35 results on '"Nojković, Aleksandra"'
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2. Increasing public investment can be an effective policy in bad times: Evidence from emerging EU economies
- Author
Petrović, Pavle, Arsić, Milojko, and Nojković, Aleksandra
- Published
- 2021
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3. Determinants of discretionary fiscal policy in Central and Eastern Europe
- Author
Arsic, Milojko, Nojkovic, Aleksandra, and Randjelovic, Sasa
- Published
- 2017
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4. Monetary policy rule in inflation targeting emerging European countries: A discrete choice approach
- Author
Nojković, Aleksandra and Petrović, Pavle
- Published
- 2015
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5. Public debt sustainability in Serbia before and during the global financial crisis
- Author
Andrić Vladimir, Arsić Milojko, and Nojković Aleksandra
- Subjects
Serbia ,unit root tests ,fiscal reaction functions ,global financial crisis ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 - Abstract
We have analyzed the behaviour of primary fiscal balance and public debt in Serbia before and in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. The results of our analysis are: i) public debt to GDP ratioexhibits (near) unit root behaviour with an overall upward time trend; ii) the response of primary fiscal balance to public debt has been insufficient to mean revert the upward trend in government debt; iii) the efforts of the Serbian government to repay the debt principal after the fiscal rule breach have not been persistent, providing empirical support to the fiscal fatigue hypothesis; iv) the government budget constraint has deteriorated since the beginning of the global financial crisis; v) the response of primary fiscal balance to public debt from the onset of the global financial crisis has dropped more severely in comparison to other European economies.
- Published
- 2016
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6. Fiscal reaction to interest payments: The case of Serbia
- Author
Andrić Vladimir, Arsić Milojko, and Nojković Aleksandra
- Subjects
Serbia ,Fiscal Sustainability ,Augmented Fiscal Reaction Function ,Global Financial Crisis ,Costs ,Debt ,Payments ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
We focus on the response of primary fiscal balance to interest payments and borrowing costs on Serbian public debt before, during and in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Our analysis reveals: i) policy makers financed up to 50% of each percentage point increase in interest payments to GDP ratio with new public debt issuance; ii) the government has responded to rising interest payments and borrowing costs by reducing primary fiscal balance from the onset of the global financial crisis; iii) the response of primary fiscal balance to interest payments mimics the response of primary fiscal balance to the costs of borrowing; iv) fiscal austerity measures adopted after the breach of fiscal rule for public debt have been insufficient to stabilize fiscal policy stance in Serbia.
- Published
- 2016
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7. Inflation Triggers in Transition Economies: Their Evolution and Specific Features
- Author
Petrović, Pavle, Mladenović, Zorica, and Nojković, Aleksandra
- Published
- 2011
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8. Inflation persistence in central and southeastern Europe: Evidence from univariate and structural time series approaches
- Author
Mladenović Zorica and Nojković Aleksandra
- Subjects
inflation persistence ,inflation targeting ,Markov switching models ,the new hybrid Phillips curve model ,Economic theory. Demography ,HB1-3840 - Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to measure inflation persistence in the following countries of Central and Southeastern Europe: Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Serbia. The study sample covers monthly data from January, 1995 to May, 2010 for Poland, Hungary and Slovakia, from January 1994 to May, 2010 for the Czech Republic, and from January, 2002 to June 2010 for Romania. The shortest sample used, from January, 2003 to September, 2010, was for Serbia and is due to the late start in the transition process. The results of this study enriched the existing ones on this topic by extending the sample period to cover even the recent years of relatively higher inflation rates and by including Romania and Serbia, which were not previously considered. The study led to two main findings: first, inflation of moderate to high magnitude persistence in Hungary, Poland, Romania and Serbia, and inflation of smaller order persistence in Slovakia and the Czech Republic was detected within the Markov switching model approach. In addition, the changes in inflation persistence often correspond to changes in variability and mean of inflation. Second, New Keynesian Phillips Curve represents a valid structural approach to describe the inflation dynamics in this region. In all the six cases studied, weights on backward and forward looking behaviors were significant, while the impact of the driving variable was insignificant only once. It is found that significant influence of the economic driving variable can be captured by real gross wage inflation and real broad money growth. The estimates show that the backward-looking term plays an important role in determining the inflation dynamics. Similar conclusions are drawn by using quarterly data in econometric estimations for the selected countries.
- Published
- 2012
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9. Transition and growth: What was taught and what happened
- Author
Cerović Božidar and Nojković Aleksandra
- Subjects
transition economies ,transition progress ,initial conditions ,transition recession ,growth ,economic performance ,comparative economics ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 - Abstract
The paper demonstrates why the transition process is taking more time than predicted and why many countries are still far away from the projected goal: a developed market economy. Analyzing the causes and re-examining the endogenous character of the transition progress, the authors conclude that the majority of reforms were implemented at a pace conditional on the initial, pre-transition conditions. The results obtained show a significant impact on the economic and institutional heritage of a country, which lasts much longer than was predicted on the eve of the reform process: initial conditions strongly and significantly affect the speed of transition throughout the entire observed period (1989-2007). They also affect the performance of a country: in the first years the transition progress may affect growth in a positive way, but later it becomes insignificant. This can explain some growth peculiarities previously remarked when transition countries were analyzed by means of long-run growth models. Using Barro and Levine-Renelt models the authors show that despite somewhat better results for the second decade of transition many peculiar patterns remain, which could temporarily block poorer transition economies in their attempts to catch up and cause unnecessary losses since transition policies were not properly adjusted to the initial conditions.
- Published
- 2009
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10. Qualitative response models: A survey of methodology and illustrative applications
- Author
Nojković Aleksandra
- Subjects
microdata ,binary and multinomial response ,nonlinear models ,maximum likelihood estimation ,models for count data ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 - Abstract
This paper introduces econometric modeling with discrete (categorical) dependent variables. Such models, commonly referred to as qualitative response (QR) models, have become a standard tool of microeconometric analysis. Microeconometric research represents empirical analysis of microdata, i.e. economic information about individuals, households and firms. Microeconometrics has been most widely adopted in various fields, such as labour economics, consumer behavior, or economy of transport. The latest research shows that this methodology can also be successfully transferred to macroeconomic context and applied to time series and panel data analysis in a wider scope. .
- Published
- 2007
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11. Finansijsko izveštavanje o performansama grupe i ekonomska realnost: konsolidovani finansijski izveštaji vs. pojedinačni finansijski izveštaji matičnog preduzeća
- Author
Malinić, Dejan, Nojković, Aleksandra, Spasić, Dejan, Pantelić, Marija, Vasilić, Marina, Malinić, Dejan, Nojković, Aleksandra, Spasić, Dejan, Pantelić, Marija, and Vasilić, Marina
- Abstract
Predmet istraţivanja u ovom radu je sistem finansijskog izveštavanja o performansama grupa, kao informaciona podrška odluĉivanju postojećih i potencijalnih investitora i poverilaca matice. U radu se ispituju razlike u kvalitativnim svojstvima rezultata grupe i matiĉne kompanije, tj. njihovom korisnom potencijalu za procenu iznosa, dinamike i neizvesnosti oĉekivanih budućih neto priliva gotovine u matiĉno društvo. Empirijskim istraţivanjem obuhvaćena su matiĉna društva listirana na nedovoljno razvijenim trţištima kapitala, u drţavama nastalim raspadom Jugoslavije. Istraţivanje ima za cilj da pruţi odgovor na pitanje da li, u analiziranom izveštajnom okruţenju, konsolidovani finansijski izveštaji zaista poseduju superiorna informaciona svojstva za zainteresovane korisnike, u odnosu na pojedinaĉne izveštaje matice, kao i da li pojedinaĉni izveštaji matice unapreĊuju odluĉivanje zainteresovanih korisnika kada se koriste zajedno sa konsolidovanim izveštajima. U cilju ispitivanja specifiĉnih kvalitativnih svojstava rezultata analiziranih matiĉnih kompanija i njihovih grupa, primenjena je ekonometrijska analiza podataka panela. Empirijski je dokazano da su rezultati grupe više perzistentni u odnosu na rezultate matice, kao i da rezultati matice obezbeĊuju znaĉajan inkrementalni doprinos ukupnoj vrednosnoj relevantnosti i perzistentnosti. Osim toga, utvrĊeno je da rezultati grupe i matiĉne kompanije nisu pravovremeni u obuhvatanju stvarnih promena u ekonomskim performansama matice, kao i da ne postoji izraţena superiornost vrednosne relevantnosti konsolidovanih rezultata. Primenom odgovarajućih indikatora upravljanja rezultatom, dokazano je da su rezultati matiĉne kompanije više podloţni ciljanom uobliĉavanju od strane rukovodstva, u odnosu na rezultate grupe kao celine., The subject of this paper is the system of financial reporting on group performance, as an informational decision-making support for existing and potential investors and creditors of the parent company. The paper examines the differences between the group’s and the parent company’s earnings quality attributes i.e. their useful potential for the assessment of the amount, timing and uncertainty of the expected future net cash inflows to the parent company. The empirical analysis was conducted on the sample of parent companies listed on underdeveloped capital markets, in countries formed after the breakup of Yugoslavia. The aim of the research was to answer the question whether, in the analyzed reporting environment, consolidated financial statements truly posses superior informational qualities for interested users, compared to separate financial statements of the parent company, as well as whether separate financial statements of the parent company improve the decision-making of interested users, when they are used together with consolidated statements. Specific quality attributes of the analyzed parent companies’ and their groups’ earnings were examined using the econometric analysis of panel data. Empirically, it has been proved that group’s earnings are more persistent than earnings of the parent company, and that parent company’s earnings provide significant incremental contribution to the overall value relevance and persistence. Additionally, it has been determined that earnings of the group and the parent company lack timeliness when it comes to recognition of the real changes in the economic performance of the parent company, and that there is no significant superiority in value relevance of consolidated earnings. Using the appropriate earnings management indicators, it has been proved that parent company’s earnings are more susceptible to management’s smoothing and target beating techniques, comparing to earnings of the group as a whole.
- Published
- 2021
12. Монетарна и макропруденцијална политика у евроизованој економији
- Author
Urošević, Branko, Petrović, Pavle, Nojković, Aleksandra, Božović, Miloš, Radonjić, Ognjen, Todorović, Ivana, Urošević, Branko, Petrović, Pavle, Nojković, Aleksandra, Božović, Miloš, Radonjić, Ognjen, and Todorović, Ivana
- Abstract
Ова докторска дисертација има за циљ да на свеобухватан начин анализира изазове са којима се мала отворена економија са високим степеном финансијске евроизације суочава приликом вођења монетарне и макропруденцијалне политике. Рад посматра феномен финансијске евроизације са аспекта његовог узрока, односно детерминанти евроизације депозита, као највећег узрочника евроизације кредита, али и са аспекта ефеката које висок степен финансијске евроизације има на избор мера монетарне политике у овим земљама. Имајући у виду свеобухватност посматраног предмета истраживања, анализа је спроведена кроз три засебне целине, од којих свака посматра одређене аспекте финансијске евроизације, а које заједно посматране дају одговор на питање о узроцима финансијске евроизације и предлоге мера за де-евроизацију, као анализу ефеката на одлуке монетарне и макропруденцијалне политике и кључне макроекономске варијабле. Прва глава ове дисертације има за циљ да оцени детерминанте евроизације у дугом и у кратком року на узорку земаља централне, источне и југоисточне Европе које примењују режим инфлационог таргетирања како би се омогућила анализа потенцијалних мера монетарне и макропруденцијалне политике усмерених ка де-евроизацији депозита које би биле утемељене како на теоријским, тако и на емпиријским резултатима. Резултати истраживања приказани у Глави 1 ове дисертације указују на то да у посматраном узорку постоји позитивна коинтеграциона веза између перманентне компоненте евроизације и рација евроизације оцењеног методом минималне варијансе портфолија (Minimum Variance Portfolio - MVP) што представља полазну теоријску основу за анализу детерминанти евроизације. На посматраном узорку је показано да различите детерминанте утичу на кретање перманентне, односно транзиторне компоненте евроизације. Наиме, у дугом року, на одлуке о валутној структури штедње утиче однос волатилитета инфлације и номиналне депрецијације (апрецијације), али не и фактори који утичу на диференцијал каматних стопа. С дру, This doctoral dissertation aims to comprehensively analyze challenges that small open economy with high degree of financial euroisation is facing when making decisions regarding monetary and macroprudential policies. This dissertation analyzes the phenomenon of financial euroisation taking into consideration both, the main determinants of deposit euroisation, which is the main driver of credit euroisation, but also the effects that high degree of financial euroisation has on the choices regarding monetary and macroprudential policy measures in small open economies. Considering the comprehensiveness of the research goal, the analysis was conducted through three separate Chapters, each of them focusing at certain aspects of financial euroisation. Altogether, these three Chapters answer the question about the causes of financial euroisation and proposals for de-euroisation measures, as well as the effects that high level of euroisation has on monetary and macroprudential decisions and consequently on developments of key macroeconomic variables. The first Chapter of this dissertation aims to evaluate the determinants of long-term and short-term euroisation in a sample of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European countries with inflation targeting regime. The goal of this Chapter is to provide the analysis of potential monetary and macroprudential policies that could help the process of de-euroisation of deposits that would be based on both theoretical and empirical results. The results of this Chapter indicate that in the observed data set there exists a positive (both panel based and time series based) cointegration relationship between the permanent (long run) component of deposit euroisation and the euroisation ratio calculated using the Minimum Variance Portfolio (MVP) method. Based on the results from the First Chapter, it can be concluded that different factors act as a key determinants of movements in permanent vs. transitory components of deposit euroisation.
- Published
- 2020
13. Debt Uncertainty and Economic Growth in Emerging European Economies: Some Empirical Evidence.
- Author
Arsić, Milojko, Mladenović, Zorica, and Nojković, Aleksandra
- Subjects
EMERGING markets ,ECONOMIC expansion ,CONSUMPTION (Economics) ,UNCERTAINTY ,ECONOMIC impact ,FISCAL policy ,PUBLIC debts - Abstract
This study investigates the effects of public debt uncertainty on economic growth in 10 emerging European economies over 2000–2015 period. Public debt uncertainty reflects fiscal policy volatility and macroeconomic instability. It also creates uncertainty about the characteristics of future fiscal policy, which further causes the rise of uncertainty in household and business incomes. Increasing the risk of future incomes leads to the reduction of household consumption and corporate investments, which negatively influences economic growth. An empirical analysis of public debt uncertainty impact on economic growth is performed by time series and panel data approaches based on quarterly data. Our key result indicates the significant detrimental effect public debt uncertainty has had on the GDP growth in emerging European economies, especially during the Great Recession episode that started in 2008. Robustness of our econometric findings is confirmed by different estimation methods and model specifications. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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14. Debt Uncertainty and Economic Growth in Emerging European Economies: Some Empirical Evidence
- Author
Arsić, Milojko, primary, Mladenović, Zorica, additional, and Nojković, Aleksandra, additional
- Published
- 2019
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15. Ekonometrijska analiza premije zarada javnog sektora u Srbiji u uslovima fiskalne konsolidacije / Marko D. Vladisavljević.
- Author
Nojković, Aleksandra, Нојковић, Александра, Krstić, Gorana, Крстић, Горана, Arandarenko, Mihail G., Vladisavljević, Marko, Nojković, Aleksandra, Нојковић, Александра, Krstić, Gorana, Крстић, Горана, Arandarenko, Mihail G., and Vladisavljević, Marko
- Abstract
U 2014. godini, fiskalni deficit u Republici Srbiji iznosio je 6,6% bruto društvenog proizvoda (BDP) i bio je među najvišim u Evropi. Reagujući na deficit, Vlada Srbije je, krajem 2014. godine donela mere fiskalne konsolidacije koje su, između ostalog, uključivale i smanjivanje zarada u javnom sektoru u iznosu od 10% za zarade više od 25.000 dinara. Osnovni cilj ove disertacije bio je da se detaljno ispitaju efekti fiskalne konsolidacije na premiju zarada javnog sektora (razliku u zaradama između javnog i privatnog sektora kada statistički kontrolišemo efekte ostalih relevantnih varijabli), ali i efekti koje je fiskalna konsolidacija imala na ostale ishode na tržištu rada. S tim u vezi, u ovoj disertaciji detaljno su prikazani ekonometrijski metodi kojima se ocenjuje premija zarada javnog sektora, ali i metode koje možemo da koristimo da ocenimo efekte fiskalne konsolidacije na promenu premije. Korišćena je najpre Minserova jednačina zarada, u kojoj se premija zarada javnog sektora računa kao koeficijent uz veštačku promenljivu koja označava rad u javnom sektoru. Nakon toga, premija zarada javnog sektora ocenjena je uz pomoć Blajnder-Ohaka dekompozicije, u okviru koje se ukupna razlika u zaradama između sektora razdvaja na objašnjeni i neobjašnjeni deo. Objašnjeni deo se duguje različitim karakteristikama radnika u javnom i privatnom sektoru (različiti nivoi obrazovanja, radno iskustvo itd.), dok se neobjašnjeni deo duguje razlikama u uslovnim zaradama za te karakteristike na tržištu rada i kao takav predstavlja još jednu ocenu premije zarada javnog sektora. Premija zarada javnog sektora zatim je ocenjena i drugim metodama dekompozicije. Kod JMP dekompozicije, ukupna razlika u zaradama deli se na tri komponente: razliku u karakteristikama (Q), razliku u cenama (P), koja predstavlja ocenu premije zarada javnog sektora, i razliku u neopaženim karakteristikama i cenama (U), a koja se procenjuje na osnovu razlika u distribuciji reziduala dva sektora. U okviru Nopo dekom, In 2014, the fiscal deficit in the Republic of Serbia amounted to 6.6% of GDP and was among the highest in Europe. In response to the deficit, the Government of Serbia adopted a set of fiscal consolidation measures at the end of 2014, which included a 10% reduction of public sector wages for wages higher than 25,000 RSD. The main objective of this dissertation was to examine the effects of fiscal consolidation on the public sector wage premium (defined as the difference between public and private sector wages, when statistically controlling for the effects of other relevant variables); as well as the effects that fiscal consolidation had on other labour market outcomes. The dissertation presents econometric methods used to assess the public sector wage premium, and the effects of fiscal consolidation on the change of premium. Firstly, we used Mincer earnings equation, in which public sector wage premium is estimated as a coefficient next to the dummy variable for the public sector job. Subsequently, the public sector wage premium was estimated via Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition, in which the total difference in wages between the sectors is divided to explained and unexplained part. While the explained part is attributed to different labour market characteristics of the workers from public and private sectors (different levels of education, work experience, etc.), the unexplained part is due to different constants and returns to characteristics, and represents an estimate of the public sector wage premium. The public sector wage premium was then estimated by other decomposition methods. Within JMP decomposition, total wage difference is divided to: the difference in characteristics (Q), the difference in prices (P), which represents an estimate of the public sector wage premium, and the difference in unobserved characteristics and prices (U), estimated based on the differences in the distributions of the wage equation residuals. Nopo decomposition suggests that labour
- Published
- 2019
16. Aktivnost žena, rodni jaz u zaradama i zamka neaktivnosti i nezaposlenosti
- Author
Krstić, Gorana, Крстић, Горана, Mladenović, Zorica, Младеновић, Зорица, Nojković, Aleksandra, Anić, Aleksandra M., Krstić, Gorana, Крстић, Горана, Mladenović, Zorica, Младеновић, Зорица, Nojković, Aleksandra, and Anić, Aleksandra M.
- Abstract
Disertacija istražuje četiri različita aspekta tržišta rada u Srbiji, a to su: aktivnost žena, rodni jaz u zaradama, zamka neaktivnosti i nezaposlenosti i modeliranje dinamike stope nezaposlenosti. Prvi cilj istraživanja je da se ispita da li je uzrok niske aktivnosti i zaposlenosti žena radnog uzrasta prisustvo dece i broj dece. Drugi cilj je ispitati da li razlika u zaradama između muškaraca i žena može biti objašnjena karakteristikama lica ili je razlika u zaradama posledica diskriminacije, ili je posledica oba efekta. Rodni jaz u zaradama posebno smo istražili za zaposlene kod poslodavca i za samozaposlene. Treći cilj jeste da se istraži da li se nezaposlena i neaktivna lica radnog uzrasta nalaze u zamci, odnosno da li je poresko-socijalni sistem destimulativan sa aspekta spremnosti pojedinca da radi za tržišnu zaradu. Četvrti cilj je ispitati dinamiku stope nezaposlenosti u Srbiji. Za istraživanje aktivnosti i zaposlenosti žena, rodnog jaza u zaradama, zamke neaktivnosti i nezaposlenosti koristimo mikropodatke Ankete o dohotku i uslovima života u periodu 2013−2016. Makroekonometrijska analiza se zasniva na podacima Republičkog zavoda za statistiku o stopi nezaposlenosti, indeksu potrošačkih cena i zaradama u periodu januar 2014 – septembar 2017. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da prisustvo dece smanjuje verovatnoću aktivnosti, ali ne utiče statistički značajno na verovatnoću zaposlenosti. Veći broj dece smanjuje verovatnoću aktivnosti i verovatnoću zaposlenosti žena sa decom. Uticaj prisustva dece na verovatnoću zaposlenost i aktivnosti je ocenjen probit metodom. Uticaj broja dece na verovatnoću aktivnosti i zaposlenosti žena sa decom je ocenjen probit metodom i metodom instrumentalnih varijabli, pri čemu dajemo prednost probit metodu. Žene u Srbiji zarađuju manje nego muškarci. Koristimo Oaxaca−Blinder metodu za dekomponovanje razlike u zaradama prema polu. Razlika u zaradama ne može biti objašnjena samo karakteristikama lica, već je posledica i diskriminacije, The dissertation investigates four different aspects of labour market in Serbia, such as female activity, gender pay gap, inactivity and unemployment trap and modelling unemployment rate dynamics. Firstly, we investigate whether low activity and the employment of working-age women is caused by the presence of children and the number of children. Secondly, we investigate whether the difference in wages between males and females can be explained by the difference in characteristics, or by discrimination, or by both effects. We estimate the gender pay gap for both the employees and the self-employed. Thirdly, we investigate unemployment and inactivity trap for the working-age people, i.e. if the tax-benefit system is destimulative for work for the market wage. Fourthly, the unemployment rate dynamics is investigated for Serbia. Survey of Income and Living Conditions microdata is used for female activity and employment, gender pay gap, unemployment and inactivity trap in the 2013-2016 period. Macroeconometric analysis is based on the data on unemployment rate, consumer price index and wages in the January 2014 – September 2017 period, published by Statistical Office of Republic of Serbia. According to our results, the presence of children reduces the probability to be active, but it does not have statistically significant influence on the probability to be employed. The number of children reduces both the probability to be active and the probability to be employed for women with children. We use probit method to estimate the influence of presence of children on the probability to be active and employed. We use probit method and instrumental variable method to estimate the influence of the number of children on the probability to be active and employed, whereas probit method is preferred. Women in Serbia earn less than men. Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition technique is used for decomposing gender pay gap. The gender pay gap cannot only be explained by the difference in chara
- Published
- 2019
17. Analiza perzistentnosti i divergentnosti tekućeg računa u evropskim ekonomijama metodama panela
- Author
Dragutinović-Mitrović, Radmila, Драгутиновић-Митровић, Радмила, Kovačević, Radovan, Ковачевић, Радован, Nojković, Aleksandra, Bodor, Slađana M., Dragutinović-Mitrović, Radmila, Драгутиновић-Митровић, Радмила, Kovačević, Radovan, Ковачевић, Радован, Nojković, Aleksandra, and Bodor, Slađana M.
- Abstract
Visok spoljnotrgovinski deficit predstavlja najveći izazov za eksternu ravnotežu. Velik broj zemalja se suočava sa rastućom divergencijom trgovinskih tokova i uravnotežen tekući bilans se pre može smatrati kao retkost, nego kao pravilo u ekonomskoj praksi. Nakon izbijanja globalne finansijske i ekonomske krize, nejednakosti zemalja u pogledu kretanja tekućeg računa su postale sve intenzivnije. Jedna od značajnijih implikacija datih trendova jeste perzistentna eksterna neravnoteža koja varira u zavisnosti od meĎunarodne pozicije zemlje, trgovinske otvorenosti, unutrašnjih performansi i sposobnosti da se apsorbuju različiti eksterni šokovi. U tom smislu, predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije odnosi se na analizu perzistentnosti i ispitivanje divergentnih trendova tekućeg računa u članicama Evropske unije u periodu 1995-2015. godine. Ideja je da se primenom panel tehnika ispita uticaj pojedinačnih faktora na trgovinsku neravnotežu i, konačno, oceni stepen perzistentnosti tekućeg računa. Prevashodno, upotrebljeni su dinamički modeli panela kako bi se ocenio uticaj odabranih determinanti na kretanje tekućeg računa u zemalja članicama Evropske unije u periodu 1995-2015. godine, sa ciljem provere prve hipoteze koja podrazumeva ispitivanje stepena perzistentnosti tekućeg računa. Nakon toga, imajući u vidu značaj održivosti tekućeg računa u dugom roku, prilikom analize determinanti tekućeg računa izvršena je podela na strukturne i ciklične komponente, što je značajno sa aspekta sagledavanja prirode eksterne neravnoteže. Za potrebe analize uticaja strukturnih faktora na dinamiku tekućeg računa u srednjem roku formirani su petogodišnji proseci podataka, dok je ocena cikličnih determinanti sprovedena na podacima koji predstavljaju jednogodišnja odstupanja od petogodišnjih proseka. Rezultati primene uopštenog metoda momenata i metoda kvazi maksimalne verodostojnosti ukazali su da su saldo bilansa tekućih transakcija u zemljama Evropske unije u velikoj meri odredili sledeći, The high current account deficit is the biggest challenge for the external balance. A large number of countries are facing with a growing current account divergence and a balanced current account is considered more as a rarity than as a rule in economic practice. After the outbreak of the global financial and economic crisis, inequality between countries in terms of the current account developments has become more intense. One of the major implications of this trends is persistent external imbalance, which varies depending on the international position of the country, trade openness, internal performance and the ability of the country to absorb various external shocks. To this end, the purpose of a doctoral dissertation is related to the analysis of the persistence and divergent trends in the current account in the Member States of the European Union during the period 1995-2015. The idea is to examine the impact of individual factors on the trade imbalance by using panel data econometric methods, as well as to estimate the degree of persistence of the current account. Primarily, dynamic panel models are used in order to assess the impact of selected determinants on the current account movement in the Member States of the European Union during the period 1995-2015, with the aim of testing the first hypothesis which involves the examination of the degree of the current account persistence. After that, given the importance of current account sustainability in the long run, current account determinants are divided into structural and cyclic components, which is important in terms of assessing the nature of external imbalances. Five-year averages of data are formed for the analysis of the impact of structural factors on the dynamics of the current account in the medium term, while the estimation of impact of cyclical determinants was carried out on data which represent annual deviations from the five-year averages. Estimation results of dynamic panel data models obtained
- Published
- 2019
18. Relacione norme, zavisnost i elementi kvaliteta odnosa između učesnika u kanalima marketinga u Republici Srbiji
- Author
Petković, Goran, Lovreta, Stipe, Bogetić, Zoran, Nojković, Aleksandra, Vajzović, Srđan, Petković, Goran, Lovreta, Stipe, Bogetić, Zoran, Nojković, Aleksandra, and Vajzović, Srđan
- Abstract
Uspešno upravljanje odnosima u kanalima marketinga, odnosno ostvarivanje neophodnog nivoa koordinacije i saradnje, prepoznato je kao ključni faktor kreiranja vrednosti i ostvarivanja konkurentske prednosti, posebno imajući u vidu trendove razvijanja dugoročnih i sloţenih aranţmana izmedju učesnika. Perspektive analize transakcionih troškova i teorije relacionih ugovora sugerišu veliki značaj implementacije odgovarajuće organizacione strukture i mehanizama upravljanja procesima razmena. Upravljački mehanizmi moraju obezbediti neophodan nivo efikasnosti i prilagodljivosti sistema, odnosno zaštitu idiosinkratičkih investicija, posebno u uslovima neizvesnosti. Relacioni pristup, koji je konceptualno uobličio Ian Roderick Macneil, predvidja da su ponašanja i percepcije aktera odredjeni normama koje se vremenom razvijaju u odnosima razmene. U tom kontekstu se relacione norme posmatraju kao oblik implicitnog upravljačkog mehanizma, a koji je posebno relevantan u uslovima inherentne nekompletnosti formalnih ugovora u dugoročnim odnosima. U ovom radu se analizira uticaj odnosa zavisnosti na razvoj relacionizma u kanalima marketinga. Takodje, u fokusu su upravljački kapaciteti relacionih normi u ostvarivanju neophodnog nivoa kvaliteta odnosa, oličenog u konstruktima poverenja, oportunizma i konflikata izmedju učesnika u razmenama. Relacionizam je, u ovom istraţivanju, odredjen nivoom relacionih normi solidarnosti, reciprociteta, fleksibilnosti, integriteta uloga i uzdrţavanja od upotrebe moći. Kako pokazuju relevantna prethodna istraţivanja, odnosi izmedju učesnika u kanalima marketinga i veze izmedju ključnih konstrukata su uslovljeni, izmedju ostalog, i kulturnim i institucionalnim faktorima, kao i kontekstom organizacije konkretnog kanala. Na osnovu toga se ukazuje potreba za istraţivanjem u specifičnim uslovima privrede Republike Srbije, kao i kanalu marketinga koji je bliţi tradicionalnoj organizaciji aktivnosti., Successful management of marketing channel relationships, i.e. attaining the necessary level of coordination and cooperation, has been recognized as the key factor of value creation and achieving competitive advantage, especially having in mind trends of the development of long-term and complex arrangements among participants. As suggested by both the perspectives of Transaction Cost Analysis and Relational Contract Theory, the implementation of a suitable organizational structure and mechanisms for governing exchanges is of great importance. The purpose of these governance mechanisms is to ensure the necessary level of a system efficiency and adaptability, as well as the protection of idiosyncratic investments, particularly in conditions of uncertainty. Relational approach, conceptualized by Ian Roderick Macneil, envisages that participants’ behaviours and perceptions are determined by norms which in time develop in exchange relations. In that context, relational norms are seen as a form of implicit governance mechanism, particularly relevant considering an inherent incompleteness of formal contracts in long-term relations. The impact of dependence relations on development of relationalism in marketing channels is being analyzed in this paper. Moreover, the focus is on the governing capacity of relational norms in the achievement of the necessary level of relationship quality, represented by the constructs of trust, opportunism, and conflicts among participants in exchanges. In this research, relationalism is determined by the level of relational norms of solidarity, reciprocity, flexibility, role integrity and restraint in the use of power. As indicated by relevant previous researches, relations between marketing channels participants, as well as between key constructs, are determined among other, by cultural and institutional factors, also by the context of the organization of a particular channel. Having that in mind, there is a need to conduct a research in the
- Published
- 2018
19. Утицај институционалне инфраструктуре на динамику привредног раста и корупцију у земљама у транзицији
- Author
Cerović, Božidar, Jakšić, Miomir, Nojković, Aleksandra, Žarković Rakić, Jelena, Jovanović, Aleksandra, Tanasković, Svetozar R., Cerović, Božidar, Jakšić, Miomir, Nojković, Aleksandra, Žarković Rakić, Jelena, Jovanović, Aleksandra, and Tanasković, Svetozar R.
- Abstract
Предмет истраживања ове дисертације је начин на који однос формалних и неформалних институција које чине институционалну инфраструктуру, утиче на појаву различитих режима привредног раста. Додатно је анализирао да ли разлике у квалитету формалних и неформалних институција утичу на механизам деловања корупције на привредни раст. Узорак на којем је вршено истраживање чине 111 развијених и земаља у развоју у периоду 1985-2014. године., Тhe research subject of this dissertation is the way in which the interaction of formal and informal institutions constituing institutional infrastructure, affects the emergence of different economic growth regimes. Additional analyse was conducted concerning the question whether the differences in the quality of formal and informal institutions affects the mechanism of corruption and economic growth relationship. The research was conducted on the sample that consists of 111 developed and developing countries in the period 1985-2014.
- Published
- 2018
20. Uticaj tehnologija za rad sa velikim obimom podataka na organizacioni dizajn preduzeća
- Author
Petković, Mirjana, Kaličanin, Đorđe, Stankić, Rade, Nojković, Aleksandra, Lukić, Jelena M., Petković, Mirjana, Kaličanin, Đorđe, Stankić, Rade, Nojković, Aleksandra, and Lukić, Jelena M.
- Abstract
Sa razvojem tehnologija za rad sa velikim obimom podataka, za koje se u literaturi i praksi ustalio izraz Big Data, uticaj tehnologije na organizacioni dizajn je ponovo postao važno i aktuelno pitanje u teoriji i praksi menadžmenta i organizacije. Tehnologija je zauzela važno mesto u procesu dizajniranja organizacija počev od 1960- ih godina, pa do današnjih dana kada njen uticaj postaje sve intenzivniji. Predmet disertаcije je istrаživаnje uticаjа tehnologija za rad sa velikim obimom podataka (Big Data tehnologijа) nа orgаnizаcioni dizаjn preduzećа. Big Data tehnologije predstavljaju skup novih tehnologija, tehnika, alata, potrebnih znanja i veština za rad sa podacima koji imaju nove osobine (obim, strukturu, brzinu). Polаzeći od rаzumevаnjа orgаnizаcionog dizаjnа kаo skupа orgаnizаcionih dimenzijа koji čine orgаnizаcionа strukturа kаo njegovo jezgro, а zаtim i drugih dimenzijа orgаnizаcije koje su povezаne sа strukturom (strаtegijа, ljudi, procesi), cilj disertacije jeste da identifikuje način na koji Big Data tehnologije utiču na organizacioni dizajn preduzeća. Rezultati sprovedenog empirijskog istraživanja pokazuju da su Big Data tehnologije prodrle u svaku delatnost, preduzeće, proces, odluku i aktivnost i da su dovele do promena u načinu na koji preduzeća funkcionišu kroz uticaj na dimenzije organizacionog dizajna i parametre organizacione strukture. Na jednoj strani, ove tehnologije predstavljaju determinantu okruženja i suočavaju preduzeća sa velikom količinom podataka iz novih izvora, dok sa druge strane predstavljaju resurs organizacije koji omogućava preduzećima koja ih primenjuju da sve te podatke iskoriste i na njihovoj osnovi izgrade konkurentsku prednost., With the development of Big Data technologies, the impact of technology on organizational design has become an important and attractive issue in the theory and practice of management and organization again. Technology has taken an important place in the process of designing an organization, starting from the 1960s until this day and age when its influence is becoming more prominent. The subject of the dissertation is to examine the impact of Big Data technologies on organizational design of the company. Big Data technology represents new technologies, techniques, tools, knowledge and skills which are necessary to work with data with new attributes (volume, variety, velocity). Starting from the understanding of organizational design as a set of organizational dimensions which consists of organizational structure as its core dimension, and other dimensions that are associated with structure (strategy, people, processes), the aim of the dissertation is to identify how Big Data technologies affect organizational design of the company. Results from conducted empirical research showed that Big Data technologies have penetrated in each industry, company, process, decision, activity and changed the way in which companies function through the impact on dimensions of organizational design and parameters of organizational structure. On the one hand, Big Data technologies represent a factor from environment that confronts the companies with large quantities of data from new sources, while on the other hand represent a resource of organization that enables companies that use them to build competitive advantage on the basis of collected data.
- Published
- 2017
21. Tranzicione privrede Evrope : konvergencija, izvoz i ukupna faktorska produktivnost
- Author
Petrović, Pavle, Jovanović Gavrilović, Biljana, Nojković, Aleksandra, Devetaković, Stevan, Gligorić, Mirjana Ž., Petrović, Pavle, Jovanović Gavrilović, Biljana, Nojković, Aleksandra, Devetaković, Stevan, and Gligorić, Mirjana Ž.
- Abstract
Prvi deo doktorske disertacije sadrži rezultate empirijske analize konvergencije dohotka koje smo sproveli na uzorku evropskih zemalja. Za razliku od ranijih istraživanja, ova analiza se zasniva na analizi vremenskih serija i pristupa posmatranja u parovima (engl. Pair-wise pristupu, Pesaran, 2007) i identifikuje četiri slučaja: dugoročnu konvergenciju, sustizanje, zaostajanje i divergenciju. Rezultati ukazuju na to da među 24 posmatrane evropske zemlje preovladava sustizanje, a nisu pronađeni nikakvi značajni dokazi o postojanju dugoročne konvergencije na nivou celog uzorka. Ipak, pojavljuju se tri kluba konvergencije, koja se sastoje od zemalja koje beleže dugoročnu konvergenciju, pri čemu su se dva kluba izdvojila među zemljama u tranziciji, a jedan među razvijenim državama, što ukazuje na sličan model rasta kod zemalja koje pripadaju svakom od ta tri kluba. Dobijeni rezultati nam, ipak, ne dopuštaju da sa sigurnošću tvrdimo da kretanja dohotka članica kluba neće pokazati sistematske tendencije ka divergenciji ili budućim promenama u “članstvu”. U drugom delu disertacije prikazani su rezultati ocenjenih izvoznih funkcija 10 Centralno-Istočno evropskih zemalja. Iako su posmatrane zemlje imale brz privredni rast pre krize, V5 grupa (Češka Republika, Mađarska, Poljska, Slovačka i Slovenija) je bila relativno uspešna jer je taj rast bazirala na rastu izvoza i uravnoteženom tekućem deficitu, dok je B5 grupa (Bugarska, Estonija, Letonija, Litvanija, Rumunija) rast ostvarivala na bazi priliva inostranog kapitala i povećanja domaće tražnje. Sa nastankom krize se pokazuje da je model rasta B5 grupe dugoročno neodrživ i u znatnoj meri iscrpljen. Korišćenjem modela nestacionarnih panela, ocenjujemo koeficijente uz izvozne determinante primenom nove metodologije koja dozvoljava heterogenost parametara među jedinicama posmatranja, kao i zajedničke efekte - ocena grupnih sredina (engl. Mean Group Estimator, skraćeno MG ocena, Pesaran i Smith, 1995) i ocena sredine grupe sa zaj, The first part of this doctoral thesis contains results from empirical analysis of income convergence, which we conducted on a sample of European countries. Unlike previous research, this analysis is based on time-series analysis and the pair-wise approach (Pesaran, 2007), identifying four cases: long-run convergence, catching-up, laggingbehind, and divergence. The results suggest that catching-up prevails between observed 24 European countries, while no significant evidence was found for the existence of longrun convergence at the whole sample level. Still, three convergence clubs appear, that consist of countries recording long-run convergence, two in transitional countries and one involving advanced countries, which indicate the similar growth model of the countries belonging to each club. Nevertheless, the results do not allow us to claim with certainty that income paths of club members will not exhibit systematic tendencies toward divergence or future changes in their „membership“ status. The second part of the thesis contains the results of estimated export functions of 10 Central European countries. Although all the observed countries recorded fast economic growth before the crisis, V5 group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) was relatively successful because their growth was based on export growth and balanced current account deficit, whereas B5 group (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania) recorded growth based on foreign capital inflow and the increase in domestic demand. With the onset of crisis, it becomes evident that the growth model of B5 group is unsustainable in the long run and that it has been mostly exhausted. Using the nonstationary panel data model, we estimate the coefficients along with export determinants by applying new methodology which allows the heterogeneity of parameters between the observed units, as well as common effects – Mean Group (MG) estimator (Pesaran and Smith, 1995) and Common Correlated
- Published
- 2016
22. Analiza determinanti, dinamike i održivosti tekućeg računa bilansa plaćanja
- Author
Petrović, Pavle, Živković, Boško, Urošević, Branko, Nojković, Aleksandra, Zildžović, Emir Dž., Petrović, Pavle, Živković, Boško, Urošević, Branko, Nojković, Aleksandra, and Zildžović, Emir Dž.
- Abstract
APSTRAKT Spoljne neravnoteže su fenomen koji je značajnu pažnju dobio kako u teorijskim i empirijskim istraživanjima, tako i među kreatorima ekonomske politike tokom prethodnih decenija. Velike globalne neravnoteže koje su prethodile izbijanju svetske nansijske krize 2008. godine su u najmanju ruku doprinele širenju krize, ako ne i njenom nastanku. Makroekonomske implikacije spoljnih neravnoteža zahtevaju identi kaciju faktora koji su doprineli njihovom nastanku i širenju, ocenu potrebe za merama ekonomske politike i njihovih dometa u otklanjanju neravnoteža, kao i ocenu rizika spoljnih prilagođavanja u budućnosti. Imajući to u vidu, teza nastoji da da odgovore na neka od sledećih pitanja: 1. U kojoj meri se determinante teku´ceg raµcuna bilansa pla´canja razlikuju me u zemljama? Koliki su dometi mera ekonomske politike u otklanjanju spoljne neravnoteµze u Srbiji? Da li je trenutna spoljna pozicija Srbije odrµziva? Veliki deo studija determinanti teku´ceg raµcuna bilansa pla´canja u analizi primenjuje panel tehnike. Ovo je opravdano po to je ideja da se u analizu ukljuµci to ve´ci broj razlµcitih determinanti, a po pravilu su dostupne godi nje serije podataka, to implicira relativno kratke uzorke za ve´cinu zemalja u razvoju i zemalja sa trµzi tem u nastajanju. Me utim, potencijalno ograniµcenje panel tehnika je da se znaµcaj determinanti moµze razlikovati izme u zemalja u velikom uzorku, pa ova heterogenost moµze uticati na validnost nalnih ocena parametara. Kako bi se ovaj problem prevazi ao prvi deo ove teze koristi tehnike modelskog uproseµcavanja koje omogu´cavaju da se u analizu ukljuµce sve relevantne var- ijable dok se ona fokusira na podatke samo jedne zemlje. Analiza determinanti teku´ceg raµcuna bilansa pla´canja sprovedena je u u uzorku koji obuhvata period od poslednjih 20 godina u malim otvoreni privredama sa ksnim (Maroko, Ukrajina i Estonija) i eks- ibilnim kursom (Srbija, Poljska i Gruzija), sa ciljem da se identi kuju potencijalne raz- like me u nj, External imbalances have been in the focus of both academic literature and policy discussion over the past decades. Build-up of external imbalances in the period prior to the 2008 crisis contributed at least to the propagation of its negative shocks if not to its emergence. Macroeconomic implications of external imbalances show that it is important to identify their main drivers, assess the need for policy action and its potential e¤ects and quantify the risks of future external adjustments. Given the importance of these issues the thesis aims to answer the following questions: 1. To what extent current account determinants di¤er among countries? How big is the potential impact of policy measures on the external adjustment in Serbia? Is Serbia s current external position sustainable? A large number of empirical studies of the current account (CA) determinants use panel econometric tech- niques. This is reasonable, since on one hand the idea is to include all relevant determ- inants, while on the other hand annual data series are typically available, which implies relatively short samples for most of the emerging and developing economies. However, the importance of potential determinants may di¤er across the large number of countries and this heterogeneity may bias the resulting parameter estimates for individual coun- tries. To overcome this issue the thesis uses model averaging techniques which allows it to include all relevant CA determinants in the analysis while focusing on the individual country s data. The determinants of CA balances are estimated over past 20 years for small open economies with xed (Morocco, Ukraine and Estonia) and exible exchange rate (Serbia, Poland and Georgia), with the aim of identifying potential di¤erences among them. Di¤erent coe¢ cient signs and magnitudes indicate heterogeneity among countries, highlighting the drawbacks of panel estimates, particularly for the analysis of external sustainability. Once the main determinant
- Published
- 2015
- Author
- Published
- 2015
24. Finansijsko izveštavanje o performansama grupe i ekonomska realnost: konsolidovani finansijski izveštaji vs. pojedinačni finansijski izveštaji matičnog preduzeća
- Author
Vasilić, Marina, Malinić, Dejan, Nojković, Aleksandra, Spasić, Dejan, and Pantelić, Marija
- Subjects
consolidated financial statements, separate financial statements of the parent company, quality of earnings, value relevance, persistence, timeliness, earnings management ,konsolidovani finansijski izveštaji, pojedinaĉni izveštaji matiĉne kompanije, kvalitet dobitka, vrednosna relevantnost, perzistentnost, pravovremenost, upravljanje dobitkom - Abstract
Predmet istraţivanja u ovom radu je sistem finansijskog izveštavanja o performansama grupa, kao informaciona podrška odluĉivanju postojećih i potencijalnih investitora i poverilaca matice. U radu se ispituju razlike u kvalitativnim svojstvima rezultata grupe i matiĉne kompanije, tj. njihovom korisnom potencijalu za procenu iznosa, dinamike i neizvesnosti oĉekivanih budućih neto priliva gotovine u matiĉno društvo. Empirijskim istraţivanjem obuhvaćena su matiĉna društva listirana na nedovoljno razvijenim trţištima kapitala, u drţavama nastalim raspadom Jugoslavije. Istraţivanje ima za cilj da pruţi odgovor na pitanje da li, u analiziranom izveštajnom okruţenju, konsolidovani finansijski izveštaji zaista poseduju superiorna informaciona svojstva za zainteresovane korisnike, u odnosu na pojedinaĉne izveštaje matice, kao i da li pojedinaĉni izveštaji matice unapreĊuju odluĉivanje zainteresovanih korisnika kada se koriste zajedno sa konsolidovanim izveštajima. U cilju ispitivanja specifiĉnih kvalitativnih svojstava rezultata analiziranih matiĉnih kompanija i njihovih grupa, primenjena je ekonometrijska analiza podataka panela. Empirijski je dokazano da su rezultati grupe više perzistentni u odnosu na rezultate matice, kao i da rezultati matice obezbeĊuju znaĉajan inkrementalni doprinos ukupnoj vrednosnoj relevantnosti i perzistentnosti. Osim toga, utvrĊeno je da rezultati grupe i matiĉne kompanije nisu pravovremeni u obuhvatanju stvarnih promena u ekonomskim performansama matice, kao i da ne postoji izraţena superiornost vrednosne relevantnosti konsolidovanih rezultata. Primenom odgovarajućih indikatora upravljanja rezultatom, dokazano je da su rezultati matiĉne kompanije više podloţni ciljanom uobliĉavanju od strane rukovodstva, u odnosu na rezultate grupe kao celine. The subject of this paper is the system of financial reporting on group performance, as an informational decision-making support for existing and potential investors and creditors of the parent company. The paper examines the differences between the group’s and the parent company’s earnings quality attributes i.e. their useful potential for the assessment of the amount, timing and uncertainty of the expected future net cash inflows to the parent company. The empirical analysis was conducted on the sample of parent companies listed on underdeveloped capital markets, in countries formed after the breakup of Yugoslavia. The aim of the research was to answer the question whether, in the analyzed reporting environment, consolidated financial statements truly posses superior informational qualities for interested users, compared to separate financial statements of the parent company, as well as whether separate financial statements of the parent company improve the decision-making of interested users, when they are used together with consolidated statements. Specific quality attributes of the analyzed parent companies’ and their groups’ earnings were examined using the econometric analysis of panel data. Empirically, it has been proved that group’s earnings are more persistent than earnings of the parent company, and that parent company’s earnings provide significant incremental contribution to the overall value relevance and persistence. Additionally, it has been determined that earnings of the group and the parent company lack timeliness when it comes to recognition of the real changes in the economic performance of the parent company, and that there is no significant superiority in value relevance of consolidated earnings. Using the appropriate earnings management indicators, it has been proved that parent company’s earnings are more susceptible to management’s smoothing and target beating techniques, comparing to earnings of the group as a whole.
- Published
- 2021
25. Монетарна и макропруденцијална политика у евроизованој економији
- Author
Todorović, Ivana, Urošević, Branko, Petrović, Pavle, Nojković, Aleksandra, Božović, Miloš, and Radonjić, Ognjen
- Subjects
евроизација депозита ,глобални векторски ауторегресиони модел ,модел мале отворене привреде ,small open economy model ,monetary policy ,Global Vector Autoregressive Model ,deposit euroisation ,macroprudential policy ,монетарна политика и макропруденцијална политика - Abstract
Ова докторска дисертација има за циљ да на свеобухватан начин анализира изазове са којима се мала отворена економија са високим степеном финансијске евроизације суочава приликом вођења монетарне и макропруденцијалне политике. Рад посматра феномен финансијске евроизације са аспекта његовог узрока, односно детерминанти евроизације депозита, као највећег узрочника евроизације кредита, али и са аспекта ефеката које висок степен финансијске евроизације има на избор мера монетарне политике у овим земљама. Имајући у виду свеобухватност посматраног предмета истраживања, анализа је спроведена кроз три засебне целине, од којих свака посматра одређене аспекте финансијске евроизације, а које заједно посматране дају одговор на питање о узроцима финансијске евроизације и предлоге мера за де-евроизацију, као анализу ефеката на одлуке монетарне и макропруденцијалне политике и кључне макроекономске варијабле. Прва глава ове дисертације има за циљ да оцени детерминанте евроизације у дугом и у кратком року на узорку земаља централне, источне и југоисточне Европе које примењују режим инфлационог таргетирања како би се омогућила анализа потенцијалних мера монетарне и макропруденцијалне политике усмерених ка де-евроизацији депозита које би биле утемељене како на теоријским, тако и на емпиријским резултатима. Резултати истраживања приказани у Глави 1 ове дисертације указују на то да у посматраном узорку постоји позитивна коинтеграциона веза између перманентне компоненте евроизације и рација евроизације оцењеног методом минималне варијансе портфолија (Minimum Variance Portfolio - MVP) што представља полазну теоријску основу за анализу детерминанти евроизације. На посматраном узорку је показано да различите детерминанте утичу на кретање перманентне, односно транзиторне компоненте евроизације. Наиме, у дугом року, на одлуке о валутној структури штедње утиче однос волатилитета инфлације и номиналне депрецијације (апрецијације), али не и фактори који утичу на диференцијал каматних стопа. С друге стране, у кратком року диференцијал каматне стопе, као и мере макропруденцијалне политике имају значајан ефекат на кретање евроизације. Оцене добијене на основу панел података су затим верификоване и на узорку појединачних земаља. Резултати приказани у Глави 1 ове дисертације могу бити значајни приликом анализе ефикасности мера за де-евроизацију депозита, односно подстицања употребе локалне валуте у домаћем финансијском систему. This doctoral dissertation aims to comprehensively analyze challenges that small open economy with high degree of financial euroisation is facing when making decisions regarding monetary and macroprudential policies. This dissertation analyzes the phenomenon of financial euroisation taking into consideration both, the main determinants of deposit euroisation, which is the main driver of credit euroisation, but also the effects that high degree of financial euroisation has on the choices regarding monetary and macroprudential policy measures in small open economies. Considering the comprehensiveness of the research goal, the analysis was conducted through three separate Chapters, each of them focusing at certain aspects of financial euroisation. Altogether, these three Chapters answer the question about the causes of financial euroisation and proposals for de-euroisation measures, as well as the effects that high level of euroisation has on monetary and macroprudential decisions and consequently on developments of key macroeconomic variables. The first Chapter of this dissertation aims to evaluate the determinants of long-term and short-term euroisation in a sample of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European countries with inflation targeting regime. The goal of this Chapter is to provide the analysis of potential monetary and macroprudential policies that could help the process of de-euroisation of deposits that would be based on both theoretical and empirical results. The results of this Chapter indicate that in the observed data set there exists a positive (both panel based and time series based) cointegration relationship between the permanent (long run) component of deposit euroisation and the euroisation ratio calculated using the Minimum Variance Portfolio (MVP) method. Based on the results from the First Chapter, it can be concluded that different factors act as a key determinants of movements in permanent vs. transitory components of deposit euroisation. Precisely, key determinants of deposit euroisation in the long run is the relative volatility of inflation vs. volatility of nominal depreciation. According to the results from the various specifications, interest rate differential is not statistically significant determinant of euroisation in the long run. On the other hand, in the short run, interest rate differential as well as the macroprudential policy measures have statistically significant effects on the movements in deposit euroisation. The results obtained from the panel data were also verified on a country-by-country data sets. The results of provided in Chapter 1 can be useful in analyzing the effectiveness of de-euroisation measures, that is, measures aimed at enhancing the use of local currency in the domestic financial system.
- Published
- 2020
26. Analiza perzistentnosti i divergentnosti tekućeg računa u evropskim ekonomijama metodama panela
- Author
Bodor, Slađana M., Dragutinović-Mitrović, Radmila, Драгутиновић-Митровић, Радмила, Kovačević, Radovan, Ковачевић, Радован, and Nojković, Aleksandra
- Subjects
external imbalances ,eksterna neravnoteža ,perzistentnost ,heterogeneous panel data models ,tekući račun ,modeli heterogenih panela ,divergentni trendovi ,current account ,dynamic panel data models ,dinamički modeli panela - Abstract
Visok spoljnotrgovinski deficit predstavlja najveći izazov za eksternu ravnotežu. Velik broj zemalja se suočava sa rastućom divergencijom trgovinskih tokova i uravnotežen tekući bilans se pre može smatrati kao retkost, nego kao pravilo u ekonomskoj praksi. Nakon izbijanja globalne finansijske i ekonomske krize, nejednakosti zemalja u pogledu kretanja tekućeg računa su postale sve intenzivnije. Jedna od značajnijih implikacija datih trendova jeste perzistentna eksterna neravnoteža koja varira u zavisnosti od meĎunarodne pozicije zemlje, trgovinske otvorenosti, unutrašnjih performansi i sposobnosti da se apsorbuju različiti eksterni šokovi. U tom smislu, predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije odnosi se na analizu perzistentnosti i ispitivanje divergentnih trendova tekućeg računa u članicama Evropske unije u periodu 1995-2015. godine. Ideja je da se primenom panel tehnika ispita uticaj pojedinačnih faktora na trgovinsku neravnotežu i, konačno, oceni stepen perzistentnosti tekućeg računa. Prevashodno, upotrebljeni su dinamički modeli panela kako bi se ocenio uticaj odabranih determinanti na kretanje tekućeg računa u zemalja članicama Evropske unije u periodu 1995-2015. godine, sa ciljem provere prve hipoteze koja podrazumeva ispitivanje stepena perzistentnosti tekućeg računa. Nakon toga, imajući u vidu značaj održivosti tekućeg računa u dugom roku, prilikom analize determinanti tekućeg računa izvršena je podela na strukturne i ciklične komponente, što je značajno sa aspekta sagledavanja prirode eksterne neravnoteže. Za potrebe analize uticaja strukturnih faktora na dinamiku tekućeg računa u srednjem roku formirani su petogodišnji proseci podataka, dok je ocena cikličnih determinanti sprovedena na podacima koji predstavljaju jednogodišnja odstupanja od petogodišnjih proseka. Rezultati primene uopštenog metoda momenata i metoda kvazi maksimalne verodostojnosti ukazali su da su saldo bilansa tekućih transakcija u zemljama Evropske unije u velikoj meri odredili sledeći faktori: kretanje tekućeg računa iz prethodnog perioda, fiskalni bilans, stopa rasta GDP-a, stepen trgovinske otvorenosti, strane direktne investicije i odnosi razmene iz grupe makroekonomskih faktora, odnosno stopa rasta populacije, stopa zavisnosti stanovništva prema godinama starosti, odobreni krediti privatnom sektoru i pokazatelj efikasnosti vlade iz kategorija demografskih, finansijskih i institucionalnih komponenti. The high current account deficit is the biggest challenge for the external balance. A large number of countries are facing with a growing current account divergence and a balanced current account is considered more as a rarity than as a rule in economic practice. After the outbreak of the global financial and economic crisis, inequality between countries in terms of the current account developments has become more intense. One of the major implications of this trends is persistent external imbalance, which varies depending on the international position of the country, trade openness, internal performance and the ability of the country to absorb various external shocks. To this end, the purpose of a doctoral dissertation is related to the analysis of the persistence and divergent trends in the current account in the Member States of the European Union during the period 1995-2015. The idea is to examine the impact of individual factors on the trade imbalance by using panel data econometric methods, as well as to estimate the degree of persistence of the current account. Primarily, dynamic panel models are used in order to assess the impact of selected determinants on the current account movement in the Member States of the European Union during the period 1995-2015, with the aim of testing the first hypothesis which involves the examination of the degree of the current account persistence. After that, given the importance of current account sustainability in the long run, current account determinants are divided into structural and cyclic components, which is important in terms of assessing the nature of external imbalances. Five-year averages of data are formed for the analysis of the impact of structural factors on the dynamics of the current account in the medium term, while the estimation of impact of cyclical determinants was carried out on data which represent annual deviations from the five-year averages. Estimation results of dynamic panel data models obtained by generalized method of moments and the method of quasi maximum likelihood pointed out that main determinants of current account balance in the European Union were as follows: movement of the current account from the previous period, fiscal balance, GDP growth rate, degree of trade openness, foreign direct investment and terms of trade from the group of macroeconomic factors, and population growth rate, age dependency ratio, approved loans to the private sector and indicator of government effectiveness from the category of demographic, financial and institutional components.
- Published
- 2019
27. Ekonometrijska analiza premije zarada javnog sektora u Srbiji u uslovima fiskalne konsolidacije / Marko D. Vladisavljević
- Author
Vladisavljević, Marko, Nojković, Aleksandra, Нојковић, Александра, Krstić, Gorana, Крстић, Горана, and Arandarenko, Mihail G.
- Subjects
salary decomposition methods ,quantile regression ,cointegration ,panel analysis ,metode dekompozicije zarada ,kvantilna regresija ,panel analiza ,fiskalna konsolidacija ,labour market transition ,fiscal consolidation ,kointegracija ,public sector premium ,tranzicije na tržištu rada ,premija zarada javnog sektora - Abstract
U 2014. godini, fiskalni deficit u Republici Srbiji iznosio je 6,6% bruto društvenog proizvoda (BDP) i bio je među najvišim u Evropi. Reagujući na deficit, Vlada Srbije je, krajem 2014. godine donela mere fiskalne konsolidacije koje su, između ostalog, uključivale i smanjivanje zarada u javnom sektoru u iznosu od 10% za zarade više od 25.000 dinara. Osnovni cilj ove disertacije bio je da se detaljno ispitaju efekti fiskalne konsolidacije na premiju zarada javnog sektora (razliku u zaradama između javnog i privatnog sektora kada statistički kontrolišemo efekte ostalih relevantnih varijabli), ali i efekti koje je fiskalna konsolidacija imala na ostale ishode na tržištu rada. S tim u vezi, u ovoj disertaciji detaljno su prikazani ekonometrijski metodi kojima se ocenjuje premija zarada javnog sektora, ali i metode koje možemo da koristimo da ocenimo efekte fiskalne konsolidacije na promenu premije. Korišćena je najpre Minserova jednačina zarada, u kojoj se premija zarada javnog sektora računa kao koeficijent uz veštačku promenljivu koja označava rad u javnom sektoru. Nakon toga, premija zarada javnog sektora ocenjena je uz pomoć Blajnder-Ohaka dekompozicije, u okviru koje se ukupna razlika u zaradama između sektora razdvaja na objašnjeni i neobjašnjeni deo. Objašnjeni deo se duguje različitim karakteristikama radnika u javnom i privatnom sektoru (različiti nivoi obrazovanja, radno iskustvo itd.), dok se neobjašnjeni deo duguje razlikama u uslovnim zaradama za te karakteristike na tržištu rada i kao takav predstavlja još jednu ocenu premije zarada javnog sektora. Premija zarada javnog sektora zatim je ocenjena i drugim metodama dekompozicije. Kod JMP dekompozicije, ukupna razlika u zaradama deli se na tri komponente: razliku u karakteristikama (Q), razliku u cenama (P), koja predstavlja ocenu premije zarada javnog sektora, i razliku u neopaženim karakteristikama i cenama (U), a koja se procenjuje na osnovu razlika u distribuciji reziduala dva sektora. U okviru Nopo dekompozicije, najpre se određuje deo uzorka u kojem su radnici u dva sektora uporedivi iz perspektive karakteristika na tržištu rada, a zatim se u okviru uporedivog dela uzorka razlika u zaradama deli na deo koji se duguje razlikama u karakteristikama i deo koji predstavlja premiju zarada javnog sektora. Konačno, Njuman-Ohaka dekompozicija uzima u obzir Hekmanovu ideju da radnici ne biraju (nisu izabrani u) javni ili privatni sektor na slučaj, usled čega su ocene koeficijenata u Minserovoj iv regresiji i Blajnder-Ohaka dekompoziciji pristrasne. Ocenjujući selekciju u javni sektor zajedno sa jednačinom zarada ocene koeficijenta postaju nepristrasne. In 2014, the fiscal deficit in the Republic of Serbia amounted to 6.6% of GDP and was among the highest in Europe. In response to the deficit, the Government of Serbia adopted a set of fiscal consolidation measures at the end of 2014, which included a 10% reduction of public sector wages for wages higher than 25,000 RSD. The main objective of this dissertation was to examine the effects of fiscal consolidation on the public sector wage premium (defined as the difference between public and private sector wages, when statistically controlling for the effects of other relevant variables); as well as the effects that fiscal consolidation had on other labour market outcomes. The dissertation presents econometric methods used to assess the public sector wage premium, and the effects of fiscal consolidation on the change of premium. Firstly, we used Mincer earnings equation, in which public sector wage premium is estimated as a coefficient next to the dummy variable for the public sector job. Subsequently, the public sector wage premium was estimated via Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition, in which the total difference in wages between the sectors is divided to explained and unexplained part. While the explained part is attributed to different labour market characteristics of the workers from public and private sectors (different levels of education, work experience, etc.), the unexplained part is due to different constants and returns to characteristics, and represents an estimate of the public sector wage premium. The public sector wage premium was then estimated by other decomposition methods. Within JMP decomposition, total wage difference is divided to: the difference in characteristics (Q), the difference in prices (P), which represents an estimate of the public sector wage premium, and the difference in unobserved characteristics and prices (U), estimated based on the differences in the distributions of the wage equation residuals. Nopo decomposition suggests that labour market characteristics of the workers from two sectors are not fully comparable. Therefore, after determining the comparable sample, the difference in earnings within the comparable part of the sample is divided to two parts: first – due to differences in characteristics and second which represents the public sector wage premium. Finally, the Neuman-Oaxaca decomposition takes into account Heckman's notion that workers do not choose (are not selected to) public or private sector randomly, therefore causing a bias in Mincer's regression and viii Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition estimates. Joint estimate of the selection into the public sector and of the wage equation corrects for this bias.
- Published
- 2019
28. Female activity, gender pay gap and, inactivity and unemployment trap
- Author
Anić, Aleksandra M., Krstić, Gorana, Крстић, Горана, Mladenović, Zorica, Младеновић, Зорица, and Nojković, Aleksandra
- Subjects
method of instrumental variable ,unemployment rate ,zaposlenost žena ,metod instrumentalnih varijabli ,aktivnost žena ,stopa nezaposlenosti ,VAR model ,rodni jaz u zaradama ,female employment ,net replacement rate ,gender pay gap ,Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition ,stopa zamene ,Oaxaca−Blinder dekompozicija ,female activity - Abstract
Disertacija istražuje četiri različita aspekta tržišta rada u Srbiji, a to su: aktivnost žena, rodni jaz u zaradama, zamka neaktivnosti i nezaposlenosti i modeliranje dinamike stope nezaposlenosti. Prvi cilj istraživanja je da se ispita da li je uzrok niske aktivnosti i zaposlenosti žena radnog uzrasta prisustvo dece i broj dece. Drugi cilj je ispitati da li razlika u zaradama između muškaraca i žena može biti objašnjena karakteristikama lica ili je razlika u zaradama posledica diskriminacije, ili je posledica oba efekta. Rodni jaz u zaradama posebno smo istražili za zaposlene kod poslodavca i za samozaposlene. Treći cilj jeste da se istraži da li se nezaposlena i neaktivna lica radnog uzrasta nalaze u zamci, odnosno da li je poresko-socijalni sistem destimulativan sa aspekta spremnosti pojedinca da radi za tržišnu zaradu. Četvrti cilj je ispitati dinamiku stope nezaposlenosti u Srbiji. Za istraživanje aktivnosti i zaposlenosti žena, rodnog jaza u zaradama, zamke neaktivnosti i nezaposlenosti koristimo mikropodatke Ankete o dohotku i uslovima života u periodu 2013−2016. Makroekonometrijska analiza se zasniva na podacima Republičkog zavoda za statistiku o stopi nezaposlenosti, indeksu potrošačkih cena i zaradama u periodu januar 2014 – septembar 2017. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da prisustvo dece smanjuje verovatnoću aktivnosti, ali ne utiče statistički značajno na verovatnoću zaposlenosti. Veći broj dece smanjuje verovatnoću aktivnosti i verovatnoću zaposlenosti žena sa decom. Uticaj prisustva dece na verovatnoću zaposlenost i aktivnosti je ocenjen probit metodom. Uticaj broja dece na verovatnoću aktivnosti i zaposlenosti žena sa decom je ocenjen probit metodom i metodom instrumentalnih varijabli, pri čemu dajemo prednost probit metodu. Žene u Srbiji zarađuju manje nego muškarci. Koristimo Oaxaca−Blinder metodu za dekomponovanje razlike u zaradama prema polu. Razlika u zaradama ne može biti objašnjena samo karakteristikama lica, već je posledica i diskriminacije. Objašnjeni deo jaza u zaradama je negativan, jer su karakteristike zaposlenih žena bolje nego karakteristike zaposlenih muškaraca. Razlika u karakteristikama lica doprinosi smanjenju Rezime iii jaza u zaradama. The dissertation investigates four different aspects of labour market in Serbia, such as female activity, gender pay gap, inactivity and unemployment trap and modelling unemployment rate dynamics. Firstly, we investigate whether low activity and the employment of working-age women is caused by the presence of children and the number of children. Secondly, we investigate whether the difference in wages between males and females can be explained by the difference in characteristics, or by discrimination, or by both effects. We estimate the gender pay gap for both the employees and the self-employed. Thirdly, we investigate unemployment and inactivity trap for the working-age people, i.e. if the tax-benefit system is destimulative for work for the market wage. Fourthly, the unemployment rate dynamics is investigated for Serbia. Survey of Income and Living Conditions microdata is used for female activity and employment, gender pay gap, unemployment and inactivity trap in the 2013-2016 period. Macroeconometric analysis is based on the data on unemployment rate, consumer price index and wages in the January 2014 – September 2017 period, published by Statistical Office of Republic of Serbia. According to our results, the presence of children reduces the probability to be active, but it does not have statistically significant influence on the probability to be employed. The number of children reduces both the probability to be active and the probability to be employed for women with children. We use probit method to estimate the influence of presence of children on the probability to be active and employed. We use probit method and instrumental variable method to estimate the influence of the number of children on the probability to be active and employed, whereas probit method is preferred. Women in Serbia earn less than men. Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition technique is used for decomposing gender pay gap. The gender pay gap cannot only be explained by the difference in characteristics, but it is also the consequence of discrimination. Explained Abstract v part of the gender pay gap is negative, suggesting that employed women have better characteristics than employed men.
- Published
- 2019
29. Uticaj fiskalne politike na budžetsku, spoljnu i cenovnu ravnotežu u Republici Srbiji
- Author
Andrić, Vladimir, Arsić, Milojko, Mladenović, Zorica, Urošević, Branko, Nojković, Aleksandra, and Radulović, Branko
- Subjects
fiskalna teorija cena ,twin deficits ,fiskalna održivost ,fiscal theory of the price level ,Srbija ,fiscal sustainability ,blizanački deficiti ,Serbia - Abstract
U disertaciji se analizira uticaj fiskalne politike na budžetsku, spoljnu i cenovnu ravnotežu u Republici Srbiji nakon 2000. godine. Rezultati iz I poglavlja teze upućuju na neodrživost fiskalne pozicije Republike Srbije u analiziranom periodu, pri čemu je globalna finansijska kriza, zajedno sa izbornim političkim ciklusom, delovala u pravcu produbljivanja fiskalne neravnoteže, dok su aranžmani sa MMF-om delovali u pravcu stabilizacije javnih finansija Republike Srbije. Budžetska neravnoteža nakon 2000. godine je formirana kao posledica nesinhronizovanih diskrecionih mera na obe strane budžeta, što je u skladu sa hipotezom o institucionalnoj separaciji. Određeni empirijski dokazi iz II poglavlja, međutim, ukazuju da se putem kontrole javnih prihoda može uticati na dinamiku diskrecionih primarnih javnih rashoda, što je u skladu sa Fridmanovom oporezuj-troši hipotezom. Rezultati iz II poglavlja, takođe, odbacuju hipotezu o Rikardijanskoj ekvivalenciji, i upućuju da je neto efekat pozitivnih fiskalnih inovacija povezan sa: 1) aprecijacijom realnog i nominalnog efektivnog deviznog kursa; 2) smanjenjem privatne štednje domaćinstava; i 3) rastom bruto investicija. Opisani transmisioni mehanizmi deluju, zatim, u pravcu pogoršanja spoljnotrgovinske pozicije Republike Srbije. Konačno, rezultati iz III poglavlja teze pokazuju da fiskalna reakcija javnog duga na rast u primarnom fiskalnom bilansu postaje statistički značajna, u proseku, tek dve godine od početka sprovođenja programa fiskalne konsolidacije, što je u skladu sa teorijskim postavkama rikardijanskog, tj., monetarno-dominantnog, režima formiranja cena. Pojava statistički značajne negativne autokorelacije u stohastičkim procesima za primarni i strukturni primarni fiskalni bilans nakon isteka perioda od 3 godine upućuje, međutim, na potencijalnu relevantnost nerikardijanskog, tj., fiskalno-dominantnog, režima formiranja cena u slučaju Republike Srbije nakon 2000. godine. This thesis explores the impact of fiscal policy on budgetary, external and price equilibria in the Republic of Serbia after the year 2000. The results from the I thesis chapter point to unsustainable fiscal practices, with a particular emphasis on the destabilising effects of the Great Recession and the electoral political cycle, and the stabilising effects of the “stand-by” arrangements with the IMF. Budgetary disequilibrium in Serbia emerged as a consequence of ad-hoc discretionary measures on both sides of the budget, which is in accordance with the institutional separation hypothesis between government revenues and expenditures. Certain econometric estimates from the II thesis chapter, however, imply how policy makers can curtail primary government expenditures via government revenues control, giving support to Friedman’s tax-spend hypothesis. Other results from the II thesis chapter, which are concerned with the impact of fiscal policy on external equilibrium, reject the Ricardian equivalence hypothesis, and show how the net effect of unanticipated positive budgetary changes is connected with: 1) real and nominal exchange rate appreciation; 2) lower private saving; 3) higher gross fixed capital formation. Aforementioned transmission mechanisms lead, consequently, to the contraction of net exports. Finally, the III thesis chapter shows how fiscal reaction of public debt to an increase in primary fiscal balance becomes statistically significant, on average, after 2 years of fiscal consolidation, an empirical result consistent with the Ricardian, i.e., monetary-dominant, price formation regime. The occurrence of statistically significant negative autocorrelation in the stochastic processes for primary fiscal balance and structural primary fiscal balance after a 3 year period points, however, to potential relevance of nonricardian, i.e., fiscally dominant, price formation regime in the Republic of Serbia after the year 2000.
- Published
- 2019
30. Relational norms, dependence and the elements of relationship quality between participants in marketing channels in the Republic of Serbia
- Author
Vajzović, Srđan, Petković, Goran, Lovreta, Stipe, Bogetić, Zoran, and Nojković, Aleksandra
- Subjects
zavisnost ,conflict ,relational norms ,trust ,poverenje ,dependence ,kanali marketinga ,marketing channels ,opportunism ,oportunizam ,konflikti ,relacione norme ,upravljački mehanizmi ,governance mechanisms - Abstract
Uspešno upravljanje odnosima u kanalima marketinga, odnosno ostvarivanje neophodnog nivoa koordinacije i saradnje, prepoznato je kao ključni faktor kreiranja vrednosti i ostvarivanja konkurentske prednosti, posebno imajući u vidu trendove razvijanja dugoročnih i sloţenih aranţmana izmedju učesnika. Perspektive analize transakcionih troškova i teorije relacionih ugovora sugerišu veliki značaj implementacije odgovarajuće organizacione strukture i mehanizama upravljanja procesima razmena. Upravljački mehanizmi moraju obezbediti neophodan nivo efikasnosti i prilagodljivosti sistema, odnosno zaštitu idiosinkratičkih investicija, posebno u uslovima neizvesnosti. Relacioni pristup, koji je konceptualno uobličio Ian Roderick Macneil, predvidja da su ponašanja i percepcije aktera odredjeni normama koje se vremenom razvijaju u odnosima razmene. U tom kontekstu se relacione norme posmatraju kao oblik implicitnog upravljačkog mehanizma, a koji je posebno relevantan u uslovima inherentne nekompletnosti formalnih ugovora u dugoročnim odnosima. U ovom radu se analizira uticaj odnosa zavisnosti na razvoj relacionizma u kanalima marketinga. Takodje, u fokusu su upravljački kapaciteti relacionih normi u ostvarivanju neophodnog nivoa kvaliteta odnosa, oličenog u konstruktima poverenja, oportunizma i konflikata izmedju učesnika u razmenama. Relacionizam je, u ovom istraţivanju, odredjen nivoom relacionih normi solidarnosti, reciprociteta, fleksibilnosti, integriteta uloga i uzdrţavanja od upotrebe moći. Kako pokazuju relevantna prethodna istraţivanja, odnosi izmedju učesnika u kanalima marketinga i veze izmedju ključnih konstrukata su uslovljeni, izmedju ostalog, i kulturnim i institucionalnim faktorima, kao i kontekstom organizacije konkretnog kanala. Na osnovu toga se ukazuje potreba za istraţivanjem u specifičnim uslovima privrede Republike Srbije, kao i kanalu marketinga koji je bliţi tradicionalnoj organizaciji aktivnosti. Successful management of marketing channel relationships, i.e. attaining the necessary level of coordination and cooperation, has been recognized as the key factor of value creation and achieving competitive advantage, especially having in mind trends of the development of long-term and complex arrangements among participants. As suggested by both the perspectives of Transaction Cost Analysis and Relational Contract Theory, the implementation of a suitable organizational structure and mechanisms for governing exchanges is of great importance. The purpose of these governance mechanisms is to ensure the necessary level of a system efficiency and adaptability, as well as the protection of idiosyncratic investments, particularly in conditions of uncertainty. Relational approach, conceptualized by Ian Roderick Macneil, envisages that participants’ behaviours and perceptions are determined by norms which in time develop in exchange relations. In that context, relational norms are seen as a form of implicit governance mechanism, particularly relevant considering an inherent incompleteness of formal contracts in long-term relations. The impact of dependence relations on development of relationalism in marketing channels is being analyzed in this paper. Moreover, the focus is on the governing capacity of relational norms in the achievement of the necessary level of relationship quality, represented by the constructs of trust, opportunism, and conflicts among participants in exchanges. In this research, relationalism is determined by the level of relational norms of solidarity, reciprocity, flexibility, role integrity and restraint in the use of power. As indicated by relevant previous researches, relations between marketing channels participants, as well as between key constructs, are determined among other, by cultural and institutional factors, also by the context of the organization of a particular channel. Having that in mind, there is a need to conduct a research in the specific conditions of the economy of the Republic of Serbia, as well as in the marketing channel which is vii closer to traditional organization of exchange activities.
- Published
- 2018
31. Утицај институционалне инфраструктуре на динамику привредног раста и корупцију у земљама у транзицији
- Author
Tanasković, Svetozar R., Cerović, Božidar, Jakšić, Miomir, Nojković, Aleksandra, Žarković Rakić, Jelena, and Jovanović, Aleksandra
- Subjects
ne-linearni modeli rasta ,institucionalna infrastruktura ,corruption ,formal institutions ,formalne institucije ,non-linear growth models ,korupcija ,multiple growth regimes ,economic growth ,institutional infrastructure ,ekonomski rast - Abstract
Предмет истраживања ове дисертације је начин на који однос формалних и неформалних институција које чине институционалну инфраструктуру, утиче на појаву различитих режима привредног раста. Додатно је анализирао да ли разлике у квалитету формалних и неформалних институција утичу на механизам деловања корупције на привредни раст. Узорак на којем је вршено истраживање чине 111 развијених и земаља у развоју у периоду 1985-2014. године. Тhe research subject of this dissertation is the way in which the interaction of formal and informal institutions constituing institutional infrastructure, affects the emergence of different economic growth regimes. Additional analyse was conducted concerning the question whether the differences in the quality of formal and informal institutions affects the mechanism of corruption and economic growth relationship. The research was conducted on the sample that consists of 111 developed and developing countries in the period 1985-2014.
- Published
- 2018
32. The impact of big data technologies on organizational design of the company
- Author
Lukić, Jelena M., Petković, Mirjana, Kaličanin, Đorđe, Stankić, Rade, and Nojković, Aleksandra
- Subjects
Big Data ,procesi ,organizaciona struktura ,processes ,strategija ,organizational design ,information and communication technologies ,employees ,zaposleni ,organizacioni dizajn ,informaciono-komunikacione tehnologije ,structure ,strategy ,Big Data tehnologije - Abstract
Sa razvojem tehnologija za rad sa velikim obimom podataka, za koje se u literaturi i praksi ustalio izraz Big Data, uticaj tehnologije na organizacioni dizajn je ponovo postao važno i aktuelno pitanje u teoriji i praksi menadžmenta i organizacije. Tehnologija je zauzela važno mesto u procesu dizajniranja organizacija počev od 1960- ih godina, pa do današnjih dana kada njen uticaj postaje sve intenzivniji. Predmet disertаcije je istrаživаnje uticаjа tehnologija za rad sa velikim obimom podataka (Big Data tehnologijа) nа orgаnizаcioni dizаjn preduzećа. Big Data tehnologije predstavljaju skup novih tehnologija, tehnika, alata, potrebnih znanja i veština za rad sa podacima koji imaju nove osobine (obim, strukturu, brzinu). Polаzeći od rаzumevаnjа orgаnizаcionog dizаjnа kаo skupа orgаnizаcionih dimenzijа koji čine orgаnizаcionа strukturа kаo njegovo jezgro, а zаtim i drugih dimenzijа orgаnizаcije koje su povezаne sа strukturom (strаtegijа, ljudi, procesi), cilj disertacije jeste da identifikuje način na koji Big Data tehnologije utiču na organizacioni dizajn preduzeća. Rezultati sprovedenog empirijskog istraživanja pokazuju da su Big Data tehnologije prodrle u svaku delatnost, preduzeće, proces, odluku i aktivnost i da su dovele do promena u načinu na koji preduzeća funkcionišu kroz uticaj na dimenzije organizacionog dizajna i parametre organizacione strukture. Na jednoj strani, ove tehnologije predstavljaju determinantu okruženja i suočavaju preduzeća sa velikom količinom podataka iz novih izvora, dok sa druge strane predstavljaju resurs organizacije koji omogućava preduzećima koja ih primenjuju da sve te podatke iskoriste i na njihovoj osnovi izgrade konkurentsku prednost. With the development of Big Data technologies, the impact of technology on organizational design has become an important and attractive issue in the theory and practice of management and organization again. Technology has taken an important place in the process of designing an organization, starting from the 1960s until this day and age when its influence is becoming more prominent. The subject of the dissertation is to examine the impact of Big Data technologies on organizational design of the company. Big Data technology represents new technologies, techniques, tools, knowledge and skills which are necessary to work with data with new attributes (volume, variety, velocity). Starting from the understanding of organizational design as a set of organizational dimensions which consists of organizational structure as its core dimension, and other dimensions that are associated with structure (strategy, people, processes), the aim of the dissertation is to identify how Big Data technologies affect organizational design of the company. Results from conducted empirical research showed that Big Data technologies have penetrated in each industry, company, process, decision, activity and changed the way in which companies function through the impact on dimensions of organizational design and parameters of organizational structure. On the one hand, Big Data technologies represent a factor from environment that confronts the companies with large quantities of data from new sources, while on the other hand represent a resource of organization that enables companies that use them to build competitive advantage on the basis of collected data.
- Published
- 2017
33. Uticaj marketing odnosa na lojalnost kupaca u turizmu
- Author
Borisavljević, Katarina, Zečević, Bojan, Petković, Goran, Nojković, Aleksandra, and Radosavljević, Gordana
- Subjects
interni marketing ,complaints and loyalty of customers ,ţalbe i lojalnost kupaca ,internal marketing ,turizam ,tourism ,trust ,poverenje ,relationship marketing ,marketing odnosa - Abstract
U savremenim uslovima poslovanja preduzeća u turizmu sve više primenjuju razliĉite strategije marketing odnosa kako bi izgradili, odrţali i poboljšali odnose sa stejkholderima i ostvarili profit. Predmet disertacije je uticaj kljuĉnih pretpostavki primene marketing odnosa na nivo lojalnosti kupaca u zavisnosti od sociodemografskih karakteristika kupaca, imidţa i tradicije preduzeća u turizmu. Putem primene binarnog i ordinalnog logit modela u radu je predloţen model marketing odnosa koji se moţe primeniti u tradicionalnom i internet turistiĉkom poslovanju. Rezultati istraţivanja stavova kupaca i zaposlenih u turistiĉkim preduzećima potvrdili su polazne hipoteze u radu. PotvrĊena je pretpostavka da izgradnja poverenja kod kupaca i sprovoĊenje aktivnosti internog marketinga u preduzećima u turizmu dovodi do povećanja nivoa lojalnosti kupaca turistiĉkih usluga. Posebno se istiĉe uloga informacione tehnologije u upravljanju odnosima sa kupcima i izgradnji pozitivnog imidţa preduzeća u turizmu. U procesu rešavanja ţalbi kupaca ukazano je na razliku izmeĊu nivoa satisfakcije kupaca, pre i nakon njihovog podnošenja ţalbi u preduzećima u turizmu. Putem komparativne analize stavova kupaca koji imaju razliĉite sklonosti ka ţalbama, zakljuĉeno je da postoje razlike u uticaju pretpostavki primene marketing odnosa na nivo njihove lojalnosti prema turistiĉkom preduzeću. Znaĉaj rada se ogleda u identifikovanju kljuĉnih pretpostavki primene marketing odnosa u tradicionalnom i internet turistiĉkom poslovanju u poboljšanju marketing performansi turistiĉkih preduzeća i davanju predloga za razvoj kvalitetnih odnosa izmeĊu svih subjekata u turistiĉkom sektoru Srbije. In modern business conditions enterprises in tourism increasingly apply different marketing strategies to build relationships, maintain and improve relationships with all stakeholders and make a profit. The subject of the thesis is the impact of the key assumptions of the relationship marketing implementation on the customer loyalty depending on the socio-demographic characteristics of the customers, the company's image and tradition in tourism. The model of relationship marketing, that can be applied to traditional and internet travel business, was proposed in the paper through the implementation of binary and ordinal logit model. The results of the research on the attitudes of customers and employees in tourism enterprises have confirmed the starting hypothesis in this paper. Therefore, the assumptions relating to the building trust with customers and implementation of internal marketing activities in companies in tourism leads to increased the levels of customer loyalty. The paper emphasizes the role of information technology in managing relationships with customers and building a positive image of companies in tourism. In the process of resolving customer complaints was pointed to the difference between the level of customer’s satisfaction before and after their filing complaints in tourism enterprises. Through comparative analysis of the customer’s attitudes who have different tendencies to complaints, it was concluded that there are differences in the impact of the assumptions of relationship marketing implementation on the level of their loyalty to the tourism enterprise. The importance of the paper has led to the identification of the key assumptions of the relationship marketing implementation in traditional and internet tourism business, to improve marketing performance of tourism enterprises and make the recommendations for the quality relationships development between all subjects in the tourism sector of Serbia.
- Published
- 2016
34. Tranzicione privrede Evrope : konvergencija, izvoz i ukupna faktorska produktivnost
- Author
Gligorić, Mirjana Ž., Petrović, Pavle, Jovanović Gavrilović, Biljana, Nojković, Aleksandra, and Devetaković, Stevan
- Subjects
Transition European Contries ,Cobb-Douglas Production Function ,Ukupna faktorska produktivnost ,Pristup posmatranja u parovima ,Pair-wise Approach ,Srbija ,Foreign Direct Investment ,Sustainable Growth ,Total Factor Productivity ,Konvergencija ,Održiv rast ,Growth Driven Export ,Izvoz vođen rastom ,Panel Cointegration ,Strane direktne investicije ,Tranzicione evropske zemlje ,Kob-Daglasova proizvodna funkcija ,Panel kointegracija ,Convergence ,Serbia - Abstract
Prvi deo doktorske disertacije sadrži rezultate empirijske analize konvergencije dohotka koje smo sproveli na uzorku evropskih zemalja. Za razliku od ranijih istraživanja, ova analiza se zasniva na analizi vremenskih serija i pristupa posmatranja u parovima (engl. Pair-wise pristupu, Pesaran, 2007) i identifikuje četiri slučaja: dugoročnu konvergenciju, sustizanje, zaostajanje i divergenciju. Rezultati ukazuju na to da među 24 posmatrane evropske zemlje preovladava sustizanje, a nisu pronađeni nikakvi značajni dokazi o postojanju dugoročne konvergencije na nivou celog uzorka. Ipak, pojavljuju se tri kluba konvergencije, koja se sastoje od zemalja koje beleže dugoročnu konvergenciju, pri čemu su se dva kluba izdvojila među zemljama u tranziciji, a jedan među razvijenim državama, što ukazuje na sličan model rasta kod zemalja koje pripadaju svakom od ta tri kluba. Dobijeni rezultati nam, ipak, ne dopuštaju da sa sigurnošću tvrdimo da kretanja dohotka članica kluba neće pokazati sistematske tendencije ka divergenciji ili budućim promenama u “članstvu”. U drugom delu disertacije prikazani su rezultati ocenjenih izvoznih funkcija 10 Centralno-Istočno evropskih zemalja. Iako su posmatrane zemlje imale brz privredni rast pre krize, V5 grupa (Češka Republika, Mađarska, Poljska, Slovačka i Slovenija) je bila relativno uspešna jer je taj rast bazirala na rastu izvoza i uravnoteženom tekućem deficitu, dok je B5 grupa (Bugarska, Estonija, Letonija, Litvanija, Rumunija) rast ostvarivala na bazi priliva inostranog kapitala i povećanja domaće tražnje. Sa nastankom krize se pokazuje da je model rasta B5 grupe dugoročno neodrživ i u znatnoj meri iscrpljen. Korišćenjem modela nestacionarnih panela, ocenjujemo koeficijente uz izvozne determinante primenom nove metodologije koja dozvoljava heterogenost parametara među jedinicama posmatranja, kao i zajedničke efekte - ocena grupnih sredina (engl. Mean Group Estimator, skraćeno MG ocena, Pesaran i Smith, 1995) i ocena sredine grupe sa zajedničkim korelisanim efektima (engl. Common Correlated Effects Mean Group estimator, skraćeno: CCEMG, Pesaran, 2006). The first part of this doctoral thesis contains results from empirical analysis of income convergence, which we conducted on a sample of European countries. Unlike previous research, this analysis is based on time-series analysis and the pair-wise approach (Pesaran, 2007), identifying four cases: long-run convergence, catching-up, laggingbehind, and divergence. The results suggest that catching-up prevails between observed 24 European countries, while no significant evidence was found for the existence of longrun convergence at the whole sample level. Still, three convergence clubs appear, that consist of countries recording long-run convergence, two in transitional countries and one involving advanced countries, which indicate the similar growth model of the countries belonging to each club. Nevertheless, the results do not allow us to claim with certainty that income paths of club members will not exhibit systematic tendencies toward divergence or future changes in their „membership“ status. The second part of the thesis contains the results of estimated export functions of 10 Central European countries. Although all the observed countries recorded fast economic growth before the crisis, V5 group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) was relatively successful because their growth was based on export growth and balanced current account deficit, whereas B5 group (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania) recorded growth based on foreign capital inflow and the increase in domestic demand. With the onset of crisis, it becomes evident that the growth model of B5 group is unsustainable in the long run and that it has been mostly exhausted. Using the nonstationary panel data model, we estimate the coefficients along with export determinants by applying new methodology which allows the heterogeneity of parameters between the observed units, as well as common effects – Mean Group (MG) estimator (Pesaran and Smith, 1995) and Common Correlated Effects Mean Group (CCEMG) estimator, (Pesaran, 2006). We observed that gross domestic product and real effective exchange rate are significant variables in export equations of both groups.
- Published
- 2016
35. Analiza determinanti, dinamike i održivosti tekućeg računa bilansa plaćanja
- Author
Zildžović, Emir Dž., Petrović, Pavle, Živković, Boško, Urošević, Branko, and Nojković, Aleksandra
- Subjects
Interval poverenja skupa modela ,External position ,Spoljna pozicija zemlje ,State-space model ,Za- okreti spoljne pozicije zemlje ,Present-value models ,Modelsko uprosečavanje ,Model confidence set ,Current account ,Rational bubbles ,Odrµzivost spoljne pozicije zemlje ,Teku´ci raµcun bilansa pla´canja ,Model prostora i stanja ,Globalne neravnoteµze ,Model sada nje vrednosti ,Reversals ,Global imbalances ,External sustainability ,Racionalni baloni ,Model averaging - Abstract
APSTRAKT Spoljne neravnoteže su fenomen koji je značajnu pažnju dobio kako u teorijskim i empirijskim istraživanjima, tako i među kreatorima ekonomske politike tokom prethodnih decenija. Velike globalne neravnoteže koje su prethodile izbijanju svetske nansijske krize 2008. godine su u najmanju ruku doprinele širenju krize, ako ne i njenom nastanku. Makroekonomske implikacije spoljnih neravnoteža zahtevaju identi kaciju faktora koji su doprineli njihovom nastanku i širenju, ocenu potrebe za merama ekonomske politike i njihovih dometa u otklanjanju neravnoteža, kao i ocenu rizika spoljnih prilagođavanja u budućnosti. Imajući to u vidu, teza nastoji da da odgovore na neka od sledećih pitanja: 1. U kojoj meri se determinante teku´ceg raµcuna bilansa pla´canja razlikuju me u zemljama? Koliki su dometi mera ekonomske politike u otklanjanju spoljne neravnoteµze u Srbiji? Da li je trenutna spoljna pozicija Srbije odrµziva? Veliki deo studija determinanti teku´ceg raµcuna bilansa pla´canja u analizi primenjuje panel tehnike. Ovo je opravdano po to je ideja da se u analizu ukljuµci to ve´ci broj razlµcitih determinanti, a po pravilu su dostupne godi nje serije podataka, to implicira relativno kratke uzorke za ve´cinu zemalja u razvoju i zemalja sa trµzi tem u nastajanju. Me utim, potencijalno ograniµcenje panel tehnika je da se znaµcaj determinanti moµze razlikovati izme u zemalja u velikom uzorku, pa ova heterogenost moµze uticati na validnost nalnih ocena parametara. Kako bi se ovaj problem prevazi ao prvi deo ove teze koristi tehnike modelskog uproseµcavanja koje omogu´cavaju da se u analizu ukljuµce sve relevantne var- ijable dok se ona fokusira na podatke samo jedne zemlje. Analiza determinanti teku´ceg raµcuna bilansa pla´canja sprovedena je u u uzorku koji obuhvata period od poslednjih 20 godina u malim otvoreni privredama sa ksnim (Maroko, Ukrajina i Estonija) i eks- ibilnim kursom (Srbija, Poljska i Gruzija), sa ciljem da se identi kuju potencijalne raz- like me u njima. Rezultati analize ukazuju da se determinante teku´ceg raµcuna razlikuju me u zemljama kako u pogledu smera, tako i u pogledu veliµcine uticaja, to u velikoj meri umanjuje primenljivost u literaturi uobiµcajenih panel studija, posebno u kontek- stu analize odrµzivosti pozicija. ABSTRACT External imbalances have been in the focus of both academic literature and policy discussion over the past decades. Build-up of external imbalances in the period prior to the 2008 crisis contributed at least to the propagation of its negative shocks if not to its emergence. Macroeconomic implications of external imbalances show that it is important to identify their main drivers, assess the need for policy action and its potential e¤ects and quantify the risks of future external adjustments. Given the importance of these issues the thesis aims to answer the following questions: 1. To what extent current account determinants di¤er among countries? How big is the potential impact of policy measures on the external adjustment in Serbia? Is Serbia s current external position sustainable? A large number of empirical studies of the current account (CA) determinants use panel econometric tech- niques. This is reasonable, since on one hand the idea is to include all relevant determ- inants, while on the other hand annual data series are typically available, which implies relatively short samples for most of the emerging and developing economies. However, the importance of potential determinants may di¤er across the large number of countries and this heterogeneity may bias the resulting parameter estimates for individual coun- tries. To overcome this issue the thesis uses model averaging techniques which allows it to include all relevant CA determinants in the analysis while focusing on the individual country s data. The determinants of CA balances are estimated over past 20 years for small open economies with xed (Morocco, Ukraine and Estonia) and exible exchange rate (Serbia, Poland and Georgia), with the aim of identifying potential di¤erences among them. Di¤erent coe¢ cient signs and magnitudes indicate heterogeneity among countries, highlighting the drawbacks of panel estimates, particularly for the analysis of external sustainability. Once the main determinants are identi ed, this part of the thesis uses es- timated in uences of macro-variables on the CA balance to generate a rich set of possible outcomes for the external position of the country. The results of external sustainability assessment for Serbia suggest that scal adjustment can reduce CA de cit and stabilize external position close to its current level in the medium term. The analysis also warns that lack of success in scal consolidation coupled with external shocks may easily push external position on an unsustainable path.
- Published
- 2015
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