47 results on '"SCHOOL PROJECTS"'
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2. Building the Bridge to a Participatory Citizenship: Curricular Integration of Communal Environmental Issues in School Projects Supported by the Internet of Things.
- Author
Santos, Manuel J. S., Carlos, Vânia, and Moreira, António A.
- Subjects
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CLASSROOM activities , *INTERNET of things , *CITIZENS , *SCHOOL involvement , *CITIZENSHIP - Abstract
Generally, there is much to praise about the rise in acknowledging the need for young citizens to exercise their rights and duties, but the belief remains that this is not yet entrenched in young citizens' overall democratic involvement. A lack of citizenship and engagement in community issues was revealed by a recent study conducted by the authors in a secondary school from the outskirts of Aveiro, Portugal, during the 2019/2020 school year. Under the umbrella of a Design-Based Research methodological framework, citizen science strategies were implemented in the context of teaching, learning, and assessment, and at the service of the educational project of the target school, in a STEAM approach, and under Domains of Curricular Autonomy activities. The study's findings suggest that to build the bridge for participatory citizenship, teachers should engage students in collecting and analyzing data regarding communal environmental issues in a Citizen Science approach supported by the Internet of Things. The new pedagogies addressing the lack of citizenship and engagement in community issues promoted students' involvement at school and in the community, contributed to inform municipal education policies, and promoted dialogue and communication between local actors. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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3. The Artists’ Voices as an Inspiration for Intercultural Practices, Art–Science Paths and Innovative School Curricula
- Author
Falchetti, Elisabetta, Guida, Maria Francesca, Schroeder, Doris, Editor-in-Chief, Iatridis, Konstantinos, Editor-in-Chief, Sandu, Petru, editor, Tudisca, Valentina, editor, and Valente, Adriana, editor
- Published
- 2021
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4. Çevre Eğitiminde Okul Proje Uygulamalarının Yeri ve Önemi: 26 Ağustos Ortaokulu (Konak, İzmir) Örneği.
- Author
Gülersoy, Ali Ekber, Gümüş, Nevzat, Özkan, Rahime, Koçak, Ramazan Emre, Civil, Hasan, and Aydemir, Hakan
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Academic Social Science Studies is the property of Journal of Academic Social Science Studies and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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5. Teacher's Professional Development for Project Participation and Selection of Open Learning Didactic Strategies
- Author
Boštar, Ines and Valenčič Zuljan, Milena
- Subjects
strategije odprtega pouka ,udc:37(043.2) ,teacher's professional development ,open learning strategies ,učiteljev profesionalni razvoj ,project work ,projektno učno delo ,projekti na šolah ,school projects - Abstract
V današnji hitro spreminjajoči in razvijajoči se družbi je učiteljeva poklicna vloga vse zahtevnejša, pričakovanja staršev in širše javnosti do učiteljev so vse višja, vse večja je tudi potreba po učiteljevem spremljanju novosti na različnih področjih življenja, zato je pomembno, da se učitelj vseživljenjsko izobražuje in skrbi za lasten profesionalni razvoj. Večina definicij učiteljevega profesionalnega razvoja poudarja pomen vseživljenjskega in izkustvenega učenja. Pri oblikovanju ugodnih razmer za spodbujanje učiteljevega profesionalnega razvoja so pomembna različna načela takšnega razvoja. Pomembno pa je tudi poznavanje različnih modelov in dejavnikov učiteljevega profesionalnega razvoja. Profesionalni razvoj je odvisen od več sklopov dejavnikov, od tistih, ki se nanašajo na učitelja samega (notranji dejavniki) pa do tistih, ki se nanašajo na šolski prostor in klimo (zunanji dejavniki). Eden od dejavnikov je sodelovanje v šolskih projektih. Šolski projekti običajno predstavljajo izziv za učitelja, saj gre pri njih za vpeljevanje novosti in spodbudo za odstopanje od običajnega tradicionalnega načina pouka, lahko pa delujejo tudi obremenjujoče in ne spodbujajo učiteljevega profesionalnega razvoja. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo opisali v učenca naravnan model pouka in didaktične strategije. Natančneje smo opisali projektno učno delo, problemski pouk, izkustveno učenje in raziskovalni pouk. Pri opredelitvi učiteljevega profesionalnega razvoja smo najprej razložili pojme profesionalnost, profesija in profesionalizem ter razložili potrebo po izobraževanju in profesionalnem razvoju učiteljev. Opisali smo modele in različne dejavnike profesionalnega razvoja učitelja. Posebno poglavje smo namenili sodelovanju v projektih kot dejavniku učiteljevega profesionalnega razvoja, kjer smo definirali opredelitev in nastajanje projekta ter vloge učitelja pri projektu. Empirična raziskava je bila izvedena v skladu s kvantitativno raziskovalno paradigmo na vzorcu sto učiteljev razrednega pouka. Z raziskavo smo ugotavljali, kolikšen pomen za lasten profesionalni razvoj učitelji pripisujejo sodelovanju v projektih, katere vsebinske in izvedbene lastnosti mora imeti po presoji učiteljev projekt, da spodbuja učiteljev profesionalni razvoj, koliko izkušenj imajo učitelji s projekti in kakšne so ter kje vidijo možnosti za izboljšave. Zanimalo nas je tudi ali po presoji učiteljev izkušnje v projektih vplivajo na njihovo organizacijo pouka ter ali učitelji z več izkušnjami sodelovanja v projektih pogosteje organizirajo projektno učno delo in druge didaktične strategije odprtega pouka. Nazadnje pa nas je zanimalo še, ali se učitelji z različnim nazivom, leti delovne dobe ali stopnjo poklicnega zadovoljstva statistično pomembno razlikujejo v oceni pomena projektov za učiteljev profesionalni razvoj. Ugotovili smo, da učitelji menijo, da sodelovanje v projektih nima velikega vpliva na njihov profesionalni razvoj. Da bi imeli projekti večji vpliv na njihov profesionalni razvoj, pa bi morali učiteljem prinesti veliko novega znanja, vključevati učence in omogočati več medpredmetnega povezovanja. Imeti bi morali natančno oblikovane cilje in navodila, učiteljem pa omogočiti aktivno udeležbo in deljenje svojih izkušenj. Ugotovili smo tudi, da so bili učitelji v zadnjih petih letih največkrat udeleženi v številnih projektih na državnem, šolskem in mednarodnem nivoju. Učitelji menijo, da je ponujenih projektov dovolj. Ugotovili smo, da vsi projekti učiteljem ne dajo veliko znanja, saj so odgovorili, da jim znanje dajo le nekateri projekti. Od didaktičnih strategij odprtega pouka največ učiteljev uporablja problemski in timski pouk, projektno učno delo pa je uporabljeno precej manj pogosto. Rezultati kvantitativne raziskave so pokazali, da se glede ocene pomembnosti projektov za njihov profesionalni razvoj pojavljajo statistično pomembne razlike med učitelji z različnimi leti delovne dobe. Učitelji z več leti delovne dobe so pomenu projektov v večini dali višjo oceno od učiteljev z manj leti delovne dobe. Izkazalo se je tudi, da različni nazivi učiteljev in njihovo zadovoljstvo v poklicu niso povezani z njihovo oceno pomembnosti projektov za učiteljev profesionalni razvoj. In today's fast changing and evolving society, the teacher's professional role is becoming more demanding, the expectations of parents and the general public towards teachers are growing, and the need for teacher monitoring of innovations in different areas of life is growing, it is therefore important that the teacher is constantly learning and taking care of his own professional development. Most definitions of a teacher's professional development highlight the importance of lifelong and experiential learning. Different principles of such development are important in creating favourable conditions to promote the teacher's professional development. What is also important is knowledge of the different models and factors of the teacher's professional development. Professional development depends on several sets of factors, from those relating to the teacher himself (internal factors) to those relating to the school space and climate (external factors). One factor is participation in school projects. School projects usually present a challenge for the teacher, as they are about inducing novelty and encouraging a departure from the usual traditional way of teaching, but they can also work burdensomely and do not encourage the teacher's professional development. In the theoretical part of the master thesis we described in the student-oriented model of teaching and didactic strategies. In more detail we described project teaching, problem-based teaching, experiential learning and research learning. In defining the teacher's professional development, we first explained the concepts of professionalism, profession and professionalism and explained the need for education and professional development of teachers. We described the models and various factors of professional development of the teacher. A specific chapter was devoted to participation in projects as a factor in the teacher's professional development, in which we defined the definition and formation of the project and the role of the teacher in the project. The empirical research was conducted in accordance with the quantitative research paradigm on a sample of 100 primary school teachers. With the research we established the importance of participating in school projects for their own professional development, which content and performance characteristics must, in judgement of the teachers, have a project to encourage the teacher's professional development, how much experience teachers have with projects, what is the quality of the expirience and where they see opportunities for improvement. We also wanted to know whether, in judgement of teachers, the experience in the projects influences their organisation of teaching and whether teachers with more experience of participating in projects are more likely to organise project teaching and other didactic open learning strategies. Finally, we researched, whether teachers with different titles, years of service or level of professional satisfaction differ statistically significantly in the assessment of the importance of projects for teacher's professional development. We found that teachers believe that participation in projects does not have much impact on their professional development. In order to have a greater impact on their professional development, projects should bring a great deal of new knowledge to teachers, involve pupils and allow for more cross-curricular links. They should have well-defined aims and instructions and enable teachers to participate actively and share their experiences. We also found that in the last five years teachers have been most involved in numerous projects at national, school and international level. Teachers think that projects offered are enough. We found that not all projects give teachers much knowledge, as they replied that only certain projects give them knowledge. From the didactic open-learning strategies, most teachers use problem solving and group learning, project teaching is used much less frequently. The results of the quantitative research showed that there are statistically significant differences between teachers with different years of service in terms of assessing the importance of projects for their professional development. In majority, teachers with more years of service have given a higher rating of importance of projects than teachers with fewer years of service. It has also been shown that the different titles and their satisfaction in the profession are not linked to their assessment of the importance of projects for professional development teachers.
- Published
- 2023
6. Predicting the Delivery Time of Public School Building Projects Using Nonlinear Regression
- Author
Zeyad S. M. Khaled, Raid S. Abid Ali, and Mussab Faleh Hassan
- Subjects
delay ,delivery time ,nonlinear regression ,school projects ,Science ,Technology - Abstract
The delay in delivering public school building projects in Iraq is one of the major problems that face the construction of new school buildings. In order to enable the concerned governmental agencies to predict the expected delivery time of these projects at the time of contract assignment, two forecasting modelsare developed to aid in this matter. After reviewing a wide range of literature to determine the most common causes of delay, a questionnaire is distributed to owners, consultants, supervising engineers and contractors engaged in public school building projects. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed using the relative importance index. Nine most important causes of delay in public school building projects were assured by the respondents namely; the contractor's financial status, delayed interim payments, change orders, contractor rank(classification), work stoppages, contract value, experience of the supervising engineers, contract duration and delay penalty. Historical data concerning these causes was extracted from past records of the General Directorate of School Buildings, thennonlinear regressionwasemployedto develop two models (A & B)that can predict the final delivery time of public school building projectshaving (12) and (18) classes separately, where the Levenberg-Marquardt technique was used to develop the mathematical equations.The developedprediction equations show a degree of average accuracy of (97.79%) for schoolshaving (12) classes and (97.11%) for schools having (18) classes,with (R2) for both NLR models of (81.25%) and (87.58%) respectively.
- Published
- 2016
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7. Building the Bridge to a Participatory Citizenship: Curricular Integration of Communal Environmental Issues in School Projects Supported by the Internet of Things
- Author
António Augusto De Freitas Gonçalves Moreira, Manuel Santos, and Vânia Carlos
- Subjects
transdisciplinarity ,citizen kits ,education kits ,Internet of Things ,participatory citizenship ,environmental issues ,school projects ,citizen science ,Domains of Curricular Autonomy ,STEAM ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Biochemistry ,Instrumentation ,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics ,Analytical Chemistry - Abstract
Generally, there is much to praise about the rise in acknowledging the need for young citizens to exercise their rights and duties, but the belief remains that this is not yet entrenched in young citizens’ overall democratic involvement. A lack of citizenship and engagement in community issues was revealed by a recent study conducted by the authors in a secondary school from the outskirts of Aveiro, Portugal, during the 2019/2020 school year. Under the umbrella of a Design-Based Research methodological framework, citizen science strategies were implemented in the context of teaching, learning, and assessment, and at the service of the educational project of the target school, in a STEAM approach, and under Domains of Curricular Autonomy activities. The study’s findings suggest that to build the bridge for participatory citizenship, teachers should engage students in collecting and analyzing data regarding communal environmental issues in a Citizen Science approach supported by the Internet of Things. The new pedagogies addressing the lack of citizenship and engagement in community issues promoted students’ involvement at school and in the community, contributed to inform municipal education policies, and promoted dialogue and communication between local actors.
- Published
- 2023
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8. Harnessing Social Capital for School Development: Community Participation in School Construction Projects
- Author
Kamau, Stephen J., Rambo, Charles M., and Mbugua, John
- Subjects
Community Participation ,Performance ,Construction Projects ,Social Capital ,School Development ,School Projects - Abstract
The study examined how communities participate in school construction projects in primary schools in Somaliland and how community participation in school construction projects influences the performance of those projects. The study used a correlational design and was undertaken as a cross-sectional survey. The target population was 920 primary school headteachers in all the 13 regions of Somaliland and 82 District Education Officers. A sample of 257 headteachers was drawn using multistage sampling where purposive sampling and stratified random sampling with replacement were used to sample headteachers while 22 DEOs were sampled using simple random sampling. Data was collected from headteachers using questionnaires and from DEOs using semi-structured interviews. The questionnaire was pilot tested on 28 headteachers. The response was received from 247 headteachers and 20 DEOs. Variables relationships were analyzed using path analysis and tested using t-tests at α = 5%. The main methods used to involve the community in primary schools’ construction projects were: involving them in decision-making processes, volunteering labour and fundraising. The study found that community participation had no significant influence on the performance of construction projects. Community participation in public primary schools in postwar Somaliland is a policy-driven initiative and a fill-gap measure of deficiencies left by the government’s low and inadequate capitation to schools. Low social capital in the communities participated in projects coupled with the costs and the downsides of the community participation process can result in a negative impact on the performance of those projects. Urban schools tend to benefit more from community participation than rural schools due to higher social capital stocks in urban communities as compared to rural communities.
- Published
- 2023
9. Proyectos escolares para el desarrollo humano integral de los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa del Instituto Superior de Carreras Técnicas (INSUTEC).
- Author
Rivera Segura, Gilma Nelly, Zambrano Olvera, Marcela Anarcaly, and Junco Noda, Sandra
- Abstract
Copyright of Dilemas Contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores is the property of Dilemas Contemporaneos: Educacion, Politica y Valores and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
10. بناء نموذج رياضي للتنبؤ بعدد أيام التوقف عن العمل في مشاريع المدارس في محافظة بغداد
- Author
غافل كريم اسود and محمد نعمه احمد الغانمي
- Abstract
Copyright of Albahir Journal is the property of Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
11. Health Literacy in Children and Adolescents Strengths, weaknesses and improvement strategies of Austrian school projects for Health Literacy promotion
- Author
Gruber, Raphaela
- Subjects
Dimensionen der Gesundheitskompetenz ,Physiotherapie ,public health ,Schulprojekte ,öffentliche Gesundheitsfürsorge ,Volkschule ,Gesundheitskompetenz ,Health Promoting School ,dimensions of Health Literacy ,school projects ,physiotherapy ,Health Literacy ,primary school - Abstract
Ziel dieser hermeneutischen Arbeit ist herauszufinden, wie die Health Literacy bei SchülerInnen gefördert werden kann und inwiefern Schulprojekte darauf Rücksicht nehmen. Recherche wurde über PubMed und Google Scholar durchgeführt, ergänzt wurden diese durch gelistete Literatur aus den verwendeten Systematic Reviews. Es zeigt sich, dass es 14 mögliche Dimensionen gibt, die Kompetenzen für SchülerInnen zusammenfassen. Diese helfen ein hohes Level an Gesundheitskompetenz zu erlangen. Sie lauten: Wissen, Grundkompetenzen der Health Literacy, Begriffsvermögen und Verständnis, Bewertung und Evaluierung, Kritisches Denken, Informationszugriff und -suche, Kommunikation und Interaktion, Informationsanwendung, andere Faktoren der Informationsanwendung, Selbstbewusstsein und -reflexion, Selbstkontrolle und -regulation, Selbstwirksamkeit, Interesse und Motivation. Ein weiteres gesundheitskompetenzförderndes Konzept, ist das Prinzip der Health Promoting School. Dieses soll durch Änderungen im Lehrplan, Anpassungen in den Bereichen Schulethos, -politik und -umfeld, sowie durch Miteinbeziehen von Familien und Gemeinde, die Gesundheitskompetenz bei SchülerInnen steigern. Die zwei Projekte „KiVi Kids … vital!“ und „Gesunde (Volks-) Schule“ wurden anhand dieser zwei Prinzipien begutachte. Im Fokus stand die Altersgruppe der VolksschülerInnen. Dabei erfüllt das erste Projekt sechs von 14 Punkten, zweiteres acht von 14. Weiters enthalten beide Inhalte aus der Health Promoting School. Es zeigt sich jedoch die Diskrepanz, dass der Lehrplan für Volksschulen bereits ausgelegt ist, um die für die Altersgruppe relevanten Dimensionen und mehr abzudecken. Somit sind die Schulprojekte von Lehrkräften als Unterrichtsmaterial zu verwenden und tragen so zur Förderung der Gesundheitskompetenz bei. Ein Problem ist der Transfer in den Alltag in das schulexterne Umfeld. Zwar lassen sich beide Projekte dahingehend optimieren, jedoch kann kein Lehrplan oder Schulpro-jekt, das Umfeld so weit verändern, dass die Health Literacy radikal verbessert werden könnte. Dies bedarf anderer Konzepte und Forschung. Es lässt sich jedoch vermuten, dass das Projekt „Gesunde (Volks-) Schule“ durch seinen verstärkten Fokus auf das Prinzip der Health Promoting School die dafür notwendigen Weichen stellt. Aim of this hermeneutical paper is how health literacy in students can be promoted and weather school projects take those ideas into account. Research has been undertaken using PubMed and Google Scholar, the findings were complemented by literature from cited systematic reviews. Research shows the existence of 14 dimensions, including competencies for pupils to reach a higher level of health literacy. Those are: knowledge, basic or functional health-related skills, comprehension and understanding, appraisal and evaluation, critical thinking, seeking and accessing information, communication and interaction, application of information, other context related skills for application of information, citizenship, self-awareness and -reflection, self-control and -regulation, self-efficacy and interests and motivation. An-other health literacy promoting concept is the Health Promoting School. Via changes in curriculum, school-ethos, -policy and -environment and parents and community interaction, its goal is to promote a higher level of health literacy. The two school-projects “KiVi Kids … Vital!” and “Gesunde (Volks-) Schule“ were analysed on the basis of the mentioned concepts. Primary school children were the focused age-group. The first project took six out of 14, the second eight out of 14 into account. Both pro-jects include ideas of the health promoting school concept. Both projects show discrepan-cies in the primary-school curriculum. It is already designed to fulfil the relevant dimension and even more. The school-projects should therefore be used as teachingmaterials to promote health literacy. The main problem is transferring learned skills into the daily life. Beside potential optimising strategies for both projects, no curriculum or school-project can change the students-surrounding radically. How this can be changed is a question for fur-ther research. It can be assumed that the project “Gesunde (Volks-) Schule” with its strong focus on the Health Promoting School concept can lead the way for changing the school-environment to a supporting surrounding for students.
- Published
- 2022
12. Formação de professores e cidadania: projetos escolares no estudo do ambiente Teacher education and citizenship: school projects in environmental studies
- Author
Vânia Maria Nunes dos Santos and Pedro Roberto Jacobi
- Subjects
Formação de professores ,Educação ambiental ,Projetos escolares ,Cidadania ,Teacher education ,Environmental education ,School projects ,Citizenship ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Este texto pretende apresentar reflexões resultantes de um estudo de doutorado focado na análise, por meio da pesquisa-ação, de projetos escolares de educação ambiental desenvolvidos a partir da formação continuada de professores em exercício, e suas contribuições na constituição de novos conhecimentos e procedimentos didático-pedagógicos para o estudo do ambiente e o exercício da cidadania. Visando à construção do olhar geocientífico na escola, os projetos de educação ambiental utilizaram diferentes práticas de campo para o (re)conhecimento do lugar de estudo associadas a recursos de sensoriamento remoto (imagens de satélite, fotos aéreas e mapas), objetivando a construção de uma visão integrada da realidade socioambiental a partir do estabelecimento de relações dialéticas entre o local e o global como suporte à análise de problemas, de suas repercussões e implicações em diferentes escalas de observação. O desenvolvimento dos projetos oportunizou a formação de professores-pesquisadores inovadores, críticos e reflexivos ante as realidades escolar e socioambiental. Além disso, propiciou aos alunos condições para observarem e conhecerem seu meio ambiente e o lugar em que vivem, refletirem sobre suas condições reais e, com base nesse processo, proporem ações e construir em intervenções educativas diante dos problemas estudados, em busca de soluções. Ao incorporar a questão socioambiental à prática pedagógica, os projetos escolares buscaram inserir a escola na realidade, contribuindo para a formação, por meio da aprendizagem social, de cidadãos críticos e participativos em ações conjuntas e colaborativas (escola, comunidade, poder público), visando ao desenvolvimento de políticas públicas democráticas e sustentáveis para a melhoria da qualidade de vida.This text seeks to present reflections resulting from a doctorate research focused on the analysis, through action-research, of school projects in environmental education developed as part of in-service teacher education, and their contributions to the constitution of new knowledges and didactic-pedagogical procedures for the study of the environment and for the exercise of citizenship. Aiming at the construction of the geo-scientific perspective at school, the environmental education projects made use of different field practices based on remote sensing (satellite images, aerial photography and maps) to (re)cover knowledge from the place of study, with the purpose of building an integrated view of the socio-environmental reality based on the establishment of dialectic relations between the local and the global as a support to the analysis of problems, of their repercussions and implications on different scales of observation. The development of the projects created the opportunity to form teacher-researchers that are innovators, critical, and reflective before the school and socio-environmental realities. Besides, it gave students the conditions to observe and know their own environment and the place where they live, to reflect upon their real situations and, based on this process, propose actions and construct educative interventions in search of solutions for the problems investigated. By incorporating the socio-environmental issue to the pedagogical practice, the school projects attempted to insert school into reality, contributing to form critical citizens that participate in joint and collaborative actions (school, community, public authorities) through social learning, aiming at the development of democratic and sustainable public policies to improve the quality of life.
- Published
- 2011
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13. L'Institut Alexandre Satorras adopta la muralla de Mataró
- Subjects
Projectes escolars ,Educació per a la ciutadania ,Citizenship education ,Educación para la ciudadanía ,Proyectos escolares ,School projects ,Patrimoni local ,Local heritage ,Patrimonio local - Published
- 2021
14. Citizenship education and school projects in Britain
- Subjects
Educació per a la ciutadania ,Projectes escolars ,Biblioteca Britànica ,Citizenship education ,Educación para la ciudadanía ,British Library ,School projects ,Proyectos escolares - Published
- 2021
15. Patrimonia'm : un projecte de proximitat i treball cooperatiu entre el Museu d'Història de Barcelona i les escoles i els instituts de Ciutat Vella
- Subjects
Projectes escolars ,Archeological heritage ,History Museum of Barcelona ,Museo de Historia de Barcelona ,Museu d'Història de Barcelona ,Proyectos escolares ,School projects ,Patrimonio arqueológico ,Patrimoni arqueològic ,Multiculturalitat ,Multiculturalidad ,Multiculturalism - Published
- 2021
16. Patrimonia'm : un projecte de proximitat i treball cooperatiu entre el Museu d'Història de Barcelona i les escoles i els instituts de Ciutat Vella
- Author
Garcés, Mercè, Liz, Josep, and Terrado, Cari
- Subjects
Projectes escolars ,Archeological heritage ,History Museum of Barcelona ,Museo de Historia de Barcelona ,Museu d'Història de Barcelona ,Proyectos escolares ,School projects ,Patrimonio arqueológico ,Patrimoni arqueològic ,Multiculturalitat ,Multiculturalidad ,Multiculturalism - Abstract
Durant els darrers anys el districte de Ciutat Vella de Barcelona ha experimentat un gran flux migratori que ha convertit l'alumnat dels centres escolars en grups cada cop més heterogenis. Amb l'objectiu d'afavorir la cohesió social, de difondre el patrimoni educant en els valors de la ciutadania i establint vincles afectius entre el patrimoni de la ciutat i les persones que hi habiten, les escoles i els instituts del districte, juntament amb el MUHBA, decideixen apostar des del 2005 pel projecte Patrimonia'm. Aquest projecte, destinat a l'alumnat de Cicle Superior d'Educació Primària i al de Primer Cicle d'Educació Secundària, proposa «patrimoniar» un vestigi de la ciutat romana desenvolupant una activitat d'ensenyament-aprenentatge completa a l'entorn d'aquest patrimoni arqueològic en diferents espais i en diferents aspectes. L'objectiu és que els centres acabin dissenyant una unitat didàctica que s'inclogui dins el Projecte Curricular de Centre i que respongui als interessos i les necessitats del tipus d'alumnat al qual va adreçada l'activitat. El projecte es desenvolupa gràcies a una autèntica xarxa d'agents educatius i persones que treballen plegats en aquesta experiència innovadora i que incideixen en la socialització de nens, nenes i joves. En los últimos años, el distrito de Ciutat Vella de Barcelona ha experimentado un gran flujo migratorio que ha convertido al alumnado de los centros escolares en grupos cada vez más heterogéneos. Con el objetivo de favorecer la cohesión social, de difundir el patrimonio educando en los valores de la ciudadanía y estableciendo vínculos afectivos entre el patrimonio de la ciudad y las personas que viven en ella, las escuelas e institutos del distrito, junto al MUHBA, deciden apostar desde 2005 por el proyecto Patrimonia'm. Este proyecto, destinado al alumnado de Ciclo Superior de Educación Primaria y al de Primer Ciclo de Educación Secundaria, propone «patrimoniar» un vestigio de la ciudad romana desarrollando una actividad de enseñanza-aprendizaje completa entorno al objeto patrimonial arqueológico en diversos espacios y aspectos. El objetivo es que los centros acaben por diseñar una unidad didáctica que pueda incluirse dentro del Proyecto Curricular del Centro y que corresponda a los intereses y necesidades del tipo de alumnado al cual va dirigida la actividad. Este proyecto se desarrolla gracias a una auténtica red de agentes educativos y de personas que trabajan conjuntamente en esta experiencia innovadora, incidiendo en la socialización de niños, niñas y jóvenes. In recent years, the district of Ciutat Vella of Barcelona has received a substantial influx of emigrants. As a result, there is a greater mixture of children in the schools. The project Patrimonia'm has been developed by the primary and secondary schools of the district in conjunction with the MUHBA, with the intention of improving social cohesion, communicating the city's heritage, promoting the values of citizenship and establishing connections between historical monuments and local community. This project is directed at senior primary schools students as well as junior secondary school students. The principal aim of the project is to care for and protect an element of the Roman city. In this way, we will create a complete learning experience focused on the archaeological object in a variety of contexts. The final outcome will be the development of a new set of pedagogic tools within the existent curriculum of the school -ones appropriate to the needs of these particular types of students.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
ANTOHE, Stefan, CHITU, Catalin, TITEI, Alexandru Catalin, and MARCU, Sabin
- Subjects
NATURAL history education ,PHYSICS education ,CURRICULUM ,INTERDISCIPLINARY education ,INSTRUCTIONAL systems ,EDUCATIONAL technology - Abstract
Natural phenomena can not be treated and understood in the context of a single discipline. School projects in which students are engaged, developing content and working methods that do not involve strict barriers between disciplines. In addition, there are students capable of high performance, students which have formed interdisciplinary skills and skills transfer. For these students, interdisciplinary approach to content and physics phenomena represents the usual way of working. Interdisciplinary learning can be applied in the context of differential treatment of students and of the learning content respectively. Differential treatment of students is a necessity in terms of diversification of skills, learning styles, educational profiles and their future professions. Students learn to enjoy those parts of the curriculum that is close to areas where they are passionate. Therefore, the teacher is able to launch this challenge to students. Attracting students to science has multiple results, such as attending school curricula in good condition, getting school performance in this area, increasing the number of future specialists in natural sciences. Therefore, our article presents elements of the physics discipline integrated in an interdisciplinary treatment of the contents. In this context, we intend to show that is possible to developing the projects which have the objectives to build graphic user interfaces used in physics learning process, or to control a continuous wave laser beam by a simple electronic circuit. Also, our article presents some laboratory experimental subjects with extensive content that can be discussed in the differentiated treatment to physics discipline. We estimate that in terms of interdisciplinary process, physics learning is a positive factor which leading to the complete and unit educational products for school curricula. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
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18. Sufficiently Educated
- Author
Jeremiah O'Neal
- Subjects
speech delay ,knowledge ,debut memoir ,National University ,interests ,school projects ,California ,building ,bachelor's degree ,RJ45 Ethernet cables ,like a normal fish in a lake full of piranhas, most of the time it's better to just hide ,friends ,learning ,support ,playing ,mother ,K12 ,parents ,overcoming educational challenges ,anxiety ,writing ,diagnosed ,self-confidence ,success story ,honest ,revealing work ,computer games ,computer code ,bullies ,student ,road map ,technology management ,further ,BASIC ,instruction ,programming ,silent ,one-on-one ,learning disorder ,Supported ,availed ,straightforward ,inspiring ,teachers ,I sensed a constant feeling of disapproval among my peers ,after-school homework help ,mechanical devices ,auditory processing disorder ,High School ,mind was in a fog ,Elementary ,business and technology academy ,Middle school - Abstract
When O’Neal saw what was going on after the 2016 presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, he knew that he had to do something. This led him to write Sufficiently Educated, which chronicles his struggles with the US educational system and how he successfully overcame learning disabilities to attain his educational and occupational goals.
- Published
- 2020
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19. Adherence to mediterranean diet among students from primary and middle school in the Province of Taranto, 2016–2018
- Author
Bonaccorsi, G., Furlan, F., Scocuzza, M., and Lorini, C.
- Subjects
Adherence ,KIDMED test ,Mediterranean diet ,Nutritional status ,School projects - Published
- 2020
20. Výuka zdravé výživy na 1. stupni základních škol
- Author
Hojdekrová, Denisa, Kočí, Jana, and Váchová, Alena
- Subjects
nutrition ,výživa ,Younger school age ,Framework Education program ,školní vzdělávací program ,school education program ,rámcový vzdělávací program ,stravovací návyky ,school projects ,eating habits ,Mladší školní věk ,školní projekty ,education - Abstract
The work aims to map the curriculum of nutrition and its anchoring in educational programs and through a questionnaire survey to find out whether the content of the curriculum is sufficiently developed for primary school teachers, i.e. whether it is effective in their practice. The theoretical part summarizes the information concerning the nutrition of children of younger school age, focusing mainly on the principles of proper nutrition, building healthy eating habits, which significantly contribute to their future health and may have a preventive character from development of diseases. One of the many possible ways of prevention is teaching nutrition in primary schools with the help of appropriate teaching methods, activities, and the use of nutritional lecture programs, which this work mentions. The practical part contains a questionnaire survey, in which it examines the relationship of teachers to the teaching of nutrition, focusing mainly on their views on the anchoring of the curriculum in educational programs. The resulting data are recorded in tables and graphs, which are accompanied by a commentary. Based on the results of the questionnaire survey, verified website was recommended, from which teachers can draw methodological material. These materials were the inspiration for the creation of...
- Published
- 2020
21. Proposta de uma metodologia para uma aprendizagem ativa em ciência
- Author
Teixeira, José Jorge, Teixeira, Lígia, Soares, Armando A., Teixeira, José Jorge, Teixeira, Lígia, and Soares, Armando A.
- Abstract
Introduction: The articulation of the formal education of the sciences with the non-formal is seen as an uninteresting strategy by some teachers, parents and students. There is still a culture that the teaching/learning process should not go beyond what is strictly established in the official program, which is very focused on memorizing exercises techniques, as a formula for success in internal and external evaluations (national examinations). Objetives: Taking as a reference the Experimental Science Teaching Club (ESTC) of the Secondary School Dr. Júlio Martins de Chaves, in Portugal, this work has as main objective to present the methodology developed in the club as well as some of the projects developed. Methods: The teaching methodology is based on the articulation of the experimental sciences teaching, based on the development of projects and illustrative activities, with the topics of the official programs of Physics and Chemistry. Results: The active learning methodology adopted at ESTC has led to significant involvement of students in club activities with a very positive impact on the school performance of the participating students. Conclusion: The methodological strategy has proved to be effective in the motivation of the students for the sciences and in the improvement of the school results., Introdução: A articulação do ensino formal das ciências com o não formal é vista como uma estratégia pouco interessante por alguns professores, pais e alunos. Ainda impera a cultura de que o processo de ensino/aprendizagem não deve sair do estritamente estabelecido no programa oficial, muito centrado na memorização de técnicas de resolução de exercícios, como fórmula do sucesso nas avaliações internas e externas (exames nacionais). Objetivos: Tomando como referência o Clube de Ensino Experimental das Ciências (CEEC) da Escola Secundária Dr. Júlio Martins de Chaves, em Portugal, este trabalho tem como principal objetivo apresentar a metodologia desenvolvida no clube bem como alguns dos projetos desenvolvidos. Métodos: A metodologia de ensino assenta na articulação do ensino experimental das ciências, baseado no desenvolvimento de projetos e de atividades ilustrativas com os tópicos dos programas oficiais de Física e Química. Resultados: A metodologia de aprendizagens ativa adotada no CEEC tem levado a um envolvimento significativo dos alunos nas atividades do clube com um impacto muito positivo no desempenho escolar dos alunos participantes. Conclusões: A estratégia metodológica tem-se revelado eficaz ao nível da motivação dos alunos pelas ciências e da melhoria dos resultados escolares., Introducción: La articulación de la enseñanza formal de las ciencias con lo no formal es vista como una estrategia poco interesante por algunos profesores, padres y alumnos. Todavía impera la cultura de que el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje no debe salir de lo estrictamente establecido en el programa oficial, muy centrado en la memorización de técnicas de resolución de ejercicios, como fórmula del éxito en las evaluaciones internas y externas (exámenes nacionales). Objetivos: Tomando como referencia el Club de Enseñanza Experimental de las Ciencias (CEEC) de la Escuela Secundaria Dr. Julio Martins en Chaves, en Portugal, este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar la metodología desarrollada en el club y algunos de los proyectos desarrollados. Métodos: La metodología de enseñanza se basa en la articulación de la enseñanza experimental de las ciencias, basada en el desarrollo de proyectos y de actividades ilustrativas con los tópicos de los programas oficiales de Física y Química. Resultados: La metodología de aprendizaje activo adoptada en el CEEC ha llevado a una participación significativa de los alumnos en las actividades del club con un impacto muy positivo en el desempeño escolar de los alumnos participantes. Conclusiones: La estrategia metodológica se ha revelado eficaz al nivel de la motivación de los alumnos por las ciencias y la mejora de los resultados escolares.
- Published
- 2019
22. Stakeholder Engagement and Compliance Culture.
- Author
Foo, Loke-Min, Asenova, Darinka, Bailey, Stephen, and Hood, John
- Subjects
COUNTY services ,CAPITAL investments ,LOCAL government finance - Abstract
This research examines the experience of stakeholders of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). The local authorities' accounts of engaging stakeholders are compared against the stakeholders' experience of being engaged. The findings suggest that the increasing procedures and tools used by local authorities to engage stakeholders do not necessarily lead to more positive experiences of the latter. Some stakeholders perceive engagement as merely an exercise by the local authorities to comply with central government policy guidelines and the stakeholders' views have not had substantial impact on the overall decision-making process. The findings highlight the inadequacy of a compliance culture in public services. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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23. Teacher education and citizenship: school projects in environmental studies.
- Author
dos Santos, Vânia Maria Nunes and Jacobi, Pedro Roberto
- Subjects
The article discusses the contributions of school projects in environmental education to the didactic-pedagogical procedures in the exercise of citizenship and study of the environment. It cites three theme modules including citizenship and environmental education according to the National Curriculum Parameters, the methodological considerations for the project and the hydrographic basin. It also notes the development of teaching-research and fieldworks that employ remote sensing sources.
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Abdullah, Abrizah and Zainab, A. N.
- Subjects
- *
DIGITAL libraries , *ELECTRONIC information resources , *WEBSITES , *COMPUTER network resources , *ONLINE information services , *HIGH school students , *PROJECT method in teaching , *OBJECT-teaching , *HISTORY education - Abstract
This paper describes the digital library of historical resources, a research project which involves building a testbed for the purpose of developing and testing new collaborative digital library functionality and presents an initial analysis of the digital library's public use on the web. The digital library is modeled to focus on serving secondary students information needs in conducting history projects. As such, in the implementation of the digital library, the use of online resources would be an integral part of history project- based learning activities. Students should be enabled to access digital resources, create and publish their own documents in the digital library and share them with others. As a testbed system, the collaborative digital library known as CoreDev has demonstrated its capabilities in serving an educational community as has been reflected by the positive feedback on the functional requirements from 44 users. Over 75% of the respondents in the user survey considered themselves capable of using the digital library easily. The beta tester demographics (n = 105) indicate that the digital library is reaching its target communities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
- Author
Ted Ian D. Jungay and Romeo M. Guillo, Jr
- Subjects
Promotion ,Stakeholder ,Volunteerism ,School Projects - Abstract
This study aimed to promote volunteerism among educational stakeholders to support public secondary school programs in the Division of Batangas City. It determined the projects, activities and programs (PAP’s) undertaken by the public schools that need the assistance of the stakeholders, and the extent of the stakeholders’ support along school affairs- its organizational set and policies, projects and activities, student services and facilities. It also delved about the problems met by the public schools in promoting volunteerism among their stakeholders. The study made use of descriptive method with the survey questionnaire, interview and documentary analysis as data gathering instruments. The respondents were 18 school heads, 258 teachers and 74 parents of the 18 public secondary schools. The study revealed that the respondents often supported school projects, activities and programs undertaken by the school. Extra-curricular activities for music and arts were seldom supported. Educational stakeholders also supported school organization set up, policies, school projects, student services and school facilities to a great extent. The main problem encountered in the promotion of volunteerism among stakeholders was that many of the community people come from low-income families thus they hardly provide financial assistance to school which was rated moderately serious.
- Published
- 2019
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26. The school, the specialized knowledge and terminology : experiences report
- Author
Barel, Viviane Marques, Bevilacqua, Cleci Regina, and Bocorny, Ana Eliza Pereira
- Subjects
Estudos lingüísticos ,Terminologia ,Conhecimento especializado ,Basic education ,Specialized knowledge ,School projects ,Terminology ,Competência linguística - Abstract
Alunos de ensino básico encontram, muitas vezes, dificuldades no entendimento de termos que fazem parte do repertório escolar e que estão presentes nos materiais utilizados em diferentes disciplinas. Percebe-se que, em geral, não há um trabalho específico no sentido de identificar tais dificuldades e de permitir que os alunos acessem, compreendam e utilizem, efetivamente, essa linguagem tão pontual e concisa. Pensando nessa questão e enfocando alguns princípios da Terminologia, o artigo apresenta relatos de projetos escolares que propõem estratégias e recursos que possam servir de apoio a conteúdos especializados trabalhados em sala de aula. Os projetos relatados envolvem, principalmente, a reflexão, a reconstrução de conceitos e a ampliação da competência linguística dos estudantes. Elementary school students often find difficulties in understanding terms that are part of the school repertoire and which are present in the materials used in different school subjects. In general, there is no clear work to identify such difficulties and to allow students to access, understand and use effectively such a specific and concise language. Thinking about this issue and focusing on some principles of Terminology, the article presents reports of school projects that propose strategies and resources which can support specialized content worked in the classroom. The projects reported mainly involve reflection, the reconstruction of concepts and the growth of students' linguistic competence.
- Published
- 2019
27. Enhancing social skills in troubled youth : the effects of UNESCO Associated School Projects?
- Author
Seiger, Christine Pascale, Steinebach, Christoph, Seiger, Christine Pascale, and Steinebach, Christoph
- Published
- 2018
28. Adherence to Mediterranean Diet among Students from Primary and Middle School in the Province of Taranto, 2016–2018
- Author
Chiara Lorini, Guglielmo Bonaccorsi, Marisa Scocuzza, and Federica Furlan
- Subjects
Adolescent ,Mediterranean diet ,030309 nutrition & dietetics ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,lcsh:Medicine ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Diet, Mediterranean ,Logistic regression ,Article ,school projects ,Age and gender ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Humans ,Medicine ,adherence ,Child ,Students ,Eating habits ,0303 health sciences ,Schools ,KIDMED test ,business.industry ,lcsh:R ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Nutritional status ,Feeding Behavior ,nutritional status ,Multivariate logistic regression model ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Italy ,Female ,business ,Demography - Abstract
The Mediterranean diet represents one of the healthiest dietary patterns, but nowadays it is increasingly being ignored in schools and by families. The aim of this study is to assess the adherence to the Mediterranean diet by pupils living in a small Southern Italian municipality, and whether it is a predictor of nutritional status.The degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet, the socio-economic status and the nutritional status of 314 students (6&ndash, 14 years) were tested during the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 school years with the help of a questionnaire comprising the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index for Children and Adolescents (KIDMED) test. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to assess the predictive role of the KIDMED score and the other variables with respect to nutritional status. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet is high, medium and poor in, respectively, 24.8, 56.4 and 18.8% of students, it varies depending on gender and age, with females and older students showing higher values. In the multivariate logistic regression model, sex and KIDMED level are become significant predictors of nutritional status. This study highlights the need for intervention in the form of school projects&mdash, also involving families&mdash, to promote healthier eating habits in younger generations.
- Published
- 2020
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29. School projects as a space for collaborative formation: experience of a public school in the east zone of the city of S??o Paulo
- Author
Rosa, Evelyn Camponucci Cassillo, Bioto-Cavalcanti, Patricia Aparecida, Giovanni, Luciana Maria, Teixeira, Rosiley Aparecida, Todaro, M??nica de ??vila, and Ter??ariol, Adriana Aparecida de Lima
- Subjects
collaborative groups in schools ,grupos colaborativos en las escuelas ,grupos colaborativas nas escolas ,formaci??n continua de profesores ,forma????o continuada de professores ,school projects ,EDUCACAO [CIENCIAS HUMANAS] ,projetos escolares ,continuing teacher formation ,proyectos escolares - Abstract
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2018-01-24T19:36:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Evelyn Camponucci Cassillo Rosa.pdf: 2125193 bytes, checksum: eec56dfcd667d294e567344ff49244ef (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-24T19:36:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Evelyn Camponucci Cassillo Rosa.pdf: 2125193 bytes, checksum: eec56dfcd667d294e567344ff49244ef (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-19 This research was designed to study school projects in the formation of collaborative groups of teachers. The main objective is to analyze with which assumptions, and in which ways the school projects gain the positivity attributed to them in the literature. It is stated that they contribute to formation when potentialize the creation of collaborative groups in the school, allow the development of the autonomy of the teachers in the elaboration of significant projects with their colleagues and involves the students in a team spirit, as active subjects, reflective and participatory. Considering the school context where teachers are, in their different professional life cycles, we assume that school projects allow the creation of collaborative groups that potentialize their job, changes in their practice, in order to re-signify the teaching of these teachers, contributing to their formation. This research is justified because the teachers involvement in the construction of new projects presents itself as a pleasant and productive activity, increasing the exercise of its autonomy and its motivation. This can re-signify their teaching and offer their critical formation, innovative and reflexive based on their reality in joint and collaborative actions. Utilizing qualitative methodology, whose instrument of data collection will be: documentary analysis, bibliographical survey and focal group. As theoretical references to address teacher formation and professional development, the follow authors are mentioned: Antonio N??voa (1999), Leonor Maria Tanuri (2000), Olga??ses Cabral Mau??s (2011), Rosa Maria Torres (2009) and Chistopher Day (2001) , and Henry A. Giroux (1999). For an analysis of school education projects, the following authors: Maria Carmen S. Barbosa and Maria da Gra??a S. Horn (2008); Jorge Avila de Lima (2002), Michael Fullan and Andy Hargreaves (2001), Rui Can??rio (2003), Alda Junqueira Marin, Luciana Maria Giovanni and Maria Regina Guarnieri (2009) to refer the collaborative groups in schools. As of today the studies developed in master's degree research that deals with the theme allow us to affirm that school projects greatly assist the continued formation of teachers as they develop actions that involve teachers, students and the school community starting from issues that they can develop strategies using existing resources and others that will be developed throughout the process, indicating, in this way, the accomplishment of a collaborative formation. La presente investigaci??n tiene como objeto de estudio los proyectos escolares en la formaci??n de grupos colaborativos de profesores. El objetivo es analizar con qu?? presupuestos y por qu?? medios los proyectos escolares ganan la positividad que se les atribuye en la literatura. Se afirma que estos contribuyen para la formaci??n a medida que potencializan la formaci??n de grupos colaborativos en la escuela, posibilitan el desarrollo de la autonom??a de los docentes en la elaboraci??n de proyectos significativos con sus compa??eros de trabajo e involucra a los estudiantes en un esp??ritu de equipo como sujetos activos, reflexivos y participativos. Llevando en cuenta el contexto escolar en el cual los profesores se hallan, en sus diversos ciclos de vida profesional, partimos de la hip??tesis de que los proyectos escolares posibilitan la formaci??n de grupos colaborativos que potencializan su trabajo, los cambios de su pr??ctica, de modo a darle un nuevo sentido a la doc??ncia de esos profesores, lo que contribuye para su formaci??n. Esta investigaci??n se justifica, pues el envolvimiento de los profesores en la construcci??n de nuevos proyectos se presenta como una actividad placentera y productiva, lo que aumenta el ejercicio de su autonom??a y de su motivaci??n. Puede, entonces, darle un nuevo significado a su docencia y hacer oportuna su formaci??n de profesor cr??tico, innovador y reflexivo frente a su realidad en acciones conjuntas y colaborativas. Se utilizar?? una metodolog??a cualitativa, cuyos instrumentos de colecta de datos ser??n: an??lisis documental, levantamiento bibliogr??fico y grupo focal. Como referenciales te??ricos para abordar la formaci??n y el desarrollo profesional de profesores, se utilizan autores como Antonio N??voa (1999), Leonor Maria Tanuri (2000), Olga??ses Cabral Mau??s (2011), Rosa Maria Torres (2009), Chistopher Day (2001), Henry A. Giroux (1999); para un an??lisis de lo tocante a los proyectos did??cticos escolares: Maria Carmen S. Barbosa y Maria da Gra??a S. Horn (2008); por fin, Jorge ??vila de Lima (2002), Michael Fullan y Andy Hargreaves (2001), Rui Can??rio (2003) y Alda Junqueira Marin, Luciana Maria Giovanni y Maria Regina Guarnieri (2009) para hacer referencia a los grupos colaborativos en las escuelas. Los estudios hasta ahora desarrollados en la investigaci??n de m??ster que se est?? efectuando y que tratade dicho tema permiten afirmar que los proyectos escolares auxilian grandemente em la formaci??n continua de profesores a medida que desarrollan acciones que involucran profesores, alumnos y comunidad escolar, al partir de cuestiones que les son urgentes, para las cuales pueden desarrollar estrategias em las que se utilizan recursos ya existentes y otros que se desarrollan a lo largo del proceso, indicando, de este modo, la efectividad de una formaci??n colaborativa. A pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo os projetos escolares na forma????o de grupos colaborativos de professores. O objetivo ?? analisar com quais pressupostos e por quais meios os projetos escolares ganham a positividade atribu??da a eles na literatura. Afirma-se que os mesmos contribuem para forma????o na medida em que potencializam a forma????o de grupos colaborativos na escola, possibilitam o desenvolvimento da autonomia dos docentes na elabora????o de projetos significativos com seus pares e envolve os educandos num esp??rito de equipe, como sujeitos ativos, reflexivos e participativos. Considerando o contexto escolar no qual os professores encontram-se, em seus diversos ciclos de vida profissional, partimos da hip??tese de que os projetos escolares possibilitam a forma????o de grupos colaborativos que potencializam seu trabalho, as mudan??as de sua pr??tica, de modo a ressignificar a doc??ncia desses professores, contribuindo para sua forma????o. Esta pesquisa se justifica, pois o envolvimento dos professores na constru????o de novos projetos apresenta-se como uma atividade prazerosa e produtiva, aumentando o exerc??cio de sua autonomia e de sua motiva????o. Pode, ent??o, ressignificar sua doc??ncia e oportunizar sua forma????o de professor cr??tico, inovador e reflexivo frente ?? sua realidade em a????es conjuntas e colaborativas. Utilizar-se-?? de metodologia de cunho qualitativo, cujo instrumento de coleta de dados ser??o: an??lise documental, levantamento bibliogr??fico e grupo focal. Como referenciais te??ricos para abordar a forma????o e o desenvolvimento profissional de professores, s??o utilizados autores como Antonio N??voa (1999), Leonor Maria Tanuri (2000), Olga??ses Cabral Mau??s (2011), Rosa Maria Torres (2009), Chistopher Day (2001), Henry A. Giroux (1999); para uma an??lise do que se refere aos projetos did??ticos escolares: Maria Carmen S. Barbosa e Maria da Gra??a S. Horn (2008); e, Jorge ??vila de Lima (2002), Michael Fullan e Andy Hargreaves (2001), Rui Can??rio (2003) e Alda Junqueira Marin, Luciana Maria Giovanni e Maria Regina Guarnieri (2009) para referendar os grupos colaborativos nas escolas. Os estudos at?? ent??o desenvolvidos na pesquisa de mestrado em andamento que trata do tema em tela permitem afirmar que os projetos escolares auxiliam grandemente na forma????o continuada de professores na medida em que desenvolvem a????es que envolvem professores, alunos e comunidade escolar partindo de quest??es que lhes s??o prementes, para as quais podem desenvolver estrat??gias em que utilizam-se de recursos j?? existentes e de outros que s??o desenvolvidos ao longo do processo, indicando, desta forma, a efetiva????o de uma forma????o colaborativa.
- Published
- 2017
30. History of life, local history, formation of historical thought: experience in the utilization of projects in the teaching of history
- Author
Oliveira, Maria Aparecida Gonçalves Pereira, Cunha, Getúlio Nascente da, Fernandes, Marilena Julimar Aparecida Jerônimo, Santos, Márcia Pereira dos, Honório Filho, Wolney, and Grisolio, Lilian Marta
- Subjects
Pensamento histórico ,Pedagogical experience ,Documentos ,Projetos escolares ,Historical thinking ,History teaching ,Experiência pedagógica ,Ensino de história ,HISTORIA [CIENCIAS HUMANAS] ,School projects ,Documents - Abstract
Esta pesquisa visa apresentar experiências pedagógicas de trabalho com projetos disciplinares, por meio de documentos, procurando refletir sobre as fontes para a pesquisa, ensino e aprendizagem. Os projetos são realizados nas escolas onde sou professora regente da disciplina de História, cujo objetivo é o estudo das fontes documentais como, por exemplo, a história oral, que é vista como fonte de produção do conhecimento e reconstrução das memórias individuais e coletivas, de forma que podemos pensar nos alunos e no estudo da comunidade local. Tratamos das lembranças da comunidade local a partir de documentos pessoais, fotografias, objetos pessoais e, principalmente, da oralidade, como fontes para a construção do conhecimento em sala de aula e desenvolvimento do pensamento histórico. A metodologia com projetos visou, ao mesmo tempo, pesquisa e ensino, pois os alunos puderam reconstruir sua história de vida, bem como as memórias e imagens de casamentos da comunidade com as quais convivem. Para tanto, trabalhamos, também, com o conceito de tempo, a fim de mostrar a noção de temporalidade presente nesses sujeitos e as percepções do tempo vivido. O trabalho com a metodologia de projetos foi proposto com o intuito de os alunos conseguirem estabelecer relações de tempo e espaço, compreenderem mudanças, permanências e transformações em seu próprio modo de vida e dos indivíduos em diferentes espaços, com atividades corriqueiras do quotidiano, onde a história acontece. Assim, pudemos fazê-los perceber que são construtores da história de seu tempo. Trabalhamos dois projetos: o primeiro; História da Minha Vida, com duas turmas: a primeira do 6º ano, com 19 alunos. No Colégio Municipal Dorvalino Fernandes de Castro, no munícipio de Orizona, que se localiza no meio rural, cerca de 25 quilômetros da cidade. A outra turma era da Educação de Jovens e Adultos, do 1º Semestre do Segundo Segmento, que corresponde ao 6º ano, do ensino Fundamental II, que se localiza no meio urbano, na Escola Municipal Francelino Nunes de Paula. O segundo projeto que se intitula Memórias e Imagens de casamento na região da Firmeza, foi trabalhado com a turma do 8º ano, no Colégio Municipal Dorvalino Fernandes de Castro, no quarto bimestre, 2012. Era praticamente a mesma turma do projeto História da Minha Vida, sendo que poucos alunos saíram ou chegaram de outras escolas. Tinha 16 alunos. A pesquisa foi dividida em dois momentos: o primeiro trata das discussões acerca das fontes documentais que embasaram a realização dos projetos; e, em seguida, trabalhamos a prática desenvolvida na sala de aula, com uso de projetos como pesquisa, ensino e aprendizagem. This research aims to introduce pedagogical experiences with disciplinary projects, through documents, searching to reflect on the sources for the research, teaching and learning. The projects are realized in the schools where I am a teacher of the discipline history, whose aim is the study of the documentary sources such as oral history, which is seen as a source of knowledge production and reconstruction of individual and collective memories, so that we can think in the students and in the study of the local community. Take care of the memories of the local community from personal documents, photographs, personal objects and, especially, of orality, as sources to the construction of knowledge in the classroom and development of historical thinking. The methodology with projects aimed at the same time, research and teaching, because the students were able to rebuild your life story, as well as the memories and pictures of weddings of the community with which they coexist. To do this, we worked with the concept of time, in order to show the notion of temporality present in these subjects and the perceptions of the time lived. The work with the methodology of projects was proposed with the intention of students can establish relations of time and space, understanding changes, transformations and stays in your own way of life and of individuals in different spaces, with activities of everyday life, where the history happens. So, we got to make them understand that they are builders of your history time. We worked two projects: First, History of my life, with two classes: The first of sixth grade, with nineteen students. In the school Escola Municipal Dorvalino Fernandes de Castro, in the municipality of Orizona, that is located in the rural area, about twenty-five kilometer of the city. It was practically the same class of the Project History of my Life, being that little students left or arrived of others schools. It had sixteen students. The research was divided into two moments: the first deals with the discussions about the documentary sources that based the realization of the projects; and then, worked the practice developed in the classroom, with use of projects such as research, teaching and learning. Finally, we made a pedagogical proposal, through the methodology of class, to be developed with students in the ninth grade of elementary school, about memories of the survivors of Second World War. The data for this activity already had been collected in previous researches.
- Published
- 2017
31. Competències mediàtiques a l’IES Dr. Balmis d’Alacant
- Author
Josep Manuel Escolano i López and Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Catalana
- Subjects
Plataforma educativa ,Autoformació ,Web 2.0 ,Actituds ,ICT in teaching and learning ,Aplicacions TAC ,Media competence ,TIC en l’ensenyament ,E-learning platform ,Enquesta ,Attitude ,Moodle ,Political science ,Self-training ,LKT applications ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Filología Catalana ,School projects ,Projectes de centre ,Survey ,Competència mediàtica ,Self training ,Humanities ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
La introducció de les TIC en l’ensenyament (les TAC) planteja molts interrogants entre els membres de la comunitat educativa, especialment entre el professorat. L’atracció del mitjà per als aprenents, la manca de reflexió en l’ús, tant per part del professorat com de l’alumnat, la necessitat d’una formació específica, l’adequació de les infraestructures al concepte i a les possibilitats que ofereix el web 2.0 i la incorporació de les aplicacions TAC en les programacions d’aula són alguns aspectes que mereixen una atenció específica i una anàlisi detinguda. La base de gran part de les respostes rau en una planificació eficaç de la formació del professorat que satisfaça les expectatives de tothom. Els projectes de centre, la utilització de plataformes educatives com Moodle i l’autoformació són sendes que ens acosten envers les solucions. En aquest treball, hi centrem l’atenció en les valoracions, les pràctiques habituals, les actituds i els coneixements relacionats amb la competència mediàtica o digital del professorat de l’IES Dr. Balmis d’Alacant. Ens basem en una enquesta realitzada en línia que aplega aquests continguts en una combinació d’ítems de resposta tancada i d’altres de resposta oberta. Introducing ICT in teaching and learning (LKT) raises many questions among the members of the educational community, especially teachers. The interest this tool arouses among students, the need of reflection on the way it is used in the classroom by both teachers and students, as well as the need of a specific training, adapting infrastructures to the concept, to the possibilities offered by web 2.0 and to the introduction of LKT applications in the classroom are some aspects which should be carefully studied and taken into account. The answer to most of these issues can be found in a successful teacher-training planning, meeting all kinds of needs. School projects, the use of e-learning platforms such as Moodle and self-training help us be in the right path. This paper focuses on the evaluation, everyday practice, attitude and knowledge related to media or digital competence of secondary teachers at IES Dr Balmis in Alicante. An online survey included all these issues by combining both close and open questions.
- Published
- 2013
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32. School Grants and Education Quality : Experimental Evidence from Senegal
- Author
Costas Meghir, Corina Mommaerts, Nathalie Lahire, Oswald Koussihouede, and Pedro Carneiro
- Subjects
The effect of increasing school resources on educational outcomes is a central issue in the debate on improving school quality. This paper uses a randomized experiment to analyze the impact of a school grants program in Senegal, which allowed schools to apply for funding for improvements of their own choice. The analysis finds positive effects on test scores at lower grades that persist at least two years. These effects are concentrated among schools that focused funds on human resource improvements rather than school materials, suggesting that teachers and principals may be a central determinant of school quality.
- Published
- 2016
33. Adherence to Mediterranean Diet among Students from Primary and Middle School in the Province of Taranto, 2016-2018.
- Author
Bonaccorsi G, Furlan F, Scocuzza M, and Lorini C
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Child, Cross-Sectional Studies, Feeding Behavior, Female, Humans, Italy, Schools, Surveys and Questionnaires, Diet, Mediterranean, Students
- Abstract
The Mediterranean diet represents one of the healthiest dietary patterns, but nowadays it is increasingly being ignored in schools and by families. The aim of this study is to assess the adherence to the Mediterranean diet by pupils living in a small Southern Italian municipality, and whether it is a predictor of nutritional status.The degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet, the socio-economic status and the nutritional status of 314 students (6-14 years) were tested during the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 school years with the help of a questionnaire comprising the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index for Children and Adolescents (KIDMED) test. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to assess the predictive role of the KIDMED score and the other variables with respect to nutritional status. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet is high, medium and poor in, respectively, 24.8, 56.4 and 18.8% of students; it varies depending on gender and age, with females and older students showing higher values. In the multivariate logistic regression model, sex and KIDMED level are become significant predictors of nutritional status. This study highlights the need for intervention in the form of school projects-also involving families-to promote healthier eating habits in younger generations.
- Published
- 2020
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34. Republic of Indonesia - Information, Knowledge, and Behavior : Evaluating Alternative Methods of Delivering School Information to Parents
- Author
Cerdan-Infantes, Pedro and Filmer, Deon
- Subjects
Improving education outcomes by disseminating information to parents and thereby encouraging them to become more actively engaged in school oversight is attractive since it can be done relatively cheaply. This study evaluates the impact of alternative approaches to disseminating information about a school grants program in Indonesia on parent knowledge about the program in general, knowledge about the implementation of the program in their child’s school, and participation in school activities related to the program as well as beyond it. Not all dissemination approaches yielded impacts, and different modes of dissemination conveyed different types of information best, resulting in different impacts on behavior. Specifically, the low-intensity approaches that were tried - sending a letter from the principal home with the child, or sending a colorful pamphlet home with the child - had no impact on knowledge or participation. On the other hand, holding a facilitated meeting with a range of school stakeholders or sending targeted short message services (SMSs) to parents did increase knowledge and participation. Facilitated meetings mostly increased overall knowledge and fostered a feeling of transparency on the part of parents, which resulted in greater participation in formal channels for providing feedback to the school. SMSs increased knowledge about specific aspects of the program, such as the grant amount, and tended to increase participation through informal channels.
- Published
- 2015
35. Information, Knowledge and Behavior : Evaluating Alternative Methods of Delivering School Information to Parents
- Author
Cerdan-Infantes, Pedro and Filmer, Deon P.
- Subjects
Improving education outcomes by disseminating information to parents and thereby encouraging them to become more actively engaged in school oversight is attractive, since it can be done relatively cheaply. This study evaluates the impact of alternative approaches to disseminating information about a school grants program in Indonesia on parents knowledge about the program in general, knowledge about the implementation of the program in their childs school, and participation in school activities related to the program as well as beyond it. Not all dissemination approaches yielded impacts, and different modes of dissemination conveyed different types of information best, resulting in different impacts on behavior. Specifically, the low-intensity approaches that were tried—sending a letter from the principal home with the child, or sending a colorful pamphlet home with the child—had no impact on knowledge or participation. On the other hand, holding a facilitated meeting with a range of school stakeholders or sending targeted text messages to parents did increase knowledge and participation. Facilitated meetings mostly increased overall knowledge and fostered a feeling of transparency on the part of parents, which resulted in greater participation in formal channels for providing feedback to the school. The text messages increased knowledge about specific aspects of the program, such as the grant amount, and tended to increase participation through informal channels.
- Published
- 2015
36. Projekt som strategi för skolutveckling : - en fjärils färdväg, men ingen dagslända
- Author
Löfqvist, Åsa
- Subjects
organisation ,frame factor model ,Social Sciences ,Samhällsvetenskap ,school improvement ,sustainable changes ,school projects - Abstract
School is an important institution charged with the task of contributing to the economic, cultural and social development of the community, and of nurturing democratic citizens. Countless state-sponsored measures have therefore been initiated in order to affect the quality of schooling. One example is a state-financed school development project, which is the focus of this thesis. The overall purpose of the study was to improve awareness of whether, and if so how, using projects as a strategy for improving school contributes to sustainable changes, as well as what has been both advantageous and disadvantageous to this end. Two projects were studied with a focus on the participant's perceptions of and experiences from this project. A number of headmasters and educators were interviewed on two occasions, once in connection with the final phases of the projects, and then again three years later. The analysis of the empirical data was guided by The Frame Factor Model (Lundgren, 1994, 1999), and by Hoy and Miskel's (2008) organisational model. In summary, the study shows that the ambitions of both of the school projects were greater than the sustainable results. Moreover, it was clear that the conditions placed upon the school organisation by the outside world constituted both promoted and encumbered the results of the school projects. State funds contributed to the improvement of schools, while at the same time, other state regulations delimited what the sustainable changes were. The desirable changes were also affected by processes within the organisation and can be connected with structures, cultures and individuals. Above all, current structures within the organisation need to be changed so that the employees have an in-depth involvement in a project and for a protracted period of time. Changed structures allow for common expertise and values to be improved with regard to venturing into a project. Furthermore, the various skills of the employees, as well as their attitudes toward projects within the organisation, were also significant to the sustainable changes. One suggestion for continued research is to improve the knowledge on how structures can be changed within a school organisation so as to enable the organisation's employees to be engaged in such a way as to make collective learning possible.
- Published
- 2015
37. Primärprävention bei Essstörungen
- Author
Berger, Uwe
- Published
- 2006
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38. Enhancing social skills in troubled youth : the effects of UNESCO Associated School Projects?
- Author
Seiger, Christine Pascale and Steinebach, Christoph
- Subjects
302: Soziale Interaktion ,155: Differentielle Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie ,social skills ,troubled youth ,305: Soziale Gruppen ,school projects - Published
- 2013
39. Case Studies in Extending the School Day in Latin America
- Author
Alfaro, Pablo and Holland, Peter
- Subjects
The case study in extending the school day in Latin America includes the following countries in this paper: Argentina, Rio Negro, Chile, Brazil, Sao Paulo, Uruguay, Argentina, Mendoza, El Salvador, and Mexico.
- Published
- 2012
40. La revista digital, como estrategia didáctica para el aprendizaje de las interacciones entre los organismos su entorno
- Author
Rodríguez Valenzuela, Gloria Jimena and Orozco de Amézquita, Martha Cecilia
- Subjects
Interactions among organisms ,Revista digital ,57 Ciencias de la vida ,Biología / Life sciences ,biology ,Digital magazine ,Teaching – learning ,Interacciones entre organismos ,Enseñanza – aprendizaje ,37 Educación / Education ,Proyectos escolares ,School projects ,05 Publicaciones seriadas generales / Magazines, journals and serials ,CTS perspective ,Perspectiva CTS - Abstract
El trabajo plantea el diseño y la construcción de una revista escolar digital con estudiantes de grado séptimo del Colegio Orlando Higuita Rojas, de manera que se integren aspectos de la perspectiva CTS y del trabajo por proyectos. Se presentan en primer lugar algunos elementos conceptuales y epistemológicos sobre la importancia de la educación ambiental, sobre las interacciones entre organismos, sobre el trabajo escolar por proyectos, sobre la perspectiva CTS en educación y sobre las tendencias y recomendaciones para la publicación de revistas escolares digitales. Luego se presentan los objetivos y actividades para estudiar el tema ambiental y para caracterizar, motivar y organizar los grupos de trabajo. Finalmente, los estudiantes definen el nombre, el logotipo, las secciones, los contenidos y los esquemas, entre otros. Los resultados preliminares incluyen la construcción del primer número de la revista digital “Ecorevista, en busca de un planeta mejor” que reúne los escritos, historias de vida y dibujos desde la comprensión de las interacciones que se dan entre los organismos. Se evidencia la participación activa de la comunidad educativa en esta clase de estrategias y el fortalecimiento de los procesos de enseñanza – aprendizaje desde los proyectos escolares. Abstract. The paper discusses the design and construction of a school Digital magazine with seventh graders students of Orlando Higuita Rojas College, so that incorporate the perspective of CTS and projects work. First, we present some conceptual and epistemological elements about the importance of environmental education, about the interactions between organisms, about the schoolwork for projects, about education and CTS perspective on trends and recommendations for the school digital magazine publishing. Then we present the objectives and activities to study environmental issues and to characterize, motivate and organize working groups. Finally, students define the name, logo, sections, content and layout, among others. Preliminary results include the construction of the first issue of the magazine "Envimagazine, looking for a better planet" that brings together the writings, life stories and drawings from the understanding of the interactions that occur between organisms. There is evidence of active community participation in this kind of educational strategies and the strengthening of the teaching - learning from school projects. Maestría
- Published
- 2012
41. Formação de professores e cidadania: projetos escolares no estudo do ambiente
- Author
Pedro Roberto Jacobi and Vânia Maria Nunes dos Santos
- Subjects
Cidadania ,Teacher education ,Projetos escolares ,Educação ambiental ,Citizenship ,Environmental education ,School projects ,Education ,Formação de professores - Abstract
Este texto pretende apresentar reflexões resultantes de um estudo de doutorado focado na análise, por meio da pesquisa-ação, de projetos escolares de educação ambiental desenvolvidos a partir da formação continuada de professores em exercício, e suas contribuições na constituição de novos conhecimentos e procedimentos didático-pedagógicos para o estudo do ambiente e o exercício da cidadania. Visando à construção do olhar geocientífico na escola, os projetos de educação ambiental utilizaram diferentes práticas de campo para o (re)conhecimento do lugar de estudo associadas a recursos de sensoriamento remoto (imagens de satélite, fotos aéreas e mapas), objetivando a construção de uma visão integrada da realidade socioambiental a partir do estabelecimento de relações dialéticas entre o local e o global como suporte à análise de problemas, de suas repercussões e implicações em diferentes escalas de observação. O desenvolvimento dos projetos oportunizou a formação de professores-pesquisadores inovadores, críticos e reflexivos ante as realidades escolar e socioambiental. Além disso, propiciou aos alunos condições para observarem e conhecerem seu meio ambiente e o lugar em que vivem, refletirem sobre suas condições reais e, com base nesse processo, proporem ações e construir em intervenções educativas diante dos problemas estudados, em busca de soluções. Ao incorporar a questão socioambiental à prática pedagógica, os projetos escolares buscaram inserir a escola na realidade, contribuindo para a formação, por meio da aprendizagem social, de cidadãos críticos e participativos em ações conjuntas e colaborativas (escola, comunidade, poder público), visando ao desenvolvimento de políticas públicas democráticas e sustentáveis para a melhoria da qualidade de vida. This text seeks to present reflections resulting from a doctorate research focused on the analysis, through action-research, of school projects in environmental education developed as part of in-service teacher education, and their contributions to the constitution of new knowledges and didactic-pedagogical procedures for the study of the environment and for the exercise of citizenship. Aiming at the construction of the geo-scientific perspective at school, the environmental education projects made use of different field practices based on remote sensing (satellite images, aerial photography and maps) to (re)cover knowledge from the place of study, with the purpose of building an integrated view of the socio-environmental reality based on the establishment of dialectic relations between the local and the global as a support to the analysis of problems, of their repercussions and implications on different scales of observation. The development of the projects created the opportunity to form teacher-researchers that are innovators, critical, and reflective before the school and socio-environmental realities. Besides, it gave students the conditions to observe and know their own environment and the place where they live, to reflect upon their real situations and, based on this process, propose actions and construct educative interventions in search of solutions for the problems investigated. By incorporating the socio-environmental issue to the pedagogical practice, the school projects attempted to insert school into reality, contributing to form critical citizens that participate in joint and collaborative actions (school, community, public authorities) through social learning, aiming at the development of democratic and sustainable public policies to improve the quality of life.
- Published
- 2011
42. Competències mediàtiques a l’IES Dr. Balmis d’Alacant
- Author
Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Catalana, Escolano i López, Josep Manuel, Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Catalana, and Escolano i López, Josep Manuel
- Abstract
La introducció de les TIC en l’ensenyament (les TAC) planteja molts interrogants entre els membres de la comunitat educativa, especialment entre el professorat. L’atracció del mitjà per als aprenents, la manca de reflexió en l’ús, tant per part del professorat com de l’alumnat, la necessitat d’una formació específica, l’adequació de les infraestructures al concepte i a les possibilitats que ofereix el web 2.0 i la incorporació de les aplicacions TAC en les programacions d’aula són alguns aspectes que mereixen una atenció específica i una anàlisi detinguda. La base de gran part de les respostes rau en una planificació eficaç de la formació del professorat que satisfaça les expectatives de tothom. Els projectes de centre, la utilització de plataformes educatives com Moodle i l’autoformació són sendes que ens acosten envers les solucions. En aquest treball, hi centrem l’atenció en les valoracions, les pràctiques habituals, les actituds i els coneixements relacionats amb la competència mediàtica o digital del professorat de l’IES Dr. Balmis d’Alacant. Ens basem en una enquesta realitzada en línia que aplega aquests continguts en una combinació d’ítems de resposta tancada i d’altres de resposta oberta., Introducing ICT in teaching and learning (LKT) raises many questions among the members of the educational community, especially teachers. The interest this tool arouses among students, the need of reflection on the way it is used in the classroom by both teachers and students, as well as the need of a specific training, adapting infrastructures to the concept, to the possibilities offered by web 2.0 and to the introduction of LKT applications in the classroom are some aspects which should be carefully studied and taken into account. The answer to most of these issues can be found in a successful teacher-training planning, meeting all kinds of needs. School projects, the use of e-learning platforms such as Moodle and self-training help us be in the right path. This paper focuses on the evaluation, everyday practice, attitude and knowledge related to media or digital competence of secondary teachers at IES Dr Balmis in Alicante. An online survey included all these issues by combining both close and open questions.
- Published
- 2013
43. L'Institut Alexandre Satorras adopta la muralla de Mataró
- Author
Illa, Pep
- Subjects
Projectes escolars ,Educació per a la ciutadania ,Citizenship education ,Educación para la ciudadanía ,Proyectos escolares ,School projects ,Patrimoni local ,Local heritage ,Patrimonio local - Abstract
La nostra proposta està dins del projecte «L'escola adopta un monument». En el nostre cas, l'Institut Satorras, en el context del seu 50è aniversari, s'ha plantejat l'adopció de la muralla de Mataró, del segle XVI. En aquests moments aquesta muralla està en procés d'estudi i recuperació. Amb l'alumnat volem conèixer i fer-ne un seguiment de l'estat de conservació i de les actuacions que s'hi desenvolupen, fent arribar si cal les opinions i les propostes a l'Ajuntament de la ciutat. Com la volem donar a conèixer a la ciutadania? Amb visites guiades pels alumnes de 4t d'ESO, que han treballat durant dos anys seguits el tema. En primer lloc, una presentació breu del context històric de la muralla que anirem a visitar. Tot seguit es comença el recorregut per les muralles de Mataró. Els alumnes, en cada lloc significatiu, fan les explicacions pertinents. La durada de la visita és d'una hora, més uns vint minuts de l'explicació inicial. Nuestra propuesta se enmarca en un proyecto llamado «La escuela adopta un monumento». En nuestro caso, el Instituto Satorras, en el contexto de su 50º aniversario, se ha planteado adoptar la muralla de Mataró, del siglo XVI. En estos momentos esta muralla se encuentra en proceso de estudio y recuperación. Queremos conocer este proceso con nuestro alumnado y hacer con él un seguimiento sobre su estado de conservación y sobre las actuaciones que se hacen en ella. Nuestra voluntad es hacer partícipe al Ayuntamiento de la ciudad de nuestras opiniones y propuestas al respecto. ¿Cómo dar a conocer el proyecto a la ciudadanía? Con visitas guiadas hechas por los alumnos y alumnas de 4º de ESO que han estado trabajando durante dos años sobre el tema. En primer lugar, se contextualiza históricamente la muralla visitada. Después se realiza la visita por todo el recorrido de las murallas de Mataró. El alumnado, en cada emplazamiento significativo, harán las explicaciones pertinentes. La duración de la visita es de una hora, más unos veinte minutos dedicados a una explicación de presentación. This proposal is consistent with the general aims outlined in the «Adopt a monument» schemes. In the present case, the secondary school Satorras, to mark its 50th anniversary, has decided to adopt the 16th century city wall of Mataró. At the present moment, this wall is under reconstruction and study. Our aim is to make our students more aware of the process of conservation along with its related facets. One of the outcomes of the project will be to communicate our opinions and proposals to the Mataró local authorities. To communicate the project to the public at large we will employ a system of guided tours and, importantly, these will undertaken by senior secondary school students who spent two years working on the project. The tour begins with a historical description of the city wall. Following this, visitors will be guided around the perimeter of the wall and particular elements of historical interest will be pointed out. The duration of the visit is envisaged to last around one hour in addition to twenty minutes of presentation.
- Published
- 2009
44. Processing preparations to sectional subject environmental education in school The processing of teaching preparations for the profile topic of environmental education
- Author
- Subjects
school projects ,school study wildlife sanctuary ,school educational program ,průřezová témata ,školní vzdělávací program ,rámcový vzdělávací program ,profile topics ,centra ekologické výchovy ,ecology education centres ,školní přírodní rezervace ,general educational program ,Environmental education ,klíčové kompetence ,Environmentální výchova ,key competence ,školní projekty - Abstract
The topic of this dissertation reflects the current situation in Czech educational system after the new educational act has been passed in 2005. It clarifies the concepts of educational reforms and school curriculum documents. It also explains new terms, mainly the key competence and profile topics and their position in school educational programmes it focuses on environmental education. It presents the conclusions of a research of this profile topic in practice of elementary schools of south bohemia region. It sums up the experience of a pilot school and its establishment {--} the ecology education centre.
- Published
- 2009
45. Citizenship education and school projects in Britain
- Author
Bodley, Alison
- Subjects
Educació per a la ciutadania ,Projectes escolars ,Biblioteca Britànica ,Citizenship education ,Educación para la ciudadanía ,British Library ,School projects ,Proyectos escolares ,GeneralLiterature_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
This paper gives an overview of the development of citizenship education in Britain and the way in which museums are supporting schools in the delivery of this new curriculum area. It ends with a study of Campaign! Make an Impact, a new British Library Programme which uses museum and archive collections to inspire children and young people into active citizenship. Children study historic campaigns, learn campaigning skills and then plan and run creative campaigns about issues that impact on their own lives. Children leave the programme feeling that they know to and are able to change things. The programme will run on a national basis from April 2009. Aquest article ofereix una visió general del desenvolupament de l'educació per a la ciutadania al Regne Unit i com els museus estan donant suport en el desplegament d'aquesta nova àrea curricular. Finalitza amb un estudi d'un nou programa de la Biblioteca Britànica (Campaign! Make an Impact) que fa servir les col·leccions museístiques i arxivístiques per inspirar nens, nenes i joves en la ciutadania activa. Nois i noies estudien campanyes històriques, aprenen les habilitats per fer campanyes i porten a terme campanyes creatives que tenen un impacte a les seves pròpies vides. Quan acaben el programa han adquirit la sensació que saben i són capaços de canviar les coses. El programa s'estendrà a l'àmbit nacional a partir del mes d'abril de 2009. Este artículo ofrece una visión general del desarrollo de la educación para la ciudadanía en el Reino Unido y cómo los museos están apoyando a los centros educativos en el despliegue de esta nueva área curricular. Finaliza con un estudio de un nuevo programa de la Biblioteca Británica que utiliza las colecciones de museos y archivos para inspirar a chicos y chicas en la ciudadanía active. Niños, niñas y jóvenes estudian campañas históricas, aprenden las habilidades para hacer campañas y llevan a cabo campañas creativas que tienen un impacto en sus propias vidas. Cuando acaban el programa han adquirido la sensación que saben y son capaces de cambiar las cosas. El programa se desarrollará a nivel nacional a partir del mes de abril de 2009.
- Published
- 2009
46. Opiniões de professores do ensino médio: refletindo sobre os projetos escolares e a interdisciplinaridade
- Author
Barros, Rejane Bezerra, Silva, Denise Domingos da, Barroso, Márcia Teixeira, and Silva, Márcia Gorette Lima da
- Subjects
Reviews of teachers ,Projetos escolares ,Strategies for teaching ,Estratégias de ensino ,Ensino Médio ,High school ,School projects ,CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA [CNPQ] ,Opiniões dos professores - Abstract
Official documents indicate to a curriculum organization that promotes the dialogue in different areas of knowledge. Among the proposals strategies are the "School Projects". This research appears from the staff need evidenced in the development of practice of the researcher in recent years as Pedagogical Advisor in high school. The comments made in the daily work on the kinds of projects and how they were developed in the school, generated concerns. They aroused the interest in further the discussion, aiming to reflect with teachers about the implementation of a pedagogic action on the use of educational projects in the classroom, as a didactic strategy which promotes the learning of students. In this sense, it seeks to develop studies and discussions by the application of questionnaires and the holding of a workshop with teachers in the area of Science of Nature and Mathematics in private high school institutions from Natal, searching opinions of them as the preparation and development of school projects. As general purpose, it aims to contribute with elements to the reflection of the teachers on the use of this strategy of education. For both, we propose: the knowledge of ideas/opinions of teachers on planning, development and evaluation of projects, both disciplinary and interdisciplinary, identifying the main difficulties of these teachers about the work with projects at school; reviewing projects developed at school after the press conference in a meeting with teachers, incorporating the identified aspects as weak points. In the course of the methodology research, questionnaires were used with open and closed questions for the lifting of preliminary ideas for teachers in order to subsidize the planning of a developed meeting later in the school itself on the subject in question. 10 teachers took part of the first step and 17 in the second one (pressconference). In the third stage, an individual interview was carried out and analysis of projects already developed. It is observed that, as the main difficulty for the development of projects in school, pointed to the time factor in the planning team, followed by excessive working hours for teachers that, generally, also work in other schools. Some teachers say they do not develop projects for not having knowledge of how to develop school projects, neither disciplinary, nor interdisciplinary Documentos oficiais sinalizam para uma organização curricular que promova o diálogo entre diferentes áreas do conhecimento. Dentre as estratégias propostas encontram-se os Projetos escolares . A presente pesquisa surge a partir da necessidade pessoal evidenciada no desenvolvimento da prática da pesquisadora, nos últimos anos, como Orientadora Pedagógica no Ensino Médio. As observações feitas no cotidiano do trabalho quanto aos tipos de projetos e a forma como esses eram desenvolvidos na escola, geraram inquietudes. Estas despertaram o interesse em aprofundar a discussão, visando refletir, junto aos professores, sobre a implementação de uma ação pedagógica quanto à utilização de projetos em sala de aula, como estratégia didática que favoreça a aprendizagem dos alunos. Nesse sentido, busca-se desenvolver estudos e debates por meio da aplicação de questionários e da realização de uma oficina com professores da área de Ciências da Natureza e da Matemática no Ensino Médio de uma escola da rede particular da cidade de Natal, a partir do levantamento das opiniões dos mesmos quanto à elaboração e desenvolvimento de projetos escolares. Como objetivo geral, visa contribuir com elementos para a reflexão dos professores sobre o uso dessa estratégia de ensino. Para tanto, propõe-se: conhecer as idéias/opiniões dos professores sobre planejamento, desenvolvimento e avaliação de projetos, tanto disciplinares como interdisciplinares; identificar as principais dificuldades desses professores sobre o trabalho com projetos na escola; rever projetos desenvolvidos na escola após a realização da entrevista coletiva em um encontro com os professores, retomando os aspectos identificados como pontos frágeis. No percurso metodológico da pesquisa, foram utilizados questionários com perguntas abertas e fechadas para o levantamento das idéias prévias dos professores, no intuito de subsidiar o planejamento de um encontro desenvolvido posteriormente na própria escola sobre o tema em questão. Participaram da 1ª etapa 10 professores e da 2ª (entrevista coletiva), 17 professores. Na terceira etapa foi realizada uma entrevista individual e análise de projetos já desenvolvidos. Observa-se que, como principal dificuldade para o desenvolvimento de projetos na escola, surgiu o fator tempo para o planejamento em equipe, seguida da carga horária excessiva dos professores que, geralmente, também trabalham em outras escolas. Alguns professores afirmam não desenvolverem projetos por não terem conhecimento de como se elaborar projetos escolares, quer sejam disciplinares, quer sejam interdisciplinares.
- Published
- 2008
47. School Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa: lessons learned in Guinea, Madagascar and Senegal
- Author
Solaux, Georges, Suchaut, Bruno, Institut de recherche sur l'éducation : Sociologie et Economie de l'Education ( IREDU ), Université de Bourgogne ( UB ), Theurel, Bertille, Institut de recherche sur l'éducation : Sociologie et Economie de l'Education (IREDU), and Université de Bourgogne (UB)
- Subjects
Sub-Saharan Africa ,[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education ,[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education ,[ SHS.EDU ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education ,Afrique subsaharienne ,Projet d'école ,Sénégal ,Politique d'aide ,Madagascar ,Aide au développement ,Guinea ,Guinée ,Evaluation ,School Projects ,Policy of Development Aid - Abstract
06039 - Existe également en anglais; L'AFD et l'ADEA ont financé cette étude sur les projets d'école mis en place dans trois pays, laGuinée, Madagascar et le Sénégal. Des observations et des recueils de données ont été réalisés sur leterrain auprès des associations de parents d'élèves, des responsables administratifs, des directeursd'école et des enseignants.
- Published
- 2006
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