestreti P, Gerchman F, Godi A, Gomes KF, Gonçalves P, Gonçalves R, Griz L, Grossman M, Gurgel MH, Vasconcellos Haddad AW, Halpern A, Hissa M, Inuy A, Jaime J, Jonasson T, Jorge JC, Malucelli FJ, Kohara S, Kramer C, Lacerda C, Ladeira S, Lana J, Lastebasse F, Leitão A, Leite S, Lerário AC, Lima D, Lima M, Lippi V, Lunardi M, Machado E, Maia F, Maia J, Maia KP, Mañas N, Marchisotti F, Marinho C, Martins C, Figueiredo de Medeiros F, Melo A, Melo F, Mendonca E, Mendonça P, Filho RM, Miguel M, Miléo K, Miyahara M, Montenegro AP, Moraes A, Moreira A, Ítalo Mota J, Mothe FS, Murro A, Nakatani V, Napoli TF, Neto BG, Neto OQ, Niclewicz E, Ohe LN, Oliveira F, Oliveira M, Panarotto D, Parente E, Parolin S, Pechmann L, Costa da Penha P, Perlamagna L, Perotta B, Pimentel L, Pinto M, Poço C, Ponte C, Prazeres P, Quintao E, Raduan R, Rassi DT, Rassi N, Reck L, Montenegro R Jr, Ribeiro R, Rodovalho S, Silveira Rodrigues G, Rollin G, Rossi S, Sabino C, Sales AP, Salles J, Sampaio CR, Santana L, Sato V, da Silva Santos M, Santos NL, Santos R, Saraiva J, Sartori C, Sena R, Sevilha M, Sgarbi J, Silva D, D'albuquerque Silva L, Silva ME, Siqueira K, Soares S, Sobreira W, Sousa B, Souza AC, Souza B, Tambascia M, Tarantino R, Tenor F, Tomarchio M, Triches C, Tristão LJ, Valenti A, Vasques E, Vencio S, Vianna A, Munhoz Vidotto T, Vieira S, Villar H, Visconti G, Volaco A, Wajchenberg B, Zanatta L, Zimmerman L, Abbott EC, Abu-Bakare A, Advani A, Allison R, Bishara P, Bowering CK, Cheng A, Chouinard S, Clayton D, Conway J, D'Amours M, de Tugwell B, DeYoung P, D'Ignazio G, Dube F, Ekoe JM, Fagan S, Garceau C, Gottesman I, Hanna A, Harris S, Hramiak IM, Hurd C, Imran S, Josse R, Joyce C, Kaiser S, Khan F, Kirouac I, Kovacs C, Labonte I, Langlois WJ, Levac MF, Liutkus J, McDonald C, Milosevic V, Nyomba BL, Paul T, Raby K, Ransom T, Reichert SM, Retnakaran R, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Raff E, Shaikholeslami R, Sigalas J, Yip CE, Weisnagel SJ, Woo V, Bao Y, Cai X, Chen J, Chen K, Chen M, Chen X, Chen Y, Ji Y, Lei J, Li H, Liu P, Mu Y, Ren M, Ren Y, Shi Y, Wang D, Wang F, Wang J, Wang Y, Yan L, Yang G, Yang J, Yu X, Yuan G, Xu M, Zhao X, Zheng J, Zhou L, Anderlová K, Brožová J, Haluzík M, Hanušová V, Kosák M, Křížová J, Mráz M, Owen K, Rušavý Z, Tomešová J, Trachta P, Žourek M, Andersen PH, Boesgaard T, Christensen S, Gram J, Gregersen S, Henriksen JE, Hermansen K, Jakobsen PE, Jensen J, Krogsaa A, Larsen M, Lervang HH, Madsbad S, Mortensen L, Olesen T, Pietraszek A, Ridderstråle M, Safai N, Schioldan AG, Schmidt C, Snorgaard O, Stidsen J, Cederberg H, Haapamäki H, Hukkanen J, Jauhiainen R, Kujari ML, Lahtela J, Laine M, Mäkelä J, Miilunpohja M, Savolainen M, Taurio J, Vänttinen M, Creton C, Cosma NV, Dillinger J, Jacques JL, Guedj AM, Moulla M, Petit C, Ratsianoharana V, Richter D, Rodier M, Roussel R, Hinz A, Politz E, Esser M, Deuse U, Mittag D, Hagenow A, Jacob F, Jordan R, Gantke D, Venschott-Jordan U, Löhr C, Klausmann G, Eschenbrücher K, Karakas M, Jahrsdörfer B, Kunze MR, Wöhrle J, König W, Spielhagen H, Kilimnik A, Lüdemann HP, Lüdemann J, Mölle A, Mölle M, Müller J, Appelt S, Sauter A, Sauter J, Hartmann U, Löw A, Krötz F, Sohn HY, von Schacky C, Klauss V, Braun D, Segner A, Degtyareva E, Kreutzmann K, Paschmionka R, Hauck N, Sihal O, Busch AK, Maus O, Stübler P, Füllgraf-Horst S, Vietzke A, Müller C, Tosch-Sisting R, Lengsfeld B, Thaler J, Schaum T, Steindorf J, Steindorf S, König A, Reitschuster S, Schlott D, Clever HU, Witzel P, Kempe HP, Stemler L, Benis A, Diakoumopoulou E, Kazakos K, Kypraios N, Liatis S, Pagkalos E, Siami E, Tentolouris N, Alur VC, Agrawal M, Ali M, Asirvatham A, Asirvatham E, Bandgar TR, Balaji M, Bardoloi N, Baruah M, Bekur R, Bhansali A, Bhatia S, Bhonsley S, Bhuyan S, Borah B, Bright N, Ambrish C, Chaudhury T, Choudhury S, Chellan G, Das M, Dharmalingam M, Dutta P, Erugu A, Vinutha FP, Gunasekaran P, Das Gupta R, Iqbal A, Jagadish P, Jain S, Jebasingh H, John A, John M, Kalra S, Kasaragod P, Kesavadev J, Kumar H, Kumar P, Lakshmanan V, Lila AR, Mathew T, Miyen H, Mohan T, Motha A, Murthy C, Shivashankara N, Nanaiah A, Ommen T, Pani K, Pandey K, Paramesh S, Paramesh V, Pillai B, Prabhu M, Kalki RC, Ramachandran S, Ramu M, Rao Y, Reddy S, Saikia P, Saravu K, Selvam K, Sethi B, Shankar A, Sharma A, Shah N, Shankar P, Shetty R, Shivane V, Srivalli S, Thaseen S, Sarada S, Shirisha A, Subramani M, Balaji V, Mohan V, Padmanaban V, Verma M, Vidyasagar S, Walinjkar V, Walia R, Davenport C, Forde H, Gadintshware G, Gan KJ, Khattak A, O'Connell J, O'Shea D, Beilin V, Cahn A, Cohen O, Cukierman-Yaffe T, Daoud D, Darawsha M, Dicker D, Gavish A, Hochberg I, Ilany J, Inbal U, Itzhak B, Karasik A, Karnieli E, Khader N, Khamaisi M, Lender D, Lieberman GS, Mahamid R, Marcoviciu D, Michael L, Minuchin O, Mosenzon O, Narevichius F, Percik R, Potekhin M, Sabbah M, Sawaed S, Schurr D, Segal E, Slezak L, Vollach I, Zaina A, Zloczower M, Zolotov S, Antenore A, Arnone M, Arturi F, Barbaro V, Barone M, Di Biagio R, Buscemi C, Buscemi S, Buzzetti R, Di Carlo A, Carlone A, Caruso V, Casadidio I, Cerrelli F, Ciavarella A, Cipolloni L, Colella A, Colotto M, Consoli A, Crippa VG, Cuccuru I, Cufone S, Desideri C, Fallarino M, Febo F, Filetti S, Foffi C, Formoso G, Frosio L, Di Fulvio P, Gambineri A, Ginestra F, Grimaldi MS, Lamanna C, Leto G, Lucotti P, Lugarà M, Lumera G, Magistro A, Maranghi M, Martelli D, Mattina A, Monti LD, Parise M, Pedace E, Perticone F, Piatti P, Pompea Antonia Baldassarre M, Ragghianti B, Repaci A, Ribichini D, Da Ros S, Rossi M, Santilli M, Sesti G, Setola E, Succurro E, Sussolano E, Tarquini G, Verga S, Vitale V, Alanis RR, del Rosario Arechavaleta-Granell M, de Jesús Beltran Jaramillo T, de Jesús Rodríguez Berrones DA, Rodríguez Briones I, Rodríguez Briones R, Acevedo Castañeda ES, Chapa Grimaldo JB, Flores-Moreno CA, Garza Felix S, Nieto Flores J, Morales Franco G, Garza Morán RA, Hernández González SO, González-Gálvez G, González González JG, Hernández Salazar E, García Hernández PA, Campos Hurtado S, López-Velázco ML, Cardona Muñóz EG, Nuñez Márquez R, Campos Moreno OV, Cavazos Oliveros FJ, Haro Ortiz JA, Pelayo-Orozco ES, Sida Perez P, Vazquez Ramírez R, Uribe Rios MA, López Rodríguez JC, Rodríguez Rosales M, Robledo Durón I, Alvarado Ruíz R, González Saldivar G, Reyes Sánchez R, Sánchez-Michel BL, Contreras Sandoval AY, Velasco Gutiérrez A, Perez Verdín AE, Ramos Zavala MG, Abbink-Zandbergen E, Ahdi M, Bugter A, van Dijk M, Eisma G, Erdtsieck R, Gerards M, Gerdes V, Haak H, Harbers V, Hoogenberg K, Huvers F, Janssen W, Kars M, Kooy A, Lafeber M, Landewé-Cleuren S, Lieverse A, Meesters E, Moerman S, van Moorsel D, Nijhuis J, Smit CJ, Thevissen K, Timmerman Thijssen DM, Willemsen A, Birkeland K, Cooper J, Gulseth H, Hjelmesæth J, Jørgensen P, Kilhovd BK, Kulseng B, Nicolaisen B, Skadberg Ø, Wium C, Antkowiak-Piatyszek K, Arciszewska M, Bajkowska-Fiedziukiewicz A, Bogdanski P, Czubek U, Cypryk K, Dabrowski J, Dabrowska M, Dziedzic S, Dziewit T, Faligowska M, Fedor-Plenkowska G, Gajos G, Galicka-Latala D, Galuszka-Bilinska A, Gladysz I, Grycewicz J, Hachula G, Janas I, Jazwinska-Tarnawska E, Jedynasty K, Jozefowska M, Kaminska A, Katra B, Kitowska-Koterla J, Klupa T, Koblik T, Konduracka E, Konieczny J, Konieczny M, Kosinski M, Kulkowski G, Kunecki M, Kurmaniak M, Lesniewski R, Lominska T, Losa B, Majkowska D, Malecki M, Mirocka J, Misztal M, Mruk K, Musialik K, Olejniczak H, Opadczuk P, Peczynska J, Plinta M, Polaszewska-Muszynska M, Przech E, Pupek-Musialik D, Ruzga Z, Scibor Z, Sidorowicz-Bialynicka A, Siegel A, Stankiewicz A, Strzelecka-Sosik A, Swierszcz T, Szulinska M, Szymkowiak K, Trybul I, Witek P, Wozniak I, Zambrzycki J, Zarzycka-Lindner G, Zuradzka-Wajda D, Zurawska-Klis M, Ahn HY, Chin SO, Choi SH, Chon S, Han KA, Jang HC, Jeong KC, Kang SM, Kim JW, Kim HS, Kim SJ, Kim SW, Kim YS, Lee EY, Lim S, Min KW, Nam JY, Oh SJ, Park SY, Rhee SY, Shin JA, Son JI, Song YD, Woo JT, Yang HK, Yoo JS, Yoon JW, Avram R, Braicu MD, Carlan L, Catrinoiu D, Ciomos D, Ciorba A, Ghise G, Girgavu S, Guja C, Mihai D, Nicodim S, Nistor L, Pintilei DR, Pintilei E, Pletea N, Pop A, Rosu M, Savu O, Serban V, Sima A, Sitterli-Natea C, Suciu G, Szabo M, Szilagyi I, Timar B, Vlad A, Vladu IM, Alfaraj A, Dubova V, Dvoryashina I, Gaysina L, Gromova S, Gudkova K, Ivanova S, Ivashkina I, Kalashnikova M, Kazankova T, Khaykina E, Khaykina O, Kiseleva T, Komissarova E, Kononenko I, Koreneva V, Koshcheeva O, Koshel L, Kozachuk D, Kufelkina T, Kunitsyna M, Likhodey N, Lysenko T, Makarova O, Malceva A, Mikhailova S, Ogorodnikova E, Pavlikova I, Pekareva E, Postoeva A, Reshedko D, Reshedko G, Reshedko L, Rogaleva A, Rogova L, Rozanov D, Runov G, Samylina I, Semikina T, Sergeeva-Kondrachenko M, Shatskaya O, Shimokhina O, Smetanina S, Startseva M, Strelkova A, Suplotova L, Suvorova L, Sych Y, Valeeva A, Valeeva F, Venjkova T, Vinokurova V, Voychik E, Yanovskaya E, Yanovskaya M, Yarkova N, Yarygina E, Yuzhakova N, Zakharova T, Zanozina O, Zenovko A, Zhuk S, Zhukova E, Aleksic S, Bulatovic A, Buric B, Cvijovic G, Jelic MA, Jojic B, Jotic A, Kendereski A, Lalic K, Lukic L, Macesic M, Petkovic MM, Micic D, Milicic T, Popovic L, Prostran M, Rajkovic N, Seferovic J, Singh S, Stojanovic R, Stosic L, Vuksanovic M, Zamaklar M, Zivkovic TB, Zoric S, Aboo N, Albertse HW, Badat A, Basson M, Bawa E, Bester F, Blignaut S, Booysen S, Bosch FJ, Burgess L, Cassimjee S, Coetzee K, Du Bois J, Engelbrecht J, Finegan K, Gibson GJ, Hansa S, Hemus A, Immink IP, Jacovides A, Joshi P, Joshi S, Kapp C, KhoeleMachobane S, Uys Knox HJ, Kok J, Komati S, Lai E, Lakha D, Lehloenyane K, Mahomed AG, Meeding R, Moodley R, Moosa N, Nel J, Nell H, Van Niekerk FJ, Pillay N, Pretorius M, Prozesky H, Ramduth S, Roos J, Sarvan M, Seeber M, Siebert M, Somasundram P, Stavrides A, Venter N, Wadvalla S, Alcolea JO, Álvarez de Arcaya Vicente A, Pérez Arroyo MB, Romero Bobillo E, Buño MM, Carreira Arias JN, Cepero García D, Masmiquel Comas L, Coves Figueras MJ, de la Cuesta Mayor C, Feria-Carot MD, Frade Fernández AM, Ferreiro Gómez M, García García C, García Delgado E, Durán García S, Gómez Gómez LA, Soto González A, Hernán García C, Ángeles Tapia Herrero M, Jodar Gimeno E, Quevedo Juanals J, López Jiménez M, Masanes F, Marco Mur ÁL, Navarro López M, Ramis JN, Palmer AG, Calle Pascual A, Romero Pérez LG, Morales Portillo C, Prieto González S, Mezquita Raya P, Reyes García R, Vera TR, Rodríguez Castro C, Rodríguez Rodríguez I, Sacanella Meseguer E, Serrano Olmedo I, Lopez Soto A, Toba Alonso F, Aliaga Verdugo A, Vidal Cortada J, Vigil Medina L, Ackefelt-Frick E, Alfredsson H, Beling E, Benedek P, Crisby M, Dorkhan M, Drescik T, Eeg-Olofsson K, Eliasson K, Fardelin P, Fredholm A, Frid A, Gerok-Andersson K, Hjelmaeus L, Hufnagl A, Jasinska E, Kowalska E, Lafolie P, Lindquist O, Lundvall M, Melander E, Nicander C, Moris L, Tengmark BO, Saphir U, Skagerberg P, Steczkó-Nilsson C, Strandell B, Tomson Y, Chen JY, Chen YC, Chiang CY, Chou CW, Ho CW, Hsiao PJ, Hsieh MC, Hsu RS, Hsu SR, Huang CH, Hung WW, Lee MY, Lee YM, Lin CW, Lin CH, Lin KD, Lin SD, Lin SF, Liou MJ, Lu WT, Shin SJ, Sia HK, Su MH, Su SL, Sun JH, Tien KJ, Tsai DH, Tsai SS, Tu ST, Wang CC, Wang SY, Yang CY, Yen FC, Acikgoz A, Akalin S, Akin S, Akinci B, Akkurt A, Akturk M, Alkis N, Altun I, Altunbas HA, Altuntas Y, Araz M, Aribas S, Arslan E, Arslan G, Arslan M, Ataoglu EH, Ayan F, Aydin K, Aydogan BI, Ayvaz G, Bahadir MA, Balci MK, Basaran MN, Baskal N, Bugra MZ, Calan M, Cavdar U, Cetin F, Cinar N, Colbay M, Dagdelen S, Damci T, Davutoglu V, Demir M, Demir T, Deyneli O, Dincer I, Dogan B, Kanipek Doker KY, Engin I, Eraydin A, Erbas T, Erdogan MF, Ersoy C, Gedik A, Gokay F, Gul OO, Guler S, Gumus T, Gunes E, Gurler MY, Hatipoglu E, Ilkova H, Iyidir OT, Kabakci G, Karadag B, Karatemiz G, Karci AC, Kartal E, Kaya EB, Keskin C, Keskin EF, Kocabas G, Kocak F, Kol AK, Korkmaz H, Kucukler FK, Mesci BA, Oguz A, Orbay E, Oz H, Ozcan ND, Ozdem S, Ozisik S, Ozkan C, Ozsan M, Ozyazar M, Parlar H, Sargin H, Sargin M, Saygili F, Selek A, Simsek Y, Sisman P, Solmaz K, Soydas C, Tatliagac S, Tamer I, Temizkan S, Tulunay C, Tuncel E, Turker F, Unluhizarci K, Unluturk U, Uygur MM, Vatansever B, Yazici D, Yavuz DG, Yener S, Yenigun M, Yilmaz M, Abbas S, Alawadi F, Aziz AA, Bashier A, Rashid F, Abraham P, Adamson K, Atkin S, Aye M, Azam M, Barnett AH, Bellary S, Dhatariya K, Eaton M, English P, Ewing J, Furlong N, Gibson M, Green D, Herring R, Hordern V, Jaap A, Javed Z, Johnson A, Konya J, Kumar S, Lindsay R, Mackie A, McGlynn S, McKenzie J, Millward A, Murthy N, Paisey R, Pearson E, Piya M, Ramell M, Robertson D, Russell-Jones D, Saravanan P, Sathyapalan T, Shakher J, Shiels H, Sivaraman S, Smith J, Srinivas-Shankar U, Stokes J, Tracey I, Vaidya B, Yee M, Yemparala P, Walker J, Wiggins P, Williams J, Wright J, Mackinnon C, Inkster J, Zeeshan J, Bejnariu C, Malipatil N, Giritharan S, Lonnen K, Kyrou I, Aamir S, Ababa M, Abreu M, Adams D, Adams P, Aden J, Aguilar D, Aguillon A, Ahmed A, Ahmed B, Ahmed I, Akhtar A, Akright B, Akright L, Albarracin C, Albert S, Ali S, Aliuddin B, Almasmary A, Al-Maweri A, Alzohaili O, Amador W, Amine M, Amini S, Anderson M, Anderson L, Anderson R, Andrews M, Angel J, Anteer W, Anthony V, Antillon A, Anzures P, Arcon-Rios S, Arkin D, Arodak B, Aronne L, Aronoff S, Arreola G, Arroyo S, Asnani S, Astudillo-Tee G, Ault S, Austin B, Avila V, Avitabile N, Awasty V, Azar M, Aziz A, Bahrami P, Baig M, Bailey K, Bailey T, Baker M, Bala NS, Balbes-Reyes I, Baldwin D, Baldwin E, Balentine T, Ballard T, Baloch K, Banarer S, Baney C, Banka A, Barber L, Barber M, Barker T, Barnes K, Barnum O, Barra J, Bartkowiak A, Baula G, Bautista A, Bayliss R, Beaman M, Beatty K, Becker J, Bedolla L, Begum G, Belejchak P, Bell A, Beltran M, Belucher C, Bensfield E, Benton J, Bergamo K, Bergman B, Berry M, Bettino K, Beyea M, Bhargava A, Bhattacharya A, Bilas A, Bischoff L, Bixler L, Bizjack S, Blank R, Blankfield R, Block L, Bloodworth J, Bloomberg K, Bloomberg R, Blustin J, Boban I, Bolden A, Boncu O, Bookless P, Brassie C, Brautigam D, Bressler P, Brewster R, Brown C, Brown D, Brown F, Bruskewitz M, Bryant D, Buchanan C, Buchanan N, Buck G, Buckley S, Bueno J, Burke D, Burton K, Buske S, Byars W, Bye R, Caldwell R, Calvin K, Camacho R, Campbell E, Cannon D, Cantrell J, Caplan J, Cardenas C, Carlton J, Carpio G, Carrol A, Cartwright L, Casanova G, Castaneda L, Castle M, Castro L, Catangay J, Chaidarun S, Chambers J, Chambliss T, Chandra L, Chang A, Chang S, Chappel J, Chappel C, Chappell T, Charles C, Chavira A, Chaykin L, Check E, Chee L, Cherry A, Chestnut A, Chiarot J, Chiniwala N, Chionh K, Choe J, Christiansen M, Chrzanowski S, Chuang E, Chuck L, Clyatt J, Cohan B, Cohen R, Comi R, Comulada-Rivera A, Conner K, Connor G, Contreras R, Cook K, Cook R, Corder C, Cornejo B Sr, Cornette L, Cortes G, Cortez L, Cox C, Cox G, Craig W, Cramer B, Cromer C, Cromer M, Cuddihy R, Culmer D, Curran H, Curran M, Dadis C, Dagogo-Jack S, Dairywala I, D'Alessio D, Damberg G, Dang A, Daniel K, Davidson M, Dean J, DeBold R, Deitz P, Del M, Delaney D, Delgado E, DeMicco M, DeMuro MA, DeSalle D, Desouza C, Devireddy K, DeVries B, Dezube M, Diab I, Diesburg-Stanwood A, Dilliard J, Dilling J, Diner J, Dishongh K, Dodis R, Doing C, Doll W, Donoho A, Donovan D, Doremus N, Dorfman S, Doshi P, Dostou J, Douglas D, Douglass S, Dowell M, Drazich E, Driver E, Du H, DuBose R III, Duclos M, Dunn K, Dunnam T, Durham N, Dye L, Eagerton D, Ebenibo S, Edeoga C, Edwards G, Ekwensi J, El Asmar I, El Sayad N, Eliopoulos C, Elkosseifi M, Elmer R, Elmore M, Elson D, ElZein L, Emmert L, Erbe L, Estes S, Estrada L, Estrada A, Eveleigh T, Everhart B, Faas F, Faircloth C, Farmer M, Fehr K, Ferguson T, Fernandes J, Ferree K, Ferrington B, Fitzhugh M, Fitzsimmons R, Flanders D, Flores M, Flores E, Flores J, Florida C, Flynn J, Folmar P, Forbes R, Ford W, Fowler M, Fraker A, Francis S, Franco-Cotto E, Fratila C, Fuentes M, Galagan R, Galloway A, Garcia M, Garcia R, Garriott M, Garza J, Gass N, Gates S, Geary M, Geiger K, Geishauser J, Giglio A, Gilbert M, Godwin S, Goetter B, Goley A, Golici L, Gomori E, Gonzales J, Gore A, Gorman T, Gosmanova A, Goswami K, Gotham A, Govoni J, Graddick S, Grant T, Greca A, Green C, Greenbaum K, Greenwald J, Grover D, Grunberger G, Guice M, Guirao D, Gunna V, Guseva N, Ha T, Hagan A, Hager S, Haggag A, Haggar M, Hamilton M, Hamlet P, Hammond J, Hansen A, Harrell W, Harris E, Harris K, Harris M, Harrison L, Hartman I, Hatch A, Hayes D, Hayes M, Heath J, Heineman R, Heinzman A, Hendrick M, Herbst R, Hermayer K, Hibbard J, Hill WD, Hilliard B, Hix M, Hoch B, Hollander P, Holmes Z, Horobetz C, Horowitz R, Hsieh P, Hsieh S, Htun W, Huang J, Huber C, Hudson T, Huizar S, Hull B, Hull J, Hummer K, Hundal R, Hunt G, Hunt V, Hutchinson P, Hwang J, Iannamorelli A, Iannuzzi L, Ingram M, Iram N, Ismail-Beigi F, Jabbour S, Jackson T, Jaen L, Jain V, Jannesari R, Januski V, Japa U, Jarvis K, Jayson L, Jensen R, Jester D, Jocko C, Johnson C, Johnson M, Johnston K, Jones D, Jones J, Jordan T, Juarez M, Kaapuraala A, Kain A, Kaiser V, Kamradt K, Karatoprakli P, Karegar M, Karounos C, Karounos D, Karunaratne H, Katalenich B, Katic K, Katz M, Kaur G, Kawa A, Keib C, Keider G, Kem D, Kennedy R, Kenney B, Kereiakes D, Ketana M, Kettinger L, Khaira A, Khan A, Khan K, Khan M, Khoo T, Khrlobyan N, Kilgore J, Kim G, Kimble S, Kinsley M, Kitchen T, Klick M, Kniffen W, Knight R, Kodzwa D, Koenig T, Komarovskiy K, Kong Y, Koontz D, Krishnasamy S, Krueger E, Kuechenmeister L, Kuehl A, Kuettel K, Kugler D, Kulow T, Kupriyanchik I, Kuruvanka T, Kushner D, Kwon E, Kwon S, Kyle M, LaBryer L, Labuda J, Lafave J, Laguerre J, Laliberte A, Lane J, Langel C, Lann D, Largay J, Latif K, Latus T, Lawrence J, Ledger G, Lee FG, Lee E, Leffert J, Leinung M, Lenhard MJ, Lentino J, Leon J, Leonard M, Letassy N, Leuck K, Levin P, Levinson D, Lewis M, Light T, Lim J, Lindamood R, Lingvay I, Lipps J, Lisa A, Livingston Y, Llamas L, Loesch R, Long T, Looby R, Lopez C, Lorenz T, Lovre D, Lu P, Lucas K, Luevano G, Luidens M, Luna B, Luttrell L, Lyons T, MacAdams M, Mack D, Mack M, Madden M, Madder R, Madireddy S, Mae L, Mahakala A, Maheshwari H, Malbari H, Maldonado N, Mallitz M, Mandviwala M, Mann K, Mardahay M, Marino J, Marney A, Marshall L, Martin A, Martin E, Martinez G, Martinez-Miss S, Marx P, Massara L, Mastoor M, Matfin G, Maturu A, Maurides P, May M, Mayfield R, Maynard B, Mazza A, McCann K, McCoy J, McCoy T, McCullen MK, McDaniel C, McDaniel AM, McDermott M, McDonald A, McMasters B, McMurray C, Medlin T, Meinel M, Mendez I, Menefee J, Meredith M, Merriweather M, Mersey J, Messino C, Meyer S, Meyers L, Michael D, Midyett C, Miklius A, Milford E, Miller B, Miller H, Milligan M, Minor A, Miranda-Palma B, Mirarchi N, Mittadodla S, Mittle J, Moffat A, Mohaupt S, Mohiuddin K, Mokshagundam S, Monaco S, Monsaert R, Montano-Pereira C, Montgomery A, Moody K, Moon M, Moore D, Moore L, Morawski E, Moreau C, Morin D, Moscoa C, Motzkin C, Mueller R, Munoz C, Munoz M, Myneni A, Naderi B, Nagireddy P, Naidu J, Naidu R, Naik S, Naimark R, Nardicchi M, Ndukwu I, Neller C, Netten-Foster L, Neumiller J, New T, Newman S, Newton T, Nguyen B, Nicol B, Nicol P, Ninivaggi L, Niswender K, Norman L, Noworatzky G, Nyenwe E, O'Brien H, O'Connell T, Oden W, Odugbesan A, Oliver M, Oliver T, Olmeda C, O'Neil C, Oremus R, Ortega T, Ortiz-Santos S, Osborn T, Padmanabhan S, Papacostea O, Park I, Parker A, Parker K, Parker R, Patel C, Patel M, Patel R, Patino M, Patterson S, Paulson K, Paz A, Pemba R, Pepe C, Perez J, Perez T, Perry D, Phillips B, Phillips J, Pickett A, Pinson M, Pitzer R, Poduri M, Poehls J, Poteat T, Powell L, Prasad S, Prevost J, Price E, Priest D, Prieto L, Purewal T, Purighalla R, Purighalla U, Quadrel M, Qureshi A, Radhamma R, Rafla E, Rajab H, Ramalingam R, Ramirez A, Ramirez J, Ramirez K, Ramirez M, Randall M, Rangaraj U, Rao V, Rasmussen P, Rasouli N, Ray A, Reed J, Rems L, Renaud K, Reno M, Resnick M, Reusch J, Reynolds L, Rhoton K, Rhudy J, Ricci C, Rice L, Richardson A, Richardson L, Rickard H, Rickels M, Riff D, Rightenour N, Risser J, Rizvi A, Robertson J, Robinson A, Robinson R, Rockwell M, Rodriguez JP, Rodriguez M, Rojas M, Rojas W, Rooker-Morris L, Root C, Rose M, Rosenberg R, Rosenstock J, Roth M, Ruby R, Sachson R, Sack P, Sadler RK, Sahai S, Salazar J, Salgam M, Samal A, Samson A, Sanagorski R, Sanchez A, Sandberg J, Sanderson M, Sandoval J, Santiago E, Sapp T, Saunders J, Schill J, Schott C, Schreiman R, Schu D, Schuh K, Schutta M, Schwartz J, Schweppe L, Scofield H, Scribner A, Seal J, Sealock J, Seaton B, Sedlak-Hanslik T, Seekins K, Segal M, Seggelke S, Semenza S, Sentman P, Serra M, Seshadri P, Sevilla E, Shah S, Shaheen K, Shanik M, Shaw J, Sheets M, Shellabarger C, Sher J, Shippey J, Shivaswamy V, Shomali M, Shore D, Shroff P, Siddiqui T, Siegwald A, Silver R, Simmons D, Simons R, Sinan A, Singh M, Sirinvaravong S, Skero J, Slover-Zipf J, Small S, Smith B, Smith K, Smith M, Sohl J, Solarz SH, Soler D, Sood A, Sora N, Souchet A, Soule J, Sparks J, Spector L, Speicher R, Spillers L, Spivey T, Springer N, Sprouse H, St John J, Stacey A, Stacey H, Stafford M, Stagner E, Staples K, Steadman E, Steed R, Steeves G, Steinberg H, Stell C, Stirman E, Straub K, Strock E, Sue M, Suris O, Sutton T, Tabbah I, Talsania M, Tang R, Tapia J, Taylor K, Taylor-Hancher R, Teator R, Tekateka M, Temple B, Temple K, Teodori M, Tharp P, Thethi T, Theuma P, Thomas S, Thottan A, Thrasher J, Thrasher L, Tiemeyer M, Tinney I, Tobin T, Toma S, Tovar M, Townsend J, Trantow C, Traylor H, Trevino M, Troy M, Trumper D, Tryggestad J, Tucker C, Turner J, Turney R, Tuten C, Tyzack J, Ullo L, Underkofler C, Unger J, Urdanetta R, Valdivia V, Valenti S, Vanderheiden A, Vanderlinde-Wood M, Varma C, Vasquez E, Vazquez M, Vickery D, Villafuerte B, Villegas C, Vivar J, Vivekananthan K, Vo G, Vukojicic K, Wachter A, Wahl D, Waitmann J, Walker D, Walsh J, Walsh K, Walton A, Wang A, Wardell K, Watkins S, Watkinson J, Watts M, Watwe V, Weaver N, Weber R, Wedick C, Weeks D, Weeks L, Weindorff K, Weinstein R, Weiss S, Wenger K, Wentworth M, Werner A, West M, Whelan S, White B, White J, Whitmire M, Whittington R, Wical J, Wigley C, Wilkins F, Will K, Williams A, Wilson LE, Wince M, Wine S, Winkle P, Winner C, Wise J, Witte M, Wittenmyer J, Wood C, Wood R, Woodruff C, Worthington B, Wynn D, Wysham C, Xavier P, Yela S, Yenoby L, Young L, Younus N, Yourell V, Zaid M, Zubair I., Mann, Jfe, Ørsted, Dd, Brown-Frandsen, K, Marso, Sp, Poulter, Nr, Rasmussen, S, Tornøe, K, Zinman, B, Buse, Jb, Bergenstal R, LEADER Steering Committee and Investigators., Daniels, G, Moses, Ac, Nauck, M, Nissen, S, Pocock, S, Steinberg, W, Stockner, M, Kristensen, P, Ravn, L, Zychma, M, Flyvbjerg, A, Ford, I, Kloos, Rt, Schactman, Mj, Sleight, P, Swedberg, K, Tenner, Sm, Akalın, S, Arechavaleta, R, Bain, S, Babkowski, Mc, Benroubi, M, Berard, L, Comlekci, A, Czupryniak, L, Eliasson, B, Eriksson, M, Fonseca, V, Franek, E, Gross, J, Hafidh, K, Haluzik, M, Hayes, F, Huang, Yy, Jacob, S, Kaddaha, G, Khalil, A, Kilhovd, B, Laakso, M, Leiter, L, Lalic, N, Ji, L, Luedemann, J, Mannucci, E, Marre, M, Masmiquel, L, Mota, M, Omar, M, O’Shea, D, Pan, C, Petrie, J, Pieber, T, Pratley, R, Raz, I, Rea, R, Rutten, G, Satman, I, Shestakova, M, Simpson, R, Smith, D, Tack, C, Tarnow, L, Thomas, N, Van Gaal, L, Travert, F, Vidal, J, Warren, M, Yoon, Kh, Tuttle, Rm, Sheerman, Si, Hegedüs, L, Baerwald, H, Bergenstal, M, Celik, S, Dias, C, Eder, M, Fitzgibbons, S, Irvhage, L, Kloluckova, J, Kriulianski, R, Mcduffie, R, Moen, S, Paster, A, Saalfeld, Rm, Sankar, K, Shehaj, E, Swierzewska, P, Tiktin, M, Tovey, S, Gibson, Cm, Chakrabarti, Ak, Dashe, Jf, Hinchey, J, Leary, Mc, Pride, Y, Wiviott, S, Allen, S, Mehr, Ap, Mutter, Wp, Parikh, S, Ray, S, Cheifetz, A, Leffler, D, Sheth, S, Alexander, E, Gaglia, Jl, Goessling, W, Mitzner, Ld, Rosenberg, C, Snow, Kj, Wagner, A, Piazza, G, Abell, S, Davis, T, D'Emden, M, Ding, Sa, Gilfillan, C, Greenaway, T, Gunawan, F, Ho, J, Jackson, R, Kalra, B, Lau, Sl, Lin, J, Macisaac, R, Makepeace, A, Malabu, U, Marjason, J, Mccallum, R, Mclean, M, Moin, N, Petersons, C, Price, S, Roberts, A, Roberts, D, Sangla, K, Stranks, S, Tan, Y, Thynne, T, Walters, J, Ward, G, Wen, W, Zhang, J, Brix, J, Feder, A, Höbaus, C, Höllerl, F, Höller, V, Kotter, T, Kratz, E, Krzizek, Ec, Leb-Stoeger, U, Mader, J, Mras, N, Novak, E, Obendorf, F, Peric, S, Pesau, G, Prager, R, Ribitsch, A, Schnack, C, Schernthaner, G, Wascher, T, Batens, Ah, Benhalima, K, De Block, C, Ernest, P, Fouckova, A, Jandrain, B, Lapauw, B, Letiexhe, M, Mathieu, C, Neven, S, Peiffer, F, Ruige, J, Scheen, A, Taes, Y, Van Boxelaer, I, Vandistel, G, Van Durme, Y, Verhaegen, A, Alencar, E, Alencar, R, Almeida, Ac, B, Alve, Alves, E, Alves, G, Alves, J, Araujo, L, Arruda, V, Augusto, Ga, Baggentoss, R, Balestrassi, L, Barbosa, M, Barcelos, I, Belem, L, de Bem, A, Betti, Rt, Bona, R, Bosco, A, Branda, J, Bronstein, M, Bueno, T, Bulcão, T, Caiado, F, Camazzola, F, Cambréa, Mf, Campos, S, Canani, L, Carra, Mk, Caruso, S, Carvalho, N, Casillo, A, Castro, D, Cavalcanti, T, Cavichioli, V, Cercato, C, Chacra, A, Challela, W, Charchar, H, C, Chave, Chrisman, C, Correia-Deur, J, da Costa, A Jr, Costa, M, Costi, B, Coutinho, P, Coutinho, W, Cunha, Mr, Daher, J Jr, Davini, E, Democh, D Jr, Eliaschewitz, F, Esmanhoto Facin, G, Farias, F, Felício, J, Fernandes, V, Filho, C, Filho, Ff, Filho, M, Fontan, D, Fontenele, Ap, Forti, A, Franco, D, Freire, K, Fusaro, A, Genestreti, P, Gerchman, F, Godi, A, Gomes, Kf, Gonçalves, P, R, Gonçalve, Griz, L, Grossman, M, Gurgel, Mh, Vasconcellos Haddad AW, Halpern, A, Hissa, M, Inuy, A, J, Jaime, Jonasson, T, Jorge, Jc, Malucelli, Fj, Kohara, S, Kramer, C, Lacerda, C, Ladeira, S, Lana, J, Lastebasse, F, Leitão, A, Leite, S, Lerário, Ac, Lima, D, Lima, M, Lippi, V, Lunardi, M, Machado, E, Maia, F, Maia, J, Maia, Kp, Mañas, N, Marchisotti, F, Marinho, C, C, Martin, Figueiredo de Medeiros, F, Melo, A, Melo, F, Mendonca, E, Mendonça, P, Filho, Rm, Miguel, M, Miléo, K, Miyahara, M, Montenegro, Ap, Moraes, A, Moreira, A, Ítalo Mota, J, Mothe, F, Murro, A, Nakatani, V, Napoli, Tf, Neto, Bg, Neto, Oq, Niclewicz, E, Ohe, Ln, Oliveira, F, Oliveira, M, Panarotto, D, Parente, E, Parolin, S, Pechmann, L, Costa da Penha, P, Perlamagna, L, Perotta, B, Pimentel, L, Pinto, M, Poço, C, Ponte, C, Prazeres, P, Quintao, E, Raduan, R, Rassi, Dt, Rassi, N, Reck, L, Montenegro, R Jr, Ribeiro, R, Rodovalho, S, Silveira Rodrigues, G, Rollin, G, Rossi, S, Sabino, C, Sales, Ap, Salles, J, Sampaio, Cr, Santana, L, Sato, V, da Silva Santos, M, Santos, Nl, Santos, R, Saraiva, J, Sartori, C, Sena, R, Sevilha, M, Sgarbi, J, Silva, D, D'albuquerque Silva, L, Silva, Me, Siqueira, K, Soares, S, Sobreira, W, Sousa, B, Souza, Ac, Souza, B, Tambascia, M, Tarantino, R, Tenor, F, Tomarchio, M, Triches, C, Tristão, Lj, Valenti, A, Vasques, E, Vencio, S, Vianna, A, Munhoz Vidotto, T, Vieira, S, Villar, H, Visconti, G, Volaco, A, Wajchenberg, B, Zanatta, L, Zimmerman, L, Abbott, Ec, Abu-Bakare, A, Advani, A, Allison, R, Bishara, P, Bowering, Ck, Cheng, A, Chouinard, S, Clayton, D, Conway, J, D'Amours, M, de Tugwell, B, Deyoung, P, D'Ignazio, G, Dube, F, Ekoe, Jm, Fagan, S, Garceau, C, Gottesman, I, Hanna, A, Harris, S, Hramiak, Im, Hurd, C, Imran, S, Josse, R, Joyce, C, Kaiser, S, Khan, F, I, Kirouac, Kovacs, C, Labonte, I, Langlois, Wj, Levac, Mf, Liutkus, J, Mcdonald, C, Milosevic, V, Nyomba, Bl, Paul, T, Raby, K, Ransom, T, Reichert, Sm, Retnakaran, R, Rabasa-Lhoret, R, Raff, E, Shaikholeslami, R, Sigalas, J, Yip, Ce, Weisnagel, Sj, Woo, V, Bao, Y, Cai, X, Chen, J, Chen, K, Chen, M, Chen, X, Chen, Y, Ji, Y, Lei, J, Li, H, Liu, P, Mu, Y, Ren, M, Ren, Y, Shi, Y, Wang, D, Wang, F, Wang, J, Wang, Y, Yan, L, Yang, G, Yang, J, Yu, X, Yuan, G, Xu, M, Zhao, X, Zheng, J, Zhou, L, Anderlová, K, Brožová, J, Haluzík, M, Hanušová, V, Kosák, M, Křížová, J, Mráz, M, Owen, K, Rušavý, Z, Tomešová, J, Trachta, P, Žourek, M, Andersen, Ph, Boesgaard, T, Christensen, S, Gram, J, Gregersen, S, Henriksen, Je, Hermansen, K, Jakobsen, Pe, Jensen, J, Krogsaa, A, Larsen, M, Lervang, Hh, Madsbad, S, Mortensen, L, Olesen, T, Pietraszek, A, Ridderstråle, M, Safai, N, Schioldan, Ag, Schmidt, C, Snorgaard, O, Stidsen, J, Cederberg, H, Haapamäki, H, Hukkanen, J, Jauhiainen, R, Kujari, Ml, Lahtela, J, Laine, M, Mäkelä, J, Miilunpohja, M, Savolainen, M, Taurio, J, Vänttinen, M, Creton, C, Cosma, Nv, Dillinger, J, Jacques, Jl, Guedj, Am, Moulla, M, Petit, C, Ratsianoharana, V, Richter, D, Rodier, M, Roussel, R, Hinz, A, Politz, E, Esser, M, Deuse, U, Mittag, D, Hagenow, A, Jacob, F, Jordan, R, Gantke, D, Venschott-Jordan, U, Löhr, C, Klausmann, G, Eschenbrücher, K, Karakas, M, Jahrsdörfer, B, Kunze, Mr, Wöhrle, J, König, W, Spielhagen, H, Kilimnik, A, Lüdemann, Hp, Lüdemann, J, Mölle, A, Mölle, M, Müller, J, Appelt, S, Sauter, A, Sauter, J, Hartmann, U, Löw, A, Krötz, F, Sohn, Hy, von Schacky, C, Klauss, V, Braun, D, Segner, A, Degtyareva, E, Kreutzmann, K, Paschmionka, R, Hauck, N, Sihal, O, Busch, Ak, Maus, O, Stübler, P, Füllgraf-Horst, S, Vietzke, A, Müller, C, Tosch-Sisting, R, Lengsfeld, B, Thaler, J, Schaum, T, Steindorf, J, Steindorf, S, König, A, Reitschuster, S, Schlott, D, Clever, Hu, Witzel, P, Kempe, Hp, Stemler, L, Benis, A, Diakoumopoulou, E, Kazakos, K, Kypraios, N, Liatis, S, Pagkalos, E, Siami, E, Tentolouris, N, Alur, Vc, Agrawal, M, Ali, M, Asirvatham, A, Asirvatham, E, Bandgar, Tr, Balaji, M, Bardoloi, N, Baruah, M, Bekur, R, Bhansali, A, Bhatia, S, Bhonsley, S, Bhuyan, S, Borah, B, Bright, N, Ambrish, C, Chaudhury, T, Choudhury, S, Chellan, G, M, Da, Dharmalingam, M, Dutta, P, Erugu, A, Vinutha, Fp, Gunasekaran, P, Das Gupta, R, Iqbal, A, Jagadish, P, Jain, S, Jebasingh, H, John, A, John, M, Kalra, S, Kasaragod, P, Kesavadev, J, Kumar, H, Kumar, P, Lakshmanan, V, Lila, Ar, Mathew, T, Miyen, H, Mohan, T, Motha, A, Murthy, C, Shivashankara, N, Nanaiah, A, Ommen, T, Pani, K, Pandey, K, Paramesh, S, Paramesh, V, Pillai, B, Prabhu, M, Kalki, Rc, Ramachandran, S, Ramu, M, Rao, Y, Reddy, S, Saikia, P, Saravu, K, Selvam, K, Sethi, B, Shankar, A, Sharma, A, Shah, N, Shankar, P, Shetty, R, Shivane, V, Srivalli, S, Thaseen, S, Sarada, S, Shirisha, A, Subramani, M, Balaji, V, Mohan, V, Padmanaban, V, Verma, M, Vidyasagar, S, Walinjkar, V, Walia, R, Davenport, C, Forde, H, Gadintshware, G, Gan, Kj, Khattak, A, O'Connell, J, O'Shea, D, Beilin, V, Cahn, A, Cohen, O, Cukierman-Yaffe, T, Daoud, D, Darawsha, M, Dicker, D, Gavish, A, Hochberg, I, Ilany, J, Inbal, U, Itzhak, B, Karasik, A, Karnieli, E, Khader, N, Khamaisi, M, Lender, D, Lieberman, G, Mahamid, R, Marcoviciu, D, Michael, L, Minuchin, O, Mosenzon, O, Narevichius, F, Percik, R, Potekhin, M, Sabbah, M, Sawaed, S, Schurr, D, Segal, E, Slezak, L, Vollach, I, Zaina, A, Zloczower, M, Zolotov, S, Antenore, A, Arnone, M, Arturi, F, Barbaro, V, Barone, M, Di Biagio, R, Buscemi, C, Buscemi, S, Buzzetti, R, Di Carlo, A, Carlone, A, Caruso, V, Casadidio, I, Cerrelli, F, Ciavarella, A, Cipolloni, L, Colella, A, Colotto, M, Consoli, A, Crippa, Vg, Cuccuru, I, Cufone, S, Desideri, C, Fallarino, M, Febo, F, Filetti, S, Foffi, C, Formoso, G, Frosio, L, Di Fulvio, P, Gambineri, A, Ginestra, F, Grimaldi, M, Lamanna, C, Leto, G, Lucotti, P, Lugarà, M, Lumera, G, Magistro, A, Maranghi, M, Martelli, D, Mattina, A, Monti, Ld, Parise, M, Pedace, E, Perticone, F, Piatti, P, Pompea Antonia Baldassarre, M, Ragghianti, B, Repaci, A, Ribichini, D, Da Ros, S, Rossi, M, Santilli, M, Sesti, G, Setola, E, Succurro, E, Sussolano, E, Tarquini, G, Verga, S, Vitale, V, Alanis, Rr, del Rosario Arechavaleta-Granell, M, de Jesús Beltran Jaramillo, T, de Jesús Rodríguez Berrones DA, Rodríguez Briones, I, Rodríguez Briones, R, Acevedo Castañeda ES, Chapa Grimaldo JB, Flores-Moreno, Ca, Garza Felix, S, Nieto Flores, J, Morales Franco, G, Garza Morán RA, Hernández González SO, González-Gálvez, G, González González JG, Hernández Salazar, E, García Hernández PA, Campos Hurtado, S, López-Velázco, Ml, Cardona Muñóz EG, Nuñez Márquez, R, Campos Moreno OV, Cavazos Oliveros FJ, Haro Ortiz JA, Pelayo-Orozco, E, Sida Perez, P, Vazquez Ramírez, R, Uribe Rios MA, López Rodríguez JC, Rodríguez Rosales, M, Robledo Durón, I, Alvarado Ruíz, R, González Saldivar, G, Reyes Sánchez, R, Sánchez-Michel, Bl, Contreras Sandoval AY, Velasco Gutiérrez, A, Perez Verdín AE, Ramos Zavala MG, Abbink-Zandbergen, E, Ahdi, M, Bugter, A, van Dijk, M, Eisma, G, Erdtsieck, R, Gerards, M, Gerdes, V, Haak, H, Harbers, V, Hoogenberg, K, Huvers, F, Janssen, W, Kars, M, Kooy, A, Lafeber, M, Landewé-Cleuren, S, Lieverse, A, Meesters, E, Moerman, S, van Moorsel, D, Nijhuis, J, Smit, Cj, Thevissen, K, Timmerman Thijssen DM, Willemsen, A, Birkeland, K, Cooper, J, Gulseth, H, Hjelmesæth, J, Jørgensen, P, Kilhovd, Bk, Kulseng, B, Nicolaisen, B, Skadberg, Ø, Wium, C, Antkowiak-Piatyszek, K, Arciszewska, M, Bajkowska-Fiedziukiewicz, A, Bogdanski, P, Czubek, U, Cypryk, K, Dabrowski, J, Dabrowska, M, Dziedzic, S, Dziewit, T, Faligowska, M, Fedor-Plenkowska, G, Gajos, G, Galicka-Latala, D, Galuszka-Bilinska, A, Gladysz, I, Grycewicz, J, Hachula, G, Janas, I, Jazwinska-Tarnawska, E, Jedynasty, K, Jozefowska, M, Kaminska, A, Katra, B, Kitowska-Koterla, J, Klupa, T, Koblik, T, Konduracka, E, Konieczny, J, Konieczny, M, Kosinski, M, Kulkowski, G, Kunecki, M, Kurmaniak, M, Lesniewski, R, Lominska, T, Losa, B, Majkowska, D, Malecki, M, Mirocka, J, Misztal, M, Mruk, K, Musialik, K, Olejniczak, H, Opadczuk, P, Peczynska, J, Plinta, M, Polaszewska-Muszynska, M, Przech, E, Pupek-Musialik, D, Ruzga, Z, Scibor, Z, Sidorowicz-Bialynicka, A, Siegel, A, Stankiewicz, A, Strzelecka-Sosik, A, Swierszcz, T, Szulinska, M, Szymkowiak, K, Trybul, I, Witek, P, Wozniak, I, Zambrzycki, J, Zarzycka-Lindner, G, Zuradzka-Wajda, D, Zurawska-Klis, M, Ahn, Hy, Chin, So, Choi, Sh, Chon, S, Han, Ka, Jang, Hc, Jeong, Kc, Kang, Sm, Kim, Jw, Kim, H, Kim, Sj, Kim, Sw, Kim, Y, Lee, Ey, Lim, S, Min, Kw, Nam, Jy, Oh, Sj, Park, Sy, Rhee, Sy, Shin, Ja, Son, Ji, Song, Yd, Woo, Jt, Yang, Hk, Yoo, J, Yoon, Jw, Avram, R, Braicu, Md, Carlan, L, Catrinoiu, D, Ciomos, D, Ciorba, A, Ghise, G, Girgavu, S, Guja, C, Mihai, D, Nicodim, S, Nistor, L, Pintilei, Dr, Pintilei, E, Pletea, N, Pop, A, Rosu, M, Savu, O, Serban, V, Sima, A, Sitterli-Natea, C, Suciu, G, Szabo, M, Szilagyi, I, Timar, B, Vlad, A, Vladu, Im, Alfaraj, A, Dubova, V, Dvoryashina, I, Gaysina, L, Gromova, S, Gudkova, K, Ivanova, S, Ivashkina, I, Kalashnikova, M, Kazankova, T, Khaykina, E, Khaykina, O, Kiseleva, T, Komissarova, E, Kononenko, I, Koreneva, V, Koshcheeva, O, Koshel, L, Kozachuk, D, Kufelkina, T, Kunitsyna, M, Likhodey, N, Lysenko, T, Makarova, O, Malceva, A, Mikhailova, S, Ogorodnikova, E, Pavlikova, I, Pekareva, E, Postoeva, A, Reshedko, D, Reshedko, G, Reshedko, L, Rogaleva, A, Rogova, L, Rozanov, D, Runov, G, Samylina, I, Semikina, T, Sergeeva-Kondrachenko, M, Shatskaya, O, Shimokhina, O, Smetanina, S, Startseva, M, Strelkova, A, Suplotova, L, Suvorova, L, Sych, Y, Valeeva, A, Valeeva, F, Venjkova, T, Vinokurova, V, Voychik, E, Yanovskaya, E, Yanovskaya, M, Yarkova, N, Yarygina, E, Yuzhakova, N, Zakharova, T, Zanozina, O, Zenovko, A, Zhuk, S, Zhukova, E, Aleksic, S, Bulatovic, A, Buric, B, Cvijovic, G, Jelic, Ma, Jojic, B, Jotic, A, Kendereski, A, Lalic, K, Lukic, L, Macesic, M, Petkovic, Mm, Micic, D, Milicic, T, Popovic, L, Prostran, M, Rajkovic, N, Seferovic, J, Singh, S, Stojanovic, R, Stosic, L, Vuksanovic, M, Zamaklar, M, Zivkovic, Tb, Zoric, S, Aboo, N, Albertse, Hw, Badat, A, Basson, M, Bawa, E, Bester, F, Blignaut, S, Booysen, S, Bosch, Fj, Burgess, L, Cassimjee, S, Coetzee, K, Du Bois, J, Engelbrecht, J, Finegan, K, Gibson, Gj, Hansa, S, Hemus, A, Immink, Ip, Jacovides, A, Joshi, P, Joshi, S, Kapp, C, Khoelemachobane, S, Uys Knox HJ, Kok, J, Komati, S, Lai, E, Lakha, D, Lehloenyane, K, Mahomed, Ag, Meeding, R, Moodley, R, Moosa, N, Nel, J, Nell, H, Van Niekerk FJ, Pillay, N, Pretorius, M, Prozesky, H, Ramduth, S, Roos, J, Sarvan, M, Seeber, M, Siebert, M, Somasundram, P, Stavrides, A, Venter, N, Wadvalla, S, Alcolea, Jo, Álvarez de Arcaya Vicente, A, Pérez Arroyo MB, Romero Bobillo, E, Buño, Mm, Carreira Arias JN, Cepero García, D, Masmiquel Comas, L, Coves Figueras MJ, de la Cuesta Mayor, C, Feria-Carot, Md, Frade Fernández AM, Ferreiro Gómez, M, García García, C, García Delgado, E, Durán García, S, Gómez Gómez LA, Soto González, A, Hernán García, C, Ángeles Tapia Herrero, M, Jodar Gimeno, E, Quevedo Juanals, J, López Jiménez, M, Masanes, F, Marco Mur ÁL, Navarro López, M, Ramis, Jn, Palmer, Ag, Calle Pascual, A, Romero Pérez LG, Morales Portillo, C, Prieto González, S, Mezquita Raya, P, Reyes García, R, Vera, Tr, Rodríguez Castro, C, Rodríguez Rodríguez, I, Sacanella Meseguer, E, Serrano Olmedo, I, Lopez Soto, A, Toba Alonso, F, Aliaga Verdugo, A, Vidal Cortada, J, Vigil Medina, L, Ackefelt-Frick, E, Alfredsson, H, Beling, E, Benedek, P, Crisby, M, Dorkhan, M, Drescik, T, Eeg-Olofsson, K, Eliasson, K, Fardelin, P, Fredholm, A, Frid, A, Gerok-Andersson, K, Hjelmaeus, L, Hufnagl, A, Jasinska, E, Kowalska, E, Lafolie, P, Lindquist, O, Lundvall, M, Melander, E, Nicander, C, Moris, L, Tengmark, Bo, Saphir, U, Skagerberg, P, Steczkó-Nilsson, C, Strandell, B, Tomson, Y, Chen, Jy, Chen, Yc, Chiang, Cy, Chou, Cw, Ho, Cw, Hsiao, Pj, Hsieh, Mc, Hsu, R, Hsu, Sr, Huang, Ch, Hung, Ww, Lee, My, Lee, Ym, Lin, Cw, Lin, Ch, Lin, Kd, Lin, Sd, Lin, Sf, Liou, Mj, Lu, Wt, Shin, Sj, Sia, Hk, Su, Mh, Su, Sl, Sun, Jh, Tien, Kj, Tsai, Dh, Tsai, S, Tu, St, Wang, Cc, Wang, Sy, Yang, Cy, Yen, Fc, Acikgoz, A, Akalin, S, Akin, S, Akinci, B, Akkurt, A, Akturk, M, Alkis, N, Altun, I, Altunbas, Ha, Altuntas, Y, Araz, M, Aribas, S, Arslan, E, Arslan, G, Arslan, M, Ataoglu, Eh, Ayan, F, Aydin, K, Aydogan, Bi, Ayvaz, G, Bahadir, Ma, Balci, Mk, Basaran, Mn, Baskal, N, Bugra, Mz, Calan, M, Cavdar, U, Cetin, F, Cinar, N, Colbay, M, Dagdelen, S, Damci, T, Davutoglu, V, Demir, M, Demir, T, Deyneli, O, Dincer, I, Dogan, B, Kanipek Doker KY, Engin, I, Eraydin, A, Erbas, T, Erdogan, Mf, Ersoy, C, Gedik, A, Gokay, F, Gul, Oo, Guler, S, Gumus, T, Gunes, E, Gurler, My, Hatipoglu, E, Ilkova, H, Iyidir, Ot, Kabakci, G, Karadag, B, Karatemiz, G, Karci, Ac, Kartal, E, Kaya, Eb, Keskin, C, Keskin, Ef, Kocabas, G, Kocak, F, Kol, Ak, Korkmaz, H, Kucukler, Fk, Mesci, Ba, Oguz, A, Orbay, E, Oz, H, Ozcan, Nd, Ozdem, S, Ozisik, S, Ozkan, C, Ozsan, M, Ozyazar, M, Parlar, H, Sargin, H, Sargin, M, Saygili, F, Selek, A, Simsek, Y, Sisman, P, Solmaz, K, Soydas, C, Tatliagac, S, Tamer, I, Temizkan, S, Tulunay, C, Tuncel, E, Turker, F, Unluhizarci, K, Unluturk, U, Uygur, Mm, Vatansever, B, Yazici, D, Yavuz, Dg, Yener, S, Yenigun, M, Yilmaz, M, Abbas, S, Alawadi, F, Aziz, Aa, Bashier, A, Rashid, F, Abraham, P, Adamson, K, Atkin, S, Aye, M, Azam, M, Barnett, Ah, Bellary, S, Dhatariya, K, Eaton, M, English, P, Ewing, J, Furlong, N, Gibson, M, Green, D, Herring, R, Hordern, V, Jaap, A, Javed, Z, Johnson, A, Konya, J, Kumar, S, Lindsay, R, Mackie, A, Mcglynn, S, Mckenzie, J, Millward, A, Murthy, N, Paisey, R, Pearson, E, Piya, M, Ramell, M, Robertson, D, Russell-Jones, D, Saravanan, P, Sathyapalan, T, Shakher, J, Shiels, H, Sivaraman, S, Smith, J, Srinivas-Shankar, U, Stokes, J, Tracey, I, Vaidya, B, Yee, M, Yemparala, P, Walker, J, Wiggins, P, Williams, J, Wright, J, Mackinnon, C, Inkster, J, Zeeshan, J, Bejnariu, C, Malipatil, N, Giritharan, S, Lonnen, K, Kyrou, I, Aamir, S, Ababa, M, Abreu, M, Adams, D, Adams, P, Aden, J, Aguilar, D, Aguillon, A, Ahmed, A, Ahmed, B, Ahmed, I, Akhtar, A, Akright, B, Akright, L, Albarracin, C, Albert, S, Ali, S, Aliuddin, B, Almasmary, A, Al-Maweri, A, Alzohaili, O, Amador, W, Amine, M, Amini, S, Anderson, M, Anderson, L, Anderson, R, Andrews, M, Angel, J, Anteer, W, Anthony, V, Antillon, A, Anzures, P, Arcon-Rios, S, Arkin, D, Arodak, B, Aronne, L, Aronoff, S, Arreola, G, Arroyo, S, Asnani, S, Astudillo-Tee, G, Ault, S, Austin, B, Avila, V, Avitabile, N, Awasty, V, Azar, M, Aziz, A, Bahrami, P, Baig, M, Bailey, K, Bailey, T, Baker, M, Bala, N, Balbes-Reyes, I, Baldwin, D, Baldwin, E, Balentine, T, Ballard, T, Baloch, K, Banarer, S, Baney, C, Banka, A, Barber, L, Barber, M, Barker, T, Barnes, K, Barnum, O, Barra, J, Bartkowiak, A, Baula, G, Bautista, A, Bayliss, R, Beaman, M, Beatty, K, Becker, J, Bedolla, L, Begum, G, Belejchak, P, Bell, A, Beltran, M, Belucher, C, Bensfield, E, Benton, J, Bergamo, K, Bergman, B, Berry, M, Bettino, K, Beyea, M, Bhargava, A, Bhattacharya, A, Bilas, A, Bischoff, L, Bixler, L, Bizjack, S, Blank, R, Blankfield, R, Block, L, Bloodworth, J, Bloomberg, K, Bloomberg, R, Blustin, J, Boban, I, Bolden, A, Boncu, O, Bookless, P, Brassie, C, Brautigam, D, Bressler, P, Brewster, R, Brown, C, Brown, D, Brown, F, Bruskewitz, M, Bryant, D, Buchanan, C, Buchanan, N, Buck, G, Buckley, S, Bueno, J, Burke, D, Burton, K, Buske, S, Byars, W, Bye, R, Caldwell, R, Calvin, K, Camacho, R, Campbell, E, Cannon, D, Cantrell, J, Caplan, J, Cardenas, C, Carlton, J, Carpio, G, Carrol, A, Cartwright, L, Casanova, G, Castaneda, L, Castle, M, Castro, L, Catangay, J, Chaidarun, S, Chambers, J, Chambliss, T, Chandra, L, Chang, A, Chang, S, Chappel, J, Chappel, C, Chappell, T, Charles, C, Chavira, A, Chaykin, L, Check, E, Chee, L, Cherry, A, Chestnut, A, Chiarot, J, Chiniwala, N, Chionh, K, Choe, J, Christiansen, M, Chrzanowski, S, Chuang, E, Chuck, L, Clyatt, J, Cohan, B, Cohen, R, Comi, R, Comulada-Rivera, A, Conner, K, Connor, G, Contreras, R, Cook, K, Cook, R, Corder, C, Cornejo, B Sr, Cornette, L, Cortes, G, Cortez, L, Cox, C, Cox, G, Craig, W, Cramer, B, Cromer, C, Cromer, M, Cuddihy, R, Culmer, D, Curran, H, Curran, M, Dadis, C, Dagogo-Jack, S, Dairywala, I, D'Alessio, D, Damberg, G, Dang, A, Daniel, K, Davidson, M, Dean, J, Debold, R, Deitz, P, M, Del, Delaney, D, Delgado, E, Demicco, M, Demuro, Ma, Desalle, D, Desouza, C, Devireddy, K, Devries, B, Dezube, M, Diab, I, Diesburg-Stanwood, A, Dilliard, J, Dilling, J, Diner, J, Dishongh, K, Dodis, R, Doing, C, Doll, W, Donoho, A, Donovan, D, Doremus, N, Dorfman, S, Doshi, P, Dostou, J, Douglas, D, Douglass, S, Dowell, M, Drazich, E, Driver, E, Du, H, Dubose, R III, Duclos, M, Dunn, K, Dunnam, T, Durham, N, Dye, L, Eagerton, D, Ebenibo, S, Edeoga, C, Edwards, G, Ekwensi, J, El Asmar, I, El Sayad, N, Eliopoulos, C, Elkosseifi, M, Elmer, R, Elmore, M, Elson, D, Elzein, L, Emmert, L, Erbe, L, Estes, S, Estrada, L, A, Estrada, Eveleigh, T, Everhart, B, Faas, F, Faircloth, C, Farmer, M, Fehr, K, Ferguson, T, Fernandes, J, Ferree, K, Ferrington, B, Fitzhugh, M, Fitzsimmons, R, Flanders, D, M, Flore, E, Flore, Flores, J, Florida, C, Flynn, J, Folmar, P, Forbes, R, Ford, W, Fowler, M, Fraker, A, Francis, S, Franco-Cotto, E, Fratila, C, Fuentes, M, Galagan, R, Galloway, A, Garcia, M, Garcia, R, Garriott, M, J, Garza, Gass, N, Gates, S, Geary, M, Geiger, K, Geishauser, J, Giglio, A, Gilbert, M, Godwin, S, Goetter, B, Goley, A, Golici, L, Gomori, E, Gonzales, J, Gore, A, Gorman, T, Gosmanova, A, Goswami, K, Gotham, A, Govoni, J, Graddick, S, Grant, T, Greca, A, Green, C, Greenbaum, K, Greenwald, J, Grover, D, Grunberger, G, Guice, M, Guirao, D, Gunna, V, Guseva, N, Ha, T, Hagan, A, Hager, S, Haggag, A, Haggar, M, Hamilton, M, Hamlet, P, Hammond, J, Hansen, A, Harrell, W, Harris, E, Harris, K, Harris, M, Harrison, L, Hartman, I, Hatch, A, Hayes, D, Hayes, M, Heath, J, Heineman, R, Heinzman, A, Hendrick, M, Herbst, R, Hermayer, K, Hibbard, J, Hill, Wd, Hilliard, B, Hix, M, Hoch, B, Hollander, P, Holmes, Z, Horobetz, C, Horowitz, R, Hsieh, P, Hsieh, S, Htun, W, Huang, J, Huber, C, Hudson, T, Huizar, S, Hull, B, Hull, J, Hummer, K, Hundal, R, Hunt, G, Hunt, V, Hutchinson, P, Hwang, J, Iannamorelli, A, Iannuzzi, L, Ingram, M, Iram, N, Ismail-Beigi, F, Jabbour, S, Jackson, T, Jaen, L, Jain, V, Jannesari, R, Januski, V, Japa, U, Jarvis, K, Jayson, L, Jensen, R, Jester, D, Jocko, C, Johnson, C, Johnson, M, Johnston, K, Jones, D, Jones, J, Jordan, T, Juarez, M, Kaapuraala, A, Kain, A, Kaiser, V, Kamradt, K, Karatoprakli, P, Karegar, M, Karounos, C, Karounos, D, Karunaratne, H, Katalenich, B, Katic, K, Katz, M, Kaur, G, Kawa, A, Keib, C, Keider, G, Kem, D, Kennedy, R, Kenney, B, Kereiakes, D, Ketana, M, Kettinger, L, Khaira, A, Khan, A, Khan, K, Khan, M, Khoo, T, Khrlobyan, N, Kilgore, J, Kim, G, Kimble, S, Kinsley, M, Kitchen, T, Klick, M, Kniffen, W, Knight, R, Kodzwa, D, Koenig, T, Komarovskiy, K, Kong, Y, Koontz, D, Krishnasamy, S, Krueger, E, Kuechenmeister, L, Kuehl, A, Kuettel, K, Kugler, D, Kulow, T, Kupriyanchik, I, Kuruvanka, T, Kushner, D, Kwon, E, Kwon, S, Kyle, M, Labryer, L, Labuda, J, Lafave, J, Laguerre, J, Laliberte, A, Lane, J, Langel, C, Lann, D, Largay, J, Latif, K, Latus, T, Lawrence, J, Ledger, G, Lee, Fg, Lee, E, Leffert, J, Leinung, M, Lenhard, Mj, Lentino, J, Leon, J, Leonard, M, Letassy, N, Leuck, K, Levin, P, Levinson, D, Lewis, M, Light, T, Lim, J, Lindamood, R, Lingvay, I, Lipps, J, Lisa, A, Livingston, Y, Llamas, L, Loesch, R, Long, T, Looby, R, Lopez, C, Lorenz, T, Lovre, D, Lu, P, Lucas, K, Luevano, G, Luidens, M, Luna, B, Luttrell, L, Lyons, T, Macadams, M, Mack, D, Mack, M, Madden, M, Madder, R, Madireddy, S, Mae, L, Mahakala, A, Maheshwari, H, Malbari, H, Maldonado, N, Mallitz, M, Mandviwala, M, Mann, K, Mardahay, M, Marino, J, Marney, A, Marshall, L, Martin, A, Martin, E, Martinez, G, Martinez-Miss, S, Marx, P, Massara, L, Mastoor, M, Matfin, G, Maturu, A, Maurides, P, May, M, Mayfield, R, Maynard, B, Mazza, A, Mccann, K, Mccoy, J, Mccoy, T, Mccullen, Mk, Mcdaniel, C, Mcdaniel, Am, Mcdermott, M, Mcdonald, A, Mcmasters, B, Mcmurray, C, Medlin, T, Meinel, M, Mendez, I, Menefee, J, Meredith, M, Merriweather, M, Mersey, J, Messino, C, Meyer, S, Meyers, L, Michael, D, Midyett, C, Miklius, A, Milford, E, Miller, B, Miller, H, Milligan, M, Minor, A, Miranda-Palma, B, Mirarchi, N, Mittadodla, S, Mittle, J, Moffat, A, Mohaupt, S, Mohiuddin, K, Mokshagundam, S, Monaco, S, Monsaert, R, Montano-Pereira, C, Montgomery, A, Moody, K, Moon, M, Moore, D, Moore, L, Morawski, E, Moreau, C, Morin, D, Moscoa, C, Motzkin, C, Mueller, R, Munoz, C, Munoz, M, Myneni, A, Naderi, B, Nagireddy, P, Naidu, J, Naidu, R, Naik, S, Naimark, R, Nardicchi, M, Ndukwu, I, Neller, C, Netten-Foster, L, Neumiller, J, New, T, Newman, S, Newton, T, Nguyen, B, Nicol, B, Nicol, P, Ninivaggi, L, Niswender, K, Norman, L, Noworatzky, G, Nyenwe, E, O'Brien, H, O'Connell, T, Oden, W, Odugbesan, A, Oliver, M, Oliver, T, Olmeda, C, O'Neil, C, Oremus, R, Ortega, T, Ortiz-Santos, S, Osborn, T, Padmanabhan, S, Papacostea, O, Park, I, Parker, A, Parker, K, Parker, R, Patel, C, Patel, M, Patel, R, Patino, M, Patterson, S, Paulson, K, Paz, A, Pemba, R, Pepe, C, Perez, J, Perez, T, Perry, D, Phillips, B, Phillips, J, Pickett, A, Pinson, M, Pitzer, R, Poduri, M, Poehls, J, Poteat, T, Powell, L, Prasad, S, Prevost, J, Price, E, Priest, D, Prieto, L, Purewal, T, Purighalla, R, Purighalla, U, Quadrel, M, Qureshi, A, Radhamma, R, Rafla, E, Rajab, H, Ramalingam, R, Ramirez, A, J, Ramirez, Ramirez, K, Ramirez, M, Randall, M, Rangaraj, U, Rao, V, Rasmussen, P, Rasouli, N, Ray, A, Reed, J, Rems, L, Renaud, K, Reno, M, Resnick, M, Reusch, J, Reynolds, L, Rhoton, K, Rhudy, J, Ricci, C, Rice, L, Richardson, A, Richardson, L, Rickard, H, Rickels, M, Riff, D, Rightenour, N, Risser, J, Rizvi, A, Robertson, J, Robinson, A, Robinson, R, Rockwell, M, Rodriguez, Jp, Rodriguez, M, Rojas, M, Rojas, W, Rooker-Morris, L, Root, C, Rose, M, Rosenberg, R, Rosenstock, J, Roth, M, Ruby, R, Sachson, R, Sack, P, Sadler, Rk, Sahai, S, J, Salazar, Salgam, M, Samal, A, Samson, A, Sanagorski, R, Sanchez, A, Sandberg, J, Sanderson, M, Sandoval, J, Santiago, E, Sapp, T, Saunders, J, Schill, J, Schott, C, Schreiman, R, Schu, D, Schuh, K, Schutta, M, Schwartz, J, Schweppe, L, Scofield, H, Scribner, A, Seal, J, Sealock, J, Seaton, B, Sedlak-Hanslik, T, Seekins, K, Segal, M, Seggelke, S, Semenza, S, Sentman, P, Serra, M, Seshadri, P, Sevilla, E, Shah, S, Shaheen, K, Shanik, M, Shaw, J, Sheets, M, Shellabarger, C, Sher, J, Shippey, J, Shivaswamy, V, Shomali, M, Shore, D, Shroff, P, Siddiqui, T, Siegwald, A, Silver, R, Simmons, D, Simons, R, Sinan, A, Singh, M, Sirinvaravong, S, Skero, J, Slover-Zipf, J, Small, S, Smith, B, Smith, K, Smith, M, Sohl, J, Solarz, Sh, Soler, D, Sood, A, Sora, N, Souchet, A, Soule, J, Sparks, J, Spector, L, Speicher, R, Spillers, L, Spivey, T, Springer, N, Sprouse, H, St John, J, Stacey, A, Stacey, H, Stafford, M, Stagner, E, Staples, K, Steadman, E, Steed, R, Steeves, G, Steinberg, H, Stell, C, Stirman, E, Straub, K, Strock, E, Sue, M, Suris, O, Sutton, T, Tabbah, I, Talsania, M, Tang, R, Tapia, J, Taylor, K, Taylor-Hancher, R, Teator, R, Tekateka, M, Temple, B, Temple, K, Teodori, M, Tharp, P, Thethi, T, Theuma, P, Thomas, S, Thottan, A, Thrasher, J, Thrasher, L, Tiemeyer, M, Tinney, I, Tobin, T, Toma, S, Tovar, M, Townsend, J, Trantow, C, Traylor, H, Trevino, M, Troy, M, Trumper, D, Tryggestad, J, Tucker, C, Turner, J, Turney, R, Tuten, C, Tyzack, J, Ullo, L, Underkofler, C, Unger, J, Urdanetta, R, Valdivia, V, Valenti, S, Vanderheiden, A, Vanderlinde-Wood, M, Varma, C, Vasquez, E, Vazquez, M, Vickery, D, Villafuerte, B, Villegas, C, Vivar, J, Vivekananthan, K, Vo, G, Vukojicic, K, Wachter, A, Wahl, D, Waitmann, J, Walker, D, Walsh, J, Walsh, K, Walton, A, Wang, A, Wardell, K, Watkins, S, Watkinson, J, Watts, M, Watwe, V, Weaver, N, Weber, R, Wedick, C, Weeks, D, Weeks, L, Weindorff, K, Weinstein, R, Weiss, S, Wenger, K, Wentworth, M, Werner, A, West, M, Whelan, S, White, B, White, J, Whitmire, M, Whittington, R, Wical, J, Wigley, C, Wilkins, F, Will, K, Williams, A, Wilson, Le, Wince, M, Wine, S, Winkle, P, Winner, C, Wise, J, Witte, M, Wittenmyer, J, Wood, C, Wood, R, Woodruff, C, Worthington, B, Wynn, D, Wysham, C, Xavier, P, Yela, S, Yenoby, L, Young, L, Younus, N, Yourell, V, Zaid, M, Zubair, I., Mann J.F.E., Orsted D.D., Brown-Frandsen K., Marso S.P., Poulter N.R., Rasmussen S., Tornoe K., Zinman B., Buse J.B., and Buscemi S.
- Subjects
Male ,Settore MED/09 - Medicina Interna ,Acute Kidney Injury ,Aged ,Albuminuria ,Creatinine ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ,Diabetic Nephropathies ,Double-Blind Method ,Female ,Follow-Up Studies ,Glomerular Filtration Rate ,Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 ,Humans ,Hypoglycemic Agents ,Intention to Treat Analysis ,Kidney Failure, Chronic ,Liraglutide ,Middle Aged ,Type 2 diabetes ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,urologic and male genital diseases ,GLOMERULAR-FILTRATION-RATE ,KIDNEY-FUNCTION ,DISEASE ,law.invention ,Kidney Failure ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,Medicine ,Settore MED/49 - Scienze Tecniche Dietetiche Applicate ,Chronic ,RISK ,Kidney ,Acute kidney injury ,11 Medical And Health Sciences ,General Medicine ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,TRIAL ,liraglutide, randomized controlled trial, type 2 diabetes, renal outcomes ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,Type 2 ,medicine.drug ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Renal function ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,CARDIOVASCULAR OUTCOMES ,Follow-Up Studie ,03 medical and health sciences ,Medicine, General & Internal ,General & Internal Medicine ,Diabetes mellitus ,Internal medicine ,Diabetes Mellitus ,Intensive care medicine ,Science & Technology ,business.industry ,MORTALITY ,medicine.disease ,INTENSIVE GLUCOSE CONTROL ,INDIVIDUALS ,chemistry ,Diabetic Nephropathie ,LEADER Steering Committee and Investigators ,business - Abstract
BACKGROUND: In a randomized, controlled trial that compared liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide 1 analogue, with placebo in patients with type 2 diabetes and high cardiovascular risk who were receiving usual care, we found that liraglutide resulted in lower risks of the primary end point (nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes) and death. However, the long-term effects of liraglutide on renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes are unknown. METHODS: We report the prespecified secondary renal outcomes of that randomized, controlled trial in which patients were assigned to receive liraglutide or placebo. The secondary renal outcome was a composite of new-onset persistent macroalbuminuria, persistent doubling of the serum creatinine level, end-stage renal disease, or death due to renal disease. The risk of renal outcomes was determined with the use of time-to-event analyses with an intention-to-treat approach. Changes in the estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria were also analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 9340 patients underwent randomization, and the median follow-up of the patients was 3.84 years. The renal outcome occurred in fewer participants in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group (268 of 4668 patients vs. 337 of 4672; hazard ratio, 0.78; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.67 to 0.92; P=0.003). This result was driven primarily by the new onset of persistent macroalbuminuria, which occurred in fewer participants in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group (161 vs. 215 patients; hazard ratio, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.60 to 0.91; P=0.004). The rates of renal adverse events were similar in the liraglutide group and the placebo group (15.1 events and 16.5 events per 1000 patient-years), including the rate of acute kidney injury (7.1 and 6.2 events per 1000 patient-years, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: This prespecified secondary analysis shows that, when added to usual care, liraglutide resulted in lower rates of the development and progression of diabetic kidney disease than placebo. (Funded by Novo Nordisk and the National Institutes of Health; LEADER ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01179048 .).
- Published
- 2017
3. Reversal of mouse hepatic failure using an implanted liver-assist device containing ES cell-derived hepatocytes
- Author
Soto-Gutierrez, A, Kobayashi, N, Rivas-Carrillo, JD, Navarro-Alvarez, N, Zhao, DB, Okitsu, T, Noguchi, H, Basma, H, Tabata, Y, Chen, Y, Tanaka, K, Narushima, M, Miki, A, Ueda, T, Jun, HS, Yoon, JW, Lebkowski, J, Tanaka, N, and Fox, IJ
- Published
- 2006
4. Advances in Constitutive and Failure Models for Sheet Forming Simulation
- Author
Cardoso, RPR, Yoon, JW, Dick, RE, Neto, ES, DeSa, JMAC, Adetoro, OB, Yoon, Jeong Whan, Stoughton, TB, Cardoso, RPR, Yoon, JW, Dick, RE, Neto, ES, DeSa, JMAC, Adetoro, OB, Yoon, Jeong Whan, and Stoughton, TB
- Published
- 2016
5. A comparison of deformation and failure behaviors of AZ31 and E-form Mg alloys under V-bending test
- Author
Cardoso, RPR, Yoon, JW, Dick, RE, Neto, ES, DeSa, JMAC, Adetoro, OB, Choi, S-H, Singh, J, Kim, M-S, Yoon, Jeong Whan, Cardoso, RPR, Yoon, JW, Dick, RE, Neto, ES, DeSa, JMAC, Adetoro, OB, Choi, S-H, Singh, J, Kim, M-S, and Yoon, Jeong Whan
- Published
- 2016
6. A shear ductile fracture criterion for metal forming
- Author
Cardoso, RPR, Yoon, JW, Dick, RE, Neto, ES, DeSa, JMAC, Adetoro, OB, Lou, Yanshan, Yoon, Jeong Whan, Cardoso, RPR, Yoon, JW, Dick, RE, Neto, ES, DeSa, JMAC, Adetoro, OB, Lou, Yanshan, and Yoon, Jeong Whan
- Published
- 2016
7. Suppression of necking in incremental sheet forming
- Author
Seong,DY, Haque,MZ, Kim,JB, Stoughton,TB, Yoon,JW, Seong,DY, Haque,MZ, Kim,JB, Stoughton,TB, and Yoon,JW
- Abstract
Incremental sheet forming enables sheet metal to deform above a conventional strain-based forming limit. The mechanics reason has not been clearly explained yet. In this work, the stress-based forming limit was utilized for through-thickness necking analysis to explain this uncovered question. Stress-based forming limit which has path-independency shows that the stress states in top, middle and bottom surfaces did not exceed the forming limit curve at the same time and each layer has different stress state in terms of their deformation history to suppress necking. It has been found that it is important to consider the gradient stress profile following the deformation history for the proper forming limit analysis of incremental sheet forming. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2014
8. Approaches for the cure of type 1 diabetes by cellular and gene therapy
- Author
Yoon Jw and Hee-Sook Jun
- Subjects
endocrine system ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Islets of Langerhans Transplantation ,Biology ,Islets of Langerhans ,Drug Discovery ,Genetics ,medicine ,Animals ,Humans ,Molecular Biology ,Genetics (clinical) ,Type 1 diabetes ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Insulin ,Genetic Therapy ,medicine.disease ,Islet ,Transplant rejection ,Transplantation ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 ,Immunology ,Molecular Medicine ,Beta cell ,Stem cell ,Adult stem cell ,Stem Cell Transplantation - Abstract
Type 1 diabetes results from insulin deficiency caused by autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells. Islet transplantation, beta cell regeneration, and insulin gene therapy have been explored in an attempt to cure type 1 diabetes. Major progress on islet transplantation includes substantial improvements in islet isolation technology to obtain viable and functionally intact islets and less toxic immunosuppressive drug regimes to prevent islet graft failure. However, the availability of human islets from cadaveric pancreata is limited. Regeneration of pancreatic beta cells from embryonic or adult stem cells may overcome the limited source of islets and transplant rejection if beta cells are regenerated from endogenous stem cells. However, it is difficult to overcome the persisting hostile beta cell-specific autoimmune response that may destroy the regenerated beta cells. Insulin gene therapy might overcome the weakness of islet transplantation and beta cell regeneration with respect to their vulnerability to autoimmune attack. This method replaces the function of beta cells by introducing various components of the insulin synthetic and secretory machinery into non- beta cells, which are not targets of beta cell-specific autoimmune responses. However, there is no regulatory system that results in the expression and release of insulin in response to glucose with satisfactory kinetics. Although there is no perfect solution for the cure of type 1 diabetes at the present time, research on a variety of potential approaches will offer the best choices for the cure of human type 1 diabetes.
- Published
- 2005
9. Reversal of mouse hepatic failure using an implanted liver-assist device containing ES cell-derived hepatocytes
- Author
50211371, Soto-Gutierrez, A, Kobayashi, N, Rivas-Carrillo, JD, Navarro-Alvarez, N, Zhao, DB, Okitsu, T, Noguchi, H, Basma, H, Tabata, Y, Chen, Y, Tanaka, K, Narushima, M, Miki, A, Ueda, T, Jun, HS, Yoon, JW, Lebkowski, J, Tanaka, N, Fox, IJ, 50211371, Soto-Gutierrez, A, Kobayashi, N, Rivas-Carrillo, JD, Navarro-Alvarez, N, Zhao, DB, Okitsu, T, Noguchi, H, Basma, H, Tabata, Y, Chen, Y, Tanaka, K, Narushima, M, Miki, A, Ueda, T, Jun, HS, Yoon, JW, Lebkowski, J, Tanaka, N, and Fox, IJ
- Published
- 2006
10. Effect of route of EPO administration on hemodialysis arteriovenous vascular access failure: a randomized controlled trial.
- Author
Lee YK, Koo JR, Kim JK, Park II, Joo MH, Yoon JW, Noh JW, and Vaziri ND
- Abstract
BACKGROUND: Vascular access failure is a major cause of morbidity and hospitalization in hemodialysis populations worldwide. Erythropoietin (EPO) potentially can contribute to vascular access stenosis and occlusion by promoting intimal hyperplasia and thrombosis. Intravenous administration of EPO results in a severe, but transient, increase in drug concentration within the vascular access, whereas subcutaneous administration leads to a mild, but sustained, increase in the systemic circulation. The effect of route of administration of EPO on vascular access outcomes is uncertain. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: 78 Korean hemodialysis patients were randomly assigned to receive either intravenous (n = 40) or subcutaneous (n = 38) EPO. INTERVENTIONS: EPO was administered during dialysis, and the dose was titrated to maintain hemoglobin levels between 9 to 12 g/dL. All patients received EPO 2 or 3 times/wk. Study duration was 4 to 77 months. OUTCOMES & MEASUREMENTS: The primary end point was time to vascular access failure. Analysis was performed using Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: The incidence of access failure was 4.7%/patient-year in the intravenous-therapy group and 12.0%/patient-year in the subcutaneous-therapy group, with an unadjusted hazard ratio of 3.24 (95% confidence interval, 1.31 to 8.00; P = 0.01). After adjustment for dialysis access type, vascular access age, previous intervention, serum phosphorus level, and diabetes mellitus, subcutaneous EPO administration was independently associated with increased vascular access failure (hazard ratio, 3.56; 95% confidence interval, 1.20 to 10.58; P = 0.02). There were no significant differences in either hemoglobin concentration or EPO dosage between the 2 groups during the study period. LIMITATIONS: Relatively small sample size and lack of complete symmetry between the 2 groups with respect to some baseline characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that the risk of vascular access failure may be greater with subcutaneous compared with intravenous administration of EPO in hemodialysis patients. Copyright © 2009 National Kidney Foundation, Inc. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
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11. Risk factors for post-pneumonectomy acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome in primary lung cancer patients.
- Author
Jeon K, Yoon JW, Suh GY, Kim J, Kim K, Yang M, Kim H, Kwon OJ, Shim YM, Jeon, K, Yoon, J W, Suh, G Y, Kim, J, Kim, K, Yang, M, Kim, H, Kwon, O J, and Shim, Y M
- Abstract
Acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ALI / ARDS) is the most serious pulmonary complication after lung resection. This study investigated the incidence and outcome of patients with ALI / ARDS who required mechanical ventilation within one week of undergoing pneumonectomy for primary lung cancer and analysed the risk factors. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 146 patients who underwent pneumonectomy for primary lung cancer between May 2001 and April 2006. Preoperative, perioperative and postoperative clinical data were analysed. Post-pneumonectomy ALI / ARDS developed within the first postoperative week in 18 (12%) patients. Patients who developed ALI / ARDS had a longer hospital duration of stay (median [interquartile range], 26 [18 to 75] vs. 8 [7 to 11] days; P < 0.001) and higher in-hospital mortality (12 [67%] vs. 0 [0%]; P < 0.001). In an univariate analysis, post-pneumonectomy ALI / ARDS was associated with larger tidal volume (V(T)) and higher airway pressure (P(aw)) during one-lung ventilation (V(T) 8.2 [7.5 to 9.0] vs. 7.7 [6.9 to 8.2] ml/kg predicted body weight, P = 0.016; P(aw), 28.9 [27.6 to 30.0] vs. 27.2 [25.6 to 28.5] cmH2O, P = 0.001). V(T) during two-lung ventilation was also greater in patients who developed ALI / ARDS (P = 0.014) than in those who did not, but P(aw) during two-lung ventilation did not differ (P = 0.950). In a multiple logistic regression analysis, post-pneumonectomy ALI / ARDS was independently associated with a larger V(T) (OR 3.37 per 1 ml/kg predicted body weight increase; 95% confidence interval 1.65 to 6.86) and higher P(aw) (OR 2.32 per 1 cmH2O increase; 95% confidence interval 1.46 to 3.67) during the period of one-lung ventilation. In conclusion, a large V(T) and high P(aw) during one-lung ventilation were associated with an increased risk of post-pneumonectomy ALI / ARDS in primary lung cancer patients. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
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12. Human chorionic gonadotropin prevents Sjögren's syndrome-like exocrinopathy in mice.
- Author
Li N, Shigihara T, Tzioufas AG, Notkins AL, Yoon JW, and Jun HS
- Abstract
OBJECTIVE: Results of recent studies suggest that human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a placental glycoprotein hormone required for the maintenance of pregnancy, may have immunomodulatory properties. Primary Sjögren's syndrome (SS), a chronic autoimmune disorder of unknown etiology, affects multiple exocrine glands including the salivary and lacrimal glands. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether HCG could prevent the development of salivary gland exocrinopathy in NOD mice, an experimental model of Sjögren's-like syndrome. METHODS: Female NOD mice were treated with HCG from 6 weeks of age to 12 weeks of age. At 14 weeks, tissue samples were evaluated for inflammatory lesions and cytokine messenger RNA by real-time polymerase chain reaction. At 18 weeks, the salivary flow rate was measured. RESULTS: Treatment with HCG resulted in a significant decrease in lymphocyte infiltration and parenchymal cell damage in the submandibular salivary glands. Messenger RNA levels of interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1beta, and interleukin-10, as well as inducible nitric oxide synthase and matrix metalloproteinase 9, were significantly decreased. Function studies revealed a marked increase in the salivary flow rate in HCG-treated mice compared with that in phosphate buffered saline-treated mice. CONCLUSION: In NOD mice, HCG acts as an immune modulator and prevents the development of salivary gland exocrinopathy. These findings suggest that HCG, a naturally occurring reproductive hormone, may be useful in the treatment of Sjögren's syndrome and other human autoimmune diseases. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
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13. Sarcopenic obesity: prevalence and association with metabolic syndrome in the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging (KLoSHA).
- Author
Lim S, Kim JH, Yoon JW, Kang SM, Choi SH, Park YJ, Kim KW, Lim JY, Park KS, Jang HC, Lim, Soo, Kim, Jung Hee, Yoon, Ji Won, Kang, Seon Mee, Choi, Sung Hee, Park, Young Joo, Kim, Ki Woong, Lim, Jae Young, Park, Kyong Soo, and Jang, Hak Chul
- Abstract
Objective: We investigated the prevalence of sarcopenic obesity (SO) and its relationship with metabolic syndrome in a community-based elderly cohort in Korea.Research Design and Methods: In this study, 287 men and 278 women aged 65 or older were recruited. Sarcopenia was defined as the appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM) divided by height squared (Ht(2)) (kg/m(2)) or by weight (Wt) (%) of <1 SD below the sex-specific mean for young adults. Obesity was defined as a visceral fat area >or=100 cm(2).Results: The prevalence of SO was 16.7% in men and 5.7% in women with sarcopenia defined by ASM/Ht(2); however, it was 35.1% in men and 48.1% in women by ASM/Wt. Using ASM/Wt, the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance of subjects with SO was higher and they were at higher risk for metabolic syndrome (odds ratio [OR] 8.28 [95% CI 4.45-15.40]) than the obese (5.51 [2.81-10.80]) or sarcopenic group (2.64 [1.08-6.44]).Conclusions: SO defined by ASM/Wt was more closely associated with metabolic syndrome than either sarcopenia or obesity alone. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2010
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14. Virus-Induced diabetes mellitus
- Author
Notkins, Al, Yoon, Jw, Onodera, T, Toniolo, Antonio, and Jenson, Ab
- Published
- 1981
15. Virus-induced diabetes mellitus. Glucose abnormalities produced in mice by thesix members of the Coxsackie B virus group
- Author
Toniolo, Antonio, Onodera, T, Jordan, G, Yoon, Jw, and Notkins, Al
- Published
- 1982
16. Induction of diabetes by cumulative environmental insults from viruses andchemicals
- Author
Toniolo, Antonio, Onodera, T, Yoon, Jw, and Notkins, Al
- Published
- 1980
17. Effect of Asymmetric Rolling on Plastic Anisotropy of Low Carbon Steels during Simple Shear Tests
- Author
Gracio, Jj, Kim, Hj, Vincze, G., Panigrahi, Bb, Barlat, F., Edgar Rauch, Yoon, Jw, Universidade de Aveiro, Science et Ingénierie des Matériaux et Procédés (SIMaP), and Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP )-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)-Institut de Chimie du CNRS (INC)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
[CHIM.MATE]Chemical Sciences/Material chemistry ,[SPI.MAT]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Materials - Abstract
International audience; Simple shear tests are performed on low carbon steel pre-deformed in conventional, asymmetric and orthogonal-asymmetric rolling. The simple-shear tests were carried out at 0 degrees, 45 degrees and 135 degrees with respect to the previous rolling direction. For a reduction ratio of 15%, a transient stagnation in the hardening rate is observed at reloading for all changes in strain path. The shear stress level, the hardening rate and extent of the plateau appear to be insensitive to the preliminary applied rolling conditions. After a reduction ratio of 50%, plastic instability was detected at reloading for all the changes of strain path and rolling conditions studied. A specific heat treatment was then designed allowing the material to become ductile after rolling while retaining the fine microstructure and therefore the high strength. Promising results were obtained essentially for 45 degrees shear tests.
18. Development of one point quadrature shell element for large deformation considering elasto-plastic material modeling
- Author
Cardoso, Rpr, Yoon, Jw, Gracio, Jj, Barlat, F., Sa, Jmac, and Mori, Ki
19. Percutaneous osteoplasty for the treatment of a painful osteochondral lesion of the talus: a case report and literature review.
- Author
Seo SS, Park JY, Kim HJ, Yoon JW, Park SH, and Kim KH
- Published
- 2012
20. Ubiquitous healthcare service has the persistent benefit on glycemic control and body weight in older adults with diabetes.
- Author
Kang SM, Kim MJ, Ahn HY, Yoon JW, Moon MK, Jung HS, Choi SH, Lim S, Park KS, Jang HC, Kang, Seon Mee, Kim, Min Joo, Ahn, Hwa Young, Yoon, Ji Won, Moon, Min Kyong, Jung, Hye Seung, Choi, Sung Hee, Lim, Soo, Park, Kyong Soo, and Jang, Hak C
- Published
- 2012
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21. Maintenance anaesthetics during remifentanil-based anaesthesia might affect postoperative pain control after breast cancer surgery.
- Author
Shin SW, Cho AR, Lee HJ, Kim HJ, Byeon GJ, Yoon JW, Kim KH, Kwon JY, Shin, S-W, Cho, A-R, Lee, H-J, Kim, H-J, Byeon, G J, Yoon, J-W, Kim, K-H, and Kwon, J-Y
- Abstract
Background: Although remifentanil provides profound analgesia during operation, postoperative occurrence of hyperalgesia and tolerance after remifentanil administration could be a challenge to the postoperative pain control. In this investigation, we sought to determine the effect of maintenance with propofol or sevoflurane on postoperative analgesia after remifentanil-based anaesthesia.Methods: Two hundred and fourteen women undergoing breast cancer surgery under remifentanil-based general anaesthesia were randomly included in this prospective and double-blind trial. The patients were anaesthetized with sevoflurane (S) or propofol (P) under high (H) or low (L) effect-site concentration (Ce) of remifentanil-based anaesthesia using a target-controlled infusion system; the patients were allocated into the SH, SL, PH, and PL groups. Pain intensity (visual analogue score, VAS) and cumulative morphine requirements were recorded 30 min, 1, 6, 12, and 24 h after operation.Results: The patient characteristics were similar. Cumulative morphine consumption at 24 h after surgery was higher in the SH group [38.6 (sd 14.9)] compared with the SL [31.5 (3.7)], PH [31.7 (8.3)], and PL groups [30.1 (6.1)] (P<0.001). The VAS scores during 24 h after surgery were also higher in the SH group than the SL, PH, and PL groups (P<0.001).Conclusions: Remifentanil hyperalgesia was induced by high dose of remifentanil-based anaesthesia during sevoflurane anaesthesia, whereas that was not apparent during propofol anaesthesia. Also, remifentanil hyperalgesia did not occur during low dose of remifentanil-based anaesthesia. Maintenance of propofol during high-dose remifentanil-based anaesthesia provided better postoperative analgesia. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2010
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22. Benchmark 3-Springback of an Al-Mg alloy in warm forming conditions
- Author
Manach, Pierre-Yves, Coer, Jeremy, Jegat, Anthony, Laurent, Herve, Yoon, Jeong Whan, Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (IRDL), Université de Brest (UBO)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne (ENSTA Bretagne)-Université de Bretagne Sud (UBS), Cardoso, RPR, Yoon, JW, Dick, RE, Neto, ES, DeSa, JMAC, and Adetoro, OB
- Subjects
0209 industrial biotechnology ,History ,Deep drawing ,Materials science ,business.product_category ,warm conditions ,chemistry.chemical_element ,02 engineering and technology ,Blank ,Education ,springback ,020901 industrial engineering & automation ,Aluminium ,Residual stress ,Metallurgy ,Forming processes ,[CHIM.MATE]Chemical Sciences/Material chemistry ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Computer Science Applications ,chemistry ,Al-Mg alloy ,Die (manufacturing) ,Earing ,0210 nano-technology ,business ,Material properties - Abstract
International audience; Accurate prediction of springback is a long-standing challenge in the field of warm forming of aluminium sheets. The objective of this benchmark is to predict the effect of temperature on the springback process through the use of the split-ring test [1] with an Al-Mg alloy. This test consists in determining the residual stress state by measuring the opening of a ring cut from the sidewall of a formed cylindrical cup. Cylindrical cups are drawn with a heated die and blank-holder at temperatures of 20, 150 and 240 degrees C. The force-displacement response during the forming process, the thickness and the earing profiles of the cup as well as the ring opening and the temperature of the blank are used to evaluate numerical predictions submitted by the benchmark participants. Problem description, material properties, and simulation reports with experimental data are summarized.
- Published
- 2016
23. Modelling strategy for clinched joints in assemblies
- Author
Sam Coppieters, Andreas Breda, Dimitri Debruyne, Cardoso, RPR, Yoon, JW, Dick, RE, Neto, ES, DeSa, JMAC, and Adetoro, OB
- Subjects
0209 industrial biotechnology ,History ,Engineering ,business.industry ,Automotive industry ,02 engineering and technology ,Structural engineering ,Metal sheet ,Computer Science Applications ,Education ,Simple shear ,Shear (sheet metal) ,Clinching ,020303 mechanical engineering & transports ,020901 industrial engineering & automation ,Equivalent model ,0203 mechanical engineering ,HVAC ,business ,Interlock - Abstract
Clinching is a mechanical joining technique which involves severe local plastic deformation of two or more metal sheet parts resulting in a permanent mechanical interlock. Today, it is a reliable joining technique used in automotive, HVAC and general steel constructions whilst still gaining interest. As it is not computationally feasible to include detailed sub models of these type of joints in FE simulations of real-life clinched assemblies, this paper proposes a methodology to represent these connections with simplified elements. In order to calibrate the parameters governing the equivalent model, a simple shear lap and pullout test is used. This methodology is applied to clinched configurations and validated using a modified Arcan test in which both shear and pull-out loads are considered. ispartof: Journal of Physics: Conference Series ispartof: NUMISHEET 2016: 10th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes vol:734 issue:3 ispartof: Numisheet location:Bristol date:4 Sep - 9 Sep 2016 status: published
- Published
- 2016
24. Contact modelling of large radius air bending with geometrically exact contact algorithm
- Author
Joost Duflou, Alexander Konyukhov, Vitalii Vorkov, Dirk Vandepitte, Cardoso, RPR, Yoon, JW, Dick, RE, Neto, ES, DeSa, JMAC, and Adetoro, OB
- Subjects
History ,Engineering ,business.product_category ,Bending (metalworking) ,business.industry ,Finite element solver ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,02 engineering and technology ,Structural engineering ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Computer Science Applications ,Education ,Press brake ,Open source ,ddc:690 ,Deflection (engineering) ,021105 building & construction ,Pure bending ,Penalty method ,Contact element ,Buildings ,0210 nano-technology ,business ,Algorithm - Abstract
Usage of high-strength steels in conventional air bending is restricted due to limited bendability of these metals. Large-radius punches provide a typical approach for decreasing deformations during the bending process. However, as deflection progresses the loading scheme changes gradually. Therefore, modelling of the contact interaction is essential for an accurate description of the loading scheme. In the current contribution, the authors implemented a plane frictional contact element based on the penalty method. The geometrically exact contact algorithm is used for the penetration determination. The implementation is done using the OOFEM – open source finite element solver. In order to verify the simulation results, experiments have been conducted on a bending press brake for 4 mm Weldox 1300 with a punch radius of 30 mm and a die opening of 80 mm. The maximum error for the springback calculation is 0.87° for the bending angle of 144°. The contact interaction is a crucial part of large radius bending simulation and the implementation leads to a reliable solution for the springback angle. ispartof: pages:1-4 ispartof: Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol:734 issue:3 pages:1-4 ispartof: Numisheet 2016 location:Bristol, England date:4 Sep - 9 Sep 2016 status: published
- Published
- 2016
25. A staggered coupling strategy for the finite element analysis of warm deep drawing process
- Author
José Alves, Luís Menezes, J. M. P. Martins, Hervé Laurent, Patrick Cunha, Diogo M. Neto, Marta Oliveira, Universidade do Minho, Universidade de Coimbra [Coimbra], Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (IRDL), Université de Brest (UBO)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne (ENSTA Bretagne)-Université de Bretagne Sud (UBS), Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under UE/FEDER through the program COMPETE [UID/EMS/00285/2013, PTDC/EMS-TEC/0702/2014 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016779), PTDC/EMS-TEC/6400/2014(POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016876)], FCT [SFRH/BPD/101334/2014], Cardoso, RPR, Yoon, JW, Dick, RE, Neto, ES, DeSa, JMAC, and Adetoro, OB
- Subjects
Coupling ,0209 industrial biotechnology ,History ,Materials science ,Science & Technology ,Process (computing) ,Mechanical engineering ,Forming processes ,[CHIM.MATE]Chemical Sciences/Material chemistry ,02 engineering and technology ,Finite element method ,Isothermal process ,Computer Science Applications ,Education ,020303 mechanical engineering & transports ,020901 industrial engineering & automation ,0203 mechanical engineering ,Thermal ,Formability ,Deep drawing - Abstract
The thermomechanical finite element analysis of warm forming processes enables an improved comprehension of the process parameters affecting the material formability. However, the thermal and mechanical coupling problem is still a challenge from the computational standpoint. A staggered strategy for the thermomechanical coupling problem is presented in this study, which is based on an isothermal split approach and allows the treatment of the two problems separately. The exchange of information between the mechanical and the thermal problem is performed to achieve a compromise between computational cost and accuracy. The proposed algorithm was implemented in DD3IMP in-house finite element code. Its performance is analysed and compared with a classical strategy commonly employed for solving thermomechanical problems., The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under projects with reference UID/EMS/00285/2013, PTDC/EMS-TEC/0702/2014 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016779) and PTDC/EMS-TEC/6400/2014(POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016876) by UE/FEDER through the program COMPETE2020. The second author is also grateful to the FCT for the Postdoctoral grant SFRH/BPD/101334/2014., info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
- Published
- 2016
26. On stress measurement errors in biaxial tensile testing and the impact on yield surface identification
- Author
Toshihiko Kuwabara, Sam Coppieters, Tomoyuki Hakoyama, Daisaku Yanaga, Pascal Lava, Yoon, JW, Stoughton, TB, Rolfe, B, Beynon, JH, and Hodgson, P
- Subjects
Stress (mechanics) ,Engineering drawing ,Digital image correlation ,Materials science ,Cauchy stress tensor ,Yield surface ,visual_art ,visual_art.visual_art_medium ,Biaxial tensile test ,Composite material ,Gauge (firearms) ,Sheet metal ,Tensile testing - Abstract
In a biaxial tensile test on the sheet metal the calculation of the local stress tensor is based on the experimentally measured biaxial forces and surface strain at a well-defined position within the biaxial gauge area. The surface strains in this study are measured via our in-house digital image correlation system. A numerical method is proposed to estimate the influence of the experimental strain measurement error with respect to the stress error and the amount of plastic work per unit volume. In addition, the impact of the strain measurement error on the accuracy of yield surface identification is discussed.
- Published
- 2014
27. Influence of laser assisted single point incremental forming on the accuracy of shallow sloped parts
- Author
Hans Vanhove, Joost Duflou, Amirahmad Mohammadi, Albert Van Bael, Yoon, JW, Stoughton, TB, Rolfe, B, Beynon, JH, and Hodgson, P
- Subjects
Engineering ,Work (thermodynamics) ,Field (physics) ,business.industry ,Position (vector) ,Process (computing) ,Contact zone ,Mechanics ,Structural engineering ,Single point ,business ,Laser assisted ,Finite element method - Abstract
Inwards bulging of the bottom is a typical geometric inaccuracy in shallow sloped Single Point Incrementally Formed (SPIF) parts. In this work, the effect of applying a localized heated spot moving synchronously with the forming tool on the geometrical accuracy of shallow sloped parts has been studied. To investigate the bulging of the bottom the results of an experimentally validated three-dimensional elasto-plastic finite element modelhave been utilized. These results have been used to identify the contact zone between the tool and the sheet, during Laser Assisted SinglePoint Incremental Forming (LASPIF) process. Moreover, a three-dimensional transient heat transfer model was formulated to identify optimum process parameters for the heating process. FE modeling results have been validated by temperature field measurements obtained from IR camera observations and a good agreement between the experimental data and the model has been observed. Based on the selected process parameters different relative positioning strategies between the tool position and the dynamically heated spot have been selected. Geometrical accuracies and the process forces have been measured and the best forming strategy has been identified accordingly. ispartof: pages:864-867 ispartof: 9th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes: part A benchmark problems and results and part B general papers vol:1567 pages:864-867 ispartof: NUMISHEET 2014, International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes location:Melbourne, Australia date:6 Jan - 10 Jan 2014 status: published
- Published
- 2013
28. Advances in post-necking flow curve identification of sheet metal through standard tensile testing
- Author
Steven Cooreman, Sam Coppieters, Toshihiko Kuwabara, Dimitri Debruyne, Yoon, JW, Stoughton, TB, Rolfe, B, Beynon, JH, and Hodgson, P
- Subjects
Identification methods ,Materials science ,Flow curve ,business.industry ,visual_art ,visual_art.visual_art_medium ,Hardening (metallurgy) ,Bridgeman ,Structural engineering ,business ,Sheet metal ,Necking ,Tensile testing - Abstract
The standard tensile test is still the most common material test to identify the hardening behavior of sheet metal. When using standard equipment and well-known analytical formulas, however, the hardening behavior can only be identified up to the point of maximum uniform elongation. Several methods which deal with the problem of extended flow curve identification of sheet metal through a tensile test have been proposed in the past. This paper gives an overview of the four classes of methods to identify post-necking hardening behavior of sheet metal through tensile testing. In addition, identification methods from the first (average values across the neck), second (Bridgeman correction, modified Siebel and Schwaigerer correction) and third class (special case of the VFM) are used to identify the post-necking hardening behavior of DC05. Finally, these results are used to assess the validity of the different methods.
- Published
- 2013
29. Prediction of plastic instabilities under thermo-mechanical loadings in tension and simple shear
- Author
P.Y. Manach, S. Thuillier, L.F. Mansouri, Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (IRDL), Université de Bretagne Sud (UBS)-Université de Brest (UBO)-École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne (ENSTA Bretagne)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Cardoso, RPR, Yoon, JW, Dick, RE, Neto, ES, DeSa, JMAC, Adetoro, OB, and Chatel, Céline
- Subjects
History ,Yield (engineering) ,Materials science ,business.industry ,Tension (physics) ,02 engineering and technology ,Mechanics ,Structural engineering ,Strain rate ,Elasticity (physics) ,Atmospheric temperature range ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,[SPI.MECA.MEMA] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Mechanics [physics.med-ph]/Mechanics of materials [physics.class-ph] ,Computer Science Applications ,Education ,Simple shear ,Stress (mechanics) ,020303 mechanical engineering & transports ,0203 mechanical engineering ,[SPI.MECA.MEMA]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Mechanics [physics.med-ph]/Mechanics of materials [physics.class-ph] ,0210 nano-technology ,business ,Anisotropy - Abstract
International audience; Plastic instabilities like Portevin-Le Chatelier were quite thoroughly investigated experimentally in tension, under a large range of strain rates and temperatures. Such instabilities are characterized both by a jerky flow and a localization of the strain in bands. Similar phenomena were also recorded for example in simple shear [1]. Modelling of this phenomenon is mainly performed at room temperature, taking into account the strain rate sensitivity, though an extension of the classical Estrin-Kubin-McCormick was proposed in the literature, by making some of the material parameters dependent on temperature. A similar approach is considered in this study, furthermore extended for anisotropic plasticity with Hill's 1948 yield criterion. Material parameters are identified at 4 different temperatures, ranging from room temperature up to 250 degrees C. The identification procedure is split in 3 steps, related to the elasticity, the average stress level and the magnitude of the stress drops. The anisotropy is considered constant in this temperature range, as evidenced by experimental results [2]. The model is then used to investigate the temperature dependence of the critical strain, as well as its capability to represent the propagation of the bands. Numerical predictions of the instabilities in tension and simple shear at room temperature and up to 250 degrees C are compared with experimental results [3]. In the case of simple shear, a monotonic loading followed by unloading and reloading in the reverse direction ("Bauschinger-type" test) is also considered, showing that (i) kinematic hardening should be taken into account to fully describe the transition at re-yielding (ii) the modelling of the critical strain has to be improved.
- Published
- 2016
30. Development and validation of a novel AI framework using NLP with LLM integration for relevant clinical data extraction through automated chart review.
- Author
Dagli MM, Ghenbot Y, Ahmad HS, Chauhan D, Turlip R, Wang P, Welch WC, Ozturk AK, and Yoon JW
- Subjects
- Humans, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Electronic Health Records, Algorithms
- Abstract
The accurate extraction of surgical data from electronic health records (EHRs), particularly operative notes through manual chart review (MCR), is complex, crucial, and time-intensive, limited by human error due to fatigue and the level of training. This study aimed to develop and validate a novel Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithm integrated with a Large Language Model (LLM; GPT4-Turbo) to automate the extraction of spinal surgery data from EHRs. The algorithm employed a two-stage approach. Initially, a rule-based NLP framework reviewed and classified candidate segments from the text, preserving their reference segments. These segments were then verified in the second stage through the LLM. The primary outcomes of this study were the accurate extraction of surgical data, including the type of surgery, levels operated, number of disks removed, and presence of intraoperative incidental durotomies. Secondary objectives explored time efficiency, tokenization lengths, and costs. The performance of the algorithm was assessed across two validation databases, analyzing metrics such as accuracy, sensitivity, discrimination, F1-score, and precision, with 95% confidence intervals calculated using percentile-based bootstrapping. The NLP + LLM algorithm markedly outperformed all performance metrics, demonstrating significant improvements in time and cost efficiency. These results suggest the potential for widespread adoption of this technology., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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31. Suicidality is most centrally situated within network of depression symptom criteria in unipolar depression patients with mood stabilizer in Asia.
- Author
Yoon JW, Kim E, Jeong N, Kang M, Kim HS, Lee S, Yoon HJ, Kim SG, Na E, Yang H, Park JH, Yang SY, Lin SK, Zhu X, Xiang YT, Sim K, Tan CH, Grover S, Avasthi A, Kallivayalil RA, Maramis MM, Chee KY, Pariwatcharakul P, Oo T, Kato TA, Javed A, Chong MY, Sartorius N, Shinfuku N, Park J, and Park SC
- Subjects
- Humans, Adult, Male, Female, Middle Aged, Asia, Depressive Disorder, Treatment-Resistant drug therapy, Depressive Disorder, Treatment-Resistant diagnosis, Suicide, Attempted statistics & numerical data, Antimanic Agents therapeutic use, Antidepressive Agents therapeutic use, Depressive Disorder, Major drug therapy, Depressive Disorder, Major diagnosis, Depressive Disorder, Major epidemiology, Young Adult, Suicidal Ideation
- Abstract
Lithium and mood stabilizers are considered effective augmentation agents of antidepressants for treatment-resistant depression. Thus, this study aimed to estimate the network structure of depression symptom criteria among unipolar depression patients with mood stabilizers, using data from the Research on Asian Psychotropic Prescription Patterns for mood stabilizers (REAP-MS). We estimated a network of the 9 depression symptom criteria among 411 unipolar depression patients in Asia. Each of the depression symptom criteria was considered to be a dichotomous categorical variable. Suicidality (suicidal ideation or attempt) was the most centrally situated within the network of depression symptoms, followed by depressed mood, loss of energy, anhedonia and weight loss or gain. Contrastingly, concentration problem was the least interconnected. The depression symptom criteria were organized into 4 clusters by the community detection method. The findings suggest that suicidality may be one of the significant therapeutic target symptoms in unipolar depression patients with mood stabilizers., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest Seon-Cheol Park, an editorial board member of the Asian Journal of Psychiatry, was not involved in the evaluation of or decision to publish this article., (Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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32. Experimental evolution under different nutritional conditions changes the genomic architecture and virulence of Acinetobacter baumannii.
- Author
Yun S, Min J, Han S, Sim HS, Kim SK, Lee JB, Yoon JW, Yeom J, and Park W
- Subjects
- Virulence genetics, Animals, Mice, Humans, Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial genetics, Female, Genomics methods, Acinetobacter baumannii pathogenicity, Acinetobacter baumannii genetics, Acinetobacter Infections microbiology, Genome, Bacterial
- Abstract
This study uncovers the molecular processes governing the adaptive evolution of multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens without antibiotic pressure. Genomic analysis of MDR Acinetobacter baumannii cells cultured for 8000 generations under starvation conditions (EAB1) or nutrient-rich conditions (EAB2) revealed significant genomic changes, primarily by insertion sequence (IS)-mediated insertions and deletions. Only two Acinetobacter-specific prophage-related deletions and translocations were observed in the EAB1 strain. Both evolved strains exhibited higher virulence in mouse infection studies, each with different modes of action. The EAB1 strain displayed a heightened ability to cross the epithelial barrier of human lung tissue, evade the immune system, and spread to lung tissues, ultimately resulting in cellular mortality. In contrast, the EAB2 strain strongly attached to epithelial cells, leading to increased synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. The genomic alterations and increased virulence observed in evolved strains during short-term evolution underscore the need for caution when handling these pathogens, as these risks persist even without antibiotic exposure., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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33. Nesfatin-1 ameliorates pathological abnormalities in Drosophila hTau model of Alzheimer's disease.
- Author
Yang JY, Baek SE, Yoon JW, Kim HS, Kwon Y, and Yeom E
- Subjects
- Animals, Humans, Drosophila Proteins metabolism, Drosophila Proteins genetics, Drosophila melanogaster metabolism, DNA-Binding Proteins metabolism, DNA-Binding Proteins genetics, Calcium-Binding Proteins metabolism, Calcium-Binding Proteins genetics, Neuromuscular Junction metabolism, Neuromuscular Junction pathology, Animals, Genetically Modified, Drosophila, Locomotion, Longevity, Alzheimer Disease pathology, Alzheimer Disease metabolism, Nucleobindins metabolism, Nucleobindins genetics, tau Proteins metabolism, tau Proteins genetics, Disease Models, Animal
- Abstract
In human Alzheimer's disease (AD), the aggregation of tau protein is considered a significant hallmark, along with amyloid-beta. The formation of neurofibrillary tangles due to aberrant phosphorylation of tau disrupts microtubule stability, leading to neuronal toxicity, dysfunction, and subsequent cell death. Nesfatin-1 is a neuropeptide primarily known for regulating appetite and energy homeostasis. However, the function of Nesfatin-1 in a neuroprotective role has not been investigated. In this study, we aimed to elucidate the effect of Nesfatin-1 on tau pathology using the Drosophila model system. Our findings demonstrate that Nesfatin-1 effectively mitigates the pathological phenotypes observed in Drosophila human Tau overexpression models. Nesfatin-1 overexpression rescued the neurodegenerative phenotypes in the adult fly's eye and bristle. Additionally, Nesfatin-1 improved locomotive behavior, neuromuscular junction formation, and lifespan in the hTau AD model. Moreover, Nesfatin-1 controls tauopathy by reducing the protein level of hTau. Overall, this research highlights the potential therapeutic applications of Nesfatin-1 in ameliorating the pathological features associated with Alzheimer's disease., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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34. Spatial Pattern Analysis and Conservation Assessment of Apiaceae in Mongolia.
- Author
Urgamal M, Baasanmunkh S, Tsegmed Z, Oyuntsetseg B, Javzandolgor C, Yu SX, Yoon JW, Cygan MGW, and Choi HJ
- Abstract
The family Apiaceae, distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere, is the largest family of angiosperms. However, little is known about the conservation status, diversity, and distribution of Apiaceae species in Mongolia. This study had two main aims: (1) to assess the national status of Apiaceae species under IUCN Red List Criterion B; (2) to evaluate the species diversity and richness of Apiaceae across Mongolia. We utilized ConR packages to assess the national Red List status of all known Mongolian Apiaceae species by analyzing their most comprehensive occurrence records. The results indicated that 27 species were classified as threatened, including 4 Critically Endangered (CR), 9 Endangered (EN), and 14 Vulnerable (VU) species. Meanwhile, 39 species were assessed as non-threatened, with 2 Near Threatened (NT) species and 37 species of Least Concern (LC). Furthermore, detailed distribution maps for 66 Apiaceae species in Mongolia were presented. We assessed the species diversity and Shannon and Simpson diversity indices of Apiaceae by analyzing all occurrence records using the iNext package. Overall, the Hill diversity estimates indicate that the sampling conducted in Mongolia adequately captured species occurrences. For species pattern analysis, we examined the species richness, weighted endemism, and the corrected weighted endemism index using Biodiverse v.4.1 software. Mongolia was portioned into 715 grid cells based on 0.5° × 0.5° grid sizes (equivalent to approximately 50 × 50 km
2 ). There was a total of 3062 unique occurrences of all Apiaceae species across Mongolia. In the species richness analysis, we identified 10 grids that exhibited high species richness (18-29 species) and 36 grids with 11-17 species. For genus richness, we observed seven grids that exhibited a high genus richness of 16-22 genera. Furthermore, we analyzed species richness with a specific focus on threatened species, encompassing CR, EN, and VU species throughout Mongolia. A total of 92 grids contained at least one threatened species. There were six grids that had two to five threatened species, which were adequately covered by protected areas in western Mongolia. Overall, our results on species richness and conservation status will serve as important foundational research for future conservation and land management efforts in Mongolia.- Published
- 2024
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35. Banana Peel Extracts Enhance Climbing Ability and Extend Lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster .
- Author
Seo H, Yoon JW, Kwon Y, and Yeom E
- Abstract
Banana peels, often discarded as waste, represent one of the most abundant food by-products, highlighting the need for effective waste management and resource recycling strategies. Due to their rich nutritional content, banana peels have been investigated for various health benefits, including anti-obesity effects. In this study, we examined the potential anti-aging properties of banana peel extracts (BPEs) in Drosophila melanogaster . Our findings demonstrated that flies fed with BPEs exhibited an extended lifespan and a significant improvement in age-related decline in climbing ability. Additionally, Dilp2 mRNA expression level is markedly decreased in aged flies fed with BPEs. These results suggest that BPEs may serve as a potential anti-aging agent by enhancing locomotor function and extending lifespan, potentially through the modulation of insulin signaling in D. melanogaster ., Competing Interests: The authors declare no potential conflict of interest., (© Copyright 2024 The Korean Society of Developmental Biology.)
- Published
- 2024
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36. Rapamycin treatment during prolonged in vitro maturation enhances the developmental competence of immature porcine oocytes.
- Author
Lee SE, Lee HB, Yoon JW, Park HJ, Kim SH, Han DH, Lim ES, Kim EY, and Park SP
- Abstract
Porcine oocytes undergo in vitro maturation (IVM) for 42-44 h. During this period, most oocytes proceed to metaphase and then to pro-metaphase if the nucleus has sufficiently matured. Forty-four hours is sufficient for oocyte nuclear maturation but not for full maturation of the oocyte cytoplasm. This study investigated the influences of extension of the IVM duration with rapamycin treatment on molecular maturation factors. The phospho-p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) level was enhanced in comparison with the total p44/42 MAPK level after 52 h of IVM. Oocytes were treated with and without 10 μM rapamycin (10 R and 0 R, respectively) and examined after 52 h of IVM, whereas control oocytes were examined after 44 h of IVM. Phospho-p44/42 MAPK activity was upregulated the 10 R and 0 R oocytes than in control oocytes. The expression levels of maternal genes were highest in 10 R oocytes and were higher in 0 R oocytes than in control oocytes. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) activity was dramatically increased in 0 R oocytes but was similar in 10 R and control oocytes. The 10 R group exhibited an increased embryo development rate, a higher total cell number per blastocyst, and decreased DNA fragmentation. The mRNA level of development-related ( POU5F1 and NANOG ) mRNA, oocyte-apoptotic ( BCL2L1 ) genes were highest in 10 R blastocysts. These results suggest that prolonged IVM duration with rapamycin treatment represses ROS production and increases expression of molecular maturation factors. Therefore, this is a good strategy to enhance the developmental capacity in porcine oocytes., Competing Interests: No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported., (© Copyright 2024 Korean Society of Animal Science and Technology.)
- Published
- 2024
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37. The effect of chronic kidney disease on short-term single-level lumbar fusion outcomes.
- Author
Karsalia R, Xu E, Hejazi-Garcia C, Na J, McClintock SD, Yoon JW, Ozturk AK, Schuster JM, Marcotte PJ, and Malhotra NR
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Middle Aged, Aged, Retrospective Studies, Treatment Outcome, Postoperative Complications epidemiology, Adult, Length of Stay, Patient Readmission statistics & numerical data, Intraoperative Complications epidemiology, Spinal Fusion methods, Lumbar Vertebrae surgery, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic epidemiology, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic complications
- Abstract
Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has an increasing global prevalence and has previously been associated with increased complications and morbidity after spine surgery. Understanding the isolated effect of CKD on short-term patient outcomes is critical for optimizing perioperative risk management and healthcare utilization., Objective: The aim of this study is to utilize coarsened exact matching (CEM) to analyze the isolated effect of CKD on short-term patient outcomes in single-level posterior lumbar fusion surgery., Methods: A retrospective analysis of 4680 consecutive patients undergoing single-level, posterior-only lumbar fusion was performed. Univariate logistic regression comparing the odds of outcomes in patients with CKD (n=40) to patients without medical comorbidities (n=2329) was performed. CEM was then employed to match patients with CKD to those without any comorbidities 1:1 on ten patient characteristics known to affect neurosurgical outcomes. Primary outcomes included intraoperative complications, length of stay, discharge disposition, and 30-day Emergency Department (ED) visits, readmissions, reoperations, and mortality., Results: In a univariate logistic regression, CKD was associated with increased risk of 30-day ED visits (OR=3.53, p=0.003) but not complication, discharge disposition, or 30-day readmissions or reoperations. Between otherwise exactly matched patients (n=72), CKD similarly remained associated with an increased risk of 30-day ED visits (OR=7.00, p=0.034) and not with other outcomes., Conclusion: Between otherwise exactly matched patients undergoing single-level posterior lumbar fusion, CKD was related to increased risk of 30-day ED utilization but not other markers indicative of inferior surgical outcomes. Further study must investigate the reasons for increased ED visitation and implement risk-mitigation strategies for these patients., Competing Interests: Conflicts of Interest The authors have no personal or institutional conflicts of interest related to the data presented in this paper and/or the publication of this manuscript., (Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier B.V.)
- Published
- 2024
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38. Room Temperature Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide on Iron Metal-Organic Frameworks.
- Author
Daturi M, Blasin-Aubé V, Yoon JW, Bazin P, Vimont A, Chang JS, Hwang YK, Seo YK, Jang S, Chang H, Wuttke S, Horcajada P, Haneda M, and Serre C
- Abstract
Nitrogen oxides represent one of the main threats for the environment. Despite decades of intensive research efforts, a sustainable solution for NO
x removal under environmental conditions is still undefined. Using theoretical modelling, material design, state-of-the-art investigation methods and mimicking enzymes, it is found that selected porous hybrid iron(II/III) based MOF material are able to decompose NOx , at room temperature, in the presence of water and oxygen, into N2 and O2 and without reducing agents. This paves the way to the development of new highly sustainable heterogeneous catalysts to improve air quality., (© 2024 Wiley‐VCH GmbH.)- Published
- 2024
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39. Highly Selective and Reversible Detection of Simulated Breath Hydrogen Sulfide Using Fe-Doped CuO Hollow Spheres: Enhanced Surface Redox Reaction by Multi-Valent Catalysts.
- Author
Kim KB, Sohn MS, Min S, Yoon JW, Park JS, Li J, Moon YK, and Kang YC
- Abstract
The precise and reversible detection of hydrogen sulfide (H
2 S) at high humidity condition, a malodorous and harmful volatile sulfur compound, is essential for the self-assessment of oral diseases, halitosis, and asthma. However, the selective and reversible detection of trace concentrations of H2 S (≈0.1 ppm) in high humidity conditions (exhaled breath) is challenging because of irreversible H2 S adsorption/desorption at the surface of chemiresistors. The study reports the synthesis of Fe-doped CuO hollow spheres as H2 S gas-sensing materials via spray pyrolysis. 4 at.% of Fe-doped CuO hollow spheres exhibit high selectivity (response ratio ≥ 34.4) over interference gas (ethanol, 1 ppm) and reversible sensing characteristics (100% recovery) to 0.1 ppm of H2 S under high humidity (relative humidity 80%) at 175 °C. The effect of multi-valent transition metal ion doping into CuO on sensor reversibility is confirmed through the enhancement of recovery kinetics by doping 4 at.% of Ti- or Nb ions into CuO sensors. Mechanistic details of these excellent H2 S sensing characteristics are also investigated by analyzing the redox reactions and the catalytic activity change of the Fe-doped CuO sensing materials. The selective and reversible detection of H2 S using the Fe-doped CuO sensor suggested in this work opens a new possibility for halitosis self-monitoring., (© 2024 Wiley‐VCH GmbH.)- Published
- 2024
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40. Impact of clonal haematopoiesis on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease according to low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in general population.
- Author
Lee H, Song H, Choi SY, Koh Y, Ryu G, Park HE, Yoon JW, Kim MJ, Chung S, Bae JH, Choi SH, and Koo BK
- Subjects
- Humans, Middle Aged, Male, Female, Adult, Aged, Republic of Korea epidemiology, Risk Assessment, Coronary Artery Disease epidemiology, Coronary Artery Disease diagnostic imaging, Coronary Artery Disease blood, Risk Factors, Computed Tomography Angiography, Prevalence, Coronary Angiography, Mutation, Atherosclerosis epidemiology, Atherosclerosis blood, Atherosclerosis genetics, Cholesterol, LDL blood, Clonal Hematopoiesis, Biomarkers blood
- Abstract
Aims: Clonal haematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP), defined as a clonal expansion of age-related recurrent somatic mutations, has recently emerged as a novel cardiovascular risk factor. However, the precise role of CHIP in the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) remains unclear., Methods and Results: Among 4300 asymptomatic Korean participants aged 40-79 years, we investigated the risk of ASCVD by CHIP and the interplay between CHIP and conventional risk factors in ASCVD development. Additionally, we assessed changes in coronary arteries based on the presence of CHIP using coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). CHIP was present in 363 participants (8.4%), and its prevalence increased with age. Commonly mutated genes were DNMT3A, TET2, and ASXL1, in order. During the follow-up (median 4.7 years), 18 ASCVD cases (5.0%) were observed in CHIP carriers vs. 62 (1.6%) in non-carriers (P < 0.001), indicating an elevated risk of ASCVD associated with CHIP [adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 2.49; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.45-4.29; P < 0.001]. Notably, with high levels of LDL cholesterol, CHIP enhanced the risk of ASCVD (adjusted HR 6.20; 95% CI 3.14-12.23; P < 0.001), demonstrating synergism between CHIP and LDL cholesterol levels (S-index 4.94; 95% CI 1.08-22.53; P = 0.039). Serial CCTAs confirmed that CHIP, in conjunction with high LDL cholesterol levels, had a significant early impact on coronary arteries, revealing new measurable coronary atherosclerosis, mainly with unstable plaque, in proximal lesions., Conclusion: The presence of CHIP was significantly associated with the risk of ASCVD, promoting the early stage of atherosclerosis through synergy with high LDL cholesterol in the general population., Competing Interests: Conflict of interest: H.S. and Y.K. are shareholders of Genome Opinion, Inc. The content of this study has been applied for a patent with H.S. and S.Y.C., (© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.)
- Published
- 2024
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41. The overexpression of DSP1 in neurons induces neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration phenotypes in Drosophila.
- Author
Baek SE, Kwon Y, Yoon JW, Kim HS, Yang JY, Lee DS, and Yeom E
- Subjects
- Animals, Eye pathology, Longevity genetics, Transcription Factors metabolism, Transcription Factors genetics, Tyrosine 3-Monooxygenase metabolism, Tyrosine 3-Monooxygenase genetics, Drosophila melanogaster genetics, Drosophila melanogaster metabolism, Drosophila Proteins metabolism, Drosophila Proteins genetics, Nerve Degeneration pathology, Nerve Degeneration genetics, Neuromuscular Junction metabolism, Neuromuscular Junction pathology, Neurons metabolism, Neurons pathology, Phenotype
- Abstract
Dorsal switch protein 1(DSP1), a mammalian homolog of HMGB1, is firstly identified as a dorsal co-repressor in 1994. DSP1 contains HMG-box domain and functions as a transcriptional regulator in Drosophila melanogaster. It plays a crucial role in embryonic development, particularly in dorsal-ventral patterning during early embryogenesis, through the regulation of gene expression. Moreover, DSP1 is implicated in various cellular processes, including cell fate determination and tissue differentiation, which are essential for embryonic development. While the function of DSP1 in embryonic development has been relatively well-studied, its role in the adult Drosophila brain remains less understood. In this study, we investigated the role of DSP1 in the brain by using neuronal-specific DSP1 overexpression flies. We observed that climbing ability and life span are decreased in DSP1-overexpressed flies. Furthermore, these flies demonstrated neuromuscular junction (NMJ) defect, reduced eye size and a decrease in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive neurons, indicating neuronal toxicity induced by DSP1 overexpression. Our data suggest that DSP1 overexpression leads to neuronal dysfunction and toxicity, positioning DSP1 as a potential therapeutic target for neurodegenerative diseases., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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42. HL156A, an AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Activator, Inhibits Cyst Growth in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease.
- Author
Seo S, Kim H, Hwang JT, Kim JE, Kim J, Jeon S, Song YJ, Choi KH, Sim G, Cho M, Yoon JW, and Kim H
- Subjects
- Animals, Mice, Humans, Mice, Knockout, Cell Proliferation drug effects, Male, Disease Models, Animal, Cysts drug therapy, Cysts pathology, Cysts metabolism, Polycystic Kidney, Autosomal Dominant drug therapy, Polycystic Kidney, Autosomal Dominant metabolism, Polycystic Kidney, Autosomal Dominant pathology, Polycystic Kidney, Autosomal Dominant genetics, AMP-Activated Protein Kinases metabolism
- Abstract
Background: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most prevalent genetic kidney disorder. While metformin has demonstrated the ability to inhibit cyst growth in animal models of ADPKD via activation of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), its effectiveness in humans is limited due to its low potency. This study explored the impact of HL156A, a new and more potent AMPK activator, in a mouse model of ADPKD., Methods: To investigate whether HL156A inhibits the proliferation of renal cyst cells in ADPKD in vitro, exogenous human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT)-immortalized renal cyst cells from ADPKD patients were treated with HL156A, and an MTT (dimethylthiazol-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay was performed. To assess the cyst-inhibitory effect of HL156A in vivo, we generated Pkd1 conditional knockout (KO) mice with aquaporin 2 (AQP2)-Cre, which selectively expresses Cre recombinase in the collecting duct. The effectiveness of HL156A in inhibiting cyst growth and improving renal function was confirmed by measuring the number of cysts and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels in the collecting duct-specific Pkd1 KO mice., Results: When cyst cells were treated with up to 20 µM of metformin or HL156A, HL156A reduced cell viability by 25% starting at a concentration of 5 µM, whereas metformin showed no effect. When AQP2-Cre male mice were crossed with Pkd1
flox/flox female mice, and when AQP2-Cre female mice were crossed with Pkd1flox/flox male mice, the number of litters produced by both groups was comparable. In collecting duct-specific Pkd1 KO mice, HL156A was found to inhibit cyst growth, reducing both the number and size of cysts. Furthermore, it was confirmed that kidney function improved as HL156A treatment led to a reduction in elevated BUN levels. Lastly, it was observed that the increase in AMPK phosphorylation induced by HL156A decreased ERK phosphorylation and α-SMA expression., Conclusion: HL156A has potential as a drug that can restore kidney function in ADPKD patients by inhibiting cyst growth.- Published
- 2024
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43. Spirobenzofuran Mitigates Ochratoxin A-Mediated Intestinal Adverse Effects in Pigs through Regulation of Beta Defensin 1.
- Author
Yoon JW, Kim MO, Shin S, Kwon WS, Kim SH, Kwon YJ, and Lee SI
- Abstract
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) function to extensively suppress various problematic factors and are considered a new alternative for improving livestock health and enhancing immunomodulation. In this study, we explored whether AMP regulation has positive influences on Ochratoxin A (OTA) exposure using a porcine intestinal epithelial cell line (IPEC-J2 cells). We constructed a beta-defensin 1 (DEFB1) expression vector and used it to transfection IPEC-J2 cells to construct AMP overexpression cell lines. The results showed that OTA induced cytotoxicity, decreased cell migration, and increased inflammatory markers mRNA in IPEC-J2 cells. In DEFB1 overexpressing cell lines, OTA-induced reduced cell migration and increased inflammatory markers mRNA were alleviated. Additionally, a natural product capable of inducing DEFB1 expression, which was selected through high-throughput screening, showed significant alleviation of cytotoxicity, cell migration, and inflammatory markers compared to OTA-treated IPEC-J2 cells. Our finding provides novel insights and clues for the porcine industry, which is affected by OTA exposure.
- Published
- 2024
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44. Metabolic effects and cardiovascular disease risks of antiviral treatments in patients with chronic hepatitis B.
- Author
Shin H, Lim GS, Yoon JW, Ko Y, Park Y, Park J, Hur MH, Park MK, Cho Y, Lee YB, Cho EJ, Kim BH, Lee JH, Yu SJ, Yoon JH, and Kim YJ
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Middle Aged, Adult, Republic of Korea epidemiology, Dyslipidemias chemically induced, Dyslipidemias epidemiology, Cohort Studies, Guanine analogs & derivatives, Guanine therapeutic use, Guanine adverse effects, Alanine, Hepatitis B, Chronic drug therapy, Antiviral Agents therapeutic use, Antiviral Agents adverse effects, Tenofovir therapeutic use, Tenofovir adverse effects, Tenofovir analogs & derivatives, Cardiovascular Diseases
- Abstract
Different antiviral treatments for chronic hepatitis B (CHB) have been known to have different metabolic effects. This study aimed to reveal whether tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)-induced dyslipidemia and its associated outcomes are significant. This study utilized 15-year historical cohort including patients with CHB in Korea and consisted of two parts: the single-antiviral and switch-antiviral cohorts. In the single-antiviral cohort, patients were divided into four groups (entecavir [ETV]-only, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate [TDF]-only, TAF-only, and non-antiviral). Propensity score matching (PSM) and linear regression model were sequentially applied to compare metabolic profiles and estimated atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risks longitudinally. In the switch-antiviral cohort, pairwise analyses were conducted in patients who switched NAs to TAF or from TAF. In the single-antiviral cohort, body weight and statin use showed significant differences between groups before PSM, but well-balanced after PSM. Changes in total cholesterol were significantly different between groups (-2.57 mg/dL/year in the TDF-only group and +2.88 mg/dL/year in the TAF-only group; p = 0.002 and p = 0.02, respectively). In the TDF-only group, HDL cholesterol decreased as well (-0.55 mg/dL/year; p < 0.001). The TAF-only group had the greatest increase in ASCVD risk, followed by the TDF-only group and the non-antiviral group. In the switch-antiviral cohort, patients who switched from TDF to TAF had a higher total cholesterol after switching (+9.4 mg/dL/year) than before switching (-1.0 mg/dL/year; p = 0.047). Sensitivity analysis on data with an observation period set to a maximum of 3 years for NA treatment showed consistent results on total cholesterol (-2.96 mg/dL/year in the TDF-only group and +3.09 mg/dL/year in the TAF-only group; p = 0.001 and p = 0.005, respectively). Another sensitivity analysis conducted on statin-treated patients revealed no significant change in cholesterol and ASCVD risk. TAF was associated with increased total cholesterol, whereas TDF was associated with decreased total and HDL cholesterol. Both TAF and TDF were associated with increased ASCVD risks, and statin use might mitigate these risks., (© 2024 The Author(s). Journal of Medical Virology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.)
- Published
- 2024
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45. 3-Fucosyllactose-mediated modulation of immune response against virus infection.
- Author
Moon S, Lee KW, Park M, Moon J, Park SH, Kim S, Hwang J, Yoon JW, Jeon SM, Kim JS, Jeon YJ, and Kweon DH
- Subjects
- Animals, Mice, Humans, A549 Cells, Orthomyxoviridae Infections immunology, Orthomyxoviridae Infections drug therapy, Female, SARS-CoV-2 immunology, SARS-CoV-2 drug effects, Antiviral Agents pharmacology, COVID-19 immunology, Mice, Inbred BALB C, Disease Models, Animal, Dietary Supplements, Nitric Oxide metabolism, Influenza, Human immunology, Influenza, Human prevention & control, Influenza, Human virology, Lung immunology, Lung virology, Oligosaccharides, Trisaccharides pharmacology, Trisaccharides immunology
- Abstract
Viral pathogens, particularly influenza and SARS-CoV-2, pose a significant global health challenge. Given the immunomodulatory properties of human milk oligosaccharides, in particular 2'-fucosyllactose and 3-fucosyllactose (3-FL), we investigated their dietary supplementation effects on antiviral responses in mouse models. This study revealed distinct immune modulations induced by 3-FL. RNA-sequencing data showed that 3-FL increased the expression of interferon receptors, such as Interferon Alpha and Beta Receptor (IFNAR) and Interferon Gamma Receptor (IFNGR), while simultaneously downregulating interferons and interferon-stimulated genes, an effect not observed with 2'-fucosyllactose supplementation. Such modulation enhanced antiviral responses in both cell culture and animal models while attenuating pre-emptive inflammatory responses. Nitric oxide concentrations in 3-FL-supplemented A549 cells and mouse lung tissues were elevated exclusively upon infection, reaching 5.8- and 1.9-fold increases over control groups, respectively. In addition, 3-FL promoted leukocyte infiltration into the site of infection upon viral challenge. 3-FL supplementation provided protective efficacy against lethal influenza challenge in mice. The demonstrated antiviral efficacy spanned multiple influenza strains and extended to SARS-CoV-2. In conclusion, 3-FL is a unique immunomodulator that helps protect the host from viral infection while suppressing inflammation prior to infection., (Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd and International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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46. Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Zinc Oxide and Berberine in Rats with Dextran Sulfate Sodium (DSS)-Induced Colitis.
- Author
Kim SH, Lee R, Yoon JW, Cheong HT, Ra CS, Rhee KJ, Park J, and Jung BD
- Abstract
Zinc oxide (ZnO) is frequently used in high concentrations to prevent diarrhea in weaning pigs. However, it can produce environmental pollution, because it is not absorbed by the intestines and is excreted in the feces. In studies to identify an alternative substance to ZnO, we used a model of colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) in rats to compare the anti-inflammatory effects of berberine with ZnO. DSS-treated rats displayed weight loss, shortening of the colon, increased fecal water content, and an increase in the disease activity index (DAI). In contrast, DSS + ZnO- and DSS + berberine-treated rats exhibited reduced colon shortening, decreased fecal water content, and a decrease in the DAI. Histological analysis revealed that both ZnO and berberine treatment reduced epithelial cell damage, crypt destruction, and infiltration of inflammatory cells. Moreover, the liver damage index was not significantly different between ZnO and berberine-treated rats. This study indicated that both ZnO and berberine can improve DSS-induced colitis in rats and suggests berberine as an alternative treatment to ZnO that would not cause environmental pollution., Competing Interests: We certify that there are no conflicts of interest with any financial organization regarding the material discussed in the manuscript.
- Published
- 2024
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47. Compact coherent perfect absorbers using topological guided-mode resonances.
- Author
Park CY, Lee KY, Choi YS, and Yoon JW
- Abstract
We propose a topological coherent perfect absorber that enables almost ideal performance with remarkably compact device footprint and tight incident beams. The proposed structure is based on a topological junction of two guided-mode-resonance gratings. The structure provides robust systematic ways of remarkably tight lateral confinement of the absorbing resonance mode and near-perfect mode-match to arbitrary incident beams, which are unavailable with the conventional approaches. We demonstrate an exemplary amorphous Si thin-film structure that enables near-perfect absorptance modulation between 1.7 and 99% with device footprint width of 30-μm and 10-μm-wide incident Gaussian beams. Therefore, our proposed approach greatly improves practicality of guided-mode-resonance coherent perfect absorbers., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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48. Clinical Accuracy, Relevance, Clarity, and Emotional Sensitivity of Large Language Models to Surgical Patient Questions: Cross-Sectional Study.
- Author
Dagli MM, Oettl FC, Gujral J, Malhotra K, Ghenbot Y, Yoon JW, Ozturk AK, and Welch WC
- Abstract
This cross-sectional study evaluates the clinical accuracy, relevance, clarity, and emotional sensitivity of responses to inquiries from patients undergoing surgery provided by large language models (LLMs), highlighting their potential as adjunct tools in patient communication and education. Our findings demonstrated high performance of LLMs across accuracy, relevance, clarity, and emotional sensitivity, with Anthropic's Claude 2 outperforming OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard, suggesting LLMs' potential to serve as complementary tools for enhanced information delivery and patient-surgeon interaction., (©Mert Marcel Dagli, Felix Conrad Oettl, Jaskeerat Gujral, Kashish Malhotra, Yohannes Ghenbot, Jang W Yoon, Ali K Ozturk, William C Welch. Originally published in JMIR Formative Research (https://formative.jmir.org), 07.06.2024.)
- Published
- 2024
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49. NUCB1 is required for proper insulin signaling to control longevity in Drosophila.
- Author
Yoon JW, Baek SE, Yang JY, and Yeom E
- Subjects
- Animals, DNA-Binding Proteins genetics, DNA-Binding Proteins metabolism, Forkhead Transcription Factors metabolism, Forkhead Transcription Factors genetics, Gene Knockdown Techniques, Drosophila melanogaster genetics, Drosophila Proteins genetics, Drosophila Proteins metabolism, Insulin metabolism, Longevity physiology, Longevity genetics, Signal Transduction physiology
- Abstract
Aim: We examined the novel role of NUCB1(Nucleobindin-1) associated with longevity in Drosophila melanogaster., Methods: We measured the lifespan, metabolic phenotypes, and mRNA levels of Drosophila insulin-like peptides (Dilps), the protein level of phosphorylated AKT, and the localization of FOXO and its target gene expressions in the NUCB1 knockdown condition., Results: NUCB1 knockdown flies show an extended lifespan and metabolic phenotypes such as increased circulating glucose level and starvation resistance. The mRNA expression levels of Dilps and the protein level of phosphorylated AKT, a downstream component of insulin signaling, were decreased in NUCB1 knockdown flies compared with the control flies. Also, the nuclear localization of FOXO and its target gene expressions, such as d4E-BP and InR, were elevated., Conclusions: The results show that NUCB1 knockdown flies exhibits an extended lifespan. These findings suggest that NUCB1 modulates longevity through insulin signaling in Drosophila. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2024; 24: 486-492., (© 2024 Japan Geriatrics Society.)
- Published
- 2024
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50. Characterization of Salmonella species from poultry slaughterhouses in South Korea: carry-over transmission of Salmonella Thompson ST292 in slaughtering process.
- Author
Cheong Y, Lee JB, Kim SK, and Yoon JW
- Subjects
- Animals, Republic of Korea epidemiology, Poultry Diseases microbiology, Poultry Diseases transmission, Poultry Diseases epidemiology, Phylogeny, Salmonella Infections, Animal microbiology, Salmonella Infections, Animal transmission, Salmonella Infections, Animal epidemiology, Food Microbiology, Poultry microbiology, Serogroup, Meat microbiology, Abattoirs, Salmonella genetics, Salmonella isolation & purification, Salmonella classification, Salmonella physiology, Chickens
- Abstract
Importance: Salmonella outbreaks linked to poultry meat have been reported continuously worldwide. Therefore, Salmonella contamination of poultry meats in slaughterhouses is one of the critical control points for reducing disease outbreaks in humans., Objective: This study examined the carry-over contamination of Salmonella species through the entire slaughtering process in South Korea., Methods: From 2018 to 2019, 1,097 samples were collected from the nine slaughterhouses distributed nationwide. One hundred and seventeen isolates of Salmonella species were identified using the invA gene-specific polymerase chain reaction, as described previously. The serotype, phylogeny, and antimicrobial resistance of isolates were examined., Results: Among the 117 isolates, 93 were serotyped into Salmonella Mbandaka (n = 36 isolates, 30.8%), Salmonella Thompson (n = 33, 28.2%), and Salmonella Infantis (n = 24, 20.5%). Interestingly, allelic profiling showed that all S . Mbandaka isolates belonged to the lineage of the sequence type (ST) 413, whereas all S . Thompson isolates were ST292. Moreover, almost all S . Thompson isolates (97.0%, 32/33 isolates) belonging to ST292 were multidrug-resistant and possessed the major virulence genes whose products are required for full virulence. Both serotypes were distributed widely throughout the slaughtering process. Pulsed-field gel electrophoretic analysis demonstrated that seven S . Infantis showed 100% identities in their phylogenetic relatedness, indicating that they were sequentially transmitted along the slaughtering processes., Conclusions and Relevance: This study provides more evidence of the carry-over transmission of Salmonella species during the slaughtering processes. ST292 S . Thompson is a potential pathogenic clone of Salmonella species possibly associated with foodborne outbreaks in South Korea., Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflicts of interest., (© 2024 The Korean Society of Veterinary Science.)
- Published
- 2024
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