Biogeographia vol. XX VI/I — 2007 (Pubb/icato il 30 dicembre 2007) Biogeografia del/’Appennino Centrale e settentriona/e: trenfanni dopo Gli scarabeidi degradatori dell’area marchigiana: appunti corologici e biogeografici SARA BELLUCCI, ROSSANA AGOGLITTA*, MARIO ZUNINO* Istifltto di Ecologizz e Biolagizl Ambieiztzzle, Unizzersitfz degli Studi di Ur[7z'72o qCarla Bo ”, via Maggefii 22, 61029 Ur/92310 (Italy); e—mzzz'[.' 5m*zzbe[[ucci75@g772zzz'[. com Vstitzzta di Eco/ogizz e Biologitz Ambimtzzle, Uiziversitiz degli Stizdi 511' Urbino “Carlo Bo ”, I/izz _/I/[zzggetfi 22, 61029 Urbino {Ital}/), e—mzzz'[: ross.zzgoglimz@/ezzmzmzil. com; mzz)/zzte@zmz'zzrb. it. Key words: Chorotypes, Tracks. Biogeographical Nodes, Marche Region, Dung Beetles SUMMARY We studied the Geotrupidae and Scatabaeidae dung beetles’ fauna of the Marche region — in the eastern part of central Italy — with a classic chorological analysis, using chororypes based on species’ distributions (“I order chorotypes”). We found that twenty—one species — almost the 64% of the total — correspond to 6 chororypes, with essentially continental gravitation, only very marginally involving the Mediterranean area. The remaining 12 species are distributed among 8 chorotypes, with a more southern gravitation, including the Mediterranean region as well. We secondarily outlined “II order chorotypesq, defined by supraspecific groups’ distribution areas. From the latter, we drew some preliminary historical information. In Fact, from a theoretical standpoint, the chorotype ofa supraspecific group occupies the territory's fraction where its track develops. The II order chorotypes’ analysis allowed us to underline the fact that specific elements, belonging to different I order chorotypes, can contribute to define one II order chorotype. At the same time, each single element, contributing to the definition ofa given I order chorotype, can be traced back to a different II order chororype. The primary biogeographical homologies, corresponding to tracks that can be obtained from the II order chorotypes, suggest that the Marche population is involved in at least two biogeographical nodes. These nodes are the result of the superposition of various biota histories, different in space and time. Lo scopo della ricerca in cui si inserisce il presente contributo non e puta- mente faunistico, ne si lirnita al settore marchigiano del versante adriatico deIl’Italia, considerate in toto, ma irnplica l’analisi comparativa di diverse regio- ni italiane, e frazioni diverse dell’Euromediterraneo, e di settori fisiografica— mente definiti all’interno di ciascuna diesse. II problema biogeografico affi‘0r1— tato consiste soprattutto nel saggiare ulteriormente e in tnodo pi1‘1 approfon— dito e rigoroso I’idea Che dai corotipi definiti da taxa sopraspecifici si possano ricavare ipotesi di omologia biogeografica prirnaria, almeno di prima appros— simazione. Tale idea era gia stata forrnulata in precedenza da Passerin