10 results on '"Luiz Alberto P Mattos"'
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2. Reoperação em pacientes revascularizados Second surgery for myocardial revascularization
- Author
Ibraim Masciarelli F Pinto, Leopoldo S Piegas, Luiz Alberto P Mattos, Luiz Fernando L Tanajura, Enilton T Egito, Camilo Abdulmassih Neto, Antoninho S Arnoni, Luiz Carlos Bento de Souza, Adib D Jatene, and J. Eduardo M. R Sousa
- Subjects
miocárdio, revascularização ,myocardial revascularization ,Surgery ,RD1-811 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Um grupo de pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio pode vir a necessitar uma reoperação tardia. Neste trabalho, discute-se quais os possíveis fatores determinantes deste evento, bem como o prognóstico imediato destes indivíduos. Foram analisados 261 (10,5%) pacientes, submetidos a reoperação para revascularização isolada do miocárdio entre janeiro de 1984 e junho de 1986. Havia 109 (41%) hipertensos e 145 (55%) portadores de infarto do miocárdio prévio. A reoperação foi indicada pela presença de lesões no leito nativo das artérias em 66 (25%), por lesões nos enxertos em 88 (33%) e por lesões nos leitos nativos e nos enxertos em 107 (42%). O tempo médio de reoperação foi de 7,1 ± 3,3 anos, sendo 75% dos pacientes reoperados num intervalo superior a 6 anos. O número global de artérias mamárias obstruídas foi de 5 (20%) enquanto que 171 (75%) das pontes de veia safena apresentavam lesões. A mortalidade hospitalar foi de 23 (9%). Os autores discutem as relações destes achados com a incidência da reoperação bem como as possíveis causas da mortalidade elevada.A second surgery for myocardial revascularization may be needed in some patients. One still discussed the reasons and the risk of such procedure. A group of 162 patients who underwent a second coronary by-pass graft surgery was analized. There was a significant number of patients with high blood pressure and with previous myocardial infarction. The reason for reoperation was either lesion within the by-pass lumen or a lesion within the lumen of a native artery non-previously treated. Most patients underwent the second coronary by-pass graft surgery after an interval of, at least, 6 years after the previous surgery. In-hospital mortality was 9% (23 patients). Authors discuss the possivle causal relationship between these findings and reoperation, as well as the causes of the high mortality.
- Published
- 1987
3. Percutaneous handling of coronary lesions >20mm through stents. Is there a first choice strategy?
- Author
Luiz Fernando L. Tanajura, Ibraim M. F. Pinto, Luiz Alberto P. Mattos, Fausto Feres, Alexandre Abizaid, Rodolfo Staico, Marinella P. Centemero, Áurea J. Chaves, Andrea C. Abizaid, Amanda G. M. R. Sousa, and J. Eduardo M. R. Sousa
- Subjects
coronary stents ,complex lesions ,coronary angioplasty ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
OBJECTIVE - This study compared the early and late results of the use of one single stent with those of the use of multiple stents in patients with lesions longer than 20mm. METHODS - Prospective assessment of patients electively treated with stents, with optimal stent deployment and followed-up for more than 3 months. From February '94 to January '98, 215 patients with lesions >20mm were treated. These patients were divided into 2 groups as follows: Group A - 105 patients (49%) with one stent implanted; Group B - 110 patients (51%) with multiple stents implanted. RESULTS - The mean length of the lesions was 26mm in group A (21-48mm) versus 29mm in group B (21-52mm) (p=0.01). Major complications occurred in one patient (0.9%) in group A (subacute thrombosis, myocardial infarctionand death) and in 2 patients (1.8%) in group B (one emergency surgery and one myocardial infarction) (p=NS). The results of the late follow-up period (>6 months) were similar for both groups (group A = 82% vs group B = 76%; p=NS), and we observed an event-free survical in 89% of the patients in group A and in 91% of the patients in group B (p=NS). Angina (group A = 11% vs group B = 7%) and lesion revascularization (group A = 5% vs group B = 6%; p=NS) also occurred in a similar percentage. No infarction or death was observed in the late follow-up period; restenosis was identified in 33% and 29% of the patients in groups A and B, respectively (p=NS). CONCLUSION - The results obtained using one stent and using multiple stents were similar; the greater cost-effectiveness of one stent implantation, however, seems to make this strategy the first choice.
- Published
- 1999
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4. Consenso de especialistas (SBC/SBHCI) sobre o uso de stents farmacológicos: recomendações da sociedade brasileira de cardiologia/sociedade brasileira de hemodinâmica e cardiologia intervencionista ao sistema único de saúde Expert consensus (SBC/SBHCI) on the use of drug-eluting stents: recommendations of the Brazilian society of interventional cardiology/ Brazilian society of cardiology for the Brazilian public single healthcare system
- Author
Valter C. Lima, Luiz Alberto P. Mattos, Paulo R. A. Caramori, Marco A. Perin, José A. Mangione, Bruno M. Machado, Wilson M. C. Coelho, and Ronaldo R. L. Bueno
- Subjects
Angioplastia ,stents ,reestenose ,cirurgia de revascularização ,Angioplasty ,restenosis ,coronary artery bypass surgery ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Os autores revisam a evolução da intervenção coronariana percutânea, a sua crescente aplicação na revascularização miocárdica de pacientes portadores de doença arterial coronariana, seja no Brasil, seja no âmbito mundial. Desde a introdução do método, em 1977, com a utilização isolada do cateter-balão, a constatação de que o mesmo tinha limitações (oclusão aguda e reestenose), a adoção dos stents coronarianos e, mais recentemente, o advento dos stents farmacológicos, idealizados para reduzir ainda mais as taxas de reestenose, possibilitaram o crescimento exponencial da aplicação da intervenção coronariana percutânea (ICP) no Brasil, superando a cirurgia de revascularização e tornando-se o tratamento majoritário para enfermos sintomáticos, acometidos de aterosclerose obstrutiva coronariana. Esta preferência se salienta, a partir do ano 2000, após o início do reembolso dos stents pelo Sistema de Único de Saúde Brasileiro. Este fato demonstra a importância do Sistema Público de Saúde, quando este incorpora os avanços médicos, e passa a oferecer bons padrões de tratamento cardiovascular a grande número de brasileiros. Destaca-se a complexidade da profilaxia da reestenose intra-stent, por sua ocorrência imprevisível e ubíqua. O controle deste fenômeno melhora a qualidade de vida, reduzindo o retorno da angina do peito, a realização de novos procedimentos de revascularização e a re-internação hospitalar. Os stents farmacológicos lograram êxito sólido e consistente na conquista deste objetivo de forma abrangente, beneficiando todas as apresentações clínicas e angiográficas, em maior ou menor grau. Sua adoção e critérios para sua utilização em outros países são discutidos, assim como a formalização das indicações preconizadas pela Sociedade Brasileira de Hemodinâmica e Cardiologia Intervencionista, para o seu reembolso pelo SUS. A incorporação de novas tecnologias em saúde é um processo que compreende duas etapas distintas: na primeira, o registro do produto é efetivado na Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). Nesta etapa, a empresa interessada submete ao nosso órgão regulatório os resultados dos estudos clínicos que demonstram a eficácia e segurança do novo produto, seja ele um fármaco ou um novo dispositivo. Freqüentemente, além dos estudos clínicos, também são apresentados os registros de aprovação para uso clínico obtido nas agências regulatórias de outros países, principalmente dos Estados Unidos da América e da Comunidade Européia. O cumprimento bem sucedido desta etapa significa que o medicamento ou o dispositivo pode ser prescrito ou utilizado pelos médicos no Brasil. A segunda etapa da incorporação de novas tecnologias em saúde envolve o reembolso ou o financiamento do tratamento aprovado na etapa anterior, com base na sua eficácia e segurança. Esta etapa pode ser mais complexa do que a primeira, pois as novas tecnologias, sejam elas de substituição ou de introdução de novas modalidades de tratamento, são habitualmente de custo mais elevado. Incorporar novas tecnologias exige a avaliação de custo efetividade, para permitir que os gestores dos recursos possam tomar decisões que atendam ao cenário universal de recursos limitados, para financiar a saúde com tratamentos cada vez mais onerosos. As dificuldades de gestão dos recursos são agravadas pelas implicações de ética médica e social, que ocorrem quando um tratamento aprovado com base na sua eficácia e segurança não é disponibilizado para pacientes com grande potencial de benefício. No Brasil, a avaliação da incorporação de novas tecnologias, visando a seu reembolso ou financiamento, ainda não está devidamente amadurecida, seja no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) ou no privado. A adoção destas tecnologias, nos dois sistemas, ainda ocorre lentamente e, freqüentemente, como reação à exigência dos pacientes ou de organizações que os representam, às vezes com ações judiciais, ou por pressão política dos médicos e de suas respectivas sociedades científicas. Nosso objetivo é revisar a evolução da intervenção coronariana percutânea (ICP) no Brasil, sua situação atual com o advento dos stents farmacológicos, e a crescente participação destes como modalidade de revascularização miocárdica de pacientes portadores de doença arterial coronariana, assim como comparar as normas regulatórias brasileiras e de outros paises, em relação à incorporação desta nova tecnologia, e as recomendações para sua utilização.The authors review percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) evolution and its growing application in myocardial revascularization for patients with coronary heart disease in Brazil and worldwide. PCI was introduced in 1977 using only the catheter balloon. Limitations of this method (acute occlusion and coronary restenosis) led to the adoption of coronary stents and more recently the advent of drug-eluting stents², which were developed to drastically reduce restenosis rates. These developments allowed the exponential growth of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures in Brazil which have replaced many bypass surgery procedures and have become the gold standard for the majority of symptomatic patients suffering from coronary artery disease. The preference for this procedure gained new dimensions in 2000 when the Brazilian Public Healthcare System (SUS) began reimbursing for stent procedures. This measure exemplified the importance of the Public Healthcare System's participation in incorporating medical advances and offering a high standard of cardiovascular treatment to a large portion of the Brazilian population. It is emphasized that prevention of in-stent restenosis is complex due to its unpredictable and ubiquitous occurrence. Control of this condition improves quality of life and reduces the recurrence of angina pectoris, the need to perform new revascularization procedures and hospital readmissions. The overall success of the drug-eluting stents has proven to be reliable and consistent in overcoming restenosis and has some beneficial impact for all clinical and angiographic conditions. This paper discusses the adoption and criteria for the use of drug-eluting stents in other countries as well as the recommendations established by the Brazilian Society of Interventional Cardiology for their reimbursement by SUS. The incorporation of new healthcare technology involves two distinct stages. During the first stage, the product is registered with the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). During this stage the interested company submits to the regulatory agency, results from clinical studies that demonstrate the efficacy and safety of the new device or pharmaceutical product. Frequently, in addition to clinical studies, approval records for clinical use from the regulatory agencies of other countries, mainly the United States of America and the European Community are also submitted. The successful completion of this stage means that the medication or device may be prescribed or used by the physicians in Brazil. The second stage in the incorporation of new healthcare technology involves the reimbursement or financing of the treatment that was approved in the previous stage based on its efficacy and safety. This stage can be more complex than the first one since the new technology, whether a substitution for established treatment methods or the introduction of a new treatment concept, are usually more expensive. The incorporation of new technology requires a cost-effectiveness analysis so that fund administrators can make decisions based on the universal scenario of limited resources to finance healthcare with treatments that are more and more burdensome. The difficulties of funding management are aggravated by medical and social ethical implications that arise when a treatment is approved based on its efficacy and safety but is not made available to patients who could benefit greatly from it. In Brazil, assessment methods for the incorporation of new technology based on reimbursement or financing have not been fully developed for either the private healthcare plans or the Brazilian Public Healthcare System (SUS). The implementation of new technology in both healthcare systems is a slow process and frequently the implementation is a result of the requirements of patients or the organizations that represent them and at times is the result of legal proceedings or political pressure imposed by physicians and their respective scientific societies. Our objective is to review the evolution of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in Brazil and its current status in view of the advent of drug-eluting stents, the growing participation of drug-eluting stents in myocardial revascularization to treat patients with coronary heart disease, as well as, to compare the regulatory standards from Brazil and other countries regarding the incorporation and recommendations for the use of this new technology.
- Published
- 2006
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5. Estudo prospectivo e randomizado de pacientes tratados com e sem stents revestidos com carbeto de silício amorfo para a prevenção da reestenose coronariana. Avaliação ultra-sonográfica Randomized intravascular ultrasound comparison between endoprostheses with and without amorphous silicon-carbide
- Author
Luiz Fernando Leite Tanajura, J. Eduardo M. R. Sousa, Amanda G. M. R. Sousa, Alexandre Abizaid, João Eduardo T. Paula, Mariano Albertal, Fausto Feres, Luiz Alberto P. Mattos, Rodolfo Staico, and Ibraim M.F. Pinto
- Subjects
restenosis ,lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,doença arterial coronária ,Reestenose ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,percutaneous coronary intervention ,angioplastia coronária ,coronary artery disease - Abstract
OBJETIVO: A reestenose intra-stent é a maior limitação das intervenções coronárias percutâneas. O carbeto de silício amorfo (SiC-a), substância antitrombótica e antiinflamatória capaz de reduzir a deposição de fibrina, plaquetas e leucócitos sobre o stent, apresenta potencial de prevenir a hiperplasia neo-intimal e a reestenose. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, randomizado e tipo rótulo aberto comparando pacientes com doença coronariana tratados com e sem stents revestidos com o SiC-a, utilizando a angiografia quantitativa e o ultra-som intracoronário. Foram incluídos 100 pacientes (50 em cada grupo) a fim de mensurar o volume de hiperplasia neo-intimal intra-stent/extremidades. Como os stents comparados apresentavam extensões diferentes, o volume de hiperplasia foi analisado em valores absolutos (por paciente) e relativos (por milímetro de extensão do stent). Avaliaram-se ainda os eventos cardíacos maiores e os resultados da angiografia quantitativa. RESULTADOS: Os grupos apresentaram características de base semelhantes. Todos os pacientes foram tratados com sucesso. No 6° mês de evolução foram reestudados 94% dos casos dos dois grupos, obtendo-se ultra-som em 92%. O volume de hiperplasia neo-intimal absoluto foi significativamente maior nos tratados com os stents revestidos (51.2 DP 18.8 mm³ vs 41.9 DP 16.4 mm³; p=0.014), porém o relativo foi semelhante (2.9 DP 1.0 mm³/mm stent vs 2.5 DP 0.9 mm³/mm stent; p=0.108). A obstrução volumétrica da luz também foi similar (36.4 DP 11.1% vs 37.9 DP 10.9%; p=0.505). O diâmetro mínimo da luz (1.9 DP 0.7 mm vs 1.8 DO 0.6 mm; p=0.552), a reestenose (19.1% vs 17%; p>0.999) e a revascularização do vaso-alvo (16% vs 14%; p>0.999) não diferiram. CONCLUSÃO: Os stents revestidos apresentaram resultados clínicos, angiográficos e ultra-sonográficos similares aos controles.OBJECTIVE: In-stent restenosis remains a major limitation following coronary stent implantation. Amorphous silicon-carbide (a-SiC) coating has been shown to improve stent biocompatibility, therefore, reducing local inflammation and thrombus generation. Due to the latter, a-SiC coating might have an impact on the prevention of neointimal hyperplasia (NIH) and restenosis. METHODS: This prospective, randomized, open-label trial compared a-SiC-coated (group A) versus uncoated (group B) stent implantation in de novo lesions. We included 100 patients (50 patients in each group) and the primary end-point was in-stent volume of NIH measured by intravascular ultrasound. RESULTS: All patients underwent successful stent deployment. Although absolute NIH volume was greater in A (51.2 mm³ SD 18.8 mm³ versus 41.9 mm³ SD 16.4 mm³; P = 0.014), relative (divided per mm of stent length) NIH volume was similar (2.9 mm³/mm stent SD 1.0 mm³/mm stent versus 2.5 mm³/mm stent SD 0.9 mm³/mm stent; P = 0.108). Late loss, restenosis, and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) were similar. CONCLUSION: A-SiC-coated stents did not reduce either NIH or MACE at long-term follow-up.
- Published
- 2004
6. Intervenções percutâneas para revascularização do miocárdio no Brasil em 1996 e 1997 comparadas às do biênio 1992 e 1993. Relatório do registro CENIC (Central Nacional de Intervenções Cardiovasculares) Percutaneous myocardial revascularization procedures in Brazil during 1996-1997 compared to the 1992-1993 period. A report from the Brazilian national registry -- CENIC
- Author
Amanda G. M. R. Sousa, Luiz Alberto P. Mattos, Cantídio de Moura Campos Neto, Heitor G. Carvalho, Francisco P. Stella, and Gilberto Nunes
- Subjects
Brazilian registry ,lcsh:Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,stents ,lcsh:RC666-701 ,percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty ,registro brasileiro ,angioplastia coronária - Abstract
OBJETIVO: Relatar os resultados das intervenções coronárias percutâneas, no Brasil, no biênio 1996-97, comparando-os com os do biênio 1992-93. MÉTODOS: Foram coletados dados relativos a angioplastia com balão (ATC), aterectomia direcionada (AD), aterectomia rotacional (AR), angioplastia com laser (L) e stents coronários (ST). Estes dados foram comparados aos equivalentes, do Registro 1992-93. RESULTADOS: Participaram do registro atual 79% dos sócios titulares da SBHCI, de 127 hospitais, em 1996-97. Foram incluídos 22.025 pacientes, sendo 60,67% submetidos à ATC; 36,57% a ST; 2,3% a AR; 0,06% à AD e 0,4% ao L. A ATC foi o procedimento mais executado, observando-se um aumento relativo do implante de ST, de 1996 para 1997 de 35% (31,1 para 42,1%, p= 0,0001), com concomitante queda na utilização do balão (65,7% para 55,8%, p= 0,0001). A despeito da população de coronarianos tratados, em 1996-97 ser de maior complexidade clínica e anatômica, que a de 1992-93, verificaram-se maiores índices de sucesso do procedimento (89,7% x 92,8%, p= 0,000001), com menor lesão residual (22% x 19%, p= 0,001). Além disto, houve menores índices de complicações maiores: infarto agudo (2,5% x 1,2%, pPURPOSE: To report the results of percutaneous coronary interventions, in Brazil, in the years 1996-97, comparing them to those of 1992-93. METHODS: Data were collected in a standard form and the 1996-97 results were compared to those of 1992-93. RESULTS: The current Registry received data from 79% effective members of the SBHCI in 127 hospitals, including 22,025 patients, 60.67% of whom underwent PTCA, 36.57% stent implantation, 2.3% PTRA, 0.06% DCA and 0.4% laser angioplasty. Balloon angioplasty was the most frequent procedure in 1996-97, but its overall rate fell from 65.7% to 55.8% (p=0.0001) concomitantly, there was a 35% relative increase in the use of stents from 1992-93 to 1996-97. The success rate of the later period was higher (89.7% vs 92.8%, p=0.000001), with lower residual stenosis (22% vs 19%, p=0.001). Besides, there were lower major complications rates: acute myocardial infarction (2.5% vs 1.2%, p=0.002) and death (1.8% vs 1.4%, p=0,0003). CONCLUSION: The procedures most often carried out in both periods were balloon angioplasty (60.67%) and implantation of stents (36.57%); the success rate high, abrupt closure rate was low (1.5%). These favorable results corroborate the high standards of the Brazilian Interventional Cardiology.
- Published
- 1998
7. Brazilian Society of Cardiology: letter from Rio de Janeiro - III Brazil Prevent / I Latin American Prevent
- Author
Jadelson P, Andrade, Donna K, Arnett, Fausto, Pinto, Daniel, Piñeiro, Sidney C, Smith, Luiz Alberto P, Mattos, Carlos Alberto, Machado, Gláucia Maria M, Oliveira, Hans F, Dohmann, and Stephan, Gielen
- Subjects
Latin America ,Cardiovascular Diseases ,Cardiology ,Humans ,Brazil ,Societies, Medical - Published
- 2013
8. Expert consensus (SBC/SBHCI) on the use of drug-eluting stents: recommendations of the Brazilian society of interventional cardiology/ Brazilian society of cardiology for the Brazilian public single healthcare system
- Author
Valter C, Lima, Luiz Alberto P, Mattos, Paulo R A, Caramori, Marco A, Perin, José A, Mangione, Bruno M, Machado, Wilson M C, Coelho, and Ronaldo R L, Bueno
- Subjects
Coronary Restenosis ,Consensus ,Drug Delivery Systems ,Humans ,Coronary Disease ,Stents ,Angioplasty, Balloon, Coronary ,Brazil ,Societies, Medical - Abstract
The authors review percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) evolution and its growing application in myocardial revascularization for patients with coronary heart disease in Brazil and worldwide. PCI was introduced in 1977 using only the catheter balloon. Limitations of this method (acute occlusion and coronary restenosis) led to the adoption of coronary stents and more recently the advent of drug-eluting stents2, which were developed to drastically reduce restenosis rates. These developments allowed the exponential growth of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures in Brazil which have replaced many bypass surgery procedures and have become the gold standard for the majority of symptomatic patients suffering from coronary artery disease. The preference for this procedure gained new dimensions in 2000 when the Brazilian Public Healthcare System (SUS) began reimbursing for stent procedures. This measure exemplified the importance of the Public Healthcare System's participation in incorporating medical advances and offering a high standard of cardiovascular treatment to a large portion of the Brazilian population. It is emphasized that prevention of in-stent restenosis is complex due to its unpredictable and ubiquitous occurrence. Control of this condition improves quality of life and reduces the recurrence of angina pectoris, the need to perform new revascularization procedures and hospital readmissions. The overall success of the drug-eluting stents has proven to be reliable and consistent in overcoming restenosis and has some beneficial impact for all clinical and angiographic conditions. This paper discusses the adoption and criteria for the use of drug-eluting stents in other countries as well as the recommendations established by the Brazilian Society of Interventional Cardiology for their reimbursement by SUS. The incorporation of new healthcare technology involves two distinct stages. During the first stage, the product is registered with the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA). During this stage the interested company submits to the regulatory agency, results from clinical studies that demonstrate the efficacy and safety of the new device or pharmaceutical product. Frequently, in addition to clinical studies, approval records for clinical use from the regulatory agencies of other countries, mainly the United States of America and the European Community are also submitted. The successful completion of this stage means that the medication or device may be prescribed or used by the physicians in Brazil. The second stage in the incorporation of new healthcare technology involves the reimbursement or financing of the treatment that was approved in the previous stage based on its efficacy and safety. This stage can be more complex than the first one since the new technology, whether a substitution for established treatment methods or the introduction of a new treatment concept, are usually more expensive. The incorporation of new technology requires a cost-effectiveness analysis so that fund administrators can make decisions based on the universal scenario of limited resources to finance healthcare with treatments that are more and more burdensome. The difficulties of funding management are aggravated by medical and social ethical implications that arise when a treatment is approved based on its efficacy and safety but is not made available to patients who could benefit greatly from it. In Brazil, assessment methods for the incorporation of new technology based on reimbursement or financing have not been fully developed for either the private healthcare plans or the Brazilian Public Healthcare System (SUS). The implementation of new technology in both healthcare systems is a slow process and frequently the implementation is a result of the requirements of patients or the organizations that represent them and at times is the result of legal proceedings or political pressure imposed by physicians and their respective scientific societies. Our objective is to review the evolution of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in Brazil and its current status in view of the advent of drug-eluting stents, the growing participation of drug-eluting stents in myocardial revascularization to treat patients with coronary heart disease, as well as, to compare the regulatory standards from Brazil and other countries regarding the incorporation and recommendations for the use of this new technology.
- Published
- 2005
9. [Randomized intravascular ultrasound comparison between endoprostheses with and without amorphous silicon-carbide]
- Author
Luiz Fernando Leite, Tanajura, J Eduardo M R, Sousa, Amanda G M R, Sousa, Alexandre, Abizaid, João Eduardo T, Paula, Mariano, Albertal, Fausto, Feres, Luiz Alberto P, Mattos, Rodolfo, Staico, and Ibraim M F, Pinto
- Subjects
Male ,Hyperplasia ,Carbon Compounds, Inorganic ,Silicon Compounds ,Biocompatible Materials ,Coronary Disease ,Middle Aged ,Coronary Angiography ,Coronary Restenosis ,Treatment Outcome ,Humans ,Female ,Stents ,Prospective Studies ,Tunica Intima ,Ultrasonography - Published
- 2004
10. Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia: carta do Rio de Janeiro - III Brasil Prevent / I América Latina Prevent Brazilian Society of Cardiology: letter from Rio de Janeiro - III Brazil Prevent / I Latin American Prevent
- Author
Jadelson P. Andrade, Donna K. Arnett, Fausto Pinto, Daniel Piñeiro, Sidney C. Smith Jr, Luiz Alberto P. Mattos, Carlos Alberto Machado, Gláucia Maria M. Oliveira, Hans F. Dohmann, and Stephan Gielen
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Published
- 2013
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