143 results on '"Měchurová, A."'
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2. Vztah Klementa Alexandijského k antické kultuře a filozofii v kontextu křesťanství
- Author
Rokyta, Jan, Prázný, Aleš, Měchurová, Barbora, Rokyta, Jan, Prázný, Aleš, and Měchurová, Barbora
- Abstract
Předkládaná bakalářská práce se zabývá otázkou, jakým způsobem se z křesťanského hlediska Klement Alexandrijský vztahuje k řecké kultuře, filozofii a chápání společnosti, zda se jedná o pomyslný střet dvou kultur, jejich společnou existenci, případně využití jedné druhou (využití řecké filozofie křesťanstvím). Dále si položíme otázku, do jaké míry je možno podle Klementa Alexandrijského antickou filozofii v křesťanství využít, které z jejích motivů a témat lze v křesťanství podle Klementa akceptovat a vztahovat se k nim. Ústředním bude zmínit Klementův pohled na Logos, v němž ukazuje pravdivé prvky pohanské filozofie a kultury. Tato práce bude vycházet především z Klementovy Pobídky Řekům a Stromat., The work focuses on dealing with ancient culture, philosophy, and society from a Christian point of view in the works of Clement of Alexandria. Is it a cultural clash? Is it a co-existence of two cultures? Or is it one culture being used by another (in this case, the Greek culture used by Christianity)? The next question is how deeply the Greek culture can be used and which themes can benefit Christians and be accepted by them. Central will be Clement´s view of Logos, in which he sees the truth of pagan philosophy. This work is mainly based on Clement´s works Prorepticus and Stromata, Fakulta filozofická, B. Měchurová představila komisi s cílem, obsahem a závěrem své práce o vztahu Klementa Alexandrijského k antické kultuře a filosofii. Autorka v práci vystihla přelom v křesťanském myšlení, význam antické filosofie pro křesťanství. Během obhajoby odpověděla na otázky z posudků a prokázala, že se v tématu orientuje., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2024
3. Léze lícního nervu u dětí – 10letá retrospektivní studie v terciárním centru.
- Author
Petrová, B., Bartoš, M., Měchurová, S., and Urík, M.
- Subjects
FACIAL nerve ,PEDIATRIC therapy ,IDIOPATHIC diseases ,UNIVERSITY hospitals ,LATERAL dominance - Abstract
Copyright of Česká a Slovenská Neurologie a Neurochirurgie is the property of Czech Medical Association of JE Purkyne and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
4. An eDiary App Approach for Collecting Physiological Sensor Data from Wearables together with Subjective Observations and Emotions
- Author
Andreas Petutschnig, Steffen Reichel, Kristýna Měchurová, and Bernd Resch
- Subjects
urban analytics ,mobile sensing ,traffic ,Participartory planning ,Chemical technology ,TP1-1185 - Abstract
Field measurement campaigns with traffic participants using wearable sensors and questionnaires can be challenging to carry out because of inconsistent interfaces across manufacturers for accessing sensor data and campaign-specific questionnaire contents bear large potential for errors. We present an app able to consolidate data from multiple technical sensors and questionnaires. The functionality includes providing feedback for correct sensor platform mounting, accessing and storing all sensor and questionnaire data in a uniform data structure. To do this, the app implements a sensor data bus class that unifies data from technical sensors and questionnaires. The app can also be extended to accommodate other sensor platforms provided they have a suitable API. We also describe a database structure holding the data from multiple campaigns and test subjects in a privacy preserving fashion. Finally, we identify some potential issues and hints that practitioners may encounter when conducting a measurement campaign.
- Published
- 2022
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5. Additional file 2 of Assessing the association between overcrowding and human physiological stress response in different urban contexts: a case study in Salzburg, Austria
- Author
Zhang, Zhaoxi, Měchurová, Kristýna, Resch, Bernd, Amegbor, Prince, and Sabel, Clive E.
- Abstract
Additional file 2: Table S1. comparation between GWR model and Ordinary least-squares (OLS) model.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Immunological and biochemical markers in preeclampsia
- Author
Kestlerová, A., Feyereisl, J., Frisová, V., Měchurová, A., Šůla, K., Zima, T., Běláček, J., and Madar, J.
- Published
- 2012
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7. An eDiary App Approach for Collecting Physiological Sensor Data from Wearables together with Subjective Observations and Emotions
- Author
Petutschnig, Andreas, primary, Reichel, Steffen, additional, Měchurová, Kristýna, additional, and Resch, Bernd, additional
- Published
- 2022
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8. Řetízek se závěsky z hradu Veveří u Brna
- Author
Zdeňka Měchurová and Alena Selucká
- Subjects
šperk ,novověk ,analytické metody ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Abstract
Ve sbírkách archeologie středověku Moravského zemského muzea je uložen řetízek z barevného kovu sestavený z pěti spirálek a opatřený původně zřejmě devíti závěsky, z nichž se zachovaly dva neurčitelné zlomky, jedna miniatura klíče a jeden neúplný, původně snad funkční klíček. Materiálové analýzy ukázaly použití mosazného drátku (slitina tombak s nízkým obsahem zinku) o různé tloušťce pro zhotovení jednotlivých částí řetízku. U jednoho z dochovaných závěsků – železného klíčku – bylo identifikováno pájení, případně plátování mědí. Přesné místo a dobu nálezu předmětu lze hledat na hradě Veveří, při opravách komunikace pod hradem někdy v 70. letech 19. století, za majitelky kněžny Heleny Ypsilanti de Sina. Archeologické analogie nás zavádějí už do pravěku do etnicky germánského prostředí. V přialpské oblasti se v novověku objevují zvláštní růžence se závěsky coby specifická forma souboru amuletů, na nichž se kromě křesťanských symbolů vyskytují také apotropaika, chránící majitele před zlými silami. Takové řetízky, většinou jako náramky, existují i v našem dnešním světě, udržují si svou upomínkovou či ochranitelskou funkci do současnosti. Známy jsou v drahém kovu jako luxusní šperk dospělých, nebo jako dětská bižuterie opatřená beruškami, čtyřlístky, klíčky či srdíčky.
- Published
- 2016
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9. Removal of nitrates from simulated ion-exchange brines with Paracoccus denitrificans encapsulated in Lentikats Biocatalyst
- Author
Trögl, Josef, Boušková, Alžběta, Mrákota, Jan, Pilařová, Věra, Krudencová, Jana, Měchurová, Jana, Kříženecká, Sylvie, and Stloukal, Radek
- Published
- 2011
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10. Assessing the Association between Overcrowding and Human Physiological Stress Response in Different Urban Contexts: a Case Study in Salzburg, Austria
- Author
Zhang, Zhaoxi, Měchurová, Kristýna, Resch, Bernd, Amegbor, Prince M., and Sabel, Clive E
- Subjects
urban health ,machine learning ,wearable device ,urban design - Abstract
Cities' increasing population and housing density have been associated with a higher risk of mental health problems, such as stress. This study employed wearable, personalised sensors (a wearable camera, Empatica 4 wristband and a smartphone-based GPS) to assess the association between overcrowding and human physiological stress response in four kinds of urban contexts (water area, transit area, green area, commercial area). This paper conducted a case study in Salzburg, Austria and recruited 26 participants. We used Mask R-CNN to detect human crowds, sitting facilities, vehicles and bikes from imagery and calculated a change score to assess human physiological stress responses based on galvanic skin response (GSR) and skin temperature from the wristband. Afterwards, we used statistical and spatial analysis to assess the relationships between the change score and the number of human crowds, sitting facilities, vehicles and bikes. This paper confirmed that natural contexts could mitigate the adverse effects of overcrowding and explored areas where human crowds, sitting facilities, vehicles and bikes are positively associated with humans' physiological stress responses. Lastly, we proposed urban design approaches to minimise overcrowding and benefit humans' mental health.
- Published
- 2022
11. Das Bauernjahr vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit – Feldarbeiten und Landwirtschaftsgeräte dem Kalender nach. Archäologische Funde aus mittelalterlichen Ortswüstungen im Vergleich mit bildlichen Quellen und ethnographischen Belegen
- Author
Měchurová, Zdeňka, primary
- Published
- 2016
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12. Loštická keramika z archeologického výzkumu brněnského hradu Špilberka
- Author
Zdeňka Měchurová
- Subjects
loštická keramika ,hrad Špilberk ,poháry a hrnce ,Loštice pottery ,Špilberk Castle ,beakers and pots ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Abstract
Loštické poháry i hrnce, vyráběné v severomoravských Lošticích u Mohelnice, byly velmi oblíbené pro svůj téměř neprosákavý materiál podobný kamenině a puchýřkovitý vzhled povrchu. Jejich produkce spadá do období konce 14. a dále do 15. a 16. století. Podle nových přírodovědných rozborů i experimentů bylo tajemství tohoto materiálu v jílovité hrnčířské hmotě se záměrným přidáváním granátu (pyropu či almandinu). Loštické poháry patřily k vyhledávanému a oblíbenému stolnímu nádobí dokonce i za hranicemi českých zemí. Při archeologickém výzkumu Špilberka bylo získáno ze tří poloh (severní křídlo, severovýchodní rohová věžice, jižní křídlo) celkem 88 zlomků loštické keramiky, 53 fragmentů hrncovitých pohárů, 28 střepů hrnců, z toho jediný s uchem pod hrdlem, a jeden středový zlomek zvoncovité poklice s knoflíkovitou úchytkou. Datování je dáno keramickými typy do starší fáze loštické keramiky, a to na konec 14. a spíše první polovinu 15. století. Ve věžici a severním křídle převažují picí nádoby, hrncovité poháry, zatímco v jižním křídle byly nalezeny pouze zlomky loštické kuchyňské keramiky, hrnců. Je otázkou rozboru dalšího materiálu, zda je na takovém základě možno usuzovat na provozní zaměření zkoumaných prostor, např. na občasné stolování špilberských strážců v severních prostorách a existenci zásobních či skladovacích místností v křídle jižním.
- Published
- 2015
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13. Agreement on intrapartum cardiotocogram recordings between expert obstetricians
- Author
Hruban, Lukáš, Spilka, Jiří, Chudáček, Václav, Janků, Petr, Huptych, Michal, Burša, Miroslav, Hudec, Adam, Kacerovský, Marian, Koucký, Michal, Procházka, Martin, Korečko, Vladimír, Segetʼa, Jan, Šimetka, Ondřej, Měchurová, Alena, and Lhotská, Lenka
- Published
- 2015
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14. Pásové řetězy ze sbírek Moravského zemského muzea z pohledu přírodovědných metod zkoumání
- Author
Zdeňka Měchurová, Alena Selucká, and Martin Zmrzlý
- Subjects
renesance ,užité umění ,pásové řetězy ,mosaz ,žárové stříbření ,repoussé ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Abstract
Mezi nejzajímavější předměty tzv. staré sbírky archeologie středověku v MZM patří víceméně kompletní pásové řetězy z různě tvarovaných článků. Jemná výzdoba rostlinným motivem vinného listu a úponků, perlovcem na okrajích a středových oválů či hlaviček (andílků?) je charakteristickým dekorem renesančního užitého umění. Pásy se skládají z navzájem prokombinovaných segmentů, ze zdobených kazetek, pancéřového řetězu s osmičkovitě propojenými očky, dvojdílné zápony a závěsu v podobě podkůvky. Cílem příspěvku bylo pomocí neinvazivních přírodovědných metod stanovit chemické složení materiálu a rovněž upřesnit techniku provedení. Jde o výrobky z barevného kovu, a to mosazi, slitiny mědi a zinku, v některých částech se vyskytuje i příměs niklu. Na jednom předmětu byly nalezeny stopy žárového postříbření. Výzdobný reliéf byl zhotoven technikou repoussé – vyražení motivu z rubové strany. V archeologických nálezech se tyto jemné křehké předměty nacházejí pochopitelně ve zlomcích. Na základě nálezových okolností, ale hlavně dobových ikonografických pramenů lze říci, že tyto ozdobné pásy sloužily k zavěšení váčků či tašek s drobnostmi a nosily se především v 16. století.
- Published
- 2014
15. Vybíjené ornamenty na středověkých sekerách
- Author
Zdeňka Měchurová
- Subjects
středověk ,sekery ,vybíjený ornament ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Abstract
Poprvé na tento fenomén upozornil J. L. Píč v roce 1904 po nálezu dvou tauzií zdobených seker u Palackého mostu v Praze-Podskalí. Podle žlutého plátování jedné z nich se soudilo na pozlacené exempláře doby hradištní. B. Novotný v roce 1956 dospěl uměleckohistorickým rozborem ornamentu a chemickou analýzou materiálu plechového plátu k jiným závěrům: jde o mosazí provedený raně renesanční motiv na vybíjením zdrsněném podkladu; mladšímu časovému zařazení vyhovuje i specializovaný tvar seker s delším krkem, užívaný k sekání ledu na venkově ještě dodnes. Další nálezy zdobených seker (ve sbírkách Muzea hlavního města Prahy, Městského muzea v Nymburku a Muzea v Poděbradech) už nesou pouze vybíjený ornament a jejich tvar není jednotný (univerzální sekera, bradatice, širočina s obuchem a prodlouženou tulejí). Taková širočina s ornamentem paprsčitých rýh a kytiček pochází z Křenovic a je uložena ve sbírkách Moravského zemského muzea, stejně jako značně opotřebovaná (snad bojová) sekera od Loděnic (zdobená vybíjenou klikatkou s kolečky), která však zřejmě dobu slavné bitvy roku 1185 nezažila. Účel vybíjení na sekerách je později pouze dekorativní (snad s křesťanskou symbolikou) a není vhodnou datovací pomůckou; podobné zdobení často nesou středověká i novověká zemědělská nářadí, například motyka klučovnice (ze zaniklé vsi Konůvky, Archeologický ústav Moravského zemského muzea) či krojidlo (ze sbírky Etnografického ústavu Moravského zemského muzea).
- Published
- 2013
16. Pásové řetězy ze sbírek Moravského zemského muzea v Brně jako archeologický doklad renesančního užitého umění
- Author
Zdeňka Měchurová
- Subjects
renesance ,užité umění ,ozdobné ženské pásy ,uměleckohistorické, ikonografické a etnografické analogie ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Abstract
Mezi nejzajímavější předměty tzv. staré sbírky archeologie středověku v Moravském zemském muzeu patří více či méně kompletní pásové řetězy z různě tvarovaných článků. Jde o výrobky z barevného kovu, zřejmě bronzu či mosazi, provedené lisováním a vybíjením. Jemná výzdoba rostlinným motivem vinného listu a úponků, perlovcem na okrajích a středovými ovály či hlavičkami (andílků?) je charakteristickým dekorem renesančního užitého umění. Pásy se skládají z navzájem prokombinovaných segmentů, ze zdobených kazetek, pancéřového řetězu s osmičkovitě propojenými očky jako u drátěné zbroje, dvojdílné zápony a závěsu v podobě podkůvky. V archeologických nálezech se tyto jemné křehké předměty nacházejí pochopitelně ve zlomcích. Na základě archeologických nálezových okolností a dobových ikonografických pramenů lze říci, že se tyto ozdoby nosily především v 16. století.
- Published
- 2013
17. Středověký svět dětí a her v archeologických pramenech
- Author
Zdeňka Měchurová
- Subjects
středověk ,děti ,hračky ,Archaeology ,CC1-960 - Abstract
"Dějiny dětství" jako jednu z oblastí studia života všedního dne lze pro středověk jen velmi těžce postihnout. Demografická situace středověku nebyla pro děti vůbec příznivá. Významnou roli v tomto ohledu sehrálo sociální prostředí (na vesnici – potenciální pracovní síla, ve městě – nejlepší přístup k vyučení či vzdělání, šlechtické prostředí – dítě je dědicem rodu a majetku). Hlavní zdroj pro úvahy, jak vypadala středověká hračka, poskytuje mezi archeologickými nálezy drobná hrnčířská plastika. Podle ztvárněné předlohy ji lze dělit do několika skupin: plastiku figurální lidskou zastupují různé druhy panenek (např. s kruhovou náručí pro "kmotrovský peníz"), madonek, mníšků, tzv. ježíšků, plastiku zvířecí pak přestavují zejména koníčci; spojením obou vzniká plastika jezdecká. Sledujeme technologii výroby pomocí formy a umístění otvoru. Mezi zvukové hračky – dětská štěrchátka – se řadí uzavřené nádobky či duté hliněné figurky ptáčků.
- Published
- 2013
18. Zdroje a šíření vybraných komodit keramické produkce vrcholného a pozdního středověku
- Author
Vojtěch Nosek, Martin Hložek, Miroslava Gregorová, Petr Holub, Antonín Zůbek, Zofia Jagosz-Zarzycka, Hana Jordánková, Zdeňka Měchurová, Markéta Tymonová, Irena Loskotová, and Lenka Sedláčková
- Subjects
Physics ,Theology - Abstract
The publication is focused on late medieval pottery products with higher aesthetical effect. The key group is represented by stove tiles, where the unifying elements of relief decoration helped to define series of motifs for stoves with specific iconographic concept, which were found in various locations. The same approach can be also used with small ceramic sculptures, aquamaniles and relief-decorated floor tiles, even though the achieved information value in these cases is much lower. Micropetrographic, XRF and other analyses helped to identify the production centres and the distribution model of these ceramic groups. 3D documentation enabled a detailed comparison of differences between individual reliefs and specific traces of manufacturing procedures. Individual chapters contain active links to the source database of analysed items and to 3D models of selected specimens from reference collections.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
- Subjects
NONFERROUS metals ,AGRICULTURAL implements ,CONSTRUCTION equipment ,PERSONAL belongings ,HORSE equipment ,ARCHAEOLOGICAL excavations - Abstract
Copyright of Acta Musei Moraviae: Scientiae Sociales is the property of Moravske Zemske Muzeum and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
20. Zdroje a šíření vybraných komodit keramické produkce vrcholného a pozdního středověku
- Author
Hložek, Martin, additional, Tymonová, Markéta, additional, Nosek, Vojtěch, additional, Měchurová, Zdeňka, additional, Holub, Petr, additional, Sedláčková, Lenka, additional, Zůbek, Antonín, additional, Jordánková, Hana, additional, Jagosz-Zarzycka, Zofia, additional, and Gregerová, Miroslava, additional
- Published
- 2021
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21. Complications of planned home births in the Czech Republic between 2016‒2017
- Author
Křepelka, Petr, primary, Velebil, Petr, additional, Měchurová, Alena, additional, Straňák, Zbyněk, additional, and Feyereisl, Jaroslav, additional
- Published
- 2020
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22. Generalization of LOD2 building models using the aggregation method
- Author
Měchurová, Kristýna, Brůha, Lukáš, and Pokorný, Tomáš
- Subjects
agregace ,aggregation ,generalization ,generalizace ,procedural modelling ,matematická optimalizace ,3D GIS ,procedurální modelování ,mathematical optimization - Abstract
Generalization of LOD2 building models using the aggregation method Abstract The thesis proposes and implements a method of 3D building models aggregation. The procedure achieves global optima by the means of mathematic optimization. Buildings are aggregated according to similarity characteristics typical for LOD2, e. g. roof type. Aggregation process is driven by minimalization of volume changes and of the aggregate count. The optimization problem was implemented as a Python script with optional parameters to meet custom demands of a wide range of users. Input data models of buildings are created by the method of procedural modelling. Its outcome is further restructured into form of continuous blocks. Finally, the visualization procedure is designed and implemented to illustrate the results of optimized aggregation of 3D building models. Keywords: 3D GIS, generalization, aggregation, mathematical optimization, procedural modelling
- Published
- 2020
23. Complications of planned home births in the Czech Republic between 2016‒2017
- Author
Jaroslav Feyereisl, Zbyněk Straňák, A. Měchurová, Petr Křepelka, and P. Velebil
- Subjects
Pregnancy ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Obstetrics ,business.industry ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Infant, Newborn ,General Medicine ,Prenatal care ,medicine.disease ,Pregnancy Complications ,Risk Factors ,Intensive care ,Health care ,medicine ,Humans ,Maternal death ,Observational study ,Female ,Prospective Studies ,business ,Prospective cohort study ,Home birth ,Czech Republic ,Home Childbirth - Abstract
Objective: This study aimed to analyze the complications of planned home births treated at healthcare facilities in the Czech Republic. Methods: This prospective cohort observational study is based on analysis of women hospitalized with complications related to planned home deliveries in the Czech Republic between 2016 and 2017. The data were collected using an online form made accessible to the directors of all maternity hospitals in the Czech Republic. The results were statistically evaluated. Results: We identified 45 complications during planned home deliveries. Complications occurred most often among women living in largely populated cities with higher levels of education. Overall, 40% of patients did not receive routine antenatal care, and 38% of women gave birth after the 41st week of pregnancy. In 60% of cases, no professionals attended the birth. Hospital transfer frequencies were 42% after delivery, 36% at third-stage labour, 11% first-stage labour, 9% second-stage labour, and 2% before delivery. We recorded four neonatal deaths and one severe newborn morbidity. There was one maternal death unrelated to the home-birthing process and six cases of severe maternal haemorrhagic shock requiring intensive care. Conclusion: Complications of planned home births occurred more frequently in women living in largely populated cities and with higher education levels. Planned home births were also observed among women who were at a higher risk of complications. Risk factors included nulliparity, postdate pregnancy, and lack of prenatal care. Hospital transfers occurred most often in the third stage of labour and postpartum.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
- Subjects
NONFERROUS metals ,HISTORICAL source material ,ART museums ,MIDDLE Ages ,SEVENTEENTH century ,ARCHAEOLOGICAL excavations ,LOVE letters - Abstract
Long-years' archaeological excavations of Vlasta Fialová have brought a lot of metal finds but only a part of them can be evaluated. Non-ferrous metals resist the best to soil conditions (book fittings and fibulas, letters, printer's pins). Iron items have been preserved in a quite high number, the problem however is their fragmentary character, thus the limited possibility of their identification. A two tine fork with antler two-part handle with beaklike end stands out from such objects. It is an extraordinary item not only thanks to its good preservation condition. For an archaeological find from the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, it is a very unusual object. The fork was the last part to join the dining cutlery. During the Middle Ages its two tine form was used only in the kitchen or for serving dishes and meat from a common plate. Its full usage is documented not only by iconographic sources and art historical collection items but now also by archaeological finds. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
25. Rozklad jako řádný opravný prostředek ve správním řízení
- Author
- Subjects
remedies ,veřejná správa ,rozklad ,public administration ,opravné prostředky ,administrative proceedings ,remonstrance ,správní právo ,Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů ,administrative law ,Office for Personal Data Protection ,správní řízení - Abstract
The main part of the thesis is devoted to the institute of remediation belonging to remedies with its own specifics. The institute can be defended against the decision of the central administrative authority, the minister or the head of another central administration issued in the first instance. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to identify the means of disintegration in connection with the remaining remedies and to incorporate it into the process of administrative proceedings not only in the background of the current legal system in force, but also in the context of public administration and changes made as part of territorial reform. The text also includes an analysis of the Office for Personal Data Protection and introduces its current chair. In addition to analyzing valid law, I also present proposals de lege ferenda.
- Published
- 2019
26. Agreement on intrapartum cardiotocogram recordings between expert obstetricians
- Author
Adam Hudec, Vaclav Chudacek, Ondřej Šimetka, Vladimír Korečko, Lenka Lhotska, Miroslav Bursa, Michal Huptych, Alena Měchurová, Jiří Spilka, Petr Janků, Lukáš Hruban, Marian Kacerovský, Martin Prochazka, Jan Seget'a, and Michal Koucký
- Subjects
Pediatrics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Obstetrics ,Health Policy ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Umbilical artery ,Confidence interval ,3. Good health ,Cohen's kappa ,Fetal heart rate ,medicine.artery ,medicine ,Apgar score ,Cardiotocography ,business ,Outcome prediction ,Observer variation - Abstract
Rationale, aims and objectives To evaluate obstetricians' inter- and intra-observer agreement on intrapartum cardiotocogram (CTG) recordings and to examine obstetricians' evaluations with respect to umbilical artery pH and base deficit. Methods Nine experienced obstetricians annotated 634 intrapartum CTG recordings. The evaluation of each recording was divided into four steps: evaluation of two 30-minute windows in the first stage of labour, evaluation of one window in the second stage of labour and labour outcome prediction. The complete set of evaluations used for this experiment is available online. The inter- and intra-observer agreement was evaluated using proportion of agreement and kappa coefficient. Clinicians' sensitivity and specificity was computed with respect to umbilical artery pH, base deficit and to Apgar score at the fifth minute. Results The overall proportion of agreement between clinicians reached 48% with 95% confidence intervals (CI) (CI: 47–50). Regarding the different classes, proportion of agreement ranged from 57% (CI: 54–60) for normal to 41% (CI: 36–46) for pathological class. The sensitivity of clinicians' majority vote to objective outcome was 39% (CI: 16–63) for the umbilical artery base deficit and 27% (CI: 16–42) for pH. The specificity was 89% (CI: 86–92) for both types of objective outcome. Conclusions The reported inter-/intra-observer variability is large and this holds irrespective of clinicians' experience or work place. The results support the need of modernized guidelines for CTG evaluation and/or objectivization and repeatability by introduction of a computerized approach that could standardize the process of CTG evaluation within the delivery ward.
- Published
- 2015
- Full Text
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27. VÝSTAVA „TROJÍ ŽIVOT STŘEDOVĚKÉ KERAMIKY" V MORAVSKÉM ZEMSKÉM MUZEU (O významu keramiky nejen ve středověkém všedním životě).
- Author
- Published
- 2021
28. Accessibility and comprehensibility of information given to families of patients in intensive care
- Author
Měchurová, Marie, Di Cara, Veronika, and Pražáková, Zuzana
- Subjects
rodina ,stress ,family ,informace ,communication ,doctor ,lékař ,komunikace ,information ,kompetence ,stres ,zdravotní sestra ,nurse ,intenzivní péče ,competence ,intensive care - Abstract
The thesis solves the quality of the process of passing information to the relatives / close patient in intensive care. A deficiency of important information or misunderstanding may cause anxiety and depression relatives and close patients. Communication with the patient's family must therefore be done methodically and systemically. The first part of the thesis brings orientation in the main terminology and introduces the already implemented strategies of solution of the problem in our country and in the world. The main objective is to create a methodical instruction for the OARIM (Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Medicine), which lists the priorities for informing relatives and close critically ill patients. The research maps the general view of the relatives of a critically ill patient hospitalized at OARIM on the process of communication and mutual co-operation with the staff. It also investigates how the OARIM patient's relatives assess the level of communication and interaction between them and the treating staff. The empirical part uses quantitative research methods; using a questionnaire survey on a sample of 92 relatives / close critically ill patients from a regional-type hospital, provides an analysis of the ways in which information is passed on to health...
- Published
- 2018
- Author
- Subjects
CERAMIC materials ,MICA ,CERAMICS ,GRAPHITE ,MEDIEVAL archaeology ,EDGES (Geometry) ,POTTERY ,POTTERY craft - Abstract
The paper deals with fragmentary finds of older medieval ceramics from excavations of Vlasta Fialová at the fort of Kralice nad Oslavou. Nearer find circumstances of these fragments are unknown, therefore it is necessary to analyse them only according to their morphology, edge shape, decoration and possibly kind of ceramic material. The fragments originate evidently mainly from pot-like vessels, from their edges, bulges and bottoms. According to the egde shapes this shard collection can be divided into double conic, pulled up, and squared roof-shaped fragments. The basic decorative elements are groove, reeding, wavy line and multiple wave, rows of scores and continuous lines made by a fine tracing wheel. The material often contains graphite, some pieces are enhanced with sand grog, but several fragments contain a mica admixture. This classification in the given order corresponds to the chronological succession. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
30. Routing algorithms in crisis management
- Author
Měchurová, Kristýna, Brůha, Lukáš, and Štych, Přemysl
- Subjects
GIS ,location - allocation ,lokace - alokace ,síťová analýza ,Graphical analysis - Abstract
Routing algorithms in crisis management Abstract The work describes network analysis usage in the crisis management, concretely, holding an emergency for operation company's critical places. Those critical places are stationed across the whole republic, as well as emergency points that they operate. The work also describes how to minimalize a set of pre-entered emergency points in a way that will also keep all the critical points covered. The next part of the work is an implementation of a tool above chosen GIS, which serves to recognize, which emergency point (of already optimalized set of emergency points) is to be sent to where critical point is while minimizing the disruption of other critical points in the network. The tool also contains graphical output. Keywords: Graphical analysis, location - allocation, GIS
- Published
- 2017
31. [Not Available]
- Author
A, Měchurová
- Published
- 2016
32. [Current status and recommendations for intrapartum monitoring of fetal heart rate]
- Author
A, Měchurová, P, Velebil, L, Hruban, and P, Janků
- Subjects
Early Diagnosis ,Cardiotocography ,Pregnancy ,Infant, Newborn ,Humans ,Female ,Heart Rate, Fetal ,Fetal Hypoxia ,Prognosis - Abstract
Monitoring of fetal heart rate is one of the basic components of obstetrical care, in which the cardiotocography remains the gold standard and screening method in early diagnosis of fetal hypoxia, even after introduction of other selective methods of intrauterine monitoring of fetal well-being. The review article is divided into several parts: pathophysiology of fetal oxygenation, fetal heart rate and changes of fetal hemodynamics, and rules for fetal heart rate auscultation. The main principles of cardiotocographic monitoring and evaluation of ante- and intrapartrum recordings according to the FIGO criteria from 1986 and evaluation of intrapartum recordings according to the 2015 FIGO recommendations are mentioned. At the end a comparative table of 1986 FIGO and 2015 FIGO criteria is presented.Review.
- Published
- 2016
33. [Posterm pregnancy]
- Author
A, Měchurová
- Subjects
Pregnancy Complications ,Pregnancy ,Prenatal Diagnosis ,Pregnancy Outcome ,Humans ,Female ,Gestational Age ,Pregnancy, Prolonged ,Risk Adjustment ,Labor, Induced - Abstract
This review presents the up-to-date information from published resources on the issue of Posterm pregnancy (Medline, Cochrane Database, ACOG, RCOG, SOGC) and complements the presented guidelines. The most of resources are using the term "postterm pregnancy" for pregnancy reaching or exceeding 42+0 weeks and days of gestation, while late pregnancy is defined as a period in between 41+0 and 41+6.The exact determination of gestational age is necessary for exact diagnosis and appropriate management of late and postterm pregnancy, because these pregnancies have increased risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality.Review.
- Published
- 2016
34. Das Bauernjahr vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit – Feldarbeiten und Landwirtschaftsgeräte dem Kalender nach. Archäologische Funde aus mittelalterlichen Ortswüstungen im Vergleich mit bildlichen Quellen und ethnographischen Belegen
- Author
Zdeňka Měchurová
- Published
- 2016
- Full Text
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- Author
- Subjects
CERAMIC materials ,HARD materials ,POTTERY ,FIFTEENTH century ,FLOWERING time ,ARCHAEOLOGICAL excavations ,POTSHERDS - Abstract
The group of medieval beakers and pots from special hard fired clay and nearly impermeable material is characterized by its reddish, with small blisters and bubbles covered surface. These vessels were made in the North Moravian Loštice near Mohelnice and the bloom of their production dates back to the 14th and then to the 15th and 16th centuries. According to recent archaeometric analyses and experiments the mystery of this material resided in the argillaceous pottery clay with the addition of garnet (pyrope or almandine). Loštice beakers ranked among sought-after and popular table dishes even behind the borders of the Czech Lands. Among pottery material from archaeological excavations carried out by Vlasta Fialová in the fort of Kralice nad Oslavou, a small collection of fragments of Loštice pottery was identified. Pot-shaped beakers build a minority whereas shards of Loštice kitchen ceramics and storage vases prevail. A part of pot fragments is not made from the characteristic hard fired material but is baked only slightly and contains graphite admixture. Some pieces of undecorated bellies of storage vases show secondary baking. Based on ceramic types the material is dated to the early phase of Loštice pottery, at the end of the 14th and in the first half of the 15th century. The material was unfortunately not precisely localised. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
- Author
- Subjects
This paper evaluates yet not published findings of Renaissance stove tiles with a dolphin motif from the archaeological excavation in the area of the former Metropol Hotel in the Brno suburb of Dornych. We will try to compare these stove tiles with already published Brno specimens, with fragments of stove tiles from the fort in Bošovice near Brno and with recently published pieces from the research of Vlasta Fialová at the fort in Kralice nad Oslavou. Analogies from Moravia, Silesia and neighbouring countries contribute to dating and style classification. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
37. Agreement on intrapartum cardiotocogram recordings between expert obstetricians
- Author
Lukáš, Hruban, Jiří, Spilka, Václav, Chudáček, Petr, Janků, Michal, Huptych, Miroslav, Burša, Adam, Hudec, Marian, Kacerovský, Michal, Koucký, Martin, Procházka, Vladimír, Korečko, Jan, Seget'a, Ondřej, Šimetka, Alena, Měchurová, and Lenka, Lhotská
- Subjects
Observer Variation ,Obstetrics ,Cardiotocography ,Humans ,Reproducibility of Results ,Clinical Competence ,Hydrogen-Ion Concentration ,Sensitivity and Specificity ,Software - Abstract
To evaluate obstetricians' inter- and intra-observer agreement on intrapartum cardiotocogram (CTG) recordings and to examine obstetricians' evaluations with respect to umbilical artery pH and base deficit.Nine experienced obstetricians annotated 634 intrapartum CTG recordings. The evaluation of each recording was divided into four steps: evaluation of two 30-minute windows in the first stage of labour, evaluation of one window in the second stage of labour and labour outcome prediction. The complete set of evaluations used for this experiment is available online. The inter- and intra-observer agreement was evaluated using proportion of agreement and kappa coefficient. Clinicians' sensitivity and specificity was computed with respect to umbilical artery pH, base deficit and to Apgar score at the fifth minute.The overall proportion of agreement between clinicians reached 48% with 95% confidence intervals (CI) (CI: 47-50). Regarding the different classes, proportion of agreement ranged from 57% (CI: 54-60) for normal to 41% (CI: 36-46) for pathological class. The sensitivity of clinicians' majority vote to objective outcome was 39% (CI: 16-63) for the umbilical artery base deficit and 27% (CI: 16-42) for pH. The specificity was 89% (CI: 86-92) for both types of objective outcome.The reported inter-/intra-observer variability is large and this holds irrespective of clinicians' experience or work place. The results support the need of modernized guidelines for CTG evaluation and/or objectivization and repeatability by introduction of a computerized approach that could standardize the process of CTG evaluation within the delivery ward.
- Published
- 2015
38. Activities and services provided by the library of Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
- Author
Měchurová, Lucie, Slámová, Hana, and Buřilová, Marcela
- Subjects
Filmová a televizní fakulta Akademie Múzických umění v Praze,vysokoškolské knihovny,specializované knihovny,fakultní knihovna,knihovnické služby a činnosti,audiovizuální dokumenty,specializované knihovní fondy ,Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague,academic libraries,specialized libraries,college library,library services and activities,audiovisual documents,specialized library collections - Abstract
The subject of this thesis is a Library of Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, whose specialized funds are intended to support the teaching and learning of various disciplines of the faculty. Its specificity is a special fund of audiovisual documents designated for internal needs of the community of teachers and students of FAMU. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts and introduces the legislation related to the issue of university libraries. Furthermore, the thesis briefly introduces the circumstances of birth of the FAMU library and its development within the organizational structure of the library of the Academy of Performing Arts. Most space will be devoted to the description and evaluation of activities and services which the library provides since 2003, when it acquired new premises and many significant changes have occurred.
- Published
- 2015
39. Politika zaměstnanosti v okrese Hodonín
- Author
Měchurová, Jitka
- Subjects
zákon o zaměstnanosti ,pasivní politika zaměstnanosti ,nástroje aktivní politiky zaměstnanosti ,aktivní politika zaměstnanosti - Abstract
The bachelor thesis is dealing with problems of employment policy in Hodonín region. The whole work is divided into two parts. In the first part are written the most important changes of The Employment Act, which is effective from 1 January 2015, described the labour market and employment policy. In the second part are analysed tools of active and passive employment policy in Hodonín region. At the end, based on the findings there are suggested solutions to reduce unemployment in the region and evaluated changes of The Employment Act.
- Published
- 2015
40. [Intrauterine fetal death syndrome: analysis of cases from 2008 to 2012 in Institute for the care of mother and child]
- Author
J, Klikarová, K, Snajbergová, A, Měchurová, P, Velebil, and J, Feyereisl
- Subjects
Adult ,Cesarean Section ,Incidence ,Mothers ,Stillbirth ,Delivery, Obstetric ,Pregnancy Complications ,Survival Rate ,Fetal Diseases ,Pregnancy ,Humans ,Female ,Fetal Death ,Czech Republic ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
We made an analysis of number of intrauterine fetal deaths in our institute, it's causes, risk factors and patient's main complaints.Retrospective study of all intrauterine fetal deaths in Institute for the care of mother and child in years 2008-2012.We had 60 cases of intrauterine fetal death from 2008 to 2012 which represented 2.4 of all deliveries (24884). The examination started in 45% of cases due to information about decreased fetal movements, 28.3% was diagnosed during regular visit, 13.3% came for contractions, 10% because of PPROM and 3.3% due to vaginal bleeding. In 58.3% we used induction of delivery, in 10% delivery started spontaneously and in 31.7% a caesarean section was performed.Decrease in fetal movements was the most frequent complaint of our patients. Spontaneously delivered 68.3% patients, caesarean section was indicated in twins, due to maternal diseases or from vital indication. In 70% of cases we approved the cause of intrauterine fetal death. Mostly umbilical cord or placental abnormalities were present.
- Published
- 2014
- Author
- Abstract
The objective of the present paper is the evaluation of the very fragmentary collection of stove tiles from the fort in Kralice nad Oslavou that was the seat of the printing workshop of the Bohemian Brethren in the late 16th and early 17
th centuries. The main criterion is the classification according to the type of decoration, because location data necessary for archaeological determination are not preserved. One can differentiate late Gothic tiles with religious themes (reconstituted complete specimen with the motive of Samson fighting with a lion, tile with Christological motive of Resurrection, a quarter fragment with a lady's figure in long gown or a group of fragments with winged angels with gloriole). In Renaissance motives proliferate living figurative, animal or plant decor. From among well-marked portrait motives let us mention a small fragment of the profile of a noble lady with Renaissance hair dress with hair net. There are also fragments of stove tiles with tapestry (mosaic) pattern; flat tiles with multicolour marbling seem to be the youngest ones. Cornice and socle stove tiles build a compact group. Only the collection of two completely reconstituted pieces and a set of fragments (with a heraldic motive of seven eagle feathers) can be considered the remains of a whole stove. Based on the analogical coat of arms of the wife of Jindřich Kralický, Judita of Lomnice, the tiles can be dated to the 1540s. The building-historical research on the site of the fort indicates several occupation stages. Traces of a fireplace under indistinct remains of a 13th century house belong to the oldest stage, the construction of a Gothic fort followed up. Its transformation into a Renaissance mansion started in the first half of the 16th century (under Jindřich Kralický and Jan sen. of Žerotín). The fort was burnt down in 1621; during the Thirty Years' War Kralice experienced a violent recatholisation and its glorious past related to Bohemian Brethren was over. The typological composition of the tile collection corresponds to this chronology. Chamber tiles with frontal heating wall are a phenomenon of the second half of the 15th and the 16th century; glazed fragments of the Renaissance stage are the most numerous. Unglazed mica covered fragments, mostly with religious motives, may date back to the older Gothic stage of the fort. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2018
42. [Peripartal life-threatening hemorrhage - interdisciplinary consensus opinion]
- Author
J, Kvasnička, M, Balík, T, Binder, J, Blatný, J, Bláha, K, Cvachovec, V, Cerný, P, Dulíček, J, Feyereisl, Z, Hájek, P, Janků, J, Malý, A, Měchurová, A, Pařízek, M, Penka, M, Procházka, A, Roztočil, V, Reháček, D, Seidlová, P, Sevčík, J, Valenta, and P, Ventruba
- Subjects
Pregnancy ,Postpartum Hemorrhage ,Humans ,Female ,Czech Republic - Abstract
22 experts from the fields of gynecology and obstetrics, anesthesiology and resuscitation, intensive care, hematology and transfusion medicine has developed recommendations for diagnosis and procedure for life-threatening peripartum haemorrhage, which is still one of the most common causes of maternal mortality in childbirth. This guidelines, which is valid for the Czech Republic, supported by a total of 10 professional medical societies. There are based on new knowledge applicable at this time and is focused mainly on eliminating the most common causes of bleeding during delivery and prevention of haemorrhagic shock.
- Published
- 2012
43. The system of education in glassworks
- Author
Měchurová, Dita, Dvořáková, Zuzana, and Nový, Pavel
- Subjects
Metody vzdělávání ,Firemní vzdělávání ,Educational system ,Corporate training ,Fáze systému vzdělávání ,Training methods ,Vzdělávací systém ,Phases of the educational system - Abstract
The aim of the thesis is to analyze and evaluate the process of education in glassworks company Kavalierglass, a.s. The theoretical part is devoted to HR strategy, corporate training and its place in company's personal activities, furthermore is described the whole process of education, starting with identification of needs and ending with evaluation. In the practical part there is analyzed the process of education in Kavalierglass, a.s. and all of the phases of the educational system implemented in company are described as well. This is based on the obtained results of interview with HR specialist of the company. Everything is accompanied by illustrative examples and information from the internal personnel information system. The conclusion of diploma thesis summarizes possible suggestions that are designed to ensure major efficiency of the current educational system in company.
- Published
- 2011
44. Řetízek se závěsky z hradu Veveří u Brna
- Author
Měchurová, Zdeňka, primary and Selucká, Alena, additional
- Published
- 2016
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45. Spokojenost seniorů ve vybraných pobytových zařízeních sociálních služeb v Olomouckém kraji
- Author
Měchurová, Marie and Měchurová, Marie
- Abstract
Cílem diplomové práce je zjistit spokojenost seniorů ve vybraných pobytových zařízeních v Olomouckém kraji. Jedná se o tři domovy, a to konkrétně v Tovačově, Radkově Lhotě a Pavlovicích u Přerova. Diplomová práce je svým rozsahem rozčleněna do dvou základních částí (teoretické a praktické). Teoretická část je zaměřena na oblast seniorské populace, především na problematiku stáří a stárnutí, potřeby seniorů, sociální služby a v neposlední řadě na domovy pro seniory a principy jejich poskytovaných služeb. Praktická část je orientována na kvantitativní výzkum pomocí dotazníkového šetření. V této diplomové práci se pokusíme zjistit a porovnat spokojenost seniorů ve zkoumaných domovech pro seniory., The aim of the thesis is to determine satisfaction of the elderly in selected residential facilities in the Olomouc region. This is about three homes, and more specifically in Tovačov, Radkova Lhota and Pavlovice u Přerova. The thesis is divided in scope into two basic parts (theoretical and practical). The theoretical part is focused on the part of the senior population, especially on the issue of old age and aging, needs of seniors , social services and last but not least to the homes for the elderly and the principles of their services. The practical part is focused on quantitative research using questionnaires. In this thesis we will try to find out and compare the satisfaction of seniors in examined homes for the elderly., Ústav pedagogických věd
- Published
- 2015
46. Field social work/consultancy in Pilsen
- Author
- Subjects
sociálně vyloučená lokalita ,terénní sociální práce ,socially excluded localities ,sociálně vyloučený občan ,social field work ,Pilsen ,exkluze ,socially excluded citizens ,social exclusion ,Plzeň ,sociální vyloučení - Abstract
The aim of this work is to describe the field of social work with socially excluded people and associated problems and strengths, including the implications arising from this experience for users of the services and its providers, and practice in specific conditions and locations in the Pilsen region. The introductory theoretical part describes the general background of social field work, it defines the concept of the term social exclusion, and locations in Pilsen are presented (for example Jateční, Plachého, Resslova Street and others) with the specification of problems and needs of clients in those locations. The practical part is realized by expert interviews with social workers from the organization People in Need in Pilsen, and their aim is the definition of problematic lines of work. Questions focus on to measure the sense of meaning and satisfaction for social workers, whether their work meets the target of service, or what the objectives of services prevent, where social workers see the limitations of their work and whether the problems couldn´t be influenced by their activities.
- Published
- 2010
47. Legal means against violation of intellectual property rights
- Author
Měchurová, Veronika, Boháček, Martin, and Jakl, Ladislav
- Subjects
domain names ,ochranné známky ,indications of source ,označení původu ,porušování práv na označení ,doménová jména ,violation of trademarks ,právní nástroje při vymáhání práv na označení ,legal means to enfoce trademarks ,trademarks ,zeměpisná označení ,apellations of origin - Abstract
This thesis is dealing with legal means for enforcement of intellectual property rights. It is focused on rights to marking, namely trademarks, indication of source, apellations of origin and domain names. The work analyses and characterizes individual legal means and shows possibilities of their use. There are presented procedures of enforcement of rights to marking, definitions of terms and practical examples. The works concentrate not only on Czech legal regulations but also on legal regulations of the European Union and legal regulations of international institutions such as for example agreement TRIPS.
- Published
- 2008
48. Independece for Child with Hearing Handicap in Realation to Preparation for Future Careers
- Author
- Subjects
rodina ,sluchové postižení ,výchova ,family ,povolání ,handicap ,posttižení ,surdopedy ,nezávislost ,endependce ,surdopedie ,job ,výuka ,infliction ,hearing handicap ,training ,education ,samostatnost - Abstract
Work deal with child. They have 14 - 15 years ago. these child have hearing handicap. They have hearing aid. The theoretical part describe hearing handicap and next relevant informations. The practical part present research, his evaluation and final informations.
- Published
- 2008
49. Charakteristika daňových zástupců v daních ze spotřeby
- Author
Měchurová, Dita and Svátková, Slavomíra
- Subjects
daňový zástupce ,Evropská unie ,spotřební daně ,Česká republika ,daň z přidané hodnoty - Abstract
S daňovými zástupci se v ČR setkáváme v oblasti spotřebních daní, v jiných členských státech Evropské unie i v dani z přidané hodnoty. Tato bakalářská práce zpracovává postavení daňových zástupců v ČR a jiných členských státech Evropské unie z pohledu jejich práv a povinností. Cílem je zhodnotit postavení daňových zástupců ve vybraných členských státech a zjistit, jakým způsobem tyto státy upravily ve svých daňových zákonech postavení daňových zástupců, které je velmi všeobecně upraveno v příslušných směrnicích Evropské unie.
- Published
- 2007
50. Shared Co-ownership
- Author
Měchurová, Barbora, Salač, Josef, and Dvořák, Jan
- Published
- 2006
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