Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T16:55:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Teresinha de Sousa Feitosa.pdf: 1336453 bytes, checksum: 9a6b1b9e7f3537599449d88f9baab26a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-02 The lecture presents results of a survey that aimed to investigate how they were implemented - in the Agrotechnical Federal School from Crato - CE - reforms of vocational education in the period from 1996 to 2006, seeking to detect what were the basis: the conscious practice driven by conceptual appropriation or simply accommodation to legislation. In the theoretical highlight we emphasize the history of professional education in Brazil, from the colonial period to the present day, focusing on reforms that occurred during the study period, to the duality prevalent at all times in the history of Brazilian education and the imposition of policies for professional education. The research instruments used were questionnaires to teachers and pedagogical team, and documentary analysis of the teaching of the Technical Course in Agriculture. From the analysis of the data it was proved that the curriculum reforms undertaken in the research institution were primarily based in obeying the legislation at the expense of conceptual appropriation by teachers and pedagogical staff responsible for the changes and, therefore, never fully achieved goals. Compared with such a finding, we conclude that any educational reform to succeed, must be preceded by extensive discussions with those involved in the process, so that its purposes are clear and does not constitute, only one more legal imposition. It is believed that to reach the desired unified school, general education, which requires sensible educators shapers of free man / workers, it is necessary, first, to inform and educate the teachers of the social and political importance of this school. Going further, it is necessary that society must acquire knowledge about, so that it can, in an active and organized way, require a unified school for all, as a constitutive element of a more just and equal society. A Disserta??o apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo investigar como foram implantadas no ?mbito da Escola Agrot?cnica Federal de Crato-CE as reformas do ensino profissionalizante ocorridas no per?odo de 1996 a 2006, buscando detectar o que as fundamentou: a pr?tica consciente movida pela apropria??o conceitual ou simplesmente acomoda??o ? legisla??o. No referencial te?rico destacamos o hist?rico da educa??o profissional no Brasil, do per?odo colonial aos dias atuais, dando ?nfase ?s reformas ocorridas no per?odo em estudo, ? dualidade predominante em todos os momentos da hist?ria da educa??o brasileira e ? imposi??o das pol?ticas para a educa??o profissional. Os instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados foram question?rios aplicados aos docentes e equipe pedag?gica, e an?lise documental dos planos did?ticos do Curso T?cnico em Agropecu?ria. A partir da an?lise dos dados comprovou-se que as reformas curriculares realizadas na institui??o pesquisada ocorreram, predominantemente, com fundamento na obedi?ncia ? legisla??o, em detrimento da apropria??o conceitual pelos docentes e equipe pedag?gica respons?vel pelas mudan?as e, por esse motivo, nunca atingiram plenamente seus objetivos. Tomando como refer?ncia tal constata??o conclu?-se que qualquer reforma educacional, para obter ?xito, deva ser antecedida de ampla discuss?o com os envolvidos no processo, a fim de que seus prop?sitos fiquem claros e n?o se constitua, somente, em mais uma imposi??o legal. Acreditase que para se chegar ? almejada escola unit?ria, de forma??o geral, que requer educadores conscientes formadores de homens/trabalhadores livres ? preciso, primeiramente, informar e conscientizar os docentes da import?ncia social e pol?tica dessa escola. Indo mais al?m, ? necess?rio conscientizar a sociedade, para que possa, de forma ativa e organizada, exigir uma escola ?nica para todos, como elemento constitutivo de uma sociedade mais justa e igualit?ria.