Propose a way of coding and qualifying HRQoL following a stroke using the codes and qualifiers of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).An observational, cross-sectional study was conducted involving 51 individuals with hemiparesis resulting from a stroke. ICF codes related to the Stroke Specific Quality of Life (SS-QOL) scale were listed and subsequently classified using the generic ICF qualifiers, which range from .0 - no impairment to .4 - complete impairment. A simple mathematic calculation was proposed to convert the SS-QOL scores into ICF qualifiers.The use of the ICF qualifiers revealed that the individuals exhibited a moderate level (.2) of quality of life, with mild impairment (.1) regarding upper limb function, language, self-care, and vision as well as severe impairment (.3) regarding social relations.The proposal presented in this study allowed qualifying 43 ICF codes related to quality of life after a stroke in a simple, standardized manner, enabling the identification of different levels of impairment on each of the domains of the SS-QOL scale. This coding standardizes the evaluation, facilitates communication between healthcare providers, and systematizes the collection of data and information on health.Implications for rehabilitationProposal for qualifying concepts related to body functions, activityparticipation, and environmental factors in a simple, standardized manner.The proposed mathematic calculation is simple and easy to understand, which minimizes the occurrence of errors.Possibility to identify different levels of impairment in each of the domains of the Stroke Specific Quality of Life scale, facilitating the establishment of individualized, longitudinal care.The ICF codes standardize the evaluation, facilitate communication between healthcare providers, and systematize the collection of data and information on health and functioning.