Sist, P., Lilian Blanc, Mazzei, L., Baraloto, C., Aussenac, R., Biens et services des écosystèmes forestiers tropicaux : l'enjeu du changement global (Cirad-Es-UPR 105 BSEF), Département Environnements et Sociétés (Cirad-ES), Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad)-Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad), Biens et services des écosystèmes forestiers tropicaux (UPR105 BSef), Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad), Belem, Embrapa, Ecologie des forêts de Guyane (ECOFOG), Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad)-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG)-AgroParisTech-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts (ENGREF)-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), FFEM (Fonds frangais pour l'environnement mondial) through the project Floresta em Pe, CIRAD, Ministry of Overseas Departments (CORDET), National Forestry Fund (FFN), State Region Plan, European Structural Funds, Biens et services des écosystèmes forestiers tropicaux : l'enjeu du changement global (UPR BSEF), and Biens et services des écosystèmes forestiers tropicaux (UPR BSef)
This article presents the effects of logging on the dynamics of above-ground biomass from the results of the post-logging study within two forests: Cikel in Eastern Para, Brazil and Paracou in French Guiana. The main objective is to compare the impact of commercial logging on the regeneration of the above-ground biomass in these forests whose characteristics differ in terms of structure and growth. In both sites, the intensity of exploitation is a key factor in determining the loss of biomass and the time required for its regeneration. In Paracou, the regeneration of biomass lost during conventional logging of 10 trees per hectare takes 45 years and more than 100 years when operating with higher intensity (21 trees/ha). In Cikei the forest biomass regenerates after 49 years harvesting 6 trees/ha and that takes 87 years after removal of 8 trees/ha. This regeneration needs similar time on both sites but with lower logging intensity at Cikel, in which felled trees are larger with a greater biomass than those of Paracou. This post-logging study has established a direct correlation of the dynamics of the biomass with the initial structure of the forest, as well as with the parameters of forest dynamics: mortality, growth and recruitment. The accumulation of biomass by the tree growth of the two remaining stands is a key parameter for the net carbon storage, while the contribution of recruitment in Paracou becomes significant only after 10 years after felling. Therefore in view to improve the growth of residual trees, it is compulsory to apply adequate silvicultural treatments such as selective thinning or removal of vines. While the two forests are geographically close enough, their regenerative abilities differ and because of the significant difference in size of the trees, the forest could tolerate more intensive harvesting in French Guiana, This article presents the effects of log- ging on the dynamics of above-ground biomass from the results of the post-log- ging study within two forests: Cikel in Eastern Pará, Brazil and Paracou in French Guiana. The main objective is to compare the impact of commercial log- ging on the regeneration of the above- ground biomass in these forests whose characteristics differ in terms of structure and growth. In both sites, the intensity of exploitation is a key factor in deter- mining the loss of biomass and the time required for its regeneration. In Paracou, the regeneration of biomass lost during conventional logging of 10 trees per hectare takes 45 years and more than 100 years when operating with higher intensity (21 trees/ha ). In Cikel the for- est biomass regenerates after 49 years harvesting 6 trees/ha and that takes 87 years after removal of 8 trees/ha. This regeneration needs similar time on both sites but with lower logging intensity at Cikel, in which felled trees are larger with a greater biomass than those of Paracou. This post-logging study has established a direct correlation of the dynamics of the biomass with the initial structure of the forest, as well as with the parameters of forest dynamics: mortality, growth and recruitment. The accumulation of bio- mass by the tree growth of the two remaining stands is a key parameter for the net carbon storage, while the contri- bution of recruitment in Paracou becomes significant only after 10 years after felling. Therefore in view to improve the growth of residual trees, it is compul- sory to apply adequate silvicultural treat- ments such as selective thinning or removal of vines. While the two forests are geographically close enough, their regenerative abilities differ and because of the significant difference in size of the trees, the forest could tolerate more intensive harvesting in French Guiana, En este artículo se presentan los efectos de la explotación maderera sobre la diná- mica de la biomasa aérea gracias a los resultados del estudio de post-tala y aca- rreo en dos bosques: Cikel en el este de Pará en Brasil y Paracou en Guayana Francesa. El objetivo principal consistió en comparar el impacto de la tala comercial en la regeneración de la biomasa aérea en estos bosques cuyas características difie- ren en cuanto a la estructura y el creci- miento. En ambos lugares, la intensidad de la explotación resulta ser un factor clave para determinar la pérdida de bio- masa y el tiempo necesario para su rege- neración. En Paracou, la regeneración de la biomasa perdida durante la extracción de 10 árboles por hectárea tomará 45 años, así como100 años operando con mayor intensidad (21 árboles/ha). En Cikel la biomasa se regenera al cabo de 49 años al talar 6 árboles/ha y unos 87 años cose- chando 8 árboles/ha. Esta regeneración se alcanza al mismo plazo en ambos sitios, pero con intensidad de tala menor en Cikel, cuyos árboles comerciales son de mayor tamaño y con más biomasa que los de Paracou. Este estudio de post-tala esta- blece una correlación directa de la diná- mica de la biomasa con la estructura inicial de los bosques, así como con los parámetros de la dinámica forestal: morta- lidad, crecimiento y reclutamiento. La acu- mulación de biomasa que proporciona el crecimiento de los árboles residuales resulta ser un parámetro clave para la cap- tura y estoc de carbono, sin embargo la contribución del reclutamiento en Paracou solo llega a ser significativo al cabo de 10 años después de la tala. Por lo tanto, para mejorar el crecimiento post-tala de los árboles residuales se requiere una silvícul- tura en su favor consistiendo en raleos selectivos o eliminación de lianas. A pesar de la relativa proximidad geográfica de los dos bosques, el potencial regenerativo no es idéntico y debido a la obvia diferencia del tamaño de los árboles, el bosque de Guayana Francesa podría tolerar una valo- rización mas intensa.