National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE) (ED/IES), Mathematica, Westat, Inc., Christine Ross, Grady Deacon, Brian P. Gill, Sophia Seifert, Olivia Lutwak, Jacob Hartog, Patricia Troppe, Eric Isenberg, Elizabeth S. Park, Valerie Orellana, Louis Rizzo, and Kimberly Standing
The Title I and Title II-A programs of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provide funds meant to help schools and districts better serve low-income students and improve teacher and principal quality. The law's latest update, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), was passed in 2015 and provides more flexibility to states on some dimensions. This compendium describes the methods, response rates, and weights used for surveys of state, district, and school personnel about implementation of Title I and Title II-A program initiatives during the 2021-22 school year. It also includes detailed tables, based on the surveys, that provide a national picture of policies and practices.