17 results on '"Repair initiation"'
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2. Same-turn self-repairs in Farsi conversation: On their initiation and framing.
- Author
Kazemi, Ali
- Subjects
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CONVERSATION analysis , *ELECTRON work function , *EXERCISE , *CONVERSATION - Abstract
This study presents an account of the initiation and framing of self-initiated self-repairs in ongoing turn-constructional units in Farsi conversation. Informed by conversation analysis, the analysis of 636 instances of self-repairs culled from three data sources representing a wide variety of interactions revealed that there is some language-specific prosodic patterning which applies to both the foregrounding for incipient repairs and repair solutions. The particle yani (I mean, meaning), predominantly used as a pre-positioned lexical initiator, is routinely used to index a rather specific repair operation: substituting a wholly or partially uttered element of the current turn or repackaging the terms in which it has been couched. Unlike lexical initiators which are infrequent, retracting is frequently launched to fashion repair solutions, but is highly constrained by language-specific (morpho)syntactic rules. Moreover, the complementary distribution of the use of lexical initiators and retracting suggests a possible association between repair initiation and framing. The findings provide further evidence of how self-repairs which constitute a universal feature of interaction are shaped by local semiotic resources of Farsi, especially grammatical possibilities, lending further support to the interdependency of self-repairs and syntax-for-conversation. • Determining language-specific prosodic patterning in self-repairs initiation. • Working out the function of the lexical initiator of yani (I mean) in Farsi talk-in-interaction. • Discerning language-specific retraction patterns in framing self-repairs. • Presenting empirical evidence for complementary distribution of lexical initiators and retracting. • Scrutinizing the trajectory of repair from repair initiation to its solution. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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3. Open‐class repair initiations in conversations involving middle‐aged hearing aid users with mild to moderate loss.
- Author
Laakso, Minna, Salmenlinna, Inkeri, Aaltonen, Tarja, Koskela, Inka, and Ruusuvuori, Johanna
- Subjects
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CONVERSATION , *DEAFNESS , *HEARING aids , *HEARING disorders , *INTERVIEWING , *LONGITUDINAL method , *RESEARCH methodology , *NOISE , *RESEARCH funding , *SOCIAL stigma , *VIDEO recording - Abstract
Background: To manage conversational breakdowns, individuals with hearing loss (HL) often have to request their interlocutors to repeat or clarify. Aims: To examine how middle‐aged hearing aid (HA) users manage conversational breakdowns by using open‐class repair initiations (e.g., questions such as sorry, what and huh), and whether their use of repair initiations differs from their normally hearing interlocutors. Methods & Procedures: Eighteen 45–64‐year‐old adults with acquired mild to moderate HL participated in the study. The participants were videotaped in everyday interactions at their homes and workplaces and in clinical encounters with hearing health professionals. Interactions were transcribed and open‐class repair initiations of participants with HL and their interlocutors were identified using conversation analysis. The frequencies of initiations were analyzed statistically between the groups, and the contexts and structure of repair sequences dealing with communication breakdown were analyzed. Outcomes & Results: Before acquiring HA the participants with HL reported intense use of open‐class repair initiation. After HAs were acquired, there was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of open‐class repair initiations between HA users and their interlocutors. The most common means for open‐class repair initiation in the data was interrogative word mitä ('what'). Vocalization hä ('huh'), apologetic expression anteeksi ('sorry') and clausal initiations (e.g., 'what did you say'/'I didn't hear') occurred less often. Open‐class repair initiations emerged in contexts where they typically occur in conversation, such as topical shifts, overlapping talk and action, background noise, and disagreements. When used, open‐class repair initiations most often led to repetition by the interlocutor, which immediately repaired the conversational breakdown. Long clarification sequences with multiple repair initiations did not occur. Conclusions & Implications: Participants with mild to moderate HL using hearing amplification initiate open‐class repair similarly to their normally hearing conversational partners when the frequency, types, contexts and structure of repair are considered. The findings diminish the stigma related to HL, HAs and the use of open‐class repair. The findings suggest that HA amplifies hearing successfully in everyday conversation when the level of HL is mild to moderate. However, the evidence for the benefit of HAs remains indirect. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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4. A study of repeat-formatted repair initiations in Mandarin Chinese conversation.
- Author
Quan, Lihong and Ma, Jinlong
- Subjects
CONVERSATION ,MANDARIN dialects - Abstract
Using the methodology of Conversation Analysis (or CA), this study examines three types of other-initiated repair initiators (henceforth OIs) that repeats some element in the trouble-source (henceforth repeats) in Chinese conversation: repeats suffixed with question particles ma (吗), repeats suffixed with question particles a (啊), and question-intonated repeats. It attempts to explore the differences between these typical formats, in terms of their forms/functions and the epistemic stance of the speaker who initiates repair. The main research findings indicate that question-intonated repeat implements an understanding check while repeat suffixed with question particles (ma or a) tends to serve different functions, in that, ma-suffixed repeat is inquiry-implicated while a-suffixed repeat contributes to constructing surprise, (dis)agreement or (dis)belief. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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5. Reparationsmarkören 'eiku' i Helsingforssvenska : Samtalsfunktion och språkkontakt
- Author
Lindström, Jan, Lepistö, Kirsi, Kosunen, Riitta, Risto, Elisa, Finskugriska och nordiska avdelningen, Fakultetens gemensamma (Humanistiska fakulteten), and Nordiska språk
- Subjects
Discourse markers ,Helsinki Swedish ,Interactional Linguitics ,Finland Swedish ,6121 Språkvetenskaper ,Social interaction ,Repair initiation ,Language contact ,Conversation Analysis - Abstract
I den här artikeln tar jag upp en specifik lexikal markör för ersättande reparation, nämligen partikeln "eiku" som kan påträffas i ledigt helsingforssvenskt samtalsspråk. Denna partikel härstammar från finskan och kan anses vara en kombination av negationen "ei" och konjunktionen "kun", i princip ’nej utan’. Partikeln är mycket vanlig i reparationer på finska och tycks inte ha direkta motsvarigheter i andra språk. Därför kan den antas fylla ett slags lucka speciellt i tvåspråkiga helsingforssvenskars språk. I denna studie ska jag först kort redogöra för ersättande reparation på svenska samt tidigare observationer av "eiku" i finska samtal och i finländsk svenska. Efter denna bakgrund övergår jag till att visa och diskutera exempel ur ett helsingforssvenskt samtalsmaterial. Här utgår jag från en samtalsanalytisk sekvensanalys, där reparationssekvenserna står i fokus, och i synnerhet hur partikeln "eiku" placeras i sekvenserna. I slutet av artikeln dryftar jag partikelns betydelse för svenskan i Helsingfors som språkkontaktfenomen och vad vi kan säga om dess etableringsgrad i en tvåspråkig talgemenskap, där olika inlåningsmekanismer ofta är förankrade i social interaktion. I den här artikeln tar jag upp en specifik lexikal markör för ersättande reparation, nämligen partikeln eiku som kan påträffas i ledigt helsingforssvenskt samtalsspråk. Denna partikel härstammar naturligtvis från finskan och kan anses vara en kombination av negationen ei och konjunktionen kun, i princip ’nej utan’. Partikeln är mycket vanlig i reparationer på finska och tycks inte ha direkta motsvarigheter i andra språk (Sorjonen & Laakso 2005). Därför kan den antas fylla ett slags lucka speciellt i tvåspråkiga helsingforssvenskars språk. I det följande ska jag först kort redogöra för ersättande reparation på svenska samt tidigare observationer av eiku i finska samtal och i finländsk svenska. Efter denna bakgrund övergår jag till att visa och diskutera exempel ur ett helsingforssvenskt samtalsmaterial. Här utgår jag från en samtalsanalytisk sekvensanalys, där reparationssekvenserna står i fokus, och i synnerhet hur partikeln eiku placeras i sekvenserna. I slutet av artikeln dryftar jag partikelns betydelse för svenskan i Helsingfors som språkkontaktfenomen och vad vi kan säga om dess etableringsgrad i en tvåspråkig talgemenskap, där olika inlåningsmekanismer ofta är förankrade i social interaktion.
- Published
- 2022
6. Oblikovanje učeničkih odgovora kombinacijom različitih izvora: zajednička upotreba riječi okay i specifičnih pitanja
- Author
Atar, Cihat, Seedhouse, Paul, and Walsh, Steve
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indikatori potvrde ,interakcijska kompetencija u razredu ,nastava Engleskoga jezika ,povratna informacija ,pokretanje ispravka ,acknowledgment tokens ,Classroom Interactional Competence ,English language teaching ,feedback ,repair initiation - Abstract
This study aims to investigate the interactional organization of English teachers’ acknowledgment followed by type-specific questions. Shaping learners’ contributions via acknowledgment and type-specific questions is argued to be a part of Classroom Interactional Competence as the 5th skill in language teaching. Hence, this two-step move is studied to achieve a broader understanding of teachers’ interactional repertoire. This study has a qualitative design utilizing Conversation Analysis. Eighteen hours of classroom data from Newcastle University Corpus of Academic Spoken English make up the data. The findings suggest that teachers’ acknowledgment followed by type-specific questions is an indicator of Classroom Interactional Competence, and it is highly dependent upon the task goal (i.e., a pedagogic repair). Contrary to the previous studies, the joint use of acknowledgment is found to shape students’ previous turns by foregrounding achievement rather than closing a topic or indicating a transition. Then, this joint use allows teachers to acknowledge or approve a learner’s utterance on one level while carrying out repair work on another level enabling them to operate on different levels in the complex realm of the classroom., Cilj je ovoga istraživanja proučiti interakcijsku organizaciju potvrde odgovora koju nastavnici engleskoga jezika daju učenicima, a iza koje slijede specifična pitanja. Oblikovanje učeničkih odgovora pomoću potvrde i specifičnih pitanja smatra se dijelom interakcijske kompetencije u razredu i petom vještinom u poučavanju engleskoga jezika. Stoga je ova dvokomponentna taktika analizirana kako bi se došlo do boljega razumijevanja interakcijskoga repertoara nastavnika. U ovome istraživanju primijenjen je kvalitativni nacrt s primjenom konverzacijske analize. Podatke koji su proučavani sačinjava osamnaest sati primjera iz nastave iz Korpusa akademskoga govornog engleskog jezika Sveučilišta u Newcastleu. Rezultati upućuju na činjenicu da je način na koji nastavnici potvrđuju odgovore učenika i postavljaju im specifična pitanja pokazatelj interakcijske kompetencije u razredu te da on uvelike ovisi o cilju zadatka (tj. pedagoškom ispravku). Za razliku od ranije provedenih istraživanja, utvrđeno je da kombinirana potvrda oblikuje prethodne odgovore učenika tako što u prvi plan stavlja njihova postignuća, a ne zatvara temu niti naznačava prelazak na drugu temu. Takva kombinirana potvrda daje nastavnicima priliku da potvrde ili odobre ono što je učenik rekao na jednoj razini, dok na drugoj razini provode ispravak istoga. To im omogućava rad na različitim razinama u složenom razrednom okružju.
- Published
- 2022
7. Reference repair in German and French.
- Author
Golato, Andrea and Golato, Peter
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REFERENCE (Linguistics) , *GERMAN language , *FRENCH language , *CONVERSATION analysis , *LEXICAL access - Abstract
This conversation analytic study examines the use and function of repair initiators in German and French, in particular those beginning with specific wh -words and targeting prior references to objects or phenomena (i.e., non-person entities). In both languages, the specific repair initiators vary depending upon the type of reference problem encountered. For underspecified prior referents, repairs are initiated with was/was denn. (what.) in German and le quoi (what) in French. Failures to recognize prior referents prompt the repair initiators was ist (what is) in German, and c’est quoi (what is) in French. With lexical access issues, these latter repair initiators are followed by noch mal (again) and déjà (already) in German and French, respectively. The repair initiators welch- (which) in German and lequel (which) follow failures to identify one referent from among a given set. If no set is identifiable, the repair initiator was für (what x) is used in German; there is no corresponding repair initiator in the French corpus. Non-comprehension of turns or actions prompt repair initiations with wie (what) + repeat in German, and with hein (huh) + repeat in French. Where relevant, the study also discusses translation-related issues that concern both crosslinguistic similarity and interactional accomplishment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
Kai-yun Chen, Helen
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MANDARIN dialects ,CHINESE language ,FRENCH language ,VERSIFICATION ,LANGUAGE research - Abstract
This study examines the sound profiles of sites of initiation in French and Mandarin recycling repair. Instances of recycling repair were extracted from comparative speech corpora of naturally occurring, face-to-face Mandarin and French interaction. By the interactional prosody approach plus impressionistic judgments, each repair was annotated for its prosodic realization, including relative pitch height, duration, silent pauses and other sound cues for initiating the repair. Through comparing results of acoustic measurements, the discussion focuses on the similarities and differences in the sound realization while initiating and accomplishing recycling repair in both languages. It is suggested that interlocutors of the two languages may orient to rather different methods of initiating the repair in that French speakers tend to incorporate lengthening at the repair initiating sites plus optional filled pauses, while Mandarin speakers employ quick cut-offs for repair initiation, followed by immediate repair. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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9. Repair in EFL Talk: A Case of Iranian Intermediate and Advanced EFL Learners.
- Author
Khodadady, Ebrahim and Alifathabadi, Jassem
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ENGLISH as a foreign language ,ENGLISH teachers ,IRANIAN students ,STRATEGIC planning - Abstract
This study reports the ways Iranian intermediate and advanced EFL learners repair their talk while interacting with their teachers and the differences between these two groups. Sixty Iranian EFL learners (30 intermediate and 30 advanced) were divided into four classes and two sessions of each class were recorded. The cases of repair were chosen and categorized based on the position of repair initiation, devices and strategies used to initiate them and type of repair completion (self or other-repair). The results of data analysis revealed that both groups used several devices and strategies to initiate repair in five different positions. Most differences between these two groups were on the frequencies with which they used these devices and strategies and the fact that cases of self-repair happened far more among advanced group. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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10. In search of proper pronunciation: students’ practices of soliciting help during read-aloud
- Author
Leila Kääntä
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Read aloud ,repair initiation ,General Energy ,conversation analysis ,pronuncitation ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,reading aloud ,Artikkelit ,Pronunciation ,Psychology ,Linguistics - Abstract
This ar cle examines Finnish L2 learners’ interactional practices of flagging trouble in pronouncing words when reading aloud texts in English. Using conversation analysis, it describes how students employ three repair initiaon techniques – direct requests, trying out, and aborting the reading – as methods through which they mobilize teachers’ help in the form of a model pronunciation of the target word. By describing the sequential and temporal unfolding of read-aloud, the article presents an empirical way of tracing those classroom practices that students employ to develop their pronunciation skills of English in Finland. CA-based methodology that focuses on the interactional details of how classroom activities are organized provides new insights on what happens in classroom interaction in terms of pronuncia on instruction. The findings not only have local relevance to teachers’ pedagogical training in Finland, but also more broadly in showing L2 teachers how classroom activities can be organized to promote practicing of pronunciation skills.
- Published
- 2018
11. Interaction studies of muts and mutl with DNA containing the major cisplatin lesion and its mismatched counterpart under equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions.
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Sedletska, Yuliya, Culard, Françoise, Midoux, Patrick, and Malinge, Jean‐Marc
- Abstract
ABSTRACT The DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system participates in cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cisplatin) cytotoxicity through signaling of cisplatin DNA lesions by yet unknown molecular mechanisms. It is thus of great interest to determine whether specialized function of MMR proteins could be associated with cisplatin DNA damage. The major cisplatin 1,2-d(GpG) intrastrand crosslink and compound lesions arising from misincorporation of a mispaired base opposite either platinated guanine of the 1,2-d(GpG) adduct are thought to be critical lesions for MMR signaling. Previously, we have shown that cisplatin compound lesion with a mispaired thymine opposite the 3′ platinated guanine triggers new Escherichia coli MutS ATP-dependent biochemical activities distinguishable from those encountered with DNA mismatch consistent with a role of this lesion in MMR-dependent signaling mechanism. In this report, we show that the major cisplatin 1,2-d(GpG) intrastrand crosslink does not confer novel MutS postrecognition biochemical activity as studied by surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. A fast rate of MutS ATP-dependent dissociation prevents MutL recruitment to the major cisplatin lesion in contrast to cisplatin compound lesion which authorized MutS-dependent recruitment of MutL with a dynamic of ternary complex formation distinguishable from that encountered with DNA mismatch substrate. We conclude that the mode of cisplatin DNA damage recognition by MutS and the nature of MMR post-recognition events are lesion-dependent and suggest that MMR signaling through the major cisplatin lesion is unlikely to occur. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 99: 636-647, 2013. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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12. Repairing Conversation and Foreign Language Proficiency.
- Author
Khodadady, Ebrahim and Alifathabadi, Jassem
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MODERN languages ,LANGUAGE schools ,HIGHER education terminology ,CONVERSATION ,FOREIGN language education - Abstract
This study explored whether there was a relationship between the level of language proficiency and repairing conversation in English classes. For this purpose, sixty participants learning English as foreign language were divided into four coed classes, i.e., two intermediate and two advanced classes, and two sessions of each class were recorded during an academic term offered in a private language school in Mashhad, Iran. The cases of repair in the conversations of these learners were identified and transcribed separately for both groups during the term. They were then categorized based on the place of repair initiation and the type of repair completion. The frequencies of cases were then subjected to statistical tests conducted via the S-PLUS program. The results showed that both intermediate and advanced learners prefer self-repair over other repair. It was also found that they differ significantly from each other not only in the number of times they allow self-and-other repairs to occur but also in the frequency with which repair-initiations and repaircompletions are combined. The findings are discussed within a foreign language context. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
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13. Other-initiations of repair in German Whats App chats.
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Mostovaia, Irina
- Abstract
This paper takes a conversation analytic approach to investigate how interlocutors deal with different kinds of interactional problems occurring in German text-based communication on Whats App. The data analyzed in the present study is obtained from the Mobile Communication Database 1 (http://mocoda.spracheinteraktion.de) and Mobile Communication Database 2 (https://db.mocoda2.de). Focusing on other-initiations of repair, this article shows that interlocutors indicate trouble sources in the preceding messages sent by their communication partners in two ways: On the one hand, writers use a wide range of other-initiations transferred from German spoken language, such as question words (was 'what', wer 'who', etc.) or candidate understandings in the form of Meinst du X? ('Do you mean X?', cf. Schegloff et al., 1977). On the other hand, interlocutors may display an interactional problem by deploying particular resources that the medium provides, such as asterisks, equal signs, question marks, etc. (see also Busch, in this collection of articles). A close examination of other-initiations of repair in Whats App chats thus provides an insight into how the different formats mentioned above are used, especially in relation to (a) the different types of trouble sources occurring in text-based Whats App chats, and (b) the general communication conditions created by the medium. Moreover, it will be discussed how different formats of other-initiation of repair shape the negotiation of responsibility for the trouble source or the repair proper, manage epistemic rights and contribute to the face work in the sense of Goffman (1967). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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14. Hantering av problemområden i klassrumsinteraktion i engelska som främmandespråksundervisning
- Author
Hammarström, Kajsa
- Subjects
English as a foreign language ,repair initiation ,Studier av enskilda språk ,repair ,classroom interaction ,correction ,trouble spot ,trouble source ,error ,Conversation Analysis ,Specific Languages - Abstract
This study focuses on ‘trouble spots’ that occur in the English as a Foreign Language classroom. A trouble spot is an umbrella term for all types of language problems that arise. This means that it covers the trouble sources of repairs, corrections as well as problematising activities in the classroom. Ten different instances of trouble spots are identified and documented in the study. These are grouped into four different categories depending on how the trouble spot occurred, who initiated it and how it was resolved. To investigate the classroom interaction Conversation Analysis was chosen as a method and two different English lessons in two different Swedish upper-secondary schools were filmed. In order to investigate the trouble spots the following research questions are addressed What types of trouble spots arise in the English language classroom and how are they signalled as trouble? How are the trouble spots dealt with by teachers and students? The results confirm that most trouble spots are identified and handled by the speakers themselves and that the second-most involved person is the teacher. This is expected as there is a preference for self-initiated self-repair in ordinary conversation. However, in classroom interaction the preference organisation is not always similar to that of ordinary conversation. Correction in the classroom is often other-initiated without it being face-threatening. Furthermore, the context of the task at hand is very important when it comes to how trouble spots are resolved.
- Published
- 2017
15. In search of proper pronunciation : students’ practices of soliciting help during read-aloud
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repair initiation ,conversation analysis ,ääneenlukeminen ,reading aloud ,ta6121 ,ääntäminen ,keskusteluanalyysi ,pronunciation - Published
- 2017
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16. In search of proper pronunciation : students’ practices of soliciting help during read-aloud
- Author
Kääntä, Leila, Kuronen, Mikko, Lintunen, Pekka, and Nieminen, Tommi
- Subjects
repair initiation ,ääneenlukeminen ,keskustelunanalyysi ,reading aloud ,keskusteluanalyysi ,ääntäminen - Abstract
- Published
- 2017
17. Dealing with ‘Trouble Spots’ in Interaction in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom
- Author
Hammarström, Kajsa and Hammarström, Kajsa
- Abstract
This study focuses on ‘trouble spots’ that occur in the English as a Foreign Language classroom. A trouble spot is an umbrella term for all types of language problems that arise. This means that it covers the trouble sources of repairs, corrections as well as problematising activities in the classroom. Ten different instances of trouble spots are identified and documented in the study. These are grouped into four different categories depending on how the trouble spot occurred, who initiated it and how it was resolved. To investigate the classroom interaction Conversation Analysis was chosen as a method and two different English lessons in two different Swedish upper-secondary schools were filmed. In order to investigate the trouble spots the following research questions are addressed What types of trouble spots arise in the English language classroom and how are they signalled as trouble? How are the trouble spots dealt with by teachers and students? The results confirm that most trouble spots are identified and handled by the speakers themselves and that the second-most involved person is the teacher. This is expected as there is a preference for self-initiated self-repair in ordinary conversation. However, in classroom interaction the preference organisation is not always similar to that of ordinary conversation. Correction in the classroom is often other-initiated without it being face-threatening. Furthermore, the context of the task at hand is very important when it comes to how trouble spots are resolved.
- Published
- 2017
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