Search Results
2. La statua loricata di Durazzo e la politica imperiale di fine I sec. d.C.
- Author
Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, Cavalieri, Marco, Progetto Durrës. L’indagine sui beni culturali albanesi dell’Antichità e del Medioevo: tradizioni di studio a confronto, Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, Cavalieri, Marco, and Progetto Durrës. L’indagine sui beni culturali albanesi dell’Antichità e del Medioevo: tradizioni di studio a confronto
- Abstract
Il contributo studia da un punto di vista storico-archeologico la statua loricata di fine I sec. d.C. conservata presso il Museo Archeologico di Durazzo. Purtroppo la mancanza o quasi di dati di scavo e la frammentarietà della scultura rendono difficoltose eventuali ipotesi circa l'originale collocazione della scultura e l'identità del personaggio rappresentato. Comunque, l'alta qualità stilistica e le dimensioni superiori al vero sembrano far propendere per l'individuazione in un membro della famiglia imperiale giulio-claudia: i confronti con altri loricati conservati in diversi musei d'Europa e le caratteristiche stilistiche sembrano portare a Nerone. Ad avvalorare questa ipotesi v'è anche la componente iconografica della corazza: Nereidi che cavalcano cavalli marini. Tale scelta d'immagine sembrerebbe da ricollegare ad una vittoria navale conseguita dal bisnonno di Nerone, Cn. Domizio Enobarbo, durante le Guerre Civili proprio nell'alto Mar Ionio, quindi non lontano da Durazzo. Si ipotizza che durante il viaggio del principe in Grecia del 67 d.C. alcune città, tra cui Durazzo stessa, abbiano tributato sculture iconiche al sovrano, riproducendolo nelle fattezze d'imperator, titolo già conseguito dall'avo per aver sconfitto la flotta di Ottaviano.
- Published
- 2003
3. La produzione artigianale romana a Parma e nel suo territorio: un primo bilancio dei dati
- Author
Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, Cavalieri, Marco, Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, and Cavalieri, Marco
- Abstract
L'articolo nasce come sintesi ragionata su uno dei grandi nodi concettuali posti dal mondo antico, la produzione artigianale. La questione risulta elemento fondamentale nella definizione di un modello interpretativo del vissuto quotidiano, delle potenzialità economiche e delle risorse naturali e commerciali di un territorio. Purtroppo, però, molte volte i dati sulla realtà artigianale sono estremamente labili, non sempre facilmente ricostruibili e, fino a qualche tempo fa, non particolarmente considerati. Oggi, invece, mutata la tendenza negli studi, si sta cercando di ricomporre questo puzzle sul sistema produttivo nel mondo romano, anche se in molti contesti si è ancora fermi alla impostazione metodologica del problema più che alla sua sistematica indagine. Parma è uno di quei casi. Infatti, nonostante gli sforzi compiuti negli ultimi anni nella ricostruzione di un quadro complessivo sul territorio, il lavoro da fare è ancora lungo: per questo quanto qui di seguito viene riferito sicuramente non porta particolari novità alla questione, bensì raccoglie i non numerosi dati noti e tenta di coordinarli in un discorso di più ampio respiro, che coinvolge tutto il territorio dell’attuale provincia. In effetti ci si servirà del solo materiale edito – risultato di alcuni interessanti scavi realizzati nell’ultimo decennio nella provincia di Parma – il quale sarà integrato con la numerosa serie di fonti storiografiche ed epigrafiche attestanti la presenza di un ampio ceto di artigiani che rese famose, ad esempio, le lane della zona. Tutto questo materiale, infine, sarà rielaborato mediante grafici in modo tale da rendere più chiara la diversa natura delle singole attività di cui è rimasta traccia ed il loro impatto sull’economia del territorio.
- Published
- 2003
4. La maschera di Oceano: valore e simbologia di un’iconografia romana
- Author
UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, Cavalieri, Marco, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, and Cavalieri, Marco
- Abstract
L'articolo ritraccia la storia antiquaria di una "maschera" oceanica in alabastro fiorito conservata al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Parma in relazione ad un confronto parigino inserito in un labrum conservato al Louvre. Il lavoro, poi, si sofferma sul significato legato all'ideologia del potere dell'iconografia di Oceano nell'antichità.
- Published
- 2002
5. La basilica civile nel de Architectura di Vitruvio: prassi e codificazione in Italia e a Parma
- Author
Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, Cavalieri, Marco, Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, and Cavalieri, Marco
- Abstract
Il presente lavoro si compone di due parti distinte ma complementari che sono state scritte con l’intento di affrontare un problema urbanistico, l’ideale ricostruzione del foro della città di Parma, non solo sulla base dei dati di scavo, ma anche valutando la teorizzazione urbanistico-architettonica e, ovviamente, politico-culturale che ci deriva dall’unico scritto sistematico sull’architettura giuntoci integro dall’antichità, il de Architectura di Vitruvio. Si tenterà, quindi, di evidenziare se e come i risultati archeologici offrono qualche riscontro nelle fonti scritte: insomma, se nella Parma romana la forma architettonica del foro e dei suoi annessi si possa avvicinare a quanto elaborato a livello teorico alla fine del I sec. a.C. Partendo da quanto si è appena espresso, la prima e più ampia sezione del testo riguarderà esplicitamente l’opera vitruviana e la critica moderna a lei legata, cercando di individuare quanto l’autore parafrasi dalla prassi architettonica delle basiliche civili erette ai suoi tempi o teorizzi sulla base di speculazioni personali. Uno sguardo al panorama dell’Italia romanizzata tra la fine della repubblica e l’inizio del principato metodologicamente potrà essere utile a definire eventuali confronti con quanto l’indagine archeologica – in particolare a partire dalla Seconda Guerra Mondiale in poi – è andata riscoprendo circa la più antica piazza parmense.
- Published
- 2002
6. Le urne cinerarie etrusche del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Parma
- Author
Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, Cavalieri, Marco, Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, and Cavalieri, Marco
- Abstract
L'articolo studia le cinque urne cinerarie etrusche di produzione chiusina conservate presso il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Parma. Lo studio si basa su un'analisi archeologica ed iconografica dei materiali inserita nell'ambito della vicenda antiquaria relativa alla formazione della collezione di etruscologia nella prima metà del XIX secolo per opera della duchessa Maria Luigia d'Asburgo-Lorena.
- Published
- 2001
7. Fontane circolari in marmi colorati nel mondo romano: diffusione ed impiego
- Author
Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, Cavalieri, Marco, Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, and Cavalieri, Marco
- Abstract
Lo studio si occupa dell'analisi tipologico-funzionale e del valore simbolico dei marmora nell'uso dei labra romani in contesto domestico e pubblico (termale). Ampio catalogo di riferimento.
- Published
- 2000
8. La basilica in Italia: decorazione scultorea e sue valenze politico-culturali
- Author
Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, Cavalieri, Marco, Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, and Cavalieri, Marco
- Abstract
L'articolo studia la decorazione architettonica e soprattutto scultorea delle basiliche civili di Roma e di altri municipi e colonie sul suolo italiano, a partire dall'età medio-repubblicana alla tarda Antichità.
- Published
- 2000
9. Il modello forum-basilica e la sua “evoluzione” tra la Cisalpina e la Narbonensis
- Author
Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, Cavalieri, Marco, Università degli Studi di Parma - Dipartimento di beni culturali e dello spettacolo, UCL - FLTR/ARKE - Département d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, and Cavalieri, Marco
- Abstract
L'articolo studia i complessi forensi della Cisalpina in rapporto a quelli provinciali, mettendo in dubbio un rapporto di derivazione dei secondi dai primi.
- Published
- 1999
10. Histoire et valorisation du patrimoine variétal de l’olivier en Occitanie méditerranéenne : approche multiscalaire et intégrative d’un héritage culturel et biologique exceptionnel
- Author
Terral, Jean-Frédéric, Rovira Buendia, Nuria, Kaniewski, David, Evin, Allowen, Bouby, Laurent, Ejarque, Ana, Figueiral, Isabel, Limier, Bertrand, Paradis, Laure, Hurtrez-Boussès, Sylvie, Ros, Jérôme, Girard, Vincent, Noell, Thierry, Mauné, Stéphane, Pinaud-Querrac'H, Rachel, Piquès, Gaël, Sanchez, Corinne, Vaschalde, Christophe, Tillier, Margaux, Durand, Aline, Hallavant, Charlotte, Faure, Élodie, Puig, Carole, Besnard, Guillaume, El Hadad-Gauthier, Fatima, Durand, Frédérique, Pagnoux, Clémence, Ruas, Marie-Pierre, Anglès, Stéphane, Lasserre, Hélène, Pinatel, Christian, Fabre, Laurent, Perez-Jorda, Guilhem, Fiorentino, Girolamo, Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier (UMR ISEM), Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad)-École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Institut de recherche pour le développement [IRD] : UR226-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Montpellier (UM), Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes (ASM), Université Paul-Valéry - Montpellier 3 (UPVM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Ministère de la Culture (MC), Travaux et recherches archéologiques sur les cultures, les espaces et les sociétés (TRACES), École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)-Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès (UT2J), Université de Toulouse (UT)-Université de Toulouse (UT)-Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (MCC)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), IPSO FACTO [Marseille], Centre de Recherche en Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire (CReAAH), Le Mans Université (UM)-Université de Rennes (UR)-Université de Rennes 2 (UR2)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Nantes - UFR Histoire, Histoire de l'Art et Archéologie (UFR HHAA), Université de Nantes (UN)-Université de Nantes (UN)-Ministère de la Culture (MC), Hadès - Bureau d'Investigations Archéologiques, Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes - Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier (CIHEAM-IAMM), Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM), Montpellier Interdisciplinary center on Sustainable Agri-food systems (Social and nutritional sciences) (UMR MoISA), Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes - Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier (CIHEAM-IAMM), Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)-Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)-Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE)-Institut Agro Montpellier, Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (Institut Agro)-Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (Institut Agro), Institut National de Recherche et d'Analyse Physico-Chimique (INRAP), Archéozoologie, archéobotanique : sociétés, pratiques et environnements (AASPE), Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (MNHN)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Universitat de Valencia, Dpt. de Prehistoria, Arqueologia y Historia Antigua, Universita del Salento, Lecce, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali, PatrimOlea Universitéde Toulouse - Sciences du Patrimoine- Patrimoine Archéologique en Occitanie, and S. Mauné , LabEx Archimede Montpellier, UMR 5140 ASM.
- Subjects
[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences - Abstract
International audience
- Published
- 2023
11. The first archaeological case of permanent teeth fusion in Europe
- Author
Lorenzo Scheda, Federica Collina, Rita Sorrentino, Sara Conti, Maria Menetti, Stefano Benazzi, DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI, and DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE BIOLOGICHE, GEOLOGICHE E AMBIENTALI
- Subjects
Archeology ,northern Italy ,synodontia ,Permanent dentition ,double teeth ,Double teeth ,archaeology ,Longobards ,Archaeology ,Dental fusion ,Northern italy ,stomatognathic diseases ,dental fusion ,Geography ,stomatognathic system ,permanent dentition ,Anthropology ,dental pathologies ,Permanent teeth - Abstract
none 6 no Teeth fusion is a developmental anomaly characterized by the union of two and, more rarely, three adjacent teeth. The fusion is caused by the physical pressure between two adjacent teeth during their development due to congenital, inherited, acquired or idiopathic factors. Nowadays, fused teeth occur with a frequency ratio between 0.1% and 1% in permanent dentition and 0.5% and 2.5% in primary dentition, and with an equal distribution between males and females. Fused teeth are a rare clinical finding, so there are not standardized clinical protocols and each case should be treated independently. This condition is rare in archaeological populations, likely due to taphonomic processes that cause the lack of information, as well as for the general low occurrence of the defect itself. In the European archaeological literature, there are no reports of two permanent fused teeth so far. Therefore, the present paper represents the first case study of two fused permanent incisors in the past Europe populations as this anomaly has been recognized in an adult man buried in the Longobard cemetery of Guidizzolo (VI–VII century A.D., northern Italy). open Collina F.; Conti S.; Menetti M.; Scheda L.; Sorrentino R.; Benazzi S. Collina F.; Conti S.; Menetti M.; Scheda L.; Sorrentino R.; Benazzi S.
- Published
- 2021
- Full Text
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12. Solidarietà, o delle sorti della democrazia. Libertà ed eguaglianza nel pensiero politico di Pierre Leroux (1830 – 1871)
- Author
- Subjects
Solidarietà ,Democrazia sociale ,Eguaglianza ,Rivoluzione del 1848 ,Libertà ,Pierre Leroux - Abstract
none 1 no Qual è il portato politico della solidarietà? In che modo essa può contribuire al consolidamento e alla tenuta della democrazia? In un momento nel quale il ruolo della solidarietà è sfidato e svilito dal prevalere di una visione economicistica e fortemente individualistica della vita in comune, il volume ricostruisce il cruciale ruolo politico che le assegna un autore ancora relativamente poco studiato quale Pierre Leroux. In un contesto caratterizzato dalla progressiva diffusione del capitalismo, dalla nascita del movimento operaio e dal drammatico manifestarsi della questione sociale, egli individua nella solidarietà il principio in grado di consentire la conciliazione tra la costituzione repubblicana garante delle libertà civili e un assetto sociale ispirato al principio dell'eguaglianza. Proponendo una riflessione originale e ancora rilevante per il contesto attuale, Leroux mostra come la solidarietà, fornendo sostanza al formalismo repubblicano e opponendo resistenza a qualunque progetto organicistico e totalizzante, permetta di arginare i rischi per la democrazia posti tanto dall’individualismo assoluto, quanto dal socialismo assoluto, favorendo l’instaurazione di una repubblica democratica e sociale nella quale i problemi lasciati aperti dalla modernità sono suscettibili di trovare risposta e la triade repubblicana Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité può finalmente trovare compimento. mixed Furia, A. Furia, A.
- Published
- 2022
13. Grotta della Lea (Nardò, Lecce)
- Author
- Subjects
Età del Bronzo ,Protoappenninico ,Salento ,Salento, Grotta, Epigravettiano, Protoappenninico, resti umani, Età del Bronzo, Paleolitico ,resti umani ,Grotta ,Epigravettiano ,Paleolitico - Abstract
none 8 no La Grotta della Lea (scoperta nella seconda metà del secolo scorso dal Gruppo Speleologico Neretino - GSN) si trova nella pineta del Parco di Porto Selvaggio, all’interno dell’attuale agro del comune di Nardò (Lecce), in un’area che ha già restituito notevoli testimonianze che vanno dal Paleolitico all’età dei metalli (per una sintesi dei dati noti dall’area si veda Valchera et al. 2011). none Adriana Moroni, Owen Higgins, Giulia Marciani, Ivan Martini, Francesca Lagna, Antonino Vazzana, Francesco Iacono, Stefano Benazzi Adriana Moroni, Owen Higgins, Giulia Marciani, Ivan Martini, Francesca Lagna, Antonino Vazzana, Francesco Iacono, Stefano Benazzi
- Published
- 2021
14. O desenvolvimento e o entrelaçamento entre bibliografia, bibliometria e política no Brasil
- Author
Giulia Crippa, DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI, AREA MIN. 14 - Scienze politiche e sociali, and Crippa, Giulia
- Subjects
Bibliography. Bibliometrics. Lydia Sambaquy. Edson Nery da Fonseca. Information Policies ,Ciências Sociais Aplicadas ,Ciência da Informação ,edson nery da fonseca ,lydia sambaquy ,bibliografia ,bibliometria ,Critical Care Nursing ,Bibliografia. Bibliometria. Lydia Sambaquy. Edson Nery da Fonseca. Políticas da Informação ,políticas da informação ,Pediatrics ,lcsh:Z ,lcsh:Bibliography. Library science. Information resources - Abstract
Esse artigo visa estudar o percurso e o estado atual dos estudos bibliográficos no Brasil, com base na proposição de que a natureza da bibliografia, que a caracteriza em sentido disciplinar e crítico, não se limitam ao fato de ser uma enumeração de documentos ou de servir como esquema de sua realidade no sistema, mas deve servir também como mapa a ser consultado em relação aos mesmos. Para isso, foi necessário reconstituir o contexto histórico que permite a compreensão da relação entre políticas nacionais e políticas da informação ao longo do século XX. Descobrimos, dessa maneira, que as escolhas de investimentos que privilegiaram quase unicamente a pesquisa científico-tecnológica tornaram a bibliometria a forma privilegiada de estudo e aplicação bibliográfica no país pelo menos até os primeiros anos do século XXI. Nessa pesquisa, realizada pela indagação histórica das fontes, foram encontrados e tratados alguns dos grandes protagonistas dos processos de implantação das metodologias bibliográficas e bibliométricas, como Lydia Sambaquy e Edson Nery da Fonseca. Nossa hipótese é de que houve, desde a época do Estado Novo, um entrelaçamento evidente e explícito entre as políticas nacionais voltadas para visões cientificistas de modernização e políticas de informação., This article aims to study the course and the current state of bibliographic studies in Brazil, based on the proposition that the nature of the bibliography, which characterizes it in a disciplinary and critical sense, is not limited to being an enumeration of documents or to serve as a schema of their reality in the system, but must also serve as a map to be consulted in relation to them. For this, it was necessary to reconstitute the historical context that allows the understanding of the relationship between national policies and information policies throughout the twentieth century. In this way, we have discovered that the investment choices that focused almost exclusively on scientifictechnological research have made bibliometrics the privileged form of study and bibliographic application in the country until at least the first years of the 21st century. In this research, carried out by the historical inquiry of the sources, some of the great protagonists of the processes of implantation of the bibliographical and bibliometric methodologies, such as Lydia Sambaquy and Edson Nery da Fonseca, were found and treated. Our hypothesis is that, since the Estado Novo era, there has been an evident and explicit interweaving between national policies aimed at scientific visions of modernization and information policies.
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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15. Evaluation of the effectiveness of coatings for the protection of outdoor terracotta artworks through artificial ageing
- Author
- Subjects
terracotta ,invecchiamento accelerato ,terracotta, prodotti protettivi, invecchiamento accelerato ,prodotti protettivi - Abstract
none 6 no none S. Spadavecchia, C. Velino, C. Chiavari, S. Gualtieri, A.C. Hillar, E. Bernardi S. Spadavecchia, C. Velino, C. Chiavari, S. Gualtieri, A.C. Hillar, E. Bernardi
- Published
- 2021
16. 1930-1990: i cieli della Loggia di Psiche come paradigma della teoria e della critica del restauro del Novecento
- Author
- Subjects
Aristide Sartorio ,Loggia di Psiche ,Carlo Maratta ,Raffaello Sanzio ,restauro ,Tito Venturini Papari ,smaltino ,Alessandro Conti ,Accademia d'Italia ,villa Farnesina - Abstract
none 1 si u l'ultimo grande cantiere di restauro condotto dall'ICR sulla Loggia di Psiche allo scoccare della fine del secolo scorso (1990-1997), a restituirci, finalmente, la cromia dei "cieli" di Raffaello. Deturpati completamente dall'intervento operato nel 1930, solo allora tornarono alla luce in alcune frammentarie tracce miracolosamente sfuggite alla troppo disinvolta, per non dire, barbarica, "spulitura" operata dal restauratore romano Venturini Papi. Infine, a distanza di sessant'anni, venne decretata - inequivocabilmente e definitivamente - la portata dei danni provocati alla lettura del ciclo dalla raschiatura dei cieli - operazione sorretta dalla convinzione di aver finalmente recuperato l'originale azzurrite raffaellesca che prima il Maratta e poi un successivo intervento ottocentesco avevano compromesso -, ma soprattutto venne stabilito che, senza alcuna ombra di dubbio, quel celeste che ancora oggi segna la cromia dei cieli della volta della Farnesina, non era altro che la preparazione a smaltino che il maestro di Urbino utilizzava spesso e volentieri come base su cui poi stendere le diverse gradazioni di colore finale. In mezzo a quei due momenti così discordanti della vita degli affreschi, sessant'anni di critica artistica e del restauro fondanti inizialmente su malintesi e silenzi, disamine superficiali legate alla errata percezione del restauro marattesco e della storia restaurativa e tecnica dell'opera, poi finalmente, a partire dall'ultimo quarto del Novecento, fondanti su una consapevolezza che portò ad una operatività sul campo che non poteva più fare a meno di una nuova coscienza critica e storica. open Luca Ciancabilla Luca Ciancabilla
- Published
- 2021
17. Evaluating the distribution of priority benthic habitats through a remotely operated vehicle to support conservation measures off Linosa Island (Sicily Channel, Mediterranean Sea)
- Author
Renato Tonielli, Ferrante Grasselli, Claudia Romagnoli, Beatrice Romagnoli, Marco Abbiati, Sara Innangi, Federica Costantini, Gabriella Di Martino, CENTRO INTERDIPARTIMENTALE DI RICERCA PER LE SCIENZE AMBIENTALI - CIRSA, DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI, DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE BIOLOGICHE, GEOLOGICHE E AMBIENTALI, Facolta' di SCIENZE MATEMATICHE FISICHE e NATURALI, Da definire, AREA MIN. 05 - Scienze biologiche, AREA MIN. 04 - Scienze della terra, Romagnoli, Beatrice, Grasselli, Ferrante, Costantini, Federica, Abbiati, Marco, Romagnoli, Claudia, Innangi, Sara, Di Martino, Gabriella, and Tonielli, Renato
- Subjects
reservoir ,habitat mapping ,Biodiversity ,Climate change ,Distribution (economics) ,Pelagie archipelago ,alien species ,Aquatic Science ,Remotely operated vehicle ,Mediterranean sea ,biodiversity ,climate change ,invertebrates ,macrophytes ,Nature and Landscape Conservation ,Invertebrate ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Ecology ,business.industry ,alien species, biodiversity, climate change, habitat mapping, invertebrates, macrophytes, Pelagie archipelago, reservoir ,Benthic habitat ,Oceanography ,business ,Channel (geography) - Abstract
reserved 8 no 1. Explorations of the Mediterranean deep sea using remotely operated vehicles have shown that the sea bed hosts rich habitats, supporting high biodiversity. However, there have been only a few studies dealing with the southern part of the basin, leading to limited protection and conservation efforts in this area. 2. ThisstudyaimedtoexploretheseabedoffLinosaIsland(SicilyChannel,southern Mediterranean Sea), which is considered a ‘sentinel area’ for alien species and global environmental changes owing to its geographic position, thus deserving special attention. 3. Remotely operated vehicle surveys, carried out in 2016 and 2017, were analysed to provide the first ecological characterization of benthic assemblages at depths −19 – −384 m around Linosa Island. 4. Communitiesweredominatedbythreepriorityhabitats,amountingto39%ofthe almost 5 km of the sea floor that was surveyed. These are represented in the euphotic zone by Posidonia oceanica meadows and, at greater depth, by newly discovered dense coral forests and extended rhodolith/maërl beds. Sixteen habitat-forming species included in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (e.g. gorgonians Eunicella cavolini and Paramuricea clavata, and black corals Antipathella subpinnata and Leiopathes glaberrima) were recorded, as well as individuals of Sargassum sp. at −100 m depth. 5. The volcanic island of Linosa represents a small, naturally preserved area, with very limited human pressure, hosting rich marine benthic biodiversity. Given the high species and habitat richness, we recommend its inclusion in the Special Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance project (United Nations Environment Programme) and suggest a redefinition of the existing marine protected area extension. mixed Romagnoli, Beatrice; Grasselli, Ferrante; Costantini, Federica; Abbiati, Marco; Romagnoli, Claudia; Innangi, Sara; Di Martino, Gabriella; Tonielli, Renato Romagnoli, Beatrice; Grasselli, Ferrante; Costantini, Federica; Abbiati, Marco; Romagnoli, Claudia; Innangi, Sara; Di Martino, Gabriella; Tonielli, Renato
- Published
- 2021
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18. Investigation of the corrosive effects of ambient particulate matter on bronze through accelerated sampling and ageing
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particulate matter ,Bronze corrosion ,accelerated ageing ,PM ,particulate matter, PM, Bronze corrosion, climatic chamber, accelerated ageing ,climatic chamber - Abstract
none 6 no none Cecilia Velino, Cristina Chiavari, Carla Martini, Arianna Ercolani, Ivano Vassura, Elena Bernardi Cecilia Velino, Cristina Chiavari, Carla Martini, Arianna Ercolani, Ivano Vassura, Elena Bernardi
- Published
- 2021
19. I ripari di Rocca Giglio (Valderice, TP): le incisioni e le pitture rupestri
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Sicilia, Preistoria, Età Ellenistica, Rocca Giglio, Valderice, riparo, incisioni rupestri, pitture rupestri, iconografia navale, navi. Sicily, Prehistory, Hellenistica Age, Rocca Giglio, Valderice, shelter, rock engravings, rock paintings, nautical iconography, ships ,incisioni rupestri ,Hellenistica Age ,Prehistory ,shelter ,rock engravings ,Rocca Giglio ,Preistoria ,rock paintings ,riparo ,Sicilia ,nautical iconography ,navi. Sicily ,Età Ellenistica ,pitture rupestri ,iconografia navale ,ships ,Valderice - Abstract
none 2 no Il sito di Rocca Giglio (Valderice, Trapani) si colloca nell’antico territorio di Erice ed è costituito da un tavolato calcareo che sorge a meno di cinque chilometri dalla costa, elevandosi fino a 169 m sul livello del mare. Il fronte meridionale di Rocca Giglio è ricco di grotte e ripari che hanno fatto del luogo un sito abitativo fin dalla preistoria. Diversi nuclei di incisioni lineari e sub-lineari, per lo più raggruppate in parallelo e in verticale, con rari segni orizzontali a intersecarle, testimoniano una frequentazione attiva tra il tardo Paleolitico e il Mesolitico. Le pitture presenti nel “Riparo 1” riconducono invece all’epoca storica, verosimilmente all’età ellenistica, come sembrano testimoniare i frammenti ceramici rinvenuti nel terreno arativo sottostante, ai piedi della falesia rocciosa. Tra le pitture compaiono due raffigurazioni di navi, rese in modo corsivo e in stato di conservazione frammentario, di cui si propone la lettura sul piano archeologico-navale. The Rocca Giglio archaeological site (Valderice, Trapani, in Sicily) is located in the ancient territory of Erice and consists in a limestone plateau situated 169 m above sea level, less than five kilometers from the coast. The Rocca Giglio southern front is rich in caves and shelters, which made the site a living place since prehistoric times. A large number of linear and sub-linear engravings, mostly grouped in parallel and vertically, intersected by rare horizontal engravings, testify a frequentation between late Paleolithic and Mesolithic era. The painted drawings of the “Riparo 1” refer to the historical era instead, likely to the Hellenistic age, as it seems testified by the pottery fragments found in the underlying plowed ground, at the foot of the rocky plateau. Among the drawings there are two ships, schematically depicted and incomplete preserved, which are described and interpreted from a nautical-archaeological point of view. mixed Antonino Filippi; Stefano Medas Antonino Filippi; Stefano Medas
- Published
- 2021
20. Forms and ideas in the fifth-century Mediterranean: Bishop Neon and his mosaics in Ravenna
- Author
DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI and AREA MIN. 10 - Scienze dell'antichita,filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
- Subjects
Rotonda - mosaici ,Mosaico - Ravenna ,Mosaico - Ravenna, Battistero Neoniano - Neone - decorazione aniconica - Salonicco, Rotonda - mosaici ,Battistero Neoniano - Neone - decorazione aniconica - Salonicco - Abstract
none 1 no Il contributo compare all'interno di un volume edito per i tipi di Viella e comparei in due collane dell'editore: I LIBRI DI VIELLA. ARTE (cfr. sopra) e STUDIA ARTIUM MEDIAEVALIUM BRUNENSIA (n. 9), dato che non è possibile inserire perché IRIS riconosce un solo codice ANCE per ogni prodotto. Built at the turn of the fifth century and embellished with a new decoration under bishop Neon (c. 450-468), the Baptistery of the Cathedral is one of the most studied buildings of late antique Ravenna. Nevertheless, its lower mosaic frieze has been often overlooked in scholarly literature. This is perhaps due to the fact that the lower zone of the building shows a dominant aniconic decoration. This paper will centre precisely on the so-called aniconic decoration and on non-figurative images included in the mosaic programme. Through an analysis of forms and motifs that have often been considered only mere fillers for empty spaces, this paper will clarify the cultural environment in which the decoration of the baptistery originated. Even details apparently with a purely ornamental function and without meaning will reveal to be instrumental clues for determining the dialectic of power and faith visually expressed in the mosaic programme. These are in fact linked to the cultural tradition of the Mediterranean and are evidence of the interaction of the learned patron of the baptistery, bishop Neon, with the élites of the empire. mixed Maria Cristina Carile, Maria Cristina Carile
- Published
- 2019
21. The Geographic Prospects of Human Habitat and the Attributes of a Novel Urbanity
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Cosmopolis ,Territorial mythology ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Mega region ,Novel urbanity ,Urbanity attributes ,Middle landscape ,Territorial effect ,Beijing ,Shanghai ,City world ,ROWE ,Mythology ,Space (commercial competition) ,Field (geography) ,Geography ,Human settlement ,Urbanity ,Economic geography ,Construct (philosophy) ,Citizenship ,media_common - Abstract
none 1 no This chapter describes the expansion of the human settlements at the scale of mega regions and the consequent dissolution of the city/country division. The text also analyzes the concurrent expansion of an idea of city over larger territories, specular to the retreat of the relevance of urban space in such expanded contexts. The text discusses the emergence of a novel form of diffuse urbanity, articulating the synthetic considerations in the previous chapter. The spatial production overflowing the physical perimeter of the urban walls and, beyond those walls, trespassing the limits of a space commensurable with that of the urban paradigm, generates a distinct environment. The idea of a set of novel attributes defining the new form of citizenship is outlined, opening a vast field of future research work. The potential for the formation of a novel semantic and mythology, to endow the expanded territories with a new sense, is debated through the compared analysis of a set of spatial paradigms, such as the world city, city world, cosmopolis, and postmetropolis. Among these, particular attention is reserved to the model of the ‘opposite but accessible shores’ and its world-making ability. The bearing platform adopted for the compared analysis is constituted by a free reading of Rowe’s ‘middle landscape’ construct, and its evolutions, such as the ‘emergent architectural territories’ that have been rising in East Asia, interpreted as a humongous experiment for the implantation of a fabricated mythology for a novel citizenship. mixed Pasini R; Pasini R
- Published
- 2019
22. The Symbiotic Field in Ten Behaviors
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Dialectic ,Vision ,Sensorial manipulation ,Modernity ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Macro-ecologies ,Geopolitical ,Literal and figurative language ,Atmospheric assemblages ,Tirana ,Cybernetic control ,Micro-ecologies ,Agronica ,Aesthetics ,Semiotics ,Natural (music) ,Utilitarian modernity ,Geophilosophical ,Transculturation ,media_common ,Diversity (politics) - Abstract
none 1 no This chapter identifies ten behaviors, or operative methods, adopted by contemporary designers confronted with problems of spatial reform in regions of the contemporary continuum. The analysis proceeds through the compared anatomy of a set of case studies, tackling spatial problems in a diversity of scales and contexts. The cases include a majority of implemented projects, but also speculative visions, figurative compositions, and performances to explore the tangible and intangible layers of the contemporary continuum. By arraying operative approaches spanning from metabolist to geophilosophical, the ten behaviors conjure up a ‘symbiotic field’ layering the ecological, societal, psychic, aesthetic, cultural, semiotic, geographic, and mythological: built macro-ecologies of geographic scale; artificial micro-ecologies implanted into the metropolitan platform; ecological installations raising awareness through aesthetic performances; cybernetic scenarios preconizing the control of natural/anthropic metabolism; atmospheric assemblages dealing with the cultural and the transient; experiments of psychic and sensorial manipulation of the landscape; explorations of the transculturation process in a utilitarian modernity versus symbiotic culture dialectic; formation of alternative spaces in the folds of the language; geopolitical plans representing the geography of power; geophilosophical excavations aiming at reimplanting a mythology into the landscape. Furthermore, the chapter analyzes the radical utopias that constitute the recurrent reference for many of today’s visions of the contemporary continuum. The text also argues on how the utopian visions of the 60s and 70s have unawares become today’s quotidian living contexts. mixed Pasini R; Pasini R
- Published
- 2019
23. Miscegenation: Culture and Region-Forming Processes
- Author
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Colonization ,History ,Miscegenation ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Region-forming ,Face (sociological concept) ,Modernism (music) ,Colonialism ,Metropolitan area ,Field (geography) ,Primitivism ,Culture-forming ,Expropriations ,Reforma ,Beauty ,Ethnology ,Parallels ,Period (music) ,media_common - Abstract
none 1 no While contained urban space, as reviewed in the first section of the book, suggests series of binaries deriving from the original dichotomy city/nature, a geographic expansion favors the commingling of composite or opposite principles. The second section of the book analyzes ways in which elective or imposed coexistence of diverse agents on a geographic field kindle a process that evolves from juxtaposition to reciprocal permeation and eventually miscegenation, both in culture- and region-forming. This chapter describes apparently unrelated phenomena as concurrent manifestations of miscegenation: (1) the auto-reformulation of Josephine Baker’s self-agency, unfolding in the sequential transformations of her celebrated banana skirt resonating in artistic expressions of the early-twentieth-century primitivist modernism; (2) the formation of open space ensembles in the colonial cities of Nueva España from the fusion of the Mesoamerican and Mediterranean ideas of place-making; (3) the implementation of the monumental metropolitan boulevard of Reforma in Mexico City, linking the colonial historical center to the pre-Hispanic hill of Chapultepec and its venerated forest. These productions of urban and metropolitan beauty stand in sheer contrast with the violent transformations of the territorial land patterns of the hinterlands of Mexico, displaced derivatives of the land expropriations of the French revolutionary period that shape the dreary face of the new nation through the transition from colonia to estado nacional. The text draws parallels between the cultural and spatial implications of the colonizing action brought forth by conquering over conquered groups in a territory. mixed Pasini R; Pasini R
- Published
- 2019
24. Reconciling Cultural and Cognitive
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media_common.quotation_subject ,Cultural landscape ,Landscape paradigm ,Ur-Landschaft ,Habitat ,Environment ,Territory ,Cognitive landscape ,Metabolist ,Geophilosophical ,Symbiotic ,Perfection ,Cognition ,Space (commercial competition) ,Focus (linguistics) ,Epistemology ,Character (mathematics) ,Sociology ,Construct (philosophy) ,media_common - Abstract
none 1 no This chapter dissects a contemporary idea of landscape into its multiple components. The text analyzes a series of landscape constructs in a conceptual sequence moving from elemental to elaborate: ur-Landschaft; habitat; environment; territory; cultural landscape; cognitive landscape. The chapter discusses various positions that have been recently confronting over the notion of landscape, whose alternative landscape paradigms gather around two opposite fronts: the ‘culturalist-geophilosophical’ and the ‘scientific-cognitivist’. The text elaborates on a number of the diverse layers and components referable to a contemporary landscape notion. Components and layers derive from literature and practice, originating in the present and in the recent or remote past. The text, then, examines with specific focus the contended character of continuity or discontinuity of the notion of landscape and its evolution both in time and space, on which the very essence of the notion is dependent. The text compares positions describing the landscape as an aboriginal construct generated by the man/nature interaction and others regarding landscape as a sophisticated construct only generated when man’s manipulation of space drops any utilitarian purpose aiming at a greater perfection. The text then construes a landscape paradigm capable to accommodate both culturalist and cognitivist layers and components from previously analyzed models. Reformed and recombined the layers and components conform a new ‘symbiotic landscape paradigm’ that is described and graphically represented in a diagram. mixed Pasini R; Pasini R
- Published
- 2019
25. Introduction: Defining a Symbiotic Field
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Landscape constructs ,Spatium ,Artificial systems ,Urbanity ,Symbiotic field ,Topos chora ,Sociology ,Topos theory ,Epistemology - Abstract
none 1 no ‘Symbiotic field’ refers to the space, topos and chora or locus and spatium, where natural and artificial systems intersect, producing the multilayered construct of landscape. Throughout this essay, we will resort to a series of established concepts proceeding from sources diverse in location and time across the geographic configuration of the multidisciplinary debate on landscape to enumerate components of a possible construct. That construct is meant to be climbed upon and then thrown away like Wittgenstein’s ladder, which we may call here the ‘ladder of Rome’, as we are discussing matters related to urbanity. mixed Pasini R; Pasini R
- Published
- 2019
26. The genetic legacy of the Yaghnobis: A witness of an ancient Eurasian ancestry in the historically reshuffled central Asian gene pool
- Author
Davide Pettener, Patrizia Serventi, Davide Gentilini, Guido Alberto Gnecchi Ruscone, Giorgio Gruppioni, Paolo Ognibene, Antonio Clemente Domenico Panaino, Gloria Ravegnini, Paolo Delaini, Anna Maria Di Blasio, Stefania Sarno, Sabrina Angelini, Donata Luiselli, Sara De Fanti, Gian Pietro Basello, Gianmarco Ferri, Marco Sazzini, Elisabetta Cilli, Susi Pelotti, Cilli, Elisabetta, Sarno, Stefania, Gnecchi Ruscone, Guido Alberto, Serventi, Patrizia, De Fanti, Sara, Delaini, Paolo, Ognibene, Paolo, Basello, Gian Pietro, Ravegnini, Gloria, Angelini, Sabrina, Ferri, Gianmarco, Gentilini, Davide, Di Blasio, Anna Maria, Pelotti, Susi, Pettener, Davide, Sazzini, Marco, Panaino, Antonio, Luiselli, Donata, Gruppioni, Giorgio, DIP. DI STORIE E METODI PER LA CONSERVAZIONI DEI BENI CULTURALI, DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI, DIPARTIMENTO DI FARMACIA E BIOTECNOLOGIE, DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE BIOLOGICHE, GEOLOGICHE E AMBIENTALI, DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE MEDICHE E CHIRURGICHE, Facolta' di CONSERVAZIONE dei BENI CULTURALI, Da definire, AREA MIN. 05 - Scienze biologiche, AREA MIN. 10 - Scienze dell'antichita,filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche, and AREA MIN. 06 - Scienze mediche
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,Male ,Tajikistan ,Mitochondrial DNA ,Steppe ,Genetic genealogy ,Human Migration ,genome-wide SNPs ,Context (language use) ,mitochondrial DNA ,010603 evolutionary biology ,01 natural sciences ,Lingua franca ,DNA, Mitochondrial ,Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide ,White People ,Gene flow ,Anthropology, Physical ,Asian People ,Y-chromosome ,Yaghnobis ,Ethnicity ,Humans ,0601 history and archaeology ,computer.programming_language ,060101 anthropology ,Middle East ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Chromosomes, Human, Y ,06 humanities and the arts ,Geography ,Evolutionary biology ,Anthropology ,Gene pool ,Metagenomics ,Anatomy ,computer ,genome-wide SNP - Abstract
reserved 19 no Objectives: The Yaghnobis are an ethno-linguistic minority historically settled along the Yaghnob River in the Upper-Zarafshan Valley in Tajikistan. They speak a language of Old Sogdian origin, which is the only present-day witness of the Lingua Franca used along the Silk Road in Late Antiquity. The aim of this study was to reconstruct the genetic history of this community in order to shed light on its isolation and genetic ancestry within the Euro-Asiatic context. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 DNA samples were collected in the Yaghnob and Matcha Valleys during several expeditions and their mitochondrial, Y-chromosome and autosomal genome-wide variation were compared with that from a large set of modern and ancient Euro-Asiatic samples. Results: Findings from uniparental markers highlighted the long-term isolation of the Yaghnobis. Mitochondrial DNA ancestry traced an ancient link with Middle Eastern populations, whereas Y-chromosome legacy showed more tight relationships with Central Asians. Admixture, outgroup-f3, and D-statistics computed on autosomal variation corroborated Y-chromosome evidence, pointing respectively to low Anatolian Neolithic and high Steppe ancestry proportions in Yaghnobis, and to their closer affinity with Tajiks than to Iranians. Discussion: Although the Yaghnobis do not show evident signs of recent admixture, they could be considered a modern proxy for the source of gene flow for many Central Asian and Middle Eastern groups. Accordingly, they seem to retain a peculiar genomic ancestry probably ascribable to an ancient gene pool originally wide spread across a vast area and subsequently reshuffled by distinct demographic events occurred in Middle East and Central Asia. mixed Cilli, Elisabetta*; Sarno, Stefania; Gnecchi Ruscone, Guido Alberto; Serventi, Patrizia; De Fanti, Sara; Delaini, Paolo; Ognibene, Paolo; Basello, Gian Pietro; Ravegnini, Gloria; Angelini, Sabrina; Ferri, Gianmarco; Gentilini, Davide; Di Blasio, Anna Maria; Pelotti, Susi; Pettener, Davide; Sazzini, Marco; Panaino, Antonio; Luiselli, Donata; Gruppioni, Giorgio Cilli, Elisabetta*; Sarno, Stefania; Gnecchi Ruscone, Guido Alberto; Serventi, Patrizia; De Fanti, Sara; Delaini, Paolo; Ognibene, Paolo; Basello, Gian Pietro; Ravegnini, Gloria; Angelini, Sabrina; Ferri, Gianmarco; Gentilini, Davide; Di Blasio, Anna Maria; Pelotti, Susi; Pettener, Davide; Sazzini, Marco; Panaino, Antonio; Luiselli, Donata; Gruppioni, Giorgio
- Published
- 2019
27. Conclusions: Life and Death of ‘14 Strength’ and Agenda for the Next Landscape
- Author
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Next landscape ,Acknowledgement ,Environmental ethics ,Mythology ,Technocracy ,Democracy ,Post-urban cityness ,Neo-monuments ,Residence ,Sociology ,Citizenship ,media_common - Abstract
none 1 no This chapter collects the conclusions of the book and traces a brief agenda for future research work towards an entendement of the contemporary continuum, referred to as the Next Landscape. The text illustrates three main objectives marked in the agenda: the formation of a symbiotic vision, contaminating the technocratic regime governing today’s physical and intellectual production with a non-positivistic, non-systematic exploration; the determination of a set of novel attributes to analyze, evaluate, and compare the contemporary condition of the expanded citizenship and its varying contexts; the acknowledgement and implementation of a novel platform for the democratic interaction in the ‘post-urban cityness’; the under-arching of the spatial platform with a reformulated territorial mythology, to endow the expanded dwelling space with a new sense. The text deals with the notions of residence, monuments, urban and territorial grid, and comes to the idea of a network of interlaced ‘neo-monuments’. A few final considerations of more general, philosophical nature close the chapter and open perspectives for future work. mixed Pasini R; Pasini R
- Published
- 2018
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28. Metropolitanism, Its Filiations, and Its Consequences
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Paris ,Continuum (measurement) ,Metropolitanism ,Field (Bourdieu) ,Manhattanism ,Mythology ,Space (commercial competition) ,Sub-urbanism ,Landscape Urbanism ,Picturesque ,Mega region ,French Revolution ,Urban age ,Middle landscape ,Epistemology ,Urbanity ,Landscape urbanism ,Natural (music) ,Sociology ,Discipline - Abstract
none 1 no By analyzing a series of territorial paradigms proposed by theorists, critics, and designers, this chapter offers a critical overview of the recent transition from metropolitanist to regionalist perspectives over today’s expanded dwelling space in the global debate. The analysis tackles metropolitanist models related to Manhattanism and neo-nomadism with reference to their avant-garde and radical parentages. The text critically investigates models derivative of metropolitanism, such as landscape urbanism, urban age, and post-metropolis, along with models that present themselves as alternative, such as sub-urbanism and mega-regionalism. The text confronts metropolitanist models and their filiations with the principles of the disciplinary refoundation based on the idea of urban space, such as those of Tendenza, and with the traditional constructs of territory and landscape, such as those of the Italian landscape and the trio of natures, which they propose to subvert. The theoretical elaborations of landscape urbanism are then confronted with their geophilosophical references. The text proceeds to observe the process of expansion of the idea of city over the geographic scale. A novel form of expanded urbanity, surfacing from the analysis, finally suggests the opportunity to identify a set of novel attributes relative to the citizenship of the contemporary built/natural continuum. The conclusions identify the idea of a territorial mythology, unawares and fragmentarily building up in the contemporary continuum, as a possible field of future research and design work. mixed Pasini R; Pasini R
- Published
- 2018
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29. Gardens Grown Wild: In-Between Topography and Its Mythology
- Author
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Shore ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,History ,Nature garden ,People’s garden ,Parietal painting ,Painted garden ,Meteorological time ,Hunting garden ,Subtle hunts ,Feudalism ,Modernity ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Environmental ethics ,Biography ,Mythology ,Metropolitan area ,Ethos ,Natural ecosystem ,media_common - Abstract
none 1 no This chapter uses the construct of the garden to explore the correspondences between physical topography and its mythology, reality and its transcription, in contained and uncontained landscapes. The text analyzes the articulate assemblage of the ancient landscape in the Bay of Naples stretching from the urban spaces and art apparatuses of the city of Pompeii, across the semi-wild terrains of the shore beyond its walls, and out into the atmosphere above the waters. Elaborating further, the text also articulates the reciprocal reflection of man-made and natural wefts and the confluence of history and autobiography in an atmospheric time proper of the Pompeian landscape. The text, then, discusses two alternative ideas of garden, the nature garden and the people’s garden, corresponding to a shift in ethos and two opposite ways of regarding nature in more general terms. The latter corresponds to man regarding nature as a provision of natural services, the former to considering man as an observer immersed in the natural ecosystem. The text, then, interprets the historical transition converting the hunting parks into metropolitan parks in the European capitals, going from game hunting to service providing, as a consolidation of the feudal structure of thought into the modernity. In conclusion, ethical alternatives to the unsustainable exploitation of natural services can replace the understanding of the world’s relational dynamics for the careless action of consumption of its resources. mixed Pasini R; Pasini R
- Published
- 2018
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30. Un-Wall the Border / Deconstruir la frontera
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Racial issues ,US-Mexico border ,Contended land ,Socioeconomic issues ,Trans-frontier design - Abstract
none 2 si serie: Entorno Social y Medio Ambiente Does the wall offer any real opportunity to contribute through design to the improvement of living conditions for those whose lives, for different reasons, happen to be suspended, stalled, or fractured in between the two sides of the border? In order to challenge conventional conceptions and offer alternative approaches, the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) and the Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) organized a joint design workshop, conducted a research of concepts, analyzed specific sites along the border and submitted proposals. This book presents the process and its results. mixed Pasini R; Better H Pasini R; Better H
- Published
- 2018
31. Memorie e identità. Simboli e strategie del ricordo
- Author
DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI and AREA MIN. 11 - Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche
- Subjects
memoria culturale ,ricordo ,identità - Abstract
none 2 no Il volume approfondisce l‘articolazione tra passato e presente attraverso i concetti di identità e memoria, sia dal punto di vista teorico, sia mediante una raccolta di testi della letteratura storica ed etnografica, illustrando la complessità e l‘importanza della costruzione culturale del passato. none Matera Vincenzo; Fabietti Ugo Matera Vincenzo; Fabietti Ugo
- Published
- 2018
32. Analisi della variabilità morfologica dell'astragalo in campioni di popolazioni umane moderne attraverso Morfometria Geometrica
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bipedalism ,talus ,talus, bipedalism, modern human variability, geometric morphometrics ,modern human variability ,geometric morphometrics - Abstract
none 15 si none R. Sorrentino, C. Minghetti, W. Parr, K. Turley, S. Wroe, C. Shaw, J. Saers, A. Su, L. Fiorenza, F. Feletti, S. Frost, K. J. Carlson, M. G. Belcastro, T. Ryan, S. Benazzi R. Sorrentino, C. Minghetti, W. Parr, K. Turley, S. Wroe, C. Shaw, J. Saers, A. Su, L. Fiorenza, F. Feletti, S. Frost, K. J. Carlson, M. G. Belcastro, T. Ryan, S. Benazzi
- Published
- 2017
33. Lactase persistence in Tunisia as a result of admixture with other Mediterranean populations
- Author
Sonia Abdelhak, Cristina Giuliani, Yosra Ben Halima, Marco Sazzini, Henda Jamoussi, Giovanni Romeo, Lotfi Chouchane, Sahar Elouej, Rym Kefi, Majdi Nagara, Donata Luiselli, Chokri Nouali, Abdelmajid Abid, Giacomo Mengozzi, Sara De Fanti, Ben Halima, Yosra, Kefi, Rym, Sazzini, Marco, Giuliani, Cristina, De Fanti, Sara, Nouali, Chokri, Nagara, Majdi, Mengozzi, Giacomo, Elouej, Sahar, Abid, Abdelmajid, Jamoussi, Henda, Chouchane, Lotfi, Romeo, Giovanni, Abdelhak, Sonia, Luiselli, Donata, Université de Tunis - El Manar II, Université de Tunis El Manar (UTM), Laboratoire de Génomique Biomédicale et Oncogénétique - Biomedical Genomics and Oncogenetics Laboratory (LR11IPT05), Université de Tunis El Manar (UTM)-Institut Pasteur de Tunis, Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP)-Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP), University of Bologna, Institut National de Nutrition et de Technologie Alimentaire (Tunis) (INNTA), This work was supported in part by Italian National Grant PRIN 2010EL8TXP_006 to DL, the Tunisian Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry ofHigher Education and Scientific Research (LR11IPT05) and the E.C. Grant agreement no. 295097 for FP7 project GM-NCD-Inco (www.genomedika.org)., CENTRO INTERDIPARTIMENTALE ALMA MATER RESEARCH INSTITUTE ON GLOBAL CHALLENGES AND CLIMATE CHANGE (ALMA CLIMATE), DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI, DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE BIOLOGICHE, GEOLOGICHE E AMBIENTALI, AREA MIN. 05 - Scienze biologiche, and Da definire
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Tunisia ,lcsh:QH426-470 ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,medicine.medical_treatment ,[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio] ,Natural selection ,Population ,Single-nucleotide polymorphism ,lcsh:TX341-641 ,Admixture ,Biology ,Gene flow ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Lactase persistence ,Genotype ,Genetics ,medicine ,[SDV.BBM]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry, Molecular Biology ,Allele ,education ,MCM6 ,education.field_of_study ,[SDV.GEN.GPO]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Genetics/Populations and Evolution [q-bio.PE] ,Research ,Haplotype ,Lactase ,North Africa ,LCT ,lcsh:Genetics ,030104 developmental biology ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,lcsh:Nutrition. Foods and food supply - Abstract
none 15 si Background: The ability to digest lactose after weaning, namely, lactase persistence (LP), is encoded by polymorphisms in the MCM6 gene and varies widely in frequency among different human populations. Although, evolution of LP-related genetic variants was investigated in many groups of Sub-Saharan African, Middle Eastern, and European ancestry, only few studies have focused on populations from North Africa and no data are especially available from the Tunisian one. For this reason, there is an urgent need to investigate the frequency patterns at these loci in Tunisia since this adaptive trait is implicated in health. Methods: Forty SNPs covering the LCT/MCM6 genes and including the two functional variants â 13,910 CÂ >Â T and â 22,018 GÂ >Â A were genotyped in 117 Tunisian individuals using the Sequenom Mass Array technology. The observed nucleotide and haplotype patterns of variation were then compared with those of several African, European, and Mediterranean human groups for which comparable data were publicly available. Admixture analysis on a 5Â Mb genomic region surrounding the LCT/MCM6 loci was also performed by extracting genotypes from a previously generated genome-wide dataset in order to deepen the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of these loci. Results: We found that lactase non-persistence (LNP)-related alleles and haplotypes were predominantly present in the examined population. A clear differentiation between Tunisian, African, and North European/North Italian samples was found, while the Tunisian population showed more genetic affinity to Central and South Italian groups. Conclusions: Our study provided a first report of LP-associated alleles and haplotypes in the Tunisian population. We highlighted a gradient followed by LP diffusion from Europe to North Africa. Based on the rich historic background of Tunisia, we suggest that this adaptive trait was introduced in that geographic region by a relatively recent gene flow. open Ben Halima, Yosra; Kefi, Rym; Sazzini, Marco; Giuliani, Cristina; De Fanti, Sara; Nouali, Chokri; Nagara, Majdi; Mengozzi, Giacomo; Elouej, Sahar; Abid, Abdelmajid; Jamoussi, Henda; Chouchane, Lotfi; Romeo, Giovanni; Abdelhak, Sonia; Luiselli, Donata Ben Halima, Yosra; Kefi, Rym; Sazzini, Marco; Giuliani, Cristina; De Fanti, Sara; Nouali, Chokri; Nagara, Majdi; Mengozzi, Giacomo; Elouej, Sahar; Abid, Abdelmajid; Jamoussi, Henda; Chouchane, Lotfi; Romeo, Giovanni; Abdelhak, Sonia; Luiselli, Donata
- Published
- 2017
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34. Protectiveness of different silane coatings on patinated ancient and modern bronzes: Part 2
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silane coating ,FIB ,artificial ageing ,bronze, artificial ageing, silane coating, FIB ,bronze - Abstract
none 12 si The safeguard of artistic and cultural heritage is of great importance for the conservation of the historical and cultural background of a society. The works of art in bronze are an important part of this heritage and the production of effective surface protective treatments with a low environmental impact is a central and still unresolved issue. The treatment effectiveness depends on the nature of the substrate that is on the type of bronze to be protected and on the nature of the surface patina actually present at the time of coating application. For this reason, within the M-ERA.NET project named B-IMPACT, two bronze alloys were produced by sand casting and properly patinated to obtain substrates representative of monuments exposed outdoors on which different silane-based coatings were tested. In particular, a modern silicon bronze was treated by an aqueous solution of potassium sulfide (K2S), as traditionally done in artworks of the 19th century. Moreover, a quaternary Cu-Sn-Zn-Pb bronze was artificially aged in the laboratory by dropping synthetic acid rain to reproduce the surface of more ancient sculptures. These substrates were treated by some silane-based coatings characterized by different functional groups, such as amino, thiol, and tetrasulfide groups or long aliphatic chains. The most promising coatings were evaluated considering the visual aspect (colour measurement), the adherence, the UV-resistance (test in climatic chamber with an UV lamp), the resistance to run-off or stagnant exposure to synthetic acid rain (artificial ageing tests by dropping and Wet&Dry, with related characterisation of the ageing solutions and samples during and at the end of the tests). The achieved results were compared to those obtained by applying a standard benzotriazole-based acrylic coating, still the most widely used by restorers. mixed Giulia, Masi; Carla, Martini; Elena, Bernardi; Maria Chiara Bignozzi, ; Cecilia, Monticelli; Andrea, Balbo; Federica, Zanotto; Maelenn, Aufray; Claudie, Josse; Jerome, Esvan; Luc, Robbiola; Cristina, Chiavari Giulia, Masi; Carla, Martini; Elena, Bernardi; Maria Chiara Bignozzi, ; Cecilia, Monticelli; Andrea, Balbo; Federica, Zanotto; Maelenn, Aufray; Claudie, Josse; Jerome, Esvan; Luc, Robbiola; Cristina, Chiavari
- Published
- 2017
35. Il Piano Regolatore del Comune di Fiesole nella 'Variante per le aree agricole' (1984)
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none 1 si Nel 1979 l’urbanista Gian Franco Di Pietro è incaricato della “Variante al PRG del Comune di Fiesole per le zone agricole”. La variante, resa urgente dal varo della Legge regionale toscana n. 10/1979, costituisce un capitolo precoce di pianificazione paesaggistica, precedente alla sua definizione formale avvenuta a partire dal 1985 con la Legge Galasso. Il piano Di Pietro per Fiesole è parte di una vicenda pianificatoria che abbraccia tutto l’arco collinare fiorentino, da Bagno a Ripoli fino a Sesto, aggredito da una parte dall’avanzamento del fronte urbano, dall’altra dalla deruralizzazione (abbandono dell’agricoltura e arrivo di nuovi residenti urbani). Il contributo più originale dell’esperienza fiesolana risiede forse nell’accuratezza di lettura dei caratteri paesistici e del patrimonio edilizio rurale: la lettura, in chiave progettuale, finalizzata alla salvaguardia, estende il concetto di valore monumentale all’intero territorio. Piano paesaggistico ante litteram, la variante fiesolana contribuisce a tracciare la strada della pianificazione dei paesaggi extraurbani toscani che, ad oggi, trova una messa a punto nel piano regionale redatto in “copianificazione” tra Regione Toscana e Ministero ai sensi del “Codice dei Beni Culturali e del Paesaggio”. In 1979, the urban planner Gian Franco Di Pietro is in charge of a “Variant to the City of Fiesole Land Use Plan for Agricultural Areas”. This variant, made urgent by the approval of the Tuscan Regional Law no. 10/1979, represents an early chapter of landscape planning in Italy, prior to its formal definition occurred in 1985 with the “Galasso” Act. Di Pietro’s Plan for Fiesole is part of a planning story embracing all the Florence hills arc, from Bagno a Ripoli to Sesto Fiorentino, attacked on one side by the advancement of the urban front, on the other by deruralization (abandonment of farming and arrival of new urban residents). The most original outcome of this experience lies in the accurate reading of landscape characters and rural built assets: a reading which, always put in a project perspective and aimed at conservation, extends the concept of monumental value to territory as a whole. Landscape plan ante litteram, the Fiesole Variant helps to pave the way for extra-urban landscape planning in Tuscany, today formalized in the Regional Plan drawn up, in “co-planning” regime, by Regione Toscana and Ministry of Culture in compliance with the Italian “Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape”. open Ilaria Agostini Ilaria Agostini
- Published
- 2017
36. Alexander the Great’s Travels and Musical Encounters
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DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI and AREA MIN. 10 - Scienze dell'antichita,filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
- Subjects
sound events, travel literature, Alexander the Great, material and intangible musical heritage ,sound events ,material and intangible musical heritage ,travel literature ,Alexander the Great - Abstract
none 1 no This text is the re-elaborated version of a paper first presented in the XIII Conference of the ICTM Study Group for Music Archaeology (April 8th ‐12th, 2013, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatemala City), Crossing Borders: Musical Change and Exchange through Time / Cruzando fronteras: Cambios e intercambios musicales a través del tiempo, organized by Adje Both and Matthias Stöckli. This paper presents the first stage of a project which examines Alexander the Great’s travels focusing on their musical and anthropological legacy. I will focus on some examples from Greek and Latin texts, especially chronicles and historical and literary tales concerning Alexander’s deeds. As it is well known, the Macedonian king spent about twelve years travelling (334 - 323 BC). During that period Alexander crossed many borders – geographical and musical too. This project aims at collecting systematically accounts on musicians, performances, and musical traditions of “other” peoples Alexander met, as well as at examining the functions of musical instruments in different groups and societies. Tales of sound events will be contextualized at different times and in different places. What I am interested in is primarily the meaning that writers attached to sound and music in giving shape to Alexander’s imagery. none D. Restani D. Restani
- Published
- 2017
37. The dawn of dentistry in the Late Upper Paleolithic: A deeper antiquity of biomedical care and surgical intervention
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dentistry ,Paleolithic ,oral health ,dentistry, Paleolithic, oral health - Abstract
none 28 si none G. Oxilia, F. Fiorillo, F. Boschin, E. Boaretto, S. A. Apicella, C. Matteucci, D. Panetta, R. Pistocchi, F. Guerrini, C. Margherita, M. Andretta, R. Sorrentino, G. Boschian, S. Arrighi, I. Dori, G. Mancuso, J. Crezzini, A. Riga, M. C. Serrangeli, A. Vazzana, P. A. Salvadori, M. Vandini, C. Tozzi, A. Moroni3, R. N. M. Feeney, J. C. Willman, J. Moggi-Cecchi, S. Benazzi G. Oxilia, F. Fiorillo, F. Boschin, E. Boaretto, S. A. Apicella, C. Matteucci, D. Panetta, R. Pistocchi, F. Guerrini, C. Margherita, M. Andretta, R. Sorrentino, G. Boschian, S. Arrighi, I. Dori, G. Mancuso, J. Crezzini, A. Riga, M. C. Serrangeli, A. Vazzana, P. A. Salvadori, M. Vandini, C. Tozzi, A. Moroni3, R. N. M. Feeney, J. C. Willman, J. Moggi-Cecchi, S. Benazzi
- Published
- 2017
38. L’origine dell’odontoiatria nel Tardo Paleolitico superiore: l’antichità delle cure biomediche
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Paleolithic ,Dentistry ,Dentistry, Paleolithic, oral health ,oral health - Abstract
none 28 si none G. Oxilia, F. Fiorillo, F. Boschin, E. Boaretto, S. A. Apicella, C. Matteucci, D. Panetta, R. Pistocchi, F. Guerrini, C. Margherita, M. Andretta, R. Sorrentino, G. Boschian, S. Arrighi, I. Dori, G. Mancuso, J. Crezzini, A. Riga, M. C. Serrangeli, A. Vazzana, P. A. Salvadori, M. Vandini, C. Tozzi, A. Moroni3, R. N. M. Feeney, J. C. Willman, J. Moggi-Cecchi, S. Benazzi G. Oxilia, F. Fiorillo, F. Boschin, E. Boaretto, S. A. Apicella, C. Matteucci, D. Panetta, R. Pistocchi, F. Guerrini, C. Margherita, M. Andretta, R. Sorrentino, G. Boschian, S. Arrighi, I. Dori, G. Mancuso, J. Crezzini, A. Riga, M. C. Serrangeli, A. Vazzana, P. A. Salvadori, M. Vandini, C. Tozzi, A. Moroni3, R. N. M. Feeney, J. C. Willman, J. Moggi-Cecchi, S. Benazzi
- Published
- 2017
39. Exploring morphological shape variation in modern human tali
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Geometric morphometrics ,bipedalism, talus, moder human variability, Geometric morphometrics ,moder human variability ,bipedalism ,talus - Abstract
none 15 si none R. Sorrentino, C. Minghetti, W. Parr, K. Turley, S.n Wroe, C.Shaw, J. Saers, A. Su, L. Fiorenza, F. Feletti, S. Frost, K. J. Carlson, M. G. Belcastro, T. Ryan, S. Benazzi R. Sorrentino, C. Minghetti, W. Parr, K. Turley, S.n Wroe, C.Shaw, J. Saers, A. Su, L. Fiorenza, F. Feletti, S. Frost, K. J. Carlson, M. G. Belcastro, T. Ryan, S. Benazzi
- Published
- 2017
40. Dalle ‘Isole dell’Arcipelago’ alle corti italiane : immagini musicali dai taccuini di viaggio di Ciriaco d’Ancona
- Author
DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI and AREA MIN. 10 - Scienze dell'antichita,filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
- Subjects
diari di viaggio ,Ciriaco d'Ancona ,Muse ,Mercurio ,Iconografia musicale ,storie di immagini musicali ,miti musicali - Abstract
none 1 no Il testo è stato presentato (su invito) al Convegno internazionale 'Musicians in the Mediterranean : Narrative of Movements', First joint symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Mediterranean Music Studies and the IMS (International Musicological Society), organizzato a Napoli in collaborazione con l'ISMEO - International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, l'Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale e il Conservatorio di Musica San Pietro a Maiella (21-26 giugno 2016) : vedi programma allegato. Musical images moving through ages and spaces: from Cyriacus of Ancona’s travel diaries to the early Renaissance Italian courts. An essential role in the humanistic rediscovery of themes and figures of antiquity was played by the humanist traveller Cyriacus of Ancona (1391-1450), who visited the main centres of the Mediterranean (from Egypt to Anatolia, from Athens to Thrace and the North Aegean Islands) looking for historical evidence of the ancient Greek civilization. Sketches from monuments and archaeological finds gathered by Cyriacus in his lost notebooks gave an extraordinary impulse (still to be thoroughly investigated) to the creation of ‘all’antica’ images. Of particular interest from the perspective of a history of early Renaissance musical imagery are those related to the main ancient musical myths. This paper will focus on the peculiar cases of two images copied by Cyriacus during his travels in the North Aegean Sea and in Samothrace. Circulating through copies, misunderstandings and subsequent interpretations, and after a complex dynamic of transmission and variation of iconographic patterns and meanings, these images gave rise to new visual representations of Mercury as a musician and of the dancing Muses. Both these ‘new’ musical icons, adopted by Andrea Mantegna in his Parnassus to symbolize the reign of Harmony in the court of Mantua, were to become amongst the most represented musical myths of the Renaissance. open Nicoletta Guidobaldi Nicoletta Guidobaldi
- Published
- 2017
41. Persepolis West (Fars, Iran): Report on the field work carried out by the Iranian-Italian Joint Archaeological Mission in 2008-2009
- Author
DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI, Facolta' di CONSERVAZIONE dei BENI CULTURALI, and AREA MIN. 10 - Scienze dell'antichita,filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
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Archaeology Iran excavations Persepolis ceramics - Abstract
none 2 si The volume represents the final report of the field work carried out at the site of Persepolis West in Central Fars (Iran), in the area where the town of Parsa has been located on the basis of written sources and surface surveys. The activities carried out by the Iranian-Italian Joint Archaeological Mission in Fars have included the excavation of stratigraphic trenches in areas indicated by the geophysical study. Along with the description of the trenches and of their stratigraphy, the report includes the geophysical investigations on the topographical context and the study of the materials from the excavations, ceramics and other finds. Thus the volume represents the first study of the town of Parsa and its material culture based on up-to-date multidisciplinary archaeological methods. The relative chronology deriving from the archaeological study has found absolute references in a series of radiocarbon datings. The geophysical investigations discussed in the volume have been the basis for an interpretation of the vast area of the site of Persepolis West as well as the primary step for the selection of the excavation areas and the interpretation of their topographic context. The information resulting from the excavations of the eleven trenches, grouped in Areas A to Area E, bears a particular importance for the archaeology of Persepolis, being the first work based on stratigraphic methodology specifically dedicated to the town of Parsa. The stratigraphic sequences thus obtained provide a solid basis for the study of the architectural features and particularly for finds. The section of the volume dedicated to ceramics comprises the investigation of physical features, with a quantitative study of all the recovered potsherds, and the detailed study of diagnostic ceramics from the trenches which yielded more material, Trench Tr. 4 and Trench Tr. 6; the diagnostic fragments are described and illustrated through tables and plates. The detail of the published information, supported by the stratigraphic information, allows for a better definition of the "Late Plain Ware" of the Early Historic Central Fars. The other finds are presented through a catalogue raisonné of the inventoried objects, which represents an innovative tool for the study of the material culture of the area. The chronology deriving from the archaeological study is supported by the radiocarbon analyses carried out by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at the Center for Isotopic Research on the Cultural and Environmental Heritage (CIRCE), Dept. of Physics and Mathematics, University L. Vanvitelli and INNOVA, Caserta (Italy) which are given and discussed in detail. The results of the two excavation seasons at Persepolis West have shown the appropriateness of the methodology adopted since stratigraphic excavation has allowed checking many of the inferences deriving from geophysical investigations. They have also produced the first actual evidence of the existence of an inhabited settlement next to the Persepolis Terrace. none Askari Chaverdi Alireza; Callieri Pierfrancesco Askari Chaverdi Alireza; Callieri Pierfrancesco
- Published
- 2017
42. 3D enamel thickness in Neandertal and modern human permanent canines
- Author
Piero A. Salvadori, Daniele Panetta, Laura Buti, Stefano Benazzi, Maria Tripodi, Adeline Le Cabec, Robin N. M. Feeney, Jean-Jacques Hublin, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna [Bologna] (UNIBO), Department of Human Evolution [Leipzig], Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology [Leipzig], Max-Planck-Gesellschaft-Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica (IFC), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), University College Dublin [Dublin] (UCD), Max Planck Society, European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement n. 724046 – SUCCESS, DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI, Buti, Laura, Le Cabec, Adeline, Panetta, Daniele, Tripodi, Maria, Salvadori, Piero A., Hublin, Jean-jacque, Feeney, Robin N. M., and Benazzi, Stefano
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0106 biological sciences ,Molar ,[SHS.ANTHRO-BIO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Biological anthropology ,Relative enamel thickne ,[SDV.BID.SPT]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biodiversity/Systematics, Phylogenetics and taxonomy ,01 natural sciences ,0601 history and archaeology ,Micro-CT3D dental morphology ,Neanderthals ,Orthodontics ,Enamel paint ,Ecology ,Fossils ,Crown size ,Dental tissue proportions ,Average enamel thickne ,[SDV.BID.EVO]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biodiversity/Populations and Evolution [q-bio.PE] ,06 humanities and the arts ,Anatomy ,Average enamel thickness ,visual_art ,visual_art.visual_art_medium ,Micro-CT ,[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory ,Evolution ,3D dental morphology ,Biology ,010603 evolutionary biology ,Article ,Dental tissue proportion ,Imaging, Three-Dimensional ,Behavior and Systematics ,stomatognathic system ,Relative enamel thickness ,Animals ,Humans ,Dental Enamel ,Micro ct ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Anterior teeth ,Paleodontology ,060101 anthropology ,X-Ray Microtomography ,Enamel 3D distribution ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematic ,stomatognathic diseases ,Anthropology ,Tooth - Abstract
Enamel thickness figures prominently in studies of human evolution, particularly for taxonomy, phylogeny, and paleodietary reconstruction. Attention has focused on molar teeth, through the use of advanced imaging technologies and novel protocols. Despite the important results achieved thus far, further work is needed to investigate all tooth classes. We apply a recent approach developed for anterior teeth to investigate the 3D enamel thickness of Neandertal and modern human (MH) canines. In terms of crown size, the values obtained for both upper and lower unworn/slightly worn canines are significantly greater in Neandertals than in Upper Paleolithic and recent MH. The 3D relative enamel thickness (RET) is significantly lower in Neandertals than in MH. Moreover, differences in 3D RET values between the two groups appear to decrease in worn canines beginning from wear stage 3, suggesting that both the pattern and the stage of wear may have important effects on the 3D RET value. Nevertheless, the 3D average enamel thickness (AET) does not differ between the two groups. In both groups, 3D AET and 3D RET indices are greater in upper canines than in lower canines, and overall the enamel is thicker on the occlusal half of the labial aspect of the crown, particularly in MH. By contrast, the few early modern humans investigated show the highest volumes of enamel while for all other components of 3D enamel, thickness this group holds an intermediate position between Neandertals and recent MH. Overall, our study supports the general findings that Neandertals have relatively thinner enamel than MH (as also observed in molars), indicating that unworn/slightly worn canines can be successfully used to discriminate between the two groups. Further studies, however, are needed to understand whether these differences are functionally related or are the result of pleiotropic or genetic drift effects. Overall, our study supports the general findings that Neandertals have relatively thinner enamel than MH (as also observed in molars), indicating that unworn/slightly worn canines can be successfully used to discriminate between the two groups. Further studies, however, are needed to understand whether these differences are functionally related or are the result of pleiotropic or genetic drift effects. European Commission Horizon 2020 European Research Council The Max Planck Society
- Published
- 2017
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43. p-XRF analysis of multi-period Impasto and Cooking Pot wares from the excavations at Stromboli-San Vincenzo, Aeolian Islands, Italy
- Author
Effie Photos-Jones, Sara Tiziana Levi, Daniele Brunelli, Marie-Catherine Sforna, Valentina Cannavo, P. Fragnoli, Giacomo Lomarco, Maria Clara Martinelli, Federico Lugli, DIP. DI SCIENZE DELLA TERRA E GEOLOGICO-AMBIENTALI, DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI, and Da definire
- Subjects
010506 paleontology ,Archeology ,Provenance ,060102 archaeology ,Multi period ,handmade burnished ware ,p-XRF ,Excavation ,06 humanities and the arts ,01 natural sciences ,Archaeology ,cooking wares ,petrography ,Stromboli ,Petrography ,p-XFR ,Geography ,Bronze Age ,Aeolian processes ,lcsh:Archaeology ,0601 history and archaeology ,lcsh:CC1-960 ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
none 9 si This exploratory study focuses on the elemental analysis by p-XRF (portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyser) of 62 samples of coarse wares, consisting of Bronze Age handmade burnished ware, so-called Impasto, and of Cooking ware (dated from the Roman period to Modern times). All wares originate from the site of San Vincenzo, Stromboli, and Aeolian Islands. The question addressed here is whether it is possible to differentiate between local (Aeolian) and imported (non-Aeolian) fabrics with the use of the p-XRF; 42 of the 62 samples were also subjected to petrographic analysis as a way of testing our hypothesis. Our results show that p-XRF analysis can clearly assist in distinguishing between Aeolian vs. non-Aeolian wares. Analyses can take place in the field and large quantities of sherds can be processed as a result. We suggest that no further demands should be made of the technique in providing answers to more detailed provenance questions. This is because finer separation in subgroups (as achieved recently by combined petrographic and EPMA analysis on select samples) is not possible given the nature of coarse pottery and the limitations of the technique in measuring key light elements (Na, Mg). Furthermore, for some elements (e.g Cr) accuracy is below acceptable levels in which case results for these particular elements are considered semi-quantitative. none Cannavò, Valentina; Photos-Jones, Effie; Levi, Sara Tiziana; Brunelli, Daniele; Fragnoli, Pamela; Lomarco, Giacomo; Lugli, Federico; Martinelli, Maria Clara; Sforna, Marie Catherine Cannavò, Valentina; Photos-Jones, Effie; Levi, Sara Tiziana; Brunelli, Daniele; Fragnoli, Pamela; Lomarco, Giacomo; Lugli, Federico; Martinelli, Maria Clara; Sforna, Marie Catherine
- Published
- 2017
44. Massive parallel sequencing of human whole mitochondrial genomes with Ion Torrent technology: an optimized workflow for Anthropological and Population Genetics studies
- Author
Andrea Quagliariello, Cristina Giuliani, Sara De Fanti, Donata Luiselli, Anna Cherubini, Nicoletta Iaquilano, Claudio Franceschi, Federica Sevini, Marco Sazzini, Dario Vianello, CENTRO INTERDIPARTIMENTALE ALMA MATER RESEARCH INSTITUTE ON GLOBAL CHALLENGES AND CLIMATE CHANGE (ALMA CLIMATE), DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI, DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA SPECIALISTICA, DIAGNOSTICA E SPERIMENTALE, DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE BIOLOGICHE, GEOLOGICHE E AMBIENTALI, Da definire, AREA MIN. 05 - Scienze biologiche, De Fanti, Sara, Vianello, Dario, Giuliani, Cristina, Quagliariello, Andrea, Cherubini, Anna, Sevini, Federica, Iaquilano, Nicoletta, Franceschi, Claudio, Sazzini, Marco, and Luiselli, Donata
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Population ,Computational biology ,Biology ,Human mitochondrial genetics ,Genome ,Workflow ,03 medical and health sciences ,symbols.namesake ,Genetic ,Genetics ,Humans ,education ,Molecular Biology ,Whole genome sequencing ,Sanger sequencing ,population genetic ,education.field_of_study ,Massive parallel sequencing ,Anthropological genetics ,Whole Genome Sequencing ,Genome, Human ,human whole mitochondrial genomes ,ion torrent sequencing ,massive parallel sequencing ,population genetics ,High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing ,human whole mitochondrial genome ,Ion semiconductor sequencing ,Mitochondrial ,030104 developmental biology ,Genetics, Population ,Genome, Mitochondrial ,symbols ,Anthropological genetic ,Human ,Personal genomics - Abstract
none 10 no Published online: 08 Nov 2016 Investigation of human mitochondrial DNA variation patterns and phylogeny has been extensively used in Anthropological and Population Genetics studies and sequencing the whole mitochondrial genome is progressively becoming the gold standard. Among the currently available massive parallel sequencing technologies, Ion Torrent™ semiconductor sequencing represents a promising approach for such studies. Nevertheless, an experimental protocol conceived to enable the achievement of both as high as possible yield and of the most homogeneous sequence coverage through the whole mitochondrial genome is still not available. The present work was thus aimed at improving the overall performance of whole mitochondrial genomes Ion Torrent™ sequencing, with special focus on the capability to obtain robust coverage and highly reliable variants calling. For this purpose, a series of cost-effective modifications in standard laboratory workflows was fine-tuned to optimize them for medium- and large-scale population studies. A total of 54 human samples were thus subjected to sequencing of the whole mitochondrial genome with the Ion Personal Genome Machine™ System in four distinct experiments and using Ion 314 chips. Seven of the selected samples were also characterized by means of conventional Sanger sequencing for the sake of comparison. Obtained results demonstrated that the implemented optimizations had definitely improved sequencing outputs in terms of both variants calling efficiency and coverage uniformity, enabling to setup an effective and accurate protocol for whole mitochondrial genome sequencing and a considerable reduction in experimental time consumption and sequencing costs. none De Fanti, Sara; Vianello, Dario; Giuliani, Cristina; Quagliariello, Andrea; Cherubini, Anna; Sevini, Federica; Iaquilano, Nicoletta; Franceschi, Claudio; Sazzini, Marco; Luiselli, Donata De Fanti, Sara; Vianello, Dario; Giuliani, Cristina; Quagliariello, Andrea; Cherubini, Anna; Sevini, Federica; Iaquilano, Nicoletta; Franceschi, Claudio; Sazzini, Marco; Luiselli, Donata
- Published
- 2016
45. Il progetto Cantus Scholarum : il canto degli scolari nell’età moderna
- Author
Bisaro, Xavier, Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance UMR 7323 (CESR), Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (MCC)-Université de Tours (UT)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Universidad de Valladolid, Dipartimento di Beni culturali - Università di Padova, and Bisaro, Xavier
- Subjects
[SHS.MUSIQ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Musicology and performing arts ,[SHS.MUSIQ]Humanities and Social Sciences/Musicology and performing arts ,plain-chant ,Ancient Régime ,histoire de l'éducation ,Réforme catholique ,enseignement ,petites écoles ,chant ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
International audience; Il progetto Cantus Scholarum è dedicato allo studio della pratica del canto piano nelle scuole parrocchiale francese sotto l’Ancien Régime. Per la maggior parte dei paesi, l’insegnamento dispensato per il maestro (che era spesso il primo cantore della chiesa) integrava il canto come materia a pieno titolo per alcuni ragazzi scelti per loro capacità. Ma cantare era anche un modo particolare di lettura latina per tutti gli allievi chi, di più, dovevano partecipare alla celebrazione del servizio divino parrocchiale. Cosi la pratica del canto piano nelle scuole contribuiva a un’appropriazione “popolare” del canto ecclesiastico che faceva parte da una cultura musicale ancora sconosciuta.La relazione proporrà una presentazione degli principali direzioni del progetto: ricerca bibliografica e documentaria; indagine sul ruolo del canto negli processi di costruzione identitaria e confessionali, inchiesta riguardante una parrocchia precisa e la storia del suo maestro negli anni 1780; riflessione sull’eventuale ricostruzione da una relazione pedagogica fruttuosa tra il canto e la lettura per i bambini. Di più, saranno descritti alcuni risultati già ottenuti e le prospettive del progetto.
- Published
- 2016
46. Iconoclasm III. Visual Arts
- Author
DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI and AREA MIN. 10 - Scienze dell'antichita,filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
- Subjects
iconoclasmo - iconoclasmo bizantino - icone - immagini sacre - statuto dell'immagine - Nicea, chiesa della Dormizione - Costantinopoli, Grande Chiesa di Santa Sofia - Salonicco, Cattedrale di Santa Sofia - Costantinopoli, episcopio ,episcopio ,Grande Chiesa di Santa Sofia - Salonicco ,Cattedrale di Santa Sofia - Costantinopoli ,iconoclasmo - iconoclasmo bizantino - icone - immagini sacre - statuto dell'immagine - Nicea ,chiesa della Dormizione - Costantinopoli - Abstract
none 1 no Il contributo esplora le manifestazioni dell'iconoclasmo e la sua ricezione nelle fonti visuali, concentrandosi sul periodo fra l'VIII e il IX secolo a Bisanzio per poi dedicarsi al ruolo dell'immagine in altre epoche iconoclastiche, fino a discutere tali fenomeni in rapporto alla contemporaneità. Il contributo si trova alle cc. 773-777. L'Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (30 vols., Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2007-in stampa) è disponibile anche online (http://www.degruyter.com/dg/page/765); la sua versione elettronica è provvista di ISSN: 2193-2840. Nonostante le mie ripetute richieste, tale ISSN non è mai stato inserito nel sistema dall'Ufficio Gestione Riviste del CINECA, né riconosciuto dall’anagrafe U-GOV dell'Ateneo. Carile, Maria Cristina Carile, Maria Cristina
- Published
- 2016
47. Umanitarismo internazionale e ordine globale
- Author
DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI and AREA MIN. 14 - Scienze politiche e sociali
- Subjects
sovranità ,aiuto internazionale ,umanitarismo ,relazioni tra Stati ,discorso sullo sviluppo - Abstract
none 2 no Il testo include un'intervista doppia volta a consentire alle due autrici, che hanno di recente pubblicato due testi rispettivamente di ambito storico e storico-politico su temi contigui (l'umanitarismo e le politiche di aiuto internazionale), di recensire l'una il testo dell'altra rispondendo a una serie di domande. A. Furia; S. Salvatici A. Furia; S. Salvatici
- Published
- 2016
48. Il disegno dell'Europa. Costruzioni cartografiche dell'identità europea
- Author
DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI and AREA MIN. 11 - Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche
- Subjects
none 1 Le carte geografiche sono oggetti che suscitano ancora curiosità, ma il cui potere persuasivo è tutt'altro che riconosciuto. Nonostante siano impiegate più che mai quotidianamente, da quando la loro versione digitale sui dispositivi mobili come tablet e smartphone ne rende possibile gli usi più svariati, la loro vera natura resta ancora dominio degli specialisti, anche grazie all'analfabetismo geografico indotto dalle riforme dell'istruzione. In effetti, le mappe hanno sempre fatto circolare fiducia in una determinata visione del mondo, quindi in una specifica lettura politica della realtà e, a volte, ne hanno reso possibile la progettazione. Perché quindi «disegno dell’Europa»? Perché questo libro sceglie di seguire il filo conduttore delle rappresentazioni geografiche di ciò che oggi viene chiamata 'identità europea', cercando di mostrare il ruolo delle mappe sia come certificazione di un dominio territoriale in atto sia come prefigurazione di un territorio da realizzare. In questo libro ci si chiede: l’Europa che conosciamo sarebbe stata la stessa senza carte geografiche? Quanto delle odierne difficoltà nell’immaginare e realizzare una effettiva unità europea sono da attribuire a una sorta di ‘sindrome cartografica’? Il volume è stato raccomandato alla sua uscita sul Corriere della Sera - Lettura: https://twitter.com/la_lettura/status/694472701612822528. M.Neve M.Neve
- Published
- 2016
49. Editoriale
- Author
Cavagna, Anna Giulia, Sabba, Fiammetta, DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI, AREA MIN. 11 - Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche, Sabba, Fiammetta, and Cavagna, Anna Giulia
- Subjects
Editoriale rivista ,lcsh:Z ,lcsh:Bibliography. Library science. Information resources - Abstract
none 2 si Rivista e nuova presentazione nella sua veste editoriale Sabba, Fiammetta; Cavagna, Anna Giulia Sabba, Fiammetta; Cavagna, Anna Giulia
- Published
- 2016
50. Image of God VIII. Visual Arts
- Author
DIPARTIMENTO DI BENI CULTURALI and AREA MIN. 10 - Scienze dell'antichita,filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
- Subjects
Immagine di Dio - arte cristiana - arte medievae - iconografia - Abstract
none 1 no Questa voce di enciclopedia esplora il tema dell'immagine di Dio, così come è stato recepito e rappresentato a partire dalle prime evidenze di arte cristiana, attraverso il medioevo, fino al XX secolo. Il contributo si trova alle cc. 907-910. L'Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (30 vols., Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2007-in stampa) è disponibile anche online (http://www.degruyter.com/dg/page/765); la sua versione elettronica è provvista di ISSN: 2193-2840. Nonostante le mie ripetute richieste, tale ISSN non è mai stato inserito nel sistema dall'Ufficio Gestione Riviste del CINECA, né riconosciuto dall’anagrafe U-GOV dell'Ateneo. open Carile, Maria Cristina Carile, Maria Cristina
- Published
- 2016
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