This study performs a comparative analysis of the 21 Greek Universities in terms of their public funding, awarded for covering their operating expenditure. First it introduces a DEA/MCDM model that allocates the fund into four expenditure factors in the most favorable way for each university. Then, it presents a common, consensual assessment model to reallocate the amounts, remaining in the same level of total public budget. From the analysis it derives that a number of universities cannot justify the public funding in terms of their size and operational workload. For them, the sufficient reduction of their public funding amount is estimated as a future target. Due to the lack of precise data for a number of expenditure criteria, the analysis is based on a mixed crisp-ordinal data set., {"references":["A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper and E. Rhodes, \"Measuring the efficiency of decision-making units\", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 2, 1978, pp. 429–444.","D. Bouyssou, \"Using DEA as a tool for MCDM: some remarks\", Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol.50, 1999, pp. 974- 978.","M. Katharaki, G. Katharakis, \"A comparative assessment of Greek universities' efficiency using quantitative analysis\", International Journal Of Educational Research, Vol. 49, 2010, pp. 115-128.","M. Aubyn, A. Pina, F. Garcia and J. Pais, \"Study on the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending on tertiary education\", Economic Papers 390. European Commission Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs Publications, 2009, ( .pdf).","C. Salerno, \"Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Improve Estimates of Higher Education Institution's Per‐student Education Costs\", Education Economics, vol. 14 (3), 2006, pp. 281–295.","M. Abbott M., C. Doucouliagos, \"The efficiency of Australian universities: a data envelopment Analysis\", Economics of Education Review, vol.22, 2003 pp. 89–97.","T. Sav, \"Managing Operating Efficiencies of Publicly Owned Universities: American University Stochastic Frontier Estimates Using Panel Data\", Advances in Management & Applied Economics, vol. 2 (1), 2012, pp. 1-23.","B. Casua , E. Thanassoulis \"Evaluating cost efficiency in central administrative services in UK universities\", Omega vol. 34, 2006, pp. 417 – 426.","B. Taylor, G. Harris, \"Relative efficiency among South African Universities: A data envelopment analysis\", Higher Education vol. 47, 2004, pp.73–89. [10] W.D. Cook, M. Kress, \"A multiple criteria composite index model for quantitative and qualitative data\", European Journal of Operations Research, vol. 78, 1994, pp.367-379. [11] D.K. Despotis, Y.G. Smirlis \"Data envelopment analysis with imprecise data\", European Journal of Operational Research vol. 140, 2002, pp.24–36. [12] W.D. Cook, M. Kress, \"A multiple criteria decision model with ordinal preference data\", European Journal of Operational Research vol. 54, 1991, pp. 191-198. [13] W.D. Cook , M. Kress, L.M. Sheiford, \"Data Envelopment Analysis in the Presence of Both Quantitative and Qualitative Factors\", Journal of Operational Research Society, vol. 47(7), 1996, pp.945-953. [14] Lotfi F Hosseinzadeh, GR Jahanshahloo, A.Memariani, \"Method for finding common set of weights by multiple objective programming in data envelopment analysis\", Southwest Journal of Applied Mathematics vol.1, 2000, pp.44–54 [15] C. Kao , H-T Hung, \"Data Envelopment Analysis with common weights : the compromise solution approach\", Journal of Operational Research Society vol.56, 2005, pp.1196-1203 [16] D.K. Despotis \"Improving the discriminating power of DEA: focus on globally efficient units\". Journal of Operational Research Society, vol.53, 2002, pp.314–323 [17] W.D. Cook, M. Kress, \"Characterizing an equitable allocation of shared costs: a DEA approach\", European Journal of Operational Research, 119, 1999, pp.652–661 [18] W.D. Cook, J. Zhu, \"Allocation of shared costs among decision making units: a DEA approach\". Computers and Operations Research, vol.32, 2005, pp. 2171–2178 [19] R. Lin, \"Allocating fixed costs or resources and setting targets via data envelopment analysis\", Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 217 (13), 2011, pp. 6349–6358 [20] Lotfi F. Hosseinzadeh, A.Hatami-Marbini, P.J.Agrell, N.Aghayi, K. Gholami, \"Allocating fixed resources and setting targets using a common-weights DEA approach\", Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 64 (2) , 2013, pp. 631-640"]}