277 results on '"Vnučec, Ivan"'
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2. The occurrence of myopathies and meat abnormalities in modern broiler farming
- Author
Vučković, Marija, Vnučec, Ivan, Janječić, Zlatko, Bedeković, Dalibor, Pleadin, Jelka, Jůzl, Miroslav, Kos, Ivica, Vučković, Marija, Vnučec, Ivan, Janječić, Zlatko, Bedeković, Dalibor, Pleadin, Jelka, Jůzl, Miroslav, and Kos, Ivica
- Abstract
Over the past few decades, there has been a significant increase in the production and consumption of poultry meat due to its high-quality nutritional profile, relatively low production costs, and ease of meat processing. This growing demand has led to progressive improvements in genetic selection for fast-growing broilers, triggering several spontaneous idiopathic muscle abnormalities along with an increased susceptibility to stress-induced myopathy. These muscle abnormalities have a negative impact on the quality of both fresh and processed chicken meat, primarily affecting the large breast muscle (m. pectoralis major) of broilers, which is also the most valuable part of the carcass. Frequent meat abnormalities include the occurrence of pale, soft, and exudative meat, primarily characterized by reduced water-holding capacity, while Deep Pectoral Myopathy results in a change in colour and a significant reduction in the attractive appearance of the small breast muscle (m. pectoralis minor). Myopathies labelled as "White Striping" are characterized by superficial white stripes, "Wooden Breast" is marked by pale and bulging areas of significant hardness, while "Spaghetti Meat" is described by the separation of muscle fibres resembling spaghetti pasta. These mentioned abnormalities and myopathies negatively impact the economic aspect of the poultry industry during the removal of affected parts and, furthermore, reduce the qualitative and nutritional value of the meat, posing challenges during technological processes. This paper describes recent findings on the occurrence, characteristics, and prevalence of the most common myopathies affecting modern broiler farming., Tijekom posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća značajno je povećana proizvodnja i konzumacija pilećeg mesa upravo zbog njegovog visokokvalitetnog nutritivnog profila, relativno niskih proizvodnih troškova i jednostavnosti obrade. Ovaj rastući zahtjev doveo je do progresivnih poboljšanja genetske selekcije za brzorastuće brojlere, pokrećući pritom nekoliko spontanih idiopatskih mišićnih abnormalnosti, zajedno s povećanom osjetljivošću na stresom potaknute miopatije. Te mišićne abnormalnosti negativno utječu na kvalitetu svježeg i obrađenog pilećeg mesa, prvenstveno velikog prsnog mišića (m. pectoralis major) brojlera, koji je istovremeno i najvrjedniji dio trupa. Učestale abnormalnosti mesa uključuju pojavu blijedog, mekanog i vodnjikavog mesa, uglavnom karakteriziranog smanjenom sposobnošću zadržavanja vode, dok miopatija dubokog prsnog mišića rezultira promjenom boje i značajno manjom privlačnošću izgleda malog prsnog mišića (m. pectoralis minor). Miopatije označene kao "bijele pruge" karakterizirane su površinskim bijelim prugama, "drvena prsa" su obilježena blijedim i ispupčenim područjima značajne tvrdoće, dok je "špageti meso" opisano odvajanjem mišićnih vlakana prsnog mišića, nalikujući špagetima. Navedene abnormalnosti i miopatije negativno utječu na ekonomski aspekt peradarske industrije, zbog nužnog uklanjanja zahvaćenih dijelova mišića, a dodatno smanjuju kvalitativnu i nutritivnu vrijednost mesa, postavljajući izazove tijekom tehnoloških procesa prerade. Ovaj rad opisuje recentna saznanja o pojavnosti, karakteristikama i učestalosti najčešćih miopatija koje pogađaju suvremeni uzgoj brojlera., In den letzten Jahrzehnten sind die Produktion und der Verzehr von Geflügelfleisch aufgrund des hochwertigen Nährwertprofils, der relativ niedrigen Produktionskosten und der einfachen Verarbeitung des Fleisches erheblich gestiegen. Diese wachsende Nachfrage hat zu einer fortschreitenden Verbesserung der genetischen Selektion für schnell wachsende Masthühner geführt, was mehrere spontane idiopathische Muskelanomalien sowie eine erhöhte Anfälligkeit für stressbedingte Myopathie zur Folge hatte. Diese Muskelanomalien wirken sich negativ auf die Qualität von frischem und verarbeitetem Hähnchenfleisch aus und betreffen vor allem den großen Brustmuskel (m. pectoralis major) von Masthähnchen, der auch der wertvollste Teil des Schlachtkörpers ist. Zu den häufigen Fleischanomalien gehört das Auftreten von blassem, weichem und exsudativem Fleisch, das in erster Linie durch eine verringerte Wasserbindungskapazität gekennzeichnet ist, während die tiefe Brustmuskelmyopathie zu einer Farbveränderung und einer deutlichen Verminderung des attraktiven Aussehens des kleinen Brustmuskels (m. pectoralis minor) führt. Myopathien mit der Bezeichnung "White Striping" sind durch oberflächliche weiße Streifen gekennzeichnet, "Wooden Breast" ist durch blasse und wulstige Bereiche von erheblicher Härte gekennzeichnet, während "Spaghetti Meat" durch die Trennung von Muskelfasern beschrieben wird, die an Spaghetti-Nudeln erinnern. Die genannten Anomalien und Myopathien wirken sich bei der Entfernung der betroffenen Teile negativ auf den wirtschaftlichen Aspekt der Geflügelindustrie aus und verringern darüber hinaus den qualitativen und ernährungsphysiologischen Wert des Fleisches, was bei technologischen Prozessen zu Problemen führt. In diesem Beitrag werden aktuelle Erkenntnisse über das Auftreten, die Merkmale und die Prävalenz der häufigsten Myopathien in der modernen Masthähnchenhaltung beschrieben., Durante las últimas décadas, ha habido un aumento significativo en la producción y consumo de carne de pollo debido a su perfil nutricional de alta calidad, costos de producción relativamente bajos y facilidad de procesamiento. Esta creciente demanda ha llevado a mejoras progresivas en la selección genética para pollos de engorde de crecimiento rápido, desencadenando varias miopatías musculares idiopáticas espontáneas, junto con una mayor sensibilidad a las miopatías inducidas por el estrés. Estas anormalidades musculares afectan negativamente la calidad de la carne fresca y procesada de pollo, principalmente en el músculo pectoral mayor (m. pectoralis major) de los pollos de engorde, que al mismo tiempo es la parte más valiosa del cuerpo. Las anormalidades frecuentes en la carne incluyen la aparición de carne pálida, blanda y acuosa, generalmente caracterizada por una capacidad reducida para retener agua, mientras que la miopatía del músculo pectoral profundo resulta en un cambio de color y una apariencia significativamente menos atractiva del músculo pectoral menor (m. pectoralis minor). Las miopatías denominadas “estriaciones blancas" se caracterizan por líneas blancas superficiales, las "pechugas de madera" se caracterizan por áreas pálidas y abultadas de considerable dureza, mientras que la "pechuga espagueti" se describe por la separación de las fibras musculares del músculo pectoral, pareciendo fideos. Estas anormalidades y miopatías afectan negativamente el aspecto económico de la industria avícola debido a la necesidad de eliminar las partes afectadas del músculo y reducen aún más el valor cualitativo y nutricional de la carne, presentando desafíos durante los procesos tecnológicos de procesamiento. Este trabajo describe los conocimientos recientes sobre la prevalencia, características y frecuencia de las miopatías más comunes que afectan a la cría moderna de pollos de engorde., Negli ultimi decenni la produzione e il consumo di carne di pollo sono aumentati in modo significativo proprio per il suo elevato profilo nutrizionale, i costi di produzione relativamente bassi e la facilità di lavorazione. Questa crescente domanda ha portato a progressivi miglioramenti nella selezione genetica dei broiler (polli da carne) a crescita rapida, determinando però diverse anomalie muscolari idiopatiche spontanee, insieme ad una maggiore suscettibilità alla miopatia indotta dallo stress. Queste anomalie muscolari influiscono negativamente sulla qualità della carne di pollo fresca e lavorata, in primo luogo sul grande muscolo pettorale (M. pectoralis major) dei polli da carne, che è anche la parte più pregiata della carcassa. Tra le anomalie più frequenti segnaliamo quella in cui la carne del pollo si presenta pallida, morbida e acquosa (carne PSE), caratterizzata principalmente da una ridotta capacità di trattenere l'acqua, mentre la miopatia del pettorale profondo determina un cambiamento di colore e un aspetto significativamente meno attraente del muscolo piccolo pettorale (m. pectoralis minor). La miopatia definita a “strisce bianche” è caratterizzata da striature bianche superficiali, quella definita del “petto legnoso” è caratterizzata da zone pallide e rigonfie di notevole durezza, mentre quella del “muscolo a spaghetti” è caratterizzata dalla separazione delle miofibre del muscolo pettorale, somiglianti a degli spaghetti. Le suddette anomalie e miopatie influiscono negativamente sull'aspetto economico dell'industria del pollame, vista la necessità di rimuovere le parti muscolari interessate, e riducono altresì il valore qualitativo e nutrizionale della carne, rendendo più complicato il processo tecnologico di lavorazione. Questo articolo descrive le recenti conoscenze sulla comparsa, le caratteristiche e la frequenza delle miopatie più comuni che colpiscono il moderno allevamento dei polli da carn
- Published
- 2024
3. Pokazatelji proizvodnje mesa različitih sojeva posavske kukmaste kokoši
- Author
BEDEKOVIĆ, Dalibor, JELENIĆ, Filip, JANJEČIĆ, Zlatko, ŠIRIĆ, Ivan, KOS, Ivica, VNUČEC, Ivan, KONJAČIĆ, Miljenko, PRPIĆ, Zvonimir, DUVNJAK, Gordana, KIŠ, Goran, BEDEKOVIĆ, Dalibor, JELENIĆ, Filip, JANJEČIĆ, Zlatko, ŠIRIĆ, Ivan, KOS, Ivica, VNUČEC, Ivan, KONJAČIĆ, Miljenko, PRPIĆ, Zvonimir, DUVNJAK, Gordana, and KIŠ, Goran
- Abstract
Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi proizvodne i klaoničke pokazatelje posavske kukmaste kokoši. Istraživanje je provedeno na pet sojeva pasmine posavska kukmasta kokoš, i to: žuto grahorasti, grahorasti, crveno šareni, svijetlo sivi i zlatno smeđi soj. Hranidba je tijekom čitavog istraživanja bila ad libitum te je s nutritivnog gledišta bila prilagođena dobi pilića. Odvajanje pilića po spolu izvršeno je u dobi od četiri tjedna, dok je klanje pijetlova i određivanje klaoničkih pokazatelja provedeno u dobi od 18 tjedana. Najveću prosječnu tjelesnu masu u dobi od 18 tjedana ostvarili su pijetlovi svijetlo sivog i žuto grahorastog soja (3542,63 g i 3430,38 g), odnosno pilenke svijetlo sivog soja (2562 g). Najnižu konverziju krmne smjese sa četiri tjedna starosti ostvarili su pilići svijetlo sivog soja (2,39), a sa 18 tjedana starosti pjetlići svijetlo sivog soja (4,07), odnosno pilenke žuto grahorastog i svijetlo sivog soja (4,08). Prosječan randman klanja je iznosio 71,54%, a najviši je bio u crveno šarenog soja (72,48%). U pogledu udjela pojedinih dijelova trupa, značajan (P < 0,05) utjecaj soja razvidan je u udjelu bataka u trupu, čiji je udio najveći u žuto grahorastog soja (18,69%). Značajan utjecaj soja utvrđen je također u pogledu L* (P < 0,01) i a* (P < 0,05) pokazatelja boje kože. Obzirom na utvrđene razlike između sojeva potrebno je provoditi daljnju selekciju i raditi na uniformiranosti pasmine., This research aimed to determine the meat production indicators and carcass traits of Posavska crested hen, which is the Croatian indigenous chicken breed. The research was carried out on five strains of the Posavska crested hen breed: yellow vetch, vetch, red colourful, light gray, and golden brown. Feeding was ad libitum for the whole time, adapted to the age of the chickens from a nutritional point of view. Separation by sex was carried out at the age of four weeks, while slaughter of roosters and determination of carcass traits was done at the age of 18 weeks. The highest average body weight was achieved by roosters of light gray and yellow vetch strain (3542.63 and 3430.38 g, respectively) and light gray pullets (2562 g) at the age of 18 weeks. The lowest feed conversion ratio was achieved by the light gray strain (2.39) at four weeks of age, and by the the roosters of the light gray strain (4.07) and pullets of the light gray and golden brown strain (4.08) at 18 weeks of age. The average dressing percentage was 71.54%, while the highest average dressing percentage was established in the red colourful strain (72.48%). Regarding the proportion of individual parts of the carcass, a significant (P < 0.05) influence of the strain can be seen in the proportion of drumsticks in the carcass, the proportion of which was the highest in the yellow vetch strain (18.69%). A significant influence of the strain was also found regarding L* (P < 0.01) and a* (P < 0.05) skin color indicators. Considering the established differences between the strains, it is necessary to carry out further selection and work on the uniformity of the breed.
- Published
- 2024
4. Meat production indicators of different strains of Posavska crested hen
- Author
BEDEKOVIĆ, Dalibor, primary, JELENIĆ, Filip, additional, JANJEČIĆ, Zlatko, additional, ŠIRIĆ, Ivan, additional, KOS, Ivica, additional, VNUČEC, Ivan, additional, KONJAČIĆ, Miljenko, additional, PRPIĆ, Zvonimir, additional, DUVNJAK, Gordana, additional, and KIŠ, Goran, additional
- Published
- 2024
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5. L’impatto del metano sull’emissione dei gas serra e l’impronta ecologica dei prodotti d’origine animale
- Author
Kiš, Goran, primary, Kos, Ivica, additional, Bedeković, Dalibor, additional, Vnučec, Ivan, additional, and Janječić, Zlatko, additional
- Published
- 2023
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6. Sensory and Nutritional Characterization of Six Different Types of Croatian Traditional Meat Product Characterization of Croatian Traditional Meat Products.
- Author
Kudumija, Nina, Kos, Ivica, Lešić, Tina, Vahčić, Nada, Vulić, Ana, Polak, Tomaž, Krešić, Greta, Vnučec, Ivan, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Škrivanko, Mario, Bogdanović, Tanja, and Pleadin, Jelka
- Subjects
MEAT ,CROATS ,SAUSAGES ,CONSUMER preferences ,FATTY acid analysis ,NUTRITIONAL value ,LEUCINE ,AMINO acids - Abstract
The aim of this study was to determine quality parameters of Croatian traditional meat products (TMPs) via the analysis of their sensory and nutritive parameters, including physicochemical properties, fatty acid profile, mineral content, and amino acid composition. Over 2020 and 2021, a diverse collection of 242 dry-fermented sausages and dry-cured TMPs from various rural households was assessed. Sensory evaluations highlighted their satisfactory qualities, with moderate salinity and a unique taste profile characterized by a slight bitterness, with low sweetness and sourness levels. Detailed analyses revealed significant differences (p<0.05) across samples in key parameters such as water activity, pH, moisture, ash, fat, protein, carbohydrate, and NaCl content, as well as in the fatty acid profile and mineral content, underscoring the diversity and richness of these products. Amino acids such as alanine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, and proline were present in high amounts in all samples, largely varying in their content within the same product type. The findings underscore the high quality and distinctiveness of Croatian TMPs, attributed to varied recipes and production techniques across different regions, suggesting the potential for standardization and further quality enhancement. Despite the presence of saturated fats and salt, the nutritional value of these TMPs, marked by high protein content and essential minerals, aligns with health-conscious consumer trends, presenting an opportunity for increased global appreciation of these artisanal products. The positive results from the sensory analysis underscore the TMPs' ability to align with consumer taste preferences, thereby affirming their reputation as a national delicacy. This could represent a promising direction for future research, focusing on the refinement of production and marketing strategies to attract a global audience, especially those with a preference for health-conscious and traditional culinary options. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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7. Utjecaj smanjenja količine kantaksantina u krmnim smjesama na boju kože i mesa te senzorska svojstva mesa brojlera
- Author
Kos, ivica, primary, Janječić, Zlatko, additional, Bedeković, Dalibor, additional, Kiš, Goran, additional, Širić, Ivan, additional, Vnučec, Ivan, additional, and Crnčec, Tomislav, additional
- Published
- 2023
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8. Turopolje Pig (Turopoljska svinja)
- Author
Karolyi, Danijel, primary, Luković, Zoran, additional, Salajpal, Krešimir, additional, Škorput, Dubravko, additional, Vnučec, Ivan, additional, Mahnet, Željko, additional, Klišanić, Vedran, additional, and Batorek-Lukač, Nina, additional
- Published
- 2019
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9. Utjecaj smanjenja količine kantaksantina u krmnim smjesama na boju kože i mesa te senzorska svojstva mesa brojlera
- Author
Kos, Ivica, Janječić, Zlatko, Bedeković, Dalibor, Kiš, Goran, Širić, Ivan, Vnučec, Ivan, Crnčec, Tomislav, Kos, Ivica, Janječić, Zlatko, Bedeković, Dalibor, Kiš, Goran, Širić, Ivan, Vnučec, Ivan, and Crnčec, Tomislav
- Abstract
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi učinak smanjenja dodatka kantaksantina u krmne smjese za tov brojlera na boju kože i mesa te senzorska svojstva mesa. Istraživanje je provedeno na 200 pilića koji su hranjeni 40 dana i raspoređeni u 4 tretmana i 5 ponavljanja. Pokusne krmne smjese bile su jednakih sirovinskih receptura, a količina kantaksantina bila je najvećeg dozvoljenog iznosa od 25 mg/kg krmne smjese (tretman P100) ili je bila na razini 80 % (tretman P80), 60 % (tretman P60) ili 40 % (tretman P40) od najvećeg dozvoljenog iznosa. Istraživanjem je ustanovljena dosljedna promjena boje vanjskih i unutrašnjih površina kože kao i svježeg, odmrznutog i toplinski obrađenog prsnog mišića pri smanjenom dodatku kantaksantina. Pritom je boja kože ili prsnog mišića bila svjetlija, manje crvena i žuta te manje zasićena, dok utjecaj na nijansu boje nije uočen. Istraživanjem su ustanovljene statistički značajne razlike u svjetlini L*, crvenilu a*, žutilu b* i zasićenosti boje C* između tretmana s najvećim dodatkom kantaksantina i tretmana P40. Pored toga, statističke značajne razlike između tretmana s najvećim dodatkom kantaksantina i tretmana P60 utvrđene su samo za žutilo b* i zasićenost boje C*, dok smanjenje količine kantaksantina u tretmanu P80 nije utjecalo na boju. Senzorskim analizama nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između tretmana, ali je pri primjeni metode analiziranje kažnjavanja ustanovljeno značajno smanjenje prosjeka dopadljivosti izgleda kod 40 do 60 % ocjenjivača kada je boja toplinski obrađenog mesa bila označena kao jako izražena ili kao preslabo izražena. Slijedom tog, može se zaključiti da je smanjenje dodatka kantaksantina u krmne smjese za tov brojlera kao kod tretmana P80 i P60 moguć, a rezultati ukazuju da može biti opravdan radi veće prihvatljivosti boje., The aim of this paper was to determine the effects of reduced addition of canthaxanthin to broiler feed mixtures on skin and meat colour and sensory properties of the meat. The study was conducted on 200 chickens fed for 40 days, divided into 4 treatments and 5 replicates. The experimental feed mixtures consisted of the same raw recipes and the amount of canthaxanthin was maximum allowable amount of 25 mg/kg feed mixture (treatment P100) or was at the level of 80% (treatment P80), 60% (treatment P60) or 40% (treatment P40) of the maximum allowable amount. A consistent change in the colour of the external and internal surfaces of the skin and fresh, thawed and heat-treated breast muscle was observed with reduced addition of canthaxanthin. At the same time, the colour of the skin or breast muscle was lighter, less red and yellow and less saturated, while the effect on colour hue was not observed. The study found statistically significant differences in brightness L*, redness a*, yellowness b* and colour saturation C* between the treatment with the highest addition of canthaxanthin and the treatment P40. In addition, statistically significant differences between the treatment with the highest addition of canthaxanthin and the treatment P60 were only found for yellowness b* and colour saturation C*, while a reduction in the amount of canthaxanthin in treatment P80 had no effect on colour. Sensory analyses did not reveal statistically significant differences between treatments, but when the Penalty Analysis method was used, a decrease in average likeability of appearance was found in 40- 60% of assessors when the colour of the heat-treated meat was rated as strongly expressed or as too weakly expressed. This suggests that a reduction in canthaxanthin addition to broiler feed mixtures as in treatments P80 and P60 is possible, and the results show that this can be justified in the interest of better colour acceptability., Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Auswirkungen einer reduzierten Zugabe von Canthaxanthin zu Masthähnchenfuttermischungen auf die Haut- und Fleischfarbe sowie die sensorischen Eigenschaften des Fleisches zu bestimmen. Die Studie wurde an 200 Hühnern durchgeführt, die 40 Tage lang gefüttert wurden, aufgeteilt in 4 Behandlungen und 5 Wiederholungen. Die Versuchsfuttermischungen bestanden aus denselben Rohrezepturen und die Menge an Canthaxanthin entsprach der zulässigen Höchstmenge von 25 mg/kg Futtermischung (Behandlung P100) oder lag bei 80 % (Behandlung P80), 60 % (Behandlung P60) oder 40 % (Behandlung P40) der zulässigen Höchstmenge. Bei reduziertem Zusatz von Canthaxanthin wurde eine gleichmäßige Veränderung der Farbe der äußeren und inneren Oberflächen der Haut und des frischen, aufgetauten und hitzebehandelten Brustmuskels beobachtet. Gleichzeitig war die Farbe der Haut oder des Brustmuskels heller, weniger rot und gelb und weniger gesättigt, während die Auswirkungen auf den Farbton nicht beobachtet wurden. Die Studie ergab statistisch signifikante Unterschiede in der Helligkeit L*, der Röte a*, der Vergilbung b* und der Farbsättigung C* zwischen der Behandlung mit dem höchsten Zusatz von Canthaxanthin und der Behandlung P40. Darüber hinaus wurden statistisch signifikante Unterschiede zwischen der Behandlung mit dem höchsten Canthaxanthin-Zusatz und der Behandlung P60 nur bei der Vergilbung b* und der Farbsättigung C* festgestellt, während eine Verringerung der Canthaxanthinmenge in der Behandlung P80 keine Auswirkungen auf die Farbe hatte. Die sensorischen Analysen ergaben keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Behandlungen, aber bei Anwendung der Penalty-Analyse-Methode wurde bei 40-60 % der Bewerter eine Abnahme der durchschnittlichen Sympathie für das Aussehen festgestellt, wenn die Farbe des hitzebehandelten Fleisches als stark ausgeprägt oder als zu schwach ausgeprägt bewertet wurde. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass eine Verringerung des Canth, El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los efectos de la reducción de la adición de canthaxanthin a las mezclas de alimento para pollos broiler en el color de la piel y la carne, así como en las propiedades sensoriales de la carne. El estudio se llevó a cabo en 200 pollos alimentados durante 40 días, divididos en 4 tratamientos y 5 repeticiones. Las mezclas de alimento experimental consistieron en las mismas recetas crudas y la cantidad de canthaxanthin era la cantidad máxima permitida de 25 mg/kg de mezcla de alimento (tratamiento P100) o estaba al nivel del 80% (tratamiento P80), 60% (tratamiento P60) o 40% (tratamiento P40) de la cantidad máxima permitida. Con la reducción de la adición de canthaxanthin, se observó un cambio consistente en el color de las superficies externas e internas de la piel y en el músculo pectoral fresco, descongelado y tratado térmicamente. Al mismo tiempo, el color de la piel o del músculo pectoral era más claro, menos rojo y amarillo, y menos saturado, aunque no se observó un efecto en la tonalidad del color. El estudio encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el brillo L*, la rojez a*, la amarillez b* y la saturación del color C* entre el tratamiento con la mayor adición de canthaxanthin y el tratamiento P40. Además, solo se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el tratamiento con la mayor adición de canthaxanthin y el tratamiento P60 en la amarillez b* y la saturación del color C*, mientras que una reducción en la cantidad de canthaxanthin en el tratamiento P80 no tuvo efecto en el color. Los análisis sensoriales no revelaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los tratamientos, pero cuando se utilizó el método de análisis de penalización, se encontró una disminución en el grado promedio de gusto en la apariencia en el 40-60% de los evaluadores cuando el color de la carne tratada térmicamente se calificó como fuertemente expresado o como demasiado débilmente expresado. Esto sug, L’obiettivo del lavoro consisteva nel determinare l'effetto della riduzione dell’additivo cantaxantina nelle miscele di mangimi per polli da carne (broiler) sul colore della pelle e della carne e sulle proprietà sensoriali della carne. La ricerca è stata condotta su 200 polli nutriti per 40 giorni e suddivisi in 4 trattamenti e 5 ripetizioni. Le miscele di mangimi utilizzate per l’esperimento sono state realizzate seguendo le stesse ricette, mentre la quantità di cantaxantina era la quantità massima consentita di 25 mg per kg di miscela di mangimi (trattamento P100), oppure era al livello dell'80% (trattamento P80), del 60% (trattamento P60) o del 40% (trattamento P40) della quantità massima consentita. In seguito alla riduzione dell’additivo cantaxantina, è stato rilevato un cambiamento consistente del colore delle superfici esterne ed interne della pelle nonché del muscolo pettorale fresco, scongelato e trattato termicamente. Allo stesso tempo, il colore della pelle o del muscolo pettorale era più chiaro, meno rosso e giallo e meno saturo, mentre non è stato rilevato alcun effetto sulla tonalità del colore. La ricerca ha evidenziato differenze statisticamente significative nella luminosità L*, nel rossore a*, nel giallo b* e nella saturazione del colore C* tra il trattamento con la massima aggiunta di cantaxantina e il trattamento P40. Sono state anche evidenziate differenze statisticamente significative tra il trattamento con la massima aggiunta di cantaxantina e il trattamento P60, ma soltanto per quanto riguarda il giallo b* e la saturazione del colore C*, mentre detta riduzione nel trattamento P80 non ha influenzato il colore. Le analisi sensoriali non hanno rivelato differenze statisticamente significative tra i trattamenti; applicando, tuttavia, il metodo di Penalty Analysis, è stata riscontrata una diminuzione significativa nella gradevolezza media dell’aspetto nel 40-60% dei valutatori quando il colore della carne trattata termicamente era contrassegnato c
- Published
- 2023
10. Utjecaj metana na emisiju stakleničkih plinova i ugljični otisak animalnih proizvoda
- Author
Kiš, Goran, Kos, Ivica, Bedeković, Dalibor, Vnučec, Ivan, Janječić, Zlatko, Kiš, Goran, Kos, Ivica, Bedeković, Dalibor, Vnučec, Ivan, and Janječić, Zlatko
- Abstract
Način na koji se percipira utjecaj metana na klimatske promjene na Zemlji značajno se razlikuje u ugljičnom otisku za različitu hranu. Bez obzira na razlike u metodologiji procijene metana i utjecaja pojedinih plinova, te ako i izuzmemo metan, najveći otisak i dalje imaju meso i mliječni proizvodi. To se posebno odnosi na meso goveda i janjetine koji imaju mnogo veće emisije stakleničkih plinova od piletine, svinjetine ili biljnih alternativa. Dostupni podaci i neko kolokvijalno mišljenje sugeriraju da je najučinkovitiji način za smanjenje antropogenog utjecaja na klimu prehrana ljudi, odnosno, jesti manje mesa općenito, posebno crvenog mesa i mliječnih proizvoda. Kada se radi o rješavanju klimatskih promjena, fokus je uglavnom na rješenjima za „čistu energiju“ (korištenje obnovljive energije) poboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti ili prelazak na nisko ugljični transport. Doista, energija, bilo u obliku električne topline, transporta ili industrijskih procesa, čini većinu, 76 % emisija stakleničkih plinova (IPCC, 2014.). Globalni prehrambeni sustavi, koji obuhvaćaju proizvodnju i postfarmske procese kao što su prerada i distribucija, također su ključni faktori koji doprinosi emisijama. I to je problem za koji još nemamo održiva tehnološka rješenja. Tako da stoji općepriznato mišljenje da je hrana odgovorna za otprilike 26 % globalnih emisija stakleničkih plinova (GHG)., The way in which the impact of methane on climate change on Earth is perceived is significantly different for the carbon footprint of different foods. Regardless of the differences in the methodology of methane measuring and the impact of individual gases, even if we exclude methane, meat and dairy products still have the biggest footprint. This is especially true for beef and lamb, which have much higher greenhouse gas emissions than chicken, pork or vegetable alternatives. Available data and some colloquial opinions suggest that the most effective way to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the climate is human diet, that is, reduced consumption of meat in general, especially red meat and dairy products. In general, when it comes to solving climate change, the focus is mainly on "clean energy" (using renewable energy), improving energy efficiency or switching to low-carbon transport. Indeed, energy, whether in the form of electricity, heat, transport or industrial processes, accounts for the majority, 76% of greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC, 2014). Global food systems, which include both production and post-farm processes such as processing and distribution, are also key contributors to emissions. That's a problem for which we still don't have viable technological solutions. Therefore, the generally accepted opinion is that food is responsible for approximately 26 % of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions., Die Art und Weise, wie der Einfluss von Methan auf den Klimawandel auf der Erde wahrgenommen wird, ist für den Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck der verschiedenen Lebensmittel sehr unterschiedlich. Unabhängig von den Unterschieden in der Methodik der Methanmessung und der Auswirkung einzelner Gase haben Fleisch- und Milchprodukte immer noch den größten Fußabdruck, selbst wenn wir Methan ausschließen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Rind- und Lammfleisch, die wesentlich höhere Treibhausgasemissionen aufweisen als Huhn, Schweinefleisch oder pflanzliche Alternativen. Die verfügbaren Daten und einige kolloquiale Meinungen deuten darauf hin, dass der wirksamste Weg zur Verringerung der anthropogenen Auswirkungen auf das Klima in der menschlichen Ernährung liegt, d. h. in der Reduzierung des Fleischkonsums im Allgemeinen, insbesondere von rotem Fleisch und Milchprodukten. Wenn es um die Bekämpfung des Klimawandels geht, liegt der Schwerpunkt im Allgemeinen auf "sauberer Energie" (Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien), Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz oder Umstellung auf kohlenstoffarme Verkehrsmittel. In der Tat ist Energie, sei es in Form von Strom, Wärme, Verkehr oder industriellen Prozessen, für den Großteil, nämlich 76 % der Treibhausgasemissionen verantwortlich (IPCC, 2014). Die globalen Lebensmittelsysteme, die sowohl die Produktion als auch die Prozesse nach dem Anbau, wie Verarbeitung und Vertrieb, umfassen, tragen ebenfalls wesentlich zu den Emissionen bei. Für dieses Problem gibt es noch keine praktikablen technologischen Lösungen. Daher wird allgemein angenommen, dass Lebensmittel für etwa 26 % der weltweiten Treibhausgasemissionen verantwortlich sind., La forma en que se percibe el impacto del metano en el cambio climático en la Tierra es significativamente diferente para la huella de carbono de diferentes alimentos. Independientemente de las diferencias en la metodología de medición del metano y el impacto de los gases individuales, incluso si excluimos el metano, la carne y los productos lácteos siguen teniendo la mayor huella. Esto es especialmente cierto para la carne de res y cordero, que tienen emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero mucho más altas que el pollo, cerdo o alternativas vegetales. Los datos disponibles y algunas opiniones coloquiales sugieren que la forma más efectiva de reducir el impacto antropogénico en el clima es la dieta humana, es decir, la reducción del consumo de carne en general, especialmente carne roja y productos lácteos. En general, cuando se trata de resolver el cambio climático, el enfoque se centra principalmente en la "energía limpia" (usando energía renovable), mejorar la eficiencia energética o cambiar a transporte con bajo contenido de carbono. De hecho, la energía, ya sea en forma de electricidad, calor, transporte o procesos industriales, representa la mayoría, el 76% de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (IPCC, 2014). Los sistemas alimentarios globales, que incluyen tanto la producción como los procesos posteriores a la granja como el procesamiento y la distribución, también son factores clave con respecto a las emisiones. Eso es un problema para el cual todavía no tenemos soluciones tecnológicas viables. Por lo tanto, la opinión generalmente aceptada es que los alimentos son responsables de aproximadamente el 26 % de las emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI)., Il modo in cui si percepisce l’impatto del metano sui cambiamenti climatici nel nostro pianeta si differenzia significativamente nell’impronta ecologica per i vari alimenti. A prescindere dalle differenze nella metodologia di valutazione del metano e dell’impatto dei singoli gas, e anche se escludessimo il metano, il maggior impatto continuano ad averlo la carne e i latticini. Quanto detto si riferisce in modo particolare alla carne bovina e alla carne ovina che sono caratterizzate da una maggiore emissione di gas serra rispetto alle carni avicole o suine e rispetto alle alternative vegetali. I dati disponibili e alcune opinioni largamente diffuse suggeriscono che il modo più efficace per ridurre l’impatto antropico sul clima sarebbe quello di incidere su ciò che mangiamo, riducendo cioè il consumo di carne in generale, in particolare di carne rossa e latticini. In generale, quando si affronta il problema dei cambiamenti climatici, l’attenzione si concentra principalmente su soluzioni di “energia pulita” (utilizzo di energie rinnovabili), sul miglioramento dell’efficienza energetica o sul passaggio a trasporti a basse emissioni di biossido di carbonio. Infatti, l’energia, sia sotto forma di elettricità, calore, trasporti o processi industriali, rappresenta la maggioranza, ossia il 76% delle emissioni di gas serra (IPCC, 2014). Anche i sistemi alimentari globali, che comprendono la produzione e i processi post-agricoli come la lavorazione e la distribuzione, contribuiscono in modo determinante alle emissioni. Un problema, questo, per il quale non disponiamo ancora di soluzioni tecnologiche sostenibili. Pertanto è generalmente diffusa e condivisa l’opinione secondo cui il cibo che consumiamo sia responsabile di circa il 26% delle emissioni globali di gas serra (GHG).
- Published
- 2023
11. Glutamate in meat processing – origin, function and novel application
- Author
KOS, Ivica, BENDELJA LJOLJIĆ, Darija, VRDOLJAK, Ivana, GLAVAŠ, Vjeran, KOVAČEVIĆ, Natalija, PLEADIN, Jelka, VNUČEC, Ivan, KOS, Ivica, BENDELJA LJOLJIĆ, Darija, VRDOLJAK, Ivana, GLAVAŠ, Vjeran, KOVAČEVIĆ, Natalija, PLEADIN, Jelka, and VNUČEC, Ivan
- Abstract
Glutamate is one of the most abundant amino acids in nature, accounting for up to 8-10% of most dietary proteins and peptides and most tissues. Only the free form of glutamate has taste-enhancing properties as a unique umami taste, and when glutamate is bound to proteins, it is tasteless with no umami taste. Fermentation, ageing, ripening and heat cooking are typical natural processes of protein hydrolysis during which free glutamate is released. The food industry most commonly uses it in the form of monosodium glutamate (MSG) in amounts between 0.1 and 0.8% as a flavour enhancer. Since the beginning of the 21st century, its use as a flavour enhancer in meat and meat products with reduced salt content has become more widespread. The sodium content of MSG (12.28 g/100 g) is one-third that of salt (39.34 g/100 g), making MSG a promising salt alternative in sodium reduction strategies. There is no one-sided and conclusive scientific information reporting adverse human health effects of MSG in the general population, and it is still considered safe. However, in the wake of "clean label" initiatives, many consumers would prefer not to have additives or flavour enhancers such as glutamates in their food. This can be overcome by the known synergistic effect of natural 5'-ribonucleotides and glutamates found in seaweed, cheese, fish sauce, yeast extract, soy sauce, fermented soybeans and tomatoes, as they enhance the overall perception of umami flavour., Glutamat je jedna od najzastupljenijih aminokiselina u prirodi, koja čini 8-10% većine prehrambenih proteina i peptida te većine tkiva. Samo slobodni oblik glutamata ima svojstva poboljšanja okusa hrane poznat kao jedinstveni umami okus, a kada je glutamat vezan na proteine, bezukusan je i nema umami doprinos. Fermentacija, odležavanje, zrenje i toplinska obrada tipični su prirodni procesi hidrolize proteina tijekom kojih se oslobađa slobodni glutamat. Prehrambena industrija ga najčešće koristi u obliku mononatrijevog glutamata (MSG) u količinama između 0,1 i 0,8% kao pojačivač okusa. Od početka 21. stoljeća sve je raširenija njegova primjena kao pojačivača okusa mesa i mesnih proizvoda sa smanjenim udjelom soli. Sadržaj natrija u MSG-u (12,28 g/100 g) iznosi jednu trećinu sadržaja soli (39,34 g/100 g), što čini MSG obećavajućom alternativom soli u strategijama smanjenja natrija. Ne postoje jednostrane i uvjerljive znanstvene informacije o štetnim učincima MSG-a na ljudsko zdravlje u općoj populaciji, a još uvijek se smatra sigurnim. Međutim, u svjetlu inicijative "clean label", mnogi potrošači radije ne bi konzumirali aditive ili pojačivače okusa kao što su glutamati. To se može prevladati poznatim sinergističkim učinkom prirodnih 5' ribonukleotida i glutamata koji se nalaze u morskim algama, siru, ribljem umaku, ekstraktu kvasca, sojinom umaku, fermentiranoj soji i rajčicama, jer oni pojačavaju ukupnu percepciju umami okusa.
- Published
- 2023
12. Milk urea concentration as a tool for optimising crude protein content in dairy goat diets: a path to sustainable milk production
- Author
Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Prpić, Zvonimir, Mašek, Tomislav, Vnučec, Ivan, Kostelić, Antun, Benić, Miroslav, Antunac, Neven, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Prpić, Zvonimir, Mašek, Tomislav, Vnučec, Ivan, Kostelić, Antun, Benić, Miroslav, and Antunac, Neven
- Abstract
Milk urea concentration (MU) has been extensively studied and is often used to evaluate energy and protein balance in dairy cattle diets, but not to this extent in dairy goat diets. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between MU concentration and crude protein content (CP) in the diet of Alpine goats in order to reduce excessive nitrogen excretion from the organism. For this purpose, 72 goats were randomly divided into three equal groups (24 animals) and fed a concentrate mix containing 14%, 16%, and 18% CP, respectively. The chemical composition of milk samples was determined and the ratio of milk fat to protein was calculated. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the MIXED procedure (SAS V8 software package). Increasing CP from 14% to 16% in the diet increased daily milk yield by 0.4 kg (p<0.001), and MU concentration from 35.01 to 41.24 mg/100 mL (p<0.001). Based on the calculated inflection point of daily milk yield and protein content in milk, the range of MU concentration from 40.00 to 45.00 mg/100 mL can be considered optimal and is a good indicator of a balanced diet for goats., Koncentracija uree u mlijeku bila je predmetom mnogobrojnih istraživanja u svrhu procjene uravnoteženosti udjela energije i proteina u obrocima mliječnih krava, međutim ne u tolikoj mjeri u obrocima mliječnih koza. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost između koncentracije uree u mlijeku i udjela sirovih proteina (SP) u obroku Alpina koza kako bi se smanjilo prekomjerno izlučivanje dušika iz organizma. Istraživanje je provedeno u stadu od 72 koze koje su slučajnim odabirom podijeljene u tri jednake skupine (24 koza/skupini) od kojih je svaka hranjena krmnom smjesom (KS) s različitim udjelom SP: 14 %, 16 % i 18 %. Prikupljeni uzorci mlijeka poslužili su za utvrđivanje osnovnog kemijskog sastava nakon čega je uslijedilo izračunavanje omjera mliječne masti i proteina. Statistička analiza provedena je korištenjem procedure MIXED računalnog programa SAS V8. Koze hranjene KS sa 16 % SP dnevno su proizvele 0,4 kg mlijeka više (p<0,001) nego koze hranjene KS sa 14 % SP uz istovremeno višu koncentraciju uree u mlijeku; 41,24 mg/100 mL naspram 35,01 mg/100 mL (p<0.001). Na temelju izračunate točke preklapanja krivulja dnevne proizvodnje mlijeka i udjela proteina u mlijeku, optimalnim se smatra raspon koncentracije uree od 40,00 do 45,00 mg/100 mL mlijeka te predstavlja dobar pokazatelj uravnoteženog obroka mliječnih koza.
- Published
- 2023
13. Physical and sensory properties of burgers affected by different dry ageing time of beef neck
- Author
Kos, Ivica, Pećina, Mateja, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Dolenčić Špehar, Iva, Tudor Kalit, Milna, Vnučec, Ivan, Bedeković, Dalibor, Kiš, Goran, Maturanec, Hrvoje, Kos, Ivica, Pećina, Mateja, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Dolenčić Špehar, Iva, Tudor Kalit, Milna, Vnučec, Ivan, Bedeković, Dalibor, Kiš, Goran, and Maturanec, Hrvoje
- Abstract
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of dry ageing on the yield and physical quality indicators of beef neck and to determine the sensory characteristics of burgers. Neck meat from castrated male Angus steers weighing 600 kg and 22 months old was used for the study. Neck samples (N = 12) were hung for 7 days (group Z-7) and 21 days (group Z-21) in a dry ageing chamber at a temperature of 2 °C ± 1 °C and a relative humidity of 77 % ± 3 %. Weight and pH of the meat were measured at the beginning and end of the ageing period. After ageing, the neck was dissected into muscle, subcutaneous and intermuscular fat, bone, and remaining parts. Burgers were prepared from the ground neck meat (73.9%) and fat (24.6%) to which 1.2% sea salt and 0.3% ground black pepper were added. The burgers (average weight 150 g) were then heat treated in a steam convection oven at a temperature of 230°C until an internal temperature of 64°C was reached. After heat treatment, the burgers were weighed again to calculate cooking weight loss and their diameter was measured in two perpendicular dimensions to calculate surface area reduction. Quantitative descriptive analysis and likability test were performed with nine trained sensory assessors in the sensory laboratory. The study revealed no significant differences in the proportions of each tissue obtained during dissection. The necks from group Z-21 had significantly higher pH (6.16) and weight loss (12.23%) at the end of dry aging. Significantly lower cooking loss was observed in group Z-21 (26.52%) compared to group Z-7 (31.31%), but no significant difference was observed in the reduction of the surface area of the burger. The descriptive sensory attributes and likeability traits of the burgers were not significantly different between groups Z-7 and Z-21. In view of this, it is considered that a shorter maturation period of beef necks should be used for the production of burgers., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinke suhog zrenja na prinos i fizičke pokazatelje kakvoće mesa goveđeg vrata te odrediti senzorske karakteristike burgera. U istraživanju je korišteno meso vrata kastrirane muške junadi pasmine Angus prosječne tjelesne mase 600 kg i dobi oko 22 mjeseca. Uzorci vratine (N = 12) odležavani su 7 dana (skupina Z-7) i 21 dan (skupina Z-21) u komori za suho zrenje na temperaturi od 2 °C ± 1 °C i relativnoj vlažnosti od 77 ± 3 %. Masa i pH vratine mjereni su na početku i na kraju zrenja. Nakon zrenja provedena je disekcija vratine na mišićno, potkožno i međumišićno masno tkivo, kost i preostale dijelove. Potom su pripremljeni burgeri od mljevenog mišićnog (73,9 %) i masog tkiva (24,6 %) čemu je dodano 1,2 % morske soli i 0,3 % mljevenog crnog papra. Burgeri pojedinačne mase 150 g zatim su toplinski obrađeni u parno-konvekcijskoj pećnici na temperaturi 230 °C do postizanja unutarnje temperature 64 °C. Nakon toplinske obrade, burgeri su ponovo izvagani kako bi se izračunao gubitak mase kuhanjem, a promjer im je izmjeren u dvije okomite dimenzije kako bi se izračunalo smanjenje površine. Kvantitativna deskriptivna analiza i test dopadljivosti provedeni su korištenjem panela od devet educiranih senzorskih ocjenitelja u senzornom laboratoriju. Istraživanjem nisu utvrđene značajne razlike između skupina u udjelima svakog pojedinog tkiva dobivenog disekcijom. Meso vrata iz skupine Z-21 imalo je značajno veći pH (6,16) i gubitak mase (12,23 %) na kraju suhog zrenja. Značajno manji gubitak mase kuhanjem utvrđen je u skupini Z-21 (26,52 %) u odnosu na skupinu Z-7 (31,31 %), ali nije utvrđena značajna razlika u smanjenju površine burgera. Deskriptivna senzorska svojstva i svojstva dopadljivosti burgera nisu se značajno razlikovala između skupina Z-7 i Z-21. Temeljem rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da je za proizvodnju burgera preporučljivo koristiti kraći period zrenja goveđeg vrata, Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Auswirkungen der Trockenreifung auf den Ertrag und die physikalischen Qualitätsindikatoren von Rindernacken zu ermitteln und die sensorischen Eigenschaften von Burgern zu bestimmen. Für die Studie wurde Nackenfleisch von kastrierten männlichen Angus-Ochsen mit einem Gewicht von 600 kg und einem Alter von 22 Monaten verwendet. Die Nackenproben (N = 12) wurden 7 Tage (Gruppe Z-7) und 21 Tage (Gruppe Z-21) in einer trockenen Reifekammer bei einer Temperatur von 2 °C ± 1 °C und einer relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit von 77 % ± 3 % aufgehängt. Gewicht und pHWert des Fleisches wurden zu Beginn und am Ende der Reifezeit gemessen. Nach der Reifung wurde der acken in Muskel, subkutanes und intermuskuläres Fett, Knochen und übrige Teile zerlegt. Aus dem gemahlenen Nackenfleisch (73,9 %) und dem Fett (24,6 %) wurden Burger zubereitet, denen 1,2 % Meersalz und 0,3 % gemahlener schwarzer Pfeffer zugesetzt wurden. Die Burger (Durchschnittsgewicht 150 g) wurden dann in einem Dampfkonvektionsofen bei einer Temperatur von 230 °C bis zu einer Innentemperatur von 64 °C hitzebehandelt. Nach der Wärmebehandlung wurden die Burger erneut gewogen, um den Gewichtsverlust beim Kochen zu berechnen; außerdem wurde ihr Durchmesser in zwei senkrechten Dimensionen gemessen, um die Verringerung der Oberfläche zu berechnen. Eine quantitative deskriptive Analyse und ein Geschmackstest wurden mit neun geschulten sensorischen Prüfern im Sensoriklabor durchgeführt. Die Studie ergab keine signifikanten Unterschiede in den Anteilen der einzelnen Gewebe, die bei der Zerlegung gewonnen wurden. Die Nacken der Gruppe Z-21 hatten am Ende der Trockenreifung einen signifikant höheren pH-Wert (6,16) und einen Gewichtsverlust (12,23 %). In der Gruppe Z-21 wurde ein signifikant geringerer Kochverlust (26,52 %) im Vergleich zur Gruppe Z-7 (31,31 %) festgestellt, jedoch wurde kein signifikanter Unterschied bei der Verringerung der Oberfläche des Burgers beobachtet. Die beschreibenden sensori, El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los efectos de la maduración en seco sobre los indicadores de rendimiento y calidad física del cuello de res, tanto como determinar las características sensoriales de las hamburguesas. La investigación utilizó carne de cuello de novillos Angus macho castrados, con un peso corporal promedio de 600 kg y una edad de aproximadamente 22 meses. Las muestras del cuello (N = 12) fueron envejecidas durante 7 días (grupo Z-7) y 21 días (grupo Z-21) en una cámara de envejecimiento en seco a una temperatura de 2 °C ± 1 °C y una humedad relativa de 77 ± 3 %. El peso y el pH de la carne fueron medidos al inicio y al final del período de envejecimiento. Después del envejecimiento, el cuello se diseccionó en músculo, tejido adiposo subcutáneo e intermuscular, hueso y partes restantes. Las hamburguesas se prepararon a partir de carne de cuello molida (73,9 %) y grasa (24,6 %), a los que se añadió un 1,2 % de sal marina y un 0,3 % de pimienta negra molida. A continuación, hamburguesas con una masa única de 150 g se trataron térmicamente en un horno de convección y vapor a una temperatura de 230 °C hasta alcanzar la temperatura interna de 64 °C. Después del tratamiento térmico, las hamburguesas se pesaron nuevamente para calcular la pérdida de masa por cocción y se midió su diámetro en dos dimensiones perpendiculares para calcular la reducción del área superficial. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos cuantitativos y pruebas de palatabilidad utilizando un panel de nueve evaluadores sensoriales capacitados en un laboratorio sensorial. La investigación no encontró diferencias significativas en las proporciones de cada tejido obtenido durante la disección. La carne de cuello del grupo Z-21 tuvo un pH significativamente mayor (6,16) y una pérdida de masa (12,23%) al final de la maduración en seco. Se observó una pérdida de masa por cocción significativamente menor en el grupo Z-21 (26,52 %) en comparación con el grupo Z-7 (31,31 %), pero no, Lo scopo di questa ricerca consisteva nel determinare gli effetti della frollatura a secco sulla resa e sugli indicatori di qualità fisica della carne di collo di manzo e nel determinare le caratteristiche sensoriali degli hamburger. Ai fini della ricerca è stata utilizzata carne di collo di bovino Angus maschio castrato con una massa corporea media di 600 kg e un'età di circa 22 mesi. I campioni di collo di manzo (N = 12) sono stati frollati per 7 giorni (gruppo Z-7) e 21 giorni (gruppo Z-21) in una camera di frollatura a secco a una temperatura di 2 °C ± 1 °C e un'umidità relativa di 77 ± 3 %. La massa e il pH della carne sono stati misurati all'inizio e alla fine della frollatura. Dopo la frollatura, il collo è stato sezionato in muscoli, tessuto adiposo sottocutaneo e intermuscolare, ossa e parti rimanenti. Si è proceduto poi alla preparazione degli hamburger con muscolo macinato (73,9%) e tessuto adiposo (24,6%), a cui sono stati aggiunti l'1,2% di sale marino e lo 0,3% di pepe nero macinato. Gli hamburger, di 150 g ciascuno, sono stati poi trattati termicamente in un forno a convezione e vapore alla temperatura di 230 °C fino al raggiungimento della temperatura interna di 64 °C. Dopo il trattamento termico, gli hamburger sono stati ripesati per calcolare la perdita di massa durante la cottura, mentre il loro diametro è stato misurato in due dimensioni verticali per calcolare la riduzione di superficie. L'analisi descrittiva quantitativa e il test di appetibilità sono stati condotti utilizzando un gruppo di nove valutatori sensoriali addestrati in un laboratorio sensoriale. La ricerca non ha rilevato differenze significative tra i gruppi nelle proporzioni di ogni singolo tessuto ottenuto per dissezione. La carne del collo del gruppo Z-21 presentava un pH (6,16) e una perdita di massa (12,23%) significativamente più alti alla fine della frollatura a secco. È stata riscontrata una perdita di massa significativamente inferiore durante la cottura nel gruppo Z-21 (2
- Published
- 2023
14. Physical and sensory properties of burgers affected by different dry ageing time of beef neck
- Author
Pećina, Mateja, primary, Kos, Ivica, additional, Maturanec, Hrvoje, additional, Kiš, Goran, additional, Bedeković, Dalibor, additional, Vnučec, Ivan, additional, Tudor Kalit, Milna, additional, Dolenčić Špehar, Iva, additional, and Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, additional
- Published
- 2023
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15. Glutamate in meat processing – origin, function and novel application
- Author
Kos, Ivica, primary, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, additional, Vrdoljak, Ivana, additional, Glavaš, Vjeran, additional, Kovačević, Natalija, additional, Pleadin, Jelka, additional, and Vnučec, Ivan, additional
- Published
- 2023
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16. The potential of using Saccharomyces boulardii yeast in fermented milk products
- Author
Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Dolenčić Špehar, Iva, Tudor Kalit, Milna, Rajnović, Ivana, Hulak, Nataša, Kos, Ivica, Vnučec, Ivan, Prđun, Saša, Kalit, Samir, Carović-Stanko, K, and Širić, I.
- Subjects
probiotic microorganisms, functional food, fermented milk, antagonistic action, Saccharomyces boulardii - Abstract
Probiotic fermented milks are a group of functional food that, in addition to their nutritional value, contain certain components considered beneficial to human health. For their production, besides probiotic bacterial strains, yeasts - most commonly Saccharomyces boulardii (S. boulardii), are used too in the form of an secondary culture. The biotherapeutic effect of this yeast on the human body has been most studied. S. boulardii is also considered a potential natural preservative due to its antagonistic effect against other microorganisms. Its survivability and its effects on organoleptic properties have been studied in the production of yogurt from cow’s and goat’s milk, kefir, and acidophilic fermented milk. Based on all these factors, these products can be considered as new functional dairy products.
- Published
- 2023
17. Candidate genes, fatty acids and sensory aspect of sheep meat
- Author
Pećina, Mateja, Vnučec, Ivan, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Kiš, Goran, Kos, Ivica, Piechowiczová, Markéta, Saláková, Alena, and Jůzl, Miroslav
- Subjects
candidate genes, fatty acids, sensory attributes, sheep meat - Abstract
The sensory quality of meat, which is determined by a complex interplay of genetic, processing and environmental factors, is one of the key factors influencing demand and determining and reinforcing consumer food choices. However, sensory quality is not fully known to the consumer at the time of purchase, so predicting sensory quality before consumption is of great interest to meat producers. It is highlighted that progressive advances in molecular genetics have led to increasing identification and documentation of genes or markers that influence meat quality. This article presents the current state of knowledge on candidate genes, fatty acids and sensory aspects in sheep meat. Several selected genes related to fat content and fatty acid composition have been extensively researched in recent years and are discussed highlighting their importance for the eating quality of sheep meat.
- Published
- 2023
18. Utjecaj trajanja suhog zrenja na fizikalna i senzorna svojstva goveđih burgera
- Author
Pećina, Mateja, Maturanec Hrvoje, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Dolenčić Špehar, Iva, Bedeković, Dalibor, Kiš, Goran, Tudor Kalit, Milna, Vnučec, Ivan, Kos, Ivica, Cerović-Stanko, Klaudija, and Širić, Ivan
- Subjects
govedina, burger, senzorna analiza, kalo kuhanja, smanjenje površine - Abstract
Dry ageing is mainly used to improve the tenderness and flavour of the meat. It is normally used as a whole carcass ageing for the production of costly cuts where the neck portion is considered a by-product. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of dry ageing duration on the physical and sensory properties of beef neck burgers. Neck meat from castrated male Angus cattle weighing 600 kg and aged 22 months was used for the study. The neck samples (N = 12) were hung in a dry ageing chamber for 7 days (group Z-7) and 21 days (group Z-21) at a temperature of 2 °C ± 1 °C and a relative humidity of 77% ± 3%. After ageing period, burgers were prepared from ground neck meat (73.9%) and fat (24.6%) with the addition of 1.2% sea salt and 0.3% ground black pepper. The burgers were then heat treated in a steam convection oven at a temperature of 230°C to an internal temperature of 64°C. After heat treatment, the burgers were reweighed to calculate the cooking loss and their diameter was measured in two perpendicular dimensions to calculate the reduction in surface area. The burgers were then left at room temperature for 7 minutes, quartered and stored at 40°C until sensory analysis. The quantitative descriptive analysis and likeability test were used with eight trained sensory experts in separate booths in the sensory laboratory. A significantly lower cooking loss was observed in group Z-21 (26.52%) compared to group Z-7 (31.31%). However, no significant difference in surface area reduction after cooking was observed. Likewise, the descriptive sensory and liking traits of the burgers were not significantly different between groups Z-7 and Z-21. In view of this, it is contemplated that a shorter ageing period of beef necks could be used in burger making.
- Published
- 2023
19. Koncentracija uree u mlijeku kao alat za optimizaciju udjela sirovih proteina u obroku mliječnih koza: put do održive proizvodnje mlijeka
- Author
Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Prpić, Zvonimir, Mašek, Tomislav, Vnučec, Ivan, Kostelić, Antun, Benić, Miroslav, and Antunac, Neven
- Subjects
alpina koza ,urea u mlijeku ,optimalna vrijednost ,kvaliteta mlijeka ,sirovi protein ,Alpine goat ,milk urea ,optimal value ,milk quality ,crude protein - Abstract
Milk urea concentration (MU) has been extensively studied and is often used to evaluate energy and protein balance in dairy cattle diets, but not to this extent in dairy goat diets. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between MU concentration and crude protein content (CP) in the diet of Alpine goats in order to reduce excessive nitrogen excretion from the organism. For this purpose, 72 goats were randomly divided into three equal groups (24 animals) and fed a concentrate mix containing 14%, 16%, and 18% CP, respectively. The chemical composition of milk samples was determined and the ratio of milk fat to protein was calculated. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the MIXED procedure (SAS V8 software package). Increasing CP from 14% to 16% in the diet increased daily milk yield by 0.4 kg (p, Koncentracija uree u mlijeku bila je predmetom mnogobrojnih istraživanja u svrhu procjene uravnoteženosti udjela energije i proteina u obrocima mliječnih krava, međutim ne u tolikoj mjeri u obrocima mliječnih koza. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost između koncentracije uree u mlijeku i udjela sirovih proteina (SP) u obroku Alpina koza kako bi se smanjilo prekomjerno izlučivanje dušika iz organizma. Istraživanje je provedeno u stadu od 72 koze koje su slučajnim odabirom podijeljene u tri jednake skupine (24 koza/skupini) od kojih je svaka hranjena krmnom smjesom (KS) s različitim udjelom SP: 14 %, 16 % i 18 %. Prikupljeni uzorci mlijeka poslužili su za utvrđivanje osnovnog kemijskog sastava nakon čega je uslijedilo izračunavanje omjera mliječne masti i proteina. Statistička analiza provedena je korištenjem procedure MIXED računalnog programa SAS V8. Koze hranjene KS sa 16 % SP dnevno su proizvele 0,4 kg mlijeka više (p
- Published
- 2023
20. The carbon footprint of meat and dairy products
- Author
Kiš, Goran, Kos, Ivica, Vnučec, Ivan, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Pećina, Mateja, Bedeković, Dalibor, Janječić, Mihael, Piechowiczová, Markéta, Saláková, Alena, and Jůzl, Miroslav
- Subjects
carbon footprint, greenhouse gases, meat, dairy - Abstract
It is a commonly accepted prejudice that animal production, the consumption of meat and dairy products, is the greatest cause of global warming, i.e., it has the greatest negative impact on planet Earth, as represented by the ecological unit of carbon footprint. While it is scientifically proven that the burning of fossil fuels to produce electricity and thermal energy accounts for the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions, totaling 31% of annual emissions, followed by transportation at 15%, industrial production at 12.4%, and animal agriculture at 11%. Of course, this share of livestock production is not the same for all countries in the world, and the methodology for assessing the impact of livestock production on the environment varies and is not consistent across the globe. In addition to the actual production of animals and their use as food, a significant portion of the impact is also due to other anthropogenic activities in the supply chain from farm to table. The aim of this paper is therefore to take a critical look at all the stakeholders that contribute to the carbon footprint of meat and milk, and conclude by reflecting on how we all need to contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of meat and milk production.
- Published
- 2023
21. Milk urea in small ruminants: An indicator of nitrogen usage efficiency
- Author
Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Kos, Ivica, Dolenčić Špehar, Iva, Pećina, Mateja, Kiš, Goran, Vnučec, Ivan, Piechowiczová, Markéta, Saláková, Alena, and Jůzl, Miroslav
- Subjects
sheep and goat milk, urea concentration, milk coagulation properties, environmental pollution - Abstract
Sheep and goat milk producers often feed animals a meal with an unfavorable ratio between digestible proteins and energy in order to obtain a higher milk yield per animal. As a result, the fertility of small ruminants and the amount of milk produced during lactation are often lower, the processing characteristics of the milk are poorer, and, in addition, the increased excretion of nitrogen into the soil also pollutes the environment. One of the relatively simple ways to determine a balanced ration for dairy cattle is to determine the milk urea concentration. Unlike cow's milk, the optimal urea concentration in goat and sheep milk has not yet been defined. Due to the numerous specific sources of variability, such as apocrine secretion, reproductive seasonality, or different breeding systems in small ruminants, it is not easy to determine the optimal value. Therefore, it is not surprising that relatively few data on the relationship between urea concentration and production and processing indicators for goat and sheep milk can be found up to date.
- Published
- 2023
22. Software for satellite attitude determination and control system
- Author
Vnučec, Ivan and Lončar, Josip
- Subjects
orientation control ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Electrical Engineering ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,orientation estimation ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Elektrotehnika ,Cubesat ,Orijentacija satelita ,kontrola orijentacije ,estimacija orijentacije ,ADCS ,Satellite orientation - Abstract
Precizna orijentacija satelita preduvjet je za uspješnu provedbu misije, stoga je sustav za određivanje i kontrolu orijentacije (ADCS) jedan od najvažnijih sustava satelita. U ovom radu prezentirana je programska podrška ADCS sustava koja omogućuje: sakupljanje i obradu podataka iz orijentacijskih senzora, određivanje orijentacije, upravljanje aktuatorima te održavanje željene orijentacije. Na kraju rada prezentirani su i komentirani rezultati eksperimentalne verifikacije sustava. Accurate satellite orientation is a prerequisite for a successful mission, therefore the Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) is one of the most important satellite systems. In this paper, the ADCS system software is presented, which enables the collection and processing of the orientation sensors data, attitude determination, actuator control and finally, control of the desired orientation. In the end, ADCS experimental verification results are presented.
- Published
- 2022
23. Sensory profile and likeability of Croatian traditional dry meat products from different regions
- Author
Pleadin, Jelka, primary, Lešić, Tina, additional, Kos, Ivica, additional, Vahčić, Nada, additional, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, additional, Vnučec, Ivan, additional, Polak, Tomaž, additional, and Dergestin Bačun, Lidija, additional
- Published
- 2022
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24. Seasonal changes in diet affect fatty acid composition of Jersey milk in organic production system
- Author
KELAVA UGARKOVIĆ, Nikolina, PETROVIĆ, Ivana, PRPIĆ, Zvonimir, VNUČEC, Ivan, KONJAČIĆ, Miljenko, KELAVA UGARKOVIĆ, Nikolina, PETROVIĆ, Ivana, PRPIĆ, Zvonimir, VNUČEC, Ivan, and KONJAČIĆ, Miljenko
- Abstract
The aim of this study was to determine effect of diet-based seasonal changes on fatty acid composition of Jersey milk in mountain region of Croatia. Bulk milk samples (200 mL) were collected during total-mixed ratio (TMR)-based, intermediate and pasture-based diet. Fatty acid composition of milk was determined by gas-chromatography. We found that pasture-based diet has positive effect on fatty acid composition of Jersey milk considering human nutrition. During pasture-based diet, Jersey cows produced milk with lower (P<0.05) saturated fatty acid and higher (P<0.05) polyunsaturated fatty acid content. Namely, regarding individual fatty acids, milk produced during pasture-based diet had lower (P<0.05) C16:0 and higher (P<0.05) C18:2n-6, C18:3n-6 and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content than milk produced during TMR and intermediate diet. Milk produced during pasture-based diet can be valuable source of healthbeneficial PUFA in diet., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj sezonskih promjena u sastavu obroka na profil masnih kiselina u mlijeku krava Jersey pasmine. Skupni uzorci mlijeka iz laktofriza (200 mL) prikupljeni su tijekom prehrane bazirane na potpuno izmiješanom obroku (TMR), prijelaznog razdoblja sa TMR-a na ispašu i samo ispaše. Profil masnih kiselina je određen plinskom kromatografijom. Utvrđeno je da hranidba bazirana na ispaši ima pozitivan utjecaj na profil masnih kiselina sa stanovišta ljudske prehrane. Tijekom hranidbe bazirane na ispaši u mlijeku Jersey krava utvrđen je manji (P<0,05) udio zasićenih masnih kiselina i veći (P<0,05) sadržaj polinezasićenih masnih kiselina. Naime, što se tiče udjela pojedinačnih masnih kiselina, mlijeko proizvedeno tijekom pašne sezone imalo je manji (P<0,05) udio C16:0 i veći (P<0,05) udio C18:2n-6, C18:3n-6 te CLA masnih kiselina. Mlijeko proizvedeno tijekom pašne sezone može biti vrijedan izvor višestruko nezasićenih masnih kiselina koji imaju poželjan nutritivni učinak.
- Published
- 2022
25. Sensory profile and likeability of Croatian traditional dry meat products from different regions
- Author
Kos, Ivica, Pleadin, Jelka, Lešić, Tina, Dergestin Bačun, Lidija, Polak, Tomaž, Vnučec, Ivan, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Vahčić, Nada, Kos, Ivica, Pleadin, Jelka, Lešić, Tina, Dergestin Bačun, Lidija, Polak, Tomaž, Vnučec, Ivan, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, and Vahčić, Nada
- Abstract
The aim of this paper was to determine the sensory profiles and likeability of two types of traditional dry-cured meat products from four Croatian regions (Central and Northern, Eastern, Western and Southern Croatia). For this purpose, 24 samples of dry-cured ham and 26 samples of dry-cured bacon were evaluated by a trained panel of 9 judges using quantitative descriptive analysis. It was found that the sensory profiles of dry-cured ham and bacon differed significantly in 12 and 13 of the 22 sensory traits, respectively. Nearly all likeability traits of dry-cured ham differed significantly between regions, with the exception of the cross-section likeability which was the only trait that differed among dry-cured bacon samples between regions. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the attributes of odour and aroma were most important for characterizing and differentiating dry-cured meat products. PCA analysis revealed a strong separation of samples between the Western Croatia region, where aromatic and spicy herb aroma was most important, and the Southern Croatia region, where buttery aroma and smoky odour were most important. Samples from the Central and Northern Croatia region were well recognized within the Southern Croatia region, possibly due to the use of smoke, but with less buttery aroma. Samples from the Eastern Croatia region were poorly recognized, having much overlap with other regions. It can be concluded that the influence of regions on sensory traits is evident regardless of the product, but the contribution of the region should be well defined and robust., Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi senzorski profil i dopadljivost dviju vrsta tradicionalnih suhomesnatih proizvoda iz četiri hrvatske regije (srednja i sjeverna, istočna, zapadna i južna Hrvatska). U tu svrhu, 24 uzorka sušene šunke i 26 uzoraka sušene slanine ocijenjeno je od strane 9 sudaca senzorskog panela korištenjem kvantitativne deskriptivne analize. Utvrđeno je da se senzorski profili sušene šunke i slanine značajno razlikuju u 12 odnosno 13 od 22 senzorska svojstva. Gotovo sva svojstva dopadljivosti sušene šunke značajno su se razlikovala među regijama, s izuzetkom dopadljivosti presjeka koje je bilo jedino svojstvo koje se razlikovalo među uzorcima suhe slanine. Rezultati analize glavnih komponenti (PCA) pokazali su da su svojstva mirisa i arome najvažniji za karakterizaciju i razlikovanje suhomesnatih proizvoda. PCA analizom utvrđeno je jasno odvajanje uzoraka regije zapadne Hrvatske, gdje su arome aromatičnog i začinskog bilja bile najvažnije, od uzoraka iz regije južne Hrvatske, gdje su aroma maslaca i miris dima bili najznačajniji. Uzorci iz regije središnje i sjeverne Hrvatske bili su smješteni unutar regije južne Hrvatske, vjerojatno zbog primjene dima, ali s manje arome maslaca. Uzorci iz regije istočne Hrvatske bili su najslabije okarakterizirani i u velikoj mjeri su se preklapali s drugim regijama. Može se zaključiti da je utjecaj regije na senzorska svojstva značajan neovisno o vrsti proizvoda, ali doprinos regije treba biti dobro definiran s opsežnim učinkom., Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das sensorische Profil und die Markensympathie von zwei Arten traditioneller Trockenfleischprodukte aus vier kroatischen Regionen (Zentral- und Nordkroatien, Ost-, Westund Südkroatien) zu bestimmen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden 24 Proben trocken gepökelten Schinkens und 26 Proben trocken gepökelten Specks von einem Gremium aus 9 Richtern des sensorischen Paneels anhand einer quantitativen deskriptiven Analyse bewertet. Es wurde festgestellt, dass sich die sensorischen Profile von trocken gepökeltem Schinken und Speck in 12 bzw. 13 der 22 sensorischen Merkmale signifikant unterscheiden. Fast alle Sympathiemerkmale des trocken gepökelten Schinkens unterscheiden sich signifikant zwischen den Regionen, mit Ausnahme der Sympathie von Querschnitten, die das einzige Merkmal war, das sich bei den Proben des trocken gepökelten Schinkens zwischen den Regionen unterscheidet. Die Ergebnisse der Hauptkomponentenanalyse (PCA) zeigten, dass die Attribute Geruch und Aroma für die Charakterisierung und Unterscheidung von gepökelten Fleischprodukten am wichtigsten waren. Die PCA-Analyse ergab eine starke Trennung der Proben zwischen der Region Westkroatien, in der aromatisches und würziges Kräuteraroma die größte Rolle spielten, und der Region Südkroatien, in der buttriges Aroma und rauchiger Geruch am wichtigsten waren. Proben aus der Region Mittel- und Nordkroatien wurden der Region Südkroatien zugewiesen, was möglicherweise auf die Verwendung von Rauch zurückzuführen ist, allerdings mit weniger Butteraroma. Proben aus der Region Ostkroatien wurden nur schlecht erkannt, da sie sich stark mit anderen Regionen überschneiden. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass der Einfluss der Regionen auf die sensorischen Merkmale, unabhängig vom Produkt, offensichtlich ist, dass aber der Beitrag der Region genau definiert und umfassend sein sollte, El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el perfil sensorial y la agradabilidad de dos tipos de productos cárnicos curados tradicionales de cuatro regiones croatas (las regiones central y la del norte, la del este, la del oeste y el sur de Croacia). Para este propósito, 24 muestras de jamón seco y 26 muestras de tocino seco fueron evaluadas por 9 jueces del panel de sensores utilizando un análisis descriptivo cuantitativo. Se determinó que los perfiles sensoriales del jamón seco y del tocino difieren significativamente en 12 y 13 de 22 propiedades sensoriales, respectivamente. Casi todos los rasgos de la agradabilidad del jamón seco difirieron significativamente entre regiones, con la excepción de la agradabilidad de la sección transversal, que fue el único rasgo que difirió entre las muestras de tocino seco. Los resultados del análisis de los componentes principales (ACP) mostraron que las propiedades de olor y aroma son las más importantes para la caracterización y diferenciación de los productos cárnicos curados. El análisis ACP reveló una clara separación de las muestras de la región del oeste de Croacia, donde los aromas de hierbas aromáticas y especiadas eran más importantes, de las muestras de la región del sur de Croacia, donde el aroma de la mantequilla y el olor a humo eran más importantes. Las muestras de la región del centro y del norte de Croacia fueron reconocidas en la región del sur de Croacia, probablemente debido al uso de humo, pero con menos aroma a mantequilla. Las muestras de la región del este de Croacia fueron las menos caracterizadas y fueron superpuestas en gran medida con otras regiones. Se puede concluir que la influencia de la región en las propiedades sensoriales es significativa independientemente del tipo de producto, pero la contribución de la región debe estar bien definida con un impacto extensivo., Lo scopo di questo documento consisteva nel determinare i profili sensoriali e il gradimento di due tipi di prodotti tradizionali insaccati provenienti da quattro regioni croate (Croazia centrale e settentrionale, orientale, occidentale e meridionale). A tale scopo, 24 campioni di prosciutto crudo essiccato e 26 campioni di pancetta essiccata sono stati valutati da un “panel” di 9 giudici mediante analisi quantitativo-descrittive. È stato riscontrato che i profili sensoriali del prosciutto crudo e della pancetta essiccati differivano in modo significativo rispettivamente in 12 e 13 dei 22 tratti sensoriali. Quasi tutti i tratti di gradimento del prosciutto crudo essiccato differivano significativamente tra le regioni, ad eccezione del gradimento della sezione trasversale, che era l'unico tratto che differiva tra i campioni di pancetta essiccata tra le regioni. I risultati dell'analisi dei componenti principali (PCA) hanno mostrato l’importanza degli attributi di odore e aroma per caratterizzare e differenziare i prodotti a base di carne essiccata. L'analisi PCA ha rivelato una netta separazione dei campioni tra la regione della Croazia occidentale, dove l'aroma di erbe aromatiche e speziate era più importante, e la regione della Croazia meridionale, dove erano più importanti l'aroma burroso e l'odore affumicato. I campioni della Croazia centrale e settentrionale sono stati ricondotti alla regione della Croazia meridionale, forse a causa dell'uso del fumo, ma con un aroma meno burroso. I campioni della Croazia orientale sono stati individuati con maggior difficoltà, avendo molti punti di sovrapposizione con altre regioni. Si può concludere che l'influenza delle regioni sui tratti sensoriali è evidente indipendentemente dal prodotto, ma il contributo della regione dovrebbe essere meglio e più efficacemente definito
- Published
- 2022
26. Udder morphology, milk production and udder health in small ruminants
- Author
Vrdoljak, Josip, Prpić, Zvonimir, Samaržija, Dubravka, Vnučec, Ivan, Konjačić, Miljenko, and Kelava Ugarković, Nikolina
- Subjects
udder traits ,animal structures ,fluids and secretions ,lcsh:Dairying ,goat milk ,animal diseases ,milk composition ,food and beverages ,udder health ,lactation ,goat milk, sheep milk, lactation, udder traits, udder health, milk composition ,lcsh:SF221-250 ,sheep milk - Abstract
In recent years there has been an increasing trend in research of sheep and goat udder morphology, not only from the view of its suitability for machine milking, but also in terms of milk yield and mammary gland health. More precisely, herds consisting of high-yielding sheep and goats as a result of long-term and one-sided selection to increase milk yield, have been characterised by distortion of the udder morphology caused by increasing the pressure of udder weight on its suspensory system. Along with the deteriorated milking traits, which is negatively reflected on the udder health, some udder morphology traits are often emphasized as factor of production longevity of dairy sheep and goats. Since the intention of farmers and breeders nowadays is to increase the milk yield of sheep and goats while maintaining desirable udder morphology and udder health, the aim of this paper is to give a detailed overview of the current knowledge about the relationship of morphological udder traits with milk yield, and the health of the mammary gland of sheep and goats. External measures of udder size (circumference, width and depth of the udder) are strongly correlated with milk production in sheep and goats. The morphological udder traits determining its suitability for machine milking (such as teat position and teat angle, udder depth, teat size, cistern height) are related to the mammary gland health in sheep and goats. Thus, the incidence of mastitis is noticeably higher in the udders of unsuitable shape for machine milking (deep and hung udders, unfavourable position of teats, etc.). Consequently, the morphological udder traits that affect the milkability of sheep and goats are indirectly related to milk yield.
- Published
- 2020
27. Bacteriocins of lactic acid bacteria – a natural preservative in cheese production
- Author
Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Kos, Ivica, Vnučec, Ivan, Širić, Ivan, Dolenčić Špehar, Iva, Piechowiczová, Markéta, Saláková, Alena, and Jůzl, Miroslav
- Subjects
lactic acid bacteria, causative agents, natural preservatives, nisin, cheese ,bacteria ,food and beverages ,biochemical phenomena, metabolism, and nutrition - Abstract
Bacteriocins are proteins produced by many bacteria that can inactivate and inhibit related but also different microbial species. Most known bacteriocins are synthesised by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and some of the most studied are nisin, pediocin and lacticin. They are used in milk production and dairy products as natural preservatives to prevent the growth and multiplication of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria, to improve the quality and sensory properties of cheese and to suppress biofilms in dairies. However, as a natural preservative, only nisin is included in the European list of approved food additives. However, according to previous studies, many other LAB bacteriocins are also considered safe natural preservatives in dairy production.
- Published
- 2022
28. Omjer mliječne masti i proteina u mlijeku kao pokazatelj hranidbenog statusa alpina koza
- Author
Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Dolenčić Špehar, Iva, Prpić, Zvonimir, and Vnučec, Ivan
- Subjects
omjer mliječna mast : protein, kozje mlijeko, sirovi proteini, izbalansiranost obroka - Abstract
Omjer mliječne masti i proteina (M:P) uz koncentraciju uree u mlijeku pouzdan je pokazatelj izbalansiranosti obroka muznih koza. Smanjenjem ili povećanjem proteinskog i/ili energetskog udjela u obroku taj se omjer u mlijeku može značajno promijeniti. Za razliku od koza, u mliječnih krava dobro opskrbljenih energijom i proteinima, omjer M:P je poznat i dobro istražen te u pravilu varira između 1, 1 i 1, 5. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi omjer M:P i njegovu povezanost s koncentracijom uree u mlijeku koza hranjenih sijenom djetelinsko-travne smjese uz dodatak izoenergetske krmne smjese (KS) s različitim udjelom sirovih proteina (SP). Istraživanjem su bile obuhvaćene 72 alpina koze podijeljene u tri skupine, ovisno o udjelu proteina u KS koju su dobivale prilikom mužnje (14 %, 16 % i 18 % SP). Uzorci mlijeka uzimani su jedanput mjesečno AT metodom tijekom jedne laktacije te je metodom infracrvene spektrometrije određen udio mliječne masti i proteina, a koncentracija uree određena je metodom diferencijalne pH-metrije. Statistička analiza podataka provedena je procedurom MIXED korištenjem softverskog paketa SAS V8. Povećanjem udjela SP u KS smanjivao se omjer M:P pri čemu je utvrđena značajna razlika (p1, 3, a u svega 6, 6 % uzoraka omjer M:P
- Published
- 2022
29. Morfometrijska svojstva jarebice kamenjarke (Alectoris graeca Meisn.) u lovištima Šibensko-kninske županije
- Author
Malenica, Mate, Bedeković, Dalibor, Janječić, Zlatko, Tomljanović, Tea, Stuhne, Tea, Duvnjak, Gordana, Širić, Ivan, Kos, Ivica, Vnučec, Ivan, Kiš, Goran, Majić, Ivana, and Antunović, Zvonko
- Subjects
jarebica kamenjarka, morfometrijska svojstva, spolni dimorfizam - Abstract
Jarebica kamenjarka grivna (Alectoris graeca Meisn.) je jedina autohtona vrsta iz roda Alectoris te je na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske nalazimo u priobalnom i obalnom području te na otocima. Za potrebe istraživanja prikupljena su 23 uzorka kroz dvije lovne sezone, 2019./20. i 2020./21., na području Šibensko-kninske županije. Svakoj jedinki određen je spol (14 ženki i 9 mužjaka), a nakon toga određena su morfometrijska svojstva. Statistički značajne razlike između mužjaka i ženki utvrđene su za visinu kljuna, tjelesnu masu, masu trupa i masu srca. Nakon analize i usporedbe vrijednosti morfoloških svojstava grivni iz Šibensko-kninske županije s podatcima iz ostalih istraživanja čini se da se populacije iz Hrvatske razlikuju od populacija iz Francuske, odnosno pokazuju sličnost s populacijama jarebice kamenjarke u Italiji i Turskoj.
- Published
- 2022
30. Povezanost broja somatskih stanica i nekih mliječnih odlika koza u uvjetima intenzivne proizvodnje
- Author
Prpić, Zvonimir, Jotić, Karla, Vnučec, Ivan, Kostelić, Antun, Konjačić, Miljenko, and Kelava Ugarković, Nikolina
- Subjects
kozje mlijeko ,somatske stanice ,proizvodnja mlijeka ,kemijski sastav mlijeka ,laktacija - Abstract
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi povezanost broja somatskih stanica (BSS) u mlijeku i nekih odlika mliječnosti koza u uvjetima intenzivne proizvodnje mlijeka. Istraživanjem obuhvaćene francuske alpske koze (n=80) držane su u istom stadu na području Međimurske županije, u identičnim uvjetima smještaja, hranidbe i mužnje. Tijekom laktacije na grlima je provođena redovita mjesečna kontrola mliječnosti (AT metoda). U svrhu provedbe laboratorijskih analiza ukupno je prikupljeno 613 pojedinačnih uzoraka kozjeg mlijeka. Aritmetička srednja vrijednost BSS svih analiziranih uzoraka je iznosila 1401x103/mL mlijeka, dok je geometrijska srednja vrijednost bila 602x103/mL. Utvrđeno je postojanje negativne (r=-0, 19 ; P1200 kg) imale su značajno (P
- Published
- 2022
31. Fizikalne i senzorske promjene svježeg svinjskog karea tijekom zrenja
- Author
Kos, Ivica, Širić, Ivan, Vnučec, Ivan, Špehar Dolenčić, Iva, Bedeković, Dalibor, Jüzl, Miroslav, Langová, Radka, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Mioković, Andrija, Majić, Ivana, and Antunović, Zvonko
- Subjects
svinjski kare ,pH ,boja ,kalo ,senzorska analiza - Abstract
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj trajanja zrenja (7 i 14 dana) na fizikalne i senzorske karakteristike svinjskog karea. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno značajno povećanje pH vrijednosti svinjskog karea nakon 7 i 14 dana mokrog zrenja u odnosu na početnu vrijednost. Pri kraćem zrenju utvrđeno je povećanje vrijednosti svih pokazatelja boje u odnosu na vrijednost s početka zrenja. Kalo zrenja bilo je ujednačeno bez obzira na trajanje, ali je nakon odmrzavanja najveće kalo utvrđeno kod skupine s najdužim zrenjem. Najveće kalo toplinske obrade utvrđeno je kod skupine bez zrenja, a najmanje kod skupine s najdužim zrenjem. Ustanovljeno je da su promjene teksture i okusa najvažnije senzorske promjene uzrokovane zrenjem.
- Published
- 2022
32. The effect of incubation temperature and duration on the sensory attributes of semi-durable sausages
- Author
Kos, Ivica, Stvorić, Martina, Pećina, Mateja, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Vnučec, Ivan, Mirić, Milijana, Kolarić, Branko, Krivohlavek, Adela, Bošnir, Jasna, and Šikić, Sandra
- Subjects
assessor ,difference from control ,nitrates ,starter culture ,taste - Abstract
The aim of this paper was to determine the change of sensory traits of semi-durable sausages produced under different incubation temperatures and durations. For that purpose, four experimental treatments differed in incubation temperature (30 and 40 °C) and duration (1.5 and 3 hours) with Staphylococcus carnosus and nitrates prepared, while the control treatment represented typical production with nitrites. The difference from control test was used and 18 trained assessors participated. Samples were presented in pairs and assessors were instructed to firstly assess the control sample. They were asked to indicate the magnitude of the difference between the two samples and to provide information on which attributes were different in the two samples. Assessors were made aware that the test sample may be the control. The data was analysed by one-way ANOVA to determine if a significant difference between treatments existed. When a significant difference was found, the Dunnett’s multiple comparison test was applied to determine which of the test samples were significantly different from the blind control. It was found that the application of lower incubation temperatures (30 °C) and a shorter duration (1.5 h) did not cause a significant change of sensory attributes, so such incubation conditions could be used in the production of semi-durable sausages with the addition of nitrates and starter cultures. Taste and aroma were most often marked as different in 37 and 24 % of responses, respectively. Appearance and texture were marked in 14 and 16 %, while the odour was marked in only 8 % of responses.
- Published
- 2022
33. Non frozen probiotic dairy-based dessert
- Author
Dolenčić Špehar, Iva, Mandinić, Sandra, Kos, Ivica, Vnučec, Ivan, Širić, Ivan, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Piechowiczová, Markéta, Saláková, Alena, and Jůzl, Miroslav
- Subjects
probiotic bacteria ,dairy based desserts ,nutritional value ,sensory characteristics - Abstract
Dairy based desserts are a group of products extremely popular with consumers of all ages. They are made from milk to which milk powder and various other non-dairy ingredients such as cocoa, fruit or cereals are added, in order to increase their nutritional value and improve sensory characteristics. Recently, for the same reason, dairy desserts have been enriched by the addition of probiotic bacteria. This could be the main reason for the growing demand for this type of product.
- Published
- 2022
34. Stadij i redoslijed laktacije kao čimbenici odlika mliječnosti alpina koza u intenzivnom sustavu uzgoja
- Author
Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Vnučec, Ivan, Mašek, Tomislav, Prpić, Zvonimir, Antunac, Neven, Majić, Ivana, and Antunović, Zvonko
- Subjects
kozje mlijeko, laktacija, dnevna količina mlijeka, kemijski sastav mlijeka - Abstract
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj stadija i redoslijeda laktacije na proizvodnju i kemijski sastav mlijeka alpina koza u intenzivnom sustavu uzgoja. Utvrđen je značajan utjecaj (p
- Published
- 2022
35. Sensorisches Profil und Markensympathie von traditionellen kroatischen Trockenfleischprodukten aus verschiedenen Regionen
- Author
Kos, Ivica, Pleadin, Jelka, Lešić, Tina, Dergestin Bačun, Lidija, Polak, Tomaž, Vnučec, Ivan, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, and Vahčić, Nada
- Subjects
education ,food and beverages ,jamón curado ,tocino ,Croacia ,sensorial ,análisis descriptivo cuantitativo ,análisis de componentes principales ,dry-cured ham ,dry-cured bacon ,Croatia ,sensory ,quantitative descriptive analysis ,principal component analysis ,Trockenschinken ,Trockenspeck ,Kroatien ,sensorisch ,quantitative deskriptive Analyse ,Hauptkomponentenanalyse ,sušena šunka ,slanina ,Hrvatska ,senzorno ,kvantitativna deskriptivna analiza ,analiza glavnih komponenti ,prosciutto crudo essiccato ,pancetta essiccata ,Croazia ,analisi sensoriale ,analisi quantitativo-descrittiva ,analisi delle componenti principali - Abstract
The aim of this paper was to determine the sensory profiles and likeability of two types of traditional dry-cured meat products from four Croatian regions (Central and Northern, Eastern, Western and Southern Croatia). For this purpose, 24 samples of dry-cured ham and 26 samples of dry-cured bacon were evaluated by a trained panel of 9 judges using quantitative descriptive analysis. It was found that the sensory profiles of dry-cured ham and bacon differed significantly in 12 and 13 of the 22 sensory traits, respectively. Nearly all likeability traits of dry-cured ham differed significantly between regions, with the exception of the cross-section likeability which was the only trait that differed among dry-cured bacon samples between regions. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the attributes of odour and aroma were most important for characterizing and differentiating dry-cured meat products. PCA analysis revealed a strong separation of samples between the Western Croatia region, where aromatic and spicy herb aroma was most important, and the Southern Croatia region, where buttery aroma and smoky odour were most important. Samples from the Central and Northern Croatia region were well recognized within the Southern Croatia region, possibly due to the use of smoke, but with less buttery aroma. Samples from the Eastern Croatia region were poorly recognized, having much overlap with other regions. It can be concluded that the influence of regions on sensory traits is evident regardless of the product, but the contribution of the region should be well defined and robust., Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi senzorski profil i dopadljivost dviju vrsta tradicionalnih suhomesnatih proizvoda iz četiri hrvatske regije (srednja i sjeverna, istočna, zapadna i južna Hrvatska). U tu svrhu, 24 uzorka sušene šunke i 26 uzoraka sušene slanine ocijenjeno je od strane 9 sudaca senzorskog panela korištenjem kvantitativne deskriptivne analize. Utvrđeno je da se senzorski profili sušene šunke i slanine značajno razlikuju u 12 odnosno 13 od 22 senzorska svojstva. Gotovo sva svojstva dopadljivosti sušene šunke značajno su se razlikovala među regijama, s izuzetkom dopadljivosti presjeka koje je bilo jedino svojstvo koje se razlikovalo među uzorcima suhe slanine. Rezultati analize glavnih komponenti (PCA) pokazali su da su svojstva mirisa i arome najvažniji za karakterizaciju i razlikovanje suhomesnatih proizvoda. PCA analizom utvrđeno je jasno odvajanje uzoraka regije zapadne Hrvatske, gdje su arome aromatičnog i začinskog bilja bile najvažnije, od uzoraka iz regije južne Hrvatske, gdje su aroma maslaca i miris dima bili najznačajniji. Uzorci iz regije središnje i sjeverne Hrvatske bili su smješteni unutar regije južne Hrvatske, vjerojatno zbog primjene dima, ali s manje arome maslaca. Uzorci iz regije istočne Hrvatske bili su najslabije okarakterizirani i u velikoj mjeri su se preklapali s drugim regijama. Može se zaključiti da je utjecaj regije na senzorska svojstva značajan neovisno o vrsti proizvoda, ali doprinos regije treba biti dobro definiran s opsežnim učinkom., Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das sensorische Profil und die Markensympathie von zwei Arten traditioneller Trockenfleischprodukte aus vier kroatischen Regionen (Zentral- und Nordkroatien, Ost-, Westund Südkroatien) zu bestimmen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden 24 Proben trocken gepökelten Schinkens und 26 Proben trocken gepökelten Specks von einem Gremium aus 9 Richtern des sensorischen Paneels anhand einer quantitativen deskriptiven Analyse bewertet. Es wurde festgestellt, dass sich die sensorischen Profile von trocken gepökeltem Schinken und Speck in 12 bzw. 13 der 22 sensorischen Merkmale signifikant unterscheiden. Fast alle Sympathiemerkmale des trocken gepökelten Schinkens unterscheiden sich signifikant zwischen den Regionen, mit Ausnahme der Sympathie von Querschnitten, die das einzige Merkmal war, das sich bei den Proben des trocken gepökelten Schinkens zwischen den Regionen unterscheidet. Die Ergebnisse der Hauptkomponentenanalyse (PCA) zeigten, dass die Attribute Geruch und Aroma für die Charakterisierung und Unterscheidung von gepökelten Fleischprodukten am wichtigsten waren. Die PCA-Analyse ergab eine starke Trennung der Proben zwischen der Region Westkroatien, in der aromatisches und würziges Kräuteraroma die größte Rolle spielten, und der Region Südkroatien, in der buttriges Aroma und rauchiger Geruch am wichtigsten waren. Proben aus der Region Mittel- und Nordkroatien wurden der Region Südkroatien zugewiesen, was möglicherweise auf die Verwendung von Rauch zurückzuführen ist, allerdings mit weniger Butteraroma. Proben aus der Region Ostkroatien wurden nur schlecht erkannt, da sie sich stark mit anderen Regionen überschneiden. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass der Einfluss der Regionen auf die sensorischen Merkmale, unabhängig vom Produkt, offensichtlich ist, dass aber der Beitrag der Region genau definiert und umfassend sein sollte, El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el perfil sensorial y la agradabilidad de dos tipos de productos cárnicos curados tradicionales de cuatro regiones croatas (las regiones central y la del norte, la del este, la del oeste y el sur de Croacia). Para este propósito, 24 muestras de jamón seco y 26 muestras de tocino seco fueron evaluadas por 9 jueces del panel de sensores utilizando un análisis descriptivo cuantitativo. Se determinó que los perfiles sensoriales del jamón seco y del tocino difieren significativamente en 12 y 13 de 22 propiedades sensoriales, respectivamente. Casi todos los rasgos de la agradabilidad del jamón seco difirieron significativamente entre regiones, con la excepción de la agradabilidad de la sección transversal, que fue el único rasgo que difirió entre las muestras de tocino seco. Los resultados del análisis de los componentes principales (ACP) mostraron que las propiedades de olor y aroma son las más importantes para la caracterización y diferenciación de los productos cárnicos curados. El análisis ACP reveló una clara separación de las muestras de la región del oeste de Croacia, donde los aromas de hierbas aromáticas y especiadas eran más importantes, de las muestras de la región del sur de Croacia, donde el aroma de la mantequilla y el olor a humo eran más importantes. Las muestras de la región del centro y del norte de Croacia fueron reconocidas en la región del sur de Croacia, probablemente debido al uso de humo, pero con menos aroma a mantequilla. Las muestras de la región del este de Croacia fueron las menos caracterizadas y fueron superpuestas en gran medida con otras regiones. Se puede concluir que la influencia de la región en las propiedades sensoriales es significativa independientemente del tipo de producto, pero la contribución de la región debe estar bien definida con un impacto extensivo., Lo scopo di questo documento consisteva nel determinare i profili sensoriali e il gradimento di due tipi di prodotti tradizionali insaccati provenienti da quattro regioni croate (Croazia centrale e settentrionale, orientale, occidentale e meridionale). A tale scopo, 24 campioni di prosciutto crudo essiccato e 26 campioni di pancetta essiccata sono stati valutati da un “panel” di 9 giudici mediante analisi quantitativo-descrittive. È stato riscontrato che i profili sensoriali del prosciutto crudo e della pancetta essiccati differivano in modo significativo rispettivamente in 12 e 13 dei 22 tratti sensoriali. Quasi tutti i tratti di gradimento del prosciutto crudo essiccato differivano significativamente tra le regioni, ad eccezione del gradimento della sezione trasversale, che era l'unico tratto che differiva tra i campioni di pancetta essiccata tra le regioni. I risultati dell'analisi dei componenti principali (PCA) hanno mostrato l’importanza degli attributi di odore e aroma per caratterizzare e differenziare i prodotti a base di carne essiccata. L'analisi PCA ha rivelato una netta separazione dei campioni tra la regione della Croazia occidentale, dove l'aroma di erbe aromatiche e speziate era più importante, e la regione della Croazia meridionale, dove erano più importanti l'aroma burroso e l'odore affumicato. I campioni della Croazia centrale e settentrionale sono stati ricondotti alla regione della Croazia meridionale, forse a causa dell'uso del fumo, ma con un aroma meno burroso. I campioni della Croazia orientale sono stati individuati con maggior difficoltà, avendo molti punti di sovrapposizione con altre regioni. Si può concludere che l'influenza delle regioni sui tratti sensoriali è evidente indipendentemente dal prodotto, ma il contributo della regione dovrebbe essere meglio e più efficacemente definito
- Published
- 2022
36. Nitrite from vegetable sources: a promising 'clean label' strategy in heat-treated sausages?
- Author
Kos, Ivica, Stvorić, Martina, Vnučec, Ivan, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Dolenčić Špehar, Iva, Jůzl, Miroslav, Langová, Radka, Širić, Ivan, Piechowiczová, Markéta, Saláková, Alena, and Jůzl, Miroslav
- Subjects
vegetables, nitrates, nitrites, starter culture, clean label - Abstract
Nitrites are the most important preservatives in the meat industry, contributing to colour, flavour, and safety, making them the most common E-number on the label. On the other hand, the meat industry faces significant challenges as it grapples with the shift toward "clean labels" and consumer concerns about the healthiness of meat products. Many approaches have been proposed within scheme of natural alternatives to nitrite, and some are being implemented in practise. The use of nitrate-rich vegetable source and nitrate-reducing starter cultures could be considered a step forward in the "clean label" strategy, as it meets consumer demands. However, there are still some risks, such as residual formation of N- nitrosamines, impurities in vegetables, effects on sensory characteristics of the product (mainly colour and taste), allergenic effect (e.g., celery), and product safety issues. The objective of this manuscript is to discuss the benefits, limitations, and opportunities of using nitrite from vegetable sources in the meat industry.
- Published
- 2022
37. Utilization of organ meats: a way to improve meat industry sustainability and profitability
- Author
Vnučec, Ivan, Kos, Ivica, Širić, Ivan, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Dolenčić Špehar, Iva, Piechowiczová, Markéta, Saláková, Alena, and Jůzl, Miroslav
- Subjects
meat production, edible offal, nutritional value, added value, protein supply ,food and beverages - Abstract
The projected growth of the world's population by almost 35% over the next three decades will inevitably lead to increased demand for animal protein. This will result in annual meat production rising to as much as 470 million tonnes by 2050, and with it the total amount of edible meat by-products produced. Organ meats have a high nutritional value and, if eaten in moderation, can be a healthy and regular part of a balanced diet. In addition to being used as food for humans, organ meats can also be used as animal feed and for pharmaceutical purposes. As far as the global meat processing industry is concerned, the goal should be to improve the utilisation of organ meats in order to realise its full potential and increase the profits of meat processors. At the same time, major efforts must be made worldwide to improve consumer knowledge about the high nutritional value of organ meat and its importance for sustainable meat production.
- Published
- 2022
38. Seasonal changes in diet affect fatty acid composition of Jersey milk in organic production system
- Author
Kelava Ugarković, Nikolina, primary, Petrović, Ivana, additional, Prpić, Zvonimir, additional, Vnučec, Ivan, additional, and Konjačić, Miljenko, additional
- Published
- 2022
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39. Corrigendum to "Sensory and Nutritional Characterization of Six Different Types of Croatian Traditional Meat Product Characterization of Croatian Traditional Meat Products".
- Author
Kudumija, Nina, Kos, Ivica, Lešić, Tina, Vahčić, Nada, Vulić, Ana, Polak, Tomaž, Krešić, Greta, Vnučec, Ivan, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Škrivanko, Mario, Bogdanović, Tanja, and Pleadin, Jelka
- Subjects
MEAT ,CROATS - Published
- 2024
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40. Animal blood: vaste or valuable by-product?!
- Author
Kelava Ugarković, Nikolina, Greiner, Kristina, Kaić, Ana, Prpić, Zvonimir, Vnučec, Ivan, Konjačić, Miljenko, Piechowiezova, Marketa, Salakova, Alena, and Juzl, Miroslav
- Subjects
food and beverages ,meat ,animal by-products ,animal blood ,composition ,collection ,use - Abstract
Blood is the first and inevitable by-product of the meat production. In general, per adult cattle can be collected up to 15 l of blood and 2–3 l per pig. Depending on pre- and post-mortem inspection, blood can be categorised as edible or inedible by- product. Considering amounts produced, high organic content and high chemical oxygen demand, blood needs to be managed and used to prevent pollution and health related risks. The aim of this paper was to describe basic composition and characteristics of animal blood, collection procedure and use.
- Published
- 2021
41. Nusproizvodi životinjskog podrijetla kao hrana za kućne ljubimce
- Author
Kelava Ugarković, Nikolina, Hadrović, Josipa, Vnučec, Ivan, Konjačić, Miljenko, Prpić, Zvonimir, Rozman, Vlatka, and Antunović, Zvonko
- Subjects
psi, mačke, hrana, jestivi i nejestivi nusproizvodi - Abstract
Nusproizvodi životinjskog podrijetla nastaju nakon klanja i obrade trupova domaćih životinja u klaonicama i prosječni udio u živoj masi goveda iznosi oko 45 %, oko 50 % za ovce i koze, 40 % za svinje i 30 % za brojlere. Nusproizvodi se dijele na jestive i nejestive odnosno one koji nisu prikladni za prehranu ljudi. Većina jestivih nusproizvoda ima visoki udio proteina, poželjan aminokiselinski sastav te esencijalne minerale i vitamine. Hranjiva vrijednost nusproizvoda životinjskog podrijetla čini ih pogodnom sirovinom u industriji hrane za pse i mačke. Cilj ovog rada je opisati svojstva nusproizvoda i njihovo korištenje u proizvodnji hrane za pse i mačke kao dominantnih kućnih ljubimaca.
- Published
- 2021
42. Auswirkung des teilweisen Ersatzes von NaCl durch KCl auf die physikalischen und sensorischen Eigenschaften von getrocknetem Schweinekarree
- Author
Kos, Ivica, Škrlec, Andrija, Janječić, Zlatko, Bedeković, Dalibor, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Kiš, Goran, and Vnučec, Ivan
- Subjects
riduzione del sodio ,lonzino ,NaCl ,KCl ,proprietà sensoriali ,proprietà fisiche ,reducción de sodio ,carne rostizada seca ,propiedades sensoriales ,propiedades físicas ,sodium reduction ,dry-cured loin ,sodium chloride ,potassium chloride ,sensory traits ,physical properties ,Natriumreduktion ,getrocknetes Schweinekarree ,Natriumchlorid ,Kaliumchlorid ,sensorische Merkmale ,physikalische Eigenschaften ,smanjenje natrija ,suha pečenica ,senzorska svojstva ,fizikalna svojstva - Abstract
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of partial replacement of NaCl with KCl on the physical and sensory properties of dry-cured loin. The dry-cured loins were prepared after three treatments, where treatment C served as a control without NaCl replacement, while in treatments F1 and F2, 25 and 37.5 % NaCl was replaced by KCl, respectively. A significant difference (P, Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti učinak djelomične zamjene NaCl s KCl na fizikalna i senzorska svojstva suhih pečenica. Za potrebe istraživanja pripremljena su tri tretmana suhih pečenica, pri čemu je tretman C služio kao kontrola bez zamjene NaCl, dok je u tretmanima F1i F2 zamijenjeno 25, odnosno 37,5 % NaCl s KCl. Utvrđena je značajna razlika (P, Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Auswirkung eines teilweisen Ersatzes von NaCl durch KCl auf die physikalischen und sensorischen Eigenschaften von getrocknetem Schweinekarree zu untersuchen. Die getrockneten Schweinekarreestücke wurden nach drei Behandlungen zubereitet, wobei die Behandlung C als Kontrolle ohne NaCl-Ersatz diente, während bei den Behandlungen F1 und F2 25 bzw. 37,5 % NaCl durch KCl ersetzt wurden. Es wurde ein signifikanter Unterschied (P, El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el efecto del reemplazo parcial del NaCl por el KCL sobre las propiedades físicas y sensoriales de la carne rostizada seca. Para fines de la investigación, fueron preparados tres tratamientos de la carne rostizada seca, donde el tratamiento C sirvió como el control sin reemplazo del NaCl, mientras que en los tratamientos F1 y F2 fue reemplazado 37,5 % del NaCl por el KCl. Fue encontrada una diferencia significativa (P, L’obiettivo di questa ricerca consisteva nell’esaminare l’effetto della parziale sostituzione dell’NaCl (cloruro di sodio) con il KCl (cloruro di potassio) sulle proprietà fisiche e sensoriali dei lonzini (lonza di maiale essiccata). Per le esigenze della ricerca sono stati predisposti tre trattamenti di essicazione del lonzino, laddove il trattamento identificato con la lettera C è servito come trattamento di controllo senza la sostituzione dell’NaCl, mentre nei trattamenti F1 e F2 la sostituzione parziale dell’NaCl con il KCl è stata rispettivamente del 25 e del 37,5 %. La ricerca ha evidenziato una significativa differenza (P
- Published
- 2021
43. Utjecaj dodatka ovčjeg mesa na fizikalno-kemijska i senzorska svojstva tradicionalnih trajnih kobasica
- Author
Kos, Ivica, Kocek, Matea, Širić, Ivan, Juzl, Miroslav, Langova, Radka, Bedeković, Dalibor, Janječić, Zlatko, Vnučec, Ivan, Rozman, Vlatka, and Antunović, Zvonko
- Subjects
ovčje meso ,pH ,aktivitet vode ,senzorska analiza ,trajne kobasice - Abstract
Cilj rada bio je utvrditi fizikalno-kemijska i senzorska svojstva tradicionalnih trajnih kobasica s dodatkom ovčjeg mesa. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da se kalo kobasica povećavalo s povećanjem udjela ovčjeg mesa. Različiti tijek pH vrijednosti između tretmana utvrđen je na početku proizvodnje, a značajne razlike u aktivitetu vode utvrđene su na kraju. Senzorskom analizom je utvrđeno da postoje značajne razlike između kontrolnog i pokusnih tretmana. S povećanjem udjela ovčjeg mesa miris je češće bio označen kao razlikovno svojstvo što implicira izraženiji utjecaj kod većih udjela. Može se zaključiti da je dodatak ovčjeg mesa značajno utjecao na fizikalno- kemijska i senzorska svojstva trajnih kobasica.
- Published
- 2021
44. Ekonomska isplativost korištenja veće količine sirovih proteina u hranidbi mliječnih koza
- Author
Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Šakić Bobić, Branka, Dolenčić Špehar, Iva, Vnučec, Ivan, Samaržija, Dubravka, Grgić, Zoran, Rozman, Vlatka, and Antunović, Zvonko
- Subjects
kozje mlijeko, krmna smjesa, doprinos pokriću, sirovi proteini - Abstract
Uravnotežena hranidba smatra se temeljem učinkovite proizvodnje kozjega mlijeka. Općenito, prema istraživanjima, troškovi hranidbe čine oko 50 % izravnih troškova proizvodnje kozjeg mlijeka, a proteini predstavljaju najskuplju komponentu obroka. Stoga uravnotežena struktura hranidbe i bilanciranje stvarnih potreba životinja donose uštede, uz istovremeno povećanje količine i poboljšanje kvalitete mlijeka. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi optimalan i ekonomski isplativ udio sirovih proteina u krmnoj smjesi kao dopunskom obroku u intenzivnoj proizvodnji kozjeg mlijeka. Istraživanje je provedeno u stadu od 70-ak alpina koza tijekom dvije proizvodne godine. U prvoj (baznoj) godini sve su koze hranjene krmnom smjesom sa 11 % sirovih proteina dok su u drugoj godini slučajnim odabirom koze podijeljene u 3 hranidbene skupine i hranjene krmnom smjesom s različitim udjelom sirovih proteina (14 %, 16 % i 18 % sirovih proteina). S obzirom na kretanje proizvodnje mlijeka, te odnos prihoda i troškova u sve tri hranidbene skupine, utvrđena je pokrivenost prosječnog troška krmne smjese cijenom proizvedenoga mlijeka. Na temelju dobivenih razlika može se zaključiti kako je opravdano koristiti krmnu smjesu sa 14 % sirovih proteina jer jedina ima veći doprinos pokriću od bazne godine.
- Published
- 2021
45. Effect of partial replacement of NaCl with KCl on physical and sensory traits of dry-cured loin
- Author
Kos, Ivica, Škrlec, Andrija, Janječić, Zlatko, Bedeković, Dalibor, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Kiš, Goran, Vnučec, Ivan, Kos, Ivica, Škrlec, Andrija, Janječić, Zlatko, Bedeković, Dalibor, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Kiš, Goran, and Vnučec, Ivan
- Abstract
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of partial replacement of NaCl with KCl on the physical and sensory properties of dry-cured loin. The dry-cured loins were prepared after three treatments, where treatment C served as a control without NaCl replacement, while in treatments F1 and F2, 25 and 37.5 % NaCl was replaced by KCl, respectively. A significant difference (P<0.05) was found in the water activity of the dry-cured loins at all stages between treatments C and F2 and at most stages between treatments C and F1. The study revealed a significantly higher (P<0.05) pH after salting in treatment F2 (5.79) compared to control treatment C (5.58), but no significant differences were found between treatments during the rest of production until the end of storage in vacuum. It was found that there were no significant differences in color values between treatments at all stages of production and storage in vacuum. Among the 17 descriptive sensory traits, significant differences were found only for color uniformity, salty taste and aromatic plant aroma intensity. In contrast, likeability sensory traits like texture and taste likeability, maturity impression, aroma richness and overall likeability were significantly better rated in the control treatment. Considering the adverse effects on likeability sensory traits, replacing NaCl with KCl does not seem to be sufficiently justified. Therefore, further studies are needed as taste improvement could also be achieved by mixing substitutes with a more favourable effect on flavor and other technological indicators, still resulting in lower sodium content., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti učinak djelomične zamjene NaCl s KCl na fizikalna i senzorska svojstva suhih pečenica. Za potrebe istraživanja pripremljena su tri tretmana suhih pečenica, pri čemu je tretman C služio kao kontrola bez zamjene NaCl, dok je u tretmanima F1i F2 zamijenjeno 25, odnosno 37,5 % NaCl s KCl. Utvrđena je značajna razlika (P<0,05) u aktivitetu vode pečenica u svim fazama proizvodnje između tretmana C i F2 i u većini faza između tretmana C i F1. Istraživanjem je utvrđena značajno veća (P<0,05) pH vrijednost nakon soljenja u tretmanu F2 (5,79) u usporedbi s kontrolnim tretmanom C (5,58), ali nisu pronađene značajne razlike između tretmana tijekom ostatka proizvodnje do kraja skladištenja u vakuumu. Utvrđeno je da nema značajnih razlika u vrijednostima boje između tretmana u svim fazama proizvodnje i skladištenja u vakuumu. Među 17 opisnih senzorskih svojstava, značajne razlike su pronađene samo u ujednačenosti boje, slanom okusu i intenzitetu arome aromatičnog bilja. Nasuprot tome, dopadljivost teksture i okusa, dojam zrelosti, bogatstvo arome i ukupna dopadljivost značajno su bolje ocijenjeni u kontrolnom tretmanu. Uvažavajući nepovoljan učinak na svojstva dopadljivosti, čini se da zamjena NaCl s KCl nije dovoljno opravdana. Stoga su potrebna daljnja istraživanja o poboljšanju okusa što bi se moglo postići miješanjem nadomjestaka s povoljnijim učinkom na okus i druge tehnološke pokazatelje, uz postizanje nižeg sadržaja natrija u proizvodu., Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Auswirkung eines teilweisen Ersatzes von NaCl durch KCl auf die physikalischen und sensorischen Eigenschaften von getrocknetem Schweinekarree zu untersuchen. Die getrockneten Schweinekarreestücke wurden nach drei Behandlungen zubereitet, wobei die Behandlung C als Kontrolle ohne NaCl-Ersatz diente, während bei den Behandlungen F1 und F2 25 bzw. 37,5 % NaCl durch KCl ersetzt wurden. Es wurde ein signifikanter Unterschied (P<0,05) in der Wasseraktivität der getrockneten Schweinekarreestücke in allen Stadien zwischen den Behandlungen C und F2 und in den meisten Stadien zwischen den Behandlungen C und F1 festgestellt. Die Studie ergab einen signifikant höheren (P<0,05) pH-Wert nach dem Salzen bei der Behandlung F2 (5,79) im Vergleich zur Kontrollbehandlung C (5,58), aber es wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Behandlungen während der restlichen Produktion bis zum Ende der Lagerung im Vakuum festgestellt. Es wurde festgestellt, dass es keine signifikanten Unterschiede in den Farbwerten zwischen den Behandlungen in allen Phasen der Produktion und der Lagerung im Vakuum gab. Von den 17 beschreibenden sensorischen Merkmalen wurden nur für die Farbgleichmäßigkeit, den salzigen Geschmack und die Intensität des aromatischen Pflanzenaromas signifikante Unterschiede festgestellt. Im Gegensatz dazu wurden die sensorischen Eigenschaften wie Textur und Geschmack, Reifeeindruck, Aromareichhaltigkeit und allgemeine Schmackhaftigkeit bei der Kontrollbehandlung signifikant besser bewertet. In Anbetracht der nachteiligen Auswirkungen auf die sensorischen Merkmale der Schmackhaftigkeit scheint der Ersatz von NaCl durch KCl nicht ausreichend gerechtfertigt zu sein. Daher sind weitere Studien erforderlich, da eine Geschmacksverbesserung auch durch die Mischung von Ersatzstoffen erreicht werden könnte, die sich günstiger auf den Geschmack und andere technologische Indikatoren auswirken und dennoch zu einem niedrigeren Natriumgehalt führen., El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el efecto del reemplazo parcial del NaCl por el KCL sobre las propiedades físicas y sensoriales de la carne rostizada seca. Para fines de la investigación, fueron preparados tres tratamientos de la carne rostizada seca, donde el tratamiento C sirvió como el control sin reemplazo del NaCl, mientras que en los tratamientos F1 y F2 fue reemplazado 37,5 % del NaCl por el KCl. Fue encontrada una diferencia significativa (P<0,05) en la actividad del agua en las carnes rostizadas en todas las fases de la producción entre los tratamientos C y F2 y en la mayoría de las fases entre los tratamientos C y F1. El estudio encontró un valor de pH significativamente mayor (P<0,05) después de la salazón en el tratamiento F2 (5,79), en comparación con el tratamiento control C (5,58), pero no fueron encontradas diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos durante el resto de la producción hasta el final del almacenamiento en vació. Fue determinado que no hubo diferencias significativas en los valores de color entre los tratamientos en todas las etapas de la producción y del almacenamiento en vacío. Entre las 17 propiedades sensoriales descriptivas, fueron encontradas diferencias significativas solamente en la uniformidad del color, del sabor salado y en la intensidad del aroma de las hierbas aromáticas. En cambio, la atracción de la textura y del sabor, la impresión de madurez, la riqueza del aroma y la atracción general fueron calificadas significativamente mejor en el tratamiento control. Teniendo en cuenta el efecto negativo sobre las propiedades de atracción, la sustitución del NaCl por el KCl no parece suficientemente justificada. Por lo tanto, es necesario investigar más para mejorar el sabor, lo que podría lograrse mezclando los sustitutos con un efecto más favorable sobre el sabor y otros indicadores tecnológicos, al tiempo que se logra menor contenido de sodio en el producto., L’obiettivo di questa ricerca consisteva nell’esaminare l’effetto della parziale sostituzione dell’NaCl (cloruro di sodio) con il KCl (cloruro di potassio) sulle proprietà fisiche e sensoriali dei lonzini (lonza di maiale essiccata). Per le esigenze della ricerca sono stati predisposti tre trattamenti di essicazione del lonzino, laddove il trattamento identificato con la lettera C è servito come trattamento di controllo senza la sostituzione dell’NaCl, mentre nei trattamenti F1 e F2 la sostituzione parziale dell’NaCl con il KCl è stata rispettivamente del 25 e del 37,5 %. La ricerca ha evidenziato una significativa differenza (P<0,05) nell’attività dell’acqua del lonzino in tutte le fasi di produzione tra i trattamenti C e F2 e nella maggior parte delle fasi tra i trattamenti C e F1. La ricerca ha altresì evidenziato un valore pH significativamente maggiore (P<0,05) dopo la salatura nel trattamento F2 (5,79) rispetto al trattamento di controllo C (5,58), ma non sono state evidenziate significative discrepanze tra i trattamenti nel corso delle altre fasi della produzione, fino allo stoccaggio in sottovuoto. Non sono state, poi, rilevate significative differenze nei valori cromatici tra trattamenti in tutte le fasi di produzione e di stoccaggio sottovuoto. Tra le 17 proprietà descrittive sensoriali, sono state accertate differenze soltanto nell’uniformità del colore, nella sapidità e nell’intensità dell’aroma delle erbe aromatiche. Di contro, la gradevolezza della texture (consistenza) e del gusto, l’impressione di stagionatura, la ricchezza d’aroma e la generale gradevolezza del prodotto hanno avuto una miglior valutazione nel trattamento di controllo. Considerato l’effetto sfavorevole sulla caratteristica della gradevolezza, sembra che la sostituzione dell’NaCl con il KCl non sia sufficientemente giustificata. Si rendono, pertanto, necessari ulteriori ricerche sul miglioramento gustativo che potrebbe ottenersi mescolando prodotti succedanei che abbiano un effetto fa
- Published
- 2021
46. Mineral content variability of two dry-cured ham types
- Author
Kos, Ivica, Smrček, Sanja, Širić, Ivan, Janječić, Zlatko, Bedeković, Dalibor, Kiš, Goran, Vnučec, Ivan, Kos, Ivica, Smrček, Sanja, Širić, Ivan, Janječić, Zlatko, Bedeković, Dalibor, Kiš, Goran, and Vnučec, Ivan
- Abstract
The aim of this study was to elaborate on the mineral content variability of two dry-cured ham types for better understanding of the contribution of minerals to reference daily intake (RDI). These two ham types were based on Istrian and Dalmatian ham manufacturing process. Significantly higher (P<0.05) contents of ash, NaCl, sodium (Na), potassium (K), phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and manganese (Mn) were found in Istrian ham, while Dalmatian ham had higher moisture content. Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) content did not differ between ham types. The variability of moisture, ash, NaCl, Na, P, Mg, and Ca content can be regarded as low, while the variability of K, Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn content should be considered as high. It was observed that mineral content variability within ham type was more often lower than overall variability. Intake of Na by consumption of 100 g of dry-cured ham is between 2350.54 mg in Dalmatian ham and 3148.33 mg in Istrian ham, respectively, thus exceeding recommended daily limitation. Therefore, more efforts in ham manufacturing have to be done to lower Na content. Average contribution of K, P, and Zn to the RDI values were 31.89 %, 40.14 %, and 50.80 %, respectively. Considering that, dry-cured ham could be regarded as a source of a significant amount of these minerals. Contribution of Fe and Cu should be carefully considered because of high variability between ham types. Contribution of Mg, Ca, and Mn to RDI values were lower than 10 %., Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi varijabilnost sadržaja minerala u dva tipa pršuta radi boljeg razumijevanja doprinosa minerala preporučenom unosu (PU). Ova dva tipa pršuta temeljila su se na postupku proizvodnje Istarskog i Dalmatinskog pršuta. Značajno veći (P<0,05) sadržaj pepela, NaCl, natrija (Na), kalija (K), fosfora (P), cinka (Zn), željeza (Fe), bakra (Cu) i mangana (Mn) pronađen je u Istarskom pršutu, dok je Dalmatinski pršut imao veći sadržaj vlage. Sadržaj Ca i Mg nije se razlikovao između pršuta. Varijabilnost sadržaja vlage, pepela, NaCl, Na, P, Mg i Ca može se smatrati niskom, dok bi varijabilnost sadržaja K, Zn, Fe, Cu i Mn mogla smatrati visokom. Uočeno je da je varijabilnost sadržaja minerala unutar tipa pršuta češće niža od ukupne varijabilnosti. Unos Na konzumacijom 100 g iznosi između 2350,54 mg u Dalmatinskom pršutu i 3148,33 mg u Istarskom pršutu, što premašuje preporučeno dnevno ograničenje. Zbog toga bi se trebalo uložiti više napora u tehnologiju proizvodnje pršuta kako bi se smanjio sadržaj Na. Prosječni doprinos K, P i Zn vrijednostima PU iznosio je 31,89 %, 40,14 % i 50,80 %. S obzirom na to, pršuti se mogu smatrati hranom koja sadrži značajne količine ovih minerala. Doprinos Fe i Cu vrijednostima PU treba pažljivo razmotriti zbog velike varijabilnosti između pršuta. Doprinos Mg, Ca i Mn vrijednostima preporučenog unosa bio je niži od 10 %., Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Variabilität des Mineralstoffgehalts von zwei luftgetrockneten Rohschinken festzustellen, um den Beitrag der Mineralstoffe zur empfohlenen täglichen Verzehrmenge (RDA) besser zu verstehen. Diese zwei Schinkensorten basieren auf dem Herstellungsprozess von istrischem und dalmatinischem Schinken. Signifikant höhere (P<0,05) Gehalte an Asche, NaCl, Natrium (Na), Kalium (K), Phosphor (P), Zink (Zn), Eisen (Fe), Kupfer (Cu) und Mangan (Mn) wurden in istrischem Schinken gefunden, während der dalmatinische Schinken einen höheren Feuchtigkeitsgehalt aufwies. Der Gehalt an Kalzium (Ca) und Magnesium (Mg) unterschied sich nicht zwischen den Schinkensorten. Die Variabilität des Feuchtigkeits-, Asche-, NaCl-, Na-, P-, Mg- und Ca-Gehalts kann als gering angesehen werden, während die Variabilität des K-, Zn-, Fe-, Cu- und Mn-Gehalts als hoch angesehen werden sollte. Es wurde beobachtet, dass die Variabilität des Mineralstoffgehalts innerhalb der Schinkensorte häufiger geringer war als die Gesamtvariabilität. Die Aufnahme von Na durch den Verzehr von 100 g luftgetrocknetem Rohschinken liegt zwischen 2350,54 mg bei dalmatinischem Schinken und 3148,33 mg bei istrischem Schinken und übersteigt damit die empfohlene Tagesgrenze. Daher müssen bei der Schinkenherstellung mehr Anstrengungen unternommen werden, um den Na-Gehalt zu senken. Der durchschnittliche Beitrag von K, P und Zn zu den RDA-Werten betrug 31,89 %, 40,14 % bzw. 50,80 %. In Anbetracht dessen kann der luftgetrocknete Schinken als eine Quelle von bedeutenden Mengen dieser Mineralien angesehen werden. Der Beitrag von Fe und Cu sollte aufgrund der hohen Variabilität zwischen den Schinkensorten sorgfältig betrachtet werden. Der Beitrag von Mg, Ca und Mn zu den RDA-Werten war geringer als 10 %., El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la variabilidad del contenido mineral en dos tipos de jamón para comprender mejor la contribución de los minerales a la ingesta recomendada (IDR). Estos dos tipos de jamón se basaron en el proceso de producción del jamón de Istria y Dalmacia. Se encontró un contenido significativamente mayor (P<0.05) de cenizas, NaCl, sodio (Na), potasio (K), fósforo (P), zinc (Zn), hierro (Fe), cobre (Cu) y manganeso (Mn) en el jamón de Istria, mientras que el jamón de Dalmacia tenía un mayor contenido de humedad. El contenido de Ca y Mg no difirió entre los jamones. La variabilidad de los contenidos de humedad, cenizas, NaCl, Na, P, Mg y Ca puede considerarse baja, mientras que la variabilidad de los contenidos de K, Zn, Fe, Cu y Mn podría considerarse alta. Fue notado que la variabilidad del contenido mineral dentro del tipo de jamón es menor que la variabilidad total. La ingestión de Na con el consumo de 100 g del jamón de Dalmacia se sitúa entre 2350,54 mg y 148,33 mg en el jamón de Istria, lo que excede el límite diario recomendado. Por lo tanto, se deben realizar más esfuerzos en la tecnología de producción de jamón para reducir el contenido de Na. La contribución media de K, P y Zn a los valores de IDR fue 31,89 %, 40,14% y 50,80 %. Habida cuenta de esto, el jamón puede considerarse un alimento que contiene cantidades significativas de estos minerales. La contribución de Fe y Cu a los valores de IDR debe considerarse cuidadosamente debido a la gran variabilidad entre los jamones. La contribución de Mg, Ca y Mn a los valores de la ingesta recomendada fue inferior al 10 %, Il presente lavoro di ricerca è stato elaborato con lo scopo di determinare la variabilità del contenuto di minerali in due tipi di prosciutto per meglio comprendere il contributo dei minerali all’assunzione di riferimento (*AR in croato: PU). Questi due tipi di prosciutto si sono basati sul processo produttivo del Prosciutto istriano e del Prosciutto dalmato. Significamente più alto il valore (P<0,05) del contenuto di ceneri, di sale (NaCl), di sodio (Na), di potassio (K), di fosforo (P), di zinco (Zn), di ferro (Fe), di rame (Cu) e di manganese (Mn) è stato trovato nel Prosciutto istriano, mentre il Prosciutto dalmato indicava un maggior contenuto di umidità. Il contenuto di Calcio (Ca) e magnesio (Mg) non ha dimostrato delle differenze tra i due tipi di prosciutto. La variabilità del contenuto di umidità, di ceneri, di sale (NaCl), di sodio (Na), di fosforo (P), di magnesio (Mg) e di Calcio (Ca) può essere considerata bassa, mentre la variabilità del contenuto di potassio (K), di zinco (Zn), di ferro (Fe), di rame (Cu) e di manganese (Mn) può essere considerata alta. È stato notato che la variabilità del contenuto di minerali nel tipo di prosciutto è spesso più bassa rispetto alla variabilità totale. L’assunzione di sodio (Na) consumando 100 g di Prosciutto dalmato è compresa tra 2350,54 mg e tra 3148,33 mg nel Prosciutto istriano. Entrambi sono i valori che superano il limite giornaliero raccomandato. Di conseguenza sarebbe necessario investire maggiori sforzi nelle tecniche della produzione del prosciutto ai fini di ridurne il contenuto di sodio (Na). Il contributo medio di potassio (K), di fosforo (P) e di zinco (Zn) ai valori di AR (*PU) importa del 31,89 %, 40,14 % e 50,80 %. Detto questo, il prosciutto può essere considerato un alimento che contiene quantità significative di questi minerali. Il contributo di ferro (Fe) e di rame (Cu) ai valori di AR (*PU) deve essere considerato con attenzione a causa della grande variabilità tra i prosciutti. Il contributo
- Published
- 2021
47. System for evaluating the color response of a digital camera sensor
- Author
Vnučec, Ivan and Babić, Dubravko
- Subjects
TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Electrical Engineering ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,napajanje za led rasvjetu ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Elektrotehnika ,led driver ,color gamut ,svjetleće diode ,light emitting diodes ,gamut - Abstract
Izraditi izvor svjetla od više svjetlećih dioda i poluvodičkih lasera koji pokrivaju vidljivi dio spektra: od 1000 nm (infracrvena boja) do 365 nm (ultraljubičasta boja A). Intenzitet svjetla iz svake diode će se kontrolirati preko USB sučelja ili preko Bluetooth sučelja. Demonstrirati korištenje razvijenog uređaja za mjerenje gamuta barem jedne digitalne kamere Build a controllable light source comprising of a multiplicity of light-emitting diodes and semiconductor lasers covering the visible spectrum: from near infrared (1000 nm) to UVA (365 nm). The output intensity of the diodes/lasers should be remotely controllable via USB and/or Bluetooth. Demonstrate the use of the developed instrument to evaluate the color gamut of at least one digital camera sensor.
- Published
- 2020
48. Koncentracija β-karotena, luteina i zeaksantina u mlijeku krava Jersey pasmine
- Author
Kelava Ugarković, Nikolina, Rusan, Tomislav, Vnučec, Ivan, Prpić, Zvonimir, Konjačić, Miljenko, Mioč, Boro, and Širić, Ivan
- Subjects
mlijeko, karotenoidi, sezona, Jersey pasmina - Abstract
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi koncentraciju β-karotena, luteina i zeaksantina u mlijeku krava Jersey pasmine tijekom sezonskih promjena u hranidbi (pašna, prijelazna i stajska sezona) te njihovu korelaciju sa parametrima boje mlijeka. Uzorkovanje mlijeka (200 mL skupnog mlijeka iz laktofriza) provedeno je u razdoblju od svibnja 2018 do travnja 2019 na dan redovite kontrole mliječnosti. Prosječan sadržaj (%) mliječne masti u mlijeku iznosio je 5, 74±0, 16, bjelančevina 3, 92±0, 28, laktoze 4, 34±0, 11 i bezmasne suhe tvari 9, 39±0, 26. Sezona je imala značajan (P
- Published
- 2020
49. Meat quality traits of indigenous lambs and goat kids from extensive production system
- Author
Vnučec, Ivan, Prpić, Zvonimir, Antunović, Zvonko, and Mioč, Boro
- Subjects
animal diseases ,education ,human activities ,chemical composition ,fatty acid ,goat kids’ meat ,lamb meat ,mineral composition ,humanities - Abstract
The aim of this study was to compare the quality traits of meat of Dalmatian Pramenka lambs and Croatian Spotted goat kids, both Croatian indigenous breeds. For that purpose, fifteen singleborn male lambs and fifteen single-born male goat kids were raised under identical dietary regime in extensive lamb/goat kid production system typical for the Mediterranean basin. Lambs and goat kids were fasted for 24 h and slaughtered at average 22.70±0.35 kg and 23.47±0.52 kg live weight, respectively, corresponding to degree of maturity of approximately 51%. Meat colour was determined on the surface of the cut section of the Longissimus dorsi muscle (LD). Samples of LD and kidney knob fat were excised from the left side of the carcasses to determine proximate composition, mineral composition, and fatty acids profile. The L* and a* colour parameters of LD were of similar values in both species, but the b* value was significantly higher in lambs (8.88) than in goat kids (3.49). Lambs accumulated more fat (2.93% vs. 1.85%) and ash (1.19% vs. 1.12%), but less protein (20.37% vs. 21.57%) than goat kids. The potassium, sodium and magnesium contents in lamb LD were higher than in kid LD. Goat kids had higher content of all analysed trace elements than lambs, except copper. Due to the higher intramuscular fat content and thus higher monounsaturated fatty acids content, lamb meat had more favourable fatty acid profile than goat kid meat, but goat kids displayed a lower n-6/n-3 ratio (1.52) compared to lambs (2.26).
- Published
- 2020
50. Povezanost polimorfizma DGAT1 gena s mesnim odlikama janjadi
- Author
Vrbančić, Marijana, Vnučec, Ivan, Jelen, Tatjana, Ramljak, Jelena, Konjačić, Miljenko, Mioč, Boro, and Širić, Ivan
- Subjects
janjad, DGAT1 gen, polimorfizam, mesne odlike - Abstract
Skroman je broj istraživanja na temu utjecaja genotipa na mesne odlike janjadi. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati rezultate dosadašnjih istraživanja pojavnosti frekvencija alelnih varijanti i genotipova DGAT1 gena te povezanosti polimorfizama DGAT1-C/T s nekim mesnim odlikama janjadi (završna tjelesna masa, sastav trupa, kakvoća mesa). Dosadašnja istraživanja potvrdila su povezanost između DGAT1 gena i nekih mesnih odlika janjadi. Postoji povezanost C alelne varijante DGAT1 gena s većom tjelesnom masom i masom trupa janjadi, dok se alelna varijanta T povezuje s većim sadržajem intramuskularne masti i većim stupnjem mramoriranosti mesa.
- Published
- 2020
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