59 results on '"Ferraro, O"'
Search Results
2. Altri profili di rilievo in tema di valutazione di aziende
- Author
Ferraro, O., La Rosa, F., and Lionzo, A.
- Published
- 2020
3. La valutazione dei beni immateriali
- Author
Corbella, S, Liberatore, G, Tiscini, R, Agliata, F, Amaduzzi, A, Bernini, F, Buttignon, F, Catalfo, P, Comuzzi, E, Corvino, A, Cuccurullo, C, Doni, F, Ferraro, O, Fiorentino, R, Fontana, S, Garzella, S, Giuliani, M, La Rosa, F, Lionzo, A, Maglio, R, Mazzi, F, Mechelli, A, Paris, A, Rey, A, Romano, M, Rossignoli, F, Rupo, D, Sforza, V, Tuccillo, D, Corbella, S, Liberatore, G, Tiscini, R, Agliata, F, Amaduzzi, A, Bernini, F, Buttignon, F, Catalfo, P, Comuzzi, E, Corvino, A, Cuccurullo, C, Doni, F, Ferraro, O, Fiorentino, R, Fontana, S, Garzella, S, Giuliani, M, La Rosa, F, Lionzo, A, Maglio, R, Mazzi, F, Mechelli, A, Paris, A, Rey, A, Romano, M, Rossignoli, F, Rupo, D, Sforza, V, and Tuccillo, D
- Abstract
Il presente capitolo tratta il tema della valutazione dei beni immateriali che, sempre più spesso nell’attuale economia della conoscenza, rappresentano una parte rilevante del valore eco-nomico di un’impresa, rivestendo un ruolo centrale quali driver di risultati reddituali e competitivi. La stima di valore in questo caso riguarda quelle risorse intangibili di cui l’impresa di-spone e che sono suscettibili di valutazione autonoma. Il valore dei beni immateriali (intangi-bili specifici) integra quello del patrimonio netto rettificato nelle stime patrimoniali comples-se, e talvolta detti beni sono oggetto di trasferimento (in senso lato, quindi anche di conferi-mento, scorporo) anche separatamente dal complesso aziendale. Preliminare alla valutazione economica sarà l’analisi delle caratteristiche peculiari e dei criteri di classificazione dei beni immateriali. Si affronteranno quindi gli approcci e i metodi di valu-tazione applicabili alle diverse tipologie di beni immateriali, alla luce della teoria e della pras-si, delineando la cornice di riferimento delineata dai principi nazionali e internazionali di valutazione.
- Published
- 2020
4. Acquired neuromyotonia in thymoma‐associated myasthenia gravis: a clinical and serological study
- Author
Gastaldi, M., primary, De Rosa, A., additional, Maestri, M., additional, Zardini, E., additional, Scaranzin, S., additional, Guida, M., additional, Borrelli, P., additional, Ferraro, O. E., additional, Lampasona, V., additional, Furlan, R., additional, Irani, S. R., additional, Waters, P., additional, Lang, B., additional, Vincent, A., additional, Marchioni, E., additional, Ricciardi, R., additional, and Franciotta, D, additional
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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5. Valutazione delle aziende in crisi. Alcune riflessioni di metodo e di contenuto
- Author
Amaduzzi, A, Liberatore, G, Comuzzi, E, Ferraro, O, AMADUZZI, ANDREA ANGELO AURELIO, Ferraro, O., Amaduzzi, A, Liberatore, G, Comuzzi, E, Ferraro, O, AMADUZZI, ANDREA ANGELO AURELIO, and Ferraro, O.
- Published
- 2015
6. Why women do not use the helmet when riding a bicycle
- Author
Valero-Mora, Pedro, Shinar, David, Ledesma, Ruben, Haworth, Narelle, Van Strijp-Houtenbos, M., Schramm, A., De Bruyne, G., Chliaoutaki, J., Dias, J., Ferraro, O. E., Fyhri, A., Sajatovic, A. Hursa, Kuklane, K., Morandi, A., Muser, M., Otte, D., Papadakaki, M., Sanmartin, J., Dulf, D., Saplioglu, M., Tzamalouka, G., Valero-Mora, Pedro, Shinar, David, Ledesma, Ruben, Haworth, Narelle, Van Strijp-Houtenbos, M., Schramm, A., De Bruyne, G., Chliaoutaki, J., Dias, J., Ferraro, O. E., Fyhri, A., Sajatovic, A. Hursa, Kuklane, K., Morandi, A., Muser, M., Otte, D., Papadakaki, M., Sanmartin, J., Dulf, D., Saplioglu, M., and Tzamalouka, G.
- Abstract
Women seem to use the helmet when riding a bicycle less frequently than men. Two possible explanations for this behavior are that 1) it is less appalling to them because of lack of comfort or other reasons, or 2) they use bicycles in a more cautious way than men so they feel that they do not need the helmet as much. The present paper explores these two explanations in 5, 691 cyclists that responded to an online survey conducted in 17 countries as part of an EU COST project. Answers to questions related to the two aforementioned explanations were analyzed graphically and three questions that showed the most conspicuous differences between males and females were identified. These were: 'Helmets are a problem because they disturb your hair', 'I am a fast rider', and 'I am a skilled rider'. The responses to these three questions plus their interactions with the gender of the respondent were used as predictors of the proportion of helmet wear. The results showed that: 1) the three questions predicted the use of the helmet, 2) the interaction between gender and hair disturbance was not significant, and 3) the interactions between gender and being a fast cyclist and being a skilled rider were both statistically significant showing that women that regard themselves as slow riders or skillful riders use relatively less the helmet than men in similar conditions.
- Published
- 2018
7. La valutazione del portafoglio clienti. Considerazioni su alcuni modelli valutativi
- Author
Comuzzi, E, Mechelli, A, Sforza, V, Maglio, R, Agliata, F, Zanin, F, Garzella, S, Fiorentino, R, Corvino, A, Bernini, F, La Rosa, F, Romano, M, Bronzetti, G, Trequattrini, R, Lombardi, R, Silvestri, A, Rubino, FE, Ferraro, O, Doni, F, Comuzzi, E, Mechelli, A, Sforza, V, Maglio, R, Agliata, F, Zanin, F, Garzella, S, Fiorentino, R, Corvino, A, Bernini, F, La Rosa, F, Romano, M, Bronzetti, G, Trequattrini, R, Lombardi, R, Silvestri, A, Rubino, FE, Ferraro, O, and Doni, F
- Abstract
La valutazione economica del capitale relazionale e in particolare del portafoglio clienti ormai da alcuni decenni ha rappresentato una tematica di rilevante interesse sia per gli accademici che per i practitioners. Il valore del cliente dal punto di vista dell’azienda caratterizza infatti una molteplicità di studi che, in maniera trasversale, interessano differenti aree disciplinari quali l’Accounting e il Financial Reporting, la Business Valuation, il Marketing, dove as-sume una specifica connotazione la ben nota area del Customer Relationship Marketing (o Management) (CRM). La prospettiva prevalente in ambito economico aziendale attinge indubbiamente dal filone legato all’Accounting, all’applicazione dei principi contabili e delle teorie di valutazione al fine di offrire un’adeguata stima e rappresentazione del valore delle relazioni con la clientela, qualora ricorrano determinati presupposti. L’importanza del cliente, concepito spesso come primary asset, tuttavia ha reso necessario anche effettuare una breve ricognizione degli strumenti quantitativi offerti dal Marketing al fine di ampliare l’orizzonte del processo di generazione del valore attuale e potenziale apportato all’azienda dalla clientela. Sulla base di tali considerazioni, l’obiettivo specifico del capitolo è di: • fornire un inquadramento normativo, dottrinale e di prassi a carattere generale sulla tematica del portafoglio clienti nell’ambito della problema-tica definitoria e di identificazione degli intangible assets (normativa, dottrina e prassi internazionale sul tema dei customer-related assets); • proporre un inquadramento degli elementi da considerare e dei criteri da seguire nella fase della identificazione di tali attività intangibili (inqua-dramento dottrinale e di prassi professionale); • presentare un quadro sufficientemente strutturato sul processo che conduce alla scelta del metodo di valutazione (processo di misurazione del va-lore delle relazioni con i clienti); • analizzare i princ
- Published
- 2018
8. La valutazione della rete di vendita. Modelli e tecniche di misurazione
- Author
Comuzzi, E, Mechelli, A, Sforza, V, Maglio, R, Agliata, F, Zanin, F, Garzella, S, Fiorentino, R, Corvino, A, Bernini, F, La Rosa, F, Romano, M, Bronzetti, G, Trequattrini, R, Lombardi, R, Silvestri, A, Rubino, FE, Ferraro, O, Doni, F, Comuzzi, E, Mechelli, A, Sforza, V, Maglio, R, Agliata, F, Zanin, F, Garzella, S, Fiorentino, R, Corvino, A, Bernini, F, La Rosa, F, Romano, M, Bronzetti, G, Trequattrini, R, Lombardi, R, Silvestri, A, Rubino, FE, Ferraro, O, and Doni, F
- Abstract
La realizzazione di una rete distributiva efficiente, caratterizzata da un elevato livello qualitativo in grado di fidelizzare la clientela rappresenta un aspetto divenuto imprescindibile per le aziende ormai da alcuni decenni. La funzione della logistica ha infatti assunto un ruolo prioritario e centrale nel processo di ricerca di vantaggi competitivi sostenibili ed il legame con la strategia diventa sempre più rilevante in relazione al perseguimento degli obiettivi aziendali (Ottimo, Zanderighi, 1995). La rete di vendita è essenziale per il business e, se gestita in maniera oculata, può diventare un elemento indispensabile per aumentare volumi di vendita, margini e quota di mercato senza alcuna possibilità di essere sostituita dagli altri elementi del marketing mix (Hartley, 1981; Calvin, 2007). Da ciò consegue che una attenta attività di analisi, pianificazione e controllo delle vendite (Marino, 1981; Cugini, Wil-son, 2007; Fedel, Pedrazzini, 2008) non può prescindere da un’adeguata va-lutazione dei risultati di vendita e della performance dei venditori nonché della misurazione dell’efficacia ed efficienza dell’azione di vendita. La misurazione del valore del sistema di vendita, trascurando gli aspetti organizzativi relativi alla scelta dei canali di vendita e della copertura territoriale con l’individuazione delle aree e delle zone di vendita, avviene, sia in termini quantitativi che qualitativi, mediante l’utilizzo di strumenti e di tecniche che nel corso degli anni hanno subito un evidente miglioramento in conseguenza anche del processo di “servitizzazione” che ha interessato in particolare le aziende del settore manifatturiero a causa delle forti pres-sioni competitive e che ha reso possibile quindi l’evoluzione dell’offerta dal prodotto al prodotto-servizio (Alghisi, Saccani, 2012). Alla luce di queste considerazioni, l’obiettivo specifico del capitolo è di: • fornire un inquadramento teorico e di prassi a carattere generale sul te-ma della rete di
- Published
- 2018
9. Valutazione delle aziende in crisi. Alcune riflessioni di metodo e di contenuto
- Author
AMADUZZI, ANDREA ANGELO AURELIO, Liberatore, G, Comuzzi, E, Ferraro, O., Amaduzzi, A, Liberatore, G, Comuzzi, E, and Ferraro, O
- Subjects
Valutazione ,Turnaround ,Crisi Aziendale - Published
- 2015
10. P569Diastolic dyssynchrony is associated with exercise intolerance in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophyP570Echocardiographic pattern of acute pulmonary embolism, analysis of consecutive 511 patientsP571Clinical significance of ventricular interdependence and left ventricular function in patients with pulmonary hypertension receiving specific vasodilator therapyP572Haemodynamic characteristics and ventricular mechanics in post-capillary and combined pre- and post-capillary pulmonary hypertensionP573Relationship between hematological response and echocardiographic features in patients with light chains systemic amyloidosisP574Myocardial changes in patients with anorexia nervosaP575Giant cell arteritis presenting as fever of unknown origin: role of clinical history, early positron emission tomography and ultrasound screeningP576Subclinical systolic dysfunction in systemic sclerosis is not influenced by standard rheumatologic therapy - a 4D echocardiographic studyP577Cardiac index correlates with the degree of hepatic steathosis in obese patients with obstructive sleep apneaP578Myocardial mechanics in top-level endurance athletes: a three-dimensional speckle tracking studyP579The athlete heart: what happens to myocardial deformation in physiological adaptation to sportsP580Association between left ventricle intrinsic function and urine protein-creatinine ratio in preeclampsia before and after deliveryP581Dilatation of the aorta in children with bicuspid aortic valveP582Cardiovascular functional abnormalities in patients with osteogenesis imperfectaP583Dobutamine stress test fast protocol: diagnostic accuracy and securityP584Prognostic value of non-positive exercise echocardiography in the patients submitted to percutaneous coronary interventionP585The use of myocardial strain imaging in the detection of coronary artery disease during stress echocardiographyP586Preserved O2 extraction exercise response in heart failure patients with chronotropic insufficiency: evidence for a central cardiac rather than peripheral oxygen uptake limitationP587Major determinant of O2 artero-venous difference at peak exercise in heart failure and healthy subjectsP588Stress echocardiography with contrast perfusion analysis for a more sensitive test for ischemic heart diseaseP589Assessment of mitral annular physiology in myxomatous mitral disease with 3D transesophageal echocardiography: comparison between early severe mitral regurgitation and decompensated groupP590Three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic assessment of the mitral valve geometry in patients with mild, moderate and severe chronic ischemic mitral regurgitationP591Left atrial appendage closure. Multimodality imaging in device size selectionP592Contributions of three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in the evaluation of aortic atherosclerotic plaquesP593Agitated blood-saline is superior to agitated air-saline for echocardiographic shunt studies
- Author
Jung, IH., primary, Kurnicka, K., primary, Enache, R., primary, Nagy, AI., primary, Martins, E., primary, Cereda, A., primary, Vitiello, G., primary, Magda, SL., primary, Styczynski, G., primary, Lo Iudice, F., primary, De Barros Viegas, H., primary, Shahab, F., primary, Trunina, I., primary, Mata Caballero, R., primary, Marques, A., primary, Shimoni, S., primary, Generati, G., primary, Bendix Salkvist Jorgensen, T., primary, Chen, TE., primary, Andrianova, A., primary, Fernandez-Golfin, C., primary, Corneli, MC., primary, Ali, M., primary, Seo, HS., additional, Kim, MJ., additional, Lichodziejewska, B., additional, Goliszek, S., additional, Dzikowska-Diduch, O., additional, Zdonczyk, O., additional, Kozlowska, M., additional, Kostrubiec, M., additional, Ciurzynski, M., additional, Palczewski, P., additional, Pruszczyk, P., additional, Popa, E., additional, Coman, IM., additional, Badea, R., additional, Platon, P., additional, Calin, A., additional, Beladan, CC., additional, Rosca, M., additional, Ginghina, C., additional, Popescu, BA., additional, Jurcut, R., additional, Venkateshvaran, AI., additional, Sola, SC., additional, Govind, SC., additional, Dash, PK., additional, Lund, L., additional, Manouras, AI., additional, Merkely, B., additional, Magne, J., additional, Aboyans, V., additional, Boulogne, C., additional, Lavergne, D., additional, Jaccard, A., additional, Mohty, D., additional, Casadei, F., additional, Spano, F., additional, Santambrogio, G., additional, Musca, F., additional, Belli, O., additional, De Chiara, B., additional, Bokor, D., additional, Giannattasio, C., additional, Corradi, E., additional, Colombo, CA., additional, Moreo, A., additional, Vicario, ML., additional, Castellani, S., additional, Cammelli, D., additional, Gallini, C., additional, Needleman, L., additional, Cruz, BK., additional, Maggi, E., additional, Marchionni, N., additional, Bratu, VD., additional, Mincu, RI., additional, Mihai, CM., additional, Gherghe, AM., additional, Florescu, M., additional, Cinteza, M., additional, Vinereanu, D., additional, Sobieraj, P., additional, Bielicki, P., additional, Krenke, R., additional, Szmigielski, CA., additional, Petitto, M., additional, Ferrone, M., additional, Esposito, R., additional, Vaccaro, A., additional, Buonauro, A., additional, Trimarco, B., additional, Galderisi, M., additional, Mendes, L., additional, Dores, H., additional, Melo, I., additional, Madeira, V., additional, Patinha, J., additional, Encarnacao, C., additional, Ferreia Santos, J., additional, Habib, F., additional, Soesanto, AM., additional, Sedyawan, J., additional, Abdurrazak, G., additional, Sharykin, A., additional, Popova, NE., additional, Karelina, EV., additional, Telezhnikova, ND., additional, Hernandez Jimenez, V., additional, Saavedra, J., additional, Molina, L., additional, Alberca, MT., additional, Gorriz, J., additional, L Pais, J., additional, Pavon, I., additional, Navea, C., additional, Alonso, JJ., additional, Sonia, S., additional, Cruz, I., additional, Joao, I., additional, Gomes, AC., additional, Caldeira, D., additional, Lopes, L., additional, Fazendas, P., additional, Pereira, H., additional, Edri, O., additional, Schneider, N., additional, Abaye, N., additional, Goerge, J., additional, Gandelman, G., additional, Bandera, F., additional, Alfonzetti, E., additional, Guazzi, M., additional, Villani, S., additional, Ferraro, O., additional, Ramberg, E., additional, Bhardwaj, P., additional, Nepper, ML., additional, Binko, TS., additional, Olausson, M., additional, Fink-Jensen, T., additional, Andersen, AM., additional, Roland, J., additional, Gleerup Fornitz, G., additional, Ong, K., additional, Suri, RM., additional, Enrique-Sarano, M., additional, Michelena, HI., additional, Burkhart, HM., additional, Gillespie, SM., additional, Cha, S., additional, Mankad, SV., additional, Saidova, MA., additional, Bolotova, MN., additional, Salido Tahoces, L., additional, Izurieta, C., additional, Villareal, G., additional, Esteban, A., additional, Urena Vacas, A., additional, Ayala, A., additional, Jimenez Nacher, JJ., additional, Hinojar Baydes, R., additional, Gonzalez Gomez, A., additional, Garcia, A., additional, Mestre, JL., additional, Hernandez Antolin, R., additional, Zamorano Gomez, JJ., additional, Perea, G., additional, Covelli, Y., additional, Henquin, R., additional, Ronderos, R., additional, Hepinstall, MJ., additional, Cassidy, CS., additional, Pellikka, PA., additional, Pislaru, SV., additional, and Kane, G., additional
- Published
- 2016
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11. Educational physical activity camp in type 1 diabetes: Can be useful to promote an active lifestyle?
- Author
Correale, L., Ferraro, O. E., Pellino, V. Carnevale, Ricagno, E., Liberali, G., Puci, M. V., and Vandoni, M.
- Subjects
- *
TYPE 1 diabetes , *PHYSICAL activity , *GLYCEMIC control , *KNOWLEDGE management , *GENDER - Abstract
Physical activity (PA) improves glycemic control and reduces the risk of chronic diabetes-related complications. Despite this evidence, most people with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) do not regularly exercise, mainly due to fear of hypoglycemia during exercise. Improving knowledge in the management of the pathology during exercise can help to reduce PA limiting factors. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of an educational PA camp for patients with T1DM to improve active lifestyle. This study involved T1DM's adults attended an educational camp focused on PA and management of glycaemia during exercise. Subjects filled three questionnaires: International PA Questionnaire (IPAQ), Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) and Exercise Motivation Inventory (EMI). Data at baseline and after the camp at 1, 3 and 6 month later were analyzed. 25 type 1 diabetics participated at the camp (41.5 ± 11.49 years, 12 females). Subjects who had higher values of PAID presented lower levels of PA. After 3rd and 6th months improvements in PA level were recorded for both genders. PA increased similarly for subjects with lower and higher PAID. At least, EMI's results show that achieving of "physical well-being" was the mainly motivation to increase PA level. These findings showed a positive impact of educational camp on improvement of PA level. A better knowledge in the management of the diabetes during exercise could lead subjects to a more active lifestyle reducing limitation factors. Finally, our results suggest that PA promotion should be better focused on patients with greater difficulties perception. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
12. Heteropterys sylvatica
- Author
R. Vanni, G. López, L. Ferraro & O. Popoff, R. Vanni, G. López, L. Ferraro & O. Popoff, R. Vanni, G. López, L. Ferraro & O. Popoff, and R. Vanni, G. López, L. Ferraro & O. Popoff
- Abstract
Angiosperms, http://name.umdl.umich.edu/IC-HERB00IC-X-1531900%5DMICH-V-1531900, https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/i/image/api/thumb/herb00ic/1531900/MICH-V-1531900/!250,250, The University of Michigan Library provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes. Some materials may be protected by copyright. If you decide to use any of these materials, you are responsible for making your own legal assessment and securing any necessary permission. If you have questions about the collection, please contact the Herbarium professional staff: herb-dlps-help@umich.edu. If you have concerns about the inclusion of an item in this collection, please contact Library Information Technology: libraryit-info@umich.edu., https://www.lib.umich.edu/about-us/policies/copyright-policy
- Published
- 1998
13. Il metodo di valutazione analitico: il magazzino
- Author
Ferraro, O, Lattanzi, N, Agliata, F, Maglio, R, Ferri, S, Comuzzi, E, Zanin, F, Onesti, T, Romano, M, Garzella, S, Fiorentino, R, Corvino, A, Doni, F, Bertoni, M, De Rosa, B, Cuccurullo, C, Liberatore, G, Amaduzzi, A, Nussi, M, La Rosa, F, DONI, FEDERICA, Ferraro, O, Lattanzi, N, Agliata, F, Maglio, R, Ferri, S, Comuzzi, E, Zanin, F, Onesti, T, Romano, M, Garzella, S, Fiorentino, R, Corvino, A, Doni, F, Bertoni, M, De Rosa, B, Cuccurullo, C, Liberatore, G, Amaduzzi, A, Nussi, M, La Rosa, F, and DONI, FEDERICA
- Abstract
Il presente lavoro si pone come obiettivo a carattere generale l’approfondimento della pro-blematica valutativa del magazzino che, in particolare per le aziende che si trovano in una situazione di crisi più o meno pronunciata, può presentare alcune criticità che verranno trattate nel prosieguo. Nel dettaglio si evidenziano i seguenti micro-obiettivi: • effettuare una breve ricognizione della normativa contabile relativa alla valutazione delle rima-nenze di magazzino in ambito nazionale e internazionale; • verificare le problematiche inerenti il passaggio dai valori contabili ai valori correnti; • descrivere in corrispondenza delle differenti tipologie di rimanenze i criteri valutativi proposti nell’ambito del metodo patrimoniale semplice, al fine della determinazione del capitale econo-mico rettificato; • chiarire l’influenza esercitata dalla presenza o assenza di continuità aziendale nel processo valu-tativo delle rimanenze; • esemplificare le modalità valutative delle giacenze di magazzino presenti in un’azienda operante nel settore manifatturiero, in liquidazione, con prospettiva di continuazione dell’attività aziendale; • fornire una sintesi delle tematiche trattate.
- Published
- 2014
14. Il metodo di valutazione analitico: l'avviamento
- Author
Liberatore, G, Amaduzzi, A, Comuzzi, E, Ferraro, O, AMADUZZI, ANDREA ANGELO AURELIO, Liberatore, G, Amaduzzi, A, Comuzzi, E, Ferraro, O, and AMADUZZI, ANDREA ANGELO AURELIO
- Published
- 2014
15. La valutazione delle aziende in crisi
- Author
Liberatore, G, Comuzzi, E, Ferraro, O, AMADUZZI, ANDREA ANGELO AURELIO, Amaduzzi, A, Liberatore, G, Comuzzi, E, Ferraro, O, AMADUZZI, ANDREA ANGELO AURELIO, and Amaduzzi, A
- Published
- 2014
16. ECPPA: Randomised trial of low dose aspirin for the prevention of maternal and fetal complications in high risk pregnant women
- Author
Atallah, An, Collins, R., Farrell, B., Handoll, H., Freitas, A., Kinsui, L., Fukushima, O., Amorim, M., Eduardo, R., Durante, A., Vieira, C., Filho, J., Davolos, L., Zambotti, R., Negrao, C., Alves, O., Tobias, P., Freire, C., Almeida, C., Neto, J., Bertechini, L., Maest, I., Peracoli, J., Rudge, Mv, Silva, I., Filho, S., Calderon, I., Abujamra, O., Neto, A., Muniz, W., Pinton, Jc, Demello, M., Ferreira, A., Nogueira, C., Sanches, A., Mariano, A., Ferrazcosta, C., Delacerda, R., Elias, A., Yoshiassu, R., Lustre, S., Ximenes, S., Degodoy, P., Demelo, A., Decampos, D., Bezerra, D., Cesario, F., Tessari, D., Kisse, M., Soria, W., Teixeira, A., Flumignan, A., Marcolini, M., Rimi, E., Simoes, C., Dearaujo, V., Pavanelri, C., Martins, L., Bianco, C., Antonalia, C., Gennari, E., Vinhal, Z., Leao, J., Sobrinho, F., Prado, J., Souza, Z., Magalhaes, J., Esteves, R., Deoliveira, H., Jaeger, L., Melchiori, R., Minari, J., Santana, E., Machida, I., Cesme, F., Decarvalho, H., Dasilva, L., Wolff, A., Negretti, C., Belli, I., Napp, L., Meneghetti, A., Chaves, E., Costa, S., Kroeff, Cd, Espinosa, S., Campos, D., Tsello, J., Matthes, A., Dossantos, C., Duarte, G., Neto, G., Rezende, Wd, Goncalves, P., Rivoire, H., Joao, Lc, Gradella, A., Bertazzo, R., Moraes, I., Doria, J., Trevisan, M., Gabriel, N., Ethur, Jd, Jobim, F., Serre, R., Sanforlin, S., Dasilva, J., Neves, J., Ferraro, O., Dossantos, M., Ribeiro, A., Defreitas, R., Adans, A., Plentz, I., Deandrade, J., Nightingale, H., Rebello, J., Bencic, J., Alves, Cd, Campmany, C., Pereira, A., Kataguiri, A., Decampos, L., Masonetto, J., Bentivegna, D., Deoliveira, M., Russo, M., Celestini, A., Azevedo, A., Lippi, H., Zanotto, F., Simon, F., Frehse, G., Halbe, H., Primon, L., David, P., Franco, P., Pirozzi, P., Klotzel, D., Awoke, L., Defigueiredo, L., Theodozio, R., Conceicao, I., Daniel, I., Kublikowski, J., Neto, Ja, Kenji, G., Guimaraes, S., Leung, S., Gollop, T., Freitas, V., Carvalho, B., Porto, G., Dossantos, J., Andrade, A., Cavalcante, E., Henrich, A., Arle, W., Arie, H., Deoliveira, T., Silvestrini, D., Desouza, E., Dearaujo, A., Allegrini, A., Sakamoto, L., Takano, L., Mattar, R., Taborda, W., Paraventi, H., Miyazawa, M., Sass, N., Mesquita, Rd, Lemos, M., Bevilaqua, M., Wulkan, I., Paramo, G., Mottola, J., Scott, M., Sode, A., Clemente, R., Neto, L., Barros, C., Bressan, N., Deassis, M., Mazzini, X., Clarizia, E., Duarte, Ml, Gonzalez, H., Pantoja, A., Mesquita, M., Chalmers, I., Delascio, O., Grisso, Ja, Peto, R., and Zugaib, M.
- Published
- 1996
17. Quality of Life after Cistectomy
- Author
Azzolini, N., primary, Ferretti, S., additional, Barbieri, A., additional, Maestroni, U., additional, Giollo, A., additional, Ferraro, O., additional, Panteri, M., additional, and Cortellini, P., additional
- Published
- 2004
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
18. Stato di salute dei lavoratori del settore petrolchimico: una revisione narrativa,Health status of petrochemical workers: a narrative review
- Author
Fassio, F., Bussa, M., Oddone, E., Ferraro, O. E., Puci, M. V., Morandi, A., Castaldo, F., Broi, M., Uberti, F., Villani, S., Cristina Montomoli, and Monti, M. C.
19. Why women do not use the helmet when riding a bicycle
- Author
Valero-Mora, P., Shinar, D., Ledesma, R., Haworth, N., Strijp-Houtenbos, M., Schramm, A., Bruyne, G., Chliaoutaki, J., Joao P. Dias, Ferraro, O. E., Fyhri, A., Sajatovic, A. H., Kuklane, K., Morandi, A., Muser, M., Otte, D., Papadakaki, M., Sanmartin, J., Dulf, D., Saplioglu, M., and Tzamalouka, G.
20. Poster session 6
- Author
Lofmark, H, Winter, R, Moukarzel, JA, Filipuzzi, JM, Vaisbuj, F, Salmo, F, Guevara, E, Barbier, P, Savioli, G, Keramida, K, Kouris, N, Dawson, D, Olympios, CD, Nihoyannopoulos, P, Meel, R, Peters, F, Libhaber, E, Nel, S, Goncalves, R, Essop, MR, Dinis, P G, Teixeira, R, Madeira, M, Cachulo, MC, Goncalves, L, Jorstig, S, Emilsson, K, Waldenborg, M, Liden, M, Wodecki, M, Thunberg, P, Perez, Valverde, Sotelo, J, Beerbaum, P, Grotenhuis, H, Greil, G, Razavi, R, Uribe, S, Figueroa, A, Zemedkun, M, Wang, Z, Asch, FM, Gizzi, G, Fabiani, D, Lavorgna, A, Napoletano, C, Saha, S K, Muthukumar, L, Englund, E, Toole, R, Gopal, AS, Di Salvo, G, Issa, Z, Moiduddin, N, Siblini, G, Bulbul, Z, Yurdakul, SELEN, Ercan, G, Tekkesin, ILKER, Sahin, ST, Cengiz, B, Celik, G, Demircan, SABRI, Aytekin, SAIDE, Chumarnaya, T, Alueva, Y, Kochmasheva, VV, Solovyova, O, Tuset, L, Maceira Gonzalez, A M, Igual, B, Bruin De- Bon, HACM, Cocchieri, R, Wagner, GS, Eberl, S, Brink Van Den, RBA, Bouma, BJ, Onishi, T, Kawai, H, Tanaka, H, Fujiwara, S, Hirata, K, Marketou, M, Parthenakis, F, Kontaraki, J, Patrianakos, A, Nakou, H, Maragkoudakis, S, Vougia, D, Logakis, J, Roufas, K, Vardas, P, Bayuga, MT, Ramboyong, RE, Johansson, M C, Wallentin Guron, C, Thurin, A, Wessling, N, Almodares, Q, Fu, M, Mandour Ali, M, Mohamed, LA, Abd Al-Rahman, T, Maghraby, HM, Kora, IM, Abdel-Hameed, FR, Ali, MN, King, GJ, Byrne, D, Bennett, K, Norris, K, Daly, C, Murphy, RT, Marti, G, Degiovanni, A, Di Ruocco, MV, Sartori, C, Devecchi, P, Marino, P, Angelis, A, Aggeli, K, Ioakeimidis, N, Felekos, I, Aznaouridis, K, Rokas, K, Abdelrasoul, M, Terentes, D, Vlachopoulos, C, Tousoulis, D, Spinelli, L, Stabile, E, Santoro, M, Morisco, C, Giudice, C A, Esposito, G, Trimarco, B, Dragoi Galrinho, R, Ciobanu, AO, Rimbas, RC, Manole, GC, Marinescu, B, Vinereanu, D, Krljanac, G, Trifunovic, D, Savic, L, Asanin, M, Lasica, R, Aleksandric, S, Zlatic, N, Petrovic, M, Jovanovic, LJ, Mrdovic, I, Zahidova, K, aethiology, Chronic heart failure of ishemic, anemia, Trifunovic, D, Krljanac, G, Sobic Saranovic, D, Asanin, M, Grozdic Milojevic, I, Savic, L, Vasiljevic, Z, Aleksandric, S, Srdic, M, Mrdovic, I, Mateescu, AD, Calin, A, Rosca, M, Beladan, CC, Enache, R, Gurzun, MM, Varga, P, Calin, C, Ginghina, C, Popescu, BA, Melissopoulou, M, Nguyen, V, Mathieu, T, Attias, D, Dreyfus, J, Codogno, I, Vahanian, A, Messika-Zeitoun, D, study, The COFRASA/GENERAC, Stefanidis, A, Komatanou, E, Anagnostou, E, Armatas, G, Samiotou, D, Papaspyropoulos, A, Philippou, P, Korlou, P, Tzerefos, S, Kranidis, A, Kammerer, I, Wiedemann, M, Sack, FU, Koyama, T, Fukuhara, K, Imai, K, Yamada, R, Kume, T, Neishi, Y, Uemura, S, Pergola, V, Di Salvo, G, Fadel, B, Aladmawi, M, Shahid, M, Alamri, M, Bulbul, Z, Issa, Z, Alhalees, Z, Rafael De La Espriella Juan, RDLE, Rafael Paya-Serrano, RPS, Jose-Leando Perez-Bosca, JLPB, Francisco Ridocci-Soriano, FRS, Oscar Fabregat-Andres, OFA, Cristina Albiach-Montanana, CAM, Natalia Chacon-Hernandez, NCH, Laura Higueras-Ortega, LHO, Blanca Trejo-Velasco, BTV, Salvador Morell-Cabedo, SMC, Bech-Hanssen, O, Polte, CL, Johnsson, AA, Cederbom, U, Lagerstrand, K, Gao, SA, Cho, E J, Hwang, J W, Park, S J, Yun, H R, Lee, S C, Park, S W, Poilane, M, Cueff, C, Jaafar, P, Jobbe Duval, A, Guijarro, D, Le Tourneau, T, Vaturi, M, Kotler, T, Shapira, Y, Weisenberg, D, Monakier, D, Kazum, S, Sagie, A, Valuckiene, Z, Ovsianas, J, Jurgaityte, J, Jasiskyte, V, Jurkevicius, R, Jenei, C, Muraru, D, Aruta, P, Miglioranza, M H, Cavalli, G, Romeo, G, Peluso, D, Cucchini, U, Iliceto, S, Badano, L P, Yesin, M, Kalcik, M, Gursoy, MO, Gunduz, S, Astarcioglu, MA, Karakoyun, S, Bayam, E, Cersit, S, Ozkan, M, Galuszka, O M, Reinthaler, M, Rutschow, S, Gross, M, Landmesser, U, Kasner, M, Caggegi, A M, Scandura, S, Capranzano, P, Mangiafico, S, Ronsivalle, G, Cannata, S, Farruggio, S, Giaquinta, S, Grasso, C, Tamburino, C, Merchan Cuenda, M, Fuentes Canamero, M E, Bengla Limpo, B, Chacon Pinero, A, Millan Nunez, M V, Nogales Asensio, JM, Lopez Minguez, J R, Garcia Corrales, C, Aranda Lopez, C, Merchan Herrera, A, Merchan Cuenda, M, Fuentes Canamero, M E, Bengla Limpo, B, Millan Nunez, M V, Nogales Asensio, J M, Lopez Minguez, J R, Chacon Pinero, A, Marquez Lozano, P, Garcia Corrales, C, Merchan Herrera, A, Lo Presti, M, Polizzi, V, Pino, GP, Luzi, G, Fiorilli, R, Pergolini, A, Madeo, A, Malouf, J, Buffa, V, Musumeci, F, Islas, F, Almeria, C, Olmos, C, Garcia, E, Nombela, L, De Agustin, JA, Marcos-Alberca, P, Mahia, P, Macaya, C, Perez De Isla, L, Pontes Dos Santos, R A, Correia, E, Cruz, I, Reis, L, Oliveira, M, Faria, R, Magalhaes, P, Domingues, K, Picarra, B, Marques, N, Nemes, A, Domsik, P, Kalapos, A, Sepp, R, Foldeak, D, Borbenyi, Z, Forster, T, Masiha, S, Reis, L, Teixeira, R, Caetano, F, Almeida, I, Trigo, J, Botelho, A, Silva, J, Nascimento, J, Goncalves, L, Cubero Gallego, H, Dobarro Perez, D, Diez De Las Heras, D, Llerena Butron, S, Tobar Ruiz, J, Martin Morquecho, I, Arnold, R, San Roman Calvar, JA, De Gregorio, C, Ando', G, Dattilo, G, Trio, O, Cusma' Piccione, M, Zito, C, Nicotera, A, D'angelo, M, Carerj, S, Ziolkowska, L, Spiewak, M, Malek, L, Boruc, A, Kawalec, W, Alvarez-Ortega, C A, Gonzalez Fernandez, O, Refoyo Salicio, E, Mori, R, Peinado Peinado, R, Lago, M, Trigo, E, Lopez-Sedon, JL, Yuan, L, Zhang, XX, Xie, MX, Jin, XY, Hospital, Union, College, Tongji Medical, Science, Huazhong University of, Technology, Ultrasonography, Department of, Leao, S, Bento, D, Lourenco, C, Domingues, K, Almeida, AR, Marmelo, B, Picarra, B, Lima, R, Faria, R, Azevedo, O, Accadia, M, Irace, L, Abitabile, M, Iengo, R, Arnese, MR, Cocchia, R, Scotto Di Uccio, F, Spadaro, P, Tuccillo, A, Tuccillo, B, Budnik, M, Piatkowski, R, Kochanowski, J, Gaska, M, Glowacka, P, Karolczak, P, Ochijewicz, D, Opolski, G, Stevanovic, A, Dekleva, M, Tsai, W-C, Yang, L-T, Liu, Y-W, Abusalma, Y, O'connell, E, Kenny, C, Mcdonald, K, Mohamed Fereig Hamed, H, Hafez, EMAN, Habib, SHIMAA, Peluso, D, Pigatto, E, Romeo, G, Cucchini, U, Muraru, D, Aruta, P, Cozzi, F, Punzi, L, Iliceto, S, Badano, LP, Podoleanu, C, Coman, I, Jeremias, ZS, Varga, A, Tarta, C, Grancea, I, Tarusi, M, Frigy, A, Carasca, E, Doronzo, A, Piazza, R, Neglia, L, Cervesato, E, Nicolosi, GL, Cassin, M, Upton, R, Aye, C, Davis, E, Packham, A, Arnold, L, Kenworthy, Y, Lamata, P, Lewandowski, A, Leeson, P, Abuladze, GA, Jinjolia, NJ, Ribeiro, JM, Teixeira, R, Fernandes, A, Cassandra, M, Pinto, H, Marques, MG, Raposo, H, Carreira, A, Campos, M, Goncalves, L, De La Chica, JA, Ortiz Garrido, A, Cuenca, V, Conejo, L, Zabala, I, De Mora, M, Petruzzelli, MF, Vasti, MP, Scali, MC, Tramacere, F, D'errico, MP, Gianicolo, EAL, Andreassi, MG, Picano, E, Portaluri, M, Ferrera Duran, C, Gomez-Escalonilla, C, De Agustin, JA, Egido, J, Almeria, C, Simal, P, Marcos, P, Rodrigo, JL, Macaya, C, Perez De Isla, L, Tomaszewski, M, Brzozowski, W, Tomaszewski, A, Poterala, M, Diaz-Pelaez, E, Marciniak, A, Gargallo-Fernandez, P, Barrio-Rodriguez, A, Araco, M, Sharma, R, Wierzbowska-Drabik, K, Kasprzak, JD, Wierzbowska-Drabik, K, Kasprzak, JD, Velasco Del Castillo, S, Anton Ladislao, A, Cacicedo Fernandez Bobadilla, A, Onandia Gandarias, JJ, Sainz, S, Gomez Sanchez, V, Rodriguez Sanchez, I, Garcia Cuenca, E, Zugazabeitia Irazabal, G, Generati, G, Bandera, F, Pellegrino, M, Carbone, F, Labate, V, Alfonzetti, E, Villani, S, Gaeta, M, Ferraro, O, Guazzi, M, Zaborska, B, Smarz, K, Pilichowska-Paszkiet, E, Sikora-Frac, M, Budaj, A, De Diego Soler, O, Ferrer Sistach, E, Vallejo Camazon, N, Lopez-Ayerbe, J, Teis Soley, A, Gual Capllonch, F, Serrano Garcia, S, Bernal Labrador, E, Junca Puig, G, Bayes-Genis, A, Merchan-Gomez, S, Garcia-Sanchez, MJ, Barreiro-Perez, MJ, Arribas-Jimenez, A, Sanchez-Corral, E, Cruz-Gonzalez, I, Martin-Leal, LI, Gajate-Herrero, D, Perdiguero-Martin, PL, Sanchez-Fernandez, PL, Lee, M, Jang, YJ, Lee, YJ, Kim, YS, Chun, WJ, Kang, GH, Oh, JH, Aquila, I, Hinojar, R, Fernandez-Golfin, C, Gonzalez, A, Rincon, LM, Casas, E, Ruiz, S, Barrios, V, Jimenez-Nacher, JJ, Zamorano, JL, Necas, J, Kovalova, S, Perea, GO, Lombardero, M, Henquin, R, Tinetti, M, Corneli, M, Sotaquira, Miguel, Cairati, Mattia, Ettorre, Alessandro, Pepi, Mauro, Tamborini, Gloria, Caiani, Enrico, Sanchez-Martinez, S, Duchateau, N, Erdei, T, Fraser, A, Piella, G, Bijnens, B H, Nestaas, E, Stoylen, A, Fugelseth, D, Hinojar, R, Fernandez-Golfin, C, Esteban, A, Gonzalez-Gomez, A, Garcia-Martin, A, Casas Rojo, E, Pascual-Izco, M, Jimenez-Nacher, JJ, Zamorano, JL, Cerne, A, Berden, P, Agelaki, M, Sundar, S, Antonakaki, D, Grapsa, J, Dawson, D, Papadopoulos, C, Katsivas, A, Nihoyannopoulos, P, Sanchis Ruiz, L, Sanz, M, Bijnens, B, Giraldeau, G, Grazioli, G, Marin, M, Montserrat, S, Sitges, M, Cambronero Cortinas, E, Grapsa, J, Dawson, D, Howard, L, Gin-Sing, W, Valle, A, Corbi-Pascual, MJ, Saez-Mendez, L, Gibbs, S, Nihoyannopoulos, P, Grue, J F, Storve, S, Mjoelstad, O C, Samstad, S O, Dalen, H, Torp, H, Haugen, B O, Yim, D, Mertens, L, Friedberg, MK, Grosse-Wortmann, L, Dragulescu, A, Djikic, DDJ, Simic, SD, Peric, VP, Mujovic, NM, Jankovic, NJ, Marinkovic, MM, Martinez Santos, P, Batlle Lopez, E, Vilacosta, I, Sanchez Sauce, B, De La Rosa Riestra, A, Alonso Bello, J, Espana Barrio, E, Jimenez Valtierra, J, Campuzano Ruiz, R, Rios, Martin, Vrsalovic, M, Hummel, SL, Ghanbari, H, Alpert, C, Oral, H, Kolias, TJ, Mghaieth Zghal, F, Jabberi, Z, Rekik, B, Boudiche, S, Aloui, H, Ben Hlima, M, Ouali, S, Larbi, N, Mourali, MS, Nemes, A, Marton, I, Domsik, P, Kalapos, A, Posfai, E, Modok, S, Borbenyi, Z, Forster, T, Maceira Gonzalez, A M, Monmeneu, JV, Igual, B, Lopez Lereu, MP, Garcia, P, Cosin Sales, J, Maceira Gonzalez, A M, Igual, B, Monmeneu, JV, Lopez Lereu, P, Garcia, MP, Cosin Sales, J, Bala, G, Baudhuin, H, Gillis, K, Remory, I, Krasniqi, A, Lahoutte, T, Devoogdt, N, Droogmans, S, Cosyns, B, Hernot, S, Bulugahapitiya, D S, Bebb, O, Moustafa, A, Vilades, D, Colom Comi, C, Perez-Perez, A, Carreras, F, Leta, R, Pons, G, Jinjolia, NJ, and Abuladze, GA
- Abstract
Purpose: To explore the cost effectiveness of expert hand-held echo (HHE) upstream as an alternative to referral for a complete transthoracic echo (TTE) in clinical routine. We hypothized that an upstream HHE approach would prove adequate and cost effective in terms of - Decrease the numbers of required TTE - Fewer revisits to the outpatient unit - Shorten the length of admission - Increase the number of higly specialized echoes, i.e. stress echo, transesophageal echoes - Shorten the time to final diagnosis and decrease the concerns for the patient who is forced to wait for survey and results at complete TTE. Methods: In this study, a HHE scanner (V-scan, GE Health care) was kept available for the senior consultants with level 3 TTE certification, for use in patients where a TTE was indicated. HHE was performed in different clinical scenarios such in the emergency room, during consultation of inpatients or in the clinic of outpatients. The results of HHE was documented in the patient record under a heading and can directly be found upon request. The length of hospital stay during a representative week, is compared between patients who have not undergone HHE with patients undergoing HHE. Results: Out of a total of 94 patients examined with HHE, 71 patients were not in need of a complete TTE. Additional 11 patients received a more rapid investigation i.e stress-echo, transesophageal echocardiography or other investigations that would otherwise have been delayed because of waiting for the complete TTE. 12 patients were in need of a complete TTE for a more precise analysis. In the heart clinic of Danderyds hospital approximately 18 inpatients were examined with a complete TTE every ordinary week and that postpone the day of submission from hospital among approximately 6 patients a week. Every day of care in hospital cost 445 € in an ordinary ward and 981 € in the heart intensive care unit. This means there is a cost benefit of approximately 3741 € every week if it is possible to prevent this postponing of submission. Conclusions: Upstream HHE in clinical routine was in the setting of this study highly cost-effective, decreasing the need of TTE to a great extent, and leading to quicker diagnosis, shorter hospital stays and less anxiety in patients during the waiting time for a complete TTE and before a response is received.
- Published
- 2015
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21. La valutazione delle aziende sequestrate e confiscate alla criminalità organizzata
- Author
Salvatore Cincimino, Fabio La Rosa, Alessandro Mechelli, Sergio Paternostro, Corbella, S, Liberatore, G, Tiscini, R, Agliata, F, Amaduzzi, A, Bernini, F, Buttignon, F, Catalfo, P, Cincimino, S, Comuzzi, E, Corvino, A, Cuccurullo, C, Doni, F, Ferraro, O, Fiorentino, R, Fontana, S, Garzella, S, Giuliani, M, La Rosa, F, Lionzo, A, Maglio, R, Mazzi, F, Mechelli, A, Paris, A, Paternostro, S, Rey, A, Roberto, F, Romano, M, Rossignoli, F, Rubino, F.E, Rupo, D, Sforza, V, Tuccillo, D, Salvatore Cincimino, Fabio La Rosa, Alessandro Mechelli, and Sergio Paternostro
- Subjects
Settore SECS-P/07 - Economia Aziendale ,contesto valutativo aziende sequestrate e in confisca ,valutazione aziende sequestrate e confiscate - Abstract
Il tema centrale del capitolo è la valutazione delle aziende sequestrate e confiscate alla criminalità organizzata. Tale valutazione si rende necessaria nelle varie fasi delle misure di prevenzione patrimoniale, anche perché prescritta da specifiche norme (il D.Lgs. n. 159/2011). Il contesto valutativo è tuttavia caratterizzato da numerosi ostacoli sia di natura aziendale (organizzativi, gestionali, di difficoltà al reperimento di dati e informazioni) che ambientale. I proficui contributi di dottrina e, di recente, la predisposizione di apposite linee guida, hanno offerto la definizione di un primo framework valutativo nell’ambito delle distinte fasi del sequestro e della confisca, ciascuna delle quali contraddistinta da autonome peculiarità normative e gestionali, criticità valutative, basi informative, soggetti valutatori, presupposti di continuità, metodiche estimative, ottiche da adottare e relazioni di stima.
- Published
- 2021
22. La valutazione dei beni immateriali
- Author
Doni, F, Rupo, D, Corbella, S, Liberatore, G, Tiscini, R, Agliata, F, Amaduzzi, A, Bernini, F, Buttignon, F, Catalfo, P, Comuzzi, E, Corvino, A, Cuccurullo, C, Doni, F, Ferraro, O, Fiorentino, R, Fontana, S, Garzella, S, Giuliani, M, La Rosa, F, Lionzo, A, Maglio, R, Mazzi, F, Mechelli, A, Paris, A, Rey, A, Romano, M, Rossignoli, F, Rupo, D, Sforza, V, and Tuccillo, D
- Subjects
SECS-P/07 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE ,intangibili, valutazione, metodi, giudizio, market value, valore patrimoniale, standard - Abstract
Il presente capitolo tratta il tema della valutazione dei beni immateriali che, sempre più spesso nell’attuale economia della conoscenza, rappresentano una parte rilevante del valore eco-nomico di un’impresa, rivestendo un ruolo centrale quali driver di risultati reddituali e competitivi. La stima di valore in questo caso riguarda quelle risorse intangibili di cui l’impresa di-spone e che sono suscettibili di valutazione autonoma. Il valore dei beni immateriali (intangi-bili specifici) integra quello del patrimonio netto rettificato nelle stime patrimoniali comples-se, e talvolta detti beni sono oggetto di trasferimento (in senso lato, quindi anche di conferi-mento, scorporo) anche separatamente dal complesso aziendale. Preliminare alla valutazione economica sarà l’analisi delle caratteristiche peculiari e dei criteri di classificazione dei beni immateriali. Si affronteranno quindi gli approcci e i metodi di valu-tazione applicabili alle diverse tipologie di beni immateriali, alla luce della teoria e della pras-si, delineando la cornice di riferimento delineata dai principi nazionali e internazionali di valutazione.
- Published
- 2020
23. La valutazione del portafoglio clienti. Considerazioni su alcuni modelli valutativi
- Author
Doni, F, Comuzzi, E, Mechelli, A, Sforza, V, Maglio, R, Agliata, F, Zanin, F, Garzella, S, Fiorentino, R, Corvino, A, Bernini, F, La Rosa, F, Romano, M, Bronzetti, G, Trequattrini, R, Lombardi, R, Silvestri, A, Rubino, FE, Ferraro, O, and Doni, F
- Subjects
valutazione economica, relazione, valore del cliente, modelli di valutazione, vita utile residua, retention rate, customer life time value ,SECS-P/07 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE - Abstract
La valutazione economica del capitale relazionale e in particolare del portafoglio clienti ormai da alcuni decenni ha rappresentato una tematica di rilevante interesse sia per gli accademici che per i practitioners. Il valore del cliente dal punto di vista dell’azienda caratterizza infatti una molteplicità di studi che, in maniera trasversale, interessano differenti aree disciplinari quali l’Accounting e il Financial Reporting, la Business Valuation, il Marketing, dove as-sume una specifica connotazione la ben nota area del Customer Relationship Marketing (o Management) (CRM). La prospettiva prevalente in ambito economico aziendale attinge indubbiamente dal filone legato all’Accounting, all’applicazione dei principi contabili e delle teorie di valutazione al fine di offrire un’adeguata stima e rappresentazione del valore delle relazioni con la clientela, qualora ricorrano determinati presupposti. L’importanza del cliente, concepito spesso come primary asset, tuttavia ha reso necessario anche effettuare una breve ricognizione degli strumenti quantitativi offerti dal Marketing al fine di ampliare l’orizzonte del processo di generazione del valore attuale e potenziale apportato all’azienda dalla clientela. Sulla base di tali considerazioni, l’obiettivo specifico del capitolo è di: • fornire un inquadramento normativo, dottrinale e di prassi a carattere generale sulla tematica del portafoglio clienti nell’ambito della problema-tica definitoria e di identificazione degli intangible assets (normativa, dottrina e prassi internazionale sul tema dei customer-related assets); • proporre un inquadramento degli elementi da considerare e dei criteri da seguire nella fase della identificazione di tali attività intangibili (inqua-dramento dottrinale e di prassi professionale); • presentare un quadro sufficientemente strutturato sul processo che conduce alla scelta del metodo di valutazione (processo di misurazione del va-lore delle relazioni con i clienti); • analizzare i principali modelli, le caratteristiche, i limiti e le potenzialità (modelli di misurazione del valore delle relazioni con la clientela); • approfondire alcuni aspetti operativi nell’ambito dei metodi maggior-mente utilizzati (technicalities); • fornire una sintesi del capitolo (riepilogo).
- Published
- 2018
24. La valutazione della rete di vendita. Modelli e tecniche di misurazione
- Author
Doni, F, Comuzzi, E, Mechelli, A, Sforza, V, Maglio, R, Agliata, F, Zanin, F, Garzella, S, Fiorentino, R, Corvino, A, Bernini, F, La Rosa, F, Romano, M, Bronzetti, G, Trequattrini, R, Lombardi, R, Silvestri, A, Rubino, FE, Ferraro, O, and Doni, F
- Subjects
SECS-P/07 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE ,rete di vendita, volumi di vendita, retention, scheda di valutazione, profittabilità, venditore, clientela, satisfaction. visite - Abstract
La realizzazione di una rete distributiva efficiente, caratterizzata da un elevato livello qualitativo in grado di fidelizzare la clientela rappresenta un aspetto divenuto imprescindibile per le aziende ormai da alcuni decenni. La funzione della logistica ha infatti assunto un ruolo prioritario e centrale nel processo di ricerca di vantaggi competitivi sostenibili ed il legame con la strategia diventa sempre più rilevante in relazione al perseguimento degli obiettivi aziendali (Ottimo, Zanderighi, 1995). La rete di vendita è essenziale per il business e, se gestita in maniera oculata, può diventare un elemento indispensabile per aumentare volumi di vendita, margini e quota di mercato senza alcuna possibilità di essere sostituita dagli altri elementi del marketing mix (Hartley, 1981; Calvin, 2007). Da ciò consegue che una attenta attività di analisi, pianificazione e controllo delle vendite (Marino, 1981; Cugini, Wil-son, 2007; Fedel, Pedrazzini, 2008) non può prescindere da un’adeguata va-lutazione dei risultati di vendita e della performance dei venditori nonché della misurazione dell’efficacia ed efficienza dell’azione di vendita. La misurazione del valore del sistema di vendita, trascurando gli aspetti organizzativi relativi alla scelta dei canali di vendita e della copertura territoriale con l’individuazione delle aree e delle zone di vendita, avviene, sia in termini quantitativi che qualitativi, mediante l’utilizzo di strumenti e di tecniche che nel corso degli anni hanno subito un evidente miglioramento in conseguenza anche del processo di “servitizzazione” che ha interessato in particolare le aziende del settore manifatturiero a causa delle forti pres-sioni competitive e che ha reso possibile quindi l’evoluzione dell’offerta dal prodotto al prodotto-servizio (Alghisi, Saccani, 2012). Alla luce di queste considerazioni, l’obiettivo specifico del capitolo è di: • fornire un inquadramento teorico e di prassi a carattere generale sul te-ma della rete di vendita quale intangible legato al marketing (dottrina e prassi sul tema della rete di vendita); • presentare alcune proposte di metriche di misurazione della rete com-merciale e di elaborazione di report specifici (approfondimento di metriche e indicatori qualitativi e quantitativi); • illustrare alcuni schemi di valutazione dei venditori di base utili per mas-simizzare l’efficacia dell’area di vendita in una prospettiva customer-oriented (valutazione e comparazione dei venditori, indici valore, metodologie); • approfondire il tema degli strumenti per analizzare e controllare i risulta-ti della rete di vendita (valutazione dei venditori ai fini del controllo dell’attività di vendita); • fornire una sintesi del capitolo (riepilogo).
- Published
- 2018
25. La valutazione analitica: le immobilizzazioni materiali
- Author
CUCCURULLO, Corrado, Cuccurullo C., Liberatore G., Amaduzzi A., Comuzzi E., Ferraro O. (a cura di), and Cuccurullo, Corrado
- Published
- 2015
26. Il metodo di valutazione analitico: il magazzino
- Author
DONI, FEDERICA, Ferraro, O, Lattanzi, N, Agliata, F, Maglio, R, Ferri, S, Comuzzi, E, Zanin, F, Onesti, T, Romano, M, Garzella, S, Fiorentino, R, Corvino, A, Doni, F, Bertoni, M, De Rosa, B, Cuccurullo, C, Liberatore, G, Amaduzzi, A, Nussi, M, and La Rosa, F
- Subjects
SECS-P/07 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE ,magazzino, valore contabile, valore corrente, crisi d’azienda - Abstract
Il presente lavoro si pone come obiettivo a carattere generale l’approfondimento della pro-blematica valutativa del magazzino che, in particolare per le aziende che si trovano in una situazione di crisi più o meno pronunciata, può presentare alcune criticità che verranno trattate nel prosieguo. Nel dettaglio si evidenziano i seguenti micro-obiettivi: • effettuare una breve ricognizione della normativa contabile relativa alla valutazione delle rima-nenze di magazzino in ambito nazionale e internazionale; • verificare le problematiche inerenti il passaggio dai valori contabili ai valori correnti; • descrivere in corrispondenza delle differenti tipologie di rimanenze i criteri valutativi proposti nell’ambito del metodo patrimoniale semplice, al fine della determinazione del capitale econo-mico rettificato; • chiarire l’influenza esercitata dalla presenza o assenza di continuità aziendale nel processo valu-tativo delle rimanenze; • esemplificare le modalità valutative delle giacenze di magazzino presenti in un’azienda operante nel settore manifatturiero, in liquidazione, con prospettiva di continuazione dell’attività aziendale; • fornire una sintesi delle tematiche trattate.
- Published
- 2014
27. Il metodo di valutazione analitico: le partecipazioni
- Author
BERTONI, MICHELE, DE ROSA, Bruno, Liberatore G., Amaduzzi A., Comuzzi E., Ferraro O., Bertoni, Michele, and DE ROSA, Bruno
- Subjects
premio di maggioranza ,crisi aziendale ,sconto di per mancanza di controllo ,sconto di liquidità ,partecipazioni di controllo ,valutazione d'azienda ,partecipazioni di controllo, premio di maggioranza, sconto di per mancanza di controllo, sconto di liquidità, crisi aziendale, valutazione d'azienda - Abstract
La valutazione delle partecipazioni detenute da un’azienda in crisi costituisce un aspetto importante nell’applicazione del metodo patrimoniale analitico, poiché tali elementi patrimoniali sono caratterizzati da un’intrinseca complessità, in quanto rappresentano cointeressenze nel capitale di altre aziende che richiedono di essere adeguatamente esplicitate. Valutare una partecipazione societaria, infatti, significa innanzitutto valutare il capitale economico della società partecipata; tuttavia la mera applicazione della percentuale di possesso al capitale economico della società partecipata non esaurisce il processo valutativo, che deve necessariamente includere una serie di variabili che non sono comprese nella determinazione del valore fondamentale di una partecipazione. È necessario, inoltre, valutare in maniera appropriata le differenti categorie di partecipazioni, distinguendo adeguatamente tra partecipazioni di controllo, di collegamento, e altre partecipazioni. Alla luce delle considerazioni sopra svolte, gli obiettivi del presente capitolo sono i seguenti: • definire brevemente l’elemento patrimoniale oggetto di valutazione; • trattare distintamente i casi della valutazione delle partecipazioni di controllo da quello delle partecipazioni di minoranza; • illustrare le rettifiche da apportare al capitale economico della partecipata per riflettere adeguatamente il valore della partecipazione, con particolare riferimento agli sconti e ai premi che sorgono in relazione alla presenza o assenza di controllo e alla liquidità; • chiarire come le rettifiche sopra indicate, incluso il premio per il controllo, possano essere applicate al caso dell’azienda in crisi.
- Published
- 2014
28. Crisi d’impresa e disciplina della riduzione del capitale
- Author
MAGLIO, ROBERTO, Autori Vari, Liberatore G. – Amaduzzi A. – Comuzzi E. - Ferraro O., and Maglio, Roberto
- Published
- 2014
29. Il metodo di valutazione analitico: l'avviamento
- Author
AMADUZZI, ANDREA ANGELO AURELIO, Liberatore, G, Amaduzzi, A, Comuzzi, E, and Ferraro, O
- Subjects
SECS-P/07 - ECONOMIA AZIENDALE ,Avviamento, Aziende in crisi, Valutazione, Goodwill, Badwill - Published
- 2014
30. I dipendenti delle pubbliche amministrazioni
- Author
- Published
- 2013
31. La solidarietà negli appalti per i crediti dei lavoratori
- Author
- Subjects
tutele dei lavoratori ,responsabilità solidale ,Lavoro negli appalti - Abstract
L'impatto della riforma Fornero sulla solidarietà del committente; il nuovo regime processuale; le facoltà attribuite alla contrattazione collettiva; il rapporto con la contrattazione collettiva di prossimità; la problematica individuazione dei contratti collettivi di riferimento.
- Published
- 2013
32. Più trasparente il ricorso al lavoro intermittente
- Author
- Published
- 2013
33. Il lavoro occasionale accessorio
- Author
- Subjects
accessorio ,Lavoro ,occasionale - Published
- 2013
34. La contrattazione di prossimità in materia ferroviaria
- Author
D'ARCANGELO, LUCIA, M. Cinelli, G. Ferraro, O. Mazzotta, and D'Arcangelo, Lucia
- Subjects
- 2013
35. La somministrazione di lavoro
- Author
- Subjects
Somministrazione ,lavoro ,riforma - Published
- 2013
36. Un quadro d'insieme sulle tipologie contrattuali
- Author
FERRARO, GIUSEPPE, M. Cinelli, G. Ferraro, O. Mazzotta, and Ferraro, Giuseppe
- Published
- 2013
37. L'associazione in partecipazione con apporto di lavoro
- Author
SANTONI, FRANCESCO, M. Cinelli, G. Ferraro, O. Mazzotta, and Santoni, Francesco
- Subjects
associazione in partecipazione, contratto, apporto di lavoro - Abstract
L'A. esamina la disciplina dell'apporto di lavoro dell'associato alla luce della riforma degli arti. 2549 ss. c.c.
- Published
- 2013
38. Enhancement of human native skin fibroblast proliferation in natural salso-bromo-iodic mineral water added to in vitro culture.
- Author
Saler M, Ferraro O, Faga A, Sansotta D, Villani S, and Nicoletti G
- Abstract
Background: The favorable regenerative effects of some mineral waters on wound healing have long been empirically demonstrated., Objectives: The aim of this experimental study is to investigate the effects of an Italian salso-bromo-iodic mineral water (Rivanazzano, Italy) on an in vitro human native fibroblast culture model to identify any potential regenerative actions., Material and Methods: Human native fibroblasts were cultured under different experimental conditions: - Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) reconstituted with distilled water (control); - DMEM reconstituted with filtered mineral water collected from the spring; - DMEM reconstituted with filtered mineral water collected at the balneotherapy facility; - DMEM reconstituted with filtered, heated mineral water collected at the balneotherapy facility; - DMEM partially replaced with filtered mineral water collected from the spring at different concentrations (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%); - DMEM partially replaced with filtered, heated mineral water collected at the balneotherapy facility at different concentrations (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%); - DMEM partially replaced with filtered mineral water collected at the balneotherapy facility at different concentrations (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%). Cell proliferation and viability were evaluated using spectrophotometric analysis following staining with the XTT Microculture Tetrazolium Assay. Statistical analyses were performed for each experimental condition at 24, 48 and 72 h., Results: The best outcomes were observed in fibroblasts cultured with DMEM partially replaced with filtered mineral water collected from the spring, within the range of 20-50%., Conclusions: Our research results showed that Rivanazzano salso-bromo-iodic mineral water has a stimulating effect on in vitro human native fibroblast cultures. This activity was most pronounced with water collected from the spring, and it decreased with water collected at the balneotherapy facilities. These findings could form the basis for clinical applications in wound healing and balneotherapy.
- Published
- 2024
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39. Knowledge related to breast cancer screening programs by physicians in Brazil.
- Author
Antonini M, Pannain GD, Souza GSS, Ferraro O, Mattar A, Lopes RGC, and Real JM
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Brazil, Cross-Sectional Studies, Middle Aged, Adult, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Gynecology education, Guideline Adherence statistics & numerical data, Obstetrics education, Aged, Clinical Competence statistics & numerical data, Male, Mass Screening statistics & numerical data, Surveys and Questionnaires, Physicians, Family statistics & numerical data, Ultrasonography, Mammary statistics & numerical data, Breast Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Breast Neoplasms diagnosis, Early Detection of Cancer statistics & numerical data, Practice Patterns, Physicians' statistics & numerical data, Mammography statistics & numerical data
- Abstract
Background: Antonini et al. evaluated gynecologists', obstetricians', and family and community physicians knowledge of breast cancer screening and their adherence to recommendations defined by the BI-RADS™ system. The study demonstrated that inadequate training resulted in insufficient screening and failure to follow the protocols recommended by the BIRADS™ system., Background: ■ Variability in screening protocols: only 42.8% of gynecologists and obstetricians follow the 40-74 years protocol, while 76.6% of family physicians follow the 50-69 years protocol., Background: ■ High rate of incorrect BIRADS. interpretation: there were 46.3% incorrect responses among gynecologists and obstetricians and 77.9% among family physicians, highlighting significant knowledge gaps., Background: ■ Misconception about breast ultrasound: 39.1% of gynecologists and obstetricians and 20.3% of family physicians incorrectly consider ultrasound as a screening method., Background: ■ Impact of inadequate training: inadequate training leads to improper screening practices that do not align with the BIRADS. recommended guidelines., Objective: To evaluate the knowledge and practices of gynecologists, obstetricians, and family and community physicians in Brazil regarding breast cancer screening, mammographic findings defined by the BIRADS™ system, and their approach to suspected clinical lesions., Methods: This was an observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study conducted using an online research questionnaire distributed via email to 9,000 gynecologists and obstetricians and 5,600 family and community and preventive medicine doctors actively practicing in Brazil., Results: Among gynecologists and obstetricians, 42.8% follow the 40-74 years screening, 33.5% follow the 50-69 years screening, and 23.6% do not follow any specific protocol. Among the family and community physicians, 76.6% follow the 50-69 years screening protocol, and 23.4% do not follow any specific protocol. When we evaluated the responses regarding the behaviors of each BIRADS™ classification, 46.3% of responses were wrong among gynecologists and obstetricians, and 77.9% were wrong among community and preventive medicine doctors, exhibiting a significant difference. The role of breast ultrasound in screening was evaluated; 39.1% of gynecologists and obstetricians and 20.3% of community and preventive medicine doctors consider it as a screening method. Among gynecologists and obstetricians who do not follow any screening protocol, 94.7% consider ultrasound as a screening method. Among community and preventive medicine doctors, only 26.5% of physicians who follow the 50-69 years screening method consider it as a screening method., Conclusion: Inadequate training results in gynecologists and obstetricians, and family and community physicians performing inadequate screening and not following the recommended practices outlined in the BIRADS™ system.
- Published
- 2024
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40. Real-world evidence of survival outcomes in breast cancer subtypes after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in a Brazilian reference center.
- Author
Antonini M, Mattar A, Bauk Richter FG, Pannain GD, Teixeira MD, Amorim AG, da Costa Pinheiro DJP, Soares LR, Cavalcante FP, Moreira Ramos MDN, Madeira M, Zerwes F, Ferraro O, Lopes RGC, and Gebrim LH
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Brazil, Adult, Aged, Cohort Studies, Treatment Outcome, Breast Neoplasms drug therapy, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Breast Neoplasms mortality, Neoadjuvant Therapy methods
- Abstract
Background: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC), traditionally used for locally advanced disease, is now applied for operable disease, particularly to treat aggressive breast cancer (BC). This study aimed to characterize the pathological complete response (pCR) and its relationship with overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) among BC patients receiving NAC in a Brazilian public reference center, as well as the association between pCR and BC subtypes., Methods: A retrospective cohort study used a comprehensive BC database from a Brazilian women's health reference center, including patients diagnosed between 2011 and 2020 who underwent NAC. We collected demographic, cancer-specific, and treatment-related data, analyzing OS and DFS based on pCR status using the semiparametric Kaplan-Meier method, with the date of BC diagnosis as the starting point., Results: The study included 1,601 patients, with an average age of 49 years and a majority presenting stage IIIa disease (35%). Most had invasive nonspecial type (NST) BC (94%), and a significant portion (86.7%) exhibited a Ki-67 index <14. The overall pCR rate was 22.7%, with higher frequencies observed in the triple negative and luminal B subtypes. Patients who achieved pCR had significantly higher survival rates (89% alive vs. 61%, P<0.001) and better DFS (90% vs. 66%, P<0.001), except in the luminal A subtype, where pCR did not correlate with improved OS or DFS., Conclusions: These updated real-world data (RWD) from BC patients who underwent NAC in Brazil revealed a pCR rate of 22.7% in all cancer subtypes and stages. pCR was not associated with better outcomes in patients with luminal A, contrasting with other subtypes.
- Published
- 2024
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41. Male and female disparities in breast cancer epidemiology: A comparative cross-sectional analysis of a Brazilian cohort (2017-2021).
- Author
Antonini M, Mattar A, Pannain GD, Buttenbender SF, Pinheiro DJPDC, Teixeira MD, Amorim AG, Ferraro O, Lopes RGC, and Gebrim LH
- Abstract
Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare condition, accounting for approximately 1 % of all breast cancer cases. Nevertheless, the paucity of MBC-specific research has impeded a thorough understanding of MBC. In this study, we aimed to delineate the epidemiological implications of MBC in Brazil and benchmarked it against female breast cancer (FBC). This retrospective study analyzed data from the DATASUS database (2017-2021), which assessed the incidence of breast cancer in both sexes. All statistical analyses were performed using descriptive statistics and inferential methods, with significance set at a 95 % confidence interval. We identified 4,326 (1.7 %) and 233,793 (94.2 %) patients with MBC and FBC, respectively, in Brazil. Despite the general population concentration in the Southeast, MBC cases were more prevalent in the Northeast (p < 0.0004). At breast cancer diagnosis, males were typically older (mean age 59.5 [±10.2] years) than females (mean age 55.7 7 [±9.8] years). MBC was more commonly diagnosed clinically compared with FBC, which was most commonly diagnosed via screening. Surgical diagnostics were twice as likely in males, who also more frequently presented with advanced disease stages (stages III and IV; 72.8 % vs. 59.3 %), leading to a higher rate of mastectomy. Treatment was initiated earlier in males than in females. Although MBC comprises a minority of breast cancer cases, it is more frequently diagnosed at an advanced stage compared with FBC and necessitates aggressive treatment. Our study also underscores the potential benefit of prompt initiation of therapy and need for tailored clinical approaches in patients with MBC., Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (© 2024 The Authors.)
- Published
- 2024
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42. Two Years Post-COVID-19: An Ecologic Study Evaluating the Impact on Brazil's Mammographic Screening Program.
- Author
Antonini M, Mattar A, Pinheiro DJPDC, Teixeira MD, Amorim AG, Ferraro O, Cavalcante FP, Zerwes F, Madeira M, Millen EC, Frasson AL, Lopes RGC, Brenelli FP, Leite RM, Gebrim LH, and Freitas-Junior R
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Brazil epidemiology, Middle Aged, Aged, Retrospective Studies, SARS-CoV-2, Mass Screening methods, Mass Screening statistics & numerical data, Neoplasm Staging, Mammography statistics & numerical data, Mammography methods, COVID-19 epidemiology, COVID-19 diagnostic imaging, Breast Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Breast Neoplasms epidemiology, Breast Neoplasms diagnosis, Early Detection of Cancer methods, Early Detection of Cancer statistics & numerical data
- Abstract
Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, after 2 years, on mammographic screening in Brazil evaluating BIRADS® results, breast cancer diagnosis rates, and breast cancer stage., Study Design: This was an ecological observational study based on retrospective data from Brazil's mammographic screening program from 2015 to 2023., Methods: Data were obtained from the national screening database DATASUS - SISCAN (Cancer System Information) and retrieved in March 2024. Inclusion criteria comprised completeness of mammogram data (incomplete records were excluded), female participants aged 50 to 69 years, and mammograms exclusively performed for screening purposes. The study analyzed the number of mammograms conducted during the specified period, focusing on BIRADS® test results., Results: Out of 23,851,371 mammograms performed between 2015 and 2023, 15,000,628 were included for analysis. A significant reduction of 39.6% in mammograms was observed in 2020 compared to 2019, followed by a 12.6% decrease in 2021. Notably, a substantial rise in BIRADS categories 4 and 5 examinations was seen post-pandemic. Breast cancer staging analysis revealed a shift towards more advanced stages (III and IV) diagnosed post-pandemic, suggesting potential delays in detection and diagnosis., Conclusions: In conclusion, the study highlighted significant discrepancies in mammographic screenings and breast cancer diagnosis rates over 9 years. The pandemic reflected significant influence on the timing and stage at diagnosis, suggesting potential delays in detection and diagnosis that resulted in later identification of more advanced disease stages., Competing Interests: Declaration of Conflicting InterestsThe author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
- Published
- 2024
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43. Real-world evidence of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer treatment in a Brazilian multicenter cohort: Correlation of pathological complete response with overall survival.
- Author
Antonini M, Mattar A, Bauk Richter FG, Pannain GD, Teixeira MD, Amorim AG, Ferraro O, Guedes Lopes RC, Gebrim LH, and Real JM
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Adolescent, Adult, Brazil, Neoadjuvant Therapy, Retrospective Studies, Cohort Studies, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols therapeutic use, Prognosis, Trastuzumab therapeutic use, Disease-Free Survival, Breast Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the pCR rate in patients receiving NAC for the treatment of breast cancer (BC) in a multicenter cohort in Brazil. Additionally, we aimed to use RWD to assess the impact of pCR on OS and DFS., Methods: This was a retrospective, multicenter cohort study that included female patients over 18 years of age who were diagnosed with nonmetastatic breast cancer and received NAC. OS and DFS at five years were estimated by the Kaplan‒Meier method. Additionally, we conducted a multivariate analysis to identify factors that were significantly associated with pCR and OS., Results: From 2011 to 2020, 1891 patients were included in the study, and 421 (22,3%) achieved pCR (ypT0 ypN0). Considering the presence of residual DCIS, pCR was achieved in 467 patients (23,5%). The pCR rate varied between the subtypes: HER-2+ (p = 0,016) and clinical stage IIIA and IIIB (p < 0,001). Among HER-2+ patients, those who received trastuzumab had a significantly higher pCR rate than those who did not receive trastuzumab (p < 0.0001). Similarly, patients with TNBC who received treatment with platinum-based regimens also showed higher pCR rates (p < 0.0001). OS was grouped according to pCR status, and the OS rate was 88,3% in the pCR group and 58.1% in the non-pCR group (p < 0.0001). The five-year DFS was 92.2% in the pCR group and 64.3% in the non-pCR group (p < 0.0001)., Conclusion: The pCR rate and its prognostic value varied across BC subtypes. In our study, pCR could be used as a surrogate of favorable clinical outcome, as it was associated with higher OS and DFS rates., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest None., (Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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44. Systematic Review of Nomograms Used for Predicting Pathological Complete Response in Early Breast Cancer.
- Author
Antonini M, Pannain GD, Mattar A, Ferraro O, Lopes RGC, Real JM, and Okumura LM
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Retrospective Studies, Breast Neoplasms drug therapy, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Nomograms
- Abstract
Pathological complete response (pCR) is an important surrogate outcome to assess the effects of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). Nomograms to predict pCR have been developed with local data to better select patients who are likely to benefit from NAC; however, they were never critically reviewed regarding their internal and external validity. The purpose of this systematic review was to critically appraise nomograms published in the last 20 years (2010-2022). Articles about nomograms were searched in databases, such as PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane. A total of 1120 hits were found, and seven studies were included for analyses. No meta-analysis could be performed due to heterogeneous reports on outcomes, including the definition of pCR and subtypes. Most nomograms were developed in Asian centers, and nonrandomized retrospective cohorts were the most common sources of data. The most common subtype included in the studies was triple negative (50%). There were articles that included HER2+ (>80%). In one study, scholars performed additional validation of the nomogram using DFS and OS as outcomes; however, there was a lack of clarity on how such endpoints were measured. Nomograms to predict pCR cannot be extrapolated to other settings due to local preferences/availability of NAC. The main gaps identified in this review are also opportunities for future nomogram research and development.
- Published
- 2023
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45. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the breast cancer early diagnosis program in Brazil.
- Author
Antonini M, Pinheiro DJPDC, Matos ABTMB, Ferraro O, Mattar A, Okumura LM, Lopes RGC, and Real JM
- Abstract
During the COVID-19 pandemic, several screening exams were postponed, including mammograms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 in mammographic screening in Brazil, considering 2015 to 2021. This was descriptive ecologic study based on the retrospective data of Brazil's mammographic screening program. A Brazilian national screening database (DATASUS - SISCAN (Cancer System Information)) was used as the data source, and the data in this database are publicly available for download and analysis. We report the number of screening rate from January 2015 to December 2021, using 2020 as reference year for COVID-19. From 2015 to 2021, 10,763,894 mammograms were performed and included in the analysis. Reductions of 39.6% and 13.3% were found in 2020 in 2021, respectively. During the pandemic's peak, the reduction was more pronounced, with maximum reductions of 82.4% in May 2020 and 34.8% in April 2021. There was an increase in the number of mammograms performed on high-risk patients from 11.2% in 2020 to 13.9% in 2021. This research demonstrated a decline in the breast cancer screening rate during the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic; this reduction will increase the burden of advanced breast cancer, potentially impacting morbidity and mortality related to this neoplasm., Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (© 2023 The Authors.)
- Published
- 2023
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46. Does Pink October really impact breast cancer screening?
- Author
Antonini M, Pinheiro DJPDC, Salerno GRF, Matos ABTMB, Ferraro O, Mattar A, Lopes RGC, and Real JM
- Abstract
Objective: This study aims to evaluate the impact of the Pink October Campaign on the increase in mammographic screening in Brazil., Study Design: Ecological observational study, based on retrospective data., Methods: Brazilian national screening database (DATASUS/SISMAMA/Information System on Breast Cancer) was used as a data source and is publicly available for download and analysis. We report screening numbers and outcome rates from January 2017 to December 2021 comparing statistically (ANOVA test, post-Tukey test), age groups, regions of Brazil, and the four quarters of the year., Results: During the study period, the average number of exams performed monthly over the five years was 137,400.117. An increase in the number of mammograms performed in October was identified, as well as in the two following months, respectively 33%, 39%, and 22%, with statistical significance (p = 0.000) in relation to the three quarters of the year. In addition, in the other months, we found values below the monthly average. Statistical difference was not found in the increase in mammograms considering age groups (p = 0.5) and different regions of the country (p = 0.6)., Conclusions: This study showed an increase in mammographic screening in the three months following the Pink October Campaign, so we should intensify similar actions throughout the year and not just in October., Competing Interests: I, Marcelo Antonini, author responsible for the manuscript “PINK OCTOBER REALLY IMPACT BREAST CANCER SCREENING IN BRAZIL?”, declare that none of the authors of this study has any type of interest described below, or others that configure the so-called Conflict of Interest. I declare that the submitted manuscript did not receive any financial support, neither I nor the other authors., (© 2022 The Authors.)
- Published
- 2022
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47. Impact of natural menopause on multiple sclerosis: a multicentre study.
- Author
Baroncini D, Annovazzi PO, De Rossi N, Mallucci G, Torri Clerici V, Tonietti S, Mantero V, Ferrò MT, Messina MJ, Barcella V, La Mantia L, Ronzoni M, Barrilà C, Clerici R, Susani EL, Fusco ML, Chiveri L, Abate L, Ferraro O, Capra R, Colombo E, Confalonieri P, and Zaffaroni M
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Disease Progression, Female, Humans, Italy epidemiology, Middle Aged, Recurrence, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, Time Factors, Young Adult, Menopause, Multiple Sclerosis epidemiology
- Abstract
Objective: To study the effect of natural menopause on multiple sclerosis clinical course., Methods: This was an observational, retrospective, multicentre, cohort study. Menopause onset was defined by the final menstrual period (FMP) beyond which no menses occurred for 12 months. We included multiple sclerosis (MS) patients with FMP occurred after 2005 and a recorded follow-up of at least 2 years pre-FMP and post-FMP. We excluded patients with primary progressive course, iatrogenic menopause and with other confounders that could mask menopause onset. We compared relapse-rate and expanded disability status scale (EDSS) scores pre-FMP and post-FMP, searching for possible interactions with age, disease duration, cigarette smoking and nulliparity status., Results: 148 patients were included (mean observation: 3.5 years pre-FMP and post-FMP). Most patients (92%) received disease-modifying therapies, mainly first-lines. After menopause the annualised relapse rate (ARR) significantly decreased (from 0.21±0.31 to 0.13± 0.24; p=0.005), while disability worsened (increase of mean 0.4 vs 0.2 points after menopause; p<0.001). Older age and long-lasting disease were associated with ARR reduction (p=0.013), but not with disability worsening. Cigarette smokers showed a trend to a higher disability accumulation after menopause (p=0.059)., Conclusion: Natural menopause seems to be a turning point to a more progressive phase of MS. Relapse rate is also reduced after menopause, but this effect could be driven most by ageing and shifting to progressive phase in patients with long-lasting disease. Cigarette smoking could speed up disability progression after menopause., Competing Interests: Competing interests: DB received travel grants from Genzyme, Merck and Biogen for participation at national and international congresses; he received speaking honoraria from Sanofi and Novartis, and personal compensation from Almirall for scientific publication. POA received honoraria for lecturing and participation in advisory boards, and/or travel expenses for attending congresses and meetings from Merck, Biogen, Teva, Sanofi- Genzyme, Mylan, Almirall, Roche and Novartis. NDR received speaker honoraria from Biogen Idec, Genzyme, Novartis, Sanofi-Aventis; received funding for participation in advisory board to Novartis and Genzyme-Sanofi and for traveling to scientific meetings from Biogen Idec, teva, Sanofi-Genzyme, Roche, Almirall and NovartisGiulia Mallucci received support to travel to scientific meetings from Bayer Schering, Biogen Idec, Genzyme, Merck Serono, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, Teva; received speaker honoraria from Biogen Idec and served on the scientific advisory board for Biogen, Genzyme and Merck SeronoValentina Torri Clerici acted as an Advisory Board member of Novartis and Merck-Serono, received funding for travelling and honoraria for speaking or writing from Teva, Biogen, Genzyme, Merk-Serono and Almirall. She received support for research project by Almirall. Simone Tonietti received honoraria for lecturing from Teva and Sanofi-Genzime, for writing from Teva, for participation in advisory boards from Merck and Biogen and for travel expenses for attending congresses and meetings from Merck, Biogen, Teva, Sanofi-Genzyme and Novartis. MJM received funding for travelling and honoraria for speaking or writing from Genzyme. MR received travel grants for congresses participation from Biogen, Genzyme, Novartis e Merck. He received honoraria for conferences organisation from Biogen. He received honoraria from Merck, Novartis, Biogen for advisory boards participation. VB received speaking honoraria and/or consultant fees from Biogen Idec, Merck Serono, Bayer, Sanofi-Genzyme, Novartis. Vittorio Mantero received honoraria for participation to advisory boards and/or travel expenses for attending congresses and meetings from Merck, Biogen, Teva, Sanofi-Genzyme, Roche and Novartis. PC was a board member of Biogen Idec, received travel grants from Sanofi, Biogen and Merck Serono. RC was consulting fees from Biogen, Teva, Genzyme, Merck Serono, and Novartis. Mauro Zaffaroni received honoraria for lecturing or participation in advisory boards, and financial support for attending congresses from Almirall, Biogen Idec, Genzyme, Merck Serono, Novartis, and Teva. Emanuela Susani, Maria Letizia Fusco, Caterina Barrilà, Luca Chiveri, Loredana La Mantia, Maria Teresa Ferrò, Raffaella Clerici, Ottavia Ferraro, Elena Colombo and Lucia Abate have nothing to disclose., (© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.)
- Published
- 2019
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48. Familial heterozygous hypobetalipoproteinemia and breast cancer risk: A systematic review and suggestions for further research.
- Author
Lima Pessoa E, Costa Vilella Dos Reis M, Sayuri Yamamoto T, Ribeiro Neto M, Ferraro O, Alves MJ, and Guedes Coelho Lopes R
- Subjects
- Apolipoprotein B-100 blood, Breast Neoplasms genetics, Case-Control Studies, Cohort Studies, Female, Heterozygote, Humans, Hypobetalipoproteinemia, Familial, Apolipoprotein B complications, Hypobetalipoproteinemia, Familial, Apolipoprotein B genetics, Hypobetalipoproteinemias genetics, Lipoproteins, LDL blood, Risk Factors, Breast Neoplasms etiology, Hypobetalipoproteinemias complications
- Published
- 2019
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49. Physical, psychological and economic burden of two-wheel users after a road traffic injury: Evidence from intensive care units of three EU countries.
- Author
Papadakaki M, Tsalkanis A, Sarris M, Pierrakos G, Eleonora Ferraro O, Stamouli MA, Orsi C, Otte D, Tzamalouka G, Lajunen T, Özkan T, Morandi A, Gnardellis C, and Chliaoutakis J
- Subjects
- Accidents, Traffic statistics & numerical data, Adaptation, Psychological, Adult, Aged, Persons with Disabilities psychology, Persons with Disabilities statistics & numerical data, Female, Germany, Greece, Humans, Intensive Care Units statistics & numerical data, Italy, Male, Middle Aged, Young Adult, Accidents, Traffic economics, Accidents, Traffic psychology, Bicycling injuries, Cost of Illness, Health Expenditures statistics & numerical data, Hospitalization economics, Motorcycles
- Abstract
Introduction: This study aimed to assess the physical, psychological, and economic burden shouldered by severely injured two-wheel users in three European countries as well as the cost resulting from their hospitalization., Methods: A total of seven public hospitals were involved in three countries: Greece, Italy, and Germany. Participants enrolled during a 12-month period starting in April 2013. Eligibility criteria included an injury sustained at Road Traffic Crashes (RTC) irrespective of the type of vehicle, hospitalization 1 day in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or sub-ICU, and age 18 years or over. Patients were interviewed at 1, 6, and 12 months upon admission. The study used widely recommended classifications for injury severity (Abbreviated Injury Severity [AIS]; Maximum Abbreviated Injury Severity [MAIS]) and standardized measures such as the Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHODAS 2.0), "Impact of Event Scale" (IES-R), Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D Scale). Health Care Expenditure was assessed through the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC's) framework, which included measures of 'Direct' and 'Indirect' costs. Diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) were used to estimate hospitalization costs., Results: A total of 54 two-wheel users enrolled in the study in all the countries and 32 completed all follow-up questionnaires. Physical disability increased over 12 months following the injury. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms of avoidance remained at high levels over the study period. PTSD symptoms of intrusion improved significantly during the second half of the year under investigation. The total annual cost of injury for the two-wheel users who were hospitalized in the selected ICU of all the partner countries for severe injury in 2013/2014, was estimated at €714,491 made up of €123,457 direct and €591,034 indirect costs. Men, aged 50-64 years and those who sustained slight injuries primarily at the lower extremities presented higher indirect costs per person. A total of €1032.092 was spent on hospitalization payments. Women, aged 65+ and those who sustained severe injuries at the central body region presented higher direct costs per person. Women, aged 50-64 years, those with severe injuries and a major injury at the central body and the upper body region presented the highest hospitalization costs per person., Conclusions: There is a need for effective strategies to early detect and treat groups at risk of being confronted with prolonged psychosocial and economic consequences., Practical Implications: A holistic understanding of the impact of injury on individuals is important in order to achieve effective treatment of psychological co-morbidities in a timely manner., (Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd and National Safety Council. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2018
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50. Under-reporting bicycle accidents to police in the COST TU1101 international survey: Cross-country comparisons and associated factors.
- Author
Shinar D, Valero-Mora P, van Strijp-Houtenbos M, Haworth N, Schramm A, De Bruyne G, Cavallo V, Chliaoutakis J, Dias J, Ferraro OE, Fyhri A, Sajatovic AH, Kuklane K, Ledesma R, Mascarell O, Morandi A, Muser M, Otte D, Papadakaki M, Sanmartín J, Dulf D, Saplioglu M, and Tzamalouka G
- Subjects
- Adult, Croatia, Cross-Cultural Comparison, Female, Germany, Head Protective Devices, Hospitalization, Humans, Israel, Male, Risk, Safety, Self Report, Socioeconomic Factors, Accidents, Traffic statistics & numerical data, Bicycling injuries, Communication, Police
- Abstract
Police crash reports are often the main source for official data in many countries. However, with the exception of fatal crashes, crashes are often underreported in a biased manner. Consequently, the countermeasures adopted according to them may be inefficient. In the case of bicycle crashes, this bias is most acute and it probably varies across countries, with some of them being more prone to reporting accidents to police than others. Assessing if this bias occurs and the size of it can be of great importance for evaluating the risks associated with bicycling. This study utilized data collected in the COST TU1101 action "Towards safer bicycling through optimization of bicycle helmets and usage". The data came from an online survey that included questions related to bicyclists' attitudes, behaviour, cycling habits, accidents, and patterns of use of helmets. The survey was filled by 8655 bicyclists from 30 different countries. After applying various exclusion factors, 7015 questionnaires filled by adult cyclists from 17 countries, each with at least 100 valid responses, remained in our sample. The results showed that across all countries, an average of only 10% of all crashes were reported to the police, with a wide range among countries: from a minimum of 0.0% (Israel) and 2.6% (Croatia) to a maximum of a 35.0% (Germany). Some factors associated with the reporting levels were type of crash, type of vehicle involved, and injury severity. No relation was found between the likelihood of reporting and the cyclist's gender, age, educational level, marital status, being a parent, use of helmet, and type of bicycle. The significant under-reporting - including injury crashes that do not lead to hospitalization - justifies the use of self-report survey data for assessment of bicycling crash patterns as they relate to (1) crash risk issues such as location, infrastructure, cyclists' characteristics, and use of helmet and (2) strategic approaches to bicycle crash prevention and injury reduction., (Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2018
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