104 results on '"Dukić, Darko"'
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2. Online databases as research support and the role of librarians in their promotion: The case of Croatia
- Author
Dukić, Darko
- Published
- 2013
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3. Perceived Importance and Barriers to ICT Integration into Sport Management
- Author
Dukić, Darko, primary, Kozina, Goran, additional, and Bodražić, Bojan, additional
- Published
- 2022
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4. E-učenje u nastavi fizike i informatike: stavovi studenata Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku
- Author
Dukić, Darko, primary and Juranović, Marina, additional
- Published
- 2022
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5. Plagiranje u digitalnom dobu: znanja i ponašanja studenata Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku
- Author
Dukić, Darko and Dukić, Darko
- Abstract
Cilj. Cilj je studije bio utvrditi koliko su studenti Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku upoznati s pojmom plagiranja, u kojoj se mjeri na nedopušten način koriste internetskim izvorima te koliko ih je u tome otkriveno. Pristup/metodologija/dizajn. Istraživanje je provedeno online anketom. Za tu je svrhu korišten strukturirani upitnik koji je sadržavao nekoliko skupina pitanja. U skladu s ciljem testirane su i raspravljene četiri hipoteze. Deskriptivna statistika primijenjena je u analizi za opisivanje osnovnih značajki prikupljenih podataka, dok je inferencijalna statistika uključila Wilcoxonov test predznaka rangova i jednosmjerni test o pretpostavljenoj vrijednosti proporcije osnovnog skupa. Rezultati. Zaključci su izvedeni na temelju odgovora 504 sveučilišna studenta. Rezultati su pokazali da studenti općenito smatraju da su dobro upoznati s pojmom plagiranja te da znaju pravilno navesti korištene internetske izvore. Studija je nadalje utvrdila da studenti uglavnom poznaju osnovna pravila navođenja internetskih izvora, ali ne sva. Osim toga analiza je otkrila da se studenti koriste plagiranjem pri pisanju radova kao što su seminarski i završni rad, esej, osvrt, projektni zadatak itd. Utvrđeno je da se oko 80 % studenata barem jedanput upustilo u neki oblik plagiranja. Od svih ispitanika, njih je 40,1 % priznalo kopiranje nečijeg cijelog rada s interneta, 46,2 % preuzimanje većeg dijela nečijeg rada, 62,1 % preuzimanje manjeg dijela nečijeg rada, a 78,4 % parafraziranje bez navođenja izvora. Među onima koji su to učinili tek je nešto više od 5 % otkriveno u plagiranju. Ograničenja. Anketom su bili obuhvaćeni studenti samo jednog sveučilišta. Budući da hrvatski studenti imaju mnogo toga zajedničkog, očekuje se da rezultati ovog istraživanja u velikoj mjeri mogu biti generalizirani na širu populaciju. To potvrđuju i studije koje su provedene na drugim hrvatskim sveučilištima. Praktična primjena. Istraživanje pridonosi boljem razumijevanju fenomena stud
- Published
- 2022
- Author
DUKIĆ, Darko, DUKIĆ, Gordana, and SESAR, Mate
- Published
- 2008
7. Plagiranje u digitalnom dobu: znanja i ponašanja studenata Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku
- Author
Dukić, Darko, primary
- Published
- 2022
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8. ICT Use by Sport Managers in Croatia
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Bodražić, Bojan, and Leko Šimić, Mirna
- Subjects
ICT ,sport managers ,purposes of ICT use ,patterns of ICT use ,sport management - Abstract
Technological development has a profound impact on all spheres of society, including sport. Sport organisations need to keep up with technological change and integrate innovations into their operations to improve performance. It is particularly important that sport managers are aware of the benefits of ICT and possess the necessary skills, since they are responsible for technology implementation in their organisations. Now that technology has permeated nearly all aspects of sport, there is a great need for research on the use of ICT among sport managers in order to understand their needs and address them accordingly. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the level, purposes, and patterns of ICT use in the management of sport organisations. An online survey was conducted with a sample of Croatian sport managers. In order to answer the research questions, descriptive statistics were calculated, exploratory factor analysis was performed, and Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients were computed. Respondents’ answers suggest that the potential of ICT in the management of Croatian sports organisations is not fully exploited. However, the surveyed managers believe that they themselves rely heavily on ICT in their work. According to the results, there are only a few areas in which the managers use ICT less frequently. In addition, factor analysis identified patterns of sport managers’ ICT use by revealing three underlying dimensions. The first factor refers to the use of ICT for management and administration, the second factor to the use of ICT for finding information, and the third factor to the use of ICT for building relationships with stakeholders. The paper explored the issues that have been neglected and poorly addressed in the context of sport management. Despite some limitations, the study provides valuable information and directions for future research.
- Published
- 2022
9. Exploring the Impact of Online Advertising on Students’ Consumer Behaviour
- Author
Dukić, Gordana, Dukić, Darko, Kozina, Goran, Janjusevic, Jelena, Hopkinson, Paul, and Pandza Bajs, Irena
- Subjects
online marketing ,forms of online advertising ,consumer behaviour ,university students ,Internet ,ICT - Abstract
Online marketing has become a necessity in today's technological world as the number of active Internet and digital media users is continuously growing. In the era of ICT, online marketing is considered one of the main tools that enable companies to reach a wide audience at lower costs. Various forms of online advertising are used for this purpose. The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of online advertising on consumer behaviour. A survey was conducted on a sample of students from Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. As members of the digital generation, they are bombarded with online advertisements and are often the target of marketing campaigns. According to the results, online ads generally did not attract the attention and interest of students to a greater extant. Only a few respondents reported always paying attention to them. The study also revealed that the twelve analysed forms of online advertising did not increase most students' purchase intention, which was confirmed by a one-sample sign test. However, not all forms of online advertising had the same impact on the students’ consumer behaviour. Social media ads, as well as banner ads and targeted ads based on previous searches, were found to be more acceptable than other forms of online advertising. In contrast, pop-up and pop-under ads were the least likely to influence students' purchase intention. The findings of the present study support some previous research and contribute to a better understanding of the impact of online advertising on consumer behaviour.
- Published
- 2022
10. Modeli štednje i mogućnosti implementacije računala u njihovoj analizi
- Author
Dukić Darko and Davorin Turkalj
- Subjects
modeli štednje ,maksimiziranje prihoda ulaganja ,kamatna stopa ,implementacija računala, metoda tetiva ,algoritam ,Social Sciences ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
Štednja se formira iz novčanih sredstava dobivenih ograničavanjem, odnosno odgađanjem potrošnje. S ciljem ostvarenja kamate, kao naknade za njihovo pozajmljivanje, ona se ulažu u institucije registrirane za obavljanje poslova financijskog posredovanja. Napredak informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija omogućio je takvim institucijama definiranje fleksibilnijih modela štednje. Na taj način privatne i pravne osobe dobile su veće mogućnosti izbora onog oblika štednje koji najbolje odgovara njihovim potrebama, a ujedno maksimizira prihode ostvarene ulaganjem neuposlenog novca. U ovom su radu teorijski i kroz odgovarajuće primjere prvo sagledane razlike između modela štednje u kojima se uplate obavljaju početkom i krajem razdoblja. Nakon toga izvršena je analiza efekata štednje s obzirom na učestalost uplata. Na kraju je prezentiran model u kojem se, s ciljem ostvarenja željenoga konačnog iznosa, vrši determiniranje pripadajuće kamatne stope. S obzirom na to da složenost takvog postupka nameće potrebu primjene računala i adekvatne programske podrške, u radu je naveden i algoritam namijenjen njezinu određivanju pomoću metode tetiva.
- Published
- 2007
11. ICT in the Primary School
- Author
Dukić, Darko, primary, Petrinšak, Slavko, additional, and Pinjušić, Pavao, additional
- Published
- 2020
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12. Online advertising: effectiveness, information content and ethical issues
- Author
Dukić, Gordana, Dukić, Darko, Kozina, Goran, Leko Šimić, Mirna, and Crnković, Boris
- Subjects
online advertising ,effectiveness ,information content ,ethical issues ,students' perception - Abstract
Online advertising is a social phenomenon that, due to its interdisciplinary nature, has attracted the attention of scholars and experts in various fields. As a result of the advances in the information and communication technologies, online advertising has quickly become a major form of advertising products and services. The present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of online advertising, information content of online advertisements, as well as related ethical issues. In order to answer the research questions, a survey was conducted among students attending Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. A tailor-made questionnaire was used to collect the data. Statistical and other scientific methods were applied in the analysis to draw conclusions. The study found that students rarely pay attention to online advertisements and that in most of the respondents such ads do not stimulate interest in the product and service advertised or a desire to purchase them. Quite the contrary, online advertisements are predominantly perceived negatively. The results also suggest that there is almost no relationship between the socio- demographic characteristics of students and the ability of online advertising to influence them, but this finding should be taken with caution. The study further revealed that students generally agree that online advertisements often make false or deceptive claims about products and services, do not provide sufficient information to make the right and rational decision, contain claims that cannot be verified and proven and, consequently, do not fulfil their informative function. In addition, the research highlighted a number of issues associated with the failure to adhere to ethical standards in online advertising. Overall, the study provides a better understanding of how the student population in Croatia perceive online advertising and adds to the existing body of knowledge in the field of marketing, information and communication sciences, and ethics.
- Published
- 2020
13. Scientific Production of Osijek's Researchers: Evidence from the Current Contents Connect Database
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Kozina, Goran, Leko Šimić, Mirna, and Crnković, Boris
- Subjects
online academic research databases ,Current Contents Connect database ,scientific production ,Osijek-based researchers - Abstract
Online academic research databases contain information and publications of relevance to the scientific and professional community. Current Contents Connect is a multidisciplinary database that provides information on the latest research published in the leading scholarly journals. The aim of this paper is to explore the scientific output of authors from Osijek based on their articles indexed in the Current Contents Connect database. For this purpose, a search was conducted of the Current Contents Connect database and it was found that between 1998 and 2018, in the seven editions it publishes, more than 3100 papers indexed in this database were authored or co-authored by at least one Osijek-based researcher. In addition, the analysis showed that during the period studied, the number of indexed articles by Osijek-based scholars and professionals was increasing, although the trend was not constant. Most of the papers were indexed in the Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences edition, followed by the Clinical Medicine and Social & Behavioral Sciences editions. These editions were also found to have the highest percentage of articles by Osijek-based authors. The analysis has also helped identify the main characteristics of the scientific production of Osijek-based scholars and professionals as regards the fields of research. To achieve this, the total number of authors, the average number of authors per article, the total number of citations, the average number of citations per article and author, and the corresponding h-index have been determined for each of the Current Contents Connect editions. The study has several limitations, which is why the results reported herein should be interpreted with caution. Notwithstanding this, the study provides a good insight into the scientific output of Osijek-based scholars and professionals during the period studied.
- Published
- 2019
14. Perceived Usefulness of e-Government Services in Croatian State Administration
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Kozina, Goran, Bertović, Neven, Przygoda, Miroslaw, Misevic, Petar, and Machrafi, Mustapha
- Subjects
e-government services ,digitisation ,perceived usefulness ,employees ,Croatian state administration - Abstract
Modernisation and digitisation of state administration services is crucial for the development of society. The success of state administration reform depends on a number of factors, especially on its employees. With this in mind, the paper explores how employees of the Croatian state administration rate the usefulness of e-government services. Furthermore, the study aims to examine the similarities and differences in employees' attitudes depending on their age, gender, education level, and position in the institution. A survey was conducted on 367 employees of the state administration of the Republic of Croatia. The data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The research has shown that employees of the Croatian state administration generally consider e-government services to be useful. In addition, the study has found that regardless of differences in age, gender, education level, and position in the institution, they give similar ratings to the usefulness of e-services. This finding is important for policy makers and managers responsible for e-government. There is very little research on the issues addressed in this paper. Thus, the study furthers current knowledge and contributes to the theory and practice of e-government.
- Published
- 2019
15. Digital Economy and e-Government in Croatia
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Dukić, Gordana, Kozina, Goran, Ribeiro, Humberto, Naletina, Dora, and da Silva, Ana Lorga
- Subjects
digital economy ,e-commerce ,e-government ,citizens ,Croatia - Abstract
The technological revolution has changed the world we live in. Digital economy, including e-commerce, and e-government are important achievements of the rapid technological advancement. Given that the digital economy and e-government promote competitiveness, innovation and growth, the results achieved through their development are among the main indicators of social and economic growth. The three main constituents of the digital economy and e-government are the government, businesses and consumers, i.e. citizens. The aim of this paper is to determine the level of development of digital economy and e-government in Croatia in terms of the use of online business and government services by citizens. In particular, the research seeks to determine the proportion of Croatian citizens who ordered goods or services over the Internet, carried out financial activities, accessed e-government services or interacted with public authorities in this way. In order to gain a more objective insight, the available data relating to the Republic of Croatia are compared with those from the European Union Member States. According to the presented data, in the last ten years, Croatian citizens have increasingly been using online services, which indicates that visible progress has been made in the digitalisation of the economy and informatisation of public administration. Nevertheless, Croatia still falls significantly behind the European Union average in this respect and the gap is even more evident when Croatia is compared to the countries that are at the forefront of the information society. In the digital age, failing to keep pace with modern technology advancement has severe consequences. Thus, comprehensive reforms are required to change the situation in Croatia as soon as possible.
- Published
- 2018
16. Analysis of the Development of the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek and It's Role in Building the Information Society
- Author
Barković, Dražen, Dukić, Gordana, Dukić, Darko, Barković, Dražen, and Runzheimer, Bodo
- Subjects
regional university, economic development, statistical methods and models, information society, education and training of computer science human resources ,regional university, economic development, statistical methods and models ,jel:I2 ,jel:O1 ,jel:P3 ,jel:L1 - Abstract
Universities play a significant role in the development of the society they act in. Their role is mainly felt at regional level. Nevertheless, through their scientific research, artistic and educational work, universities have a significant impact on a wider environment as well. The University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, continuing a three-century-long tradition of higher education in Eastern Croatia, is one of the most important factors of development of the region. The new millennium has posed new challenges. The ongoing transformation process is extremely complex and requires the engagement of not only the entire academic community, but also of any entity interacting with the university. In order to give an overview of the main development trends of the University over the past ten years, the study presented in this paper applies adequate statistical methods and models. Deriving from the commitment taken by Croatia to found its social and economic progress on building an information society, the study puts special emphasis on analysing the possibility for the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek to actively contribute to the above process by providing conditions for the implementation of research programmes and projects as well as for the education and training of computer science human resources.
- Published
- 2008
17. The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Public Administration Managers and Their Work
- Author
Dukić, Gordana, Dukić, Darko, Bertović, Neven, Mihanovic, Damir, Hunjet, Anica, and Primorac, Zeljka
- Subjects
ICT ,managers ,pattern of usage ,public administration ,strategy - Abstract
In just a few decades, information and communication technologies (ICT) have changed the world dramatically. Today, there is no area of life that is not affected by ICT. Without any doubt, ICT play a key role in the development of modern public administration. The employment of ICT in public administration with the purpose to enhance the delivery of government services has become known as e-government. Public administration managers are responsible for the efficient and effective operation of their institutions, including e-government. With this in mind, the main aim of this paper was to examine the impact of ICT on Croatian public administration managers and their work. More precisely, the study sought to determine the extent to which managers used various devices and their pattern of ICT usage. According to the results, Croatian public administration managers regularly used desktop computers and smartphones at work. Laptops/notebooks and tablets were significantly less popular among participants. The average age of their computers was about two years, which can be considered satisfactory. The study further revealed that the majority of the surveyed managers were satisfied with their ICT equipment. In addition, the results showed that participants regularly used ICT for some purposes, such as text writing/editing, e-mail communication, data entry and analysis, and searching information and news on the Internet. In contrast, managers used ICT less frequently to interact with citizens, businesses, and other government agencies. They also very rarely participated in video conferencing. On the basis of these findings, it is possible to improve ICT use in public administration and develop an effective strategy of ICT integration.
- Published
- 2016
18. Change management in information institutions
- Author
Dukić, Gordana, primary, Dukić, Darko, additional, and Kozina, Goran, additional
- Published
- 2017
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19. Ocjena upravljanja tehnološkim promjenama u tijelima državne uprave Republike Hrvatske
- Author
Dukić, Gordana, primary, Dukić, Darko, additional, and Bertović, Neven, additional
- Published
- 2017
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20. Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Croatian Enterprises
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Dukić, Gordana, Bertović, Neven, Vuletic, Ante, Vlahov, Danijela Rebeka, and Pihir, Igor
- Subjects
Croatian enterprises ,e-commerce ,ICT ,internet access ,social media ,strategies and policies - Abstract
In today's world, information and communication technologies (ICT) are crucial for social and economic development. Efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises depends largely on the acceptance and use of modern technologies. Any delay in the process of computerization can have serious repercussions for business operations. Therefore, it is important for enterprises, regardless of their type and size, to harness digital technologies to produce competitive advantage. With this in mind, the present study examines the use of ICT in Croatian enterprises. The analysis was focused on the period from 2007 to 2014. According to the available data, Croatian enterprises have highly integrated ICT into their business practices. The vast majority of enterprises use computers in daily operations and have the internet access, mostly through broadband. Over the past few years, the number of mobile broadband users has significantly increased. The percentage of enterprises with a website has also increased over time. However, there are areas that require improvement. Although more and more Croatian companies buy and sell goods and services over the internet, e-commerce is still not widespread. The same is true for the use of social media. In order to gain a more realistic picture of ICT use in Croatian enterprises, a comparison with the European Union countries has been made. The study also highlighted problems in obtaining data and emphasized the need for systematically collected information on ICT use that can be compared over time. Without such information it is not possible to develop adequate strategies and policies.
- Published
- 2015
21. Predictors of Online Learning Acceptance among University Students: An Analysis Based on Data Mining
- Author
Dukić, Darko and Jukić, Dina
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,acceptance ,data mining ,decision trees ,online learning ,predictors ,university students - Abstract
The development of information and communication technologies has a strong impact on the entire education. As a result, online learning occupies an increasingly important place in the teaching process at higher education institutions. The aim of this study is to determine the attitudes of Croatian university students toward online learning and to identify the most important predictors of its acceptance. The survey was conducted via an online questionnaire and the analysis was based on decision trees, one of the most popular data mining methods. According to the results, most students have a positive attitude toward online learning, and the level of ICT knowledge and skills stands out as the most significant predictor of acceptance. For students who rated their ICT knowledge and skills as very good, the next best predictor is the enrolment status, whereas for those with poorer competencies, it is gender.
- Published
- 2015
22. Public administration employees’ readiness and acceptance of e-government
- Author
Dukić, Darko, primary, Dukić, Gordana, additional, and Bertović, Neven, additional
- Published
- 2016
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23. Studija računalne pismenosti hrvatskih studenata kao podrška planiranju razvoja visokog obrazovanja
- Author
Kozina, Goran, Dukić, Gordana, and Dukić, Darko
- Subjects
computer literacy ,Croatian students ,development planning ,higher education ,inferential statistics ,računalna pismenost ,hrvatski studenti ,planiranje razvoja ,visoko obrazovanje ,inferencijalna statistika ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION - Abstract
Računalna pismenost danas je esencijalna. Poglavito se od visokoobrazovanih osoba očekuje da posjeduju primjerena znanja i vještine iz područja korištenja informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija (ICT). Polazeći od toga, u ovom su radu prezentirani rezultati istraživanja provedenog s ciljem utvrđivanja razine računalne pismenosti hrvatskih studenata. U analizi je poseban naglasak stavljen na ispitivanje razlika u računalnoj pismenosti između veleučilišnih i sveučilišnih studenata. Stoga su ključnu ulogu u analizi imale metode inferencijalne statistike. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da studenti svoje opće ICT kompetencije ocjenjuju relativno visokim ocjenama, a napredne oblike korištenja računala nižim ocjenama. Analiza je nadalje pokazala da sveučilišni studenti većim ocjenama ocjenjuju svoje osnovne računalne vještine, a veleučilišni studenti napredne. U okviru analize također su ispitane razlike s obzirom na spol i upisanu godinu studija. Budući da identificira područja računalne pismenosti koja je nužno unaprijediti, ovaj rad predstavlja podršku planiranju razvoja visokog obrazovanja. Nužno je naglasiti da dobivene rezultate treba uzeti s obzirom budući da ICT znanja i vještine nisu ispitane neposredno i u kontroliranim uvjetima, već su spoznaje o njima temeljene na samoprocjeni ispitanika., Computer literacy is essential in today's world. Particularly college and university graduates are expected to possess adequate knowledge and skills in using information and communication technologies (ICT). Starting from this premise, this paper presents the results of the research conducted in order to determine computer literacy levels among Croatian students. In the analysis special emphasis was given to examining the differences in computer literacy between polytechnic and university students. For this reason inferential statistics methods played a key role in the analysis. Research results have shown that students assess their general ICT competencies with relatively high grades, whereas advanced computer usage received lower grades. Furthermore, while university students gave higher grades to their general computer skills, polytechnic students gave higher grades to advanced skills. The analysis examined also the differences according to gender and year of study. Given that this paper identifies the areas of computer literacy that need to be improved, it can be viewed as support in planning the development of higher education. It should be noted, however, that the obtained results must be taken with a certain reserve, since ICT knowledge and skills were not examined directly in controlled conditions; rather, the insights given here are based on respondents' self-assessment.
- Published
- 2012
24. Analiza korištenja informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija u osnovnoškolskoj populaciji
- Author
Dukić, Darko and Let, Davor
- Subjects
informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije ,osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje ,stavovi učenika ,anketa - Abstract
U ovom su radu prezentirani rezultati istraživanja čiji je osnovni cilj bio ispitati korištenje informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija u osnovnoškolskoj populaciji Republike Hrvatske, s posebnim osvrtom na situaciju u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji. S tom je intencijom u uvodnom dijelu rada prvo teoretski sagledana tematika upotrebe informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija u osnovnoškolskom obrazovnom sustavu Republike Hrvatske. Empirijski dio rada sadrži rezultate istraživanja koje je provedeno na uzorku od 262 učenika tri osnovne škole s područja navedene županije.
- Published
- 2012
25. Online učenje u hrvatskom visokom obrazovanju
- Author
Dukić, Darko and Mađarić, Slaven
- Subjects
online učenje ,e-učenje ,učenje na daljinu ,anketa - Abstract
Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je online učenje. Kao tehnološka podrška online učenja, u uvodu je definiran pojam informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija. Nakon toga objašnjeni su pojmovi e-učenja, učenja na daljinu i online učenja, kao i odnos među njima. Na kraju rada prezentirani su rezultati ankete. Njezin je cilj bio ispitati koliko su se studenti Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku susretali s pojedinim oblicima online učenja.
- Published
- 2012
26. Geothermal Resource Assessment of the Drava Basin
- Author
Bali, Lóránt, Barković, Dražen, Barković Bojanić, Ivana, Bíró, István, Borozan, Đula, Dukić, Darko, Dukić, Gordana, Gálosi-Kovács, Bernadett, Horváth, Ferenc, Kádi, Zoltán, Kitanics, Máté, Kóbor, Miklós, Koroknai, Balázs, Musitz, Balázs, Nádor, Annamária, Nagymarosy, András, Pap, Norbert, Reményi, Péter, Serdarušić, Hrvoje, Sándor Szalayné, Erzsébet, Tóth, Tamás, Uhrin, András, Unk, Jánosné, Végh, Andor, and Wórum , Géza
- Subjects
geothermal resources ,Drava basin ,evaluation ,landscape and settlement geography ,public administration ,regional development ,regional policy ,energetics ,renewable energy sources ,decision tree ,sequential decision making ,legal framework - Abstract
It is well known that due to its high temperature gradient the Pannonian basin is a favourable area for geothermal energy production. This natural resource is further enhanced by another advantage of the area ; knowledge and experience resulting from decades long geological, hydrogeological and hydrocarbon exploration. This knowledge has special importance as existence of subsurface resources is necessary, but not sufficient condition for providing sustainable energy for the population. This subsurface resource will only convert to useable energy source following adequately planned and executed exploration and exploitation program. Planning and execution starts with understanding and detailed mapping of subsurface startigraphy, hydrogeology and tectonics. As a first step areas with significant potential for geothermal energy utilization can be selected based on the results of geological and geophysical investigations. Selection of the most suitable technology on the other hand depends not only on subsurface hydrogeology, but also on present day and future geographical and economical considerations. All this is topped with environmental and legal considerations, which provide the framework for sustainable and well controlled energy utilisation. Subsurface geology is not changing on human timescale, but still it is difficult to reveal and understand it in great details. Technology on the other hand is rapidly developing and the environmental regulations tend to become stricter from year to year. This complexity and variety gives the difficulty and the beauty of geothermal energy utilization. All these aspects have been considered during the DravaGeo project which evaluated the cross-border area of Drava basin across the Hungarian-Croatian border. Drava basin is not only an excellent study area because of its subsurface geology. Hungarian hydrocarbon exploration started in the Drava basin and the neighbouring Zala basin, which was also part of our study area. A unique geological database resulting from almost 80 years of hydrocarbon exploration is a solid basis for geothermal exploration. At the same time southern border areas along the Croatian border are primary target areas for development. It is high time to reconsider resources and possibilities in these areas. As part of these reconsiderations both traditional and new areas should be considered. Geothermal energy may become one of the new key areas. Geology, hydrogeology and geothermal characteristics of the Drava basin is summarized in the first part of this book introducing several maps prepared during the project and never published before. These maps summarize project results and possible geothermal energy resource areas in the Hungarian-Croatian border area in an easy to understand way also for non-technical readers. Next chapters of the book give an overview of the economical, settlement development and legal aspects of the area providing a framework for project planning. Overview of geothermal technologies is presented in a CD-ROM publication of the DravaGeo project.
- Published
- 2012
27. A Credit Scoring Decision Support System
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Dukić, Gordana, Kvesić, Ljiljanka, Luzar-Stiffler, Vesna, Jarec, Iva, and Bekić, Zoran
- Subjects
decision support system ,credit scoring ,logistic regression ,simulation ,probability of default - Abstract
Credit scoring models have become a standard tool for banks in assessing the credit worthiness of loan applicants. The aim of a credit scoring model is to establish the probability for a client with certain characteristics to default on a loan, i.e. to run into problems when repaying debt obligations. The paper presents a credit scoring decision support system based on a logistic regression model. Its specific feature is that it defines the financial indicators of the analyzed loan applicant as random variables whose values are simulated. The proposed decision support system envisages a larger number of simulations. The obtained results are used to determine the confidence interval for the mean probability of default, which is actually the basis for loan applicant assessment.
- Published
- 2011
28. Managers and Information Society: A Croatian Experience
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Dukić, Gordana, and Medarić, Davor
- Subjects
Information society ,managers ,IT equipment ,IT competencies - Abstract
In modern society information has become one of the most important resources, playing a crucial role in everyday life. As a result, information technology (IT) is now an indispensable tool in the business world, which has a direct impact on company competitiveness and performance. With all the changes in business environment there is also a dramatic shift in the way the management functions. In order to efficiently perform their tasks and thus rise up to the challenges of the information society, managers need not only to master appropriate IT skills, but also to understand the processes launched by the information revolution. The aim of this paper was to determine the extent to which Croatian managers are prepared for the information society. In addition to the data regarding the level of IT equipment at managers' disposal, the paper presents the results on computer usage, self-assessment of IT competencies, and the level of acceptance of modern technologies. Although satisfactory attainment has been recorded in some areas, the results of the analysis reveal that additional effort should be devoted to further improve computer and information literacy of Croatian managers.
- Published
- 2011
29. E-Learning: Perceptions of Students at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
- Author
Dukić, Darko
- Subjects
E-learning ,perceptions of students ,acceptation of e-learning ,advantage and disadvantage of using ,methods of descriptive and inferential statistics - Abstract
E-learning exhibits a growing presence at Croatian universities. Its implementation in the higher education system is part of the effort to improve the process of higher education and to make a significant step forward in turning the Republic of Croatia into information and knowledge society. In these efforts, one of the biggest problems is the unequal level of success in introducing e-learning, which is directly reflected in its acceptance level among student population. Whereas certain higher education institutions, primarily those providing information and computer science programs, are already applying this modern learning and teaching concept to a high degree, the others have yet to start implementing its basic forms. Within the Croatian higher education system no adequate research has been carried out regarding student perception of e-learning, i.e. it has not been investigated to what extent it is accepted among the students. Without a comprehensive analysis of this aspect, it is impossible to take full advantage of all its potentials and properly formulate development strategies for the future. This paper seeks to fill this gap, at least to a certain degree. Adequate methods of descriptive and inferential statistics have been used in the analysis.
- Published
- 2011
30. Croatian university students' use and perception of electronic resources
- Author
Dukić, Darko, primary and Strišković, Jelena, additional
- Published
- 2015
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31. Application of Computer-Aided Queuing Simulation Model in the Rationalization of Cereals Delivery Process
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Turkalj, Davorin, Bojmić, Lovre, and Ugarčić-Hardi, Žaneta
- Subjects
simulation model ,queuing ,computer support ,crops delivery ,rationalization ,confidence intervals for the means - Abstract
After harvesting, there are usually long lines of different vehicles transporting the crops at delivery and storage spots. In addition to being quite irritating, waiting to deliver the crops can have other negative consequences as well. Among other things, keeping agricultural machinery too long at crop delivery spots can seriously disturb harvesting and other activities. The queues arising at this time can be reduced to a certain extent by proper planning, organization and management of the crop purchasing system. With this aim in mind, the paper presents a computer-aided queuing simulation model. Taking into account the phases of the analyzed process, it was required to formulate a model consisting of several successive independent queuing models, each of which can have one or multiple servers. In order to improve the estimates of interarrival time and service time, their values were simulated in the analysis. Given the complexity and scope of this procedure, adequate software was used to generate random values of parameters. The model developed here envisages conducting a number of simulation sets, as well as working out confidence intervals for the means.
- Published
- 2010
32. Croatian Managers' Self-Evaluation of Their Information and Communication Technologies Skills
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Turkalj, Davorin, Bodražić, Bojan, Galetić, Lovorka, Spremić, Mario, and Ivanov, Marijana
- Subjects
ICT skills ,managers’ self-evaluation ,computer and information literacy ,area of computer usage - Abstract
Intensive development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has had a strong effect on all aspects of social and economic life. These technologies are crucial for day-to-day operating efficiency and effectiveness, but also for the long-term prospects of a company. In the conditions where information and knowledge have become primary resources, managers are faced with new requirements and challenges on a daily basis. Creating, processing, accessing and transferring of information have become a key managerial activity, with modern technologies being every company's strategic tool. To be able to perform their task successfully, managers need to acquire knowledge and master the required skills in using ICT. The research presented in the paper was conducted in order to determine the current situation in this domain among managers based in Eastern Croatia. In the paper, the differences in ICT skills according to gender, age group and education level of managers were analyzed. As the analysis is based on respondent self-evaluation, the results should be taken with a certain reserve. Nevertheless, they provide a solid insight into computer and information literacy levels among Croatian managers and indicate the most important areas of computer usage in business. The results might be of assistance to government bodies in charge of informatisation, both in society and in the economy, when creating future development strategies.
- Published
- 2010
33. Knowledge Management : Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Scottish and Croatian Students
- Author
Penny, Kay, I., Dukić, Gordana, Dukić, Darko, Luzar-Stiffler, Vesna, Jarec, Iva, and Bekić, Zoran
- Subjects
knowledge management ,information and communication technologies ,higher education - Abstract
The aim of this research study was to explore students’ use of ICT in higher education in Scotland and Croatia. A questionnaire survey to gather information was administered at two universities. The sample comprises 450 students at Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland and 620 students at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek in Croatia. The analysis confirmed that there are differences in ICT usage between students from the two universities, which are based in countries with differing levels of development and sociological specificities. The results indicated a more unfavourable position in the Croatian university. A survey such as this can be a useful tool in guiding knowledge management strategies and therefore should be conducted regularly.
- Published
- 2010
34. Eastern Croatian Managers' Readiness for the Information Society
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Dukić, Gordana, Medarić, Davor, Aurer, Boris, Bača, Miroslav, and Schatten, Markus
- Subjects
managers ,information society ,ICT equipment ,ICT skills and knowledge ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION - Abstract
The aim of our research was to identify the extent to which Croatian managers are prepared for the information society. The survey was carried out on a sample of 290 managers from the area of Eastern Croatia. In our analysis we tried to determine the current level of ICT equipment in the surveyed workplaces, and how much our managers support and encourage their subordinates to use modern technologies. Furthermore, in this study we investigated how managers rate their own ICT skills and knowledge acquired during formal education, through various seminars, courses and workshops, with the help of friends, or on their own.
- Published
- 2010
35. Flour Inventory Decision Support System in Baking Industry
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Mesarić, Josip, and Ugarčić-Hardi, Žaneta
- Subjects
decision support system ,flour inventory ,demand simulation ,program ,LINGO Modelling Language ,optimal order quantity - Abstract
Determining the optimal level of flour inventory is an issue that the baking industry has to deal with on a daily basis. Although a number of models have been developed as support systems for inventory management (whose implementation has been significantly simplified by computers and adequate software), managers in the baking industry (especially in smaller bakeries) persist in basing their decisions on experience and intuition. The main reason for this lies in inadequate education of bakery managers, or more precisely, lack of awareness regarding the advantages of a quantitative approach in problem solving. To make this approach more accessible, this paper presents a flour inventory decision support system based on inventory model with price breaks. In this model, holding costs are defined as a percentage of price. In order to estimate flour demand as accurately as possible, demand values are simulated in the analysis. For each simulated level of demand the order quantity is established which results in minimum total costs. Eventually, the order quantity determined most frequently is considered to be the optimal one. The model application is explained on a hypothetical example. Furthermore, the paper provides the program for solving the stated problem, written in LINGO Modelling Language.
- Published
- 2010
36. Online Academic Databases Use in Croatian Higher Education
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Luzar-Stiffler, Vesna, Jarec, Iva, and Bekic, Zoran
- Subjects
online academic databases ,Croatian higher education ,users’ perception - Abstract
The development of information and communication technologies has facilitated access to a range of scientific and professional content for academic community. Resulting from this process, online academic databases over the last decade have become an indispensable source of recent and relevant information in all areas of human activity. The paper presents the results of the research that endeavored to establish how far Croatian university teachers rely on such databases, and the way they perceive certain aspects of their usage. The research was conducted on a sample consisting of respondents employed at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. The analysis of the data collected in the survey indicates that the respondents highly value online academic database usefulness ; however, there are certain constraints in their usage.
- Published
- 2010
37. Queuing Simulation Model as Library Management Support in Terms of Informatization
- Author
Dukić, Gordana, Dukić, Darko, and Hasenay, Sanda
- Subjects
library services ,library management ,queuing simulation model ,methods of descriptive and inferential statistics ,software - Abstract
The intensive development of information and communication technologies requires libraries as informative institutions to continuously adjust their services and activities to the conditions arising from such processes. Reducing the time for obtaining a requested publication, digital material or an answer to a question is something the library management should strive for in order to provide a quality service in meeting the users' needs. Such problems can be solved much more efficiently by means of adequate quantitative models and computer support. With this aim in mind, in this paper a queuing model is presented. The initial model has been improved in our research by using simulations, as well as methods of descriptive and inferential statistics. For the proposed model to display all its advantages, appropriate software needs to be developed that will facilitate request intakes and assessments of customer's waiting time. In this way, a user would at any time know precisely the situation of the queue he is in, and would adapt his behaviour accordingly. There is no doubt that implementing the presented model in a library management information system would contribute to the library efficiency.
- Published
- 2009
38. Croatian Students’ Perception of e-Learning: Research Based on Factor and Discriminant Analysis
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Andrijanić, Goran, Ao, Sio-Iong, Douglas, Craig, Grundfest, Warren S., and Burgstone, Jon
- Subjects
Croatian students’ perception ,efficiency and effectiveness of system ,e-learning ,factor and discriminant analysis - Abstract
Learning and teaching supported by information and communication technologies is designated by different terms, with e-learning being one of the most frequently used. As a result of strategies defined and measures taken, this modern concept has gradually taken an important place also in Croatian higher education, however, the accomplishments of its implementation cannot be viewed as satisfactory as yet. In order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of an e-learning system, one needs to foresee possible problems in its functioning and define adequate activities to overcome those problems, which should then be conducted permanently. A mandatory step in this process is polling users' opinion. Although there have been some attempts, these issues remain underresearched within the Croatian higher education system. The paper presents the results of the research which was intended to at least alleviate the current data insufficiency in this area. In addition, the purpose was to present internationally Croatian experience and student views on certain aspects of e-learning. Different statistical methods were used to analyze the collected data, in particular the factor and discriminant analysis.
- Published
- 2009
39. Improvement of Political Campaigning by a Computer Simulation Model Based on Game Theory
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Bodražić, Bojan, Callaos, Nagib, Carrasquero, J.V., Oropeza, Angel, Tremante, Andres, and Welsch, Friedrich
- Subjects
political campaigning ,computer simulation model ,game theory ,database ,optimal advertising strategy ,decision support system - Abstract
There are numerous areas where the decision-making process can be significantly improved by using computer simulation. This paper presents a simulation model intended for resolving the issue of optimal advertising strategy in political confrontations. It is a well-known fact that voters' opinions are greatly influenced by the media. With this in mind, in any election campaign it is of great importance to properly assess the effects of particular types of promotion, taking into account the opponents' activities and possible reactions. There is important support for solving such problems, namely models developed in the framework of game theory. The model presented here, theoretically and on a hypothetical example, is based on an assumption that two opposing sides are taking part in an election race. Another assumption is that the percentage of votes gained by one contestant is equivalent to the percentage of votes lost by the other contestant. The values of percentage changes are defined as random variables that follow a normal distribution. In order to assess its parameters as correctly as possible, an adequate database needs to be modeled and constructed. Simulated values are used as a basis for formulating the model. Solving it by means of one of the available program applications leads one to the optimal advertising strategy, which is the result of the first simulation set. By repeating the procedure a number of solutions are generated, which allows strategy distributions to be formed. The total optimal strategy is reached by calculating the means of each of the determined distributions. Since it incorporates a quantitative model and the application of a computer system required for its efficient solution and analysis, the construction described in this paper represents a decision support system.
- Published
- 2009
40. Analiza implementacije e-learninga u sustavu hrvatskog visokog obrazovanja
- Author
Dukić, Darko and Bimbi, Ivan
- Subjects
e-learning ,visoko obrazovanje ,razlike u akceptiranju e-learninga ,statističke metode - Abstract
Posljednjih godina e-learning, kao suvremeni pristup učenju i poučavanju, zauzima sve važnije mjesto u našem visokom obrazovanju. No, proces njegove implementacije na hrvatskim sveučilištima i veleučilištima ne odvija se ujednačeno. Dok su neke visoko obrazovne ustanove u značajnoj mjeri prihvatile e-learning i inkorporirale ga u svoje studijske programe, na pojedinima se tek započelo s njegovom primjenom. Polazeći od važnosti e-learninga, cilj istraživanja čiji su rezultati prezentirani u ovom radu bio je izvršiti analizu implementacije tog koncepta u sustavu našeg visokog obrazovanja s obzirom na obilježje znanstvenog područja. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku ispitanika kojeg su sačinjavali studenti Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Poseban naglasak stavljen je u radu na utvrđivanje razlika u akceptiranju i oblicima e-learninga s kojima su se studenti imali prilike susresti tijekom dosadašnjeg školovanja na upisanom studiju. U analizi navedene problematike primijenjene su odgovarajuće statističke metode.
- Published
- 2009
41. Exchange of Information in Croatian School System Based on Digital Communications Technology
- Author
Dukić, Gordana, Dukić, Darko, Sesar, Mate, Malpica, Freddy, Tremante, Andres, Welsch, Friedrich, and Tait, Bill
- Subjects
Program e-Education ,school information system ,exchange of information ,digital communications technology ,SMS Informativka ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION - Abstract
Over the last couple of years, a comprehensive education reform, prompted to a large extent by an intensive development of information and communication technologies, has been implemented in the Republic of Croatia. Within this framework, primary schools have begun to apply the Croatian National Education Standard, i.e., a set of standards regulating education with an aim to improve it and adjust it to the requirements and needs of the modern society. The National Curriculum (guidelines) for secondary schools that will follow the principles and methodology of the Croatian National Education Standard for primary schools are planned to be completed by the end of 2010. The school reform is closely connected to the implementation of the Program e-Education, as one of the basic projects initiated as a part of the introduction of information technology into Croatian society. Its implementation has created the conditions for creation of information systems in education based on digital communications technology. Efforts to improve school information system by notifying teachers, pupils, and parents by SMS messages or alternatively by e-mail, i.e., the web, became concrete at the beginning of 2006 when Croatian schools started using SMS school informing service system, called SMS Informativka. After reviewing the state of the Croatian education and the most important achievements of past reforms, this paper has analyzed the process of developing a modern school information system considering its advantages but also problems associated with its implementation.
- Published
- 2008
42. Investment Decision Support System in Tourism Based on Stochastic Fractional Programming
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Sesar, Mate, Galetić, Lovorka, and Čavlek, Nevenka
- Subjects
decision support system ,stochastic fractional programming ,investment ,accommodation capacity ,computerizing - Abstract
Planning of accommodation capacity is one of the most important tasks of tourism management. Building new accommodation requires long-term investments and considerable funding, which is usually obtained through bank loans. It is therefore crucial to minimize the possibility of making wrong investment decisions in this domain. For this purpose, the decision-making process should include adequate quantitative methods and models. The investment decision support system considered in this paper is based on stochastic sum-of-ratios fractional programming. Solving the posed fractional programming problem, in which the parameters are defined as random variables, yields the combination of accommodation units that will, under given constraints, provide economical operation to a maximum degree. To begin with, the model is presented theoretically, and after that, the procedure of its construction and solution is demonstrated on a hypothetical example. The efficiency and usage value of the proposed model can be significantly improved by computerizing each of its phases. In this way the model becomes accessible to a wider range of managers involved in investment decision making in the area of accommodation planning.
- Published
- 2008
43. Formulation and Construction of a Decision-Making Model on Bakery Product Range
- Author
Dukić, Gordana, Dukić, Darko, Babić, Marina, and Ugarčić-Hardi, Žaneta
- Subjects
decision-making model ,bakery product range ,linear programming ,sensitivity analysis ,computer optimization ,database - Abstract
One of the basic tasks of business decision-making is to correctly determine the type and quantities of output to be offered on the market. Given the very short shelf life of bakery products, these issues are crucial when planning a bakery output. Different operating costs and losses incurred due to unsold quantities can be significantly reduced by applying adequate quantitative methods. This paper intends to present some possibilities of the linear programming model in making decisions about a bakery product range. In discussing the stated issue, the first step was to develop a theoretical model framework based on computer optimization, followed by its construction and solution illustrated by an adequate example. Since the values of particular parameters are frequently impossible to determine quite accurately, we have also conducted the sensitivity analysis on the stated model in order to improve the decision-making. As a form of postoptimality analysis, it is used to examine the effects of changes in these parameters on the stability of the optimal solution. The usage value of the model depends significantly on the data used to estimate the parameters. In constructing the model, it is therefore necessary to give particular attention to creating an adequate database.
- Published
- 2008
44. Computer Optimization of Agricultural Machinery Assignment
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Alerić, Ivana, and Košutić, Silvio
- Subjects
computer optimization ,assignment model ,increasing efficiency and effectiveness ,decision-making - Abstract
With a view to increasing efficiency and effectiveness, different quantitative methods and models can be applied in solving the problems related with agricultural machinery utilization. In spite of availability of state-of-the-art information and communication technologies that have made their usage much simpler and faster, decision-making based on this approach is still in its infancy in our country. This is especially noticeable with small farmers ; however, the situation is far from satisfactory even with big business operators who have abundant agricultural machinery and large arable areas. In such circumstances, it is possible to significantly reduce the costs arising from different phases of land cultivation simply by proper assignment of machinery. This paper aims to present the design procedure for an agricultural machinery assignment model, which is based on computer optimization. There are numerous advantages of a model formulated in this way. In this model, the elements of efficiency matrix, which are the expected benefits from assigning a machine for a particular activity, are obtained by scoring according to set criteria. If it proves necessary, it is further possible to emphasize a factor's importance through adequate weighing. Several techniques have been developed for solving the assignment problem. Given the variety of program applications, the model presented here was defined and resolved as a linear programming problem.
- Published
- 2008
45. Simulation Model of Flour Inventory in Bakery Production
- Author
Dukić, Darko and Ugarčić-Hardi, Žaneta
- Subjects
simulation model ,flour inventory ,computer-generated random numbers ,normal distribution ,optimum order quantity - Abstract
In order to achieve a smooth production flow in a bakery plant it is necessary to establish and maintain optimal inventory levels of different raw materials. Because of their importance in production, specific way of storage and the size of required storage space, different kinds and types of flour have to be given particular attention. Purchasing excessive quantities of this raw material provides certain security in operations, however, in this way a company's funds are tied up in the inventory ; warehousing costs are increasing, as well as the possibility of spoilage. In contrast, insufficient inventory may cause a production halt and an increase of opportunity costs. A number of models have been developed to overcome such problems and improve decision-making in the area of stock management. This paper presents a flour inventory model with simulated demand, whose values are computer-generated from the normal distribution. The necessary parameters are calculated on the basis of empirical data. In the proposed model, for each simulated demand level an optimum order quantity is determined, as well as the pertinent total inventory costs. The frequency distributions obtained in this way are used to establish appropriate confidence intervals, which are the basis for determining optimal flour inventories.
- Published
- 2008
46. Computer-Aided Simulation Model of Smoked Meat Inventory with Price Breaks
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Dukić, Gordana, Sesar, Mate, Aurer, Boris, Bača, Miroslav, and Rabuzin, Kornelije
- Subjects
smoked meat inventory model ,order quantity ,computer-aided model ,simulation ,LINGO's modelling language ,computer program - Abstract
Computer systems provide indispensable support in constructing, solving and implementing simulation models. This paper discusses a smoked meat inventory model with simulated demand. In order to make a more precise estimate of the demand, the proposed model implies the use of the beta distribution. Simulated demand values, generated by means of a computer, represent the inputs in the inventory model with price breaks. This model is characterized by taking into account the possibility of decreasing the purchase price when the ordered quantity is increased. In addition, the management needs to consider the fact that unsold smoked meat products past use-by date directly increase the costs and thus reduce store operation efficiency. In this model, for each simulated demand rate the order quantity is determined which results in minimum overall costs. The optimum order is thought to be the one which has been determined most frequently within the conducted set of simulations. In order to increase the model's use value, the decision-making process based on its use has been shown in a flowchart. Furthermore, the paper proposes an adequate computer program for solving the model, written in LINGO’ s modelling language.
- Published
- 2008
47. Transportation Cost Assessment by Means of a Monte Carlo Simulation in a Transshipment Model
- Author
Dukić, Gordana, Dukić, Darko, Alerić, Ivana, and Jolić, Natalija
- Subjects
!-distribution ,transportation costs ,stochastic transshipment model ,Monte Carlo simulation ,quantitative methods ,confidence interval ,computer analysis ,lcsh:TA1001-1280 ,lcsh:Transportation engineering ,smoked meat inventory model ,order quantity ,computer-aided model ,simulation ,LINGO's modelling language ,computer program - Abstract
The task of transport management is to organize the transport of goods from a number of sources to a number of destinations with minimum total costs. The basic transportation model assumes direct transport of goods from a source to a destination with constant unit transportation costs. In practice, however, goods are frequently transported through several transient points where they need to be transshipped. In such circumstances transport planning and organization become increasingly complex. This is especially noticeable in water transport. Most of the issues are directly connected to port operations, as they are the transshipment hubs. Since transportation is under a number of influences, in today's turbulent operating conditions the assumption on fixed unit transportation costs cannot be taken as realistic. In order to improve decision making in the transportation domain, this paper will present a stochastic transshipment model in which cost estimate is based on Monte Carlo simulation. Simulated values of unit costs are used to devise an adequate linear programming model, the solving of which determines the values of total minimum transportation costs. After repeating the simulation for a sufficient number of times, the distribution of total minimum costs can be formed, which is the basis for the pertinent confidence interval estimation. It follows that the design, testing and application of the presented model requires a combination of quantitative optimization methods, simulation and elements of inferential statistics, all with the support of computer and adequate software.
- Published
- 2008
48. Characteristics of Regional Development in the Republic of Croatia and Modelling a Database Aimed at its Monitoring and Preparing Adequate Measures of Economic and Social Policies
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Dukić, Gordana, Alerić, Ivana, Reić, Zlatan, and Fredotović, Maja
- Subjects
regional development ,economic and social policies ,development strategies ,development indicators ,database model - Abstract
The Republic of Croatia is making advances towards full EU membership. This large community of countries and peoples is characterized by rich diversity. One of the most sensitive and complex issues for its members is uneven economic development. Various indicators reveal that Croatia is currently attaining macroeconomic performance of lesser-developed members of the European Union, which means that it fulfils the basic prerequisites for full membership. However, in comparison to the developed EU countries, there are significant disparities in the level of economic development. In addition, Croatia is burdened with a rather uneven economic development of its regions, which is a result of a number of factors. Although these differences cannot be completely eliminated, extra effort should be made to alleviate them in the forthcoming years. If the current negative trends are to be reversed, Croatian counties need to formulate adequate development strategies that would take into account all their regional specific qualities. This paper will try to identify the basic features of regional development in Croatia on the basis of available indicators, and to formulate a possible framework for economic and social policies that could be used to alleviate current inequalities. A special problem in the analysis of regional development appears to be the insufficiency of data. Another goal of this research is therefore to emphasize how important it would be to construct a database model which would enable us to systematically monitor regional development, and which would be the information basis for proposing appropriate measures of economic and social policies.
- Published
- 2007
49. Simulation of Construction Project Activities Duration by Means of Beta PERT Distribution
- Author
Dukić, Darko, Dukić, Gordana, Babić, Dubravka, Aurer, Boris, and Bača, Miroslav
- Subjects
computer simulation ,activities duration ,construction projects costs ,beta PERT distribution ,scheduling methods ,decision model ,algorithm - Abstract
Construction projects normally imply engaging considerable resources. Given the complexity and the necessity to coordinate a number of activities, project managers are required to use different scheduling methods. They can help to reduce significantly the time required to complete the project, and in this way the total costs. However, to improve the decision-making further, it is necessary to conduct also a risk analysis based on a computer simulation. Within the decision model presented in this paper, activity duration simulations are based on a random variable generated from a beta PERT distribution. The paper gives also the algorithm describing this procedure.
- Published
- 2007
50. Computer Application in Statistical Analysis of the Influence of Education Level on the Perception of Economic and Social Issues
- Author
Dukić, Gordana, Dukić, Darko, Alerić, Ivana, Barković, Dražen, and Runzheimer, Bodo
- Subjects
investment into knowledge, level of education, employee perception - Abstract
Several past decades have witnessed a significant increase in public awareness regarding the need for education and investing into knowledge. Highly developed economies of today have based their prosperity precisely on these prerequisites. Intensive development of science and technology and rapid expansion of tertiary sector have reflected also on comprehensive changes of the education system. In such circumstances, education has become imperative for all individuals trying to enhance their social and economic status. The level of education has thus become a very sensitive category which is significantly reflected on the perception of members of any given community. This paper aims to determine in what way the education level influences an individual’ s assessment of own economic and social position. To carry out this research, an adequate sample of employees living in the Osijek-Baranja County was formed. The analysis of the stated questions required significant use of the statistical method (calculating descriptive statistics, factor analysis, analysis of variance and discriminant analysis). A relatively large number of variables included in the model necessitated using a computer and adequate software. One of the goals was also to present their possibilities in analysing the issues under examination.
- Published
- 2007
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