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Uticaj marketing odnosa na lojalnost kupaca u turizmu

Authors :
Borisavljević, Katarina
Zečević, Bojan
Petković, Goran
Nojković, Aleksandra
Radosavljević, Gordana
Source :
Универзитет у Београду
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Универзитет у Београду, Економски факултет, 2016.


U savremenim uslovima poslovanja preduzeća u turizmu sve više primenjuju razliĉite strategije marketing odnosa kako bi izgradili, odrţali i poboljšali odnose sa stejkholderima i ostvarili profit. Predmet disertacije je uticaj kljuĉnih pretpostavki primene marketing odnosa na nivo lojalnosti kupaca u zavisnosti od sociodemografskih karakteristika kupaca, imidţa i tradicije preduzeća u turizmu. Putem primene binarnog i ordinalnog logit modela u radu je predloţen model marketing odnosa koji se moţe primeniti u tradicionalnom i internet turistiĉkom poslovanju. Rezultati istraţivanja stavova kupaca i zaposlenih u turistiĉkim preduzećima potvrdili su polazne hipoteze u radu. PotvrĊena je pretpostavka da izgradnja poverenja kod kupaca i sprovoĊenje aktivnosti internog marketinga u preduzećima u turizmu dovodi do povećanja nivoa lojalnosti kupaca turistiĉkih usluga. Posebno se istiĉe uloga informacione tehnologije u upravljanju odnosima sa kupcima i izgradnji pozitivnog imidţa preduzeća u turizmu. U procesu rešavanja ţalbi kupaca ukazano je na razliku izmeĊu nivoa satisfakcije kupaca, pre i nakon njihovog podnošenja ţalbi u preduzećima u turizmu. Putem komparativne analize stavova kupaca koji imaju razliĉite sklonosti ka ţalbama, zakljuĉeno je da postoje razlike u uticaju pretpostavki primene marketing odnosa na nivo njihove lojalnosti prema turistiĉkom preduzeću. Znaĉaj rada se ogleda u identifikovanju kljuĉnih pretpostavki primene marketing odnosa u tradicionalnom i internet turistiĉkom poslovanju u poboljšanju marketing performansi turistiĉkih preduzeća i davanju predloga za razvoj kvalitetnih odnosa izmeĊu svih subjekata u turistiĉkom sektoru Srbije. In modern business conditions enterprises in tourism increasingly apply different marketing strategies to build relationships, maintain and improve relationships with all stakeholders and make a profit. The subject of the thesis is the impact of the key assumptions of the relationship marketing implementation on the customer loyalty depending on the socio-demographic characteristics of the customers, the company's image and tradition in tourism. The model of relationship marketing, that can be applied to traditional and internet travel business, was proposed in the paper through the implementation of binary and ordinal logit model. The results of the research on the attitudes of customers and employees in tourism enterprises have confirmed the starting hypothesis in this paper. Therefore, the assumptions relating to the building trust with customers and implementation of internal marketing activities in companies in tourism leads to increased the levels of customer loyalty. The paper emphasizes the role of information technology in managing relationships with customers and building a positive image of companies in tourism. In the process of resolving customer complaints was pointed to the difference between the level of customer’s satisfaction before and after their filing complaints in tourism enterprises. Through comparative analysis of the customer’s attitudes who have different tendencies to complaints, it was concluded that there are differences in the impact of the assumptions of relationship marketing implementation on the level of their loyalty to the tourism enterprise. The importance of the paper has led to the identification of the key assumptions of the relationship marketing implementation in traditional and internet tourism business, to improve marketing performance of tourism enterprises and make the recommendations for the quality relationships development between all subjects in the tourism sector of Serbia.


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Универзитет у Београду
Accession number :