An effective and sustainable solar energy generating system is needed given the current global energy problem. The need to use solar energy properly is necessary because it is one of the most readily available sources of energy. The conversion of solar energy to electric energy uses silicon solar panels, which have an efficiency of between 15% and 20%. The solar cell efficiency is nevertheless decreased by the dust that wind and storms bring. In this study, a sensor-based system is used to monitor the dust buildup on the solar panel and to remove the dust by washing and moistening the panel's surface. The output conversion efficiency and sensor data are taken into consideration by a fuzzy logic system, which forecasts when the solar panel will need to be cleaned., {"references":["[1]\tM. Benghanem, \"Optimization of tilt angle for solar panel: Case study for Madinah, Saudi Arabia,\" Applied Energy, vol. 88, no. 4, pp. 1427-1433, 2011. [2]\tM. R. Maghami, H. Hizam, C. Gomes, M. A. 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