The spread and rooting of Ash'arism in the Maghrib region dates back to the IV-VIth centuries of Hijri. During these centuries, many scholars grew up in the region and their thoughts and works have survived to the present day. One of these scholars is Ibn Humayr al-Sabtī (d. 614/1217). By his time, Ash'arism had reached a wide scholarly accumulation in the region. Thus, he had the opportunity to closely follow the scientific and intellectual development of Ash'arism. He also witnessed the manipulative discourses of superstitious groups such as the Mubtılîn and the Mulhidin on the religious thoughts of the people of the region, and the objections raised by the opponents of Kalām on various theological issues. In this way, he realised that religious arguments would not be enough against these groups and individuals and came to the conclusion that rational arguments should also be used. Therefore, he wrote his theological work Muqaddimāt al-merāshid ilā 'ilm al-'aqā'id fī def'i shubuḥāti al-mubtılîn wa'l-mulhidîn. In this work, he tried to explain the theological issues against the claims of the mentioned groups with a defensive approach based on rational foundations. In this defensive approach, one of the issues that he focused on and discussed the most was the issues of the eschatology (sem'iyyāt). Because of the abundant use of narrative evidence in these issues, the objections of the opponents emerged through them. This situation necessitated the use of a theological method based on reasoning in addition to the use of narrative evidence. Therefore, the theoretical basis of Ibn Humayr's method based on reasoning while justifying the issues of the eschatology against his opponents was daqīq al-kalām (kalām cosmology). In this framework, he attempted to respond to the objections and claims of extremist groups and individuals on the questions of the eschatology by justifying them in terms of the elements of the universe such as substance, accident and body. In fact, in addition to using theological cosmology to understand and make sense of the universe, theologians have also used it in matters such as the eschatology. It can be seen that Ibn Humayr also deals with this area. So much so that he thought that anyone who did not have knowledge of kalām cosmology would be incomplete in the study of the sem'iyyāt, and he stipulated that the subjects of jalīl al-kalām and daqīq al-kalām must also be known. From this point of view, this study will examine Ibn Humayr's views on sem'iyyāt in theological thought and the distinctive aspects of his approach. It will attempt to identify the differences and similarities of these aspects with the Ash'arite thought to which he belonged and his contribution to Ash'arite thought in the Maghrib region. It will also examine how Ibn Humayr constructed and grounded the issues of the nature of the torment of the grave, the unity of soul and body, recreation/i'âdah, and the eternity of heaven and hell on the basis of daqīq al-kalām. It analyses how he uses the properties of substance in his justifications, such as its permanence in itself, its inability to be abstracted from accidents, its mutajānis/mutamāṣil, and its inability to be dissolved. Similarly, the method of explaining and interpreting the properties of accidents, such as non-existence without substance, non-continuity, and the way they occur in space, will be discussed. On the other hand, since Ibn Humayr is less known compared to other Ash'arite scholars, it also aims to introduce him. As a result of the study, it was seen that Ibn Humayr based the Ash'arite understanding of cosmology on the issues of the eschatology against his opponents in the Maghrib region where he lived and prepared the ground for a correct understanding of religious thought. In addition to this, he presented the issues of the eschatology in a holistic manner, without separating the issues of daqīq al-kalām and jalīl al-kalām. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]