190 results on '"Frigatti P"'
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2. The Sac Evolution Imaging Follow-Up after EVAR: an international expert opinion-based Delphi consensus study
- Author
Tinelli, G, D'Oria, M, Sica, S, Mani, K, Rancic, Z, Resch, T, Beccia, F, Azizzadeh, A, Da Volta Ferreira, M, Gargiulo, M, Lepidi, S, Tshomba, Y, Oderich, G, Haulon, S, Beck, A, Hertault, A, Savlania, A, Froio, A, Giaquinta, A, Zimmermann, A, Psyllas, A, Wanhainen, A, Marchetti, A, Queiroz, A, Kahlberg, A, Reyes-Valdivia, A, Schanzer, A, Tambyraja, A, Freyrie, A, Lorido, A, Millon, A, Ippoliti, A, Abai, B, Mees, B, Reutersberg, B, Maurel, B, Michel, B, Wahlgren, C, Cavazzini, C, Setacci, C, Lee, C, Ferrer, C, Bicknell, C, Raphael, C, Clair, D, Dawson, D, Arnaoutakis, D, Bockler, D, Kotelis, D, Mujagic, E, Chisci, E, Cieri, E, Gallitto, E, Marone, E, Ducasse, E, Verzini, F, Pecoraro, F, Serracino-Inglott, F, Benedetto, F, Speziale, F, Stilo, F, Alvarez-Marcos, F, Pagliariccio, G, Piffaretti, G, Lanza, G, Philipp, G, Geenberg, G, Jung, G, Melissano, G, Veraldi, G, Parlani, G, Faggioli, G, de Donato, G, Simonte, G, Colacchio, G, De Caridi, G, Pratesi, G, Spinella, G, Torsello, G, Leong Tan, G, Magee, G, Verhagen, H, Andrew, H, Koleilat, I, Ohman, J, de Vries, J, Budtz-Lilly, J, Black, J, Eldrup-Jorgensen, J, Hockley, J, Bath, J, Sobocinski, J, van Herwaarden, J, Reinhard, K, Orion, K, Amankwah, K, Bertoglio, L, di Marzo, L, Garriboli, L, Rizzo, L, Hakimi, M, Sheahan, M, Khashram, M, Schermerhorn, M, Lescan, M, Conrad, M, Davies, M, Czerny, M, Orrico, M, Eagleton, M, Smeds, M, Taurino, M, Wohlauer, M, Sharafuddin, M, Anna-Leonie, M, Reijnen, M, Antonello, M, Piazza, M, Settembre, N, Mouawad, N, Tsilimparis, N, Dias, N, Martinelli, O, Frigatti, P, Sirignano, P, Chong, P, Bevis, P, Dimuzio, P, Henke, P, Duppers, P, Holt, P, Helmio, P, Vriens, P, Pulli, R, Bellosta, R, Micheli, R, Veeraswamy, R, Cuff, R, Chiappa, R, Gattuso, R, Pini, R, Dalman, R, Milner, R, Scali, S, Bahia, S, Laukontaus, S, Trimarchi, S, Fernandez-Alonso, S, Deglise, S, Bellmunt-Montoya, S, Hofer, S, Yusuf, S, Ronchey, S, Bartoli, S, Bonvini, S, Camparini, S, Fazzini, S, Pirrelli, S, Horer, T, Bisdas, T, Vasudevan, T, Lattmann, T, Wyss, T, Maldonado, T, Pfammatter, T, Kolbel, T, Jakimowicz, T, Donati, T, Tracci, M, Bracale, U, Tolva, V, Riambau, V, Palazzo, V, Makaloski, V, Von Allmen, R, Dorigo, W, Mansour, W, Van den Eynde, W, Tinelli G., D'Oria M., Sica S., Mani K., Rancic Z., Resch T. A., Beccia F., Azizzadeh A., Da Volta Ferreira M. M., Gargiulo M., Lepidi S., Tshomba Y., Oderich G. S., Haulon S., Beck A. W., Hertault A., Savlania A., Froio A., Giaquinta A., Zimmermann A., Psyllas A., Wanhainen A., Marchetti A. A., Queiroz A. B., Kahlberg A., Reyes-Valdivia A., Schanzer A., Tambyraja A., Freyrie A., Lorido A., Millon A., Ippoliti A., Abai B., Mees B., Reutersberg B., Maurel B., Michel B., Wahlgren C. M., Cavazzini C., Setacci C., Lee C. J., Ferrer C., Bicknell C., Raphael C., Clair D., Dawson D. L., Arnaoutakis D. J., Bockler D., Kotelis D., Mujagic E., Chisci E., Cieri E., Gallitto E., Marone E. M., Ducasse E., Verzini F., Pecoraro F., Serracino-Inglott F., Benedetto F., Speziale F., Stilo F., Alvarez-Marcos F., Pagliariccio G., Piffaretti G., Lanza G., Philipp G., Geenberg G., Jung G., Melissano G., Veraldi G. F., Parlani G., Faggioli G., de Donato G., Simonte G., Colacchio G., De Caridi G., Pratesi G., Spinella G., Torsello G., Leong Tan G. W., Magee G. A., Verhagen H., Andrew H., Koleilat I., Ohman J. W., de Vries J. P. P. M., Budtz-Lilly J., Black J., Eldrup-Jorgensen J., Hockley J., Bath J., Sobocinski J., van Herwaarden J. A., Reinhard K., Orion K. C., Amankwah K., Bertoglio L., di Marzo L., Garriboli L., Rizzo L., Hakimi M., Sheahan M., Khashram M., Schermerhorn M., Lescan M., Conrad M., Davies M. G., Czerny M., Orrico M., Eagleton M. J., Smeds M. R., Taurino M., Wohlauer M., Sharafuddin M. J., Anna-Leonie M., Reijnen M., Antonello M., Piazza M., Settembre N., Mouawad N. J., Tsilimparis N., Dias N., Martinelli O., Frigatti P., Sirignano P., Chong P., Bevis P., DiMuzio P., Henke P., Duppers P., Holt P., Helmio P., Vriens P., Pulli R., Bellosta R., Micheli R., Veeraswamy R., Cuff R., Chiappa R., Gattuso R., Pini R., Dalman R. L., Milner R., Scali S. T., Bahia S., Laukontaus S., Trimarchi S., Fernandez-Alonso S., Deglise S., Bellmunt-Montoya S., Hofer S., Yusuf S. W., Ronchey S., Bartoli S., Bonvini S., Camparini S., Fazzini S., Pirrelli S., Horer T., Bisdas T., Vasudevan T., Lattmann T., Wyss T. R., Maldonado T., Pfammatter T., Kolbel T., Jakimowicz T., Donati T., Tracci M., Bracale U. M., Tolva V. S., Riambau V., Palazzo V., Makaloski V., Von Allmen R. S., Dorigo W., Mansour W., Van den Eynde W., Tinelli, G, D'Oria, M, Sica, S, Mani, K, Rancic, Z, Resch, T, Beccia, F, Azizzadeh, A, Da Volta Ferreira, M, Gargiulo, M, Lepidi, S, Tshomba, Y, Oderich, G, Haulon, S, Beck, A, Hertault, A, Savlania, A, Froio, A, Giaquinta, A, Zimmermann, A, Psyllas, A, Wanhainen, A, Marchetti, A, Queiroz, A, Kahlberg, A, Reyes-Valdivia, A, Schanzer, A, Tambyraja, A, Freyrie, A, Lorido, A, Millon, A, Ippoliti, A, Abai, B, Mees, B, Reutersberg, B, Maurel, B, Michel, B, Wahlgren, C, Cavazzini, C, Setacci, C, Lee, C, Ferrer, C, Bicknell, C, Raphael, C, Clair, D, Dawson, D, Arnaoutakis, D, Bockler, D, Kotelis, D, Mujagic, E, Chisci, E, Cieri, E, Gallitto, E, Marone, E, Ducasse, E, Verzini, F, Pecoraro, F, Serracino-Inglott, F, Benedetto, F, Speziale, F, Stilo, F, Alvarez-Marcos, F, Pagliariccio, G, Piffaretti, G, Lanza, G, Philipp, G, Geenberg, G, Jung, G, Melissano, G, Veraldi, G, Parlani, G, Faggioli, G, de Donato, G, Simonte, G, Colacchio, G, De Caridi, G, Pratesi, G, Spinella, G, Torsello, G, Leong Tan, G, Magee, G, Verhagen, H, Andrew, H, Koleilat, I, Ohman, J, de Vries, J, Budtz-Lilly, J, Black, J, Eldrup-Jorgensen, J, Hockley, J, Bath, J, Sobocinski, J, van Herwaarden, J, Reinhard, K, Orion, K, Amankwah, K, Bertoglio, L, di Marzo, L, Garriboli, L, Rizzo, L, Hakimi, M, Sheahan, M, Khashram, M, Schermerhorn, M, Lescan, M, Conrad, M, Davies, M, Czerny, M, Orrico, M, Eagleton, M, Smeds, M, Taurino, M, Wohlauer, M, Sharafuddin, M, Anna-Leonie, M, Reijnen, M, Antonello, M, Piazza, M, Settembre, N, Mouawad, N, Tsilimparis, N, Dias, N, Martinelli, O, Frigatti, P, Sirignano, P, Chong, P, Bevis, P, Dimuzio, P, Henke, P, Duppers, P, Holt, P, Helmio, P, Vriens, P, Pulli, R, Bellosta, R, Micheli, R, Veeraswamy, R, Cuff, R, Chiappa, R, Gattuso, R, Pini, R, Dalman, R, Milner, R, Scali, S, Bahia, S, Laukontaus, S, Trimarchi, S, Fernandez-Alonso, S, Deglise, S, Bellmunt-Montoya, S, Hofer, S, Yusuf, S, Ronchey, S, Bartoli, S, Bonvini, S, Camparini, S, Fazzini, S, Pirrelli, S, Horer, T, Bisdas, T, Vasudevan, T, Lattmann, T, Wyss, T, Maldonado, T, Pfammatter, T, Kolbel, T, Jakimowicz, T, Donati, T, Tracci, M, Bracale, U, Tolva, V, Riambau, V, Palazzo, V, Makaloski, V, Von Allmen, R, Dorigo, W, Mansour, W, Van den Eynde, W, Tinelli G., D'Oria M., Sica S., Mani K., Rancic Z., Resch T. A., Beccia F., Azizzadeh A., Da Volta Ferreira M. M., Gargiulo M., Lepidi S., Tshomba Y., Oderich G. S., Haulon S., Beck A. W., Hertault A., Savlania A., Froio A., Giaquinta A., Zimmermann A., Psyllas A., Wanhainen A., Marchetti A. A., Queiroz A. B., Kahlberg A., Reyes-Valdivia A., Schanzer A., Tambyraja A., Freyrie A., Lorido A., Millon A., Ippoliti A., Abai B., Mees B., Reutersberg B., Maurel B., Michel B., Wahlgren C. M., Cavazzini C., Setacci C., Lee C. J., Ferrer C., Bicknell C., Raphael C., Clair D., Dawson D. L., Arnaoutakis D. J., Bockler D., Kotelis D., Mujagic E., Chisci E., Cieri E., Gallitto E., Marone E. M., Ducasse E., Verzini F., Pecoraro F., Serracino-Inglott F., Benedetto F., Speziale F., Stilo F., Alvarez-Marcos F., Pagliariccio G., Piffaretti G., Lanza G., Philipp G., Geenberg G., Jung G., Melissano G., Veraldi G. F., Parlani G., Faggioli G., de Donato G., Simonte G., Colacchio G., De Caridi G., Pratesi G., Spinella G., Torsello G., Leong Tan G. W., Magee G. A., Verhagen H., Andrew H., Koleilat I., Ohman J. W., de Vries J. P. P. M., Budtz-Lilly J., Black J., Eldrup-Jorgensen J., Hockley J., Bath J., Sobocinski J., van Herwaarden J. A., Reinhard K., Orion K. C., Amankwah K., Bertoglio L., di Marzo L., Garriboli L., Rizzo L., Hakimi M., Sheahan M., Khashram M., Schermerhorn M., Lescan M., Conrad M., Davies M. G., Czerny M., Orrico M., Eagleton M. J., Smeds M. R., Taurino M., Wohlauer M., Sharafuddin M. J., Anna-Leonie M., Reijnen M., Antonello M., Piazza M., Settembre N., Mouawad N. J., Tsilimparis N., Dias N., Martinelli O., Frigatti P., Sirignano P., Chong P., Bevis P., DiMuzio P., Henke P., Duppers P., Holt P., Helmio P., Vriens P., Pulli R., Bellosta R., Micheli R., Veeraswamy R., Cuff R., Chiappa R., Gattuso R., Pini R., Dalman R. L., Milner R., Scali S. T., Bahia S., Laukontaus S., Trimarchi S., Fernandez-Alonso S., Deglise S., Bellmunt-Montoya S., Hofer S., Yusuf S. W., Ronchey S., Bartoli S., Bonvini S., Camparini S., Fazzini S., Pirrelli S., Horer T., Bisdas T., Vasudevan T., Lattmann T., Wyss T. R., Maldonado T., Pfammatter T., Kolbel T., Jakimowicz T., Donati T., Tracci M., Bracale U. M., Tolva V. S., Riambau V., Palazzo V., Makaloski V., Von Allmen R. S., Dorigo W., Mansour W., and Van den Eynde W.
- Abstract
Objective: Management of follow-up protocols after endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) varies significantly between centers and is not standardized according to sac regression. By designing an international expert-based Delphi consensus, the study aimed to create recommendations on follow-up after EVAR according to sac evolution. Methods: Eight facilitators created appropriate statements regarding the study topic that were voted, using a 4-point Likert scale, by a selected panel of international experts using a three-round modified Delphi consensus process. Based on the experts' responses, only those statements reaching a grade A (full agreement ≥75%) or B (overall agreement ≥80% and full disagreement <5%) were included in the final document. Results: One-hundred and seventy-four participants were included in the final analysis, and each voted the initial 29 statements related to the definition of sac regression (Q1-Q9), EVAR follow-up (Q10-Q14), and the assessment and role of sac regression during follow-up (Q15-Q29). At the end of the process, 2 statements (6.9%) were rejected, 9 statements (31%) received a grade B consensus strength, and 18 (62.1%) reached a grade A consensus strength. Of 27 final statements, 15 (55.6%) were classified as grade I, whereas 12 (44.4%) were classified as grade II. Experts agreed that sac regression should be considered an important indicator of EVAR success and always be assessed during follow-up after EVAR. Conclusions: Based on the elevated strength and high consistency of this international expert-based Delphi consensus, most of the statements might guide the current clinical management of follow-up after EVAR according to the sac regression. Future studies are needed to clarify debated issues.
- Published
- 2024
3. Medium-term outcomes of EXTra-design engineering inner-branch ENdografts for the treatment of complex aortic aneurysms from a multicenter collaboration.
- Author
Abisi, Said, Zayed, Hany, Frigatti, Paolo, Furlan, Federico, Simonte, Gioele, Isernia, Giacomo, Kuczmik, Wacław, Fattoum, Maher, Halak, Moshe, Silverberg, Daniel, Gkoutzios, Panos, and Saha, Prakash
- Abstract
This study aims to present the medium-term outcomes of Extra-Design engineering endografts with inner branches (EDE-iBEVARs, Artivion) in endovascular aortic repairs of complex aneurysms building upon promising early results. A retrospective, international, multi-center study was conducted including consecutive patients who underwent complex endovascular aortic repairs using EDE-iBEVARs between 2018 and 2022. Patient demographics, aneurysm anatomical features, procedural details, reinterventions, complications, and endograft failures during follow-up were assessed. The primary outcome was aneurysm-related mortality. Secondary outcome measures included the freedom from all-cause mortality and reintervention, technical and clinical success, and late related complications including branch instability, endoleaks, and serious adverse events. Our study encompassed a total of 260 patients across 13 European centers. The cohort included patients with thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (n = 116), suprarenal or juxta-renal aneurysms (n = 95), and those who had previous open repair or previous endovascular aortic repair with type 1A endoleak (n = 49). Of 982 possible inner branches (937 antegrade and 45 retrograde), 962 (98%) were successfully cannulated and bridged with covered stents during the index procedure. Overall, the endograft was successfully deployed in 98% of patients, and 93% were discharged from hospital following surgery. At 3 years, freedom from aneurysm-related mortality was 97%, whereas the freedom of all-cause mortality was 89%. Freedom from reinterventions was 91% and 76% at 1 and 3 years, respectively. The rate of late complications such as endoleaks or branch instability events was 12% (n = 30). The late branch occlusion rate during follow-up was 1.5% (n = 15), of which 12 were renal branches. EDE-iBEVARs demonstrate satisfactory medium-term outcomes with reintervention rates comparable to other endografts. Encouragingly, rates of branch patency were high, and major adverse events were low. This technology could expand the treatment options for patients with challenging complex aortic conditions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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4. Insight from an Italian Delphi Consensus on EVAR feasibility outside the instruction for use: the SAFE EVAR Study
- Author
Sirignano, P, Piffaretti, G, Ceruti, S, Orso, M, Picozzi, M, Ricci, G, Sirignano, A, Taurino, M, Giancarlo Accarino, M, Accrocca, F, Alba, G, Alberti, A, Alberti, V, Allevi, S, Aloisi, F, Amato, B, Amico, A, Andreoli, F, Angiletta, D, Antico, A, Antico, L, Antonello, M, Baccellieri, D, Badalamenti, G, Bafile, G, Baldi, C, Barillà, C, Barillà, D, Bartoli, S, Basile, G, Battaglia, G, Battocchio, C, Belloni, A, Bellosta, R, Benevento, D, Bernardini, G, Bertagna, G, Bertoglio, L, Bianchini Massoni, C, Bisacco, D, Bischetti, M, Boccalon, L, Bonanno, P, Bonardelli, S, Borioni, R, P Borrelli, M, Bozzani, A, M Bracale, U, Camparini, S, Canciglia, A, Canova, F, Capoccia, L, Cappelli, A, Cappiello, P, Carluccio, C, Casalino, A, Casella, F, Casilli, G, Castagno, C, Castelli, P, Castrucci, T, Cavallo, M, Cavazzini, C, Ceccanei, G, Cefalì, P, Celoria, G, Cevolani, M, Chiappa, R, Chisci, E, Comande, C, Compagna, R, Cumino, A, Cuozzo, S, Dalla Caneva, P, D'Alessio, I, D'Arrigo, G, DE Caridi, G, DE Donato, G, DE Donno, G, Desantis, C, DE Santis, F, DE Troia, A, Dezi, T, A Diaco, D, DI Domenico, R, DI Filippo, M, DI Girolamo, A, P Dionisi, C, Dinoto, E, DI Stefano, F, DI STEFANO, L, D'Oria, M, Esposito, A, Esposito, D, Ettore, L, F Fadda, G, Faggioli, G, T Fargion, A, Fazzini, S, Fermani, N, Ferrante, G, Ferrari, M, Ferraro, S, Ferrer, C, Ferretto, L, Ficarelli, I, Filippi, F, Fino, G, Forliti, E, Formiconi, M, Flora, L, Fresilli, M, Frigatti, P, Frigerio, D, Froio, A, Freyrie, A, Furgiuele, S, Gabrielli, R, Gaggiano, A, Galassi, L, Gallelli, G, Gallitto, E, Gallo, F, Galzerano, G, Gargiulo, M, Garriboli, L, G Genadiev, G, Gentile, L, Giaquinta, A, Gibello, L, Grande, R, Grassi, V, Ippoliti, A, Irsara, S, Kahlberg, A, Konstantinos, N, LA Corte, F, Lanza, G, Lauricella, A, Lazzeri, E, Lenti, M, Leopardi, M, Lepidi, S, Li Destri, A, Locatelli, F, Lomazzi, C, Lombardi, F, Lorido, A, Maggiore, C, Mansour, W, Marcucci, V, Mascia, D, Massara, M, Mastrangelo, G, Margheritini, C, Maritati, G, Martelli, E, Martinelli, O, Marzano, A, Mauri, F, Mazzacaro, D, Melloni, A, Mezzetti, R, Michelagnoli, S, Migliara, B, Migliari, M, Millarelli, M, Misuraca, M, Modugno, P, Moniaci, D, Montelione, N, Monti, A, Monzio-Compagnoni, N, Moro, M, Mortola, L, Mozzetta, G, Musilli, A, Nano, G, Occhiuto, M, M Oddi, F, Orellana, B, Orlando, P, Orrico, M, A Pacilè, M, Pagliariccio, G, Pallini, C, Palmieri, A, Palughi, M, Panagrasso, M, Panzano, C, Panzera, C, Pascucci, F, Pasqua, R, Pasquetti, L, Pasqui, E, Pecchio, A, Pecoraro, F, Peluttiero, I, F Pennetta, F, Perini, P, Piazza, M, Pini, R, Pipito, N, Pranteda, C, Praquin, B, Pratesi, C, F Porreca, C, Pulli, R, Reina, N, F Rinaldi, L, Rizzo, L, Romano, E, Ronchey, S, Ruggiero, F, Ruggiero, M, Sallustro, M, Saviane, G, Sbarigia, E, Scovazzi, P, M Segramor, V, Sena, G, Setacci, C, Setacci, F, E Setteducati, C, M Settembrini, A, Siani, A, Sica, S, Speziale, F, Squizzato, F, Stella, N, Stilo, F, Sufali, G, Tanda, E, Tinelli, G, Tomei, F, Tosti, F, Trimarchi, S, Troisi, N, Tshomba, Y, Turchino, D, Turriziani, V, Ucci, A, Veneto, V, Veraldi, G, Wiesel, P, Xodo, A, Zacà, S, Zaraca, F, Zenunaj, G, SIRIGNANO, Pasqualino, PIFFARETTI, Gabriele, CERUTI, Silvia, ORSO, Massimiliano, PICOZZI, Mario, RICCI, Giovanna, SIRIGNANO, Ascanio, TAURINO, Maurizio, Giancarlo Accarino, Maurizio, Accrocca, Federico, Alba, Giuseppe, Alberti, Antonino, Alberti, Vittorio, Allevi, Sara, Aloisi, Francesco, Amato, Bruno, Amico, Alessio, Andreoli, Francesco, Angiletta, Domenico, Antico, Antonio, Antico, Lorenzo, Antonello, Michele, Baccellieri, Domenico, Badalamenti, Giovanni, Bafile, Gennaro, Baldi, Claudio, Barillà, Chiara, Barillà, David, Bartoli, Stefano, Basile, Giusi, Battaglia, Giuseppe, Battocchio, Cesare, Belloni, Ailin, Bellosta, Raffello, Benevento, Domenico, Bernardini, Giulia, Bertagna, Giulia, Bertoglio, Luca, Bianchini Massoni, Claudio, Bisacco, Daniel, Bischetti, Michelangelo, Boccalon, Luca, Bonanno, Paolo, Bonardelli, Stefano, Borioni, Raul, P Borrelli, Maria, Bozzani, Antonio, M Bracale, Umberto, Camparini, Stefano, Canciglia, Aldo, Canova, Francesco, Capoccia, Laura, Cappelli, Alessandro, Cappiello, Pierlugi, Carluccio, Chiara, Casalino, Alfonso, Casella, Francesco, Casilli, Giulia, Castagno, Claudio, Castelli, Patrizio, Castrucci, Tommaso, Cavallo, Matteo, Cavazzini, Carlo, Ceccanei, Gianluca, Cefalì, Pietro, Celoria, Gianni, Cevolani, Mauro, Chiappa, Roberto, Chisci, Emiliano, Comande, Carlo, Compagna, Rita, Cumino, Andrea, Cuozzo, Simone, Dalla Caneva, Patrizia, D'Alessio, Ilaria, D'Arrigo, Giuseppe, DE Caridi, Giovanni, DE Donato, Gianmarco, DE Donno, Gabriele, Desantis, Claudio, DE Santis, Francesco, DE Troia, Alessandro, Dezi, Tommaso, A Diaco, Domenico, DI Domenico, Rossella, DI Filippo, Michele, DI Girolamo, Alessia, P Dionisi, Carlo, Dinoto, Ettore, DI Stefano, Francesco, DI STEFANO, Lucia, D'Oria, Mario, Esposito, Andrea, Esposito, Davide, Ettore, Ludovica, F Fadda, Gian, Faggioli, Gianluca, T Fargion, Aaron, Fazzini, Stefano, Fermani, Nicoletta, Ferrante, Giulia, Ferrari, Mauro, Ferraro, Stafanio, Ferrer, Ciro, Ferretto, Luca, Ficarelli, Ilaria, Filippi, Federico, Fino, Gianluigi, Forliti, Enzo, Formiconi, Martina, Flora, Loris, Fresilli, Mauro, Frigatti, Paolo, Frigerio, Dalmazio, Froio, Alberto, Freyrie, Antonio, Furgiuele, Sergio, Gabrielli, Roberto, Gaggiano, Andrea, Galassi, Luca, Gallelli, Giuseppe, Gallitto, Enrico, Gallo, Francesco, Galzerano, Giuseppe, Gargiulo, Mauro, Garriboli, Luca, G Genadiev, Genadi, Gentile, Lucia, Giaquinta, Alessia, Gibello, Lorenzo, Grande, Raffaele, Grassi, Viviana, Ippoliti, Arnaldo, Irsara, Sandro, Kahlberg, Andrea, Konstantinos, Nikolakopoulos, LA Corte, Francesco, Lanza, Gaetano, Lauricella, Antonio, Lazzeri, Elisa, Lenti, Massimo, Leopardi, Marco, Lepidi, Sandro, Li Destri, Andrea, Locatelli, Federica, Lomazzi, Chiara, Lombardi, Francesco, Lorido, Antonio, Maggiore, Claudia, Mansour, Wassim, Marcucci, Vittorio, Mascia, Daniele, Massara, Mafalda, Mastrangelo, Giovanni, Margheritini, Costanza, Maritati, Gabriele, Martelli, Eugenio, Martinelli, Ombretta, Marzano, Antonio, Mauri, Francesca, Mazzacaro, Daniela, Melloni, Andrea, Mezzetti, Roberto, Michelagnoli, Stefano, Migliara, Bruno, Migliari, Mattia, Millarelli, Massimiliano, Misuraca, Maria, Modugno, Pietro, Moniaci, Diego, Montelione, Nunzio, Monti, Andrea, Monzio-Compagnoni, Nicola, Moro, Mario, Mortola, Lorenzo, Mozzetta, Gaddiel, Musilli, Aldo, Nano, Giovanni, Occhiuto, Mariateresa, M Oddi, Fabio, Orellana, Bernardo, Orlando, Paola, Orrico, Matteo, A Pacilè, Maria, Pagliariccio, Gabriele, Pallini, Cristina, Palmieri, Armando, Palughi, Martina, Panagrasso, Marco, Panzano, Claudia, Panzera, Chiara, Pascucci, Francesco, Pasqua, Rocco, Pasquetti, Leonardo, Pasqui, Eduardo, Pecchio, Alberto, Pecoraro, Felice, Peluttiero, Ilaria, F Pennetta, Federico, Perini, Paolo, Piazza, Michele, Pini, Rodolfo, Pipito, Narayana, Pranteda, Chiara, Praquin, Barbara, Pratesi, Carlo, F Porreca, Carlo, Pulli, Raffaele, Reina, Nicola, F Rinaldi, Luigi, Rizzo, Luigi, Romano, Elisa, Ronchey, Sonia, Ruggiero, Federica, Ruggiero, Massimo, Sallustro, Marianna, Saviane, Gianna, Sbarigia, Enrico, Scovazzi, Paolo, M Segramor, Vittorio, Sena, Giuseppe, Setacci, Carlo, Setacci, Francesco, E Setteducati, Carmen, M Settembrini, Alberto, Siani, Andrea, Sica, Simona, Speziale, Francesco, Squizzato, Francesco, Stella, Nazzareno, Stilo, Francesco, Sufali, Gemmi, Tanda, Elisabetta, Tinelli, Giovanni, Tomei, Francesca, Tosti, Filomena, Trimarchi, Santi, Troisi, Nicola, Tshomba, Yamume, Turchino, Davide, Turriziani, Valerio, Ucci, Alessandro, Veneto, Vincenzo, Veraldi, Gianfranco, Wiesel, Paola, Xodo, Andrea, Zacà, Sergio, Zaraca, Francesco, Zenunaj, Glaudiol, Sirignano, P, Piffaretti, G, Ceruti, S, Orso, M, Picozzi, M, Ricci, G, Sirignano, A, Taurino, M, Giancarlo Accarino, M, Accrocca, F, Alba, G, Alberti, A, Alberti, V, Allevi, S, Aloisi, F, Amato, B, Amico, A, Andreoli, F, Angiletta, D, Antico, A, Antico, L, Antonello, M, Baccellieri, D, Badalamenti, G, Bafile, G, Baldi, C, Barillà, C, Barillà, D, Bartoli, S, Basile, G, Battaglia, G, Battocchio, C, Belloni, A, Bellosta, R, Benevento, D, Bernardini, G, Bertagna, G, Bertoglio, L, Bianchini Massoni, C, Bisacco, D, Bischetti, M, Boccalon, L, Bonanno, P, Bonardelli, S, Borioni, R, P Borrelli, M, Bozzani, A, M Bracale, U, Camparini, S, Canciglia, A, Canova, F, Capoccia, L, Cappelli, A, Cappiello, P, Carluccio, C, Casalino, A, Casella, F, Casilli, G, Castagno, C, Castelli, P, Castrucci, T, Cavallo, M, Cavazzini, C, Ceccanei, G, Cefalì, P, Celoria, G, Cevolani, M, Chiappa, R, Chisci, E, Comande, C, Compagna, R, Cumino, A, Cuozzo, S, Dalla Caneva, P, D'Alessio, I, D'Arrigo, G, DE Caridi, G, DE Donato, G, DE Donno, G, Desantis, C, DE Santis, F, DE Troia, A, Dezi, T, A Diaco, D, DI Domenico, R, DI Filippo, M, DI Girolamo, A, P Dionisi, C, Dinoto, E, DI Stefano, F, DI STEFANO, L, D'Oria, M, Esposito, A, Esposito, D, Ettore, L, F Fadda, G, Faggioli, G, T Fargion, A, Fazzini, S, Fermani, N, Ferrante, G, Ferrari, M, Ferraro, S, Ferrer, C, Ferretto, L, Ficarelli, I, Filippi, F, Fino, G, Forliti, E, Formiconi, M, Flora, L, Fresilli, M, Frigatti, P, Frigerio, D, Froio, A, Freyrie, A, Furgiuele, S, Gabrielli, R, Gaggiano, A, Galassi, L, Gallelli, G, Gallitto, E, Gallo, F, Galzerano, G, Gargiulo, M, Garriboli, L, G Genadiev, G, Gentile, L, Giaquinta, A, Gibello, L, Grande, R, Grassi, V, Ippoliti, A, Irsara, S, Kahlberg, A, Konstantinos, N, LA Corte, F, Lanza, G, Lauricella, A, Lazzeri, E, Lenti, M, Leopardi, M, Lepidi, S, Li Destri, A, Locatelli, F, Lomazzi, C, Lombardi, F, Lorido, A, Maggiore, C, Mansour, W, Marcucci, V, Mascia, D, Massara, M, Mastrangelo, G, Margheritini, C, Maritati, G, Martelli, E, Martinelli, O, Marzano, A, Mauri, F, Mazzacaro, D, Melloni, A, Mezzetti, R, Michelagnoli, S, Migliara, B, Migliari, M, Millarelli, M, Misuraca, M, Modugno, P, Moniaci, D, Montelione, N, Monti, A, Monzio-Compagnoni, N, Moro, M, Mortola, L, Mozzetta, G, Musilli, A, Nano, G, Occhiuto, M, M Oddi, F, Orellana, B, Orlando, P, Orrico, M, A Pacilè, M, Pagliariccio, G, Pallini, C, Palmieri, A, Palughi, M, Panagrasso, M, Panzano, C, Panzera, C, Pascucci, F, Pasqua, R, Pasquetti, L, Pasqui, E, Pecchio, A, Pecoraro, F, Peluttiero, I, F Pennetta, F, Perini, P, Piazza, M, Pini, R, Pipito, N, Pranteda, C, Praquin, B, Pratesi, C, F Porreca, C, Pulli, R, Reina, N, F Rinaldi, L, Rizzo, L, Romano, E, Ronchey, S, Ruggiero, F, Ruggiero, M, Sallustro, M, Saviane, G, Sbarigia, E, Scovazzi, P, M Segramor, V, Sena, G, Setacci, C, Setacci, F, E Setteducati, C, M Settembrini, A, Siani, A, Sica, S, Speziale, F, Squizzato, F, Stella, N, Stilo, F, Sufali, G, Tanda, E, Tinelli, G, Tomei, F, Tosti, F, Trimarchi, S, Troisi, N, Tshomba, Y, Turchino, D, Turriziani, V, Ucci, A, Veneto, V, Veraldi, G, Wiesel, P, Xodo, A, Zacà, S, Zaraca, F, Zenunaj, G, SIRIGNANO, Pasqualino, PIFFARETTI, Gabriele, CERUTI, Silvia, ORSO, Massimiliano, PICOZZI, Mario, RICCI, Giovanna, SIRIGNANO, Ascanio, TAURINO, Maurizio, Giancarlo Accarino, Maurizio, Accrocca, Federico, Alba, Giuseppe, Alberti, Antonino, Alberti, Vittorio, Allevi, Sara, Aloisi, Francesco, Amato, Bruno, Amico, Alessio, Andreoli, Francesco, Angiletta, Domenico, Antico, Antonio, Antico, Lorenzo, Antonello, Michele, Baccellieri, Domenico, Badalamenti, Giovanni, Bafile, Gennaro, Baldi, Claudio, Barillà, Chiara, Barillà, David, Bartoli, Stefano, Basile, Giusi, Battaglia, Giuseppe, Battocchio, Cesare, Belloni, Ailin, Bellosta, Raffello, Benevento, Domenico, Bernardini, Giulia, Bertagna, Giulia, Bertoglio, Luca, Bianchini Massoni, Claudio, Bisacco, Daniel, Bischetti, Michelangelo, Boccalon, Luca, Bonanno, Paolo, Bonardelli, Stefano, Borioni, Raul, P Borrelli, Maria, Bozzani, Antonio, M Bracale, Umberto, Camparini, Stefano, Canciglia, Aldo, Canova, Francesco, Capoccia, Laura, Cappelli, Alessandro, Cappiello, Pierlugi, Carluccio, Chiara, Casalino, Alfonso, Casella, Francesco, Casilli, Giulia, Castagno, Claudio, Castelli, Patrizio, Castrucci, Tommaso, Cavallo, Matteo, Cavazzini, Carlo, Ceccanei, Gianluca, Cefalì, Pietro, Celoria, Gianni, Cevolani, Mauro, Chiappa, Roberto, Chisci, Emiliano, Comande, Carlo, Compagna, Rita, Cumino, Andrea, Cuozzo, Simone, Dalla Caneva, Patrizia, D'Alessio, Ilaria, D'Arrigo, Giuseppe, DE Caridi, Giovanni, DE Donato, Gianmarco, DE Donno, Gabriele, Desantis, Claudio, DE Santis, Francesco, DE Troia, Alessandro, Dezi, Tommaso, A Diaco, Domenico, DI Domenico, Rossella, DI Filippo, Michele, DI Girolamo, Alessia, P Dionisi, Carlo, Dinoto, Ettore, DI Stefano, Francesco, DI STEFANO, Lucia, D'Oria, Mario, Esposito, Andrea, Esposito, Davide, Ettore, Ludovica, F Fadda, Gian, Faggioli, Gianluca, T Fargion, Aaron, Fazzini, Stefano, Fermani, Nicoletta, Ferrante, Giulia, Ferrari, Mauro, Ferraro, Stafanio, Ferrer, Ciro, Ferretto, Luca, Ficarelli, Ilaria, Filippi, Federico, Fino, Gianluigi, Forliti, Enzo, Formiconi, Martina, Flora, Loris, Fresilli, Mauro, Frigatti, Paolo, Frigerio, Dalmazio, Froio, Alberto, Freyrie, Antonio, Furgiuele, Sergio, Gabrielli, Roberto, Gaggiano, Andrea, Galassi, Luca, Gallelli, Giuseppe, Gallitto, Enrico, Gallo, Francesco, Galzerano, Giuseppe, Gargiulo, Mauro, Garriboli, Luca, G Genadiev, Genadi, Gentile, Lucia, Giaquinta, Alessia, Gibello, Lorenzo, Grande, Raffaele, Grassi, Viviana, Ippoliti, Arnaldo, Irsara, Sandro, Kahlberg, Andrea, Konstantinos, Nikolakopoulos, LA Corte, Francesco, Lanza, Gaetano, Lauricella, Antonio, Lazzeri, Elisa, Lenti, Massimo, Leopardi, Marco, Lepidi, Sandro, Li Destri, Andrea, Locatelli, Federica, Lomazzi, Chiara, Lombardi, Francesco, Lorido, Antonio, Maggiore, Claudia, Mansour, Wassim, Marcucci, Vittorio, Mascia, Daniele, Massara, Mafalda, Mastrangelo, Giovanni, Margheritini, Costanza, Maritati, Gabriele, Martelli, Eugenio, Martinelli, Ombretta, Marzano, Antonio, Mauri, Francesca, Mazzacaro, Daniela, Melloni, Andrea, Mezzetti, Roberto, Michelagnoli, Stefano, Migliara, Bruno, Migliari, Mattia, Millarelli, Massimiliano, Misuraca, Maria, Modugno, Pietro, Moniaci, Diego, Montelione, Nunzio, Monti, Andrea, Monzio-Compagnoni, Nicola, Moro, Mario, Mortola, Lorenzo, Mozzetta, Gaddiel, Musilli, Aldo, Nano, Giovanni, Occhiuto, Mariateresa, M Oddi, Fabio, Orellana, Bernardo, Orlando, Paola, Orrico, Matteo, A Pacilè, Maria, Pagliariccio, Gabriele, Pallini, Cristina, Palmieri, Armando, Palughi, Martina, Panagrasso, Marco, Panzano, Claudia, Panzera, Chiara, Pascucci, Francesco, Pasqua, Rocco, Pasquetti, Leonardo, Pasqui, Eduardo, Pecchio, Alberto, Pecoraro, Felice, Peluttiero, Ilaria, F Pennetta, Federico, Perini, Paolo, Piazza, Michele, Pini, Rodolfo, Pipito, Narayana, Pranteda, Chiara, Praquin, Barbara, Pratesi, Carlo, F Porreca, Carlo, Pulli, Raffaele, Reina, Nicola, F Rinaldi, Luigi, Rizzo, Luigi, Romano, Elisa, Ronchey, Sonia, Ruggiero, Federica, Ruggiero, Massimo, Sallustro, Marianna, Saviane, Gianna, Sbarigia, Enrico, Scovazzi, Paolo, M Segramor, Vittorio, Sena, Giuseppe, Setacci, Carlo, Setacci, Francesco, E Setteducati, Carmen, M Settembrini, Alberto, Siani, Andrea, Sica, Simona, Speziale, Francesco, Squizzato, Francesco, Stella, Nazzareno, Stilo, Francesco, Sufali, Gemmi, Tanda, Elisabetta, Tinelli, Giovanni, Tomei, Francesca, Tosti, Filomena, Trimarchi, Santi, Troisi, Nicola, Tshomba, Yamume, Turchino, Davide, Turriziani, Valerio, Ucci, Alessandro, Veneto, Vincenzo, Veraldi, Gianfranco, Wiesel, Paola, Xodo, Andrea, Zacà, Sergio, Zaraca, Francesco, and Zenunaj, Glaudiol
- Abstract
BACKGROUND: The SAfety and FEasibility of standard EVAR outside the instruction for use (SAFE-EVAR) Study was designed to define the attitude of Italian vascular surgeons towards the use of standard endovascular repair (EVAR) for infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) outside the instruction for use (IFU) through a Delphi consensus endorsed by the Italian Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Vascolare ed Endovascolare - SI CVE). METHODS : A questionnaire consisting of 26 statements was developed, validated by an 18-member Advisory Board, and then sent to 600 Italian vascular surgeons. The Delphi process was structured in three subsequent rounds which took place between April and June 2023. In the first two rounds, respondents could indicate one of the following five degrees of agreement: 1) strongly agree; 2) partially agree; 3) neither agree nor disagree; 4) partially disagree; 5) strongly disagree; while in the third round only three different choices were proposed: 1) agree; 2) neither agree nor disagree; 3) disagree. We considered the consensus reached when ≥70% of respondents agreed on one of the options. After the conclusion of each round, a report describing the percentage distribution of the answers was sent to all the participants. RESULTS: Two-hundred-forty-four (40.6%) Italian Vascular Surgeons agreed to participate the first round of the Delphi Consensus; the second and the third rounds of the Delphi collected 230 responders (94.3% of the first-round responders). Four statements (15.4%) reached a consensus in the first rounds. Among the 22 remaining statements, one more consensus (3.8%) was achieved in the second round. Finally, seven more statements (26.9%) reached a consensus in the simplified last round. Globally, a consensus was reached for almost half of the proposed statements (46.1%). CONCLUSIONS: The relatively low consensus rate obtained in this Delphi seems to confirm the discrepancy between Guideline
- Published
- 2024
5. RANDOMisation Screening for Drug coated or Drug Eluting Device Randomised Trials Among Patients Undergoing Endovascular FemorOPopliteal Procedures (RANDOM-STOP study)
- Author
Stavroulakis, K., primary, Katsogridakis, E., additional, Torsello, G., additional, Zayed, H., additional, van Herzeele, I., additional, Coscas, R., additional, Nasr, B., additional, Gonzalez, T.M., additional, Troisi, N., additional, Saratzis, A., additional, Bohnert, A., additional, Martin-Gonzalez, T., additional, Torsello, G.B., additional, Wichmann, K., additional, Cardona, Y.G., additional, Stavroulakis, C., additional, Stavroulakis, K., additional, Tsilimparis, N., additional, Konstantinou, N., additional, Croo, A., additional, Jacobs, K., additional, Pecceu, S., additional, Van Langenhove, K., additional, Mercier, L., additional, Simonte, G., additional, Terpin, A.M., additional, Isernia, G., additional, Furlan, F., additional, Frigatti, P., additional, Canovaro, F., additional, Torri, L., additional, D'Oria, M., additional, Lepidi, S., additional, Magalhães, T., additional, Pedro, L.M., additional, Marone, E.M., additional, Marazzi, G., additional, Rinaldi, L.F., additional, Thulasidasan, N., additional, Benton, L., additional, Gregory, M., additional, Asciutto, G., additional, Korosoglou, G., additional, and Torsello, G.F., additional
- Published
- 2023
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6. Early Outcomes of a Novel Off the Shelf Preloaded Inner Branch Endograft for the Treatment of Complex Aortic Pathologies in the ItaliaN Branched Registry of E-nside EnDograft (INBREED)
- Author
Piazza, M., primary, Squizzato, F., additional, Pratesi, G., additional, Tshomba, Y., additional, Gaggiano, A., additional, Gatta, E., additional, Simonte, G., additional, Piffaretti, G., additional, Frigatti, P., additional, Veraldi, G.F., additional, Silingardi, R., additional, and Antonello, M., additional
- Published
- 2023
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7. Long-term Outcomes and Sac Volume Shrinkage after Endovascular Popliteal Artery Aneurysm Repair
- Author
Piazza, M., Menegolo, M., Ferrari, A., Bonvini, S., Ricotta, J.J., Frigatti, P., Grego, F., and Antonello, M.
- Published
- 2014
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8. Parallel Endografts in the Treatment of Distal Aortic and Common Iliac Aneurysms
- Author
Lepidi, S., Piazza, M., Scrivere, P., Menegolo, M., Antonello, M., Grego, F., and Frigatti, P.
- Published
- 2014
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9. Sensitivity of whole-body bioelectrical impedance to edema in one leg
- Author
Codognotto, M., Piccoli, A., Piazza, M., Frigatti, P., Scharfetter, Hermann, editor, and Merwa, Robert, editor
- Published
- 2007
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10. Editor's Choice – Early Outcomes of a Novel Off the Shelf Preloaded Inner Branch Endograft for the Treatment of Complex Aortic Pathologies in the ItaliaN Branched Registry of E-nside EnDograft (INBREED).
- Author
Piazza, Michele, Squizzato, Francesco, Pratesi, Giovanni, Tshomba, Yamume, Gaggiano, Andrea, Gatta, Emanuele, Simonte, Gioele, Piffaretti, Gabriele, Frigatti, Paolo, Veraldi, Gian Franco, Silingardi, Roberto, and Antonello, Michele
- Abstract
The aim of this study was to investigate the early outcomes of a novel off the shelf pre-loaded inner branched thoraco-abdominal endograft (E-nside) in the treatment of aortic pathologies. Data from a physician initiated national multicentre registry on patients treated with the E-nside endograft, were prospectively collected and analysed. Pre-operative clinical and anatomical characteristics, procedural data, and early outcomes (90 days) were recorded in a dedicated electronic data capture system. The primary endpoint was technical success. Secondary endpoints were early mortality (90 days), procedural metrics, target vessel patency, endoleak rate, and major adverse events (MAEs) at 90 days. In total, 116 patients from 31 Italian centres were included. Mean ± standard deviation (SD) patient age was 73 ± 8 years and 76 (65.5%) were male. Aortic pathologies included degenerative aneurysm in 98 (84.5%), post-dissection aneurysm in five (4.3%), pseudoaneurysm in six (5.2%), penetrating aortic ulcer or intramural haematoma in four (3.4%), and subacute dissection in three (2.6%). Mean ± SD aneurysm diameter was 66 ± 17 mm; aneurysm extent was Crawford I – III in 55 (50.4%), IV in 21 (19.2%), pararenal in 29 (26.7%), and juxtarenal in four (3.7%). The procedure setting was urgent in 25 (21.5%) patients. Median procedural time was 240 minutes (interquartile range [IQR] 195, 303), with a median contrast volume of 175 mL (IQR 120, 235). The endograft's technical success rate was 98.2% and the 90 day mortality rate was 5.2% (n = 6; 2.1% for elective repair and 16% for urgent repair). The 90-days cumulative MAE rate was 24.1% (n = 28). At 90 days, there were 10 (2.3%) target vessel related events (nine occlusions and one type IC endoleak) and one type 1A endoleak requiring re-intervention. In this real life, non-sponsored registry, the E-nside endograft was used for the treatment of a broad spectrum of aortic pathologies, including urgent cases and different anatomies. The results showed excellent technical implantation safety and efficacy, as well as early outcomes. Longer term follow up is needed to better define the clinical role of this novel endograft. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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11. Preliminary six-month outcomes of LIMBSAVE (treatment of critical Limb IscheMia with infragenicular Bypass adopting in situ SAphenous VEin technique) registry
- Author
Troisi, N., Blasis, G. D., Salvini, M., Michelagnoli, S., Setacci, C., Accrocca, F., Adami, D., Angelini, A., Arnuzzo, L., Ascoli Marchetti, A., Attisani, L., Bafile, G., Baldino, G., Barbanti, E., Bartoli, S., Bellosta, R., Benedetto, F., Borioni, R., Briolini, F., Busoni, C., Camparini, S., Cappiello, P., Carbonari, L., Casella, F., Celoria, G., Chisci, E., Civilini, E., Codispoti, F., Conti, B., Coppi, G., D'Amico, A., De Blasis, G., D'Elia, M., Di Domenico, R., Di Girolamo, C., Ercolini, L., Ferrari, A., Ferrari, M., Forliti, E., Frigatti, P., Frigerio, D., Frosini, P., Garriboli, L., Nicola Giordano, A., Guerrieri, W., Jannello, A., Massara, M., Merlo, M., Mezzetti, R., Miccoli, T., Milite, D., Mingazzini, P., Muncinelli, M., Nano, G., Natola, M., Novali, C., Palasciano, G., Perkmann, R., Persi, F., Petruccelli, D., Pinelli, M., Poletto, G., Porta, C., Pratesi, C., Pruner, G., Ragazzi, G., Righini, P., Scovazzi, P., Maria Settembrini, A., Siani, A., Silingardi, R., Silvestro, A., Talarico, F., Tolva, V., Trani, A., Trimarchi, S., Tshomba, Y., Vigliotti, G., Viola, D., Volpe, P., and Zani, F.
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,in situ saphenous vein ,Databases, Factual ,Critical Illness ,Limb salvage ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,peripheral bypass ,Peripheral Arterial Disease ,03 medical and health sciences ,Standardized technique ,Postoperative Complications ,0302 clinical medicine ,Ischemia ,Humans ,Medicine ,Saphenous Vein ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Registries ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Vein ,Vascular Patency ,Aged ,Critical limb ischemia ,limb salvage ,Aged, 80 and over ,business.industry ,Saphenous vein bypass ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Surgery ,Settore MED/22 ,Treatment Outcome ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Italy ,Bypass surgery ,Female ,Vascular Grafting ,medicine.symptom ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
ObjectivesGuidelines recommend open bypass surgery for long occlusions of infrainguinal arteries. In situ saphenous vein bypass is a standardized technique. The aim of this study was to report preliminary six-month outcomes of a national, multicenter, observational, prospective registry based on the examination of treatment of critical Limb IscheMia with infragenicular Bypass adopting the in situ SAphenous VEin technique (LIMBSAVE).MethodsFrom January 2018 until October 2019, 428 patients from 41 centers were enrolled in the LIMBSAVE registry. Data were prospectively collected in a dedicated database, including demographics, preoperative risk factors, clinical and diagnostic preoperative assessments, intraoperative measures (including safety and effectiveness of the valvulotome during the surgical procedures), and 30-day follow-up data. Furthermore, estimated six-month outcomes according to Kaplan–Meier curves in terms of primary patency, primary assisted patency, secondary patency, and limb salvage were evaluated.ResultsPatients were predominantly male ( n = 332, 77.6%) with a mean age of 73.3 years (range 39–95). Technical success, defined as bypass pulse after use of the valvulotome, was obtained in all cases. The proximal anastomosis could be reached by the valvulotome in all cases. The mean number of valvulotome uses was 2.5 (range 1–5). No vein perforation was reported. In nine cases (2.1%), a vein lesion with intramural hemorrhage occurred. The mean length of hospital stay was 11.1 days (range 1–60). At 30-day follow-up, the overall bypass patency rate was 97.4%, and the rate of open or endo reinterventions for failing bypass was 5.4%. At six-month follow-up, the estimated primary patency, primary assisted patency, secondary patency, and limb salvage were 78.1%, 86.2%, 92.1%, and 94.7%, respectively.ConclusionsPreliminary intraprocedural outcomes of the LIMBSAVE registry show that the in situ technique with the valvulotome is safe and effective in disrupting valves and obtaining pulsatility in the saphenous vein. The complication rate related to the use of the valvulotome is low. The six-month preliminary outcomes in terms of overall patency and limb salvage are promising. Further examinations and continuous follow-up are needed to evaluate long-term outcomes.
- Published
- 2020
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12. Clinical effectiveness of IL-17 and IL-23 inhibitors on difficult-to-treat psoriasis areas (scalp, genital, and palmoplantar sites): a retrospective, observational, single-center, real-life study
- Author
Mastorino, Luca, Burzi, Lorenza, Frigatti, Giada, Fazio, Alessandra, Celoria, Valentina, Macagno, Nicole, Rosset, Francois, Passerini, Stefania Ginevra, Roccuzzo, Gabriele, Verrone, Anna, Stroppiana, Elena, Ortoncelli, Michela, Dapavo, Paolo, Quaglino, Pietro, and Ribero, Simone
- Abstract
ABSTRACTIntroductionPsoriasis affecting the genital, palmoplantar, and scalp regions is recognized as difficult-to-treat, and data on the efficacy of biologics in these areas remains limited.Research design and methodsThis single-center study evaluated the effectiveness of anti-IL-17 and anti-IL-23 agents on scalp, genital, and palmoplantar psoriasis. We retrospectively analyzed data from all patients with psoriasis being treated with IL inhibitors at our clinic. Effectiveness was evaluated at 16, 28, and 52 weeks, according to the achievement of relative and mean PSSI, PGA-G, and ppPASI.ResultsIn all, 308 patients showed involvement of the scalp, 136 in the genital area, and 94 in the palmoplantar regions. On scalp psoriasis, anti-IL-17 agents demonstrated superiority in disease control compared to anti-IL-23 agents. PSSI100 at week 16 was reached by 59% of patients on an anti-IL17 vs 39.8% on an anti-IL-23 (p < 0.003). At genital sites, no significant differences between anti-IL-17 and anti-IL-23 agents were observed, and all classes achieved PGA-G 0/1. No significant differences between anti-IL-17 and anti-IL-23 agents were observed in palmoplantar areas.ConclusionsThe present data support the utility of both anti-IL-17 and anti-IL-23 agents for the treatment of difficult-to-treat areas in patients with psoriasis. Anti-IL-17 agents achieved better control of scalp psoriasis.
- Published
- 2023
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13. Corrección abierta en casos de rotura de aneurismas aórticos abdominales, ¿es posible predecir la supervivencia?
- Author
Antonello, M., Frigatti, P., Maturi, C., Lepidi, S., Noventa, F., Pittoni, G., Deriu, G.P., and Grego, F.
- Published
- 2009
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14. Open Repair for Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Is It Possible to Predict Survival?
- Author
Antonello, M., Frigatti, P., Maturi, C., Lepidi, S., Noventa, F., Pittoni, G., Deriu, G.P., and Grego, F.
- Published
- 2009
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15. Are vascular grafts at risk of occlusion after total hip replacement? A systematic review of the literature
- Author
Mancuso, F., Di Benedetto, P., Gisonni, R., Frigatti, P., Buttironi, M. M., and Causero, A.
- Subjects
hip ,vascular ,complications ,vascular graft ,Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip ,Arthroplasty ,Complications ,Hip ,Vascular ,Vascular graft ,arthroplasty ,Humans ,Review ,Vascular Patency ,Blood Vessel Prosthesis - Abstract
Vascular complications during and after total hip replacement are relatively uncommon despite the close relationship between the involved structures. Previous surgical procedure of arterial reconstruction or substitution may be at higher risk of damage due to the modification in the anatomical landmarks or to the mechanical properties of the grafts different from native vessels. In literature few cases of graft occlusion or failure are reported during or soon after a total hip replacement. The aim of this review is to report them highlighting common features and risk factors. (www.actabiomedica.it)
- Published
- 2021
16. Current role of the chimney technique in the treatment of complex abdominal aortic pathologies: A position paper from the PERICLES Registry investigators
- Author
Donas, K. P., Criado, F., Torsello, G., Riambau, V., Scali, S., Minion, D., T. Lee J., Lachat, M., Y Woo, E., Veith, F. J., Fazzini, S., Taneva, Gt., Dalman, Rl, Tran, K, Pecoraro, F, Bisdas, T, Seifert, S, Esche, M, Gasparini, Frigatti, P, Adovasio, R, Mucelli, Fp, Damrauer, Sm, Salenius, J, Suominen, V, Mangialardi, N, Ronchey, S, Mestres, G, Mosquera, Nj., Donas K.P., Criado F., Torsello G., Riambau V., Scali S., Minion D., Lee J.T., Lachat M., Woo E.Y., Veith F.J., Fazzini S., Taneva G.T., Dalman R.L., Tran K., Pecoraro F., Bisdas T., Seifert S., Esche M., Gasparini D., Frigatti P., Adovasio R., Mucelli F.P., Damrauer S.M., Salenius J., Suominen V., Mangialardi N., Ronchey S., Mestres G., and Mosquera N.J.
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Endoleak ,Chimney technique, pararenal aneurysms, endovascular aortic repair ,Risk Assessment ,pararenal aneurysms ,Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation ,Risk Factors ,Humans ,Medicine ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Chimney ,Registries ,Chimney technique ,endovascular aortic repair ,Evidence-Based Medicine ,business.industry ,Endovascular Procedures ,General Medicine ,Blood Vessel Prosthesis ,Treatment Outcome ,Position paper ,Stents ,Surgery ,Radiology ,Current (fluid) ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal - Abstract
Historically, chimney/snorkel endovascular aortic repair (Ch-EVAR) emerged as a rescue technique to revascularize and/or preserve inadvertently covered critical branch vessels during infrarenal aortic endografting. Next, in its evolutionary path, Ch-EVAR offered a viable treatment option for complex aortic repair, and particularly in situations where fenestrated/ branched EVAR was not a therapeutic option due to the lack of availability and/or anatomical constraints. In this context, this technique offered distinct advantages such as off-the-shelf availability, straightforward implantation techniques, and lower resource use-intensity enabling performance by a large number of operators managing patients in many centers around the world.
- Published
- 2020
17. Glasgow Aneurysm Score Predicts the Outcome after Emergency Open Repair of Symptomatic, Unruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
- Author
Antonello, M., Lepidi, S., Kechagias, A., Frigatti, P., Tripepi, A., Biancari, F., Deriu, G.P., and Grego, F.
- Published
- 2007
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18. Comparative outcomes of aortobifemoral bypass with or without previous endovascular kissing stenting of the aortoiliac bifurcation.
- Author
Lepidi, Sandro, Mastrorilli, Davide, Antonello, Michele, Kahlberg, Andrea, Frigatti, Paolo, Piffaretti, Gabriele, Bonardelli, Stefano, Gargiulo, Mauro, Veraldi, Gian Franco, Perkmann, Reinhold, Troisi, Nicola, Trimarchi, Santi, Bellosta, Raffaello, and D'Oria, Mario
- Abstract
The aim of this multicenter national study was to compare the outcomes of primary open surgery by aorto-bifemoral bypass (ABFB) with those performed after a failed endovascular treatment (EVT) by kissing stent technique for complex aortoiliac occlusive disease (AIOD) lesions (TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus [TASC] II C and D). All consecutive ABFB cases carried out at 12 vascular surgery centers between 2016 and 2021 were retrospectively collected and analyzed. Data included patients' baseline demographics and clinical characteristics, procedural details, perioperative outcomes, and follow-up results (survival, patency, amputation). The study cohort was divided into two groups based on indications for ABFB: primary treatment vs secondary treatment after EVT failure. Overall, 329 patients underwent ABFB during the study period (71% males; mean age, 64 years), of which 285 were primary treatment and 44 were after prior EVT. At baseline, no significant differences were found between study groups in demographics and clinical characteristics. TASC C and D lesions were similarly represented in the study groups (TASC C: 22% vs 78%; TASC D: 16% vs 84%). No major differences were found between study groups in terms of procedural details, early mortality, and perioperative complications. At 5 years, primary patency rates were significantly higher for primary ABFB (88%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 93.2%-84%) as compared with ABFB after prior EVT (69%; 95% CI 84.9%-55%; log rank P value <.001); however, the 5-year rates of secondary patency (100% vs 95%; 95% CI, 100%-86%) and limb salvage (97%; 95% CI, 99%-96 vs 97%; 95% CI, 100%-94%) were similar between study groups. Surgical treatment of TASC C/D AIOD with ABFB seems to be equally safe and effective when performed after prior EVT, although primary ABFB seemed to have higher primary patency rates. Despite the need for more frequent reinterventions, secondary patency and limb salvage rates were similar. However, future large prospective trials are required to confirm these findings. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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19. Carotid artery endarterectomy in patients with contralateral carotid artery occlusion: Perioperative hazards and late results
- Author
Deriu, Giovanni P., Franceschi, Lorenza, Milite, Domenico, Calabro, Alessio, Saia, Aldo, Grego, Franco, Cognolato, Diego, Frigatti, Paolo, and Diana, Mario
- Published
- 1994
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20. Synchronous Carotid Endarterectomy and Retrograde Endovascular Treatment of Brachiocephalic or Common Carotid Artery Stenosis
- Author
Grego, F., Frigatti, P., Lepidi, S., Bonvini, S., Amista, P., and Deriu, G.P.
- Published
- 2003
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21. Collected World Experience About the Performance of the Snorkel/Chimney Endovascular Technique in the Treatment of Complex Aortic Pathologies
- Author
Donas, K. P., Lee, J. T., Lachat, M., Torsello, G., Veith, F. J., Dalman, R. L., Tran, K., Pecoraro, F., Bisdas, T., Seifert, S., Esche, M., Gasparini, D., Frigatti, P., Adovasio, R., Mucelli, F. P., Damrauer, S. M., Woo, E. Y., Beck, A., Scali, S., Minion, D., Salenius, J., Suominen, V., Mangialardi, N., Ronchey, S., Fazzini, S., Mestres, G., Riambau, V., Mosquera, N. J., Donas, K., Lee, J., Lachat, M., Torsello, G., Veith, F., Dalman, R., Tran, K., and Pecoraro, F.
- Subjects
Registrie ,Male ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Kaplan-Meier Estimate ,Global Health ,Settore MED/22 - Chirurgia Vascolare ,Severity of Illness Index ,Endovascular aneurysm repair ,Aortic aneurysm ,Retrospective Studie ,Stent ,Registries ,Abdominal aortic aneurysm ,Endovascular ,Fenestrated ,Thoracoabdominal ,Vascular ,Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal ,Aortography ,Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation ,Endovascular Procedures ,Europe ,Female ,Follow-Up Studies ,Humans ,Prosthesis Design ,Prosthesis Failure ,Retrospective Studies ,Risk Assessment ,Stents ,Survival Rate ,Treatment Outcome ,United States ,Blood Vessel Prosthesis ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,Medicine (all) ,Aortic Aneurysm ,Blood Vessel Prosthesi ,Human ,United State ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Follow-Up Studie ,Blood vessel prosthesis ,medicine ,Abdominal ,Survival rate ,Endovascular Procedure ,business.industry ,Retrospective cohort study ,medicine.disease ,Surgery ,business ,Abdominal surgery - Abstract
OBJECTIVES: We sought to analyze the collected worldwide experience with use of snorkel/chimney endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) for complex abdominal aneurysm treatment. BACKGROUND: EVAR has largely replaced open surgery worldwide for anatomically suitable aortic aneurysms. Lack of availability of fenestrated and branched devices has encouraged an alternative strategy utilizing parallel or snorkel/chimney grafts (ch-EVAR). METHODS: Clinical and radiographic information was retrospectively reviewed and analyzed on 517 patients treated by ch-EVAR from 2008 from 2014 by prearranged defined and documented protocols. RESULTS: A total of 119 patients in US centers and 398 in European centers were treated during the study period. US centers preferentially used Zenith stent-grafts (54.2%) and European centers Endurant stent-grafts (62.2%) for the main body component. Overall 898 chimney grafts (49.2% balloon expandable, 39.6% self-expanding covered stents, and 11.2% balloon expandable bare metal stents) were placed in 692 renal arteries, 156 superior mesenteric arteries (SMA), and 50 celiac arteries. At a mean follow-up of 17.1 months (range: 1-70 months), primary patency was 94%, with secondary patency of 95.3%. Overall survival of patients in this high-risk cohort for open repair at latest follow-up was 79%. CONCLUSIONS: This global experience represents the largest series in the ch-EVAR literature and demonstrates comparable outcomes to those in published reports of branched/fenestrated devices, suggesting the appropriateness of broader applicability and the need for continued careful surveillance. These results support ch-EVAR as a valid off-the-shelf and immediately available alternative in the treatment of complex abdominal EVAR and provide impetus for the standardization of these techniques in the future.
- Published
- 2015
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22. Arterial Thrombotic Sequalae After Covid-19: Mind the Gap
- Author
Borrelli, Maria Pia, Buora, Adelaide, Scrivere, Paola, Sponza, Massimo, and Frigatti, Paolo
- Abstract
Investigations have shown that infection from the severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is responsible also for initiating severe inflammatory responses that can lead macrovascular and microvascular thrombosis.
- Published
- 2021
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23. The Italian Multicentre Registry of Fenestrated Anaconda™ Endografts for Complex Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Repair.
- Author
Pini, Rodolfo, Giordano, Jacopo, Ferri, Michelangelo, Palmieri, Bruno, Solcia, Marco, Michelagnoli, Stefano, Chisci, Emiliano, Fadda Gian, Franco, Cappiello, Pierluigi, Talarico, Francesco, Licata, Silvio, Frigatti, Paolo, Ronchey, Sonia, Mangialardi, Nicola, Pratesi, Carlo, Salvini, Mauro, Milite, Domenico, Pilon, Fabio, Perkmann, Reinhold, and Stringari, Carlo
- Abstract
The aim was to describe the outcomes of the Anaconda™ Fenestrated endograft Italian Registry for complex aortic aneurysms (AAAs), unsuitable for standard endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Between 2012 and 2018 patients with a proximal neck unsuitable for standard EVAR, treated with the fenestrated Anaconda™ endograft, were prospectively enrolled in a dedicated database. Endpoints were peri-operative technical success (TS) and evaluation of type Ia/b or 3 endoleaks (T1/3 EL), target visceral vessel (TVV) occlusion, re-interventions, and AAA related mortality at 30 days, six months, and later follow up. One hundred twenty seven patients (74 ± 7 years, American Society Anesthesiology (ASA) II/III/IV: 12/85/30) were included in the study in 49 Italian Vascular Surgery Units (83 juxta/para-renal AAA, 13 type IV thoraco-abdominal AAA, 16 T1aEL post EVAR, and 15 short neck AAA). Configurations with one, two, three, and four fenestrations were used in 5, 56, 39, and 27 cases, respectively, for a total of 342 visceral vessels. One hundred and eight (85%) bifurcated and 19 (15%) tube endografts were implanted. In 35% (44/127) of cases the endograft was repositioned during the procedure, and 37% (128/342) of TVV were cannulated from brachial access. TS was 87% (111/127): five T1EL, six T3EL (between fenestration and vessel stent), and six loss of visceral vessels (one patient with a Type Ia EL had also a TVV loss) occurred. Thirty day mortality was 4% (5/127). Two of the five T1EL resolved spontaneously at 30 days. The overall median follow up was 21 ± 16 months; one T1EL (5%) occurred at six months and one T3EL (4%) at the three year follow up. Another two (3%) TVV occlusions occurred at six months and five (3%) at three years. The re-intervention rate at the 30 days, six months, and three year follow up was 5%, 7%, and 18 ± 5%, respectively. The fenestrated Anaconda™ endograft is effective in the treatment of complex AAA. Some structure properties, such as the re-positionability and the possibility of cannulation from above, are specific characteristics helpful for the treatment of some complex anatomies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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24. Successful repair of an ascending aorta injured by a displaced sternal plate.
- Author
Vendramin, Igor, Frigatti, Paolo, Piani, Daniela, Sponza, Massimo, Bortolotti, Uberto, and Livi, Ugolino
- Published
- 2020
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25. Conformable Infrarenal Endograft in AAA Treatment: Could We Achieve Comparable Outcomes in Hostile and Favorable Proximal Aortic Neck Anatomy?
- Author
Scrivere, Paola, Pellegrin, Andrea, Martin, Erika, Sponza, Massimo, and Frigatti, Paolo
- Published
- 2024
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26. Hybrid Approach to Popliteal Artery Aneurysm with Thromboembolic Symptoms. A Pilot Study
- Author
Zamboni, Matilde, Scrivere, Paola, Silvestri, Alice, Vit, Alessandro, Pellegrin, Andrea, Sponza, Massimo, and Frigatti, Paolo
- Abstract
The treatment of patients with thromboembolic symptoms due to a popliteal artery aneurysm (PAA) is still controversial with poor results in terms of primary patency. The aim of our pilot study was to evaluate whether improving the outflow with an endovascular pretreatment consisting in thromboaspiration and angioplasty could positively ameliorate the primary patency of the subsequent femoropopliteal (FP) bypass in symptomatic patients with at least one below the knee (BTK) patent vessel.
- Published
- 2021
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27. Thoraco-abdominal aneurysms. Follow-up and reinterventions
- Author
Mangialardi, N, Setacci, C, Chiesa, R, Melissano, G, Castelli, P, Debus, S, Farber Holt PJE, Kolbel, T, Loftus, Im, Speziale, F, Stella, N, Verzini, F, Loschi, D, Lenti, M, Bischoff, Mf, Fadda, Gf, Frigatti, P, Gossetti, B, Haulon, S, Nessi, F, Pratesi, G, Setacci, F, Silingardi, R, Siringano, P, Veroux, Pf, Veraldi, Gf, Rimarchi, S, Taurino, M, Thompson, Mm, and Altri
- Published
- 2016
28. Preliminary Results of aMulticenter Experience With NELLIX System for Endovascular Aneurysm Sealing. Italian Research Nellix-Endoprosthesis-IRENE Investigators Frigatti P, Angiletta D, Bellandi G, Marconi M, Galzerano G, Garriboli L, Grossi R, Iannello AM, La Barbera A, Martinelli O, Novali C, Pulli R, Setacci C, Speziale F, Talarico F, TaurinoM
- Author
IRENE Investigators Frigatti, P, Angiletta, D, Bellandi, G, Marconi, M, Galzerano, G, Garriboli, L, Grossi, R, Iannello, Am, La Barbera, A, Martinelli, O, Novali, C, Pulli, R, Setacci, C, Speziale, F, Talarico, F, Taurino, M, Gossetti, B, Ferri, M, Ippoliti, A, Verzini, Fabio, and Silingardi, R.
- Published
- 2016
29. Endovascular treatment of acute type B dissection. Planning and materials
- Author
Veroux, Pierfrancesco, Frigatti, P, Ardita, V, Giaquinta, A, Zamboni, M, and Veroux, Massimiliano
- Published
- 2016
30. Carotid restenosis after endarterectomy: Rationale for endovascular or conventional redo treatment
- Author
Deriu G, Bonvini S, Lepidi S, Angelici A, Amista P, Frigatti P, Grego F, Deriu, G, Bonvini, S, Lepidi, S, Angelici, A, Amista, P, Frigatti, P, and Grego, F
- Published
- 2005
31. Transrenal fixation of aortic endoprostheses: Early and midterm results with a focus on renal function
- Author
Deriu, Gp, Frigatti, P, Antonello, Michele, Lepidi, S, Ragazzi, R, Iurilli, V, Grego, Franco, Deriu, Gp, Frigatti, P, Antonello, M, Lepidi, S, Ragazzi, R, Iurilli, V, and Grego, F
- Published
- 2004
32. E' giustificata la chirurgia arteriosa ricostruttiva per il salvataggio d'arto negli ottuagenari ?
- Author
Grego, F, Lepidi, S, Milite, D, Cognolatod, Frigatti, P, Morelli, I, Deriu, Gp., Grego, F, Lepidi, S, Milite, D, Cognolatod, Frigatti, P, Morelli, I, and Deriu, Gp.
- Published
- 2002
33. Prospective comparative study of two cerebral protection devices in angioplasty and carotid stenting [Studio comparativo prospettico di due sistemi di protezione cerebrale nell'angioplastica e stenting carotideo]
- Author
Grego, F, Frigatti, P, Amistà, P, Lepidi, S, Antonello, M, Carollo, C, Deriu, Gp, Grego, F, Frigatti, P, Amistà, P, Lepidi, S, Antonello, M, Carollo, C, and Deriu, Gp
- Published
- 2002
34. Role of aneurysm sac embolization during EVAR in the prevention of type II endoleak related complications
- Author
Piazza, Michele, Frigatti, P, Scrivere, Paola, Bonvini, Stefano, Noventa, Franco, Ricotta II, Jj, Grego, Franco, and Antonello, Michele
- Published
- 2013
35. Endovascular treatment of popliteal aneurysm
- Author
Deriu, G, Frigatti, P, Bonvini, S, Lepidi, S, Ragazzi, R, Grego, F, Becquemin JP, Davis A, Gaines P, Harris P, Ivancec K, Mitchell A, Raithel D, Deriu, G, Frigatti, P, Bonvini, S, Lepidi, S, Ragazzi, R, and Grego, F
- Published
- 2001
36. Early outcomes of the Conformable endograft in severe neck angulation from the Triveneto Conformable Registry.
- Author
Bonvini, Stefano, Spadoni, Nicola, Frigatti, Paolo, Antonello, Michele, Irsara, Sandro, Veraldi, Gian Franco, Milite, Domenico, Galeazzi, Edoardo, Lepidi, Sandro, Perkmann, Reinhold, and Tasselli, Sebastiano
- Abstract
The study reports retrospective evaluation of early outcomes from a multicentric experience with the Excluder conformable endograft with active control system (CEXC Device) in the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Its design allows more flexibility, given by proximal unconnected stent rows and a bending wire within the delivery catheter enables control of proximal angulation. This study specifically focuses on the severe neck angulation (SNA) subgroup (≥60°). All patients treated with CEXC Device in nine vascular surgery centers of Triveneto area (Northeast Italy) between January 2019 and July 2022 were enrolled prospectively and analyzed retrospectively. Demographic and aortic anatomical characteristics were evaluated. Endovascular aneurysm repair in SNA were selected for analysis. Major investigated outcomes were technical success, endoleaks, morbidity, mortality, and reinterventions at 30 days and during follow-up. Endograft migration and postoperative aortic neck angulation changes were also analyzed. A total of 129 patients were enrolled. An infrarenal angle of ≥60° was observed in 56 patients (43%) (SNA group) and their data analyzed. The mean patient age was 78.9 ± 5.9 years and median abdominal aortic aneurysm diameter 59 mm (range, 45-94 mm). Median aortic infrarenal neck length, angulation and diameter were 22 mm (range, 13-58 mm), 77° (range, 60°-150°), and 22.0 ± 3.5 mm respectively. Analysis revealed a technical success rate of 100% and perioperative major complication rate of 1.7%. Intraoperative and perioperative morbidity and mortality rates were 3.5% (one buttock claudication and one inguinal surgical cutdown) and 0%, respectively. No perioperative type I endoleaks were observed. The median follow-up was 13 months (range, 1-40 months). Five patients died during follow-up from aneurysm-unrelated causes. Two reinterventions occurred (3.5%): one conversion for a type IA endoleak and one sac embolization for a type II endoleak. Aneurysm sac shrinkage was observed in 15 patients (26%) and aneurysm stability in 35 patients (62%), respectively. Estimated freedom from reinterventions at 24 months was 92%. Aortic neck median postoperative angulation was 75° (range, 45°-139°). The Triveneto Conformable Registry shows good early results of the CEXC device in severely angulated aortic infrarenal necks. These data need confirmation on longer follow-up and a wider cohort of patients to further increase endovascular aneurysm repair eligibility in SNA. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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37. Role of Intraoperative Aneurysm Sac Embolization during EVAR in the Prevention of Type II Endoleak
- Author
Piazza, M., Scrivere, P., Antonello, Michele, Bonvini, S., Dall'Antonia, A, Noventa, Franco, Ricotta, Jj, Grego, Franco, and Frigatti, P.
- Published
- 2012
38. Covered stent in vascular exclusion of neck paragangliomas
- Author
Menegolo, Mirko, Piazza, M., Frigatti, P., Grego, Franco, and Antonello, Michele
- Published
- 2012
39. Endovascular treatment of isolated bilateral iliac aneurysms preserving antegrade blood flow to one internal iliav artery: an original approach
- Author
Lepidi, S., Frigatti, P., Antonello, Michele, Menegolo, Mirko, Piazza, M., and Grego, Franco
- Published
- 2012
40. Two-Year Outcomes With Bentley BeGraft as Bridging Stent-Grafts for Reno-Visceral Target Vessels During Fenestrated Endovascular Aortic Repair
- Author
D’Oria, Mario, Mezzetto, Luca, Silingardi, Roberto, Freyrie, Antonio, Galeazzi, Edoardo, Frigatti, Paolo, Milite, Domenico, Veraldi, Gian Franco, Lepidi, Sandro, Cabrini, Elisa, di Pinto, Luca Calia, Calvagna, Cristiano, D’Andrea, Alessia, Farneti, Fabrizio, Furlan, Federico, Gennai, Stefano, Isler, Thomas, Leone, Nicola, Mastrorilli, Davide, Migliari, Mattia, Perini, Paolo, Pilon, Fabio, Scrivere, Paola, and Xodo, Andrea
- Abstract
Introduction: The aim of this study was to present the short-term and 2-year outcomes after use of the Bentley BeGraft as bridging stent-graft (BSG) for reno-visceral target vessel (TV) during fenestrated endovascular aortic repair (FEVAR) from a contemporary multicentric experience.Methods: A retrospective review of all consecutive patients who underwent elective FEVAR at 7 institutions located in Italy from 2015 to 2021 was performed. The main outcomes of interest for this study were technical success and TV instability, defined in accordance with current reporting standards. Patients’ survival was also assessed.Results: Overall, 81 patients received elective FEVAR during the study period. Mean age of patients was 78 years, and 89% were men. Most patients were treated for a juxta-pararenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) (68%), and 23% had already received an infrarenal aortic reconstruction. Most endografts had 3-vessel or 4-vessel design (27% and 55%, respectively), and a Cook endograft was used in 73% of cases. Overall, 266 Bentley BeGraft were implanted, of which 44 (16.5%) in the celiac trunk, 69 (26%) in the superior mesenteric artery, 79 (29.5%) in the right renal artery, and 74 (28%) in the left renal artery. Technical success was 94%, with 5 instances of technical failure that were recorded and required an additional intraoperative procedure. The early mortality rate was 4%, and acute kidney injury occurred in 14 cases with 1 requiring definitive hemodialysis. Survival at 6, 12, and 24 months in the overall cohort was 98.8%, 95.3%, and 83.4%, respectively. Freedom from TV instability at 6, 12, and 24 months in the overall cohort was 98.4%, 97.9%, and 97.2%, respectively. Events of TV instability included 3 cases of type 1C endoleak and 3 cases of type 3C endoleak, while no events of BSG fracture or thrombosis were noted. Five out of 6 cases of TV instability occurred in renal arteries, and they were all successfully treated by endovascular means.Conclusions: The data from this multicentric study show favorable short-term and 2-year outcomes of the Bentley BeGraft as BSG for reno-visceral TV during FEVAR, with low rates of TV-related endoleak and no stent occlusion up to 2 years.Clinical Impact The data from this multicentric study show satsfactory outcomes up to two years of follow-up for the Bentley BeGraft when used for brdiging reno-visceral vessels during fenestrated endovascular aortic repair. Further research will be needed to identify predictors of stent-related reinterventions and ascertain the long-term durability.
- Published
- 2024
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41. Intraoperative Transit-Time Flow as a Predictor of Failure after Infrainguinal Revascularization with Heparin-Bonded Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene Graft
- Author
Mezzetto, Luca, D'Oria, Mario, Mastrorilli, Davide, Grosso, Lorenzo, Agresti, Luigi, Griselli, Filippo, Frigatti, Paolo, Lepidi, Sandro, and Veraldi, Gian Franco
- Abstract
The heparin-bonded expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (He-ePTFE) conduit is an option for patients requiring infrainguinal revascularization (iIR), but the risk of failure may be unpredictable, especially in cases with poor run-off. Intraoperative transit-time flow (TTF) provides an automated and quantitative analysis of flow and may serve as an adjunct evaluation during surgical revascularization. The aim of this study was to assess TTF in patients undergoing iIR with He-PTFE at 3 referral hospitals and to establish a predictive flow threshold for graft occlusion.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Antonello, Michele, Frigatti, P., Maturi, C., Menegolo, Mirko, and Grego, Franco
- Published
- 2011
43. Endovascular repair for traumatic acute isthmic rupture
- Author
Grego, Franco, Frigatti, P., Menegolo, Mirko, and Antonello, Michele
- Published
- 2011
44. Funzionalità renale dopo EVAR
- Author
Antonello, Michele, Menegolo, Mirko, Frigatti, P, Piazza, M, Deriu, Gp, and Grego, Franco
- Published
- 2010
45. Local inflammatory reaction and perianeurysmal fibrosis after endovascular aortic repair
- Author
Menegolo, Mirko, Grego, Franco, Frigatti, P, Lepidi, S, Deriu, Gp, and Antonello, Michele
- Published
- 2010
46. Concomitant carotid and cardiac disease: Short-term results of combined surgery in 76 patients
- Author
Menegolo, M., Frigatti, P., Antonello, M., Battocchio, P., Ferretto, L., Vincenzo Tarzia, Rizzoli, G., Gerosa, G., and Grego, F.
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Antonello, Michele, Frigatti, P., Maturi, C., Piazza, M., Morelli, I., Menegolo, Mirko, and Deriu, G.
- Published
- 2009
48. Endovascular treatment of complications following thoracic aorta procedures
- Author
Grego, Franco, Antonello, Michele, Menegolo, Mirko, Lepidi, S, Bonvini, S, Deriu, GIOVANNI PAOLO, and Frigatti, P.
- Published
- 2008
49. Aneurismi dell'aorta addominale: I risultati della chirurgia endovascolare
- Author
Antonello, Michele, Frigatti, P., Lepidi, S., and GP Deriu, F. G. r. e. g. o.
- Published
- 2007
50. Aneurismi delle arterie viscerali
- Author
Grego, Franco, Antonello, Michele, Frigatti, P., Ragazzi, R., Lepidi, S., Dall'Antonia, A., Menegolo, Mirko, Stramanà, R., and Deriu, Gp
- Published
- 2006
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