s 487 Discussion and Conclusions: For a correct evaluation of bone mineral density and for the reproducibility follow-up scans we need consistent patient positioning, consistent scan analysis and exclusion of artifacts. 109 Central Measurements: Bone Density and Other CROSS CALIBRATION OF BONE MINERAL DENSITY VALUES AMONG THREE DUAL ENERGY X-RAY ABSORPTIOMETRY SYSTEMS Sasithorn Amnuaywattakorn, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University Sasivimol Promma, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University; Kanungnij Thamnirat, Nuclear Medicine Unit; Chiraporn Tocharoenchai, Faculty of Medical Technology, Mahidol University; Chanika Sritara, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University Introduction: Monitoring BMD with different DXA systems is sometimes unavoidable. The manufacturer may provide a cross-calibration equation to convert BMD from one system to another. However, ISCD recommends the use of Generalize Least Significant Change (GLSC), 95% confidence interval of precision error between the two DXA systems. Aims: To generate the GLSC values among three DXA machines (Lunar Prodigy, Hologic Discovery A and Hologic Discovery W) and to compare these values with the errors from the cross-calibration equations provided by the manufacturer. Methods: The IRB approved the study protocol. The patients sent for BMD measurement who signed a consent form underwent BMD measurement at Nuclear Medicine Unit, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand were included. The measurement was performed on the same day with all 3 DXA machines at L1-L4 vertebrae, femoral neck, and total hip. Each measurement was performed twice with repositioning in between. The analysis was performed with the ISCD cross-calibration calculating tool. Using the manufacturer’s cross-calibration equation provided by Hologic, the predicted BMD values at each site were calculated. Results: Thirty female patients with mean s.d. of age, weight and height of 55.2 8.6 years, 59.6 8.5 kg and 152.8 6.1 cm, respectively. The GLSCs for L1-L4 vertebrae, femoral neck, and total hip were 0.020-0.088 (Table 1). Most of the measurement sites had moderate to high percentages of patients with Table 1 GLSCs for L1-L4 Vertebrae, Femoral Neck, and Total Hip Among 3 DXA Machines GLSC (g/cm) L1-L4 Femoral Neck Total Hip Hologic Discovery A vs. Lunar Prodigy 0.066 0.088 0.066 Hologic Discovery W vs. Lunar Prodigy 0.064 0.076 0.070 Hologic Discovery W vs. Hologic Discovery A 0.020 0.074 0.062 Table 2 Prediction Errors Prediction Errors 95% CI (g/cm) % Patient With Prediction Error ! GLSC Hologic Discovery A BMD Predicted From Lunar Prodigy L1-L4 -0.025 (-0.006) 96.7 Femoral neck -0.003 0.027 93.3 Total hip -0.048 (-0.025) 76.7 Hologic Discovery W BMD Predicted From Lunar Prodigy L1-L4 -0.055 (-0.035) 83.3 Femoral neck -0.002 0.024 96.7 Total hip -0.036 (-0.013) 90.0 Hologic Discovery W BMD Predicted From Hologic Discovery A L1-L4 -0.035 (-0.023) 23.3 Femoral neck -0.011 0.009 96.7 Total hip -0.001 (-0.023) 96.7 Journal of Clinical Densitometry: Assessment of Skeletal Health prediction errors less than the site-specific GLSC values (Table 2), suggesting that the predictions were reasonable. However, only 23% of the patients had their predicted L1-L4 BMD errors less than the site-specific BMD due to relatively small GLSC at this site. Conclusions: The GLSC values among three DXA machines were presented. These values were greater than the conversion errors from the manufacturer’s equations. The results suggest that, if performing a cross-calibration study is not at all possible, the conversion equations may still provide some useful information for patient monitoring. 110 Central Measurements: Bone Density and Other CROSS-CALIBRATION OF BONE MINERAL DENSITY VALUES AMONG THREE DUAL ENERGY X-RAY ABSORPTIOMETRY SYSTEMS: COMPARISON BETWEEN CENTER-DERIVED AND MANUFACTURER’S EQUATIONS Sasithorn Amnuaywattakorn, Faculty of Graduate Studies (Medical Physics), Mahidol University Suchawadee Musikarat, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University; Sasivimol Promma, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University; Chirawat Utamakul, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University; Chiraporn Tocharoenchai, Faculty of Medical Technology, Mahidol University; Chanika Sritara, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University Introduction: When the replacement of the old DXA system with a new one is unplanned as in the case of irreparable of the old system, Generalized Least Significant Change (GLSC) cannot be obtained because it requires that the duplicate or triplicate BMD measurement with the old system. BMD monitoring may have to rely on a cross-calibration equation, which is provided by the manufacturer. Aims: The aims were to derive cross-calibration equations among three DXA machines (Lunar Prodigy, Hologic Discovery A and Hologic Discovery W) and to compare the BMD prediction errors from these equations with those from the manufacturer. Methods: The study protocol was approved by the IRB. The female patients sent for BMD measurement were invited. Thirty patients who gave written informed consent underwent BMD measurements using all 3 DXA machines at L1-L4 vertebrae, femoral neck, and total hip on the same day. Each measurement was performed twice with in-between repositioning. Cross-calibration equations were derived using linear regression analysis. The predicted BMDs were calculated from both our and manufacturer’s equations and the difference between the observed and the predicted BMDs were compared using pair t-test. Results: The means SDs of the 30 female patients’ age, weight and height were 55.2 8.6 years, 59.6 8.5 kg and 152.8 6.1 cm, respectively. As shown in Table 1, the derived cross-calibration equations were fitted the BMD data relatively well (R2 0.89-1.0). Table 1. Cross-calibration equations for L1-L4 vertebrae, femoral neck, and total hip among 3 DXA machinesThe differences between the predicted and the observed BMD (Table 2) were statistically significant at L1-L4 vertebrae and total hip (p!.05), where the manufacturer’s equations tended to Table 1 Cross-Calibration Equations for L1-L4 Vertebrae, Femoral Neck, and Total Hip Among 3 DXA Machines Lunar Prodigy vs. Hologic Discovery A R L1-L4 Hologic Discovery A 5 -0.008 + (0.875 x Lunar Prodigy) 0.97 Femoral neck Hologic Discovery A 5 -0.018 + (0.848 x Lunar Prodigy) 0.89 Total hip Hologic Discovery A 5 0.043 + (0.848 x Lunar Prodigy) 0.93 Lunar Prodigy vs. Hologic Discovery W L1-L4 Hologic Discovery W 5 -0.044 + (0.881 x Lunar Prodigy) 0.97 Femoral neck Hologic Discovery W 5 -0.056 + (0.900 x Lunar Prodigy) 0.92 Total hip Hologic Discovery W 5 -0.033 + (0.945 x Lunar Prodigy) 0.94 Hologic Discovery A vs. Hologic Discovery W L1-L4 Hologic Discovery W 5 -0.029 + (1 x Hologic Discovery A) 1.00 Femoral neck Hologic Discovery W 5 0.003 + (1.003 x Hologic Discovery A) 0.93 Total hip Hologic Discovery W 5 -0.057 + (1.086 x Hologic Discovery A) 0.95