Vlahović, Lidija, Bavčević, Tonči, Babin, Josip, Miletić, Đurđica, Prskalo, Ivan, Zagorac, Nebojša, and Žuvela, Frane
Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost između morfoloških karakteristika i motoričkih sposobnosti te motoričkih znanja kod učenika. Uzorak ispitanika sačinjavalo je 152 učenice i 152 učenika petih razreda osnovnih škola u Splitu, kronološke dobi 11 godina. Kolekcija podataka izvršena je primjenom 16 morfoloških mjera, 21 testa motoričkih sposobnosti i 7 testova motoričkih znanja. Primijenjeni testovi imali su zadovoljavajuće metrijske karakteristike te su omogućili prikupljanje znanstveno valjanih podataka. Analiza povezanosti između skupova varijabli izvršena je primjenom kanoničke korelacijske i multiple regresijske analize. Rezultati kanoničke korelacijske analize potvrdili su generalnu povezanost morfoloških karakteristika i motoričkih sposobnosti, kao i povezanost motoričkih znanja u odnosu na morfološke karakteristika i motoričke sposobnosti kod oba uzorka ispitanika. Kako bi se utvrdila parcijalna struktura povezanosti pojedinih motoričkih znanja kao kriterija te morfoloških karakteristika i motoričkih sposobnosti kao prediktorskog skupa, primijenjena je multipla regresijska analiza. Primijenjenom metodom definirani su statistički značajni regresijski modeli povezanosti morfoloških karakteristika i motoričkih znanja. Kod uzorka učenica značajne funkcije pronađene su kod kriterijskih varijabli Brzo trčanje do 60 m iz niskog starta (MZ60M), Skok uvis prekoračnom tehnikom „škare“ (MZSUŠ), Stoj na rukama uz okomitu plohu (MZSNR), Pad naprijed preko ramena u dominantnu stranu (MZPDN), Šut s tla osnovnim načinom (rukomet) (MZŠOR) i Vršno odbijanje iz srednjeg odbojkaškog stava (odbojka) (MZVRO), a kod uzorka učenika kod varijabli Brzo trčanje do 60 m iz niskog starta (MZ60M), Skok uvis prekoračnom tehnikom „škare“ (MZSUŠ), Stoj na rukama uz okomitu plohu (MZSNR) i Šut jednom rukom s prsiju iz mjesta (košarka) (MZŠPK). Regresijska analiza između motoričkih sposobnosti kao prediktorskog skupa i motoričkih znanja, također je omogućila definiranje značajnih modela povezanosti. Kod uzorka učenica značajne funkcije pronađene su kod varijabli Brzo trčanje do 60 m iz niskog starta (MZ60M), Skok uvis prekoračnom tehnikom „škare“ (MZSUŠ), Stoj na rukama uz okomitu plohu (MZSNR), Pad naprijed preko ramena u dominantnu stranu (MZPDN), Šut s tla osnovnim načinom (rukomet) (MZŠOR) i Vršno odbijanje iz srednjeg odbojkaškog stava (odbojka) (MZVRO), a kod uzorka učenika kod varijabli Brzo trčanje do 60 m iz niskog starta (MZ60M), Skok uvis prekoračnom tehnikom „škare“ (MZSUŠ), Stoj na rukama uz okomitu plohu (MZSNR), Šut s tla osnovnim načinom (rukomet) (MZŠOR), Šut jednom rukom s prsiju iz mjesta (košarka) (MZŠPK) i Vršno odbijanje iz srednjeg odbojkaškog stava (odbojka) (MZVRO). Dobiveni nalazi omogućuju uvid u strukturu povezanosti morfoloških karakteristika, motoričkih sposobnosti i motoričkih znanja, a primjenjivi su kod planiranja i programiranja te praćenja i vrednovanja u kineziološkoj edukaciji. Ključne riječi, The aim of the research was to establish the relation between the morphological characteristics and morphological abilities as well as the motor skills in pupils. The sample of subjects consisted of 152 female pupils and 152 male pupils from the fifth grades, from the primary schools in Split, aged 11. The collection of data was carried out by the application of 16 morphological measurements, 21 motor abilities tests and 7 motor skills tests. The applied tests had satisfactory metric characteristics and they enabled the collection of scientifically valid data. The analysis of the relation between the groups of variables was carried out by the application of the canonical correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results of the canonical correlation analysis confirmed a general relation of the morphological characteristics and motor abilities, as well as the relation of the motor skills in relation to the morphological characteristics and motor abilities in both samples of subjects. In order to establish the partial structure of the relation of particular motor skills as criteria and the morphological characteristics and motor abilities as a predictor group, multiple regression analysis was applied. Statistically significant regression models of the relation of the morphological characteristics and motor skills were defined by the use of the applied method. In the sample of the female pupils significant functions were found in the criteria variables Fast running (up to 60m) from the low start (MZ60M), High jump (scissors technique) (MZSUŠ), Hand standing along the vertical surface (MZSNR), Front fall over the shoulder in the dominant side (MZPDN), Basic floor shoot (handball) (MZŠOR) and Volley above the forehead from the middle position (volleyball) (MZVRO), and in the sample of male pupils in the variables Fast running (up to 60m) from the low start (MZ60M), High jump (scissors technique) (MZSUŠ), Hand standing along the vertical surface (MZSNR) and Standing one handed shoot (basketball) (MZŠPK). In the sample of the female pupils significant functions were found in the criteria variables Fast running (up to 60m) from the low start (MZ60M), High jump (scissors technique) (MZSUŠ), Hand standing along the vertical surface (MZSNR), Front fall over the shoulder in the dominant side (MZPDN), Basic floor shoot (handball) (MZŠOR) and Volley above the forehead from the middle position (volleyball) (MZVRO), and in the sample of the male pupils in the variables Fast running (up to 60m) from the low start (MZ60M), High jump (scissors technique) (MZSUŠ), Hand standing along the vertical surface (MZSNR) and Standing one handed shoot (basketball) (MZŠPK). The regression analysis between the motor abilities as a predictor group and motor skills also enabled defining of the significant relation models. In the sample of female pupils significant functions were found in the variables Fast running (up to 60m) from the low start (MZ60M), High jump (scissors technique) (MZSUŠ), Hand standing along the vertical surface (MZSNR), Front fall over the shoulder in the dominant side (MZPDN), Basic floor shoot (handball) (MZŠOR) and Volley above the forehead from the middle position (volleyball) (MZVRO), and in the sample of male pupils in the variables Fast running (up to 60m) from the low start (MZ60M), High jump (scissors technique) (MZSUŠ), Hand standing along the vertical surface (MZSNR), Basic floor shoot (handball) (MZŠOR), Standing one handed shoot (basketball) (MZŠPK) and Volley above the forehead from the middle position (volleyball) (MZVRO). The obtained results enable an insight into the structure of the relation of the morphological characteristics, motor abilities and motor skills, and they can be applied in planning and programming as well as in monitoring and evaluating in the kinesiological education.