Zsolt Pinke, Giulio Lucarini, Stéphen Rostain, Andrea Kay, Kees Klein Goldewijk, Amy Styring, Thembi Russell, Leanne N. Phelps, Gerrit L. Dusseldorp, Rob Marchant, Marc Vander Linden, Marco Madella, Manuel Arroyo-Kalin, Emily Hammer, Marek Nowak, Emmanuel Ndiema, Andrew Sluyter, Madeleine McLeester, Sandy P. Harrison, Matthew J. Hannaford, Jed O. Kaplan, Cameron Petrie, Stefania Merlo, Stefano Biagetti, Hajnalka Herold, Vanessa Navarrete, Selvakumar Veerasamy, Elizabeth Kyazike, Laura Popova, Eduardo Kazuo Tamanaha, Dragana Filipović, Julian Laabs, Lynn Welton, Magdalena Moskal-del Hoyo, Austin Chad Hill, Jan Kolář, Kathleen D. Morrison, Johanna Hilpert, Evert Thomas, Andrew M. Bauer, Meriel McClatchie, Thomas Foster, Nicola Whitehouse, Krista Lewis, Umberto Lombardo, Ferran Antolín, Paul Lane, Welmoed A. Out, Rosie R. Bishop, Carla Lancelotti, Alice Yao, Jennifer Bates, Erle C. Ellis, Eduardo Góes Neves, Scott Mooney, Manjil Hazarika, Francis E. Mayle, Dan Lawrence, Phillip Buckland, Marie-José Gaillard, Dagmar Dreslerová, Marco Zanon, Oliver Boles, Pablo Cruz, Hammer, Emily [0000-0002-7774-1988], Whitehouse, Nicola [0000-0002-7044-6492], Bates, Jennifer [0000-0002-7100-4741], Yao, Alice [0000-0002-9438-760X], Biagetti, Stefano [0000-0003-0936-3070], Ellis, Erle [0000-0002-2006-3362], Foster, Thomas [0000-0003-3712-3744], Herold, Hajnalka [0000-0001-8478-943X], Kay, Andrea [0000-0001-8285-1893], Kolář, Jan [0000-0001-8013-6992], Kyazike, Elizabeth [0000-0003-1503-7220], Lancelotti, Carla [0000-0003-1099-7329], Lawrence, Dan [0000-0001-5613-1243], Lucarini, Giulio [0000-0003-4722-1065], McClatchie, Meriel [0000-0001-6371-333X], Mooney, Scott [0000-0003-4449-5060], Navarrete, Vanessa [0000-0001-9377-298X], Out, Welmoed A [0000-0001-7262-5358], Phelps, Leanne N [0000-0002-7385-3907], Rostain, Stéphen [0000-0003-0985-6406], Russell, Thembi [0000-0002-0241-216X], Sluyter, Andrew [0000-0002-1509-0681], Tamanaha, Eduardo [0000-0001-9400-0682], Veerasamy, Selvakumar [0000-0003-2374-9690], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, Out, Welmoed A. [0000-0001-7262-5358], Phelps, Leanne N. [0000-0002-7385-3907], and Freeman, Jacob
In the 12,000 years preceding the Industrial Revolution, human activities led to significant changes in land cover, plant and animal distributions, surface hydrology, and biochemical cycles. Earth system models suggest that this anthropogenic land cover change influenced regional and global climate. However, the representation of past land use in earth system models is currently oversimplified. As a result, there are large uncertainties in the current understanding of the past and current state of the earth system. In order to improve representation of the variety and scale of impacts that past land use had on the earth system, a global effort is underway to aggregate and synthesize archaeological and historical evidence of land use systems. Here we present a simple, hierarchical classification of land use systems designed to be used with archaeological and historical data at a global scale and a schema of codes that identify land use practices common to a range of systems, both implemented in a geospatial database. The classification scheme and database resulted from an extensive process of consultation with researchers worldwide. Our scheme is designed to deliver consistent, empirically robust data for the improvement of land use models, while simultaneously allowing for a comparative, detailed mapping of land use relevant to the needs of historical scholars. To illustrate the benefits of the classification scheme and methods for mapping historical land use, we apply it to Mesopotamia and Arabia at 6 kya (c. 4000 BCE). The scheme will be used to describe land use by the Past Global Changes (PAGES) LandCover6k working group, an international project comprised of archaeologists, historians, geographers, paleoecologists, and modelers. Beyond this, the scheme has a wide utility for creating a common language between research and policy communities, linking archaeologists with climate modelers, biodiversity conservation workers and initiatives. Fil: Morrison, Kathleen D.. University of Pennsylvania; Estados Unidos Fil: Hammer, Emily. University of Pennsylvania; Estados Unidos Fil: Boles, Oliver. University of Pennsylvania; Estados Unidos Fil: Madella, Marco. University of the Witwatersrand; Sudáfrica. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; España Fil: Whitehouse, Nicola. University of Glasgow; Reino Unido Fil: Gaillard, Marie-Jose. Linnaeus University; Suecia Fil: Bates, Jennifer. University of Pennsylvania; Estados Unidos Fil: Linden, Marc Vander. Bournemouth University; Sudáfrica Fil: Merlo, Stefania. University of the Witwatersrand; Sudáfrica Fil: Yao, Alice. University of Chicago; Estados Unidos Fil: Popova, Laura. Arizona State University; Estados Unidos Fil: Hill, Austin Chad. University of Pennsylvania; Estados Unidos Fil: Antolin, Ferran. Universiat Basel; Suiza Fil: Bauer, Andrew. University of Stanford; Estados Unidos Fil: Biagetti, Stefano. University of the Witwatersrand; Sudáfrica. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; España Fil: Bishop, Rosie R.. University of Stavanger; Noruega Fil: Buckland, Phillip. Universidad de Umea; Suecia Fil: Cruz, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Unidad Ejecutora en Ciencias Sociales Regionales y Humanidades. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Unidad Ejecutora en Ciencias Sociales Regionales y Humanidades; Argentina Fil: Dreslerová, Dagmar. Institute Of Archaeology Of The Academy Of Sciences Of The Czech Republic; Hungría Fil: Dusseldorp, Gerrit. Leiden University; Países Bajos Fil: Ellis, Erle C.. University of Maryland; Estados Unidos. University Of Johannesburg; Sudáfrica Fil: Filipovich, Ruben Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales. Museo de Ciencias Naturales. Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA; Argentina Fil: Foster, Thomas. University of Tulsa; Estados Unidos Fil: Hannaford, Matthew J.. Lincoln University.; Nueva Zelanda Fil: Harrison, Sandy P.. University of Reading; Reino Unido Fil: Hazarika, Manjil. Cotton University; India Fil: Herold, Hajnalka. University of Exeter; Reino Unido Fil: Hilpert, Johanna. Universitat zu Köln; Alemania Fil: Kaplan, Jed O.. The University Of Hong Kong; Hong Kong Fil: Kay, Andrea. Max Planck Institute For The Science Of Human History; Alemania Fil: Goldewijk, Kees Klein. Utrecht University; Países Bajos Fil: Kolár, Jan. Masaryk University; República Checa Fil: Kyazike, Elizabeth. Kyambogo University; Uganda Fil: Laabs, Julian. University of Bern; Suiza Fil: Lancelotti, Carla. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; España Fil: Lane, Paul. University of the Witwatersrand; Sudáfrica. University of Cambridge; Estados Unidos Fil: Lawrence, Dan. University of Durham; Reino Unido Fil: Lewis, Krista. University of Arkansas; Estados Unidos Fil: Lombardo, Umberto. University of Bern; Suiza Fil: Lucarini, Giulio. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Italia. University of Naples; Italia Fil: Arroyo Kalin, Manuel. Colegio Universitario de Londres; Reino Unido Fil: Marchant, Rob. University of York; Reino Unido Fil: Mayle, Francis. University of Reading; Reino Unido Fil: McClatchie, Meriel. University College; Irlanda Fil: McLeester, Madeleine. Dartmouth College; Estados Unidos Fil: Mooney, Scott. Unsw Sydney; Australia Fil: Moskal-Del Hoyo, Magdalena. Wladyslaw Szafer Institute Of Botany Of The Polish Academy Of Sciences; Polonia Fil: Navarrete, Vanessa. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; España Fil: Ndiema, Emmanuel. National Museums Of Kenya; Kenia Fil: Neves, Eduardo Góes. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasil Fil: Nowak, Marek. Jagiellonian University; Polonia Fil: Out, Welmoed A.. Moesgaard Museum; Dinamarca Fil: Petrie, Cameron. Universitat Pompeu Fabra; España. University of Cambridge; Estados Unidos Fil: Phelps, Leanne N.. Royal Botanic Gardens; Reino Unido. University of Edinburgh; Reino Unido Fil: Szakonyi, Zsolt. Eötvös University; Hungría Fil: Rostain, Stéphen. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia Fil: Russell, Thembi. University of the Witwatersrand; Sudáfrica Fil: Sluyter, Andrew. Louisiana State University; Estados Unidos Fil: Styring, Amy K.. University of Oxford; Reino Unido Fil: Tamanaha, Eduardo. The Mamirauá Sustainable Development Institute; Brasil Fil: Thomas, Evert. The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT; Perú Fil: Veerasamy, Selvakumar. Tamil University; India Fil: Welton, Lynn. University of the Witwatersrand; Sudáfrica Fil: Zanon, Marco. Institute of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology; Alemania