1. Sveti Jeronim o prijateljstvu. Smjernice Jeronimovih poslanica s obzirom na njegov ideal prijateljstva
- Author
Kraft-Soić, Vanda and Kraft-Soić, Vanda
- Abstract
Na temelju poslanica sv. Jeronima rad nastoji ukazati na važnost i značenje prijateljâ i prijateljstva u njegovu životu te iščitati njegovu teoriju prijateljstva, odnosno ideal prijateljstva koji je ponudio svojim čitateljima. Prvo poglavlje ističe važnost prijatelja i prijateljstvâ za Naučitelja iz Stridona, čemu s više gledišta imaju pridonijeti i ostali dijelovi rada. Drugo poglavlje ocrtava njegovo shvaćanje iskona i naravi prijateljstva te sponâ koje povezuju prijatelje. Treće poglavlje ukazuje na važnost komunikacije koja, prema sv. Jeronimu, hrani, učvršćuje, održava i posvjedočuje prijateljstvo. Četvrto poglavlje, napose s gledišta korespondencije sv. Jeronima sa sv. Augustinom, bavi se pitanjem na koji se način prijatelji trebaju ophoditi i kojih se normi držati dođe li među njima do nesporazuma, nesuglasica, spora, pa i polemike. Rad ukazuje na dragocjenost prijateljstva u Jeronimovu životu. Iskon, odnosno vrelo ljubavi koja povezuje prijatelje, Stridonjanin vidi u Kristu, odnosno u Bogu, koji istom prijateljstvo i učvršćuje. Ističe nezamjenjivu važnost komunikacije, koja prema Jeronimu održava i hrani prijateljstvo, te nužnost otvorenosti i iskrenosti u prijateljskim odnosima. Jednako vrijedi i u slučaju nesuglasica ili sporova, koje prema sv. Jeronimu valja rješavati u istom duhu, u prvi plan stavljajući prijateljsku ljubav hranjenu vjerom te želju za mirom., On the basis of the epistles of St. Jerome, the article is attempting to draw attention to the importance and meaning of friends and friendship in his life and to discern his theory of friendship, i.e., the idea of friendship that he offered to his readers. The first part points out the importance of friends and friendships for the teacher from Stridon, to which other parts also contribute from various perspectives. The second part draws his understanding of the origin and nature of friendship, as well as the ties that bind friends. The third part points out the importance of communication that, according to St. Jerome, feeds, strengthens, maintains, and testifies to friendship. The fourth part is based primarily on the correspondence between St. Jerome and St. Augustine and it deals with the question of how friends should behave and which norms should they follow when there is a disagreement, argument, fights, or polemics between them. The article draws attention to the preciousness of friendship in Jerome’s life. Jerome sees the origin, i.e., the source of love that binds friends, in Christ or in God who also strengthens the friendship. The author points out the irreplaceable importance of communication that, according to Jerome, maintains and feeds friendship, as well as the necessity of openness and honesty in friendship. This holds also in cases of disagreement and arguments that, according to St. Jerome, ought to be solved in the same spirit by putting in the first place the love between friends that is fed by faith and desire for peace.
- Published
- 2022