92 results on '"Srbsko"'
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2. Rozšiřování Evropské unie jako nástroj transformace srbsko-kosovského konfliktu po roce 2008
- Author
Marošková, Tereza
- Subjects
Srbsko ,Kosovo ,EU ,kondicionalita ,konflikt ,International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
Cílem článku je analyzovat, jaký vliv byla schopna Evropská unie vyvinout na srbsko-kosovský konflikt po roce 2008 prostřednictvím integračního procesu Srbska. Pro zjištění vlivu byl využit analytický rámec pro výzkum působení evropské integrace a přidružení na hraniční konflikty. Podařilo se tak prokázat přímé i nepřímé působení EU na konflikt. Nepřímo napomohla transformaci konfliktu proevropská orientace vlád po roce 2008, ale přímo k ní přispělo především použití kondicionality. Díky využívání jednotlivých fází integračního procesu jako odměn za pokrok v rámci dialogu mezi Srbskem a Kosovem se Evropské unii podařilo srbsko-kosovský konflikt deeskalovat a potvrdit, že politika rozšiřování je nejsilnějším zahraničněpolitickým nástrojem Evropské unie.
- Published
- 2018
3. KAM KRÁČÍŠ, KOSOVO? Bezpečnostní výzvy pro malý stát.
- Author
Stojarová, Věra
- Abstract
Copyright of Defense & Strategy / Obrana a strategie is the property of Institute for Strategic Studies and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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4. Ekologie zdí: Etnografie bělehradských murálů
- Author
Miličičová, Jolana, Klepal, Jaroslav, and Abu Ghosh, Yasar
- Subjects
ecology ,Murály ,Srbsko ,urban space ,Serbia ,street art ,materiality ,Murals ,materialita ,ekologie ,urbánní prostor - Abstract
Nowadays, many of Belgrade's walls form an imaginary gallery of large-scale street paintings: murals. This thesis builds on an argument that in order to understand this phenomenon, it is important to go beyond its visual and aesthetic qualities. Instead it approaches murals as complex entities that shape and reflect life and events in a given urban space and Serbian society undergoing post-war, post-socialist and neoliberal transformations. With a help of a metaphor "ecology of walls", this thesis aims to show that murals can also be seen as a kind of "organisms" which have their own socio-material life and agency, and are closely intertwined with the "ecosystem" of the capital city and Serbian society as a whole. This "ecological" perspective allows to think about the issue holistically. That is, as an intersection of actions and events involving walls and facades, creators and passers-by, local moods and global politics. Keywords: Murals, street art, ecology, materiality, urban space, Serbia
- Published
- 2023
5. Slováci ve Vojvodině
- Author
Hanuš, Pavel
- Subjects
evangelíci ,lug ,národnostní menšiny ,slováci ,srbsko ,vojvodina ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 - Abstract
Někteří Slováci se v průběhu 18. století rozhodli opustit svojí domovinu a vydat se hledat nový a lepší domov. Většina z nich se z jihu Slovenska a severu Maďarska vydala dále na jih do tehdejších Dolních Uher, kde jejich potomci pobývají dodnes. V Srbsku, ve Vojvodině, nalezneme velmi aktivní spolky pečující o tradiční slovenskou kulturu. Jedná se o celosvětově nejaktivnější a nejpočetnější skupinu Slováků žijících v zahraničí, o něco méně početné spolky jsou i v severním Chorvatsku kolem města Ilok. Nejméně početná je skupina Slováků žijících v Černé Hoře.
- Published
- 2015
6. Od dokumentárnosti k beletrizácii. Obraz Balkánu v staršej slovenskej literatúre.
- Author
Brtáňová, Erika
- Abstract
The very first attempts at travel literature include accounts of the journeys made by two Humanist scholars Pavol Rubigal and Ján Dernschwam, whose lives and activities were associated with Slovak mining towns. Both of the humanists joined the Hungarian delegation that travelled to Constantinopole to deliver political messages to the sultan. Their works, which represent a type of documentary literarture, also reflect on the countries on the Balkan peninsula, especially Serbia and Bulgaria. In his Latin-language poem Opis cesty do Konštantínopola/The Account of the Journey to Constantinopole (Hodoeporicon itineris Constantinopolitani, Wittenberg 1544), written in elegiac couplets, Pavol Rubigal provides a negative picture of the Serbs, whose manners and customs are conditioned by the harsh enviroment. His point of view is influenced by the disagreements between the Serbian and Hungarian representations. Bulgaria seems to be a more civilized country and the Bulgarians´ decent behaviour is explained as the result of their deep Christian conviction. Cestovný denník do Konštantínopola a Malej Ázie/The Constantinopole and Asia Minor Travel Diary (Tagebuch einer Reise nach Konstantinopel und Kleinasien, 1553 -- 1555) by Ján Dernchwam develops the type of travelogue which is exemplified by The Travels of Marco Polo in medieval literature. Nature and culture are often seen by the author from the perspective of his other (Slovak) homeland. When exploring Serbia and Bulgaria, he adopts the approach of confrontation. He takes notice of similarities (language, confession) and differences (landscape, inhabitants). The novel Ladislav (1838) by Karol Kuzmány seems like a travelogue featuring elements of fiction. As a whole it focuses on the subject of mother country and nation and develops the idea of Slavic togetherness, with regard to which it promotes the struggle of the Serbian nation for freedom as well as their literary culture. By means of the apotheosis of Serbia Kuzmány tries to stimulate the development of Slovak national life and culture. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
7. Slovak Community in Serbia in the Context of Political and Socio-Economic Changes after 1989
- Author
Marušiak, Juraj, Marušiak, Juraj, Zlatanović, Sanja, Marušiak, Juraj, Marušiak, Juraj, and Zlatanović, Sanja
- Abstract
The aim of this article is to analyze an impact of political and socio-economic changes after 1989 on the Slovak community members of Serbia. Serbia, as well as Slovakia, underwent a painful post-communist transformation, however, both countries adopted a different path of reforms. In 2004, Slovakia joined European Union, whereas Serbia received a status of EU-candidate state only in 2012. Because of an economic growth and decline of unemployment rate, Slovakia became an attractive target of labor migrations from Serbia, including Slovak community members from Serbian province of Vojvodina. The political changes in Serbia in 1990 and after 2000 improved the political rights of the Slovak minority members, however, the economic situation contributed to the acceleration of the de-population of the areas inhabited by Slovaks of Vojvodina.
- Published
- 2022
8. Národy juhovýchodnej Európy v siločiarach medzinárodnej politiky 1856 - 1913
- Author
Maroš Melichárek
- Subjects
Filozofická fakulta UPJŠ ,Srbsko ,Balkán ,Macedónsko ,Balkánske vojny ,Osmanská ríša ,Čierna hora - Abstract
Prvá kapitola monografie nesie názovVeľká východná kríza vrokoch 1875-1878 – súperenie veľmocí na Balkáne. Veľká východná kríza, ktorá vyvrcholia rusko-osmanským konfliktom anásledným Berlínskym kongresom dala do pohybu mnoho procesov. Dôležitosť Berlínskeho kongresu ajeho fungovanie je vpráci vykreslené zpohľadu jedného zúčastneného balkánskeho štátu ato Srbska. Kapitoly 2 až 5 zhŕňajú medzinárodný kontext avnútorné predpoklady vytvorenia moderného bulharského ačiernohorského štátu, rovnako idetailný popis emancipácie Macedóncov aAlbáncov (Albánske národné hnutie a vytvorenie nezávislého Albánska v roku 1912, Macedónska otázka na konci novoveku amožnosti jej riešenia zo strany veľmocí). KapitolaKonflikt Osmanskej ríše a Talianska oLýbiu v rokoch1911-1912popisuje vojenský stret medzi veľmocami s globálnymi následkami, ktoré de facto znamenali ipád Osmanskej ríše na európskom kontinente. KapitolaDefinitívny pád Osmanskej ríše na európskom kontinente: prvá a druhá balkánska vojnapredstavuje chronologický záver monografie aprináša pohľad na najdôležitejšie udalosti balkánskych vojen, armády ifenomény, ktoré doteraz boli vrámci tejto otázky vnímané iba okrajovo (etnické čistky, mobilizácia, propaganda ai.).Záver práce akapitolaZahraničná politika Srbska a problematika Bosny a Hercegoviny pred vypuknutím 1. svetovej vojnysa zameriava na hodnotenie srbských ašpirácií (či už ideologických aleboreálnych) smerom kpriestoru Bosny aHercegoviny.
- Published
- 2022
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9. Slovenská komunita v Srbsku v kontexte politických a socioekonomických zmien po roku 1989
- Author
Marušiak, Juraj and Zlatanović, Sanja
- Subjects
Slovakia ,minority rights ,postkomunistická transformácia ,migrations ,de-population ,menšinové práva ,depopulácia ,post-communist transformation ,Slovensko ,Srbsko ,Slovak community in Serbia ,Vojvodina ,slovenská komunita v Srbsku ,Serbia ,migrácie - Abstract
The aim of this article is to analyze an impact of political and socio-economic changes after 1989 on the Slovak community members of Serbia. Serbia, as well as Slovakia, underwent a painful post-communist transformation, however, both countries adopted a different path of reforms. In 2004, Slovakia joined European Union, whereas Serbia received a status of EU-candidate state only in 2012. Because of an economic growth and decline of unemployment rate, Slovakia became an attractive target of labor migrations from Serbia, including Slovak community members from Serbian province of Vojvodina. The political changes in Serbia in 1990 and after 2000 improved the political rights of the Slovak minority members, however, the economic situation contributed to the acceleration of the de-population of the areas inhabited by Slovaks of Vojvodina. Stará Pazova v premenách času : zborník z rovnomenného sympózia z príležitosti minuloročného okrúhleho jubilea mesta dňa 29. mája 2021 (eds. Miroslav Kmeť, Patrik Kuneceds).
- Published
- 2022
10. The European Union and the democratization of the states of the Western Balkans
- Author
Havránková, Lenka, Karlas, Jan, and Vlček, Václav
- Subjects
Albánie ,Albania ,Srbsko ,demokratizace ,Evropská unie ,Serbia ,západní Balkán ,democratization ,Western Balkans ,European Union - Abstract
This diploma thesis concerns itself with the influence of the European Union on the democratization of two Western Balkan states, namely Serbia and Albania. The goal of the thesis was to determine which mechanisms and instruments the organisation uses in these cases and how effective these instruments and mechanisms are. For these purposes, the theory of Jon Pevehouse was chosen, because it introduces nine tools in total that all regional organisations have for the puropose of democratization of candidate or member states. In the case studies of Serbia and Albania were then identified seven out of nine of these mechanisms in the political area, the rule of law area and the area of human rights and freedoms. These mechanisms are pressure, socialization, financial assistance, legitimization, deterrence of losers, creating commitments for winners and institutional change. At the same time, the real impact of these mechanisms on the democratization process in these states was assessed. It was determined that the effectivity of these mechanisms is unfortunately limited by, for example, the lack of political will to implement the adopted reforms in practice. On the other hand, it was determined that some of the instruments and mechanisms were used insufficiently or incorrectly, which then influences the...
- Published
- 2022
11. Comparison of the EU accession process of Croatia and Serbia: chapters 23 and 24
- Author
Trunečka, Adam, Martinková, Viera, and Kučerová, Irah
- Subjects
politika rozšíření ,Srbsko ,Černá Hora ,Serbia ,zprávy o pokroku ,Evropská unie ,Montenegro ,západní Balkán ,Progress Reports ,Western Balkans ,kondicionalita ,conditionality ,enlargement policy ,European Union - Abstract
Although most countries of the Western Balkans are in various stages of the EU accession, their progress is slow compared to that of the Central and Eastern European countries that have joined so far. Many indicators and authors point to the deteriorating state of democratic institutions in Montenegro and Serbia - the frontrunner candidate countries in the Western Balkans. This raises questions about the functionality of applying conditionality on these countries. The European Commission regularly evaluates the accession countries' advancement in Progress Reports. The aim of this work was to assess how the Commission evaluates the progress of Montenegro and Serbia in Chapters 23 and 24, which are closely linked to the issue of democratic institutions and the whole principle of conditionality. Using quantitative content analysis, individual pieces of information on the interannual progress of these countries in 2012- 2020 were coded and converted into corresponding positive (indicating improvement) and negative (indicating regression) values. Their averaging then resulted in a group of indexes for individual aspects described in the relevant Chapters as well as indexes for the Chapters as a whole. At the same time, a special Democratic Institutions Reform Index (DIRI) was calculated. The relevant...
- Published
- 2022
12. A Common Legacy, Divergent Paths: Understanding the Transformation of Post-Yugoslav Welfare States
- Author
Jusić, Mirna, Nekola, Martin, Pickering, Paula M., and Wildmannová, Mirka
- Subjects
welfare state ,Multiple Streams Framework ,Bosna a Hercegovina ,tvorba agendy ,Srbsko ,Jugoslávie ,politika zaměstnanosti ,Family policy ,rozhodování ,Bosnia and Herzegovina ,employment policy ,Severní Makedonie ,decision-making ,North Macedonia ,Croatia ,sociální stát ,Teorie tří proudů ,Chorvatsko ,Serbia ,agenda-setting ,Yugoslavia ,Rodinná politika - Abstract
Four countries that had once been embedded in a common welfare state, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, have espoused different paths of institutional welfare transformation following Yugoslavia's dissolution. The author's PhD dissertation aims to understand the nature of the changes that have occurred in two welfare sectors (employment policy and family policy) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia and Serbia, over the last two decades, by looking at changes in the characteristics of welfare programs and their implications on the capabilities of beneficiaries, as well as the levels of stratification they yield within these societies. Moreover, its other aim is to understand why such differences in welfare transformation came about. To that end, the dissertation applies Kingdon's Multiple Streams Framework (MSF) to identify important conditions that have contributed to streams converging and the opening of policy windows that resulted in agenda change.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Kodrazi, Suzan
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of International Relations / Medzinarodne Vztahy is the property of University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of International Relations and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
14. Serbia's economy in the context of EU integration.
- Author
Zemniczky, Nándor, Csüllög, Gábor, and Császár, Zsuzsanna M.
- Subjects
- *
EUROPEAN integration , *ECONOMIC development , *OTTOMAN Empire , *ECONOMIC history ,EUROPEAN Union membership - Abstract
Serbia's EU accession is made more difficult basically by such various historical and structural factors which have an effect on its international relations and its level of economic development. These problems differ from those problems of Balkan countries which are not yet members in many respects. To be able to interpret the situation affecting the country's accession, it is worth examining four important areas. These are the following: the historical legacy, the basic problems of the Yugoslav economic area, the narrowing of this economic area, and the specific economic data and relations based on these. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
15. Impacts of increased cooperation between Serbia and China during the coronavirus pandemic on EU-Serbian relations from the perspective of experts
- Author
Schwarzer, Jiří, Chrzová, Barbora, and Žíla, Ondřej
- Subjects
Čína ,analýza expertní diskuse ,Srbsko ,Evropská unie ,Serbia ,vazby ,COVID-19 pandemic ,linkages ,China ,relations ,vztahy ,European Union ,pandemie COVID-19 ,analysis of expert debate - Published
- 2021
16. Comparison of the position of the current Hungarian minority in Vojvodina and Transylvania
- Author
Hanušová, Tereza, Kocián, Jiří, and Klípa, Ondřej
- Subjects
Romania ,Transylvania ,Srbsko ,Vojvodina ,minority rights ,Rumunsko ,Serbia ,hungarian minority ,menšinová práva ,Maďarsko ,etnický paralelismus ,Hungary ,Transylvánie ,maďarská menšina ,ethnic parallelism - Abstract
The diploma thesis deals with the position of the Hungarian minority in Serbian Vojvodina and Romanian Transylvania using the comparative method. Hungarians in Serbia and Romania represent a very large national minority and they became an integral part of the local culture and society. The level of Hungarian minority rights in the host countries is compared in four areas: legislation, political representation and institutionalization of the minority, mother tongue education opportunities and the Hungarian minority media. Apart from a brief outline of the historical context, the work focuses exclusively on the period after the fall of communism in both states to the present. During these years, there has been the biggest shift in the area of minority rights. The concept of ethnic parallelism is applied to all researched areas. Related to this, the so-called ethnolinguistic vitality approach is used, which deals with the conditions for the preservation of minority languages in the majority society. Special attention is paid to the influence of the Hungarian government under Primer Minister Viktor Orbán on the life of Hungarians abroad, which is significantly growing.
- Published
- 2021
17. Gender Policy of Serbia in the Context of the EU Accession Negotiations
- Author
Navrátilová, Martina, Kocián, Jiří, and Šístek, František
- Subjects
genderová politika ,Srbsko ,europeizace ,gender ,nevládní organizace (NGOs) ,Serbia ,gender policy ,Europeanization ,non-governmental organizations (NGOs) - Abstract
Martina Navratilova - Gender Policy of Serbia in the Context of EU Accession Negotiations Abstract This thesis deals with the gender policy of Serbia during the years 2009-2021. During this period, the European Union had a tremendous effect on the gender policies of Serbia, hence it is crucial to include the perspective of NGOs as an important partner of both Serbia and the EU. The aim of the research is to, based on the analysis and the current state of the legislative and institutional framework, assess the impact of Serbia's gender policies on the lives of Serbian women. This analysis is carried out through a thorough examination of official documents, secondary literature and by conducting three interviews with Serbian civil society members. The research has proven that despite the complex progress of Serbian gender policy, its practical results have not been significant.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
- Abstract
The study focuses on issues of cooperation and reciprocity in the theoretical context, designated as mutualist approach. This approach is confronted with altruistic models of cooperation. The study is based on my own long-term field research of cooperation during field works by farmers in Serbia. On the basis of the description of the origin, the process and the end of costly forms of cooperation, I sought to describe the social and psychological factors that are important for stable cooperation. In this context, emphasis is placed on the evolved sense for fairness and sensitivity to moral reputation and its evaluative and communication aspects which disseminate and stabilise the social norms of cooperation. Attention is also paid to conflicts of interest that motivated farmers to misuse cooperation, and to an analysis of the ways of resolving potential disputes. The results of the study show the sensitivity of peasants to the proportionality of their contribution and the benefits obtained from cooperation, including expectations regarding proportionality between their rights and obligations. When these expectations were not met, their cooperation ended. Due to the threat of open conflicts, they preferred less costly, symbolic sanctions or their institutional coverage. The key to stable cooperation seems to be the sticking to mutual benefits and mutual respect for farmers' interests. Moreover, the mutualistic approach can also be used to describe many cases of altruistic help, which, however, does not exclude sincere willingness and an effort to help without claiming any reward. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
19. Comparison of Milošević's Serbia and Tudjman's Croatia in the Perspective of the Theory of Authoritarian Regimes
- Author
Mikovčík, Michal, Kocián, Jiří, and Žíla, Ondřej
- Subjects
Juan. J. Linz ,authoritarian regimes ,Juan J. Linz ,Srbsko ,autoritatívne režimy ,Serbia ,Chorvátsko ,Slobodan Milošević ,Franjo Tudjman ,Croatia - Abstract
This diploma thesis deals with the comparison of the political regimes of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia and Franjo Tudjman in Croatia in the years 1991 - 1997 from the point of view of the theory of authoritarian regimes. The subject of the research was to determine the similarities and differences that the regimes showed in a given period. In the beginning of the work, the author approaches the theoretical core of the concepts of authoritarian regimes by Juan J. Linz and the competitive authoritarianism of Steven Levitsky and Lucan A. Way. The analytical part of the work consists of a synchronous dual-case study of Serbia and Croatia focused on the main aspects of authoritarian regimes and their subsequent comparison. The output of the thesis consists in a critical analysis of the features of both examined regimes at the level of limited political pluralism, the relationship between mentality and ideology and depoliticization versus mobilization and application of theories of authoritarian regimes to Serbia and Croatia in a given period. An important finding was that although the countries showed many similar features, the main differences were in the character of Slobodan Milosevic and Franjo Tudjman. The work concludes that Serbia and Croatia can be included in hybrid semi-competitive...
- Published
- 2020
20. The Influence of Disinformation on the Media Image and Foreign Policy of Kosovo
- Author
Šimek, Jan, Chrzová, Barbora, and Žíla, Ondřej
- Subjects
Independence of Kosovo ,Srbsko ,Kosovo ,Disinformation ,Media ,nezávislost Kosova ,Serbia ,Foreign influence ,dezinformace ,zahraniční vliv ,média - Published
- 2020
21. Quo vadis, Kosovo? : Security Challenges for a Small State
- Author
Stojarová Věra
- Subjects
Kosovo ,Serbia ,Western Balkans ,Security ,Conflict ,Srbsko ,západní Balkán ,bezpečnost ,konflikt - Abstract
The text addresses the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal challenges Kosovo faces. The author claims that Kosovo faces many challenges, though without solving the status issue, no other challenges could be addressed. The Kosovo question remains the main conundrum in the Western Balkan region. Text se zabývá sektory bezpečnosti a jejich významem v aktuálním vývoji v Kosovu a možnými faktory ovlivňujícími stále křehkou regionální stabilitu. Autorka tvrdí, že Kosovo čelí mnoha výzvám, jejich řešení však závisí na otázce bilaterálních vztahů Kosova a Srbska. Text vychází z předpokladu, že status Kosova zůstává prozatím i do budoucna nejdůležitější otázkou v oblasti západního Balkánu do doby, než dojde k normalizaci vztahů Kosova a Srbska a jejich evoluci ke standardnímu vztahu dvou suverénních subjektů.
- Published
- 2020
22. The Genesis of Organized Crime in Serbia in the 1980's and 1990's in Cooperation with State Security Agencies
- Author
Bojić, Zen David, Šístek, František, and Žíla, Ondřej
- Subjects
Organized crime ,state security agency ,Milošević ,Stanisic ,Srbsko ,Jugoslávie ,válka v Jugoslávii ,Serbia ,Organizovaný zločin ,war in Yugoslavia ,Yugoslavia ,SDB ,státní bezpečnostní služba ,UDBA ,MIlosevic - Published
- 2019
23. Operation Allied Force in Selected Czech Daily Newspapers
- Author
Božková, Lucie, Nečas, Vlastimil, and Cebe, Jan
- Subjects
Operace Spojenecká síla ,letecké útoky ,Srbsko ,Kosovo ,bombardování ,Serbia ,Operation Allied Force ,Svazová republika Jugoslávie (SRJ) ,air strikes ,Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ,NATO ,quantitative content analysis ,kvantitativní obsahová analýza ,Slobodan Miloševič ,bombing - Abstract
Thesis: Operation Allied Force in Selected Czech Daily Newspapers Author: Mgr. Lucie Božková Annotation In my thesis Operation 'Allied Force' in Selected Czech Daily Newspapers I am tracing the representation of the topic - NATO's air strikes in the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (the so called Operation 'Allied Force') in 1999 in selected Czech Daily Newspapers. I am observing the effects, media's impact, frames and agenda setting. To support the integrity of the topic I added a chapter about the Kosovo crisis which enlightens the initiation of the air attacks. Furthermore, and mainly I am focusing on professional studies dealing with military news. The dominant theme of these articles is the foreign media coverage of the Kosovo War. In the experts 'outputs I predominantly center on their choosing and the method of analysis, on which I then base my analysis on. I decided to use the method of the quantitative content analysis for my own research. The first period of exploration is the bombing period (March 24, 1999 - June 10, 1999). Here the aim of my analysis is to find out what attention have the daily newspapers MF Dnes, Hospodářské noviny, Právo and Blesk paid to the Operation 'Allied Force'. In addition, I followed the placement of the articles, media resources and also the presentation of...
- Published
- 2019
24. The Limits of the EU's Political Conditionality Approach in the Western Balkans
- Author
Křiklánová, Michaela, Karlas, Jan, and Kučerová, Irah
- Subjects
Conflicting Objectives Theory ,teorie konfliktních cílů ,Enlargement of the European Union ,Srbsko ,Bývalá jugoslávská republika Makedonie ,Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ,Serbia ,kvalitativní obsahová analýza ,rozšíření Evropské unie ,západní Balkán ,Qualitative Content Analysis ,Democracy Promotion ,Western Balkans ,podpora demokracie - Abstract
The thesis aims to unravel the relationship between the EU's enlargement strategies and democratization in the Western Balkan countries by looking on the impact of the strategies on changing democracy levels in two empirical cases: the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia. Over more than a decade, the effect of the conditionality tool on democratization has been curbed by an insufficient emphasis placed on pro-democratic reforms and by the role of security concerns which were often prioritized over aims directly linked to democracy promotion. Grounded in the conflicting objectives theory, the thesis demonstrates that the recently employed strategy appropriately sequencing goals while prioritizing democratic transition over security concerns is more effective in inflicting domestic democratic change. Subsequently, the following necessary and sufficient conditions for a successful sequencing strategy were defined: strong emphasis on democracy-related goals combined with clearly outlined temporal perspective, and corresponding action of international actors.
- Published
- 2019
25. Tisk malých nákladů knih
- Author
Panák, Ondrej, Shmatova, Vera, Panák, Ondrej, and Shmatova, Vera
- Abstract
Práce je věnovaná problematice tisku malých nákladů knih, se zaměřením na výběr optimální tiskové techniky a nejlepší ceny tisku. V ní byly porovnány ceny vybraných nákladů knih v České Republice a Srbsku a taky kvalita tisku. Stránky zkoumané knihy byly poslány do vybraných tiskáren a kvalita tisku byla měřená na vytištěných vzorových arších., This work is pursued to the problem of printing small circulations of books with focusing on choosing optimal printing technique and the best price for printing. In this work were compared prices of chosen quantity of books in Czech Republic and Serbia and quality of printing as well. The pages of examined book were sent to chosen printing houses and quality of printing was measured on printed model sheets., Fakulta chemicko-technologická, prof. ing. Petr Němec, Ph.D. - Jaká vazba knihy byla použita? doc. ing. Tomáš Syrový, Ph.D. - Posuzovala jste kvalitu papíru? Podklady pro obrázky byly s nízkým rozlišením? prof. ing. Petr Kalenda, CSc. - Jak se vyvíjejí ceny v závislostech na množství? ing. Jan Vališ, Ph.D. - Kde byl tištěn ukázkový výtisk? ing. Bohumil Jašúrek, Ph.D. - Proč byl uveden i knihtisk?
- Published
- 2018
26. Football as a means of expression of Serbian political radicalism in the 21st century
- Author
Tomšík, Martin, Pikal, Kamil, and Žíla, Ondřej
- Subjects
Srbsko ,Kosovo ,nacionalismus ,fotbal ,football ,political radicalism ,chuligánství ,politický radikalismus ,nationalism ,Serbia ,hooliganism - Abstract
Bachelor thesis is focused on the issue of expressing radical political opinions during the football matches in Serbia. First part of this thesis is dedicated to the historical background of the Serbian nationalism, its connection to the region of Kosovo and its relationship with other Balkan nations and countries. Examined topics in the first chapter were the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Tito's and Miloševićov's states of Yugoslavia and the final dissolution of the Balkan states during the late 90s and the first decade of the 21st century. Second chapter is dedicated to the general introduction of radical political presentations during the football matches and introduced specific incidents that occurred during the games. Moreover, the second part explained the hooliganism problematics and its connection to the radical political manifestations in Serbia. The main aim of the thesis is to prove whether the football matches are used for expression of the Serbian political radicalism and whether the manifestated actions were related to the events of the Serbian history. The claim that Serbian nationalism or other forms of political radicalism were presented during the football games is supported by explaining the Balkan nation issue in the chapter one and examining the...
- Published
- 2018
27. Summer resorts Karlštejn and Srbsko. Contribution to study of transformation suburban landscape during the period of industrialization
- Author
Čechová, Tereza, Matoušek, Václav, and Sekyrková, Milada
- Subjects
Srbsko ,Karlštejn ,industrialization ,letovisko ,industrializace ,villegiatura ,villegiature ,summer resort - Abstract
This diploma thesis is about recreational activities of citizens of Prague in the period from the second half of 19th century through the second half of 20th century. It focuses on the era of industrialization, in which the suburban landscape underwent many changes, mainly thanks to new development of the city. This thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part is dedicated to the terms of industrialization and industrial revolution. It moreover deals with stratification of the society, focusing on the middle class, and describes recreational activities in different resorts. From the recreational activities, tramping and settlement establishing are specifically described. The empirical part is dedicated to two recreational resorts, Karlštejn and Srbsko, which are one train station apart from each other. In each case there is a description of the location of the resort. The description of the original inhabitants, recreational objects, current inhabitants and their important buildings and the cottage areas is following. One chapter is about a particular tramping settlement in Srbsko called "Valley of Dread". The paper analyzes what builders were chosen by the holiday-makers and also the social characteristics of the holiday-makers. An important chapter is about...
- Published
- 2018
28. State and Organised Crime in Serbia under Milošević
- Author
Andrlová, Anna, Tejchman, Miroslav, and Žíla, Ondřej
- Subjects
organized crime ,political crime ,state-corporate crime ,Milošević ,Srbsko ,Jugoslávie ,Serbia ,organizovaný zločin ,state ,státně-korporátní zločin ,paramilitární jednotky ,stát ,Yugoslavia ,politický zločin ,paramilitaries - Abstract
Bachelor's thesis State and Organised Crime in Serbia under Milošević deals with the extent and manner of the connection between state and non-state actors in relation to serious crime offenses. The thesis explores the specific characteristics of state crime which are demonstrated on the case study of former Yugoslavia, more precisely the nineties Serbia and the Serbian ethnic group. Firstly, the combination of criminological theories is introduced. Subsequently, the theoretical approach is used to describe the actors' positions and crime types they were involved in. The research is focused on specific criminal practices and the connection of main actors from state and non-state sector, e.g. state coercive forces, paramilitaries or corporates.
- Published
- 2017
29. Comparing the Social Democratic Party of Croatia with the Socialist Party of Serbia and positioning them within the social-democratic framework in the years 2000-2016
- Author
Elčić, Sandro, Kubát, Michal, and Žíla, Ondřej
- Subjects
SDP ,Srbsko ,Chorvatsko ,SPS ,Serbia ,nová levice ,stará levice ,Croatia ,Sociální demokracie ,třetí cesta ,third way ,old left ,Social democracy ,new left - Abstract
This thesis is a comparative case study of two successor communist parties of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, Social democratic party of Croatia (Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske - SDP) and Socialist party of Serbia (Socijalistička partija Srbije - SPS) between years 2000 and 2016. In the beginning we define ideal types of social democracy that are: old left, new left and third way. While the old left is based mainly on keynesian approaches to economy, new left is focused mainly on post-materialistic values such as environmentalism, gender equality, pacifism etc. Third way is an attempt of synthesis of former two types with neoliberal economic approach. First part of the analysis is a short introduction to historical contexts in the analysed period. Then we analyse program documents, speeches and interviews of leaders of both parties, so we can classify them according to above mentioned types of social democracy. In the end we analyse the practically applied politics in periods when the parties were taking part on the national governments. Finally we summarize the results of the thesis as follows: In the beginning of the analysed period SPS can be classified as mostly old left both in economical and post-materialistic views. The SPS has gone through much larger change in its programmatic...
- Published
- 2017
30. Problems of Balkan Candidate Countries that are slowing their integration into the EU
- Author
Zelenková, Gabriela, Šístek, František, and Hofmeisterová, Karin
- Subjects
Albánie ,Albania ,Srbsko ,Černá hora ,Montenegro ,Evropská unie ,Serbia ,Macedonia ,Integrační proces ,Makedonie ,candidate countries ,Integration process ,kandidátské státy ,European union - Abstract
The European Union's leading policies undoubtedly include integration policy. Since its inception, the European Union has grown several times and is now being counted With the accession of other states. It is the candidate countries of the Western Balkans that will be crucial for my analysis. In our work we will focus on discovering and analyzing the main obstacles of these countries, which are responsible for the slowing of the integration process. The problems faced by these states on their way to the European Union are numerous. Since they are states of one region, many problems are common, but despite the fact that the European Union does not form themselves as a single entity and the admission of one of the states to the European Union, that is to say the acceptance of other states as well. Although they have many problem points in common, each country has its own specific problems that slow down this integration process.
- Published
- 2017
31. Kosovo - The Engagement of the International Community
- Author
Gregorová, Jana, Šístek, František, and Žíla, Ondřej
- Subjects
Kosovští Albánci ,Srbové ,Serbs ,Srbsko ,Kosovo ,Kosovo Albanians (Kosovars) ,OSCE ,Serbia ,UN ,NATO ,OSN ,EU ,OBSE ,International Intervention ,mezinárodní intervence - Abstract
The Balkans is an area where the diversity of culture, religion and ethnicity is prominent. This diversity has predisposed the Balkan region for troubled periods throughout the history. The Balkan peninsula has always been considered a very unstable territory. The bachelor's thesis deals with the Kosovo conflict in the 90's of the 20th century that escalated in 1998, the course of the conflict and the reasons of the international intervention. The conflict between two ethnic groups - Albanians and Serbs living in Kosovo - culminated in war that was attended by ethnic cleansing on both sides and ended by bombardment in Serbia by NATO forces lead by USA from March to June in 1999. The thesis introduces background history of the Balkan region and presents briefly the reasons for the hatred between the two ethnic groups, then examines the developments in Kosovo in the late twentieth century when the conflict escalated. The International Community tried unsuccessfully to resolve the conflict by diplomatic means. The thesis focuses on the engagement of the International Community, notably the UN and NATO, in the conflict in Kosovo and attempts to clarify the reasons and character of these interventions. The aim of the thesis is to answer the question what led to the engagement of the International...
- Published
- 2017
32. The Influence of EU Conditionality on Serbian Politics towards Kosovo
- Author
Krulichová, Zuzana, Šístek, František, and Šlosarčík, Ivo
- Subjects
Srbsko ,europeizace ,normalizace vztahů ,Kosovo ,Serbia ,Europeanization ,EU ,kondicionalita ,Conditionality - Abstract
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to analyse the influence of EU conditionality on the 'Kosovo question' in Serbian policy. Its focus is on the period between 2008 and 2015. It analyses the shift in Serbian politics with the use of the external incentives model. The core of the analytical part is the dialogue held between Serbia and Kosovo, mediated by the EU. Key agreements are examined as well as the Serbian shift towards the EU membership. Moreover, the text focuses on the factors which affect the effectiveness of EU conditionality. The thesis concludes that Serbian compliance was strongly influenced by the prospect of membership. Serbia still refuses to recognize Kosovo as an independent state. However, several technical and political agreements were reached.
- Published
- 2017
33. Problémy Srbska ve srovnání s ostatními státy při vyjednávacích rozhovorech do EU
- Author
Zapletalová, Radka
- Subjects
politické problémy ,Srbsko ,vyjednávací rozhovor ,Evropská unie ,ekonomické problémy ,právní problémy - Abstract
The Diploma thesis deals with the issue of Serbia's accession negotiations and the subsequent accession talks in comparison with other states during the history. As a method of examining is chosen method of detection of complications in accession negotiations of states and further comparison method of accession process of individual countries with Serbia. In the thesis, there are found many similarities in economic, political and legal problems and solutions in their styles.
- Published
- 2017
34. Hyperinflace v Jugoslávii na začátku 90. let
- Author
Radovanovic, Irena
- Subjects
hyperinflace ,Venezuela ,hospodářská politika ,Srbsko ,Jugoslávie - Abstract
This bachelor thesis is focused on a thorough analysis of the hyperinflation that affected Yugoslavia in the early 1990s. The main aim is to identify the causes and consequences of the hyperinflation. The introductory chapter describes the events in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, as well as the specifics of the economic policy at that time. The second part is devoted to the very course of the hyperinflation, including the war in Croatia, and the sanctions that the United Nations imposed on Yugoslavia. The following part of the thesis is focused on the comparison of the current hyperinflation in Venezuela with the hyperinflation in the former Yugoslavia using the macroeconomic aggregates. The final part is devoted to the current situation in Serbia. Recommendations for the government and the central bank regarding the economic policy have also been established and their main aim is to mitigate the risk of hyperinflation in the future.
- Published
- 2017
35. The Role of the European Union in the Normalisation of Relations between Serbia and Kosovo
- Author
Mareček, Vojtěch, Dubský, Zbyněk, and Veselý, Zdeněk
- Subjects
soft power ,normalization of relations ,Srbsko ,Kosovo ,normalizace vztahů ,Evropská unie ,Serbia ,European Union - Abstract
The main topic of this bachelor s thesis is the role of the European Union in the political development of Serbia and Kosovo, starting from the Allied Force operation in 1999 and ending with the current process of normalization of relations between the two states. The thesis is divided into three chapters. First chapter deals with the concept of power in international relations and the work of Joseph Nye who introduced the concept of soft power. Second chapter introduces the topic of relations between Serbs and Kosovar Albanians from the end of World War II until the climax of the tension between both ethnical groups before the war in Kosovo in 1998. The third and main chapter of this thesis identifies and analyses tools which are used by the EU to influence the development in Western Balkans. Furthermore, based on theoretical findings in the first chapter, it attempts to determine whether the tools the EU uses to influence the development in Serbia and Kosovo are based on soft or hard power.
- Published
- 2017
36. Attitude of Main Serbian Political Parties to the Nationalist Question in the Second and Third Yugoslavia
- Author
Krestovská, Dina, Pelikán, Jan, and Žíla, Ondřej
- Subjects
Občanská válka v Jugoslávii ,Srbský nacionalismus ,Kosovo Question ,Srbsko ,Jugoslávie ,Kosovská otázka ,Srbská národnostní otázka ,Civil war in Yugoslavia ,Yugoslavia ,Serbian National Question ,Serbian Nationalism ,Politické strany v Srbsku ,Serbia ,Political parties in Serbia - Abstract
This theses deals with the research on the development of attitude of main Serbian political parties to the nationalist question and Serbian nationalist program. Results of this research reveal how in the past quarter century changed the attitude of the Serbian parliamentary parties on the Serbian national question, depending on the key milestones of development (origins and development of multi-party system, the war in the early 90s; escalation of the Kosovo crisis). Among others things theses deals with differences between the declared programs and principles and the real party politics. During the research were also analyzed programming and factual modifications of attitude to the mentioned issues for the following parties: Socialist Party of Serbia, Democratic Party, Serbian Renewal Movement, Serbian Radical Party, Democratic Party of Serbia and the Citizens Union of Serbia. Heuristically work is primarly based on published sources: the relevant programs; resolutions of the party congresses and conferences; speeches of key representatives of the ementioned parties.
- Published
- 2016
37. Vývoj úrovně bezpečnosti na Balkánském poloostrově
- Author
Kiedroňová, Tereza
- Subjects
Chorvatsko ,Balkánský poloostrov ,Srbsko ,Černá Hora - Abstract
Kiedroňová, T. Security development of Balkan peninsula. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2016. This thesis deals with development of security, political and economic situation on Balkan peninsula focusing on specific countries: Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro, from the period of the emergence of independent states. In this thesis is used economic analysis, political analysis and analysis of human security. The results are used to review and compare the economic and security development of Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro.
- Published
- 2016
38. Analysis of medieval walloon toponyms in Romania and Serbia
- Author
Bučko, Peter, Ungureanu, Dan, and Našinec, Jiří
- Subjects
Uhorsko ,Srbsko ,Románi ,Kingdom of Hungary ,Serbia ,Romania ,Valóni ,toponýmia ,Romance population ,Walloons ,Rumunsko ,stredovek ,Middle Ages - Abstract
This paper examines toponyms of Walloon origin in the area of today's Romania and Serbia, especially in the regions of the former Kingdom of Hungary. Walloons emigrated to Hungary mainly because of economic reasons, but here the important role played the popular devotion in the 11th century and the importance of pilgrim sites (Jerusalem or Santiago de Compostela). Number of pilgrimage has increased since 1018, when the route leading through Hungary to Jerusalem was openend. Large number of Walloons setteld in Hungary at this time. Present-day Wallonia in the Middle Ages belonged to the Holy Roman Empire. In the 11th century, as elsewhere in Western Europe, there was a famine and lack of land. Walloons have found their new home in Hungary, they were engaged in viticulture and trade. They also often named the new locations by the home sites of Wallonia. In Romania, the Walloon sites were situated near Oradea and Sibiu. Walloons have created a specific phenomenon - the fortified churches. Many Walloons also received a noble title. In the area of Serbia we are located Walloon settlements in Srem, especially speaking about the cities of Francavilla and Eng. Based on the tithes paid for the Papal Curia from 1332-1337 we can reconstruct demographic data.
- Published
- 2016
39. Impact of Serbia-Kosovo relations on the accession of Serbia to the EU
- Author
Stuchlík, Petr, Knutelská, Viera, and Riegl, Martin
- Subjects
politika kondiconality ,international socialization ,Srbsko ,Kosovo ,mezinárodní socializace ,Evropská unie ,Serbia ,západní Balkán ,policy of conditionality ,western Balkans ,European Union ,analýza vztahů ,analysis of relation - Abstract
The bachelor thesis is concerned with the use of political conditionality in the EU accession negotiations with Serbia. The work focuses on the topic of Impact of Serbia-Kosovo relations on the accession of Serbia to the EU by a case study. The European Union uses its influence on Serbia to normalize relations between Serbia and Kosovo. The European Union attaches great importance to the stabilization of relations in the Western Balkans region and proves it in this theme. European Union has become moderator of the normalization of these relations, which seeks to influence Serbia's decisions by incentives and achieve the normalization of relations between these countries. A relations between Serbia and Kosovo, which has been part of it by 2008, were complicated for a long- time. The deterioration of these relationships, however, occurred after the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo. The aim of this study is to analyze the behaviour of Serbia in the process of normalization of these relations and to evaluate the influence of the European Union on this process. The thesis uses theory of international socialization and assesses which model of this theory is the most appropriate for this case. The work evaluates the whole process of normalization and answers set out questions in the...
- Published
- 2016
40. Political and economic development of the region of Western Balkans - Kosovo
- Author
Skoupilová, Natálie
- Subjects
Intervence NATO ,Operace Spojenecká síla ,Srbsko ,Kosovo ,SWOT analýza ,post-konfliktní vývoj ,konflikt - Abstract
Aim of the thesis is to propose changes in social, political and economic policies in the context of Kosovo-Serbia relations. The theoretical part aims at definition of theoretical approaches of conflict theory and post-conflict development, democratization process, demography as well as ethnicity. The main focus of analytical part is the historical review of the conflict between Serbian and Albanian population in Kosovo, analysis of post-conflict process in Serbia and Kosovo, examination of general elections in Kosovo and analysis of demographic characteristics. Proposal part is based on the results of SWOT analysis which provide a key to proposing possible scenarios and solutions.
- Published
- 2016
41. Rozpad Jugoslávie a česká zahraniční politika
- Author
Vydra, Zbyněk, Kouba, Miroslav, Marková, Daniela, Vydra, Zbyněk, Kouba, Miroslav, and Marková, Daniela
- Abstract
Cílem diplomové práce je zmapovat průběh rozpadu Jugoslávie. Práce se zabývá stručným historicko-politickým vývojem jugoslávské federace, přičemž hlavní pozornost je zaměřena na projevy krize v jednotlivých republikách, které vedly až k válečným konfliktům (ve Slovinsku, Chorvatsku, Bosně a Hercegovině a Kosovu) a k vyhlašování nezávislých států. Zároveň práce analyzuje postoje české zahraniční politiky k událostem související s rozpadem, s důrazem na konflikt v Kosovu., The goal of this work is to document dissolution of Yugoslavia. The work briefly describes the historical and political development of the Yugoslavian Federation, highlighting instances of crises within the individual republics, which lead to acts of war (in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo) and eventual declaration of independence of the states. At the same time, this work analyzes opinion of Czech dignitaries towards the dissolution of Yugoslavia and mainly the conflict in Kosovo., Fakulta filozofická
- Published
- 2016
42. Position of Kosovo in international relations
- Author
Habláková, Veronika, Veselý, Zdeněk, and Matějka, Zdeněk
- Subjects
mezinárodní uznání ,Srbsko ,Kosovo ,Serbia ,nezávislost ,international recognition ,independence - Abstract
The theme of this thesis is position of Kosovo in international relations. Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia in February 2008 and belongs to the failed states. In this thesis I will examine the main causes of the dysfunction of Kosovo, and how it is reflected in Kosovo current position.
- Published
- 2015
43. History of Kosovo from the first Balkan war to the end of world war II (1912–1945)
- Author
Gulyás, László, Csüllög, Gábor, Novotný, Lukáš, and Clemens, Gabriele
- Subjects
Srbsko ,Balkán ,Balkan ,Kosovo ,Albania ,historie ,Albánie ,history ,Serbia - Abstract
After the First and Second Balkan Wars (1912–1913) the territory of Kosovo was annexed to the Kingdom of Serbia. This action was made in spite of the fact that the former vilayet of Kosovo definitely had Albanian majority at the time. However, the political elite of the Kingdom of Serbia did not have time to integrate Kosovo, as World War I started in July 1914. After the First World War (1914–1918) the territory of Kosovo was annexed to Yugoslavian state. Serbians regarded the Albanians of Kosovo as a foreign body within the Yugoslavian state. In accordance with this standpoint, the Serbian political elite leading the Yugoslavian state took measures against the Albanians of Kosovo in every field of the political-economic life. Such activities of the Serbs can be described under the following categories: 1. the issue of regional administration; 2. the topic of minority rights; 3. the field of economics. In the first part of our essay we examine what happened in the above mentioned three fields in Kosovo between 1918 and 1941. It was in April 1941 when, due to the attacks by Germany and its allies, the first Yugoslav state collapsed in two weeks. In the second part of our essay we investigate the consequences of this event. We survey the birth of Greater Albania.
- Published
- 2015
44. Yogaslavia in a reflexion of Czechoslovakian Protectorate press in 1941-1943
- Author
Vojnovič, Daniel, Pelikán, Jan, and Žíla, Ondřej
- Subjects
NDH ,Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia ,Srbsko ,Protektorát Čechy a Morava ,Jugoslávie ,reflexion ,tisk ,reflexe ,Yugoslavia ,press ,Serbia - Abstract
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the references of Yugoslavia (the area of erstwhile Yugoslavian Kingdom) in selected Czech periodical literature of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (Národní politika, České slovo a Venkov) in years 1941-1943. The emphasis is on political, economical and social events, about which the protectorate press informed. At the same time, the differences between approaches of these periodicals to such topics and events are compared. Key terms: press, reflexion, Yugoslavia, Serbia, NDH, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
- Published
- 2015
45. Kosovo - On the way to independence
- Author
Klímek, Lukáš, Kofroň, Jan, and Riegl, Martin
- Subjects
Sebia ,Srbsko ,Kosovo ,uznání ,nezávislost ,independence ,recognition - Abstract
The main aim of this Bachelor's thesis is to provide more informations about declarations of independence in 1991 and 2008 and find out the historical facts which resulted in Kosovo declaration of independence in 2008 with putting emphasis on historical developments in the 90s, when the amount of conflicts between Kosovo Serbs and Kosovo Albanians was increasing.
- Published
- 2015
46. Serb Minority in Kosovo and Relations between Kosovo and Serbia, 2008 - 2013
- Author
Řezáčová, Veronika, Šístek, František, and Tejchman, Miroslav
- Subjects
triadic nexus ,Srbsko ,kosovští Srbové ,Kosovo ,quadratic nexus ,nacionalismus ,Serbia ,Kosovo Serbs ,Nationalism ,Triadic Nexus ,Qudratic Nexus - Abstract
The thesis is analyzing relations between the Serb minority in Kosovo, Kosovo proper and Serbia from 2008 to 2013 by using Robert Brubaker's "Triadic Nexus" concept that defines a relation between a national minority, a nationalizing state and an external national homeland. The Triadic Nexus will be supplemented by David Smith's "Quadratic Nexus" concept with the addition of an international actor that would be the United Nations and the European Union. In the north and the southeast of Kosovo lives a huge Serb community that does not recognize Kosovo's independence since 2008. From 2008 to 2013 Kosovo authorities were trying to integrate Serb minority into Kosovo society, however in most cases unsuccessfully. Kosovo Serbs kept relations with Serbia, especially thanks to the existence of parallel Serb institutions in these parts of Kosovo. The position of the Serb minority in the Kosovo`s society is analyzed through the legal framework and their (non)integration into the administrative and political institutions of the Kosovo proper. This should provide hints if and how the Serb minority in Kosovo was or was not persecuted. The thesis further enlightens, through the analysis of the Serb minority`s integration in parallel Serb institutions, how big of a problem the parallel Serb institutions pose...
- Published
- 2015
47. The Advancement of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans and the Danube Valley
- Author
Gulyás, László, Csüllög, Gábor, Novotný, Lukáš, and Clemens, Gabriele
- Subjects
Srbsko ,Balkán ,Balkan ,Kosovo ,historie ,Serbs ,Albánie ,Albans ,history - Abstract
The aim of our research partnership was to outline the history of the area called Kosovo today, and to analyse its characteristics from the age of the Roman Empire up to now. This study is to introduce the results of the second phase of the research. In June 1458 the troops of the Ottoman Empire occupied the castle of Smederevo, the last Serbian-ruled area, and thus the Medieval state of the Serbs ceased to exist. Serbia – includig Kosovo – was under Turkish rule for almost 500 years, until as late as 1913. The 454 years of the history of Ottoman Kosovo can be divided into three shorter periods. 1. The period of relatively peaceful coexistence (1458–1683). 2. The period of srtict Turkish control (1686–1804). 3. The period of permanent conflicts (1804–1913). Our paper is to give and in-depth analysis of the characteristics of the above three periods, including political, economic and religios issues, ethnic processes, administrative changes and spatial processes.
- Published
- 2014
48. Reflection of Realism in Serbian drama
- Author
Sandev, Patrik, Otčenášek, Jaroslav, and Mikušiak, Igor
- Subjects
realismus ,theatre ,Srbsko ,19. století ,Serbia ,divadlo ,drama ,realism ,19th century - Abstract
The aim of thesis is the most precisely analyze and map the Serbian dramatic enviroment during the 19th century, mainly the activity of realism period. The thesis tries to show on the beginnings, the key realistic elements and the most important features of this activity. The thesis is also focused on the main representatives and works of Branislav Nušić and Petar Kočić,. The basic of thesis is also grasp and find the main themes of plays or clear up where and under which circumstances dramatics were looking for inspiration for their work and also with the regard on European context. Keywords: drama, Serbia, 19th century, realism, theatre
- Published
- 2014
49. The influence of serbia on independence gaining of the Republic of Macedonia
- Author
Rucki, Matouš, Králová, Kateřina, and Tejchman, Miroslav
- Subjects
řecko-makedonský spor ,Srbsko ,Yugoslav National Army ,break-up of Yugoslavia ,Serbia ,nezávislost ,Macedonia ,Makedonie ,independence ,rozpad Jugoslávie ,Jugoslávská lidová armáda ,Greek-Macedonian conflict - Published
- 2014
50. Deployment of Czech and Slovak armed forces in the UNPROFOR mission
- Author
Bartůněk, Michal, Bureš, Oldřich, and Kučera, Tomáš
- Subjects
občanská válka v Jugoslávii ,Yugoslav Wars ,Bosna ,Srbsko ,Army of the Czech Republic ,Serbia ,Chorvatsko ,UNPROFOR ,Armáda Slovenské republiky (ASR) ,peacekeeping ,UN ,Croatia ,Armáda České republiky (AČR) ,Army of the Slovak Republic ,OSN ,Bosnia - Abstract
The bachelor thesis aims to analyze the participation of Czechoslovak and later Czech and Slovak units operating in the territory of former Yugoslavia within the UNPROFOR mission. The core goal si to compare a contribution of separated units after the breakup of Czechoslovakia occurred. The research focuses on contribution in fulfillment of UNPROFOR sub-goals, because of there are not reliable benchmarks for measuring success of particular missions's segmants. These sub-goals are based on Diehl and Druckman's method of assessment peace operations published in the Evaluating Peace Operation. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
- Published
- 2014
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