INTRODUCCION: El Esteatocistoma Multiple (EM), tambien denominado bocistomatosis o enfermedad poliquistica epidermica, es una patologia cutanea poco frecuente con alta carga genetica, que se caracteriza por la aparicion de multiples quistes, los mismos que son consecuencia de una alteracion de los conductos de las glandulas sebaceas. Estos quistes pueden llegar a medir desde 1-2 milimetros hasta varios centimetros de diametro. Es importante diferenciar el esteatocistoma multiple con otras patologias como quistes eruptivos vellosos, quistes epidermicos o lipomas para descartar sindromes cutaneos asociados a estas patologias. A nivel mundial no existen datos epidemiologicos del EM; se han reportado treinta casos en familias y varios casos esporadicos a nivel mundial. Generalmente se presenta entre la primera y segunda decada de vida, con una mayor prevalencia en hombres. CASO CLINICO: Paciente femenina, de 26 anos de edad, afrodescendiente, sin antecedentes personales o familiares de relevancia. Acudio a consulta externa de dermatologia por presentar desde hace aproximadamente siete anos, nodulos blanquecinos a nivel de axilas, cuello e hipogastrio, levemente pruriginosos, que aumentan en numero y tamano de manera progresiva. EVOLUCION: La paciente fue sometida a biopsia de lesion en region axilar derecha, con reporte de anatomia patologica compatible con esteatocistoma multiple, los cuales fueron extirpados quirurgicamente. CONCLUSIONES: El esteatocistoma es una patologia infrecuente, de la cual existen muy pocos estudios. Aunque se conoce su benignidad, es importante su diagnostico diferencial, por su posible asociacion a paquioniquia congenita, acne nodulo quistico, hipotricosis, hipertricosis, hidrosadenitis supurativa y poliposis gastrointestinal. Ademas se debe sospechar de esta enfermedad cuando exista un cuadro clinico con nodulos quisticos.ABSTRACTBACKGROUND: Multiple Steatocystoma (MS), also called bocistomatosis or epidermal polycystic disease, is rare skin pathology with high genetic load, which is characterized by the appearance of multiple cysts, which are the result of an alteration of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. These cysts can measure from 1 - 2 millimeters to several centimeters in diameter. It is important to differentiate multiple steatocystoma with other pathologies such as villous eruptive cysts, epidermal cysts or lipomas to rule out cutaneous syndromes associated with these pathologies. There are no clear data about the epidemiology of MS; thirty cases have been reported in families and several sporadic cases worldwide. It usually occurs between the first and second decade of life, with a higher prevalence in men. CASE REPORT: A 26-year-old, female patient of African descent; without personal or family history. She came to the consult of dermatology for presenting approximately since seven years, whitish nodules at the level of armpits, neck and hypogastrium, slightly pruritic, increasing in number and size progressively. EVOLUTION: The patient underwent a biopsy of the lesion in the right axillary region, with a pathology report compatible with multiple steatocystoma, which were surgically excised. CONCLUSIONS: Steatocystoma is an infrequent pathology, of which there are very few studies. Although it is benignity is known, it is important to realize the differential diagnosis, for possible association with pachyonychia congenita, acne nodule cystic, hypotrichosis, hypertrichosis, hidradenitis suppurativa and gastrointestinal polyposis. In addition, this disease should be suspected when there is a clinical picture with cystic nodules.