Genus Lasia Wiedemann, 1824: 11. Type species: Lasia splendens Wiedemann, 1824; by monotypy. Refs.: Erichson, 1840: 142 (synonymy); Reed, 1888: 14 (cat.); Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat.); Coquillett, 1910: 557 (list of type species); Edwards, 1930: 188 (in key), 193 (comments), 194 (key to species); Bequaert, 1931: 1 (diagnostic characters, comments); Gillung & Carvalho, 2009: 32 (in key), 38 (diagnosis); Schlinger et al., 2013: 63 (in key). = Panops Lamarck, 1804: 263; Wiedemann, 1830: 18 (in part); Blanchard, 1852: 375 (misidentification); Philippi, 1865: 647 (misidentification). aenea (Philippi, 1865) Panops aeneus Philippi, 1865: 647. Syntypes, Cerro San Crist��bal (no type specimens deposited in MNNC). Dist.: Coquimbo (Choapa: Los Vilos), Valpara��so (Marga Marga: Colliguay, Quebrada de Alvarado, Villa Alemana; Petorca: Quebrada El Tigre; Quillota: Boco, Cuesta El Mel��n; San Antonio: San Antonio; Valpara��so: El Salto, Mantagua, Pe��uela, Quintero, Valpara��so, Vi��a del Mar); Metropolitana (Santiago: Cerro San Crist��bal���on flowers of Sylibum marianum, Corral Quemado, Las Condes, Macul, Pe��alol��n, Pudahuel, Santiago; Cordillera: El Canelo, El Manzano, Lagunillas; Talagante: Talagante); O���Higgins (Cardenal Caro: Quebrada El Roble; Colchagua: Chomedahue, La Rufina); Maule (Curic��: Las Jaulas; Talca: Altos de Vilches); Biob��o (Concepci��n: Tom��; ��uble: Ciudad de Chill��n, Cobquecura), La Araucan��a (Malleco: Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta); Los Lagos (Osorno: Pilmaiqu��n). Argentina (without precise locality (Br��thes, 1908)). Refs.: Rondani, 1863: 75 (as L. rufipes Westwood, 1848); Rondani, 1864: 75 (as L. rufipes Westwood, 1848); Schiner, 1868: 143 (as L. rufipes); Reed, 1888: 14 (cat., as Lasia); Hunter 1901: 152 (cat., as synonym (in error) of L. rufipes Westwood, 1848); Br��thes, 1908: 285 (as Panops, Argentina); Kert��sz, 1909: 8 (as Panops); Edwards, 1930: 194 (in key), 195���196 (synonymy, comments); Stuardo, 1946: 102 (cat., synonymy). = Lasia cyaniventris Jaennicke, 1867: 351. Syntypes (SMF); Kert��sz, 1909: 9 (cat. as valid species of Panops); Edwards, 1930: 195 (as synonym of L. aenea). = Lasia aenea Westwood, 1876: 509. Syntypes: Chile (UMO). Hunter 1901: 152 (cat., as synonym (in error) of L. rufipes Westwood, 1848); Edwards, 1930: 195 (as synonym of L. aenea Philippi). = Lasia aeneiventris Westwood, 1876: 509. Syntypes: Chile (UMO) Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat., as valid species); Kert��sz, 1909: 9 (cat. as synonym of P. cyaniventris Jaennicke); Edwards, 1930: 195 (as synonym with doubt of L. aenea Philippi); Stuardo, 1946: 102 (as synonym of L. aenea Philippi). Comments: Rondani (1863, 1864) cited the name Lasia aenea attributed to Philippi in a handwritten label, from Chile, as synonym of L. rufipes Westwood, 1848 from Brazil and is highly improbable the presence of this species in Chile. This erroneous indication was followed by Costa (1866: 38), Schiner (1868: 143) and Hunter (1901: 152). On the other hand, Lasia aenea Rondani, 1863 is a nomen nudum. corvina Erichson, 1840: 143. Holotype: Chile (ZMHB). Dist.: Valpara��so (Marga-Marga: Colliguay, Olmu��, Quebrada Alvarado; Villa Alemana; Quillota: Quillota; Valpara��so: El Granizo, El Salto; Quillota); Metropolitana (Chacabuco: Caleu; Cordillera: La Obra, El Canelo, Cta. del Cepillo, San Gabriel; Melipilla: Cuesta Zapata; Santiago: Lo Aguirre on flowers of Eccremocarpus scaber Ruiz et Pavon, Renca, Rungue); O��Higgins (Cardenal Caro: Pichilemu; Cachapoal: Termas de Cauquenes, Rio Las Le��as, on flowers of Alstroemeria ligtu ssp simsii (Sprengel) Bayer; Colchagua: La Rufina, San Fernando, Termas del Flaco); Maule (Curic��: Las Juntas; Talca: Altos de Vilches, R��o Claro at Hacienda Las Mercedes; Linares: Villalobos); Biob��o (Concepci��n: Concepci��n; ��uble: Cordillera de Chill��n, Las Trancas, Los Lleuques, Puente Marchant, Piedras Comadres). Argentina (without precise locality (Br��thes, 1908)). Refs.: Walker, 1854: 334 (list of species, as Lasia); Schiner, 1868: 143 (as Lasia); Westwood, 1876: 508 (as Lasia); Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat. as Lasia); Kert��sz, 1909: 9 (cat. as Panops); Edwards, 1930: 194 (in key, synonymy, colour variability); Stuardo, 1946: 102 (cat., synonymy); Stuardo, 1980: 97 (collect and biological data); Borkent et al., 2016: 106 (phylogeny), 108 (collection data). = Panops carbonarius Philippi, 1865: 648. Syntypes (MNNC): Colchagua. Schiner, 1868: 143 (Lasia); Reed, 1888: 288 (cat., as Lasia); Hunter, 1901: 151 (as Panops); Br��thes, 1908: 285 (as Panops, Argentina); Gazulla & Ruiz, 1928: 293 (dist., as Lasia); Edwards, 1930: 194 (as synonymy of L. corvina); Winterton et al., 2007: 811 (as Lasia carbonanicus, misspelling; dist., DNA), 821 (phylogeny), 823 (phylogeny), 828 (as Lasia carbonanicus, misspelling; host Theraphosidae and/or Dipluridae); Borkent et al., 2016: 106 (as synonymy of L. corvina). = Lasia superba Schiner, 1868: 143. Holotype: Chile (NMW). Reed, 1888: 288 (cat., as valid species); Hunter, 1901: 153 (cat., as valid species of Lasia); Kert��sz, 1909: 11 (cat., as valid species of Panops); Edwards, 1930: 194 (as synonym of L. corvina). cuprea Rondani, 1863: 75 ���76. Syntypes: Chile (MZUN). Dist.: Chile. Refs.: Rondani, 1864: 75���76 (description, as Lasia); Costa, 1866: 38 (list of species of the Rondani Collection); Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat., as valid species); Kert��sz, 1909: 9 (cat. as Panops); Edwards, 1930: 195 (as possible synonym of L. nigripes); Stuardo, 1946: 102 (cat., as possible synonym of L. nigripes). Comments: Lasia cuprea Rondani has been cited as possible���not definitive���synonym of L. nigripes (Philippi) by some authors (Edwards, 1930; Stuardo, 1946). Rondani (1863, 1864), in his description, stated that Philippi identified or named it as L. ocelligera. On the other hand, Philippi (1865) distinguished Lasia ocelliger (as Panops, a misidentification as this name is proper of a Brazilian species) from his Lasia nigritarsis (as Panops). This leads to consider both as valid species, until a posterior study clarify its taxonomic status. metallica Rondani, 1863: 75. Syntypes: Chile (MZUN). Dist.: Coquimbo (without precise locality); Valpara��so (Los Andes: Guardia Vieja; Marga Marga: Base cuesta Colliguay, Olmu�����on flowers of Chateantera moenchoides Less.; Quillota: Cuesta El Mel��n; Petorca: Catapilco; San Antonio: El Canelillo; Valpara��so: Casablanca, Mantagua, Pe��uelas); Metropolitana (Chacabuco: Caleu; Cordillera (El Canelo���on flowers of Alstroemeria haemantha Ruiz et Pavon, A. revoluta Ruiz et Pavon and Quinchamalium majus Brogn., Lagunillas, La Obra, El Manzano; Santiago: Cerro San Crist��bal���on flowers of Carduus pycnocephalus L., Cerro Manquehue���on flowers of Carduus pycnocephalus L.; Melipilla: Cuesta Zapata); Maule (Talca: R��o Claro at Hacienda Las Mercedes, Altos de Vilches); Biob��o (Biob��o: Mulch��n; ��uble: Chill��n, Puente Marchant); La Araucan��a (Caut��n: Licanray; Malleco: Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta, Pemehue); Los R��os (Valdivia: Llancahue, Santo Domingo, Valdivia). Refs.: Rondani, 1864: 75 (description as Lasia); Costa, 1866: 38 (list of species of the Rondani Collection). Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat. as Lasia); Kert��sz, 1909: 9 (cat. as Panops); Edwards, 1930: 194 (in key), 195 synonymy, comments); Stuardo, 1946: 102 (cat., synonymy); Stuardo, 1980: 97 (as Lasia metalica, misspelling). = Panops ocelliger Blanchard, 1852: 376 (not Wiedemann, 1830; misidentification); Philippi, 1865: 647 (not Wiedemann, 1830; misidentification); Reed, 1888: 14 (cat., as Lasia); Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat.); Gazulla & Ruiz, 1928: 293 (dist., as Lasia); Edwards, 1930: 195 (as possible synonym of L. metallica). nigripes (Philippi, 1865) Panops nigripes Philippi, 1865: 648. Holotype: Valdivia, San Juan (no type specimen deposited in MNNC). Dist.: Los R��os (Valdivia: San Juan). Refs.: Schiner, 1868: 143 (as Lasia); Reed, 1888: 14 (cat., as Lasia); Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat., as Panops); Kert��sz, 1909: 9 (cat., as Panops); Edwards, 1930: 194 (in key), 195 (synonymy, comments); Stuardo, 1946: 102 (cat.). = Lasia nigripes Westwood, 1876: 509. Syntypes: Chile (UMO). Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat. as Lasia); Kert��sz, 1909: 9 (as synonym of Panops nigripes Philippi); Edwards, 1930: 195 (as synonym of L. nigripes Philippi). nigritarsis (Blanchard, 1852) Panops nigritarsis Blanchard, 1852: 375 ���376. Syntypes: Coquimbo (MNHN). Dist.: Coquimbo (without precise locality); Valpara��so (Marga Marga: Los Lagos en Quilpu����� Fuchsia sp.); Metropolitana (Cordillera: El Canelo��� Mutisia sp., El Manzano, La Obra; Santiago: El Array��n, Santiago); Maule (Linares: Laguna Amargo; Talca: Altos de Vilches); Biob��o (Arauco: Isla Mocha, Lanalhue; Biob��o: Mulch��n); La Araucan��a (Malleco: Monumento Nacional Contulmo; Caut��n: Licanray); Los R��os (Ranco: La Uni��n; Valdivia: Huellelhue, Llancacura, Los Lagos, without precise locality���on flowers of Alstroemeria aurantiaca, Valdivia); Los Lagos (Osorno: Osorno���on flowers of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.; Chilo��: Ancud). Refs.: Blanchard, 1854: D��pteros Lam. 3, fig. 4; Philippi, 1865: 647 (biol., dist.); Costa, 1866: 38 (list of species of the Rondani Collection, as Lasia); Westwood, 1876: 509 (as Lasia); Reed, 1888: 14 (cat., as Lasia nigritarsus sic); Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat., as Panops); Kert��sz, 1909: 9 (cat. as Panops); Br��thes, 1925: 207 (dist.); Edwards, 1930: 194 (as Lasia, in key, synonymy); Stuardo, 1946: 102 (cat., synonymy); Stuardo, 1980: 97 (collection data). = Lasia coerulea Rondani, 1863: 74; Rondani, 1864: 74 (description). Syntypes (SMF). Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat., as valid species); Kert��sz, 1909: 10 (cat., as Panops); Edwards, 1930: 194 (cited erroneously as described by Rondani in Panops; as synonym of L. nigritarsis). pulla (Philippi, 1865) Panops pullus Philippi, 1865: 648. Holotype: Valdivia, Corral (no type specimen deposited in MNNC). Dist.: Los R��os (Valdivia: Corral). Refs.: Schiner, 1868: 143 (as Lasia); Reed, 1888: 288 (cat., as Lasia); Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat., as Panops); Kert��sz, 1909: 10 (cat., as Panops); Edwards, 1930: 194 (in key), 195 (as Lasia, synonymy); Stuardo, 1946: 102 (cat., synonymy). = Lasia bicolor Westwood, 1876: 509. Syntypes: Chile (UMO). Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat., as valid species); Kert��sz, 1909: 9 (cat. as valid species); Edwards, 1930: 195 (as synonym of L. pulla). rufa (Philippi, 1865) Panops rufus Philippi, 1865: 648. Syntypes: Colchagua (no type specimens deposited in MNNC). Dist.: Metropolitana (Cordillera: El Canelo; Santiago: La Pir��mide); O���Higgins (Colchagua: without precise locality); Biob��o (��uble: Termas de Chill��n���on flowers of Alstroemeria sp.). Refs.: Walker, 1854: 335 (list of species as Lasia); Rondani, 1863: 75 (as Lasia); Schiner, 1868: 143 (as synonym in error of Lasia rufipes Westwood); Reed, 1888: 288 (cat., as synonym in error of Lasia rufipes Westwood); Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat., as synonym in error of Lasia rufipes Westwood); Kert��sz, 1909: 10 (cat., as synonym in error of Panops rufipes Westwood); Edwards, 1930: 194 (in key), 196 (as valid species of Lasia); Jaffuel, 1933: 151 (biol., dist.); Stuardo, 1946: 102 (cat.). rufovestita (Blanchard, 1852) Panops rufovestitus Blanchard, 1852: 376. Syntypes: Chile (MNHN). Dist.: Coquimbo (without precise locality); Los R��os (Valdivia: Cudico���on flower of Lapageria rosea, Valdivia). Refs.: Blanchard, 1854: D��pteros Lam. 3, fig. 5; Philippi, 1865: 647 (biol., dist.); Westwood, 1876: 509 (as Lasia); Reed, 1888: 288 (cat.); Hunter, 1901: 152 (cat., as Panops); Kert��sz, 1909: 10 (cat., as Panops); Gil Collado, 1928: 61 (probably Lasioides); Edwards, 1930: 194���195 (as Lasia, in key, comments); Bequaert, 1931: 3, 4 (probably Lasioides); Stuardo, 1946: 102���103 (cat., as Lasia)., Published as part of Gonz��lez, Christian R., Elgueta, Mario & Ramirez, Francisco, 2018, A catalog of Acroceridae (Diptera) from Chile, pp. 427-440 in Zootaxa 4374 (3) on pages 432-434, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4374.3.6,, {"references":["Wiedemann, C. R. W. (1824) Munus rectoris in Academia Christiana Albertina aditurus analecta entomologica ex Museo Regio Havniens: maxime congesta profert iconibusque illustrat. Kiliae e regio typographeo scholarum, Kiel, 60 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 77322","Erichson, W. F. (1840) Die Henopier. Eine familie aus der Ordung der Dipteren pp. 135 - 180. in Entomographien 1 180 pp, 2 pl.","Reed, E. C. (1888) Catalogo de los insectos dipteros de Chile. Anales de la Universidad de Chile, 73, 271 - 316.","Hunter, W. D. (1901) Catalogue of the Diptera of South America. Part II, Homodactyla and Mydiadae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 27, 121 - 155.","Coquillett, D. W. (1910) The type-species of the North American Genera of Diptera. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 37, 499 - 647. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.37 - 1719.499","Edwards, F. W. (1930). Bombyliidae, Nemestrinidae and Cyrtidae. Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile, Part V (Fascicle 2), 162 - 197.","Bequaert, J. (1931) The genus Lasia in North America, with descriptions of two new species. American Museum Novitates, 455, 1 - 11.","Gillung, J. P. & Carvalho, C. J. B. de (2009) Acroceridae (Diptera): a pictorial key and diagnosis of the Brazilian genera. 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Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, 9, 277 - 305.","Rondani, C. (1863) Diptera exotica revisa et annotata novis nonnullis descriptis. Eredi Soliani, Modena, 99 pp., 1 pl.","Westwood, J. O. (1848) Descriptions of some new exotic species of Acroceridae (Vesiculosa, Latr.), a family of dipterous insects. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, Serie 5, 91 - 98.","Rondani, C. (1864) Dipterorum species et genera aliqua exotica novis nonnullis descriptis. Archivio per la Zoologia, l' Anatomia e la Fisiologia Modena, 3 (1), 1 - 99.","Schiner, R. J. (1868) Acroceridae. In: Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte Novara u a m die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. Von Wullerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil. Zweiter Band. 1. Abtheilung B. Karl Gerold's Sohn, Wien, pp. 140 - 145","Kertesz, C. (1909) Catalogus dipterorum Hucusque Descriptorum. Vol. IV. Lipsiae, Budapestini, 348 pp.","Stuardo, C. (1946) Catalogo de los dipteros de Chile. Ministerio de Agricultura, Impresiones Universitaria, Santiago, 250 pp.","Jaennicke, F. (1867) Neue exotische Dipteren. Abhandlungen herausgegeben von der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 6, 3 - 100, pls. 1 - 2.","Westwood, J. O. (1876) Notae Dipterologicae. N ° 3. - Descriptions of new genera and species of the family Acroceridae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 3, 507 - 518, pls. 5 - 6.","Costa, A. (1866) [Articolo 1 °. Acquisiti fatti durante l'anno 1863]. Annuario del Museo Zoologico della R. Universita di Napoli, 3, 13 - 41.","Walker, F. (1854) List of specimens of Dipterous insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Supplement II. Printed by order of the Trustees, London, 518 pp.","Stuardo, C. (1980) Notas biologicas sobre Acroceridae de Chile (Diptera). Revista Chilena de Entomologia, 10, 97.","Borkent, C. J., Gillung, J. P. & Winterton, S. L. 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