1. Građenje i uporaba građevine
- Author
Brumec, Ivana and Amadori, Mirna
- Subjects
project - technical documentation ,construction ,permits prior to construction start ,građenje ,project assignment ,projektno – tehnička dokumentacija ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Građevinarstvo. Organizacija i tehnologija građenja ,Projektni zadatak ,operating permit ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Civil Engineering. Construction Organization and Technology ,uporabna dozvola ,contractor selection ,types of works ,dozvole prije početka građenja ,odabir izvođača ,tehnički pregled ,vrste radova ,technical inspection - Abstract
Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikazati sam tijek nastajanja neke građevine kao i njezina uporaba nakon izvršenja svih radova na građevini. Sve započinje samom idejom investitora koju on predočuje odabranom projektantu u želji za realizacijom iste. Dužnosti projektanta su da prvobitno izraditi projektni zadatak zatim i svu projektno – tehničku dokumentaciju po kojoj će se graditi odabrana građevina. Niti jedan korak u građenju ne može započeti bez određenih dozvola koje investitor mora pribaviti prije samog početka građenja, a građenje započinje nakon kvalitetne izrade projektno - tehničke dokumentacije i odabirom izvođača. Sam proces građenja je vrlo dugotrajan i zahtjevan koji se sastoji od različitih vrsta radova, te se ne smiju dogoditi značajne greške i odstupanja jer će to biti vidljivo kroz tijek korištenja građevine, a i nekvalitetnom gradnjom bi ugrozili život ljudi i okoliša. Dobro izvršenje radova se završno provjerava tehničkim pregledom, te nakon pozitivnog rješenja može se izdati uporabna dozvola, te početi sa uporabom iste. The goal of this final thesis is to outline the process for creating a building from initial planning and constrution through to first usage by a customer. Everything begins with the customer's initial vision for the building, which they present to a architectural designer whose job it is to capture this vision and bring it to life. The architectural designer's responsibilities include creating the first draft of the project followed by the finaised verison of the entire project. A technical examination of the chosen project site is needed to construct the building. Construction cannot commence without certain permits and licences which the customer must obtain prior to the start of construction. Once the required licences have been obtained, detailed technical drawings are agreed upon, a suitable contractor with a reputable reputation should be selected. The construction of a building has numerous phases, from pouring the intial concreate foundations to the final interior designer's finishing touches, each with different timeframes. At each stage mistakes should be identified and rectified before moving onto the next phase of construction. A building of low quality construction has the potential to endanger people's lives and the surronding environment. An independent technical inspection is the last step in ensuring the quality of the work is sufficent, and after a positive decision, the operating permit can be given and first use commence.
- Published
- 2023