Europska zajednica za ugljen i čelik osnovana je 18. travnja 1951. potpisom Pariškog ugovora sa zadaćom stvaranja jedinstvenog tržišta ugljena i čelika. Potpisnice ugovora bile su Francuska, SR Njemačka, Belgija, Luksemburg, Nizozemska i Italija. Ovim se ugovorom realizirao Schumanov plan te se uspostavila prva međunarodna organizacija temeljena na načelima nadnacionalizma, čime je započeo proces formalne integracije tih zemalja koji je doveo do stvaranja Europske unije. Realizacija Schumanovog plana u vidu osnivanja Europske zajednice za ugljen i čelik bila je nužna radi uspostavljanja trajno dobrih odnosa između Francuske i SR Njemačke. Također, željelo se uz proces suradnje osigurati trajna sigurnost i izbjeći svaka daljnja militarizacija SR Njemačke. Ugovor je značio uspostavljanje zajedničkog tržišta ugljena i čelika među državama članicama što je neutraliziralo konkurenciju među europskim državama, a uspostavljen je i dogovor oko rudarske regije i dijela okupacijeske zone Ruhr. Četiri institucije upravljale su Zajednicom, a to su bile: Visoko tijelo, Skupština, Vijeće te Sud, a ta su tijela i danas postala osnovne institucije Europske unije. Europska zajednica za ugljen i čelik predstavljala je i temelj zajednicama koje su uspostavljene Rimskim ugovorima iz 1957. godine, odnosno osnivanje Europske ekonomske zajednice i Europske zajednice za atomsku energiju. Bez zalaganja i motivacije mnogih vizionara ne bismo poznavali temelje zajednice u kojoj danas živimo. Vjerovanjem u iste ideale, arhitekti europske integracije Jean Monnet i Robert Schuman, formirali su ujedinjenu Europu mira i blagostanja. Nadahnutim i predanim radom na europskom projektu nastojalo se zauvijek otkloniti zlo nacionalizma i ratnog huškanja. Integracija je nastavila svoj razvoj i stvarali su se projekti koji su vodili prema nastanku Europske unije., The European Coal and Steel Community was founded on April 18, 1951 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris with the task of creating a single coal and steel market. The signatories to the agreement were France, FR Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Italy. With this treaty, the Schuman Plan was realized and the first international organization based on the principles of supranationalism was established, which started the process of formal integration of these countries that led to the creation of the European Union. The implementation of the Schuman Plan in the form of the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community was necessary in order to establish permanently good relations between France and FR Germany. Also, with the cooperation process, it was wanted to ensure permanent security and avoid any further militarization of FR Germany. The treaty meant the establishment of a common coal and steel market among member states, which neutralized competition among European states, and an agreement was established regarding the mining region and part of the Ruhr occupation zone. Four institutions managed the Union, namely: the High Authority, the Common Assembly, the Special Council and the Court of Justice, and these bodies have become the basic institutions of the European Union even today. The European Coal and Steel Community was also the foundation of the communities established by the Treaties of Rome from 1957, that is, the establishment of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community. Without the commitment and motivation of many visionaries, we would not know the foundations of the community we live in today. Believing in the same ideals, the architects of European integration, Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman, formed a united Europe of peace and prosperity. Through inspired and dedicated work on the European project, the evil of nationalism and warmongering was forever removed. Integration continued its development and projects were created that led to the creation of the European Union.