R. J. Bošković (1711–1787) je sredinom 18. stoljeća, u Maxwell–Einsteinovoj pred-epohi fizike, po prvi puta povezao metode mišljenja Newtona, Descartesa, Spinoze i Leibniza, sintetizirajući ih u novu metodu mišljenja Prirode. Ona se može izreći epistemološkom formulom more geometrico sive mathematico – more rationali – more empirico – more theologico, kao četiri uporišta znanosti, filozofije i religije što su ujedinjeni zajedno Boškovićevim mišljenjem. Boškovićeva Teorija prirodne filozofije o točkama–atomima kao konačnim sastojcima materije s jednim jedinim zakonom sila u prirodi, fundamentalna je za građu i čestičnu fenomenologiju prirode u modernoj znanstvenoj slici svijeta, sve do naših dana. Bošković je rodonačelnik izvorne dinamičke predodžbe (hipoteze) atoma odnosno modernog pojma subatomskih čestica (od elektrona, protona, neutrona,… do kvarkova) u 20. stoljeću, sve do očekivanih predviđenih novih čestica i objekata u 21. stoljeću. Na tome tragu su Bohr, Heisenberg i Lederman prigodno veličali Boškovića, ali pravi interes je pokazivao Richard P. Feynman koji je Boškovićevu atomistiku prihvatio kao svoj filozofski credo 200 godina poslije. U članku povezujemo, epistemički-efektivno, genijalne Boškovićeve apercepcije točaka i čestica s više od 200 godina kasnije nadolazećim genijalnim Feynmanom, s preciznom partonsko-kvarkovskom fizikom u standardnome modelu. Boškovićeva teorija dobila je veličanstveni uzlet otkrićem atomske jezgre i nuklearnog modela atoma 1911. u Manchesteru. Znanstveno-filozofska kompatibilnost teorije Dubrovčanina Boškovića i E. Rutherforda, zasjala je u Rutherfordovu članku iz 1911. kroz tri prosudbe: atomska jezgra kao Boškovićeva točka – točkasti izvor kulonske sile, α-čestica je također točka, te parametar sraza u sudaru α-čestice i jezgre zlata ima narav udaljenosti poput one u Boškovićevoj krivulji. Modernom epistemičkom analizom, povrh ortodoksnog povijesnog pristupa, najzanimljivije nasljeđe Boškovićevu stablu odbijanja i privlačenja pronašli smo, ponajviše, u stablu – razinā nuklearnih sila u suvremenoj fizici na niskim energijama. O 300-toj obljetnici Boškovićevog rođenja, u svjetlu proglašene »godine Ruđera Boškovića« u 2011. u Hrvatskoj i svijetu, pokazujemo da je Bošković domislio izvornu apercepciju točaka (atoma) u filozofiji prirode s jedinstvenim zakonom sile između njih. Boškovićevo nasljeđe s najnovijim tumačenjima njegovog životnog djela Teorija prirodne filozfije (Beč, 1758. te Mletci, 1763.) u svjetlu moderne čestične slike prirode, važni su nam napose zbog aktualnih epistemičkih izazova ‘nove fizike’ s očekivanim novim objektima i/ili česticama na najvišim energijama, te globalnoj interferenciji suvremene znanosti i kulture., R. J. Boscovich (1711–1787) was the first in history of philosophy to combine Newton, Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz’s method of thought in the middle of the 18th century before the Maxwell-Einstein era of physics, synthesising them into his new method of thought on Nature. His method may be expressed by the epistemological formula more geometrico sive mathematico – more rationali – more empirico – more theologico, as the four fundaments of science, philosophy and religion unified by Boscovich’s thought. Boscovich’s A Theory of Natural Philosophy on points-atoms as the ultimate building-blocks of matter is based on a single law of forces existing in nature. The Theory itself has been fundamental for the modern scientific picture of the world and the basic concepts of nature to date, due to the structure of nature and the phenomenology of particles it brings. Boscovich is the father of the original pictorial representation of the atom (dynamism hypothesis), important both for the modern concept of subatomic particles (from electrons, protons and neutrons to quarks) of the 20th century, and the predicted and expected new particles and objects of the 21st century. Accordingly, N. Bohr, W. Heisenberg and L. Lederman did indeed praise Boscovich’s Theory. However, it was Richard P. Feynman who showed keen interest in Boscovich’s atomism, having accepted it as his metaphysical credo 200 years later. Using an effective epistemic approach, the paper links Boscovich’s ingenious apperception of points and particles with Feynman more than two centuries later and his ingenious and precise parton-quark physics of the Standard Model. Boscovich’s theory was launched brilliantly on a new path by the discovery of the atomic nucleus and the nuclear model of the atom in 1911 in Manchester. The scientific-philosophical compatibility of the Dubrovnik-born thinker with E. Rutherford was put into the limelight by Rutherford’s paper from 1911 by way of three statements: the atomic nucleus as Boscovich’s point – a point source of Coulomb force, an α particle is also a point, and the impact parameter in an encounter between an α particle and a gold nucleus has the character of distance resembling the one in Boscovich’s curve. In a modern epistemic analysis, going beyond an orthodox scientific approach, the paper shows that the most interesting legacy of Boscovich’s tree of repulsion and attraction lies chiefly in the tree-level picture of nuclear forces in contemporary low-energy physics. On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Boscovich’s birth, and in the light of 2011 having been declared the year of Boscovich in both Croatia and the world, the paper shows that, in the philosophy of nature, Boscovich conceived the original apperception of points (atoms) with a single universal law of forces between them. In the light of the modern particle physics picture of nature, Boscovich’s legacy – including the most recent interpretations of his epoch-making work A Theory of Natural Philosophy (Vienna 1758, and Venice 1763) – is particularly important due to the current epistemic challenges of ‘new physics’ dealing with new objects and/or particles at high energies, as well as for the global interferences between contemporary science and culture.