28 results on '"Spalteholz, M"'
Search Results
2. Spontanes spinales Epiduralhämatom als Ursache eines inkompletten Transversalsyndroms
- Author
Spalteholz, M. and Rödel, L.
- Published
- 2013
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- Author
Friedl, W., Gehr, J., and Spalteholz, M.
- Published
- 2010
4. Double major complication in revision spine surgery. A case report
- Author
Spalteholz, M, Gulow, J, Spalteholz, M, and Gulow, J
- Abstract
Purpose: We present the case of a 69-year-old female patient that suffered double major complication in revision spine surgery. Methods: The patient had to undergo several spine surgeries due to degenerative disorder and adjacent segment disease. After long segment fusion surgery, the patient developed proximal junctional failure with severe thoracic myelopathy. The goal of our revision surgery was to perform a spinal canal clearance in the stenotic thoracic region and to restore the global spine balance by pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO) in the fused flat-back lumbar spine. Results: During the PSO closing procedure, we recognized a complete vertebral column dissociation a level above the PSO. This was caused by a tear-off of the intervertebral cage in the prefused lumbar spine. As we were not able to close the osteotomy wedge, we decided to perform a staged anterior column support using an expandable cage. Immediately after the primary posterior surgery, the patient presented a complete paraplegia. Emergency revision did not reveal myelon compression. The anterior spine surgery was done four days later. We transferred the patient to neurological rehab. The patient recovered well, the paraplegia was regressive. The radiological follow-up showed a balanced spine without adjacent segment disease and implant problems. Conclusion: Revision spine surgery is technically demanding. The complication rate is high. The concept of spinopelvic balance is mandatory in long segment fusion surgery to prevent junctional failures, adjacent segment disease, and neurological problems., Einleitung: Wir stellen den Fall einer 69-jährigen Patientin vor, die im Rahmen eines Revisionseingriffs an der Wirbelsäule zwei simultane Major-Komplikationen erlitten hat.Methode: Die Patientin musste sich nach einer kurzstreckigen Fusionsoperation an der Lendenwirbelsäule mehreren Revisionseingriffen bei Anschlusssegmentdegeneration unterziehen. Nach der letzten langstreckigen Fusionsoperation entwickelte sie eine proximal junktionale Kyphose mit schwerer thorakaler Myelopathie. Das Ziel unseres Revisionseingriffs war es, die kritische thorakale Stenose zu dekomprimieren und das globale Wirbelsäulenprofil durch eine Korrekturosteotomie in der fusionierten Lendenwirbelsäule wiederherzustellen.Ergebnisse: Während der Pedikel-Subtraktions-Osteotomie (PSO) kam es zu einem Abriss des intersomatischen Cages oberhalb des Osteotomielevels. Hierdurch war es nicht möglich, die Osteotomie zu schließen. Wir entschieden uns daher für eine zweizeitige Revision von ventral. Unmittelbar nach Beendigung der ersten Operation demonstrierte die Patientin eine Paraparese. Die notfallmäßige Revision zeigte keine Myelonkompression. Wir führten die erforderliche Stabilisierung von ventral vier Tage später durch. Die Patientin wurde postoperativ zeitnah in ein Querschnittzentrum verlegt. Der neurologische Befund besserte sich im Verlauf signifikant. Die radiologische Verlaufskontrolle zeigt ein balanciertes Wirbelsäulenprofil ohne Anschlusssegmentpathologie.Diskussion: Spinale Revisionseingriffe nach langstreckigen Fusionen sind technisch anspruchsvoll. Die Komplikationsrate ist hoch. Die Einhaltung der Prinzipien der spinopelvinen Balance ist obligatorisch, um junktionale Kyphosen, Anschlusssegmentdegenerationen und neurologische Komplikationen zu verhindern.
- Published
- 2020
5. Percutaneous triangular stabilization of type 3 and type 4 fragility fractures of the pelvis usually leads to fracture healing despite high revision rates
- Author
Spalteholz, M, Gulow, J, Spalteholz, M, and Gulow, J
- Abstract
This is a monocentric, retrospective study to analyze radiological findings as well as perioperative and postoperative complications in patients who underwent percutaneous triangular stabilization of type 3 and type 4 fragility fractures of the pelvis. From August 2017 to December 2018, 20 patients were treated surgically. Thirteen patients (65%) were followed-up and received a CT scan of the pelvis after an average time of 14.8 months. A total of 5 patients (38%) had to undergo revision surgery, 2 patients (15%) immediately, 3 patients (23%) in the interval. In 84.6% no fracture line was visible in the sacrum. Fracture healing of the anterior pelvic ring was observed in all cases. Our results show that percutaneous triangular stabilization of type 3 and type 4 fragility fractures of the pelvis usually leads to fracture healing. Radiological signs of loosening were observed in 62%, an implant removal due to symptomatic loosening was necessary in 23%., Es handelt sich um eine monozentrische retrospektive Kohortenstudie, in der radiologische Parameter sowie perioperative und postoperative Komplikationen bei Patienten analysiert wurden, die aufgrund einer Fragilitätsfraktur des Beckens vom Typ FFP 3c und FFP 4b mittels perkutaner triangulärer Stabilisierung versorgt wurden. Insgesamt wurden von August 2017 bis Dezember 2018 20 Patienten mit FFP 3- und FFP 4-Frakturen operativ versorgt. 13 Patienten (65%) konnten nachuntersucht werden und erhielten durchschnittlich nach 14,8 Monaten eine Becken-CT. Insgesamt erfolgte bei 5 Patienten (38%) eine operative Revision, bei 2 Patienten (15%) während des initialen stationären Aufenthaltes, bei 3 Patienten (23%) im Intervall. Bei 84,6% der nachuntersuchten Patienten war im Sakrum keine Frakturlinie mehr sichtbar, eine knöcherne Konsolidierung des vorderen Beckenrings war bei allen Frakturen zu verzeichnen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung zeigen, dass durch die perkutane trianguläre Stabilisierung eine Frakturheilung erreicht wird. Bei 62% konnten radiologische Lockerungszeichen festgestellt werden, eine Metallentfernung bei symptomatischer Lockerung erfolgte bei 3 Patienten (23%).
- Published
- 2020
6. Ventrale Rekonstruktion der thorakolumbalen Wirbelsäule durch Wirbelkörperersatzimplantate bei osteoporotischen Knochenzuständen-Anforderungen an das Cagedesign
- Author
Spalteholz, M and Spalteholz, M
- Published
- 2018
7. Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma infiltrating thoracic spine in a 59-year-old female patient: Case report
- Author
Spalteholz, M, Gulow, J, Spalteholz, M, and Gulow, J
- Abstract
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) represents a malignant tumor of skeletal muscle cells arising from rhabdomyoblasts. RMS represents the most common soft tissue sarcoma in children. In adults it is uncommon and accounts for less than 1% of all malignant solid tumors. While treatment protocols are well known for children, there is no standardized regimen in adults. This is one reason, why the outcome in adults is worse than in children. We present the case of a 59-year-old female patient with pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma (PRMS) infiltrating the thoracic spine. Multimodality treatment was performed including en-bloc resection, adjuvant multidrug chemotherapy and radiation beam therapy. The patient was tumor free and had no relapse within 6 month follow-up., Das Rhabdomyosarkom (RMS) stellt einen bösartigen Tumor der Skelettmuskulatur dar, der aus Rhabdomyoblasten entsteht. Das RMS stellt das häufigste Weichteilsarkom bei Kindern dar, bei Erwachsenen ist es selten und macht weniger als 1% aller bösartigen soliden Tumoren aus. Während Behandlungsprotokolle für Kinder etabliert sind, gibt es kein standardisiertes Regime bei Erwachsenen. Dies ist ein Grund, warum das Outcome bei Erwachsenen schlechter ist als bei Kindern. Wir stellen den Fall einer 59-jährigen Patientin mit einem pleomorphen Rhabdomyosarkom (PRMS) vor, welches die Brustwirbelsäule infiltriert. Es wurde ein multimodales Behandlungskonzept einschließlich En-Bloc-Resektion, adjuvanter Chemotherapie und Strahltherapie durchgeführt. Die Patientin war postoperativ tumorfrei und hatte kein Rezidiv innerhalb der ersten 6 Monate.
- Published
- 2017
8. Prone position in balloon kyphoplasty leads to no secondary vertebral compression fractures in osteoporotic spine - a MRI study
- Author
Spalteholz, M, Strasser, E, Hantel, T, and Gahr, RH
- Subjects
Folgefrakturen ,Ballonkyphoplastie ,Bauchlagerung ,ddc: 610 ,osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures ,subsequent vertebral compression fractures ,adjacent level fractures ,Osteoporotische Wirbelkörperkompressionsfrakturen ,Anschlussfrakturen ,balloon kyphoplasty ,prone positioning - Abstract
Purpose: Vertebral compression fractures are the most common fractures in the elderly. Long lasting pain and deformity is responsible for consecutive impairment with markedly reduced life quality, increased morbidity and mortality. The beneficial effects of balloon kyphoplasty are verified in many studies. Subsequent fracture risk is not finally clarified, cement related risks and deformity related risks are discussed. There is less knowledge about the risk of bone marrow edema and new fractures during balloon kyphoplasty procedure. The goal of this study is to examine, if prone position during kyphoplasty is an independent risk factor for new fractures in the osteoporotic spine. Methods: Consecutive MRI study of 20 patients with fresh, non-traumatic thoracolumbar vertebral compression fractures and balloon kyphoplasty treatment. MRI Scans of the thoracolumbar spine were obtained after surgery, before patients have been mobilized. Specific MRI changes like new bone marrow edema, signal intensity changes in adjacent and remote segments and new fractures were assessed by specialized neuro-radiologist. Results: 20 MR images were examined within 48 hours after balloon kyphoplasty procedure. 85% did not show bone marrow edema extent changes after kyphoplasty. We found minor increase of bone marrow edema within the augmented vertebral body in 3 cases. We did not find any new bone marrow edema and no new fractures in adjacent and remote segments after balloon kyphoplasty treatment.Conclusion: Prone position leads to no new bone marrow edema and no new fractures in the osteoporotic spine. Accordingly, prone position has no risk for adjacent level fractures in osteoporotic spines. Einleitung: Wirbelkörperkompressionsfrakturen sind die häufigsten Frakturen in geriatrischen Patienten. Persistierende Schmerzen und sekundäre Deformitäten sind verantwortlich für eine zunehmende Beeinträchtigung mit reduzierter Lebensqualität, erhöhter Morbidität und Mortalität. Die positiven Effekte der Ballon-Kyphoplastie wurden in vielen Studien bestätigt. Das Risiko für Folgefrakturen ist noch nicht abschließend geklärt. Es werden zement- und deformitätenabhängige Risiken diskutiert. Es gibt wenig Erkenntnis über das Risiko von Knochenmarködemen und frischen Frakturen während des Ballon-Kyphoplastie-Verfahrens. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es zu untersuchen, ob die Bauchlagerung während der Kyphoplastie einen unabhängigen Risikofaktor für frische Frakturen in osteoporotischen Wirbelsäulen darstellt. Methoden: Es handelt sich um eine MRT-Studie an 20 Patienten, bei denen eine frische, nicht-traumatische thorakolumbale Wirbelkörperkompressionsfraktur mittels Ballon-Kyphoplastie behandelt wurde. Unmittelbar nach dem Eingriff wurden MRT-Untersuchungen der thorakolumbalen Wirbelsäule durchgeführt, noch bevor die Patienten mobilisiert wurden. Durch einen spezialisierten Neuroradiologen wurden postoperative MRT-Veränderungen wie Knochenmarködem, Signalintensitätsänderungen in den Anschlusssegmenten und frische Frakturen ausgewertet. Ergebnis: Es wurden 20 MRT-Untersuchungen innerhalb von 48 Stunden nach Ballon-Kyphoplastie durchgeführt. 85% zeigten keine Änderungen des vorbestehenden Knochenmarködems nach der Kyphoplastie. In drei Fällen zeigte sich eine geringe Zunahme des vorbestehenden Knochenmarködems in den augmentierten Wirbeln. Es wurden kein neues Knochenmarködem und keine neuen Frakturen in den Anschluss- und Folgesegmenten nach der Ballon-Kyphoplastie nachgewiesen. Schlussfolgerung: Die Bauchlagerung stellt kein Risiko für Anschlussfrakturen in osteoporotischen Wirbelsäulen dar.
- Published
- 2014
9. Anatomische und biologische Rekonstruktionthorakolumbaler Wirbelkörperfrakturen durch minimal-invasive dorsale Stabilisierungund Kyphoplastie mit einem biodegradiblen Knochenersatzmaterial
- Author
Spalteholz, M and Gahr, RH
- Subjects
ddc: 610 ,610 Medical sciences ,Medicine - Abstract
Fragestellung: Welchen Stellenwert haben biologische Knochenersatzmaterialien in der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie? Methoden: Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Grenzen von Knochenersatzmaterialien bei der Behandlung traumatischer Wirbelkörperfrakturen werden durch Fallbeispiele demonstriert.[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL], 52. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie (DGPW)
- Published
- 2014
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10. Die temporäre Fixateur externe Stabilisierungder Wirbelsäule in der Behandlungder komplizierten Spondylodiszitis. Salvage procedure
- Author
Spalteholz, M and Gahr, RH
- Subjects
ddc: 610 ,610 Medical sciences ,Medicine - Abstract
Einleitung: Spezifische und unspezifische Infektionen der Wirbelsäule sind selten. Aufgrund der potentiellenInstabilität, Deformität und der Beeinträchtigungneurologischer Strukturen istdie Behandlung oft langwierig underfordert eininterdisziplinäres Management. Es gibt keine[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL], 51. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie (DGPW)
- Published
- 2013
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11. 4-Punkt-Fixateur interne Stabilisierung einer Sakruminsuffizienzfraktur. Case report
- Author
Spalteholz, M and Gahr, RH
- Subjects
ddc: 610 ,610 Medical sciences ,Medicine - Abstract
Einleitung: Die biomechanischen Verhältnisse des hinteren Beckenringes sind für den aufrechten Gang unabdingbar. Die Stabilität beruht hierbei unter anderem auf der knöchernen Unversehrtheit und denrigiden Amphiarthrosen zwischen Os Sakrum und den Ossa Coxae. Eine traumatische Verletzung[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL], 51. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie (DGPW)
- Published
- 2013
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12. Versorgungsstrategien distaler Humerusfrakturen beim geriatrischen Patienten
- Author
Spalteholz, M and Gahr, RH
- Subjects
ddc: 610 ,610 Medical sciences ,Medicine - Abstract
Frakturen des distalen Humerus sind selten, die Inzidenz liegt zwischen 2 und 6%. Aufgrund der Komplexität des Ellenbogengelenkes und dessen unabdingbarer Funktionalität, wird eine anatomische Rekonstruktion angestrebt, insbesondere im Rahmen des high energy Traumas junger Erwachsener.[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL], 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie (DGPW)
- Published
- 2011
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13. Organ-specific distribution of ACE2 MRNA and correlating peptidase activity in rodents reflect its prominent function in cardiovascular control
- Author
Florian Gembardt, Sterner-Kock, A., Imboden, H., Spalteholz, M., Schultheiss, Hp, Siems, We, Walther, T., and Internal Medicine
- Published
- 2005
14. Knochenersatzmaterialien zur Rekonstruktion metaphysärer Defektzonen bei gelenknahen und Gelenkfrakturen
- Author
Spalteholz, M, Gahr, RH, Spalteholz, M, and Gahr, RH
- Published
- 2014
15. 4-Punkt-Stabilisierung einer Sakruminsuffizienzfraktur mittels Fixateur interne
- Author
Spalteholz, M., primary and Gahr, R.H., additional
- Published
- 2014
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16. Biomachnische Untersuchungen zur Ausreisskraft unterschiedlicherPedikelschraubendesigns- und Fixationstechniken in derhumanen Lendenwirbelsäule
- Author
Spalteholz, M, Gahr, RH, Spalteholz, M, and Gahr, RH
- Published
- 2013
17. Das spontane spinale Epiduralhämatom als Ursache eines inkompletten Transversalsyndroms
- Author
Spalteholz, M, Gahr, RH, Spalteholz, M, and Gahr, RH
- Published
- 2013
18. External transpedicular spine fixation in severe spondylodiscitis - salvage procedure
- Author
Spalteholz, M, Gahr, RH, Spalteholz, M, and Gahr, RH
- Abstract
Specific and non-specific infections of the spine are rare. Due to their potential for severe instabilities, deformities and the impairment of neurological structures, the treatment is often prolonged and needs an interdisciplinary management. The clinical presentation is uncharacteristic, therefore diagnosis is often delayed. There are no prospective randomized studies for therapy recommendation. The surgical concept includes eradication of the infection and the reliable stabilization of involved segments. This concept is successful in most cases of endogenous vertebral osteomyelitis. The therapy of the exogenous spine infections after macro and micro surgery is more difficult, due to the critical wound situation and the involvement of the posterior parts of the spine. In these cases, infection-associated instability of the anterior part is complicated by critical posterior wound conditions.We present three cases of severe exogenous vertebral infections, where temporary external transpedicular spine fixation was used for salvage procedure, till soft tissue conditions have permitted a definitive internal stabilization., Spezifische und unspezifische Infektionen der Wirbelsäule sind selten. Aufgrund ihres Potentials für hochgradige Instabilitäten, Deformitäten und der Beeinträchtigung neurologischer Strukturen ist die Behandlung oft prolongiert und erfordert ein interdisziplinäres Management. Die klinische Symptomatik ist uncharakteristisch, daher wird die Diagnose oft verzögert gestellt. Es gibt keine prospektiv randomisierten Studien zur Therapieempfehlung. Das operative Konzept umfasst die chirurgische Infekteradikation und die sichere Stabilisierung der involvierten Segmente. Dieses Vorgehen ist in den meisten Fällen der endogenen Wirbelkörperosteomyelitis erfolgreich. Die Therapie der exogenen Spondylodiszitis nach Makro- und mirkochirurgischen Eingriffen ist aufgrund der kritischen Wundverhältnisse und der Beteiligung der dorsalen Abschnitte der Wirbelsäule weitaus schwieriger. In diesen Fällen wird die infekt-bedingte Instabilität der vorderen Säule durch die infizierten dorsalen Weichteilverhältnisse kompliziert. Wir präsentieren drei Fälle schwerer exogener Spondylodiszitiden, in denen die temporäre Stabilisierung durch Fixateur externe als Salvage-Verfahren genutzt wurde, bis die lokalen Weichteilverhältnisse eine definitive interne Stabilisierung zugelassen haben.
- Published
- 2013
19. Blunt chest Injury - Die Externe Stabilisierung bei flail chest (Falldemonstration)
- Author
Spalteholz, M, Gahr, RH, Spalteholz, M, and Gahr, RH
- Published
- 2011
20. Die operative Versorgung von Wirbelfrakturen bei Patienten mit ankylosierender Spondylitis
- Author
Spalteholz, M, Gahr, RH, Spalteholz, M, and Gahr, RH
- Published
- 2011
21. Percutaneous triangular stabilization of type 3 and type 4 fragility fractures of the pelvis usually leads to fracture healing despite high revision rates
- Author
Spalteholz, Matthias and Gulow, Jens
- Subjects
Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
This is a monocentric, retrospective study to analyze radiological findings as well as perioperative and postoperative complications in patients who underwent percutaneous triangular stabilization of type 3 and typ fragility fractures of the pelvis. From August 2017 to December 2018, 20 patients were treated surgically. Thirteen patients (65%) were followed-up and received a CT scan of the pelvis after an average time of 14.8 months. A total of 5 patients (38%) had to undergo revision surgery, 2 patients (15%) immediately, 3 patients (23%) in the interval. In 84.6% no fracture line was visible in the sacrum. Fracture healing of the anterior pelvic ring was observed in all cases. Our results show that percutaneous triangular stabilization of type 3 and type 4 fragility fractures of the pelvis usually leads to fracture healing. Radiological signs of loosening were observed in 62%, an implant removal due to symptomatic loosening was necessary in 23%.
- Published
- 2020
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22. Double major complication in revision spine surgery. A case report
- Author
Spalteholz, Matthias and Gulow, Jens
- Subjects
spine ,revision ,surgery ,complications ,pedicle subtraction osteotomy ,spinopelvic balance ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Purpose: We present the case of a 69-year-old female patient that suffered double major complication in revision spine surgery. Methods: The patient had to undergo several spine surgeries due to degenerative disorder and adjacent segment disease. After long segment fusion surgery, the patient developed proximal junctional failure with severe thoracic myelopathy. The goal of our revision surgery was to perform a spinal canal clearance in the stenotic thoracic region and to restore the global spine balance by pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO) in the fused flat-back lumbar spine. Results: During the PSO closing procedure, we recognized a complete vertebral column dissociation a level above the PSO. This was caused by a tear-off of the intervertebral cage in the prefused lumbar spine. As we were not able to close the osteotomy wedge, we decided to perform a staged anterior column support using an expandable cage. Immediately after the primary posterior surgery, the patient presented a complete paraplegia. Emergency revision did not reveal myelon compression. The anterior spine surgery was done four days later. We transferred the patient to neurological rehab. The patient recovered well, the paraplegia was regressive. The radiological follow-up showed a balanced spine without adjacent segment disease and implant problems. Conclusion: Revision spine surgery is technically demanding. The complication rate is high. The concept of spinopelvic balance is mandatory in long segment fusion surgery to prevent junctional failures, adjacent segment disease, and neurological problems.
- Published
- 2020
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23. Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma infiltrating thoracic spine in a 59-year-old female patient: Case report
- Author
Spalteholz, Matthias and Gulow, Jens
- Subjects
pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma ,soft tissue sarcoma ,thoracic spine ,en-bloc spondylectomy ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) represents a malignant tumor of skeletal muscle cells arising from rhabdomyoblasts. RMS represents the most common soft tissue sarcoma in children. In adults it is uncommon and accounts for less than 1% of all malignant solid tumors. While treatment protocols are well known for children, there is no standardized regimen in adults. This is one reason, why the outcome in adults is worse than in children. We present the case of a 59-year-old female patient with pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma (PRMS) infiltrating the thoracic spine. Multimodality treatment was performed including en-bloc resection, adjuvant multidrug chemotherapy and radiation beam therapy. The patient was tumor free and had no relapse within 6 month follow-up.
- Published
- 2017
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24. External transpedicular spine fixation in severe spondylodiscitis – salvage procedure
- Author
Spalteholz, Matthias and Gahr, Ralf H.
- Subjects
spondylodiscitis ,exogenous vertebral osteomyelitis ,exogenous spine infection ,external spine fixation ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Specific and non-specific infections of the spine are rare. Due to their potential for severe instabilities, deformities and the impairment of neurological structures, the treatment is often prolonged and needs an interdisciplinary management. The clinical presentation is uncharacteristic, therefore diagnosis is often delayed. There are no prospective randomized studies for therapy recommendation. The surgical concept includes eradication of the infection and the reliable stabilization of involved segments. This concept is successful in most cases of endogenous vertebral osteomyelitis. The therapy of the exogenous spine infections after macro and micro surgery is more difficult, due to the critical wound situation and the involvement of the posterior parts of the spine. In these cases, infection-associated instability of the anterior part is complicated by critical posterior wound conditions.We present three cases of severe exogenous vertebral infections, where temporary external transpedicular spine fixation was used for salvage procedure, till soft tissue conditions have permitted a definitive internal stabilization.
- Published
- 2013
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25. Long-term results of olecranon fractures treated using the XS nail® system.
- Author
Höchtl-Lee L, Spalteholz M, Raven TF, Moghaddam A, and Friedl W
- Subjects
- Male, Female, Humans, Adult, Middle Aged, Aged, Retrospective Studies, Bone Wires, Fracture Fixation, Internal methods, Range of Motion, Articular, Treatment Outcome, Olecranon Process surgery, Olecranon Process injuries, Ulna Fractures surgery, Fractures, Bone, Elbow Injuries
- Abstract
Purpose: Olecranon fractures are particularly vulnerable to distraction and subsequent fracture dislocation due to the high tensile forces. Surgical treatment aims at reducing the fracture and restoring the anatomical joint surface condition, as well as neutralizing the strain inhibiting fracture healing. The XS nail® (Intercus GmbH, Bad Blankenberg, Germany), an intramedullary implant exerting compression across the entire fracture surface, unlike plates, leaves a minimal extra-cortical profile, and can be secured with threaded locking wires, thereby retaining the anatomical reduction without displacement or steps within the articular surface, which was often found in tension band wiring. After encouraging initial results, the long-term outcome was assessed., Methods: This retrospective study evaluated the long-term outcome of patients surgically treated at our trauma center between January 2002 and December 2005 using the XS nail®. Patients over the age of 18 years eligible for the study must have undergone surgery for isolated, recent (less than 14 days) traumatic olecranon fractures, without concomitant injuries to the ipsilateral elbow and forearm. Further exclusion criteria were pseudarthrosis, re-fractures and osteotomy for distal humerus surgery, as well as polytraumatized patients unable to aid in their own recovery. Data were retrospectively gathered by standardised questionnaire and patient records, as well as surgery and anesthesiology reports. Data analysis was performed using Microsoft Office Excel® 2016., Results: There were 32 patients, 13 males (mean age 49.0 years) and 19 females (mean age 68.9 years) with 11 Schatzkers type D, 7 each type A and C, 5 type B and 2 type E at an average of 55.2 months, all showing complete consolidation. Of them, 6 patients had a loss of range of motion with more than 10° in the sagittal plane, and only 1 patient exceeded 10° reduction of supination. Twenty-five patients reported being pain-free under all circumstances, and all but 2 patients (93.75%) had returned to their previous activity level. The average disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand score was 21.15 (range 0-88.3), and the overall Mayo elbow performance index was 91.87, without complications, such as wound infection, neurovascular impairment or premature hardware removal., Conclusion: Using the XS nail® system, all fracture types can be successfully treated and the rate of complications was lower than that treated by standard methods published in current literature. An excellent functional outcome, high range of motion as well as good retention of reduction without soft tissue irritation makes this a very suitable implant for fractures subject to tension., (Copyright © 2022 Chinese Medical Association. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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26. [3D image enhancer-adjusted percutaneous triangular stabilization of geriatric pelvic ring fractures : Operation technique and indications].
- Author
Spalteholz M and Gulow J
- Subjects
- Aged, Bone Screws, Bone Wires, Humans, Ilium diagnostic imaging, Ilium surgery, Image Enhancement, Imaging, Three-Dimensional, Lumbar Vertebrae diagnostic imaging, Lumbar Vertebrae surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures methods, Pelvic Bones injuries, Sacrum diagnostic imaging, Sacrum surgery, Fracture Fixation, Internal methods, Fractures, Bone diagnostic imaging, Fractures, Bone surgery, Pelvic Bones diagnostic imaging, Pelvic Bones surgery
- Abstract
The 3D image enhancer-adjusted percutaneous triangular stabilization of geriatric pelvic ring fractures avoids implant-associated perioperative complications. Displaced fractures of the posterior pelvic ring require stable instrumentation to enable solid bony fusion in a balanced alignment and to control the risk of neurological and vascular damage. This is mandatory in high-energy injuries in young patients and especially in low-energy injuries of geriatric patients. Various surgical techniques have been established. The triangular stabilization technique shows the best biomechanical results. The percutaneous instrumentation reduces access-related morbidity and provides all the benefits of minimally invasive surgery. In order to avoid implant-associated complications, such as vascular and nerve injuries, anatomical and radiological principles are indispensable. The use of 3D image enhancement ensures a safe instrumentation. Nevertheless, pitfalls have to be considered. This article presents the technique of percutaneous triangular stabilization using the 3D scan. After percutaneous insertion of the guide wires into the L4 vertebral body, the iliac bone and transiliosacrally under 2D X‑ray control, the correct wire position is verified by the 3D scan. Then, screws are inserted and the instrumentation is completed in a standard fashion. Using this technique implant-associated perioperative complications, such as nerve and vascular damage due to screw misplacement can be reduced.
- Published
- 2019
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27. High failure rate of a new pressfit cup in mid-term follow-up.
- Author
Brodt S, Matziolis G, Windisch C, Gosse A, Spalteholz M, and Gahr RH
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip adverse effects, Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip methods, Cohort Studies, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Prosthesis Design, Reoperation, Retrospective Studies, Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip instrumentation, Hip Prosthesis adverse effects, Prosthesis Failure
- Abstract
Background: Unacceptably high rates of loosening of a novel cementless cup system (Mathys, SeleXys TH+) have been reported. In this study, our mid-term-results with the SeleXys TH+ cup are compared with an established pressfit cup (Ceraver, Cerafit-R)., Methods: Between 2008 and 2011, a total of 407 implantations, 19 of them bilaterally, were conducted on 388 patients with the implants in question. A total of 280 cups were available for follow-up. Of these, 160 SeleXys TH+ cups and 120 Cerafit-R cups had been used., Results: The mean follow-up period was 48.6 months (min. 28, max. 75). A total of 18 cases of loosening were found in the SeleXys TH+ group. Of these, one was of a traumatic nature and one was of septic origin. This left 16 cases of aseptic, atraumatic loosening (10% loosening rate). In the Cerafit-R group, only two cases (1.7%) of loosening were seen over the same period. Both were of traumatic origin. No cases of aseptic, atraumatic loosening were seen in the follow-up period. Further, significantly more cases of loosening were observed in women than in men with the SeleXys cup., Conclusions: The SeleXys TH+ cup shows an unacceptably high failure rate after six years. The time of revision is not limited to the first months after implantation, which means that close clinical and radiological controls will continue to be necessary in future in patients treated with SeleXys TH+ cups. Level of Evidenve: III (retrospective cohort study).
- Published
- 2015
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28. Organ-specific distribution of ACE2 mRNA and correlating peptidase activity in rodents.
- Author
Gembardt F, Sterner-Kock A, Imboden H, Spalteholz M, Reibitz F, Schultheiss HP, Siems WE, and Walther T
- Subjects
- Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2, Animals, Carboxypeptidases analysis, Carboxypeptidases genetics, Ileum enzymology, Immunohistochemistry, Kidney enzymology, Lung enzymology, Mice, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Peptidyl-Dipeptidase A, RNA, Messenger analysis, RNA, Messenger metabolism, Rats, Rats, Sprague-Dawley, Tissue Distribution, Carboxypeptidases metabolism
- Abstract
Biochemical analysis revealed that angiotensin-converting enzyme related carboxy-peptidase (ACE2) cleaves angiotensin (Ang) II to Ang-(1-7), a heptapeptide identified as an endogenous ligand for the G protein-coupled receptor Mas. No data are currently available that systematically describe ACE2 distribution and activity in rodents. Therefore, we analyzed the ACE2 expression in different tissues of mice and rats on mRNA (RNase protection assay) and protein levels (immunohistochemistry, ACE2 activity, western blot). Although ACE2 mRNA in both investigated species showed the highest expression in the ileum, the mouse organ exceeded rat ACE2, as also demonstrated in the kidney and colon. Corresponding to mRNA, ACE2 activity was highest in the ileum and mouse kidney but weak in the rat kidney, which was also confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Contrary to mRNA, we found weak activity in the lung of both species. Our data demonstrate a tissue- and species-specific pattern for ACE2 under physiological conditions.
- Published
- 2005
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