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To analyze the results of treatment of recurrent inoperable cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx using cetuximab. Materials and methods. There was conducted a prospective study of the effectiveness of treatment of the recurrent inoperable oral and oropharyngeal cancer using cetuximab in 20 patients aged from 32 to 70 years (13 men, 7 women). 9 (45.0%) patients received cetuximab monotherapy, 11 (55.0%) patients - with the addition of cetuximab to polychemotherapy regimens that include platinum- containing drugs: TPeX (4 patients), TPF (3 patients), PF (1 patient), as well as in combination with carboplatin (3 patients). The effectiveness of treatment was determined according to the RECIST 1.1 criteria for evaluating the response of solid tumors, taking into account the recommendations for evaluating the effectiveness of IrRECIST immunotherapy. Results and discussion. The duration of the patients��� follow-up ranged from 0.6 to 16.3 months. Partial remission was observed in 3 (15%) patients, stabilization of the tumor process - in 11 (55%) patients. Disease progression was observed in 6 (30%) patients. Overall survival of patients with recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the oral and oropharyngeal cancer treated with cetuximab was 22.9��12.5%, median survival was 8.7 (95% CI 7.1-10.3) months. The one-year survival rate was 43.0��12.0%. There was no statistically significant relationship between overall survival and the cetuximab immunotherapy regimen (monotherapy/combination with platinum-containing drugs (r=0.33; p>0.05). Conclusion. The obtained results indicate the possibility of achieving locoregional control in 70% of cases, and the median overall survival of patients receiving therapy with cetuximab is comparable to the data of the EXTREME study, which allows us to consider these results as satisfactory, taking into account the complexity of treatment of this category of patients., ���������������������� ���������������������������� ������������, ������������ 2 2021, Pages 138-144