Given a vectorial function ${F}:\mathbb {F}_{2}^{{n}} \mapsto \mathbb {F}_{2}^{{m}}$ , the indicator $1_{{\mathcal {G}}_{{F}}}$ of its graph ${\mathcal{ G}}_{{F}}=\{({x},{F}({x})); {x}\in \mathbb {F}_{2}^{{n}}\}$ allows to express the algebraic degree of $F$ in a simple way. Exploiting the formula, obtained in a previous article, for the graph indicator of a composite function ${G}\circ {F}$ , that involves only a sum of products of $1_{{\mathcal {G}}_{{F}}}$ and $1_{{\mathcal {G}}_{{G}}}$ , we deduce the exact expression as well as bounds on the algebraic degree of ${G}\circ {F}$ , whose efficiency comes from the fact that the algebraic degree of the product of two Boolean functions is bounded above by the sum of their algebraic degrees, while for a composition, it is bounded above by their product. One of these bounds, that depends on the algebraic degrees of $G$ and $1_{{\mathcal {G}}_{{F}}}$ , is tight, general, simple, and most often efficient (for the case where it is not efficient, we give an improved bound, that is a little more complex). As far as we know, it is the first efficient upper bound ever found, that works without any condition on the vectorial functions. It provides a new criterion for the choice of S-boxes in block ciphers. It implies as a corollary a known bound assuming the divisibility of the Walsh transform values by a power of 2. It gives a better view why this latter bound works. All the bounds generalize to more than two functions and this represents also an improvement over the state of the art. When $F$ is a permutation, our expression of the algebraic degree of ${G}\circ {F}$ simplifies into a formula involving the algebraic degrees of the products of a coordinate function of $G$ and coordinate functions of ${F}^{-1}$ . This implies another known bound showing that the algebraic degree of ${F}^{-1}$ has more impact on that of ${G}\circ {F}$ than that of $F$ itself. Our approach by graph indicators gives a more complete explanation to this interesting fact. Our results include all the known efficient bounds as particular cases, and clarify the reasons why they work. We also deduce the exact expression of the algebraic degree of the composition of any number of functions, leading to a bound that is much more efficient than what we obtain by applying the known bound several times. We also obtain two bounds on the algebraic degree of ${G} \circ {F}$ , where $F$ is a permutation, given the divisibility by powers of 2 of some Walsh transform values of component functions of $F$ and their sums with a coordinate function of $G$ . We compare all the bounds of this kind obtained so far and show how they are complementary, and we study the generalizations of all (known and new) bounds of this kind to the composition of more than two functions.