Mathew Carey's first encounter with a famous American took place when he met Benjamin Franklin in Paris in 1781, and his first experience of America when he emigrated to Philadelphia some three years later was shaped largely by his efforts to win Franklin's patronage. The ties that bind a patron to a protege can be very strong, but this article is less about the links that joined Carey and Franklin and more about their inability to connect. They were separated by age, religion, nationality, and social status, but Franklin had easily overcome such barriers many times before. Theirs was more a difference of personality, and by exploring it, we learn something interesting about Carey, and also something new about Franklin, who has been the subject of many biographies and whose autobiography is in other ways so self-revealing.Carey's encounter with Franklin came about almost by accident. In 1781, while still an apprentice, he wrote a pamphlet called The Urgent Necessity of an Immediate Repeal of the Whole Penal Code Candidly Considered,\ which is known only from the copy he bequeathed to the Library Company of Philadelphia. It got him into serious trouble, and his father packed him off to France to escape it. In his autobiography, written in 1833, Carey said that he brought with him "a letter to a Roman Catholic priest, by whom I was introduced to Dr. Franklin, who had a small printing office at Passy ... for the purpose of reprinting his dispatches from America, and other papers. He engaged me, and I officiated in his office for some months, when, not having occasion for me any longer, I went to work with Didot le jeune, who was then engaged in printing some English books, where I did not remain long-for in about twelve months from the commencement of my exile, the storm having blown over, I returned to Dublin'Xo).1The only other event in his French sojourn recorded by Carey was his meeting with the Marquis de Lafayette. He wrote, "During the time I was at Passy, an invasion of Ireland was contemplated by the French; and the Marquis de la Fayette, who was then in Paris, and was probably intended to take part in the enterprize, called on me to make inquiries on the political state of that country [Ireland]. But I was utterly unable to give any information on that subject. ... I was as complete a green horn, as ever was brought into trouble by the crude productions of his pen"(6).In the autobiography he wrote that The Urgent Necessity was published in 1779, when he was nineteen years old, thus shifting the whole sequence of events back two years (4). At that moment the Volunteer movement was at its height, and Lafayette was indeed discussing with Franklin an invasion of Ireland.2 This mistake, whether deliberate or not, improves the story, because by November 1781, when the pamphlet was actually published, Cornwallis had surrendered, and by early 1782, when Carey was in Paris, Lafayette had dropped the idea of invading Ireland.3 But it seems unlikely that Carey was trying to add to the drama of his presence in Paris, because his account is so remarkably undramatic.These encounters changed the course of his life, and he might be forgiven for dwelling at length on them, perhaps recalling how deeply he impressed the great men with his potential. Instead, what is most striking about Carey's account of his Paris sojourn is how vague and self-deprecating it is. He was vague about how and why he was introduced to Franklin and how long he stayed with him, and he went out of his way to portray himself as useless to Franklin, Lafayette, and Didot and to suggest that they were far from impressed with him. Later in the autobiography (as we shall see in a moment) Carey realized that Lafayette's impression had been more favorable than he thought; but it seems clear that Didot and Franklin really did have little use for him. There are only two known books he could have set in type for Didot, small-format editions of the fables of Edward Moore and John Gay;4 and Ellen Cohn of the Franklin Papers has discovered only a couple of broadsides printed at Passy during the two months or so Carey was there. …