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Construction contract and regulations governing it

Authors :
Međimorec, Filip
Kos, Željko
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Sveučilište Sjever. Sveučilišni centar Varaždin. Odjel za graditeljstvo., 2020.


U ovom će se radu govoriti u kojim su dokumentima i zakonskim propisima regulirani odnosi ugovornih strana te će se detaljnije objasniti dio Zakona o obveznim odnosima koji se odnosi na Ugovor o građenju, kao temeljni zakonski propis. Rad će elaborirati, kako smjernice konzultantskih inženjera, tako i običajno pravo te pravnu regulativu koja kogentnim pravnim normama propisuje obvezan sadržaj Ugovora o građenju. Isto tako, elaborirat će se i objasniti koje su predradnje važne za sklapanje kvalitetnog Ugovora o građenju. Slijedom navedenog govorit će se i o značaju Posebnih uzanca o građenju i FIDIC-ovih općih uvjeta ugovora te kako ih primjenjujemo s domaćom regulativom, a sve u cilju kvalitetnijeg sklapanja ugovora za sve ugovorne strane. This paper will discuss which documents and legal regulations regulate the relations of the contracting parties and will explain in more detail, as a basic legal regulation, the part of the Law on Obligations related to the Construction Contract. The paper will elaborate on the guidelines of consulting engineers, as well as customary law and legal regulations that prescribe the mandatory content of the Construction Contract in coherent legal norms. Also, it will be elaborated and explained which preliminary works are important for concluding a quality Construction Contract. Following the above, the importance of the Special Construction Practices and FIDIC's general conditions of the contract will be discussed, as well as how we apply them with domestic regulations, all with the aim of better conclusion of contracts for all contracting parties.


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