1. Kinetics and mechanism for chlorine-initiated atmospheric oxidation of ethyl formate
- Author
Zhao, Yan, Sun, Xiaomin, Wang, Wenxing, and Xu, Laixiang
- Subjects
Chlorine -- Research ,Density functionals -- Usage ,Oxidation-reduction reaction -- Chemical properties -- Research ,Chemistry - Abstract
The chlorine-initiated reaction mechanism of ethyl formate in the atmosphere was investigated using the density functional theory method. The geometry parameters and frequencies of all of the stationary points were calculated at the B3LYP/ 6-31G(d, p) level. The single-point energy calculations were carried out at different levels, including MP2/6-31G(d), MP2/6-311++G(d, p), and CCSD(T)/6-31G(d). A detailed oxidation mechanism is provided and discussed. Present results show that α-ester rearrangement reaction and the [O.sub.2] direct abstraction from IM6 (HC(O)OCH(O)C[H.sub.3]) are the more favorable pathway and are competitive. The 1,4-H shift isomerization of IM6 proved to be feasible under general atmospheric conditions. The decomposition of IM18 (C[H.sub.3]C[H.sub.2]OC(O)O) is favorable both thermodynamically and kinetically. Canonical variational transition theory with small-curvature tunneling correction was employed to predict the rate constants. The overall rate constant of ethyl formate at 298 K is 8.63 x [10.sup.-12] [cm.sup.3] [molecule.sup.-1] [s.sup.-1]. The Arrhenius equations of rate constants at the temperature range of 200-380 K were fitted. Key words: ethyl formate, chlorine atom, reaction mechanism, kinetic parameters. Resume: Le mecanisme de reaction du formiate d'ethyle initie par le chlore dans l'atmosphere a ete etudie a l'aide de la theorie de la fonctionnelle de la densite. Les parametres geometriques et les frequences de tous les points stationnaires au niveau B3LYP/6-31G(d, p) ont ete calcules. Les calculs d'energie en un point fixe ont ete effectues a differents niveaux, parmi lesquels MP2/6-31G(d), MP2/6-311++G(d,p) et CCSD(T)/6-31G(d). Un mecanisme d'oxydation est expose et etudie de maniere approfondie. Les resultats actuels montrent que la reaction de rearrangement de l'[alfa]-ester et l'abstraction directe d'[O.sub.2] du compose IM6 (HC(O)OCH(O)C[H.sub.3]) sont les voies les plus favorisees et sontcompetitives. Ilest demontre que l'isomerisation du compose IM6 par le chngement 1,4-H est realisable sous conditions atmospheriques normales. La decomposition d'IM18 (C[H.sub.3]C[H.sub.2]OC(O)O) est thermodynamiquement et cinetiquement favorisee. La theorie de l'etat de transition variationnel canonique associee a une correction de l'effet tunnel avec faible courbure a ete employee pour predire les constantes de vitesse de reaction. Le formiate d'ethyle presente une constante de vitesse globale de 8,63 x [10.sup.-12] [cm.sup.3] [molecule.sup.-1] [s.sup.-1] a 298 K. Les equations d'Arrhenius ont permis de determiner les differentes constantes de vitesse dans l'intervalle de temperature compris entre 200 et 380 K. [Traduit par la Redaction] Mots-cles: formiate d'ethyle, atome de chlore, mecanisme reactionnel, parametres cinetiques., Introduction Ethyl formate (EF) (HC(O)OC[H.sub.2]C[H.sub.3]) is an important saturated ester and can be produced by many fruits and vegetables. Moreover, it occurs naturally in a variety of products, including essential [...] more...
- Published
- 2014
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