32 results on '"Konur"'
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2. In Their Own Voices: Legend Traditions of Icelandic Women in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
- Author
Magnúsdóttir, Júlíana Þóra, Terry Gunnell, Félagsfræði-, mannfræði- og þjóðfræðideild (HÍ), Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics (UI), Félagsvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Social Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
Goðsagnir ,Storytellers ,Doktorsritgerðir ,Gender ,Women ,Sagnafólk ,Kyngervi ,Konur ,Legends - Abstract
This doctoral research thesis seeks to examine the legend traditions of Icelandic women living in the Icelandic pre-industrial rural society. The source material of the thesis involves audiotaped interviews that the folklore collector Hallfreður Örn Eiriksson took with 200 women born in the late nineteenth century, interviews which are now preserved in the Folkloric Collection of Árni Magnússon Institute in Icelandic Studies in Reykjavík. Alongside these, the project has also made use of interviews taken with 25 male informants born during the same period, interviews which are drawn on for the basis of comparison in some parts of the research. The research combines quantitative and qualitative approaches as a means of mapping out the main features of women’s legend traditions and legend repertoires during this period, simultaneously shedding light on those features of the tradition that seem to be divided on gender lines. The aim of the research was to gain insight into how the spaces, experiences and conditions of Icelandic women in the past influenced their legend traditions and the formation of their legend repertoires. In addition to considering the nature and content of the legends told by women, the thesis considers the roles women played as storytellers, not only in their private households but also in the society at large, underlining among other things the degree to which they were involved and represented in the collection of Icelandic folk narratives in earlier times. The thesis is built up around four scholarly articles. Three of these have already been published (in the British Folklore in 2018, in the Estonian Folklore in 2021 and in Arv from 2021) and the final one will be published in the Journal of American Folklore this spring (2023). The first article examines the representation of women in the different types of folk narrative archives containing material with a background in the pre-industrial rural society of Iceland and considers their usefulness for the reconstruction of women’s traditions in the past. The second article considers the spatial aspects of women’s storytelling and their legend repertoires, among other things paying attention to their roles in the social landscape of the rural community and the roles they played as storytellers in the central communal space of the baðstofa. The third article (that forthcoming in the Journal of American Folklore) examines the key differences that can be discerned in the legend traditions of women and men contained in the sound archives, considering how the different experiences, roles and conditions of women may have contributed to some of these differences. The fourth article (that published in Arv in 2021) focuses on three women in the sources who have unusually large legend repertoires, something which provides additional insight and individual context with regard to some of the features examined in the other articles, once again highlighting the relationship between the conditions, environments and experiences women knew and the nature of their legend traditions. As a whole, the thesis reveals that many of the women encountered in the sources were more geographically mobile than expected, while others evidently had a relatively wide range of social contacts, providing them with a valuable role in the oral narrative traditions of their local communities and not least in terms of the transmission of oral stories between different households and even different regions. The research behind the thesis also reveals that certain aspects of the legend tradition seem to have been more common in the repertoires of women than in those of men. These include a more personal approach to the supernatural tradition, greater emphasis on female roles and characters, and particular interest in certain narrative themes, such as dreams, omens and those dealing with the huldufólk. As the thesis notes, these are all themes that seem to be emphasised in the earlier printed collections of folk narratives from the second half of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, giving us good reason to believe that female storytellers played a much greater role in passing on this source material than their official representation in these collections might suggest., Í rannsókninni er leitast við að rannsaka sagnahefðir íslenskra kvenna sem ólust upp í hinu óiðnvædda sveitasamfélagi. Frumheimildir ritgerðarinnar eru hljóðrituð viðtöl sem þjóðfræðasafnarinn Hallfreður Örn Eiríksson tók við 200 konur sem fæddar voru seint á nítjándu öld, viðtöl sem nú eru varðveitt í Þjóðfræðasafni Stofnunar Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum í Reykjavík. Í verkefninu er einnig notast við viðtöl sem tekin voru við 25 karlkyns heimildamenn safnarans, sem fæddir voru á sama tímabili, en sagnir þeirra eru notaðar til samanburðar í ákveðnum þáttum rannsóknarinnar. Rannsóknin sameinar megindlegar og eigindlegar nálganir til að kortleggja helstu einkenni sagnahefða og sagnasjóða kvenna á þessu tímabili og varpa um leið ljósi á þá þætti hefðarinnar sem virðast skiptast eftir kynjalínum. Markmið rannsóknarinnar er að öðlast innsýn inn í hvernig rými, upplifun og aðstæður íslenskra kvenna í fortíðinni höfðu áhrif á þjóðsagnahefðir þeirra og sagnasjóði. Auk þess að huga að eðli og innihaldi þeirra sagna sem konurnar segja, fjallar ritgerðin um hlutverk kvenna sem sögumenn og leitast við að leggja mat á hlutdeild þeirra í sögnum sem birtust í þjóðsagnasöfnum fyrri tíma. Ritgerðin er byggð upp í kringum fjórar fræðigreinar. Þrjár þeirra hafa þegar verið birtar (í breskra Folklore árið 2018, í eistneska Folklore árið 2021 og í Arv árið 2021) og sú síðasta verður birt í Journal of American Folklore í vor (2023). Fyrsta greinin fjallar um hlutdeild kvenna í hinum ýmsu gerðum þjóðfræðisafna sem geyma efni gamla íslenska bændasamfélagsins, þar sem meðal annars er velt upp kostum og göllum þeirra fyrir enduruppbyggingu kvennahefða fyrri tíma. Í annarri greininni er fjallað um þær hliðar sagnahefðar og sagnasjóða kvennanna sem tengjast rými, og meðal annars hugað að hlutverkum þeirra í félagslegu landslagi sveitasamfélagsins og hlutverkum sem þær gegndu sem sögumenn í félagslegu rými baðstofunnar. Þriðja greinin (sem væntanleg er í Journal of American Folklore) skoðar þann munn sem greina má á þjóðsagnahefðum kvenna og karla í heimildunum með tilliti til þess hvernig ólík reynsla, hlutverk og aðstæður kynjanna kunna að hafa haft áhrif á sagnir þeirra. Fjórða greinin (sem birt var í Arv árið 2021) fjallar um þrjár konur í heimildunum sem búa yfir óvenju stórum sagnasjóðum. Þar er leitast við að veita frekari innsýn inn í suma þeirra þátta sem skoðaðir eru í hinum greinunum með það fyrir augum að draga betur fram samband aðstæðna, umhverfis og reynslu kvennanna við mótun sagnahefðar þeirra. Í heild sinni leiðir ritgerðin í ljós að margar kvennanna voru landfræðilega hreyfanlegri en búist var við. Einnig kom í ljós að sumar kvennanna áttu í miklum félagslegum samskiptum við fólk í nærsamfélaginu sem ekki deildi vi með þeim heimili. Samfélagslegi hreyfanleikinn skapaði konunum mikilvægt hlutverk í munnlegum frásagnarhefðum í heimabyggðum sínum, og styrkti stöðu þeirra sem sögumenn þar sem þær fluttu sínar munnlegu sagnir með sér á milli heimila og jafnvel ólíkra landshluta. Rannsóknin leiðir einnig í ljós að ákveðnir þættir sagnahefðar virðast hafa verið algengari í sagnasjóðum kvenna en karla. Má þar nefna persónulegri nálgun á yfirnáttúrulega hefð, ríkari áherslu á kvenhlutverk og persónur auk sérstaks áhuga á frásagnarþemum eins og draumum, fyrirboðum og huldufólkssögnum. Eins og fram kemur í ritgerðinni eru þetta þemu sem mikil áhersla er lögð á í prentuðum þjóðsagnasöfnum frá seinni hluta nítjándu aldar og fyrri hluta þeirrar tuttugustu. Þessi samsvörun á sagnasjóðum kvenna og prentaðra sagnasafna bendir til þess að konur hafi gengt mun veigameira hlutverki í miðlun þessa efnis en opinber hlutdeild þeirra í söfunum ber vott um., This work was supported by the University of Iceland Doctoral Research Fund: Grant no. 201083.
- Published
- 2023
3. „Stundum finnst mér þeir horfa á mig eins og ég sé geimvera“: Upplifun flóttakvenna í litlu bæjarfélagi á Íslandi.
- Author
Skaptadóttir, Unnur Dís and Kristjánsdóttir, Erla S.
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2017
4. Development and effectiveness testing of a strengthsoriented therapeutic conversation on sexual adjustment and intimacy among females with cancer and their partners
- Author
Jonsdottir, Jona Ingibjorg, Erla Kolbrún Svavarsdóttir, Hjúkrunarfræðideild (HÍ), Faculty of Nursing (UI), Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Health Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
Kynlíf ,Sexual health ,Makar ,Nánd ,Intimacy ,Clinical nursing research ,Intimate partner ,Couple-based intervention ,Women ,Stuðningsmeðferð ,Konur ,Sexuality ,Krabbamein ,Cancer - Abstract
Markmið: Markmið doktorsrannsóknarinnar var að lýsa stöðu þekkingar á meðferðarrannsóknum eftir greiningu og meðferð krabbameins sem ætlað er að draga úr kynlífsvanda og efla nánd hjá pörum. Ennfremur var markmiðið að þróa og meta árangur nýrrar styrkleikamiðaðrar stuðningsmeðferðar og fræðslu fyrir pör þar sem konan hefur greinst með krabbamein, í því skyni að efla aðlögun hvað varðar kynlíf og nánd. Bakgrunnur: Vandamál sem tengjast kynlífi og nánd eru algeng hjá konum með krabbamein og geta haft neikvæð áhrif á kynferðislega vellíðan og náið samband. Gott parsamband og stuðningur maka getur hins vegar dregið úr streitu sem tengist breytingum á kynlífi og nánd eftir greiningu og meðferð krabbameins. Hjúkrunarfræðingar með framhaldsmenntun á þessu sviði geta þróað og veitt pörum stuðningsmeðferð og fræðslu hvað varðar kynlíf og nánd eftir krabbameinsgreiningu og meðan á krabbameinsmeðferð stendur. Aðferðir: Doktorsverkefnið hefur að geyma þrjár rannsóknir. Fyrsta rannsóknin var kerfisbundin, fræðileg samantekt. Stuðst var við handbók Joanna Briggs og Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses til að greina stöðu þekkingar á meðferðarrannsóknum við kynlífsvanda hjá fullorðnum einstaklingum og mökum eftir greiningu og meðferð krabbameina, og setja fram niðurstöður. JBI-Meta Analysis of Statistics Assessment and Review Instrument var notað til að meta aðferðafræðileg gæði rannsókna. Rannsóknarsnið í meðferðarrannsókn var fyrir og eftir hálf-tilraunasnið. Meðferð í rannsóknum tvö og þrjú fólst í þremur 50 mínútna löngum styrkleikamiðuðum meðferðarsamræðum þar sem hjúkrunarfræðingur með sérfræðiþekkingu í kynlífsheilbrigði hitti parið augliti til auglitis. Á milli fyrstu og annarrar samræðu liðu 1–2 vikur og sú síðasta fór fram sem eftirfylgdartími þremur mánuðum eftir fyrstu samræður. Eftir fyrstu samræður fengu pörin aðgang að læstri vefsíðu með upplýsingum um kynferðislegar aukaverkanir krabbameinsmeðferðar ásamt úrræðum. Tilgangur meðferðar var að efla styrkjandi viðhorf í aðlögun varðandi kynlíf og nánd og greina hindrandi viðhorf. Í fyrsta tíma var lagður grunnur að góðum meðferðartengslum og parinu boðið að segja frá sinni reynslu, skoða áhyggjuefni sín og ígrunda eigin aðstæður. Í öðrum tíma var lögð áhersla á að skoða þær breytingar sem parið vill sjá og vinna með styrkleika beggja. Í þriðja og síðasta eftirfylgdartíma var skerpt á þeim jákvæðu breytingum sem urðu hjá parinu og þær festar í sessi. Kenningafræðilegur grundvöllur meðferðarrannsóknanna voru styrkleikamiðaðar fjölskyldusamræður, Illness Beliefs-líkanið, Neotheoretical-kenning kynverundar og New View-stefnuyfirlýsingin. Rannsókn tvö byggðist á konum í virkri krabbameinsmeðferð (N=60) og mati á áhrifum fræðslu og stuðningsmeðferðar á kynferðisleg áhyggjuefni hjá konunum og áhrif krabbameinsveikinda á daglegt líf fyrir meðferð (T1), með samanburði við tvær meðferðarsamræður (T2), og að lokinni meðferð eftir þriðja og síðasta fræðslu- og stuðningsmeðferðartímann (eftirfylgdartímann) (T3). Þriðja rannsóknin byggðist á konum í virkri krabbameinsmeðferð (N=60) og mökum þeirra (N=60) og mati á árangri fræðslu- og stuðningsmeðferðarinnar varðandi það hve mikla fullvissu konan og maki hennar telja sig hafa um áhrif styðjandi og hindrandi viðhorfa á kynlíf og nánd og gæði parasambands á tímapunktum T1, samanborið við eftirmeðferðina á tímapunkti T2, og að lokinni meðferð, eftir þriðja fræðslu- og stuðningsmeðferðartímann á tímapunkti T3. Í meðferðarrannsóknunum var notuð dreifigreining fyrir endurteknar mælingar (rannsókn II og III), pöruð t-próf milli T1-T2 og T2-T3 (rannsókn II) og milli T1-T2, T2-T3, og T1-T3 (rannsókn III) til að kanna ávinninginn af fræðslu- og stuðningsmeðferðinni. Niðurstöður: Niðurstöður úr fyrstu rannsókn sýndu að ekki ríkir einhugur um hvernig best sé að hanna meðferðarrannsóknir fyrir pör, þegar ætlað er að efla kynlíf og nánd, hvað varðar innihald meðferðar eða hvernig hún skuli fara fram. Þetta undirstrikar skort á gagnreyndri þekkingu sem hindrar framþróun á þessu sviði í klínísku starfi hjúkrunarfræðinga. Mikilvægustu niðurstöður úr rannsókn tvö voru þær að konur með krabbamein greindu síður frá kynferðislegum áhyggjuefnum eftir styrkleikamiðuðu fræðslu- og stuðningsmeðferðina samanborið við það sem áður var og lýstu engum marktækum áhrifum krabbameinsveikinda yfir tíma á nánd. Helstu niðurstöður úr þriðju rannsókn voru þær að konur með krabbamein og makar þeirra greindu frá marktækt meiri gæðum parsambandsins og aukinni fullvissu um áhrif viðhorfa á kynlíf og nánd eftir styrkleikamiðuðu fræðslu- og stuðningsmeðferðina samanborið við það sem áður var. Ályktun: Rannsókn eitt leiddi í ljós hvernig megi auka megi gæði meðferðarrannsókna fyrir pör í framtíðinni til að efla klíníska hjúkrun. Niðurstöður úr rannsókn tvö styðja gagnsemi styrkleikamiðaðra meðferðarsamræðna til að draga úr áhyggjum sem tengjast kynlífi og nánd hjá konum í virkri krabbameinsmeðferð. Loks sýndu niðurstöður úr rannsókn þrjú fram á árangur af styrkleikamiðuðum meðferðarsamræðum fyrir pör til að efla aðlögun kvenna með krabbamein og maka hvað varðar kynlíf og nánd. Þessi gagnsemi og ávinningur styrkleikamiðaðra meðferðarsamræðna ætti að virka hvetjandi fyrir hjúkrunarfræðinga sem vilja stuðla að bættu kynlífsheilbrigði. Í heild varpa niðurstöður doktorsrannsóknarinnar ljósi á það hvernig hjúkrunarfræðingar geta þróað og samþætt nýja meðferð sem byggð er á gagnreyndri þekkingu innan fjölskylduhjúkrunar og kenningum um kynverund í því skyni að bæta kynlífsheilbrigði hjá pörum. Lykilorð: Krabbamein, konur, makar, kynlífsheilbrigði, kynverund, kynlíf, nánd, styrkleikamiðaðar meðferðarsamræður, stuðnings-og fræðslumeðferð, klínísk hjúkrunarrannsókn, Aims: The present thesis aimed to describe the characteristics of couplebased intervention studies that address sexuality after cancer and develop and test the effectiveness of a novel nurse-managed couple-based strengths oriented (CO-SOTC) intervention for women with diverse types of cancer and their intimate partners. Background: Problems related to changes in sexuality and intimacy are common among women with cancer, which threatens their sexual well-being and intimate relationships. Good relationship quality and perceived partner support can reduce stress associated with sexual changes in women with cancer. Nurses with the appropriate knowledge, skills, and training in sexual health can develop and offer couple-based interventions addressing sexuality and intimacy after cancer. Method: This doctoral research project comprises three studies. Study I was a systematic literature review that assessed the characteristics of couple‐ based intervention studies addressing sexuality following cancer. The reporting of Study I was guided by checklists for quantitative research evidence in the Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewer’s Manual and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Studies II and III were quasi-experimental single-group pre-post-follow-up design studies. The theoretical frameworks guiding the intervention are the Family-strengths oriented therapeutic conversation intervention, the Illness Beliefs Model, the Neo-theoretical framework of sexuality, and the New View Manifesto. The nurse met the participating couples face to face and engaged in three strengths-oriented therapeutic conversations (CO-SOTC) focusing on addressing changes in sexuality and intimacy after cancer. After the first session, the couples were also provided access to evidence-based educational information on a secure website about the most common sexual side effects of cancer treatment and possible solution. The second study, conducted in women in active cancer treatment (N = 60), assessed a nursemanaged CO-SOTC intervention on the women’s sexual concerns and illness interference in daily life measured preintervention at baseline (T1), postintervention after receiving two sessions of the intervention (T2), and after a follow-up booster session after 3 months (T3). The third study, conducted in women in active cancer treatment (N = 60) and their intimate partners (N = 60), evaluated the effects of the CO-SOTC intervention on the relationship quality and confidence of the participating women and their intimate partners about how their illness beliefs affect sexuality and intimacy with regard to cause, control, effect, suffering, and support, measured at T1, T2, and T3. In Studies II and III, repeated measures ANOVA was used for assessing outcome differences over time. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to assess normality before the intervention at baseline. In study II, the treatment effect over the three time points was assessed using an F test and a paired t test was used to further compare the outcomes of the CO-SOTC intervention between measurements at T1–T2 and T2–T3. In study III, the treatment effect over the three time points was assessed using an F test, and a paired t test was used to further compare the outcomes of the CO-SOTC intervention between measurements at T1–T2, T2–T3, and T1–T3. Dyadic difference scores between the participating women and their intimate partners were computed using an F test. Results: Findings from Study I suggested a current lack of consensus about how couple-based interventions addressing sexuality after cancer are best structured in terms of content and delivery, thus highlighting the limited empirical data available to guide clinical nursing practice. The main findings of studies II and III were that women with cancer reported benefits of the intervention with respect to sexual concerns, no significant changes over time were observed related to illness interference on intimacy, and the women with cancer and their intimate partners showed significant improvements in relationship quality and confidence about how their illness beliefs affect sexuality and intimacy which may help the couple to deal with changes in sexuality and intimacy following cancer diagnosis and treatment. Conclusion: Study I offered speculative evidence on how the quality of future couple-based intervention research can be improved to benefit clinical practice. Study II findings suggested that the novel nurse-managed couplebased intervention is beneficial in lessening concerns related to sexuality and intimacy in women in active cancer treatment. The findings of Study II also supported the feasibility of integrating empirical knowledge of family nursing with theories about sexuality to improve sexual health outcomes for couples. Findings of Study III indicated that the dyadic CO-SOTC intervention was effective in supporting sexual adjustment in women in active cancer treatment and their partners. The components of the CO-SOTC intervention – active listening, validation of the unique individual couple narrative, and facilitation of constructive beliefs – are a powerful tool to help couples manage changes related to sexuality and intimacy after cancer. The overall positive findings should encourage nurses with appropriate qualifications to further advance psychosexual support in cancer care. In addition, findings of this doctoral research project add new empirical evidence to the very limited pool of couple-based nurse-managed interventions designed to address changes in sexuality and intimacy for women after cancer., Rannsóknasjóður Ingibjargar R. Magnúsdóttur, Vísindasjóður Félags íslenskra hjúkrunarfræðinga, Vísindasjóður Landspítala, Vísindasjóður Krabbameinsfélags Íslands
- Published
- 2021
5. Adolescent Sport Participation and Age at Menarche in Relation to Midlife Body Composition, Bone Mineral Density, Fitness, and Physical Activity
- Author
Ravi, Suvi, Kujala, Urho M., Tammelin, Tuija H., Hirvensalo, Mirja, Kovanen, Vuokko, Valtonen, Maarit, Waller, Benjamin, Aukee, Pauliina, Sipilä, Sarianna, Laakkonen, Eija K., Íþróttafræðideild (HR), Department of Sport Science (RU), Physical Activity, Physical Education, Health and Sport Research Centre (PAPESH) (RU), Samfélagssvið (HR), School of Social Sciences (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, and Reykjavik University
- Subjects
naiset ,Tíðir kvenna ,keski-ikä ,luuntiheys ,lcsh:Medicine ,physical activity ,Líkamsástand ,kuukautiset ,Adolescent athletes ,Body composition ,Article ,Íþróttafólk ,Physical performance ,age at menarche ,Female athletes ,parasitic diseases ,Bone mineral density ,Hreyfing (heilsurækt) ,Unglingar ,Beinþéttni ,female athlete ,Konur ,kehonkoostumus ,suorituskyky ,Age at menarche ,body composition ,Physical activity ,lcsh:R ,Kynþroski ,physical performance ,murrosikä ,nuoruus ,adolescent athlete ,bone mineral density ,fyysinen aktiivisuus ,urheilijat - Abstract
This study aimed to investigate the associations of competitive sport participation in adolescence and age at menarche (AAM) with body composition, femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD), physical performance, and physical activity (PA) in middle-aged women. 1098 women aged 47&ndash, 55 years formed the sample of this retrospective study. Participants self-reported their PA level at age 13&ndash, 16 years and AAM. The protocol also included dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, physical performance tests, and accelerometer-measured PA. Participants were divided into three groups according to their PA level at the age of 13&ndash, 16 (no exercise, regular PA, and competitive sport) and according to their AAM (&le, 12, 13, and &ge, 14 years). After adjusting for potential confounding factors, participation in competitive sport at age 13&ndash, 16 was associated with higher midlife lean mass and BMD, and better physical performance compared to groups with no exercise or regular PA. Individuals with AAM &ge, 14 years had lower midlife BMI and fat mass than participants in the other AAM groups and pre- and perimenopausal women with AAM &ge, 14 years had lower BMD than those with AAM &le, 12. The findings indicate that participation in competitive sport in adolescence is associated with healthier body composition, higher BMD, and better physical performance in midlife, but BMD might be impaired if menarche occurs late.
- Published
- 2020
6. Females with ADHD: An expert consensus statement taking a lifespan approach providing guidance for the identification and treatment of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder in girls and women
- Author
Quinton Deeley, Nicoletta Adamo, Bryndis Bjork Asgeirsdottir, Jack Hollingdale, Susan Young, Jane Sedgwick, Polly Branney, Gisli H. Gudjonsson, Emma Woodhouse, Ozge Kilic, Kevin Tierney, Caroline Skirrow, Sri Perecherla, Eleni Paliokosta, Sally Cubbin, Emad Farrag, William Colley, Kobus van Rensburg, Michelle Beckett, Peter Mason, Tony Lloyd, Peter J. Hill, KILIÇ, ÖZGE, Sálfræðideild (HR), Department of Psychology (RU), Samfélagssvið (HR), School of Social Sciences (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, Kılıç, Özge, Young, Susan, Adamo, Nicoletta, Asgeirsdottir, Bryndis Bjork, Branney, Polly, Beckett, Michelle, Colley, William, Cubbin, Sally, Deeley, Quinton, Farrag, Emad, Gudjonsson, Gisli, Hill, Peter, Hollingdale, Jack, Lloyd, Tony, Mason, Peter, Paliokosta, Eleni, Perecherla, Sri, Sedgwick, Jane, Skirrow, Caroline, Tierney, Kevin, van Rensburg, Kobus, Woodhouse, Emma, and Koç University Hospital
- Subjects
Male ,Identification ,Samkomulag ,Girls ,Psychological intervention ,Comorbidity ,UKAP The UK ADHD partnership ,Presentation ,0302 clinical medicine ,Stúlkur ,lcsh:Psychiatry ,Attention ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Konur ,Meðferð ,Interventions ,media_common ,Psychiatry ,Geðheilsa ,Meðvirkni ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Identification (information) ,Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ,Consensus ,Female ,Treatment ,UKAP ,Women ,Clinical psychology ,Research Article ,Referral ,lcsh:RC435-571 ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Longevity ,03 medical and health sciences ,Geðrækt ,mental disorders ,medicine ,ADHD ,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ,Humans ,Snemmtæk íhlutun ,Greiningarsálfræði ,business.industry ,Perspective (graphical) ,medicine.disease ,Mental health ,United Kingdom ,030227 psychiatry ,Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity ,business - Abstract
Publisher's version (útgefin grein), Background There is evidence to suggest that the broad discrepancy in the ratio of males to females with diagnosed ADHD is due, at least in part, to lack of recognition and/or referral bias in females. Studies suggest that females with ADHD present with differences in their profile of symptoms, comorbidity and associated functioning compared with males. This consensus aims to provide a better understanding of females with ADHD in order to improve recognition and referral. Comprehensive assessment and appropriate treatment is hoped to enhance longer-term clinical outcomes and patient wellbeing for females with ADHD. Methods The United Kingdom ADHD Partnership hosted a meeting of experts to discuss symptom presentation, triggers for referral, assessment, treatment and multi-agency liaison for females with ADHD across the lifespan. Results A consensus was reached offering practical guidance to support medical and mental health practitioners working with females with ADHD. The potential challenges of working with this patient group were identified, as well as specific barriers that may hinder recognition. These included symptomatic differences, gender biases, comorbidities and the compensatory strategies that may mask or overshadow underlying symptoms of ADHD. Furthermore, we determined the broader needs of these patients and considered how multi-agency liaison may provide the support to meet them. Conclusions This practical approach based upon expert consensus will inform effective identification, treatment and support of girls and women with ADHD. It is important to move away from the prevalent perspective that ADHD is a behavioural disorder and attend to the more subtle and/or internalised presentation that is common in females. It is essential to adopt a lifespan model of care to support the complex transitions experienced by females that occur in parallel to change in clinical presentation and social circumstances. Treatment with pharmacological and psychological interventions is expected to have a positive impact leading to increased productivity, decreased resource utilization and most importantly, improved long-term outcomes for girls and women., The meeting was funded by the UK ADHD Partnership (UKAP), who has been in receipt of unrestricted educational donations from Takeda. Takeda had no influence or involvement in determining the topic and arrangements of the day, the consensus process and outcomes, or writing the final manuscript. Other than reimbursement of travel expenses to attend the meeting, none of the authors received any financial compensation for attending the meeting or writing the manuscript, aside from CS who received funds for medical writing assistance., "Peer Reviewed"
- Published
- 2020
7. 'Orðin laðast að henni / eins og skortur'
- Author
Bergljót Soffía Kristjánsdóttir, Íslensku- og menningardeild (HÍ), Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies (UI), Hugvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Humanities (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
Ljóð ,Tákn ,Þögn ,Ljóðgreining ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Women ,General Medicine ,Art ,Signs ,Konur ,Silence ,Humanities ,media_common - Abstract
Ljóðabók Öldu Bjarkar Valdimarsdóttur, Við sem erum blind og nafnlaus, kom út árið 2015. Í fyrsta hluta hennar, sem ber heitið „Farvegir táknanna“, er hugmynda-grundvöllur verksins alls lagður í fimm ljóðum. Þau eru greind hér með nálestri en fræðiefni sótt í ýmsar áttir, til hugrænnar bókmenntafræði, heimspeki, sálfræði, félagsvísinda og rannsókna í taugafræði. Sjónum er beint að því hvernig ljóðin kynda undir ímyndunarafli lesenda og ýfa tilfinningar þeirra; rætt er um (hugtaks)líkingar, íróníu, þversögn, rúmfræðiform, upptalningu, húmor, íróníu og klifun en þó ekki síst þögnina sem er einatt yrkisefni Öldu jafnframt því sem hún markar formgerð ljóða hennar á ýmsan hátt. Með greiningunni er sýnt hvernig Alda fær lesendur til að hugsa um „farveg táknanna“ bæði í þröngu og víðu samhengi. Hún leiðir huga þeirra ekki aðeins að þversagnakenndu samspili þagnar og tákna – og þar með djúprættri þörf mannsins fyrir hvorttveggja að þegja og tala – heldur líka að stöðu konunnar í fjölskyldunni/mannkynssögunni og ágangi mannsins á umhverfi sitt. Með ísmeygilegum húmor eða íróníu sýnir Alda Björk hversu rænulausir menn eru oft andspænis táknunum; hvernig þeir gefa sig þeim á vald umhugsunarlaust, þó að þeir eigi kost á öðru; hvernig fólk leggur sitt til að táknin einangri í stað þess að þau tengi mann við mann – og hvernig það misbeitir þögninni eða kann ekki að nýta sér hana., Alda Björk Valdimarsdóttir’s book of poetry, We Who Are Blind and Nameless, was published in 2015. The first part of the book, titled „The course of signs“, lays the groundwork for the conceptual basis of the work through five poems. These five poems will be examined through close reading and scholarly materials from various sources, such as cognitive literary studies, philosophy, psychology, social studies and neurological research. There is particular focus on how the poems stimulate the imagination of readers and ruffle their feelings; there is a discussion on (conceptual) metaphors, irony, humor, paradox, geometrical shapes, enumeration, anaphora and, not least, silence which is a common theme in Alda’s poetry and also defines the structure of her poems in various ways. This analysis shows how Alda convinces readers to think about the „course of signs“ in both a narrow and wider context. She not only causes readers to think about the paradoxical interplay of silence and signs – and thus man’s ingrained need to both speak and be silent – but also woman’s position within her family/world history and the encroachment of man upon his own environment. Through clever humour and irony, Alda Björk shows how apathetic people often are when faced with signs; how without thinking they give themselves over to them, even though they have other options; how people contribute for the signs to be isolating instead of connecting us with each other – and how they misuse silence or are not able to make use of it.
- Published
- 2018
8. Against a Sequestered Philosophy
- Author
Eyja M. Brynjarsdóttir, Menntavísindasvið (HÍ), School of Education (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Kynferði ,Gaslighting ,Epistemology ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,Humility ,Culture of philosophy ,Analytic philosophy ,Western world ,Sociology ,Konur ,media_common ,Diversity ,Flourishing ,05 social sciences ,Gender ,Environmental ethics ,06 humanities and the arts ,Menning ,Philosophy ,050903 gender studies ,060302 philosophy ,Women in philosophy ,Þekkingarfræði ,0509 other social sciences ,Heimspeki ,Diversity (politics) - Abstract
This paper argues that philosophical practice in the Western world, in particular analytic philosophy, suffers from problems that contribute to its lack of diversity in two senses: the exclusion of women and minorities, and a narrow choice of subjects and methods. This is not fruitful for philosophical exchange and the flourishing of philosophical thought. Three contributing factors are covered: a flawed execution when instilling intellectual humility; the gaslighting of women in philosophy; and an overemphasis on a narrow conception of intelligence. The conclusion calls for a more humane and socially aware practice of philosophy., Cet essai soutient que la pratique philosophique dans le monde occidental, en particulier la philosophie analytique, souffre de problèmes qui contribuent à son manque de diversité dans deux sens: l'exclusion des femmes et des minorités, et un choix étroit de sujets et de méthodes. Ceci n’est fructueux ni pour l'échange philosophique ni pour l'épanouissement de la pensée philosophique. Trois facteurs y contribuant sont l‘objet de la discussion: Une mise en pratique défectueuse en inculquant l'humilité intellectuelle, le “gaslighting” envers les femmes en philosophie et une trop grande importance accordée à une conception étroite de l'intelligence. La conclusion fait appel à une pratique plus humaine et socialement consciente de la philosophie., The paper is a product of my work in the project Feminist Philosophy Transforming Philosophy, which is funded by the Icelandic Research Fund and hosted at the University of Iceland, and I am especially grateful to my fellow project members for many stimulating discussions as well as other forms of cooperation.
- Published
- 2018
9. Young femininity in Iceland and its discontents
- Author
Jóhannsdóttir, Ásta, Félagsfræði-, mannfræði- og þjóðfræðideild (HÍ), Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics (UI), Félagsvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Social Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
Radical feminism ,Iceland ,Kvenleiki ,Slut-shaming ,Póstmódernismi ,Femininity ,Róttækni ,Postfeminism ,Body image ,Makeup ,Young women ,Förðun ,Konur ,Femínismi - Abstract
Despite Iceland’s outstanding performance on global indices measuring gender equality, young women report higher levels of depressive symptoms than young men. This suggests a more complex situation than what appears in public discourse, where Iceland is sometimes referred to as a feminist paradise. This paper attempts to unpack how young women and men define and understand young femininity. The theoretical framework draws on feminist and affect theories. The data was collected between 2012 and 2014 and consists of eighteen semi-structured interviews with young women and men and group interviews with five young women based on co-operative inquiry. The analysis shows that the young women in the study attach negative affects to their feminine practices and feel that their bodies do not measure up to acceptable femininity; their bodies are either too much or not enough. Their feelings of anxiety, insecurity and shame are not irrational as they are confirmed by the young men who are quick to shame female bodies that do not fit a narrow ideal of feminine beauty. Somewhat surprisingly, the widespread image of Iceland as the most equal country in the world does not invite a conversation about the paradoxes women face and thereby diminishes possibilities for young women to place their experiences in particular contexts., Peer Reviewed, accepted manuscript
- Published
- 2018
10. Jafnréttiskennitalan.
- Author
Blöndal, Elín
- Subjects
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HUMAN sexuality , *LABOR laws , *HUMAN rights , *SOCIAL justice - Abstract
This article discusses the development of the Corporate Gender Equality Index by the Research Centre for Labour Law and Equal Rights at Bifröst University in Iceland. The article describes three of the project's main goals: publishing information on gender equality in Iceland's largest companies, developing indicators and measures of gender equality, and selecting which ones to use in the construction of the index. During the course of the project, three reports on gender equality were issued, and their conclusions are described in the article. Indicators of gender equality in organizations serve both as a way of collecting information about gender equality at the working place, and as a tool in supporting gender equality. Indicators of gender equality can be classified either as having to do with the policies or actions that companies take in gender matters, or as reflecting actual outcomes in a given corporation. The Corporate Gender Equality Index builds primarily on the second group of indicators - those that reflect actual outcomes, such as the proportion of men and women on corporate boards and among company executives. The paper also describes the selection of indicators for the Equality Index, which reflects the proportional authority of women within companies [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
11. Konur og stjórnarhættir fyrirtækja á Íslandi.
- Author
Sæmundsdóttir, Margrét
- Subjects
CORPORATE governance ,SEX discrimination ,WOMEN employees ,SENIOR leadership teams ,MANAGEMENT ,EMPLOYEE rules ,EMPLOYMENT practices ,RESTRICTIVE practices in industrial relations ,INTERPERSONAL relations - Abstract
Copyright of Bifröst Journal of Social Science is the property of Bifrost University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
12. Midwives' care on a labour ward prior to the introduction of a midwifery model of care: a field of tension
- Author
Lisen Dellenborg, Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren, Christina Nilsson, Olof Asta Olafsdottir, Hjúkrunarfræðideild (HÍ), Faculty of Nursing (UI), Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Health Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
Medicin och hälsovetenskap ,work place ,Experiences ,Models of care ,Culture ,Ethnography ,Medical and Health Sciences ,ethnography ,Félagsleg mannfræði ,0302 clinical medicine ,Pregnancy ,Empirical Studies ,Childbirth ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Sociology ,Konur ,Qualitative Research ,lcsh:R5-920 ,Ljósmóðurfræði ,030504 nursing ,Labour ward ,Health Policy ,Middle Aged ,Menning ,Hospitals ,models of care ,Perinatal Care ,Work place ,Female ,women ,lcsh:Medicine (General) ,0305 other medical science ,Adult ,Attitude of Health Personnel ,Health Personnel ,Hospital Departments ,childbirth ,Midwifery ,03 medical and health sciences ,Professional Role ,Nursing ,Woman centred ,Humans ,Women ,Ljósmæður ,Anthropology, Cultural ,Sweden ,Field (Bourdieu) ,Delivery, Obstetric ,culture ,Issues, ethics and legal aspects ,woman-centred ,Woman-centred ,Personal Autonomy ,Fundamentals and skills ,Fæðing ,experiences ,Gerontology - Abstract
Publisher's version (útgefin grein), Purpose: There is a need to deepen knowledge about midwives’ care in obstetric-led labour wards in which midwives are responsible for normal births. This ethnographic study explores the content and meaning of midwives’ care of women in a hospital-based labour ward in Sweden prior to the introduction of a theoretical midwifery model of care. Methods: Data were gathered through participant observation, analysed through interpretation grounded in reflexivity discussions and are presented in the form of ethnographic descriptions. Results: The midwives’ care was provided in a field of tension in which they had to balance contrasting models of care, described in the themes: The birthing rooms and the office—Different rooms of care, Women giving birth or being delivered—Midwives’ expectations and relationships with women, Old and new caring roles of the midwife—Women giving birth in a “new age”, Being and doing—Different approaches to caring, and Holistic and reductionist care—Guided by contrasting models and guidelines. The midwives’ freedom to act as autonomous professionals was hindered by medical and institutional models of care and this led to uncertainty regarding their roles as midwives. Conclusions: Midwives having to balance their activities in a field of tension require midwifery models that can guide their practice., We thank the midwives and the women with their partners and birth companions who so generously shared their birth experiences.
- Published
- 2019
13. Carga global, regional y nacional de neurológicas. Desórdenes, 1990-2016: un análisis sistemático para el Global Estudio de la carga de enfermedad 2016
- Author
Feigin V, Nichols E, Alam T, Bannick M, Beghi E, Blake N, Culpepper W, Dorsey E, Elbaz A, Ellenbogen R, Fisher J, Fitzmaurice C, Giussani G, Glennie L, James S, Johnson C, Kassebaum N, Logroscino G, Marin B, Mountjoy-Venning W, Nguyen M, Ofori-Asenso R, Patel A, Piccininni M, Roth G, Steiner T, Stovner L, Szoeke C, Theadom A, Vollset S, Wallin M, Wright C, Zunt J, Abbasi N, Abd-Allah F, Abdelalim A, Abdollahpour I, Aboyans V, Abraha H, Acharya D, Adamu A, Adebayo O, Adeoye A, Adsuar J, Afarideh M, Agrawal S, Ahmadi A, Ahmed M, Aichour A, Aichour I, Aichour M, Akinyemi R, Akseer N, Al-Eyadhy A, Salman R, Alahdab F, Alene K, Aljunid S, Altirkawi K, Alvis-Guzman N, Anber N, Antonio C, Arabloo J, Aremu O, Arnlov J, Asayesh H, Asghar R, Atalay H, Awasthi A, Quintanilla B, Ayuk T, Badawi A, Banach M, Banoub J, Barboza M, Barker-Collo S, Barnighausen T, Baune B, Bedi N, Behzadifar M, Bejot Y, Bekele B, Belachew A, Bennett D, Bensenor I, Berhane A, Beuran M, Bhattacharyya K, Bhutta Z, Biadgo B, Bijani A, Bililign N, Bin Sayeed M, Blazes C, Brayne C, Butt Z, Campos-Nonato I, Cantu-Brito C, Car M, Cardenas R, Carrero J, Carvalho F, Castaneda-Orjuela C, Castro F, Catala-Lopez F, Cerin E, Chaiah Y, Chang J, Chatziralli I, Chiang P, Christensen H, Christopher D, Cooper C, Cortesi P, Costa V, Criqui M, Crowe C, Damasceno A, Daryani A, De la Cruz-Gongora V, De la Hoz F, De Leo D, Degefa M, Demoz G, Deribe K, Dharmaratne S, Diaz D, Dinberu M, Djalalinia S, Doku D, Dubey M, Dubljanin E, Duken E, Edvardsson D, El-Khatib Z, Endres M, Endries A, Eskandarieh S, Esteghamati A, Esteghamati S, Farhadi F, Faro A, Farzadfar F, Farzaei M, Fatima B, Fereshtehnejad S, Fernandes E, Feyissa G, Filip I, Fischer F, Fukumoto T, Ganji M, Gankpe F, Garcia-Gordillo M, Gebre A, Gebremichael T, Gelaw B, Geleijnse J, Geremew D, Gezae K, Ghasemi-Kasman M, Gidey M, Gill P, Gill T, Gnedovskaya E, Goulart A, Grada A, Grosso G, Guo Y, Gupta R, Haagsma J, Hagos T, Haj-Mirzaian A, Hamadeh R, Hamidi S, Hankey G, Hao Y, Haro J, Hassankhani H, Hassen H, Havmoeller R, Hay S, Hegazy M, Heidari B, Henok A, Heydarpour F, Hoang C, Hole M, Rad E, Hosseini S, Hu G, Igumbor E, Ilesanmi O, Irvani S, Islam S, Jakovljevic M, Javanbakht M, Jha R, Jobanputra Y, Jonas J, Jozwiak J, Jurisson M, Kahsay A, Kalani R, Kalkonde Y, Kamil T, Kanchan T, Karami M, Karch A, Karimi N, Kasaeian A, Kassa T, Kassa Z, Kaul A, Kefale A, Keiyoro P, Khader Y, Khafaie M, Khalil I, Khan E, Khang Y, Khazaie H, Kiadaliri A, Kiirithio D, Kim A, Kim D, Kim Y, Kisa A, Kokubo Y, Koyanagi A, Krishnamurthi R, Defo B, Bicer B, Kumar M, Lacey B, Lafranconi A, Lansingh V, Latifi A, Leshargie C, Li S, Liao Y, Linn S, Lo W, Lopez J, Lorkowski S, Lotufo P, Lucas R, Lunevicius R, Mackay M, Mahotra N, Majdan M, Majdzadeh R, Majeed A, Malekzadeh R, Malta D, Manafi N, Mansournia M, Mantovani L, Marz W, Mashamba-Thompson T, Massenburg B, Mate K, McAlinden C, McGrath J, Mehta V, Meier T, Meles H, Melese A, Memiah P, Memish Z, Mendoza W, Mengistu D, Mengistu G, Meretoja A, Meretoja T, Mestrovic T, Miazgowski B, Miazgowski T, Miller T, Mini G, Mirrakhimov E, Moazen B, Mohajer B, Mezerji N, Mohammadi M, Mohammadi-Khanaposhtani M, Mohammadibakhsh R, Mohammadnia-Afrouzi M, Mohammed S, Mohebi F, Mokdad A, Monasta L, Mondello S, Moodley Y, Moosazadeh M, Moradi G, Moradi-Lakeh M, Moradinazar M, Moraga P, Velasquez I, Morrison S, Mousavi S, Muhammed O, Muruet W, Musa K, Mustafa G, Naderi M, Nagel G, Naheed A, Naik G, Najafi F, Nangia V, Negoi I, Negoi R, Newton C, Ngunjiri J, Nguyen C, Nguyen L, Ningrum D, Nirayo Y, Nixon M, Norrving B, Noubiap J, Shiadeh M, Nyasulu P, Ogbo F, Oh I, Olagunju A, Olagunju T, Olivares P, Onwujekwe O, Oren E, Owolabi M, Mahesh P, Pakpour A, Pan W, Panda-Jonas S, Pandian J, Patel S, Pereira D, Petzold M, Pillay J, Piradov M, Polanczyk G, Polinder S, Postma M, Poulton R, Poustchi H, Prakash S, Prakash V, Qorbani M, Radfar A, Rafay A, Rafiei A, Rahim F, Rahimi-Movaghar V, Rahman M, Rajati F, Ram U, Ranta A, Rawaf D, Rawaf S, Reinig N, Reis C, Renzaho A, Resnikoff S, Rezaeian S, Rezai M, Gonzalez C, Roberts N, Roever L, Ronfani L, Roro E, Roshandel G, Rostami A, Sabbagh P, Sacco R, Sachdev P, Saddik B, Safari H, Safari-Faramani R, Safi S, Safiri S, Sagar R, Sahathevan R, Sahebkar A, Sahraian M, Salamati P, Zahabi S, Salimi Y, Samy A, Sanabria J, Santos I, Milicevic M, Sarrafzadegan N, Sartorius B, Sarvi S, Sathian B, Satpathy M, Sawant A, Sawhney M, Schneider I, Schottker B, Schwebel D, Seedat S, Sepanlou S, Shabaninejad H, Shafieesabet A, Shaikh M, Shakir R, Shams-Beyranvand M, Shamsizadeh M, Sharif M, Sharif-Alhoseini M, She J, Sheikh A, Sheth K, Shigematsu M, Shiri R, Shirkoohi R, Shiue I, Siabani S, Siddiqi T, Sigfusdottir I, Sigurvinsdottir R, Silberberg D, Silva J, Silveira D, Singh J, Sinha D, Skiadaresi E, Smith M, Sobaih B, Sobhani S, Soofi M, Soyiri I, Sposato L, Stein D, Stein M, Stokes M, Sufiyan M, Sykes B, Sylaja P, Tabares-Seisdedos R, Ao B, Tehrani-Banihashemi A, Temsah M, Temsah O, Thakur J, Thrift A, Topor-Madry R, Tortajada-Girbes M, Tovani-Palone M, Tran B, Tran K, Truelsen T, Tsadik A, Car L, Ukwaja K, Ullah I, Usman M, Uthman O, Valdez P, Vasankari T, Vasanthan R, Veisani Y, Venketasubramanian N, Violante F, Vlassov V, Vosoughi K, Vu G, Vujcic I, Wagnew F, Waheed Y, Wang Y, Weiderpass E, Weiss J, Whiteford H, Wijeratne T, Winkler A, Wiysonge C, Wolfe C, Xu G, Yadollahpour A, Yamada T, Yano Y, Yaseri M, Yatsuya H, Yimer E, Yip P, Yisma E, Yonemoto N, Yousefifard M, Yu C, Zaidi Z, Bin Zaman S, Zamani M, Zandian H, Zare Z, Zhang Y, Zodpey S, Naghavi M, Murray C, Vos T, GBD 2016 Neurology Collaborators, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, VU University medical center, Feigin V.L., Nichols E., Alam T., Bannick M.S., Beghi E., Blake N., Culpepper W.J., Dorsey E.R., Elbaz A., Ellenbogen R.G., Fisher J.L., Fitzmaurice C., Giussani G., Glennie L., James S.L., Johnson C.O., Kassebaum N.J., Logroscino G., Marin B., Mountjoy-Venning W.C., Nguyen M., Ofori-Asenso R., Patel A.P., Piccininni M., Roth G.A., Steiner T.J., Stovner L.J., Szoeke C.E.I., Theadom A., Vollset S.E., Wallin M.T., Wright C., Zunt J.R., Abbasi N., Abd-Allah F., Abdelalim A., Abdollahpour I., Aboyans V., Abraha H.N., Acharya D., Adamu A.A., Adebayo O.M., Adeoye A.M., Adsuar J.C., Afarideh M., Agrawal S., Ahmadi A., Ahmed M.B., Aichour A.N., Aichour I., Aichour M.T.E., Akinyemi R.O., Akseer N., Al-Eyadhy A., Al-Shahi Salman R., Alahdab F., Alene K.A., Aljunid S.M., Altirkawi K., Alvis-Guzman N., Anber N.H., Antonio C.A.T., Arabloo J., Aremu O., Arnlov J., Asayesh H., Asghar R.J., Atalay H.T., Awasthi A., Ayala Quintanilla B.P., Ayuk T.B., Badawi A., Banach M., Banoub J.A.M., Barboza M.A., Barker-Collo S.L., Barnighausen T.W., Baune B.T., Bedi N., Behzadifar M., Bejot Y., Bekele B.B., Belachew A.B., Bennett D.A., Bensenor I.M., Berhane A., Beuran M., Bhattacharyya K., Bhutta Z.A., Biadgo B., Bijani A., Bililign N., Bin Sayeed M.S., Blazes C.K., Brayne C., Butt Z.A., Campos-Nonato I.R., Cantu-Brito C., Car M., Cardenas R., Carrero J.J., Carvalho F., Castaneda-Orjuela C.A., Castro F., Catala-Lopez F., Cerin E., Chaiah Y., Chang J.-C., Chatziralli I., Chiang P.P.-C., Christensen H., Christopher D.J., Cooper C., Cortesi P.A., Costa V.M., Criqui M.H., Crowe C.S., Damasceno A.A.M., Daryani A., De la Cruz-Gongora V., De La Hoz F.P., De Leo D., Degefa M.G., Demoz G.T., Deribe K., Dharmaratne S.D., Diaz D., Dinberu M.T., Djalalinia S., Doku D.T., Dubey M., Dubljanin E., Duken E.E., Edvardsson D., El-Khatib Z., Endres M., Endries A.Y., Eskandarieh S., Esteghamati A., Esteghamati S., Farhadi F., Faro A., Farzadfar F., Farzaei M.H., Fatima B., Fereshtehnejad S.-M., Fernandes E., Feyissa G.T., Filip I., Fischer F., Fukumoto T., Ganji M., Gankpe F.G., Garcia-Gordillo M.A., Gebre A.K., Gebremichael T.G., Gelaw B.K., Geleijnse J.M., Geremew D., Gezae K.E., Ghasemi-Kasman M., Gidey M.Y., Gill P.S., Gill T.K., Gnedovskaya E.V., Goulart A.C., Grada A., Grosso G., Guo Y., Gupta R., Haagsma J.A., Hagos T.B., Haj-Mirzaian A., Hamadeh R.R., Hamidi S., Hankey G.J., Hao Y., Haro J.M., Hassankhani H., Hassen H.Y., Havmoeller R., Hay S.I., Hegazy M.I., Heidari B., Henok A., Heydarpour F., Hoang C.L., Hole M.K., Homaie Rad E., Hosseini S.M., Hu G., Igumbor E.U., Ilesanmi O.S., Irvani S.S.N., Islam S.M.S., Jakovljevic M., Javanbakht M., Jha R.P., Jobanputra Y.B., Jonas J.B., Jozwiak J.J., Jurisson M., Kahsay A., Kalani R., Kalkonde Y., Kamil T.A., Kanchan T., Karami M., Karch A., Karimi N., Kasaeian A., Kassa T.D., Kassa Z.Y., Kaul A., Kefale A.T., Keiyoro P.N., Khader Y.S., Khafaie M.A., Khalil I.A., Khan E.A., Khang Y.-H., Khazaie H., Kiadaliri A.A., Kiirithio D.N., Kim A.S., Kim D., Kim Y.-E., Kim Y.J., Kisa A., Kokubo Y., Koyanagi A., Krishnamurthi R.V., Kuate Defo B., Kucuk Bicer B., Kumar M., Lacey B., Lafranconi A., Lansingh V.C., Latifi A., Leshargie C.T., Li S., Liao Y., Linn S., Lo W.D., Lopez J.C.F., Lorkowski S., Lotufo P.A., Lucas R.M., Lunevicius R., Mackay M.T., Mahotra N.B., Majdan M., Majdzadeh R., Majeed A., Malekzadeh R., Malta D.C., Manafi N., Mansournia M.A., Mantovani L.G., Marz W., Mashamba-Thompson T.P., Massenburg B.B., Mate K.K.V., McAlinden C., McGrath J.J., Mehta V., Meier T., Meles H.G., Melese A., Memiah P.T.N., Memish Z.A., Mendoza W., Mengistu D.T., Mengistu G., Meretoja A., Meretoja T.J., Mestrovic T., Miazgowski B., Miazgowski T., Miller T.R., Mini G.K., Mirrakhimov E.M., Moazen B., Mohajer B., Mohammad Gholi Mezerji N., Mohammadi M., Mohammadi-Khanaposhtani M., Mohammadibakhsh R., Mohammadnia-Afrouzi M., Mohammed S., Mohebi F., Mokdad A.H., Monasta L., Mondello S., Moodley Y., Moosazadeh M., Moradi G., Moradi-Lakeh M., Moradinazar M., Moraga P., Moreno Velasquez I., Morrison S.D., Mousavi S.M., Muhammed O.S., Muruet W., Musa K.I., Mustafa G., Naderi M., Nagel G., Naheed A., Naik G., Najafi F., Nangia V., Negoi I., Negoi R.I., Newton C.R.J., Ngunjiri J.W., Nguyen C.T., Nguyen L.H., Ningrum D.N.A., Nirayo Y.L., Nixon M.R., Norrving B., Noubiap J.J., Nourollahpour Shiadeh M., Nyasulu P.S., Ogbo F.A., Oh I.-H., Olagunju A.T., Olagunju T.O., Olivares P.R., Onwujekwe O.E., Oren E., Owolabi M.O., A M.P., Pakpour A.H., Pan W.-H., Panda-Jonas S., Pandian J.D., Patel S.K., Pereira D.M., Petzold M., Pillay J.D., Piradov M.A., Polanczyk G.V., Polinder S., Postma M.J., Poulton R., Poustchi H., Prakash S., Prakash V., Qorbani M., Radfar A., Rafay A., Rafiei A., Rahim F., Rahimi-Movaghar V., Rahman M., Rahman M.H.U., Rahman M.A., Rajati F., Ram U., Ranta A., Rawaf D.L., Rawaf S., Reinig N., Reis C., Renzaho A.M.N., Resnikoff S., Rezaeian S., Rezai M.S., Rios Gonzalez C.M., Roberts N.L.S., Roever L., Ronfani L., Roro E.M., Roshandel G., Rostami A., Sabbagh P., Sacco R.L., Sachdev P.S., Saddik B., Safari H., Safari-Faramani R., Safi S., Safiri S., Sagar R., Sahathevan R., Sahebkar A., Sahraian M.A., Salamati P., Salehi Zahabi S., Salimi Y., Samy A.M., Sanabria J., Santos I.S., Santric Milicevic M.M., Sarrafzadegan N., Sartorius B., Sarvi S., Sathian B., Satpathy M., Sawant A.R., Sawhney M., Schneider I.J.C., Schottker B., Schwebel D.C., Seedat S., Sepanlou S.G., Shabaninejad H., Shafieesabet A., Shaikh M.A., Shakir R.A., Shams-Beyranvand M., Shamsizadeh M., Sharif M., Sharif-Alhoseini M., She J., Sheikh A., Sheth K.N., Shigematsu M., Shiri R., Shirkoohi R., Shiue I., Siabani S., Siddiqi T.J., Sigfusdottir I.D., Sigurvinsdottir R., Silberberg D.H., Silva J.P., Silveira D.G.A., Singh J.A., Sinha D.N., Skiadaresi E., Smith M., Sobaih B.H., Sobhani S., Soofi M., Soyiri I.N., Sposato L.A., Stein D.J., Stein M.B., Stokes M.A., Sufiyan M.B., Sykes B.L., Sylaja P., Tabares-Seisdedos R., Te Ao B.J., Tehrani-Banihashemi A., Temsah M.-H., Temsah O., Thakur J.S., Thrift A.G., Topor-Madry R., Tortajada-Girbes M., Tovani-Palone M.R., Tran B.X., Tran K.B., Truelsen T.C., Tsadik A.G., Tudor Car L., Ukwaja K.N., Ullah I., Usman M.S., Uthman O.A., Valdez P.R., Vasankari T.J., Vasanthan R., Veisani Y., Venketasubramanian N., Violante F.S., Vlassov V., Vosoughi K., Vu G.T., Vujcic I.S., Wagnew F.S., Waheed Y., Wang Y.-P., Weiderpass E., Weiss J., Whiteford H.A., Wijeratne T., Winkler A.S., Wiysonge C.S., Wolfe C.D.A., Xu G., Yadollahpour A., Yamada T., Yano Y., Yaseri M., Yatsuya H., Yimer E.M., Yip P., Yisma E., Yonemoto N., Yousefifard M., Yu C., Zaidi Z., Zaman S.B., Zamani M., Zandian H., Zare Z., Zhang Y., Zodpey S., Naghavi M., Murray C.J.L., Vos T., Public Health, Feigin, Valery L, Nichols, Emma, Alam, Tahiya, Bannick, Marlena S, Ahmed, Muktar Beshir, Yisma, Engida, Vos, Theo, GBD 2016 Neurology Collaborators, Viðskiptadeild (HR), School of Business (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, Feigin, V, Nichols, E, Alam, T, Bannick, M, Beghi, E, Blake, N, Culpepper, W, Dorsey, E, Elbaz, A, Ellenbogen, R, Fisher, J, Fitzmaurice, C, Giussani, G, Glennie, L, James, S, Johnson, C, Kassebaum, N, Logroscino, G, Marin, B, Mountjoy-Venning, W, Nguyen, M, Ofori-Asenso, R, Patel, A, Piccininni, M, Roth, G, Steiner, T, Stovner, L, Szoeke, C, Theadom, A, Vollset, S, Wallin, M, Wright, C, Zunt, J, Abbasi, N, Abd-Allah, F, Abdelalim, A, Abdollahpour, I, Aboyans, V, Abraha, H, Acharya, D, Adamu, A, Adebayo, O, Adeoye, A, Adsuar, J, Afarideh, M, Agrawal, S, Ahmadi, A, Ahmed, M, Aichour, A, Aichour, I, Aichour, M, Akinyemi, R, Akseer, N, Al-Eyadhy, A, Al-Shahi Salman, R, Alahdab, F, Alene, K, Aljunid, S, Altirkawi, K, Alvis-Guzman, N, Anber, N, Antonio, C, Arabloo, J, Aremu, O, Ärnlöv, J, Asayesh, H, Asghar, R, Atalay, H, Awasthi, A, Ayala Quintanilla, B, Ayuk, T, Badawi, A, Banach, M, Banoub, J, Barboza, M, Barker-Collo, S, Bärnighausen, T, Baune, B, Bedi, N, Behzadifar, M, Béjot, Y, Bekele, B, Belachew, A, Bennett, D, Bensenor, I, Berhane, A, Beuran, M, Bhattacharyya, K, Bhutta, Z, Biadgo, B, Bijani, A, Bililign, N, Bin Sayeed, M, Blazes, C, Brayne, C, Butt, Z, Campos-Nonato, I, Cantu-Brito, C, Car, M, Cárdenas, R, Carrero, J, Carvalho, F, Castañeda-Orjuela, C, Castro, F, Catalá-López, F, Cerin, E, Chaiah, Y, Chang, J, Chatziralli, I, Chiang, P, Christensen, H, Christopher, D, Cooper, C, Cortesi, P, Costa, V, Criqui, M, Crowe, C, Damasceno, A, Daryani, A, De la Cruz-Góngora, V, De la Hoz, F, De Leo, D, Demoz, G, Deribe, K, Dharmaratne, S, Diaz, D, Dinberu, M, Djalalinia, S, Doku, D, Dubey, M, Dubljanin, E, Duken, E, Edvardsson, D, El-Khatib, Z, Endres, M, Endries, A, Eskandarieh, S, Esteghamati, A, Esteghamati, S, Farhadi, F, Faro, A, Farzadfar, F, Farzaei, M, Fatima, B, Fereshtehnejad, S, Fernandes, E, Feyissa, G, Filip, I, Fischer, F, Fukumoto, T, Ganji, M, Gankpe, F, Garcia-Gordillo, M, Gebre, A, Gebremichael, T, Gelaw, B, Geleijnse, J, Geremew, D, Gezae, K, Ghasemi-Kasman, M, Gidey, M, Gill, P, Gill, T, Girma, E, Gnedovskaya, E, Goulart, A, Grada, A, Grosso, G, Guo, Y, Gupta, R, Haagsma, J, Hagos, T, Haj-Mirzaian, A, Hamadeh, R, Hamidi, S, Hankey, G, Hao, Y, Haro, J, Hassankhani, H, Hassen, H, Havmoeller, R, Hay, S, Hegazy, M, Heidari, B, Henok, A, Heydarpour, F, Hoang, C, Hole, M, Homaie Rad, E, Hosseini, S, Hu, G, Igumbor, E, Ilesanmi, O, Irvani, S, Islam, S, Jakovljevic, M, Javanbakht, M, Jha, R, Jobanputra, Y, Jonas, J, Jozwiak, J, Jürisson, M, Kahsay, A, Kalani, R, Kalkonde, Y, Kamil, T, Kanchan, T, Karami, M, Karch, A, Karimi, N, Kasaeian, A, Kassa, T, Kassa, Z, Kaul, A, Kefale, A, Keiyoro, P, Khader, Y, Khafaie, M, Khalil, I, Khan, E, Khang, Y, Khazaie, H, Kiadaliri, A, Kiirithio, D, Kim, A, Kim, D, Kim, Y, Kisa, A, Kokubo, Y, Koyanagi, A, Krishnamurthi, R, Kuate Defo, B, Kucuk Bicer, B, Kumar, M, Lacey, B, Lafranconi, A, Lansingh, V, Latifi, A, Leshargie, C, Li, S, Liao, Y, Linn, S, Lo, W, Lopez, J, Lorkowski, S, Lotufo, P, Lucas, R, Lunevicius, R, Mackay, M, Mahotra, N, Majdan, M, Majdzadeh, R, Majeed, A, Malekzadeh, R, Malta, D, Manafi, N, Mansournia, M, Mantovani, L, März, W, Mashamba-Thompson, T, Massenburg, B, Mate, K, Mcalinden, C, Mcgrath, J, Mehta, V, Meier, T, Meles, H, Melese, A, Memiah, P, Memish, Z, Mendoza, W, Mengistu, D, Mengistu, G, Meretoja, A, Meretoja, T, Mestrovic, T, Miazgowski, B, Miazgowski, T, Miller, T, Mini, G, Mirrakhimov, E, Moazen, B, Mohajer, B, Mohammad Gholi Mezerji, N, Mohammadi, M, Mohammadi-Khanaposhtani, M, Mohammadibakhsh, R, Mohammadnia-Afrouzi, M, Mohammed, S, Mohebi, F, Mokdad, A, Monasta, L, Mondello, S, Moodley, Y, Moosazadeh, M, Moradi, G, Moradi-Lakeh, M, Moradinazar, M, Moraga, P, Moreno Velásquez, I, Morrison, S, Mousavi, S, Muhammed, O, Muruet, W, Musa, K, Mustafa, G, Naderi, M, Nagel, G, Naheed, A, Naik, G, Najafi, F, Nangia, V, Negoi, I, Negoi, R, Newton, C, Ngunjiri, J, Nguyen, C, Nguyen, L, Ningrum, D, Nirayo, Y, Nixon, M, Norrving, B, Noubiap, J, Nourollahpour Shiadeh, M, Nyasulu, P, Ogah, O, Oh, I, Olagunju, A, Olagunju, T, Olivares, P, Onwujekwe, O, Oren, E, Owolabi, M, Pa, M, Pakpour, A, Pan, W, Panda-Jonas, S, Pandian, J, Patel, S, Pereira, D, Petzold, M, Pillay, J, Piradov, M, Polanczyk, G, Polinder, S, Postma, M, Poulton, R, Poustchi, H, Prakash, S, Prakash, V, Qorbani, M, Radfar, A, Rafay, A, Rafiei, A, Rahim, F, Rahimi-Movaghar, V, Rahman, M, Rajati, F, Ram, U, Ranta, A, Rawaf, D, Rawaf, S, Reinig, N, Reis, C, Renzaho, A, Resnikoff, S, Rezaeian, S, Rezai, M, Rios González, C, Roberts, N, Roever, L, Ronfani, L, Roro, E, Roshandel, G, Rostami, A, Sabbagh, P, Sacco, R, Sachdev, P, Saddik, B, Safari, H, Safari-Faramani, R, Safi, S, Safiri, S, Sagar, R, Sahathevan, R, Sahebkar, A, Sahraian, M, Salamati, P, Salehi Zahabi, S, Salimi, Y, Samy, A, Sanabria, J, Santos, I, Santric Milicevic, M, Sarrafzadegan, N, Sartorius, B, Sarvi, S, Sathian, B, Satpathy, M, Sawant, A, Sawhney, M, Schneider, I, Schöttker, B, Schwebel, D, Seedat, S, Sepanlou, S, Shabaninejad, H, Shafieesabet, A, Shaikh, M, Shakir, R, Shams-Beyranvand, M, Shamsizadeh, M, Sharif, M, Sharif-Alhoseini, M, She, J, Sheikh, A, Sheth, K, Shigematsu, M, Shiri, R, Shirkoohi, R, Shiue, I, Siabani, S, Siddiqi, T, Sigfusdottir, I, Sigurvinsdottir, R, Silberberg, D, Silva, J, Silveira, D, Singh, J, Sinha, D, Skiadaresi, E, Smith, M, Sobaih, B, Sobhani, S, Soofi, M, Soyiri, I, Sposato, L, Stein, D, Stein, M, Stokes, M, Sufiyan, M, Sykes, B, Sylaja, P, Tabarés-Seisdedos, R, Te Ao, B, Tehrani-Banihashemi, A, Temsah, M, Temsah, O, Thakur, J, Thrift, A, Topor-Madry, R, Tortajada-Girbés, M, Tovani-Palone, M, Tran, B, Tran, K, Truelsen, T, Tsadik, A, Tudor Car, L, Ukwaja, K, Ullah, I, Usman, M, Uthman, O, Valdez, P, Vasankari, T, Vasanthan, R, Veisani, Y, Venketasubramanian, N, Violante, F, Vlassov, V, Vosoughi, K, Vu, G, Vujcic, I, Wagnew, F, Waheed, Y, Wang, Y, Weiderpass, E, Weiss, J, Whiteford, H, Wijeratne, T, Winkler, A, Wiysonge, C, Wolfe, C, Xu, G, Yadollahpour, A, Yamada, T, Yano, Y, Yaseri, M, Yatsuya, H, Yimer, E, Yip, P, Yisma, E, Yonemoto, N, Yousefifard, M, Yu, C, Zaidi, Z, Zaman, S, Zamani, M, Zandian, H, Zare, Z, Zhang, Y, Zodpey, S, Naghavi, M, Murray, C, Vos, T, PharmacoTherapy, -Epidemiology and -Economics, Value, Affordability and Sustainability (VALUE), Real World Studies in PharmacoEpidemiology, -Genetics, -Economics and -Therapy (PEGET), Microbes in Health and Disease (MHD), Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine), Clinicum, Department of Neurosciences, Neurologian yksikkö, Department of Surgery, University of Helsinki, II kirurgian klinikka, and HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Subjects
Dánarmein ,Male ,Epidemiology ,Diseases ,Malalties cerebrals ,Global Burden of Disease ,Disability Evaluation ,0302 clinical medicine ,Case fatality rate ,Psychology ,Konur ,Cause of death ,Aged, 80 and over ,education.field_of_study ,Incidence ,Men ,Taugavísindi ,ddc ,3. Good health ,Sálfræði ,World health ,Muerte ,Neurology ,GBD 2016 Neurology Collaborators ,Brain diseases ,Quality-Adjusted Life Years ,Alzheimer disease ,Carga global de enfermedades ,Nervous system ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Global burden of diseases ,Lífsgæði ,Article ,03 medical and health sciences ,Health Sciences ,Humans ,Women ,education ,Trastornos neurológicos ,VLAG ,Aged ,Science & Technology ,3112 Neurosciences ,Global Burden of Diseases ,030104 developmental biology ,Years of potential life lost ,Επιστήμες Υγείας ,Dementia ,Human medicine ,Neurosciences & Neurology ,Neurology (clinical) ,Clinical Medicine ,1109 Neurosciences ,Neurological disorders ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,dementia ,RC ,0301 basic medicine ,Pediatrics ,Dánartíðni ,Nutrition and Disease ,3124 Neurology and psychiatry ,Disease Study ,Taugasjúkdómar ,Risk Factors ,Voeding en Ziekte ,Cause of Death ,Global health ,Prevalence ,Causes of death ,Public health ,Mortality rate ,Mental Disorders ,Age Factors ,Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology ,Middle Aged ,neurologic disease ,Death ,Lýðheilsa ,Female ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,Quality of life ,Adult ,Population ,Clinical Neurology ,Sex Factors ,medicine ,Life Science ,Disability-adjusted life year ,Medicine [Science] ,Mortality ,Psychiatry ,Disease burden ,Neurology & Neurosurgery ,burden of neurological disorders ,Faraldsfræði ,business.industry ,Klinisk medicin ,Causes de la mort ,1103 Clinical Sciences ,Folkhälsovetenskap, global hälsa, socialmedicin och epidemiologi ,Socioeconomic Factors ,Karlar ,global disease burden ,Nervous System Diseases ,Cause of death/trends ,business - Abstract
Publisher´s version (útgefin grein)., Background Neurological disorders are increasingly recognised as major causes of death and disability worldwide. The aim of this analysis from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2016 is to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date estimates of the global, regional, and national burden from neurological disorders.Methods We estimated prevalence, incidence, deaths, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs; the sum of years of life lost [YLLs] and years lived with disability [YLDs]) by age and sex for 15 neurological disorder categories (tetanus, meningitis, encephalitis, stroke, brain and other CNS cancers, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, motor neuron diseases, idiopathic epilepsy, migraine, tension-type headache, and a residual category for other less common neurological disorders) in 195 countries from 1990 to 2016. DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool, was the main method of estimation of prevalence and incidence, and the Cause of Death Ensemble model (CODEm) was used for mortality estimation. We quantified the contribution of 84 risks and combinations of risk to the disease estimates for the 15 neurological disorder categories using the GBD comparative risk assessment approach.Findings Globally, in 2016, neurological disorders were the leading cause of DALYs (276 million [95% UI 247–308]) and second leading cause of deaths (9·0 million [8·8–9·4]). The absolute number of deaths and DALYs from all neurological disorders combined increased (deaths by 39% [34–44] and DALYs by 15% [9–21]) whereas their age-standardised rates decreased (deaths by 28% [26–30] and DALYs by 27% [24–31]) between 1990 and 2016. The only neurological disorders that had a decrease in rates and absolute numbers of deaths and DALYs were tetanus, meningitis, and encephalitis. The four largest contributors of neurological DALYs were stroke (42·2% [38·6–46·1]), migraine (16·3% [11·7–20·8]), Alzheimer’s and other dementias (10·4% [9·0–12·1]), and meningitis (7·9% [6·6–10·4]). For the combined neurological disorders, age-standardised DALY rates were significantly higher in males than in females (male-to-female ratio 1·12 [1·05–1·20]), but migraine, multiple sclerosis, and tension-type headache were more common and caused more burden in females, with male-to-female ratios of less than 0·7. The 84 risks quantified in GBD explain less than 10% of neurological disorder DALY burdens, except stroke, for which 88·8% (86·5–90·9) of DALYs are attributable to risk factors, and to a lesser extent Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias (22·3% [11·8–35·1] of DALYs are risk attributable) and idiopathic epilepsy (14·1% [10·8–17·5] of DALYs are risk attributable).Interpretation Globally, the burden of neurological disorders, as measured by the absolute number of DALYs, continues to increase. As populations are growing and ageing, and the prevalence of major disabling neurological disorders steeply increases with age, governments will face increasing demand for treatment, rehabilitation, and support services for neurological disorders. The scarcity of established modifiable risks for most of the neurological burden demonstrates that new knowledge is required to develop effective prevention and treatment strategies., ROA is funded by the National Institutes of Health (U01HG010273). SMA acknowledges the International Centre for Casemix and Clinical Coding, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Malaysia and Department of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Public Health, Kuwait University for the approval and support to participate in this research project. AAw acknowledges funding support from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, through INSPIRE Faculty scheme. TBA acknowledges partial funding from the Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plant Studies. ABa is supported by the Public Health Agency of Canada. TWB was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation through the Alexander von Humboldt Professor Award, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. MSBS acknowledges support from the Australian Government Research and Training Program scholarship for a PhD degree at the Australian National University, Australia. JJC is supported by the Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation. FCar is supported by the European Union (FEDER funds POCI/01/0145/FEDER/007728 and POCI/01/0145/FEDER/007265) and National Funds (FCT/MEC, Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia and Ministerio da Educacao e Ciencia) under the Partnership Agreements PT2020 UID/MULTI/04378/2013 and PT2020UID/QUI/50006/2013. EC is supported by an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT3 140100085). KD is supported by a Wellcome Trust [Grant Number 201900] as part of his International Intermediate Fellowship. EF is supported by the European Union (FEDER funds POCI/01/0145/FEDER/007728 and POCI/01/0145/FEDER/007265) and National Funds (FCT/MEC, Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia and Ministerio da Educacao e Ciencia) under the Partnership Agreements PT2020 UID/MULTI/04378/2013 and PT2020UID/QUI/50006/2013. SMSI is funded by the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN), Deakin University and received funding from High Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia. YKa is a DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance Fellow in Public Health. YJK is supported by the Office of Research and Innovation at Xiamen University Malaysia. BL acknowledges funding from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical Research Centre. WDL is supported in part by U10NS086484 NINDS. SLo is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (nutriCARD, grant agreement number 01EA1411A). RML is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia Senior Research Fellowship. AMa and the Imperial College London are grateful for support from the NW London NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care. JJM is supported by the Danish National Research Foundation (Niels Bohr Professorship), and the John Cade Fellowship (APP1056929) from NHMRC. TMei acknowledges additional institutional support from the Competence Cluster for Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health (nutriCARD), Jena-Halle-Leipzig. IMV is supported by the Sistema Nacional de Investigacion (Panama). MOO is supported by SIREN U54 U54HG007479 and SIBS Genomics R01NS107900 grants. AMS was supported by a fellowship from the Egyptian Fulbright Mission Program. MMSM acknowledges the support from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia (contract no 175087). AShe is supported by Health Data Research UK. MBS' work on traumatic brain injury is supported by grants NIH U01 NS086090 (PI G Manley) from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and DoD W81XWH-14-2-0176 (PI G Manley) from the United States Department of Defense. RTS is supported in part by grant number PROMETEOII/2015/021 from Generalitat Valenciana and the national grant PI17/00719 from ISCIIIFEDER. AGT was supported by a Fellowship from the NHMRC (Australia; 1042600. KBT acknowledges funding supports from the Maurice Wilkins Centre for Biodiscovery, Cancer Society of New Zealand, Health Research Council, Gut Cancer Foundation, and the University of Auckland. CY acknowledges support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number 81773552) and the Chinese NSFC International Cooperation and Exchange Program (grant number 71661167007)., "Peer Reviewed"
- Published
- 2019
14. Life expectancy and disease burden in the Nordic countries: results from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017
- Author
Mette Christophersen Tollånes, Anne Elise Eggen, Aliasghar Ahmad Kiadaliri, Rasmus Havmoeller, Tone Bjørge, Lars Johansson, Inga Dora Sigfusdottir, Jens Christoffer Skogen, Mohsen Naghavi, Vegard Skirbekk, Kim Moesgaard Iburg, John J. McGrath, Truc Trung Nguyen, Knud Juel, Teferi Mekonnen, Atte Meretoja, Mika Gissler, Theo Vos, Gerhard Sulo, Tuomo J. Meretoja, Oleguer Plana-Ripoll, Emilie Agardh, Tea Lallukka, Rannveig Sigurvinsdottir, Thomas Truelsen, Subas Neupane, Ann Kristin Knudsen, Timothy J. Steiner, Christian Lycke Ellingsen, Stein Emil Vollset, Rahman Shiri, Kishor Hadkhale, Tommi Vasankari, Max Petzold, Juan J Carrero, Peter Allebeck, Simon Øverland, Elisabete Weiderpass, Christopher R. Cederroth, Ziad El-Khatib, Seyed-Mohammad Fereshtehnejad, Sezer Kisa, Peter Benedikt Juliusson, Adnan Kisa, Johan Ärnlöv, Søren Thorgaard Skou, Sálfræðideild (HR), Department of Psychology (RU), Samfélagssvið (HR), School of Social Sciences (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, Department of Public Health, University Management, University of Helsinki, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, Clinicum, Staff Services, HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center, HUS Neurocenter, Department of Neurosciences, and Neurologian yksikkö
- Subjects
Male ,Heilsufar ,Life expectancy ,Health Status ,Áhættuþættir ,Diseases ,Global Health ,01 natural sciences ,Global Burden of Disease ,0302 clinical medicine ,Cause of Death ,Delivery of Health Care/economics ,Health care ,Global health ,Medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Konur ,Life Expectancy/trends ,Public health ,education.field_of_study ,Life expectancies ,Sjúkdómar ,VDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Helsefag: 800::Samfunnsmedisin, sosialmedisin: 801 ,lcsh:Public aspects of medicine ,Áfengisneysla ,Smoking ,DEATH ,Norðurlandabúar ,Men ,3142 Public health care science, environmental and occupational health ,Health policy ,3. Good health ,Global burden of disease ,Nordic countries ,Disease burdens ,language ,Female ,Lýðheilsa ,TERRITORIES ,Alcohol use ,Reykingar ,Lífshættir ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Cost Control ,Waiting Lists ,Population ,Norwegian ,Scandinavian and Nordic Countries ,Article ,03 medical and health sciences ,AGE ,Life Expectancy ,SMOKING PREVALENCE ,SYSTEMATIC ANALYSIS ,Heilbrigðisstefna ,Humans ,Women ,Cross-cultural comparison ,0101 mathematics ,Risk factor ,education ,Disease burden ,Global Burden of Disease/trends ,Heilsugæsla ,business.industry ,MORTALITY ,010102 general mathematics ,Klinisk medicin ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,lcsh:RA1-1270 ,Metabolic diseases ,Efnaskiptasjúkdómar ,language.human_language ,Scandinavian and Nordic Countries/epidemiology ,Þvermenningarlegur samanburður ,Risk factors ,Karlar ,Life style ,Clinical Medicine ,VDP::Medical disciplines: 700::Health sciences: 800::Community medicine, Social medicine: 801 ,business ,Delivery of Health Care ,Demography - Abstract
Publisher's version (útgefin grein), Background The Nordic countries have commonalities in gender equality, economy, welfare, and health care, but differ in culture and lifestyle, which might create country-wise health differences. This study compared life expectancy, disease burden, and risk factors in the Nordic region.Methods Life expectancy in years and age-standardised rates of overall, cause-specific, and risk factor-specific estimates of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) were analysed in the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2017. Data were extracted for Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden (ie, the Nordic countries), and Greenland, an autonomous area of Denmark. Estimates were compared with global, high-income region, and Nordic regional estimates, including Greenland.Findings All Nordic countries exceeded the global life expectancy; in 2017, the highest life expectancy was in Iceland among females (85·9 years [95% uncertainty interval [UI] 85·5–86·4] vs 75·6 years [75·3–75·9] globally) and Sweden among males (80·8 years [80·2–81·4] vs 70·5 years [70·1–70·8] globally). Females (82·7 years [81·9–83·4]) and males (78·8 years [78·1–79·5]) in Denmark and males in Finland (78·6 years [77·8–79·2]) had lower life expectancy than in the other Nordic countries. The lowest life expectancy in the Nordic region was in Greenland (females 77·2 years [76·2–78·0], males 70·8 years [70·3–71·4]). Overall disease burden was lower in the Nordic countries than globally, with the lowest age-standardised DALY rates among Swedish males (18 555·7 DALYs [95% UI 15 968·6–21 426·8] per 100 000 population vs 35 834·3 DALYs [33 218·2–38 740·7] globally) and Icelandic females (16 074·1 DALYs [13 216·4–19 240·8] vs 29 934·6 DALYs [26 981·9–33 211·2] globally). Greenland had substantially higher DALY rates (26 666·6 DALYs [23 478·4–30 218·8] among females, 33 101·3 DALYs [30 182·3–36 218·6] among males) than the Nordic countries. Country variation was primarily due to differences in causes that largely contributed to DALYs through mortality, such as ischaemic heart disease. These causes dominated male disease burden, whereas non-fatal causes such as low back pain were important for female disease burden. Smoking and metabolic risk factors were high-ranking risk factors across all countries. DALYs attributable to alcohol use and smoking were particularly high among the Danes, as was alcohol use among Finnish males.Interpretation Risk factor differences might drive differences in life expectancy and disease burden that merit attention also in high-income settings such as the Nordic countries. Special attention should be given to the high disease burden in Greenland., This study was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The authors wish to thank Jonas Minet Kinge (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway) for valuable input regarding socioeconomic differences in life expectancy in the Nordic countries. CRC has received research funding from Svenska Läkaresällskapet (SLS-779681), Tysta Skolan, Hörselforskningsfonden (#503), the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 72204655 and the GENDERNET Co-Plus Fund (GNP-182). JJC acknowledges grant support from the Swedish Research Council (grant number 2019-01059). JMcG is supported by the Danish National Research Foundation (Niels Bohr Professorship), and is employed by The Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research which receives core funding from the Queensland Health. STS is currently funded by a grant from Region Zealand and a grant from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 801790). OP-R has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 837180. TL is supported by the Academy of Finland (Grant #319200). Where authors are identified as personnel of the International Agency for Research on Cancer/WHO, the authors alone are responsible for the views expressed in this Article and they do not necessarily represent the decisions, policy, or views of the International Agency for Research on Cancer/WHO., "Peer Reviewed"
- Published
- 2019
15. 'Reif hann hennar stakkinn, reif hann hennar serk': Nokkur orð um konur og kynbundið ofbeldi í íslenskum sagnadönsum
- Author
Ingibjörg Eyþórsdóttir, Íslensku- og menningardeild (HÍ), Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies (UI), Hugvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Humanities (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
Hefnd ,Hate ,General Medicine ,Violence ,Love ,Ofbeldi ,Feminine viewpoint ,Sagnadansar ,Rape ,Women ,Revenge ,Nauðganir ,Konur ,Hatur ,Ást ,Ballads - Abstract
Publisher's version (útgefin grein), Í sagnadönsum sem varðveittir eru á Íslandi eru konur og raddir kvenna mjög áberandi enda leituðu sögur af karlhetjum frekar í rímnaformið. Tungutak dansanna er sérstætt og útlenskuskotið, formúlur eru óspart notaðar og frásagnaraðferðin er hlutlæg og skýr. Ástin er fyrirferðarmikið umfjöllunarefni í sagnadönsum en ekki síður ofbeldi sem oft á tíðum er kynferðislegt. Í greininni er sagt frá bakgrunni sagnadansa og tilkomu þeirra hér á landi. Þeir eru ræddir sem hluti munnlegrar menningar um langt skeið áður en þeir rötuðu á blað og urðu hluti íslenskra bókmennta, þar sem menntaðir karlar skráðu kvæði eftir nafnlausum konum. Sjö kvæði eru síðan notuð til að sýna nánar hinar mismunandi birtingarmyndir ofbeldis. Öll eru þau hádramatísk og segja frá erfiðri reynslu: harðræði, nauðgunum, barnsfæðingum og barnadauða, og í sumum þeirra taka fórnarlömbin til sinna ráða og hefna grimmilega. Bent er á það ósamræmi sem virðist felast í því að syngja og kveða kvæði sem fjalla um svo erfiða hluti á dansskemmtunum. Leiddar eru líkur að því að sagnadansar, sem fjalla um hlutskipti kvenna, hafi fyrst og fremst verið kveðnir og ortir af konum og jafnvel verið þeim huggun og leið til að takast á við kynbundið ofbeldi í raunheimum.
- Published
- 2018
16. 'It’s a Man Who Runs the Show': How Women Middle-Managers Experience Their Professional Position, Opportunities, and Barriers
- Author
Thora Christiansen, Unnur Dóra Einarsdóttir, Erla S. Kristjánsdóttir, Viðskiptafræðideild (HÍ), Faculty of Business Administration (UI), Félagsvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Social Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,050109 social psychology ,Network ,lcsh:Social Sciences ,Equality ,0502 economics and business ,lcsh:AZ20-999 ,Gender bias ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Tengslanet ,Konur ,media_common ,Women middle-managers ,Kynjamismunun ,Gender equality ,Self-confidence ,General Arts and Humanities ,05 social sciences ,Jafnréttismál ,General Social Sciences ,Middle management ,lcsh:History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,Millistjórnendur ,lcsh:H ,Position (finance) ,Demographic economics ,Stereotypes ,Psychology ,Staðalímyndir ,050203 business & management - Abstract
The ratio of women in top-management positions is improving very slowly, even in countries scoring high on gender equality like Iceland. Despite over three decades of research having documented the barriers faced by women seeking top-management positions, understanding is still lacking as to why women are not overcoming these barriers at a greater rate. This study presents the lived experiences of women in middle-management positions in some of the largest organizations in Iceland, aiming to understand how the women experience the barriers and opportunities they face. It is important to give voice to these women as they are the ones who could be in line for top-management positions. Interviews with 11 women were analyzed and interpreted according to phenomenological methodology, revealing four themes. Findings show that the women experience top management as a network that is closed to them. Top-management jobs appear tailored for men and would require the women to take on unbearable responsibilities. They experience their hard work and diligence as unappreciated. Finally, they compare and contrast themselves with the stereotype of the male executive and blame themselves for not fitting the role. Thus, they feel pressured to adapt to the masculine gender role if they are to stand a chance of a top-management position. Not fitting this role further undermines their self-confidence and ambition, rendering them less likely to seek advancement.
- Published
- 2018
17. Fuck patriarchy! An analysis of digital mainstream media discussion of the #freethenipple activities in Iceland in March 2015
- Author
Annadís Greta Rúdólfsdóttir, Ásta Jóhannsdóttir, Félagsvísindastofnun (HÍ), Social Science Research Institute (UI), Menntavísindasvið (HÍ), School of education (UI), Félagsvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Social Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland (UI)
- Subjects
Focus (computing) ,05 social sciences ,Patriarchy ,050801 communication & media studies ,Gender studies ,Kynjafræði ,Feminism ,Gender Studies ,Social media ,Body politics ,0508 media and communications ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,#freethenipple ,050903 gender studies ,Mainstream ,Sociology ,0509 other social sciences ,Young women ,Konur ,General Psychology ,Fuck ,Femínismi - Abstract
This article contributes to recent research on young women’s emerging feminist movements or feminist counter-publics (see Salter, 2013) in the digital age. The focus is on the #freethenipple protests in Iceland in 2015 organised by young women and the ensuing debates in mainstream digital news media and popular ezines. A feminist, post-structuralist perspective is adopted to analyse the discursive context in which the debates and discussions about the protest are embedded, but we are also informed by recent theories about role of affect in triggering and sustaining political movements. The data corpus consists of 60 texts from the digital public domain published during and after the protests. The young women’s political movement is construed as a revolution centering on reclaiming the body from the oppressive structures of patriarchy which, through shame and pornification, have taken their bodies and their ability to choose, in a post-feminist context, from them. Public representations of the protest are mostly supportive and many older feminists are affectively pulled by the young women’s rhetoric about how patriarchy has blighted their lives. We argue that the young women manage to claim space as agents of change but highlight the importance of the support or affective sustenance they received from older feminists.
- Published
- 2018
18. Svo kom illskan …: femínísk túlkun Ivone Gebara á illskunni
- Author
Bóasdóttir, Sólveig Anna, Guðfræði- og trúarbragðadeild (HÍ), Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies (UI), Hugvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Humanities (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
Illska ,Guðfræði ,Konur ,Femínismi - Abstract
Í greininni er sjónum beint að guðfræðilegri túlkun Ivone Gebara á illsku og frelsun. Gebara, sem er brasilískur samtímaguðfræðingur, setur illskuna í víðara samhengi en jafnan hefur verið gert. Í stað þess að leggja áherslu á uppruna hennar og orsakir horfir hún til veruleika hennar í samfélaginu, einkum í lífi og kjörum fátækra kvenna í Suður-Ameríku. Gebara tekur undir sjónarmið sem rekja má allt til Ágústínusar um að illskan sé raunveruleiki sem hvarvetna blasi við og snýr þannig ekki baki við hinni fornkristnu túlkunarhefð um illskunna. Hins vegar hafnar hún þeirri túlkun trúarhefðarinnar að illskan byggist á rangri notkun á frelsi manna. Það eigi ekki við um konur því að þær hafi ekki búið við frelsi gegnum tíðina. Illskan tengist hins vegar valdi og yfirráðum órofa böndum og birtist í samfélaginu ýmist sem synd, þjáning eða óréttlæti. Gebara talar um illskuna í fleirtölu (e. evils) frekar en í eintölu og það sama gildir um frelsunarhugtakið. Raddir og reynsla kvenna er í brennidepli í lýsingum Gebara á illsku sem þjáningu og kúgun. Eitt mikilvægasta framlag hennar til orðræðunnar um illsku í dag er sá tengsla- og skyldleikaskilningur sem hún og fleiri boða nú um stundir. Það framlag gengur út á að allt líf sé samtengt og innbyrðis háð. Ekkert líf geti þrifist óháð öðru lífi. Saga mannsins byggist á sögu og þróun lífríkisins., The article focuses on the theological interpretation of Ivone Gebara of evil and salvation. Gebara, a Brazilian contemporary theologian, puts evil in a wider context than has been done. Instead of emphasizing its origins and causes, she looks at its reality in society, especially in the lives and situations of poor women in South America. Gebara’s view on evil, often attributed to Augustine, is that evil is a reality that cannot be explained away. On the other hand, she rejects the traditional interpretation that evil is the wicked and voluntary behavior of individuals, based on human freedom. This interpretation does not apply to women because they have not had freedom in their lives. According to her, evil relates to power and manifests itself in society as sin, suffering and injustice. Gebara talks about evil in the plural rather than singular, and the same applies for her concept of salvation. She highlights the voices and experiences of poor women that describe daily suffering and oppression. One of her most important contributions to current discourse on evil and salvation is the relatedness as a condition for life. Life is a network of relationships. Human history is closely related to the history of the physical nonhuman world.
- Published
- 2018
19. Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 333 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
- Author
Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu, Abate, Kalkidan Hassen, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abbas, Kaja M, Abd-Allah, Foad, Abdulkader, Rizwan Suliankatchi, Abdulle, Abdishakur M, Abebo, Teshome Abuka, Abera, Semaw Ferede, Aboyans, Victor, Abu-Raddad, Laith J, Ackerman, Ilana N, Adedeji, Isaac A, Adetokunboh, Olatunji, Afshin, Ashkan, Aggarwal, Rakesh, Agrawal, Sutapa, Agrawal, Anurag, Ahmed, Muktar Beshir, Aichour, Miloud Taki Eddine, Aichour, Amani Nidhal, Aichour, Ibtihel, Aiyar, Sneha, Akinyemiju, Tomi F, Akseer, Nadia, Al Lami, Faris Hasan, Alahdab, Fares, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Alam, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alam, Tahiya, Alasfoor, Deena, Alene, Kefyalew Addis, Ali, Raghib, Alizadeh-Navaei, Reza, Alkaabi, Juma M, Alkerwi, Ala'a, Alla, François, Allebeck, Peter, Allen, Christine, Al-Maskari, Fatma, AlMazroa, Mohammad AbdulAziz, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa, Alsharif, Ubai, Alsowaidi, Shirina, Althouse, Benjamin M, Altirkawi, Khalid A, Alvis-Guzman, Nelson, Amare, Azmeraw T, Amini, Erfan, Ammar, Walid, Amoako, Yaw Ampem, Ansha, Mustafa Geleto, Antonio, Carl Abelardo T, Anwari, Palwasha, Ärnlöv, Johan, Arora, Megha, Artaman, Al, Aryal, Krishna Kumar, Asgedom, Solomon W, Atey, Tesfay Mehari, Atnafu, Niguse Tadele, Avila-Burgos, Leticia, Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G Arthur, Awasthi, Ashish, Awasthi, Shally, Azarpazhooh, Mahmoud Reza, Azzopardi, Peter, Babalola, Tesleem Kayode, Bacha, Umar, Badawi, Alaa, Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Bannick, Marlena S, Barac, Aleksandra, Barker-Collo, Suzanne L, Bärnighausen, Till, Barquera, Simon, Barrero, Lope H, Basu, Sanjay, Battista, Robert, Battle, Katherine E, Baune, Bernhard T, Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad, Beardsley, Justin, Bedi, Neeraj, Béjot, Yannick, Bekele, Bayu Begashaw, Bell, Michelle L, Bennett, Derrick A, Bennett, James R, Bensenor, Isabela M, Benson, Jennifer, Berhane, Adugnaw, Berhe, Derbew Fikadu, Bernabé, Eduardo, Betsu, Balem Demtsu, Beuran, Mircea, Beyene, Addisu Shunu, Bhansali, Anil, Bhatt, Samir, Bhutta, Zulfiqar A, Biadgilign, Sibhatu, Bicer, Burcu Kucuk, Bienhoff, Kelly, Bikbov, Boris, Birungi, Charles, Biryukov, Stan, Bisanzio, Donal, Bizuayehu, Habtamu Mellie, Blyth, Fiona M, Boneya, Dube Jara, Bose, Dipan, Bou-Orm, Ibrahim R, Bourne, Rupert R A, Brainin, Michael, Brayne, Carol, Brazinova, Alexandra, Breitborde, Nicholas J K, Briant, Paul S, Britton, Gabrielle, Brugha, Traolach S, Buchbinder, Rachelle, Bulto, Lemma Negesa Bulto, Bumgarner, Blair R, Butt, Zahid A, Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Cameron, Ewan, Campos-Nonato, Ismael Ricardo, Carabin, Hélène, Cárdenas, Rosario, Carpenter, David O, Carrero, Juan Jesus, Carter, Austin, Carvalho, Felix, Casey, Daniel, Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A, Castle, Chris D, Catalá-López, Ferrán, Chang, Jung-Chen, Charlson, Fiona J, Chaturvedi, Pankaj, Chen, Honglei, Chibalabala, Mirriam, Chibueze, Chioma Ezinne, Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe, Chitheer, Abdulaal A, Chowdhury, Rajiv, Christopher, Devasahayam Jesudas, Ciobanu, Liliana G, Cirillo, Massimo, Colombara, Danny, Cooper, Leslie Trumbull, Cooper, Cyrus, Cortesi, Paolo Angelo, Cortinovis, Monica, Criqui, Michael H, Cromwell, Elizabeth A, Cross, Marita, Crump, John A, Dadi, Abel Fekadu, Dalal, Koustuv, Damasceno, Albertino, Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, das Neves, José, Davitoiu, Dragos V, Davletov, Kairat, de Courten, Barbora, De Leo, Diego, De Steur, Hans, Defo, Barthelemy Kuate, Degenhardt, Louisa, Deiparine, Selina, Dellavalle, Robert P, Deribe, Kebede, Deribew, Amare, Des Jarlais, Don C, Dey, Subhojit, Dharmaratne, Samath D, Dhillon, Preet K, Dicker, Daniel, Djalainia, Shirin, Do, Huyen Phuc, Dokova, Klara, Doku, David Teye, Dorsey, E Ray, dos Santos, Kadine Priscila Bender, Driscoll, Tim R, Dubey, Manisha, Duncan, Bruce Bartholow, Ebel, Beth E, Echko, Michelle, El-Khatib, Ziad Ziad, Enayati, Ahmadali, Endries, Aman Yesuf, Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich, Erskine, Holly E, Eshetie, Setegn, Eshrati, Babak, Esteghamati, Alireza, Estep, Kara, Fanuel, Fanuel Belayneh Bekele, Farag, Tamer, Farinha, Carla Sofia e Sa, Faro, André, Farzadfar, Farshad, Fazeli, Mir Sohail, Feigin, Valery L, Feigl, Andrea B, Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad, Fernandes, João C, Ferrari, Alize J, Feyissa, Tesfaye Regassa, Filip, Irina, Fischer, Florian, Fitzmaurice, Christina, Flaxman, Abraham D, Foigt, Nataliya, Foreman, Kyle J, Franklin, Richard C, Frostad, Joseph J, Fullman, Nancy, Fürst, Thomas, Furtado, Joao M, Futran, Neal D, Gakidou, Emmanuela, Garcia-Basteiro, Alberto L, Gebre, Teshome, Gebregergs, Gebremedhin Berhe, Gebrehiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Geleijnse, Johanna M, Geleto, Ayele, Gemechu, Bikila Lencha, Gesesew, Hailay Abrha, Gething, Peter W, Ghajar, Alireza, Gibney, Katherine B, Gillum, Richard F, Ginawi, Ibrahim Abdelmageem Mohamed, Gishu, Melkamu Dedefo, Giussani, Giorgia, Godwin, William W, Goel, Kashish, Goenka, Shifalika, Goldberg, Ellen M, Gona, Philimon N, Goodridge, Amador, Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Gosselin, Richard A, Gotay, Carolyn C, Goto, Atsushi, Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho, Graetz, Nicholas, Gugnani, Harish Chander, Gupta, Prakash C, Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Tanush, Gupta, Vipin, Gupta, Rahul, Gutiérrez, Reyna A, Hachinski, Vladimir, Hafezi-Nejad, Nima, Hailu, Alemayehu Desalegne, Hailu, Gessessew Bugssa, Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Hamidi, Samer, Hammami, Mouhanad, Handal, Alexis J, Hankey, Graeme J, Hao, Yuantao, Harb, Hilda L, Hareri, Habtamu Abera, Haro, Josep Maria, Harun, Kimani M, Harvey, James, Hassanvand, Mohammad Sadegh, Havmoeller, Rasmus, Hay, Simon I, Hay, Roderick J, Hedayati, Mohammad T, Hendrie, Delia, Henry, Nathaniel J, Heredia-Pi, Ileana Beatriz, Heydarpour, Pouria, Hoek, Hans W, Hoffman, Howard J, Horino, Masako, Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H Dean, Hostiuc, Sorin, Hotez, Peter J, Hoy, Damian G, Htet, Aung Soe, Hu, Guoqing, Huang, John J, Huynh, Chantal, Iburg, Kim Moesgaard, Igumbor, Ehimario Uche, Ikeda, Chad, Irvine, Caleb Mackay Salpeter, Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful, Jacobsen, Kathryn H, Jahanmehr, Nader, Jakovljevic, Mihajlo B, James, Peter, Jassal, Simerjot K, Javanbakht, Mehdi, Jayaraman, Sudha P, Jeemon, Panniyammakal, Jensen, Paul N, Jha, Vivekanand, Jiang, Guohong, John, Denny, Johnson, Catherine O, Johnson, Sarah Charlotte, Jonas, Jost B, Jürisson, Mikk, Kabir, Zubair, Kadel, Rajendra, Kahsay, Amaha, Kamal, Ritul, Kar, Chittaranjan, Karam, Nadim E, Karch, André, Karema, Corine Kakizi, Karimi, Seyed M, Karimkhani, Chante, Kasaeian, Amir, Kassa, Getachew Mullu, Kassaw, Nigussie Assefa, Kassebaum, Nicholas J, Kastor, Anshul, Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal, Kaul, Anil, Kawakami, Norito, Keiyoro, Peter Njenga, Kemmer, Laura, Kengne, Andre Pascal, Keren, Andre, Kesavachandran, Chandrasekharan Nair, Khader, Yousef Saleh, Khalil, Ibrahim A, Khan, Ejaz Ahmad, Khang, Young-Ho, Khoja, Abdullah T, Khosravi, Ardeshir, Khubchandani, Jagdish, Kiadaliri, Aliasghar Ahmad, Kieling, Christian, Kim, Yun Jin, Kim, Daniel, Kimokoti, Ruth W, Kinfu, Yohannes, Kisa, Adnan, Kissimova-Skarbek, Katarzyna A, Kissoon, Niranjan, Kivimaki, Mika, Knudsen, Ann Kristin, Kokubo, Yoshihiro, Kolte, Dhaval, Kopec, Jacek A, Kosen, Soewarta, Kotsakis, Georgios A, Koul, Parvaiz A, Koyanagi, Ai, Kravchenko, Michael, Krohn, Kristopher J, Kumar, G Anil, Kumar, Pushpendra, Kyu, Hmwe H, Lager, Anton Carl Jonas, Lal, Dharmesh Kumar, Lalloo, Ratilal, Lallukka, Tea, Lambert, Nkurunziza, Lan, Qing, Lansingh, Van C, Larsson, Anders, Leasher, Janet L, Lee, Paul H, Leigh, James, Leshargie, Cheru Tesema, Leung, Janni, Leung, Ricky, Levi, Miriam, Li, Yichong, Li, Yongmei, Liang, Xiaofeng, Liben, Misgan Legesse, Lim, Stephen S, Linn, Shai, Liu, Patrick Y, Liu, Angela, Liu, Shiwei, Liu, Yang, Lodha, Rakesh, Logroscino, Giancarlo, Looker, Katharine J, Lopez, Alan D, Lorkowski, Stefan, Lotufo, Paulo A, Lozano, Rafael, Lucas, Timothy C D, Lunevicius, Raimundas, Lyons, Ronan A, Macarayan, Erlyn Rachelle King, Maddison, Emilie R, Magdy Abd El Razek, Hassan Magdy Abd, Magdy Abd El Razek, Mohammed, Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos, Mahdavi, Mahdi, Majdan, Marek, Majdzadeh, Reza, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malhotra, Rajesh, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Mamun, Abdullah A, Manguerra, Helena, Manhertz, Treh, Mantovani, Lorenzo G, Mapoma, Chabila C, March, Lyn M, Marczak, Laurie B, Martinez-Raga, Jose, Martins, Paulo Henrique Viegas, Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio, Martopullo, Ira, März, Winfried, Mathur, Manu Raj, Mazidi, Mohsen, McAlinden, Colm, McGaughey, Madeline, McGrath, John J, McKee, Martin, Mehata, Suresh, Meier, Toni, Meles, Kidanu Gebremariam, Memiah, Peter, Memish, Ziad A, Mendoza, Walter, Mengesha, Melkamu Merid, Mengistie, Mubarek Abera, Mengistu, Desalegn Tadese, Mensah, George A, Meretoja, Tuomo J, Meretoja, Atte, Mezgebe, Haftay Berhane, Micha, Renata, Millear, Anoushka, Miller, Ted R, Minnig, Shawn, Mirarefin, Mojde, Mirrakhimov, Erkin M, Misganaw, Awoke, Mishra, Shiva Raj, Mitchell, Philip B, Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Mohammadi, Alireza, Mohammed, Muktar Sano Kedir, Mohammed, Kedir Endris, Mohammed, Shafiu, Mohan, Murali B V, Mokdad, Ali H, Mollenkopf, Sarah K, Monasta, Lorenzo, Montañez Hernandez, Julio Cesar, Montico, Marcella, Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Moraga, Paula, Morawska, Lidia, Mori, Rintaro, Morrison, Shane D, Moses, Mark, Mountjoy-Venning, Cliff, Mruts, Kalayu Birhane, Mueller, Ulrich O, Muller, Kate, Murdoch, Michele E, Murray, Christopher J L, Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana, Murthy, Srinivas, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Nachega, Jean B, Nagel, Gabriele, Naghavi, Mohsen, Naheed, Aliya, Naidoo, Kovin S, Nangia, Vinay, Nasher, Jamal T, Natarajan, Gopalakrishnan, Negasa, Dumessa Edessa, Negoi, Ruxandra Irina, Negoi, Ionut, Newton, Charles R, Ngunjiri, Josephine Wanjiku, Nguyen, Cuong Tat, Nguyen, Quyen Le, Nguyen, Trang Huyen, Nguyen, Grant, Nguyen, Minh, Nichols, Emma, Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini, Nong, Vuong Minh, Norheim, Ole F, Norrving, Bo, Noubiap, Jean Jacques N, Nyandwi, Alypio, Obermeyer, Carla Makhlouf, O'Donnell, Martin J, Ogbo, Felix Akpojene, Oh, In-Hwan, Okoro, Anselm, Oladimeji, Olanrewaju, Olagunju, Andrew Toyin, Olagunju, Tinuke Oluwasefunmi, Olsen, Helen E, Olusanya, Bolajoko Olubukunola, Olusanya, Jacob Olusegun, Ong, Kanyin, Opio, John Nelson, Oren, Eyal, Ortiz, Alberto, Osborne, Richard H, Osgood-Zimmerman, Aaron, Osman, Majdi, Ota, Erika, Owolabi, Mayowa O, PA, Mahesh, Pacella, Rosana E, Panda, Basant Kumar, Pandian, Jeyaraj Durai, Papachristou, Christina, Park, Eun-Kee, Parry, Charles D, Parsaeian, Mahboubeh, Patil, Snehal T, Patten, Scott B, Patton, George C, Paudel, Deepak, Paulson, Katherine, Pearce, Neil, Pereira, David M, Perez, Krystle Marie, Perico, Norberto, Pesudovs, Konrad, Peterson, Carrie Beth, Petri, William Arthur, Petzold, Max, Phillips, Michael Robert, Phipps, Geoffrey, Pigott, David M, Pillay, Julian David, Pinho, Christine, Piradov, Michael A, Plass, Dietrich, Pletcher, Martin A, Popova, Svetlana, Poulton, Richie G, Pourmalek, Farshad, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj, Prasad, Narayan, Purcell, Carrie, Purwar, Manorama, Qorbani, Mostafa, Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina Ayala, Rabiee, Rynaz H S, Radfar, Amir, Rafay, Anwar, Rahimi, Kazem, Rahimi-Movaghar, Afarin, Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa, Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur, Rahman, Muhammad Aziz, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Rajsic, Sasa, Ram, Usha, Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal, Rangaswamy, Thara, Rankin, Zane, Rao, Paturi Vishnupriya, Rao, Puja C, Rawaf, Salman, Ray, Sarah E, Reiner, Robert C, Reinig, Nikolas, Reitsma, Marissa, Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Renzaho, Andre M N, Resnikoff, Serge, Rezaei, Satar, Ribeiro, Antonio L, Rivas, Jacqueline Castillo, Roba, Hirbo Shore, Robinson, Stephen R, Rojas-Rueda, David, Rokni, Mohammad Bagher, Ronfani, Luca, Roshandel, Gholamreza, Roth, Gregory A, Rothenbacher, Dietrich, Roy, Ambuj, Rubagotti, Enrico, Ruhago, George Mugambage, Saadat, Soheil, Safdarian, Mahdi, Safiri, Saeid, Sagar, Rajesh, Sahathevan, Ramesh, Sahraian, Mohammad Ali, Salama, Joseph, Saleh, Muhammad Muhammad, Salomon, Joshua A, Salvi, Sundeep Santosh, Samy, Abdallah M, Sanabria, Juan Ramon, Sanchez-Niño, Maria Dolores, Santomauro, Damian, Santos, João Vasco, Santos, Itamar S, Santric Milicevic, Milena M, Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Sawhney, Monika, Saxena, Sonia, Schelonka, Kathryn, Schmidt, Maria Inês, Schneider, Ione J C, Schöttker, Ben, Schutte, Aletta E, Schwebel, David C, Schwendicke, Falk, Seedat, Soraya, Sepanlou, Sadaf G, Servan-Mori, Edson E, Shaheen, Amira, Shaikh, Masood Ali, Shamsipour, Mansour, Sharma, Rajesh, Sharma, Jayendra, She, Jun, Shi, Peilin, Shibuya, Kenji, Shields, Chloe, Shifa, Girma Temam, Shiferaw, Mekonnen Sisay, Shigematsu, Mika, Shiri, Rahman, Shirkoohi, Reza, Shirude, Shreya, Shishani, Kawkab, Shoman, Haitham, Siabani, Soraya, Sibai, Abla Mehio, Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Silberberg, Donald H, Silva, Diego Augusto Santos, Silva, João Pedro, Silveira, Dayane Gabriele Alves, Singh, Jasvinder A, Singh, Om Prakash, Singh, Narinder Pal, Singh, Virendra, Sinha, Dhirendra Narain, Skiadaresi, Eirini, Slepak, Erica Leigh, Smith, David L, Smith, Mari, Sobaih, Badr H A, Sobngwi, Eugene, Soljak, Michael, Sorensen, Reed J D, Sousa, Tatiane Cristina Moraes, Sposato, Luciano A, Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T, Srinivasan, Vinay, Stanaway, Jeffrey D, Stathopoulou, Vasiliki, Steel, Nicholas, Stein, Dan J, Steiner, Caitlyn, Steinke, Sabine, Stokes, Mark Andrew, Stovner, Lars Jacob, Strub, Bryan, Subart, Michelle, Sufiyan, Muawiyyah Babale, Sunguya, Bruno F, Sur, Patrick J, Swaminathan, Soumya, Sykes, Bryan L, Sylte, Dillon, Szoeke, Cassandra E I, Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael, Tadakamadla, Santosh Kumar, Taffere, Getachew Redae, Takala, Jukka S, Tandon, Nikhil, Tanne, David, Tarekegn, Yihunie L, Tavakkoli, Mohammad, Taveira, Nuno, Taylor, Hugh R, Tegegne, Teketo Kassaw, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash, Tekelab, Tesfalidet, Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman, Tesfaye, Dawit Jember, Tesssema, Belay, Thakur, JS, Thamsuwan, Ornwipa, Theadom, Alice M, Theis, Andrew M, Thomas, Katie E, Thomas, Nihal, Thompson, Robert, Thrift, Amanda G, Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan, Tobollik, Myriam, Tonelli, Marcello, Topor-Madry, Roman, Tortajada, Miguel, Touvier, Mathilde, Traebert, Jefferson, Tran, Bach Xuan, Troeger, Christopher, Truelsen, Thomas, Tsoi, Derrick, Tuzcu, Emin Murat, Tymeson, Hayley, Tyrovolas, Stefanos, Ukwaja, Kingsley Nnanna, Undurraga, Eduardo A, Uneke, Chigozie Jesse, Updike, Rachel, Uthman, Olalekan A, Uzochukwu, Benjamin S Chudi, van Boven, Job F M, Varughese, Santosh, Vasankari, Tommi, Veerman, Lennert J, Venkatesh, S, Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy, Vidavalur, Ramesh, Vijayakumar, Lakshmi, Violante, Francesco S, Vishnu, Abhishek, Vladimirov, Sergey K, Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich, Vollset, Stein Emil, Vos, Theo, Wadilo, Fiseha, Wakayo, Tolassa, Wallin, Mitchell T, Wang, Yuan-Pang, Weichenthal, Scott, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Weintraub, Robert G, Weiss, Daniel J, Werdecker, Andrea, Westerman, Ronny, Whiteford, Harvey A, Wijeratne, Tissa, Williams, Hywel C, Wiysonge, Charles Shey, Woldeyes, Belete Getahun, Wolfe, Charles D A, Woodbrook, Rachel, Woolf, Anthony D, Workicho, Abdulhalik, Xavier, Denis, Xu, Gelin, Yadgir, Simon, Yaghoubi, Mohsen, Yakob, Bereket, Yan, Lijing L, Yano, Yuichiro, Ye, Pengpeng, Yihdego, Mahari Gidey, Yimam, Hassen Hamid, Yip, Paul, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Yotebieng, Marcel, Younis, Mustafa Z, Yu, Chuanhua, Zaidi, Zoubida, Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed, Zegeye, Elias Asfaw, Zenebe, Zerihun Menlkalew, Zhang, Xueying, Zheng, Yingfeng, Zhou, Maigeng, Zipkin, Ben, Zodpey, Sanjay, Zoeckler, Leo, Zuhlke, Liesl Joanna, Viðskiptadeild (HR), School of Business (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, Cell biology, Hematology, Neurology, Simon, I, Hay, Amanuel, Alemu, Abajobir, Kalkidan, Hassen, Abate, Cristiana, Abbafati, Kaja, M, Abbas, Foad, Abd Allah, Abdishakur, M, Abdulle, Teshome, Abuka, Abebo, Semaw, Ferede, Abera, Victor, Aboyan, Laith, J, Abu, Raddad, Ilana, N, Ackerman, Isaac, A, Adedeji, Olatunji, Adetokunboh, Ashkan, Afshin, Rakesh, Aggarwal, Sutapa, Agrawal, Anurag, Agrawal, Aliasghar, Ahmad, Kiadaliri, Muktar, Beshir, Ahmed, Amani, Nidhal, Aichour, Ibtihel, Aichour, Miloud, Taki, Eddine, Aichour, Sneha, Aiyar, Tomi, F, Akinyemiju, Nadia, Akseer, Faris, Hasan, Al, Lami, Fares, Alahdab, Ziyad, Al Aly, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alam, Tahiya, Alam, Deena, Alasfoor, Kefyalew, Addi, Alene, Raghib, Ali, Reza, Alizadeh Navaei, Juma, M, Alkaabi, Ala’A, Alkerwi, François, Alla, Peter, Allebeck, Christine, Allen, Fatma, Al Maskari, Mohammad, Abdulaziz, Almazroa, Rajaa, Al Raddadi, Ubai, Alsharif, Shirina, Alsowaidi, Benjamin, M, Althouse, Khalid, A, Altirkawi, Nelson, Alvis Guzman, Azmeraw, T, Amare, Erfan, Amini, Walid, Ammar, Yaw, Ampem, Amoako, Mustafa, Geleto, Ansha, Carl, Abelardo, T, Antonio, Palwasha, Anwari, Johan, Ärnlöv, Megha, Arora, Al, Artaman, Krishna, Kumar, Aryal, Solomon, W, Asgedom, Tesfay, Mehari, Atey, Niguse, Tadele, Atnafu, Leticia, Avila Burgo, Euripide, Frinel, G, Arthur, Avokpaho, Ashish, Awasthi, Shally, Awasthi, Beatriz, Paulina, Ayala, Quintanilla, Mahmoud, Reza, Azarpazhooh, Peter, Azzopardi, Tesleem, Kayode, Babalola, Umar, Bacha, Alaa, Badawi, Kalpana, Balakrishnan, Marlena, S, Bannick, Aleksandra, Barac, Suzanne, L, Barker, Collo, Till, Bärnighausen, Simon, Barquera, Lope, H, Barrero, Sanjay, Basu, Robert, Battista, Katherine, E, Battle, Bernhard, T, Baune, Shahrzad, Bazargan Hejazi, Justin, Beardsley, Neeraj, Bedi, Yannick, Béjot, Bayu, Begashaw, Bekele, Michelle, L, Bell, Derrick, A, Bennett, Jame, R, Bennett, Isabela, M, Bensenor, Jennifer, Benson, Adugnaw, Berhane, Derbew, Fikadu, Berhe, Eduardo, Bernabé, Balem, Demtsu, Betsu, Mircea, Beuran, Addisu, Shunu, Beyene, Anil, Bhansali, Samir, Bhatt, Zulfiqar, A, Bhutta, Sibhatu, Biadgilign, Kelly, Bienhoff, Boris, Bikbov, Charles, Birungi, Stan, Biryukov, Donal, Bisanzio, Habtamu, Mellie, Bizuayehu, Fiona, M, Blyth, Dube, Jara, Boneya, Dipan, Bose, Ibrahim, R, Bou, Orm, Rupert, R, A, Bourne, Michael, Brainin, Carol, E, G, Brayne, Alexandra, Brazinova, Nicholas, J, K, Breitborde, Paul, S, Briant, Gabrielle, Britton, Traolach, S, Brugha, Rachelle, Buchbinder, Lemma, Negesa, Bulto, Bulto, Blair, Bumgarner, Zahid, A, Butt, Lucero, Cahuana Hurtado, Ewan, Cameron, Ismael, Ricardo, Campos, Nonato, Hélène, Carabin, Rosario, Cárdena, David, O, Carpenter, Juan, Jesus, Carrero, Austin, Carter, Felix, Carvalho, Daniel, Casey, Carlos, A, Castañeda, Orjuela, Jacqueline, Castillo, Rivas, Chri, D, Castle, Ferrán, Catalá López, Jung Chen, Chang, Fiona, J, Charlson, Pankaj, Chaturvedi, Honglei, Chen, Mirriam, Chibalabala, Chioma, Ezinne, Chibueze, Vesper, Hichilombwe, Chisumpa, Abdulaal, A, Chitheer, Rajiv, Chowdhury, Devasahayam, Jesuda, Christopher, Liliana, G, Ciobanu, Cirillo, Massimo, Danny, Colombara, Leslie, Trumbull, Cooper, Medical Research Council (MRC), Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu, Abate, Kalkidan Hassen, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abbas, Kaja M, Abd-Allah, Foad, Abdulkader, Rizwan Suliankatchi, Abdulle, Abdishakur M, Abebo, Teshome Abuka, Abera, Semaw Ferede, Aboyans, Victor, Abu-Raddad, Laith J, Ackerman, Ilana N, Adedeji, Isaac A, Adetokunboh, Olatunji, Afshin, Ashkan, Aggarwal, Rakesh, Agrawal, Sutapa, Agrawal, Anurag, Ahmed, Muktar Beshir, Aichour, Miloud Taki Eddine, Aichour, Amani Nidhal, Aichour, Ibtihel, Aiyar, Sneha, Akinyemiju, Tomi F, Akseer, Nadia, Al Lami, Faris Hasan, Alahdab, Fare, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Alam, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alam, Tahiya, Alasfoor, Deena, Alene, Kefyalew Addi, Ali, Raghib, Alizadeh-Navaei, Reza, Alkaabi, Juma M, Alkerwi, Ala'a, Alla, Françoi, Allebeck, Peter, Allen, Christine, Al-Maskari, Fatma, AlMazroa, Mohammad AbdulAziz, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa, Alsharif, Ubai, Alsowaidi, Shirina, Althouse, Benjamin M, Altirkawi, Khalid A, Alvis-Guzman, Nelson, Amare, Azmeraw T, Amini, Erfan, Ammar, Walid, Amoako, Yaw Ampem, Ansha, Mustafa Geleto, Antonio, Carl Abelardo T, Anwari, Palwasha, Ärnlöv, Johan, Arora, Megha, Artaman, Al, Aryal, Krishna Kumar, Asgedom, Solomon W, Atey, Tesfay Mehari, Atnafu, Niguse Tadele, Avila-Burgos, Leticia, Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G Arthur, Awasthi, Ashish, Awasthi, Shally, Azarpazhooh, Mahmoud Reza, Azzopardi, Peter, Babalola, Tesleem Kayode, Bacha, Umar, Badawi, Alaa, Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Bannick, Marlena S, Barac, Aleksandra, Barker-Collo, Suzanne L, Bärnighausen, Till, Barquera, Simon, Barrero, Lope H, Basu, Sanjay, Battista, Robert, Battle, Katherine E, Baune, Bernhard T, Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad, Beardsley, Justin, Bedi, Neeraj, Béjot, Yannick, Bekele, Bayu Begashaw, Bell, Michelle L, Bennett, Derrick A, Bennett, James R, Bensenor, Isabela M, Benson, Jennifer, Berhane, Adugnaw, Berhe, Derbew Fikadu, Bernabé, Eduardo, Betsu, Balem Demtsu, Beuran, Mircea, Beyene, Addisu Shunu, Bhansali, Anil, Bhatt, Samir, Bhutta, Zulfiqar A, Biadgilign, Sibhatu, Bicer, Burcu Kucuk, Bienhoff, Kelly, Bikbov, Bori, Birungi, Charle, Biryukov, Stan, Bisanzio, Donal, Bizuayehu, Habtamu Mellie, Blyth, Fiona M, Boneya, Dube Jara, Bose, Dipan, Bou-Orm, Ibrahim R, Bourne, Rupert R A, Brainin, Michael, Brayne, Carol, Brazinova, Alexandra, Breitborde, Nicholas J K, Briant, Paul S, Britton, Gabrielle, Brugha, Traolach S, Buchbinder, Rachelle, Bulto, Lemma Negesa Bulto, Bumgarner, Blair R, Butt, Zahid A, Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Cameron, Ewan, Campos-Nonato, Ismael Ricardo, Carabin, Hélène, Cárdenas, Rosario, Carpenter, David O, Carrero, Juan Jesu, Carter, Austin, Carvalho, Felix, Casey, Daniel, Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A, Castle, Chris D, Catalá-López, Ferrán, Chang, Jung-Chen, Charlson, Fiona J, Chaturvedi, Pankaj, Chen, Honglei, Chibalabala, Mirriam, Chibueze, Chioma Ezinne, Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe, Chitheer, Abdulaal A, Chowdhury, Rajiv, Christopher, Devasahayam Jesuda, Ciobanu, Liliana G, Colombara, Danny, Cooper, Leslie Trumbull, Cooper, Cyru, Cortesi, Paolo Angelo, Cortinovis, Monica, Criqui, Michael H, Cromwell, Elizabeth A, Cross, Marita, Crump, John A, Dadi, Abel Fekadu, Dalal, Koustuv, Damasceno, Albertino, Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, das Neves, José, Davitoiu, Dragos V, Davletov, Kairat, de Courten, Barbora, De Leo, Diego, De Steur, Han, Defo, Barthelemy Kuate, Degenhardt, Louisa, Deiparine, Selina, Dellavalle, Robert P, Deribe, Kebede, Deribew, Amare, Des Jarlais, Don C, Dey, Subhojit, Dharmaratne, Samath D, Dhillon, Preet K, Dicker, Daniel, Djalainia, Shirin, Do, Huyen Phuc, Dokova, Klara, Doku, David Teye, Dorsey, E Ray, dos Santos, Kadine Priscila Bender, Driscoll, Tim R, Dubey, Manisha, Duncan, Bruce Bartholow, Ebel, Beth E, Echko, Michelle, El-Khatib, Ziad Ziad, Enayati, Ahmadali, Endries, Aman Yesuf, Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich, Erskine, Holly E, Eshetie, Setegn, Eshrati, Babak, Esteghamati, Alireza, Estep, Kara, Fanuel, Fanuel Belayneh Bekele, Farag, Tamer, Farinha, Carla Sofia e Sa, Faro, André, Farzadfar, Farshad, Fazeli, Mir Sohail, Feigin, Valery L, Feigl, Andrea B, Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad, Fernandes, João C, Ferrari, Alize J, Feyissa, Tesfaye Regassa, Filip, Irina, Fischer, Florian, Fitzmaurice, Christina, Flaxman, Abraham D, Foigt, Nataliya, Foreman, Kyle J, Franklin, Richard C, Frostad, Joseph J, Fullman, Nancy, Fürst, Thoma, Furtado, Joao M, Futran, Neal D, Gakidou, Emmanuela, Garcia-Basteiro, Alberto L, Gebre, Teshome, Gebregergs, Gebremedhin Berhe, Gebrehiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Geleijnse, Johanna M, Geleto, Ayele, Gemechu, Bikila Lencha, Gesesew, Hailay Abrha, Gething, Peter W, Ghajar, Alireza, Gibney, Katherine B, Gillum, Richard F, Ginawi, Ibrahim Abdelmageem Mohamed, Gishu, Melkamu Dedefo, Giussani, Giorgia, Godwin, William W, Goel, Kashish, Goenka, Shifalika, Goldberg, Ellen M, Gona, Philimon N, Goodridge, Amador, Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Gosselin, Richard A, Gotay, Carolyn C, Goto, Atsushi, Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho, Graetz, Nichola, Gugnani, Harish Chander, Gupta, Prakash C, Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Tanush, Gupta, Vipin, Gupta, Rahul, Gutiérrez, Reyna A, Hachinski, Vladimir, Hafezi-Nejad, Nima, Hailu, Alemayehu Desalegne, Hailu, Gessessew Bugssa, Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Hamidi, Samer, Hammami, Mouhanad, Handal, Alexis J, Hankey, Graeme J, Hao, Yuantao, Harb, Hilda L, Hareri, Habtamu Abera, Haro, Josep Maria, Harun, Kimani M, Harvey, Jame, Hassanvand, Mohammad Sadegh, Havmoeller, Rasmu, Hay, Simon I, Hay, Roderick J, Hedayati, Mohammad T, Hendrie, Delia, Henry, Nathaniel J, Heredia-Pi, Ileana Beatriz, Heydarpour, Pouria, Hoek, Hans W, Hoffman, Howard J, Horino, Masako, Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H Dean, Hostiuc, Sorin, Hotez, Peter J, Hoy, Damian G, Htet, Aung Soe, Hu, Guoqing, Huang, John J, Huynh, Chantal, Iburg, Kim Moesgaard, Igumbor, Ehimario Uche, Ikeda, Chad, Irvine, Caleb Mackay Salpeter, Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful, Jacobsen, Kathryn H, Jahanmehr, Nader, Jakovljevic, Mihajlo B, James, Peter, Jassal, Simerjot K, Javanbakht, Mehdi, Jayaraman, Sudha P, Jeemon, Panniyammakal, Jensen, Paul N, Jha, Vivekanand, Jiang, Guohong, John, Denny, Johnson, Catherine O, Johnson, Sarah Charlotte, Jonas, Jost B, Jürisson, Mikk, Kabir, Zubair, Kadel, Rajendra, Kahsay, Amaha, Kamal, Ritul, Kar, Chittaranjan, Karam, Nadim E, Karch, André, Karema, Corine Kakizi, Karimi, Seyed M, Karimkhani, Chante, Kasaeian, Amir, Kassa, Getachew Mullu, Kassaw, Nigussie Assefa, Kassebaum, Nicholas J, Kastor, Anshul, Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal, Kaul, Anil, Kawakami, Norito, Keiyoro, Peter Njenga, Kemmer, Laura, Kengne, Andre Pascal, Keren, Andre, Kesavachandran, Chandrasekharan Nair, Khader, Yousef Saleh, Khalil, Ibrahim A, Khan, Ejaz Ahmad, Khang, Young-Ho, Khoja, Abdullah T, Khosravi, Ardeshir, Khubchandani, Jagdish, Kiadaliri, Aliasghar Ahmad, Kieling, Christian, Kim, Yun Jin, Kim, Daniel, Kimokoti, Ruth W, Kinfu, Yohanne, Kisa, Adnan, Kissimova-Skarbek, Katarzyna A, Kissoon, Niranjan, Kivimaki, Mika, Knudsen, Ann Kristin, Kokubo, Yoshihiro, Kolte, Dhaval, Kopec, Jacek A, Kosen, Soewarta, Kotsakis, Georgios A, Koul, Parvaiz A, Koyanagi, Ai, Kravchenko, Michael, Krohn, Kristopher J, Kumar, G Anil, Kumar, Pushpendra, Kyu, Hmwe H, Lager, Anton Carl Jona, Lal, Dharmesh Kumar, Lalloo, Ratilal, Lallukka, Tea, Lambert, Nkurunziza, Lan, Qing, Lansingh, Van C, Larsson, Ander, Leasher, Janet L, Lee, Paul H, Leigh, Jame, Leshargie, Cheru Tesema, Leung, Janni, Leung, Ricky, Levi, Miriam, Li, Yichong, Li, Yongmei, Liang, Xiaofeng, Liben, Misgan Legesse, Lim, Stephen S, Linn, Shai, Liu, Patrick Y, Liu, Angela, Liu, Shiwei, Liu, Yang, Lodha, Rakesh, Logroscino, Giancarlo, Looker, Katharine J, Lopez, Alan D, Lorkowski, Stefan, Lotufo, Paulo A, Lozano, Rafael, Lucas, Timothy C D, Lunevicius, Raimunda, Lyons, Ronan A, Macarayan, Erlyn Rachelle King, Maddison, Emilie R, Magdy Abd El Razek, Hassan Magdy Abd, Magdy Abd El Razek, Mohammed, Magis-Rodriguez, Carlo, Mahdavi, Mahdi, Majdan, Marek, Majdzadeh, Reza, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malhotra, Rajesh, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Mamun, Abdullah A, Manguerra, Helena, Manhertz, Treh, Mantovani, Lorenzo G, Mapoma, Chabila C, March, Lyn M, Marczak, Laurie B, Martinez-Raga, Jose, Martins, Paulo Henrique Viega, Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio, Martopullo, Ira, März, Winfried, Mathur, Manu Raj, Mazidi, Mohsen, McAlinden, Colm, McGaughey, Madeline, McGrath, John J, McKee, Martin, Mehata, Suresh, Meier, Toni, Meles, Kidanu Gebremariam, Memiah, Peter, Memish, Ziad A, Mendoza, Walter, Mengesha, Melkamu Merid, Mengistie, Mubarek Abera, Mengistu, Desalegn Tadese, Mensah, George A, Meretoja, Tuomo J, Meretoja, Atte, Mezgebe, Haftay Berhane, Micha, Renata, Millear, Anoushka, Miller, Ted R, Minnig, Shawn, Mirarefin, Mojde, Mirrakhimov, Erkin M, Misganaw, Awoke, Mishra, Shiva Raj, Mitchell, Philip B, Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Mohammadi, Alireza, Mohammed, Muktar Sano Kedir, Mohammed, Kedir Endri, Mohammed, Shafiu, Mohan, Murali B V, Mokdad, Ali H, Mollenkopf, Sarah K, Monasta, Lorenzo, Montañez Hernandez, Julio Cesar, Montico, Marcella, Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Moraga, Paula, Morawska, Lidia, Mori, Rintaro, Morrison, Shane D, Moses, Mark, Mountjoy-Venning, Cliff, Mruts, Kalayu Birhane, Mueller, Ulrich O, Muller, Kate, Murdoch, Michele E, Murray, Christopher J L, Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana, Murthy, Sriniva, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Nachega, Jean B, Nagel, Gabriele, Naghavi, Mohsen, Naheed, Aliya, Naidoo, Kovin S, Nangia, Vinay, Nasher, Jamal T, Natarajan, Gopalakrishnan, Negasa, Dumessa Edessa, Negoi, Ruxandra Irina, Negoi, Ionut, Newton, Charles R, Ngunjiri, Josephine Wanjiku, Nguyen, Cuong Tat, Nguyen, Quyen Le, Nguyen, Trang Huyen, Nguyen, Grant, Nguyen, Minh, Nichols, Emma, Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini, Nong, Vuong Minh, Norheim, Ole F, Norrving, Bo, Noubiap, Jean Jacques N, Nyandwi, Alypio, Obermeyer, Carla Makhlouf, O'Donnell, Martin J, Ogbo, Felix Akpojene, Oh, In-Hwan, Okoro, Anselm, Oladimeji, Olanrewaju, Olagunju, Andrew Toyin, Olagunju, Tinuke Oluwasefunmi, Olsen, Helen E, Olusanya, Bolajoko Olubukunola, Olusanya, Jacob Olusegun, Ong, Kanyin, Opio, John Nelson, Oren, Eyal, Ortiz, Alberto, Osborne, Richard H, Osgood-Zimmerman, Aaron, Osman, Majdi, Ota, Erika, Owolabi, Mayowa O, PA, Mahesh, Pacella, Rosana E, Panda, Basant Kumar, Pandian, Jeyaraj Durai, Papachristou, Christina, Park, Eun-Kee, Parry, Charles D, Parsaeian, Mahboubeh, Patil, Snehal T, Patten, Scott B, Patton, George C, Paudel, Deepak, Paulson, Katherine, Pearce, Neil, Pereira, David M, Perez, Krystle Marie, Perico, Norberto, Pesudovs, Konrad, Peterson, Carrie Beth, Petri, William Arthur, Petzold, Max, Phillips, Michael Robert, Phipps, Geoffrey, Pigott, David M, Pillay, Julian David, Pinho, Christine, Piradov, Michael A, Plass, Dietrich, Pletcher, Martin A, Popova, Svetlana, Poulton, Richie G, Pourmalek, Farshad, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj, Prasad, Narayan, Purcell, Carrie, Purwar, Manorama, Qorbani, Mostafa, Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina Ayala, Rabiee, Rynaz H S, Radfar, Amir, Rafay, Anwar, Rahimi, Kazem, Rahimi-Movaghar, Afarin, Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa, Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur, Rahman, Muhammad Aziz, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Rajsic, Sasa, Ram, Usha, Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal, Rangaswamy, Thara, Rankin, Zane, Rao, Paturi Vishnupriya, Rao, Puja C, Rawaf, Salman, Ray, Sarah E, Reiner, Robert C, Reinig, Nikola, Reitsma, Marissa, Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Renzaho, Andre M N, Resnikoff, Serge, Rezaei, Satar, Ribeiro, Antonio L, Rivas, Jacqueline Castillo, Roba, Hirbo Shore, Robinson, Stephen R, Rojas-Rueda, David, Rokni, Mohammad Bagher, Ronfani, Luca, Roshandel, Gholamreza, Roth, Gregory A, Rothenbacher, Dietrich, Roy, Ambuj, Rubagotti, Enrico, Ruhago, George Mugambage, Saadat, Soheil, Safdarian, Mahdi, Safiri, Saeid, Sagar, Rajesh, Sahathevan, Ramesh, Sahraian, Mohammad Ali, Salama, Joseph, Saleh, Muhammad Muhammad, Salomon, Joshua A, Salvi, Sundeep Santosh, Samy, Abdallah M, Sanabria, Juan Ramon, Sanchez-Niño, Maria Dolore, Santomauro, Damian, Santos, João Vasco, Santos, Itamar S, Santric Milicevic, Milena M, Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Sawhney, Monika, Saxena, Sonia, Schelonka, Kathryn, Schmidt, Maria Inê, Schneider, Ione J C, Schöttker, Ben, Schutte, Aletta E, Schwebel, David C, Schwendicke, Falk, Seedat, Soraya, Sepanlou, Sadaf G, Servan-Mori, Edson E, Shaheen, Amira, Shaikh, Masood Ali, Shamsipour, Mansour, Sharma, Rajesh, Sharma, Jayendra, She, Jun, Shi, Peilin, Shibuya, Kenji, Shields, Chloe, Shifa, Girma Temam, Shiferaw, Mekonnen Sisay, Shigematsu, Mika, Shiri, Rahman, Shirkoohi, Reza, Shirude, Shreya, Shishani, Kawkab, Shoman, Haitham, Siabani, Soraya, Sibai, Abla Mehio, Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Silberberg, Donald H, Silva, Diego Augusto Santo, Silva, João Pedro, Silveira, Dayane Gabriele Alve, Singh, Jasvinder A, Singh, Om Prakash, Singh, Narinder Pal, Singh, Virendra, Sinha, Dhirendra Narain, Skiadaresi, Eirini, Slepak, Erica Leigh, Smith, David L, Smith, Mari, Sobaih, Badr H A, Sobngwi, Eugene, Soljak, Michael, Sorensen, Reed J D, Sousa, Tatiane Cristina Morae, Sposato, Luciano A, Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T, Srinivasan, Vinay, Stanaway, Jeffrey D, Stathopoulou, Vasiliki, Steel, Nichola, Stein, Dan J, Steiner, Caitlyn, Steinke, Sabine, Stokes, Mark Andrew, Stovner, Lars Jacob, Strub, Bryan, Subart, Michelle, Sufiyan, Muawiyyah Babale, Sunguya, Bruno F, Sur, Patrick J, Swaminathan, Soumya, Sykes, Bryan L, Sylte, Dillon, Szoeke, Cassandra E I, Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael, Tadakamadla, Santosh Kumar, Taffere, Getachew Redae, Takala, Jukka S, Tandon, Nikhil, Tanne, David, Tarekegn, Yihunie L, Tavakkoli, Mohammad, Taveira, Nuno, Taylor, Hugh R, Tegegne, Teketo Kassaw, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash, Tekelab, Tesfalidet, Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman, Tesfaye, Dawit Jember, Tesssema, Belay, Thakur, J.S., Thamsuwan, Ornwipa, Theadom, Alice M, Theis, Andrew M, Thomas, Katie E, Thomas, Nihal, Thompson, Robert, Thrift, Amanda G, Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan, Tobollik, Myriam, Tonelli, Marcello, Topor-Madry, Roman, Tortajada, Miguel, Touvier, Mathilde, Traebert, Jefferson, Tran, Bach Xuan, Troeger, Christopher, Truelsen, Thoma, Tsoi, Derrick, Tuzcu, Emin Murat, Tymeson, Hayley, Tyrovolas, Stefano, Ukwaja, Kingsley Nnanna, Undurraga, Eduardo A, Uneke, Chigozie Jesse, Updike, Rachel, Uthman, Olalekan A, Uzochukwu, Benjamin S Chudi, van Boven, Job F M, Varughese, Santosh, Vasankari, Tommi, Veerman, Lennert J, Venkatesh, S., Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy, Vidavalur, Ramesh, Vijayakumar, Lakshmi, Violante, Francesco S, Vishnu, Abhishek, Vladimirov, Sergey K, Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich, Vollset, Stein Emil, Vos, Theo, Wadilo, Fiseha, Wakayo, Tolassa, Wallin, Mitchell T, Wang, Yuan-Pang, Weichenthal, Scott, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Weintraub, Robert G, Weiss, Daniel J, Werdecker, Andrea, Westerman, Ronny, Whiteford, Harvey A, Wijeratne, Tissa, Williams, Hywel C, Wiysonge, Charles Shey, Woldeyes, Belete Getahun, Wolfe, Charles D A, Woodbrook, Rachel, Woolf, Anthony D, Workicho, Abdulhalik, Xavier, Deni, Xu, Gelin, Yadgir, Simon, Yaghoubi, Mohsen, Yakob, Bereket, Yan, Lijing L, Yano, Yuichiro, Ye, Pengpeng, Yihdego, Mahari Gidey, Yimam, Hassen Hamid, Yip, Paul, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Yotebieng, Marcel, Younis, Mustafa Z, Yu, Chuanhua, Zaidi, Zoubida, Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed, Zegeye, Elias Asfaw, Zenebe, Zerihun Menlkalew, Zhang, Xueying, Zheng, Yingfeng, Zhou, Maigeng, Zipkin, Ben, Zodpey, Sanjay, Zoeckler, Leo, Zuhlke, Liesl Joanna, Abajobir, A, Abate, K, Abbafati, C, Abbas, K, Abd-Allah, F, Abdulkader, R, Abdulle, A, Abebo, T, Abera, S, Aboyans, V, Abu-Raddad, L, Ackerman, I, Adedeji, I, Adetokunboh, O, Afshin, A, Aggarwal, R, Agrawal, S, Agrawal, A, Ahmed, M, Aichour, M, Aichour, A, Aichour, I, Aiyar, S, Akinyemiju, T, Akseer, N, Al Lami, F, Alahdab, F, Al-Aly, Z, Alam, K, Alam, N, Alam, T, Alasfoor, D, Alene, K, Ali, R, Alizadeh-Navaei, R, Alkaabi, J, Alkerwi, A, Alla, F, Allebeck, P, Allen, C, Al-Maskari, F, Almazroa, M, Al-Raddadi, R, Alsharif, U, Alsowaidi, S, Althouse, B, Altirkawi, K, Alvis-Guzman, N, Amare, A, Amini, E, Ammar, W, Amoako, Y, Ansha, M, Antonio, C, Anwari, P, Ärnlöv, J, Arora, M, Artaman, A, Aryal, K, Asgedom, S, Atey, T, Atnafu, N, Avila-Burgos, L, Avokpaho, E, Awasthi, A, Awasthi, S, Azarpazhooh, M, Azzopardi, P, Babalola, T, Bacha, U, Badawi, A, Balakrishnan, K, Bannick, M, Barac, A, Barker-Collo, S, Bärnighausen, T, Barquera, S, Barrero, L, Basu, S, Battista, R, Battle, K, Baune, B, Bazargan-Hejazi, S, Beardsley, J, Bedi, N, Béjot, Y, Bekele, B, Bell, M, Bennett, D, Bennett, J, Bensenor, I, Benson, J, Berhane, A, Berhe, D, Bernabé, E, Betsu, B, Beuran, M, Beyene, A, Bhansali, A, Bhatt, S, Bhutta, Z, Biadgilign, S, Bicer, B, Bienhoff, K, Bikbov, B, Birungi, C, Biryukov, S, Bisanzio, D, Bizuayehu, H, Blyth, F, Boneya, D, Bose, D, Bou-Orm, I, Bourne, R, Brainin, M, Brayne, C, Brazinova, A, Breitborde, N, Briant, P, Britton, G, Brugha, T, Buchbinder, R, Bulto, L, Bumgarner, B, Butt, Z, Cahuana-Hurtado, L, Cameron, E, Campos-Nonato, I, Carabin, H, Cárdenas, R, Carpenter, D, Carrero, J, Carter, A, Carvalho, F, Casey, D, Castañeda-Orjuela, C, Castle, C, Catalá-López, F, Chang, J, Charlson, F, Chaturvedi, P, Chen, H, Chibalabala, M, Chibueze, C, Chisumpa, V, Chitheer, A, Chowdhury, R, Christopher, D, Ciobanu, L, Cirillo, M, Colombara, D, Cooper, L, Cooper, C, Cortesi, P, Cortinovis, M, Criqui, M, Cromwell, E, Cross, M, Crump, J, Dadi, A, Dalal, K, Damasceno, A, Dandona, L, Dandona, R, das Neves, J, Davitoiu, D, Davletov, K, de Courten, B, De Leo, D, De Steur, H, Defo, B, Degenhardt, L, Deiparine, S, Dellavalle, R, Deribe, K, Deribew, A, Des Jarlais, D, Dey, S, Dharmaratne, S, Dhillon, P, Dicker, D, Djalainia, S, Do, H, Dokova, K, Doku, D, Dorsey, E, dos Santos, K, Driscoll, T, Dubey, M, Duncan, B, Ebel, B, Echko, M, El-Khatib, Z, Enayati, A, Endries, A, Ermakov, S, Erskine, H, Eshetie, S, Eshrati, B, Esteghamati, A, Estep, K, Fanuel, F, Farag, T, Farinha, C, Faro, A, Farzadfar, F, Fazeli, M, Feigin, V, Feigl, A, Fereshtehnejad, S, Fernandes, J, Ferrari, A, Feyissa, T, Filip, I, Fischer, F, Fitzmaurice, C, Flaxman, A, Foigt, N, Foreman, K, Franklin, R, Frostad, J, Fullman, N, Fürst, T, Furtado, J, Futran, N, Gakidou, E, Garcia-Basteiro, A, Gebre, T, Gebregergs, G, Gebrehiwot, T, Geleijnse, J, Geleto, A, Gemechu, B, Gesesew, H, Gething, P, Ghajar, A, Gibney, K, Gillum, R, Ginawi, I, Gishu, M, Giussani, G, Godwin, W, Goel, K, Goenka, S, Goldberg, E, Gona, P, Goodridge, A, Gopalani, S, Gosselin, R, Gotay, C, Goto, A, Goulart, A, Graetz, N, Gugnani, H, Gupta, P, Gupta, R, Gupta, T, Gupta, V, Gutiérrez, R, Hachinski, V, Hafezi-Nejad, N, Hailu, A, Hailu, G, Hamadeh, R, Hamidi, S, Hammami, M, Handal, A, Hankey, G, Hao, Y, Harb, H, Hareri, H, Haro, J, Harun, K, Harvey, J, Hassanvand, M, Havmoeller, R, Hay, S, Hay, R, Hedayati, M, Hendrie, D, Henry, N, Heredia-Pi, I, Heydarpour, P, Hoek, H, Hoffman, H, Horino, M, Horita, N, Hosgood, H, Hostiuc, S, Hotez, P, Hoy, D, Htet, A, Hu, G, Huang, J, Huynh, C, Iburg, K, Igumbor, E, Ikeda, C, Irvine, C, Islam, S, Jacobsen, K, Jahanmehr, N, Jakovljevic, M, James, P, Jassal, S, Javanbakht, M, Jayaraman, S, Jeemon, P, Jensen, P, Jha, V, Jiang, G, John, D, Johnson, C, Johnson, S, Jonas, J, Jürisson, M, Kabir, Z, Kadel, R, Kahsay, A, Kamal, R, Kar, C, Karam, N, Karch, A, Karema, C, Karimi, S, Karimkhani, C, Kasaeian, A, Kassa, G, Kassaw, N, Kassebaum, N, Kastor, A, Katikireddi, S, Kaul, A, Kawakami, N, Keiyoro, P, Kemmer, L, Kengne, A, Keren, A, Kesavachandran, C, Khader, Y, Khalil, I, Khan, E, Khang, Y, Khoja, A, Khosravi, A, Khubchandani, J, Kiadaliri, A, Kieling, C, Kim, Y, Kim, D, Kimokoti, R, Kinfu, Y, Kisa, A, Kissimova-Skarbek, K, Kissoon, N, Kivimaki, M, Knudsen, A, Kokubo, Y, Kolte, D, Kopec, J, Kosen, S, Kotsakis, G, Koul, P, Koyanagi, A, Kravchenko, M, Krohn, K, Kumar, G, Kumar, P, Kyu, H, Lager, A, Lal, D, Lalloo, R, Lallukka, T, Lambert, N, Lan, Q, Lansingh, V, Larsson, A, Leasher, J, Lee, P, Leigh, J, Leshargie, C, Leung, J, Leung, R, Levi, M, Li, Y, Liang, X, Liben, M, Lim, S, Linn, S, Liu, P, Liu, A, Liu, S, Liu, Y, Lodha, R, Logroscino, G, Looker, K, Lopez, A, Lorkowski, S, Lotufo, P, Lozano, R, Lucas, T, Lunevicius, R, Lyons, R, Macarayan, E, Maddison, E, Magdy Abd El Razek, H, Magdy Abd El Razek, M, Magis-Rodriguez, C, Mahdavi, M, Majdan, M, Majdzadeh, R, Majeed, A, Malekzadeh, R, Malhotra, R, Malta, D, Mamun, A, Manguerra, H, Manhertz, T, Mantovani, L, Mapoma, C, March, L, Marczak, L, Martinez-Raga, J, Martins, P, Martins-Melo, F, Martopullo, I, März, W, Mathur, M, Mazidi, M, Mcalinden, C, Mcgaughey, M, Mcgrath, J, Mckee, M, Mehata, S, Meier, T, Meles, K, Memiah, P, Memish, Z, Mendoza, W, Mengesha, M, Mengistie, M, Mengistu, D, Mensah, G, Meretoja, T, Meretoja, A, Mezgebe, H, Micha, R, Millear, A, Miller, T, Minnig, S, Mirarefin, M, Mirrakhimov, E, Misganaw, A, Mishra, S, Mitchell, P, Mohammad, K, Mohammadi, A, Mohammed, M, Mohammed, K, Mohammed, S, Mohan, M, Mokdad, A, Mollenkopf, S, Monasta, L, Montañez Hernandez, J, Montico, M, Moradi-Lakeh, M, Moraga, P, Morawska, L, Mori, R, Morrison, S, Moses, M, Mountjoy-Venning, C, Mruts, K, Mueller, U, Muller, K, Murdoch, M, Murray, C, Murthy, G, Murthy, S, Musa, K, Nachega, J, Nagel, G, Naghavi, M, Naheed, A, Naidoo, K, Nangia, V, Nasher, J, Natarajan, G, Negasa, D, Negoi, R, Negoi, I, Newton, C, Ngunjiri, J, Nguyen, C, Nguyen, Q, Nguyen, T, Nguyen, G, Nguyen, M, Nichols, E, Ningrum, D, Nong, V, Norheim, O, Norrving, B, Noubiap, J, Nyandwi, A, Obermeyer, C, O'Donnell, M, Ogbo, F, Oh, I, Okoro, A, Oladimeji, O, Olagunju, A, Olagunju, T, Olsen, H, Olusanya, B, Olusanya, J, Ong, K, Opio, J, Oren, E, Ortiz, A, Osborne, R, Osgood-Zimmerman, A, Osman, M, Ota, E, Owolabi, M, Pa, M, Pacella, R, Panda, B, Pandian, J, Papachristou, C, Park, E, Parry, C, Parsaeian, M, Patil, S, Patten, S, Patton, G, Paudel, D, Paulson, K, Pearce, N, Pereira, D, Perez, K, Perico, N, Pesudovs, K, Peterson, C, Petri, W, Petzold, M, Phillips, M, Phipps, G, Pigott, D, Pillay, J, Pinho, C, Piradov, M, Plass, D, Pletcher, M, Popova, S, Poulton, R, Pourmalek, F, Prabhakaran, D, Prasad, N, Purcell, C, Purwar, M, Qorbani, M, Quintanilla, B, Rabiee, R, Radfar, A, Rafay, A, Rahimi, K, Rahimi-Movaghar, A, Rahimi-Movaghar, V, Rahman, M, Rai, R, Rajsic, S, Ram, U, Ranabhat, C, Rangaswamy, T, Rankin, Z, Rao, P, Rawaf, S, Ray, S, Reiner, R, Reinig, N, Reitsma, M, Remuzzi, G, Renzaho, A, Resnikoff, S, Rezaei, S, Ribeiro, A, Rivas, J, Roba, H, Robinson, S, Rojas-Rueda, D, Rokni, M, Ronfani, L, Roshandel, G, Roth, G, Rothenbacher, D, Roy, A, Rubagotti, E, Ruhago, G, Saadat, S, Safdarian, M, Safiri, S, Sagar, R, Sahathevan, R, Sahraian, M, Salama, J, Saleh, M, Salomon, J, Salvi, S, Samy, A, Sanabria, J, Sanchez-Niño, M, Santomauro, D, Santos, J, Santos, I, Santric Milicevic, M, Sartorius, B, Satpathy, M, Sawhney, M, Saxena, S, Schelonka, K, Schmidt, M, Schneider, I, Schöttker, B, Schutte, A, Schwebel, D, Schwendicke, F, Seedat, S, Sepanlou, S, Servan-Mori, E, Shaheen, A, Shaikh, M, Shamsipour, M, Sharma, R, Sharma, J, She, J, Shi, P, Shibuya, K, Shields, C, Shifa, G, Shiferaw, M, Shigematsu, M, Shiri, R, Shirkoohi, R, Shirude, S, Shishani, K, Shoman, H, Siabani, S, Sibai, A, Sigfusdottir, I, Silberberg, D, Silva, D, Silva, J, Silveira, D, Singh, J, Singh, O, Singh, N, Singh, V, Sinha, D, Skiadaresi, E, Slepak, E, Smith, D, Smith, M, Sobaih, B, Sobngwi, E, Soljak, M, Sorensen, R, Sousa, T, Sposato, L, Sreeramareddy, C, Srinivasan, V, Stanaway, J, Stathopoulou, V, Steel, N, Stein, D, Steiner, C, Steinke, S, Stokes, M, Stovner, L, Strub, B, Subart, M, Sufiyan, M, Sunguya, B, Sur, P, Swaminathan, S, Sykes, B, Sylte, D, Szoeke, C, Tabarés-Seisdedos, R, Tadakamadla, S, Taffere, G, Takala, J, Tandon, N, Tanne, D, Tarekegn, Y, Tavakkoli, M, Taveira, N, Taylor, H, Tegegne, T, Tehrani-Banihashemi, A, Tekelab, T, Terkawi, A, Tesfaye, D, Tesssema, B, Thakur, J, Thamsuwan, O, Theadom, A, Theis, A, Thomas, K, Thomas, N, Thompson, R, Thrift, A, Tobe-Gai, R, Tobollik, M, Tonelli, M, Topor-Madry, R, Tortajada, M, Touvier, M, Traebert, J, Tran, B, Troeger, C, Truelsen, T, Tsoi, D, Tuzcu, E, Tymeson, H, Tyrovolas, S, Ukwaja, K, Undurraga, E, Uneke, C, Updike, R, Uthman, O, Uzochukwu, B, van Boven, J, Varughese, S, Vasankari, T, Veerman, L, Venkatesh, S, Venketasubramanian, N, Vidavalur, R, Vijayakumar, L, Violante, F, Vishnu, A, Vladimirov, S, Vlassov, V, Vollset, S, Vos, T, Wadilo, F, Wakayo, T, Wallin, M, Wang, Y, Weichenthal, S, Weiderpass, E, Weintraub, R, Weiss, D, Werdecker, A, Westerman, R, Whiteford, H, Wijeratne, T, Williams, H, Wiysonge, C, Woldeyes, B, Wolfe, C, Woodbrook, R, Woolf, A, Workicho, A, Xavier, D, Xu, G, Yadgir, S, Yaghoubi, M, Yakob, B, Yan, L, Yano, Y, Ye, P, Yihdego, M, Yimam, H, Yip, P, Yonemoto, N, Yoon, S, Yotebieng, M, Younis, M, Yu, C, Zaidi, Z, Zaki, M, Zegeye, E, Zenebe, Z, Zhang, X, Zheng, Y, Zhou, M, Zipkin, B, Zodpey, S, Zoeckler, L, Zuhlke, L, Brayne, Carol [0000-0001-5307-663X], Chowdhury, Rajiv [0000-0003-4881-5690], and Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository
- Subjects
Male ,Dánarmein ,AUSTRALIA ,GBD, disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) ,Heilsufar ,Lífslíkur ,Epidemiology ,Life expectancy ,Diseases ,Global Health ,THERAPY ,Global Burden of Disease ,Residence Characteristics ,Fullorðnir ,Cause of Death ,Medicine and Health Sciences ,Psychology ,Konur ,Aged, 80 and over ,Tölfræði ,PLASMODIUM-FALCIPARUM ,Aldraðir ,Sjúkdómar ,Medicine (all) ,Fatlaðir ,Men ,Þjóðir ,11 Medical And Health Sciences ,ASSOCIATION ,Middle Aged ,Health policy ,PREVALENCE ,Sálfræði ,disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) ,Female ,Lýðheilsa ,Quality-Adjusted Life Years ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,Global Health Metrics ,Adult ,AFRICA ,Quality of life ,People with disabilities ,GBD ,WEIGHTS ,Social ecology ,Lífsgæði ,Communicable Diseases ,World health/statistics ,Age Distribution ,Life Expectancy ,Medicine, General & Internal ,SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being ,General & Internal Medicine ,Heilbrigðisstefna ,Humans ,Adults ,Disabled Persons ,Women ,Sex Distribution ,Mortality ,Noncommunicable Diseases ,Aged ,Science & Technology ,Faraldsfræði ,MORTALITY ,Wounds and injuries ,EPIDEMIOLOGIC TRANSITION ,HIV ,Áverkar ,Karlar ,Wounds and Injuries ,Félagshagfræði ,Older people - Abstract
Correction in: LANCET Volume: 390 Issue: 10106 Pages: E38-E38 Published: OCT 28 2017, Background Measurement of changes in health across locations is useful to compare and contrast changing epidemiological patterns against health system performance and identify specific needs for resource allocation in research, policy development, and programme decision making. Using the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016, we drew from two widely used summary measures to monitor such changes in population health: disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) and healthy life expectancy (HALE). We used these measures to track trends and benchmark progress compared with expected trends on the basis of the Socio-demographic Index (SDI). Methods We used results from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 for all-cause mortality, cause-specific mortality, and non-fatal disease burden to derive HALE and DALYs by sex for 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016. We calculated DALYs by summing years of life lost and years of life lived with disability for each location, age group, sex, and year. We estimated HALE using age-specific death rates and years of life lived with disability per capita. We explored how DALYs and HALE differed from expected trends when compared with the SDI: the geometric mean of income per person, educational attainment in the population older than age 15 years, and total fertility rate. Findings The highest globally observed HALE at birth for both women and men was in Singapore, at 75.2 years (95% uncertainty interval 71.9-78.6) for females and 72.0 years (68.8-75.1) for males. The lowest for females was in the Central African Republic (45.6 years [42.0-49.5]) and for males was in Lesotho (41.5 years [39.0-44.0]). From 1990 to 2016, global HALE increased by an average of 6.24 years (5.97-6.48) for both sexes combined. Global HALE increased by 6.04 years (5.74-6.27) for males and 6.49 years (6.08-6.77) for females, whereas HALE at age 65 years increased by 1.78 years (1.61-1.93) for males and 1.96 years (1.69-2.13) for females. Total global DALYs remained largely unchanged from 1990 to 2016 (-2.3% [-5.9 to 0.9]), with decreases in communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional (CMNN) disease DALYs offset by increased DALYs due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The exemplars, calculated as the five lowest ratios of observed to expected age-standardised DALY rates in 2016, were Nicaragua, Costa Rica, the Maldives, Peru, and Israel. The leading three causes of DALYs globally were ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and lower respiratory infections, comprising 16.1% of all DALYs. Total DALYs and age-standardised DALY rates due to most CMNN causes decreased from 1990 to 2016. Conversely, the total DALY burden rose for most NCDs; however, age-standardised DALY rates due to NCDs declined globally. Interpretation At a global level, DALYs and HALE continue to show improvements. At the same time, we observe that many populations are facing growing functional health loss. Rising SDI was associated with increases in cumulative years of life lived with disability and decreases in CMNN DALYs offset by increased NCD DALYs. Relative compression of morbidity highlights the importance of continued health interventions, which has changed in most locations in pace with the gross domestic product per person, education, and family planning. The analysis of DALYs and HALE and their relationship to SDI represents a robust framework with which to benchmark location-specific health performance. Country-specific drivers of disease burden, particularly for causes with higher-than-expected DALYs, should inform health policies, health system improvement initiatives, targeted prevention efforts, and development assistance for health, including financial and research investments for all countries, regardless of their level of sociodemographic development. The presence of countries that substantially outperform others suggests the need for increased scrutiny for proven examples of best practices, which can help to extend gains, whereas the presence of underperforming countries suggests the need for devotion of extra attention to health systems that need more robust support., Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Published
- 2017
20. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
- Author
Gakidou, Emmanuela, Afshin, Ashkan, Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu, Abate, Kalkidan Hassen, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abbas, Kaja M., Abd-Allah, Foad, Abdulle, Abdishakur M., Abera, Semaw Ferede, Aboyans, Victor, Abu-Raddad, Laith J., Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen M. E., Abyu, Gebre Yitayih, Adedeji, Isaac Akinkunmi, Adetokunboh, Olatunji, Afarideh, Mohsen, Agrawal, Anurag, Agrawal, Sutapa, Kiadaliri, Aliasghar Ahmad, Ahmadieh, Hamid, Ahmed, Muktar Beshir, Aichour, Amani Nidhal, Aichour, Ibtihel, Aichour, Miloud Taki Eddine, Akinyemi, Rufus Olusola, Akseer, Nadia, Alahdab, Fares, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Alam, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alam, Tahiya, Alasfoor, Deena, Alene, Kefyalew Addis, Ali, Komal, Alizadeh-Navaei, Reza, Alkerwi, Ala'a, Alla, Francois, Allebeck, Peter, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa, Alsharif, Ubai, Altirkawi, Khalid A., Alvis-Guzman, Nelson, Amare, Azmeraw T., Amini, Erfan, Ammar, Walid, Amoako, Yaw Ampem, Ansari, Hossein, Anto, Josep M., Antonio, Carl Abelardo T., Anwari, Palwasha, Arian, Nicholas, Arnlov, Johan, Artaman, A., Aryal, Krishna Kumar, Asayesh, Hamid, Asgedom, Solomon Weldegebreal, Atey, Tesfay Mehari, Avila-Burgos, Leticia, Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G. Arthur, Awasthi, Ashish, Azzopardi, Peter, Bacha, Umar, Badawi, Alaa, Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Ballew, Shoshana H., Barac, Aleksandra, Barber, Ryan M., Barker-Collo, Suzanne L., Barnighausen, Till, Barquera, Simon, Barregard, Lars, Barrero, Lope H., Batis, Carolina, Battle, Katherine E., Baune, Bernhard T., Beardsley, Justin, Bedi, Neeraj, Beghi, Ettore, Bell, Michelle L., Bennett, Derrick A., Bennett, James R., Bensenor, Isabela M., Berhane, Adugnaw, Berhe, Derbew Fikadu, Bernabe, Eduardo, Betsu, Balem Demtsu, Beuran, Mircea, Beyene, Addisu Shunu, Bhansali, Anil, Bhutta, Zulfiqar A., Bikbov, Boris, Birungi, Charles, Biryukov, Stan, Blosser, Christopher D., Boneya, Dube Jara, Bou-Orm, Ibrahim R., Brauer, Michael, Breitborde, Nicholas J. K., Brenner, Hermann, Brugha, Traolach S., Bulto, Lemma Negesa Bulto, Baumgarner, Blair R., Butt, Zahid A., Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Cardenas, Rosario, Carrero, Juan Jesus, Castaneda-Orjuela, Carlos A., Catala-Lopez, Ferran, Cercy, Kelly, Chang, Hsing-Yi, Charlson, Fiona J., Chimed-Ochir, Odgerel, Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe, Chitheer, Abdulaal A., Christensen, Hanne, Christopher, Devasahayam Jesudas, Cirillo, Massimo, Cohen, Aaron J., Comfort, Haley, Cooper, Cyrus, Coresh, Josef, Cornaby, Leslie, Cortesi, Paolo Angelo, Criqui, Michael H., Crump, John A., Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, das Neves, Jose, Davey, Gail, Davitoiu, Dragos V., Davletov, Kairat, de Courten, Barbora, Degenhardt, Louisa, Deiparine, Selina, Dellavalle, Robert P., Deribe, Kebede, Deshpande, Aniruddha, Dharmaratne, Samath D., Ding, Eric L., Djalalinia, Shirin, Huyen Phuc Do, Huyen Phuc Do, Dokova, Klara, Doku, David Teye, Dorsey, E. Ray, Driscoll, Tim R., Dubey, Manisha, Duncan, Bruce Bartholow, Duncan, Sarah, Ebert, Natalie, Ebrahimi, Hedyeh, El-Khatib, Ziad Ziad, Enayati, Ahmadali, Endries, Aman Yesuf, Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich, Erskine, Holly E., Eshrati, Babak, Eskandarieh, Sharareh, Esteghamati, Alireza, Estep, Kara, Faraon, Emerito Jose Aquino, E Sa Farinha, Carla Sofia, Faro, Andre, Farzadfar, Farshad, Fay, Kairsten, Feigin, Valery L., Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad, Fernandes, Joao C., Ferrari, Alize J., Feyissa, Tesfaye Regassa, Filip, Irina, Fischer, Florian, Fitzmaurice, Christina, Flaxman, Abraham D., Foigt, Nataliya, Foreman, Kyle J., Frostad, Joseph J., Fullman, Nancy, Furst, Thomas, Furtado, Joao M., Ganji, Morsaleh, Garcia-Basteiro, Alberto L., Gebrehiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Geleijnse, Johanna M., Geleto, Ayele, Gemechu, Bikila Lencha, Gesesew, Hailay Abrha, Gething, Peter W., Ghajar, Alireza, Gibney, Katherine B., Gill, Paramjit Singh, Gillum, Richard F., Giref, Ababi Zergaw, Gishu, Melkamu Dedefo, Giussani, Giorgia, Godwin, William W., Gona, Philimon N., Goodridge, Amador, Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Goryakin, Yevgeniy, Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho, Graetz, Nicholas, Gugnani, Harish Chander, Guo, Jingwen, Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Tanush, Gupta, Vipin, Gutierrez, Reyna A., Hachinski, Vladimir, Hafezi-Nejad, Nima, Hailu, Gessessew Bugssa, Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Hamidi, Samer, Hammami, Mouhanad, Handal, Alexis J., Hankey, Graeme J., Harb, Hilda L., Hareri, Habtamu Abera, Hassanvand, Mohammad Sadegh, Havmoeller, Rasmus, Hawley, Caitlin, Hay, Simon I., Hedayati, Mohammad T., Hendrie, Delia, Beatriz Heredia-Pi, Ileana, Hoek, Hans W., Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H. Dean, Hostiuc, Sorin, Hoy, Damian G., Hsairi, Mohamed, Hu, Guoqing, Huang, Hsiang, Huang, John J., Iburg, Kim Moesgaard, Ikeda, Chad, Inoue, Manami, Irvine, Caleb Mackay Salpeter, Jackson, Maria Delores, Jacobsen, Kathryn H., Jahanmehr, Nader, Jakovljevic, Mihajlo (Michael) B., Jauregui, Alejandra, Javanbakht, Mehdi, Jeemon, Panniyammakal, Johansson, Lars R. K., Johnson, Catherine O., Jonas, Jost B., Jurisson, Mikk, Kabir, Zubair, Kadel, Rajendra, Kahsay, Amaha, Kamal, Ritul, Karch, Andre, Karema, Corine Kakizi, Kasaeian, Amir, Kassebaum, Nicholas J., Kastor, Anshul, Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal, Kawakami, Norito, Keiyoro, Peter Njenga, Kelbore, Sefonias Getachew, Kemmer, Laura, Kengne, Andre Pascal, Kesavachandran, Chandrasekharan Nair, Khader, Yousef Saleh, Khalil, Ibrahim A., Khan, Ejaz Ahmad, Khang, Young-Ho, Khosravi, Ardeshir, Khubchandani, Jagdish, Kieling, Christian, Kim, Daniel, Kim, Jun Y., Kim, Yun Jin, Kimokoti, Ruth W., Kinfu, Yohannes, Kisa, Adnan, Kissimova-Skarbek, Katarzyna A., Kivimaki, Mika, Knibbs, Luke D., Knudsen, Ann Kristin, Kopec, Jacek A., Kosen, Soewarta, Koul, Parvaiz A., Koyanagi, Ai, Kravchenko, Michael, Krohn, Kristopher J., Kromhout, Hans, Defo, Barthelemy Kuate, Bicer, Burcu Kucuk, Kumar, G. Anil, Kutz, Michael, Kyu, Hmwe H., Lal, Dharmesh Kumar, Lalloo, Ratilal, Lallukka, Tea, Lan, Qing, Lansingh, Van C., Larsson, Anders, Lee, Alexander, Lee, Paul H., Leigh, James, Leung, Janni, Levi, Miriam, Li, Yichong, Li, Yongmei, Liang, Xiaofeng, Liben, Misgan Legesse, Linn, Shai, Liu, Patrick, Lodha, Rakesh, Logroscino, Giancarlo, Looker, Katherine J., Lopez, Alan D., Lorkowski, Stefan, Lotufo, Paulo A., Lozano, Rafael, Lunevicius, Raimundas, Macarayan, Erlyn Rachelle King, Abd el Razek, Hassan Magdy, Abd el Razek, Mohammed Magdy, Majdan, Marek, Majdzadeh, Reza, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malhotra, Rajesh, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Mamun, Abdullah A., Manguerra, Helena, Mantovani, Lorenzo G., Mapoma, Chabila C., Martin, Randall V., Martinez-Raga, Jose, Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlandio, Mathur, Manu Raj, Matsushita, Kunihiro, Matzopoulos, Richard, Mazidi, Mohsen, McAlinden, Colm, McGrath, John J., Mehata, Suresh, Mehndiratta, Man Mohan, Meier, Toni, Melaku, Yohannes Adama, Memiah, Peter, Memish, Ziad A., Mendoza, Walter, Mengesha, Melkamu Merid, Mensah, George A., Mensink, Gert B. M., Mereta, Seid Tiku, Meretoja, Atte, Meretoja, Tuomo J., Mezgebe, Haftay Berhane, Micha, Renata, Millear, Anoushka, Miller, Ted R., Minnig, Shawn, Mirarefin, Mojde, Mirrakhimov, Erkin M., Misganaw, Awoke, Mishra, Shiva Raj, Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Mohammed, Kedir Endris, Mohammed, Shafiu, Ibrahim, Norlinah Mohamed, Mohan, Murali B. V., Mokdad, Ali H., Monasta, Lorenzo, Montanez Hernandez, Julio Cesar, Montico, Marcella, Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Moraga, Paula, Morawska, Lidia, Morrison, Shane D., Mountjoy-Venning, Cliff, Mueller, Ulrich O., Mullany, Erin C., Muller, Kate, Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Naghavi, Mohsen, Naheed, Aliya, Nangia, Vinay, Natarajan, Gopalakrishnan, Negoi, Ionut, Negoi, Ruxandra Irina, Cuong Tat Nguyen, Cuong Tat Nguyen, Grant Nguyen, Grant Nguyen, Minh Nguyen, Minh Nguyen, Quyen Le Nguyen, Quyen Le Nguyen, Trang Huyen Nguyen, Trang Huyen Nguyen, Nichols, Emma, Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini, Nomura, Marika, Vuong Minh Nong, Vuong Minh Nong, Norheim, Ole F., Norrving, Bo, Noubiap, Jean Jacques N., Obermeyer, Carla Makhlouf, Ogbo, Felix Akpojene, Oh, Hwan, Oladimeji, Olanrewaju, Olagunju, Andrew Toyin, Olagunju, Tinuke Oluwasefunmi, Olivares, Pedro R., Olsen, Helen E., Olusanya, Bolajoko Olubukunola, Olusanya, Jacob Olusegun, Opio, John Nelson, Oren, Eyal, Ortiz, Alberto, Ota, Erika, Owolabi, Mayowa O., Pa, Mahesh, Pacella, Rosana E., Pana, Adrian, Panda, Basant Kumar, Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra, Pandian, Jeyaraj D., Papachristou, Christina, Park, Eun-Kee, Parry, Charles D., Patten, Scott B., Patton, George C., Pereira, David M., Perico, Norberto, Pesudovs, Konrad, Petzold, Max, Phillips, Michael Robert, Pillay, Julian David, Piradov, Michael A., Pishgar, Farhad, Plass, Dietrich, Pletcher, Martin A., Polinder, Suzanne, Popova, Svetlana, Poulton, Richie G., Pourmalek, Farshad, Prasad, Narayan, Purcell, Carrie, Qorbani, Mostafa, Radfar, Amir, Rafay, Anwar, Rahimi-Movaghar, Afarin, Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur, Rahman, Muhammad Aziz, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Rajsic, Sasa, Ram, Usha, Rawaf, Salman, Rehm, Colin D., Rehm, Jurgen, Reiner, Robert C., Reitsma, Marissa B., Myriam Reynales-Shigematsu, Luz, Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Renzaho, Andre M. N., Resnikoff, Serge, Rezaei, Satar, Ribeiro, Antonio L., Rivera, Juan A., Roba, Kedir Teji, Rojas-Rueda, David, Roman, Yesenia, Room, Robin, Roshandel, Gholamreza, Roth, Gregory A., Rothenbacher, Dietrich, Rubagotti, Enrico, Rushton, Lesley, Sadat, Nafis, Safdarian, Mahdi, Safi, Sare, Safiri, Saeid, Sahathevan, Ramesh, Salama, Joseph, Salomon, Joshua A., Samy, Abdallah M., Sanabria, Juan Ramon, Dolores Sanchez-Nino, Maria, Sanchez-Pimienta, Tania G., Santomauro, Damian, Santos, Itamar S., Milicevic, Milena M. Santric, Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Sawhney, Monika, Saxena, Sonia, Schaeffner, Elke, Schmidt, Maria Ines, Schneider, Ione J. C., Schutte, Aletta E., Schwebel, David C., Schwendicke, Falk, Seedat, Soraya, Sepanlou, Sadaf G., Serdar, Berrin, Servan-Mori, Edson E., Shaddick, Gavin, Shaheen, Amira, Shahraz, Saeid, Shaikh, Masood Ali, Levy, Teresa Shamah, Shamsipour, Mansour, Shamsizadeh, Morteza, Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful, Sharma, Jayendra, Sharma, Rajesh, She, Jun, Shen, Jiabin, Shi, Peilin, Shibuya, Kenji, Shields, Chloe, Shiferaw, Mekonnen Sisay, Shigematsu, Mika, Shin, Min-Jeong, Shiri, Rahman, Shirkoohi, Reza, Shishani, Kawkab, Shoman, Haitham, Shrime, Mark G., Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Santos Silva, Diego Augusto, Silva, Joao Pedro, Alves Silveira, Dayane Gabriele, Singh, Jasvinder A., Singh, Virendra, Sinha, Dhirendra Narain, Skiadaresi, Eirini, Slepak, Erica Leigh, Smith, David L., Smith, Mari, Sobaih, Badr H. A., Sobngwi, Eugene, Soneji, Samir, Sorensen, Reed J. D., Sposato, Luciano A., Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T., Srinivasan, Vinay, Steel, Nicholas, Stein, Dan J., Steiner, Caitlyn, Steinke, Sabine, Stokes, Mark Andrew, Strub, Bryan, Subart, Michelle, Sufiyan, Muawiyyah Babale, Suliankatchi, Rizwan Abdulkader, Sur, Patrick J., Swaminathan, Soumya, Sykes, Bryan L., Szoeke, Cassandra E. I., Tabares-Seisdedos, Rafael, Tadakamadla, Santosh Kumar, Takahashi, Ken, Takala, Jukka S., Tandon, Nikhil, Tanner, Marcel, Tarekegn, Yihunie L., Tavakkoli, Mohammad, Tegegne, Teketo Kassaw, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash, Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman, Tesssema, Belay, Thakur, J. S., Thamsuwan, Ornwipa, Thankappan, Kavumpurathu Raman, Theis, Andrew M., Thomas, Matthew Lloyd, Thomson, Alan J., Thrift, Amanda G., Tillmann, Taavi, Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan, Tobollik, Myriam, Tollanes, Mette C., Tonelli, Marcello, Topor-Madry, Roman, Torre, Anna, Tortajada, Miguel, Touvier, Mathilde, Tran, Bach Xuan, Truelsen, Thomas, Tuem, Kald Beshir, Tuzcu, Emin Murat, Tyrovolas, Stefanos, Ukwaja, Kingsley Nnanna, Uneke, Chigozie Jesse, Updike, Rachel, Uthman, Olalekan A., van Boven, Job F. M., van Donkelaar, Aaron, Varughese, Santosh, Vasankari, Tommi, Veerman, Lennert J., Venkateswaran, Vidhya, Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy, Violante, Francesco S., Vladimirov, Sergey K., Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich, Vollset, Stein Emil, Vos, Theo, Wadilo, Fiseha, Wakayo, Tolassa, Wallin, Mitchell T., Wang, Yuan-Pang, Weichenthal, Scott, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Weintraub, Robert G., Weiss, Daniel J., Werdecker, Andrea, Westerman, Ronny, Whiteford, Harvey A., Wiysonge, Charles Shey, Woldeyes, Belete Getahun, Wolfe, Charles D. A., Woodbrook, Rachel, Workicho, Abdulhalik, Hanson, Sarah Wulf, Xavier, Denis, Xu, Gelin, Yadgir, Simon, Yakob, Bereket, Yan, Lijing L., Yaseri, Mehdi, Yimam, Hassen Hamid, Yip, Paul, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Yotebieng, Marcel, Younis, Mustafa Z., Zaidi, Zoubida, Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed, Zavala-Arciniega, Luis, Zhang, Xueying, Zimsen, Stephanie Raman M., Zipkin, Ben, Zodpey, Sanjay, Lim, Stephen S., Murray, Christopher J. L., LS IRAS EEPI EXAS (Arb.hyg+bl.st.kar.), dIRAS RA-2, Gakidou, E, Afshin, A, Abajobir, A, Abate, K, Abbafati, C, Abbas, K, Abd-Allah, F, Abdulle, A, Abera, S, Aboyans, V, Abu-Raddad, L, Abu-Rmeileh, N, Abyu, G, Adedeji, I, Adetokunboh, O, Afarideh, M, Agrawal, A, Agrawal, S, Ahmad Kiadaliri, A, Ahmadieh, H, Ahmed, M, Aichour, A, Aichour, I, Aichour, M, Akinyemi, R, Akseer, N, Alahdab, F, Al-Aly, Z, Alam, K, Alam, N, Alam, T, Alasfoor, D, Alene, K, Ali, K, Alizadeh-Navaei, R, Alkerwi, A, Alla, F, Allebeck, P, Al-Raddadi, R, Alsharif, U, Altirkawi, K, Alvis-Guzman, N, Amare, A, Amini, E, Ammar, W, Amoako, Y, Ansari, H, Antó, J, Antonio, C, Anwari, P, Arian, N, Ärnlöv, J, Artaman, A, Aryal, K, Asayesh, H, Asgedom, S, Atey, T, Avila-Burgos, L, Avokpaho, E, Awasthi, A, Azzopardi, P, Bacha, U, Badawi, A, Balakrishnan, K, Ballew, S, Barac, A, Barber, R, Barker-Collo, S, Bärnighausen, T, Barquera, S, Barregard, L, Barrero, L, Batis, C, Battle, K, Baune, B, Beardsley, J, Bedi, N, Beghi, E, Bell, M, Bennett, D, Bennett, J, Bensenor, I, Berhane, A, Berhe, D, Bernabé, E, Betsu, B, Beuran, M, Beyene, A, Bhansali, A, Bhutta, Z, Bikbov, B, Birungi, C, Biryukov, S, Blosser, C, Boneya, D, Bou-Orm, I, Brauer, M, Breitborde, N, Brenner, H, Brugha, T, Bulto, L, Baumgarner, B, Butt, Z, Cahuana-Hurtado, L, Cárdenas, R, Carrero, J, Castañeda-Orjuela, C, Catalá-López, F, Cercy, K, Chang, H, Charlson, F, Chimed-Ochir, O, Chisumpa, V, Chitheer, A, Christensen, H, Christopher, D, Cirillo, M, Cohen, A, Comfort, H, Cooper, C, Coresh, J, Cornaby, L, Cortesi, P, Criqui, M, Crump, J, Dandona, L, Dandona, R, Das Neves, J, Davey, G, Davitoiu, D, Davletov, K, De Courten, B, Degenhardt, L, Deiparine, S, Dellavalle, R, Deribe, K, Deshpande, A, Dharmaratne, S, Ding, E, Djalalinia, S, Do, H, Dokova, K, Doku, D, Dorsey, E, Driscoll, T, Dubey, M, Duncan, B, Duncan, S, Ebert, N, Ebrahimi, H, El-Khatib, Z, Enayati, A, Endries, A, Ermakov, S, Erskine, H, Eshrati, B, Eskandarieh, S, Esteghamati, A, Estep, K, Faraon, E, Farinha, C, Faro, A, Farzadfar, F, Fay, K, Feigin, V, Fereshtehnejad, S, Fernandes, J, Ferrari, A, Feyissa, T, Filip, I, Fischer, F, Fitzmaurice, C, Flaxman, A, Foigt, N, Foreman, K, Frostad, J, Fullman, N, Fürst, T, Furtado, J, Ganji, M, Garcia-Basteiro, A, Gebrehiwot, T, Geleijnse, J, Geleto, A, Gemechu, B, Gesesew, H, Gething, P, Ghajar, A, Gibney, K, Gill, P, Gillum, R, Giref, A, Gishu, M, Giussani, G, Godwin, W, Gona, P, Goodridge, A, Gopalani, S, Goryakin, Y, Goulart, A, Graetz, N, Gugnani, H, Guo, J, Gupta, R, Gupta, T, Gupta, V, Gutiérrez, R, Hachinski, V, Hafezi-Nejad, N, Hailu, G, Hamadeh, R, Hamidi, S, Hammami, M, Handal, A, Hankey, G, Harb, H, Hareri, H, Hassanvand, M, Havmoeller, R, Hawley, C, Hay, S, Hedayati, M, Hendrie, D, Heredia-Pi, I, Hoek, H, Horita, N, Hosgood, H, Hostiuc, S, Hoy, D, Hsairi, M, Hu, G, Huang, H, Huang, J, Iburg, K, Ikeda, C, Inoue, M, Irvine, C, Jackson, M, Jacobsen, K, Jahanmehr, N, Jakovljevic, M, Jauregui, A, Javanbakht, M, Jeemon, P, Johansson, L, Johnson, C, Jonas, J, Jürisson, M, Kabir, Z, Kadel, R, Kahsay, A, Kamal, R, Karch, A, Karema, C, Kasaeian, A, Kassebaum, N, Kastor, A, Katikireddi, S, Kawakami, N, Keiyoro, P, Kelbore, S, Kemmer, L, Kengne, A, Kesavachandran, C, Khader, Y, Khalil, I, Khan, E, Khang, Y, Khosravi, A, Khubchandani, J, Kieling, C, Kim, D, Kim, J, Kim, Y, Kimokoti, R, Kinfu, Y, Kisa, A, Kissimova-Skarbek, K, Kivimaki, M, Knibbs, L, Knudsen, A, Kopec, J, Kosen, S, Koul, P, Koyanagi, A, Kravchenko, M, Krohn, K, Kromhout, H, Kuate Defo, B, Kucuk Bicer, B, Kumar, G, Kutz, M, Kyu, H, Lal, D, Lalloo, R, Lallukka, T, Lan, Q, Lansingh, V, Larsson, A, Lee, A, Lee, P, Leigh, J, Leung, J, Levi, M, Li, Y, Liang, X, Liben, M, Linn, S, Liu, P, Lodha, R, Logroscino, G, Looker, K, Lopez, A, Lorkowski, S, Lotufo, P, Lozano, R, Lunevicius, R, Macarayan, E, Magdy Abd El Razek, H, Magdy Abd El Razek, M, Majdan, M, Majdzadeh, R, Majeed, A, Malekzadeh, R, Malhotra, R, Malta, D, Mamun, A, Manguerra, H, Mantovani, L, Mapoma, C, Martin, R, Martinez-Raga, J, Martins-Melo, F, Mathur, M, Matsushita, K, Matzopoulos, R, Mazidi, M, Mcalinden, C, Mcgrath, J, Mehata, S, Mehndiratta, M, Meier, T, Melaku, Y, Memiah, P, Memish, Z, Mendoza, W, Mengesha, M, Mensah, G, Mensink, G, Mereta, S, Meretoja, A, Meretoja, T, Mezgebe, H, Micha, R, Millear, A, Miller, T, Minnig, S, Mirarefin, M, Mirrakhimov, E, Misganaw, A, Mishra, S, Mohammad, K, Mohammed, K, Mohammed, S, Mohamed Ibrahim, N, Mohan, M, Mokdad, A, Monasta, L, Montañez Hernandez, J, Montico, M, Moradi-Lakeh, M, Moraga, P, Morawska, L, Morrison, S, Mountjoy-Venning, C, Mueller, U, Mullany, E, Muller, K, Murthy, G, Musa, K, Naghavi, M, Naheed, A, Nangia, V, Natarajan, G, Negoi, I, Negoi, R, Nguyen, C, Nguyen, G, Nguyen, M, Nguyen, Q, Nguyen, T, Nichols, E, Ningrum, D, Nomura, M, Nong, V, Norheim, O, Norrving, B, Noubiap, J, Obermeyer, C, Ogbo, F, Oh, I, Oladimeji, O, Olagunju, A, Olagunju, T, Olivares, P, Olsen, H, Olusanya, B, Olusanya, J, Opio, J, Oren, E, Ortiz, A, Ota, E, Owolabi, M, Pa, M, Pacella, R, Pana, A, Panda, B, Panda-Jonas, S, Pandian, J, Papachristou, C, Park, E, Parry, C, Patten, S, Patton, G, Pereira, D, Perico, N, Pesudovs, K, Petzold, M, Phillips, M, Pillay, J, Piradov, M, Pishgar, F, Plass, D, Pletcher, M, Polinder, S, Popova, S, Poulton, R, Pourmalek, F, Prasad, N, Purcell, C, Qorbani, M, Radfar, A, Rafay, A, Rahimi-Movaghar, A, Rahimi-Movaghar, V, Rahman, M, Rai, R, Rajsic, S, Ram, U, Rawaf, S, Rehm, C, Rehm, J, Reiner, R, Reitsma, M, Reynales-Shigematsu, L, Remuzzi, G, Renzaho, A, Resnikoff, S, Rezaei, S, Ribeiro, A, Rivera, J, Roba, K, Rojas-Rueda, D, Roman, Y, Room, R, Roshandel, G, Roth, G, Rothenbacher, D, Rubagotti, E, Rushton, L, Sadat, N, Safdarian, M, Safi, S, Safiri, S, Sahathevan, R, Salama, J, Salomon, J, Samy, A, Sanabria, J, Sanchez-Niño, M, Sánchez-Pimienta, T, Santomauro, D, Santos, I, Santric Milicevic, M, Sartorius, B, Satpathy, M, Sawhney, M, Saxena, S, Schaeffner, E, Schmidt, M, Schneider, I, Schutte, A, Schwebel, D, Schwendicke, F, Seedat, S, Sepanlou, S, Serdar, B, Servan-Mori, E, Shaddick, G, Shaheen, A, Shahraz, S, Shaikh, M, Shamah Levy, T, Shamsipour, M, Shamsizadeh, M, Shariful Islam, S, Sharma, J, Sharma, R, She, J, Shen, J, Shi, P, Shibuya, K, Shields, C, Shiferaw, M, Shigematsu, M, Shin, M, Shiri, R, Shirkoohi, R, Shishani, K, Shoman, H, Shrime, M, Sigfusdottir, I, Silva, D, Silva, J, Silveira, D, Singh, J, Singh, V, Sinha, D, Skiadaresi, E, Slepak, E, Smith, D, Smith, M, Sobaih, B, Sobngwi, E, Soneji, S, Sorensen, R, Sposato, L, Sreeramareddy, C, Srinivasan, V, Steel, N, Stein, D, Steiner, C, Steinke, S, Stokes, M, Strub, B, Subart, M, Sufiyan, M, Suliankatchi, R, Sur, P, Swaminathan, S, Sykes, B, Szoeke, C, Tabarés-Seisdedos, R, Tadakamadla, S, Takahashi, K, Takala, J, Tandon, N, Tanner, M, Tarekegn, Y, Tavakkoli, M, Tegegne, T, Tehrani-Banihashemi, A, Terkawi, A, Tesssema, B, Thakur, J, Thamsuwan, O, Thankappan, K, Theis, A, Thomas, M, Thomson, A, Thrift, A, Tillmann, T, Tobe-Gai, R, Tobollik, M, Tollanes, M, Tonelli, M, Topor-Madry, R, Torre, A, Tortajada, M, Touvier, M, Tran, B, Truelsen, T, Tuem, K, Tuzcu, E, Tyrovolas, S, Ukwaja, K, Uneke, C, Updike, R, Uthman, O, Van Boven, J, Van Donkelaar, A, Varughese, S, Vasankari, T, Veerman, L, Venkateswaran, V, Venketasubramanian, N, Violante, F, Vladimirov, S, Vlassov, V, Vollset, S, Vos, T, Wadilo, F, Wakayo, T, Wallin, M, Wang, Y, Weichenthal, S, Weiderpass, E, Weintraub, R, Weiss, D, Werdecker, A, Westerman, R, Whiteford, H, Wiysonge, C, Woldeyes, B, Wolfe, C, Woodbrook, R, Workicho, A, Wulf Hanson, S, Xavier, D, Xu, G, Yadgir, S, Yakob, B, Yan, L, Yaseri, M, Yimam, H, Yip, P, Yonemoto, N, Yoon, S, Yotebieng, M, Younis, M, Zaidi, Z, El Sayed Zaki, M, Zavala-Arciniega, L, Zhang, X, Zimsen, S, Zipkin, B, Zodpey, S, Lim, S, Murray, C, Rehabilitation Medicine, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Public Health, Neurology, Kardiyoloji, Viðskiptadeild (HR), School of Business (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, Gakidou, Emmanuela, Afshin, Ashkan, Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu, Abate, Kalkidan Hassen, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abbas, Kaja M., Abd-Allah, Foad, Abdulle, Abdishakur M., Abera, Semaw Ferede, Aboyans, Victor, Abu-Raddad, Laith J., Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen M.E., Abyu, Gebre Yitayih, Adedeji, Isaac Akinkunmi, Adetokunboh, Olatunji, Afarideh, Mohsen, Agrawal, Anurag, Agrawal, Sutapa, Ahmad Kiadaliri, Aliasghar, Ahmadieh, Hamid, Ahmed, Muktar Beshir, Aichour, Amani Nidhal, Aichour, Ibtihel, Aichour, Miloud Taki Eddine, Akinyemi, Rufus Olusola, Akseer, Nadia, Alahdab, Fare, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Alam, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alam, Tahiya, Alasfoor, Deena, Alene, Kefyalew Addi, Ali, Komal, Alizadeh-Navaei, Reza, Alkerwi, Ala'a, Alla, Françoi, Allebeck, Peter, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa, Alsharif, Ubai, Altirkawi, Khalid A., Alvis-Guzman, Nelson, Amare, Azmeraw T., Amini, Erfan, Ammar, Walid, Amoako, Yaw Ampem, Ansari, Hossein, Antó, Josep M., Antonio, Carl Abelardo T., Anwari, Palwasha, Arian, Nichola, Ärnlöv, Johan, Artaman, Al, Aryal, Krishna Kumar, Asayesh, Hamid, Asgedom, Solomon Weldegebreal, Atey, Tesfay Mehari, Avila-Burgos, Leticia, Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G. Arthur, Awasthi, Ashish, Azzopardi, Peter, Bacha, Umar, Badawi, Alaa, Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Ballew, Shoshana H., Barac, Aleksandra, Barber, Ryan M., Barker-Collo, Suzanne L., Bärnighausen, Till, Barquera, Simon, Barregard, Lar, Barrero, Lope H., Batis, Carolina, Battle, Katherine E., Baune, Bernhard T., Beardsley, Justin, Bedi, Neeraj, Beghi, Ettore, Bell, Michelle L., Bennett, Derrick A., Bennett, James R., Bensenor, Isabela M., Berhane, Adugnaw, Berhe, Derbew Fikadu, Bernabé, Eduardo, Betsu, Balem Demtsu, Beuran, Mircea, Beyene, Addisu Shunu, Bhansali, Anil, Bhutta, Zulfqar A., Bikbov, Bori, Birungi, Charle, Biryukov, Stan, Blosser, Christopher D., Boneya, Dube Jara, Bou-Orm, Ibrahim R., Brauer, Michael, Breitborde, Nicholas J.K., Brenner, Hermann, Brugha, Traolach S., Bulto, Lemma Negesa Bulto, Baumgarner, Blair R., Butt, Zahid A., Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Cárdenas, Rosario, Carrero, Juan Jesu, Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A., Catalá-López, Ferrán, Cercy, Kelly, Chang, Hsing-Yi, Charlson, Fiona J., Chimed-Ochir, Odgerel, Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe, Chitheer, Abdulaal A., Christensen, Hanne, Christopher, Devasahayam Jesuda, Cirillo, Massimo, Cohen, Aaron J., Comfort, Haley, Cooper, Cyru, Coresh, Josef, Cornaby, Leslie, Cortesi, Paolo Angelo, Criqui, Michael H., Crump, John A., Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, Das Neves, José, Davey, Gail, Davitoiu, Dragos V., Davletov, Kairat, De Courten, Barbora, Degenhardt, Louisa, Deiparine, Selina, Dellavalle, Robert P., Deribe, Kebede, Deshpande, Aniruddha, Dharmaratne, Samath D., Ding, Eric L., Djalalinia, Shirin, Do, Huyen Phuc, Dokova, Klara, Doku, David Teye, Dorsey, E. Ray, Driscoll, Tim R., Dubey, Manisha, Duncan, Bruce Bartholow, Duncan, Sarah, Ebert, Natalie, Ebrahimi, Hedyeh, El-Khatib, Ziad Ziad, Enayati, Ahmadali, Endries, Aman Yesuf, Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich, Erskine, Holly E., Eshrati, Babak, Eskandarieh, Sharareh, Esteghamati, Alireza, Estep, Kara, Faraon, Emerito Jose Aquino, Farinha, Carla Sofia E. Sa, Faro, André, Farzadfar, Farshad, Fay, Kairsten, Feigin, Valery L., Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad, Fernandes, João C., Ferrari, Alize J., Feyissa, Tesfaye Regassa, Filip, Irina, Fischer, Florian, Fitzmaurice, Christina, Flaxman, Abraham D., Foigt, Nataliya, Foreman, Kyle J., Frostad, Joseph J., Fullman, Nancy, Fürst, Thoma, Furtado, Joao M., Ganji, Morsaleh, Garcia-Basteiro, Alberto L., Gebrehiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Geleijnse, Johanna M., Geleto, Ayele, Gemechu, Bikila Lencha, Gesesew, Hailay Abrha, Gething, Peter W., Ghajar, Alireza, Gibney, Katherine B., Gill, Paramjit Singh, Gillum, Richard F., Giref, Ababi Zergaw, Gishu, Melkamu Dedefo, Giussani, Giorgia, Godwin, William W., Gona, Philimon N., Goodridge, Amador, Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Goryakin, Yevgeniy, Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho, Graetz, Nichola, Gugnani, Harish Chander, Guo, Jingwen, Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Tanush, Gupta, Vipin, Gutiérrez, Reyna A., Hachinski, Vladimir, Hafezi-Nejad, Nima, Hailu, Gessessew Bugssa, Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Hamidi, Samer, Hammami, Mouhanad, Handal, Alexis J., Hankey, Graeme J., Harb, Hilda L., Hareri, Habtamu Abera, Hassanvand, Mohammad Sadegh, Havmoeller, Rasmu, Hawley, Caitlin, Hay, Simon I., Hedayati, Mohammad T., Hendrie, Delia, Heredia-Pi, Ileana Beatriz, Hoek, Hans W., Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H. Dean, Hostiuc, Sorin, Hoy, Damian G., Hsairi, Mohamed, Hu, Guoqing, Huang, Hsiang, Huang, John J., Iburg, Kim Moesgaard, Ikeda, Chad, Inoue, Manami, Irvine, Caleb Mackay Salpeter, Jackson, Maria Delore, Jacobsen, Kathryn H., Jahanmehr, Nader, Jakovljevic, Mihajlo B., Jauregui, Alejandra, Javanbakht, Mehdi, Jeemon, Panniyammakal, Johansson, Lars R.K., Johnson, Catherine O., Jonas, Jost B., Jürisson, Mikk, Kabir, Zubair, Kadel, Rajendra, Kahsay, Amaha, Kamal, Ritul, Karch, André, Karema, Corine Kakizi, Kasaeian, Amir, Kassebaum, Nicholas J., Kastor, Anshul, Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal, Kawakami, Norito, Keiyoro, Peter Njenga, Kelbore, Sefonias Getachew, Kemmer, Laura, Kengne, Andre Pascal, Kesavachandran, Chandrasekharan Nair, Khader, Yousef Saleh, Khalil, Ibrahim A., Khan, Ejaz Ahmad, Khang, Young-Ho, Khosravi, Ardeshir, Khubchandani, Jagdish, Kieling, Christian, Kim, Daniel, Kim, Jun Y., Kim, Yun Jin, Kimokoti, Ruth W., Kinfu, Yohanne, Kisa, Adnan, Kissimova-Skarbek, Katarzyna A., Kivimaki, Mika, Knibbs, Luke D., Knudsen, Ann Kristin, Kopec, Jacek A., Kosen, Soewarta, Koul, Parvaiz A., Koyanagi, Ai, Kravchenko, Michael, Krohn, Kristopher J., Kromhout, Han, Kuate Defo, Barthelemy, Kucuk Bicer, Burcu, Kumar, G. Anil, Kutz, Michael, Kyu, Hmwe H., Lal, Dharmesh Kumar, Lalloo, Ratilal, Lallukka, Tea, Lan, Qing, Lansingh, Van C., Larsson, Ander, Lee, Alexander, Lee, Paul H., Leigh, Jame, Leung, Janni, Levi, Miriam, Li, Yichong, Li, Yongmei, Liang, Xiaofeng, Liben, Misgan Legesse, Linn, Shai, Liu, Patrick, Lodha, Rakesh, Logroscino, Giancarlo, Looker, Katherine J., Lopez, Alan D., Lorkowski, Stefan, Lotufo, Paulo A., Lozano, Rafael, Lunevicius, Raimunda, Macarayan, Erlyn Rachelle King, Magdy Abd El Razek, Hassan, Magdy Abd El Razek, Mohammed, Majdan, Marek, Majdzadeh, Reza, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malhotra, Rajesh, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Mamun, Abdullah A., Manguerra, Helena, Mantovani, Lorenzo G., Mapoma, Chabila C., Martin, Randall V., Martinez-Raga, Jose, Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio, Mathur, Manu Raj, Matsushita, Kunihiro, Matzopoulos, Richard, Mazidi, Mohsen, McAlinden, Colm, McGrath, John J., Mehata, Suresh, Mehndiratta, Man Mohan, Meier, Toni, Melaku, Yohannes Adama, Memiah, Peter, Memish, Ziad A., Mendoza, Walter, Mengesha, Melkamu Merid, Mensah, George A., Mensink, Gert B.M., Mereta, Seid Tiku, Meretoja, Atte, Meretoja, Tuomo J., Mezgebe, Haftay Berhane, Micha, Renata, Millear, Anoushka, Miller, Ted R., Minnig, Shawn, Mirarefin, Mojde, Mirrakhimov, Erkin M., Misganaw, Awoke, Mishra, Shiva Raj, Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Mohammed, Kedir Endri, Mohammed, Shafiu, Mohamed Ibrahim, Norlinah, Mohan, Murali B.V., Mokdad, Ali H., Monasta, Lorenzo, Montañez Hernandez, Julio Cesar, Montico, Marcella, Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Moraga, Paula, Morawska, Lidia, Morrison, Shane D., Mountjoy-Venning, Cliff, Mueller, Ulrich O., Mullany, Erin C., Muller, Kate, Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Naghavi, Mohsen, Naheed, Aliya, Nangia, Vinay, Natarajan, Gopalakrishnan, Negoi, Ionut, Negoi, Ruxandra Irina, Nguyen, Cuong Tat, Nguyen, Grant, Nguyen, Minh, Nguyen, Quyen Le, Nguyen, Trang Huyen, Nichols, Emma, Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini, Nomura, Marika, Nong, Vuong Minh, Norheim, Ole F., Norrving, Bo, Noubiap, Jean Jacques N., Obermeyer, Carla Makhlouf, Ogbo, Felix Akpojene, Oh, In-Hwan, Oladimeji, Olanrewaju, Olagunju, Andrew Toyin, Olagunju, Tinuke Oluwasefunmi, Olivares, Pedro R., Olsen, Helen E., Olusanya, Bolajoko Olubukunola, Olusanya, Jacob Olusegun, Opio, John Nelson, Oren, Eyal, Ortiz, Alberto, Ota, Erika, Owolabi, Mayowa O., Pa, Mahesh, Pacella, Rosana E., Pana, Adrian, Panda, Basant Kumar, Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra, Pandian, Jeyaraj D., Papachristou, Christina, Park, Eun-Kee, Parry, Charles D., Patten, Scott B., Patton, George C., Pereira, David M., Perico, Norberto, Pesudovs, Konrad, Petzold, Max, Phillips, Michael Robert, Pillay, Julian David, Piradov, Michael A., Pishgar, Farhad, Plass, Dietrich, Pletcher, Martin A., Polinder, Suzanne, Popova, Svetlana, Poulton, Richie G., Pourmalek, Farshad, Prasad, Narayan, Purcell, Carrie, Qorbani, Mostafa, Radfar, Amir, Rafay, Anwar, Rahimi-Movaghar, Afarin, Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur, Rahman, Muhammad Aziz, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Rajsic, Sasa, Ram, Usha, Rawaf, Salman, Rehm, Colin D., Rehm, Jürgen, Reiner, Robert C., Reitsma, Marissa B., Reynales-Shigematsu, Luz Myriam, Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Renzaho, Andre M.N., Resnikoff, Serge, Rezaei, Satar, Ribeiro, Antonio L., Rivera, Juan A., Roba, Kedir Teji, Rojas-Rueda, David, Roman, Yesenia, Room, Robin, Roshandel, Gholamreza, Roth, Gregory A., Rothenbacher, Dietrich, Rubagotti, Enrico, Rushton, Lesley, Sadat, Nafi, Safdarian, Mahdi, Safi, Sare, Safiri, Saeid, Sahathevan, Ramesh, Salama, Joseph, Salomon, Joshua A., Samy, Abdallah M., Sanabria, Juan Ramon, Sanchez-Niño, Maria Dolore, Sánchez-Pimienta, Tania G., Santomauro, Damian, Santos, Itamar S., Santric Milicevic, Milena M., Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Sawhney, Monika, Saxena, Sonia, Schaeffner, Elke, Schmidt, Maria Inê, Schneider, Ione J.C., Schutte, Aletta E., Schwebel, David C., Schwendicke, Falk, Seedat, Soraya, Sepanlou, Sadaf G., Serdar, Berrin, Servan-Mori, Edson E., Shaddick, Gavin, Shaheen, Amira, Shahraz, Saeid, Shaikh, Masood Ali, Shamah Levy, Teresa, Shamsipour, Mansour, Shamsizadeh, Morteza, Shariful Islam, Sheikh Mohammed, Sharma, Jayendra, Sharma, Rajesh, She, Jun, Shen, Jiabin, Shi, Peilin, Shibuya, Kenji, Shields, Chloe, Shiferaw, Mekonnen Sisay, Shigematsu, Mika, Shin, Min-Jeong, Shiri, Rahman, Shirkoohi, Reza, Shishani, Kawkab, Shoman, Haitham, Shrime, Mark G., Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Silva, Diego Augusto Santo, Silva, João Pedro, Silveira, Dayane Gabriele Alve, Singh, Jasvinder A., Singh, Virendra, Sinha, Dhirendra Narain, Skiadaresi, Eirini, Slepak, Erica Leigh, Smith, David L., Smith, Mari, Sobaih, Badr H.A., Sobngwi, Eugene, Soneji, Samir, Sorensen, Reed J.D., Sposato, Luciano A., Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T., Srinivasan, Vinay, Steel, Nichola, Stein, Dan J., Steiner, Caitlyn, Steinke, Sabine, Stokes, Mark Andrew, Strub, Bryan, Subart, Michelle, Sufiyan, Muawiyyah Babale, Suliankatchi, Rizwan Abdulkader, Sur, Patrick J., Swaminathan, Soumya, Sykes, Bryan L., Szoeke, Cassandra E.I., Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael, Tadakamadla, Santosh Kumar, Takahashi, Ken, Takala, Jukka S., Tandon, Nikhil, Tanner, Marcel, Tarekegn, Yihunie L., Tavakkoli, Mohammad, Tegegne, Teketo Kassaw, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash, Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman, Tesssema, Belay, Thakur, J.S., Thamsuwan, Ornwipa, Thankappan, Kavumpurathu Raman, Theis, Andrew M., Thomas, Matthew Lloyd, Thomson, Alan J., Thrift, Amanda G., Tillmann, Taavi, Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan, Tobollik, Myriam, Tollanes, Mette C., Tonelli, Marcello, Topor-Madry, Roman, Torre, Anna, Tortajada, Miguel, Touvier, Mathilde, Tran, Bach Xuan, Truelsen, Thoma, Tuem, Kald Beshir, Tuzcu, Emin Murat, Tyrovolas, Stefano, Ukwaja, Kingsley Nnanna, Uneke, Chigozie Jesse, Updike, Rachel, Uthman, Olalekan A., Van Boven, Job F.M., Van Donkelaar, Aaron, Varughese, Santosh, Vasankari, Tommi, Veerman, Lennert J., Venkateswaran, Vidhya, Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy, Violante, Francesco S., Vladimirov, Sergey K., Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich, Vollset, Stein Emil, Vos, Theo, Wadilo, Fiseha, Wakayo, Tolassa, Wallin, Mitchell T., Wang, Yuan-Pang, Weichenthal, Scott, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Weintraub, Robert G., Weiss, Daniel J., Werdecker, Andrea, Westerman, Ronny, Whiteford, Harvey A., Wiysonge, Charles Shey, Woldeyes, Belete Getahun, Wolfe, Charles D.A., Woodbrook, Rachel, Workicho, Abdulhalik, Wulf Hanson, Sarah, Xavier, Deni, Xu, Gelin, Yadgir, Simon, Yakob, Bereket, Yan, Lijing L., Yaseri, Mehdi, Yimam, Hassen Hamid, Yip, Paul, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Yotebieng, Marcel, Younis, Mustafa Z., Zaidi, Zoubida, El Sayed Zaki, Maysaa, Zavala-Arciniega, Lui, Zhang, Xueying, Zimsen, Stephanie Raman M., Zipkin, Ben, Zodpey, Sanjay, Lim, Stephen S., and Murray, Christopher J.L.
- Subjects
Líkamsþyngdarstuðull ,Dánarmein ,Heilsufar ,Dánartíðni ,Birthweight ,Fæðingarþyngd ,Börn ,HEALTH-RISKS ,Pregnancy ,EPIDEMIOLOGY ,Psychology ,Meðganga ,Children ,Konur ,Body mass index ,PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE ,Public health ,Global burden of disease/statistics and numerical data ,Medicine (all) ,Smoking ,COST ,Men ,11 Medical And Health Sciences ,Health policy ,Háþrýstingur ,Sálfræði ,World health ,Hypertension ,Lýðheilsa ,Reykingar ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,COUNTRIES ,Quality of life ,DEATHS ,Lífsgæði ,Health risk assessment ,Medicine, General & Internal ,Heilbrigðisvísindi ,General & Internal Medicine ,Heilbrigðisstefna ,Women ,Mortality ,Áhættugreining ,CHINESE POPULATION ,OBESITY PREVENTION ,Science & Technology ,HYPERTENSION ,MORTALITY ,Malnutrition ,Næringarskortur ,Karlar ,Cause of death/trends ,RA - Abstract
Correction in: LANCET Volume: 390 Issue: 10104 Pages: 1736-1736 Published: OCT 14 2017 ; LANCET Volume: 390 Issue: 10106 Pages: E38-E38 Published: OCT 28 2017., Background The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive assessment of risk factor exposure and attributable burden of disease. By providing estimates over a long time series, this study can monitor risk exposure trends critical to health surveillance and inform policy debates on the importance of addressing risks in context. Methods We used the comparative risk assessment framework developed for previous iterations of GBD to estimate levels and trends in exposure, attributable deaths, and attributable disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), by age group, sex, year, and location for 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks from 1990 to 2016. This study included 481 risk-outcome pairs that met the GBD study criteria for convincing or probable evidence of causation. We extracted relative risk (RR) and exposure estimates from 22 717 randomised controlled trials, cohorts, pooled cohorts, household surveys, census data, satellite data, and other sources, according to the GBD 2016 source counting methods. Using the counterfactual scenario of theoretical minimum risk exposure level (TMREL), we estimated the portion of deaths and DALYs that could be attributed to a given risk. Finally, we explored four drivers of trends in attributable burden: population growth, population ageing, trends in risk exposure, and all other factors combined. Findings Since 1990, exposure increased significantly for 30 risks, did not change significantly for four risks, and decreased significantly for 31 risks. Among risks that are leading causes of burden of disease, child growth failure and household air pollution showed the most significant declines, while metabolic risks, such as body-mass index and high fasting plasma glucose, showed significant increases. In 2016, at Level 3 of the hierarchy, the three leading risk factors in terms of attributable DALYs at the global level for men were smoking (124.1 million DALYs [95% UI 111.2 million to 137.0 million]), high systolic blood pressure (122.2 million DALYs [110.3 million to 133.3 million], and low birthweight and short gestation (83.0 million DALYs [78.3 million to 87.7 million]), and for women, were high systolic blood pressure (89.9 million DALYs [80.9 million to 98.2 million]), high body-mass index (64.8 million DALYs [44.4 million to 87.6 million]), and high fasting plasma glucose (63.8 million DALYs [53.2 million to 76.3 million]). In 2016 in 113 countries, the leading risk factor in terms of attributable DALYs was a metabolic risk factor. Smoking remained among the leading five risk factors for DALYs for 109 countries, while low birthweight and short gestation was the leading risk factor for DALYs in 38 countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. In terms of important drivers of change in trends of burden attributable to risk factors, between 2006 and 2016 exposure to risks explains an 9.3% (6.9-11.6) decline in deaths and a 10.8% (8.3-13.1) decrease in DALYs at the global level, while population ageing accounts for 14.9% (12.7-17.5) of deaths and 6.2% (3.9-8.7) of DALYs, and population growth for 12.4% (10.1-14.9) of deaths and 12.4% (10.1-14.9) of DALYs. The largest contribution of trends in risk exposure to disease burden is seen between ages 1 year and 4 years, where a decline of 27.3% (24.9-29.7) of the change in DALYs between 2006 and 2016 can be attributed to declines in exposure to risks. Interpretation Increasingly detailed understanding of the trends in risk exposure and the RRs for each risk-outcome pair provide insights into both the magnitude of health loss attributable to risks and how modification of risk exposure has contributed to health trends. Metabolic risks warrant particular policy attention, due to their large contribution to global disease burden, increasing trends, and variable patterns across countries at the same level of development. GBD 2016 findings show that, while it has huge potential to improve health, risk modification has played a relatively small part in the past decade., The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies.
- Published
- 2017
21. Global, regional, and national under-5 mortality, adult mortality, age-specific mortality, and life expectancy, 1970–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
- Author
Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu, Abate, Kalkidan Hassen, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abbas, Kaja M., Abd-Allah, Foad, Abera, Semaw Ferede, Abraha, Haftom Niguse, Abu-Raddad, Laith J., Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen M. E., Adedeji, Isaac Akinkunmi, Adedoyin, Rufus Adesoji, Adetifa, Ifedayo Morayo O., Adetokunboh, Olatunji, Afshin, Ashkan, Aggarwal, Rakesh, Agrawal, Anurag, Agrawal, Sutapa, Ahmad Kiadaliri, Aliasghar, Ahmed, Muktar Beshir, Aichour, Miloud Taki Eddine, Aichour, Amani Nidhal, Aichour, Ibthiel, Aiyar, Sneha, Akanda, Ali Shafqat, Akinyemiju, Tomi F., Akseer, Nadia, Al Lami, Faris Hasan, Alabed, Samer, Alahdab, Fares, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Alam, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alasfoor, Deena, Aldridge, Robert William, Alene, Kefyalew Addis, Al-Eyadhy, Ayman, Alhabib, Samia, Ali, Raghib, Alizadeh-Navaei, Reza, Aljunid, Syed M., Alkaabi, Juma M., Alkerwi, Ala'a, Alla, François, Allam, Shalini D., Allebeck, Peter, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa, Alsharif, Ubai, Altirkawi, Khalid A., Alvis-Guzman, Nelson, Amare, Azmeraw T., Ameh, Emmanuel A., Amini, Erfan, Ammar, Walid, Amoako, Yaw Ampem, Anber, Nahla, Andrei, Catalina Liliana, Androudi, Sofia, Ansari, Hossein, Ansha, Mustafa Geleto, Antonio, Carl Abelardo T., Anwari, Palwasha, Ärnlöv, Johan, Arora, Megha, Artaman, Al, Aryal, Krishna Kumar, Asayesh, Hamid, Asgedom, Solomon Weldegebreal, Asghar, Rana Jawad, Assadi, Reza, Assaye, Ashagre Molla, Atey, Tesfay Mehari, Atre, Sachin R., Avila-Burgos, Leticia, Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G. Arthur, Awasthi, Ashish, Babalola, Tesleem Kayode, Bacha, Umar, Badawi, Alaa, Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Balalla, Shivanthi, Barac, Aleksandra, Barber, Ryan M., Barboza, Miguel A., Barker-Collo, Suzanne L., Bärnighausen, Till, Barquera, Simon, Barregard, Lars, Barrero, Lope H., Baune, Bernhard T., Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad, Bedi, Neeraj, Beghi, Ettore, Béjot, Yannick, Bekele, Bayu Begashaw, Bell, Michelle L., Bello, Aminu K., Bennett, Derrick A., Bennett, James R., Bensenor, Isabela M., Benson, Jennifer, Berhane, Adugnaw, Berhe, Derbew Fikadu, Bernabé, Eduardo, Beuran, Mircea, Beyene, Addisu Shunu, Bhala, Neeraj, Bhansali, Anil, Bhaumik, Soumyadeep, Bhutta, Zulfiqar A., Bicer, Burcu Kucuk, Bidgoli, Hassan Haghparast, Bikbov, Boris, Birungi, Charles, Biryukov, Stan, Bisanzio, Donal, Bizuayehu, Habtamu Mellie, Bjerregaard, Peter, Blosser, Christopher D., Boneya, Dube Jara, Boufous, Soufiane, Bourne, Rupert R. A., Brazinova, Alexandra, Breitborde, Nicholas J. K., Brenner, Hermann, Brugha, Traolach S., Bukhman, Gene, Bulto, Lemma Negesa Bulto, Bumgarner, Blair Randal, Burch, Michael, Butt, Zahid A., Cahill, Leah E., Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Campos-Nonato, Ismael Ricardo, Car, Josip, Car, Mate, Cárdenas, Rosario, Carpenter, David O., Carrero, Juan Jesus, Carter, Austin, Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A., Castro, Franz F., Castro, Ruben Estanislao, Catalá-López, Ferrán, Chen, Honglei, Chiang, Peggy Pei-Chia, Chibalabala, Mirriam, Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe, Chitheer, Abdulaal A., Choi, Jee-Young Jasmine, Christensen, Hanne, Christopher, Devasahayam Jesudas, Ciobanu, Liliana G., Cirillo, Massimo, Cohen, Aaron J., Colquhoun, Samantha M., Coresh, Josef, Criqui, Michael H., Cromwell, Elizabeth A., Crump, John A., Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, Dargan, Paul I., das Neves, José, Davey, Gail, Davitoiu, Dragos V., Davletov, Kairat, de Courten, Barbora, De Leo, Diego, Degenhardt, Louisa, Deiparine, Selina, Dellavalle, Robert P., Deribe, Kebede, Deribew, Amare, Des Jarlais, Don C., Dey, Subhojit, Dharmaratne, Samath D., Dherani, Mukesh K., Diaz-Torné, Cesar, Ding, Eric L., Dixit, Priyanka, Djalalinia, Shirin, Do, Huyen Phuc, Doku, David Teye, Donnelly, Christl Ann, dos Santos, Kadine Priscila Bender, Douwes-Schultz, Dirk, Driscoll, Tim R., Duan, Leilei, Dubey, Manisha, Duncan, Bruce Bartholow, Dwivedi, Laxmi Kant, Ebrahimi, Hedyeh, El Bcheraoui, Charbel, Ellingsen, Christian Lycke, Enayati, Ahmadali, Endries, Aman Yesuf, Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich, Eshetie, Setegn, Eshrati, Babak, Eskandarieh, Sharareh, Esteghamati, Alireza, Estep, Kara, Fanuel, Fanuel Belayneh Bekele, Faro, André, Farvid, Maryam S., Farzadfar, Farshad, Feigin, Valery L., Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad, Fernandes, Jefferson G., Fernandes, João C., Feyissa, Tesfaye Regassa, Filip, Irina, Fischer, Florian, Foigt, Nataliya, Foreman, Kyle J., Frank, Tahvi, Franklin, Richard C., Fraser, Maya, Friedman, Joseph, Frostad, Joseph J., Fullman, Nancy, Fürst, Thomas, Furtado, Joao M., Futran, Neal D., Gakidou, Emmanuela, Gambashidze, Ketevan, Gamkrelidze, Amiran, Gankpé, Fortuné Gbètoho, Garcia-Basteiro, Alberto L., Gebregergs, Gebremedhin Berhe, Gebrehiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Gebrekidan, Kahsu Gebrekirstos, Gebremichael, Mengistu Welday, Gelaye, Amha Admasie, Geleijnse, Johanna M., Gemechu, Bikila Lencha, Gemechu, Kasiye Shiferaw, Genova-Maleras, Ricard, Gesesew, Hailay Abrha, Gething, Peter W., Gibney, Katherine B., Gill, Paramjit, Gillum, Richard F., Giref, Ababi Zergaw, Girma, Bedilu Weji, Giussani, Giorgia, Goenka, Shifalika, Gomez, Beatriz, Gona, Philimon N., Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho, Graetz, Nicholas, Gugnani, Harish Chander, Gupta, Prakash C., Gupta, Rahul, Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Tanush, Gupta, Vipin, Haagsma, Juanita A., Hafezi-Nejad, Nima, Hakuzimana, Alex, Halasa, Yara A., Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Hambisa, Mitiku Teshome, Hamidi, Samer, Hammami, Mouhanad, Hancock, Jamie, Handal, Alexis J., Hankey, Graeme J., Hao, Yuantao, Harb, Hilda L., Hareri, Habtamu Abera, Harikrishnan, Sivadasanpillai, Haro, Josep Maria, Hassanvand, Mohammad Sadegh, Havmoeller, Rasmus, Hay, Roderick J., Hay, Simon I., He, Fei, Heredia-Pi, Ileana Beatriz, Herteliu, Claudiu, Hilawe, Esayas Haregot, Hoek, Hans W., Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H Dean, Hostiuc, Sorin, Hotez, Peter J., Hoy, Damian G., Hsairi, Mohamed, Htet, Aung Soe, Hu, Guoqing, Huang, John J., Huang, Hsiang, Iburg, Kim Moesgaard, Igumbor, Ehimario Uche, Ileanu, Bogdan Vasile, Inoue, Manami, Irenso, Asnake Ararsa, Irvine, Caleb M. S., Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful, Islam, Nazrul, Jacobsen, Kathryn H., Jaenisch, Thomas, Jahanmehr, Nader, Jakovljevic, Mihajlo B., Javanbakht, Mehdi, Jayatilleke, Achala Upendra, Jeemon, Panniyammakal, Jensen, Paul N., Jha, Vivekanand, Jin, Ye, John, Denny, John, Oommen, Johnson, Sarah Charlotte, Jonas, Jost B., Jürisson, Mikk, Kabir, Zubair, Kadel, Rajendra, Kahsay, Amaha, Kalkonde, Yogeshwar, Kamal, Ritul, Kan, Haidong, Karch, André, Karema, Corine Kakizi, Karimi, Seyed M., Karthikeyan, Ganesan, Kasaeian, Amir, Kassaw, Nigussie Assefa, Kassebaum, Nicholas J., Kastor, Anshul, Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal, Kaul, Anil, Kawakami, Norito, Kazanjan, Konstantin, Keiyoro, Peter Njenga, Kelbore, Sefonias Getachew, Kemp, Andrew Haddon, Kengne, Andre Pascal, Keren, Andre, Kereselidze, Maia, Kesavachandran, Chandrasekharan Nair, Ketema, Ezra Belay, Khader, Yousef Saleh, Khalil, Ibrahim A., Khan, Ejaz Ahmad, Khan, Gulfaraz, Khang, Young-Ho, Khera, Sahil, Khoja, Abdullah Tawfih Abdullah, Khosravi, Mohammad Hossein, Kibret, Getiye Dejenu, Kieling, Christian, Kim, Yun Jin, Kim, Cho-il, Kim, Daniel, Kim, Pauline, Kim, Sungroul, Kimokoti, Ruth W., Kinfu, Yohannes, Kishawi, Sami, Kissoon, Niranjan, Kivimaki, Mika, Knudsen, Ann Kristin, Kokubo, Yoshihiro, Kopec, Jacek A., Kosen, Soewarta, Koul, Parvaiz A., Koyanagi, Ai, Kravchenko, Michael, Krohn, Kristopher J., Kuate Defo, Barthelemy, Kuipers, Ernst J., Kulikoff, Xie Rachel, Kulkarni, Veena S., Kumar, G. Anil, Kumar, Pushpendra, Kumsa, Fekede Asefa, Kutz, Michael, Lachat, Carl, Lagat, Abraham K., Lager, Anton Carl Jonas, Lal, Dharmesh Kumar, Lalloo, Ratilal, Lambert, Nkurunziza, Lan, Qing, Lansingh, Van C., Larson, Heidi J., Larsson, Anders, Laryea, Dennis Odai, Lavados, Pablo M., Laxmaiah, Avula, Lee, Paul H., Leigh, James, Leung, Janni, Leung, Ricky, Levi, Miriam, Li, Yongmei, Liao, Yu, Liben, Misgan Legesse, Lim, Stephen S, Linn, Shai, Lipshultz, Steven E.., Liu, Shiwei, Lodha, Rakesh, Logroscino, Giancarlo, Lopez, Alan D., Lorch, Scott A., Lorkowski, Stefan, Lotufo, Paulo A., Lozano, Rafael, Lunevicius, Raimundas, Lyons, Ronan A., Ma, Stefan, Macarayan, Erlyn RachelleKing, Machado, Isis Eloah, Mackay, Mark T., Magdy Abd El Razek, Mohammed, Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos, Mahdavi, Mahdi, Majdan, Marek, Majdzadeh, Reza, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malhotra, Rajesh, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Mantovani, Lorenzo G., Manyazewal, Tsegahun, Mapoma, Chabila C., Marczak, Laurie B., Marks, Guy B., Martin, Elena Alvarez, Martinez-Raga, Jose, Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio, Massano, João, Maulik, Pallab K., Mayosi, Bongani M., Mazidi, Mohsen, McAlinden, Colm, McGarvey, Stephen Theodore, McGrath, John J., McKee, Martin, Mehata, Suresh, Mehndiratta, Man Mohan, Mehta, Kala M., Meier, Toni, Mekonnen, Tefera Chane, Meles, Kidanu Gebremariam, Memiah, Peter, Memish, Ziad A., Mendoza, Walter, Mengesha, Melkamu Merid, Mengistie, Mubarek Abera, Mengistu, Desalegn Tadese, Menon, Geetha R., Menota, Bereket Gebremichael, Mensah, George A., Meretoja, Tuomo J., Meretoja, Atte, Mezgebe, Haftay Berhane, Micha, Renata, Mikesell, Joseph, Miller, Ted R., Mills, Edward J., Minnig, Shawn, Mirarefin, Mojde, Mirrakhimov, Erkin M., Misganaw, Awoke, Mishra, Shiva Raj, Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Mohammadi, Alireza, Mohammed, Kedir Endris, Mohammed, Shafiu, Mohan, Murali B. V., Mohanty, Sanjay K., Mokdad, Ali H., Mollenkopf, Sarah K., Molokhia, Mariam, Monasta, Lorenzo, Montañez Hernandez, Julio Cesar, Montico, Marcella, Mooney, Meghan D., Moore, Ami R., Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Moraga, Paula, Morawska, Lidia, Mori, Rintaro, Morrison, Shane D., Mruts, Kalayu Birhane, Mueller, Ulrich O., Mullany, Erin, Muller, Kate, Murray, Christopher J. L., Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana, Murthy, Srinivas, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Nachega, Jean B., Nagata, Chie, Nagel, Gabriele, Naghavi, Mohsen, Naidoo, Kovin S., Nanda, Lipika, Nangia, Vinay, Nascimento, Bruno Ramos, Natarajan, Gopalakrishnan, Negoi, Ionut, Nguyen, Cuong Tat, Nguyen, Quyen Le, Nguyen, Trang Huyen, Nguyen, Grant, Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini, Nisar, Muhammad Imran, Nomura, Marika, Nong, Vuong Minh, Norheim, Ole F., Norrving, Bo, Noubiap, Jean Jacques N, Nyakarahuka, Luke, O'Donnell, Martin J, Obermeyer, Carla Makhlouf, Ogbo, Felix Akpojene, Oh, In-Hwan, Okoro, Anselm, Oladimeji, Olanrewaju, Olagunju, Andrew Toyin, Olusanya, Bolajoko Olubukunola, Olusanya, Jacob Olusegun, Oren, Eyal, Ortiz, Alberto, Osgood-Zimmerman, Aaron, Ota, Erika, Owolabi, Mayowa O., Oyekale, Abayomi Samuel, PA, Mahesh, Pacella, Rosana E., Pakhale, Smita, Pana, Adrian, Panda, Basant Kumar, Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra, Park, Eun-Kee, Parsaeian, Mahboubeh, Patel, Tejas, Patten, Scott B., Patton, George C., Paudel, Deepak, Pereira, David M., Perez-Padilla, Rogelio, Perez-Ruiz, Fernando, Perico, Norberto, Pervaiz, Aslam, Pesudovs, Konrad, Peterson, Carrie Beth, Petri, William Arthur, Petzold, Max, Phillips, Michael Robert, Piel, Frédéric B., Pigott, David M., Pishgar, Farhad, Plass, Dietrich, Polinder, Suzanne, Popova, Svetlana, Postma, Maarten J., Poulton, Richie G., Pourmalek, Farshad, Prasad, Narayan, Purwar, Manorama, Qorbani, Mostafa, Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina Ayala, Rabiee, Rynaz H. S., Radfar, Amir, Rafay, Anwar, Rahimi-Movaghar, Afarin, Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa, Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur, Rahman, Sajjad Ur, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Rajsic, Sasa, Ram, Usha, Rana, Saleem M., Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal, Rao, Paturi Vishnupriya, Rawaf, Salman, Ray, Sarah E., Rego, Maria Albertina Santiago, Rehm, Jürgen, Reiner, Robert C., Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Renzaho, Andre M. N., Resnikoff, Serge, Rezaei, Satar, Rezai, Mohammad Sadegh, Ribeiro, Antonio L., Rivas, Jacqueline Castillo, Rokni, Mohammad Bagher, Ronfani, Luca, Roshandel, Gholamreza, Roth, Gregory A., Rothenbacher, Dietrich, Roy, Ambuj, Rubagotti, Enrico, Ruhago, George Mugambage, Saadat, Soheil, Sabde, Yogesh Damodar, Sachdev, Perminder S., Sadat, Nafis, Safdarian, Mahdi, Safi, Sare, Safiri, Saeid, Sagar, Rajesh, Sahathevan, Ramesh, Sahebkar, Amirhossein, Sahraian, Mohammad Ali, Salama, Joseph, Salamati, Payman, Salomon, Joshua A., Salvi, Sundeep Santosh, Samy, Abdallah M., Sanabria, Juan Ramon, Sanchez-Niño, Maria Dolores, Santos, Itamar S., Santric Milicevic, Milena M., Sarmiento-Suarez, Rodrigo, Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Sawhney, Monika, Saxena, Sonia, Saylan, Mete I., Schmidt, Maria Inês, Schneider, Ione J. C., Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam, Schutte, Aletta E., Schwebel, David C., Schwendicke, Falk, Seedat, Soraya, Seid, Abdulbasit Musa, Sepanlou, Sadaf G., Servan-Mori, Edson E., Shackelford, Katya Anne, Shaheen, Amira, Shahraz, Saeid, Shaikh, Masood Ali, Shamsipour, Mansour, Shamsizadeh, Morteza, Sharma, Jayendra, Sharma, Rajesh, She, Jun, Shen, Jiabin, Shetty, Balakrishna P., Shi, Peilin, Shibuya, Kenji, Shifa, Girma Temam, Shigematsu, Mika, Shiri, Rahman, Shiue, Ivy, Shrime, Mark G., Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Silberberg, Donald H., Silpakit, Naris, Silva, Diego Augusto Santos, Silva, João Pedro, Silveira, Dayane Gabriele Alves, Sindi, Shireen, Singh, Jasvinder A., Singh, Prashant Kumar, Singh, Abhishek, Singh, Virendra, Sinha, Dhirendra Narain, Skarbek, Katarzyna A. Kissimova, Skiadaresi, Eirini, Sligar, Amber, Smith, David L., Sobaih, Badr H. A., Sobngwi, Eugene, Soneji, Samir, Soriano, Joan B., Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T., Srinivasan, Vinay, Stathopoulou, Vasiliki, Steel, Nicholas, Stein, Dan J., Steiner, Caitlyn, Stöckl, Heidi, Stokes, Mark Andrew, Strong, Mark, Sufiyan, Muawiyyah Babale, Suliankatchi, Rizwan Abdulkader, Sunguya, Bruno F., Sur, Patrick J., Swaminathan, Soumya, Sykes, Bryan L., Szoeke, Cassandra E. I., Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael, Tadakamadla, Santosh Kumar, Tadese, Fentaw, Tandon, Nikhil, Tanne, David, Tarajia, Musharaf, Tavakkoli, Mohammad, Taveira, Nuno, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash, Tekelab, Tesfalidet, Tekle, Dejen Yemane, Temsah, Mohamad-Hani, Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman, Tesema, Cheru Leshargie, Tesssema, Belay, Theis, Andrew, Thomas, Nihal, Thompson, Alex H., Thomson, Alan J., Thrift, Amanda G., Tiruye, Tenaw Yimer, Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan, Tonelli, Marcello, Topor-Madry, Roman, Topouzis, Fotis, Tortajada, Miguel, Tran, Bach Xuan, Truelsen, Thomas, Trujillo, Ulises, Tsilimparis, Nikolaos, Tuem, Kald Beshir, Tuzcu, Emin Murat, Tyrovolas, Stefanos, Ukwaja, Kingsley Nnanna, Undurraga, Eduardo A., Uthman, Olalekan A., Uzochukwu, Benjamin S. Chudi, van Boven, Job F. M., Varakin, Yuri Y., Varughese, Santosh, Vasankari, Tommi, Vasconcelos, Ana Maria Nogales, Velasquez, Ilais Moreno, Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy, Vidavalur, Ramesh, Violante, Francesco S., Vishnu, Abhishek, Vladimirov, Sergey K., Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich, Vollset, Stein Emil, Vos, Theo, Waid, Jillian L., Wakayo, Tolassa, Wang, Haidong, Wang, Yuan-Pang, Weichenthal, Scott, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Weintraub, Robert G., Werdecker, Andrea, Wesana, Joshua, Wijeratne, Tissa, Wilkinson, James D., Wiysonge, Charles Shey, Woldeyes, Belete Getahun, Wolfe, Charles D. A., Workicho, Abdulhalik, Workie, Shimelash Bitew, Xavier, Denis, Xu, Gelin, Yaghoubi, Mohsen, Yakob, Bereket, Yalew, Ayalnesh Zemene, Yan, Lijing L., Yano, Yuichiro, Yaseri, Mehdi, Ye, Pengpeng, Yimam, Hassen Hamid, Yip, Paul, Yirsaw, Biruck Desalegn, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Yotebieng, Marcel, Younis, Mustafa Z., Zaidi, Zoubida, Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed, Zeeb, Hajo, Zenebe, Zerihun Menlkalew, Zerfu, Taddese Alemu, Zhang, Anthony Lin, Zhang, Xueying, Zodpey, Sanjay, Zuhlke, Liesl Joanna, HASH(0x5651ca1ecb00), Viðskiptadeild (HR), School of Business (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, Wang, Haidong, Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu, Abate, Kalkidan Hassen, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abbas, Kaja M., Abd-Allah, Foad, Abera, Semaw Ferede, Abraha, Haftom Niguse, Abu-Raddad, Laith J., Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen M.E., Adedeji, Isaac Akinkunmi, Adedoyin, Rufus Adesoji, Adetifa, Ifedayo Morayo O., Adetokunboh, Olatunji, Afshin, Ashkan, Aggarwal, Rakesh, Agrawal, Anurag, Agrawal, Sutapa, Ahmad Kiadaliri, Aliasghar, Ahmed, Muktar Beshir, Aichour, Amani Nidhal, Aichour, Ibthiel, Aichour, Miloud Taki Eddine, Aiyar, Sneha, Akanda, Ali Shafqat, Akinyemiju, Tomi F., Akseer, Nadia, Al-Eyadhy, Ayman, Al Lami, Faris Hasan, Alabed, Samer, Alahdab, Fare, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Alam, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alasfoor, Deena, Aldridge, Robert William, Alene, Kefyalew Addi, Alhabib, Samia, Ali, Raghib, Alizadeh-Navaei, Reza, Aljunid, Syed M., Alkaabi, Juma M., Alkerwi, Ala'a, Alla, Françoi, Allam, Shalini D., Allebeck, Peter, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa, Alsharif, Ubai, Altirkawi, Khalid A., Martin, Elena Alvarez, Alvis-Guzman, Nelson, Amare, Azmeraw T., Ameh, Emmanuel A., Amini, Erfan, Ammar, Walid, Amoako, Yaw Ampem, Anber, Nahla, Andrei, Catalina Liliana, Androudi, Sofia, Ansari, Hossein, Ansha, Mustafa Geleto, Antonio, Carl Abelardo T., Anwari, Palwasha, Ärnlöv, Johan, Arora, Megha, Artaman, Al, Aryal, Krishna Kumar, Asayesh, Hamid, Asgedom, Solomon Weldegebreal, Asghar, Rana Jawad, Assadi, Reza, Atey, Tesfay Mehari, Atre, Sachin R., Avila-Burgos, Leticia, Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G. Arthur, Awasthi, Ashish, Ayala Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina, Babalola, Tesleem Kayode, Bacha, Umar, Badawi, Alaa, Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Balalla, Shivanthi, Barac, Aleksandra, Barber, Ryan M., Barboza, Miguel A., Barker-Collo, Suzanne L., Bärnighausen, Till, Barquera, Simon, Barregard, Lar, Barrero, Lope H., Baune, Bernhard T., Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad, Bedi, Neeraj, Beghi, Ettore, Béjot, Yannick, Bekele, Bayu Begashaw, Bell, Michelle L., Bello, Aminu K., Bennett, Derrick A., Bennett, James R., Bensenor, Isabela M., Benson, Jennifer, Berhane, Adugnaw, Berhe, Derbew Fikadu, Bernabé, Eduardo, Beuran, Mircea, Beyene, Addisu Shunu, Bhala, Neeraj, Bhansali, Anil, Bhaumik, Soumyadeep, Bhutta, Zulfiqar A., Bikbov, Bori, Birungi, Charle, Biryukov, Stan, Bisanzio, Donal, Bizuayehu, Habtamu Mellie, Bjerregaard, Peter, Blosser, Christopher D., Boneya, Dube Jara, Boufous, Soufiane, Bourne, Rupert R.A., Brazinova, Alexandra, Breitborde, Nicholas J.K., Brenner, Hermann, Brugha, Traolach S., Bukhman, Gene, Bulto, Lemma Negesa Bulto, Bumgarner, Blair Randal, Burch, Michael, Butt, Zahid A., Cahill, Leah E., Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Campos-Nonato, Ismael Ricardo, Car, Josip, Car, Mate, Cárdenas, Rosario, Carpenter, David O., Carrero, Juan Jesu, Carter, Austin, Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A., Castillo Rivas, Jacqueline, Castro, Franz F., Castro, Ruben Estanislao, Catalá-López, Ferrán, Chen, Honglei, Chiang, Peggy Pei-Chia, Chibalabala, Mirriam, Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe, Chitheer, Abdulaal A., Choi, Jee-Young Jasmine, Christensen, Hanne, Christopher, Devasahayam Jesuda, Ciobanu, Liliana G., Cirillo, Massimo, Cohen, Aaron J., Colquhoun, Samantha M., Coresh, Josef, Criqui, Michael H., Cromwell, Elizabeth A., Crump, John A., Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, Dargan, Paul I., Das Neves, José, Davey, Gail, Davitoiu, Dragos V., Davletov, Kairat, De Courten, Barbora, De Leo, Diego, Degenhardt, Louisa, Deiparine, Selina, Dellavalle, Robert P., Deribe, Kebede, Deribew, Amare, Des Jarlais, Don C., Dey, Subhojit, Dharmaratne, Samath D., Dherani, Mukesh K., Diaz-Torné, Cesar, Ding, Eric L., Dixit, Priyanka, Djalalinia, Shirin, Do, Huyen Phuc, Doku, David Teye, Donnelly, Christl Ann, Dos Santos, Kadine Priscila Bender, Douwes-Schultz, Dirk, Driscoll, Tim R., Duan, Leilei, Dubey, Manisha, Duncan, Bruce Bartholow, Dwivedi, Laxmi Kant, Ebrahimi, Hedyeh, El Bcheraoui, Charbel, Ellingsen, Christian Lycke, Enayati, Ahmadali, Endries, Aman Yesuf, Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich, Eshetie, Setegn, Eshrati, Babak, Eskandarieh, Sharareh, Esteghamati, Alireza, Estep, Kara, Fanuel, Fanuel Belayneh Bekele, Faro, André, Farvid, Maryam S., Farzadfar, Farshad, Feigin, Valery L., Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad, Fernandes, Jefferson G., Fernandes, João C., Feyissa, Tesfaye Regassa, Filip, Irina, Fischer, Florian, Foigt, Nataliya, Foreman, Kyle J., Frank, Tahvi, Franklin, Richard C., Fraser, Maya, Friedman, Joseph, Frostad, Joseph J., Fullman, Nancy, Fürst, Thoma, Furtado, Joao M., Futran, Neal D., Gakidou, Emmanuela, Gambashidze, Ketevan, Gamkrelidze, Amiran, Gankpé, Fortuné Gbètoho, Garcia-Basteiro, Alberto L., Gebregergs, Gebremedhin Berhe, Gebrehiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Gebrekidan, Kahsu Gebrekirsto, Gebremichael, Mengistu Welday, Gelaye, Amha Admasie, Geleijnse, Johanna M., Gemechu, Bikila Lencha, Gemechu, Kasiye Shiferaw, Genova-Maleras, Ricard, Gesesew, Hailay Abrha, Gething, Peter W., Gibney, Katherine B., Gill, Paramjit Singh, Gillum, Richard F., Giref, Ababi Zergaw, Girma, Bedilu Weji, Giussani, Giorgia, Goenka, Shifalika, Gomez, Beatriz, Gona, Philimon N., Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho, Graetz, Nichola, Gugnani, Harish Chander, Gupta, Prakash C., Gupta, Rahul, Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Tanush, Gupta, Vipin, Haagsma, Juanita A., Hafezi-Nejad, Nima, Haghparast Bidgoli, Hassan, Hakuzimana, Alex, Halasa, Yara A., Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Hambisa, Mitiku Teshome, Hamidi, Samer, Hammami, Mouhanad, Hancock, Jamie, Handal, Alexis J., Hankey, Graeme J., Hao, Yuantao, Harb, Hilda L., Hareri, Habtamu Abera, Harikrishnan, Sivadasanpillai, Haro, Josep Maria, Hassanvand, Mohammad Sadegh, Havmoeller, Rasmu, Hay, Roderick J., Hay, Simon I., He, Fei, Heredia-Pi, Ileana Beatriz, Herteliu, Claudiu, Hilawe, Esayas Haregot, Hoek, Hans W., Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H. Dean, Hostiuc, Sorin, Hotez, Peter J., Hoy, Damian G., Hsairi, Mohamed, Htet, Aung Soe, Hu, Guoqing, Huang, Hsiang, Huang, John J., Iburg, Kim Moesgaard, Igumbor, Ehimario Uche, Ileanu, Bogdan Vasile, Inoue, Manami, Irenso, Asnake Ararsa, Irvine, Caleb M.S., Islam, Nazrul, Jacobsen, Kathryn H., Jaenisch, Thoma, Jahanmehr, Nader, Jakovljevic, Mihajlo B., Javanbakht, Mehdi, Jayatilleke, Achala Upendra, Jeemon, Panniyammakal, Jensen, Paul N., Jha, Vivekanand, Jin, Ye, John, Denny, John, Oommen, Johnson, Sarah Charlotte, Jonas, Jost B., Jürisson, Mikk, Kabir, Zubair, Kadel, Rajendra, Kahsay, Amaha, Kalkonde, Yogeshwar, Kamal, Ritul, Kan, Haidong, Karch, André, Karema, Corine Kakizi, Karimi, Seyed M., Karthikeyan, Ganesan, Kasaeian, Amir, Kassaw, Nigussie Assefa, Kassebaum, Nicholas J., Kastor, Anshul, Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal, Kaul, Anil, Kawakami, Norito, Kazanjan, Konstantin, Keiyoro, Peter Njenga, Kelbore, Sefonias Getachew, Kemp, Andrew Haddon, Kengne, Andre Pascal, Keren, Andre, Kereselidze, Maia, Kesavachandran, Chandrasekharan Nair, Ketema, Ezra Belay, Khader, Yousef Saleh, Khalil, Ibrahim A., Khan, Ejaz Ahmad, Khan, Gulfaraz, Khang, Young-Ho, Khera, Sahil, Khoja, Abdullah Tawfih Abdullah, Khosravi, Mohammad Hossein, Kibret, Getiye Dejenu, Kieling, Christian, Kim, Cho-Il, Kim, Daniel, Kim, Pauline, Kim, Sungroul, Kim, Yun Jin, Kimokoti, Ruth W., Kinfu, Yohanne, Kishawi, Sami, Kissimova-Skarbek, Katarzyna A., Kissoon, Niranjan, Kivimaki, Mika, Knudsen, Ann Kristin, Kokubo, Yoshihiro, Kopec, Jacek A., Kosen, Soewarta, Koul, Parvaiz A., Koyanagi, Ai, Kravchenko, Michael, Krohn, Kristopher J., Kuate Defo, Barthelemy, Kucuk Bicer, Burcu, Kuipers, Ernst J., Kulikoff, Xie Rachel, Kulkarni, Veena S., Kumar, G. Anil, Kumar, Pushpendra, Kumsa, Fekede Asefa, Kutz, Michael, Lachat, Carl, Lagat, Abraham K., Lager, Anton Carl Jona, Lal, Dharmesh Kumar, Lalloo, Ratilal, Lambert, Nkurunziza, Lan, Qing, Lansingh, Van C., Larson, Heidi J., Larsson, Ander, Laryea, Dennis Odai, Lavados, Pablo M., Laxmaiah, Avula, Lee, Paul H., Leigh, Jame, Leung, Janni, Leung, Ricky, Levi, Miriam, Li, Yongmei, Liao, Yu, Liben, Misgan Legesse, Lim, Stephen S., Linn, Shai, Lipshultz, Steven E., Liu, Shiwei, Lodha, Rakesh, Logroscino, Giancarlo, Lorch, Scott A., Lorkowski, Stefan, Lotufo, Paulo A., Lozano, Rafael, Lunevicius, Raimunda, Lyons, Ronan A., Ma, Stefan, Macarayan, Erlyn Rachelle King, Machado, Isis Eloah, Mackay, Mark T., Magdy Abd El Razek, Mohammed, Magis-Rodriguez, Carlo, Mahdavi, Mahdi, Majdan, Marek, Majdzadeh, Reza, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malhotra, Rajesh, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Mantovani, Lorenzo G., Manyazewal, Tsegahun, Mapoma, Chabila C., Marczak, Laurie B., Marks, Guy B., Martinez-Raga, Jose, Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio, Massano, João, Maulik, Pallab K., Mayosi, Bongani M., Mazidi, Mohsen, McAlinden, Colm, McGarvey, Stephen Theodore, McGrath, John J., McKee, Martin, Mehata, Suresh, Mehndiratta, Man Mohan, Mehta, Kala M., Meier, Toni, Mekonnen, Tefera Chane, Meles, Kidanu Gebremariam, Memiah, Peter, Memish, Ziad A., Mendoza, Walter, Mengesha, Melkamu Merid, Mengistie, Mubarek Abera, Mengistu, Desalegn Tadese, Menon, Geetha R., Menota, Bereket Gebremichael, Mensah, George A., Meretoja, Atte, Meretoja, Tuomo J., Mezgebe, Haftay Berhane, Micha, Renata, Mikesell, Joseph, Miller, Ted R., Mills, Edward J., Minnig, Shawn, Mirarefin, Mojde, Mirrakhimov, Erkin M., Misganaw, Awoke, Mishra, Shiva Raj, Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Mohammadi, Alireza, Mohammed, Kedir Endri, Mohammed, Shafiu, Mohan, Murali B.V., Mohanty, Sanjay K., Mokdad, Ali H., Molla Assaye, Ashagre, Mollenkopf, Sarah K., Molokhia, Mariam, Monasta, Lorenzo, Montañez Hernandez, Julio Cesar, Montico, Marcella, Mooney, Meghan D., Moore, Ami R., Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Moraga, Paula, Morawska, Lidia, Moreno Velasquez, Ilai, Mori, Rintaro, Morrison, Shane D., Mruts, Kalayu Birhane, Mueller, Ulrich O., Mullany, Erin, Muller, Kate, Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana, Murthy, Sriniva, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Nachega, Jean B., Nagata, Chie, Nagel, Gabriele, Naghavi, Mohsen, Naidoo, Kovin S., Nanda, Lipika, Nangia, Vinay, Nascimento, Bruno Ramo, Natarajan, Gopalakrishnan, Negoi, Ionut, Nguyen, Cuong Tat, Nguyen, Grant, Nguyen, Quyen Le, Nguyen, Trang Huyen, Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini, Nisar, Muhammad Imran, Nomura, Marika, Nong, Vuong Minh, Norheim, Ole F., Norrving, Bo, Noubiap, Jean Jacques N., Nyakarahuka, Luke, Obermeyer, Carla Makhlouf, O'Donnell, Martin J., Ogbo, Felix Akpojene, Oh, In-Hwan, Okoro, Anselm, Oladimeji, Olanrewaju, Olagunju, Andrew Toyin, Olusanya, Bolajoko Olubukunola, Olusanya, Jacob Olusegun, Oren, Eyal, Ortiz, Alberto, Osgood-Zimmerman, Aaron, Ota, Erika, Owolabi, Mayowa O., Oyekale, Abayomi Samuel, Mahesh, P.A., Pacella, Rosana E., Pakhale, Smita, Pana, Adrian, Panda, Basant Kumar, Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra, Park, Eun-Kee, Parsaeian, Mahboubeh, Patel, Teja, Patten, Scott B., Patton, George C., Paudel, Deepak, Pereira, David M., Perez-Padilla, Rogelio, Perez-Ruiz, Fernando, Perico, Norberto, Pervaiz, Aslam, Pesudovs, Konrad, Peterson, Carrie Beth, Petri, William Arthur, Petzold, Max, Phillips, Michael Robert, Piel, Frédéric B., Pigott, David M., Pishgar, Farhad, Plass, Dietrich, Polinder, Suzanne, Popova, Svetlana, Postma, Maarten J., Poulton, Richie G., Pourmalek, Farshad, Prasad, Narayan, Purwar, Manorama, Qorbani, Mostafa, Rabiee, Rynaz H.S., Radfar, Amir, Rafay, Anwar, Rahimi-Movaghar, Afarin, Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur, Rahman, Sajjad Ur, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Rajsic, Sasa, Ram, Usha, Rana, Saleem M., Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal, Rao, Paturi Vishnupriya, Rawaf, Salman, Ray, Sarah E., Rego, Maria Albertina Santiago, Rehm, Jürgen, Reiner, Robert C., Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Renzaho, Andre M.N.N., Resnikoff, Serge, Rezaei, Satar, Rezai, Mohammad Sadegh, Ribeiro, Antonio L., Rokni, Mohammad Bagher, Ronfani, Luca, Roshandel, Gholamreza, Roth, Gregory A., Rothenbacher, Dietrich, Roy, Ambuj, Rubagotti, Enrico, Ruhago, George Mugambage, Saadat, Soheil, Sabde, Yogesh Damodar, Sachdev, Perminder S., Sadat, Nafi, Safdarian, Mahdi, Safi, Sare, Safiri, Saeid, Sagar, Rajesh, Sahathevan, Ramesh, Sahebkar, Amirhossein, Sahraian, Mohammad Ali, Salama, Joseph, Salamati, Payman, Salomon, Joshua A., Salvi, Sundeep Santosh, Samy, Abdallah M., Sanabria, Juan Ramon, Sanchez-Niño, Maria Dolore, Santos, Itamar S., Santric Milicevic, Milena M., Sarmiento-Suarez, Rodrigo, Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Sawhney, Monika, Saxena, Sonia, Saylan, Mete I., Schmidt, Maria Inê, Schneider, Ione J.C., Schutte, Aletta E., Schwebel, David C., Schwendicke, Falk, Seedat, Soraya, Seid, Abdulbasit Musa, Sepanlou, Sadaf G., Servan-Mori, Edson E., Shackelford, Katya Anne, Shaheen, Amira, Shahraz, Saeid, Shaikh, Masood Ali, Shamsipour, Mansour, Shamsizadeh, Morteza, Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful, Sharma, Jayendra, Sharma, Rajesh, She, Jun, Shen, Jiabin, Shetty, Balakrishna P., Shi, Peilin, Shibuya, Kenji, Shigematsu, Mika, Shiri, Rahman, Shiue, Ivy, Shrime, Mark G., Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Silberberg, Donald H., Silpakit, Nari, Silva, Diego Augusto Santo, Silva, João Pedro, Silveira, Dayane Gabriele Alve, Sindi, Shireen, Singh, Abhishek, Singh, Jasvinder A., Singh, Prashant Kumar, Singh, Virendra, Sinha, Dhirendra Narain, Skiadaresi, Eirini, Sligar, Amber, Smith, David L., Sobaih, Badr H.A., Sobngwi, Eugene, Soneji, Samir, Soriano, Joan B., Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T., Srinivasan, Vinay, Stathopoulou, Vasiliki, Steel, Nichola, Stein, Dan J., Steiner, Caitlyn, Stöckl, Heidi, Stokes, Mark Andrew, Strong, Mark, Sufiyan, Muawiyyah Babale, Suliankatchi, Rizwan Abdulkader, Sunguya, Bruno F., Sur, Patrick J., Swaminathan, Soumya, Sykes, Bryan L., Szoeke, Cassandra E.I., Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael, Tadakamadla, Santosh Kumar, Tadese, Fentaw, Tandon, Nikhil, Tanne, David, Tarajia, Musharaf, Tavakkoli, Mohammad, Taveira, Nuno, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash, Tekelab, Tesfalidet, Tekle, Dejen Yemane, Temam Shifa, Girma, Temsah, Mohamad-Hani, Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman, Tesema, Cheru Leshargie, Tesssema, Belay, Theis, Andrew, Thomas, Nihal, Thompson, Alex H., Thomson, Alan J., Thrift, Amanda G., Tiruye, Tenaw Yimer, Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan, Tonelli, Marcello, Topor-Madry, Roman, Topouzis, Foti, Tortajada, Miguel, Tran, Bach Xuan, Truelsen, Thoma, Trujillo, Ulise, Tsilimparis, Nikolao, Tuem, Kald Beshir, Tuzcu, Emin Murat, Tyrovolas, Stefano, Ukwaja, Kingsley Nnanna, Undurraga, Eduardo A., Uthman, Olalekan A., Uzochukwu, Benjamin S. Chudi, Van Boven, Job F.M., Varakin, Yuri Y., Varughese, Santosh, Vasankari, Tommi, Vasconcelos, Ana Maria Nogale, Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy, Vidavalur, Ramesh, Violante, Francesco S., Vishnu, Abhishek, Vladimirov, Sergey K., Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich, Vollset, Stein Emil, Vos, Theo, Waid, Jillian L., Wakayo, Tolassa, Wang, Yuan-Pang, Weichenthal, Scott, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Weintraub, Robert G., Werdecker, Andrea, Wesana, Joshua, Wijeratne, Tissa, Wilkinson, James D., Wiysonge, Charles Shey, Woldeyes, Belete Getahun, Wolfe, Charles D.A., Workicho, Abdulhalik, Workie, Shimelash Bitew, Xavier, Deni, Xu, Gelin, Yaghoubi, Mohsen, Yakob, Bereket, Yalew, Ayalnesh Zemene, Yan, Lijing L., Yano, Yuichiro, Yaseri, Mehdi, Ye, Pengpeng, Yimam, Hassen Hamid, Yip, Paul, Yirsaw, Biruck Desalegn, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Yotebieng, Marcel, Younis, Mustafa Z., Zaidi, Zoubida, El Sayed Zaki, Maysaa, Zeeb, Hajo, Zenebe, Zerihun Menlkalew, Zerfu, Taddese Alemu, Zhang, Anthony Lin, Zhang, Xueying, Zodpey, Sanjay, Zuhlke, Liesl Joanna, Lopez, Alan D., Murray, Christopher J.L., Wang, H, Abajobir, A, Abate, K, Abbafati, C, Abbas, K, Abd-Allah, F, Abera, S, Abraha, H, Abu-Raddad, L, Abu-Rmeileh, N, Adedeji, I, Adedoyin, R, Adetifa, I, Adetokunboh, O, Afshin, A, Aggarwal, R, Agrawal, A, Agrawal, S, Ahmad Kiadaliri, A, Ahmed, M, Aichour, A, Aichour, I, Aichour, M, Aiyar, S, Akanda, A, Akinyemiju, T, Akseer, N, Al-Eyadhy, A, Al Lami, F, Alabed, S, Alahdab, F, Al-Aly, Z, Alam, K, Alam, N, Alasfoor, D, Aldridge, R, Alene, K, Alhabib, S, Ali, R, Alizadeh-Navaei, R, Aljunid, S, Alkaabi, J, Alkerwi, A, Alla, F, Allam, S, Allebeck, P, Al-Raddadi, R, Alsharif, U, Altirkawi, K, Martin, E, Alvis-Guzman, N, Amare, A, Ameh, E, Amini, E, Ammar, W, Amoako, Y, Anber, N, Andrei, C, Androudi, S, Ansari, H, Ansha, M, Antonio, C, Anwari, P, Ärnlöv, J, Arora, M, Artaman, A, Aryal, K, Asayesh, H, Asgedom, S, Asghar, R, Assadi, R, Atey, T, Atre, S, Avila-Burgos, L, Avokpaho, E, Awasthi, A, Ayala Quintanilla, B, Babalola, T, Bacha, U, Badawi, A, Balakrishnan, K, Balalla, S, Barac, A, Barber, R, Barboza, M, Barker-Collo, S, Bärnighausen, T, Barquera, S, Barregard, L, Barrero, L, Baune, B, Bazargan-Hejazi, S, Bedi, N, Beghi, E, Béjot, Y, Bekele, B, Bell, M, Bello, A, Bennett, D, Bennett, J, Bensenor, I, Benson, J, Berhane, A, Berhe, D, Bernabé, E, Beuran, M, Beyene, A, Bhala, N, Bhansali, A, Bhaumik, S, Bhutta, Z, Bikbov, B, Birungi, C, Biryukov, S, Bisanzio, D, Bizuayehu, H, Bjerregaard, P, Blosser, C, Boneya, D, Boufous, S, Bourne, R, Brazinova, A, Breitborde, N, Brenner, H, Brugha, T, Bukhman, G, Bulto, L, Bumgarner, B, Burch, M, Butt, Z, Cahill, L, Cahuana-Hurtado, L, Campos-Nonato, I, Car, J, Car, M, Cárdenas, R, Carpenter, D, Carrero, J, Carter, A, Castañeda-Orjuela, C, Castillo Rivas, J, Castro, F, Castro, R, Catalá-López, F, Chen, H, Chiang, P, Chibalabala, M, Chisumpa, V, Chitheer, A, Choi, J, Christensen, H, Christopher, D, Ciobanu, L, Cirillo, M, Cohen, A, Colquhoun, S, Coresh, J, Criqui, M, Cromwell, E, Crump, J, Dandona, L, Dandona, R, Dargan, P, Das Neves, J, Davey, G, Davitoiu, D, Davletov, K, De Courten, B, De Leo, D, Degenhardt, L, Deiparine, S, Dellavalle, R, Deribe, K, Deribew, A, Des Jarlais, D, Dey, S, Dharmaratne, S, Dherani, M, Diaz-Torné, C, Ding, E, Dixit, P, Djalalinia, S, Do, H, Doku, D, Donnelly, C, Dos Santos, K, Douwes-Schultz, D, Driscoll, T, Duan, L, Dubey, M, Duncan, B, Dwivedi, L, Ebrahimi, H, El Bcheraoui, C, Ellingsen, C, Enayati, A, Endries, A, Ermakov, S, Eshetie, S, Eshrati, B, Eskandarieh, S, Esteghamati, A, Estep, K, Fanuel, F, Faro, A, Farvid, M, Farzadfar, F, Feigin, V, Fereshtehnejad, S, Fernandes, J, Feyissa, T, Filip, I, Fischer, F, Foigt, N, Foreman, K, Frank, T, Franklin, R, Fraser, M, Friedman, J, Frostad, J, Fullman, N, Fürst, T, Furtado, J, Futran, N, Gakidou, E, Gambashidze, K, Gamkrelidze, A, Gankpé, F, Garcia-Basteiro, A, Gebregergs, G, Gebrehiwot, T, Gebrekidan, K, Gebremichael, M, Gelaye, A, Geleijnse, J, Gemechu, B, Gemechu, K, Genova-Maleras, R, Gesesew, H, Gething, P, Gibney, K, Gill, P, Gillum, R, Giref, A, Girma, B, Giussani, G, Goenka, S, Gomez, B, Gona, P, Gopalani, S, Goulart, A, Graetz, N, Gugnani, H, Gupta, P, Gupta, R, Gupta, T, Gupta, V, Haagsma, J, Hafezi-Nejad, N, Haghparast Bidgoli, H, Hakuzimana, A, Halasa, Y, Hamadeh, R, Hambisa, M, Hamidi, S, Hammami, M, Hancock, J, Handal, A, Hankey, G, Hao, Y, Harb, H, Hareri, H, Harikrishnan, S, Haro, J, Hassanvand, M, Havmoeller, R, Hay, R, Hay, S, He, F, Heredia-Pi, I, Herteliu, C, Hilawe, E, Hoek, H, Horita, N, Hosgood, H, Hostiuc, S, Hotez, P, Hoy, D, Hsairi, M, Htet, A, Hu, G, Huang, H, Huang, J, Iburg, K, Igumbor, E, Ileanu, B, Inoue, M, Irenso, A, Irvine, C, Islam, N, Jacobsen, K, Jaenisch, T, Jahanmehr, N, Jakovljevic, M, Javanbakht, M, Jayatilleke, A, Jeemon, P, Jensen, P, Jha, V, Jin, Y, John, D, John, O, Johnson, S, Jonas, J, Jürisson, M, Kabir, Z, Kadel, R, Kahsay, A, Kalkonde, Y, Kamal, R, Kan, H, Karch, A, Karema, C, Karimi, S, Karthikeyan, G, Kasaeian, A, Kassaw, N, Kassebaum, N, Kastor, A, Katikireddi, S, Kaul, A, Kawakami, N, Kazanjan, K, Keiyoro, P, Kelbore, S, Kemp, A, Kengne, A, Keren, A, Kereselidze, M, Kesavachandran, C, Ketema, E, Khader, Y, Khalil, I, Khan, E, Khan, G, Khang, Y, Khera, S, Khoja, A, Khosravi, M, Kibret, G, Kieling, C, Kim, C, Kim, D, Kim, P, Kim, S, Kim, Y, Kimokoti, R, Kinfu, Y, Kishawi, S, Kissimova-Skarbek, K, Kissoon, N, Kivimaki, M, Knudsen, A, Kokubo, Y, Kopec, J, Kosen, S, Koul, P, Koyanagi, A, Kravchenko, M, Krohn, K, Kuate Defo, B, Kucuk Bicer, B, Kuipers, E, Kulikoff, X, Kulkarni, V, Kumar, G, Kumar, P, Kumsa, F, Kutz, M, Lachat, C, Lagat, A, Lager, A, Lal, D, Lalloo, R, Lambert, N, Lan, Q, Van Lansingh, C, Larson, H, Larsson, A, Laryea, D, Lavados, P, Laxmaiah, A, Lee, P, Leigh, J, Leung, J, Leung, R, Levi, M, Li, Y, Liao, Y, Liben, M, Lim, S, Linn, S, Lipshultz, S, Liu, S, Lodha, R, Logroscino, G, Lorch, S, Lorkowski, S, Lotufo, P, Lozano, R, Lunevicius, R, Lyons, R, Ma, S, Macarayan, E, Machado, I, Mackay, M, Magdy Abd El Razek, M, Magis-Rodriguez, C, Mahdavi, M, Majdan, M, Majdzadeh, R, Majeed, A, Malekzadeh, R, Malhotra, R, Malta, D, Mantovani, L, Manyazewal, T, Mapoma, C, Marczak, L, Marks, G, Martinez-Raga, J, Martins-Melo, F, Massano, J, Maulik, P, Mayosi, B, Mazidi, M, Mcalinden, C, Mcgarvey, S, Mcgrath, J, Mckee, M, Mehata, S, Mehndiratta, M, Mehta, K, Meier, T, Mekonnen, T, Meles, K, Memiah, P, Memish, Z, Mendoza, W, Mengesha, M, Mengistie, M, Mengistu, D, Menon, G, Menota, B, Mensah, G, Meretoja, A, Meretoja, T, Mezgebe, H, Micha, R, Mikesell, J, Miller, T, Mills, E, Minnig, S, Mirarefin, M, Mirrakhimov, E, Misganaw, A, Mishra, S, Mohammad, K, Mohammadi, A, Mohammed, K, Mohammed, S, Mohan, M, Mohanty, S, Mokdad, A, Molla Assaye, A, Mollenkopf, S, Molokhia, M, Monasta, L, Montañez Hernandez, J, Montico, M, Mooney, M, Moore, A, Moradi-Lakeh, M, Moraga, P, Morawska, L, Moreno Velasquez, I, Mori, R, Morrison, S, Mruts, K, Mueller, U, Mullany, E, Muller, K, Murthy, G, Murthy, S, Musa, K, Nachega, J, Nagata, C, Nagel, G, Naghavi, M, Naidoo, K, Nanda, L, Nangia, V, Nascimento, B, Natarajan, G, Negoi, I, Nguyen, C, Nguyen, G, Nguyen, Q, Nguyen, T, Ningrum, D, Nisar, M, Nomura, M, Nong, V, Norheim, O, Norrving, B, Noubiap, J, Nyakarahuka, L, Obermeyer, C, O'Donnell, M, Ogbo, F, Oh, I, Okoro, A, Oladimeji, O, Olagunju, A, Olusanya, B, Olusanya, J, Oren, E, Ortiz, A, Osgood-Zimmerman, A, Ota, E, Owolabi, M, Oyekale, A, Mahesh, P, Pacella, R, Pakhale, S, Pana, A, Panda, B, Panda-Jonas, S, Park, E, Parsaeian, M, Patel, T, Patten, S, Patton, G, Paudel, D, Pereira, D, Perez-Padilla, R, Perez-Ruiz, F, Perico, N, Pervaiz, A, Pesudovs, K, Peterson, C, Petri, W, Petzold, M, Phillips, M, Piel, F, Pigott, D, Pishgar, F, Plass, D, Polinder, S, Popova, S, Postma, M, Poulton, R, Pourmalek, F, Prasad, N, Purwar, M, Qorbani, M, Rabiee, R, Radfar, A, Rafay, A, Rahimi-Movaghar, A, Rahimi-Movaghar, V, Rahman, M, Rahman, S, Rai, R, Rajsic, S, Ram, U, Rana, S, Ranabhat, C, Rao, P, Rawaf, S, Ray, S, Rego, M, Rehm, J, Reiner, R, Remuzzi, G, Renzaho, A, Resnikoff, S, Rezaei, S, Rezai, M, Ribeiro, A, Rokni, M, Ronfani, L, Roshandel, G, Roth, G, Rothenbacher, D, Roy, A, Rubagotti, E, Ruhago, G, Saadat, S, Sabde, Y, Sachdev, P, Sadat, N, Safdarian, M, Safi, S, Safiri, S, Sagar, R, Sahathevan, R, Sahebkar, A, Sahraian, M, Salama, J, Salamati, P, Salomon, J, Salvi, S, Samy, A, Sanabria, J, Sanchez-Niño, M, Santos, I, Santric Milicevic, M, Sarmiento-Suarez, R, Sartorius, B, Satpathy, M, Sawhney, M, Saxena, S, Saylan, M, Schmidt, M, Schneider, I, Schutte, A, Schwebel, D, Schwendicke, F, Seedat, S, Seid, A, Sepanlou, S, Servan-Mori, E, Shackelford, K, Shaheen, A, Shahraz, S, Shaikh, M, Shamsipour, M, Shamsizadeh, M, Islam, S, Sharma, J, Sharma, R, She, J, Shen, J, Shetty, B, Shi, P, Shibuya, K, Shigematsu, M, Shiri, R, Shiue, I, Shrime, M, Sigfusdottir, I, Silberberg, D, Silpakit, N, Silva, D, Silva, J, Silveira, D, Sindi, S, Singh, A, Singh, J, Singh, P, Singh, V, Sinha, D, Skiadaresi, E, Sligar, A, Smith, D, Sobaih, B, Sobngwi, E, Soneji, S, Soriano, J, Sreeramareddy, C, Srinivasan, V, Stathopoulou, V, Steel, N, Stein, D, Steiner, C, Stöckl, H, Stokes, M, Strong, M, Sufiyan, M, Suliankatchi, R, Sunguya, B, Sur, P, Swaminathan, S, Sykes, B, Szoeke, C, Tabarés-Seisdedos, R, Tadakamadla, S, Tadese, F, Tandon, N, Tanne, D, Tarajia, M, Tavakkoli, M, Taveira, N, Tehrani-Banihashemi, A, Tekelab, T, Tekle, D, Temam Shifa, G, Temsah, M, Terkawi, A, Tesema, C, Tesssema, B, Theis, A, Thomas, N, Thompson, A, Thomson, A, Thrift, A, Tiruye, T, Tobe-Gai, R, Tonelli, M, Topor-Madry, R, Topouzis, F, Tortajada, M, Tran, B, Truelsen, T, Trujillo, U, Tsilimparis, N, Tuem, K, Tuzcu, E, Tyrovolas, S, Ukwaja, K, Undurraga, E, Uthman, O, Uzochukwu, B, Van Boven, J, Varakin, Y, Varughese, S, Vasankari, T, Vasconcelos, A, Venketasubramanian, N, Vidavalur, R, Violante, F, Vishnu, A, Vladimirov, S, Vlassov, V, Vollset, S, Vos, T, Waid, J, Wakayo, T, Wang, Y, Weichenthal, S, Weiderpass, E, Weintraub, R, Werdecker, A, Wesana, J, Wijeratne, T, Wilkinson, J, Wiysonge, C, Woldeyes, B, Wolfe, C, Workicho, A, Workie, S, Xavier, D, Xu, G, Yaghoubi, M, Yakob, B, Yalew, A, Yan, L, Yano, Y, Yaseri, M, Ye, P, Yimam, H, Yip, P, Yirsaw, B, Yonemoto, N, Yoon, S, Yotebieng, M, Younis, M, Zaidi, Z, El Sayed Zaki, M, Zeeb, H, Zenebe, Z, Zerfu, T, Zhang, A, Zhang, X, Zodpey, S, Zuhlke, L, Lopez, A, Murray, C, Erasmus MC other, Emergency Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Public Health, and Neurology
- Subjects
Dánarmein ,Heilsufar ,Dánartíðni ,Lífslíkur ,Epidemiology ,Aldurshópar ,ALCOHOL ,Börn ,Medicine and Health Sciences ,Psychology ,DEVELOPING-COUNTRIES ,Children ,Konur ,Ungbörn ,Tölfræði ,Educational status ,Aldraðir ,Medicine (all) ,Global burden of disease/statistics and numerical data ,DEATH ,Men ,Þjóðir ,Staðtölur ,Stillbirth ,Sálfræði ,World health ,SURVIVAL ,Income ,CHILD-MORTALITY ,HEALTH ,Burðarmálsdauði ,Infants ,Age distribution ,HIV infections ,Child mortality ,Alnæmi ,Menntun ,GBD ,Fæðingartíðni ,RUSSIAN MORTALITY ,Birth rate ,Life Expectancy ,SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being ,Women ,Mortality ,METAANALYSIS ,Faraldsfræði ,HIV ,Frjósemi ,Fertility ,Socioeconomic Factors ,Karlar ,Barnadauði ,Félagshagfræði ,Tekjur ,Older people ,Cause of death/trends ,RA - Abstract
Correction in: Group Author(s): GBD 2016 Mortality Collaborators LANCET Volume: 390 Issue: 10106 Pages: E38-E38 Published: OCT 28 2017, Background Detailed assessments of mortality patterns, particularly age-specific mortality, represent a crucial input that enables health systems to target interventions to specific populations. Understanding how all-cause mortality has changed with respect to development status can identify exemplars for best practice. To accomplish this, the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) estimated age-specific and sex-specific all-cause mortality between 1970 and 2016 for 195 countries and territories and at the subnational level for the five countries with a population greater than 200 million in 2016. Methods We have evaluated how well civil registration systems captured deaths using a set of demographic methods called death distribution methods for adults and from consideration of survey and census data for children younger than 5 years. We generated an overall assessment of completeness of registration of deaths by dividing registered deaths in each location-year by our estimate of all-age deaths generated from our overall estimation process. For 163 locations, including subnational units in countries with a population greater than 200 million with complete vital registration (VR) systems, our estimates were largely driven by the observed data, with corrections for small fluctuations in numbers and estimation for recent years where there were lags in data reporting (lags were variable by location, generally between 1 year and 6 years). For other locations, we took advantage of different data sources available to measure under-5 mortality rates (U5MR) using complete birth histories, summary birth histories, and incomplete VR with adjustments; we measured adult mortality rate (the probability of death in individuals aged 15-60 years) using adjusted incomplete VR, sibling histories, and household death recall. We used the U5MR and adult mortality rate, together with crude death rate due to HIV in the GBD model life table system, to estimate age-specific and sex-specific death rates for each location-year. Using various international databases, we identified fatal discontinuities, which we defined as increases in the death rate of more than one death per million, resulting from conflict and terrorism, natural disasters, major transport or technological accidents, and a subset of epidemic infectious diseases; these were added to estimates in the relevant years. In 47 countries with an identified peak adult prevalence for HIV/AIDS of more than 0.5% and where VR systems were less than 65% complete, we informed our estimates of age-sex-specific mortality using the Estimation and Projection Package (EPP)-Spectrum model fitted to national HIV/AIDS prevalence surveys and antenatal clinic serosurveillance systems. We estimated stillbirths, early neonatal, late neonatal, and childhood mortality using both survey and VR data in spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression models. We estimated abridged life tables for all location-years using age-specific death rates. We grouped locations into development quintiles based on the Sociodemographic Index (SDI) and analysed mortality trends by quintile. Using spline regression, we estimated the expected mortality rate for each age-sex group as a function of SDI. We identified countries with higher life expectancy than expected by comparing observed life expectancy to anticipated life expectancy on the basis of development status alone. Findings Completeness in the registration of deaths increased from 28% in 1970 to a peak of 45% in 2013; completeness was lower after 2013 because of lags in reporting. Total deaths in children younger than 5 years decreased from 1970 to 2016, and slower decreases occurred at ages 5-24 years. By contrast, numbers of adult deaths increased in each 5-year age bracket above the age of 25 years. The distribution of annualised rates of change in age-specific mortality rate differed over the period 2000 to 2016 compared with earlier decades: increasing annualised rates of change were less frequent, although rising annualised rates of change still occurred in some locations, particularly for adolescent and younger adult age groups. Rates of stillbirths and under-5 mortality both decreased globally from 1970. Evidence for global convergence of death rates was mixed; although the absolute difference between age-standardised death rates narrowed between countries at the lowest and highest levels of SDI, the ratio of these death rates-a measure of relative inequality-increased slightly. There was a strong shift between 1970 and 2016 toward higher life expectancy, most noticeably at higher levels of SDI. Among countries with populations greater than 1 million in 2016, life expectancy at birth was highest for women in Japan, at 86.9 years (95% UI 86.7-87.2), and for men in Singapore, at 81.3 years (78.8-83.7) in 2016. Male life expectancy was generally lower than female life expectancy between 1970 and 2016, and the gap between male and female life expectancy increased with progression to higher levels of SDI. Some countries with exceptional health performance in 1990 in terms of the difference in observed to expected life expectancy at birth had slower progress on the same measure in 2016. Interpretation Globally, mortality rates have decreased across all age groups over the past five decades, with the largest improvements occurring among children younger than 5 years. However, at the national level, considerable heterogeneity remains in terms of both level and rate of changes in age-specific mortality; increases in mortality for certain age groups occurred in some locations. We found evidence that the absolute gap between countries in age-specific death rates has declined, although the relative gap for some age-sex groups increased. Countries that now lead in terms of having higher observed life expectancy than that expected on the basis of development alone, or locations that have either increased this advantage or rapidly decreased the deficit from expected levels, could provide insight into the means to accelerate progress in nations where progress has stalled., Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health.
- Published
- 2017
22. Randomized Noninferiority Trial of Telephone vs In-Person Genetic Counseling for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: A 12-Month Follow-Up
- Author
Judy Garber, Heiddis Valdimarsdottir, Beth N. Peshkin, Marc Schwartz, Wendy McKinnon, Morgan Similuk, Jessica Heinzmann, Claudine Isaacs, Anita Y. Kinney, Kristi Graves, Tiffani A. DeMarco, Rachel Nusbaum, Gillian W. Hooker, Hannah Segal, Marie E. Wood, Mary K. Interrante, Shelley R. McCormick, Viðskiptadeild (HR), School of Business (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, and Reykjavik University
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Cancer Research ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Ráðgjöf ,Genetic counseling ,030105 genetics & heredity ,Article ,Sjúklingar ,03 medical and health sciences ,Breast cancer ,Telephone counseling ,0302 clinical medicine ,Patient satisfaction ,Quality of life ,Ovarian cancer ,Brjóstakrabbamein ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Símtöl ,Psychology ,Konur ,Krabbamein ,Genetic testing ,Sjúklingafræðsla ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Ánægja ,medicine.disease ,Confidence interval ,3. Good health ,Distress ,Sálfræði ,Oncology ,Eggjastokkar ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Physical therapy ,Female ,Erfðaráðgjöf ,business - Abstract
Background: Telephone delivery of genetic counseling is an alternative to in-person genetic counseling because it may extend the reach of genetic counseling. Previous reports have established the noninferiority of telephone counseling on short-term psychosocial and decision-making outcomes. Here we examine the long-term impact of telephone counseling (TC) vs inperson counseling (usual care [UC]). Methods: We recruited high-risk women for a noninferiority trial comparing TC with UC. Of 1057 potentially eligible women, 669 were randomly assigned to TC (n = 335) or UC (n = 334), and 512 completed the 12-month follow-up. Primary outcomes were patient-reported satisfaction with genetic testing decision, distress, and quality of life. Secondary outcomes were uptake of cancer risk management strategies. Results: TC was noninferior to UC on all primary outcomes. Satisfaction with decision (d = 0.13, lower bound of 97.5% confidence interval [CI] = -0.34) did not cross its one-point noninferiority limit, cancer-specific distress (d = -2.10, upper bound of 97.5% CI = -0.07) did not cross its four-point noninferiority limit, and genetic testing distress (d = -0.27, upper bound of 97.5% CI = 1.46), physical function (d = 0.44, lower bound of 97.5% CI = -0.91) and mental function (d = -0.04, lower bound of 97.5% CI = -1.44) did not cross their 2.5-point noninferiority limit. Bivariate analyses showed no differences in risk-reducing mastectomy or oophorectomy across groups; however, when combined, TC had significantly more risk-reducing surgeries than UC (17.8% vs 10.5%; chi(2) = 4.43, P = .04). Conclusions: Findings support telephone delivery of genetic counseling to extend the accessibility of this service without long-termadverse outcomes., This study was supported by grants (R01 CA108933 and P30 CA051008) from the National Cancer Institute and by the Jess and Mildred Fisher Center for Hereditary Cancer and Clinical Genomics Research.
- Published
- 2017
23. hvað segið þið strákar? Upplifun kvenmillistjórnenda af stöðu sinni, möguleikum og hindrunum í starfi
- Author
Thora Christiansen, Erla S. Kristjánsdóttir, Unnur Dóra Einarsdóttir, Viðskiptafræðideild (HÍ), Faculty of Business Administration (UI), Félagsvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Social Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Lived experience ,Jafnréttismál ,Face (sociological concept) ,Middle management ,Stereotype ,Gender studies ,Diligence ,Blame ,Millistjórnendur ,Stjórnun ,Sjálfstraust ,Club ,Psychology ,Tengslanet ,Social psychology ,Konur ,Staðalímyndir ,media_common ,Career development - Abstract
Hægt gengur að jafna stöðu kynjanna í efstu stjórnunarþrepum fyrirtækja á Íslandi. Í rannsókninni er sjónum beint að konum sem gegna stöðum millistjórnenda í stórum eða meðalstórum fyrirtækjum og eru því í hópi mögulegra yfirstjórnenda framtíðarinnar. Markmið rannsóknarinnar er að öðlast skilning á upplifun og reynslu kvennanna af stöðu sinni, hindrunum og möguleikum til starfsþróunar. Viðtöl við þær voru greind og túlkuð eftir aðferðum fyrirbærafræðinnar. Helstu niðurstöður benda til þess að flókinn vefur óáþreifanlegra hindrana sé til staðar í formi karllægrar menningar, viðhorfa, formgerða fyrirtækja sem og langlífra staðalímynda. Konurnar upplifa efsta stjórnunarlagið sem lokaða karlaklíku; yfirstjórnendastörfin sem sniðin að þörfum og aðstæðum karlmanna og að þær geti ekki bætt á sig frekari ábyrgð; vinnusemi og vandvirkni þeirra finnst þeim ekki metin að verðleikum og loks máta þær sig í hlutverk yfirstjórnandans og áfellast sjálfar sig fyrir að falla ekki að staðalímyndinni. Í sameiningu draga þessir þættir úr sjálfstrausti kvennanna og þrótti til að sækjast eftir hærri stöðum ásamt því að valda þeim álagi og um leið viðhalda raunverulegum vanda ójafnréttis kynjanna í æðstu stjórnendastöðum fyrirtækjanna., Despite Iceland’s excellent performance on many gender equality measures, its ratio of women in top-management positions is improving very slowly. This research focuses on women who hold middle management positions in some of the largest organizations in Iceland, women who could be in line for top-management positions. It aims to understand the lived experiences of these women, the barriers, and opportunities for career development. In-depth interviews with eleven women were analyzed and interpreted according to phenomenological methodology. Findings reveal that the women feel they face insurmountable barriers on their way up the corporate ladder. They experience top-management as a closed Old Boys’ Club; top management jobs as tailored for men, requiring them to take on unbearable responsibilities; their diligence as unappreciated; and finally, they compare and contrast themselves with the stereotypical male-executive and blame themselves for not fitting the stereotype. These combined factors undermine the women’s self-confidence and ambition even further and thus maintain and reinforce the gender-imbalance in top management.
- Published
- 2017
24. Kynferðislegt ofbeldi í æsku: Afleiðingar og heildræn meðferðarúrræði
- Author
Sigurðardóttir, Sigrún, Sigríður Halldórsdóttir, Sóley Sesselja Bender, Hjúkrunarfræðideild (HÍ), Faculty of Nursing (UI), Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Health Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
Heildræn meðferð ,Karlar ,Fyrirbærafræði ,Kynferðisleg misnotkun barna ,Child Sexual Abuse ,Doktorsritgerðir ,Phenomenology ,Holistic intervention ,Konur ,humanities - Abstract
Background: Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) can have serious and far-reaching consequences for the health and well-being of both men and women. In order to develop a holistic program for Icelandic survivors of CSA it is important to base such a program on in-depth knowledge and understanding of these consequences for CSA survivors in Iceland within the healthcare system. Aim: To increase the knowledge and deepen the understanding of the consequences of CSA, for both Icelandic men and women, in order to increase nurses’ and other healthcare professionals´ competence in giving gender appropriate care to CSA survivors. To develop and explore a holistic therapy for female CSA survivors, from the women´s own perspective and look into the experience of the healthcare system. Methods: A phenomenological research approach was used, to increase the knowledge and deepen the understanding of the above phenomena. In Study I, participants were seven Icelandic men with a history of CSA. Two interviews were conducted with each of them, a total of 14 interviews. In Study II the experience of these seven men and seven Icelandic women (from another study of the author) were compared, 28 interviews in total. In Study III seven interviews were conducted with one Icelandic woman with a long trauma history after CSA. In Study IV 10 Icelandic women who participated in the Wellness-Program, a holistic program for female CSA survivors that was developed by the author, were interviewed thrice, a total of 30 interviews. Thus, in all, 65 interviews were used as the basis for this thesis. Results: The main results of the studies were that the consequences of CSA, for both men and women, were serious for their health and well-being. They felt they had not received adequate support and understanding from healthcare professionals, but participation in the Wellness-Program seemed to improve the health and well-being of those attending. In study I the men’s experience of CSA was characterized by broken self-identity and self-image, anger and fear. They were bullied, had learning difficulties and had been hyperactive, displayed criminal behaviour, misused alcohol and drugs. They had numerous complex health problems and physical and psychological disconnection. They had difficulty relating to their spouses and children, had gone through divorce and were all divorced non-custodial fathers. They lived in silent and painful suffering because of their 10 own prejudice and from the society and did not seek help or talk about the CSA until they were adults. In Study II, gender differences were found in the consequences of CSA. Women had a greater tendency to internalize their emotional suffering, which was later observed in complex health problems. The men, however, had a greater tendency to externalize their emotional suffering, observed in various problems and antisocial behaviour. Study III showed that CSA and a long trauma history can have serious and destructive effects on health. The participant had severe physical problems such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, recurring problems in the pelvic area as well as cancer. She had symptoms of PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) and felt she had not met adequate understanding and support in the healthcare system. In Study IV the women who participated in the Wellness-Program were in the beginning of the program socially isolated and had complicated health problems. Their self-esteem was low, they could not work or study and their lack of wellbeing significantly impacted their families and their own quality of life. Positive results were found regarding all these aspects in the participating women 12 to 15 months after the program. All were active in work, study or in further rehabilitation. Conclusions: CSA can have serious and far-reaching consequences for the health and well-being of both Icelandic men and women and their suffering can be deep. It is important for healthcare professionals to know and recognize the symptoms regarding the consequences of CSA to be better able to provide support and gender-specific care. It is important to continue to develop a holistic program for female CSA survivors in Iceland as well as to develop such program for men survivors of CSA. Through an organized program much can be gained for the individual, his family and society as a whole., Bakgrunnur: Kynferðislegt ofbeldi í bernsku (e. Childhood Sexual Abuse, CSA) getur haft alvarlegar og víðtækar afleiðingar fyrir heilsufar og líðan karla og kvenna. Mikilvægt er að byggja á dýpri þekkingu á reynslu þolenda á Íslandi af þessum víðtæku afleiðingum við þróun heildræns meðferðarúrræðis fyrir þolendur CSA innan heilbrigðiskerfisins. Markmið: Að auka þekkingu og dýpka skilning á afleiðingum CSA hjá þolendum af báðum kynjum í því skyni að auka hæfni hjúkrunarfræðinga og annarra heilbrigðisstétta í að veita viðeigandi umönnun. Að þróa og skoða reynslu íslenskra kvenna af heildrænu meðferðarúrræði og reynslu af heilbrigðiskerfinu. Aðferð: Notuð var fyrirbærafræðileg rannsóknaraðferð til að auka þekkingu og dýpka skilning á afleiðingum CSA. Í rannsókn I voru þátttakendur sjö íslenskir karlar með sögu um CSA. Tekin voru tvö viðtöl við hvern þeirra, samtals 14 viðtöl. Í rannsókn II var borin saman reynsla þessara sjö karla og sjö íslenskra kvenna (frá annarri rannsókn höfundar). Fjöldi viðtala sem notuð voru í greiningunni var samtals 28. Í rannsókn III voru tekin sjö viðtöl við eina íslenska konu með langa áfallasögu af reynslu hennar af líkamlegum afleiðingum CSA og reynslu hennar af heilbrigðisþjónustunni. Í rannsókn IV voru tekin viðtöl við 10 íslenskar konur sem tóku þátt í Gæfusporunum, heildrænum meðferðarúrræðum. Tekin voru þrjú viðtöl við hverja konu, samtals 30 viðtöl. Samtals voru því 65 einstaklingsviðtöl lögð til grundvallar í greiningarvinnunni í doktorsverkefninu. Niðurstöður: Helstu niðurstöður rannsóknanna voru að afleiðingar CSA, bæði fyrir íslenska karla og konur, voru alvarlegar fyrir heilsufar og líðan. Þátttakendur töldu að þeir hefðu ekki fengið nægjanlegan stuðning eða skilning frá heilbrigðisstarfsfólki, en þátttaka í Gæfusporunum virtist bæta heilsu og líðan þeirra sem tóku þátt í þeim. Í rannsókn I upplifðu karlarnir sjálfsmynd sína brotna. Í æsku áttu þeir við námsörðugleika að stríða og urðu fyrir einelti. Þeir voru ofvirkir og leiddust út í afbrot, áfengis- og fíkniefnaneyslu, auk þess að vera með ýmis flókin heilsufarsleg vandamál. Upplifun karlanna einkenndist af reiði, hræðslu og líkamlegri og sálrænni aftengingu. Þeir áttu erfitt með að tengjast mökum og börnum, höfðu gengið í gegnum hjónaskilnaði og voru allir forsjárlausir feður. 8 Þeir lifðu í þögulli og kvalafullri þjáningu vegna eigin fordóma og samfélagsins og leituðu því ekki hjálpar eða sögðu frá fyrr en á fullorðinsárum. Í rannsókn II, samanburðarrannsókninni, mátti greina mun á milli karla og kvenna. Konurnar höfðu meiri tilhneigingu til að beina tilfinningalegum sársauka sínum inn á við, sem kom síðar fram í flóknum andlegum og líkamlegum heilsufarsvandamálum. Karlarnir höfðu hins vegar meiri tilhneigingu til að beina tilfinningalegum sársauka sínum út á við, sem kom einkum fram í hegðunarvandamálum og andfélagslegri hegðun. Í rannsókn III sýndu niðurstöður að CSA og löng áfallasaga getur haft alvarleg og niðurbrjótandi áhrif á heilsufar. Þátttakandinn hafði haft mörg líkamleg vandamál eins og langvinna verki, vefjagigt, síendurtekin móðurlífsvandamál og krabbamein. Hún hafði einkenni áfallastreituröskunar og hafði ekki mætt nægilegum skilningi og stuðningi í heilbrigðiskerfinu. Í rannsókn IV kom fram að konurnar sem tóku þátt í Gæfusporunum voru í upphafi meðferðarinnar félagslega einangraðar og áttu við mjög flókin heilsufarsleg vandamál að stríða. Þær upplifðu sig með brotna sjálfsmynd, treystu sér ekki í vinnu eða nám og töldu það hafa haft veruleg áhrif á fjölskyldur þeirra og lífsgæði. Jákvæðan árangur mátti sjá varðandi alla þessa þætti hjá konunum 12-15 mánuðum eftir að meðferðinni lauk. Starfsgeta þeirra allra hafði aukist eftir Gæfusporin, þær voru komnar í launaða vinnu, nám eða áframhaldandi starfsendurhæfingu. Ályktanir: Kynferðislegt ofbeldi í bernsku getur haft alvarlegar og víðtækar langtímaafleiðingar fyrir heilsufar og líðan, bæði íslenskra karla og kvenna, og þjáning beggja kynja getur verið djúp. Mikilvægt er fyrir heilbrigðisstarfsfólk að þekkja einkenni og afleiðingar CSA til að vera betur í stakk búið að veita stuðning og viðeigandi meðferð sem tekur mið af einstaklingnum og kyni hans. Mikilvægt er að halda áfram að þróa heildræn meðferðarúrræði fyrir konur á Íslandi og þróa slík meðferðarúrræði fyrir karla sem hafa orðið fyrir CSA. Með því að byggja einstakling markvisst upp eftir áföll vegna CSA getur margt áunnist fyrir hann, fjölskyldu hans og samfélagið í heild.
- Published
- 2017
25. Smoking prevalence and attributable disease burden in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015
- Author
Reitsma, Marissa B., Fullman, Nancy, Ng, Marie, Salama, Joseph S., Abajobir, Amanuel, Abate, Kalkidan Hassen, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abera, Semaw Ferede, Abraham, Biju, Abyu, Gebre Yitayih, Adebiyi, Akindele Olupelumi, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Aleman, Alicia V., Ali, Raghib, Al Alkerwi, Ala A., Allebeck, Peter, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa Mohammad, Amare, Azmeraw T., Amberbir, Alemayehu, Ammar, Walid, Amrock, Stephen Marc, Antonio, Carl Abelardo T., Asayesh, Hamid, Atnafu, Niguse Tadela, Azzopardi, Peter, Banerjee, Amitava, Barac, Aleksandra, Barrientos-Gutierrez, Tonatiuh, Basto-Abreu, Ana Cristina, Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad, Bedi, Neeraj, Bell, Brent, Bello, Aminu K., Bensenor, Isabela M., Beyene, Addisu Shunu, Bhala, Neeraj, Biryukov, Stan, Bolt, Kaylin, Brenner, Hermann, Butt, Zahid, Cavalleri, Fiorella, Cercy, Kelly, Chen, Honglei, Christopher, Devasahayam Jesudas, Ciobanu, Liliana G., Colistro, Valentina, Colomar, Mercedes, Cornaby, Leslie, Dai, Xiaochen, Damtew, Solomon Abrha, Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, Dansereau, Emily, Davletov, Kairat, Dayama, Anand, Degfie, Tizta Tilahun, Deribew, Amare, Dharmaratne, Samath D., Dimtsu, Balem Demtsu, Doyle, Kerrie E., Endries, Aman Yesuf, Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich, Estep, Kara, Faraon, Emerito Jose Aquino, Farzadfar, Farshad, Feigin, Valery L., Feigl, Andrea B., Fischer, Florian, Friedman, Joseph, Ghiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Gall, Seana L., Gao, Wayne, Gillum, Richard F., Gold, Audra L., Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Gotay, Carolyn C., Gupta, Rahul, Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Vipin, Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Graeme Hankey, Harb, Hilda L., Hay, Simon I., Horino, Masako, Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H. Dean, Husseini, Abdullatif, Ileanu, Bogdan Vasile, Islami, Farhad, Jiang, Guohong, Jiang, Ying, Jonas, Jost B., Kabir, Zubair, Kamal, Ritul, Kasaeian, Amir, Kesavachandran, Chandrasekharan Nair, Khader, Yousef S., Khalil, Ibrahim, Khang, Young-Ho, Khera, Sahil, Khubchandani, Jagdish, Kim, Daniel, Kim, Yun Jin, Kimokoti, Ruth W., Kinfu, Yohannes, Knibbs, Luke D., Kokubo, Yoshihiro, Kolte, Dhaval, Kopec, Jacek, Kosen, Soewarta, Kotsakis, Georgios A., Koul, Parvaiz A., Koyanagi, Ai, Krohn, Kristopher J., Krueger, Hans, Defo, Barthelemy Kuate, Bicer, Burcu Kucuk, Kulkarni, Chanda, Kumar, G. Anil, Leasher, Janet L., Lee, Alexander, Leinsalu, Mall, Li, Tong, Linn, Shai, Liu, Patrick, Liu, Shiwei, Lo, Loon-Tzian, Lopez, Alan D., Ma, Stefan, Abd El Razek, Hassan Magdy, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Manamo, Wondimu Ayele, Martinez-Raga, Jose, Mekonnen, Alemayehu Berhane, Mendoza, Walter, Miller, Ted R., Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Morawska, Lidia, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Nagel, Gabriele, Neupane, Sudan Prasad, Quyen Nguyen, Nguyen, Grant, Oh, In-Hwan, Oyekale, Abayomi Samuel, Mahesh, P. A., Pana, Adrian, Park, Eun-Kee, Patil, Snehal T., Patton, George C., Pedro, Joao, Qorbani, Mostafa, Rafay, Anwar, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Ram, Usha, Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal, Refaat, Amany H., Reinig, Nickolas, Roba, Hirbo Shore, Rodriguez, Alina, Roman, Yesenia, Roth, Gregory, Roy, Ambuj, Sagar, Rajesh, Salomon, Joshua, Sanabria, Juan, Santos, Itamar Souza, Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Sawhney, Monika, Sawyer, Susan, Saylan, Mete, Schaub, Michael P., Schluger, Neil, Schutte, Aletta Elisabeth, Sepanlou, Sadaf G., Serdar, Berrin, Shaikh, Masood Ali, She, Jun, Shin, Min-Jeong, Shiri, Rahman, Shishani, Kawkab, Shiue, Ivy, Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Silverberg, Jonathan I., Singh, Jasvinder, Singh, Virendra, Slepak, Erica Leigh, Soneji, Samir, Soriano, Joan B., Soshnikov, Sergey, Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T., Stein, Dan J., Stranges, Saverio, Subart, Michelle L., Swaminathan, Soumya, Szoeke, Cassandra E. I., Tefera, Worku Mekonnen, Topor-Madry, Roman, Tran, Bach, Tsilimparis, Nikolaos, Tymeson, Hayley, Ukwaja, Kingsley Nnanna, Updike, Rachel, Uthman, Olalekan A., Violante, Francesco Saverio, Vladimirov, Sergey K., Vlassov, Vasiliy, Vollset, Stein Emil, Vos, Theo, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Wen, Chi-Pan, Werdecker, Andrea, Wilson, Shelley, Wubshet, Mamo, Xiao, Lin, Yakob, Bereket, Yano, Yuichiro, Ye, Penpeng, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Younis, Mustafa Z., Yu, Chuanhua, Zaidi, Zoubida, Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed, Zhang, Anthony Lin, Zipkin, Ben, Murray, Christopher J. L., Forouzanfar, Mohammad H., Gakidou, Emmanuela, Gbd, Tobacco Collaborators, Reitsma, Marissa B, Fullman, Nancy, Ng, Marie, Salama, Joseph S, Abajobir, Amanuel, Abate, Kalkidan Hassen, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abera, Semaw Ferede, Abraham, Biju, Abyu, Gebre Yitayih, Adebiyi, Akindele Olupelumi, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Aleman, Alicia V, Ali, Raghib, Al Alkerwi, Ala'A, Allebeck, Peter, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa Mohammad, Amare, Azmeraw T, Amberbir, Alemayehu, Ammar, Walid, Amrock, Stephen Marc, Antonio, Carl Abelardo T, Asayesh, Hamid, Atnafu, Niguse Tadela, Azzopardi, Peter, Banerjee, Amitava, Barac, Aleksandra, Barrientos-Gutierrez, Tonatiuh, Basto-Abreu, Ana Cristina, Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad, Bedi, Neeraj, Bell, Brent, Bello, Aminu K, Bensenor, Isabela M, Beyene, Addisu Shunu, Bhala, Neeraj, Biryukov, Stan, Bolt, Kaylin, Brenner, Hermann, Butt, Zahid, Cavalleri, Fiorella, Cercy, Kelly, Chen, Honglei, Christopher, Devasahayam Jesuda, Ciobanu, Liliana G, Colistro, Valentina, Colomar, Mercede, Cornaby, Leslie, Dai, Xiaochen, Damtew, Solomon Abrha, Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, Dansereau, Emily, Davletov, Kairat, Dayama, Anand, Degfie, Tizta Tilahun, Deribew, Amare, Dharmaratne, Samath D, Dimtsu, Balem Demtsu, Doyle, Kerrie E, Endries, Aman Yesuf, Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich, Estep, Kara, Faraon, Emerito Jose Aquino, Farzadfar, Farshad, Feigin, Valery L, Feigl, Andrea B, Fischer, Florian, Friedman, Joseph, G/hiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Gall, Seana L, Gao, Wayne, Gillum, Richard F, Gold, Audra L, Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Gotay, Carolyn C, Gupta, Rahul, Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Vipin, Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Hankey, Graeme, Harb, Hilda L, Hay, Simon I, Horino, Masako, Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H Dean, Husseini, Abdullatif, Ileanu, Bogdan Vasile, Islami, Farhad, Jiang, Guohong, Jiang, Ying, Jonas, Jost B, Kabir, Zubair, Kamal, Ritul, Kasaeian, Amir, Kesavachandran, Chandrasekharan Nair, Khader, Yousef S, Khalil, Ibrahim, Khang, Young-Ho, Khera, Sahil, Khubchandani, Jagdish, Kim, Daniel, Kim, Yun Jin, Kimokoti, Ruth W, Kinfu, Yohanne, Knibbs, Luke D, Kokubo, Yoshihiro, Kolte, Dhaval, Kopec, Jacek, Kosen, Soewarta, Kotsakis, Georgios A, Koul, Parvaiz A, Koyanagi, Ai, Krohn, Kristopher J, Krueger, Han, Defo, Barthelemy Kuate, Bicer, Burcu Kucuk, Kulkarni, Chanda, Kumar, G Anil, Leasher, Janet L, Lee, Alexander, Leinsalu, Mall, Li, Tong, Linn, Shai, Liu, Patrick, Liu, Shiwei, Lo, Loon-Tzian, Lopez, Alan D, Ma, Stefan, El Razek, Hassan Magdy Abd, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Manamo, Wondimu Ayele, Martinez-Raga, Jose, Mekonnen, Alemayehu Berhane, Mendoza, Walter, Miller, Ted R, Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Morawska, Lidia, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Nagel, Gabriele, Neupane, Sudan Prasad, Nguyen, Quyen, Nguyen, Grant, Oh, In-Hwan, Oyekale, Abayomi Samuel, Pa, Mahesh, Pana, Adrian, Park, Eun-Kee, Patil, Snehal T, Patton, George C, Pedro, Joao, Qorbani, Mostafa, Rafay, Anwar, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Ram, Usha, Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal, Refaat, Amany H, Reinig, Nickola, Roba, Hirbo Shore, Rodriguez, Alina, Roman, Yesenia, Roth, Gregory, Roy, Ambuj, Sagar, Rajesh, Salomon, Joshua, Sanabria, Juan, de Souza Santos, Itamar, Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Sawhney, Monika, Sawyer, Susan, Saylan, Mete, Schaub, Michael P, Schluger, Neil, Schutte, Aletta Elisabeth, Sepanlou, Sadaf G, Serdar, Berrin, Shaikh, Masood Ali, She, Jun, Shin, Min-Jeong, Shiri, Rahman, Shishani, Kawkab, Shiue, Ivy, Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Silverberg, Jonathan I, Singh, Jasvinder, Singh, Virendra, Slepak, Erica Leigh, Soneji, Samir, Soriano, Joan B, Soshnikov, Sergey, Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T, Stein, Dan J, Stranges, Saverio, Subart, Michelle L, Swaminathan, Soumya, Szoeke, Cassandra E I, Tefera, Worku Mekonnen, Topor-Madry, Roman, Tran, Bach, Tsilimparis, Nikolao, Tymeson, Hayley, Ukwaja, Kingsley Nnanna, Updike, Rachel, Uthman, Olalekan A, Violante, Francesco Saverio, Vladimirov, Sergey K, Vlassov, Vasiliy, Vollset, Stein Emil, Vos, Theo, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Wen, Chi-Pan, Werdecker, Andrea, Wilson, Shelley, Wubshet, Mamo, Xiao, Lin, Yakob, Bereket, Yano, Yuichiro, Ye, Penpeng, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Younis, Mustafa Z, Yu, Chuanhua, Zaidi, Zoubida, El Sayed Zaki, Maysaa, Zhang, Anthony Lin, Zipkin, Ben, Murray, Christopher J L, Forouzanfar, Mohammad H, Gakidou, Emmanuela, Viðskiptadeild (HR), School of Business (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, and Halk Sağlığı
- Subjects
Male ,Heilsufar ,Dánartíðni ,Internationality ,Lífslíkur ,Risk analysis ,Life expectancy ,Epidemiology ,IMPACT ,Áhættuþættir ,FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ,Diseases ,Global Burden of Disease ,Fullorðnir ,Risk Factors ,IMPLEMENTATION ,Psychology ,LIFE EXPECTANCY ,Unglingar ,Konur ,Risk assessment ,Aged, 80 and over ,Public health ,Velferðarkerfi ,Aldraðir ,Medicine (all) ,Smoking ,Þjóðir ,11 Medical And Health Sciences ,Alþjóðasamstarf ,Tóbaksvarnir ,Sálfræði ,World health ,Mannsævin ,Lýðheilsa ,Female ,HEALTH ,Reykingar ,B990 Subjects Allied to Medicine not elsewhere classified ,Algengi sjúkdóma ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,Adult ,Adolescent ,L400 ,TOBACCO CONTROL POLICIES ,Young Adult ,Heilbrigðisvísindi ,Age Distribution ,Medicine, General & Internal ,General & Internal Medicine ,SELF-REPORTED SMOKING ,Mortality ,Sex Distribution ,Áhættugreining ,Retrospective Studies ,Aged ,Science & Technology ,Faraldsfræði ,Prevention ,MORTALITY ,Ungt fólk ,RISKS ,B900 ,Tobacco use ,PROMOTION ,Socioeconomic Factors ,Karlar ,L510 Health & Welfare - Abstract
Correction in: LANCET Volume: 390 Issue: 10103 Pages: 1644-1644 Published: OCT 7 2017 ., Background The scale-up of tobacco control, especially after the adoption of the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control, is a major public health success story. Nonetheless, smoking remains a leading risk for early death and disability worldwide, and therefore continues to require sustained political commitment. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) offers a robust platform through which global, regional, and national progress toward achieving smoking-related targets can be assessed. Methods We synthesised 2818 data sources with spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression and produced estimates of daily smoking prevalence by sex, age group, and year for 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2015. We analysed 38 risk-outcome pairs to generate estimates of smoking-attributable mortality and disease burden, as measured by disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs). We then performed a cohort analysis of smoking prevalence by birth-year cohort to better understand temporal age patterns in smoking. We also did a decomposition analysis, in which we parsed out changes in all-cause smoking-attributable DALYs due to changes in population growth, population ageing, smoking prevalence, and risk-deleted DALY rates. Finally, we explored results by level of development using the Socio-demographic Index (SDI). Findings Worldwide, the age-standardised prevalence of daily smoking was 25.0% (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 24.2-25.7) for men and 5.4% (5.1-5.7) for women, representing 28.4% (25.8-31.1) and 34.4% (29.4-38.6) reductions, respectively, since 1990. A greater percentage of countries and territories achieved significant annualised rates of decline in smoking prevalence from 1990 to 2005 than in between 2005 and 2015; however, only four countries had significant annualised increases in smoking prevalence between 2005 and 2015 (Congo [Brazzaville] and Azerbaijan for men and Kuwait and Timor-Leste for women). In 2015, 11.5% of global deaths (6.4 million [95% UI 5.7-7.0 million]) were attributable to smoking worldwide, of which 52.2% took place in four countries (China, India, the USA, and Russia). Smoking was ranked among the five leading risk factors by DALYs in 109 countries and territories in 2015, rising from 88 geographies in 1990. In terms of birth cohorts, male smoking prevalence followed similar age patterns across levels of SDI, whereas much more heterogeneity was found in age patterns for female smokers by level of development. While smoking prevalence and risk-deleted DALY rates mostly decreased by sex and SDI quintile, population growth, population ageing, or a combination of both, drove rises in overall smoking-attributable DALYs in low-SDI to middle-SDI geographies between 2005 and 2015. Interpretation The pace of progress in reducing smoking prevalence has been heterogeneous across geographies, development status, and sex, and as highlighted by more recent trends, maintaining past rates of decline should not be taken for granted, especially in women and in low-SDI to middle-SDI countries. Beyond the effect of the tobacco industry and societal mores, a crucial challenge facing tobacco control initiatives is that demographic forces are poised to heighten smoking's global toll, unless progress in preventing initiation and promoting cessation can be substantially accelerated. Greater success in tobacco control is possible but requires effective, comprehensive, and adequately implemented and enforced policies, which might in turn require global and national levels of political commitment beyond what has been achieved during the past 25 years., Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies.
- Published
- 2017
26. Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
- Author
Vos T. a, Abajobir A. A. d, Abbafati C. h, Abbas K. M. i, Abate K. H., Abd-Allah F. j, Abdulle A. M. k, Abebo T. A. l, Abera S. F. m, r Aboyans, V. s Abu-Raddad, L. J. t Ackerman, I. N. u Adamu, A. A. x Adetokunboh, O. z Afarideh, M. cl, Afshin A. a, Agarwal, S. K. aa, Aggarwal, R. ab, Agrawal, A. ac, ad Agrawal, S. ag, Ahmad Kiadaliri, A. ah, Ahmadieh, H. aj, am Ahmed, M. B. an, Aichour, A. N. ap, I. aq, M. T. E. ar, Aiyar S. a, Akinyemi, R. O. as, at Akseer, N. au, Al Lami, F. H. ay, Alahdab, F. az, ba Al-Aly, Z. bb, Alam, K. bc, bg bi, N. bj, Alam T. a, Alasfoor, D. bk, Alene, K. A. bl, bo Ali, R. bw, Alizadeh-Navaei, R. bx, Alkerwi, A. by, Alla, F. bz, Allebeck, P. dh, Allen C. a, Al-Maskari, F. ca, Al-Raddadi, R. cb, Alsharif, U. cd, Alsowaidi, S. ca, Altirkawi, K. A. ce, Amare, A. T. cf, ch Amini, E. cj, ck Ammar, W. cz, Amoako, Y. A. da, Andersen, H. H. db, Antonio, C. A. T. dd, Anwari, P. de, Ärnlöv, J. df, dj Artaman, A. dk, Aryal, K. K. dl, dm Asayesh, H. dn, Asgedom S. W. q, Assadi, R. do, Atey T. M. q, Atnafu, N. T. dp, Atre, S. R. dq, ds Avila-Burgos, L. dt, Avokpaho, E. F. G. A. du, dv Awasthi, A. dw, Ayala Quintanilla, B. P. dx, Ba Saleem, H. O. dz, Bacha, U. ea, Badawi, A. aw, eb Balakrishnan, K. ec, Banerjee, A. ed, Bannick M. S. a, Barac, A. eg, Barber R. M. a, Barker-Collo, S. L. ei, Bärnighausen, T. ej, el em, Barquera, S. dt, Barregard, L. en, Barrero, L. H. eo, Basu, S. ep, Battista, B. eq, Battle, K. E. bq, Baune, B. T. cf, Bazargan-Hejazi, S. er, es Beardsley, J. et, Bedi, N. eu, Beghi, E. ev, Béjot, Y. ew, Bekele, B. B. bm, ex Bell, M. L. ey, Bennett, D. A. bs, Bensenor, I. M. fb, Benson J. a, Berhane, A. fc, Berhe D. F. n, fe Bernabé, E. fi, Betsu B. D. q, Beuran, M. fj, fk Beyene, A. S. fl, Bhala, N. fn, fo Bhansali, A. fp, Bhatt, S. fq, Bhutta, Z. A. au, fu Biadgilign, S. fv, Bienhoff K. a, Bikbov, B. fw, Birungi, C. ef, Biryukov S. a, Bisanzio, D. bt, Bizuayehu, H. M. fy, Boneya, D. J. fx, Boufous, S. fz, Bourne, R. R. A. gd, Brazinova, A. ge, Brugha, T. S. gf, Buchbinder R. u, gg Bulto, L. N. B. fm, Bumgarner B. R. a, Butt, Z. A. gh, Cahuana-Hurtado, Cameron, E. br, Car, M. ft, gi Carabin, H. gj, Carapetis, J. R. gk, Cárdenas, R. gl, Carpenter, D. O. gm, Carrero, J. J. dg, Carter A. a, Carvalho, F. gn, Casey D. C. a, Caso, V. gr, Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A. gs, gt Castle, C. D. a Catalá-López, F. gu, gv Chang, H. -Y. gw, gx Chang, J. -C. gy, Charlson F. J. a, d gz, Chen, H. ha, Chibalabala, M. hb, Chibueze, C. E. hc, Chisumpa, V. H. hd, he Chitheer, A. A. hf, Christopher, D. J. hg, Ciobanu, L. G. cf, Cirillo, M. hh, Colombara D. a, Cooper, C. bu, hi hj, Cortesi, P. A. hk, Criqui, M. H. hm, Crump, J. A. hn, Dadi, A. F. bn, hp Dalal, K. hq, Dandona L. a, ag Dandona, R. a ag, Das Neves, J. go, Davitoiu, D. V. fj, De Courten, B. w, De Leo, D. hr, Degenhardt L. a, ga Deiparine, S. a Dellavalle, R. P. hs, Deribe, K. ht, Des Jarlais, D. C. hw, hx Dey, S. ae, Dharmaratne, S. D. hy, Dhillon, P. K. ag, Dicker D. a, Ding, E. L. ej, Djalalinia, S. hz, H. P. ia, Dorsey, E. R. ib, Dos Santos, K. P. B. ic, Douwes-Schultz D. a, Doyle, K. E. bp, id Driscoll, T. R. bh, Dubey, M. ie, Duncan, B. B. if, ig El-Khatib, Z. Z. dh, ih Ellerstrand, J. d Enayati, A. ii, Endries, A. Y. ij, Ermakov, S. P. ik, il Erskine, H. E. a d, gz Eshrati, B. im, in Eskandarieh, S. io, Esteghamati, A. cl, Estep K. a, Fanuel, F. B. B. ip, iq Farinha, C. S. E. S. ir, is Faro, A. it, Farzadfar, F. ck, Fazeli, M. S. eq, Feigin, V. L. iu, Fereshtehnejad, S. -M. df, Fernandes, J. C. iv, Ferrari A. J. a, Feyissa, T. R. iw, Filip, I. ix, Fischer, F. iy, Fitzmaurice C. a, b iz, Flaxman A. D. a, Flor, L. S. ja, jb Foigt, N. jc, Foreman K. J. a, Franklin, R. C. jd, Fullman N. a, Fürst, T. fq, je jg, Furtado, J. M. jh, Futran N. D. c, Gakidou E. a, Ganji, M. cy, Garcia-Basteiro, A. L. ji, jj Gebre, T. jk, Gebrehiwot, T. T. ao, Geleto, A. fm, jl Gemechu, B. L. jm, Gesesew, H. A. ao, hp Gething, P. W. bv, Ghajar, A. cm, Gibney, K. B. jn, Gill, P. S. jo, Gillum, R. F. jp, Ginawi, I. A. M. jq, Giref, A. Z. hv, Gishu, M. D. fm, jr Giussani, G. ev, Godwin W. W. a, Gold A. L. a, Goldberg E. M. a, Gona, P. N. js, Goodridge, A. jt, Gopalani, S. V. ju, Goto, A. jv, Goulart, A. C. ez, jw Griswold, M. a Gugnani, H. C. jx, Gupta, R. jy, R. jz, T. ka, kb Gupta, V. kc, Hafezi-Nejad, N. cl, Hailu, A. D. hu, kf Hailu, G. B. q kg, Hamadeh, R. R. kh, Hamidi, S. ki, Handal, A. J. kj, Hankey, G. J. kk, kl km, Hao, Y. kn, Harb, H. L. cz, Hareri, H. A. hv, Haro, J. M. ko, Harvey J. a, Hassanvand, M. S. cn, Havmoeller, R. di, Hawley C. a, Hay, R. J. br, fi kp, Hay S. I. a, Henry N. J. a, Heredia-Pi, I. B. dt, Heydarpour, P. co, Hoek, H. W. ff, kq Hoffman, H. J. ks, Horita, N. ku, Hosgood, H. D. kb, Hostiuc, S. fj, Hotez, P. J. kv, Hoy, D. G. kw, Htet, A. S. dm, kx Hu, G. ky, Huang, H. kz, Huynh C. a, Iburg, K. M. lb, Igumbor, E. U. lc, ld Ikeda, C. a Irvine, C. M. S. a Jacobsen, K. H. le, Jahanmehr, N. ak, Jakovljevic M. B. a, lf Jassal, S. K. hl, Javanbakht, M. lg, Jayaraman, S. P. lh, Jeemon, P. af, li Jensen, P. N. c Jha, V. bw, lj Jiang, G. lk, John, D. ll, Johnson C. O. a, Johnson S. C. a, Jonas, J. B. lm, Jürisson, M. ln, Kabir, Z. lo, Kadel, R. lp, Kahsay A. q, Kamal, R. lq, Kan, H. ls, Karam, N. E. lt, Karch, A. lu, lv Karema, C. K. jf, lw Kasaeian, cp Kassa, G. M. fy, Kassaw, N. A. hv, Kassebaum N. J. a, lx Kastor, A. ie, Katikireddi, S. V. ly, Kaul, A. lz, Kawakami, N. ma, Keiyoro, P. N. mb, mc Kengne, A. P. me, mg rz, Keren, A. mh, Khader, Y. S. mi, Khalil I. A. a, Khan, E. A. mj, Khang, Y. -H. mk, ml Khosravi, A. ck, mm Khubchandani, J. mn, Kieling, C. if, mo Kim, D. mp, Kim P. a, Kim, Y. J. mq, Kimokoti, R. W. mr, Kinfu, Y. ms, Kisa, A. mt, Kissimova-Skarbek, K. A. mv, Kivimaki, M. ee, mw Knudsen, A. K. kd, mz Kokubo, Y. nb, Kolte, D. nc, Kopec, J. A. nd, Kosen, S. ne, Koul, P. A. nf, Koyanagi, A. ng, Kravchenko, M. nh, Krishnaswami, S. ni, Krohn K. J. a, Kuate Defo, B. nj, Kucuk Bicer, B. nk, Kumar, G. A. ag, P. ie, S. nl, Kyu H. H. a, Lal, D. K. ag, Lalloo R. e, Lambert, N. nm, Lan, Q. nn, Larsson, A. no, Lavados, P. M. np, Leasher, J. L. nq, Lee, J. -T. ns, P. H. nt, Leigh, J. bi, Leshargie, C. T. fy, Leung J. c, d Leung, R. nu, Levi, M. nv, Y. nw, Y. nx, Li Kappe, D. a Liang, X. ny, Liben, M. L. oa, Lim S. S. a, Linn, S. ob, Liu A. a, Liu P. Y. a, Liu, S. nx, Y. oc, Lodha, R. aa, Logroscino, G. od, London, S. J. oe, Looker, K. J. of, Lopez, A. D. bd, Lorkowski, S. og, oh Lotufo, P. A. fb, Low, N. oi, Lozano R. a, dt Lucas, T. C. D. br, Macarayan, E. R. K. ek, Magdy Abd El Razek, H. ok, M. ol, Mahdavi, M. cq, om Majdan, M. on, Majdzadeh, R. cr, oo Majeed, A. fr, Malekzadeh, R. cs, Malhotra, Malta, D. C. op, Mamun, A. A. oq, Manguerra H. a, Manhertz T. a, Mantilla A. d, Mantovani LG, Mapoma, C. C. hd, Marczak L. B. a, Martinez-Raga, J. he, ot Martins-Melo, F. R. ou, Martopullo I. a, März, W. ov, ow Mathur, M. R. ag, ef Mazidi, M. ox, McAlinden, C. oy, oz McGaughey, M. a McGrath, J. J. f la, McKee, M. pa, McNellan C. a, Mehata, S. pb, Mehndiratta, M. M. pc, Mekonnen, T. C. pd, Memiah, P. pe, Memish, Z. A. pf, pg Mendoza, W. ph, Mengistie, M. A. ao, Mengistu D. T. o, Mensah, G. A. kt, Meretoja, A. be, pi Meretoja, T. J. my, pj Mezgebe, H. B. q Micha, R. pk, Millear A. a, Miller, T. R. pm, pn Mills, E. J. po, Mirarefin M. a, pp Mirrakhimov, E. M. pq, pr Misganaw, A. a Mishra, S. R. g ps, Mitchell, P. B. gc, Mohammad, K. A. pt, pu Mohammadi, A. pv, Mohammed K. E. o, Mohammed, S. em, pw Mohanty, S. K. ie, Mokdad A. H. a, Mollenkopf S. K. a, Monasta, L. py, Hernandez, J. M. dt, Montico, M. py, Moradi-Lakeh, M. qa, Moraga, P. qd, Mori, R. qe, Morozoff C. a, Morrison S. D. c, Moses M. a, Mountjoy-Venning C. a, Mruts, K. B. fd, Mueller, U. O. qh, Muller K. a, Murdoch, M. E. qi, Murthy, G. V. S. ae, pa Musa, K. I. qj, Nachega J. B. z, qk ql, Nagel, G. qm, Naghavi M. a, Naheed, A. qn, Naidoo, K. S. qq, Naldi, L. qr, Nangia, V. qs, Natarajan, G. qt, Negasa, D. E. fm, Negoi, I. fj, fk Negoi, R. I. fj, Newton, C. R. qu, Ngunjiri, J. W. qv, Nguyen, C. T. ia, Nguyen G. a, Nguyen M. a, Q. L. ia, T. H. ia, Nichols E. a, Ningrum, D. N. A. qw, qx Nolte, S. cc, qy Nong, V. M. ia, Norrving, B. ai, Noubiap, J. J. N. mg, ra O'Donnell, M. J. rb, Ogbo, F. A. rc, I. -H. re, Okoro, A. rf, Oladimeji, O. rg, Olagunju, A. T. cg, rh ri, T. O. rj, rl Olsen, H. E. a Olusanya, B. O. rm, Olusanya, J. O. rm, Ong K. a, Opio, J. N. rn, Oren, E. ro, Ortiz, A. rp, Osgood-Zimmerman A. a, Osman, M. rq, uc Owolabi, M. O. rr, rs Pa, M. rt, Pacella, R. E. ru, Pana, A. rv, Panda, B. K. ie, Papachristou, C. rw, Park, E. -K. rx, Parry C. D. y, ry Parsaeian, M. ck, ct Patten, S. B. sa, Patton, G. C. bf, Paulson K. a, Pearce, N. pa, Pereira, D. M. sc, Perico, N. fw, Pesudovs, K. hp, Peterson, C. B. dc, Petzold, M. sd, se Phillips, M. R. oc, sf Pigott, D. M. a Pillay, J. D. sg, Pinho C. a, Plass, D. sh, Pletcher M. A. a, Popova, S. ax, Poulton, R. G. ho, Pourmalek, F. nd, Prabhakaran, D. li, Prasad, N. si, N. M. sj, sk Purcell, C. a Qorbani, M. sl, Quansah, R. sm, sn Rabiee, R. H. S. dh, Radfar, A. so, Rafay, A. sp, sq Rahimi, K. bw, Rahimi-Movaghar, A. cu, V. cv, Rahman, M. sr, M. H. U. ie, Rai, R. K. ss, Rajsic, S. st, Ram, U. ie, Ranabhat, C. L. su, sv Rankin, Z. a Rao, P. V. sw, sx Rao, P. C. a Rawaf, S. ft, Ray S. E. a, Reiner R. C. a, Reinig N. a, Reitsma M. B. a, Remuzzi, G. fw, sy sz, Renzaho, A. M. N. rd, Resnikoff, S. gb, Rezaei, S. ta, Ribeiro, A. L. dd, tb Ronfani, Roshandel, G. cs, tc Roth, G. A. a Roy, A. aa, Rubagotti, E. td, Ruhago, G. M. te, Saadat, S. cv, Sadat N. a, Safdarian, M. cv, Safi, S. al, Safiri, S. tf, Sagar, Sahathevan, R. tg, th Salama, J. a Salomon, J. A. ej, Salvi, S. S. ti, Samy, A. M. tj, Sanabria, J. R. tk, tl Santomauro, D. a d, gz Santos, I. S. fa, Santos, J. V. gp, Santric Milicevic, M. M. eh, Sartorius, B. md, qo Satpathy, M. tn, Sawhney, M. tk, Saxena, Schmidt, M. I. if, Schneider, I. J. C. to, Schöttker, B. tp, tq Schwebel, D. C. tr, Schwendicke, F. ts, Seedat S. z, Sepanlou, S. G. cs, Servan-Mori, E. E. dt, Setegn, T. ci, Shackelford K. A. a, Shaheen, A. tt, Shaikh, M. A. tu, Shamsipour, M. cw, Shariful Islam, S. M. qn, tv Sharma, J. tw, Sharma, R. tx, She, J. lr, Shi, P. pl, Shields C. a, Shigematsu, M. ty, tz Shinohara, Y. ua, Shiri, R. mx, Shirkoohi, R. cx, Shirude S. a, Shishani, K. ub, Shrime, M. G. uc, Sibai, A. M. ud, Sigfusdottir, I. D. ue, Silva, D. A. S. uf, J. P. gq, Silveira, D. G. A. ug, Singh, J. A. tr, N. P. uh, Sinha, D. N. ui, uj Skiadaresi, E. uk, ul Skirbekk, V. kr, na Slepak, E. L. a Sligar, A. a Smith, D. L. a Smith, M. a Sobaih, B. H. A. ce, um Sobngwi, E. un, uo Sorensen, R. J. D. a Sousa, T. C. M. up, Sposato, L. A. rk, Sreeramareddy, C. T. uq, Srinivasan V. a, Stanaway J. D. a, Stathopoulou, V. ur, Steel, N. us, ut Stein, D. J. mf, uu Stein, M. B. hm, Steiner C. a, Steiner, T. J. fs, uv Steinke, S. uw, Stokes, M. A. qz, Stovner, L. J. uv, ux Strub, B. a Subart, M. a Sufiyan, M. B. px, Suliankatchi Abdulkader, R. uy, Sunguya, B. F. te, Sur P. J. a, Swaminathan, S. uz, Sykes, B. L. va, Sylte D. O. a, Tabarés-Seisdedos, R. gu, Taffere G. R. p, Takala, J. S. vb, vc Tandon, N. aa, Tavakkoli, M. vd, Taveira, N. ve, vf Taylor, H. R. bg, Tehrani-Banihashemi, A. pz, qb Tekelab, T. iw, Temam Shifa, G. hv, ij Terkawi, A. S. vg, vh vi, Tesfaye D. J. l, Tesssema, B. bn, Thamsuwan O. a, Thomas K. E. a, Thrift A. G. v, Tiruye, T. Y. fy, Tobe-Gai, R. vk, Tollanes, M. C. kf, vl Tonelli, M. sb, Topor-Madry, R. mu, vm Tortajada, M. os, vn Touvier, M. vo, Tran, B. X. dr, vp Tripathi, S. Troeger, C. a Truelsen, T. vq, Tsoi D. a, Tuem K. B. q, Tuzcu, E. M. vj, Tyrovolas, S. vr, Ukwaja, K. N. vs, Undurraga, E. A. vt, Uneke, C. J. vu, Updike R. a, Uthman, O. A. vv, Uzochukwu, B. S. C. vw, Van Boven, J. F. M. fg, Varughese, S. hg, Vasankari, T. vx, Venkatesh, S. vy, Venketasubramanian, N. vz, Vidavalur, R. wa, Violante, F. S. wb, Vladimirov, S. K. wc, Vlassov, V. V. wd, Vollset S. E. a, ke mz, Wadilo, F. iq, Wakayo, T. ao, Wang, Y. -P. we, Weaver M. a, Weichenthal, S. wf, Weiderpass, E. dg, wg wh, wi Weintraub, R. G. bg, wj wk, Werdecker, A. qf, Westerman, R. qg, wl Whiteford, H. A. a d, gz Wijeratne, T. bg, wm Wiysonge, C. S. z wn, Wolfe, C. D. A. fh, wo Woodbrook, R. a Woolf, A. D. wp, Workicho, A. ao, Wulf Hanson, S. a Xavier, D. wr, G. ws, Yadgir S. a, Yaghoubi, M. qc, wt Yakob, B. qp, Yan, L. L. wu, Yano, Y. wv, P. nx, Yimam, H. H. dp, Yip, P. ww, wx Yonemoto, N. wy, Yoon, S. -J. nr, Yotebieng, M. wz, xa Younis, M. Z. xb, Zaidi, Z. xc, Zaki, M. E. S. xd, Zegeye, E. A. qq, xe Zenebe, Z. M. q Zhang, X. xf, xg Zhou, M. a nx, Zipkin B. a, Zodpey, Zuhlke, L. J. xg, Murray C. J. L. a, Cell biology, Rehabilitation Medicine, Vos, T, Abajobir, A, Abbafati, C, Abbas, K, Abate, K, Abd-Allah, F, Abdulle, A, Abebo, T, Abera, S, R, A, Abu-Raddad, V, Ackerman, L, Adamu, I, Adetokunboh, A, Afarideh, O, M., C, Afshin, A, Agarwal, S. K., A, Aggarwal, R., A, Agrawal, A., A, Ad, A, S., A, Ahmad, K, Ahmadieh, H., A, Am, A, M. B., A, Aichour, A. N., A, I., A, M. T. E., A, Aiyar, S, Akinyemi, R. O., A, At, A, N., A, Av, Al, L, F. H., A, Alahdab, F., A, Ba, A, Z., B, Alam, K., B, Bg, B, N., B, Alam, T, Alasfoor, D., B, Alene, K. A., B, Bo, A, R., B, Alizadeh-Navaei, Alkerwi, A., B, Alla, F., B, Allebeck, P., D, Allen, C, Al-Maskari, F., C, Al-Raddadi, R., C, Alsharif, U., C, Alsowaidi, S., C, Altirkawi, K. A., C, Amare, A. T., C, Ch, A, E., C, Ck, A, W., C, Amoako, Y. A., D, Andersen, H. H., D, Antonio, C. A. T., D, Anwari, Ärnlöv, J., D, Dj, A, A., D, Aryal, K. K., D, Dm, A, H., D, Asgedom, S, Assadi, R., D, Atey, T, Atnafu, N. T., D, Atre, S. R., D, Ds, A, L., D, Avokpaho, E. F. G. A., D, Dv, A, Ayala, Q, B. P., D, Dy, Ba, S, H. O., D, Bacha, U., E, Badawi, Eb, B, K., E, Banerjee, A., E, Bannick, M, Barac, Barber, R, Barker-Collo, S. L., E, Bärnighausen, T., E, El, E, Barquera, S., D, Barregard, L., E, Barrero, L. H., E, Basu, S., E, Battista, B., E, Battle, K. E., B, Baune, B. T., C, Bazargan-Hejazi, Es, B, J., E, Bedi, N., E, Beghi, E., E, Béjot, Y., E, Bekele, B. B., B, Ex, B, M. L., E, Bennett, D. A., B, Bensenor, I. M., F, Benson, J, Berhane, A., F, Berhe, D, Fe, B, E., F, Betsu, B, Beuran, M., F, Fk, B, A. S., F, Bhala, N., F, Fo, B, Bhatt, S., F, Bhutta, Z. A., A, Fu, B, Bienhoff, K, Bikbov, B., F, Birungi, C., E, Biryukov, S, Bisanzio, Bizuayehu, H. M., F, Boneya, D. J., F, Boufous, Bourne, R. R. A., G, Brazinova, A., G, Brugha, T. S., G, Buchbinder, R, Gg, B, L. N. B., F, Bumgarner, B, Butt, Z. A., G, Cahuana-Hurtado, Cameron, E., B, Car, Gi, C, H., G, Carapetis, J. R., G, Cárdenas, R., G, Carpenter, D. O., G, Carrero, J. J., D, Carter, A, Carvalho, F., G, Casey, D, Caso, V., G, Castañeda-Orjuela, C. A., G, Gt, C, Catalá-López, C, Gv, C, H. -Y., G, Gx, C, J. -C., G, Charlson, F, D, G, Chen, H., H, Chibalabala, M., H, Chibueze, C. E., H, Chisumpa, V. H., H, He, C, A. A., H, Christopher, D. J., H, Ciobanu, L. G., C, Cirillo, Colombara, D, Cooper, C., B, Hi, H, Cortesi, P. A., H, Criqui, M. H., H, Crump, J. A., H, Dadi, A. F., B, Hp, D, K., H, Dandona, L, Ag, D, R. a., A, Das, N, J., G, Davitoiu, D. V., F, De, C, B., W, De, L, D., H, Degenhardt, L, Ga, D, Dellavalle, S, R. P., H, Deribe, Hu, Des, J, D. C., H, Hx, D, Dharmaratne, S. D., H, Dhillon, P. K., A, Dicker, D, Ding, E. L., E, Djalalinia, S., H, Do, H. P., I, Dorsey, E. R., I, Dos, S, K. P. B., I, Douwes-Schultz, D, Doyle, Id, D, T. R., B, Dubey, M., I, Duncan, B. B., I, Ig, E, Z. Z., D, Ih, E, Enayati, J, A., I, Endries, A. Y., I, Ermakov, S. P., I, Il, E, H. E. a., D, Gz, E, B., I, In, E, S., I, Esteghamati, A., C, Estep, K, Fanuel, F. B. B., I, Iq, F, C. S. E. S., I, Is, F, Farzadfar, Fazeli, M. S., E, Feigin, V. L., I, Fereshtehnejad, S. -M., D, Fernandes, J. C., I, Ferrari, A, Feyissa, T. R., I, Filip, I., I, Fischer, F., I, Fitzmaurice, C, B, I, Flaxman, A, Flor, L. S., J, Jb, F, N., J, Foreman, K, Franklin, R. C., J, Fullman, N, Fürst, T., F, Je, J, Furtado, J. M., J, Futran, N, Gakidou, E, Ganji, Garcia-Basteiro, A. L., J, Jj, G, T., J, Gebrehiwot, T. T., A, Geleto, Jl, G, B. L., J, Gesesew, H. A., A, Hp, G, P. W., B, Ghajar, Gibney, K. B., J, Gill, P. S., J, Gillum, R. F., J, Ginawi, I. A. M., J, Giref, A. Z., H, Gishu, M. D., F, Jr, G, G., E, Godwin, W, Gold, A, Goldberg, E, Gona, P. N., J, Goodridge, A., J, Gopalani, S. V., J, Goto, Goulart, A. C., E, Jw, G, Gugnani, M, H. C., J, Gupta, R., J, T., K, Kb, G, V., K, Hafezi-Nejad, N., C, Hailu, A. D., H, Kf, H, G. B. q., K, Hamadeh, R. R., K, Hamidi, S., K, Handal, A. J., K, Hankey, G. J., K, Kl, K, Hao, Y., K, Harb, H. L., C, Hareri, H. A., H, Haro, J. M., K, Harvey, J, Hassanvand, M. S., C, Havmoeller, Hawley, C, Hay, R. J., B, Fi, K, Hay, S, Henry, N, Heredia-Pi, I. B., D, Heydarpour, P., C, Hoek, H. W., F, Kq, H, H. J., K, Horita, N., K, Hosgood, H. D., K, Hostiuc, Hotez, P. J., K, Hoy, D. G., K, Htet, A. S., D, Kx, H, G., K, Huang, H., K, Huynh, C, Iburg, K. M., L, Igumbor, E. U., L, Ld, I, Irvine, C, Jacobsen, C, K. H., L, Jahanmehr, Jakovljevic, M, Lf, J, S. K., H, Javanbakht, M., L, Jayaraman, S. P., L, Jeemon, P., A, Li, J, Jha, P, V., B, Lj, J, G., L, John, D., L, Johnson, C, Johnson, S, Jonas, J. B., L, Jürisson, Kabir, Z., L, Kadel, R., L, Kahsay, A, Kamal, Kan, H., L, Karam, N. E., L, Karch, A., L, Lv, K, C. K., J, Lw, K, Cp, K, G. M., F, Kassaw, N. A., H, Kassebaum, N, Lx, K, Katikireddi, S. V., L, Kaul, Kawakami, N., M, Keiyoro, P. N., M, Mc, K, A. P., M, Mg, R, Keren, A., M, Khader, Y. S., M, Khalil, I, Khan, E. A., M, Khang, Y. -H., M, Ml, K, Mm, K, J., M, Kieling, C., I, Mo, K, D., M, Kim, P, Kim, Y. J., M, Kimokoti, R. W., M, Kinfu, Y., M, Kisa, Kissimova-Skarbek, K. A., M, Kivimaki, M., E, Mw, K, A. K., K, Mz, K, Y., N, Kolte, D., N, Kopec, J. A., N, Kosen, S., N, Koul, P. A., N, Koyanagi, A., N, Kravchenko, M., N, Krishnaswami, Krohn, K, Kuate, D, B., N, Kucuk, B, Kumar, G. A., A, P., I, Kyu, H, Lal, D. K., A, Lalloo, R, Lambert, N., N, Lan, Q., N, Larsson, Lavados, P. M., N, Leasher, J. L., N, Lee, J. -T., N, P. H., N, Leigh, J., B, Leshargie, C. T., F, Leung, J, D, L, R., N, Levi, Li, Nz, Li, K, Liang, D, X., N, Liben, M. L., O, Lim, S, Linn, S., O, Liu, A, Liu, P, Liu, Y., O, Lodha, Logroscino, G., O, London, S. J., O, Looker, K. J., O, Lopez, A. D., B, Lorkowski, Oh, L, P. A., F, Low, N., O, Lozano, R, Dt, L, T. C. D., B, Macarayan, E. R. K., E, Oj, Magdy Abd El, R, H., O, M., O, Mahdavi, Om, M, Majdzadeh, Oo, M, Malekzadeh, Malhotra, Malta, D. C., O, Mamun, A. A., O, Manguerra, H, Manhertz, T, Mantilla, A, Mantovani, L, Mapoma, C. C., H, Marczak, L, Martinez-Raga, J., H, Ot, M, F. R., O, Martopullo, I, März, W., O, Ow, M, M. R., A, Ef, M, Mcalinden, C., O, Oz, M, Mcgrath, M, J. J. f., L, Mckee, M., P, Mcnellan, C, Mehata, S., P, Mehndiratta, M. M., P, Mekonnen, T. C., P, Memiah, P., P, Memish, Z. A., P, Pg, M, W., P, Mengistie, M. A., A, Mengistu, D, Mensah, G. A., K, Meretoja, Pi, M, T. J., M, Pj, M, Micha, H, R., P, Millear, A, Miller, T. R., P, Pn, M, E. J., P, Mirarefin, M, Pp, M, E. M., P, Pr, M, Mishra, A, S. R. g., P, Mitchell, P. B., G, Mohammad, K. A., P, Pu, M, A., P, Mohammed, K, Mohammed, Pw, M, S. K., I, Mokdad, A, Mollenkopf, S, Monasta, L., P, Hernandez, J. M., D, Montico, Moradi-Lakeh, M., Q, Moraga, P., Q, Mori, R., Q, Morozoff, C, Morrison, S, Moses, M, Mountjoy-Venning, C, Mruts, K. B., F, Mueller, U. O., Q, Muller, K, Murdoch, M. E., Q, Murthy, G. V. S., A, Pa, M, K. I., Q, Nachega, J, Qk, Q, Nagel, G., Q, Naghavi, M, Naheed, A., Q, Naidoo, K. S., Q, Naldi, L., Q, Nangia, V., Q, Natarajan, Negasa, D. E., F, Negoi, I., F, Fk, N, R. I., F, Newton, C. R., Q, Ngunjiri, J. W., Q, Nguyen, C. T., I, Nguyen, G, Nguyen, M, Q. L., I, T. H., I, Nichols, E, Ningrum, D. N. A., Q, Qx, N, Qy, N, V. M., I, Norrving, B., A, Noubiap, J. J. N., M, Ra, O, M. J., R, Ogbo, F. A., R, Oh, I. -H., R, Okoro, A., R, Oladimeji, O., R, Olagunju, Rh, R, T. O., R, Rl, O, Olusanya, H, B. O., R, Olusanya, J. O., R, Ong, K, Opio, J. N., R, Oren, E., R, Ortiz, Osgood-Zimmerman, A, Osman, M., R, Uc, O, M. O., R, Rs, P, Pacella, R. E., R, Pana, Panda, B. K., I, Papachristou, C., R, Park, E. -K., R, Parry, C, Ry, P, Ct, P, S. B., S, Patton, G. C., B, Paulson, K, Pearce, N., P, Pereira, D. M., S, Perico, Pesudovs, Peterson, C. B., D, Petzold, M., S, Se, P, M. R., O, Sf, P, Pillay, D, J. D., S, Pinho, C, Plass, D., S, Pletcher, M, Popova, Poulton, R. G., H, Pourmalek, F., N, Prabhakaran, Prasad, N., S, N. M., S, Sk, P, Qorbani, C, Quansah, R., S, Sn, R, R. H. S., D, Radfar, A., S, Rafay, Sq, R, Rahimi-Movaghar, V., C, Rahman, M. H. U., I, Rai, R. K., S, Rajsic, S., S, Ram, U., I, Ranabhat, C. L., S, Sv, R, Rao, Z, P. V., S, Sx, R, Rawaf, P, Ray, S, Reiner, R, Reinig, N, Reitsma, M, Remuzzi, G., F, Sy, S, Renzaho, A. M. N., R, Resnikoff, S., G, Rezaei, S., T, Ribeiro, A. L., D, Tb, R, Roshandel, G., C, Tc, R, Roy, G, Rubagotti, E., T, Ruhago, G. M., T, Saadat, Sadat, N, Safdarian, Safi, Safiri, Sagar, Sahathevan, R., T, Th, S, Salomon, J, J. A., E, Salvi, S. S., T, Samy, A. M., T, Sanabria, J. R., T, Tl, S, D, D, Gz, S, I. S., F, Santos, J. V., G, Tm, Santric, M, M. M., E, Sartorius, B., M, Qo, S, M., T, Sawhney, Saxena, Schmidt, M. I., I, Schneider, I. J. C., T, Schöttker, B., T, Tq, S, D. C., T, Schwendicke, F., T, Seedat, S, Sepanlou, S. G., C, Servan-Mori, E. E., D, Setegn, T., C, Shackelford, K, Shaheen, A., T, Shaikh, M. A., T, Shamsipour, Shariful, I, S. M., Q, Tv, S, J., T, Sharma, She, J., L, Shi, Shields, C, Shigematsu, Tz, S, Y., U, Shiri, R., M, Shirkoohi, Shirude, S, Shishani, K., U, Shrime, M. G., U, Sibai, A. M., U, Sigfusdottir, I. D., U, Silva, D. A. S., U, J. P., G, Silveira, D. G. A., U, Singh, J. A., T, N. P., U, Sinha, D. N., U, Uj, S, E., U, Ul, S, Na, S, Sligar, E, Smith, A, Smith, D, Sobaih, M, B. H. A., C, Um, S, Uo, S, Sousa, R, T. C. M., U, Sposato, L. A., R, Sreeramareddy, C. T., U, Srinivasan, V, Stanaway, J, Stathopoulou, V., U, Steel, N., U, Ut, S, D. J., M, Uu, S, M. B., H, Steiner, C, Steiner, T. J., F, Uv, S, S., U, Stokes, M. A., Q, Stovner, L. J., U, Ux, S, Subart, B, Sufiyan, M, M. B., P, Suliankatchi, A, R., U, Sunguya, B. F., T, Sur, P, Swaminathan, Sykes, B. L., V, Sylte, D, Tabarés-Seisdedos, Taffere, G, Takala, J. S., V, Vc, T, Tavakkoli, M., V, Taveira, N., V, Vf, T, H. R., B, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Qb, T, T., I, Jl, Temam, S, G., H, Ij, T, A. S., V, Vh, V, Tesfaye, D, Tesssema, B., B, Thamsuwan, O, Thomas, K, Thrift, A, Tiruye, T. Y., F, Tobe-Gai, R., V, Tollanes, M. C., K, Vl, T, Topor-Madry, Vm, T, Vn, T, Tran, B. X., D, Vp, T, Truelsen, C, T., V, Tsoi, D, Tuem, K, Tuzcu, E. M., V, Tyrovolas, S., V, Ukwaja, K. N., V, Undurraga, E. A., V, Uneke, C. J., V, Updike, R, Uthman, O. A., V, Uzochukwu, B. S. C., V, Van, B, J. F. M., F, Varughese, Vasankari, Venkatesh, Venketasubramanian, Vidavalur, R., W, Violante, F. S., W, Vladimirov, S. K., W, Vlassov, V. V., W, Vollset, S, Ke, M, Wadilo, Wakayo, T., A, Wang, Y. -P., W, Weaver, M, Weichenthal, S., W, Weiderpass, E., D, Wg, W, Wi, W, R. G., B, Wj, W, Werdecker, Westerman, Wl, W, H. A. a., D, Gz, W, T., B, Wm, W, C. S. z., W, Wolfe, C. D. A., F, Wo, W, Woolf, R, A. D., W, Workicho, Wq, Wulf, H, Xavier, S, D., W, Xu, G., W, Yadgir, S, Yaghoubi, Wt, Y, B., Q, Yan, L. L., W, Yano, Y., W, Ye, P., N, Yimam, Yip, P., W, Wx, Y, N., W, Yoon, S. -J., N, Yotebieng, M., W, Xa, Y, M. Z., X, Zaidi, Z., X, Zaki, M. E. S., X, Zegeye, E. A., Q, Xe, Z, Zhang, Z, X., X, Xg, Z, M. a., N, Zipkin, B, Zodpey, Zuhlke, L. J., X, Murray, C, Viðskiptadeild (HR), School of Business (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, Vos, Theo, Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abbas, Kaja M., Abate, Kalkidan Hassen, Abd-Allah, Foad, Abdulle, Abdishakur M., Abebo, Teshome Abuka, Abera, Semaw Ferede, Aboyans, Victor, Abu-Raddad, Laith J., Ackerman, Ilana N., Adamu, Abdu Abdullahi, Adetokunboh, Olatunji, Afarideh, Mohsen, Afshin, Ashkan, Agarwal, Sanjay Kumar, Aggarwal, Rakesh, Agrawal, Anurag, Agrawal, Sutapa, Ahmad Kiadaliri, Aliasghar, Ahmadieh, Hamid, Ahmed, Muktar Beshir, Aichour, Amani Nidhal, Aichour, Ibtihel, Aichour, Miloud Taki Eddine, Aiyar, Sneha, Akinyemi, Rufus Olusola, Akseer, Nadia, Al Lami, Faris Hasan, Alahdab, Fare, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Alam, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alam, Tahiya, Alasfoor, Deena, Alene, Kefyalew Addi, Ali, Raghib, Alizadeh-Navaei, Reza, Alkerwi, Ala'a, Alla, Françoi, Allebeck, Peter, Allen, Christine, Al-Maskari, Fatma, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa, Alsharif, Ubai, Alsowaidi, Shirina, Altirkawi, Khalid A., Amare, Azmeraw T., Amini, Erfan, Ammar, Walid, Amoako, Yaw Ampem, Andersen, Hjalte H., Antonio, Carl Abelardo T., Anwari, Palwasha, Ärnlöv, Johan, Artaman, Al, Aryal, Krishna Kumar, Asayesh, Hamid, Asgedom, Solomon W., Assadi, Reza, Atey, Tesfay Mehari, Atnafu, Niguse Tadele, Atre, Sachin R., Avila-Burgos, Leticia, Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G. Arthur, Awasthi, Ashish, Ayala Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina, Ba Saleem, Huda Omer, Bacha, Umar, Badawi, Alaa, Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Banerjee, Amitava, Bannick, Marlena S., Barac, Aleksandra, Barber, Ryan M., Barker-Collo, Suzanne L., Bärnighausen, Till, Barquera, Simon, Barregard, Lar, Barrero, Lope H., Basu, Sanjay, Battista, Bob, Battle, Katherine E., Baune, Bernhard T., Bazargan-Hejazi, Shahrzad, Beardsley, Justin, Bedi, Neeraj, Beghi, Ettore, Béjot, Yannick, Bekele, Bayu Begashaw, Bell, Michelle L., Bennett, Derrick A., Bensenor, Isabela M., Benson, Jennifer, Berhane, Adugnaw, Berhe, Derbew Fikadu, Bernabé, Eduardo, Betsu, Balem Demtsu, Beuran, Mircea, Beyene, Addisu Shunu, Bhala, Neeraj, Bhansali, Anil, Bhatt, Samir, Bhutta, Zulfiqar A., Biadgilign, Sibhatu, Bienhoff, Kelly, Bikbov, Bori, Birungi, Charle, Biryukov, Stan, Bisanzio, Donal, Bizuayehu, Habtamu Mellie, Boneya, Dube Jara, Boufous, Soufiane, Bourne, Rupert R.A., Brazinova, Alexandra, Brugha, Traolach S., Buchbinder, Rachelle, Bulto, Lemma Negesa Bulto, Bumgarner, Blair R., Butt, Zahid A., Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Cameron, Ewan, Car, Mate, Carabin, Hélène, Carapetis, Jonathan R., Cárdenas, Rosario, Carpenter, David O., Carrero, Juan Jesu, Carter, Austin, Carvalho, Felix, Casey, Daniel C., Caso, Valeria, Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A., Castle, Chris D., Catalá-López, Ferrán, Chang, Hsing-Yi, Chang, Jung-Chen, Charlson, Fiona J., Chen, Honglei, Chibalabala, Mirriam, Chibueze, Chioma Ezinne, Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe, Chitheer, Abdulaal A., Christopher, Devasahayam Jesuda, Ciobanu, Liliana G., Cirillo, Massimo, Colombara, Danny, Cooper, Cyru, Cortesi, Paolo Angelo, Criqui, Michael H., Crump, John A., Dadi, Abel Fekadu, Dalal, Koustuv, Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, Das Neves, José, Davitoiu, Dragos V., De Courten, Barbora, De Leo, Diego, Degenhardt, Louisa, Deiparine, Selina, Dellavalle, Robert P., Deribe, Kebede, Des Jarlais, Don C., Dey, Subhojit, Dharmaratne, Samath D., Dhillon, Preet Kaur, Dicker, Daniel, Ding, Eric L., Djalalinia, Shirin, Do, Huyen Phuc, Dorsey, E. Ray, Dos Santos, Kadine Priscila Bender, Douwes-Schultz, Dirk, Doyle, Kerrie E., Driscoll, Tim R., Dubey, Manisha, Duncan, Bruce Bartholow, El-Khatib, Ziad Ziad, Ellerstrand, Jerisha, Enayati, Ahmadali, Endries, Aman Yesuf, Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich, Erskine, Holly E., Eshrati, Babak, Eskandarieh, Sharareh, Esteghamati, Alireza, Estep, Kara, Fanuel, Fanuel Belayneh Bekele, Farinha, Carla Sofia E. Sa, Faro, André, Farzadfar, Farshad, Fazeli, Mir Sohail, Feigin, Valery L., Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad, Fernandes, João C., Ferrari, Alize J., Feyissa, Tesfaye Regassa, Filip, Irina, Fischer, Florian, Fitzmaurice, Christina, Flaxman, Abraham D., Flor, Luisa Sorio, Foigt, Nataliya, Foreman, Kyle J., Franklin, Richard C., Fullman, Nancy, Fürst, Thoma, Furtado, Joao M., Futran, Neal D., Gakidou, Emmanuela, Ganji, Morsaleh, Garcia-Basteiro, Alberto L., Gebre, Teshome, Gebrehiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Geleto, Ayele, Gemechu, Bikila Lencha, Gesesew, Hailay Abrha, Gething, Peter W., Ghajar, Alireza, Gibney, Katherine B., Gill, Paramjit Singh, Gillum, Richard F., Ginawi, Ibrahim Abdelmageem Mohamed, Giref, Ababi Zergay, Gishu, Melkamu Dedefo, Giussani, Giorgia, Godwin, William W., Gold, Audra L., Goldberg, Ellen M., Gona, Philimon N., Goodridge, Amador, Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Goto, Atsushi, Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho, Griswold, Max, Gugnani, Harish Chander, Gupta, Rahul, Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Tanush, Gupta, Vipin, Hafezi-Nejad, Nima, Hailu, Alemayehu Desalegne, Hailu, Gessessew Bugssa, Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Hamidi, Samer, Handal, Alexis J., Hankey, Graeme J., Hao, Yuantao, Harb, Hilda L., Hareri, Habtamu Abera, Haro, Josep Maria, Harvey, Jame, Hassanvand, Mohammad Sadegh, Havmoeller, Rasmu, Hawley, Caitlin, Hay, Roderick J., Hay, Simon I., Henry, Nathaniel J., Heredia-Pi, Ileana Beatriz, Heydarpour, Pouria, Hoek, Hans W., Hoffman, Howard J., Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H. Dean, Hostiuc, Sorin, Hotez, Peter J., Hoy, Damian G., Htet, Aung Soe, Hu, Guoqing, Huang, Hsiang, Huynh, Chantal, Iburg, Kim Moesgaard, Igumbor, Ehimario Uche, Ikeda, Chad, Irvine, Caleb Mackay Salpeter, Jacobsen, Kathryn H., Jahanmehr, Nader, Jakovljevic, Mihajlo B., Jassal, Simerjot K., Javanbakht, Mehdi, Jayaraman, Sudha P., Jeemon, Panniyammakal, Jensen, Paul N., Jha, Vivekanand, Jiang, Guohong, John, Denny, Johnson, Catherine O., Johnson, Sarah Charlotte, Jonas, Jost B., Jürisson, Mikk, Kabir, Zubair, Kadel, Rajendra, Kahsay, Amaha, Kamal, Ritul, Kan, Haidong, Karam, Nadim E., Karch, André, Karema, Corine Kakizi, Kasaeian, Amir, Kassa, Getachew Mullu, Kassaw, Nigussie Assefa, Kassebaum, Nicholas J., Kastor, Anshul, Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal, Kaul, Anil, Kawakami, Norito, Keiyoro, Peter Njenga, Kengne, Andre Pascal, Keren, Andre, Khader, Yousef Saleh, Khalil, Ibrahim A., Khan, Ejaz Ahmad, Khang, Young-Ho, Khosravi, Ardeshir, Khubchandani, Jagdish, Kieling, Christian, Kim, Daniel, Kim, Pauline, Kim, Yun Jin, Kimokoti, Ruth W., Kinfu, Yohanne, Kisa, Adnan, Kissimova-Skarbek, Katarzyna A., Kivimaki, Mika, Knudsen, Ann Kristin, Kokubo, Yoshihiro, Kolte, Dhaval, Kopec, Jacek A., Kosen, Soewarta, Koul, Parvaiz A., Koyanagi, Ai, Kravchenko, Michael, Krishnaswami, Sanjay, Krohn, Kristopher J., Kuate Defo, Barthelemy, Kucuk Bicer, Burcu, Kumar, G. Anil, Kumar, Pushpendra, Kumar, Sanjiv, Kyu, Hmwe H., Lal, Dharmesh Kumar, Lalloo, Ratilal, Lambert, Nkurunziza, Lan, Qing, Larsson, Ander, Lavados, Pablo M., Leasher, Janet L., Lee, Jong-Tae, Lee, Paul H., Leigh, Jame, Leshargie, Cheru Tesema, Leung, Janni, Leung, Ricky, Levi, Miriam, Li, Yichong, Li, Yongmei, Li Kappe, Darya, Liang, Xiaofeng, Liben, Misgan Legesse, Lim, Stephen S., Linn, Shai, Liu, Angela, Liu, Patrick Y., Liu, Shiwei, Liu, Yang, Lodha, Rakesh, Logroscino, Giancarlo, London, Stephanie J., Looker, Katharine J., Lopez, Alan D., Lorkowski, Stefan, Lotufo, Paulo A., Low, Nicola, Lozano, Rafael, Lucas, Timothy C.D., Macarayan, Erlyn Rachelle King, Magdy Abd El Razek, Hassan, Magdy Abd El Razek, Mohammed, Mahdavi, Mahdi, Majdan, Marek, Majdzadeh, Reza, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malhotra, Rajesh, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Mamun, Abdullah A., Manguerra, Helena, Manhertz, Treh, Mantilla, Ana, Mantovani, Lorenzo G., Mapoma, Chabila C., Marczak, Laurie B., Martinez-Raga, Jose, Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio, Martopullo, Ira, März, Winfried, Mathur, Manu Raj, Mazidi, Mohsen, McAlinden, Colm, McGaughey, Madeline, McGrath, John J., McKee, Martin, McNellan, Claire, Mehata, Suresh, Mehndiratta, Man Mohan, Mekonnen, Tefera Chane, Memiah, Peter, Memish, Ziad A., Mendoza, Walter, Mengistie, Mubarek Abera, Mengistu, Desalegn Tadese, Mensah, George A., Meretoja, Atte, Meretoja, Tuomo J., Mezgebe, Haftay Berhane, Micha, Renata, Millear, Anoushka, Miller, Ted R., Mills, Edward J., Mirarefin, Mojde, Mirrakhimov, Erkin M., Misganaw, Awoke, Mishra, Shiva Raj, Mitchell, Philip B., Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Mohammadi, Alireza, Mohammed, Kedir Endri, Mohammed, Shafiu, Mohanty, Sanjay K., Mokdad, Ali H., Mollenkopf, Sarah K., Monasta, Lorenzo, Hernandez, Julio Montañez, Montico, Marcella, Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Moraga, Paula, Mori, Rintaro, Morozoff, Chloe, Morrison, Shane D., Moses, Mark, Mountjoy-Venning, Cliff, Mruts, Kalayu Birhane, Mueller, Ulrich O., Muller, Kate, Murdoch, Michele E., Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Nachega, Jean B., Nagel, Gabriele, Naghavi, Mohsen, Naheed, Aliya, Naidoo, Kovin S., Naldi, Luigi, Nangia, Vinay, Natarajan, Gopalakrishnan, Negasa, Dumessa Edessa, Negoi, Ionut, Negoi, Ruxandra Irina, Newton, Charles R., Ngunjiri, Josephine Wanjiku, Nguyen, Cuong Tat, Nguyen, Grant, Nguyen, Minh, Nguyen, Quyen Le, Nguyen, Trang Huyen, Nichols, Emma, Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini, Nolte, Sandra, Nong, Vuong Minh, Norrving, Bo, Noubiap, Jean Jacques N., O'Donnell, Martin J., Ogbo, Felix Akpojene, Oh, In-Hwan, Okoro, Anselm, Oladimeji, Olanrewaju, Olagunju, Andrew Toyin, Olagunju, Tinuke Oluwasefunmi, Olsen, Helen E., Olusanya, Bolajoko Olubukunola, Olusanya, Jacob Olusegun, Ong, Kanyin, Opio, John Nelson, Oren, Eyal, Ortiz, Alberto, Osgood-Zimmerman, Aaron, Osman, Majdi, Owolabi, Mayowa O., Pa, Mahesh, Pacella, Rosana E., Pana, Adrian, Panda, Basant Kumar, Papachristou, Christina, Park, Eun-Kee, Parry, Charles D., Parsaeian, Mahboubeh, Patten, Scott B., Patton, George C., Paulson, Katherine, Pearce, Neil, Pereira, David M., Perico, Norberto, Pesudovs, Konrad, Peterson, Carrie Beth, Petzold, Max, Phillips, Michael Robert, Pigott, David M., Pillay, Julian David, Pinho, Christine, Plass, Dietrich, Pletcher, Martin A., Popova, Svetlana, Poulton, Richie G., Pourmalek, Farshad, Prabhakaran, Dorairaj, Prasad, Narayan, Prasad, Noela M., Purcell, Carrie, Qorbani, Mostafa, Quansah, Reginald, Rabiee, Rynaz H.S., Radfar, Amir, Rafay, Anwar, Rahimi, Kazem, Rahimi-Movaghar, Afarin, Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Rajsic, Sasa, Ram, Usha, Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal, Rankin, Zane, Rao, Paturi Vishnupriya, Rao, Puja C., Rawaf, Salman, Ray, Sarah E., Reiner, Robert C., Reinig, Nikola, Reitsma, Marissa B., Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Renzaho, Andre M.N., Resnikoff, Serge, Rezaei, Satar, Ribeiro, Antonio L., Ronfani, Luca, Roshandel, Gholamreza, Roth, Gregory A., Roy, Ambuj, Rubagotti, Enrico, Ruhago, George Mugambage, Saadat, Soheil, Sadat, Nafi, Safdarian, Mahdi, Safi, Sare, Safiri, Saeid, Sagar, Rajesh, Sahathevan, Ramesh, Salama, Joseph, Salomon, Joshua A., Salvi, Sundeep Santosh, Samy, Abdallah M., Sanabria, Juan R., Santomauro, Damian, Santos, Itamar S., Santos, João Vasco, Santric Milicevic, Milena M., Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Sawhney, Monika, Saxena, Sonia, Schmidt, Maria Inê, Schneider, Ione J.C., Schöttker, Ben, Schwebel, David C., Schwendicke, Falk, Seedat, Soraya, Sepanlou, Sadaf G., Servan-Mori, Edson E., Setegn, Tesfaye, Shackelford, Katya Anne, Shaheen, Amira, Shaikh, Masood Ali, Shamsipour, Mansour, Shariful Islam, Sheikh Mohammed, Sharma, Jayendra, Sharma, Rajesh, She, Jun, Shi, Peilin, Shields, Chloe, Shigematsu, Mika, Shinohara, Yukito, Shiri, Rahman, Shirkoohi, Reza, Shirude, Shreya, Shishani, Kawkab, Shrime, Mark G., Sibai, Abla Mehio, Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Silva, Diego Augusto Santo, Silva, João Pedro, Silveira, Dayane Gabriele Alve, Singh, Jasvinder A., Singh, Narinder Pal, Sinha, Dhirendra Narain, Skiadaresi, Eirini, Skirbekk, Vegard, Slepak, Erica Leigh, Sligar, Amber, Smith, David L., Smith, Mari, Sobaih, Badr H.A., Sobngwi, Eugene, Sorensen, Reed J.D., Sousa, Tatiane Cristina Morae, Sposato, Luciano A., Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T., Srinivasan, Vinay, Stanaway, Jeffrey D., Stathopoulou, Vasiliki, Steel, Nichola, Stein, Dan J., Stein, Murray B., Steiner, Caitlyn, Steiner, Timothy J., Steinke, Sabine, Stokes, Mark Andrew, Stovner, Lars Jacob, Strub, Bryan, Subart, Michelle, Sufiyan, Muawiyyah Babale, Suliankatchi Abdulkader, Rizwan, Sunguya, Bruno F., Sur, Patrick J., Swaminathan, Soumya, Sykes, Bryan L., Sylte, Dillon O., Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael, Taffere, Getachew Redae, Takala, Jukka S., Tandon, Nikhil, Tavakkoli, Mohammad, Taveira, Nuno, Taylor, Hugh R., Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash, Tekelab, Tesfalidet, Temam Shifa, Girma, Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman, Tesfaye, Dawit Jember, Tesssema, Belay, Thamsuwan, Ornwipa, Thomas, Katie E., Thrift, Amanda G., Tiruye, Tenaw Yimer, Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan, Tollanes, Mette C., Tonelli, Marcello, Topor-Madry, Roman, Tortajada, Miguel, Touvier, Mathilde, Tran, Bach Xuan, Tripathi, Suryakant, Troeger, Christopher, Truelsen, Thoma, Tsoi, Derrick, Tuem, Kald Beshir, Tuzcu, Emin Murat, Tyrovolas, Stefano, Ukwaja, Kingsley N., Undurraga, Eduardo A., Uneke, Chigozie Jesse, Updike, Rachel, Uthman, Olalekan A., Uzochukwu, Benjamin S. Chudi, Van Boven, Job F.M., Varughese, Santosh, Vasankari, Tommi, Venkatesh, S., Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy, Vidavalur, Ramesh, Violante, Francesco S., Vladimirov, Sergey K., Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich, Vollset, Stein Emil, Wadilo, Fiseha, Wakayo, Tolassa, Wang, Yuan-Pang, Weaver, Marcia, Weichenthal, Scott, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Weintraub, Robert G., Werdecker, Andrea, Westerman, Ronny, Whiteford, Harvey A., Wijeratne, Tissa, Wiysonge, Charles Shey, Wolfe, Charles D.A., Woodbrook, Rachel, Woolf, Anthony D., Workicho, Abdulhalik, Wulf Hanson, Sarah, Xavier, Deni, Xu, Gelin, Yadgir, Simon, Yaghoubi, Mohsen, Yakob, Bereket, Yan, Lijing L., Yano, Yuichiro, Ye, Pengpeng, Yimam, Hassen Hamid, Yip, Paul, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Yotebieng, Marcel, Younis, Mustafa Z., Zaidi, Zoubida, Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed, Zegeye, Elias Asfaw, Zenebe, Zerihun Menlkalew, Zhang, Xueying, Zhou, Maigeng, Zipkin, Ben, Zodpey, Sanjay, Zuhlke, Liesl Joanna, and Murray, Christopher J.L.
- Subjects
Dánarmein ,People with disabilities ,Heilsufar ,Dánartíðni ,Langlífi ,Age disdtribution ,Diseases ,Socioeconomic factors ,Population aging ,Bakverkir ,Heilbrigðisstefna ,Population growth ,Psychology ,Women ,Low back pain ,Mortality ,Health Estimates Reporting ,Public health systems ,medicine (all) ,Konur ,Tölfræði ,Heilsugæsla ,Aldraðir ,Sjúkdómar ,Global burden of disease/statistics and numerical data ,Wounds and injuries ,Health care ,Fatlaðir ,Respiratory infections ,Men ,Þjóðir ,Staðtölur ,Öndunarfærasjúkdómar ,Heilbrigðisþjónusta ,Health policy ,Lýðfræði ,Sálfræði ,World health ,Áverkar ,Karlar ,Health service ,Dental caries ,Félagshagfræði ,Mannfjöldi ,Older people ,Fólksfjölgun ,Cause of death/trends ,Heilbrigðiskerfi ,Tannskemmdir - Abstract
Background As mortality rates decline, life expectancy increases, and populations age, non-fatal outcomes of diseases and injuries are becoming a larger component of the global burden of disease. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive assessment of prevalence, incidence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) for 328 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016. Methods We estimated prevalence and incidence for 328 diseases and injuries and 2982 sequelae, their non-fatal consequences. We used DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool, as the main method of estimation, ensuring consistency between incidence, prevalence, remission, and cause of death rates for each condition. For some causes, we used alternative modelling strategies if incidence or prevalence needed to be derived from other data. YLDs were estimated as the product of prevalence and a disability weight for all mutually exclusive sequelae, corrected for comorbidity and aggregated to cause level. We updated the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary indicator of income per capita, years of schooling, and total fertility rate. GBD 2016 complies with the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER). Findings Globally, low back pain, migraine, age-related and other hearing loss, iron-deficiency anaemia, and major depressive disorder were the five leading causes of YLDs in 2016, contributing 57.6 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 40.8-75.9 million [7.2%, 6.0-8.3]), 45.1 million (29.0-62.8 million [5.6%, 4.0-7.2]), 36.3 million (25.3-50.9 million [4.5%, 3.8-5.3]), 34.7 million (23.0-49.6 million [4.3%, 3.5-5.2]), and 34.1 million (23.5-46.0 million [4.2%, 3.2-5.3]) of total YLDs, respectively. Age-standardised rates of YLDs for all causes combined decreased between 1990 and 2016 by 2.7% (95% UI 2.3-3.1). Despite mostly stagnant age-standardised rates, the absolute number of YLDs from non-communicable diseases has been growing rapidly across all SDI quintiles, partly because of population growth, but also the ageing of populations. The largest absolute increases in total numbers of YLDs globally were between the ages of 40 and 69 years. Age-standardised YLD rates for all conditions combined were 10.4% (95% UI 9.0-11.8) higher in women than in men. Iron-deficiency anaemia, migraine, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, major depressive disorder, anxiety, and all musculoskeletal disorders apart from gout were the main conditions contributing to higher YLD rates in women. Men had higher age-standardised rates of substance use disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and all injuries apart from sexual violence. Globally, we noted much less geographical variation in disability than has been documented for premature mortality. In 2016, there was a less than two times difference in age-standardised YLD rates for all causes between the location with the lowest rate (China, 9201 YLDs per 100 000, 95% UI 6862-11943) and highest rate (Yemen, 14 774 YLDs per 100 000, 11 018-19 228). Interpretation The decrease in death rates since 1990 for most causes has not been matched by a similar decline in age-standardised YLD rates. For many large causes, YLD rates have either been stagnant or have increased for some causes, such as diabetes. As populations are ageing, and the prevalence of disabling disease generally increases steeply with age, health systems will face increasing demand for services that are generally costlier than the interventions that have led to declines in mortality in childhood or for the major causes of mortality in adults. Up-todate information about the trends of disease and how this varies between countries is essential to plan for an adequate health-system response., Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health.
- Published
- 2017
27. Empowering female ethnic minority students in Iceland
- Author
Ragnarsdottir, Hanna, Blöndal, Hildur, School of Education (UI), Menntavísindasvið (HÍ), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
Menntun ,Immigrants ,Educational sociology ,Empowerment ,Women ,Minnihlutahópar ,Konur ,Valdefling ,Nemendur - Abstract
Introduction Immigration to Iceland has been increasing steadily since 1995 and has reached 7.4 % in 2015 (Hagstofa Íslands, 2016). This fact has brought with it new inspiration and challenges for the educational researcher that seeks to understand the educational needs of diverse students and how to provide them with effective learning opportunities. In this article, we take a critical look at the University of Iceland’s School of Education International Studies in Education (ISE) program and ask how this program has influenced the lives of the participating women who all have an immigrant background. Drawing on the knowledge gained through personal narratives and focus group interviews in 2011, we sought to answer the following key questions: In what way can education be an instrumental part of women’s empowerment, and how can it be a fundamental component in giving women the “tools” they need to reach their goals and aspirations? What role does the critical pedagogy emphasis of the program play for the educational achievements of the women and how does it facilitate a multicultural learning community?
- Published
- 2017
28. Gender Balance in Executive Management: Top-Managers’ Understanding of Barriers and Solutions from the Demand–Supply Perspective
- Author
Laufey Axelsdóttir, Sigtona Halrynjo, Stjórnmálafræðideild (HÍ), Faculty of Political Science (UI), Félagsvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Social Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
Menntun ,Stjórnir ,Jafnréttismál ,05 social sciences ,Perspective (graphical) ,Gender balance ,Supply and demand ,Gender Studies ,Political science ,0502 economics and business ,050207 economics ,Marketing ,Stjórnendur ,Konur ,050203 business & management ,Social Sciences (miscellaneous) - Abstract
Publisher's version (útgefin grein), The under-representation of women in executive management stands in contrast to their educational attainment, and labor market participation in most countries. This paper examines to what degree top-managers in the gender equal states, Iceland and Norway, agree with established demand–supply explanations of the problem, and suggested instruments for solutions. Drawing on a quantitative dataset of 908 managers in the 250 largest companies, the results emphasize that the divide between demand- and supply-side barriers and solutions may be less clear-cut in practice than theory. Our findings suggest a combination of demand- and supply-policies to enhance gender balance in top-executive management., This project was supported by the Icelandic Centre for Research (grant number 141630-51), the Norwegian Research Council (grant number 236770), and by CORE—Centre for Research on Gender Equality (grant number 10212).
- Published
- 2018
29. Professional roles, leadership and identities of Icelandic preschool teachers: perceptions of stakeholders
- Author
Jónsdóttir, Arna H., Marianne Coleman, and University of London
- Subjects
Kynhlutverk ,Leikskólakennarar ,Doktorsritgerðir ,Rannsóknir ,Ímynd ,Konur ,Leikskólastjórar - Abstract
Ritgerðin var varin 25. júní 2012 við Institute of Education, University of London, The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how the professional role and leadership of preschool teachers are perceived by them and other stakeholders and what contextual factors affect the preschool teachers’ role and leadership. A further purpose is to investigate how preschool teachers see their professional identity and how the stakeholders’ perceptions and relevant contextual factors appear to affect this. The research also has a political purpose as it is giving a voice to a profession that has been fighting for many years for acknowledgement whilst a gendered stereotypical view and discourse in society means that working with the youngest children is considered women’s work and therefore subordinated. A theoretical framework, emerging from the literature, is used to analyse the findings, including Whitty’s (2008) and Oberhuemer’s (2005) ideas of ‘democratic professionalism’. The theoretical perspective, or the philosophical stance, informing the methodology of the research, is interpretive, or ‘symbolic interactionism’, which stems from the pragmatist philosopher and social psychologist George Herbert Mead (1934), and the sociologist Herbert Blumer (1969). The main research tool used is focus group interviews. The main findings of the research reveal that the preschool teachers tend to focus on the educational dimension of their role where they see themselves as professionals and experts. All elements strengthening that dimension are perceived as ‘positive’. They hardly mention the preschools’ function of social justice and contextual factors related to the economic function, as the number of children in the groups (classes) and the children’s long day in preschools are affecting their role and leadership in a ‘negative’ way and impacting on their professional identity. Leadership within preschools is mainly seen as traditional and the professional identities of Icelandic preschool teachers, or how they see themselves as professionals and leaders, are also affected by prevailing stereotypically gendered perceptions of some of the stakeholders. In fact they are barely differentiated from the laypersons who numerically dominate their field.
- Published
- 2012
30. Migration and Cultural Transmission: Making a Home in Iceland
- Author
Ísberg, Nína Rós, Mike Rowlands, and University of London
- Subjects
Innflytjendur ,Mannfræði ,Matarmenning ,Doktorsritgerðir ,Siðvenjur ,Konur - Abstract
A thesis submitted for a final examination for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology as an External Student of the University of London, The research is about the assimilation of women immigrants in Icelandic society through domesticity and the home. The focus is on the material practices that act to incorporate ‘foreign women’ into being Icelandic, accepting the ambivalence and resistances that act to preserve certain emotional attachments to former identities whilst at the same time considering the role of the senses and emotions in promoting knowledgeable, gendered subjects capable of acting in changed circumstances. In particular I look at the experience of immigrant women in making and running a home, bringing up their children and how this experience is materialized in daily activities. I focus on a group of German women who came to Iceland in 1949 to work, especially in rural areas where cheap labour was needed. Many of them stayed, married and established families and became Icelandic citizens. Immigration policies in Iceland have been strongly assimilationist and therefore the research shows the effects this assimilation has had on the identity of these women and what implications their identities have for understanding Icelandic identity in general. Comparison of this group to another younger one which has arrived in the last five to fifteen years makes apparent the role of domesticity and kinship relations in assimilating immigrant women into the Icelandic society. The research is carried out according to standard anthropological techniques of interviewing and participant observation. Archival and audio-video material is also used. The material collected is put into historical and social context through a focus on oral history and discussions of current memory work in anthropology and cultural Heritage studies.
- Published
- 2010
31. A Review of the Current Situation of Gender Diverse Corporate Boards and the Impact of More Diversity
- Author
Jón Snorri Snorrason
- Subjects
stjórnendur ,Gender diversity ,business.industry ,Stjórnir ,Public relations ,lcsh:Political institutions and public administration (General) ,Representation (politics) ,lcsh:Political science (General) ,árangur ,Political science ,Top management ,konur ,lcsh:JF20-2112 ,Demographic economics ,lcsh:JA1-92 ,business ,Set (psychology) ,Diversity (business) - Abstract
This paper gives an overview over the number of women serving on corporate boards both in Iceland and abroad. Women hold only around 20% of boards seats and similar number of women is in top managements. It will analyse the development and find plausible explanations of the present situation and introduce recent research papers in this field and explore the impact of more diversity and on firm performance. Are more gender diverse boards likely to perform better then firms lacking the diversity? Will diversity and increased number of women on boards have positive influence on the number of women in top management positions in the same firms? The evidence in the research papers is inconclusive of the effects of gender diversity on firm performance, but better performing firms tend to have more women on the board. We will see positive relation between corporate and board size and the representation of women the boards but find the inverse relation in Iceland. The requirements by law that a minimum fraction of the firm´s board members to be of a certain gender will call for a dramatic improvement on the current situation. Finally we explore the possibilities in the ways firms will increase the number of women on boards to meet the mandating gender diversity before the deadline set by the regulators.
- Published
- 2012
32. Global, regional, and national age-sex specific mortality for 264 causes of death, 1980–2016: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
- Author
Naghavi, Mohsen, Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abbas, Kaja M., Abd-Allah, Foad, Abera, Semaw Ferede, Aboyans, Victor, Adetokunboh, Olatunji, Arnlov, Johan, Afshin, Ashkan, Agrawal, Anurag, Kiadaliri, Aliasghar Ahmad, Ahmadi, Alireza, Ahmed, Muktar Beshir, Aichour, Amani Nidhal, Aichour, Ibtihel, Aichour, Miloud Taki Eddine, Aiyar, Sneha, Al-Eyadhy, Ayman, Alahdab, Fares, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Alam, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alam, Tahiya, Alene, Kefyalew Addis, Ali, Syed Danish, Alizadeh-Navaei, Reza, Alkaabi, Juma M., Alkerwi, Ala'a, Alla, Francois, Allebeck, Peter, Allen, Christine, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa, Alsharif, Ubai, Altirkawi, Khalid A., Alvis-Guzman, Nelson, Amare, Azmeraw T., Amini, Erfan, Ammar, Walid, Amoako, Yaw Ampem, Anber, Nahla, Andersen, Hjalte H., Andrei, Catalina Liliana, Androudi, Sofia, Ansari, Hossein, Antonio, Carl Abelardo T., Anwari, Palwasha, Arora, Megha, Artaman, Al, Aryal, Krishna Kumar, Asayesh, Hamid, Asgedom, Solomon W., Atey, Tesfay Mehari, Avila-Burgos, Leticia, Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G. Arthur, Awasthi, Ashish, Paulina, Beatriz, Quintanilla, Ayala, Bejot, Yannick, Babalola, Tesleem Kayode, Bacha, Umar, Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Barac, Aleksandra, Barboza, Miguel A., Barker-Collo, Suzanne L., Barquera, Simon, Barregard, Lars, Barrero, Lope H., Baune, Bernhard T., Bedi, Neeraj, Beghi, Ettore, Bekele, Bayu Begashaw, Bell, Michelle L., Bennett, James R., Bensenor, Isabela M., Berhane, Adugnaw, Bernabe, Eduardo, Betsu, Balem Demtsu, Beuran, Mircea, Bhatt, Samir, Biadgilign, Sibhatu, Bienhoff, Kelly, Bikbov, Boris, Bisanzio, Donal, Bourne, Rupert R. A., Breitborde, Nicholas J. K., Negesa, Lemma, Bulto, Bulto, Bumgarner, Blair R., Butt, Zahid A., Cardenas, Rosario, Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Cameron, Ewan, Cesar Campuzano, Julio, Car, Josip, Jesus Carrero, Juan, Carter, Austin, Casey, Daniel C., Castaneda-Orjuela, Carlos A., Catala-Lopez, Ferran, Charlson, Fiona J., Chibueze, Chioma Ezinne, Chimed-Ochir, Odgerel, Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe, Chitheer, Abdulaal A., Christopher, Devasahayam Jesudas, Ciobanu, Liliana G., Cirillo, Massimo, Cohen, Aaron J., Colombara, Danny, Cooper, Cyrus, Cowie, Benjamin C., Criqui, Michael H., Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, Dargan, Paul I., das Neves, Jose, Davitoiu, Dragos V., Davletov, Kairat, de Courten, Barbora, Degenhardt, Louisa, Deiparine, Selina, Deribe, Kebede, Deribew, Amare, Dey, Subhojit, Dicker, Daniel, Ding, Eric L., Djalalinia, Shirin, Huyen Phuc Do, Huyen Phuc Do, Doku, David Teye, Douwes-Schultz, Dirk, Driscoll, Tim R., Dubey, Manisha, Duncan, Bruce Bartholow, Echko, Michelle, El-Khatib, Ziad Ziad, Ellingsen, Christian Lycke, Enayati, Ahmadali, Erskine, Holly E., Eskandarieh, Sharareh, Esteghamati, Alireza, Ermakov, Sergey P., Estep, Kara, E Sa Farinha, Carla Sofia, Faro, Andre, Farzadfar, Farshad, Feigin, Valery L., Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad, Fernandes, Joao C., Ferrari, Alize J., Feyissa, Tesfaye Regassa, Filip, Irina, Finegold, Samuel, Fischer, Florian, Fitzmaurice, Christina, Flaxman, Abraham D., Foigt, Nataliya, Frank, Tahvi, Fraser, Maya, Fullman, Nancy, Furst, Thomas, Furtado, Joao M., Gakidou, Emmanuela, Garcia-Basteiro, Alberto L., Gebre, Teshome, Gebregergs, Gebremedhin Berhe, Gebrehiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Gebremichael, Delelegn Yilma, Geleijnse, Johanna M., Genova-Maleras, Ricard, Gesesew, Hailay Abrha, Gething, Peter W., Gillum, Richard F., Ginawi, Ibrahim Abdelmageem Mohamed, Giref, Ababi Zergaw, Giroud, Maurice, Giussani, Giorgia, Godwin, William W., Gold, Audra L., Goldberg, Ellen M., Gona, Philimon N., Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Gouda, Hebe N., Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho, Griswold, Max, Gupta, Prakash C., Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Tanush, Gupta, Vipin, Haagsma, Juanita A., Hafezi-Nejad, Nima, Hailu, Alemayehu Desalegne, Hailu, Gessessew Bugssa, Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Hambisa, Mitiku Teshome, Hamidi, Samer, Hammami, Mouhanad, Hancock, Jamie, Handal, Alexis J., Hankey, Graeme J., Hao, Yuantao, Harb, Hilda L., Hareri, Habtamu Abera, Hassanvand, Mohammad Sadegh, Havmoeller, Rasmus, Hay, Simon I., He, Fei, Hedayati, Mohammad T., Henry, Nathaniel J., Beatriz Heredia-Pi, Ileana, Herteliu, Claudiu, Hoek, Hans W., Horino, Masako, Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H. Dean, Hostiuc, Sorin, Hotez, Peter J., Hoy, Damian G., Huynh, Chantal, Iburg, Kim Moesgaard, Ikeda, Chad, Ileanu, Bogdan Vasile, Irenso, Asnake Ararsa, Irvine, Caleb Mackay Salpeter, Jurisson, Mikk, Jacobsen, Kathryn H., Jahanmehr, Nader, Jakovljevic, Mihajlo B., Javanbakht, Mehdi, Jayaraman, Sudha P., Jeemon, Panniyammakal, Jha, Vivekanand, John, Denny, Johnson, Catherine O., Johnson, Sarah Charlotte, Jonas, Jost B., Kabir, Zubair, Kadel, Rajendra, Kahsay, Amaha, Kamal, Ritul, Karch, Andre, Karimi, Seyed M., Karimkhani, Chante, Kasaeian, Amir, Kassaw, Nigussie Assefa, Kassebaum, Nicholas J., Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal, Kawakami, Norito, Keiyoro, Peter Njenga, Kemmer, Laura, Kesavachandran, Chandrasekharan Nair, Khader, Yousef Saleh, Khan, Ejaz Ahmad, Khang, Young-Ho, Khoja, Abdullah Tawfih Abdullah, Khosravi, Ardeshir, Khosravi, Mohammad Hossein, Khubchandani, Jagdish, Kieling, Christian, Kievlan, Daniel, Kim, Daniel, Kim, Yun Jin, Kimokoti, Ruth W., Kinfu, Yohannes, Kissoon, Niranjan, Kivimaki, Mika, Knudsen, Ann Kristin, Kopec, Jacek A., Kosen, Soewarta, Koul, Parvaiz A., Koyanagi, Ai, Defo, Barthelemy Kuate, Kulikoff, Xie Rachel, Kumar, G. Anil, Kumar, Pushpendra, Kutz, Michael, Kyu, Hmwe H., Lal, Dharmesh Kumar, Lalloo, Ratilal, Lallukka, Tea, Lambert, Nkurunziza, Lan, Qing, Lansingh, Van C., Larsson, Anders, Lee, Paul H., Leigh, James, Leung, Janni, Levi, Miriam, Li, Yongmei, Kappe, Darya Li, Liang, Xiaofeng, Liben, Misgan Legesse, Lim, Stephen S., Liu, Angela, Liu, Patrick Y., Liu, Yang, Lodha, Rakesh, Logroscino, Giancarlo, Lorkowski, Stefan, Lotufo, Paulo A., Lozano, Rafael, Lucas, Timothy C. D., Ma, Stefan, Macarayan, Erlyn Rachelle King, Maddison, Emilie R., Abd el Razek, Mohammed Magdy, Majdan, Marek, Majdzadeh, Reza, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malhotra, Rajesh, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Manguerra, Helena, Manyazewal, Tsegahun, Mapoma, Chabila C., Marczak, Laurie B., Markos, Desalegn, Martinez-Raga, Jose, Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlandio, Martopullo, Ira, McAlinden, Colm, McGaughey, Madeline, McGrath, John J., Mehata, Suresh, Meier, Toni, Meles, Kidanu Gebremariam, Memiah, Peter, Memish, Ziad A., Mengesha, Melkamu Merid, Mengistu, Desalegn Tadese, Menota, Bereket Gebremichael, Mensah, George A., Meretoja, Atte, Meretoja, Tuomo J., Millear, Anoushka, Miller, Ted R., Minnig, Shawn, Mirarefin, Mojde, Mirrakhimov, Erkin M., Misganaw, Awoke, Mishra, Shiva Raj, Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Mohammadi, Alireza, Mohammed, Shafiu, Mokdad, Ali H., Mola, Glen Liddell D., Mollenkopf, Sarah K., Molokhia, Mariam, Monasta, Lorenzo, Montanez Hernandez, Julio C., Montico, Marcella, Mooney, Meghan D., Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Moraga, Paula, Morawska, Lidia, Morrison, Shane D., Morozoff, Chloe, Mountjoy-Venning, Cliff, Mruts, Kalayu Birhane, Muller, Kate, Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Nachega, Jean B., Naheed, Aliya, Naldi, Luigi, Nangia, Vinay, Nascimento, Bruno Ramos, Nasher, Jamal T., Natarajan, Gopalakrishnan, Negoi, Ionut, Ngunjiri, Josephine Wanjiku, Cuong Tat Nguyen, Cuong Tat Nguyen, Grant Nguyen, Grant Nguyen, Minh Nguyen, Minh Nguyen, Quyen Le Nguyen, Quyen Le Nguyen, Trang Huyen Nguyen, Trang Huyen Nguyen, Nichols, Emma, Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini, Vuong Minh Nong, Vuong Minh Nong, Noubiap, Jean Jacques N., Ogbo, Felix Akpojene, Oh, In-Hwan, Okoro, Anselm, Olagunju, Andrew Toyin, Olsen, Helen E., Olusanya, Bolajoko Olubukunola, Olusanya, Jacob Olusegun, Ong, Kanyin, Opio, John Nelson, Oren, Eyal, Ortiz, Alberto, Osman, Majdi, Ota, Erika, Pa, Mahesh, Pacella, Rosana E., Pakhale, Smita, Pana, Adrian, Panda, Basant Kumar, Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra, Papachristou, Christina, Park, Eun-Kee, Patten, Scott B., Patton, George C., Paudel, Deepak, Paulson, Katherine, Pereira, David M., Perez-Ruiz, Fernando, Perico, Norberto, Pervaiz, Aslam, Petzold, Max, Phillips, Michael Robert, Pigott, David M., Pinho, Christine, Plass, Dietrich, Pletcher, Martin A., Polinder, Suzanne, Postma, Maarten J., Pourmalek, Farshad, Purcell, Caroline, Qorbani, Mostafa, Radfar, Amir, Rafay, Anwar, Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal, Rankin, Zane, Rao, Puja C., Rath, Goura Kishor, Rawaf, Salman, Ray, Sarah E., Rehm, Jurgen, Reiner, Robert C., Reitsma, Marissa B., Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Rezaei, Satar, Rezai, Mohammad Sadegh, Rokni, Mohammad Bagher, Ronfani, Luca, Roshandel, Gholamreza, Roth, Gregory A., Rothenbacher, Dietrich, Ruhago, George Mugambage, Saadat, Rizwan S. A. Soheil, Sachdev, Perminder S., Sadat, Nafis, Safdarian, Mahdi, Safi, Sare, Safiri, Saeid, Sagar, Rajesh, Sahathevan, Ramesh, Salama, Joseph, Salamati, Payman, Salomon, Joshua A., Samy, Abdallah M., Sanabria, Juan Ramon, Dolores Sanchez-Nino, Maria, Santomauro, Damian, Santos, Itamar S., Milicevic, Milena M. Santric, Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Shahraz, Saeid, Schmidt, Maria Ines, Schneider, Ione J. C., Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam, Schutte, Aletta E., Schwebel, David C., Schwendicke, Falk, Sepanlou, Sadaf G., Servan-Mori, Edson E., Shackelford, Katya Anne, Shaikh, Masood Ali, Shamsipour, Mansour, Shamsizadeh, Morteza, Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful, Sharma, Jayendra, Sharma, Rajesh, She, Jun, Sheikhbahaei, Sara, Shey, Muki, Shi, Peilin, Shields, Chloe, Shigematsu, Mika, Shiri, Rahman, Shirude, Shreya, Shiue, Ivy, Shoman, Haitham, Shrime, Mark G., Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Silpakit, Naris, Silva, Joao Pedro, Singh, Abhishek, Singh, Jasvinder A., Skiadaresi, Eirini, Sligar, Amber, Smith, Alison, Smith, David L., Smith, Mari, Sobaih, Badr H. A., Soneji, Samir, Sorensen, Reed J. D., Soriano, Joan B., Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T., Srinivasan, Vinay, Stanaway, Jeffrey D., Stathopoulou, Vasiliki, Steel, Nicholas, Stein, Dan J., Steiner, Caitlyn, Steinke, Sabine, Stokes, Mark Andrew, Strong, Mark, Strub, Bryan, Subart, Michelle, Sufiyan, Muawiyyah Babale, Sunguya, Bruno F., Sur, Patrick J., Swaminathan, Soumya, Sykes, Bryan L., Tabares-Seisdedos, Rafael, Tadakamadla, Santosh Kumar, Takahashi, Ken, Takala, Jukka S., Talongwa, Roberto Tchio, Tarawneh, Mohammed Rasoul, Tavakkoli, Mohammad, Taveira, Nuno, Tegegne, Teketo Kassaw, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash, Temsah, Mohamad-Hani, Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman, Thakur, J. S., Thamsuwan, Ornwipa, Thankappan, Kavumpurathu Raman, Thomas, Katie E., Thompson, Alex H., Thomson, Alan J., Thrift, Amanda G., Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan, Topor-Madry, Roman, Torre, Anna, Tortajada, Miguel, Towbin, Jeffrey Allen, Bach Xuan Tran, Bach Xuan Tran, Troeger, Christopher, Truelsen, Thomas, Tsoi, Derrick, Tuzcu, Emin Murat, Tyrovolas, Stefanos, Ukwaja, Kingsley N., Undurraga, Eduardo A., Updike, Rachel, Uthman, Olalekan A., Uzochukwu, Benjamin S. Chudi, van Boven, Job F. M., Vasankari, Tommi, Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy, Violante, Francesco S., Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich, Vollset, Stein Emil, Vos, Theo, Wakayo, Tolassa, Wallin, Mitchell T., Wang, Yuan-Pang, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Weintraub, Robert G., Weiss, Daniel J., Werdecker, Andrea, Westerman, Ronny, Whetter, Brian, Whiteford, Harvey A., Wijeratne, Tissa, Wiysonge, Charles Shey, Woldeyes, Belete Getahun, Wolfe, Charles D. A., Woodbrook, Rachel, Workicho, Abdulhalik, Xavier, Denis, Xiao, Qingyang, Xu, Gelin, Yaghoubi, Mohsen, Yakob, Bereket, Yano, Yuichiro, Yaseri, Mehdi, Yimam, Hassen Hamid, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Yotebieng, Marcel, Younis, Mustafa Z., Zaidi, Zoubida, Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed, Zegeye, Elias Asfaw, Zenebe, Zerihun Menlkalew, Zerfu, Taddese Alemu, Zhang, Anthony Lin, Zhang, Xueying, Zipkin, Ben, Zodpey, Sanjay, Lopez, Alan D., Murray, Christopher J. L., Abajobir, Amanuel Alemu, Abbafati, Cristiana, Abbas, Kaja M, Abd-Allah, Foad, Abera, Semaw Ferede, Aboyans, Victor, Adetokunboh, Olatunji, Afshin, Ashkan, Agrawal, Anurag, Ahmadi, Alireza, Ahmed, Muktar Beshir, Aichour, Amani Nidhal, Aichour, Miloud Taki Eddine, Aichour, Ibtihel, Aiyar, Sneha, Alahdab, Fare, Al-Aly, Ziyad, Alam, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alam, Tahiya, Alene, Kefyalew Addi, Al-Eyadhy, Ayman, Ali, Syed Danish, Alizadeh-Navaei, Reza, Alkaabi, Juma M, Alkerwi, Ala'a, Alla, Françoi, Allebeck, Peter, Allen, Christine, Al-Raddadi, Rajaa, Alsharif, Ubai, Altirkawi, Khalid A, Alvis-Guzman, Nelson, Amare, Azmeraw T, Amini, Erfan, Ammar, Walid, Amoako, Yaw Ampem, Anber, Nahla, Andersen, Hjalte H, Andrei, Catalina Liliana, Androudi, Sofia, Ansari, Hossein, Antonio, Carl Abelardo T, Anwari, Palwasha, Ärnlöv, Johan, Arora, Megha, Artaman, Al, Aryal, Krishna Kumar, Asayesh, Hamid, Asgedom, Solomon W, Atey, Tesfay Mehari, Avila-Burgos, Leticia, Avokpaho, Euripide Frinel G, Awasthi, Ashish, Babalola, Tesleem Kayode, Bacha, Umar, Balakrishnan, Kalpana, Barac, Aleksandra, Barboza, Miguel A, Barker-Collo, Suzanne L, Barquera, Simon, Barregard, Lar, Barrero, Lope H, Baune, Bernhard T, Bedi, Neeraj, Beghi, Ettore, Béjot, Yannick, Bekele, Bayu Begashaw, Bell, Michelle L, Bennett, James R, Bensenor, Isabela M, Berhane, Adugnaw, Bernabé, Eduardo, Betsu, Balem Demtsu, Beuran, Mircea, Bhatt, Samir, Biadgilign, Sibhatu, Bienhoff, Kelly, Bikbov, Bori, Bisanzio, Donal, Bourne, Rupert R A, Breitborde, Nicholas J K, Bulto, Lemma Negesa Bulto, Bumgarner, Blair R, Butt, Zahid A, Cahuana-Hurtado, Lucero, Cameron, Ewan, Campuzano, Julio Cesar, Car, Josip, Cárdenas, Rosario, Carrero, Juan Jesu, Carter, Austin, Casey, Daniel C, Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A, Catalá-López, Ferrán, Charlson, Fiona J, Chibueze, Chioma Ezinne, Chimed-Ochir, Odgerel, Chisumpa, Vesper Hichilombwe, Chitheer, Abdulaal A, Christopher, Devasahayam Jesuda, Ciobanu, Liliana G, Cirillo, Massimo, Cohen, Aaron J, Colombara, Danny, Cooper, Cyru, Cowie, Benjamin C, Criqui, Michael H, Dandona, Lalit, Dandona, Rakhi, Dargan, Paul I, das Neves, José, Davitoiu, Dragos V, Davletov, Kairat, de Courten, Barbora, Defo, Barthelemy Kuate, Degenhardt, Louisa, Deiparine, Selina, Deribe, Kebede, Deribew, Amare, Dey, Subhojit, Dicker, Daniel, Ding, Eric L, Djalalinia, Shirin, Do, Huyen Phuc, Doku, David Teye, Douwes-Schultz, Dirk, Driscoll, Tim R, Dubey, Manisha, Duncan, Bruce Bartholow, Echko, Michelle, El-Khatib, Ziad Ziad, Ellingsen, Christian Lycke, Enayati, Ahmadali, Erskine, Holly E, Eskandarieh, Sharareh, Esteghamati, Alireza, Estep, Kara, Farinha, Carla Sofia e Sa, Faro, André, Farzadfar, Farshad, Feigin, Valery L, Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad, Fernandes, João C, Ferrari, Alize J, Feyissa, Tesfaye Regassa, Filip, Irina, Finegold, Samuel, Fischer, Florian, Fitzmaurice, Christina, Flaxman, Abraham D, Foigt, Nataliya, Frank, Tahvi, Fraser, Maya, Fullman, Nancy, Fürst, Thoma, Furtado, Joao M, Gakidou, Emmanuela, Garcia-Basteiro, Alberto L, Gebre, Teshome, Gebregergs, Gebremedhin Berhe, Gebrehiwot, Tsegaye Tewelde, Gebremichael, Delelegn Yilma, Geleijnse, Johanna M, Genova-Maleras, Ricard, Gesesew, Hailay Abrha, Gething, Peter W, Gillum, Richard F, Giroud, Maurice, Giussani, Giorgia, Godwin, William W, Gold, Audra L, Goldberg, Ellen M, Gona, Philimon N, Gopalani, Sameer Vali, Gouda, Hebe N, Goulart, Alessandra Carvalho, Griswold, Max, Gupta, Rajeev, Gupta, Tanush, Gupta, Vipin, Haagsma, Juanita A, Hafezi-Nejad, Nima, Hailu, Alemayehu Desalegne, Hailu, Gessessew Bugssa, Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi, Hambisa, Mitiku Teshome, Hamidi, Samer, Hammami, Mouhanad, Hancock, Jamie, Handal, Alexis J, Hankey, Graeme J, Hao, Yuantao, Harb, Hilda L, Hareri, Habtamu Abera, Hassanvand, Mohammad Sadegh, Havmoeller, Rasmu, Hay, Simon I, He, Fei, Hedayati, Mohammad T, Henry, Nathaniel J, Heredia-Pi, Ileana Beatriz, Herteliu, Claudiu, Hoek, Hans W, Horino, Masako, Horita, Nobuyuki, Hosgood, H Dean, Hostiuc, Sorin, Hotez, Peter J, Hoy, Damian G, Huynh, Chantal, Iburg, Kim Moesgaard, Ikeda, Chad, Ileanu, Bogdan Vasile, Irenso, Asnake Ararsa, Irvine, Caleb Mackay Salpeter, Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful, Jacobsen, Kathryn H, Jahanmehr, Nader, Jakovljevic, Mihajlo B, Javanbakht, Mehdi, Jayaraman, Sudha P, Jeemon, Panniyammakal, Jha, Vivekanand, John, Denny, Johnson, Catherine O, Johnson, Sarah Charlotte, Jonas, Jost B, Jürisson, Mikk, Kabir, Zubair, Kadel, Rajendra, Kahsay, Amaha, Kamal, Ritul, Karch, André, Karimi, Seyed M, Karimkhani, Chante, Kasaeian, Amir, Kassaw, Nigussie Assefa, Kassebaum, Nicholas J, Katikireddi, Srinivasa Vittal, Kawakami, Norito, Keiyoro, Peter Njenga, Kemmer, Laura, Kesavachandran, Chandrasekharan Nair, Khader, Yousef Saleh, Khan, Ejaz Ahmad, Khang, Young-Ho, Khoja, Abdullah Tawfih Abdullah, Khosravi, Mohammad Hossein, Khosravi, Ardeshir, Khubchandani, Jagdish, Kiadaliri, Aliasghar Ahmad, Kieling, Christian, Kievlan, Daniel, Kim, Yun Jin, Kim, Daniel, Kimokoti, Ruth W, Kinfu, Yohanne, Kissoon, Niranjan, Kivimaki, Mika, Knudsen, Ann Kristin, Kopec, Jacek A, Kosen, Soewarta, Koul, Parvaiz A, Koyanagi, Ai, Kulikoff, Xie Rachel, Kumar, G Anil, Kumar, Pushpendra, Kutz, Michael, Kyu, Hmwe H, Lal, Dharmesh Kumar, Lalloo, Ratilal, Lambert, Tea Lallukka Nkurunziza, Lan, Qing, Lansingh, Van C, Larsson, Ander, Lee, Paul H, Leigh, Jame, Leung, Janni, Levi, Miriam, Li, Yongmei, Li Kappe, Darya, Liang, Xiaofeng, Liben, Misgan Legesse, Lim, Stephen S, Liu, Patrick Y, Liu, Angela, Liu, Yang, Lodha, Rakesh, Logroscino, Giancarlo, Lopez, Alan D, Lorkowski, Stefan, Lotufo, Paulo A, Lozano, Rafael, Lucas, Timothy C D, Ma, Stefan, Macarayan, Erlyn Rachelle King, Maddison, Emilie R, Magdy Abd El Razek, Mohammed, Majdan, Marek, Majdzadeh, Reza, Majeed, Azeem, Malekzadeh, Reza, Malhotra, Rajesh, Malta, Deborah Carvalho, Manguerra, Helena, Manyazewal, Tsegahun, Mapoma, Chabila C, Marczak, Laurie B, Markos, Desalegn, Martinez-Raga, Jose, Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio, Martopullo, Ira, McAlinden, Colm, McGaughey, Madeline, McGrath, John J, Mehata, Suresh, Meier, Toni, Meles, Kidanu Gebremariam, Memiah, Peter, Memish, Ziad A, Mengesha, Melkamu Merid, Mengistu, Desalegn Tadese, Menota, Bereket Gebremichael, Mensah, George A, Meretoja, Tuomo J, Meretoja, Atte, Millear, Anoushka, Miller, Ted R, Minnig, Shawn, Mirarefin, Mojde, Mirrakhimov, Erkin M, Misganaw, Awoke, Mishra, Shiva Raj, Mohamed, Ibrahim Abdelmageem, Mohammad, Karzan Abdulmuhsin, Mohammadi, Alireza, Mohammed, Shafiu, Mokdad, Ali H, Mola, Glen Liddell D, Mollenkopf, Sarah K, Molokhia, Mariam, Monasta, Lorenzo, Montañez, Julio C, Montico, Marcella, Mooney, Meghan D, Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Moraga, Paula, Morawska, Lidia, Morozoff, Chloe, Morrison, Shane D, Mountjoy-Venning, Cliff, Mruts, Kalayu Birhane, Muller, Kate, Murray, Christopher J L, Murthy, Gudlavalleti Venkata Satyanarayana, Musa, Kamarul Imran, Nachega, Jean B, Naghavi, Mohsen, Naheed, Aliya, Naldi, Luigi, Nangia, Vinay, Nascimento, Bruno Ramo, Nasher, Jamal T, Natarajan, Gopalakrishnan, Negoi, Ionut, Ngunjiri, Josephine Wanjiku, Nguyen, Cuong Tat, Nguyen, Quyen Le, Nguyen, Trang Huyen, Nguyen, Grant, Nguyen, Minh, Nichols, Emma, Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini, Nong, Vuong Minh, Noubiap, Jean Jacques N, Ogbo, Felix Akpojene, Oh, In-Hwan, Okoro, Anselm, Olagunju, Andrew Toyin, Olsen, Helen E, Olusanya, Bolajoko Olubukunola, Olusanya, Jacob Olusegun, Ong, Kanyin, Opio, John Nelson, Oren, Eyal, Ortiz, Alberto, Osman, Majdi, Ota, Erika, PA, Mahesh, Pacella, Rosana E, Pakhale, Smita, Pana, Adrian, Panda, Basant Kumar, Panda-Jonas, Songhomitra, Papachristou, Christina, Park, Eun-Kee, Patten, Scott B, Patton, George C, Paudel, Deepak, Paulson, Katherine, Pereira, David M, Perez-Ruiz, Fernando, Perico, Norberto, Pervaiz, Aslam, Petzold, Max, Phillips, Michael Robert, Pigott, David M, Pinho, Christine, Plass, Dietrich, Pletcher, Martin A, Polinder, Suzanne, Postma, Maarten J, Pourmalek, Farshad, Purcell, Caroline, Qorbani, Mostafa, Quintanilla, Beatriz Paulina Ayala, Radfar, Amir, Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa, Rahman, Mohammad Hifz Ur, Rahman, Mahfuzar, Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Ranabhat, Chhabi Lal, Rankin, Zane, Rao, Puja C, Rath, Goura Kishor, Rawaf, Salman, Ray, Sarah E, Rehm, Jürgen, Reiner, Robert C, Reitsma, Marissa B, Remuzzi, Giuseppe, Rezaei, Satar, Rezai, Mohammad Sadegh, Rokni, Mohammad Bagher, Ronfani, Luca, Roshandel, Gholamreza, Roth, Gregory A, Rothenbacher, Dietrich, Ruhago, George Mugambage, SA, Rizwan, Saadat, Soheil, Sachdev, Perminder S, Sadat, Nafi, Safdarian, Mahdi, Safi, Sare, Safiri, Saeid, Sagar, Rajesh, Sahathevan, Ramesh, Salama, Joseph, Salamati, Payman, Salomon, Joshua A, Samy, Abdallah M, Sanabria, Juan Ramon, Sanchez-Niño, Maria Dolore, Santomauro, Damian, Santos, Itamar S, Santric Milicevic, Milena M, Sartorius, Benn, Satpathy, Maheswar, Schmidt, Maria Inê, Schneider, Ione J C, Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam, Schutte, Aletta E, Schwebel, David C, Schwendicke, Falk, Sepanlou, Sadaf G, Servan-Mori, Edson E, Shackelford, Katya Anne, Shahraz, Saeid, Shaikh, Masood Ali, Shamsipour, Mansour, Shamsizadeh, Morteza, Sharma, Jayendra, Sharma, Rajesh, She, Jun, Sheikhbahaei, Sara, Shey, Muki, Shields, Chloe, Shigematsu, Mika, Shiri, Rahman, Shirude, Shreya, Shiue, Ivy, Shoman, Haitham, Shrime, Mark G, Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora, Silpakit, Nari, Silva, João Pedro, Singh, Jasvinder A, Singh, Abhishek, Skiadaresi, Eirini, Sligar, Amber, Smith, David L, Smith, Alison, Smith, Mari, Sobaih, Badr H A, Soneji, Samir, Sorensen, Reed J D, Soriano, Joan B, Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T, Srinivasan, Vinay, Stanaway, Jeffrey D, Stathopoulou, Vasiliki, Steel, Nichola, Stein, Dan J, Steiner, Caitlyn, Steinke, Sabine, Stokes, Mark Andrew, Strong, Mark, Strub, Bryan, Subart, Michelle, Sufiyan, Muawiyyah Babale, Sunguya, Bruno F, Sur, Patrick J, Swaminathan, Soumya, Sykes, Bryan L, Tabarés-Seisdedos, Rafael, Tadakamadla, Santosh Kumar, Takahashi, Ken, Takala, Jukka S, Talongwa, Roberto Tchio, Tarawneh, Mohammed Rasoul, Tavakkoli, Mohammad, Taveira, Nuno, Tegegne, Teketo Kassaw, Tehrani-Banihashemi, Arash, Temsah, Mohamad-Hani, Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman, Thakur, J.S., Thamsuwan, Ornwipa, Thankappan, Kavumpurathu Raman, Thomas, Katie E, Thompson, Alex H, Thomson, Alan J, Thrift, Amanda G, Tobe-Gai, Ruoyan, Topor-Madry, Roman, Torre, Anna, Tortajada, Miguel, Towbin, Jeffrey Allen, Tran, Bach Xuan, Troeger, Christopher, Truelsen, Thoma, Tsoi, Derrick, Tyrovolas, Stefano, Ukwaja, Kingsley N, Undurraga, Eduardo A, Updike, Rachel, Uthman, Olalekan A, Uzochukwu, Benjamin S Chudi, van Boven, Job F M, Vasankari, Tommi, Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy, Violante, Francesco S, Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich, Vollset, Stein Emil, Vos, Theo, Wakayo, Tolassa, Wallin, Mitchell T, Wang, Yuan-Pang, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Weintraub, Robert G, Weiss, Daniel J, Werdecker, Andrea, Westerman, Ronny, Whetter, Brian, Whiteford, Harvey A, Wijeratne, Tissa, Wiysonge, Charles Shey, Woldeyes, Belete Getahun, Wolfe, Charles D A, Woodbrook, Rachel, Workicho, Abdulhalik, Xavier, Deni, Xiao, Qingyang, Xu, Gelin, Yaghoubi, Mohsen, Yakob, Bereket, Yano, Yuichiro, Yaseri, Mehdi, Yimam, Hassen Hamid, Yonemoto, Naohiro, Yoon, Seok-Jun, Yotebieng, Marcel, Younis, Mustafa Z, Zaidi, Zoubida, Zaki, Maysaa El Sayed, Zegeye, Elias Asfaw, Zenebe, Zerihun Menlkalew, Zerfu, Taddese Alemu, Zhang, Anthony Lin, Zhang, Xueying, Zipkin, Ben, Zodpey, Sanjay, Giref, Ababi Zergaw, Rafay, Anwar, Tuzcu, Emin Murat, Ermakov, Sergey Petrovich, Shi, Peilin, Gupta, Parkash C, Erasmus MC other, Public Health, Neurosciences, Viðskiptadeild (HR), School of Business (RU), Háskólinn í Reykjavík, Reykjavik University, Mohsen, Naghavi, Amanuel, Alemu, Abajobir, Cristiana, Abbafati, Kaja, M, Abbas, Foad, Abd Allah, Semaw, Ferede, Abera, Victor, Aboyan, Olatunji, Adetokunboh, Johan, Ärnlöv, Ashkan, Afshin, Anurag, Agrawal, Aliasghar, Ahmad, Kiadaliri, Alireza, Ahmadi, Muktar, Beshir, Ahmed, Amani, Nidhal, Aichour, Ibtihel, Aichour, Miloud, Taki, Eddine, Aichour, Sneha, Aiyar, Ayman, Al Eyadhy, Fares, Alahdab, Ziyad, Al Aly, Khurshid, Alam, Noore, Alam, Tahiya, Alam, Kefyalew, Addi, Alene, Syed, Danish, Ali, Reza, Alizadeh Navaei, Juma, M, Alkaabi, Ala’A, Alkerwi, François, Alla, Peter, Allebeck, Christine, Allen, Rajaa, Al Raddadi, Ubai, Alsharif, Khalid, A, Altirkawi, Nelson, Alvis Guzman, Azmeraw, T, Amare, Erfan, Amini, Walid, Ammar, Yaw, Ampem, Amoako, Nahla, Anber, Hjalte, H, Andersen, Catalina, Liliana, Andrei, Sofia, Androudi, Hossein, Ansari, Carl, Abelardo, T, Antonio, Palwasha, Anwari, Megha, Arora, Al, Artaman, Krishna, Kumar, Aryal, Hamid, Asayesh, Solomon, W, Asgedom, Tesfay, Mehari, Atey, Leticia, Avila Burgo, Euripide, Frinel, G, Arthur, Avokpaho, Ashish, Awasthi, Beatriz, Paulina, Ayala, Quintanilla, Yannick, Béjot, Tesleem, Kayode, Babalola, Umar, Bacha, Kalpana, Balakrishnan, Aleksandra, Barac, Miguel, A, Barboza, Suzanne, L, Barker, Collo, Simon, Barquera, Lars, Barregard, Lope, H, Barrero, Bernhard, T, Baune, Neeraj, Bedi, Ettore, Beghi, Bayu, Begashaw, Bekele, Michelle, L, Bell, James, R, Bennett, Isabela, M, Bensenor, Adugnaw, Berhane, Eduardo, Bernabé, Balem, Demtsu, Betsu, Mircea, Beuran, Samir, Bhatt, Sibhatu, Biadgilign, Kelly, Bienhoff, Boris, Bikbov, Donal, Bisanzio, Rupert, R, A, Bourne, Nicholas, J, K, Breitborde, Lemma, Negesa, Bulto, Bulto, Blair, R, Bumgarner, Zahid, A, Butt, Rosario, Cárdena, Lucero, Cahuana Hurtado, Ewan, Cameron, Julio, Cesar, Campuzano, Josip, Car, Juan, Jesu, Carrero, Austin, Carter, Daniel, C, Casey, Carlo, A, Castañeda, Orjuela, Ferrán, Catalá López, Fiona, J, Charlson, Chioma, Ezinne, Chibueze, Odgerel, Chimed Ochir, Vesper, Hichilombwe, Chisumpa, Abdulaal, A, Chitheer, Devasahayam, Jesuda, Christopher, Liliana, G, Ciobanu, Aaron, J, and Cohen
- Subjects
Dánarmein ,Male ,Heilsufar ,Dánartíðni ,Newborn infants ,Lífslíkur ,Life expectancy ,Communicable diseases ,Global Health ,Global Burden of Disease ,Disasters ,Pregnancy ,Cause of Death ,Psychology ,Child ,Konur ,Aged, 80 and over ,Ungbörn ,CLIMATE-CHANGE ,PLASMODIUM-FALCIPARUM ,Kransæðasjúkdómar ,Global burden of disease/statistics and numerical data ,Medicine (all) ,Men ,Þjóðir ,Öndunarfærasjúkdómar ,11 Medical And Health Sciences ,Middle Aged ,Nutrition Disorders ,PREVALENCE ,Coronary heart disease ,Smitsjúkdómar ,Death ,Suicide ,Cardiovascular diseases ,Sálfræði ,World health ,Child, Preschool ,Nýburar ,Female ,GBD, mortality ,Infants ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,Age distribution ,Global Health Metrics ,Adult ,Diarrhea ,AFRICA ,HUMAN HEALTH ,Adolescent ,GBD ,UNITED-STATES ,Socioeconomic factors ,Communicable Diseases ,Young Adult ,Age Distribution ,Heilbrigðisvísindi ,Medicine, General & Internal ,General & Internal Medicine ,Humans ,QUALITY ,Women ,Nutrition disorders ,INCOME COUNTRIES ,Mortality ,Noncommunicable Diseases ,Aged ,Science & Technology ,Infant, Newborn ,Infant ,Respiratory infections ,Næringarskortur ,ALCOHOL POLICY ,mortality ,Malaria ,Pregnancy Complications ,Socioeconomic Factors ,Áverkar ,Karlar ,Wounds and Injuries ,Félagshagfræði ,Accidental Falls ,Cause of death/trends ,RESISTANCE - Abstract
Correction: Group Author(s): GBD 2016 Causes Death LANCET Volume: 390 Issue: 10106 Pages: E38-E38 Published: OCT 28 2017 Group Author(s): GBD 2016 Dis Injury Incidence LANCET Volume: 390 Issue: 10106 Pages: E38-E38 Published: OCT 28 2017, Background Monitoring levels and trends in premature mortality is crucial to understanding how societies can address prominent sources of early death. The Global Burden of Disease 2016 Study (GBD 2016) provides a comprehensive assessment of cause-specific mortality for 264 causes in 195 locations from 1980 to 2016. This assessment includes evaluation of the expected epidemiological transition with changes in development and where local patterns deviate from these trends. Methods We estimated cause-specific deaths and years of life lost (YLLs) by age, sex, geography, and year. YLLs were calculated from the sum of each death multiplied by the standard life expectancy at each age. We used the GBD cause of death database composed of: vital registration (VR) data corrected for under-registration and garbage coding; national and subnational verbal autopsy (VA) studies corrected for garbage coding; and other sources including surveys and surveillance systems for specific causes such as maternal mortality. To facilitate assessment of quality, we reported on the fraction of deaths assigned to GBD Level 1 or Level 2 causes that cannot be underlying causes of death (major garbage codes) by location and year. Based on completeness, garbage coding, cause list detail, and time periods covered, we provided an overall data quality rating for each location with scores ranging from 0 stars (worst) to 5 stars (best). We used robust statistical methods including the Cause of Death Ensemble model (CODEm) to generate estimates for each location, year, age, and sex. We assessed observed and expected levels and trends of cause-specific deaths in relation to the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary indicator derived from measures of average income per capita, educational attainment, and total fertility, with locations grouped into quintiles by SDI. Relative to GBD 2015, we expanded the GBD cause hierarchy by 18 causes of death for GBD 2016. Findings The quality of available data varied by location. Data quality in 25 countries rated in the highest category (5 stars), while 48, 30, 21, and 44 countries were rated at each of the succeeding data quality levels. Vital registration or verbal autopsy data were not available in 27 countries, resulting in the assignment of a zero value for data quality. Deaths from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) represented 72.3% (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 71.2-73.2) of deaths in 2016 with 19.3% (18.5-20.4) of deaths in that year occurring from communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional (CMNN) diseases and a further 8.43% (8.00-8.67) from injuries. Although age-standardised rates of death from NCDs decreased globally between 2006 and 2016, total numbers of these deaths increased; both numbers and age-standardised rates of death from CMNN causes decreased in the decade 2006-16-age-standardised rates of deaths from injuries decreased but total numbers varied little. In 2016, the three leading global causes of death in children under-5 were lower respiratory infections, neonatal preterm birth complications, and neonatal encephalopathy due to birth asphyxia and trauma, combined resulting in 1.80 million deaths (95% UI 1.59 million to 1.89 million). Between 1990 and 2016, a profound shift toward deaths at older ages occurred with a 178% (95% UI 176-181) increase in deaths in ages 90-94 years and a 210% (208-212) increase in deaths older than age 95 years. The ten leading causes by rates of age-standardised YLL significantly decreased from 2006 to 2016 (median annualised rate of change was a decrease of 2.89%); the median annualised rate of change for all other causes was lower (a decrease of 1.59%) during the same interval. Globally, the five leading causes of total YLLs in 2016 were cardiovascular diseases; diarrhoea, lower respiratory infections, and other common infectious diseases; neoplasms; neonatal disorders; and HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. At a finer level of disaggregation within cause groupings, the ten leading causes of total YLLs in 2016 were ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, lower respiratory infections, diarrhoeal diseases, road injuries, malaria, neonatal preterm birth complications, HIV/AIDS, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and neonatal encephalopathy due to birth asphyxia and trauma. Ischaemic heart disease was the leading cause of total YLLs in 113 countries for men and 97 countries for women. Comparisons of observed levels of YLLs by countries, relative to the level of YLLs expected on the basis of SDI alone, highlighted distinct regional patterns including the greater than expected level of YLLs from malaria and from HIV/AIDS across sub-Saharan Africa; diabetes mellitus, especially in Oceania; interpersonal violence, notably within Latin America and the Caribbean; and cardiomyopathy and myocarditis, particularly in eastern and central Europe. The level of YLLs from ischaemic heart disease was less than expected in 117 of 195 locations. Other leading causes of YLLs for which YLLs were notably lower than expected included neonatal preterm birth complications in many locations in both south Asia and southeast Asia, and cerebrovascular disease in western Europe. Interpretation The past 37 years have featured declining rates of communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases across all quintiles of SDI, with faster than expected gains for many locations relative to their SDI. A global shift towards deaths at older ages suggests success in reducing many causes of early death. YLLs have increased globally for causes such as diabetes mellitus or some neoplasms, and in some locations for causes such as drug use disorders, and conflict and terrorism. Increasing levels of YLLs might reflect outcomes from conditions that required high levels of care but for which effective treatments remain elusive, potentially increasing costs to health systems., Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
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