6 results on '"Millistjórnendur"'
Search Results
2. Störf deildarstjóra í grunnskólum.
- Author
Hansen, Börkur and Lárusdóttir, Steinunn Helga
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2016
3. Correlation between stressful factors in the working environment, sleep, and musculoskeletal pain among middle managers
- Author
Sigríður Halldórsdóttir, Hafdís Skúladóttir, Hjördís Sigursteinsdóttir, and Þórey Agnarsdóttir
- Subjects
Millistjórnendur ,stoðkerfisverkir ,lcsh:Political science (General) ,lcsh:JF20-2112 ,streituvaldandi þættir ,lcsh:JA1-92 ,starfsumhverfi ,svefn ,lcsh:Political institutions and public administration (General) - Abstract
Middle managers have demanding roles and often experience themselves between a rock and a hard place, and their jobs are characterized by heavy workload and stress. They have not received adequate attention in management science, in particular within healthcare. We know, for example, little about how stressful factors in the work environment are related to musculoskeletal pain and sleep. The purpose of this study was to examine this relationship. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study in which data was collected by a questionnaire which was sent electronically to 137 nursing managers through the Outcome-survey system. The response rate was 80.9%. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used for statistical analysis. The results showed a clear link between stressful factors in the work environment and insufficient sleep, after controlling for the effects of age, marital status and the number of staff in the nursing unit. Stressful factors in the work environment and sleep affected the intensity of pain in the neck and shoulder area, and sleep correlated with the intensity of pain in the lower back. Taking sleep into account, more stress meant more pain in the neck and shoulder area. Taking into account stressful factors, insufficient sleep meant more pain in all three body regions. Together, stressful factors in the work environment and insufficient sleep explained 17% of the total variation in the intensity of pain in the neck area, 21% in the shoulder area, and 14% in the lower back, taking into account age, marital status and the number of staff in the nursing unit. There was a statistically significant interaction between stressful factors in the work environment and sleep regarding the intensity of musculoskeletal pain in the neck area. The results of this study will hopefully lead to better consideration of stressful factors in the work environment, sleep and musculoskeletal pain of middle managers.
- Published
- 2016
4. 'It’s a Man Who Runs the Show': How Women Middle-Managers Experience Their Professional Position, Opportunities, and Barriers
- Author
Thora Christiansen, Unnur Dóra Einarsdóttir, Erla S. Kristjánsdóttir, Viðskiptafræðideild (HÍ), Faculty of Business Administration (UI), Félagsvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Social Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,050109 social psychology ,Network ,lcsh:Social Sciences ,Equality ,0502 economics and business ,lcsh:AZ20-999 ,Gender bias ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Tengslanet ,Konur ,media_common ,Women middle-managers ,Kynjamismunun ,Gender equality ,Self-confidence ,General Arts and Humanities ,05 social sciences ,Jafnréttismál ,General Social Sciences ,Middle management ,lcsh:History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,Millistjórnendur ,lcsh:H ,Position (finance) ,Demographic economics ,Stereotypes ,Psychology ,Staðalímyndir ,050203 business & management - Abstract
The ratio of women in top-management positions is improving very slowly, even in countries scoring high on gender equality like Iceland. Despite over three decades of research having documented the barriers faced by women seeking top-management positions, understanding is still lacking as to why women are not overcoming these barriers at a greater rate. This study presents the lived experiences of women in middle-management positions in some of the largest organizations in Iceland, aiming to understand how the women experience the barriers and opportunities they face. It is important to give voice to these women as they are the ones who could be in line for top-management positions. Interviews with 11 women were analyzed and interpreted according to phenomenological methodology, revealing four themes. Findings show that the women experience top management as a network that is closed to them. Top-management jobs appear tailored for men and would require the women to take on unbearable responsibilities. They experience their hard work and diligence as unappreciated. Finally, they compare and contrast themselves with the stereotype of the male executive and blame themselves for not fitting the role. Thus, they feel pressured to adapt to the masculine gender role if they are to stand a chance of a top-management position. Not fitting this role further undermines their self-confidence and ambition, rendering them less likely to seek advancement.
- Published
- 2018
5. hvað segið þið strákar? Upplifun kvenmillistjórnenda af stöðu sinni, möguleikum og hindrunum í starfi
- Author
Thora Christiansen, Erla S. Kristjánsdóttir, Unnur Dóra Einarsdóttir, Viðskiptafræðideild (HÍ), Faculty of Business Administration (UI), Félagsvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Social Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Lived experience ,Jafnréttismál ,Face (sociological concept) ,Middle management ,Stereotype ,Gender studies ,Diligence ,Blame ,Millistjórnendur ,Stjórnun ,Sjálfstraust ,Club ,Psychology ,Tengslanet ,Social psychology ,Konur ,Staðalímyndir ,media_common ,Career development - Abstract
Hægt gengur að jafna stöðu kynjanna í efstu stjórnunarþrepum fyrirtækja á Íslandi. Í rannsókninni er sjónum beint að konum sem gegna stöðum millistjórnenda í stórum eða meðalstórum fyrirtækjum og eru því í hópi mögulegra yfirstjórnenda framtíðarinnar. Markmið rannsóknarinnar er að öðlast skilning á upplifun og reynslu kvennanna af stöðu sinni, hindrunum og möguleikum til starfsþróunar. Viðtöl við þær voru greind og túlkuð eftir aðferðum fyrirbærafræðinnar. Helstu niðurstöður benda til þess að flókinn vefur óáþreifanlegra hindrana sé til staðar í formi karllægrar menningar, viðhorfa, formgerða fyrirtækja sem og langlífra staðalímynda. Konurnar upplifa efsta stjórnunarlagið sem lokaða karlaklíku; yfirstjórnendastörfin sem sniðin að þörfum og aðstæðum karlmanna og að þær geti ekki bætt á sig frekari ábyrgð; vinnusemi og vandvirkni þeirra finnst þeim ekki metin að verðleikum og loks máta þær sig í hlutverk yfirstjórnandans og áfellast sjálfar sig fyrir að falla ekki að staðalímyndinni. Í sameiningu draga þessir þættir úr sjálfstrausti kvennanna og þrótti til að sækjast eftir hærri stöðum ásamt því að valda þeim álagi og um leið viðhalda raunverulegum vanda ójafnréttis kynjanna í æðstu stjórnendastöðum fyrirtækjanna., Despite Iceland’s excellent performance on many gender equality measures, its ratio of women in top-management positions is improving very slowly. This research focuses on women who hold middle management positions in some of the largest organizations in Iceland, women who could be in line for top-management positions. It aims to understand the lived experiences of these women, the barriers, and opportunities for career development. In-depth interviews with eleven women were analyzed and interpreted according to phenomenological methodology. Findings reveal that the women feel they face insurmountable barriers on their way up the corporate ladder. They experience top-management as a closed Old Boys’ Club; top management jobs as tailored for men, requiring them to take on unbearable responsibilities; their diligence as unappreciated; and finally, they compare and contrast themselves with the stereotypical male-executive and blame themselves for not fitting the stereotype. These combined factors undermine the women’s self-confidence and ambition even further and thus maintain and reinforce the gender-imbalance in top management.
- Published
- 2017
6. Tengsl streituvaldandi þátta í starfsumhverfi, svefns og stoðkerfisverkja hjá millistjórnendum í opinberri þjónustu
- Author
Hjördís Sigursteinsdóttir, Hafdís Skúladóttir, Þórey Agnarsdóttir, Sigríður Halldórsdóttir, Hjúkrunarfræðideild (HA), Viðskiptadeild (HA), Faculty of Nursing (UA), Faculty of Business Administration (UA), Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HA), School of Health Sciences (UA), Viðskipta- og raunvísindasvið (HA), School of Business and Science (UA), Háskólinn á Akureyri, and University of Akureyri
- Subjects
Response rate (survey) ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Descriptive statistics ,business.industry ,Streita ,Verkir ,Starfsumhverfi ,Middle management ,Workload ,Millistjórnendur ,Health care ,Physical therapy ,medicine ,Svefn ,Marital status ,Stoðkerfi (líffærafræði) ,Body region ,Sleep (system call) ,business ,Psychology ,Social psychology - Abstract
Millistjórnendur eru í krefjandi hlutverki og upplifa sig oft eins og milli steins og sleggju. Þeir gegna þungavigtarhlutverki en störf þeirra einkennast af miklu vinnuálagi og streitu. Þó hafa þeir fengið fremur litla athygli í stjórnendafræðum, einkum innan heilbrigðisþjónustunnar. Við vitum til dæmis lítið um áhrif þessa krefjandi starfs á heilsu þeirra, til dæmis hvort streituvaldandi þættir í starfsumhverfinu tengjast stoðkerfisverkjum og svefni. Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að skoða þessi tengsl. Um er að ræða lýsandi þversniðsrannsókn þar sem gögnum var safnað með forprófuðum spurningalista sem sendur var rafrænt á 137 hjúkrunardeildarstjóra í gegnum Outcome-kannanakerfið. Svarhlutfall var 80,9%. Lýsandi tölfræði og ályktunartölfræði var notuð við úrvinnslu gagna. Niðurstöður sýndu skýr tengsl streituvaldandi þátta í starfsumhverfi, stoðkerfisverkja og ófullnægjandi svefns eftir að stjórnað var fyrir áhrifum af aldri, hjúskaparstöðu og fjölda stöðugilda í hjúkrun á deild. Streituvaldandi þættir í starfsumhverfinu og svefn höfðu tengsl við styrkleika stoðkerfisverkja á hálssvæði og herðum og svefn hafði tengsl við styrkleika verkja í neðri hluta baks. Meiri streita þýddi meiri stoðkerfisverki á hálssvæði og í herðum að teknu tilliti til svefns. Ófullnægjandi svefn þýddi aftur meiri stoðkerfisverki frá öllum þremur líkamssvæðunum að teknu tilliti til streituvaldandi þátta. Saman skýrðu streituvaldandi þættir í starfsumhverfinu og ófullnægjandi svefn, að teknu tilliti til aldurs, hjúskaparstöðu og fjölda stöðugilda við hjúkrun á deild, 17% af heildarbreytileika í styrkleika stoðkerfisverkja á hálssvæði, 21% í herðum og 14% í neðri hluta baks. Fram kom marktæk samvirkni milli streituvaldandi þátta í starfsumhverfinu og svefns varðandi styrkleika stoðkerfisverkja á hálssvæði. Niðurstöður þessarar rannsóknar verða vonandi til þess að hugað verði betur að streituvaldandi þáttum í starfsumhverfi millistjórnenda svefni og stoðkerfisverkjum þeirra., Middle managers have demanding roles and often experience themselves between a rock and a hard place, and their jobs are characterized by a heavy workload and stress. They have not received adequate attention in management science, in particular within healthcare. We know, for example, little about how stressful factors in the work environment are related to musculoskeletal pain and sleep. The purpose of this study was to examine this relationship. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study in which data was collected by a questionnaire which was sent electronically to 137 nursing managers through the Outcome-survey system. The response rate was 80.9%. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used for statistical analysis. The results showed a clear link between stressful factors in the work environment and insufficient sleep, after controlling for the effects of age, marital status and the number of staff in the nursing unit. Stressful factors in the work environment and sleep affected the intensity of pain in the neck and shoulder area, and sleep correlated with the intensity of pain in the lower back. Taking sleep into account, more stress meant more pain in the neck and shoulder area. Taking into account stressful factors, insufficient sleep meant more pain in all three body regions. Together, stressful factors in the work environment and insufficient sleep explained 17% of the total variation in the intensity of pain in the neck area, 21% in the shoulder area, and 14% in the lower back, taking into account age, marital status and the number of staff in the nursing unit. There was a statistically significant interaction between stressful factors in the work environment and sleep regarding the intensity of musculoskeletal pain in the neck area. The results of this study will hopefully lead to better consideration of stressful factors in the work environment, sleep and musculoskeletal pain of middle managers., Ritrýnt tímarit
- Published
- 2016
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